New York Clipper (Apr 1895)

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APRIL 27. THE JSTEW YOKK OLIPPEK. 123 Fiuk ovte, m, umuio, n 101, '''IVril l»-«™t '««-FlT« rurknn-LlbwtlM, 111, •JSii; I)i«lb«">J. «». ""IB", « 10 1, IbW. Tim? '-^>-—.Boa Bttr, lit, Oboia, I loT, won; Alujtot, rXouI.Ma>nd: rrlnoft Carl, iJl. dsnllaer, t to 1, vliiinr foar Ttarlooei—Ckrrlo O., 107. Tkv lor, a> lo I, von: woe'»luiD,4 ^ 1. Mcood; Wimn TolariliO; pii iQonRi-OAlilar.lO). Clion), OToa. »on;0. B. Coi. Sio iTlhlni. TliM. 1 mi- „ \Drl) aoi—Pint imc«—T»o rc•roM^ ulllng, illovtncwi, roar rurlonK«-Z«MM, KM. Cbom. 5 to 2, Hmt; LoU DelL lAC.0nliBi)i.8 to & Mcond; TaonrMOO, lin,CUrtoii,S iri Uilnl. TltDi, OiO;a Stoond nci>-lWiniiui Hotel Ptikes thrM rear okl^ one inll«-3lAurltt,.ll7, ondiSl C»plun,llb;C. W«bb«r, a to l, thlnl. flaw. i u(c ^Ird nco—Non-vlontn In lW,Mt (brhtnim l.Ani'U we/ChoTTi.ft lo 3; aw: Ai>liUnd.«S,T«-o|)tt^la to I weood; Mudarioco, 01. K.I'^iiraii, 4 to i, tblnl. Tiinhl:l4 KoartliTatt-Storplocliw, Rhort courF«— VraodoUa, 19. lloOtauii, fi to I, Itru: Teaiploinor*, 1L% Wltli«r«,Stol,M6ond; Mr Luck, IS,)tcOallou|cli,S u»(L iblrd. Timt, KliUi nt^-Vine }f^r oUh ud iDini. aiuiT, • -w ^irM TMr oMh wu uDViiTd. wlllniT. Ilv« TurlonRK—Twinkle, 107. KreroiAn, 4 lol [lMi:JoDnloW., 107,Oiom,3 to LmcoihI; air*,01, sdinor, Alol. tblnl. Tloie, 1 :(D,'S eixUi raec-TTiiM irtrokltuid upnnl. Mlllnir. rtre rVirloon—Roublo, KU, tliorn.Tto IO.flrti: U.H.Cox, lOS, E.Tarlor.lU to I. wc* uwl: Mni«, lOO, Claytoo, 0to I, Uilrd. Timr. I :aa.>^. April ZL—FIni imw-Hli fbrlonr^ovltl, lui, lAoni. 7 loMros; Brown Dick, lUL C Wolnr, 10 (i>l,i«eoiHl jllu .Vonna, 99, Bchurr, U lu I, ililnl. Tloie, 1:18 fUcond r«c«-Koarrurloon—KInv \TlllUia. lut, BalUnI, 710 la won: BynlM H., tO\ 0. AVoMr.U 101, lecooU; Imp. -n:eI>of(.U>&.<5.(lrahuDj to I, tblnl. Tlm«,0:W/. TTilnl nw—Ono mils—Tbe Tonn«s*«* Brovlnii tjuke^ HI'S furlooffp, - ^ - - _ - -. , Him, 101. CUytoo. MCODd: rrinco, lU, Choro, third. Timf. Pmii raco—Six furlonp. MllloK-Vnak ilxilr. 10), J. Uanloer, 3 to 1, won; Cyclouo, IQfi, Vrwt- hiin.3 io6,MCODd: Lottl« AUor. M, K. Rocbno, Utlnl. Tiino, J:t7H Bhlh imco-Alx Hirtoan itDlllmt-^i>. wtiiloe, J<A Mecklln, A to 2, woo; Dllly ItaatetL 100, FrMiDiu..ttol,Mcoad; Rtveouf, 109, i^om, IS to I, tiilrd. Tin»,l:ir**'. Fight Detwceii HonM. Eflfort and uoilior Million rVoni CfimUlleiil'itiuIng oriioni(«, ineLlnaflercobaitlo at latoola, Ky.,AprU22, iQd, altteuitli MtliaDimils inlTerrd mtsto imnhliineQt, It In tbotglit Ibat M ponoantol Injur}' to either romlcod, Tlie bar««it eKAptd rroni iheir nuarUnitnd brohelliroagh ilie fttiUwny to llie track. Tliey marled oTT In oppoalte directlooa andni»tnearthoclub>ioui(«. .Unoon ak il»«]r Hw «ack olber, boUi became rary mudieiclleO. Tken, wlib wlU uortu uf deiUflCo. (Ley nifdied at each oihur. Tb«y aroMt uprljilit In tlie air, and bepin to rmin blowii vlih ilMir fore twttn, at the iiainotlnieT(clou»ly lilulog «i racliotlitr. Titeentiro rorcaorjockeyanml micndaiiu ■t tli« tnck ninouoded Ibe flilititii; ■lalllonii. and villi ropei and wlilpa iliullr aucccvted In ao(«r«tlDg ilivm. Mir^NEMTA, M a Sute, la llkal/ to decUra azaiimt pool lulling on alt race trackawlibin liabonlsra. Ananll pool celling iilll, amended Roari lu lacludu every racing track Id Uie Plate, wai MOt to the Qoremor Tor hin rfKOt^UTe A|ir1l2L liprortinuibookiuakliiit oodalloUierlomia or JraaiblloR on iiorMa at rare trecka. ami (he tuewure Ik to ar readilnp iliai, irauproveO, It will clorc up ovsry imck In iliatConimonwaaliL. Uio. GCATTHRVOOD, Wfuto ofihe cluS liouaa oftlio rhll' sdelplila (Pa.) DriTlnffl'ark, and Atone time owner and JriTAroTanuiiiberor tnitteraand pacen, coniniltiod aul- rldciirdiuotlnitlilni'eir In tlielioad. In the dab houae named above, April S9. He bad been 111 for aonte tlroe and vu bellered to be mootally iiobaUnced. 8AV0T, tlie colt Injured April 10, all noted in anniher portlnnof thla liuuf, waa killed liy hia atlemlantA ZL DitrlDg llie prerlouH nlglit he atiatuptod lo ngala bit htu and In M doing broke botli rront leKf. Joc'KKV LK.totiM iraa badly hurt while workliiithe hnnte Ducuat the Su AMph track on April II, tlio Itor^e bolt* Ing tlinugh the Tenco. THKCrokerind DwyerHablea will, it U naltl. compote at (taoWhIliUDtlde iiioetlog at UaMoyle, ooar Dublin, Irabntl. TUKDubuoue, It., track baa Jolne<l the Iot«pitateTrct- (iagCircuit, and the flntmeetlni; will he beU June V^U. CBIOKET. TBiMelroiioUtan DIatrlot League UeM • meetliig April IS, *t tlie Citcketete' Club, In thli city. A large amount of boalnees vaa tnnncted, Iscladlog Ibe adopdOD o( a now and amended conatltoUon and by lawn. A oonunnnlcallon me read letoritng (o tbe Bostui matcli tMtireen npctuenlaUve eleveoa of Uaasictaiueua and New York, and Uie proposition «*• agreed to that tne game t>e played Jul; * and i, ut Botton. All Ibe details ol tlie niatcU were left to the foUoirlng committee: C. II. Kllla, New Jenier AlbleUo CInb; F. T. Bbott, Slaten Uand Qali; A. A. Adama, BtooUju aub, and E. A. BuUtli, New York Club. A letter was read from Hobett 8.N'e«baU, of me Oermanlown Clat>, of Fblladelpbla, odlolallr Intonnlng the Uetropollt'tn DIMrlct League oC the contlag TUtt o( a team of Encllsb nmateuis, and of. feilDg new York a game on the arrival of llie team. In Bralember next. Alter a long disciigalon It waa decloed to take no Unal action unUI Uie next me<^ Ing. Tbb memlnm ot Ihe team of UnglUb crtcketeie captained b; A. K.8luddart, with the exception ot Haclaren, ford and (laj, sailed from Adehilde, Sooth Autnlla, April 8, on ihelr return to England. Ttej were given a hearty farewell, and the bone was lenenllyeipieeged that Dioddart would take anotSsrteamtoTlaltAUBitalla. Tto RngUah team played twanu^hreegamea daring tlieir Anatrallan tpnr, o{. whlcli nine weie won, tour lost and ten drawn. A.E.Bloddart and 0. ounn, lHo'captains nipeatlTely ot England and Australia, led In bat- Ungln tlieeleTena side matches, ihe latur having an arerage of nearlj.c:! nins In each ot thirteen InnlDga, while Stoddart bad an average of 4il tuna IneacDof eighteen Innings. A curious feature of the tour was the remanable euengih hi bsulag shown by a majority of the team, Richardson alone (ailing to attain an average of double flgiireiL but he made ameiids therefor i>y bis very elTecilve bowl* log. Two BLETDis ottbe Now Jenwy AUiletle dub will contend for obamplonahip nonon durlDg the com- ing attson. the iliet eleven endeavoring lo win for the third lime In succession ibe iiennant of the Met- toMlltan UlaMot IiOagne, while tho second eleven wHl make a bold bid tor the cliamploushlp of the recently organized New York AssocmtloD. Tho Unt clevtn, sow capulned by U. It. Ooiib, will be BireDgtheaed by the reappeaisuce of 0. II. Ellis, who played n1th the Uannatlan Club last Mswn, and, witli Ihe exception of V. V. Payne aud V. f. ITendergast, will Include nearly all of laat year's icaui. TUR BIASON In this viclnlly was opened April 'JO, at Bergen I'oliit, N. J., the Unit eleven ot tbo Now Jersey AUUetlo Club's cilckotcoiillogent conlcndlng then ajjilnat tho next aoTenteen, Including Tftrt, the ptofeaslonal ot the club. After au exciting con- tut the game lesnlted lu a do, each acorlng 73 lu ■he Irm Inning. Uenzcll, who made-JO, and Uyero, who got le, weiv tho highest scorers for the llrM eleven, while Clarke, with 12, and darkman, 10, not out, wore the higheat conttlbulora to the total ot Ibe Mvtnleen. Tub Bbooxlyn Cu^b, much atrcngtheucd by tlic ■cceaalon of H. J. rrendergwt.J. Flauuery and J. Ciiddllhy, will make a bard tight (or the diamplo)!. eblpottluHeiropollua Olstnci League. The lint eleren will also Include A. A. Adams, wlio liss been selected captain, A. ilrown, U. U. Yco, II. Iletnn, A. D. OuiTani, 0. V. Ilurdltoh, II. 8. M. Crawford and u. A. Tuitle, forming a team very etrong, especially In tettlng, TUE UHITEBSUY of I'BNTMVmNU BLmux will my this season uu their now gnmndu at Tblrtv- ■liln) aud Sdulh Btieets, PhlhiilcTphla. The Held Is •inist 8MfL long and iUXL wide, auU will be cu- clvied bf a itooe wall, no i:eulrs portion v( the Deld la kid out for crioksl, baseball aud foulliall, ■nil has been carefully soddcil aud leveled unilcr lue otrs of au experienced profeaeluual cricketer. , A UBiwa waa held April 14, at Winnipeg, Hani- Inia, delegatea then being pnaeut from all pans ol <u« province. It was decided to seud a suoog cleren tnttaeoUsg Hanlloha on lour ibln season, yUdUng principal elUes of OtmC* and Ihe Lnliideutet Obobob AxDERaON, the onco (amens English liafai- ■uan, who Is now In straitened utcunlarr clicum- jiUaces, la lo have a beneOt match, liar o, to, at ueeaie, Eng., when -a strong amateur eloveu will coatand against the Yorkshire County eleven. A run ot EnglUb amatsuta arrived, April 13, at "porta, Fortngal, where-the drat of a scries ot >u chea waa to be pUyed agium the local eleven, iieluded la the vlalQng team are L. C. V. Balbiiret, i:Jt- BardaweU, A. J. Thomtoii and the llov. II. T. Tnrnlan, who have played with teams vlalllng Ihe t sited Bute* and Oasada. TiiB Bank Clerks, ol PhlladelphU, contemnlala dMaMUnt. Flank RHnhlenberg.tbelr best (lau- ffi^H'JP* » "IhaWs Bccesston to any ot Uw lUlladeiphlaolnha. ATHLETIC. Colambma Clusa Spotli. Hio annnal Spring ganea between Ibe sopho- mores and freshmen of Colombia College took place at Oolnmbls Oval, WIIUa^lshridg^ X. v., en Uatnr- Jhi'iSLi'"'?. VJt.^^ assemblage to wlineaa thoBporta, whichatlorded satisfaction: Buiumarr: ^^"n l'» WJnr, It; Orear- don, t,, and News, t;, dead heat for seeund. Time, one hmKtrnl<T«<i(i«ii(i/in«iii)iiiiitHf ii,(»._\von l'bw?"TiB2,"K4r'"'' rironiUebfrvDlrnioe.—Wonliy Fearing, US: Ste- vens, W, aecond; Howard, "w, Ihlnl. Time, «m. 0,'aB. >*»r himtna anajbrlv imi'rt" rim.-Wm l>y Gun- , ' laoxwli Wolf, MS. third. Tluie. lUL 0.'j& Oiie Hi«e r.(n.-Won b; Fiille, UT; Ughilpr, second; Harbin, ■»!, third Thne, Siu. lo<,«. OntnOe irnUr.-Won by Dogeit, tv, inker, "w. second: Foster, US third. TImi, tm. 6>V(" ' ' 1, /fSi "'"S? "»<*'"Wl' IWitU fturdfr mi*.-Woo llal/mUe riiiC—Woa bv Fearing, 1H; (ionton, D;. Wl. ThmichiQ Ua flaninier.—Won by Ball, H: Kuan second: Arendt,'09, third. TlBe; jm. Is'is. ' ' u.. JS"!?™' nui.-Won by J^iir, WiKewB, ti, second; Fulle, t;, mini, Ttne, I nmicmguienanimer^W oa by Ball, K: Kuan. ■BJ. second; KinslelD, ts, third, fibiiance, hn. Mn! .,.{?'j.'?2"-:,?'>? Smith. •»:; CUwdl, Ms, sec- ond; Uarvln, t7, tbiid. Height, dtl. 410. laumlm Mon Juiiii>.-\\on by Marvin, ui; lie Yonie, us, second; BaU, i»8, third. llelKbl. 6ft au. Himnlugtiroaa Jin»p.~Voa by bijiir:'97; Bum- s de, ts, second; lleaiUe, <t$, third. iHaunco, -Mt. otn. lyUng Ihe «Ao(.-\ron by Ball, Knap, UT. sec- ond; Andrews,'»;, third. DIstonce, Mft. i.'.ln. The Berkeleir Ichool Athlein Held tlieir Spring games at Detkeley Oval, UiU city, on tiaturday afternoon, .\pril 20, lu pleasant weather and on a good track. The aitemlanco waa large and a good aftarnoon's (port was enjoyed i>v all, BuouDary: TteohuHUmtaiuUieeiili/ i/anl»nin, forboyn under sLxieen.—Won by Scott, Dan .Vrmsleail nccend. Tine, Win. huntrta mill Hrtulu tnirta ImnHf ran-.— V on by E. u. Hoeran Jr., Itank Bleu socund. Time, It.'is. TwoAundrectnniliirenli/iMnuriunlfsmw.—Won by R. H. Hoeran Jr., K. Blen second. KHltn tiimna and eipWi/ wiirtii riin.-\Van by ner, A. J. Calloway second, 'time, Im. lis. Onemlle riiii,—W on by J. A. OallowsT, l« Uurham second. Time, tm. aia. Viie mile blcvcle iiiK«.-Won by n. WIer, Jacnnes second,US.Huniingtonthird. Time,:!oi.Ms. <;ii« iii/le imU'.-\\'on by 11. \Valker,L.H. Knnllng- ton aecond, Time, Bm. Sl.'ja. nmirhio Uie Imarbnl/.-Won by Atklii, 2Mft.; Frank Bleu aecond, sratl. Itiiiinliig tHind 7ii/iip.-Won by Cllnlon Irwln- Uanln. llfL WilB.; U. C. Her second, ITft. eio.; vr. Scott third, lIfL2ln. TAiwolii^ llie I2lb (lnnimrr.-\ron by Clinton IrwiD-UarUn, urjtL; J. A. OaUoway, wcoiul, gslt. JWemiiK.-WonbyJ.L. Ilurlburt.ttt.ohi.; Scott second, 7(L; Uwrence thlid, eft. 3ln. nur hundred and jiini/ tnntt run, trials for the rehy mce.-Wou by Clinton Irwln-Msnln, Berkeley School; J. A. Ueehan, Condon Scliool, ivcond; U. C. Her, Berkeley School, Ihird; F. Ualles Jr., Condon School, fourth. Time, U'ih. Himiing Moti J«tii)).-Won by Scott, Ift. llln.; Unrhaui second, 4tt. lOln.; Uowd third, 411. T.'jln. The mile bicycle mce postponed from me Inlen scholaatio games, on April 13, also came olT, and wsa won by I. PoweU, CuUer School; J. Krlch, Harvard School, aecond; is. suunton. Culler School, third. Time, 3iu. 3;;s. Tlio score by points In Ihe class games waa as follows: Class of 'ui, at; '98, 43. >.♦»< Ik the FaolliBU Field, The members ot Ihe Long Island Suburban Foot- ball League played meU- regular schedule of games for me championship en Sunday, April 21, the con- tests being herewith snmmailied; AUanUc Athlellc Club and Ulendale Amietlc Hub tied on four goals each, WoodsMs AmieUo Onb beat Bamllton Ath- leUo Club, 3 to i\ Rldgewood AUiletIo Club beat Newtown Athletlo aub, 4 to 9: Feailew Athletic Club beat Bayvlew Athletic Club, 3 to 2; Uauniiess Athletlo Club iieat Uymplc Athletlo Clnb, s to 4; Uushwiok Amiellc CInii best Empire Athleilc Club, 6 to 3. The standing ot tho clniis lo date hi as fol- lowsr CIvU. Won, Wmtiidt A.C...U a].ndi]aA.C....ll Aiiuile A.a....i.i B> A.C.... 7 UljinploA.O rt l-HclwA.C 7 .V.vtown A.O...- 5 Dauolluii.\. 0... 5 iwlokA.c IIimllloQA.C... B On me same day two games hi the cbamplonship nc« of me National Association FooUiaB League were played m New Jersey. The Unt was between the teams of Ue Sceitun-American Athletic auS> and the Wandereis Football Club, at Newarii, Ihe latter coming off Ttctoia by (10 4. The other game was plared at CsntnvUle, the contending leanu re- pfesentlug the CentnvlUe Athletic Club and tho Americas Amietlc AasocUtlon, and the former win- ning by 12 to 0. The lecord ot ihe clubs In the league up to date Is as follows: riaM. Won. IM.] emu. won. Ion. nuilnvllle c l B'ai;BWu»leren..1 :i fle'tcfa-Anxrlcanii. 3 2|ADiwleui 2 4 Tom Connors, of Hsnchester, and Tsui Claylon, of Himsworm, again met In a Lancashire wreatUng matoh, beat ot three back fails,at cstoh welghL for tloo, at me Larkhlll Cnunds, Ftsniswoim, Eng., April Lt. They had met thrice prevkHialy, each giUUng one vtctoiy and the omsr lesulUng In a diaw. Kearly three ihentaDd peraons were present, and Ihe betting ruled at odds of 7 to 4 on Clay ton. lie Hist fall was won hy Counoni aflsr a veiy severe struggle, lasting foity ali mlnntes, and then the belting changed In Ids favor, u he seeinad In the better condition, and he deaiooalntad the good sense ol the specuuton byirlnnlsglheaecogd fall In sevsn minutssfiom taking hold. Tbo matcli waa advertised as for the championship of tho world. Jaxik J. Uanaubr, who waa a member ot the Ootnwall laorom team In 1892 and inu. but who ims obliged to give up playing owing lo 111 beaim, died at Cornwall, Can., April 18, aged tweuty-six years, lie waa a brother of Dave Uanalier, the celebnitd home Oeldcrot the Bhamrocka. A LACwm HATCH was contested at Deikeley Oval, this city, on Friday afternoon, April Iv, tne teams engaged rcpieaeuiing respectively Ike I'nl- venlly of New York and Stevena' loaUiute, and Ibe former winning by a score of HvegoHbi tonne. Hie game was cbamcterized by unoeceanrily nugh play. llABVET PasBBK ASP CiiABiAi TutiHBT, uf Den- ver, Col., wreslled for a puree of (in at IlocyrvH, 0., April le, me latter, who weighs Itolh, undettak- hig to throw nrker, a l4Slb man, thrice in an hour. TUs he failed lo do, although he won the dist and second bonu, Ihe tblid being nntnhihed when lime expired. AivoEoiKa lo a tolegmm from Athena, daie<l April t, a weaimy Creek, residing at .VIexandrta, las offered halt a mllllun dncnnua for tho icitors- tloB of the ancient stadium, or race coune, so that It may be used for the Olympic games to be held at Athena next year. A TEN Mii-B BACB for Ihe championship of Scot- land, among amalenm, took place at llampden Fart, Olaaguw, April 12, aud waa won by Uannab, tlie holder, who flnlahed In S3m. or HKa. ahead of Ibe previous BcoiUah record, \v.ii<ii<iison,ciyd«a< dale lUnlen), was aecond. In Ha. Ta. F. E. Bacon won the dx mile nee at the annoal •amesof the Amalaamated Hotel, HeaUuiant and Club amploTaa, at Biamfoid HiMge, London, Eng., April 12. Ue Inlshed me distauce In excelltui rifM In me fast thne of 3Du. I'-i.'ia., with II. Waiklns second. In aom. 2Sa. A MATCH at huiUng waa Dmlsatcd at Wallace's Rldgewood Mrk, Long Island, aftemoonotSuiiday, AiHll 21, iietween the learns repteacnllng the M olf Tone and Oanrowcn Clubs, and the former winning by four goals and four pobits to one go*l and nix polnta. Fabkbr maNSdcfealeil V.nn I«whi in aratcli as catch can wterting niati;h, "for fl.""* .•J'"/ Chicago, III., April IJ. i-ewls won the drat Iwii falK Hums taking Ihe othen, on snlfemnce, many mougbL DAiiHcLzan agalB met lUity IVkerIa• tajjch u catah can wtestling match, rtranile hoMalauTed. at Harton, Ind,, evening of April II. Mcljod u- tempted to throw his opponent tear tmes la an taonr, and h« incteeded. Spetta la MaaaeehwaelU. An ImlitorcoopsUllT. mMUu{l«uli.U si UM Yuuoit Un'ii chriMloa Amcbillaii AUil.ilc dub >l >(|vlbnin, Jit**., on .-^Aiunla)- rrrDlua, April if. ftunuiary: nn Mina rvn.-A. K.Cutnon dni, FreMiua Baltaoll (•nml. AiaiUw*l:i»>uap.-IM,.B«t,<n., IOin.,Snl; K. B, Ro.lK. III. .XlD., MMVnll, maKUnf tlvaMce.-F. U Sort, Ih. onlv eglrr. (it. KHn. .'Mll.l(netl>/Allia|>.-R. II. Ka>l.i ahl P. 1^ BeHiM fur nm put., in. Kn, mrli. Sunning Aw.-F. I. B.11I, 7tl. 7ln., «nt: I-P. Dnclutm, 7(1. Ilu., mcodiI. .-"!.V*'""'"'*--f-L.B.ii,«iLii),bi, nm: K.llulho^ .ilnimlii(rlrwd>«,i._K. U B«nl«U.»fl Sin.. lln>l:F.t.. Bmi, .Hit. (In.. imi)bO. minnlna StobI J.»P._B. R. Realm, im. ll.ialn .lliu: K. I., lin. t'.ln., awunil. It* m«»._A. H. lunnon, 7n lOin .nm; r. BulliM, 70., aKiinii. I»rw lUMillw >iiai|».-P. I..|B«til.ii, isn. JVn, im: R. R, llo»lM, an, 3ln., wconJ. «orrao«.-p, L. B.<l, «H. Iln., St»l; F, Bullio.. On, B.TOIHI. JWolo nKr,-P, In antl, nm; r. BnihM,. Mimil, Timt^ 37i^ IIXI TUB Victoria llowlhig Oiib, of TOnulo, tint,, liekl tbcir annual elccilon usi week, with the follnwhig mull: ITesldcnt, K. T. IJghtbounw; vloa pinddont, H, Uaiman: secretary and tirasurer, II. A. Iimm- nond. Ills Tiirs.\.iMi:.\r for Itir auittaur rtiiulinnnililp iif liTbin.1 wax niucluilal on Ai-rll a, fai U11. Ilnka tifili. HoiM itablin Uoircial'. at Dollyiuounl, nrtr Uubllit, Tti. lurM- Int hMt Mten^l (.u 3. aiiU irni leroied vhli fln. .Mlli.r Ihmujilinal. Tito eouipvllllon Qiiallyil. Iwlkd down In V, II, tVobli, Kiiyal County i:tuli. aud J. Uloronaon, or Ihe II0U101'lub, and iho roaull 0.4 in Oivnr of Utr lonnrr. vbv U much llM moro .iporionerU pltvor. It. . uD by 10 U|< soil U lo play. -A^QU^TIC. .COMING BVB1VT8. ^ajraiY-Caunie Yacht Club aooual refkHa, Jamaica iif si^^aih Boaoo (Uau.) Yacht Club aaooU reffttta. Uar ao-lfarlera B«ciua AatucUtioD auul rawlnu luraua^hnw Vurk. «r.a>-l*analc HIrrr Amalesr Rowlog AaaodatloD aonual rcmila, I'avalc. N. J. Uay [arieiit Vacllt Clut» Spring ragatta, Long laland wood. June ,8-Knlokerlock»r Yadit Clab annoal ragatta, Look lalaod Hound. June lO-Urooklyn Vaehl Club annual rtgatia. New York Bv-. ^une l1~AtUDilc Ticht Club aonual rvgtlta, K«w Tork Juno U-Ke* Tork Taebt Olub aaanal lagatta. Mew Tork Bar. , June U-Larehmonl Tacbt Clab Bpriog regatta, loog bland Soand. June l^fLlladelpbla <r«.) Tacht Olub annual regatta, Delaware KiTcr. Jane 17—Uaaachnaetu Taebt Clab annuU regatu, Marblehead. June Xt-tlchnylklll .Vary annual regatta, PhlUdelplila, Pa. June a:-I>oogtMton Tacht Clab laaiul ngmtla, Loog bland Bnnnd. June e-j<ttaut yacht ntt, Vaakoe Doodle ta Korwood, Uudiiun Rlrpr, .V.Y. June M—tJeawanhaka-CorlaUCiUn Ta^t Ohtb annoal reniiA, laong laland Sound. June »-Sew Rodielle Tacbt Ohib aoonal ragatu, Lnng laUnd Sound. June 39-YwikarH (N. T.) Corfaitblaa TacbtOlab aaaaal regatta,! ludnn Rlter. June S—Hieatuyaclii race twtween.Vantoaa^, Bax, Judge and Yankee l>o«lle, Horrill OlialltogeOup, W ksot^ Maw Lnndoo, Cta, (o Mlllon I'olnt, N. V. July l-lDdlan Harbor Yacht Olub apeebl regatta, Lobi laland Bound. -i^ . July l~Yaclit legatuatNew London. Conn. , Jul/ s-aeawaofiakaCorintliUn Tacht Clab raca to LarchiooaL July ^Roiloo diy annual imreaafontl tinl amalaor iDwlDg rontta, niarlei tllrer. Jul)' i-Boaton Cliy (Mate.) annual aalllng regatta, Boi- 100 Bay. July <-reoplo'> and Cup Ttegaita, rhlladelp)'!^ July 4-I.arvlimont Yadit Club annual ragatu and flnl special race for Ml. and ttJL claMea, Loog laland BounO. July 4—TrUnBnUr college IkmI raea, i nillea, atralgliia- w«y. Unlvenriiy of Penmiylnnla, Cornell Unlreralty and Columbia CulUge, )1iltada1i4tlari'a. July 4-Laha Ulchlgan YachiinK Afiwclatlon roiatii, Milwaukee, Wla July 0-Anierican Vadil Club aonual regatta, Long laland Bound. July 0-BiTer«ldo Taclit tJlob annual niatta, ffadaoo BIf er, Maw York. July S-SeavaohakaCoHntblao YacbtOlob mcUl »• gatia. Long lalaod Bound. Julyf-lToraedioe Uarbor Yacht Club annnal ragatla. Long Itland Hound. July 9, iO, 11—IIenley-on-ThaiB«« annual amatearrtKat- ta, TliamH River, Eng. July U-New York Athletlo Club apeclal aalllng ragatla. Longlaknd Sound. July II—lATcfamont Tacht Clab aeooad apeelal no* far soft, and 3in. boata. Long laland Bound. July l»-Aitaatleaiid Laxcbmont YwAt Cluba^Joint an- nual cruue conmancea lArchinoot, K. Y. Juli' 13-ifoidp«tead llarbvr Yaalit Clnb anaoal regatta, Loos lUand Aiuiid. July IT, W-Natlonal Aaaoelatlon or AmatenrOamia of America annual regatta, Rantoga Lake, N. V. July IV, a>-h*onhwert«ni Anmieur Roaing Anoclaifon annual tagaita, KMolinaulL 0. U. July IT-Indian Harbor Vacbt Club annual regaiia, Long laland Sound. July S—New York Yacht Club annual cmlaa torn- mencea, Ulea Core, L. I. Aug. S-Larchmont Vacbt Club Uilrd apeelal nt» for SD(t and aiR. dasaea. Long laland Round. IiiuS'lr^"*'' TacbtChibannual legalta, Loog Aug. a, 9, 1(>-Uionoaola and Winnipeg Buwlng Aamcla- linn rajtalla, Uke MInnatonka, Mlnii. Aug. lo-Amarina Yadit Uiab iptelal ma, Uug laland Sound. Aug. lS-Anwri«aa Tacht dab ipeoUl laM, Lcag laland Bound. Aug. 17—Corlnthtao Tacbt Clnb aonaal rttgttta, Kiw York Bar. Aug.ti-Uoneahoe Tidit Club aoDul rtntta, Loag laland Sound. Aug. ao-Amerlcaa Yacht Clnb ipeelal nea. Long laland Bound. Aug. U—IdaRbmont Tacbt (,luh fourth apeobl nca A>r SNL and nrLdaawa, Long lalaod Bonnd. HepT. f-Kaw York Vacbt Racing Aaa : Racing Aaaocbtlon unial Beptl—Lardiment Yadit Club Fall ragatUasd flftb BpaclalraeereraOft. and Sin. ClaMea, Long lalaod Bound. HepLA—Larchuiont Yacht Club alith apeelal lie* Ibr aOlt and 3in. daaaea, Loug labod Hound, Heut. 7-Inlilal race for tlie America Cup, off Haody llook. A Bpor1maia*a Tragic Drath. Roiwrt Ceoter, tbo well known yaclitsiiwit ami gencnl sportuuiD, iiietB Woleni death In UiU rlij OD s\prll IT. lie wgi UklDf n aiilii oq his wheel, ou ttio WeBtern Itoiilorard, and no Into n roal cart whlcli Biidtleolj iDfDed aeMo to grold a fireet car. The Hhiri of the coal cart iiruuk lilin In llie al>ilo> moD. He tuoibled bair uverHOd Hinick the aqiliell parenteiU on bis liead. Tbe left front wheel of iho cartpasse*! o\'er biti heail, Ibe hind wlie«l orer bU clicst. llli BkuU waa rrsclured, liLi lir«aiit Itooe and eeveml ribs were cruitlie(l,and bo died fonr tiuurv after Ibe acddeDt, wllhom having reaaloed ron* •rlouness. Mr. Oentro waa liom Id thiii citjr llfly- (our yearn ogu. lie liouglit and uwoed aev- cnl bumes, wm almoal conHlnoHjr In Ibe nMldle ■lid became sd e.vperl rider. Am a geiillemco jock- cj he xxtdn for cui« oiTcred hj Ihe old AmerlcuD Jockey Club, lie wns an expertoaraman nihI irain mcmboroC the New York Itowliiudnb. Ur. Oeotor was ooo of the irtsi kiiowo yichtainou 111 America. In every movemeoi of tnicrcitp )*otb In New Vorkaod tbotfeswanbaka Yadh Clalis^or irblch he was a lueiulfer of long slsDdlDtr. hiti rnauel woi Ml ■II times MugM. lie Jollied tbe New Ynrk Ouii on Uay 16, l*9i, and alood at llie time of bU death No. aionihe lUi of nieraiicrH. He wsh iIj« rear coin* itioderv of tbe club In M9, and A«ot captslo In Ml. Duriog 1D1T-9-ti-M-U-04 nod thopm*ent yearbewaa a ineml«r of tbe ctrinnulteo on adffll«don. He stood No. 13 OD tho Heawaubaka'i roll or nembcr* ship, having Jolnefl Ibatclub May IHU. lolitd be was elected rear cunuDOdore. In IWT ho %m« tnatle vice cotamodore, and In iwo and liitfi wan Ihe commodore of itjo club, llu won ctiolnoan of Ibe coiuulilec of lerhirea and cDtertalouenti for Ibe curieni year. Mr. Cciiier waM alw a mcmbtr of Ibe Meadow Hrook Hunt Club. WbUo foUowlogtbe bouDdi at tbe clab groumlaseTcnil yeamegu bo ffon thrown from bis norao iDd one of lila rliw was bivken. Ho wib never married, and bit exiaic Is valued at half a oillllon. lu all uiovemcDtn for lite adTsnc«meDt of leglllmato anorin Mr. Ceolro was an euihuslaallc iinpporlcr. oud uls death will be keenly deiilorcd by all who know hltn. Tbu luembeTYi of tbe KeairaDbaka-t'oriiitbUii Yacbt Cltili met lu iipeclal Meiulon Apitl •a^ and adopted tbe (oUnwlog rcvolullomi: wnaMHar*. Through tlie *a<MHi and traile d#aib oa Ai'rit 17,1*00^ of ea (.'uuiiitolorA li<>l«rt <:enur, ibe Hea- ■uhakat^riudilan Yarlii riuii hai* loitnoiunir onei>f lia ebleal ioemli«r», IfUt one wIhj, by eTeryiualll) a«a yarlilpoian and n* a tfuti ind warn htartad rrlead, pe- colUrly aodtarail hluiaeir tn III* Mttiw mtmlptr*, aod WUKKOAM, Hy tila aiulnnanta ananortHgao aiid life lirc^'nironorcllon aliti >a<-litlng and wliberarjroiJiar TMrUl> of V|>*Tl. hr M^oplrd a I'oallhm. n»t *>n\f In Uila rlub. hu( In Aiiirrln. "idv viualled lir hli atarllnc luall- llf«aaan lion^«t g^nileiiiaD enil a ralUirul filaiul: cblr- Blri>a« In itatureau'l urptrftd «|>rlghlAeiH and rtclllude ordiararterlo liUUrallng« with all men; A/»Jmf,Tliat tJie dull make Mile niailei|uai« r*c»nl of tbe deep i4nM»r h4 K>rr'>« at the loaa or lu beloied frita*! and oHurada. , , , , s.^ . »j(rfRrf. ThaiihentfinbeiAor ilia dub, aa a body, at- land IliaTunaraL , . AKrfMrf, That a copy of Ibeao reaolitlona be tmX to bli "TbTonDBiodore of tbe Mew York YtcblClab bu api iHtlnlptl tlte (lag odtcen and chairmen 4^ tlie cnutiiiluaai to r*i<n«nit tfiat erganlatlon at tbe Mineral aanien, whicli will be haUApriia^atrHLOaorga'at'haitit.ihli Thk iloam firbt Itora was llie muoof a nnphiba e.Nploditn April 'S. which reiulted In much damago lo her and lo i be nirasure oteanienTUlle and Ncttlm. Male Nicholas llelland and an aaiUlant, Chrtatophtr JobnsoDe wero uMng a pnMtailon of uapblba bi cleaitlnff up tbo cahln ot tbe nerui prei^mtoTy lo pititing ncr Into eenico, when la nome manner Ihu tfaxM Itocame Ignited and a lorrllo e^plwdon fol- lowed. llllUDtV was thrown Into tho water and Jobnmn hindcil on an unlt^Jntvtl ponton of iho fur- wattl deck, lioih men weru hodly bunted. Hw wrcckago landed on ibo Ulllo aimNcatn, which wore laying alongehio of the Iteva, and did con>tld> etablo dauugo. The brats wen> laying al Murrbi' Dork. In llil!< clly. Tiif tniaUUhU(|e U iMdlmalcil si I6.UDU. Tiigrachtlngiicaaon on l/>ng Inland Mound was opened April 'JO, tty the llugiienui Yacht Club, a roceully (omeil organization, llu ilrtl rrgHihi wan then held under Ihe new niln), calling fur a «»ao gnu oiart, and a four iddctl c«un«e. Tlie Innoxmllon wai pronounced Cslrty itucc«atful, awl iuay como Inio genenl iiao among ihe Hound cIuIm. Tho course meaaorad abont nevcn mtles, Htartlug ni llncklebrTTy labind buoy, olf the rlub boun, ihenoo to (langway Inioy. then to Old lieu and Chlrkeiw biiuT, tlicmo lo SouthweM Irtiuyoir lien ami ChlckruM reefi and home. In spite of their dirren^uro In idzo, the iwats were all placed to one oUss, mid ilnlsheil Id the fullnirlng order: Omnia. Ktlito, 3.43:10; Sadie, ».U:30; Angon, MoiuMwn, 4.04:00. TiiK YAOirrltACiNuANiociATiOM held s f^itrt'lsl^s- •dim In Uilii cllj April i9. Tbo priDrl|«l iine-^lloii Iw- tun tbe neeUng was wbetker It wnntd bu aihlsabln to drop Ihe usual f.alHir Hay regiitH. .\n«rsimin disctiBaou Iho delegates iiunlmtiusly dccldnl ilutt each rlub sulwribe for worib of iickeis for iho irgntia.HOtbe osgnclailon regalia will i»ehrld ihla year on nsiml. Artldo II ot thn nlllog nilos was amended no oa to read: '*The nwaniirpnieni for nl- luwam-e for tinw shall be ibo length of tho loud wnturllno measured when in italllug iritn.towhIrU ahall lie aildetl onedhird nf the ov«*rhaiig furwurd ami sft, wlUcli shall bu Ihe Mlllng length.'* TliK Vox Uke (Wis.) Yaotatauh bckf Its nnii annual niceUngatChlcago. ill., April II. and the fol* lowing oftlcerH wvro elected (o aarvo durtiur ibo en* ailing year; Uommodore. Ullw KulMil; nco com* niodore, R. I>. Hill; necreiary, llanj Wehor; Irras- uivr, C. J. raionwn; measurer, llobcrt T^wkor: ro* gulls cuiiiuilltee—R.l>. Hill. |i. Uoydi>n, V, \\\ Um- xin,.\. liiiiMin, II. H. I^illx, II.F. .swlir.Juiiicrtturd' nernndClMriea l*raeMenl. ASt'MUBHCAHNIVAJ.Uf Nl|1iall0 H>Oriit Will l»Ohold nn Ihu Uay of tjninte. Uellevllle. t^n.. nlHiut Aug. 1. Tbe coiniiilUoe hero caNed "Wag" Harding, the Kngllrth chsmplon oarsman, oiTterliig a |l,0(X) pumo and f'2io o\peniMM to row Jnko (Isudsitr for Iho chHii)|ituii)dilp of Anierira. In addition, valuable firi/ea will 111* omrDd for Kinglo and tluublo m'tillx. ur both piofosalonabt aud atimtourw. TilK HosqiiTO KLAkr Yacht Club, of lluaion, Masa., opened tho yaolillitg Haa>on April IB, oir Soulh lloston. The raoo ^M for IhwIs of Icitn limit flfiecit feet over all. Onlyelghl ysohis crowed iho lino Id a light eosterlr air. Thn l^inlrum look tho lead, clotttfy followed by Ibo l^veloe. Tliuy tore coni|wnloiie forMonielliiie, but fliwily Ibe'Hininini pulled swsy snd fliiUheil sIkhii flvo hilnuteanhrod. Thk ANNi'Ai. RKfi.mA of tbo Ulunosota and Win* nipeg ibiwiug AHioclaUon will Im held at I.ako Mlu- uetoDka, Minn., on Aug. i, o, lo. Tbo fitlUiwlug of* Qcora wero eleotod at the rvrentanniial mealing of tbo OKsorlsllon: I^reiddenl. II. V. (IsU; vico pnssl- ilont, W. V. Alloway; mrelnry and ireaaurer, v. W. IhidiHrli; roiiimoilDrv, T. K Watin; vIco roinino- dorv, A. II. I^lnct; ouMlgii, iMlerMahon. NiAOARA, llie twenty mler imllt by tbo llurnmbniT'H fur Howard aould,waa Uunchcil April ]6,u( Mrtitbil. IL I. Hhp Is iVifl. over sll, 4AM(. witter Mnu, I'JTi. t>oam und almnt llfl. diaugbt. Mho will l»o com- inaodcd by CMpl. John llorr, of MsrbloliMd.ninl has been entered fur many rMctia on tbe oibor aide uf the Atlsnllc the coming oeosoo. TUK Chicago (lU.)Yaoht aub. it h mcpUng held ncenllT, ohono tho (oUowloe orilcen for iho oiinilog year: P. F, retUlH>ne,commodnni; William A. I'kuI- seu, vice commodore; W. 1). Iloyco, roar coniino- doft; J. Hbennan Hoot, secretary; Tltooios Hrmd- well, treasurer. WiiaUAM Uakivn And Vanconnor bavo Iwon matched for |A0o a side, lo row In GlUlug slilint from I'hlladolpbU, I>A., to tliU city, atarting on May i. Kacli mau U allowed to have nno ticanuiii In liU iKMi. The couMo U oiitslile, intnnd Caiw May. sklrilug the coast all llio way. TiiKCm* Pui.vr KuwiNii Anoci.vnoN lisM eleiicil llio followlug oillcerH ror llio unsulnaycHr: I'rual- dent, J.J, llownrd; vIco president,T.ileary; Iri-UH- urcr. F. Jobnaon: lectetarT, Joseph H. Jlonloii; rap- bilD, T. I>euiy; lioulciiHDt, li. Welch, An Evnrt Ig hetnjr made to renrgnulu tbe old Hudson lUver and Kill von Kull Ilowlng Ainocla- lions, which, If aucccasful, will stlmulHio iheaiKirt in ibh viclnlly. Tug regatta announced for ihliseoMnu at AuhIIu, Tex., hOH been declared oiT. owing to l(a pnJUHiiom falling tu rabM the necOMry prlu money. TUl Uke Michigan Yachting AtMnclallon will hold Its annual regatta at Milwaukee, Whi., July 4. Till t.'ulumbla College 'Varally vrew hwa been rhuiged coqalderalily of late. The man are llkoly lu iiialii lain Uii ptiiliboa DOW aaalgaad Ihein.hnwerer, a* tlMahrlt )>alance« nail, aod the crew aiwia to inatl all rpt|Ulm> iiirnb>. Tliayam pUcad u fidlo«<; I'lprrrtHtii, iimhn; Kid), T; t:anar, 0; Hactlregnr, A; llut-ly, i; l./iiiKarria, 3; rraitilc*,!; hreMprich, bow. Tns IHIMAM IIJtkBUK Vaoit Cl.fli liaa arranged ilie ritl- lowiugditurealbriJia current aeawii: IfecoraiiMi Duy, opaning of club honae: July I, imoUI regaiin fur .^1 rKteraaCMteraand cabincau; Jaiy XN, annaat rtgaiu. liivlifltlMi to iheMevanuilierowlirbea nee ruri|»«clal cbMsa InAngnii. TiisRutilCaxadux Yit-nrCu H, iif Tiinmta, 4inL, 1m« createtl a a#» is Coni larlni rtaiiL fur nlilrli Hvo boatahaTa l>t«n iiulll. It laaahllhet llia rlubilH re. celre an aU'llilon Hi it» rteal In ilia luni of a hrgeoutler from Uie Clyde. Tub (jolonia U faat being put Intu nhapp fur liar Mrrlea aa drill ablp tu (he American crew. The aiaodlng rigging \n In idat*. topmaat en end, Imwihi ltlle«1 aiHl nartlurk^ acraped. _WHEELING. A New Hacacd, l^ldloUiiM, of HuOlilo, N. Y,,lHrrcdlleil wllhrid- inii Iwu inliea fnini acralvb In a llaas 11 nice at Iho UHcllnn of Ihe (lardeu Otir 'C/eisn. at Hau Jim, cel., AprtI 10, In 4ni. I6ia«„ AefeaUnv rmirteeo ruui- pctltorH, Tlio iluio Is tlio faHleid ret-unied, siipplant- lUK /eluler's former record, tm. Win., iiiaita ut lltiiver, U>l., last acaiwn. Vuuller was secuiiil ami Kdwanis third. Tlic l>isu IsutKU Clrr wiiki:i,mk,i held their llt«i nwlmceut Ihe pieacnl iwaaan on Bouday, Aiiiii JI. II was a flvo idlle ureni, fiir a gold Iropliy VHliini at tui. llie flirt of I'aul tiejcr, fniin whtme rcwirt, "tint WlioeUiwu'ii itonie," on Jackami Avenue, Iho siart WIN nude, tlie nmte lieinu tn ibo fumier itandNiiiio coiinirr reHliieiK-e of Ihu initctl sjnirt, ilarr/ iilli, omr Ftnaliloff, and return. Fifteen nieiiilfenof ihe rluli Marled, and liiejr bad a iti<i«l enjiiyalile hile In Ihe hnu'lns, iDVlunmlliiu air, in iiilfllit aniialilnn ami liver KW"! nails. After aimut three i|uaiunof the dlniaiice lunl liccn roversil, Kred Koider slid Kii- wani llonler irraduall)'left tlio >ilhen>, liierearier hall Ihe nee in Ibeniaelreii, and Hie eiintm waa evenluallj won hf Kealer, bla rival weakenlni/ in- wards Iho flnUli, aud lieing iKsien aiHiiit nneTitiii- dred lards, 'tliue, iTu. 2>i. liaaHY K, flAWKiKS, funnitlr of Iho Lllj nt I'ep- ptrpor, but now u rcaldont of the laelmpolla, has ■lUlcd 'rjclbiK lo hhi accoinplUhnunIa as a tele- (mpher, eti:., and is miw a vei* entlnialajtii: awl promhilnii oerforuier on iho "iilke." lie bsa Uld out exienslro pbrns for a Hummer campaign, and Ihu rcaulla of his Jonrue/iiiffs ou his favnilte lua- I'hine will lie fiiHr illa|ilayed on the plates of Ihe kodac wblcl) will l;e hUeouJitantconijRaoliin during hIa niuiiiea ahing c'lootry roada and amid neeu lleiih). .U let, however, he la nut ao expen per- foniisrun Ino 'crcte, and, knowing tbe ireacheroua naluru nf lbs luveutlon, llanr'a lnllmal« friends walrli bis cari7 UKinilnfl rides wllh an Interest that hi larKeIr uiiiol wllh aulelf. lis.siiT ttrraiiKr, aecrelarT ot Ihe Intemailoiuii 't'xcllata' I'nion, Infoniia Ihe l/ea(ue of Amerlain Wbeelueu Hut Ihe wurid'a chainuaiisblM will this tear I* held at Uolmine, under Ilia ausiilcea «r Ibe lieulai her Radfalier lliind lllcnuan 'tljcllau' t'lilun). Auk. II, M, la. It i> pouible that lbs l«a|ue mar acnii a leam In nemun} tu repteatnl Auienia al the louniameiit. JoiiM 1*. Joiixwi!! has lieen snspeodc<l from (.Ism II. |«iHllnit mreailaatlim. II ti proposed In qntMliin bini cloaeir teflardlof the niiniher of medals be has won and the nreaent wherealnulaof iheaaae; abn In reiardiothslnihodhschanethathlniand his manager, Tom Kok, bare danandad money from Ihe promoten ot tac* OM<Un|i before cooisnilng to appear 00 the tnck. Camlsig ■vaats. 4-Toans U.o'B Chitatlaa Aaseeialloo leumsmeoli ^H^>-Ooil.(elllli PLIdainb ipHafl nnUai, Olaela* May'n Il-Chuli4l. 'Cicl* aub gprlDg neti, Cbw- ioiio, N, 0. , Mv ty-ll.ln>inlli.n Mik tmunuce Athhtlc Auoclai Una louraainmt, llnhiklyn, N, V, Mky a>--Rom. '* aonual Spring tottnufliwti RMna. K, V, „ll'r Sk-Xoadiamlnr ralu Aasodsllna Bpiing mset, K.ihaailni ►'all^ l-a. ^May^aK-Mahoiila rytl. n.b Hpilna aiHI, Toaap* Nair SMItl.nlal 'C>tl. Clab soiail imcel, Qiaad lalaati, N.b. Mayv-MklillMovn IN. T.) Wtinlman inoni) Iprhw toum.monl. UO'v-lrvlDsloo-Mllliuni (S*. J,) annual ivanlr-flva mil. mul nn*. May awM.miiT Xrhsetmon annoal luunMnimt, AlUo* io«n. I*., Uv ay-AabuiT Park IN. J.) VtMOImm annua] flpring louniantMiL Majat>-TonnMiu.nt at lliMliflaU, Mau. Mya^Tounianionl at Manrb«M.r, N, it, ■ajrS>-Alb1»llo *Ctc1o Hub or BiiMoo lounumtot, WalUiani, M.u, May l>-\Vny«li]e l^ark t:lob lnunuiueut,aou1hFtiinlng* ham, MsM, Mar SU-Aubum IN, Y.I Tyel*m' lounamsot Mar3i>-iini» rliy (i-a,) Alhlallo AasoclailMi Issruv Jun. l-l'oliii..(.s, Y.) VhMliMn annual lounuiuwl. JanoS~Vuuna Mnn'a itirUtlan AaKMlatloo loniua. tnml, HyimriiMi. N, Y, JunAA-wilniUiston(D.L) Blorel. i;lab anaoal gptiaa louiiianiMil. Jun. II, l,t-M.icurv \T1i».IrotD aiiBual Bprtofl laoML AllMitiKiu, ra. Jon. U-N.w York Ditl.loii, Lmhis of Aaeileau WliCliiiMi, aonnal niHI, I'on.y laland. Juna IS-Voune Man'n Clitlollan AiwKlatloa louraa- ni«n, rhlUd.U'lila, 1*0, Juno 17—1*1... 'Oycllna Clab, BoMon, Slaaa, Jun. IS—TouniamonI al U'althaw, Uau. Jun. la-a-llllnola IHvUlon Uasu.of AmailraaTniMl. man anoual iiitrt, ilal..huni,'lliiliurs lit,) Allilollo nuh fliTlsg loor., Juno 3>-noulb Knil \YhMbn»B lountsniont, Chiladsl* phU, ra. Jnnoa-Oluolnnall (O.) Hlcrols Olab uaual touva* uipnl, Juno ll-Kulorn Klalilcl Tun.r Bloil Dwtlag, OUt- Ion, K, J. Juno n, >-W..I Kiul WliMlalsu loainani«l(,\«llkaa> barn*. I*a. I^Jun.S-KluR. roualy WhMlnwn lounanuDl, liook. ^July s^* 'Oyrllofl t'luti tuuraastwt, hUrwa, ' July <-l!onnK1Ieul lllil.lon I,. A, W, nu.1, UiUssport. July 4-Bliis1iainliin (N. V.)AUihlle AauolaUun unima- 10.111. July 4-Hnlllniiifo lUd.) 'I'yrlo CbiU Iiiiimamenl. July l-Moirury Wlioolnion tnuniainoat,AII.olowo,I^ July 4"TiHintaiii.nlHl Uiii.r, N II, July 4-l*ioaa 'I'yrllni Clnb, Inflblo, N. T. July l-Tiiumaiii.iil nl I,4iul.r111#. Ky. July l-HiarTii-l. ritili liiaiii.moni, Hfrncr, Jfaaa, , July 4-Way.hlol>arhi;tobltinnulniMll,f1aulh|i|:dlIofl. Iiaiii, klaaa. July l-Roulb nranio |,V. J.) rl.1.1 rinblonniKnmt. July 4-IIiii1iun iN. V.) nloyclocluUiiiuniamML July 1-1*0111101 IMatK.! 'Vi rlo Club lunmani.nL July l,S-Arni» 'llri-l.Club, Ihtlioia, ft, .*( Y *' I'xrllng l^'lub lonimm.ot. Hynooa., ituiy n-Klr.rakt. WliMlnt.n, K.« V.rk. July a-1.\-lAaRiio ol Aniorlraii WbHlmon aBSSalnsot anil rliainiiliriialilp roc... A.liiiry I'arli, N. J. Jtilyay-MoryLanil PllUlon ii. A, W. Mnual nH.1, Bat. Ilitinie, Jnlyai-Jliiuni 1lii|1y|.y, J.)AI1il.llo AaaodaUun U<lf uani»nl. July n-Key«loiio Wbooi Chib WlUliina. ron l*a, July »->tloiili.nvl1l. (I).) AUil.llo <!|ub luuifUinwL July 37— alClai.lanil. II, July ,T1-|iAyl»ii III.) HIrycloOloli louniautMiL lA'!J'n 'v*'''"''" '*'''*' "uhun. lounianinl, Sllvst Aus, l-Wauwn (0 I'drrlo Clab ImrnianianL Aug, S—TolNin III)'Orcio Club bHinianianl, Aus. S-P(iil W.yno llittl.) *Cyrlo Cliib biurnamMI. Atiii, 7-11.10111 Hviiil iIikI.) *i:yclo Cloli biurneniniil. Aui, », IO-i:liU'asu 1111,1 AuKlola.! *0>rllng Olubs tniinianiont. Ana. 11, ll-MlnUMlull. (Mliiii.) Minllod 'Ofol. Olub bJiiioaiiieiil, Auk, 17, IS, la-AiiiaUur In.rhaHiaur, rliaiiilHonafclp ot Ibo .iiiM, Ciibiaiiii, iliintiaiiy. Auk. K, SI-Mll»>ukM llTlii.) Auuclalnl 'i:ycUng Cluirt biuniainnnl. AiiH. ti, n-MI. uloncui IMIeli.) Whoolaioo leunit. ainiil. AuK.II-Onirabi (N, Y.) <<lyclo Tnuk AaajoUUon lour- naiiionl. MoiiL 1-Hyiacua. (N.Y.I AII1I.II0 AMoelallua loans- ni.ul, hill, >-IIanriinl (Cl.l WIimI Club lAurnaniul. HajiL 1,-lloa. nr KogUnd WliHl lllab umnieaisnl. Nor. wlrh, CI, lj.|il, >-l*roM *crcllnii nloli tmimuntnl, Rmton, Hsu, IH<i, IMS-Hinriisn.M (Maa».i Hloytio club annual uiumaiiioiil. H.I1I, al M'allbain, Mala, ^Hapl.l7-Hllb l.*11y llkjcl. Cluli luiniaiusul,l*alonwD, KoliL IS—MrK.nUKirl (Pa.) "Cyrl.r. tnaniAoiMt. h.1>1. IP-'I'oiiii Whaoluioii liinnianisnl, Hoaillag, I*., Ko n. 31-AuiOlalod 'l.iyollng Club, touniainuil, mlls- u.1|ili1a, ra, Kopl. B, »-M.raiiry Wliwlmon toornainMl, Alton. Ujwn, 1*., IU|il, }7, 2l-MaryUni1 Ulilaiiin I.. A, W, mt, lam- moi.. Ilrl,t-Aa<ii.la1ail 'l.*|cllngCla1i>laiirasin<n1,HlLeiiU, Ho, llfl. II. 11—Yuurniuii.rit alltiiunoll lllulTii, la. Oct, la—ronmaiii.nlatOniiUi.. N.b. IM. 17-la-TDunialiiWll at Honvar, I !nl, HcU al 1*0.1110, Col, Ikt Zl, 2S—Toiimalii.ut al HnU l,s|i« Clly, Ulali, (Irl. V, a)-1liii Hpilnsa(Aib,)'Cycriiis Aumlallon lour. DainonI, Nov, I, t-Flay Clly lYitwIinan liiuia.mwl,fl.n Prau. clifii, I'al. ^^Niiv.ft-7-llnpUn l;lly 'CyLni lonruiuea1,f1«n Jo.*, Niiv, e-l.iHi AiiKnla.II.'al.) WU.Ininn lnuniaoiUL IN ULVJi NiTiox wllh Ihe rsmivHl of spuria to ba Riven lij Ihe S. J. A. U. al ila cluli grounds on May jn, Iwo n|wn hamllrap blcyrle nii-es are lu lie given for i.lawi A rliloni 011I7. - 'llie Urn pihui is a gelii llllwl, iiiie ilflli sucimil inlniilo reglatnr rhmuigraph, ntarl, slii|i anil nj Isink. A nlirkul, open face, min- ute rcglaler slnp walcii 10 Hi:nnd, and a allver medal ti> tblnl. lUdeni will Im alkiweillii nso Uio gruiiniia fur iinicllce uuo week prsvluus to iba race. <in ineiwutallon of Iheir ronipellllon Ucksbi, Aik fiilniiie fen nf liriir ceiiln will lie eliariiMl fur lh« 11JK111 events, anil will dnau wllh J. V,. Itiilllvan, Ml ilmiidwar, Uajr Is, 111 naicr llnniKN, Ibo llolidan ildsr, woiinlilonln mieiir nno thnuaind inoln-n at Parlk, francs, on HiiMilHjr,llun:h Jl, In I1U,; Pitnnan second anil Jai'iiiiiilln Iblril. II10 flnl pri/a waa tno, lloulien uini FaniMii man wuii a lanilaiii rsi n, live tbousaml inelies, lu Mil.'JIlsn iliriiben and ilarri Whaeler, Ihu Aini-rlraii iliirr, have lirnn nialcheilln rhls ono mill irn iiillCH nil Jiilf I fur |:j|iu a alilg. In the Krenoh caplial, liniilieii has rIbi liei'ii nulnhcil against hhi api-i'iiy CI Iryinsii, l*n>llii, In liile 'J,uw, 3,000 and !;i>u ineliiis, al thn IJego Ihn b, Blar III anil m. Tns Omiige, N. J„ i>nui:h nf the Yiuing Hen's C'lirlalhin AwH'lalliin liaa orinnlMil a 'urclliig cluli, •iillreri'il as fuiiuws: ITurliieiil, i.'harln lleilieu; vli:u prealdeiii, W. K, Uouiilain; aei-relarrand tieaa- iirrr, im Ueli-alf. Knii.k Uasmkh, who at nnn tUne was amalaur eliampinii of frame, ban liecn siuiicniled br Iho 11. V, V. fur alleged profeaalnnallMii, liscaonolildu Iwfon Nuvemlier mxl, Tns Nnjkbin Hlryi-I. I'liili ,ir IKkIiiii. Mis.., Ii soar oini-.rn(1 a. Pillnv.; I' Omi,. R,Mirplil.: vie* i.r«i.k1oiil. A, J, llaiikay: Hrrplarv ni.l Irnaaurar, ilarolil llnr.oll: niiaiirlal aorroiai), W, 11, Haonafioil; capulo. J. T.Hciilt; nri>l llanlwiaut, llmrsif I*. HansuU: aemil I1.ul.lianl, H. A, Nu*ltall, J, A, lloii,s win a n<« mil. ruil m. al glon.lisni, ftf-l'."! ^1,"" I'. <i<<li>rlna a liainlkapoltm.ail. H. A, <lo|i1lbo.II., ari... wa. awifWl. LAWN _lJ-'3iiNisncs. lAwn Tanala Flal«rM< May (-Ifananl tntandwlaatle chaaMoaahlp, Cam* bildge. Ifa««. May i-Yala Inlanrlivlatilecbaaiplouiblp, New llaren. .May l-i.'o|uinbla InUfKlwlaallo chauplvoililp, Na» York Clly. ^MajT a—rrloeebm IntaiKhvUatle cliauiploaalilp. Frlnce- May Sjlllmitliem thambt'^ilili^ t'lnlAqetJIle. Mil. May m-Naw KuhUihI clianueuBhIii, ,fev Uareo, t'ono, Jeue^Kloga iNiuniy Tannia Club, op«u louroameol, irewklyo, N. Y. iooe lu-tVeat Rlda Teonia L*lub,OMa todnaoeoL Vew York r;llr, Jane lS-Maaaaehuaelta State cltamplooUilft Loogwood. Haju. ^ Juae 17^'reacant AUileilc t'luh toBnianeet, Brooklyn, ^Ja'ne U-gew Jeraay Hiaia cbauipfonablF^ RMgewoodt Jane IT—PannaylranU State cbaoiolonihlp. Merlon, ra. Jane IV—KlngaCounly TonDla Club. openliMirDaneBt, ■rooklyo^H.V. June 2^9-t'nltf>l fliatea l^wn Tenali Aaaoelatlon t»nraaoMni, rliauiplirn4ilii In latllaa' alagkaa and doabUa and mtaed ihiut.les lldbiUlHila, Pa June la—NMilla Ikalea Hianibbjoahlii. Oraogei K. J. .looeW-lAiltaa' rhaiiiplonafalpa, Hiflaaelrbla, Fa. Juna 3a-lfehrtib«ibeed Clnb Intdailto toaraomeat, Waat gawton, Maaa. June M-rrallffBal Auoclellon chamHoulilpa ladlaa* alnitoa aiul duublea and riilaed doublea, rfatodeiphli^ra. July l-Toiedo Chib IsTltsilea toamanaBt, TosadOh K. I.