New York Clipper (Apr 1895)

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Apbil 20. |U»> I" er. OtltttvwboWilli] ._, CUDiu),BtII< Bluri _ _ Alun ud Llnord, vlntra lUllnlu Mulcal TllOi luil«|r H«yiioUl •^rtiyiuSIclfllip^BIIlT RiM'ii MlnMralxlnmi. ikM tbli 't*- Buniw >• »>• •uiauetrr.tiid nir KrkiMt U ifioalil In clow 10lliernnnl irllli«klrona bnTllorl uul KviDfi JliakK uiil niiliii, Pogw iiki Kir»w<f» "••"'(''lii?"" rT^''-^"" ■"J Kv« '^U1»5Jm3 Injrt J«n«. ind n>l.l.ll. ilH MttlbelUa uo Ilia Hlonrtt. ■irLrj'nTlllUTIlt^UBraiill'a Tiu»A1UiiUoV>ihI(- Co opuu wlUi B duUdm 14 ror tn oiinReniint or t «Mk In ttia rul u«a nuuilMrof voll known m<ipl«, MvilDlHoroIKnlox: "ll"" 9^'^ <><• McAn/n, )I|m uS> Hiinim McDormolt onil ll•|n^ Bocnntitn Oil. - li uMt Ion), Itelu •ihljlwk.r.oononi anil -. '•■momu iho Nliun roninrno, - ud U Britn, Ilia Ooodwln ItioD orihe RlDRllns IVtowUwRonI RnRtUh cVrciu ' - * hoplum nt^lKhliell Uillat, wMch ^wm coodnd* IblMVMb. Tlie |>rincl- MTtliMa Tor tblH «Mk will b« ihe apt^tanuir* of ili* MitloD oriae Kipn hdDOT*IU«>ortbli>«MKwiu M itie UvnicleiiudUieT)«Vaa BralUrn'. ^AS T. JAlVMOfKRAHOIVK^A IiIr dnulilo lillL (nclnil- III 'OrieoiAl KavelriM" uil "J'n^'iiUmnytttK. w|U Im h5 CO H. iiniM or U)« rlercreit |i«n)i« ^itin|oj«.) lij Mr. WkwIUaKfw.uiil Uutlbe/itaKawmii«/ull orihem U ikD«D br ine rellowlag looc lUt uf Ukm who liivt bMa aU for iloahll toUv: Eilltli NtwUin, l'«irl Ale^tmler, HH*. IIM«0I«U«. Mile. Elmer, Ulh*. Do Korrvir. Pnlly kwqWA Mm»nI.,PToMif Moore, Lewii. Llllta ^toUTuM BtnL l.iniMlOraQi, Donlhr Tenmla. Ufturi* pialaT.Uon Uanlar.Maritt Blo4o^TiU^« Moi ror'iloiihU -|MOI«U«. Wl E£Sl«;niu1«s Buk&, Ed. Morrill, tnurlejr irsbhler; nine, Klttl« Balchor, Doll/ ei«r«nH, Kala TTWlre(llk^ lMBUabnrB,Ainift>< Vom]rUie,,I>«)b Biim«a,]!oe KIK- nrib. Tb«o HoQtnx, nollaa .Vilitnft. AiHAMiiU TMEATKL-ChiDei L. DtTln Will riMii nt ih« AbunMm I* for ftWMk or**AlTln JunUh." "WulKni- Tir»aM Rood koolneM wMk ctotloir U. jluDKMT or Mi'Ato,—xtdMor Jacoirt \Mugn "Paal KtQTiT" ovrr rrotn thB Alhiunbmror Ri^rer w««k. Tke ntt u hnd«d br Ktther.Lyoqi hdcI j. lUrrey Cook, •^m" pkrod to Rood batlDsM, clo«Jn|c IS, ami wont to tL rani for a abort tour of the >'onliw««r. OLTsricTHUTBi.—Joih Ilan'aHpwIallr and Crttitedy (to. »pu 15 Willi Uie ToUowIdc: Jo«pb .T. KutlU-ao. Uny pmMtu Brandon ud Ragfiil, lmdihI anil llart, Leo and v~— . CtiamplOD. 8no)on anO KIIror.Bdiai«r ■MlMoata. WRlanUAnlaRarDD.acHl SeTeruaKcliaiir«r. roKX Tbutrx.— A bfg mclaltj hill baa Ihwi pr«Mr«l r«r lha Paric Uila week, lo whidi t)ie fbllowluK wfu ap- bm: fhnaie La Blandhejlheniii auO Cola, U'elU aad Noam, CoDwaj Broihen, EUa BiMe, Cottoit and IVayne ttOoibeta.^ „ ^ ^ DiLTORVt Piviuo^.—Under the D»w inanogeraent tbia pkM larwlTloirrw^ Mtnnaga. Forilih werk the Mil vlll be fbrnlm bv Ola Harden. Alice Ravmond. Kilir MiichelL CbkHen U. Ihincu, llajdea and UetbertMi, WlDtamLe^ VoOraiii ami Booili. W.4I. IteToaux, L«oa Breoe. Maude BarreU. WlDolfM Rtewnrt aud Millie Mer- KOHL k UlDPLVTOyHOUBKBTRnTHl'MtUN.-Plonilce yiDer.atthe hea4 ofiho ballet corps of ihlny, inet with iDCceat laat week, and will tte conllauod. Oiber fealureH er ibe blU wlU be, fbniMied bj Billy Doiy. Dwight Axtell, UiOi and Flemloir, Bra Bnuil, Annie Wyaotloite nul eibcn. (ILOU XlVaru.-eataana'(i Ju«n«i« daiicenbnre been dlrfed ID lb* 3IM«iy daneeni, wbtcli hare been a Ti'aure nriheUlobe rbrMreralweekiinuiklnit a doable bill for thbweek. vutrre f^o^Doa Mnuvu.—Tlie troupe or oriental niria, abo baie been danclnirhere br nionilii. an rui- dnaedwIOieoueaddlUoiu. It Ih a Rood allmrllon and ketpeQpbaiilaeM vlilioat much aileDtloii lo utiicr it- tUNdtlim BMW.* Oiu-i^—Tlie aitemlance at ibe ctmta (srUKAntwtekwmarerrlanTe. Uhai two mora werU ioran,lnTlni[lirre9L Konctahave been ad>led Hloce llHorenloR, and none have been rut ouf. The nhnw la owUeredtobeihebeator liaklinl iliai ha^ nvfr lieen ■em her*. anJ la llkeir to be a iomhI InrMtnhiDi rm n wr Run«Bt M biter ellmciloo. Xonn.—A l«nertt will be given el tlie Lvceuui wook nf 38Llbr the A.?. L* Tlie ntace mtchanica have ibeir t« Mcvlrkei'a Wlillani B«di wOl be eacceeded by Emil Ikoettel aa auga maniurer at Dilteo'a Marie Walawrlght cornea to the Schlllor A Henf)'H. I'Ut retired mm tlia Ktage with Uis ctoa- lof of 'Hie War or Wealth." A Hliigla Qemian \^t- (omikncevaKfflTeo at McVlckei'i 14, beiwei>D tlie ckuJne alibeLlllpnUannand theopeoliiff of "l.lDnr Woolmy." Jabiea Uaiy, well bnojni In Uitatrloal circleii, Ure- ported to be daneeroaBly nick In Pliteburg Tbcre will be a week ofuennan opera at the Auditorium, o(«n- ■ " ' ' Ohcll auction fl lD| IV under the manageiiieDt of Watier Damrohdi Tke liaoenbfck (rallied anlmalawire whl at auci bjihetaieria;io aaiUO* a Judgment or$i;iv adraneed bTEdvanlDryerllng. one of nR|enl>eck*0 iralnerH. lie bM (a ih* lot for tiOUO The arrancnmeitta rurilie icalb aimeal bcneAt of the Theatrical MorbaQle"' Beoero- Mil AmdcIiuIod, anemoon of L^ are alwut completed. Tbe proceeilBwIUKoto therellerrund orihenrmilzailon. Tbe bill will (Delude one aclor'Till KaUl Canl," unenrt oP'PrlDce Fro Tein," one act of'A BUck Rhnj>," itan ur "Tbe l^uIng8bow''and oneaclof'*T1ie I'roillitaie." It lipuadlrtetbUioiae of tbe iiieinl^n of the Uantrvech- Wagoerdraad Opera Company vlll alitg. JliprewilliUo !<• vpccielUee. MINNESOTA. Mlnneapollh^At tho <1raiiil Oiwni Huum '^aiiore Acne" Utbe altracUon for three niKbiH, iMgln- nlof April DeUaPvT. iQ'HieLltile Trooper," U, 19, ai No anoeancemeata Tor tbe foltowlng week, alllKHigli It laprobabli that WlUtam Uorri* will l>e here. The bouae waadoeed Sand week. Bmoit Opira Uotve.~T1)e QlrTen A Kelll 8took Co. will ptar "Tie Jill" N-2a MorTU»D'M"KauM"3l-fr. "The KnalgD^ bad fair buiIneaM 7-U. Tbiatm CoxioriL—For U and week: fiinlih aud PJIla, Matalo DIIkiD, f>orTalne and IlovelL Jim Voodrllle, Ormee Rowaid, Kowler and Went, J. II. Frice, and'tha malar etorii oonipany. Home Iraproremont In buirineaa liBOtlced. ^ KOBL A MiDDLVToyH Pauob MimbC V.—For Keren dan, tegbialnr RUlio (atioDg uian). Hodn«y (cDa\e charaier), HUa, Oarreibi (blidiD, and lllnman and wiro (a tbe oono halt Bugea-The Flekla Familr. ntorge Plaber. Owste St Clair, Abler and Frollck. KI113- Cu^ - lop and Tney Pemandei. Pine weather bring:) good THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. 00 MOTa—Th« Maod rowall-Uullaa' Tliowlar inutlala naaanl, wuaiuoMa w. H.II>nar'aiudlenta«at Jha Matn^lltu, whan he kdond upon ilia aUvar iuah- Man, lacnwad ftvni n .mall oDa on tiw Unit nlitlit ilUj lo %bl]ia oaaOD Uia tax, It Allca Rlowmiiand Mn. Ur. nwlull wni irira a cancartatthaHalniHiUuiiZI Tbaoiian Ibomu* Orcliaaum, aiMliitad liy Kunclion momira. Boriano: blJdiuckor. hanilu, and Bnino "W*"- Jw'oncallfti, win ilTa iwo coiicatu al iba Ks- |iodlIoiiAodllsr<amS,3Q Viaj. l> blllad lo appoar •t lhe Malnpolltan s ChmrlM rarkar, or lliaJacoli I. R nuMnrlal alar, kaa ratunud u> ihia oliy, wliara lie will jntablr ranialn, halplni to cara for Nr. Lln'ahi. iMNla In tba .SonhwaitanlllUiarail «uon oraiiii Si. Faal,—At tbe HeliDiwIIIHn "8hora .(rres'> hail blw boilnaM waak or April 7. It wiu lu tint |H«.eu- ution liara and It diaw wf ll. sepMrt'. Band inre an Kartar concert aftamooo or U TiMra wera llirto iM>k)l«lji, N'alUa \riH«, Koprauo; Un. Carrlo Hteiran, cnntialt^. and Kraak (Jalbeit. violin. Tha DclU Foi Comic Opara Uonpani-, In "Tlia LItUa Truoiier,*' come. IS, IS. 17: Oil* UioWiBuid IH, "Rtniankla,'' >ir Iwnl lilanl, U, lln BoMonltiuSanil ««ak. Uanauar I.*>nU .\, Hcullt. ab- •aol la Naw Vork. _ ilMAXR.~T1ia <lliran k Nelll Block iTuininny, In "TIm Jilt." Iiidnod boMlnowi WMk uT 7. Fur week ur 11 Slur- rimi'a "AuiL" Tlie (lllTan i Nolll t;oiiipaiiy iie.ant "Llllle Lad Faunlleior" SI and week. BonuA.-'New peovie IS: Pimok Ulsjtoil. I'eniy Bimnd. ALReoave, LanraAmokl, Initlioirand Mcdulna». rlilllU naffokkOeonm B. Galdner, Sam Yalter and lliu rtnck. I Ublf. MiiTln'ri Flayers opened a two waeka' encainnienl April iMn rapeiiArr. Tbe bill waadiaogadnlRliily. Theaidl. eetea were Alrlj Rood, admlulon brlDg U and 30 caeu Uvinob-^IbeTwo Ukl Cnnlea" appealed 12,13 and Qallaea. ■*flbore Ame," No. 3, cune ror tita Uru lluio n4.raS,S, and matinee. Builnem we. ruwI. Mr..Hcott- ^Wl, auUled by Hre. CUrsHunw)', Uie UniU. (I's Tui Tatilio.*! on tlie hill top opant*I for thaMaaon7, allh a onncert by the citr band. Tbe turn out wm lame. ,_PAaLOETllUTlt]L—Till, pUce bM bad a Kood run ot uliaas<licaUbeopenlniinl(bL Dilaweek: Lew Baker, JobnBoyt*. EdooDT Wakli, J, Barney, Viola lllirunl. ■labaMlLAinaa AUiaiton, Lillian Taniirr. vlollr V.I aaan, XlOb Roea and the regular Mock. KENTUCKY. ■«aliTUl«A\ttIie UuoolcTeuipIo Wlltou Har- rati AIM a three nlifata* eDvaiamant April ll-l:t, pniditc. lai'lhaelgQol the Cniaa"uid "Tlie UanimiiD." The atlanilaace waa lanie. Xolhliiir la announce'I fur the ntreatweek. A[Drroutii.-8ouaa'aOoncait Band, anlited ly Marie a rQ8n],ioeimlie, end Curxle Duke, rlollnlat. glcaaa |«r. onaaneaM lliCACiira Tl>ATll.-lhx O'Rell (tare two lecture! >■', tu larwe asdraicea. Jamaa J Uirhott Id, I*. Oi«e oruA II(H'ai.-"Jaiie" drew the atetiee iio.l. u thia honae laat week. Hatle UtaUi, In '-.ATurklah •atk," waekoris. .yt.tix-lUT Smith Rnbblna In "Little Trlik" la the ^^og for week U. "Ilosaand llMa"clo<a<l aweek'l "ratlniRAH. - Vaoca, th. female Randew, eloMd a (•upanna waet'a enfinmaot U. lha New Vork Lou- ™j™ati»Comp»Drwaekl.v _, Ntw oia'tii'iil _ wd Boh, H. 0. Eurrilaiila frAarw'lUtal r»har. Ellla (ftmT, mpesy ■■i.u or IS Be)' lo. ¥na company wiu inciuue Laura v.-'?l.''*UI*Bi^>>aiid. Edllh Krfr, Vahal Sincklaiid, !l! !l«V' Benilee WheeUr, LouT. Ifabh. Joaeph .Frmn- «i,ir^".". "luijloi", tVm.Couneoar.llorM Olinay, 2? i^f" Jfa'aa, deene aardlner. r. U. C'roiby, Mas. &.i.^ "ayaad Jobs Slaplelon Vharlel RcotI, of .uilojioa, Kt. haabeen ^ISSdiiM maaanr of Mao.!- a*, wbolasna to take e eirieoa JaSHeoB, Ittv * gigcr the Tcnts# UorTrii iKb SiiTo moM ciu*. Lib's Suot - bttwn opeiui Apiti r.. at Ckniou, P». cIirs. Lm ni»n«gerj Ju. ii. newlii, IhihIikm nunaiier; ilorl ace A. Mi\nn, niierai agem; l. c. ciutu costncl- liiBaKcni;U.l. li„iren.,,i,ic ,h„, muitiitri Hn. Cnas, Lee, rtaarge of rewrvetl lenis; Wro. U. Clif- ton, ciui^ of nude sunili: JaniM Rhner mum. !fI^:.^K.'^Ji'"'•4"5 ««nlttiiie;inih lirou^ ui.ii. . ii" alipeilntetHlent of csntM- lion noatitr; Jenr O'lioiiogbiie, tieMl i»ok. «lil! of canvM: ixies iiliiiiwiier, c. »v. fiuietl^bl 1 wSe^ Ueniila UlldlBc, FirncliT, inrta. tSig, Jnoi'55' llembroKle and snr Ujlrbrll. IIIb tho# bnuik: Lolht, pilnclinl eiitiMirlciine ■nit blxh wlrf ^" \\Di. lUfKiii, i-nmlc mule net >ii<l knocUlioui cnirii; fhsB. McCanli.T. clown: lUII WinSSkiSn- ..ll''J''?.'""' concert; lx)nki lleinnia, arrtUf ^Ifcert Ujh-eler, nerltl couioMlonW; uiuSore w'S' l.'ift"*.?''''' "•""'onion and leipeni; lAie- kenj llttMi, Ijrotfier b«ni, hilancen tnd leapetT Ilejlte^nitu, MnlUlimt iind>ix)ri lliliSS. jig"; rinu, Ilk Mlbin, Nitlletta, Mopo and Homo, iDd Ue p))hofflc.T \UIiMRii9, Win. Jiclunn.Rlwa aalertnd dancer; Ju. Wood, eluilc abln uun lud huniBii pin cujblon; Cbae. Oinieron, Knptlnn ducer; lllle. /em, aoake cbanner, iind iGe Vin (lordon mnsll people. Conceit: MrCiuty nnd Ulll xnillBnu, Blllj •nd Jexsle Cllflon, Win. i« uert Venion, Eellj itiia leiider; II, It. Ilrown. aecoDd comet: K. 8. BeiieS ■olo utrltone: H. J. UaelioD, nxophoneaolo; if. F, Owens and L. 0. Wiird, i-tationeiK: Chan. Welner. piccolo; Pre* Rico, liil«; J. c. iloillli, alio and vio- lin: IL Teino. alio, and Bert HauUiiian, dninn, Wabhrubs'i) CiHtTB .<(or»i.-A]| la reailYtoribe boRle call, and i»o ofieb al Oovlagion, K»., April JO. The Brut car has gone, and tbe car manager, nairr 11. Uverton. loot a nicked crowd of billposters wllli bim. Franic woods, tbe couimcilng agent, has been ftira; gome weeks, and a« tbe time diaws near to open the show it commences to assume most pnlenllogs pnpoitlons. Tbe slock Is la line felll^ and all teem eager to commence Ibe Rnmiatr s work. Ur. Wasbmira Ubujingqnii. a number u( anlnuU, itHi Ihe menagerie la tho laigeat and bent be has ever bad. Will Banks, lli« railroad contract- ing agent. Is In ilie West, but Ui expected here In a few dajrs. K. J. HOLUKD AND OF-O. AujoK bave signed wllb ScilbnerJt Sinllli'B circus. Ai.rHBn ASO UKimtA UoniAK, ETmnssK ai« Ibla season with Harris' Nickel Plate lOiows. Jamih B. UACks, Ihe Yankee Fanner, will l>e wllb tbe Wallace Show thbiwason.openlngat reno, Ind., HarS. RotTEll of Jones' Black llunar Hand, wllb tbe wsllace CIreus: Rd, rtancbanl. Will Darnell, 1). Bnwn. Joe Fallon, John Duo'. Ueo. Rallej, C. Oil- belt, Wm. Ilnnler, c. W. jimea and Ibe VIUow Birfk (JiHitel. PRIM'S WBartroRTii has beeb engaged for Uurke's Ntiv Bbows, nuking bU third season. Itie tonr opens titj % W'T. km ncvoHMBO llist Ibe manaiem nt Ibe re- cenlly formed Street llallwsr CIrcolt, comprlslnc the olttei of Uiiineapolls, W. Panl, Unlulb, Qnnd nsplds, Ullintakee, lies Moines, UaTenpor^, Hock Isbind, 8L Joseph, Champalgu, l'ri>anoa, 8t Loals and Ransfts CIQr, will bom anolner end Unal meet- ing In Clilcago, on Apill 10, for Ibe purpose of ar< raitglnv conlractd with tbe peiformeis whom tbej bave Miccted for ibelr several parks durliig the Slimmer ntonlhs, and flxlng the routes for same. Uanager Wm. 8. Uoore, who Is now acting aa tbetr easlem lepteMutallre, and wbo Ims been oiganlz- liig an open company for ibe Ksnsss dtj Park INversInn Co., left on .tptll u lo attend tbe meeting. lIutliiK biH Bbmnce he inil vMl Ibe several cllles en tbe I'lrcnlt. and relum In time lo attend tbe pte- llnilnaiT rebeanals of Ibe opera conpanj, and Iiien dbecl lis tour to tbe West. Ur. Unoie statea that It has been decided lo call It Ibe New York Comlo Open Oonipaujr, and Ibe following bave been gdect- ed for Ihe pilnclrals: Adelaide Ilandall, prtma donna: \. Nonlegrlllb, tenor; Joseph I^nde, bari- tone; Rose Ucaudet, contralto and cliamcten; John nell, IInl comedbin: Eddie Hmllb, second comedian. These will bo ssdsled lij a cbonis of Iblitj ladles and gentlemen. Notes vbou the Ideal Cutccx.—Tbos. L. Davlsls piopilelor end manager. Only a tew mondajaand we will pilch onr tents 'ueatb snunj skies and nln sloinis. Mr. Davis wiltea that be will ran a legldniste one ring clicus, emplojing only lint daaa people. We bave on onr list up to lbs present time Ibe fol- lowing people: Seeney Bros., R. Lee HetcaUe, Tho*. VulvoT tiara Uanelle, R. W. Cole. W, H. Force. Al- fred llelnli:. Kmll Kllment, Prof. J, Uvtn. Fled lUvem. Sbolleld Tbomlon, J. T. Siewait, Will Harder, 0. U. Heyile, Will Kaloe and W. P. Dennis. We open atOlney, lll,Uayr NorRivauiilI.L,CuHR'aBio Waoo!! Biiows.— We ate still In I«nslana, and the show Isdotaig Ibeume remarkablebnslnessasofold. Tbbilst.enIanHeaion, but we don't know Ibe dinerence. Our tenia are crowdedatevefTpetfonnanccJastlbeaaine. Pref, Frank Jacobs bnmtnp bis balloon si llavannalait week, but a new one has arrived, and be will resume his usual Irtps to tbe clouds. Mr. Clark added an- other pair of line gray horses last week, nanr Runt has ffoiten iboroogbly over bU accident of a broken leg. and Is gelling annnd all right UB.vav Pekhs, Jobann Williams, Jamea Roberta, Rose Julia and a woman known HsWIIbelmlna, who fnnned a part of lha Congress of All Nations ol Ibe Baroum k Bailey Olrcns, now at tbe Madison Squora Oaiden, this clly, lisve sncciimbed lo this climate elnce Uarch b, nnd died fiom pneumonia or olber piilinonaiy diseases. The live named, II Is slated, were ill natives of BrlUab Onlana. Norm FROM Hun'Tino's Cirii'h.— We ate now In onr third week of continued pnxpeilly. At Oxford, N. C, Ueo- Otslello, of SellH Urns.' Cln:m,and Danny Osllagher and wlfa, of Hill's Thealn Co., were wls- lloni. Lliaii. Cionk, ninilclan, closed Amll 8, st ReldRvllle, N.Cand Henry Koyoe joined tbe follow- ing day at South HoKlon, Va. Tlie parade we iwt ont Ibis seaaiiii Is Ibe smngeat the show ever hsd and rerelvescominendutlon irom Ibe press and pub- lic. Ur. u. H. Cmsiiy's morning uniloas ore a leal- ure. Iir, Crosby hi president of tbe Pal Away Uara and Trouble Club vriih this alintr. Geo. Rkelding Is dolnn Hdiiilnble work wllb Osr No. 1. In the an- nex this Masun Ihu four arlllln Bros, hold fotlb. aad tour greater bustlers never lived. Frank (iiiniD Is cnntemplallog tbe editorship of 77i« AWa (lows) Dullv rilimti; Kverylbing moves on wllb clock like iscclalon.avdiufarlbcrehaslieennostckneai. Pass'I'II aso WBiroBE, who have Just letuned ffoui Cuba, whera Ihey were playing with Ibe Tour Ixtwanile Hhow, bave plgned wllb Ike Irwin i Louis Hbuw for the coming season. Lkftwii'H A Pebmv write; "Tbe nnlahlng loiubei are being piil on all Ihe wagons, and we are almost midyrur Ibe toad. A. 0 I'erry Just arrived wllb leu lioraes, iiuklug furt.v In ull. Mr. Waitl, our agenl, rsiu'eled, nwltig to lllueiu, and we were oMIgeillo nil Ills plare," WII.I.M. Iiabrt has klKned as coiilrarilug agent wllb t-'ni I'. l-erry'H Pavilion Hlmtva. Mr. Bany will alMi roiile tbe show. iHcKow AKO Hrsn wrlle ihui ibey are lu their nnh luoiiib wlih («i1n Bros.' (Iran Circo, and are re- ooosgeil fur Iblrly twii weeks Ujngvr. , _ _ „ , CHAR WiirrK. ei|iillllii1sl, has idgned with Fred Lorke'sClrt:ni<. . 11. 1,. MaLnTR has llic laud with lloidy t Em- rnlni*' I'in us ihls season with twelve pieces. The Bboirwill bo In Chicago, III,, all Hummer and will open April 'JOwllli everythlug new froiii ,»lske lo ball ring, using » loolt. round lop, wllli iwo Mil, middle pieces. . , „„ FIRD WiluiR Intends lo start on Ihe road with bis aivns aliout Ibe middle of May. Mr, tyilh>r bu spoil Ike winter In tbe flonlh, and bai added many rate novelties from tbe Weal Indies. HcOTkR OK TvcaiH'B CiiANT eyo»'a.-8b» * Roe«ll,pn)prielon; H. B. Tucker, lusnsger; U, I. IrvlnR, general conlracllng agent, with eeven bm porters; irsnr F. Horn, UlKograph "rHj^i^""? :•■ BoM. Silckney Jr., pilnclpal somenanlt rider; Lo'nise Do Uoti, menage aol; John Uwlow, Bhskeipearean clown; Wg. Cannon and hto per- ronilngponles:Jeuu, sirong woman;Mile, loto, mnndlng wire; the Dee Brolhent- ntuin act: levanton Broibew. htother ac'; Wiley Ferrtj and wlfe,Rocbe oud Whitney, aod AJex. J-haofl and wife Toe big lop wU bo looft., wjtb two aoTL S Site piccw twS sue Pi'""""ftWrViiS; BbowteuttoxiWt. Tbero vrtll be IMM-Bvopwito lu tamp, while forty wlU stop In boteli. We will have a labllee hand and drum cenj*. JesBiB MiixiH. the cornet eotoW, who la now tor the ent're season wllb tbe Banom t Btuay OmttrtaoTonKaitb. ^J^l^ySSViSSSS wllb tMrgriDd allllary band undsrihe dlfwltoa edMOaEb Romn ASD Nitrw or rati oiinAT Kxmnmix Cir- cu^->FUiateri John C. O'Drieb, niauunri Ban'l J. tncUogagent; Rd. IHablo, tint bilgadf, ilU( eight men; Orn. ivolt, second bilgade, wllb live iiwn; ■Isny (Mue, Iiom canrasnvu, wlih iweniy men; Tbm WlilUnu, boss limiier. wllb twelve men: Kd. Iluraa, niillcgea; K. W. Williams, In charge of an- nex, iVrfoniiera: Chas. W. O'DcU, four bone rider and lialaer; Wn. F. Melnw, soiiienanit and Jockey rld«; Nlllle Idielie, prlmlpnl ci|imurienue: Frankle HarT1^ liwkey uiid hiinlle rider; Ullle Helnw and her mroaie linroe, rhll. Bhrridaiii Ulliiuore Ihos., aerloUsla; (laghler llros., heavy welglil Jugileni; Trover Una. (S), bortioolal bam and actuials! Trnf. Boras, and bla nchool ofedncaleddogaand monkeys; Prof. H. Oolne, and troupe of trained horws and donkeye; Del >'ue(o, principal clown: Ben linina, ■Ingtns and Ulkliig clown; Frank Mlloi ami lils lalkliinhorae, Inguiuar; Hlantiin BMem. Iialaiirllut trape<e:liol MlUarand OiRle K»ns, donblr iiaiieze; MasUr FmMle and hia school of pnnlesi land of lwell« men, nliiler leadership of Pnt. Bwaii. Um- reit: Del Fnego. Mabel Miller, Parker ami 8mllb, Master Migene, Kste Ittantaii, ileoiga Arlloglon, with hIa "Hnnipty Iiunipty" tmiipe, and (by and Rowley, Tlie snow uses a lioft. round top. with two 40fi. middle pieces: ilie«lng roiim, iv)ft. round top; side show, OCfl. round lop, wllb :ert. middle piece. Wo cany Iblrty-dve bead of stork. K hnid ring Block. Kvrrylmdy la liimy around Ibe Wliiler qnarieis, and Manager O'Brien Is kepi iiiu? lookUig alter Ike linmess makers, palnlen and wanlnbe makern, getdng Ihe show ready In ojien April u. Chas. W. O'Dell Is pulling the ring Jiick iCmngli llieir daUy pncilve. We claim thla Is Ibe lilggnit Ublcago anow ever nrgaiilied, Uall's UIMTS. pii imri- from Kan Antoulo, Tex,, In Kvanavllle Wis., wss soniewkal batlercil, April 14. In acollUliin wllb a fralght, tnlu whtrh occuned wlUle Ihe (irciis train wasiielaffswlu-hed In Ihe yanls of Ibe Chicago aiHl .Vorihwealeni Hallway, atChlcagn. 111. .Several cars wcin badly iiiiui'hc<l, and lbs. Hall, Ihe wife of llie |>roprieinr, was scri- onaly Isjuml. KOSniB OK TBE OSIUISll BrAOR OlIO'l'S,—Ws opened .\pril t, al Kiiesvlllo, lynu., and bare lieen doing a good IsiiHnesa ever since. W, W. Unwn Is no lonier connected wllli tbe show. Hosier: NeNon Wnclalr, Nellie Carilsle, Tom Nehoii, H, Wodille, W, CkHSldy, W, IMl, J. Bnmell, L. llaiie<, t'hai. Mc- Nabb, John Bicpheuson, boi«caii\-as man, with finir SMlatanlsiBeuliculiaiidCbartesllcoll. We use an Wit. top wlUi a 40fL middle ^lece ami twrniy aeven leiigtlu of seaU.; NE W JEflSE Y. Jarser Cllx.—"IMrkesI Biutila" ii|ieiinl at the ACAiIeav for a weak April lA. K. II. Kviliera folktw'. "liplderanil Kly" met a lib uicdlnin .uree.H wiHtkfnd' log 13. Box Tox.-Blngbani, Mllle OvnIoD, Uitrlun aud rA>le. nun llarr)' Faoton, the Rl. Rlalra, Kd. Psrkar. KItlle BInsliUD, Dllk. aud tVadc. VVIIIUu II. Daly, PMIer awl Uwl^Slay Wanlwonb, Baaco and Robert!^ yallknwukl alKt rialamboa. BnnhiH* leiualn. anclianged. J.I.r.—Agne.RatidohSiiMcomlwaekl, Amelia Itoiiie, Hand Berlngton, Ilallle Randolph, Allen Ko.ler. ueo. Salne,Jo)in l,ynch, Amirev Bjne Jr.,iuid Frvi. Ha)', mowl. Boaloeia I. gootl. Waiiai5(ins,--lllnnle Ilapfea, Laam Knmcl.. Hoplila JahdaoU.HlelUaitfon) and May Hlliworlb. Bodnta. in exreUenL .\'OT».—Barnum A Bailey ore Mlled fur Ma>- < Dur- leg B. H. Boiham'a occupancy of Ilia Academy lie will preMni "A Way to Win a Woman." "LonI Ctianley" and '"VepL LelUrblalr." Pricea hare been advaiKcd, unie- tlilORIhatHaaaRerHandaraon hiu alweya Ijeao o|,t«aad to, and the cliancea are tliat a aieat maof of tbe naolar patroaa will auy away Manaaar M. B. Leavlit wo. a conataotTlaltor laat week, and with |>enetl end paper be waa mablna coplona notes dnriog llie preaieHU of the "Bplillr and fly." The company doae. It aeawn at Brooklyn, R. V.. Bay t. On aecoont or alckpen Kreiieea llarrlfon retired from the ceal Uil week, ailJ liar place as Bowline waa lakaoliyBwIge Torrance W IM leperteil, liaa'Julned "In OU Keolucky."... aay C'ilyBlla hare aiTaosed tor their aoiio.l take (lace on Deeotatlon Day. Hn. Tooy Pastor and bla comiany have been aecuied to ninliJi tlir enteitalonieaL Tlie Aodamy'M leaMin ckuea May ta Bollle WhItlcD, Hince her return (Voni Priacu. CtU I* nlHng In bar tine iilaylngdalea. RliewllI loin hatidl with Ma Le- Tllle. The team will work their ^1 dale tlil< week al hevaik. K.J Ur. Ooakley. ufnoaklry and Bunii, waa In mated Into the JeneyClly Kikaat Iharraaaalon IS Tlie MereuptlnMi Tiew. Ml Ireland did not uaterlnllie al Ihe -toademy laal Bonday, 7. Heb«k«a.wilplder and Fly" oiieued for tliiee nlibu at Ihe llobokan April U. ^"On the Boetry" IMX Ulaiae or (Md" and "Tue Ureeoliuraa" dIvUe week of 8. The Ia»t nentlonad ptay baa t>een presented In tier mao ate oomher of lilll reaorta; alao at .Vevark, N. J, Busloea has beeo medium. Buot'.—Charlea Blalt baa a oonipaay heiw thia weak, beaded hv MbierTa, the atioog nooiao. aod iBcindlog LiUla Helen. Haveoa aad Andrew^ Waller and WaUer, Webder aad Conbui. Rondo aad Bayiia, Jeaoaue Lie fold, nan Cheree, aad rfall Ruaaell and hia troupe or trained don Next week, Geo, Bkldona. Bealneaa ha. been Iklr. lamiat^iaiiiupd and Uilj. Hiilla Hsiline, Bobby CarMuBoward Clinoo,Mfna Raaavlland liwne (Irarie. Baaiaeaa la laige. NoTBs.—Jolin D. Dillon and Hern C. aibaoajoiaed f^r- mellia VaMeialCorewall, N. Y., U. Maaager Clark, of the llobokan, contaiiip^ieecloalns iilHWaaoa Ua early en ol June Kamla Diamond, of tlie Olamonda. ii on n lick llu.. - Pitzilmmooa .1. week, Ihe daeUi HaUIWIWINFilUa Wl lllWIBUIUBUm. IB WU Bobby Mack did not appear wlUi ihe Bpeclalir Compaoy at ilie lloboken b>i th or hU wife. Mar lloruby. caaaInK hli tampoiarr retlreoMni... .When HurrUeo A Phllllpe, <if Uie BUoOa went to talk Maloeae wlUi ihe BUofado people, tbey ran afalnit no many claliDanli,who all vaated a Garaniee of Hiine blod, prindpallr nmiir. tliat ibey ve lea tho inaiur entlnlr In the hand* ol Ibelr Uwyer to uerarel VfheD Bob nuatnniooa waa about lo re* move bla elllKta at Die dOM of tbe Perronnance at ilia lloboken Tlieatre, 13, tliey were levied upon by virtee of tvoatiaobmiDtalaMied br Judce Faiioo. of Uie Dwlct Court. One waa In Uie aultoTKrank 0. Rice, who clalna tfOD for ee.Tlc«B u aecielarr aod rtor leleffruia, and tbe oilier la tbeeaUorwilllaoi WblUle, a former memiMr of the oonpany, who clalBui 166 Ibr aalary aod eiheni Pltalmmooi Maya neither of Uie clelma are leffltlDu and be will Ineiltuu raplevln prooeedloKi. Newark.—At HIiMfa Dmvbi' "irorle Tuni'ri CaUo" wai only moderaUlj Faironliad but week. Hnliert Haatell'i apMaiance tbU week alrauVJ reTlrefiN^i imil* Dei«.aa he lea fkrorile in Newark and hU rai^rtory. which loclude* "The lluihaod.*'will lire on InUreaUnjc rbiaje eadi ulgbt A fbU bonie reeelred him Aiiril M. Ttie Tboii. U. Seabrooks Opera Vm. cornea wMk of B. Jjoom'.—Tbla liooee wa> dark dqnna Holy Week. "A Palled Calf/'a new comedy, by wllluim (fill waa prv- Ttie rMIIVW ^'Wiy B Mfurauy, niiis*i._ . _ dufed, for the flrat lime on any etace, U. It aeema tu be a itwd, clean coto*4y. wlUi pleaty of life, and a larn au- oluce ahowed lia apprerlaiioo. A new leatura la (he la- iroductloo of four fUe l«bl*>. Tliaoumpeny lodudoa: llennan lllncbberv. Fr«d Maynanl, John K. llyoaa, Prank B.Clayton, (leo, K. Ileorr. Maude A hilar, Alice KnJrea,LailleArKlale, Isoonoia Bradley, MrllleMieMoo, Headl'liley. Mtage ntanaftr, R.I1. Uwreore. Eunne KobloMtn lithemanaRer. Book«d: u,lw,vi,"}aie:" tl, ta. H "Feck'a Bad Boy:" ». ft 77, "Ojoo 11; low.".. WiLOH.«:f.Vit.—flu nell BroB.' ConiadlaoA ditl well week endloK U. Irwio Brw.* Hbow retamed Uile week, and aredMOKaprDeMrouabinlnfai, opealnff (a a food hwiae 13. Bead ABartiHk'aComedlana Band week. NiWH.—Maoacer Fred WaklnaDn, who bwi been aick Kb rnp for the pa*i three weekai la tecoeerinir, awl will ' iblybeaboutaicaln Ina fewdaia Mura Frird- >f tbe Royal Opera IIoom, Ihwhlea, (Jer., «lll bo. pnbably be about aicaln Ina fewdaia Mura Frird' nun, of tbe Royal Opera IIoom, Ihwhlea, tier., «lll ba. teoderad a farewell concert at Uie K»*4\ Lycoani, liere. byaDQmberorberrrienda, In appreclatloaof heraAalai- ance at aereral diarlty enlertalomenla. Bko mIU lor Barupellay9 llarrrH. Ilealeyaiid JiAii J.Ciirte. of Niwark, will glre araudeTUIe perfomiaooe In lffi>*roo llaU, Uarrieoo, N. J., April 17. The profnnme coaulDa Ibe oamei of Klla weaoer. Tbvniu K. <ltaot, Klorroca Freocli, WllUam Wlilltle. Ilowaid aa>l Wllllaiua. .N>lUe I'arker, f^lward Banker, iotin B. llMley. rhrrle Mtaolny, CempUII aod Kvaoa, I.olu Weniworih. Kd. Parker. IIm Hreionl Hlatera, W. V-. Dai lea, the Klui Hlilora. and liDirbea aod Llodiley Auule Oakl«y returiMit Uai week from a eurtovful Marrini loar of KaHlaiNl Kirrrllealey and llarr)-BemanTwin ui>en oeii —ton wfUi a biff railroad ahuw Newark I.<^Ir« B. I'. O. K. beM ibtlraoouat beneni al Miner"* Tlifuire June il. A Ttuderllli oBterialnnienl will be pheo. PA(enon*«IIeiitlenu)D*H Ufpniom prwiileil *Tha LaufblOR Olrl" aud 'The TlitM ItaU" at iba f)t4ra booM. to tbe pooreat bualnoM of Ihe ■eawe, April 4-13. Bookinn: woi. C. Andrew*, In "llauihuv." 13-lB, Uplder aod Fly" IP. 3). "n« OalKy Rlaie" n-W, *>*U» e ol Ookl" S-17. BUOl' TliliTRkL - Bob Filn^lhiinoaa' (:ouipaBr bad loleodld liailBe«< ft-io. L<iod<>ii rulei* fllru had telrly flood hooiea ll-LT Kuoklnp: HcClala'H CreelM U-xC filico'a Clir Club c-j;. EDKir Mcau.—Bualoeu aa* fairly aoo*! at thia liouee 8 aodweek. Airliala for U aD<l week: WilUod Ida Morello, Waldo Whipple. Ihe ruoaloshan Mtm .Manlotta, Hoao- Ud aod fiUTeoa. fearl Kaymond. .Nordhelfti. Murpiiy aad Andrew^ Paron and lot, MiaUr WiUle C. Bead, Dave load and tbe B4«l Blrda. Canle Koou bOd Marhm tod Fearl, whoM bo»ee are lo Uile <1ty, reeelred oiattona. UlBAbvtb^At tbe Unke 0pm llouae "TtM etrtMaircauieApril4loa w«lllionee. Awx.Balvlnl, "Tbe Tbree QDardNoen," ranw U, to a »iiibU aDdlenea. Toarrlve: WillieColliere lu "Wbo fe Jon** r rurU«et*o- ifltoftbei:ik».ir.'TeBneieee'iFardDerzi LTCtcif TuuTai.—"Iba Par Train" roine* 17. Ruble' HalnroocartU"'rrilby 'IL"Tlio.yew fcy." JT._^ Locin HiTTifllL pgcceedaE tocin WiTTi'i (Ja a»d UekD ^ ai u Belrey Abb lo _ _ ■ Edhfa AfBoU a'Marr Mar- lOabotakatllieplaM of LuulaaMlUboll TbeTiriHarrCo. Ibe cheive io«k place «■ T»at«a.->AlTBylor'«Opcm BotueHr. andMn Caodal came A»ril 10, le tnod tiuleeu. Alen. Melol. If. JkrwKl,™moo Abore Bltou^MCo-opwIW fora weeketoblf baelseea AlIH^.lualltaMu: Cario Un-Fftt wpmm arrioUre ead Ate'e mek aod Jody. a»d Ore week, to Die mMsees 170 tmumtrnvnt arUfftiial^riitt. JeaaU ■erd.Shur HaOeahaB* aanie Cuius CHppcf Post Office . A Wiirap ■Mftont plBtolyaadreaaed,mnai be iBdoHd for each mm, Md IhellM ofbnaliMaa (bllowed by the peraon aJJr«uM abmU M ptm* Ib onler to prereat niUtalea. Nmi.-pn%f»aa(oniU and ethen >booM bear lb nhid thai all laiionk eir., (11 Iraualt beiween Ihe Ualted matea and i^nada. muM b* jsrvoR oUiaiwlae they are not Air- ward«l. LADIES* LIST. Xlciilal, Tda Altelte, Minnie AoMin Hlaler^ ArefiU. Kdllh Adaiaa, Blanche AlAwU^ Annie N. Ami re«v Alice Albertl.Mlle. AlltBALInnr^l Anilenutn. Carrie Alkla<«n. Huliy An>lrew^ I'Mrl "Anaa" UmV. DeiU B«rlTatHL Kunia Blair, Hiella BmiMoii. .\>lllo BeokJMlM A. Bell,ll«rt)in Rruno. AdeUkle Blak^ Mamie BUrb. Bell* Belktiatv UuMie Ralabrena, Kliiuia Btaoriiard, May BalRinl, Malllo Oolrman, friile nirMW, B«l>hy (lUnon.BlaDriieB. Cartar, l.iiut«o t'ookACIInlisn (tehan, Jo«opliIne CunnlnRhani,Roae CarilBRtnn. KIbi i:an, ?f arle O01. VIoieiK. CarlioD, laaum ratvw, Mayhrl Carle. AHcf CnunUml, l)ar«| Cliaraller, Uly Clidpnl. Viola Crc««1, IiHiiora Cllntnii, May iriajum, R«i«lht DwiKiml.Klle^Q Uamm, Mla« K. D'Orait^tl, .\garn DoTf re, Florenro Dupiinl, l^nni Dorr. Uueeale DraWaUomUiy I>iUch«r, MIm |>v4n, Jnale IK.\rt*, Jeaitiie Day, Je«lo W. Doyle, BmuIo DeUihn, Rulli I>ticr<iw, Belle l>f«ii, Dorothy Olainon(l.Mn(.U.II Det^'.ru, Kinma DarllnRtoih MIMred l^^tnleM. Radio Fiaaer, Mra. arintih, Marie itanlner, Lhia (litnitaii, Franble Omrlnl, JeDDW ila)lor,Mr«.May llrayaiMi, Boaale iHllBert. AddU llarhir, Mra.Hubt. <lllnii)n>,Alln> iltihUnillli, lllMa tlTay, Aliro (h>hl<nillh. Annie ttell. Unil^ "llarrfy, Joula llutiti, AHir llanllna, lfti<« lllll.MU«A. Keywmhl, Mna llarTlii|tl(vn,MlA«A llanley,Mr*.M.K. Ilanley, l.luie llowanl, Knla M. mil. Nelllei* Hills Jeaneito lla>neM,(irrilo lla«airk Mamie llowarxl. .lalMe Marl A U Una lIoRarih, Mntila lllndiiian,ljiie«inle IlallN, Kinma Iniiinii, l>arl Julian, Mr< Kntl ITnaka, Th#n»liia ■^-Kaaien, lUwe Ka^vn nl*ii>ra Kane, Hadlp Kneau^ Elludetllelera KnniwILtlTirl Bcke^M■r^ llaiile Emeu, Brnlp RyUoit«>. HoM* Knteraon, Jotia fjyy. AooaR.. ' Felluwa, Matnt Ftii, Nrllle Kkironre. KiiRenl* Falrlwip, Jf»e|Jili Fi>iUlnR| Auiile Poaler, \\\t9 Ur*. NoUm) .Waila, May Nomian, ilertle O'Neill M rtuibtuUnd K«>ne, Mal>«l Klnir, Xrlllf Khhl, l-aullBtf Lnoinluni Kimna LaMoiit.i)|lle Lannloii, ntrenrv lidwla, Ualiel I'. lAonard, Hia. Il.T. Urkelle, Llllle IJewellin, L*ml«e Lyow, Rita Iscalle, Beatrlra Itancaalcr. Lillian 1^, Mr*. Vlf mr IsDntlr. Fattnlo f.a llu^ Dpiln l.ilfonl, Jeaneiip LU InRtloiic. Mar -'TtJIlh.Mra-K Maxcotte, Violet HaMinry, CanIo Mack, Florenre Murray. Llihla J. Harkliaiii. Mr*. Myrkol, Kunlr* MorRaii. Mm.J.r. Ualamib, Ray Mai«liBll,Mailellnf MpnetiD, Ada Muirar, Ltat Melt-llle. Kniia WcltunaVl. Mauda Mnntm, .ifinnlo rfurria, Ilallle Muiinw. f rarrle Nalaon, Maria aSaia, Beinlce O'Brleo. Alico irNelll, .Nellie Pnrter, Myrtle naih,nenli* I'emTaf. laaltel l\>ripr,ilr«rle L. I'trrv. Lllllau 1*1 liT. LI lire l^nraoll, Kat« "iMiia, iViTrU .\". 'Hlcp, Carrhi K. Raj niond. riara Hi>\eTv,*'Uitille Koi*y. Mnt- W- HaiHliihdLjpAdrlh Rnlllni. Ktlly RidiliihiQ, Itiilh niiMall, Ida llaiitiuiid, Utilln HtiMs Mn>. .loo Hupiiel, Julia Saeenry, Mr-. Jiihn Sayinnnr. iViiitlMii HttrllDR, Ma)#l Anillai. Annie rtinnler, ruire !t|. t'Ufr, Vlu|*i Hip vena, ivari Kahaiei, — !<i<aiiUlnR. lUllit lawyer, nprlla Hayinoiir. Vlritliila IiiiniHi.Mr". V. r. liiarl, laoln Kanfnnl. Helm Riiiwa. Mr». Ja-*. B- KullipTlan*!. iJllle Kliitixiin. riata 'H\lv«.ior,Annle K. Hlarr, fUah MmIsIoii, Li*il Kinllli. Mr*. J. RiMlilanI, Minnie HlainUI, UtIlU (mllle) ,imte Talser. Julia M. Tltomiun, Kliiy Thumt(Mi,Bniiiy TrpnohiB, IJllle Tbiimion, Herile VOfflPll.Klla Vadera, Vernle Valdp/, Uamtrllu TIT eii tarn, >* Ua'lelino WllUhl, Millie W|»e, l.llv Weniwoilli, May Wral, K»b(« VTiHvl HI Mora Wll«>ii, MrIp Weilry, Laura Wlbnn.Vtokt WhNlar, Kiiiina bunion. Mae WinbiniB,FlnrMir« Wpkhiii, Francia Wakh, (Irmrio Y*)*. May Zaaiora, Joala /uhi, llolU GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Amiiioua, Clerlae CiHtuey, Tlwa. J. Amokl, K. trilifonl, Kdwiti Allniao,J-h. Cariln. lloM. rleveknd.C. K. rjmiiow,tJ. i:ary,n. H, r^mpliell. Jeri) LMaIr, I'-arl t^mpliell. Fnuk , Carur, Frank CrolTurU, Win. Caaej, Jotm C. tUiniiar, Chat. Omlan, Joe Cuonril. Ril-1*. t^wHI, A. J. lAanulanrD. I<uula 1\e Muaa,kdMaid -^Oean. J. D- DebnaonloR. Deo AhraniB, Dr. A. ArunUeL Fred Anieo. MvTlowe Alton. Lieut. Vf. Alilera, R. R. Adklna, Fre<l 0. Aleiandrr.O. F. Auericua, YounR AboD, (J- AllyoN TIm AbOoU.Cbaa. Adama, Geo. If. Alhui.Ur.J. n.E. Aildy. Tho«. K. Aan>D,Bd. AaillQ, Jobo C Auailn, II. H. Albloo. Cliaa. AklriclMChaaT. AdbuiI, R R. AnoatiODff. V. 0. -Relle, Toui .V. •I'BentuD. J. II. BattL I. T. BelUleu. H. Boecoe, Titoa. Blancbard, Beo H. Barrett, llarrr BrIffhtBroe. Burihardi, llany Brad lay. bUard Beraaril, Junlua Belhi«is<ML Bamara, Oeo. BInduetl. A. I.. Bradley, Oliaa. Hean. Frwl, Baker, LewU Burke, Hilly Byron. Alf. J. Brookea, t^mey BemadoLEdw. Barry A Bannon Burr A May Belnionl, Kddle Boytl, O. K. Brlatot F. T. BulhKli Rr, TlHMi. BoranI, A. BarTlnaer. CItaa. Bau.^. A. BomanI, trhaa. BruaaelK FjJ. Brown, fledley Barry, Rlehanl Balciieller.ti. H. Black. Fred U BeoneiioAllannoa Bruee, Dan Bryant, F. J. Bowman. Fred Burton, Ray Blandaa, l<ofi 11. Boyd. Raymond Boyion, Capt. F- Bella. W. K. Brandi.UuaUT Bernard ,RaiD Barry, Juha II. Barker, I*. W. Delaroye A I - OuniontiJlm DeckervliOula Klya, Tlie ya,tleo. A. Ooraey, Ceu. T. Umnaju Falli DarK Ueo, Uunilierly, II. A. Uliim, Merlin Dsiw.O II. I*. Do \ are. Fr«<l DelaurA Uehrimonl Derere. W. R. Uonahlioo, U. L. Darlloy, F. M. Dolxin. A- L- Ualy A pavare DftUn, Jan. F. Oemlnir, Arthur Dellorelll A Rrera, lj. F- Mlifitar. Jaa. (I. Burko k\y**i Brunu, Clirla BfDuka, Jot. Harlow, (leo. W. Bnintiuell, A W. Buali. Fraak Bailey, Fred Buck A.M. de- BeaUeyjJuatln Beebe,ivi|l Brook*. N- II. Bonkleo, lluward BalctieMer. <leo. Bucliaiioii, W. t*. Baker, Dr. Cinhaa. Ueo. 'Curoella, Wm. «oob. Jaa. Carroll, L 11. 4,1iatuwar, J. W- Crow. Welter iriarb. Fanner Caiinan. Henri t^Toriy, Frank Clarb,Joa. . ConneraACllHyn Conin, Harry C«leuian, H. A. Col Una. Jvi. CamjilifillA Ztmoh curb. Hern _ l.'rvm«elL C. F. i.lry»ilo,Frank Calay. BiirtT. CoUloi, W. F. Croahy, Mtiiry Coorey. Fauy._ (^iiUlORbabi.W.C. - ij-lWlL Jerry ClerelanJ, Cbarile DeMiIno ■la, Tlie Oe Fumata, _ Dawaon. W. A. De Lfinir. Tony UlanHHM, Lew Dobloaon, J. W. Docker, John De Flllupla, Tbe DoiL n.o. Duotiam, Ran Dtiniiar.Ueo. 11. OeiBpaey. J. J. Uunbara. The Dalton, Frank V. DaalilDRloa, Jaa. Do Boe. W. Donoran, Jaa. B. Derere. II. A- Dovne A Harlla Duffy. Jaa.T. De Vaudp, 0- C- IlKTla, Fmf. Julio Dowiilea, Tlie Dee, Matt Dwyer. Jut. IhinoraD, Jaa. R. DooRhertr, J. F. llaTrea.W.C. l>eFiir«ftt,Chaa DelfidUa.- Davia, A. K. Dan too, B, l>eMauer. Hem DUun. U.K. Hitnlon, llatry lleoraa. Dr. ilrhl, Alf. (iHUte, \r. F. IllUni.- (of l^uniiura AO-) Urtiduni Hob rilau|>inl,WallerA llalURltar. II. W. ihinlun. Frad (lBthiill,(lua ilatdnar, Frauk dray. Jaa. (Inwian, Tlio llullllaili, Jaa. (loirand, Al. ilanellfau, I'rlnco nnnt, Coier (Irahain, Jmmi —arriB, Hnh Hall, i;haa. Ilardinao, JiMi. A. Ilerl»ertl)rue. Ilarrla, Cliaa. J. Ilefeman, R. J. lleiUiAMcCadJ lltiwoAKratl liuliar. Frank J. Ilanley. M.F- llaler, J. T. Ilawley. <1iM K. Holland. T-W. Iloliuea, W. J. union. Kd. iUnilllolt,(lau. II. lllcker, Will. (leader) lllley A Rewll mil, rieo. A. Ilenaler. AHYmI llihlelboraer, II. Hanletr. Fior, llaulekl, tniaa. irodRea, B- a llaynes (liaa. IleRhes, And/ llarerly.U. K. Hawke, John W. llewloy.John, HanfnnV Kdwin llHlRra, Waller Hum. Frank Hall. Ilarry C, llohenauliiiW. K. Cent-lWIl, Jtrry., Clereland, C^"" Caiueroo, A.,. (ntrla(le.J>afld ColllneiColllna - let'— Ihiyle, Jm: DaaavDikTlie Dayliia. W. W. Dull, II. t!. Darry, A. F. Daavoa, W. pvao*. Eddie K ■uiirana, He<>. RUla. diw. Kaidler. F. FJiRllali, Ma|iir Ell •wt>nh. Jack Bniliili, (J. L. K1(uo,hIr. eillBR. Ilarrr Bwiiiielt, J. K. FJiiiorvJ'nnk KvaOM, Tlie KHawunh. F. H. Kniiiihia, Ilarry Kmiiifinna, (,7ia-. F.rarttiii, Faul II. Ktana. fVlwartl Kil<lle,KIMiioi(el.) Ij'oi,—("FuUeo ' Falrul" Vaj.) Kll/ir«ralil, IjMi, Foi a WanI Fli/RereM.M.K- roiiauin.ur.ll. J. Flyou. Matt J. Foraytlia, A. J. Ferleaian. Jiila Feoton, Fat FlUpatrlcb, Mtpbee I'onUBuolBroa. rantoD, Ilarry riekli, Al U. Fraocla. U. V. "eon, J. O. vreit. JaL W. ^upbell. J- W. Clareoce. Edward ilark. DoDcao Carreoter, Alf. D, Coaoolly. Cbaa. CuoolDgbay^^ , ilaady, r. l!. illnuiaa.fUpl. H. llawea, t. U. liariy, t. R. Hoiking Nathan llaywool, Lliaa, ' owe.Hoiill ay.lead, U. II, -JKSIna,Toin lienderaoo, 1. R Herbert A Carin llailley, Frank K. Ilohiiea, tf. J. lIlBaiuaa Iwlil lleJy. Miurty llBlnaa.t.1iaunr4y llanjniao. I,ef* Hart, Nark llnrrlB.ll. f>. liuey, hill Hunt, M. .V , HaSKarty, JiJin Inaraiiain, Lee Irvlni, iSl. Irwin, Preil TordaJi, Butt 'JachMm. Morria Jerome, tViii. tudauo, Dr. Will JsckMin. Jaa. K. Jitney i'mr. t;. w, lacolai II. Jwiaeawiiiisiiis Judae, Wm. /ulinMsi, Joe Jui'Un.Totti If enilail, K. <l. l^Kellr, Ja.. T. Kelly, John T., Julin A. Klnlfy. AinoM Kanr, F. 1. KInf, J. II. K.llay, Hold. A. KlnaduA. Fraacia Kiiiiliall, Ken KabdaU.II B. Klinliell, Frwl Kin. Nan^ - Uunx, Ouviler) Kiuuer, Janina. Kendell, Kiiwanl Kennid>,Joha P, K.JIak, ll. Kins. II. M*. U. Kaue, lluifb Kerr, Kellial K.nar-ly.M 1. Kerr, II. A. Kelly. Jotm W. Kelly, Touif. LeelJ.W. Lindas^rank Ftenclr.Heoulloo L)oii.,M. r., , Foaur, tr. A. Uioul, prof. Joe Foada.(Iiaa. IT. :l.eao,H.L. Cuidb*rl>od Trio CooDer*. J. C. Ouoalnabaio. n«o W. ClinoDeffeoard Crealei ' a. way,:. i1lae,lt.a Plltow, Frinoe FoddOe Ilarrr Frie««. Hlf- TIaliar. Fhll FonJA lleoard riUi. Fard C. if.rbia. iFraiibllo. Mori- Far ran, H, .f. »'(iw]er.Jlfll Fe/Tl#. Wllay FemaMii. lerry FMter, Nam Ferdon, ]»f. rorr*alar, Frank riftklU, Fruk vTcjnBdr. Jere Oordoe, lu. ia OoBoiL Joe OaOaiber.l LftorK'd.A. I Imou, Haaier jl^yocb, Fbll Lawraoce- Prtff. LAOir.K-R. lu "late Laa^ T. LADden, Ben J. LaOfAKeaa Lear. I leo. P. LfDtOO, B. II. LeAl^—(Bunaferl LtabKCaiitOeo. LoDdelUaW U Garop. W. II. ' ooenf.PeiA fa Drew, faal Lltilejtlck laOeJei Louie 14AB, fllR. l^rntler, (Ttiaa. l^nni^ AlfWil Ltobi, Frank J. McCale. Jtdin HcNiinjr,W. r. gorrvon, Jav anall, Marry Nnrrrn, Tittn MoKrnlej.C.H. MuTPhr, W. F. MarVttf. IVrry X. Mlddattuli. T. D. MoTllmer.llao. M. Martlopiil, Kile Miller, Tli.1-. Mllleim Mn>a. Mllaa, Rldfe nrllweeney, Fntil 9ack, Ji4in H. Murriaaor. P. Mahor, 1^(1 Maridp, Nil- MrMahun, J. R. McTiinulrkJliH'. H MaaiHt. W. J. MunMilUAKitaMtll MoVrailPT«,A.J. Manrhpalpr.lhiiiliy UPlvllle, Frank Mllrltell,.T«uta M^(^A^1er, tlKin, Mbjik Harry )lonit)a.l>. J- UrtMtpA Kiiiiiirll Uarrrady, JidiB Ur.N'arlrL Jax. Uaai'ti, K. A- Hay, TTwa. K. MnnucD, Ilia-*. Mllclmll, dm. K. MrhniiaQii, llMiry MrUillp.r. M Uyallk, niM. Mi-ilay, John MarkhiA RilwanK Moaea, liee Mirk.Wn). K. MonroQ^ Nnl Melrllfk F. D. .Mi-flnilh, Jiihn Mallland, C'O. .1, Jlarrlii, —((if Brtriira A M.) .MIIIlRan. John M Mt'lhinahl. K<hll» Muri'liy, Thii Mrf'Anbr- Cliaa. .Mrt'oy.K II. Uoaa, M. J. MMtayer, W. A. Morrta, Andy .Maa«tn.t'ha4. H. Mack, Kntraf J. Mack, Kutn>na Mni imban, Frank Mt-4nna44>ii, Oeii. Malley.W. I.. .Mi.rria»ey. M. r. MHrnll, Jnhii MrAvny A Mar McColllii. A. \V. F. FrinRle, J. A DelU rnweni, Jolm T. —-nM^lrln K. Mark. II. W. Marlow, Jia, NIokliiR. llemy .\elaiHt,Kl. Xnrria, l*nif H.W. .Veilman, M. etaaon. P. W. Nonnaii, Hank .\iilli>n. Jaa. MeaJlle, (hi«ia\- O'lronnnr, Kddle nakea,J(>hit II. nvlair. Win. IhRrawl, Cliaa. till, Joa. A. Dakar. Iltijai< iirnmin A Rtpphaii (hIell.L'iiilM illlrar, Harry UldDu, Mark dale, 0. H. l)hllll|>a,(2haa. I'rlarr, VA. I'erry. Clarenra K. |*hllll|4M^|>i.J.C. feart, wm. Fanin, Freil l*rcnllr«N Tlie Frail, C1tA4. IVilHedr. Wni Fvlcritlnp, Kiitll Tainaina. Ji**lle 1'l.itil, llany I'rrre, Hen, I'rira, llnltt. Frarl, Hdly rark^ Fn>f. II. I'hIllliA K. .\. IlilUlon, Arbllle ITlre, W. .1. I'n<hli*r, Jolm II. Ufliilitlpy, Riilwrt ^VtJiilKli*^. Jay itialiln, Kilaanl Itowp, Wtn. Hlt*krtla,(f(ko. ir. HitlthiMni, Molil.d Hy)>oM, Jiilliia lUitdall, Wllllit Ityel. lapiin Hr<l»ll^ - H<t<A I H. Koiv. tl. r. Killer, FnsI lliiy.K I.. llQCd, J A- KlrhinxiHl, .la< HeaRnn, Jn-. W. Kali. JarV Hiltnlit. |). HiilllnR Tluiader, Dr. lllnllmndoRIII HIrhRnl<.V I'rlnRlf Kltrhle, U»«>. Httacli A Caailolnn Ital-iiitd. llet>. It<i#% Btiild Klrhnrtta. Una VA. HdMtiatin, Jita. Ilica A Harttin K4tv>l(iyv Tlio lluiiiln, M. Katiuoiitl, ftmil Itiifiitina, Frank A. Itovpie. Ill'"- W. Iliibiid, K.<1. W. llaiHl, I'lilllp H'»)bI,- Kpcan, Jit'. Harimiiid, Klrhanl llwl.ll. K. I((|>li>y. tlarrv ItlrlianlMni, l.arry Hire, lltHt. T. Iteirtiril, tint. Ilurhwoll. J. C. Itnl Jrirhot, Mr. Onnpra, Andy ^^luiiii, Ma« riaMliiinn, Harry Khiaii, Urn. SmIlkMIII. Niilllvan, J. K- Hnillh, Frank Y.. Hpiuane. .\nhur rial I on, iMrk ShtHliiR, Win. Haithtirp, J. H. Hlorona, [>p<i Hheehnn, Jniiit Mhaniiait Ht<>«. Krtirler, Wni, silrh. iHinnr Ml. Anlitn. l^rl rtiipcli, HNin II. tUintioK F. K. Kackotl. llpn rilii'ntiaii A MtirrUfoy rirniilnii A Klliuy Ka Vnit, IMiaa. rtlinMr). K<l«ln Krli^ii<r.l*r<d. F. K HiHllh. WllUnI Slinpran. Jaa. SlnvrlK Julin .\, illraiia, H. .Slioaftr.T. J. Kiiifimi A la^t MiaiiiKiii. J. C Kioln, Jolm iiiiiiiair. (I. K. Ha an. M. B- Ht anbin* Htolan* ^Unn, I', t-a HikhK Ken Mif ridao, I'. K. ^Iperka. (Iro. M. ■truw. 1*. Hiiehion, W. r. tttfwart Afllllpn HttjilerA HuckUy rieanunA Bur% itoiton Hren. itloniait, ll (*e Tiinna, K K. Tenney, Kme«e rhompaon, Ueo, ll. r»rry..i W. rT^nlallln, Don Tbrtrne, J. II. ria)m)Mtn, MtrrF Traheir. Ariliur Tamil. L . Tanner, Ilamiait riyhir.Jark Tracy, Frank K TD|«rk A ri(pelo TTdTelllckJr .H. F TalM Jim Taylor. Will TTinntaoti, Marry Thalfhar, (Ipo. '■Towlf rioln" C*". Tittaat^rleV Trelaiiens H. vT. ■"-«, John flier, fmVU Van Dnomuni. Sea Vamey Jr.. R. W. VaiillN, Jua. Vitanl, Marry Yaiico. K F. Temnn, J.«i. Van, HlUy Vahtarts JaA Valonlln^ K. "rirUani. Ilaf ' Walkar. F.J. While. Frank II. ITIliiiol A Isanp WHllama, Denny Wurld, Jishn W- WoIciHt, CItaa. n'nllnc«, F.iiaana Wariarltpi', w. irmiain*, Jidmay tVilMtn, F. C. Wliilaina, Henr)' WliUnnnA DatU \Vriahl.l..\r, WoMpr.T.A . Walaon, W. H- Wolitr. Jake Wi««fa, Jliuiule Wehtsl, J J. niuiktt, J. vr. Weber, John nvilrr. t^iaA WhnUn.Ktl. It. Wtimar,Abrani Wliluian, Frank W.ihTtl,Prof.Cfca*. W ha In II, - WmIdu, Ham WvlHi i Welch WffM). JiHi \Vo4*el, Kmll WlU>n,Mal. F. WmrIm, J. M. U'uiidiir. Cliaa. K. WitHil, Jiihnt;. Wliidliani.Arlhnr Wardf, III Waul, JaM T. WiTM.Jnhn W. Wlililo). Ilarry WiH.K Frank V. VVIirolor, W. M. Wplrfi, II. J. VVanlny. Kil. Wa»httu^^ I..W. VVarri'ii, Fr«il Wpntlnka, \r. ll, rBlllKll, Will. X-' riHit, liiiloro Vnuhw, FrllA Mlliir.linfrr Viiiiiiir, FrniifcC. /nlinra, — /.liiiiiieniiBD. ,\l. ^{htiiiiernian. H.W. /am>a, TIiu WISCONSIN. MllwHiiknr.'A iirvlliiilimry horwiii t\t twii neok.. nMiiiiiotirlnit April 11, al Ibn l-;i|Fiw(ll<'n Muair Hall w|tlillnB«nl«rk'atialiipal anhiiabi n« llm aurarilmi. wa'^ ba-llly arranRwl 9. .MannRer Will K llean, nriha UavM aoH Tlii'alrv, where llio anlmaU wpra If* eilillill Ual ««iik, hut dkl imt, on aocuuiit of ihnlr imtibln In (:ii|r*aKni rPi>re- »nt llm llafenlirrb InlprpaU In lliUprimittiiiipiil. |>ATlDiiii!(^ilBaTNR.-"i:iithl HalbtTnuR 11; Kollar, llni maRlrlan, lA, Id. 17, IwlnR nU Aral eniiiuoinoiil hvin In aevonl yeara; iho Hualunlana IK In "Fllnra Ananlaa;" IV. "RiiliMi llwal;" inallnaa, "Frlnrn AiiHiilaa:" niribi, >*Tlio Haiti of Flyiiioulli." Tlio alUinUnro tiiHin "Tlix I'aMalnifflhuw" waa •iliPiiirly biruv 7, H, I), Id, Ihn rain- cliy nf Ibe hdiiae itpliiR reapliial at i<ai-li paTriinnaiicp, whlrii wari by hIiU Hie larHnt roliini BiiicaRoiiieiit uvnr played Ui In Ihia rlly al Ilia pHrra. De Weil Ih'ppar, In ''Dr. HynUi," waaalwi ronaidwl hyauMKl altoinlaam II, |], Ll TliehtR Iriialiipaadmin by llixap nltiarlliilia, roii- aldBrliiR ll waa llnl) Wi-rk, aait a plnuunt auiprlao. Hhnro AcrM"ai awl npfk. .... ... RijoriM'NHA llMi'MK.—Annr A wo#k nf ilarkiipaa A. \. I'eareoii'a l\>in|>anf iirBinni 'Tlie WlillrH<|tiadniit" II ami WMk. HallannntlHarlOrPW nun iHtiiancT. Tlie aaaaim wlllcloae weak nfSI. vUli Harry Wllllaiiia' "Tlie Howery lllrl." FRnri.K'aTllRATMK.-Kaiii T. Jnck'a "My I'nria'* Ctint. (•any iiiianeil II fur a wonk. For lhaltnal waak nf Iheaoa- M)n.(OuinienrliiR 'il, ManaRar Julni H. Ilaynnr iMannKaiail AiiUy Ainannaiid Juala U Itel. Ford Ilrtilltan l.'al. Hlaii- Brl aud Julia Morton, J<>hn Mcllialli aad AIum Houlh, liarleta llartim aud Itartha Hfead. Ai'AliKMT or Mlull'.-KeIlly A WiaaFa HIM HlKiW alop^l off fur Hiinday, M, IwlnR iHHiheil liie In Uia wnak dlThBalreCoiiti'any uavalla laM roRiilarjiorlori he aeaitf u 11. inaunlliiR "Ula UaiileM-livirn." Iiy] On IV, a lioiient to DlrecU>m Webb ami M'ar iwriorinaiirn " liyNproa- "arhaiiat HladlThoalre oftheaeaitful .. by. On IV, a lioiient vlllbeRlveii. . ,. i i j. Wo:vniiiu.Aiii>M(-NKi:ji.-l'ael5and wei'li: l'Bia(A»i«- irallan alMnof. KM Ihiwon (IorIom amiUiK Fnarlla lioi>- (neon (inldReU. Fannie llunUtt (niMitet aiiako rhariiiarf. Lmlareoapmnilpliiriand HiiilUi Klaur* Mirlua). KlNRn: niokey arwU ide, AlamlnaHMiirH. Hilly l.liik, ChaUeaHl-' \Mtf, I'rur.riaiHloraun llrDBiiloiN lluiiipty Duinpiyi lluat. neaa waa rikkI laal week. HcrriM.-MBnaRar irharha \*. Hallalmnr, nf Kii*.alllini Mnilr Mall, retomed TnHn your city II. with hla«M*'iit about liookMl Isouli'o ValMtllna. tifMlHr Harry'a Cinii- paoy. apeiit laat week here rUlllnif bnr niirl*, Val Hoahnll, of UieHUou fm ' KlpOaiUdll Jiuaiis iiail. m. liUUia. Mif.i iiD wniq fii wllh a Robi walrh clialii and rJiartn by liU frlhiw a of tlie DitTliIaon Tliaatro. ^^^^ CONNECTICUT. New IUTfiii.-Ai liio llyiH-iliHi Krsiilc Msjrii, In "rudil'liiiesil Wil«in,"raiilo A|>iil il),l<i aiiwl lieain.v, sadid Jolm Urawll, and K. II. Hiillierii 1.1. Jewell, iiiii- Ficlao; come. is. M.naser lluiineli lia. lenti.rwi a lietm- ni III the altarba. IS, wliru Fndiiiiaii'. "Arl.lucrary" will tie Hie allnrliuii. Hitm'a"liyj" r.liiiii.'Ji. flRA!<u lll-SSA llorsB--"rlHi" faliio 'ii BOO'I t,u.lneuS-Iil,udM A. V. i-»er«in'a "Sli.'' Il-U. ;-T1ii; Ualley Hiare''ciimaa it-17, "Uml uf Ilia Mldnislit Hun ' lS-0. Fol.ra Wo.aassu^n Tiis.\TBB.-itii.ine.» mnlinuo. a-*. celieiil. Till, week: I.ltll. llrrlli t.'ucliiali.. lI'Mla nil' eon, Nloa HarrinsU'ii and VA. Uwrour., l.irfi.ay and fJaoil, ilaiialeil ami lliirar, ll'slan and Hiirklay, Mr. liala and Daniels llulty and Dawl.iio end llmnia U.lli>. UridiapoH.—At tiin I'nric riljrThi slro " ciacy." April \X playd lo k'SmI .liu.inau. Kotiart Mr. ITaile, Is 'nip v.n Winkle," cwnM if. "Ibe liailay Blare '''A'*nfrii«ll'».-"Hlie" caiiia III, lo •iiiall Jnijlliaaft,. 7'," Haaller." II, illd a fair Ini.lii.u. "Uriil ufUie BUnlalii Hen," 11, W did tlin iMiat l>u>ln.«4 or liie,waek. t.oiil- inenclnl Ifc a cootlnui.ut .huw li Uwkad for a weak, lu wblab the folio.lna will ,upeaf;,nr)antand illrliiii.rnii, Fmerr aiKl lluu.ll Ilia dulliaiii i:ily '"lanl and EMiopaMi. Alice llanun, llili lliiawll, KiHIa Eran., llie ■ HariftonI—At I'nicliir'^ li|iria iiniiso Han Hi'- (iltby, In '-nie I'rUe ol M.>u - awl.'Tlia '|r,ulakaeu Lawn,'''Mm a Hoiiiinar pea-uii Apri 14. IS. "Un.l nf llinllldollblHun"i;, ll.rlfonl i;>illii,llc l.'luli BinalreK l^lcaltai.ot)l^ltire'a"IIHf' I'J. • ilillU Konlachy" "I'ildd'iiba»i »il«<ii ' wa. aiveu Ha Ui.t wiiriiriiianee. lui any ilaaa ^ P. lo iwid iiuuia-. Huliert ll. luaervdl dro' a lerwe au-ilaiir^ 10. Julm Urn. liaJl a larun liuufe Ii. •The llnitl.r" drew In.llday I e. IJ, 13. l/oni n«: l.-batleraAaiil" IJ. Waid .iM Voke. .Aiiriillali alii open for two nIsiiU it, ID, •liliilini'a-liiullliK Bm leMjua Ue A ayndirate uf tju-ineu lueu be. iiiado an arraiia'weolwllli I'. B. UlllilKliain, lio.llie" liisliasac forJohnUrew, wlienlora nan llieatia alii In liuill bei. neat eaeaou. Frank P. Fiir1<ioi(, a wliolentie biercliani. 'ali<l ei riealdtDl of ilie Boari of Ablenupii. U ai ih i bmi of the iindlcau. ami ltlV.UJlJ woMli uf •Oick ha> CSii Mb«rilid. Mr. l)liillii(li«iin;«. made a- ••""«' aient .berel.rl.1ieil.« Fljluiieo "l'>„V:4'l,.'l'^'i!"r; for Hie Uicatre, and Hr. Flohniall "ill i^ I"''.',','''(t tepreeenuii'e. The uaw> lioiw will l-a •r'.i.d ii«<r IKHapiA. and will lie n,.,).I..I an-r llia li"!;!™. "fNa' York 11 ia eapected that It will l-e Onittiad by iM4bei. aud Mr.Craw wilt pre«.ol a uoe ptar •* Plnaio l«foi» H r, plaji-rio .V .W York. ^ ^ VIRGINIA. Rarfttlk—At Ibe Acadcinj nt Music --tVavfi" wai aoaa to a laraa iiut reiliir dluppoloted audleotn IprtlT'ciralaiid'a Hinltrele, IJ, »a«aO uartT.Oftolv Cfrfonoasce u. a tuphe.»y house, ,Bu»had: Uwla liar eer rinsar, Uctuier.O: Kdmaiid (.'oilkirjJ,;....Atthi> Rlba n^tnli: Thi Carole il.leta. iTaniUOIwke anil EeRellert Brolhlr.. KeCuJrK . 1)1. Laen'a Bar- lea>ioan conllnuetodrawwall.