New York Clipper (Apr 1895)

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APBIL 27. m B. Wuno, 0. W. OitoD, F. R. Fteemtn tai E. iLituuileU). Time, (D. siw (SniA-ff- B. BntfonL J. a ainnooz, W, W. sirUDen, 0. Ctork, J. a WUl uid P. R. Kliitale}). ""^mmtrta'vartt noL—V/. 8clill«f,ajdi,Hut ^li/n&mir-). E. Uitaomj, U}dt.,lliii. Tine, raa, mjii^. M. FerguoD, 4jdi.,llniL ''SiJ «»&«<>*•-W.T. Worm, M., nm. Time, 80. Up j)Hnii<ivMrA;unip.-J. D. Wlnsor, an., dnt, in. oni tnfla nm.—J. J. Orui, iMjda., gm. Ttme, ui.43>. nn AuKMtl am (uwrUv i/anb nin.-0. a Bojer, ilr(la;ilnt Time, Ma. maat tna, SVds.—W. a. BcliUef, Uyila., llret. 11me,28t. Tia mile Mtvolt nuc—W. D. Oigood, tcntcb int Tlme,SD.MXe. ttmr fuiRilm) anijortu innb run.—C c. Blokel, indi., IKL nme, 64l >i»(ivMa<to(.—A. A. KMpe, ecntob, llnt,4in. ■.■■ID' role muU.—a T. Backbollz, eontct, ati W. A. sumii ecntcb, Uei] at iMt eiD. jtimnint trma ftiiiip.—0. T. Buoklioltz, ai,, Orel, tattlDc THZ Toronto (Out) Ucn»ae Lokgne held lla as. ■aal meetUiK on April le, tlie election reauldng u (olloira: Preatdant, B. J. P. Oood; vice preaMent, B. Oenita; aeoietaiy and trtaaorer, J. undaajr. THE TURF. CKOKBB U LVCK. Ula Stable Wiaa the Fli«t Race Blartod For Abiwid. Tbe atrlog of EngUata Itonea owned bj Rloliaid Ookeraad PbU Dwyer bare made a good aurt la Ibelr Engllata career, tbe Oroker atable barlog, on April It, captured tbe flnt event forwhlcbentrrbad Menmade. TlieracewaatbeCtawrordFlale,lifndl. cap, ten etatteia facing tbe dag for the puree, tbe condlUona being: alz furtonga, of 25aoTerelgiuaacti, villi 3110 aonrelgna added, (be wcond to lecelre M iOTerelgnaont of Uie alake, winning penalUea. It wai won bj Mr. Croker'a Ean de Oallle (tale Trojan, late Dtica), tlirc«;earB. BlrJ.BIundeUUaple'aEatar, fonr rean, waa aecond, and Captain Hacbell'a Erin, Orereara, wattblnL Tbe poet belting waa 8 to 1, agaliut Ean de Oallle, 7 to 1 agalnat Eatarand > to 4 tgabisl Erlo. WlUle SUnma waa on Eau de Oallle and made tbe mnning tbrougbont Tbe boj rode bi matteilr a91e and won wltb compaistlTe eaae. At tbe drop of tbe flag be was Dnt awaj and waa never beaded. Erin, Ibe favorite, ran almoat even wltb tbe American botes, and tbe latter aeemed to dre a bit coming ap tbe sttetcb, and at tbe flnlab It looked dangeioua for tbe aon of Irognola. But BInuna ap- plted Ue wblp luat In time, ntu de Oallle reaponded gamair, (alrljr Jumped abead and captured tbe prize. Ibe cheers wolcbatoae on all aldea at tbeAmertcao bone won conld not bave been oeamer If an Eng- Uab boiM bad come in abead. Moaare. Croker and Uwrer and Uardj Campbell, Ibelr trainer, were con. grainlated on all aides. Wben Blnuus rode Into tbe paddock alter tbe race Ibe obeeting waa renewed, and me unnddlelng waa wltneased bj a great crowd of people, tbe maloritj paaaUig faToraMe coDtnenia npon bolb borae ana rider, simma tben went 10 tbe HelgbUig rooms and aat on tbe bla- lorto Jockej club ecalea, and soon tbe reasaurlng "all rigbt" ma called, an annouoceiuent wblcb met wlibanotbercbeer from tbe ciowd. In tbe Jockej'a dressing room SImms met with anotber reception, tbe famous Jookers crowding around blm and abaklpg bands with me winner of tbe race, nt Sfiorlbv commenting upon tbe result, aajs: It UBomtthlogofTbleh EorIIiIiiihd mar Im proud to U able to lay Ibtt tb« BrIUjih turf bu oerer b««o olclu- III*. AJ Pruce and America approacbed oar auiidanl itbecuno BOCUMTT to drop sge and «elBlitalloinnc*i. Bui, ilUioogb Ibe Dorbr bal eoDo bolb lo Fnneo ud Anorifa, ind muy otber flctoriei hsTe gooe abroul, ibit hu la no way alurwl Me tiaile In tacloi, la Id oUmi indec tboogb lu b*B«dta bare not ilwayi bMa raclpro- al«d, for Eogllah brad bonaa an ttlll TaluelMi to raa lo mnc*. aod lacb or oor broaden wbo haro tiled New Vork u a msttel br die dlaponl of blood elock an ool likely u> repset the oiparioieoL It wu wllh nicb reeUDgi that we welcomed Uie Amer lean ctud. We an dow Ten pleased to cooKialulaie the oaner or Eau da Oallle od bU briulaal beginnlai. Itaai a epoid lest, wlib s Islrly food npieaenlaUre Held, ir °<>,''^1?!riiaarHepdaliaTe oiber lionea pomauloii ur- iblag like itae meiTt or Biu de Oallle Ibey will wId pleoir ofneea. ItwuaDOTeltrrorNewiusrbettowescolond jockey. He woa mora ibaa olaTorly. Tbe wbiuer hed plentr or welsbt ror a Ibno year old. It wu a riihl down good perfomanca. On April 18 Ibe Fljlng Handicap Plate, for tbrre year olda aid upwards, Hts turiongs, was won by Mr. Jewelt'a leagon, Cbatoosa second. Confessional tblrd. IL P. Dwrer'B Blonenell, Slmms, waa smoog [be elanen, but waa not placed. Tie CrsTen Slakes, of tco soyerelgnB. sddsd lo a sweepstakes of «!'e«lgns escb, for tbroe year dds, was won by tbe Unke of Ponland'a Tbe Owl, VUllere eecond, Cayenne ttibd. Dwyer's Bauiuai and Croker's l^u de OaUle were acntobed for tfie second Welter llan- dicap. MnmoBa Oatrana Dr. Bice. lUe St. Lonla (Uo.) Flair Oraund* was tbe scene of a mstob racs, April 20, between T. Welcb'afour year old, BlmiDoos, and Fled Foster's Ave year old. Dr. nice, tbe dletance being aU turiongs and tbe slake jost nndsr |i,0DO, limited to protect tbe winner from penaldes In futnre engsgeinents. J. A. Muipby, Rolls WeUa and 0.0. Hafflt prcalded In tbe Judgea' ifand and Snapper Oarrison bald ibe starter's lag. Altar tbiee attemBis tbey were sent away on an even atart^ Ongb Penny baying tbe mount on Dr. Rice, wbUeOaab Sloan rode Simmons. Or. Rice led by about two lengtba at tbe lliat quarter. At Ibe ■alt tbe boiaea were neck and neck. On entartog tae atretcb It waa anybody's race. Dr. Rice, bow- erer, tsllated at tbe flvoelgbtbs pole, and Simmons Onauy pasted under ibe wire a winner by ncariy two lengtlia. In l\Wi. Tbe boises bave been taatcbed for anotber mce, April 26, Ibe condlllons being tbe same, ^ye tbal tbelMt te $3,100. TBI Nauomal SrEitruciusi Aaovunoii bad a ■pedal meeting In tbla city April 17. The cblef buabieaa of tbe meeting perulbcd to perfecting de- Ullt of itae neetlbg to be beld Hay 4, a and ll, in- cludUig tbe appointment of tbese olHceni: Jndies, Alfred Post and W. L. Powere; staner, 0. J- Fllz- Jerald; bandlcapper, W. 8. Voaourg; patnl Judge, obn 8. Uoeyj clerk of tbe course and icalea, II. 0. Crickmore. Lloenees were granted to the following Jockeys: T. B. Wilson, Oeoige Dutries, W. A. Oteen, Cbsries B. Wrigbt, Jobn ETsnon and J. Flynn. TBI PAOino Ooisr Jooikt Club proposes to bave oneof tbelnestiace counes In Ibe country. Tls Rioand, comprising one bundled and twenty-live acRs, la located four miles from tbe centre of tbe cliy,and It Is pamcniariy adapted fornolngpur- poaes, tbe toll oebig loamy and aniiabia for latny veatber. AdolpbSpiecklealapreildentof tbsclob and Benty i. Crocker vice president. Fnmbient among Its membere are Ed. Corrigan, Jos. P. UUman, Edward Applegale and Jos. J. Rowe. Tbe track will be In leadlness for business about Nov. I. Tilt Clvker and Dwyer elablea bave been UKIy entered In tbe following Engllab eveota: Newmarket ■^ng meeting, beginning April 90, Vlaltoia' Welter Plate, a bandlcap of IH soveKlgns, Rous course, llN'e furlongs, Eau Oallle and Banqaet; BeamUlgb nelgbt Handicap, 9)0 soyerelgiis sdded, Rons course, Don Alonio and Danquet-.Uie Peel Uandlcap, w soreielgna, Peel course, (U furiongs, Harry nttd;Bi1nkley Plate, XO sovereigns added, Usny tetd. Jocirr Kkut, wbo bad tbs mount on oallatln in the fonrtb race at AJeiander laland, April X, feU ■no bis borse snd broke bis las. Oallalln and ■Unsesots collided, but Jockey Winter, who bad ibMnconton tbe last named, eacaped wlttiont In- The Cleveland (0.) Driving Park Oomnany met In anniui aoBlonApirU 20,and re-eleotedO.A.Bniy- ^B, 8. T. Everett and U. H. Banna dlreotoia. Tbe Ill^meriaoeawlUbegUJulys* and conHoneuntU SiciniBTToiintNS,ottbsOld Dominion Jockey •)>■ leslgned Us pnlllon April 20. and will In ■otute Osrole bis ttme lo bis isclna auMe. Ralpb Bayerd takea hla place aa an eieouUve of tbe Alez- aoier laland ttacL , TBI Toronto (OnL) bone ebow doaed April 90. ■"er a very asccessfnl aeaelon, and will bs made an aoooal event bereatter. More tbao Ave taandted *"* •I'own snd |a,ooo gtven In pilxes. J^'naiAT MiADOwsbasaoMlilasMncof iUl 2;>a poontr/ bona*, wUcb he fomerty bmtsd wllb tbe Heailow Brook Bunt Olob. THE :isrEW YORK CLIPPER. TtaeiooHtHTiMTattbeSLAMiibliack Anrtlii b2i'iC^„!5?°with Wff uf »uw SSL a^i.^JTl'' wfllona. Tb\e ooS ^ l^'dbeSt,' "» n^*"!!' "» '•«" two year old* lu V. 1 P7«!^'^»«. "Jll«exerctaluK at Uie Urave«nd bla rider and ran Into tbe fence wlti «ucrforce ibat be tumeda 5?5f"•?«°«J»nl'- ,Tbe coll u>y nH)tloniS fo? wSJe^Sf/inlJ?" "nallT drewn to tbe ataUe, wnere reatasUves were applied w tb socccm. Tiip accident tnayresull In tbe coifs demtb. JlJfiJiif'?.V.''f «>''««'«1 lie entries for ibe " lorlug a num. bar of yeais, died In llie Providence Uoeplial, In "•fib*"". U.O., April 17. UecontrectedaSVere SJSi. •'"♦K'P'O Into pne" »rt!l!i,f«''n''^'',i'"*If'""' ''*"«A«)OtiiTiox baa S!iSSn*?i'^f'."«!'J°" *"* Wretium, beet r^.*" llie mce to be for »6,ooo a coraer sSpiembe? *'"OMUng in -T-fi.*?'?*' ""■),'««<:'n» AaaoclaUou will Inaogii. rate Ita Spring ninalng meeting at iba Uariem track «<»'">',''• 'or tea days. TOe Uariem and Uawthotno Incka will altemaie. each recbig two wceke at a time until Nov. i. B.JfS'lSfk''- •t"!'* "t"!*'*"''. died recently at Fort Mboun. Nob. Bbe waa foaled lu IHIJ. and wbeu sbe waa ten yean old Knapsack Hc(;iinbT ST'if,?,"' F"™ »■»«• at the Ubica go Driving Park. TBE Nontaern New Yorit Troulug Uorse Breedere' Aswclallon will bold tbeir annual meetbig at Ulow reui, July 30 lo Aug. a. Tbe progiauime Inclndea ttakea and puisea of from ( to $3,000eacb. Tbe NsTONii. DiRBr, wortb $a),ooo, will be con tealed June 2i. at Uariem Park, Chicago, III. Haw- tboine bai scbeduled tbe Chicago Uert>y, $2a,ooo offered, for a few days biter, thus making it con venleni to start boreee In botb evenu. Tde UaiTiiioHE Dbiviku Club will open the irot- Uogunlbe Eastern Circuit May l-io, at Arilnetvu Hack. u«Ml purses bave been bung up for troiiem and pacera. WiLuas SrokES, who alabbed Joseph BaU at Har mgansett Park, Providence, H. 1., last November, and wbo waa convicted of murder In Januaiy, waa aeoteoced, April II, to Imprisonment for lire. Tub Spitng nieeUng st Uystic Park, Uoaton, Mass., will open Juno It, and continue until 21, nuking Ave days of lacing, for which puiwa to ibe amouul of $g,4lo bave been hung up. THE La Crosse Wis., Ttatllug Park will oiho July 8, for live days of racing. Tbe cblef event will be s tree for all trot, for which a number of turf celebrt- Uea bave been eniered. TUB Oaoadbui Eastern circuit opena up at Leplou, Montreal, July 4, and raeellnga will follow In auc- ceaalon at Cornwall, Wales and PrtacoU, Out., and Ogden>bnrg,N. Y. The BaooKLm Jvckhv Ulub baa completed the uecenary atrangeuicnu (or Iim Hjiriiig meetliii, to begin Bar U, at amvenend, L. I. Slake events and puisea will be contealed on alteniale dayH. TBe Ulonesols Blste ('air Aaoclallon lias au. nounccd a progiamoie for lis Pall troltlug meet, Sept. 10 lo 14, which nsmn (10,000 In pureea and aukes. KcKee>i RocesDhiviiiu I'AHK.a half nUlecircle at PIttaburi, Pa., wlU give a Irotllug meet In June, for wblcl twelve puisea, of $MI each, aro offered. Two meetlnn are announced for the kite track at Old Orcban), He., IbeU rat to lie beld July -i-h, and tbe secosd July 30,31. Tub AiEBiciN LiAOUE waa locorpomled at Co. lumbus, 0., April 10, liy Col. Wm. Edwards, C, F. Emery, II. A. Stevens, W. II. Oocberand W. c. Oug. 121 BASEBALL. A Veterao Uiopire Dead. Jobn llcQuald, tbe wall knowu and popular uni. pira, died of appendlclUa on April le, at Chicago, lU. UcQuald was one of tbe Iteat umpires In this couutry, and had a boat of friends both on and oir tbe ball Held, lie was popular alike wltb playen and patreiia In eveiy clly that lie ever oniclaled In. Mct^uald waa bom about thiriy-alx yean ago, at Chicago, anil lint started lu tbe baseball bualneai In un, aa aecond baseman and captain or the Chi- cago Browns, a prominent local amateur learn, lie remained wltb Ills Browns until tbe doge of the sea- eon of 1S81, and gained aucb renown that he was engaged by tbe Peoria Club, of tbe Nortbwesleni Lague, for tbe eeason of 1882, thb being bla Oist proteaalooal engagement. In issa be waa signed by the Bay City uuu, of the aama league, be taking part tht eeason lo thlny tlgbt cbamplonslilp Sames, Iwenly-flve of wblcb be played In tbe out- eld. During tbe neit few years bo went lo um- piring In Ibe Soutbern League. He was engaged by tbe American Aaaoclatlon as one of lla umpires during Ibe eenaons of 1887 and 18IB. In ISM he was eniagsd by Frealdent Young aa cue of the um- pires of tne NaUooal league, and remained on Ur. Voung'a omclal staff up tn tba time of bla dealb. When Presldeni Young was Informed of Umpire tlc- Qnsld's dealb by Aldermau Fnnk Lawler, of Chi- cago, lie sent tbe following anawer: Your lolagnm aoaouoclns Uie death or my uU mead aad oojplre, your uack, Jolio Hct^uald. waa veryiitucli or a ihock. but not ao much or a aurprlao. Fnm Hie lime 1 ncelrel your lalur, aad koowlav Uie caaae "fhla lUoeaa, loouM not rid uraeirorttae feellnw that be bad umpindbUlaat sane, ^whea you eraolillsed io apeak ofooe who tiaa 'ooaMd Ihe rlror,* It la Knat coowlallon iryou can cooaclonUoualy apeak veM. My omclal nla- llooawlui youreoele ror maoyyeara wan neceaaarily TeiT cteie. aad U tlilaliour or jnor deep ainicUoo 1 cao, In a comparatively email meaaere, idiarabia tamllr'aluaa, aad you wlU kindly lender llieo my deeti and elocereal armpatby. Aa a man 1 alvaya found him the Mul of honor. Aa an umpin no wonli oT loloe, do mauar Inw euoos or beautlrully eipreeaed. eoukl add to lila well earned nputalloo aa oo« of llie falnat and beat umplna Ibat ever etood upoolfaedlamond, Tbe Kew York playera made up a purse on Ibe evening of April lo, and gave IttoUmplreTlmoiby Unnt, u purchase a suitable emblem lo beaent to Ihe funeral of Umpire Mcttuald. Tbe design will be thatofau umptre'alndlcator.aalargeaaanorlatcan make It. nun HtchlgBD Bt«te Ijeagoe Schedale. Tbe lUchlgan Stale League baa announced Ibe following eobedule of cbamplonsblp games: KalauAioo—At Battle Cnek, May 0,9, SO, a. a., July Ll.>..>, i. Alia.S,0,7: at Laiialag, June >«,».>>, July tS,aitII, Aug.aia).il; at Owoaao,Juaa 19, 14. U, July 9, an 31 Aug. K >7, S; al Adrian. Juneai. }l, ILJuly 11, 13, U, Aag. A. a II; at Mooroo, June 17, to. IS. July 8, >, '*'^'lfi %Mk-At Kalamaioo, May .11, r. a.. 31, June I, July I, X Jelr 4. r. a.. Sept 1, S, 4: at Laaalos, June3.1, t. July t,i,m, Au>. 1< IT; al Owoaao^Jaaa 17. M, 1>. Aug.1.1,3, nasi: atAdrtaa.June34,l3.a.JolyS.3>, 17, Aug. 21.17, »; at Monm, Jone 17, a, 8, July 9,30, t.Julf ^ Au>. M 17: al Owoaao. Jane 17, M, 1>. \ a 9^31: at.Adrtaa. June », e. a. July S. 38. 31 Aas.Z^EXS'. UaalOB-At Kalamatoo, May 31.2121 June 37, & 9* Au|.ai. lOialBaltleCnet. May 34.m37.Julyll,|}. U, AOS. N^jHi.".*"?fI'.j??V.?l;?!v^i ' I July I . a., sa,8<pu3,\4: at Adrian. June 17, U, IP, Aui. 1.13. l£ ftllTal aSiria. JaaeSDl II, a Aua. t i 7. ft T. *L 0>oeKi-AlgaUmaioo.JaoeX<,>,July Is, Id 17. Sept. >. l^Ilj at Bauto CTaak, June 4.7, a July a, 19. o, Bipl. u, u, ,1, K Laaaloi. May 9, l. a, 31, June I, July 1.3. t, irir Aug. U, II, if; at /dilaa. MayJl B, a Jojr J ». IH AU|:7^8, 7: atlloacoo,llayH,I»ri7, July II. 12.13. Auii. a,>.ia. Monmf-A^ ^limaioo, Jane 1,7, a, Julr la, ». B. Sapl. I^S7:atBauleCroek,JaoelO.II. 11, Jury32,xl,H8ept. ?Jj^ll^ at IwloE. Judo OIL Xi. Joly U, 17, Ha(!< \i; alOwoaavloee3<, as, 3a. JulrB.3.,21,, 301U: a{ AdriaaTlIay 90, i. a.. Bay 31. June I, Joly <, a. i?,li,<L8epL3, 3,4. ^ Voawg laatraeta Ihe Vaaplres. Pi«aldent Young, of tbe National League and American AMoclaUon, on April M, laued tbe foUow- log IsatiucUons to bis corps of offldal umpires. I iMMtrully eolimlt die foUo»lii« laitniclloai for your LoldwoadurIeK ttieMaaonorion. aad I wlUboUtlipplna mielly raapoaalble (or ibelr prompt aad cboeiful am- ^'rlnS^^uoalderaUaaalgnmaDU eoofldenllaL Beond-WbeD you nadi a cliy, aoUly the home club al °°^irt.i°Ai;5r!i"m°;-.irp.««i a. u,.ue™,«. wm etoo la seek cliy. I wllleccept ooeaoue for alaUonlo OTPir wllh tifaalmple tat Unpolunln.iu«^ rnrlb-riepay your Uleimmi aad charge aamo la '"iJS.'^'SSSt. «.d ainendmeal. lol,l.a,jjhkh an too ptaln lo requlra apaclal biiinicilooaor biun>f>la- Hooa: Eolasia tl!?'{''wbS Bufba eoHlml Iba n (aeetlou ll a leeeiloo tk *. »V"f.(«ae" L 40 (Which dsarly dedaa a baalUll <l ( i mill SMmd the aamo ai l7lb. I John J. HcUabou, the clever sburt slop of tbo Wllkesbarre Club, of tbe >>utcm League, was bom July 6,1872,at dsvelsnd, u., and It was at hit naUve city Ibat be learned to play ball at au eariy age. It waa not long, however, before bo gained conalder- ablerenowuaa an intlelder and batamau. It waa wblle conneuied wllh one of the leading anialeur tesms of Cleveland tbat he attracted tbe atten- tion or tbe oitlchila of the Unnd llaplda Quli, of the Michigan State League, and be was algned for Ibe seaaou of lluw, this liolng bis lint professional year- Tlie champlonablii aeaaon of Ibe lllcblgan Sbale League began ou fttay 18 and cloaed on Sept. 17, Ibe Orand lisplds Club standing thlnl at the end or the cbamplonsblp lace. UcMahoii re- mained Willi tbe cnib iioiil the close of the chaui- filonshlu sesson of 1800. In 1801 be was eiigsged by bo Osbkoah (;iub, or the Wlacoualn l,eague. taking part lhat aeaaon lo elgbiy-fuur chauiplntulilp con- teaia, aud be ranked well up in both lliu onicbil balling and flelUliig avomges. In the early Hiiring of \m, HcHahon wimt Soulli ami Joined the lllr- mlngbam (Ala.) Club, of tbe Houlheni UHgiie, ami remained with lla team tbrougliout that acastm, hU excellent all around work greally aiding lila cluu In winning Ihe Soulbem league pennant lhat year. McUahon waa re engaged liy Ibe Ulnnlngbam Club for Ibe neaxon of vm, anil bbi Aoo work atlreclcil the allentloii of Manager 0. II. Hi:buielr. and others. UcHabon waa made a good unr by ttaiuigcr Scbmelx, whii bail charge of the Wasbliigton Irani, of Ihe -Vallonal l,esgiu) and American Aaaoclallun. and be accepled II, lieglnnliig thii seaann nt \mi with Ibo Waalilngtnii team: liiil,aa Ibey had a aiir- Pilua of playerx nii hami, HrMannn was rcteaaeil In he Wllkealiaire Club, ut tbe Kaaloni l/ragiie, anil Onlahcd out Ibe aeaauii with lla team, taking lairt lu niooly.nlne cbaniploiiablp conlonls, anil ditlng ox cellent all 'round work fur bbi cliib. Iiaduot touched Ihe bal). aud 49 (aectloua I and V). Tlila nile la men clearly deSned. ao ihal onir Uio iiroper liala. iiiau who (ailed to uka hla place al tail aliall ue declared out Hie rule niiuirea Uiat an "lofleld" or "ouldeld" hll aliall "tie decland liy Uie utiipira aa aoon aa hit." Thai aliould be conalruod to iiiaan aa aogo aa he cao fonii all latellliieiit Judnoent ami klvo bolli ha«« ruonen aod flaUera ample lliite while the ball la allll In llia air. Rule 6U.a«clIool3aod U. Tlie *f>eclalatl«Dlloo or umplna la called to nileSlaji ainaniled (niailos lo euacliloa). whidi luuit be alrlclly entorced. No ^acuaa (or (kllure will, uooar any clreuni- auncaa, bo accepted. Nolaaddllloa uaection Lnilotf: alio cbanae le rulefiO, whldi muat be obaerred. Hule 01 haa tmn ftefiuently vloUtwl Id Uio paat. Such Tlolallon mu*tc»aa«. Itie nilea rei|Uln that all balbi need Id dianipluoalilp aajuwuiuatharunililie,! Iiyuio. Umplnaiaurteiamlno every boi and aee tliat ll la aecunly acaled and Ihe liajid coatjalna my olHclml atamp (niunoKfam). See aectlua 3, rule If Your atteollon la particularly Invlled to tiie amend- meat ui aeclloo S of the Leaaue cooalltutluD nlallng to tliedulyoranuinplnln eorurclng the rules, wkldi will be alrklly eotorced. Kverr Leeifue dull baa alned an agraement Uiat ll will nol pay any rtne or Onaa [mp«" ' by umplna lo ilie diechante oi Iheir doty. you certainly have ll In your power lo make yuur uoal- .luoa dio eaaiut In eooneclloo wlUi proteaabioal bsJolalL Tour udKotu Kood JudSDlent aad kiDii eiperleoce will enalila you lo dlacharso four duller hilUibilly. You BliouU DOI be urn liaaty Id laOlclIna Onea. but never liaal- uta when It beoomea a naoeaallj-. DIAHORD FIELD flOSBIP. Latest BajrlBga BBd Dolags of Uia Bma*- ball FiBtsralty. "malilent Young baa lettled the iineatlon aa to tbe rightaofa liase runner when a liall lipped by bim la caught wllbin leu feet of Ibe plate. On llie Inieninutlon of ibbi rule two excellent autboiltleH, Harry Wrigbt aud Prealdent Young, dlaagree. Tte former aays tbe play abould Us conaldered tbe same aaa foul, and lbs base mnnerretomtohbibaaeihut tbe laller ralea tbat It la only a atilke, and a baae rvuner may Btoal oueor mora liaaea. Tbe rule saya: ■A Hirtke la a ball tipped by tbe liataidan and langbt b; tbe catcher wlUiln tbe ten foot line.' Nothing bi asid about a foul. It bi clear tbat Pnaldent Young la comet."—Aufoii lleraU. We agree wltb tbo above. If tbe major league baa the power tii eliminate Ibe word foul by calling 11 a 'Ipfied ball. It certainly baa Ibe rigbt lo decide wbetbir ur nol a base runner can run on aucb a play. If ab lecbnl- cal queatloua In regard to Ihe lulerpratallon of Ibe playing nilen weiolefttoltealdent Youogio decide, there would be less fault Ondlng irltli the rules each year than h uow tbe case. He Uihe only person tbe major league recognlxes In such matteni, and bla Interprelauoo of tne pUyIng rules aliould be the conecl one. It Is certainly an assumed auUiortt.' on tbe pan of oUiera to make coairary rulloga, or Hod fault with Mr. Young's luterpretallons- Tbe Evansvllle (lod.) team are sboiriug up In better fomi sf ler escb day's piacllce. and are putting up aume very prelly exbTliltlon games. Tbe grouoda were crowdeil Apitl 14,loaeettaenidereatlheliuubi- Tllle team, aud good crowds witneieied gaiues wllb IndlanapoUa, April 17.18. Tbe Bret League game occurs April 'A at borne, wllb the Naabvlllca. Mc- Farland, tbe new pllcbar, bi proving to In a good man In that poslUon, aa well as a atrong baiter. II iviiulred leu binlngs lu decide the content tie- iweeu mo Princeton and Pennaylvanla Slate College leania, April 20,at Princeton, N. J., Ibe furmer Itaen winning by 410 9. Ibe Tufu College team defeated Ibe Harvard t'nl- veralty team by 11 to 7, April 2U, at Uosloo, Hasa. Tlie Yale L'mvenlly team bad the Williams College nine for opponenis, April 20, at Nsw Uavau, CL, Uhi former Iben wmning fiy 14 to 4. Tbe Unlvenlly of Pennaylvanla team defeated Ibe Leblgb Unlvenlly learn, April 3), at Uethlebciu, Pa,, byaio4. Tbe Jaspers, of Msnbsllan College, defeated tbe Trinity Oillege team oil tbe grounds of Ibe former, la ibbi city, on April 20, by e to 4. Tbe Hniwn I'alvenlly learn defesled Ihe Provl- deace team, of Ibe Kaatem League, April 2), al Providence, H. I., liy 14 lo 8. Ilutchbun, of tbe Chlcagos, beld tbe HI. l/oula Biuwns diiwn Ui four sals hits, Anril 'JO, al SI. I»oIh, Mo., Ibe Cblcagns Iben winning by II to t. Tbe Bcianlona defeated Ihe Blnghamlooa, April 2D, at Hcnntun, Pa., liy 23 to t. no Toronlos defesled the KImlrea by IT U> II, April 30, St Klmlia, N. Y. The Cul«n Ulsnbi defeated the Fall Rivera by 10 t« e, April 20, at Fall lUver, Han. Tbe Uailelooa defeated Ihe Fieeland team by 141/> 6, April 20, at llaileUin, Pa. Tbe Wllkealarrta defeated tbe Allenbiwn team ou April 20, at AUenlown, Pa., by 11 lo 7. The Florence team made only two aafe blia mr Horner, April 20. at Borilngtoo, N. J., tbe BorUng- toos Iben winning by 11 lo t. The Uoly Cnaa tsam defeated the Brown Vnlrer- rity nine by U lo 4, April 19, at Woctealar, Maa. Jamva Jackson, Ibu veteran player and iimiiagor, who ban lieeii out of lisMelpall for the past fow ycnis, iHanxloiiatoliecomeldeut'llcil wllb the game aaa Dunsger Mr. Jackaon baa certainly liad oxparieuce eiiougll to fit bIm for the iioaltinu uI manager, lie was huilruiiiental In forming Iho old Iiilrniattoual League and nunieroiia clults. He can lie aildreasoil 111 can of ihla odlco. Tbe New Yurka bad lbs (;oluiiilila College Icaiii fur oppononU, on April is, at Ihu I'nln Uniiiuds, this clly, Ibe romer then wlunliig lir 2U lu 2. Uii tbe mil. Ihe Yale (tnlveislly;team paid anotber visit In the Now Yurks, tbo game being phiyed ou the I'nlo tiroiiiids, tbe New Yorks tben winning by 17 lu u. The sccldental death of OoorgeCawsn.a shideni of tbe Oberlln Academy, which occuneU at iliu Alblellc Park, Olierilo, U., April is, haa caat a gluotu (irer the enilre college and cummunlty. While preu. tlalng for tbe 'varslTy nine Cowan waa atxiick on the bead liy a hard liatied line liall and almiiat In- Blanlly killed, tbe lituw soon lieing aucreeded liy coavulalons. Mr. Oiwaii waa twenty-two years ut age and a apleudid student. Ills pnreuts reside In Olierilu. Hen UnlfonI Jr., who fur a numlier of yean waa the able aporiing editor of TAh tiiuintiatt 7Vi;ira- .Vnr, haa severed bb< connection with that Journal, and accepted a similar poslUon on r/is ctitdmutti itisl. Mr. Hulford's fertile pen should place Ihe laller Journal aa prominently liefore tbo aiairiliig worid aa was Thf Tiina-Stor while he was ciiti. aecled wltb It. Tlifl playeis of Ilia llrtMiklyii Cluli iHvliIeil lulu Iwu teams nn April le, at Kaatem Park, ilnsiklyn, N. Y.; then second leani tben defeated the rvgulara by 8 to 7, Tlie Ualtluiores defeated Hie Yale Lolvemlly team April 10, at Uallluiore, Md., by 17 tu 2. Tlie lailllui of Kelley, of Ibe bouie team, waa a feaiiire. Illaali afe bits Included two ainglea, two iIuiiIiIch, a triple and a home run. « Tho Princetiin (>jllege team defealeil ihu Ueurice- towii Unlvenlly Icaw liy 121» 7, April in, at Aaab- liigbib, 1). U. The alHjve reHiilt was revenwd ou tbe fuMowIng Jay, at Ibo aanie place, Ibe Oecirgelown Unlvenlly team Iben winning lif a acursof II In 11, TlieUsnell Unlvenlly team defeated Hie Srmcuaa Min, of the Katlem League, by d to 4, April is, al libaca, N. Y. The lusers made only two aafe hlla <iir Hmllli and I'rieal. who alternatea lu Ibe pllcher'a poeliloD for Ihe colleglaoa. Tbo CIncliinalbi defeated the M. Paul team, of I lis Western League, un April 10, at Cincinnati, 0., by ttoo. Tho llosluus ilefeated the Providence team In au exhibition game played April 1", at I'nvlileuce, N, I., by 18 to 11. The Oymnaaluui leaui, of Uncluiiatl, O., defealad Ibe Covlugton Sura ou April 14, al Uncloiiall, liy is li> 0. Tbe lusera failed to make a aulllary aafe hit off Ilesl, wliu plh:hsd fur Ihe vlcloix. The Holy Croaa team defeated Ihe Auiluver KM- legu nine by 12 tu 2, lu sig Innings, on April 17, at Andover, Uaaa. Au Inleresllng ranio was played lielween Ihe Pennsylvania aud I^fayelto Uolverslly learns April 17, al Kaabin, I'a., the fonncr Iben winning by 3 tai I. Tbe llosUiua vbUted Pnivldence April 17, and there defeated the Providence team, ol Ibe Kaatem Is!8gue,t>y7b>8. It reimlred ten liiulugs to decide tbe contest lie- tweeu St. Paul aud He U Halle School leauu Apill 17, al OardenCliy, I. I., the former tben wlnnlnshy 4 Cog, The Allcntuwu team of lha Pennaylvanla Stale lAgiie, defeated tbe Leblgb l.'niversliy team by 10 lo 14, April 17, al Uelblebem, Pa. Tbe Urown Unlvenlly team defeated Iho Wealeyari College Bine by 17 lo 4, April 17, at Provblence, ll. I- AlejuDder Hmllb, a catcher, wbu accompanlad tbo New YorkaSouUiou their mining trip, baa l>eeu algned by the New York Club. Tbe llarrlaliurgadefealecl theSyiacuse torn I>y21 Ui 10, April 11, at llarrisburg. Pa, Tbe Uncatter learn defeated Ibe (nuinlienlmiga on April 17, at Chsmberairurg, Pa., by a acore uf IT to 1. The Uartmoutb College team defealad lha llarvard L'olveirity nine April 18, at Manohtsur, N. U., by Tlog. Tbe TuronU) team, of Ibe Eaalern lieasue, vlalled llbaca, N. Y., April 18, aod there defMed tbe Cor- nell Volvemty Blue liy 2 lu o. The Fordtaama defeated the Near Torti Unlvenlly Kao by U to 4, April 18, at FordtaaB, N. T. The hiaen made only fonr aafe hlla off lYacey. The rau Rivera defeated Ibe CubaoUlanIs by 12 lo 4, April 18, al FaU Hlver, Maas. Tbe Fort Wayne team defeated tbs Toledot by o to 1, April 18, at Fort Wayne, lod. The Toronlos woo eaall7 fran Ibe t3isltas Apfll IO,atElmlra,M. y-,by38tol. The tnermonl AlhleUea deftsted the VUla Neva Collegsby8lal,ARll2>,atVIllaRon. Theloisn made only ikne ale Ula off Dnay. The momben of tbe BalUmora end Philadelphia teams were ihe guests al dinner st the Bqnluble Rasttiunnt at Balumore, Md., April 19, and nearly erery one of the Phllllea awl aevetal of the BalU. mors platen partook of Ibe meal, TheUble waa decorated wllb little nasa of orange and black and fllmlnnllve nennania. In Ibe cenin waaaroaatpig, with a baaelskll placed lielween hla snout, and tur lounded hy funr liata In Ihe abape of a dUmonO, tied toselhtr with nnnge ud black ribbons, Man. agera llanloii and Irwin nl al itae bead ol the table, and Secretaiy Von dor llorsl waa tout mtater. Tbe Inn and Oil Uague waa orgaulied at a meet- latr held AprU is, al IHI City, Pa. The tollowlni cults will make up iherln'nil; Knnhlln, Kewcaule, UI City, ttharuii, Tllnavllle ami Voungitown. A $100 mlary limit was agrecil upon. Vharies B. Purier.sporilug nlllnr of ITv JIHabtav Imdnr, waa elealed prraldoni, wrelary and Ireaannr. The cham^looshlp will Ingln on Hay It and ck<st Tho Wesleyan Uillrge leain defeated Ihe Wllllanu college nine by * to 4, In seven lnning^ April 18, at mildlelowii, Ci, Tho losera made only one aafe Ml off Ueemaii. Tbe cniilRil belweeii tbs Amheist Oollrga aud Siiriuglleld (ViiuidUlaloil leaua ,\pril ID. at Aiubend, Haas, iras railed at tho end of Ihe nUith Inning sllh Ihe Mon a Ho—8 lo 8. The PottsvHIes defcalnl Iho Syracuse learn liy 14 III 13, A|irll ID, at IMilsvllle, Pa. Tbe i^riogilrbl leani, uf the Hasteni League, de- d'aled the Hrriilcns on April ID, al Uoriden, Ct., hy 10 loo. The ililMU Olsnls ileft'slol tho Fall IU*era by 11 III 10, April IV, at River, Hasa. Tlio Hcrantons acureil an anpannlly «*ay vlctoiy iivrr Ihe lllnKhsinioiis April 10, at Hcniilun, Pa., by ■3) to ,v The llmnd llaplils ilofealed Ibe Dolrolbi by 8 In I, A|Hll la, nl Ihilroll, Mich. LMA(4I'K>ANIIU( lATIUN. Thv ChamploBahip Meaaaa Opeaeal nrllli b Uig noaia—.1laB|r Thnuaaada eg People Wllaaaatha Obimss. Tm-ni wore iiutiiy aiiniria<>s atlentling Iheuponhis iif the National la>agiio and American Aasoolatkin ohaniiilniiahip nossuu uii April 18. In Ihe dnl pisce fow of Ihs twenty Ihniiaaud people who vUlled Ihe INilii (Irounibs Ibis clly, would have lieoD willing to ciHii'Cilo a victory In tho llrouklyns. Fewer allll wuiild have claimed a viclury for the l,oulirlllea ovor the I'lilsliuixs, ur one fur Ihe Uiiclunstis fnoi- Uio niirelsmhi, Tlio glorious uncorialiilles of liaae iMll wore nuver lieller lllualraled than In Ihe Ualll- iiHira-Pbllailelplibt game, at Balllusiro, Uil. Wllk a w-ore uf a In 0 agalnat ibein the rhllsdelpDIas wont In uu Ibe Isst Iwu Innings sinl won iiiil. Tho open- ing of Ihe aeasnn of istis, however, may well be chilitieil as s grest anrroai, even If sumo of Ihe liumo lesms wero dcfesioil. It oertalnly was la a llnaiiclal sciiao. In llila clly upwarda uf tweiily thoii. Hsiiil ptrasna atlomlcil Ibo gaiira, bihI had Ihe grand Hhinil liven half again aa htrgo as It Is It woulo hsve lieen 1111041, as many porsnna left the grounds whcu tlieyfuundthattlioycuuhliinlgotseabi thereon. Not alone lu Ihla i lly was tbe alhimlaiice large, hut Ual- llnioro, riiii'luiuill, Iiuulavlllo and HI. Isiula rvporl great crowds ut peiiple. This la certainly very en- riiunglng news, and. If all tho lesiiiaoan keep up Ibo pace lhat thuy have alariod wllh, this aliould prove llio liaiiiicr seaMm fur the iiallnusl game. New Vork vs. UraoklirB. Ttio o|ieiilng of Ihe cbainploiinhip season at Iho I'lilo (Irnuiiila, Ibis clly, wss ceriuliily very anaplrl- uiis, snd will long Iw nuieinlierail by the loouasnibi uf people whii wero tlieic. PrulsilJly st no other u|M!ntng uf a rbaiiiiiliiiuhlp aesann In tite nieltiipulU wss there S4I largo a rmwd uf pounlu nrcsenl as on April IS, when the Now Yurka had Ibo llrouklytu for iipiHSinnia. Friends and adinlrere uf tho two teatiis wore out In full fuico tu eiicuuragc Ihoir favuriles. Huiidrailaiifpe4tplogalborwl aniund Ihoenlnaaoea liiiliognninila, aud walled iwtlenilylu tbe hiiltun fur ncariy an liuiir lajfura (ho gales were opened. 11 was ncariy two u'cluck liefore Ibey were ad- nilllad, and lliuii Ibcru was aucU a nnib,puih ami Mimmiiln fur tbe aeala lhat wuiilil affurd Ibe beat noealblo view uf ihn gaiiio as was never liefore Men, It was lint lung Isifuni Ibe alaiida Ifenan lu mi up, and aliurtly nficr tlinw u'cluck slandlng nnjin oiilv cniilil Im ubfalnoil. Ttie gnutula had a gala day apicaiaiico, ami Ihe grand abind was prufusely ilocurelcil with Ibtga repnaenilng all natlniip, A private laix, hanilauiiii ly fsaloonetl wllh AuMricsn nsgs, waa reserved fur Uaynr Slronn auil iiibiTdlailngnlabsil iwisons. Ilbilluniir waarnnndly apnlaiided when he iitadn hh« a|i{R>arance. and re- crfvcd aiiuiber uvailun wlirii he threw the IhiII upon Ibe ilelil. Kvsryiblng panaeil off pleasantly and His big crowd of twople aaa handled wllboul any accldcnia lia|ii«nlBg. Wlieii It la taken Inlii coiialdentlon tho lllllo oiiwrienca Hr. Fieedman ban had In Isiaeliall mallen he la ctrialnly eiilllled tu the bighist cuiialdenllun fur lbs aids mabmr In which be auccniileil In admlnlaleriiig Ihe wania uf bis patrons. If Iiiuh-sI ollhria were ever made hi the liilerosi uf the public's welfare thny cerialnly were on this mcaaluii, Ovor twenty thnnasnd people were adiiilueil tu the groundi, cared fur soil lUs- nilmil wllhoiiltholosBlaenililsnce of sn acrManI, Hr. Kreedman'a clever numagenent will duly Is) ro<-<igiil7.s(l, Thn nniiltnf the game was u diaappolnlnieni Ui luiiiiy Now Yurkcni,liut the vloturr was wrlleameil hr the llnadilyiis, who uiilplayoil llieir up|»n«iita at all piiliils Thu Nnw VurhH i:uiihl hardly have aliuwn up III piHinr ciinilllluii iImii they did oa IhU ocraalun. Tnvlr work wniiUI have Iweii piior fur aiimteiira. Tbuy apjieared lu lie lamenulily weak liolh al tlie Int ami In Ibo Held, Hlaffiinl may In time lie able bi till tlis pualtloii at aecund laat, bul he dill nul convince many poiwsw bi thai erftct In thbinine. Kveu the great Itiiale dhl not ahow up III his iiaual nun funii. At leaat, Ida pllrhing at times didiiutabuw tlinl akill and piiwrr thai lu Ibe paat uiado him a terror tu nppoaing Istlaineii. TheMStUaal lielween the wurk Aum liy tbo ,Sew Yurka and thai ilouo by Ihe llmuklyna waa au nuirked aa bi call furib severe crillcbim. Tho llnHdilyns showed up In champluiuliln funn, and Ibure waa a daih and a vlin of the ginger unlerabuul rhair work thBtuom- niandod tho reapect uf everylssly preaent, aiidUMde fur tlieiii a liiml uf friaiida lu thsl vast aawiiiblBge. Then, luu, Kennedy proved an enlgusa lhat Ihe New Yorks cuulil nol aulve. He never pllched lietter ball Hun he did lu thin gsine, liolng very eltecllvo wheu a hit waa needed by llie New Yurka. Iliiale alone waa able lu aulve hla pitching Ui any exieni, aud Uis big pllclier made a safe hll every Uuiu he vveul lu tho lial. Kciiuedy waa alao In evidence at tbe bat, he, lisMiiakIng Ihree aafe blu out uf funr tinea at Hie lial, Tlin Urouklyoa well earned Ibelr victory, and dtaened every hit of credit given Ibem. TIIK (lAHK. The cinleal njienul wllh tbe llnsiklyna al Ihe liat. Orinin, Ihu flrat man np, was rellred un a rif lo Btaf- furd. Foul! bit fur two liates and scored on lialy's alsglu tu rigbt Hold, lbs laller taking aecund un (be throw (n. Iluriis rvscbcd flrat un an error hy Uavbi. Daly going to third isi Ihcmb^ilay. TlielaUeracoitd uu Tredway'a fly to Tiernaii, The New Yiska went lint In one, two, thrco isder. Iiavia, wbu had been given a baae on lalla, was thrown out In trying li> steal aecond. Tlie (Irooklyoa acured anuUierrtio In the IbinI tuning, which waa ibo result uf ac4siplsof laaes un balbi, a force rsil aud a single by Uiircorao, Tbe victory waa virtually cinched by the Urooklyna In llieaeveulh (iiolug, wbeu Iher acured three runs, which waa lbs reaull uf guod batUog and daring liaae rooning un their tart, and vury stupid workun tbe part uf tlie iKinie ttsiii. The UrisiUyaa scored I heir llnsi run (u Ibe cigbth Inning un (wo ilnglM and two lung lllca bi left field, Tbe New Yorks raised a faint bnpe lii (heiicaria of their friebds lir scoring Iwu earned raiu In Ihe aflb Inning, llurie led off with a single, but was forced uu( al second by Fsrrell. Ihule (ulkiwed wltb a asfe single sud Famill b»k Iblrd. Fullsr went out ou a ity Ui left Oeld aud Fantll acured, Itusle going to second on tbe Ibniw In. Van Hal- tren waa given a laae un balla. Ilavbi bit for Iwu lasea and Kuala aoired, bul Van llaltren made tba third ontuo hUailnrapi Ui reach home uu Ihe bit, tbe lall licing Deldeii hiinis lieaullfully. Id Ihe eighth Innlnglhe New Yorks added two more tuns to their credit on a base on lalls,Bnamrb/Unr- coreuaiHla two laggir hy Itaflc. The laaie was tben called by Umpire Lynch un accouiiT of dark- S > 3 BaouBLVS. r. a. a. i ririmo. cr.. .." roulhlb.... (Mly, ri Hurwa. ir..., Tredway, rf. siilsdif. hi.. i:ertoiB0,aa, llrlBi, e ""-"Tiit..' , 4.K. I I) ■I I I M U I 1 U .1 U U U 3 3 9 0 0 3 1 19 0 0 0 Totall..'. II 7 II M 18 I Brooblya 3 0 Bew Tori flaw Vuaa r. rnllrr. as.... 4 I Vsajlall' I t)srl>,lb-... 4 li<iyk,lb.... 4 Tlarnaq, rf.. 4 SUITolSilb.. 4 Nurio, Ir. . . 4 Parrel),c... I Raale, p 3 Teljila...l4 . J IA % lew Torji 0 0 Karaod noa—Bnoklya, 8; 1,3. OalaMla-B.,t:i;r. . Vaplia,tyaak. Itae,! oal-i- 9. o. A. a. 118 0 0 1 0 0 Till Ills 0 4 0 1 0 3 3 3 1 I 0 0 sets 8 0 I 0