New York Clipper (Apr 1895)

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128 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Al'BIL 27. JOE rOSWTE'sTiiAL JAPANESE I 4 0-eiilIemc:$iii^— ••HINOKRB," "DANOKIU*.' »l»OBTUnKH." "BALA-NOKRH." "T^ADDIER ACT." "FKIICH WORKICRH." "WIUHJ WALKKRH,- "JUGGLKIIS" nnd -MAGICIANS." In Conjimotioii with the Novelty of the Ace, ^ I JAPANESE LIVING PICTURES I «• ^ BY SIX BEAUTIFUL AND SHAPELY JAPANESE YOUNG LADIES. ItBA]> WHA.T THE MANAGEBS SAYt Th* bMt drawing card I over bad.—ROBT. MARCHBSTKR. The blgRnil nsvelly «vcr pla7«d at llila houic—JAMRH I.. KERNAN. Can lie«Bgai|ed (br Haramiir loawn, al (Int clau gumoier r*Mr«i, '•Fain" and pleanarr brathn. WrlO or wlm, Addma all conmaalcatfona lo BIX^LY B. VAIV, Solo IVTanata^er, Toahimate'a Imperial Japs, En Route Maaohester*8 French Folly Co. April an, Monamsnlal Thtatrt. Halllmore) Mmy 0, Andllorlnm Thealr*, Phlladrlphla, SAM T. JACK'S CREOLE GO. Famous andl^ Oripal. All Its Past Glories Will Be Sur- passed. A Brand New Bill. Tlie Ona Big Show. Sepa- rate and Apart from All Others. Th« luulllpllrlly of ll« nlvrlliig qiialUIPN bav« bv«H tk« •datlnt.tloB anil talk or « coBtlii«nt daring lu foor veanof eilit«nc«. TliU Colouul Show—sronilerf larger and more ronipltto thnnevfr brfbr^^wlli p>«gln s^iiMn of Aag. Ut. Manager* having lhl« organlulloii bookfid will pteaie cominynlcate with MH. JUIIK I8IIAM will In no way be roniiM-lod with lha abOTO. 01iica{2:o. Rkbards' Studio of Deilgni, It UN'ION BQUiRB. N«ir York. Noil door (o ArmiilTonB'a ThMlrlnl Etel)UB0. TO THE FROPEjaiUN. 1 h«raby nolKV you l\M I liftTft rwiKivM Diy d tiltiaeO lu liiro >ou CAll tl your <DnT»nl60C« Ut la* Ki>eGlRMclineoior myTlio- atrlcsl D««I|ni. \t Mow Vork baslDvu for ibe pMi ilirM jTMPi liu b«*a oil* goMsQ booio, Mtl I cxn cUlin wdliout heilUlloa lo )i»v« Uio b«»t eiialpnwl oMm Tor Thuirieil D«- !>l|tQliif( Id Ilia «ounlry. I do Dot ne*J ailr«rtlilDK In anv alAita or iiiKiiaer U> iirlDR inolMforathepubllc. «a I liKTB alnwlyan ott^b- llilin] niputalloDaiaaltlll- rViUloHlicntr.havIni rua4« Iflller haailvfur lani l^ail- Ins variety houmBw n K. Kdlir* UnlDu B<|UKnt Th»- Ktra, Tony l'«i>tor> I'roc- lur'iaml niauyoUt»ni,ntiil I haTotmo i>AiroDli«0 l>y Amnion and KmtlKo ttiarn Id tlic pr«fNi«!oullka J. W. Katly, modov. e«v. eniii RciiaeiTer, Braatz HrvH., Barra Troura, «ie., «lc. Bolnjt invMU an «x- MrlvDMtl |in>r«ulanalantl iiarlnn tnvel»d atl oTor Uila rotiDlryaiHl Bflro|«art n "Iilflhtnlnff Bkolcti Art- IhI," 1 know «v«ry act In Ui« bu«ln»«», aQil I am coniitetonl 10 gUt you rountlMJi suKltMttoiia re- KanlInK (ha oi«cuiIoq of your ItlUrlieailiantI ollior ailTanlalnt; matter wlileli olherdofUftoameofilil oou KutllKniioTv, I am very orinliul Inniv Idanxiind In R^uo^o^^%hlcll you will vary e«)U'(illj' Had ■hetrlioH Oom \ny \»n Id llie leading N«T York cunilc i4|«n> llho JUIhlB, TKUTIt, «tr. Uv work cvD«l<lMiitil oiib o( ilfrilKiilnit InUerlu'ntlt Iti nil Litiiwn Mvlo^ liui In r>\«ry lino of Unwloic, BnirmvlD^ ..—I I'rInilQK rwtulrv^l )•> i>ritlFK^I«iiil«. Murli n* nrltiinal iIpkIrh" furljanla, Llllitif mphi^ rroffrmuiiiiM and Circular*. 1 am ftirllieniHire oiialdcMl lo mix*! n Idiim folt mmui l>\ InlnMlurlnir (o thn i>rori<««Iun an ettllraly dbv italura In IIhj tlDoormoul accomj'lUhnI Ctdorod |ilriiin<« ur >iiiir*4«irniid vnnracl la any »lriMl(>«lrt«l Tor exlilbtllon lit lolibl*^ lur»a«liioh can auiid cuuthnial u«Iiik and all kliiiU til nMtlier. ric Vou «lll Hud il l« >iiiir admntaiip titdi'rtl »llli iiip.a« I (-an i>upi>b you hUIi JuHt lli« (hiDKyou «aitl at vtty ntod- ' ««, and aa 1 (<iii|>lov a autr *>i t>klllr<l aillnli*, all unlvrM for \*t>r\ will \tn p\Mi)ie<l at anurt nolka In tlnl cbM vraia prieea, ,. . ^ - at>'le. 1 rwulo yoimfkldiuitlj- P*1I1CIIAHD9. HcRHrdi lo rrlenil*. SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE *e8 BROAD-WAY, N. Y B UOOU UBLUW NINTH BT. (I'onncrl; M UaMeu Uno), MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS. Uold aud surer Idurnt, muiiM,Sp»nKliM, SUn,'I»w>l«, UnxsilOK, llRtab, SbIrM, Pitddlniis. lUi', Wlga, DboMand Jowolrj, ThcaUlcal, KQUWirlaD auil Allilollo QwhIii. C<MluiiKni'5n<t Undgt Utkoni'Sniipllai. Flag! and Uiuiton, Hllllarr HnU Sttcioly Trlinmliifrrt. Amiun 4i( all kimta lo ordor. Bend fur cHlluuilev. no lirKUtftSsonnieDl and hvavleid ptuck or lltcao kckkU io be found luiywhero. Clntilnn fmi. (loods aent 0.0.1). OI»lElN TIME. Wonderland Popular Price Theatre, BHIV, I*Am job. B. OlRAniK Pnip. aad Mgr. 8EAT1NO CAPACITY, 1|000. P4>PtlLAT10N, 09,000. rinl CUaaOoiubinatliioaaod H«i>«r(cliv (\Mii|'anl«d liavluM opeu lutir nlll do «all lo cvmtniiDtralo wllli lli« abora al ooc*, aod Mcura dataa «)iltp i)ia tiiad ni«Ji Ih on. All nrtrluum ifcord* t>r\>k»n nesk of A|>rll U l<y tlir MIddm Bawanl lte|>*rtolra Co. Wovkn or April £; aoil A|f(l W bMkcil flill. Hac« week o)vn ri>r (tenldrawlDK aitracUoD Jaly I. SALVAIL'S BIG 25 GENT CIRGnS, Olnwt Ptribmen of All Kladt. lllderi with Stooh, Conreri People and Mn.lelaD*. Bo« CanvasmaB and BUI FMtrr*. Ila)r Ja.t what yon ran do, ana name ronr lowetl aalarr la flnl teller. BIdeihow and randy aland prlTllegee lo rent. Show npeai Mmr 6. Addiaai A. L. BALVAIk, «» W. PearlBUeet, Nnihna, N. 11. P. H.—People alop at h.leli. BI.TOU THEATRE, rKBLLV A OIIURCll, Leaaeea a ad MABagttn How bookloi Tor M««Min Itt-H, A nw itooJ af«k»o)^nbaUac«thl«*4av>o. PitvicUaaattncllona, tint elau' -baalnaaa. Unrior oonipaniM liu* nionar; don't «riu. Ed. Ruih "Wiilie Crook" Co., 'il. R.Q.;" "Jollr Lot** Uo., '«.n.0.i*'nma'aLondoBaalttynirli. "A.R.t>r lloawaMUl.AU rrlc««, lOln^. WonK) Ilka to baw lyota The Howard & Jenkins Comedy Co. WANTED, FULL DRAIUTIGCO. To purport the e«ubreli« and Comedlao, MISH BESSIE DOYI.R and OEO. B. IIOWAHD. lodudlDR leader for Itantland ordieatia, leader or orcheitratnuA arranxA; UadlDii hdy. leadloR man, lioary mao, JureDlIe nuD, man for old m»D nnd cliaracian, jDvenlle vomao. vomao lor gvoeral bualneiiji, tnualclauii and aciorv, boib for orclieatra ai>d riniie; a rrbpanyman that can act aod |>tay wme InMrunieoiln band; fentlemen mu*i double lo bnaiu Write «liat you can aod will da,wlili Terr lovait (iuiiiinar aalat}*. 8«aM>n op«ni May V, at Uralna, I'a., 9i liiltea rvooi Pliuburft, on the B. A 0 : aoea to Hie coaat and retumi. Alao want a RED HOT AaE>fT WITH BnAlNe4,D0tafyBldorihe bnudi. UndoH plwto: will ra- lum. I'eoplo will hare lo report hera not later ifiao Hay A. Pted (1. llaama, UarrT IIoIThiao, Fred aod AL CouTor, Illy OIaclean<l rerrrWllaoo write. Wlllatlranca Taren to people we know, iroeceuan'. Addr»M I. A. JENKINS, I'nlDt. fa., lha lloward A Jeoilni Comedy Co. r. a—Wanted lo buy, Baai aod Uoare Drum aod Ojm- baU; inuat be cheap. PAPINTA la drawing large audleucea al itit Casino, Wevr Yorh. Mer aocceaa Is anprecedeii<ed. WANTED QUICK, Singing and Dincing Soubretto, Juvenils Lady and Man, Comedian and Pianist UMful people, wriu. Clarke-rarklnaon Co.Jum c}o««d huccHaful tour ofS weaka lo reMnolre. flunnner lour, In PvnntylTnnlannd Nortliem New York, opeQa at uoce. Vit ^7 5M^^_sud low Hummer uUiy, aod to good ' " ~""T " .jagL. . Hoom 111 Bfia Co. Bank BuIMIdk. Buffalo. W Y. ) rnmnrueDt for neit Hsaon. ' " «erClaTke'H CoDiedlana ITECHANICSBURQ, 0. Wanted, Flnt Clau AllraetlOBi to book ft)r fomlBK aeaion, alao open time fbr flrat week In May. New drop aeeneryi aeating capacity dOO, with an agaregate of 3,SUU todrawftom. None bat urat olnu attimc- tlona need apply. Addreaa MOOPy, O.WBW A CO., Managera. Orrin Clroui, Metlco. TUB okcat in or out DCXIR ATTHACriON. OHBAT HIT. ENOCH, The graateit lank act erer Men. Mays under waierfront a to4 min. every ihow. The nnly trombone player under water. Open rorenRagenieDt inr July and onwaru. Ad- dreaa abore. One and olna Hheft potter by H. K. Kui. Luoier*s Minstrelse WANTUD, linuedlalely, a First Class Violin Player to lead Orrhealra and Doa* ble Baritone or Trombone In Band. Alao a Flnt Claaa l£nd Man who cna do a 8iw dalty. DH. GEO. M'. UUNTLRV, Worcoater^ Maw. GEM THEATRE, WILKBSBAHRE. PA. Tte many e&colUot i>fODl« who wrote for datea aod wet* not anawemi win plea<« take this aa a ReDera) aaiwer. Time all niled to middle of June. Write anio about middle nf May for time laat of Jime and later. FHAHK lU'MPIIHEVBL M'ltT. PIANO PLAYER, MALE. WHO READS MUSIO AND CAN DOUBLE IK AOTS. LurtiereootrMulrvd. Addreaa DR. C. M. BIMrSON MED. CO., M Harbor BL. CIsTelaad. Ohio. HABJE ACOSTA, OLD WOMEN AND CHARACTERS, AT LIBERTY AFTER AFRII. 21. Vaaat of llSoulh Namlk.CL; alter Utal IJ Wail BtaraaUi BIraal, N>w Yurk Cllf. CIRCUS PROPERTY FOR SALE. WAao)C8,<HAiO(Ke>. mm. BrABi.iiii,oooc tbnt, i.iaiinCliU' twiriiMr iiKO.ricK.iMBaak, x.J Vaudeville and Farce Comedy Manaeen Invited to Keltb's UnioD Square Tbeatra tfils Preseet Week, April 22, to See THOMAS ^. VIOX.EX ECCDiTRIC COMEDmN. 6R0TESQUE QAIICER AND SOUBRETTL WHITB FAOB COMEDT BKBTCH BRTITI.S1D, "A FEBLALE BARBER." New from beslnniag to end. Time we appear, a.m and M.llt. AGAIN TfflS WEEK. CONTINUED SUCCESS INPHILADBLPHIA. OTP THE CELEBRATED EspedallrFealyreillnMANAeER JERHON'S MagnlflcentProdgttloROftlit "60LDEN CROOK" It \k mm. OMENE'S OWN CO., IN CONJUNCTION WITH IMRO FOX'S NOVELTIES, OPEN THEIR SPRING TOUR yAY6,IIIALJ)AIIY,UNDERTHE MANAGEMENT OF ARTHUR G. WILLIAMS. SIEI}MA]I & VEU, 110-112 GREENE STREET, NEAR PRINCE, NKW YORK. Lumenl. Complatait flioeli of GOLD AN •VBR roiwaiiNOg, yr jtog jet our premlHi. TlOHTfl (oor ova maka and In ported), lo Cotlon, OJfc. (raducad ftom II.lot: haary fulL fMliloaad Cotton, |l.n (vaar batur tiian lOJXt voittad tlihl); ban nade nonieil, lUO; Bilk. U« and tl.a>: IjMt flilk, 17 JO. W« carrrS lUiadatIn carli qualltv and alee la atock, aod maka to order In four data. Padded llsbta rmmalrltaln, 17.00. I.KIL„--_ HABB PAINTS, P0WbEK8.>ad. firnpoitadl BtRNT '«rf<Kt ImT ^1 ara aola atania for lha U. fl.) Parfaet N HUPPBRS, •l.TS; JANPAI^, 11.71, *UD: CLOOSJCI^alc. SPAJMCIQES, Il.lOpark. BlflXlON nUHQESfnm lUlnTdaap nc. a yard) to lOin. deap. Omovork Lkcaa, Oold Otmpn, Bt mlda, lacaa, Cordi, BulIIoo Plovam, alo. 31 Inch aATlNH, In arary ilitde, tie., tDc and_ll.QO arard. luahea. Talrelaani. Talreia, TINSEL BROCADEn, ale ARHORS, siOEUra. HE^UBra! SWORDS, OAOOBnEwllii and «llliODt Jairela. JRWElA (la wttlaR or vlllj holati). FVIili UNE OP THEATRICAI. JEWELRY. CATALOQUE, PRICKS AND EVBRT INPORMATiaH BBNT BY HAIL. OOODS BENT C. 0. D. DEPmiTB HEQUIRED ON ALL ORDERS. S. S. Stewarf s Celebrated Banjos PRICES FROM $10 TO $200, Alao Mnale and Book. A»r Iba Banjo, In Rreat rarlety. Btrlnga, Head., BU. Band for lllaitntad prka Hit and caulofua. Thoaa In- t«raatad ihouhl Mod iDc In ■lainpa for a ipaclmea copy ofTIIE BANJO AND UUITAR JOURNAL. \AddnH S. a STEWART. Noa. SI and mcliardi Bt_ Phlltdalplila. Panoa. mm I lOYT. BdM-anI K. IIdti iiudeamoHiadmlribleahoat io "Uain- UL"-T0RONTO WORLD. *ll'J?!f,?I?i'^p.'tfi'aJ?P«^^C?^'**'y byEdwarj M. . irt waj ffASniKOTON STAR. ward N lloyt waa unusually good aa the Qhoit.- Edward N. Uoyt aa iheOhott wa« partJcalarly Kood, hin Tolce and manner making a alrooglmpreMloD.—NEW ORLEANS TIMES-DEHOOHAT. WHIiROBERTMAWTELL 1894.95. WANTED, FOR Dow & Drew's Company, IN REPERTOIRE, 8IM)INtl AND DANCINO SOUBRETTB AM) COME- DIAN. MuKt know thalr bualnena and Join at Calali, Maine, quick. No farea advaaced to unknowoL Sun- nier iaurr- Solid Maaon. Urlleorwlra. DAVID R. DOW.CaUla. Me.. April M-ty. WANTED,(or the 6eo. W.Hall Jynior Great TRAINED ANIMAL SllOWfl. I'SRPUL PEOPLE IN ALL BRANCHRR OP TUB CIRCUS BIZ.. AND MUAICIANB. owlDR to the eularaeniant ol the ahow tbia woek, liaTlnc added utnelaeterbaota aod nauiterle of aoluala frnm (he Col. Hall Clroua. Bute tott )owa»t nlary In Oral tel. ter. NoUmeio-Mcker. Be read? to Join on receipt oT '^If**!!?- *^At*' T*J' P^?!"* ♦"(WWl. '•port to Eian*. rllle. WU.,00 May I. rortvhearsal. AckoowledMcall. br letter, atonce to UEO. W. UALL JR.. Box a, Efranntfll/ Rock Co., Wla. Caady aunda to let Want oood Co*i\ Blftphant Bed wire or write quick. FOR SIDE SHOW OF WYOMINeillSTORICAL WILD WEST, LONG HAIRED L ADT, MHWET, BTROIf O MAN AND BNAKB CMAHMBR. Addtam W. J. DORia W W. Mlb BL. N. Y. CItr. laADT PIANIST, inou ba low a. It I. lara. Ennaamtnl ram all Rannar lotharlfbtpMpla. Addraai H. B. SUTHERLAND MB gatond Blieat. W., Athland, Wlieoniln IMI8CELLANEOUB. jlOBINPORIIATItmO!! OKLAIIOKA DIVORCE LAW. ■ addraaa PHED PrBWDLBR. Opthria. Oklaliom. RHEUMATICS ""^ laad taealpt . alampad II. Paulten, DramatlcAnUwr.iaWai aua. Will B49d aalBUWorcaijarT'li^: Janes Foster yuillieR(CoL J, F, „ Attomay and Cououlorat Law. oaicea: SSTBROADTPay cor.Rcadefitre«t,624 BirrB ATE.. DaarSItt Street, N«i York. Contracia. DiTorcea. TTieatflcml Law. reii»cuor.i THE MOST EXTENSIVE MANUFACTUeS OP BILLIARD and POOL T -flL B L IN THE WORLD, THE BRUNSWICK.eALKE.COLLENDER COMPANY, No. 860 BEOADWAY, NEW YORK Neweal and moat elegant atylee, vltb tbe UNEQUALED MONARCH CUSHIONS. Billiard Hateriala, Clotb, Balla, Cnaa, etc., of oar own manntkctare nnd In- portatlon. TJIB BRVNBinOK-BALKE-COLLBMDRR CO., OhjcMO. Olnclonatl, BLLoota. SaaPranclwo. UnmnFRFIII l^°<> ><■ >° nuin uaeribon, nUnUCnrULlB««on,llaai,aadaaa what ran will nt! A. 600DRICH, LAmER. ^KiSsn^^ legal and qnlet Brmocbeaand ladtltlaa In other Buu B0ATBUILDER8 ^iSl^S^l^n^ Bo««, hontlBR and rowbonta, dinghya, writ* for oiTg, Bnclne Yacht and Boat Worka. Racine Junction, ff It. TTBNRY J. FURLONO, CoanMlor at Law, m Bread- .Oway, N. T. Theatrical roatien apeclalty. Brerrthlog confldontlal, quiet; contmta, utilementamade: practice In all CDuria; clalma, collection* ot all kind*. No charge unleMaocc»«aful. Correapondentjqn other Stale*. CURES QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER REMEDY. TmmnVm Eitnct of Copeba and Copaiba la a aafe. certain and qoick care, and (i an o)d-tlme remedy, cxn- ' blnlDg In a blably coocantnled fomi the meaiclnal rlrtae^ of cupeba and copaiba, lu portable ahape, freedom from taat* ind apeedr acHoo (cunng In !*iu time than aoj other preraratkin) makrit THB MOffT VaLuabLE KNOWN REBIBDY. To prennt trmud. aea ihateTerr peckageha*. a red airip aeroas the Cm of la bel, with the algaature of Tar- rant A Co. K. T., open It PRICE. »1.(P 6oiabral\druinma. LADIES, IP YOU JIATE SUPERPLUOUa HAIR ON THE FACE, Send for new InrormatioD bow to nmoTe Iteaallrand efTeetaally, without chetnleala or loitniDenui. Ccn "poBdence confldentJal. In plain aealed earelope. kRS. M. N. PERRvrBoi 03,Oak Park Ray yon aaw thia Id THErtlPPEiC CLUB PIIIS,ffi?'o!^r- Anr leueiaorfiguTesif not nore than five. £namckd in one ortwocolota. Suitable (cr Schools, B.B. Clubs, Dic;- clc Clubs, Soclctia, etc. Sampletter.ail.ajc „ tIL plate. IOC „ $1.0. KEELER. Mrs. Jtwiuna, ATTICBORO, MA*8. EDMUVD E. PRICE, Counselor at Law^ NEW YORK OIjIFFER BUHJHNO, tS AKD to CBKTRB STREET, Near York Ctty. PracUca (o all Uia Courta, Clril and CrimloaL Buclal allaDllon ftlTao to tha coUacUoo of claims aod daota of all kinda, Uia preparation of affnemant. and other Jegal buoloeaa. OPIUM Morphine Hnblt Cared la 10 to itu daye. No paj till cared. Dr. J. Btephens, Labanen, O. IB AX ABSOLUTE XECEBSITY TO TBE Athlete, Boiers, SportsneB. Sold h] Druffflala and BponlDK Ooodi Dealera. Cicllsti Tourlsl and Ball Filler. PrleftSt.; JSC Bm. TmloarafBlu. »1. Mul oacaclona lo STREKOTnBNIXO.TBB MOSCLES E. POUOBRA A CO.. SI «. WllUai 8U V. T. FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBANDa «a ooTAlty for olrauaea, n»viie«inaje|«rdei»ai^^^ Ireulaft and aamplea, ten eente. FUTURE COli- 79 EaatThlrteeolh Street, X. Y. Tbe beta •to. Cliculafa PAMY."~ ' TO BE POSTED I1EA.I> THE CLIPPER ANNUAL coNTAnnNe becords in aix de- PAKTMENTS OF SPORT, INCICVUtfl CHBONOLOQIES TOB 1894, IQIATIC, ITHIfnC, BAClKe AMD TBOnDifl EVENTS, BASEBALL, CBICIET, BO- UABDS, ETC. BE00BD8 OF FAST- EST TIHE AHD ALL BEST FEBFOBK* ANCES. OLDBTBATED. Price 26 Cents. A.ddress THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, OUFFKR B^UIIJ>I1IB, MAGIC UMTEfUISvWMTEOtfiUje HABBACHaca e09Fllbirt6t.nil(,Pt.-