New York Clipper (Apr 1895)

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APB1L27. THE J<rEW irORK 03LIPPEB. World^Playcrs We *n In receipt of Uie folloirlng from One nnurd. ■un*(«' mUs Akeretrom; "Wt lisd nnaldenMe opposlUon hcra (Brockton, Mus.) HnrioK our •niiiul eDgtgeineDt. Thbi wanon, la- Mti otSitjInttht Optra Uouue. on account or t StMnteineDtwItti tlie protcnt lenct, we plaitd at wTsSnlt HaU, April 18-30. On April IB wt had "Tlie STaHall" agmlnat at at Ihe onn boaae, Thej SSi to down US bj Doodlng tlie town wtlh tn» lictela. and nra a free ahow." Mr. neraird la- OuiAom otm llckela menlloned to Tni OLirnn. ^_Kote« from lIOTt t Bhanuon's rbjers.-Wg MB our Sprtng and Sonmer aeaaon April a, and iSkf all 111' Itadlog lowna la Uie Keir Inland Suits. OurrapertoiTconalalii o( our own special Sin. and for most ot them we bare special paper. Sarneler Includes: llerliertK. Uetts, leads; llarnr Maiinon, CUflon Legne, Kdwln Msgntb. Uco. F. Uoon, Arthur Shannon, L. H. (lonloi, Uowman SoTt, stage Eunager; FloBte WUIIamson, soutiretts; •iKie U>se«. Louisa aoMon, Jessie Oilawold, Nellie PlieiKL pianist, and H. E. ariAvoM. In adnnca. _ Hanr I- Palnwr's "Work and Wago" Oo. com- nliesiherollowlngpeople: Uanr■'aimer,sunsger; tiu.*. Bankenbeker, tnaaurer; JRobt. J. Mercer, ad- nncc; Jas. T. HoAlnIn, R Ijirdls Ijiwrence, Ctias. Htit. llaiTT Loi«ll, Dan Csstello, Dollr rosier. Clara i)e Vera, llade Moljncaux, UUo Kllpalrlc, Geo. F. lionler and nobt. 0. Raolek. — HaiTT B. ncsler and llnrry Bernard paid a flj- Imr ritit (0 Washington, D. 0., last week. In regard louielr new rellttiad production next season. Ar^ BI9 are at wrk nu the sceneir there. — "The Kb.ver ot U(e"Co. oiienaltaucond an- nual lonr In Juno. Manager Mlaeuier bss retained C. JsTSmllh, Ijnidften manager; John 0. Leach.Uaj E. Cunard and c4he>1no Utrr, o( the past moaon's companj. Tlio comctir will lis rewritten before the opouog. _ A meeting ot the managers of the United Street Railway Circuit was heM April 16, at Ibe Great Noiihem Hotel, Chicago, Dl. The meeilng resulted In ilieselectlonof the class of perfomen and atmc- Hooa desired for the enl«iprtiio, and VTui. S. Uoore, geoeni Eastern representative, was directed to come to this city and secnn the required at- tnctlons. Among these will be Innes' Hand, of this cliT, and the Second Regiment Band, of Chicago. It la allogelher probable that the circuit may next nsr comprlae llneen cltlea. Mr. Moore la nt pres- ent conSoed to his bed bj Illness, bat Hopes to Ix about again In a few daja. — "TheCotton King" closes lis season Us; 9. — Dan Bheiman will prodnce "Tho ralo Klllon)," a new comedy, next season. J. C. HarlH wUI have an Inlereatlathetonr. — Kendall Weston plan In Boston, llnsn., ihls week, with Robert ManttU. — "Femsnde" will tie produced at the GIrsrd Arenne Theaire, rhlladelpnla. Fa., April». Amelia lllngbam plays Fetnande, anil Kmllr Klgl ao- Ihllde. — Adah nicbmond, bating remined from a leogihy Western lour, la now resting hi thb cliy. — L. L. Oreene, of llie "Circns OIrt" Co., met wlib a painful accident durlsg the action of the play on April 10, In the lire scene. Ills bands being severely linined by an accidental dUcbatge ot gnopowder. — Unle. Modjeeka, who was recently expelled rn>m Kuasbt, Is In Berlin, Oer. Bbe baa appealed 10 Agibasaador Konyon. Bbe anpnosea that she was expelled on account ot a speech In favor of tho roles that she made In Chicago, III. Bhe entered Rusida wllh her full compaOT. under contiact to play In Waimw, Uoscowand Oaesa. An reqnlKd, abe deposited 3,000 roubles surety wllb tho ^Vaniaw authonilea. Then she received notice to nnit llna- ela within twelve houra. No reason was given for Uils acUon, and Ibe deposit was not nlumed, — James A. Heme Is engaged In dramatjdng Helen 11. Qardner's atoir, "An Unofflclal IMIriot." Manager U. 0. Miner will pmdnce Ihe pUty when completed. — \Vm. II. Cnne's Co. ne.M season wlli Include Kdwin Arden, Joseph Wheelock Jr.,l'ercy Brooke, George F. Do Vere, Angustus l)e Vere, William Bosii, B. Douglas Ryer, Anno O'Kelll, Eleanor Darry, Dallas l^lcr, Kate Deohi Wilson and Blanche Dni^ too. Thomas Namack will conHone to act as bnslneasmanAiterof the company. —The Three Ko-daka (Louis lllcks. Maurice Balib and Uarry R. Baker), acrobats, are suit with Byrnes Bros.' "EiRbt Dells''Co. — Prof, uemnann, the magician, la lamenling the loss of a deer, which has sirayed away or been stolen from tils homo, at Wbltestone, I,. I. It was one ot three deer that be bad been Iralnlng to per- (oim In an act wblcli he Intends to do on the stage next season. — Ilany Hart, manager ot the Oraod Opera Douse at Ooderich, Oot, which waa recently destroyed by lire, was tendered a Ixncat April 21 by his rrienda and townsmen. —The Orand Jury found a Irne bill April a against Dacar WUde. The Irial Is set to begin 30 In Ihe Conlial Criminal Ooott, Old Ualley, London, Eng. — "UlUo Ora's Claim," which was put on at Campbell'a Theatre, Deholt, Mich., AprU It, la a new name for an old play. Tbe nleoe waa original- ly known aa "Lone rlnea, or Oravford'a CbUm," and afterwards as "Wells-rargo A Oo.'a Messenger." John P. Oamll claims to liave written this Miest version. Lionel Uwnnce and Letlle Le Vyne play the leading roles, and claim to have tbe piece on royally. — utte Emily DIrcb, tbe young daughter of late Uonel R. BIreh and his wif e.Uadge Deane, < recently in Boston, Mass. — The house ot Batael Joseoy, tho pianist, at ItMpeot BiU, l^anTtown, N. Y., was enlinly de- stroyed by Ore April 22. — "Tlie New Bonnet," a comedy. Just completed by Obaries Barnard, iriu be given atrial production by tbe anlhoratMeadevUe.ra., April 35. — We have received a letter from JuUa A. Floyd, wife ot Joel 0. Floyd, pnleaalonally known aa H. B. Serena, of the Mutoalan Tableau ot "Paradise Lost" and Panonmoa ot "Uncle Tom's Cabin," "FU- grim^a Progreas" and tbe Hirer Rhine. Mra Floyd desires us <o make known that her huaband has these panoramaa In good condition and Is desirous of gndlng a purebaser f or tbem. She alatea that Mr. Floyd baa eoinred several RMkes of paralysis dur- ing the past year, and be will be onalile to enter tbe abowbualneai again. Bbe fnitber alates that they are in very stnlghtened circnmatances, and, lu fact, are In a condition ot abadnlo need. tbe died MICHIGAN. DetniC—AttheLjceumailmoie'a Band comes April is, roUovtd br Toor ranor Hay M. nsTsoiT Orau llonc-IIori's "A Texaa Si»r" comes April a-V, Mario JaoMO May T-l, mllowed t>ytha lot- loolaaaa-ll. ■Ibe Kiw Boy." wlih Jamai Fowen, did notdoiiweDaa aipacled April U-lr. liatooodwlo, la "A OoM alna," "Ibe Olldtd rool," "Oarld Otfrlek" and "Lua Ha PIva Bbllllo|s" avetaial oalv fair bualneu lha Ulurbslfol UMWaeL , , WsitsiT Oaaso Oraat Lorsa—IliU weak. "FInnl- SD'a BaU." iMl vaak "Ddwd Id Dhle" illil a bis week's >loe«a. No>tweek,"BlahlBalli." _ _ CiMfMLL's BuriRS TliSAVliK.—Tills waeh, "The Two JohoL" Uatwa<l<"UUleUn'aCUIiii." wlUi s nrinmlog kKal tslaat In It, cama tagriir.oiilDau poor Wlinaa. TliaoompaDr la alraadad hen. Kaxt woak, 'Ttw Fait Mall." VmnnLiyB Tnuraa a.xi> Hi;aiK.-nu«i Tlnain: AilillaSrolUi, Uia Uliblaml ducar. 11it*tre pnmr: Tte I'owan ram It ot Blcrcllalv UioThnonanloerBnlban aoJotban. Toanal aaula Ion brUarn' Elllag''molliar wai re. natlraoU at paUle aDcllon at Foaglikeopsli. .V. V.. lo HUtoapUioastala. Many Ellinx poRliaK*! Uieramllr nldanca mod part of Ilia otbar property. Sir. EIiIdb will coollouotaiuka bis bone la thlaclty. Ill iiaaaliun: muafer oroanpbeira Empire Tbeaue. , OimBd Baptda.—At Powers' Opera House De Wolf llojppor, April U, an<l "Bowlan tbe WloJ." U. fUyad '»»-a.4. ComlogT'llis Kow lk>r"ai>. "Biore Atrw" a, "Eight Ballir tl, Nillla HcUeorr 'A Mario Jan. No May l" aswD omn liana, weak or April IS, Ida Coitiaiid f'arrla Boiara aad'tha'atock. Kalaaaaoe^At Ibe Academy ot Music "Sow. be lha Wladneanis April 1>. Qllaion'aBaoil U daaS, 'wore Acna" a, Nallle MeHanir a At Woadarlaiid, ;«k or U: Duhlncton aol Barrr. Toin Martin, Hanr liopoM, TIai aod Searia, Oiria Ida*, Molllo Barrr. and •«poif and euro. . BagluWi—Al tbe Academy ot Music, April 10. Pawn Ticket Jlir draw a (Sir hoaaa. '"Tha pavira AocdoD," if, bad a food andlance. Robert Downlof. ISl rlaradloabnataoM. . LaaulB>_At Balrd's Opera Houie "The Olrl ■ Latt Babbid Ha" cans April U,t«mlyfalr huriaaM. ,^D<TiraAict)oB"taiil a bli kooaa 11 aii'l <>il. R. 0. {onnglcamair. CotnlDg: Robert Dowalnit a, "Elabi 'aeksoa.—At lUbbaid'a Wilson Day's Oo. cane iJ.*."?S!?"' bnriOaM weak of AprUU......AtW«iidar 115 ILLINOIS Cbleaga,—Even the excellent atlraeUoni that nit ormd at lha local thaalna Ian weak tailed lo briag the biulaeaa up 10 tlw dodred ToloD^ for It wai Eatter H iVz."!'!""*' rwmplloooraoclal (aacUoai le. Ilmiolilud durlni Ual ktpt maar or ibabolur claaa ot palrona in<a|*d, u> the aidoabw orvUta lo Uia plar boiiMa. •Tbo FaailgK KboW wu an aicoplloo lo tho rule, and waa wall palronlwl ai oacb parToimanc*. mare la aodouU of Uie popuUriiy i>r ibli nnhot produc Moo, am tha all waaka that baa btaa allMled u> li tl ilia Cblcaio Opaim ilooaa bj Haaafar BUI li not llblr u ba loo loof. At lloolair'a Maria Barmithi playtd lo atod bnoM^ prtaaaUof The PioOliala." Tla aaclair paopla oribatownwelcomadHlia BomMihakbdlr In bar Sm aaitseaaot hen aa a «tar. Iloyf a "A BUek tgieei>"draw «ood houaaa al tha Ortad, btl, un'eai iht opinion of Uia taaanl pnbllc la at Ikiilt, Uia Ulait plan trom Mr. Ho;fa TenaUla pan la not llkair lo pren aa popular aaaoma of h'SIff'iSi?^'*i T«n>."tn^haBctSll!ri., Rnonajt. At iba Columbia iba attoadMS m "ii I v.f f*^, "1" f««l. "LlnaayWwSjJ^alMe* I'.'^V^ flU'td lo lliit CualotwdariosIhiam wUk ^ Itaaalilaaea. roraomeiaann Ui«nil<^ihulren<oi pinval of New Vork imllMr Uian to uadtcuka lo latu ',!!i?f"i5'.?!.' Pro'lacltal. nana Dir Ibia weal it ttiadown town bouiaa do doi nintamptala aovchanau ihW-VJI?. C»'""'>>l»,ih.n. llauoS oiSulMS Il'^vf!f.V""*f*tV^» ' ""^ <^" " At lU noUj. RiSjtS? 'iTi" "i« "'tfl cwiipltle thaait of bill. • "S?"?? J'""*.?--H*ri» BiirTmiaha plarad 'Tha S"l'»S»',««.«oalteiit^buMn.«>, uA conlloaei UM? weak, plarlor "Jodab" Ihe Oial liair tl Uw «aok and "Homeo and JnlMt" Iht bttar part of bar aoaacainant KatOoodwIn, ln"AOoMMIne,'fApril». •■•■•"™>"- Cniuco Orata llorsa-'Hia Panim hoUa tha record for Uia weak aid Honu likely to ke«p ll,a> nnv alllea are in ha Inlioilocoil trooi tlaia lo iTma, ao Ibal lha place will bnr repealed vlalla. The eoaaiCNiieal liai lira more woakalo niD aaiNDOraai lloi'sa.-IIo7f<"A Black 8he«p"bana lha MCsnd week or an Indedslla •uoniDent SonOar tvaoloa. Hi-. Ilpn paid Uriel allanllOD lo Un predooloo ofUie ploM durioa Uia paat WMk, tad HTertI cbaagai wait aolad In Uia way oflirislitaolair nplba dialona. WllilLaR TiiaaTsa.^oale ndlaV. fred Uaaoi and Jaajla BcadboiT each acoroil a raccaaa la Iba pnducllon or Princo rniteni." wklcli aniartd oa lha aacood and Itst weak pr lu eosastinonl Suaday nlihl. Mailt Wabi. wnibt will come v, alth aii alabomt prododlon of "Daunhura of Bfo." COLi'Xtia Tniuvtlc-'-Tht Falsi rani" cloaad Si after a^uecaMnilanaaganianlortwowaaha. iThauDCty (Mcolt opanad n. In "Ad IrlA AnUL" In Hit coniMny ait auch eioe laoi talent a< Hanr MorodlUi, J. K. Ilanr, LukeMaiiln, DanielOllfelhar, Itifla (lannra. Emmarur- no and Ella Baker. Jaiiiaa T. I'liaen, In "Ilia .Saw Bor," opana 28L HcVirKSR's TnsATSE.-"Linear \r«li.«y" conllnuea thia week, wllb uo anaotocemeDI made aaloaben Iba eDsasameat will and. ll>-pn<iiUui la tbe central Met ol the play, and llie vliuin, u i>ortnre<l by Edward J. Hor- aan, laao axctllaiit alody or Uitbypeoliitor Iba Sven- mil lypa. Mlea Burt abactathe lioDora wllb Mr, Haraari, lUvvAHKKT TiiRATKK.—Tlia new pItT, **A Bowerr tlirl," played lo fair boiilneaa, clonlnic al npanlag A Uiart will ba a week orlUitnaotloah," which promlita lo ba Iba nwift prataDllot* praJtalatlon Uial ibla war play haa arer had In Cblrtao. Mtaauer lavU will tranter Cbauncay OlroU rrom uiii Colunibit le tlia llarinarker, where lie a III r.|i«D :0. LinxiLN TiiUTsn—"Tlie I>i«t PaitdlM," «ell nand, didasooil liualooMatlht Lincoln. cWlns 21. Herbert Cawlhoni, Id "A Oork Ban," opaned with t uitllnaaSI forataek, ami wllllit rollowedby a laliira eoisKanioot or"lfouniMi>.\VlnUirep"tl. Fha:«k llALk'sOaaiso.—Hilly RIce'MBInilralaconllnue Iba altjmctlon at the Ctalno. The Amphlon Outnet (Rrydsta. Robe^t^ r.tJ4lt and llawlhomi la a faalura of Uio parronnanca. HnaclaUlaa art rureUlieil by MIlea anil Haymonil, Cola ami KiIVAnlN. lha ItoMdayx lha Marions llaalr and Rauadens Jennie Ibibey. .Mlh). Iloelna, MialTer ami Clark, ami oUiera. llorKl.VH' TllRATaK.-T1i« atork coDi>any will product "Hie Hoop of nohl" Ihia weak. A elar allrmcllon will bt Ulla. BottoUI. (lUier apeclalllea will bt lanilehtd by Uio Ttiita Merrillte Slalam. Dixon, Boarera awl DiKon, Fonll Bonl Srolbem. La Bella Tina, Dalmora aod Lot, Alice lludrioo, CallaliiD and Codnioia, Uyala MeekeraDd l*ni[eiuor Abl. llorALEMiUHiiClHtl'M.—ANllieaail of Ihe etaaan a{i. pmacbrarorllilaallrarllonMr. Hall bmaklng t qiaelal alTon 10 liare II close wlUi Ita uool rapulallon unlm- ptircil. Kiieclal allrmdlfina araulfrred lliN weak In llflnir jiiclurve of lha hmnip i4alua Titriaty, ami t Kuaalan liallel. In whicli Tony kIMk are rDpged. lha eeaion dOKB Mar 4. Havlin'..! Tiii:ArHK.-(lodrHT'a New Vork Rur Alliance lU funilidi a farltly bill tl llavlln'e title weak. In Uia company art Ward tad Vouna, Ciinlar and Bonoar, Iht Barton BlelaraL^llayeiand McCaoD. lIuinphiayA and Fox, the Brolliara Bowen, Bratrica Lyon, Aniolna Hade, Fin- ney and McKay, Hr. ami Mm. lloontt Prancli, llarrar and Boma aod Albert nolftty. Tha ptr^mtnet coocladaa wllh a muHlcal Hkalcb, "Boonlt Blue Btlla," la wblcb lha aoUro comiMuiy will Ftrtlelptla. Sax T. Jach^h Oi'SBa Uoi-as.—"JiDgo'a Dauiblar," a clarer Mlira on ilia modem uiakHliBma alyla, wlU con- llnua for aooUier witk. It dM r«m1 bueloteaforUia weak Joaamled,audlaontofiho bttf or Mr Jack'a many producllone. ACAOKHT oy laCHio.—Obarita L. Davla, In "Alrlo Joa- lln," came orar rrain lha Alhanbra, where ha playnl lo BMd bualnaaa for lha lam weak, aod opeoail at lha Acadamy inalloaaofal. "TheWhlM8i|Uadroo"wlUfol- lows. AlUAUBRA TUSAniL-'Iha While e<|oadn>D" opanad wllh a mtllnat SI,rort wetk'a aopMauiaDt It Uia eom. pan/ are W. A. WhIlocar, Ltun Almoalao, nadarick JalltD. Roban XalU Laura BaoUi ami oUian. rana TutATas.—Amoos Uieao who wlU hirelah apt- elalUeatt Uie Parii for waakajara Brandon ami BmIdi, Thooaa and WakluMuiphr and Hayuionil. Ida Nlcolal, Chaa. L. Colby, Uarna and Mlllar.Kberae and Cola. NaUla Farrtll and Wiley llamlllou. ^ _ „ KOUL A MlDDLVrox'S CLAaK flTRSST DIMS Mcviua.— "APrinea'aRtTlnm" will bt prtijatt.1 ta lha e«a«a at- Irtctlonrin which wnl baaniaind FIorancoM Iter. It haa been Itvlaed aomawbat aod a number of good >ncUIUea will ba Intreductd. Amona Ihe new facta la lha Hat of apaclallalaan Annie Wrtnlout. mi»uint,Uia Japtneat Josilar: Tbomaa aod Welch, Ltonaitl and Hart, LaMla and Bruno. Baith aad FItmlnil, and Andy Adama, The SSrioWnoVilUaa will loclada Billy ffclK Mile. Gar tttlt. Uia Wrd Irtlneri and olhere. BTATI BrstkT OLOta Moatim.-Tbt eUM fealarea will luelnda KolU (maslelan), Shaltar tad MonU, Claiar Oai- fon (v.DtrilooJle^ Violet Dean (ak rt .lancer) ami Dolly Walaon (rocalllttnl dancarj. In Ibt llnatrcurloa Uiait wmbtttTartlnaweomara.lncludlax FroC lllnnian and wilt, Dtino Fnta (eword awallowarland Piof. Bodnar. wiiirm-a LOSDOI Diaa Mcoaca.-Orienlal alrfa. In Uialc "MIdwv" danoa,coeUnna lo ba Um chlaf allrao- Uon at UilB rtaon. Thie claai ef enltrulnmant haa proTad ao popular with ptirona ot Uia plaaa that Uia nt- oeealiy orSianglof Iba bill haa nol yal appaaiad, and lha ddnaedureafreiiatnadaatlBtdtorononrorDiooUiM. OALTOSt OrSHi PAriuo-V.-Bodntae I; r>od at t)tl- loo'a,wlUi Uia folhiwInitpeopltaDitBadror weak of 11: OU Baydan, Jamai A. Ballly, Boanla LolUo, May Tain, plaloo, KUly MIlchalL llajdan and llaUiarun, Jamaa IL Cnllan, HaNOD andTltuatad LtotBniot. . . . „,'aCiactt.-TTiU la Uit Part week orUieRlnx- llnaBroa.- tbrtaweeka' tnnKltaient, which haa beta a lamarUbly auccteelUl one,Uitdret diit Iht nlnsllnn have tvtr played bert. Pram lha IictUittlbt blfbtlkl. In baa bean cnwdad at each peHOrmuoa, Uiait U do doubt Uiat lha biolbaTa are well aallalled wllh bavInK taken a long letat oo Tatlarallt, aod they may bt ta- ptcltd tobtcont tfeaturtofUia amuiaiuent prOKiamma beradurini Uie aeaaon Uat beralorore Uelrbrgaiato- ■aUon haaletD Idle tt Baiaboo, Wla. An abatDCt oftU oriht okl Umt Cakt reatorta ot a clrcua liaanadatha Diact vtrr popular, and tU pranilva thatwtit inada Id advance CaVtlMtn fiilOlltd lo Uielatler. ForIho doaloi weak Uiert la an tddtd ftaluct In Hit wIrt walklnsof w; F. Waltonan. Anolher featurtlDlraduled for llitcloalns weak win bt an act by K. r. Bpeady, who will dive ttom Ibedomeuttanh alibty faat Mkiw. NSTBa-Marion WtUlnston, a wall knowa Oilcaso alri, liaa bttn tnitxtd by AupiellD Dtly for utit ataaoo. Bbt lita irtquanUr appaaiad, In amalaui paribimaocta ban tnd btfoio itSohemlan ploli. and haa daeMad bilani Dtvhl lltndtnon will brina "Alvldlo Jr." homt fortlona ton,opeDlBiMaiU, atUtaCbleasoOpaim llouao. Title la tha data Died fet c oalas Ute aiipst- menlor"ntoFaadti»llhow"and It la ramtied that It may mora uiai lo ilteCtilunilila^.. McVlckart la lo liaVa a nteUaliania May 17, whan "Jbe liMWii Mnif'J' » oniD Ilam- Fowem haacliwd Willi A. M. Falniai for dta piodueUon ofTrilby" at llocltVa In Jona. pit con- IrmcliallaforlhoeamactAtnowpaileilal UteliardenTlit- airt, .Sew Vork Henri Canita liae formad a aradlctlt In Chlcaao. and will, nail «aa»on. lit at Uia head of t vary euongrautlarllleeomowiy.knoMtaUtaBoralEuro^ Vtadatlllta. They wllfi^en atlheSur, >ewVork, .\ov. I. Tha Bunday afttrnooa concana alvan by Uia Cltliw Marina Band at Uit Bchlllar arowd Uia hooita at each par. SmunT Tha ontmnl/aUon wl II foon make a unr of U^t MSnmV... Olbnolt-a Band cooea lo Uia Canlnl Mualc Rail Aprlia for one dI|IiI Tha Oeiman opartaaa- «. at Ka Audllorluulja. a "CCtw.bulona -atk of n'aner waa eneiilb fOr all exctpt the meet ulira ad. JSR!5 aflliat clauof niaelc, and for »" anouitb, Onane ally Tha aclora^ baoeOl, which wiu SntlllV^etuaffor Uiawatk of a. piomlaaa to be a bis auenw The adranca sale litncuuiailni. and aomo good Ulenl will ba eaan. nalrt." bad a fair bouet April 1«. Jaa. O'Nalll II Inn Ir- Hnhia." Playad lo a lair audlttra. Merle Walnwrlabl pr5»u/"l5aurintra of Eve." for Iba (rat llMln Jie cli5rV»Llobl«bieloeea. "TliaBarsUr"corneaM.■Hopar- ""tcwR llALU-FraDkenitaln Orcbertit Jl. Df. O'Laary ^vnt« Mrata -Bueloau Uie pa^t weak wat aarapUon. tl5- Ki3 Rl« w«S-e peopUTEald and Maila, 4r»™ Bfe-^LUilt J^naon. Te«7»d JobDaon ^ 0^ Maaican Troobadoora, Capl. B. Bllltr aod ^eUle Maaia. Bisotiso Bao t.' CiacrecgmeaMayH. Decatar,—Al Ihe Powers Oianrt Robert Wayne andwiffeomtTprllOand wtek. ••HW\Hetaadalarta fflS'A'iiaarrtCiWdaV'Staik'Sttiia??; VbrattnaTiSlfrom bera Uialttlol Febniarr eaaia lo ?c*w..^"5,:?.'Vt?".t.wta«i!S!;l!:i Si^i?ft.^'m ".r-"s:!rJ.£f jsTKefa- SjSSu ble ™!uii Tbo were ijld lo bt wtU lo do pao- N EW jERse r, Jvruy Clt7.-G. Dt Sothero, la "A W»y u> Win t Womu/* op«n«d hU wMk it ihe Aodtny Jtpril tt, "IIomtBlif" foHow*. "Dukeu Bui*U"iD«t wlihafkir d»m«or«uct«H vMlc*adlof ax Bo.f TU5.-Muiw«r Dlnklnv tvpoita no tlerUiion u ra- nnU btiMntu. TtM ptoH* idU w««k: Rita Jhinbl. riktow, HcoatU. CMinm uhI Ollwu, uiOCunlr. ■ml IW. Karmontl. Bu«lMiwliino3. J^ty}^V^r\^^ WwoB. Slnnle Dupiw ■•arfm.l ^kJ.LoQlM VatootlM uul Llllr AdMiii. BoilovRt It OoodauB. Uuly Id ultAQM ofVpldvrknd Fly." rantwn- Eli^V.V^yt^J "J!' "f**"^ f""" SomiS»r. A p»r »M1 Imihlar Mr. OoodmuL ft inui et ntMnR toit tlw own»rof»ii*l»iihl« rtftiifTli utKbHiii to eratttatib- ■UDtW UiMirt, 10 bad*TDi«) io vnd«Tin* ui| v^riiif. If Mr. Oooiliuo *ll| bloa himwif Ui toaruln ummrnl roranumUrorjurtla ilierauu«n*Bi ot ibe w\t>. ......HmwChtit Ultner. of itMXVuOilnvtAn, iitd ivo nplltintii «ho hftr« rvcelvfO * MihiiiutUI vlnOrhll from ft Oenun Male htre nude tnofTBr fortPTentr* WftUiMOD'n. Nenrfc, K. J., for lh« (.UTpaw of •raclloit ft hooM la be dcrotad lo Uts (mtlnuoui ftliow in«hftI......Bii|» Vftsiivr John Lynch.of ihe J. I, C. hw hftj « rvUpMaftlMl MuiiB«t flo* R«lh©r |iunD|lQffftWn«ni.|otikft PUr« XiyU. FftildyMlleft wlllniftiijuieihftftfrftlr Rerilmftr ASntlili, »bncitwiftd Uielr lenllDR mamd ai Kraochtovn, H. J^Vlw billed at BftyMine April O Krad Z«ll«r, mho hfti beeD con- nertod villi Uie WftfthlDRlon Rtrtbo pui Uire* VMn,li> HckftihIiheme.lo jourcliy Leuler fleo. (?iiKIi«'f ineBoDTt>n,h*«roitipletc«l ftaniher aev unir, "l>o, Ur IMnfth. Ihi." tirt ftlMo ftmniied n ml dunce Atr LIlUe Oonlon Mmi>ra«tl of popnlirftlnL vhkliwaft iItvii to the El'lle 1^ VlollnUu*). JiiDker.of ilie nine limDv, t week pUyed hlxUieM, ' fniiy BlueKjfil l*ei,"iftft KlH-ilWIie MftBsl* BttTloFton tllU ft fftlemm. N. J., dftu ihu vMk Leonftl>eT«m fUM a onceleil piftce ftt tbe J. I. (■'. tftitmk c. J. De Orm U reir »lck ftt hlM Hroaktyn. N. Y., home, of coDmimn- Uoa Tbe HftUniliiM propoM takloff out their o«D ftlincilon oeif t Mftwn At Ihe I'ibnft Amm, 19, KlU llftriDir, Jftinei Osvlor, Hollle Klllenbeck. (Inci>7 ftod KenwUii, Ollliort (Uroor. KleUa ftnd L«v|^ Cuah- mftD ftod llokomb ftwl Mtjr Hi<»ioofunil«h>d ihe enter- iRlnnient BIU LauU* Wftjrntr.dftUfthter ofLwider lleorr V. Wtitner, of ihe Acadenir, w mftrrlnl 17 Minnie Dupree wftii the r»dplenl of nftoy ilowars and other pr»«eaui el tjie WftililnKtoQ Untveek Ilitile ■yen wftftK«nirer«r wliii % wore ihrvftitftod vie coin- peiled to d««« lier ilaie al the J. I. 0.2) If the Rum* mertftmftlnacitoliliftBoiiTMwIll not cliti>f until Uie In June. IIobokeB«*"Si»ve«i of OulQ" openeO their three nljthi'ftatfty ftt ibftllolioken April t3. ^e ilrMMihorn*" 21-ir. Next veelr, *Tawn Ticket 3l(r' end "Tbe I**y Trmin" dliMe the «Mk. "On tho Bover;" hfti ft Ursa fiillovlnK. BiJor.—Oeo.Hldtlotiit AihleibftndVaudflrllUCutublnt- llon opeoM S for the «aek. TliiroaUr: OolhamClly }|uftiiei, lluH ftoa lAoUe CIIITur^, (lllntT tnd Mutk. iooperandRtevartallan ftikl Nektoo. Janemly, "lloh)," noiile NelMtn ami Jameft Ounalaihani. Ilonley and Woodiiaralbe luanaitvrm. IlualueeaUniMUIuni. MIneiva'i ADilftlle aud fiPCclAhy roni|<Aa7 did a rirm] liu«lnew U'l VftAk. iHrKllAL—Tlie tuiinl rarlely liO'loFM ronllntii' et- cellent. Nom.—*Oa ilitt Bnvery," aftert MeaMm of forir Ivit weeki, do«*d a) Tlie Aiiiericfto(lately iKrU dll «Mk uf D at the BUou DllUon asd nil#on did nut Join Cannenclift Vafaex.hKT|nR been Ufonned ai to Iter at- Ttn llloeu RoiUllr. ft farce comedy ■ADbrelie.niftile lier ftppeannce at Uie Uljon laat «eek. Rlie In a aanntr ami kirker of hlitb drRree Bobby Caraon li III wilh mnieallrelun|t iroabki. Hie waaroinnellni tcicloaeher data al Ihe IinjterUI Unweek. Her Jauxhter, (leorula Canon, and Kmnia Melrboff fliled b«r pUre. Bftlli of llie jouDc irlrN ahov their Rood ibealrlral iralnlna ami made ft flood Imprwulon opon their aiidltnra Hftiiile IMa- mond li villi on the aick Hat Dot Rtaolvr huH raoovered fhwn a IIitm week** aliack of the mip Anna Hulla and JtmeM KIrman, irbo have Iteen frllh "Hpklerftod Vly," and ftl«ay«. amtpllnji lo Uioir nun Mory, recflred ihelr money for Uielr work promplly, pUred MtnajterLtaTlll laaiHw)ae«l>le position, emu- peltlnf lilm tn Irae hia l^temn ilite Itylylnitap bli acenery and proiienleii by an fttla^menl lor a imall Aiiioont due tbem. HanaKtr Leavlit hi^ sjtalo ■eciire4t bUKOodaand paid Ibe partleaiuiroed abure llieainuunta ol liieir clilnu Waller and Wilier, Clara CberM and I'hll RuHiellilld iioiftppoftr wllh tha Hlnerra Vawleviiie Co. Billy WIUoD. the Hrownlnia and Amelia Khiyd All*l their datai. SevrmtU^Al UlD«r'ri (be «ii(tlfnc« that at* landed KobertMaataD'a perronnincei Uat week fnruieil a meeft)! coropllmenl to that actor and bla eonipany. BuUaUntUl honma were pr«MDi erety nliihL Tiie Thoa. Q.tieabrookeOperm Co. will aUrarlftltMitloii Ibia week. Tbey will civ* "Tbe flrand Vkler." and (he ad* Tanca aale ftlrtaily Indlcalea m brilliant enniement. Aprimtbehoii«««ftseaUrvlyniled. "TbeUalely lllrl" eomea wMk or9. JacomT.— The Initial mrfomaftceaof "A Fatted i^air were (kTorably ncslTtd by moderfttely cpod hona«a 11^ li. 17. 'W*" plairad tlie Utter half of tha week to fair budneaa. "Fftck'i Bftd Boj" will h« the aoorce uf doUitlii to the patrona SL A 24. It received e ipwd aurt n. "Coon liollow" will Tialt Newark for (he (At lima 2i,aL April ftod UftVl. "The Blie Urvu Kins;" 3,^4, "Lomln New York.'' WALbHAMita.—Irwin Broa.* Co. cloeed Uielr aeiano her«Apriia>. Tbar dM ainuitliuliieM for thIa pariuf Ibe aeaaon, and lorormad ine thai they hail done |iroliy well all die year. Blc*A BanoB'aCotnedliftna pUyUie laatweekontbelrcaleuUrliarv.endlnK IT. Tlieyenier- Ulned ftiood ftadleneeO end will prvhably flnlablo good •hape. SamJack'aCreokaoomaveekofa. Nftwa-The annual taetlmontal Klveii to CoL W. M. Morioo.efHlDav^Tbefttrv. will occur early In May The Ctt*c1 HftM, which haa been here foraerrmlniontba, Will ibortly leaT* town Hanaiier WaMinaon la re- nltilnKhUDnftlbealihaodwIII aoon Ijecntftcaln "Pack'a Bid Boy" Company oloau Ita leaaoii litre April 24. ^ Patenaa*—Wm, Ce Andreim, for manj Tear* a talued member of Roland lUed'a Comnny, aaaliied br Uie foltowinf nuned Udlea and lentlemen, pnaentad "Uumbea" at Uie Opara Ilouie lo aplaodld bnalneu April W-lK Tbe mflUr: Wn. C. Aodrawa, Uenry D. Olbba, Arthur Boylan, W. W. Plum, Woi. Falrhaoha, II. fteta DftTli. BarleWbltA,Janiea AlbriiriiUNellie YaleNelion, Ollle Redpath and Hlnnle Moob. Tlie iMniia wft« dftrif 19, aM. B. Leftvitt'a "HplJer and fly" Company haTlnir l«l toDaierlallK*. Bonklnfa:'^eOftllay BUTa"&34, "BUrea of Ookl" 29-17e '^a TtmpUtlon of Honey" 1^ Hfty 1. "fauai" 14. Buot?.—HcCUln'a Creolea had poor boalneM April 15 and week. Hlaco'a City club Burleauue Co. U uie bill lor a and week. WeekofSP, (lie. Siddona'Co. BOBH HUSBL—BuilneH oontlauea good at tblihouie; 1 flood, In Uct, that MaAager Toorey hia dMdled to In- raaaa Ihe wallair cafacRy darlnjc tha Bonimer. Tiia projpoaad ftlUraUoni Include a Uilny fool addltloo to lha ftudliArluinftndftallary with ft waUni eapadtr of alt buiMlred. ArrlraU for 9 and week: Frank It. Mack, Stanley and Scaalon. LrdUPlerte, DeUyrove and Frita, Klllle BlnvbftD, Meehu ftnd Rarmond, Jaa. w. Blnir- hao, Lea Voai«T»<s I>an Naab, Hairaie Bennett, Fred Jamea, and Emmonda, Bmmeraoa and Ednondi. TnnUa«—)Iaug«rIlBrT7 Taylor ban relumed ftomblifoorweeka'Tacalloa Id Florida. A aoenk thief eoleiad MIILoo Abom'tdreaalnfl room m Taylor*H Opera llouaeUitWednealay nlflht ami aulehUdlaniond lUid and about $13 In caau. tterenl arraau wera made, but tbe Kooda ware not racorerad. Tbe Abom Opera Co. did a too I builnat* April 13 and week. Tony I'aator, 21, did watL Booblofla; "ArUtocracT" 30, for IM Blka'bentUt; Fanny Rice 17. Sluart BobeonS., ^ ^ . . „ _ TiiBXTO.<i Mvucm.—For S udweek: Carloliall—TTie fat women lo lUInf plcturv^ Prof. U. W. L«w|a and Harry AUeo'a Punch and aludy. ThoaUe-OanMa an<l Ida OlMay. La Pallia EdlUi, Jama Dllka ami Harry Wade, Alex. w. Wllaoo, Larry Tooley and Hannah Blrcb, aod Prof, tnd Mme. Le Boy. Bllubath—At llie Lyceum Tlicitr« "The IHr Train"came ANilU, toaflilriadUner. Toarrlre: KulHin- atolo ConcertO, eonotrt (local)3S. concert Vtkical), 'Tlie New Hey" 77, "Fauat" Hay 1. Week of May 8, Walle ^rTkk Oriu llot'iiB.—William (V»lllor, In lila new pUy. "Who la Jona^" April 17. had » fair audience. Tu arrive: "CwM Hollow^ S, **Tbe Oaller HUi e" May I. KENTUCKY. Clipper Post Office , Mr A ariwrto nnfliora. pUlalr ftddtaued, nnal ba ineioaed fbraach Itiier.and thelUaof bualneaarollowed by the panon addrvnid abouhl ba flTaa, ta oidar lo preitnt mUiaita. NoTi.—PnfeailoBftU and olhen aboaU bear In mind that all letters eir^ In iranrit battean the United Rulea ami i^nada« aiiuf U pivau, othanrUa they aia oot (br wanled. LADIES* LIST. HelbouTne,UIIUs ADwn, AiU Abnnia, Mary Adama, flaoriila AnwU.Hariaa Adama, Trlile Adama, Hra. Jaa. AthPtt, Nellie Alkloavn, HuUy AToiar, Lollla 'I|fattl^ Carplyii *'Baci>n,Riia« Bmokl^ Hrra (\ UmuDbtnf, Ltoalt Bond.I^uUe Berk, Alica - RaMwln, lleUn RUIr, Mabel Bella, KniniA M. BuTU Annia Brink, Matwl Bell. Uaj L. Raker, HIMr«il Halcholler.l'aulliit Bam-, Moll lit RUnrhatd. I,ouIm Berirerie, Val)>rie Bentlnn, Annlo Heamlett Uiu(m» Rcllik V. Vera CMik, Hm. Frank (-.akf. lallllan Caatronl, Mr«.M.It. Chaaew Hfllle B. CampMllIelen D. t^unrur, HOMinny Campbell, Florenre raO)man,>ir« Il.t' Can^ I'aiiline OllOoa, Jwale Clayinn. Klennra ra>illllan()|al*ni t^uiinlnffhim Hliieta CampltelL Ctarli ConntaLlllUii Cook k i^llnton Carter, Mr*, llarry rallahnn, Nellie Carlton. Ada (\illlnH. Myra Clln^ Hatide Darry, HarU lilmrU. l>oiiln Denltlith, Maude lhint<ar,Kai|is • |)unl«r, ElU Or llareo. HInnle Hnuclaa, Benlia Delniar. JMnne Pitniixe)-. laoul«4t DiHld, T!ii)llT DeLanry. JimIo Diiwnlft. HalliH Eiiini»lt,<lraoia Kiitnteit.h'ntlt) KiiiorMii, kvA F«llinn.ltr«17. B. Kvan«A lluiriiian K<tv, Adole Kliy.HtitIa Ktiflleluinli, llvleii Nallli* FhiuU. Mile. YlfWti, Mamie Furrail, Ruth Fulhner, Lulu Flatrher. lUitle neUa, KeitU FuUar.Jannla Ftaber, Dot Freenian. laottte Ford, llarrltt Fooler, Dolly Fremont, Lotile ^'ranhlyn. NelUe a1la^ Kftihfrinp naylur, Mny (lojrtvy. Ada (Inmiftii, laOitaW. (IraiNtn, Hearie (loidon, Lnnlaa (Imy, Beale dray. May tlaller, Mav llnirlnl. UUa tirarr, Hr». Jve (Irani. I.ulu (Irov^ <>ltv(t noUarhnildl^Um. Ura>-. .\ellla HiiwanI, Bitule llall^ l.\iU lluhl)^ Mr«. A.W. llnliira, Jii.lit llanllnir. Mar llanatn. Hair llalnas Mill* llarinw, Trixle lluna, Sailln llowanl. Kinll)* aa Tlfrtni . Herairo Ilarvny. Ji-nU JaynoM, Annie R. Klt^UManniret Klnn. Ha<lle Kenl. Hatiile Kirndl. Ih>t Lcalle. Hatha Leonattl. .Vcllie laarkelle. l.lDla lato, Jpnnls Lyona, Klla lafonl. /.no I>«mIIi\ Mra. Ji>« l.ytm*. Kllly laaranlii, H«rtlia Loltln. Ibeitnki U Mom. P.<lilli I.I MIc. Nvlllfl lef Vyiir. lacllie La|xlr«lh^ Kiiiinn I.yiin«, l>«lH>rnli L«mIk, (Iraca l.lvlnflnton, Kiilli l.eMlle, Mn«.tlpi>. Iitallr. Hatlaa Mahrr, Hvvld Moore, llrnrln Morlliiinr.jNniloV Mnrrl>s iJllla Mrt'anliy, Amy Marlowe, ttewlr Mnrtrlli<. Vlrtorla Mniimo, t'nrrli* MnriloTtf, Ennia Mora, llvl.>ae Hllcbrll, MiMie " " "iilfo Loalavllle.—At Uatuulej'a Ttieatro Jaueti J. Corbelt flaT* two performancea April 18,17, to flood audi- tncai. "UIT the Earth" 9-H«y 1. ACPiTonirM.—BouM'a Baud utl w|U) a dauerlnfl rectp> lion, April Id, by one of the UrflatiaudUnceaeter lo iliU beuH. Waner optni, under ihe direction of Waller DammebtwlUbeRlven May&4. rjBAiiDOFBBA HotHE.—**A TurkUli Baih" waa the bill for laat weak, bni an*r ilie Aral mrfonnanca Ihe local nauirmtnicondaded to cancel llie enflaffemeni for ihe renaloder cf the week, and, In cunaaquence, Uie bouae waadark. *TlieCouniy Fair' weekofO. Ar».*[i-i.~'1i|>ectal Dellr«rr" la the attiacllon for week of 21 "LittleTriila" clot*d a week'a toflafltment». BccKituitiif.—Tbe New Vork Lon4oo Tlitatra i.o. pUyed to (cooa I>anlntaa la*! «t«k. The Ntlwn Family week ofO. OBHTuJUTac-Wetkof 0: Ceo. Amei. ElU Norman, NelUe hrtar, HIatan Mabla. K. B. and ItoU \rbliti^ EIKi Terey, Coim Fraaklloaod Ibe atocb.. Baalneaa li aood. Norn.—Walter L. Maln'a Clrcua Inauflontad tbt unl- Iniaaaaoo li with taoparfennanrea to packed i«ou A nomUr bf tbe friande of Law li Haa»a, mtoater of irealiy'a Tbeatra.met«lth him S> for a farewell din- Mareoliy'. - - - -- - ner. prior to bla departure for .VewYork X>nM*r Bobt R.Ed«anlB,of Ihe Oaffl Tbe«tre,«aa praatntad «|ih ft lold beaded smbrelU IL oo tbe occuluD of Lla binb- day, by tbaatucbMvf Ibe court. Hr.Edwanla va»LalM upon ue lUfla by E4- Mnrpb)'. lUflt maoairr. who rnxd* lha f r»-»*n*tM oa *T*»^>>. DELAWARE. WllmlBgtoa.—At Uke Qnad Open Uou<(« "Tbe Pay Trala" wai |<reat8tad April U, to a Urfla audi- tnee **<^irley'* AaofdnrvaUrcaaodleoea 17. Willie Colikr pr«eoted "Wl.o ia Jjoeal" tt. lo Mf boilaaMe CemlD<: Tbe Maaos-MftaohGoapaarm AN'ti. 0. •n-AMley, J. R. Allen alralinHlnit Almm, Will. AnUrawa, Jan. II. Aloiander, T. H. Alexia,— Ali>lon. Clift*. Alklnnm. lien. Adily. Tlin*. K. Aui. Traviutiy To. Allen. E>l. K. Amour. Frarib AnnnHli, Hilly Ariliiitlon, Jon-V. Aualln, Harry T>rnw, Cliaa, T. A>Bynie.Thi».F.. Roike, I'mf. H, Hrve^ Tlloaltin BrraniAHIdiinoiitl Bun. Ham Rrunu,<lua Hoyile.Jark Raratow, John BlcketUW. R. Burhanao, Hubt. BUIr, llftrr>- BelrannteA Alklna Bymea, Julrn Bniwn. W. \V. Hall, H. 0. Blum. Hlifrl*l Briater. Wiltar Hr^nt*, F. K. Ilriiikhuni, J.J. Blttner. W. W. Bernard. Prank Benn,KuRar La Boon, Jolin HamarO.Ohai. Hauall, P. M. Rrinatey, John Bennlftflton, B. a Baldwin, Rnmoy Bnulahaw,ChaB.It, HrauneUa,A. Brown, Oeo. Boah. it. Bent Uai Bowman. Fred Heoeillct. Lew Blow, I'eu Backua, bonaU nickatt, W. K. RumhanLlUrrr Betta, II K. Beanl, Cliaa. Brftnlflana. Tlie Rrooka, Cemey Bryloo, E. P. Bryeon, Win- II. Burton, Prwd II. HraorMfla, Marry BramiiiciL A. W. BenardJ^ua. Barretl, Tlioa. Bankaon, I by Barry, nllly /^fftilOC — ^Oliurdi, I3iai(. Cornell, Cliria Cory, Elmer Carey. Jolin Colblll, P. B. ColTty, JoliB Vf. Carman ell IA Lucille CalhouiiJ[larry Cooney. Thoa. J. Mnrkoy, J GENTLEMEN'S LIST. I»n>*lii>r. V. Etana. IItn. Klli«, II. I. Kileanla. KMin . Karaloitva rrallior Wiirktirrt KItiinr, llniry Knrip, llriiliAiii KvanvH. \r. inRloKtit CvaiiR, mI'IIo Kliilianll. Ji'lin Kl«eiiiwrir, (M;. Kverwile. V. Khlrlilcf, H. 1). F.arlf>,KiUBPl CniaiHUinriinl {iiiiiiliiiK I'mf. II, ^Iflnr A tlarraa Rllfta^l^ i:. K {inura4in, Eil.ll. {iike,1Ioti.W. EnRtllUTd A Rayinond Eilserion.treii, '.(lIiiK^r. K. M. Un arOa,Cliaa. P. {ckiHiir. V. 11. Karle, tinliam je.UI MoDialle, BinL Hani en. Addle Morrieaer, KItila Martin. LuU HrNabh. LollU MeretllUi. Una Morion. BulU Mat^ Hra. Uilla MllUr, MaaiU Nf well, HMie Mioii, |(»nnla Nala. BemW ,Vnnh, iMIre Qarar, Nellie Prior. Llllle l'ay«'h%- I'rrnllctsHra.U.O. l*ailerwHi. Minnie Phllllpa, HIM red l-errlTal laabel rainier, Inai Talker, raullne Randall. Killlb KUKl^ Henha Rayiiiontl.Allrvar. Hlven^ DaUy Ho<kiiian, Mra. 1*. Ki<af, Marie Itrrrre, CUiidle Kiel. H«b« ItailrlllTi*. Lylane llomi>ril. Marie Uelitnor, Hrule lt)fUirO rtMrra Haynioiii],l.4it(le Qaliaratt — Virility, ItaUy Hiarr, Heah Haiitpwn, Jftiny Hitiior, (luaalo Hully, Mri.l>an Miaw, Mra. I.. ((•Illlanllai) HiaiTiipl, Florence Siitllh, felule rililrloy. Matlrllne TerT)*,Mar|tueriie niDniiwn.tillle Tlilnkrr. IVari K. TbiimKMra.Toni TTiiimtnn, Velaria ]Qaii«r. Itorulhy Vliiluii. Myrtle Vitrkry. Ellrii Wp^htit rilalrra Wral. Klla Wliwlitr, Kiiima Wrtllor^. NpIHii WnnI, K«rrlle U'lKm, KlU Wrklnn. I.lllle VV«tr, lUray Wai>1iliiflli>ii, Lillian U'aMi. Kllly Wliiibiii.MlM \Vr*^All^o Wrnlvorlli, Irvnn Wnriilnim, rarrlo Wllaim, I.Uile Wrenn. Alln« Wwley, TtiMy YituiiK. May Ynn,V.llpit H. Collin, Jlarrr (TrauiutfMiilfnwi Ch«lira.ll.W. nUrb. 11. K. Colman, Dick Crawfopl,— (mafllclau) Combell, Jerry (Mlln*, tUrry Cooper, Praiii 0. Carroll, Jnlinny ColUn. Bd Conrby, JtJm II. Con ley. Will rqonlnilitiii.U.W. Clark. W. F. I^onroy, Palrlch i'Animr, A. rirrolL Kiaiik i:b)|a,F. li. CuKaji k Hantn Carlton, T. J. Cunla.R.H. i.'krfeeek Allarrit Celling Emil Caufman, It. n. Colian, Uto.M. raL MlnatreU Mark. II. K. Itelton. II. U. Carroll, Lew Ul'alloa, K. Collin* Bio*, Cooper, Cal Cbrk. Farmer Dewa, Nat N. Uaaaon. Bert Pertre. Wiu. Uavlaoa, L. IJopool, Wra. Dorroll, rrwl Urftrtoo>,Tb4 Uarii, Albert N. IH Cuur.ay. llarry Ixnloa, Percy Da*ia. isa. P. Uaehbflioo Bro*. Oonatalta.Loula Paveoti. 11. A. Uee, Matt pt(loia.Edeuil DaeUeOD, Ja.. SKIrfoaM, H. r a WKI, Matrica La I<aot, tlarn Dt Mora, rranli Dt Viae. Chaa. Dtrle, Uita. Daliito, Dul Dtlitore. L«iBai^ rnjtllnr. Jo.- J. Vtl into, Dick Fu.lor, K. A. Pldi * Uiilfit Klilmr, P.ll. Fl.ld>,Ji<liii Kraier, Airlila Klinu, JiJiii A. Kl/iiii t Kliiirlilnii rranlilln.Mnrt FraiiHinl^ TTia rlelda, Al. <l. Pliliar, nil rarnilL llarrv C. Vurnia, Ja.(.\V. nwm, AL riyna k Walker Keiibin nniL KcMlorA l.«*la rani* 4 Bill, falriianb, llarrr rjelda, Jiilin f. rluaartU, M. K. Prty, llearjr l'lll^ Billy P.rTT, Wai, natCBart Pultua llMi.. Proainta, Tliua. II. rnutr. A. (I. Falt^KH. riyiiii, J.1in A. Karnuaoa, JoIid M. Poai WM II. Purre.tar. ¥nnk rtrrli, Wiley ntUM Ltal. GomiaB, |j. M. Uiwlela. Jaa, llom Un. T. (lracea,T1ie (Itrdiier, Jack flormtD A Waal lloMIt, rraak Uoodwla, a. r, Urjal, Al^ UrlniD.aiiaa. K. Ilarrey, Klward allMn,Ua<>. H. Ilnnota, ArtliurT. (Illliarl, (;. liunntaA Wtat Unnt,AI. Uadeti.Uarland llraanop. W. II. Ulliaun.). II. (Irtbin, H. J. Urtgury, (lao. \,. UrIuitr, J. II. Ilunloa, Ball UrlKIn,!!. r. rirlBiw, T. J. lluy Uroa. Ilalltiiliar, Vail llrlmii. Hill) ril'irl.Ctlil. I.'liaa. Ilrlma. W. II. flarrtir, Jti.. 'laiiiM'l. Krivl i;>i»lalii. K. M. lUrrkk a Culller ■lUuler, llarry A. Illlitil, lieu, liotliani i;llv guarlal riiiniiaD. l.lia.. II. Uracil, Uat. (kKtbt Jr., Jo.. lloltl.1', rra<l liiir, ile«. Harkilli, H'.R. 'Oiiictay, Juliij Hulked A.. Ilaneali k Mack llalLJa.. Ilardinao, Lao llonrd * Hland lllluui, Kl«II llanlerdlMir llayelead, Ui... Ilalleiu Jolin llaaUi, Oao. W. Il)d>. rruk llarlKr. I,. J. Ilanirniulrt.llaory lllll,Ariliur llorvai, Cliaa. II. HIrtI, O.aa II. llauK.rradA. Ilorlou. H. llolieOBltla.W. E llotrliloa, C. H.O. I Ivrliie, A. D. I «oBt«My.J.ll.\r I atlatle.. TIm Hart Jr. Tooy tydaa, Jr.. , Id*. Cba». HaMtrK,o.J. r. I tiplu, Ota I tag trot, 1*10'. 0. llt*ir),W.a. Ilr'a. rnat li. lluUtn II. I oll4Ce^J. R. Uoadul, aarry llan. II. A Slay llarrliiian. M. II. Il.iiey, Sln.lar lliilcIiliiMiil, J. I>. ■ .1, W.J. llna A All Hill I. II. Il.tforli, J. J. Il.iiiy. Ill llnrri', Biili Mull, UNI. II. llaiT0>. U'. II. Iliinanl, A. \v. llarTl.,niii>. W. llNiiilltiHl,lleii. II. Illi'koy. Will. II. Iliiliiiae. W. J. lute., r. II. Iiiaarly, Win. II, .lelilar«,Tlit llauun, I'liir. T. Ilanillaan. JkIiii lliirri, IJiaii. llarvfly. I^m IIIIKili, II K. llDvapl. Ili*rt llerlnrl, V. T. Irvlna. UiiiilK, livlul, W. I. Iniln,ll. Imln, *m\ Jolioplim k (1ia|>iiiait Jiinlan, JiiIIkii JtckHHi, Krniik JllllllMI.IIIIU Julian, Fral Jair.rKii, W, D, Joiie^ J. II. Jantll, llan lei K.lly, Frank M, Kaailall, F,. F, KIrkiialrlrli, Mllo Konn»ly,Hcinplil. Klrkliiiii. Arthur Kaniia. Cliaa. Kayt. W. F. Kanny, Jack Kauriiiaitn, Alia Xlilil, lleo. Kanilall, Kdwaid KUrkA Klark Kaneliar, FrnI Koiiyen, U K. Kelly, Jaa. P. LB*, Ja-. LlKlla/. Ilanr >niilr. (lao. m%. Il, K, >Tlaa.l.nia>. >Kler, laiaa. A. Irfindella. J. I,olaiHl. Ja.. J. Utia K II. I.«iUr, Mr. * Mra. IM, L T. Ltui|«rt, J. I,a>ur, 11. K. LoIbmIi, M. Lat, WlllanI LMinl k Everali Utla, Amly Lttrlll, Alit Lywinnct. Ilto. D, I^nailnn.W, H, fit Van. llarry LorlDF k Lano, llarry lAuaduii, llarry Luclar, FrmI U, Lttma. II. Mr. Mori, llerlMri lAiii<«t.i:. II. LtUnil, \T. lull, hm: Ukf, llany i:. ■ ikll A.r. Ua, Frur. Jai lAdeiiilorf, l.liaa, l,tiiili, Frank litno, llarry ljiaranrn,Fnink A Lana, \A*. II. iMi ill, M. II. \M Miiyno lllft.. I..«l>, llvi. W. Uil.. If. H. M.adn, IrfMin UuiliHU. - Mrlnl«<li,- lor l.'rtulai) Malnotle. Henry UcBrldi. W. H. Miaicrlar, Eiltard Md>rvar, Uuaard McUllnUKk * Alklnaon Md.'ant, A. I'. Millar, Fred II, M(UI|on,J. Mllloy. II. Hllrli.ll. Joa MarkJr.liIck Mark., if. 0. Makla k X-ltaide Melloaouali, F. K. McBrlda, II. McLmhi, n«i. r;. Me'^ulcli.oa. Ham McUonakl. Harry Uuailar, P. II. Haiilell, Waaler Malloy, W. L, HarlovA Fluakall Marloiha Band Saaeaaaala. Ybni. iTarUiy, Dan McAiltiue, U. A. Maaon, E. A. MarkHi, Ham Mr.llk,(.1iaF. MaatD, Bill Nalltr, Jua MaMarba«k.Oao. NcOtacby, Cbav. aaeae. Lea eCalit. D. V, Mack, ifiii. MUlilir, W. i:. Malloy, Joa. HeCanhy, Cbaa. 8nrvlirat,T. II, oauty, kd, Mytra, T. J. McOulloDitlltitlty MtrtillUi, ARitit MaiinBaDD, 11. fiotJnaauB. F.O, ulalay,1bl, HtOallany, L. Marina, Piank Mornan, JaiL I*. Har»lllea.WIIIR McpXpaM, llarry Mennlop. iawnnra UlKhtll, W. B. Hdlar, Loali A. Manlntlll, Louie HllhsOua Satllar, Kl, eMlll.ll, ^ Mohrlna. Arthur If tort. Chaa. P. Marka, R. Murphy, Frank Haiin,Va nnr J. NMttLon R. Norria, W. W. Natti^ Joa. NIer. L K. NtsmltisJ. n. Naakft, Fraak Nunni, Bil. J. NrtlftA Ruuiky Nuriuan, — Newell, Lob I a Nelann, Hal Neranv J. |t. Na^h, ifbaa. I.. 0,t iirion. tiami ii'Htlrn, Pml 0*Citnni)r, Kdaani U'Uay, Hilly thin Jam liwena, JrAn iivortnn. t;bai. P. trihfll, Harry Price, l^a. I*. iMwalL Krcil I'rire, Kiklla Prrk. tieo. I'nrdK.M. Palmer, Ur. A. H, nmerv, W. H. Parker A KeUnlo I'alteTMin, II. H. rmchliiK, l*nul I'lokeii, Ham Piraiu, Prvtl I'urry, Jolm d. Patten. Jiilmnle rirVIn, llni. tt'. ■■njnr, Hm*. T. Pnwwr, J. A. PmL Fre.1 Paari, Blllv I'tirnti, Hkliuy I'lte. Fml Quif ley. <lro. gulKUy. Jar UiiMU, |*nil. <li*ii. T>amaey, tHiaa. P. •l*K«y.fc L. TUmlall, liOW Or. illrtimondt Hlriutnlniii (,'. <>, itnriiiiind. Frail A HIre.W. 1^. Itenn. l!. It. HaMn. Jidm Ityan. rml W. ItiiUrin, A. II. Rayiiiniiil, \V. U. Bocha, llarrr Robe rU, Nkk Hfakam,ChftN« HlcaABaHea Rannle. P. W. KrtU^JM A. Roae A Haoia K»(noU, Aailionj Hnbena, Ptanb Kuaakani, C II. HMroa k ritmer Hinahks Wu. Rodl, Will la Roche, DaiM HlriimOMlARyoua Kohlnion, D. K. Kakl, J. At Kb«dftauf. ir. Klpleyrriioa. J. Klail k Hnfera Richmond k illenroy Ruiliie. vr. H Rhaeran, John Hheafff. W. & HrliuylarB NmU BpliAAbe ^ ttjily, John al. Rtowe, John P. iiawteile Urani.Co. ftilly A Mora rpiimer, Bntbeoa ■l-TOtld. Ja II. TauH, Luciano Traf era, Bdwln TtMUber, AL TtiDrtion, Uo' Tuekar, It. R. ItnyuHMhl, Dale P. Hllty, W. r. Kolialrr, - IKckella, lUrrr KIrh, rnif.d.K. Iltder. Pnd Hofl A Mailer Kankin, W, L, lletN llill Huberts A. If. Uaiui>M)iL K. I?, «iiplfir. \Vni. rtirauML a^lbln Rialey. ntannnonil Bpecfe, H. II. NaiiiMn. I^rl A. Hi>hllie,(laa rtL Julian, Dan Hhiiiui, Ittck P. Htern, Roi Haayiie, II. T. HucVhduia. W. R. (4rhlhlnfr,\V. U. rtlianiuu A Mnrrinaey rtherman, IHin Shaw, tUjnii>nd tMiav, I'ola »tnow, A. Ilnrller riheeran. Jan. Hnillh, HHidenton Hilver.Maiwrll Kienheii", W.T. HI. Leon k .Maiire H|<eHrer, Alei. H|«itctr,r. w. H|«ld»it,(l. M. Hnillb, H. Ui Htrorlifua, tiiuiliani, r rileoli% OA. lU Van, diaa. Wiee rait,Jaa. Knily k Jannu Kln>li. K. \V. »llni(l«ti«. Marry Hllr\nny, It T. Kriilt. Itnftia Havllle, X. diiillli. II. T.. rt>-lve«ler, llniry ri>|rHler, Hyil Hiinw, l^ly RleitTiiit, VVni. rtraiiHiii, Frank Mliaa, T, Kp. K.>iiinn, Itnrry H. ri Jo^ Kriiwari/, Finl Kiiillli, U'lii. II. lowtnl Thomai^ Pred'k True, I?. A. Tfaom. J. ti, Ttiom, llarrr Thalcber. J, W, Tltuik Pretl J, Untfervood, A. U Ull^- alTO k Hanall* Vernon, i. U. ValenKne, Ham Van lleUt, Jnbn Van Uyna, Chaa, Van Hake, 0. U Varrey, Collin Van, Chaa. Widf, H. Walle, llarrr Wllllanis Hlin Wftlkar, II. ir Wheeler. AImu Weahtn, A. II. Wftnl, Tnm II. Welr^ Prof. J. C. Wftlher.Whlnialcal Wftlton, Bert T. Wernii, M. H. Wllklna, (^IITeTd Walle ra, Tba Weliater, Turn Whlintait, PrtnU Wlllim. Pnif. WylleTw.Judd Waliiin. Ji>linnla WiHiir.J. II. Warrick, H. A. Witnnwuud, V, Pt WIlMin, Jaii. Way. W. II. Wallbtook, Jaa. Wo«i, Ur. Walter Welch, B. M. Wlnlera, Hanke Wllllania, E. L. Wllaain, Al. II. WidlT. Nor. A. M. Welconio, Fred Wowl, N. ri, Wallera, Jule^ Waalibtiru, I.. W. \Vllllaiii\ll.0. Wallkk, J. 11. Wark, Kuaeiia Wllaixi, Frr.) WaKetiliala, W. II. WllMHi. I'mf. V. Willlaiita, II. II. Waller A WalUr WiHMla, Frank Weal. Al. II. Wanf, llarry While. Cliaa K. Wamiliiiiliiii. Mm Warwick, iMin ^Dunir, (>. Ii. f/ltnniitrnian,B.tii 'JZanM,J. W. CANADA. )loiiU-ital.*Al ilio Arailrnij of XIurIo FmiiPli WIlMiii, Iti "Ttio Iteill'M IHimly." Iiati Uritu liniiaMi weok I Ai'ril 16. HoiikftI: Woak uf SI, "Trilby ;" week <if v rifll Hiiillli Hnueil, In -A l'<H>r lUlallun," "An Moir ai Ijaw" ami "I'earwnil Valley." (il'KR>'H TtiKiTai.-J<iHai<lt Mawntlb bad fairly Urtfo li>iu«ea fnraerh nf Ahlll li. In "Uia llfllla," 'TltoCliii k inakefa Hal," "Klriiellett." 'Mlaiiilal"and ''itlrliani III." Hnihrd: ltp|<niiliii.-ll<iiit>f'Jark llarhwny," by Hie l'Uyrr«' i:iiiiiail, forUie iKMpm of llm M(>iitrval.\iiialeiirAtlil»tlu AM>clai[on. TllKilHH llliTAL.—"Tlio lliialler" ill>l a nilr Imalntwa «N>k<iriA. Ilnikoil: W«<»k nf-/I, lha lluHi lllll KliHllali Fully f'liiiiMiiy: wnah ofM, "Ihiwn In liitlo." (ifKHA VHAXt'Aia.—Tlili liiiiiBe baa liran rnrenlly n>- t>Kiie«l hy Arlliiir DiirUii, lain inanaRar tiC Hm Netr (irlaaiia KrenrlHlmra I'oiaitaiiy, ami illil a Me IhivIiimii fiirwrdk of April \\ wlili "Ia K«iiitiin a ra|*a." "I a Favm lt^"*iA Karfilorik H<«rlll«" and "IH|ti)tiiHi>." Wmk m ZJ. "lenrKill Fauai," "lllitiilPllM," "lA Feniiiia a l*H|*a" and "Lui*Uill UuiiinAnii<nr." WlXIMiR ||A(.l—The Fair niviiaJ al llila hal A|>ril l^ Uicnniliiue for throe weeha, and N lialnii eiteii- alvaly t«tninUMl. MoxuhintNati<i!(ai.IIii,i.— V*aya niabea hla Itrat ap* ■•raram^ hnre Ai>rll tl. Kirrni.-jDMidi llawifrlli and KIrliard II. Hlllny, one of Ilia cnuipany, were earli |>reaoiil«>l wiUi lianilwiiie inbl lirlded caoea )iy lhi« Irfoli l*alliiillc adwiellna of Mmiireal l<i ItalmcatwiitiUnlRht flvan by ilmalmvi* atHildlle*— Itlrliard II. Mill<>y nuiilnrrl lliPianlufDiD nr«l KmvaillM- rer In "llanilpl" Tary rrallialdy, nita iwit luiiin' iiollrv, iiivanl UiMikl liarlnH ■•e«ii dnialoial hy a aaJhoul un the nllway 'Tlia llnMlar" rbMe< the ai<aM>ii lo Hultabi iiattaeeV. and Fraurh Wllaon'aL'miiiany wlllckMa llialr HaMHi Hay I. ^ IlKinillnn.—At llio Oraiiil "Tlio IhinHlilnr nf llio l(r|iliii(<iil" |>iuliirt«l by litral ■iiiniiaiira Ai-rll h, IV, AL Ui cruvdnl Iidum'". t("-a I.'okIiIrii rtiinaa XI lu a biriln adraurn aala. I>m-m| |ierfifriiiaiicea am Iwukeil fur Ibo ra. nialndrrorilia wc.'k. KtakTiiRatmk.-I.iiM invk HItriiln Ktiyand llie Voider Hlalerilinivril u alrunK altraiilon. April Zl aud wuok: lty«r<inl Hlaier>. Fedl. l.'ale/Jno T. Haley, Laura Murll- tiiore, Heula Itlirvui and llie llealoiia. TilKATNB will i*e raoitennd 7] f'iran IndaOnlla iwirliKl by lha Tn I'eo Mnllrhie and t%>titei|y l^mMiiyi rfinijtrUliiK the f'dlowlnii: Clilef liayolhMala. laelnrrr; Nail ritrhntld, Whippier and llckorl, Hay IllrJi. arda, Frank iianllM^r, PHI Hauall, Ji/hn Hatlkr, U. U IngUa, R. II. KIIIoil ami Prof. Lainp. ToronCOt^Alilio Uranil Opera lluiiia lUwo ami (ttiaa. Ovihlan praatDtad "llli>lamaey'* April IA-17, "Tha (Stack Duuk" IB-W, tu bualnaia. I^mtlnit: V-77, Kaia Olaiioa. Tniio:afiUrKRa Hdirai.—April 10-31 "In Okl Kentacky" had Mk bualnaaa (^iiIok: Z)-!?. "Down In Ulile." AOADRMT (ir MumDwaeb uf id waa dark. Cuinintf :31-37i the Piria (lately Hlrla. HooHrM MuaaM la dolnr a looil buatneaa. laactura Hall: Wlllaidaad^Klnw.DeTnri Krlixan<l K,tllaan'« Klneto* arnpe. Tliaalro: Tlia iJuwhlta. La l(iiy Mlllan), Ihe llavt lat(o<, Ia TruGO and Kd ftful Jwalo Bvftni, ^ Q«eliae.—Al Iho Tbealro lUijal tho f^notMO fraud I Opera i>iuit«nr, under lha niaDftvauaBltir All laabnian, opvineil Avrllfa, lo Kood liiialneaa, AuoiMV or Huaii:.—April lo-Xi, "filmlarellaa la-Mmla" waa jindured Dn«lnr Hi* auaiilcaa of Uio Quebeo Know Hlioo CJnhaod mil wllii rrowdiil bnuaea. Tal* llAf.i.—P.|irll |A-a>. /.era Heinon parfunned lo Iklr btiamaH. M*H DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WaihlngloHf Kannjr J>Avonport, In "Gtanion* da," had a big week ai llapley'a .Vailonal Theatre, OAt' wlihaiamllni tlie fallurn to upon unill Tuaflay nighi. Tita opeiilni waa delayed by reaaon of Uia late antral of Ibe acenery, whldi ffinkl not lie pr(ii>erly ant In the llmlt- •d lliue. Tb* Itouae waa HIInI tu Ha caoaclly durlni tun remainder of ihe eneMeiniinle Mute, llajane apMareil for Ihe Ant time lielWte WnalilnKlun auillincaa at Allen'a (IrftiidOpen lluuM, enalncina In Franrli "Mma. Hana dene." "Dlvnrcuna,'' "l.a Hala<rti de I'lrupee," ''Ma (>7ualne"and*'K4pliu." Tlia prlcaa were ralaetl,and lha altendanoe waa only fair. TnalOier k Juhnai/n'a Mlu* alralaMaveeicellenl Mrfurinauceaall the week at (tap- ley'a ArwIainytirMualr. Many new laalurnaalilitl Ihaan lanfatdlllaMln aliraclliiK larMe hiiuaaa. Ttie IntHxlur- tinn <>r IvIlaM In lha ilrit i>art«aa a ploaalntf limovadon. "hioirriMlt'iadaof Life'' waa wnll altamlMl at llullera UljuiiTliaalrii, Jack McAulille and Jarb Ibili^n. a clarer bival IlKhlaolRlil, waTv fiuir ruiiiid Ituula at Hr|ii«r formanre. IMfhy Maurhoatar'a Frencli Fully had a iilllily )ir(ia|i4niua wtek at Reman'a l«yr*ini Theilrn. Tilt Japanaae parlvniiArv wnm a plaaalnif feature In Uitlr flrinf plclnrea, ai will aa In iholr aunderful aciobaili "tarLRr'H Katiojial TiiRAiHK.-Ada llalian, la rtper- torr. AprllZMT. Mr. aod Mra. Keoilal I».Ma; 4. _ Ai.LRia'n (iRA:iii OrsNA H'lfMK.-Kiuart Kotrion ^-V- Tin vptnlRR nr the Runiuitr ruinwiyaoaaon br (ha Hbaw ABrailfi>rd<;i>medr *^*t-. ln"Blr HlinonHlmyle,^'W-M«y4. HartHiTN Ai-AiiRMr or Minic-I^iral «tira«iloaB April 2^77, IllnrkWOrand <)f«raCti. d, ibraa wttka. BL'rtRH'a Biioif Thhatrr.— "Wift" April 32-77, "Vocle Tom't i.'abin" 9>May RHSfAyn LyrRi H TuiATftB.-HamT. Jack'a Ritrarat MUM Co., In-Tha Bull Plabier." April 33*77; Pelar Ma* htr'a AUilttkand VB^dtvllUl^l. 2>'Haf t. f((/iaa,-Tkc roiur of ilit HJiaw k Bradford VawmAi Cv., wbldi will occupy Allau'a OraoO Opera Ilonae: Prederlcb Bwid, Cbulea ri, Ab)>t, W. K. Ablrley, John PlndUy, K. J. Uhir, K/lwin WalUce, Maud Wblie, Ada t'uny, Aanta PladUr aud Millie Jamea, flarrick k '.'ol- Htr'a 'Tbt C'm«a liuuja nf Life" cI'/mJ Uitlr aaaaon hrra n Prank Duutoat Jolntil Tbalchtr A Johown'a Mini irela Ift, aa manaiar Tbe Oreaie*l Show un Earib !<• bllltdhtre for Hay 17. Pi Kllen Vockef. eloeutloolit ftpd ictieaa. liea iiailad out on a Hummer *i«rnna tour, uLdtrthe nianaitnant of Uwrtnce Mannltiir. «'>o will alio be bar Itadfaff man. The/ play a teptrifiry, Inriod- BIpK "lliUllp Bamaaa." "A Womaii a Lo*e, 'aod •Tba Lrarnalle lothor." Htriram Tamjle, RWurd Bohlar. Oralitm, Mwiyaay, Mtinile, Maria Plntd aad DdMp lllar fill out a wtll balanced fomi*ny. They omb I Erla. Pa T?»'*dwe BaiM-ocfcUte wl* ifct BtUn Ulllltrd^iCMDPaoy; Thona* Coltmip ud WlllIaiD,Bra«, oftbe Julli Ifarlowe-TaberC-^ toD, are DAY at their b'>ae« li Vrlo»e-TaberCo..havlBB cP>*«4ib*lr tea tlo uilieltyt ALABAMA. Mobile.—.Vt Ihfl UotillB TUCaUB WluUtB h Martall'i"B'intb Bifora the War.'* April H, U.dbl Iklrly wait. IlilUe Beraard-Chaw. I6-B,«ln repartory. had poor boalaeaa. Uomloi: Levia NorriM 0„Bouia'« Band flret two ptrfomaacat»,