New York Clipper (Apr 1895)

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j\l>BlL 27. THE KEW YOBK OMPPITR. Ill) lij ?"iivpc*r In 'tSiarl^'i Auot'' IP. W. {MCftoM of V.f Mr fai'iw-. C.Omirtoek. i.r UiUeily. uui ,lll"f->nl look Iwr pi*** on diort noUw.......Jwlw IJkerir uie UUnJ Ojwrm IIoom. ITiw. 11. MiiK fo «ell «nrf in tlie IiU(ai»onb*»won P.r. Proctor idO lleiirr p f^nlior. foniMr ppirinnn (n lt»e muie«meoT. Nr. Pn^wr lA •ip"vt«] iHMns rVoro fturopv about Mty I, LE,n»wa*T«l«>P'«fnM nuy l« MiinMtr rhi*^ II or iUniiMniiiBleflcksr Hull. In iioniii. alter ^ .I'^ncB ot lire »r«k<j. KWt at Ih* ImUldo af hm k!«ilipr *liabroke twitli In an ncc <l«nt at RrMre- i.wi>-u'i I-» ^- ■*vtred hU Aid* BaffAlo-—AtltieAcadem/otUurilu KtU ciax- '*«Tl7TiiiiATMK.—FuIIenwii 2t-H. "Hit* yoanir tiiao fi^lc III* •l'-l>ui A nprruiiianrar at lltvan, .V. T., "Jiili'j."ulftnr. fl-TT. "Triner Pr>t Ten" Ot^nt lUneuvr'k. LUIIftn Ku^aririi enimtMnml amouni«J lurt .. LTi ifM TnKATU^-*Tliolliirtl«r" h ilie ailnictlon for ihl« MMk. "FODlvtnN Ball" n»\l u««V. '-yu* Two jphn*" "oUrt"""'"! «"ilierinn<. 0)r>T Sthkr Thkathv—(Idh lllll'i .Nureliluare Uila «*«k'« pMuuro RlTtrK. The New York Htan veil vjiilrAed bne awlioncej. . _ Mrfii: llAU—Olbiiun'i BnnJ 37. Hiaod MiT. Prince Kolila, MlRnoneii*. Slarit KoRitrK i-ml« :lcol>> ff**! McOfellan, Val»«r« anfl Aiiij K>nt«l)e. 3IIrlla«l Hh«a (■ now prMrfelnror Ilia oU Jolin fleirrrt cvm«r or Main and Hohatrk Rtnel*. Thi f)TAii manajTeniant liaa adopted the cu«toni nf ittrriiiK IcM And cako* beivMU tlie act*. KockMlor—The LjCtium will Ito (Uirk fur tbe rallrv «Hk of ApHI 22. >Trllby'* len W. iMvlnypUred U> Moil Imitlnaa iiurlnit the wepk. Kllen B4»ac)i Vav Ii ,tK«n fur a vliiiric cnncvrr May S, QiHiRUPnu llm'61.—Nllton and pollle KoUm, In r*. PrtPTT, will noinln tlire« iilRbu. bttclnnlnR Zt, to h4 i;r>|. red hy LHlUn Ri«BtidlT. hi -Hlif Ciiuklit't Mjinr tiir«r,"'i>rU>pLBitarliairoi'the\riM'k. "T1h< PaM Hair f-ai«hr<l:ainiHkln;r * laying trip. .\aooun<-fit| for April i» J). MaT I.TonyPdtUir. .iCAiiKHr or M 1-011'.—UotikInn* TruaOceaDic Ki>Mlaltr Co. ippear«il tz. u> r«ni«ln for tba weak. "The Orm- iDMi" plar«l 'V K"^ nudlenc«H liat a-e«ik. <>>tnlu|[veck arn lilQiilafliw^nl. WoxPKHU!TDMt:«BiT»ATHR.—HiOM aiitactlona an ■oiiuunewl Tor tb« week: (."urio hall—l^lnce TInymlta, NuUr KJdIa At>Uiir, twy miiRlrlan: t^pt. |[. (ailtton- ■iMu with hia aieHxInal Aiiierlcn. Thrare: Brannao tad \Vbe«l«r, Pearl Ionian, Iiare RmtbpiA and .Sharne aad ffor\I«i. Tmy^At ttie Grtnwold Optra IIouht, April 1&-17, l^lnrr Coi'i ^'BrownlefT' packed the buure. Ht« Tavary Ura^l Uagll^ (>par» Conipanr, Id "Caruien,"dld air boilatAHia. 'Tr[lby"drawab)r:ljouAe3). SamrllLanI Xri. BaUvIo came tt-U (return Tialt), Jlre. PoUer and Rr9k> Beltav 27, lo "Cbarloua Conlar." KIND'S OrsRA lIuCHK.—TtioniaH \V. Kaene did falrlr «e)ll^l& The Laureaia Boat Club, louJ, nlareU toS. K.O. In "Cupid and P*/cIiy" 17-aa *'CharIey'il Aunt" crtfiieA22, Billy Btrrr. In'The RuloaneDerailoD," O, for the bfneBt orthe tloldeo Rod Club. (iiYmrTHKiinii.—T)» R«aiz^ntt«y BurlrwiueCoui' ptnr com* 2t for the wetk. The Loadon Dellai Burlewioe Ct)iDp«ny dill a goud biuluew all la»t n-eok. Syracaae.*At tbe WlellDff Oiwm Uoiim UArie Tanrr'x timml Bnitll*k Op«n Co., preMnUnn 'Caval- laria RnMlcana," "II TcDvatore." "T^nitan** ami Tann- hao(er," haUirtwlbanlaeM April in, 17. Wllllain Barry ikl veil lo 'The RlHlns Urnoratloo" 20. Out: "Tlie UeriI'M Aactloa" 24. 'Trilby" &47. BtSTARLR TnuTRi.—Ilaolona' "Kantaamn" dmv »eU iS-17. Booked: Urn. Pnuamnd Kyrle Bellev, lo "KraDCll- Non" and "Charlotte Conlay." 21, 23. U.K. JArom'TiiKATRR.—"Slarea tirOoM" ilrew fklrir lS-17. "The Tornado'' bed a inedloin bufloeaa IS-31. BUM: 't^oun IIolIov"t2-U, "nie Ntsht OalA"2}-27. Kewbur|r.«Attlic Acadenijor Uiialc "Ar1iti>r< rary" compii April tLln aid of llie Klka*rliarllyTuDd. I'aitner Cvx't "BroviileH" 2^ 27, IncludloK a matinee, on a fuarantee at advanced price*. *^n the Hover?" \i, John Drov, lo "The Huttentlea," 17: 'Trilby" iv. all dM vHI. 'The DerH'R Auction" coniea May ». Lavreore llanley vaa eanired by Hanager Wllllain A. Brady to t>Uy BTOoiTall la 'Trilby." Mr. Hantey waatakon fllat Trny April Ift and Uiere waa no underaiudy, an Mr. Biadr •iHoniiined to art iho part blmaeir. Kire curtain calU ware bU ravari atfheend or the thIrU act. Blngh«mlon^At tti« Stone Opem IIoum "Harada," by k>cal lalont, under tlie direction oT Capt- Chai. W.EdJy.rorihebeoedtot Reulab Lodii«. Ko. IIA, 1.0.0. K.. vaa a bl|r flaanclal auecoM April lA-30. Book* Inra: S, Thru. W. Kaene, In "Loula XI;" 21^ % Jm. Uavorth. In "llamUt" and "RIeliellau:" 27. "Hie Devira Auction." AttheBUouTbentre 'The White rTnok" rame IA-17, to hrse biMlooiui. Bice A Batton't "UcDoodle uri Poodle" (ratuniMaae«m«at) bad a K 0.18-1). Doe :»-24, "Ole-aLack;"28-27rpoll«rton. Utlca^At the ITiIcA Opera HoiiHo the Ualdvliu (Ike miteUahaunan) packed the liooae with their par romiaare oi myat*ry, April U and ve^k. Dated: William Htrry, In '*rh« Rlalet OoDeratloii," 2: Palmer t^ii'f **BrDWiila"23,Si,llrH Potter and Kyrle "Char- Imi* Conla;" B, -TlieBtory ofLutlior" tlocal) in, 27. COLORAPg DeiiTflr.—At Ue lUtMr (imnd Opem lloiioe, aeek of April 17, Dm Callioaa Opera Cn.. In "Amoriia* and "The Block TluBMr," iilayeJ to good faouaea. Week ••r 22, Effle BlUler. Ltcicii TltlATRC-Weok of 17 HcKoo Raokla'alMock Co, ta/A Legal Wrvek,"haditDodbooaeii. Thocuupaoy compriwfl Hr. and Mra Sidney Drew. Brnati Walcni. Ed- nnl O'Connor, Frank BberMan, LoulM KIplay. laabeUo a"^i'v"?.'*°" Kalglit end Franhte Elliot. Week of I, _ _ ^ _ _ "Lord Hoonoy," olayMl in KootTbuall Hivia FRo-tT I'aaK, " - - flhova. oari* BTniKT TllUTRl.-Ttao Ilooney Comedy Co, In „rf u«-«-1 . .„ hualneaa. ' •May 2,3,4, tbe Creat Byndlcato Clnb will glTi a grmad concort April 19. company, which liail be«ii In TrinMad, reioroed llaod reopened 14, with "Mlied." to beoecceoded. U. by^eTkheiofl^VeMnn." HTA^ARD.—No notable changea veremado to Ibepro- ggnimo bm week or u BaMlneiM la fair. Som—Thoperlodloalthrut which bobs up with eadi baniteorifaror and city adiqlnlatratlon, orckialng d|> ihe Standard Tbaatra. la aaln adoat. but Maiiaffcr Jv. lUnlla cate Show, Clma and to feel eaay about Ir dUfp • _ .'TiiVorut sinS^ rome la billed fbrMayS, Lekdrllle.—The W'nloii Open KuuMnniflliiH dark. * LIU _.. UankV^llarrlMO. Lalu Maddeni LluTo Hprinni, douMirrn*eMASonT.—Titarett AmiRtronK, Julia Coin- niluKT, Uanka llarrinoo. Lulu Midden, Llulo Hprinn, Mable AlNUin, Venrla RIable. Ton and Trixle Wade, Piddy Maebaii, Nellie OiTonl, Annie Mlle> and Freddie Peailey. BaHlaeaiili (mod. Till roUoeIng niuaiclana playwl at a concertatUoltl VtQilQoie, BaiterBunlay, II; Jolm Curtlo, Tlolln; Jaa. L. lioM. elarlooel; John X, Kerna, ftm comM: OtM. Mulr, Mcood comat; Fen Q. Barker, rello; 1^. wilier, viola; Ktphael Trillo, trooit>one; H. Bnnuiedt, aecomT violin; FA. Hoyt,dnina; Ctrl Btobl, ptanlat, and Hau Rot^enberK. conductor. ^^^^ TEXAS. IloatftoB^AtHweeuey ^ CuomlM' Opera UodbB tlie United Butea Marine Band liad abig houae April Pii.ACi ToUTfti.—Opening IS: Kittle K*e^ ClllToid •oU WilUana. Umul WILaoo. Nellie Vaughn, neorge X. Wil. Mn, Charley Oaiei^JobnWllllaiiu,Klo WIlllainaandToin Kelay. Loyuox TuKATBi.—The Mine people hekl over week .Mv Pavilion TaRATBiL-Baalnaai oMoed blir 13^ witli I' II.CoHonandBnnianenedielKIn "riaiahn>nkFarm." H InnlfrvdTnmer doe* nolo TrhUUlngaNa ipeclallfttwlih iliecenpuy. Til Tiunrei of tbe Bveeney A CoonibiC Opera IIoum *aa male li, hr flveeney A C'ootnbr, to the Bveenny. "•"wiin Opera lloiae Company, tJie cooaldetatlnn Iwing VMSak ne contract for paUIng the opera houae proper <"i tlie Ant neor liu been aimed. Uallma,—Tbo Operm IfoiisorDRisloeddnrkweck Vif .Aprilld Ezr& Kendall beoedia Manager Ueo. AoKy tt. yi>\\ov\ig tlila eaganment DaUaavlll lia\ea aariaior '''aDd coocerta. Tbe United Btat«i Marine Band cooim A 24, Carl Beck'H Mlllury Band37. tf,Rouiu*a Band May3. ■ . ..Day A Kornll have leiaod ilieOikClliT Kuuuier Tiifainand Park. Tbeyeoen wlUi a conilc open rum* l-anvfuMay. ^ tiBlr«Btoa^At tbe Grand Opem nouee Lewis Morrlaoii preeented "Fauft" and "Rldiellen " to poor at- uq.Udc» A|ir(l U, 11. Tbe BaUvln-Melrllte Conipeny < raiuni eDgaoiniat) did a big builneaa 12, l\U, iS. with JTtw aUcSriai." 'The Two Orphans,'' 'The lui<tde Tiick" and "Ten NIgliU lo a Barroou." WASHINGTON. Bpttkane^At the Andltorinm ibe Wsrde BOd •'■uie^Compaox, In **IlDg Ileorr 1^' aDd"Ja1lua Caraar,*' 1^ W, lo B. B. 0. Combg: '^FouDd" S2, Z), "AtatMua" May 0. 1, "A Teiaa Btaer" 10» II. L-}!f^S'/"-~*'««l( of April U: Oua 8avllle,Ada Yoang, Mity Kdnanda,HayMonDeU, EUa OllbertiLalu Watia, . "i^Ul* C*naen. I^w Bpeocer.rialre Htaiifor, Ja<iae)lM »d MInnu. Docile Hliaroe. lUu Ung, AddU Biiter*. ll«rmao Armand and lU. Dolaa. UL-rRi.-Maod tnarton, MarCort, Janei Vabdi, Bar Mrd .iiaieia^PHnce f^ul, Lydla Rom, Pnif. I^rlna, Ida biorou. Ihe Coyne^ rtadle FalrtleU anJ J. J. BlUadfao. , T«eoM_At Ibe TBComB Tbektra WAtde tnd Jwwi, la *t)thelIo" and "llenrr IV," played to cnviM \S^J^f^ fl^ 9. Tbe Fmvlev WeVnte aieeOeel tweatatfona to fhir bailiMaa lO-l^ lo "MolM** *OapL ii!3 ..^f"^ AMTaare** and "AH tbe Omfbrttf of |JJJJ^^«*ed: Tbe Wliltnay Open Oo^ In "Hie Feno- Winder the Tcnts# rmni Ci RTis * <j,;aw4's Oomnsio Siiova and Inipcrtl JiptncKa arcne—AmngemtDta mn rut ncartn; cuoplclloii for tbe optolsg ot UiUurmDia- HoD, wMcb win oceur iitjuut tUj 1. .NoIUiik b) be- ing 0Dilite4 00 llie ptrt of tbe muuiieiiKDl, tmt innMrMDproUuce.lnllwmjotnaMiigiblii* am dS-TT T. Ilfj.n, .mJimiS aireciot, t. J. Wutlu, immitlea ud iMniitc- Jl-SSfJ' '5 '"•T" 1' «. I'., IB ew, liilH(B Unilben, iVbluwj ud cettr, Cb«». Jtiniiae idiiKlnR Hid d<in<HDg girto. rrof, A. °" lit- ttrmni, loiroraud Ilnu Iland and tircbeirii of r»clv« iniulclua. We tnvel m uur owu aiwcUllr ... v. "'"i"- whuidgood an curaellM with of L. W. EvtrjUiIng la laidT for our oueulag ds>, lUy 4. The w»g«o nukemTwictanliSr Md ntaten ire -Mib'im'^.'S ",'"'""•'"««'^"""•'Meihow, wblcb wUI be the Urmi ever conoecled wlib i wiigonabow. Twocir1oidiioraiieboi»M,cont«ln- liigthlfi.T-iUxbei<i, twenty hesd nne dapple gmis ■te liMaUiM. Wecanaaftlrnr Ibln tboir will be Om •Dd at lerve m uv wagon ahow la thla pan ottbeSutea. VVehavetwenir-elghtpeifonsemiiod a challeiwe Iwod. and ereiTthlng la newand btigbL We will bare elghi-ali ftoflt. fte aret Mil wagon hai BNrted, andnnmlier two wagon wUI alait April ''0. The pngismoe people will be three daji ahead of llie Bboir. Among the nufoimeiii re<-«nil/ aniveil V?^^' MacK.Vvnile Kerns and wlfo, iMevo Richarda, Robett Wltajn, HIII7 Lewis, Wet Sulln and Uap7 Dunham. Nom ymii Uaku A liiiiNiuiiT'.i Boow.—Tbe show open* April», In ttalem, III. Following la Ibe IW of people: (Mh llant/. Charlej llaatj. Jaroen J. Sweeney, :iaphla Uenrnn, Oeonie Homer, Ulu Wal- tare, Arthur MoUaulel, cbaa. Itoker, IM. A. Itetn- hart, Oeorghi Banhart, Florence ^lanhart and Ura. Ctuu. Baker. Our show bi entirely new. Ju« re- ceived oor new caovaa and are boay having eveiT' thing painted Id readlnew to onen. Wo carry a Innil of ten niece*. WiLuiv 0. llALi la engaged aa pilnclpal bate- back aomenaull rider and F. C Cooper as general agent of Cole'a Clrcos. OKiRiiK Ui NBiR, ot the Kiiulani, atrlatlxta, now ErroniilDi wlUi Ibe Uaraiim i Ualley Show at idlson Square Uarden, tbhi city, ftU and waa serloualy Injured during tbe performance on the aftemooD of April la. lie leaped from lils liar, mined catching hla bntber'it hands and feU Inio Ihe net, tuity feel iKhiw, which went dowowlib a crash, landing him on tbe ground. Be was picked op unconsctoDs by the allendania and cairled Iniii the dreasilng io<iu% where he was revived aim It was discovered he had dlalocattd his ahoiilder, fmcluieil a tlb and auatalned seven lolemal la- lurlrH- He waa sent to a private room at tbe New tork Hospl'al fortreatiMui. MomK OK THE Band with Ooli'k Cinrra—Jaa. vr. Vhattaway. Ijaud maater; John A. Ilyslop, lleniy ifendcigaat, Kd. J. Uevanna, Chas. (Mfrey, Arthur HndlBon, II. 1). Ryel, Kml WhUlook, Jas. Pniider- gatl, Ben. F. UnrlUni, lllchanl Hairy, ami Sam Fisher, leader. CXiL. J AH. IV. 8i!iii.v, for many seasons pionilnenily IdenllDed wllh Stlhi llrolbem'tlrciia, was a CurrEB caller April 18. TH08. Howe, cxpanslouliit, sod bis vrlfe, Ulllo Wray, long haired woman, have signed wlib tbe Son Hnthera' Circus for ibis season. Sans FBOH IIUKTiKu'a C'lni'i-e—Our fourth week IsOnlshed. The weaUier baa been colil and miny. <l. I. Slhaman, musician, late of CleveUnd's Ulmirels, jpbiedatRlchiiKind,Va..A|ir1l 1^ Kd.lilcken.Hike lisle, Bahlwbi and Cobnra, Oeo. Bparka, Isle of Cleveland's Ulnstnla, were vlsliaix at Hicbmood, also lir. J. 0. K. Allen, of medicine fame. Fnnk A. RoliblOBlsona vliilt to the advance. I- Mclnall, Hon king, waa seriously Injured by the llonea, Buchanan, Va., in. The Hotel Ilunlliig dally reeds two hundred people, and la nm In Due elyle by F. W. i«rter, assbled liy J. F. Lander as cy. Our slock Is getting Into line shape under the mauler band or Jake PoMy, while our corps of ran- vssmea are kept hustling under tba eagle eyo or HalphCmselt. Uaddenandl-oweiyaremahlngainir- crss In black face In the ronrexl. Aimie FIckanl'H skirt dance Is also a prominent feature, Tbo«.Uad- den In piacllcliig a new aerial act and cloud iiwlng. KOTK8 FROM USOK W. WAHUmnUI'll ClHVlll.—We opened our Heawn April 3D, at Iiavton, Ky., nndera cloudlesa sky, and while aeveial accldenii of a EOlnor degree reU to our lot. still no one was hurt, and all went meirlly as wedding bells. Tlie parade waaceiialDly a cmllt to any show, and contained somemagulncentwagsnsandchsrioia. EventhliiR seen Id It was riesh rrom the palmer's baniM, and with Its bandii of muslr, steam organ ami calliope, enongh muric waa rendered 10 aailsTy tbe uioei ex- acting, lo Ibe Bflemoon the crowd was big, but at night the canms was packed, and hnndieds were compelled to aland. Ot the performance all voicd 11 waH oy far the best, and I'onislned tbe largesi niim- iier or peKonnerH Vr. Washburn has ever preaeuied lorthe Americas puiillr. Among thoee whii received unstinted ainiause In Ibe eqiiestrlsn depanmeni werelXiny iranitlion, William Kibble, Albert Urton, Helena liamllion and tincle WaKlibum. The per- formance wasa smooth one.conalderlogthsiII was the OiKl, aod eveir reature recelveil merited pralsv. The menagerie Is lane and well aelecled, aod coo- Islns Home rBts specimens or the animal kingdom. Norm riioM thi Wiimni ijiahtbhii ok SAunii-i j t Bweis' Bifr Una Illog Ulnns.—We are all vei7 Imay gelUog Ihloga to nadloem ror oar opening at Hyi«cuse,N. Y.-Kayv. Boas Canvas Nsn M'UlUma baa pot op a aart. lonnd lop for rebestsala ot stock In tbe ring sod Ihe old hoiMS seem tu enjoy It. The new ones, nnder Mr. Rwen' tiaUilng, an getting Into tbe waya of the ring. We bave six new speelsl atylea of "llthoa," and tiiree special stands, besides soy amoont of piciorlal descriptive work, which wHl tend to Iwom the ahow In gooil sl|ape. Agent p. II. Kboades Is laying out Ihe paper and will look after II and put It up. C. U. llenry, general con- tnclor, has commenced bookloga, aod npnila proapeota btlgbl ahead. Hr. Hauielle to looking ahead ror a prosperous seasoo, for he bss one or the laigest one ring wagon shows on the road. Sidonia, tauooed man and alack win walker, baa algned with Ihe Croat lleyoolda Shows fur the com- ing season. H09IU OK band vritb Stadel Broa.' Clrcos tor tbe coming scaan: rroT.C. P. Diown, leader, conel; L. U Van vieet, coniet and leader of oichestra; Wm. T. Cronln, oUrtooel: Frank Famll, alto; 1>. W, Klngabeiy, second vloUn; N. C. Uoldeo, Irum- bone; I. 1>. Van vioet, baritone; Triad Leonaitl, inba: i^lwanl DitiAbee, trap drums; Jap llaton, baas drum; U. C. Smllb, piccolo, and B. il.TuteU, second tenor. , . , net. UiTM, property man and lllbognpbcr or Ihe Tkuoton (SUsa.) Tbeatrr, Joined Ihe luniom k Bailey arcua April 32. AL. UsnoH baa Joined tbe Damum A Valley Clicus. KcNabs k Bhuwn's Staiie CiRiTH closed sud- denly April I'J, at Knoxvllle, TOnn., no wa are lo- '"EuiK 8. Onii, tuba and double lisfw, la wllb Ibe Bunllog Circus. , . DnARLU L. Yui'Nii Infonnii ns tbal be wan ohUged to give up Ills engagemeut wllh the Baroum A BalleySbow on account of III health. UeaUoauies that be la slowly recovering and eiiiecls lo Join that show aa aoon an be Is able UI work again. inu.Y UcxiE, the clown, has left the Itomum- Balley Hhuw, and Inleuda alartUic hla own clrcos on the road. Ci'TON-n, Ibe Joggler, bss besn engaged to make Ihe aide ataoir openings aod aonoonce the concen for Ibis season with DeveiMge's Wild West. SOU TH CAWO UNA. Ckmriastoa.-'AI Uwena' Academy of Hualc •Loa IB ICew »«rti" dnw and booMs at peixlar priotm April U. M. IT. Th* eoMPasf doMd Ihalr ■■•nn hjia SEJa^SyWa rrlead bt ctrily U. MsMI fslg. oaoes B-». - KANSAS. LMV«BW*Hh^.U Crawford-a Onnd Open llouss r»U Diksr, April H. hKl Mr liMlnws. Vu Ll»r cTr toTu. b«l Jir »..lD«.. "lo dd TwuMaaa." "wwaSai.-AI Omwtort'sOrend «« Lilly Clay C«rASui».bsd&l» bMlaMS. Co«ihig,CalIi»«oOpeia c«.s. V ariety a nd Minstrelsy Tint .v*.iH/ n-nttr la Ihe ilik »f n new hciiiI inoiiihlj whU'li will Itf imhlUlKd iiexl week. It nil) •^iMolelKlii oiU|i*ict* Olid will Ik- iIptoIM In tbe ci»ppclal intfreniA of song wrticm, miiiUcpQi»- Ibiher* and nil Inicrcificil In ibal llw. nioimiidiknl sWetchM of niDolral wrllcw will nppear. wlili Hmlo- cngravcd porimtff* ami pfii hihI Ink p'rtnrci<. Tl»e iiiacayaiic will fill h berrlnforo unornmleil ticM. niid iirove a noTfiir frtribr profi-vloii. JohnJ. UrlntTrv U the editor. Tbe timi.-eof itifbiiMlcnllMii will IkMr New \ork Clljr. AiJiKRTHtiNtt Ki.uyonngpiiiflilld and unlj mn of Jtibn und lh>t Soiiwell. dletl April i;,nl HI. Hnrv'rt ll<n|ilial, IhlHcliy. fmiii pnviniHHiUi.'AHic. will, hU HcrutMUclttfar, ban i-lrwd a BpcclnlcnffiKTinciil wiMi tlio Hamnm A Itallry (Irrurt. lie In nnn (til Itio Kith) A MUMIcImq rlr ciiU,lot:hlcii]r«>. 111. Ki Hr/, JnuglfT. Infiinnrt iia thai after plnyliis Ihlrly trpvkrton ilii> ^^neni rln-nli he \\»m auvn "Oil. Ilr rxiwli. tn iw lo Knropr duriiiR Uio Suiu- nii-r. I'LYIlK I'llllJ.irrf ASI» HlHA X.^YXnN iMVe fllWCil ti men weekrtVntfaifeiurni nt the Niiidnn'Ttienitt*. 6(i>lll>r)lvlllc(».,^vltea'l[^. I'lillllia waiitairoiiMn- •dcr. l,Kw lUKiJii.nipeiiH.Viirii ii.Qi tViimtAii'Opera Hnime. PhllatltHphbi, 1^., wllh Sully .V Jitiuon'a UliuticU, (iX i* llii.L'H Xrw Vork Siifw t liiMil ilidr miMm at Hiinklo, N. v., April 'JO. The World of Novpliltw will clOM iliere -it NnriK Muck closed wlib lhe"8pMiT ftnd Hf*' 0». iHft w«k. Onmiig A. l^iKi-R hart ffoim Wcfll wllh Stinhio Worrell KniBht. to dn Mketcbw In ihe itrindpfti TaiidovUle botiicj*. W. H. U'atmix will I'onilnito to In pmprielor end DUDnfrer nf tbe Wniimn SUlen tM. nnill Aug. I, after which «Ute llio i-nmpitiiy will li« owned i>y OeorRO ClArfce, and Mr. Waiaon will Daniue "o UonliganSi Uawiiientde." KDIi|KBlIA\'MAS-pUAR\VOHIilLVaTm plATlOff Ihe UfMTt cirrnir. IliJOf Hiiisos wAH Hperiniiy oniragod, w«k of April .u, to do berHpei-lalili'rt ln"rtniiierand KlT'>ai Ujrte A llehnan'a Tdettire, DrooVlyn, N. Y., uud met wllb minifaii. TiiK liiiLRiooKS, dirrct from ttielr iwelvo wooka* eDgagemenlalllte Itnjal Aqiiartiim, Utndon, Kng„ are niMlhig vlih huccc^ al llio llnnant Atbe- Dn uQt. lloatoii,Uam. Fhamib llBiiiRKr U re-engaged f<>r iheHnnunvr KiirtOD wllb Moler'ri Ulikareim Kn. R. Uahton ami Van l.ggn bave nH»ln Joined band« and are dnltip n wblte fare romeilj act. Tbi-y aiTCDgtben the Umitcm A I*aliiier Bbuw ihU week at tke Aiidlioriuin. rbllndelphia, l*a. NiiriH vnax Hicb A Daktonh CoMRMtiNX—We will close one of iiio iiio^it proApcmua waMiiiB wu hHve ever exnerieiired April ut Wuldiiiann'ii Opemll(>niie,Ni;Tt'iirk, N. J. \Vu have llliol up our orttreHln llie lUco UutldliiR bi luxurioiia MjU', atHl all buidiiew fur Unb nhowM will l>e tniiimuied inerr. I1iu coinetly, ".Mt-lhtodleandhMMlle.'* wlilbeenilit- ly nwriitea fnr next Heaann, and ilio mnipativ Ereatlj tttrvngtbcned by llie adilll'oii of wvi-nd well DuK-R farcu comedy iwuplc. Tl:u foeluhilng ami fltafrtug of tlw p-Ddiii'il(iii will be more oiniioniio (ban erer. Hkkr lliATT, wbum wifu. Ulncrva, baa accom- pllslied mucb aiicceiu In eiblldilnoM of Hlrcnflih and endunncu. Iuh lakeii luin bh own Imudri the mau- agerUI aitkln of Uluerra. Tlio ladj h credited with havlDR recently lifted a plaironii lieurlog eighteen inoo, and iho now expmucrt a doflre tu meet any oin»r profvcMluniil Hlrung wuinan In a con* t<Kt ufalrenfllb. Tom Mai-k. of llupktiut' TranK-Oceaiilc Co., luw been eogHged hm iitage manager fur Jitinet I). Itellly, who will open ihe HI. ClutriCriTheHlro. nt Allanllc City, N.J., fur the Suiiioicr. .Mr. Mack Iiih alsii Blgned wllb Itio llupklnH Ctt. for next itcamn. TifRannualolectluo <if otllccfH of Ibe Aclnro* I'fO* tecllve rnltio. No. l, IIiIh city. takeH placti Uay Tbe l'iil(in*ri new rooniM at lo-'i Kaat fVinrtecDlb Slrrei will open May 1. Iteiient iwrfnniMnceii dor- Inff the weekof May i:iaro now icliittamnKed. i:UI)OLfir 1M)MM-|IKK, who Bitcd rtl uMiitant stage inuoager at Uiile IdtMu'ri Imnellt, at UlnvrV Rlgtilb sVvemieTbeaire, tbU cliy, April *JI,u\pe<*ta to have bit own cun)i»any uu Iho mad next aeaHon. BOUKI5UH—At llaha'a TTiralra. Bvanatllle. Im'.: I'ADlhliiaod Lee, UaHy Lfili Poiillain, ihe Mwtrr rijaiorM, MamisKllne.Pmr. MaarlcaTurbman,iilanlni.ami Itiirry Poy Al Parlor TItealre. SitrliigHflld, Mm*.: Kir>rry and Kai>«ell. Ecliptie l/uarta», Plurm H«oil. Kldla U*De>t. Kd. Hogontiutl LlnulMUvini^ev At n«rtuir«Ttiealra, Nevfwrt Noei^ Vn.: Minnie Rnminen^ Alice NawnHitb. Edna rorrvM, Mill Ralin. Klllle Millar, John H. Harluo, KrIllaMonrm; L'llle Van llnniv, Baui HiijdtIL Juale Ruft- prlUJobn tUimiiui, .lack (Ikirnr. and BcofteM mtiA I'llf- tiiii Al tbe Itlvli KtreeiTlieatrr, Munele, led.: Knok Ciiiiiialiim Kitly Kiililil. Arllr Klllinure, Lit le Adania, Tlllle Vanr, Clfiln JmOM, JraleLavlop. Unna KIIU Itaiulil. noo, Jennie >^lltun, Daale WiUinandJ U. Murphy Al Die PranhllQ Tlieatrr. .N'urliilk. Vn.: Tnipheirt arnl Au"- tin. Jnhn irniiietay. Willie llrcrii. Alice Dillon, lluvnnl RlOrrpt. Id4 KtNert, K<iv Heiinetl. Kate UrrKury, Kloreiire Lrriiy ■ml KmmId Parrrll Al Ihn Slandanl T1ir>»l'*. lavRKHil. lit.: Llnlf ricM. litiiat, thr Dni)ton«. Wally llrUrnn. Df I Put*HD ami Hen llaaue At Ihe I'eiMiln'o Tliralrv. nithormn, \YI«.: Tlif three Kl«ine>er«. I«iyi) ami llurkf. Aliitre Ih«iiiarln. Hraro t?l.'VrUn<l, Jrniiy Itobvr. lUrila WrlglilHinl Prank Wr'g'it .^1^ ^MAAii AM \i/ Mif^.—Thr lltA: \. f^lrr IVtiniiAtir r)(iv<1 ihe arii*Mit ^iFn^lSCcll jin^Afl^^^ ^r'"<'><i' ^|.;. itaiik'«\V r^ ..i the 1 ■ IVJ W I lUII W Uw Vl\ Hio>. In«twiirr.itn)r ni iiii4.olt,( *lnee that tine, ami I'RttK. (Mn-KB, MMgh lnii, J. 11 liMriltw, nnliiMl Iralner, awl Jtthn IMrvla, the clown, Imre itonpbl the rniln* iilbcn'« drcua onint, conabiting nf nne soft. top. wllh a t\)rtj middle iHw; etais, pokj», llgbtit, one i\rL drfctdng rotm top. one alx if>lo bono tent, one four pole ctM>k trui.',iitte .VKt lop, wllh a .'toft, nikldlo piece, fi t Hile i(Ih>w: rtgbi donttiedrrkTtii'kfrpainilnjpi,^ douMc iln k lirui u palnilDfru, Qlghl iMfgan wiigon>,4tno Mckft wapm. one l«nd wauMn. and iwrnty hmd i f Hue ttiuiig work botw!!. Noi«t: Tbe Hhow lit ih>iv In vvintor tiiiarlcrH at ^leetwuod, IM., nndtrimlof irMlm. eiul tm< paint ta noM flylOR In all Uln-f iIi>Uk when no own, whirh will br about Uay 1^. we wilt ba\i' oiif Of Iho nvalRtt little almwa In Antertca. Wv will trMvrl ItT wugon.amt tbe the nliow will knownaa Ciiirrr. Iiiirtlno A l'iir\ia* All JNrw Cnlted Hbnit^^. Orrtta, Miitirnni. Menagrih', Wild Went and ItalMcd Anliital KxMlilllun. K<MTiK ur Hi hi.i a Ci»« avn "W T. 0." tNi—Prank II. IViry, geoenil ageot; W. lluiliiian.aKaUtaAI: tlen.T)|>- hin. trader «f lt«nil. altti ulne m^n: V. H. Wrlgiit, Inailvr ■•: urcbffMra, wlUi n\e umo: K. Ulll)|can, ttai* iiianaM>r; the .XmlerwHi ^'BUilty. Maudia HunrR. Mra Millie tlrare, l.lllle Ida Orac^ farrle lhinlof\ Harry ttmnrMg*. Vhn*. VaOi**. Julut Burkr. K. \V. Vanre, ll.t^mnk, tfnK mvl$\; lieo. Kllloti, aUgeariMUrantl dtamUUer nwn; WlllUin Il-n0ar«on. H^Hiotfy wm: K. 1^ Hinllh, maator oi iraita |ioitatlon: Janiea Wllmol, head ^tatdMtiu, allli iini a« alalanUi; ilnrtlon Wo»la, iita«lev nf ran\aii, ahh Atiir aa- a ptanis outl Uurke ami i;nn«a>'. frnprUura aiHl maaaa. er*. Ttie kliDT a ill o|ien at Napaiie*. Uan., on May 11 «n\l «lll tniir llirougli the |>rAvlnfva nt Kaatem Oniail Uan., on May II «n\l . ^ . Uatem Oniailti and Ijuetiff. .turn rnon (I. T. HahlVii PAviLto?! THKAmic.-We ownol In llouatoa. Tea., on April Hk In the aae t'evlilnn Tlieatie, a targeranvaa luillt eipraaaly for Ibaairlcnlprr- rumiaufea, Ibe audlioflnni iMlng clreular, whlli* llie aiagP end l« .^lA. la «ldih br 1M\. In depili,aM1 opeulnic. itiiy ulerv« or p^tner}', aon i«i> I'reMlna muiii lenUk IttitKt. Tlio pavlliuo la Uithieil by plefirlcltr, arr llahu telnir umI earept i»n "laie, nherr ve uae the elaclrie lani|« fur riioiilahuanJ inrder*. Ri>«iaror«ouiMBr: tt. lM:«d«>n, Kred K. U'lKto. Jubn \V. itoodnln. Han|U«lto Tempi*, B^uwoni CUMon, Will It. Hianley, Cmma llenarhell. Winbed Tomer, Marie 0«ahla,ahand of tea plecra, an orrlmira ut an ptrrea. and elahl canvaa men. Wo will iiUy Ibe larier ciilei nf thla Hiaie ilurlnir the Rutnoter, ironi ivii aoeha ina month In earKprxkluelogonlr laglll' itute conieitlea, the ehole under Ibe nianagemeai ol tl. T. Maroo. l'Mi)»'. IIahbv M.'llBLaA,inaglrlan andnrlentaljiimler, ahol4 Kllliltel.deura* P. Woad*«t'«i.liturlD|WriaroflBln, will ueit aeamn nlay the largerlilea undiir a well hmtitn vllj be anmiundftl dy hlirh rlaaa aiperlallles inajunr. He , auti Mile. La Belb> and I'riure Km I^i^ vlll l>e Mp aMUunia. Vandmi, a llliidiMi lllualon, all) he reaioietl, whll* ihe •laue ■atiliiia aal |ian|thernBll« vlll Itr rlaivrau. I'n>r. llaloiahaaaHingrngageiJientat WaukeUiafiiriiianMnlttg RiiDimrr ••aaiHi. I.K Ko\,efBo«tun, Mean.. IttolMuedan llluatrale<l caialoKue irf mavlrlma' aui>plie«, ahlrli he rlaliim !■ the only iTork of tlw kinti evrr puhlMml. IVrtraltanfaaTeral miOoriin ore tu l>o (bund wlihlii Ita miera In addition lo n long Hat uf a|)|*llaiiCfla nert«aary to ihe art uf alelibt uf liai»l. RONTBR or Tia MaTTIR Dit«MR PAVIUO.V HlliiW.— JuliD ArmMruna, Prank Pierre. Ramie Lee, Wllllaia Pur long, WiillAin M.Uoir, Willbm Tboni|>H>n, Hnice Miller, <!. L JackMii, Al. Currier. Brn Htuiie, advanre aienl; Jiw llalL hand and nrche^rm leader: llua Jak^irar, ItNnrhe Hart, Anna Ht. Jolm, Bra llart and Matllo Ituvnle. Tliealtow ttareHlty rail, and will ppeii. Ibe Ural veel III Ha> «llb an Mm. routHl lu|> ami ivu abft. middle plaroK. Major Harry Isoaao vlll lead the perad*. Niitaa ur BAi'w-nnH'a (Iijmoiijiv tNa.—\Te dteed at ttuiiiner. la^ April IA.a niroea^rul acaaon of taenll-tvo aeekPLaiiil ii|>eo «(di the (hdliiiar BroM,'t'IrruH Hay 4. Hie alau touiianyallllNkumler ibe matieniiienl iii i*. M. (loudoR K llir a ranva« etiO atol *\n (tawpledulng Hpln- olnv, veailiig and inakliig Irallov vare. h'lirRri rtoa viin Uio. W, Mam. Kb. Ohkat THtivao Aiiliiial Hbnva—Kver)thing la nearly rnady for our o|teaini. vlilch vlll lake place oo May I. Marugir Hall ha4 greailr enUrvwl Mie kJimv, liavlng adiloil a rvir of nne caitiei'. and Queen, U»e matiiaiolli rleoltan), an«t lior nunlug Uby, I'alm. wlilrh vlll be reaiureil In MIKuf; alMi avreral raaeatiraiitinaUand ennie (toe hnrw* front ih*i:o).ti«o. llalKirru^. Anv.\\i-Kt?AH. Kn.-J. UK BKVKHllHia'ii MoyriXA'MWiiJi eH Waal. )iiade>l villi <a)arrlal i>at>rr ami a'rrsv nl* ivplrn iiitri. I«it l.*lllap^ til.. April n for Jnllil, to r«|lii Ihe Muaun'« xirk. Sn. I rar ^larlH A|<rll Ii. Huili car^ vrif turoMl ittit m>nt the Pnlluiaii ihni^. an<l an> rur iilklied Willi all Hie miMtem lin|>n>Teni»niB. Iiiriuillnit rttiiiriirlaWe 'Intplnaaml i>ilt<t< eajulpiiieiila. Nn. ■ fur \m In rliarn (irciiaa. nemanl, la*) aeaoun manager Wal l*>rl,. Main's•fftttml i-ar. .N'lrTKP raiiH TIIR IIaiikv Camki! v Haujh>-v I'nMniXA lliiu.—M'ft have Juki •■li'Bfil our IVIiilar k"**'" ilinniili l.'ultaand Khirida. tint *>( iIitfk liundrr<l aial iin\ »l\ aamiplniia ihmuali i.'ulwniil a •Ingle ari'klriil urfalluie ImhI) i> aril, anil IIh> mail villi RHODE ISLAND. PfovMenecAt Kellli'i Optm Ihiiifar. wm-k April IA-31, (ivoiiolly and (ilrard. In 'Hie Kalnoiahera," pUytd It* m largu VHik'a twlair^t. TIiIp* verk etunr* n rliaujM fVuin llix drama ami fan-o coinrdy tu IiIbIi rloM vaudeville. TliO folkivlutr iwitlo arv Inclndnl 111 III* Hal otferrd: Naxir'e (.'line. Ritly Bmeraitii, Hunlti and Rudd. be Judgea, the Rarrm Trtfooa, Jnlm C. Hire ami Rally ^•hen, A. M. Duncan and (lllbert Hamny. Week of if- Nav I. "TTie Panler." PHOVIUETCR OrRBA ItOL'fR.-Al'ril 16. Ii: 17. llie I't'lt^r Bellev Co- •eJoyo'l giKMl bualnnw. Tlie miiiilmlar of the veoh JoMpk Murphy, aa uaua), hati hrite liUilnea^. TliU weak, "Cliarley'M Auat;" n»M veek. a "vplelksnenfeal" vlll lie arruBtd hv Marsaret HcKaa^r. TBoVBaiuiiCe tlna Tiikatio:.— Week nf l6-ai"Aliiua lo London" van pn^lucud l>y Hie new HOfrk aniipaor In a Mtlifkctory manner, nuanoia vaa r|ulte large. Tlila veek. "The DlauionO lUraker." WUfTNt.WKH Til BATH R. -Week I'f 15-3) Uiim Ulll'k Worid uf Kuvel'le* iiitiye)! (u a larite vnl'a bualiirai. TliU week, "Tlie l^lm' Club; veek of 0>Mar i, "riie While OnM4.'' PoD.xiiOcT.—Bil. Ih)r«l. nmiURer nr ihnlturlDne Vu., la In town. hatlnE rluvil tits m-tm. Mr. ilnnri rcp^ria a very «Btl»>(iclury i«aun with iha mnpaur Kal>ia- rlne Kuber, «buli> veil knuvn tit the lAiruiii nn llie l.<ilh. ropcircuit,hu Biailotl on aMlarrlOB 'our. Khp lia«ial:en vltli ber a brau Und and an orrheaira bf elalitaao pletea It la reporleil tlial ManaBfrtfen. II. Haichelhir. ol the Lrcauin. Boriun, and Ihe W«almln*t«r. tliU cliy, la nitpecunf foroneof Hie braetfttlieAirealn HiHtim 'rtaaunrfrank Aklrlch. of KeMira Opera Mou>e.lia>i far rvcorered from hlaherlvu* lllne«p aa to tw aid* to go out for a Miort lime. PawAachet.—April l&-au "Tlie Hlitp of Htale** ilayed tn ifalrireek'a l>uKliieuand cIomI iliclr ■ea'm lere. ThUveekSejinour. areatnlnd r*wlpr. ■iirrouitiltd by the fOthvlnr people: Mrlliae and IIIILCarr aiel Jur- dao, Btrraiid Kvin*. John Paltrn. ihe Horaila. SrA WeiL an4(iaillBaadi:iark Prank bakrrand f>lllh KI)la.or "Tlie fQilp uf Hlaio" CtK. iditaluH a nmrrlaBe llceo«e while le ihlMclty U*t veek. INDIANA. lBdl«napolla.-4)D0 of the oioaI ancccMifnl ereota of tlie aeaHinvamheapitearance ut the Hoatun- laoB, April 15-17. Ii) "Ittiblii IIixhI." "Priiim Aaaolaa" and "TlieMald uf liy uiuuDi." loaiUancKl price», aail l)i»ae were rewarded bylivU'VoAllvl frum pll ludome. Ja«. J. rorl4lt «m« veil rwelvH (n '(lenileniui Jack" It-ai. ComlDB: "liovlBg th« Wind" tt-it. Nai t:wU\n fi-TT. B.vuilcD'i« OrRNA IlitCri vaa dark veek uf l.\ awl iliere are noilitea In Hie near future. . , ^ . PARK.-Kadla lla«<un apivarvd In "Noiuly'si Claim" 1&>I7, to buuaea packed t" Ihr vail*. J.C Lewli. Ui *t*l FluoVaid." plaved lo tued rccelpl^ tS-Al. Bouked: Mate, ami AaKO'l'n NtavlllojB "f;elltt"2Ml: 4ila Uray, lu ''l-:aatLiiine."S-f7: "Tlie Hningalera" t»-Mar I. NuTBi*.-Wlll C. (Ilektup baa leil lo J >lu "Hie Hiariiy CIrcQi." B«rt Pell'letnan, uf thU eilj, liae vrliteu a catchr ealtz aoait. eolllM "Kvealhaari .Veil," wblrh promUei tu i>e a wktm Chaji. Xlmiof rman.reaident uaoarer of the pjoi'lre. baa ton to aaaome cMiind of iiia bui eilke of the Ulurlouai' Ba«ai«ll t:iui> "Kbure Acrea" N Lauke^ for a return date lu tbe oear future ^e pTMClublienaai, 1£, vaa a adceaa* Hvlni tu •ome truuUe la the Corbettl''U,9i,MellleflucVlayl«a lUat vrvanliailvo at the ckive of tiie Onrt art, l*rr place IfO- iDg mwobyJe wUVIUar*. wraaarllle.—At Ibe (Jnnd Huiitt*s Uaod Mve one (ODtert April U, tu ll*e Uraeal and uoal aDUiuvlaallc aedUore of Die aeaMiu. Arcble Bo| J, In '^he Cvoatry Snalrw." K dida fair boilnea«. PBona'a.-Hirle IImiIi pruluced ".\ TorkMi Bath ' lu pMrt hoaae II Prof. Brlvaa A. Lee. hyuwlla, vaa re- ined for anotbrr veek, iieBinnlnR and prnved a via- n*r. Ilerloaedll. The llukieu ConedrCo. lu'Tlie In- aide Track." ff, AugnadnNeavUU. In "A Boy Tram^" ■ar^ tHUniB OoHigrc-Roalneaa ronilnoea to Improve. Weekefll: Dolieny aod Mayflehl. Annie iMlTr, the Tor DadoMM, Vera and llai«oa. Kloe Clayton, Marie Bvani aod ^KoSRianaa'a »*RD»3r.-We.bof Jt£;iWr«rtend ^■ModrHanile Klelo. MayHuoog, BobyKaliht, DeyU androa«i.andW, B.Wbeeler. riiir i'eiii)ilnalli>n la coniMtaril nf ibe veil kiioBii Hrroiianlf, the Tvin Uuuell Hlileip iVltgleiiKl KlelUl. IsvetlnKUiil llio Calliimn Bmllierr. We u|ien May I al Macon, (la., for ivn veek*. We hair Jiui riHnplvtcd our ini'iiaier alr»lilp, ahlfh w« «lll u»elliU atawiii. .VtlT^M AHU HiiiTKU rHMM I'HuK HCHK'a HALUNI^ iro.— Hinre thedaaili of unf ufuur iiiMiiber« la>t Pall lllmliloe Van UreMn), ilinlMliiicv uf tlw maailiera liaTvi>ni<ii ni WIdIit iiuariPiH. Tlie nimiwiy vlll h*< nnder tvoinan- aKcini-ni* thla vtaawMi. Roalrr of roiitpany .Vu. I: (!•«•, Morir, riiaii llielps maiiagrra: l.4itlli> HavU, Irene Ma^- wril. Mile. lyiillfTHaibart M ylr. and Aiflila UrHllllatt, nerunanu: Pntf. (I. J. Hnrkis a''n>aaHiloanBlnerr. I'lmi. i«ny Htuli <l. n*. Hi*>vrn>. nmiiagor; Nina (lUaarnrJ, L<iiil"a lUteM eih) May .Sonlimi. acninaul"- Holli i-oni Kiiilf« will ii|a.*ii In liiilNriii, niailiig anitinlwraarenabma av'il tUueeii'H IllnJi'tai). We am luurCaiiwIaainl llin Hi»lt<niHlatMU>la i^aa*)!!. Ijigipmv No. 1 vlll itarlfiir iriil« aiidKiiUlli Anieilrn alaiiil (Irl. Uk .VttTIH PKna VKHThLLI AM* BlMHaLI.'n UiiNOBMIJIMi AXl> t'liVBliv Co—We err noa iiMirliif Taia" lo imml Inialtipbu tliir iirv cativu arili*! a few ilaye bb'*. and I'nif. Vertelll la Imavaeillnif ll pfa'ly Oioul eiiMm Hi^k, n* i|ii< wrather UgellinB Hn*-. Harry Veilaln l> nink'na kIiIi lit bU auittlarlbl llteacl. I.'iia Kllnfi l« a«tirnl>ldiii( till* natliff villi lieraliiglna hihI danrlHir, ami lli" Htir kelhmak*- llw l(ul>>» Uuah. Hr*. Vertelll Imt^llri Die iliKtr in wrfrrllifi. KirnluHl) i> wr||, al llif lilit faxt nimee amunn )» ^rj h imlay. .SUTKHI HOH VIIK PBJIHMI.K A IIhk^MA:'! IIUIK.VTAL MlliiWit ■ifWurUv Pair Allraclbnia.—Wr <i|teiicit unr WM>n at i>nln*, o.. April S, with crprtili ok new, brillil bihI ajiarkliiia In avrry ■tri^aniiirni. \\'r lia\e iiev MCrOitrr lor ■pectai-aUr vurk. aifl a nev HUt. tpul. We vHI luuriililo, Indiana uiid Pmoaylvanla itnr ryrl'inma, Haltlr ol (iKllyxIwrif, alllin iiev HUft. i<i', vlll loar N»v Vmk Male hihI .\>w Kli|ll.inil HiHlr<, a lili «er Iiiiihuiii mil relicpnTlllnnaniifi, K<-«t*r:)itiBriiiattager.Ui>ii. M'u/'i: dlrartororinllrl, MlM Y'ula; k wliT of lAml, W- Hlal«y; Iraderof i>TrIie»lr.i. il.Hlalry. adtanre. V. ri. Ml)li*r: Imiu iaiivaa>wiHn,T. Hinllli: rsiittly liulrli uu<iei <1ir*. Klul--y, hiiu hi»ll<*r. (.lit-. l<raali; ciKik li<iui<«>. H«ni Jmirp^ niHl rl.-ctr|r|lKhl«. Prvd Tarblaoii. KiMvtn ur Pmi-a'ii Pmmtivo t)i>KHA.-R. A. rrh-i>. man aRrr; Mr. Aalilon. alaae iiianaiiar; Jnr Ihrtilnaon, liend Inairudor; Main llameiLorr*hrairmlfadrr: llanyHlllM'n. calll>i>e and planu; Mr*. .\plrtin. Ma> Aalitoii, I.I'ik L'taitue Aaliton. Hub llotiAlbi, airtia and ilaiira: Bib hu- nalM. nin*iirlli>n;Juoand IlatlU lllrliarOa itoultle ins-', Itsvere HUtsr^ abirt danrem; Hie MarttUa iKair aB<l P^lM.). ahateh pcrriimiera: Nan UlUierl, Pnrf. A»lil<iii aii'l lili tnviM of doga, fUm wllmii, lleur> Murk and A llie Devaiiri. O.V Nev York (.mlBe, S». I, H. P.i*.KIke. |>fe lenlwt W.IJotd |lowr«ii. iba urtelual nieoiler of Ihf uPler. vltli a tllainond Mndilnl iti>M Irtdce aa a token of ealcKiit. Mr. Huvririi «M t)i» e«le*iueil leadbiv knlilit of HiprtnllwIvnofKlio. Ulna elM-M in Hwt ui«IH<iii In May. la^. He la allll an arilrr maniUr aiid cfialrtii in ol Uin ImmhI oflrealeea iif.Vrvr York l>«lie. lift. Prnio ha* algnel villi HeverldB**'' Mrmtana WlMeu We«l ribuv. CUT. (lau. WuiHrtHB, VBlr-r valViir. vlllii|afia hlaHnui nier aeawa with a rvprevnlail'm of lh*< ainbin r nt llio aieaiodilp KllfO MlM-BU.A5Rui'H Hlinvii.—Pruto Cano'a Rlrrlric b-ll C'luitnoy, No. 1: We are lu llarUii, luva, llirovlnff ibo liliie palm ami JunRlIng thaltainnier w aav. Kvery- ihlnir la MolngloUi nea. Tlie camp la In cliarix ufl'nif. U. V. nimi|>a, lecturer. The ru«ler: Billle Ittxell. M. Hanie*, Itvlla(;arfidl.Triiey Palaier, (tliaa Iniiea'. Mra. Oliver, In rltarae of dlnlaatviit; Pnif. Van, In rliarirn of orclietra; Prank Wlilla, In cliarie of canva«.aii«l I'lof. P.cklurl, Ibe Rar«>ii%ul, vlw vPl inaha three leapaa veek. .TlieOrejrrHi Indian Medicine r\i., ender tlia inao. aaeirvnt Jnh-a Van. report gmal lib. i<averall<irU H.of I*. kMlfealiBve tenderwl Itinrbe*, ale, lo our iwny flur Jiev leant glvra a Antalilng toocli Ui wir puiiularliy llirtteramTNotea frniti llerrulea KfHiMly I'o., Nu. I: M'a ihlniria Molng lolw V. V.niniipa, leclur lluatrr of IbetlrvT'U lodjai M*<l tola: br. .tlix-rt Lb>)d.i[iuarer iBlitoo, Magg inanaoar; PfllJffUl I UuuflliUsii, vlib hla xtmvtirtu are e'.ill on tbf ^Imulir; Uia veatb^r li Aii^ and ar* ilolitg a Ural claaa bualnapa Curnpaftr conalata nf Hip lolloalnir: Ur. M. Hramlmi, niauager ana leriurer: nallU Bran4ou, •laalng and ilaucliia aporl^dea: Rra Unndoii, rliaracterclianK*^; Jou Hc< arili). feeau'rlr cnnieilian; Minnie Mcf^rllii-, vriraliil; ifie pniidtiaa. Hartoan ■krirh. Um. p.. Merrill, planUl, baqjo ao|o|a(. bukh, Irlahaiid hlafk l4ce rontedlan. Joined Ri BalUy** llarbor. Ilr. J. II. Perking aula ovnrr anil prafjlUliin'r llil< nrni- l«ny.vji>|ie<luarereiiHi. awl vaa w#I| pleaae^l ulih llio roKiiany aiid«llb Ur.H. Hramloo'aandteaawlllilila rcina- i)l«». Tbe man lo vhitevalka raBi|talbrar»ryHiioda> cgou Indlai M#«l'rl'»rf Co., jia: br. .tli>«rt 1 jlitoo. Magg inan tonlonUi: Will UuuflliUsii, vlib t __, _ duaaaiht iiurlirfietiei: ftunnlna Ueer. Indian. Am, n CinuaKlclan auu luaalcalperfurner. JolnMl Apfll 3, alb. villdo a doolileniualcal art vbti WIU trnthloo Itoa- • of Ibe rnvRon tmllao MvllcM U Vt B*. tm*u il Magee, jTuprlelora; Ur. H. W. PL Iahi. leclorer: J. r. Haiee. aiaiiagar; U. II. fUiiMn. aerUI p«rformer ami acro)«l: K. C Me|>^ aUcb virv aod ilaiirer; the Palrflehli (Wed and t^iraL abelcli PirMiuera, luarluMllaa aod aliailuvsrapl) vurkura: rvf. Jark llubnea. ni'ialcal perfuraier. and leeiler of orrhe*ira; (fan Trrdell, CMnedhiu aitd lu^ieleal luuke. Buueaefa good. Wa ere vurhbig WIeona, Minn., lur eta vaek*. We open tbe camlug ■eaaun al L^ Croaae, CBrr) lbga0un. niund loii ao'l a llpanlab taotl uf elfbl Here*, under the levl*r»lilp of Pruf. Juan Alrerec Kvenr. Iwly le bapp> aiid all Ihe eliauiola bagv an fUll tong arven ileo. C. Tlwuibaon la at hla bwue lu Riinb OalirrTl, Maaa., arraoglna rbr hii ueJIeUie tour uf Mmm dioMtta early oekt Booth. WEST VIRGINIA. Whe«llag.*Uat week wu derold or aaylblnv •Urtlloglethcalrlralrlrcleabare. At ibeUperKlloute JnbnaUfoe Rennell gare "TTie Amatonr' bo a large hooae April 17. "Wanv" folloved. MH awl attraeM a larie aurfleate, Comlnt: Rica'a **l9r'a (teerve Tliatclier k i:arroll Juhnwrn a MInaiivta Uay T Da Wolf llnp|wr. In "l*r. Hi nua," 3; Prank Ifeoulg, vupported by TIkm. W. Kaena'aCoapany, 10. tl. iiMAPn OfRRA Iforaa.—Tbe WotArd, Hliirldan k IMoierConpaay bold ibvboardt April IW ' |ii.WaodS)renia.toralfbail0eBa Booked: eoaipaoy S-JT. "A Bafgafe Cbeob" Uelan] rll li«^»Uylngat leked: Aaveelaliy rian] 9-llsj L 1«0}. Inthmtn rrtitng in ihN.<>lt,i einee that tine, and iK»ni'(t>ple«la iioillbtit abb a inaiiiil^rliirlnii runtpanv nia iravrlln i M'pn^wiilatlrn. lie u)«li«nl|| not cooii *!lt ""iT'^ aiidlii- .. W W. Itoviiliir. eiltaiice afpiit of --1lieTnil)e\ .•^I'.iMti. - U h log ali k ai tbe lloiel Kehler alih a latere allark of lUiiioailMii . . Hot* lltiotinB'^ rirnia »htin. nt MoiinilMl|t«i N^y \ Tho Wbrellna raUwIllnivn forth-M>aotnA|>nl;f. Tim rrcnUrHimi- nirr opfm ^a*»ii ilirir. •Mh iliv Itnltlnauii tipviv (?nit. i*nnt a» the nllrvriloii. i4<ahiA June :l A«iiaiial ilie<ii«ra lliiino BjiiiiI niKliirrbrMravlDKhoaArrT^I ronroil'rvery N iii)lr>t nlii- til niid vitithn: AoiufeniPiil .Manaaer ({-•nHi-r. i l \)i.fait pArt. Iin<«litml,vd Iho ndlnvlna i>Cfida It.i Hie viiTinnK •»*«»l.. May ||«Tr> Ho'lvoillt. Krnno ■fontnil nn'<i*. <cnorilalleril «iid hlttn-iiio of iralnH iiionki>>it I.IUI \ni<> llrleno Mliitian.. .Tlio Wherllliv ■.•atiertf K)k> iMve at.Miiili>ii.-e| ihr iilt^aof liavlev ikeir annuiil Iwi.HllI nl (he I'alk lSi«lim .Mnr ^'.'1. oabiB to thpir Iwltot iiiinidc lo .i-i-iitf Ihr rim* of atlnrlloti* wauled. Ttiit lariifill «III iin>1ii1<l\ r^- ivali^mnl until .tiiSO'l. DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. TiioMv* t'l.iPiititii CiHipKii, II wull known KiiglUh ai-tor, <lktl .\pril I nt hbi Itoiuo In Lundoii, Tbo di<- LTHHfd wnn iHtni III thnt cliy in Mny, l!tli>. aiitl tnatio hlaltr^lappi'iirMMco uu lha elngo lit tbo early 4o*m, binrlna ibo pmvliirC'i and playing minor mlcrt at tbo Tlicaim Hoyal, Mani'ho.«lpr. and whilp ihuii enKARetl no't and iimrncd Amih*h Koiiibli<, n momltcr nf tbo muio couiiMiiy. In DUT-n ho Jolnoil tno coiiitMny nt the tdd XTar^lotKnin Tlirain'. I^iiidon, uihIit tlin nuinatfemrnl nf Mm. Wi'nit'r,.4nd iMntlnntMlat Iht4 honao wuru Mr. Watla NTaitir Ha nutiniuiT. In km Mr. Owpor nptiPMrcil nl the cnni TbuHlrv, innlrr the nwnoHciucnt of Mndntn VuKlrtu nud t:itnrtn>t Mrtlhcw^. Ijitcr bo went Hiio tbo itrnvlniCMand for M I'onHtilcmltIo pcrlml nianaKcd Iht'iilrrri ni Hull and ntlirr InrRo Nortbrni townn, whrru bit lu- tHHlnrnl liMlUn niirni for llio ilrvt ilino lo Iho iKiitfO of llio bHHl thenlri'Htiere. Ilu then ffiuo iipnuiMftlng, and for iwclvo yonrw bo whh a nicin* Inrof Ihoxlork nl the Thrairo Unval, Muiu'briiier. ami later ntatUKril Ihn ibcalro ni UxfoM. In ihij lio Joined tliu aim'k al tho Conn Tncuini. liiiidon. bbi nnl nppoNranro liolnff inado them Nepi, 4. an tloDur4l .Hioiiuivoll, In "Tlie Oaplaln'a Noi. A-illa^'< and AH Iho hnkodo l.illo,ln"Adono( tho8uii,"Knil on ihatiHMwloii ornt aiimt-toil nolti'O. Ilo rrniidnnl at thai lioiiNO forihrooycitni, Hitd iliun woiil lo tho HI. Jani'^' Thralrr, whi>nt bu llmt appraoid April 1NT6, aa Col. H'Hpp, In "IViiii Ctthb.'' Thn folUiw- Ing llecondHT lie MipiHtrtoil Mr, IViidp, nn Ciddinni Urown, In vl^dtlca," In Knbrimrr, IHTO, he Joliint llenry InliiR'n (Nmipany nt the Urcnin Tlirain*. and appenroil an hilnidua. In '^llaiulol," aiic* ceeding Mr. I'hlpjioiiilalo, Wbllo wtlh Ur. Irvlnff, Hr. iSkiimt iibiynl U. l)ni«-hii|tolle)is hi "Tlio Udy of Isjoiin;" f>nriion MradowM, In "Tbo Fait* of Kiiiicnu Amin;" Joarph, In "Itirbollon;" Matter W'niier, lu "TRo Ihtlla;*' oiaon, In "Tbo Hon Cheat," and Old tloblHi, in "Tlio Uorrhaiitrtf Venice,*' Ilo NUppnrtod Unto, Mmljoiika nt llio Coim Thoalm In IHW. pbiylng Hlr Ainlai l-aulpl, In HohllkT'rt "Maria Htourt,** In Insi be playrd onvannientaHt Iho lliloly, Cntin and Folly Tliualrca. 1u liv'j ho Joined WIlBon Ihartell'M company, with which hu re- nmliieil fur Ihrro ycnni, apiwiirliig In "Fho Hllror Klnir,'* "CiRnilUin," "llamlot." "Jnnlua*' nod "MiMHhnan liilnil." Ur. (NniiKir'fi laai eiigaRetiieni wa* Hi Ht. JanuV Thoulni, nmlor llio itmDatfotueul uf UeMra. Hani and Kondal. Tbe docniaoil wan HiHijeri mrrei|tionlHllnrkN of RMihina and hronrhl* tie, to which ho llnally Hiin niniK'd. Ilo lenvca tbreo aniw, Clnirlea Ki'iiiiilo t?iHipur uiid Frank Kvinblo Ci»o|ter. nf Itenrv IrvlnR'MCo.»aiid Uooitor Clliro, of Mr, and Urv. Konthira i>i. Hum. CiJpn)HD Cihii'kii (Agnort Komlilp), rurmerly a won kn<MTn Knglbili nnrmw, dlitd sVprll u, at her hontoln l<ondnn. Tho drcoHMid, who waa rtovviily* two voHtH of Hgo, WHM Hii) cliloM doiighler of tbo lato lluiiry Koniidu and Ki^iiiddaiigblirof ihn cole- linilc<l ."^trplK-n KrniiilP. An o glri abo Hlndlotlnn* dcr llonry Uuottnii, nnd vory idifirlly nfturwanbi Blaycd loiiK ciiKngniiiriilH hm Irudliig lady wllh HcmMly, Clinrlo^ Ki*nn, ClmricH Hlllnii anil oihor nninlHi'toniuf ilmi ilay. Ilor Inat npiH'araufloa In l^i'iitnii went iiuiitonnibT Iho niHUnuuinunt of Him UMon HI iliD Court nnd ijinrn'M Theatre, oflatu ycaTKxho bnd dovolml bpr:u>lf oiiitroly to her huino dntlrx. Ilorih'uih bitlnwlnif no cloMcly itfior IliudO' lUlrM) of brr hUNiiand, whoMi dent h la rocunluil almvo, waaa Huvero blow lo tbuir iha'Ojanm, Tho raiiuliM wriT liilurml April H. Ur". Hattik K. Ilii.i.vgn, wifu nf I'ntf. h, lllllrer, died April VL al llliMimnidd, l*ii., ngi'd fnriy-eiKbl yean, Tho decoaaod had buun runnucird wllh Hm pTufeetion for liriran yean*, lunl for Hio iwhI icii yroniHlie bad iiulril an Dckol ngeiil uitd trraaiim* for lifr iinaiiHiid'M nhnw, Tlio rciuitlDi uuro In- Icrrrd April M, al lUtHiiiillrld, KHgiiKuirK HTiKAiM, H Well kiHitvn niAimgor and pbiywrlgbt. difd A|>ril lu, In ihlH uliy, fmni a com- plli-Nilnn nf pneiinionla and llrlghi'a illM^na, Tlin ilcccawMl, wun wan fnnr-Mivrii yrnni nf agH, wbn Imm In KiiBlnnd, iml i-nuio wlHi Ida iiarenta to t'' coiiatry whi-iM|iilinyimiig. Ho waHrnndiif llion uiid, wbllua iKiy, hu ivrwd wvrral yijira imfore tho iilHKl. Ilo NirlHteniiuiiilj I'lilcred tho miikaof jiiiimal' IbiH In lUmion, Hmih., loH In ixil bo doMiicd Hm iinwipHparbiiidnciHHiid riilomil Iho prnfuwlun, hla tlr«il iio-niliin iHrliiff wllh Iwitc ll. Itlrb, nt tho llnw- iinl .VtlionH'iiiii, liiMinii, Ho wai nflrrward Koneml inHiiagiT fnr mivitmI yram fur Julin HlotMtn. In laTN bn wat inniiaK«r of ihe (llolio 'rhnnlro, |Ium> Inn, Hinl frniii l^To In haj ho inatiagorl travel. InR rnmpHnlri*. Ho Ihnn baik Iho iiMiiauonirnt nf Uinu. H'Hljmka, wIhmo liiiim hn mircoaariilly dlret'loil for alx yrarrf. Hliii-o Ihj bad ttcun mip iMicti'd wllh Ibo Jiilbi .Mririnwo llonipiiiy. Ur, Kiln. itf*n waa (ho aiiibor nf aovontl pliiya, and when he wax tirirkcn wlHi ilin illuciw which endiil In libt doath he WH4 inaklntf Mmingeiiii'iila lo pruduon "TlHi IMvlilod llnuw, li new iibty, noxt nioiiHi Id Cbli-ngo, III. tin bad iHwn Iwico niarriud, IiIbpoP' mid wlfo IhiIiih HudloMiirtliitii, who wnndlvunM fr'Hii blin a fnw iiioiilba ago, Diie win, by hU llraC wire, RiirvlvoM htm. OiiHiH, Ui'iii'iiv HIirlnlnpliDr Mrauott), a varioly lirrfomivr, illcd .tprll It, hi Tmy. .\. Y., fioin heart dlaenae. Tbo drrcnvd, wlnt wiui alHiiil fnriy |ear>t ofaifn, had lirun In Mm prifitaalnn for many yoant, Knr the paai nine yean bu hail iwtn aimiiolalod wllli Jnuii Mnnin, iintlortho linn naniunf UoranandUnr' plijr. Tim tcAiit wiTo well known uu Irlali couhi- ilUnaand voi-ullalH, nnd brtdpUyud 111 muU nf the leadliiuvnrlaiybniirtuHbi themiintry. I.utaeannn tho team wero wllb FIoIiIa' Hmwlritr liirdn. ThlH itfaMM tbry wrro Willi KnMn HidolPn l.n.ntou Ikllen C'n. Iho loam wcrn dolnif ihi'lr turn at Ihuflileljr Tbeulre, Tmy* April wlion Mr. Uni phy wu4 lakoii III. Md wnH aMliilcd nd Ibn Nbiuo nni taken to it h(iN>l, alirn'Iwn pliyairlnnM wrni niiinii'ineil, Thit nirlcki'n man novi-r nillli'd nnd illud nl Ibrro n'rbfck the Du.^tninrnlug. Iln icnvuii rclallvM whoroaldn III |b>riti»n, MaHM. TIio ruiiialiu wuru luioirod, lH,lii HI Pelrr'a t.*miH:liTy. Trny, IlKifHriK I), I.AK HKM'K <ficnr,(tt l>. N'nvliia), a TA- rfoiy perforiiior. dlo«l April M, at li^e'a Kninnin, Mo., rrniii pneiiiiinnlit. Too di'rr.i«rd, wlm wB'4 two ily< hIx yoara nf a^n, wnii form^rlj of iiio t n<ii liiiv rruroand sMIyn, innalcal iturinrin-tr". In ini-t Ur, MwrrDro waa nwrrlcd lo Ihitilo iMIIniay. alnro ffhirb time ihay hud workeil liiKoiiior iinil«r llio trnm nainn of IsHwrencn uiid lirlliiwy. Tho fimalun weie iDterrod at l/H:'HHiiminli, nut will ifo rrmovod to the Fall bi I'rvvldcoco, hln lain hcuio, Ilia wife RurviveN blm. FKANg II. llnt uiNin'. an optrA alnger, died April IT, III thU city. rm:n biiwrciiIoidM. Ur. Jhnidluol wari at itiio tJiue a pupil of Kurt Foniio'. Iln had aiiiif with UieHirakinvrn nnd Duiropiri|iaiil«a. ami bad alao amig In i-nm-iTi. He waa a attjNion »f J, W. HiMnnnn. Tno ri'inalru w«ro liitvrred at U'owlbiwii tkmetrry. rjgitHR '/A('roNK,u Ho'l kiHiwn Fronch ploiwrighl and nnrtilbit, died April Jl. ui Mnrialx, n-.,aivil Hventy-elRlil yoam. Tbo dccviMcd bad written a gr«ml auiniipr of imiiiilur niiiiNiicoa, a niajirrlly nf whirl) wen* piibllaiieil III H«rlal fnriii. Iloaliio wnMo Kveral draiiiaa nnd the llbrolto i>f a cninic opem. JuilH lUitTi.KY, a Diluktrel perlorBior, died Apill UHbUi, N. v., nf llrifilil'a dlaoaw. wilUam L. llAiTKRm).'4, a vlUlnbii, e/minltl'Ni ■ilkhM April 11, In tlila rtly, by taking lahwllu acnl. Tbe dereaaed won a iiicroltor of tbo orchealni at liu Urmiid Opera llniiio. lie bnivca a whlnw. Carrip. J. llgWKV, fnrmerl) a aiiake cbarmcr wllb Ibe ILarauni CIrcua, rninmlURd auictdo April Id. lu UrldKeport, Cb, by taking l^aila (irceu. Hho wjh tbirly Kara of age. May llmtNBV lUacki.nn Bi |ii'a(,dl6il Hritlgewaler, Uaua., finm L'dunniiMb'i). Her lua- laud, b«ibljy Mack, and a two yifar otil cblht niif' Yire nrr. Muit, WiLi.ia II. t'AHK (ffmncriy ^fa iou Gaidinrr) dlod April 17, ot ber bmiie lu Aahiiry I'arh, N.J. HevrralyearAagnlltvde<.'eaMdIniiird IbUcouDLy. Knglamfuud Ireland. pUylug upiioilie parlato her iirutbert Gardener Oiyuc. Ilcr liim>«oil MiirrlrM ber. J. M. Uaduy, a f-nlnred latwio alngi r, died U. at Chicago, III., from htorl fariira. Tbo de* oTMCd pnaarated a ilcb, well IrelMd Ia'B volri*, and WRH well known In tbe variety boiiaeaia rirloii.f parlN of the mmitry. lie learea a widow. RomlE Ukm-n (Olliamha nrictyptrfontKr.dledhi ohlbS Idrib April 11, at ber iKime lu IkRTir, (^d. The tbTcaHLil waa well koown In the iirofMliii. Ilealdea the iMby, btr bURlaiid, W. K, ((l.laiii, a id Rlalcr, IJIIIan Maaoii, aurvlre her. cuvunuid on faob lao.