New York Clipper (May 1895)

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lfAT4* 1ME ISTEW YOIIK OLIPPEtt. 331 #Under the Tents# WiaEKmi Nona—Oar openloc ocoaned on ApiU M, In DtTtoD, 0., tad It fni ■n^cooiu In enrj mj- ^* •bow draw lustlr from oUnr towu, ud tlia ttttndiiica wis enoimona boUi tfttnoon (od tnnliiR. OnrpuadoheTnTUiliig tliil coold lie Mnd UHl tzclted mnoh hTonblt coDownt til tloDg tM line. Tne top for llila aeaaon la one hiin- dftdMidtwenV feet br two hundredtml aoventj fHtln dlmtulona, tlit menigeile mtuotes aeveo- «na bnndred sod elxtj-tn teet, end tliere (i« toDitcen c*n In Ibe tnln. All Uie cagei end nnuere newlr panted, the ctnna la bitndnew, enlthaitock U In flea condition. TheetaownTe iniendl4 BlIittaUoD-ln feet, conaMertnic that It «u » int pettoimaoca. It want wondeminT well. Ennthlng loota pnmlaing tor t highly nccaasAd leiKHii and ft ami larger abow next jear. Eretr ■heat ot paper la Ulhomphed, and the advance, ■nder the ableandezperteoced managtment of Col. gem II. Dtwaon. ta doing aplendla work, ttn Cimde,whloIi la toit alrong Ihla jear, waaaafol. wa: Bgbt horae band wagn, twelra men In band; nonntM people, a« roUow: IIto men la medlcnl eoata o( mall, in Isdlea In English tiding coalume, loarhoiseoMnden ot Uona. two hone cage,ronr bom open den, elx botao Uoket wagon (tableau), with Oonllnental drum corpe; two horse cage, two bona cage, font horae den, moanted cowboj, oonntcd cowbOT, two hone cage, Roman oharloi, lidj drirer, two norata; Roman chariot,ladj driver, two taoiaea; bone cage, two camela, two horae cage, alx bona bud wagon, negto band o( ten men; two doakejB driven tandem to a dtagon narea' ladder track (two hoiaea), calUope (roor bonee). All told, the waahbnn Show looks Ilka a bU winner thla year. TDB W, F. KiBIHARt Qbiat Ahirioak Twikiy- dn Cent Railroad arons, Hnicum and Wild Weat Sbows opena at Peitr, la., Uar 3.3. Rvorrlblng looka brtgnt for a good aeaaon>a builneaa. Nora raoii Wslbh Dbos.' aij, UNrno Ooi.pdi Sbowa, Ronl Oennan ranoltcon, Hosenm and Da- pleilal Trained Animal Exponltlon.—We opened sea. eon April a>, at Lancaster, Fa„ to large bnslnees. Following laacompleteroateroltbeahow: Johnaad Col. H. u. Welab, sole ownen and managers; Col. H. H. Welsh, acHnR manager: John Welsh, genenl aientln advance; Prof. O.ILNewton.laognagedla- pensor and newapaper Inlcrrlewcr; Ft«r, Frank T. waiaon, bandmaster, with the following maalclans: R. L. Uoaler, Flank Martin, ani Dangler, J. 0. Bcbaetrer, L. J. Chamberlain, joa. 0, Bhoenfelt, Fred Eogroir aid Oeorge Welsh. The main abow con- taUis Ihefollowing acta andperformen: Jas.llonn, dlRolor, Oeorge and Ulllan Delaaboa,^donble trapa and nvolTlog ladder; WhIUark and Moran, carrj- log perch and daiclog barrel: TenelU Bros., brother actand horizontal tan; Fmnlc and Ida McCormlck, llgbtnlng gun loggltraand groleaqneaboe dancen; lloiisolla and RonelL, doable Spanish web speolal^r and ll;log rlnga; ScoDeM, jnggler and eanlllbriif; ninca KamlnsU, (he frog man: Ohaa. O'unen, leading down: Joe. Keame;, singing and ulk- log ckiwn; Blllr Ashton, knockabout clown, and Vaster dandle May'a school ot canine mar- vels, and the oonoeit programme la preaent^ cd br Keamer and O'lMen, knockabont Iilah coraedlana: Hiss Hondlnl, seilo comic vocalist; rnDk HcOonnlck, Ore eater; BUIv Ashton, black face comedian, and the featnre dbplar, Fmr. and Mme. Uondlnl'a Vratlcal Uetamoiphoala. In the wonder and annex department: Clinton H. Newloo, director; the Hoivlbia, English mUid readen; Hooa. Voosnlla, thickaknlled Greek; Hiss Raasell, eleoinc Isdy; FroL Thome, msglo and Punch and Judy; Uazel Zaiel Jones, Ibe Infant prodigy; Frot. Uack'a Innpe of Venetian glaea de8lguer^ end a large complement of tnprcal birds and small rare anl- msla. The size ot the show la not much largerlbau but naaon. The paraphemslla ia all new, and Is the llneat and most complete ever carried by a pop- iilarpilced tented exhlhlUon. The weather Is Una and Doslnea has been nnltoimally large. It Wis J. T. Daobar, of the Dunban, aerlalUa, •Dd not Oeorge Dunbar, aa originally staled, who wsshijnred by a fill In the net, April U, during Ihe •(tenoon pertoroiance ot the Bannm ft Bailey Sbow at VadUion Bqnaia Garden, thia city, Ur. Dunbar's lujnilea proved lea eerlous than at imt reported, aud, wo arelnfonied, he baa recovered and la again at work. OunnL Doci, proprietor ot the Dock Keystone Bbow, waa prewnled by hia wife with a new oaugh- ler on Hanii St. Tn OLiTiuNnt bareback ridera, bAve closed a •uoceaful engagenant at Hall's Royal English CIr- can, Chicago, to Join W. a Reynold'a Circus, at Roctfoitl, 111. _WiL0H Bsoa.' GniCTS began Ita season April 20. The neter of the show Is aa follbws: John and H. II. Weloh, pnprleton; H. Welch, trtasnrtr; 0. W. New- top, manager; Jenr Amaa, general agent; Prof, walaon, leader ot tend; Jas. Horsn, equestrian dlRotar; 0. W. Newton, ring master; Ohaa. O'Dilen, pilaclual clown; Jaa Kearney, Irish clown; Fnnk andldaHcCoraack, Jas. Koran, Scodeld, Kammlnkl andWhIllait, Hoigan and Whitman, and Housolla and Bosaell. Wm, f. Wuobt Is contracting agent vrlth Cooper i Oo.>a OreatBonlheni United Bhowa. TBI advance Maff of Wyoming Hlalorlcal Wild West: D. 8. Vernon, general agent; J. W. Campbell, mntnctor: D. B. Ward, manager of car No. l;T D. Debovan, In ohirge of paper; 0. B. Faaat,lltha- naphar; W. 0. rsAer, N. H. Smith, U. Brooks, B. Flynn, 0. Feiguaoo, E. L. Bnngbton, bill poateia. HonanoiiHtmiiNa'sOiBoiis.—Baalneaa baa been allthatcan beexpeoted.andwaareatlllboldlngoor own. At Ohaiteston, W. Vs., April IS, Ceo. and KoUle Belford, Prof. 0. V, Burr, Cbas. Ia Oardo and the band ot the Belford k Howard CIrcna were vlalt era, April 22 vns the birthday of bfis. Ohaa. E. Orlffln, and on that occasion abe waa the nclplent ot preaents from Ada Oastello, Florence Hurray, Wle. Theda, Nellie Uorris. If me. Kanlana, Jobn U. OrHBn and her busband, Ohaa. B. Orinn. Ool.Rabt. Boating la Ibe bosleat man around and Is alwayson tbego. Jas.OttteniandFi*nkaiiniihaveaecurcd o^iUouB on large ^aantltleaot real ealate at Wlloo, RiCBlBD A. 0. U>FU AND Oio. QiuBR have ar lived In this dt; from Cuba. They were with Ibe Oodada Olrous, and report a sncceafnl aeason. Hr.aUben, witbbis Innpe of mined wolvee, will Jolu the Irwln ft bonis Show. Xom nOM TKE Coprnss, BoimHB k Pi'rtu Cir- rra.—Mr. CoSlree Is now up the Slate, looklngorer tbe gnnnd and routing the show. Ur. Bnrone is bay engaging people and conhacUng for printing, etc, wUle Hr. Vnrvis la overhauling and looking ahar the repaira of tbe show, which la almost teady tor opening. Pnt. Franke and a band of ten men have algsed. Kons raon Oarr. BTZwurr'a AmreuiiNT Cis, NO.U.—We bava been doing a good bnslneas this acaaoo, alarUng from Fort Wayne, Ind., 18, and playing Pennsvnanla, Ohio and Indiana, and have not had a loeliig day. Oapt. Stewart baa lost re- turned from bis home, where he went to contract for another larie car. an. long and IfL blih. It will be drawn by tour large dapple gmy horses. Kswaan Coniuk, Joggler and naUncer, closed with the W.O. Oark's Orescent Sbow In April, to Mn the Belfoid t Howard Sbow tor this season, while In Bt Louis he wae made a member ot tbe Acton' PnleeUre Union, No. 4. JoBN 0. Boani>i.ra, maglcbm and lecturer, and VoUle Roberta, mind reader, opened with I<eon w. VTaehbun'a Cliciia April a, at Dsylon, Ky.,tbla mklng their aecond season with that show. E. Q. FLAoauND'a OiuiiD Scnooi Ouildren'8 VunlvBl Cinderella gave an enterulnment at Ihe Audlloflum In N. Paul, Hlnn, April n.wllh, we ai« lofomed, eleven thooaand school children In tt- tendance. The olio was made np of drcus per- fonnen. Cois. Fish.— Onr coiiespoudent at Chicago, lu^ la retemnglo Ihelllneeaof this veteran bareback Ilder,aa7a: "Oneot Ihe moat patbellc Ihluia ever seen la the stnggle that Charlev Fish Is making to keep alive. He la surrounded by frlende, who see tbateveiyttdngls done for his comfort and he baa not only the pnteaalonal skill but the friendly luiar- <st oTur. BlrtEgOeld to assist him. A week ago It was thought that be could not Uve, and a lesa reap- lite man woold have been dead by thla Ume.bul be kange on. and la flghllng It cot in a way that 111* *1th lean the eyeattutBee the Btnagle. LasiSatnr- day be had gahied enough airengtli to be delliloas, •nd Ibe sheet was pinned down to keep bis anna from atraggling. He slipped one arm out from an- der V>e com, however, and, making the aanrie iraottsi salute wldi which he has greeted bDBdmla ot thonsudiL be. In his dellrlnm, went thronsh with Ua act, talklni to hla horae thnngbout. The F.lka have appolntad a committee to look after Hr. Flab •nd bla wUe dating their trouble, and It Is a sleasare lo sav that be Is rMelvIng Ihe very beat ot alleatlon. Hr. Flab U atir-tonr ycare old, and has had many dose calla before, but then are tew men who ever ncoT^rtflar btfng aa Car gone aa he baa been tor ihepaMweek. Bbcbaacesannow,howavar,allt- Ue better than araa." hamTLI^JJiiI? 8B0WB.-T*e big wagoaa SJr«i??J'S'« ''«>l» at the rata ot iwo SSJiL5-iS'-Si" Bvetylhing la djcwated wift loidraven to the baggage wagona. L"»^;^Ue; and sold. Ihe big band wagon, Tblo- a^.Th^L'' •"•t'l'*"*' •» • mammoth portrait "JfJi'^w.SotiBioiTieta. Another tann uMmox „'«™«"a and Andromeda," while Ibe hSS-^U*" J**" ^o"' 0««'™l la vividly SfMl Kr-f f."""'! Twenty superb plush and eatiB hand uiiiroram have airlved. The eolora an Ki.,??'"")''"' "e"'*™ and wblio helmets, wltb IdMmmUiga. Kd.Wam.themasierorprtvlIegea; Kim, mill (Irona.ire Comoro i?w "l 'S •*™ "llberl [Hn. Miimey llelon. S2Jfo5S?.!l' »o* breaking lua lean of splilird f^ViJ? JS?'?,''''"'"*' '<"■ '»»"'•» menage ifJi, lit.y" » toichllgbtandelectilo ?nJSiKS!'!J'*?.''''Hri*l"'' allBoeclal; II fslriy ontoblnea the big abows, two of whoM oppomiloa 27,. K.^' neasuting snaugib with onr ad- S^,??.'"'?''''. SyetTbody U weU, Ihe ouUook U oiiBht, end np lo dale no animals have escaped. 1. ?t21ff"^"tt'"—At present the aeasoa 2. ?2'"''J5?tfP.»' *■ "'"Tweaiberliseuiogln. Col. aannago PubUonn reopened his magnUlcenl bnlld- log for the seaaen April 20. Antonio PubUones' Ulcus Is at Poeno Principe. BenorCurtadoandbIs big cireus b to cloae In Iwo weeks. Tttny Lowande ts Bbowing at lot Lajaa wllh bb No. I Company.No. Uonovan's Xneriean grcoB, wlUi Ool. Jesdo W. Fouler sa dlieclor, b In Ilaunus. Mr. WilliamsonandUrUatrangebava Si o.i'".""'l»'Vi thaklng balloon ascensions, col. Foster Is soon lo leave for ibe Suteiloitonan- ItejWhHe the company will prabaMr go loltey West and Zamns, and Ihenco to New York, doting aeason about Itayt. Richard Loub, wlib bta mule, retuma Apill 30 to Budklo, where bis paitoor, Jobn Irwln, to suing out their cireua to uavel by iraler, openlngai BnDlilo on or about Hay i. Sbow busi- ness In Cuba waaallrlgbtnullllbe war came, which pnia blight onenryiblng. Noitolkl Va"""" * "I"" *• *t JAmsRASAVs writes us that be baa met wlib sncc«a with bU clown work with tbe RIngllna Brok'ar>ua In Chicago, III., and baa been engaged for tlie Summer season with the sbow. Uesistea uut thb wUl be bb flist s|ipeannce In ten yean un- der canvas. UooBB t OiLLMon, aerlallats, will take not their own ehow this season, osmganwfi. top. wllh two 30(1. middle pbces. The abow win iravd by wsgon and twcDtv-nva head ot stock will be used for tnnsportaaon. Ooi. Jbsi Fosnin was a Curpan caller April», navlngjast relumed from a snccenfiil season with !>ooovsn'a Clicia, In Cuba. Col. roater will remain In this city wbUe he b reorganizing, WISCONSIN. Illlwaalie*,—After Snnday, A|irll 33, all of onr pUc«H or tniuMDHnt QXctfX IIib WotklvrUnd nre cImoO tVirlhlHwMk. Uavidhok TSMnia.-ll>rk< Janwo pnmlnl "Del nunlco'a it Mi" nillnee tail nislil W. JaniM A. Ilenu atppeertd In hit rnlltUc pltr, "fflrtre Am^" Uit w*«k to ftlrlr lood tlltDdsoce. TboiDtB* Orrlit»ln cemtt Umy 4,N. C.Gootlwlo, la repeitAry, A, d, T,8. Bijoo OrssA lloinL-UuluiwiekSlAiunrlltodlo bookeil Uerbert CsvUinn, In "Tlis rorit Mto," for iwo ptrlbnnaaCM, whldi cla,«l Ut« rvpilAr leMoo Rt Ibia mulsr pkyheuit. Htny WLUUiiif 'Tin Botreir dlrl" luil a hnn optDlog hoiiM April 31, and pUred lo u onll- lurr ve«k'i liutltawi. PiorLa^i TuaiTRi.—Utotgtr John fl, Raroor flolplied hit teiMD W94k Mdini: zr, and on iliat occaaloa Inm- doecd Jlumj Btrrr and I'aui* FlusoraVI lo a tliraa found glove coBlan, ta tn a^itim ttirncUon. Htnanar Barnor alio heldoTeranaJorilrorUio peonia whoaara ,.j - Cliorntklaodtaooiy Kt-tn, In apamnsaiid ball pancb- laff, Rtva two a xira parlonnaoraM tt. EllwiTlON Mmic IlAU—llasooback'H Trained Anl- taala aodad a two vaaka' fnsaaoiiienl 37, al tbU raaoit. Tite altendaaco loCT«a#ad niphily, anO Uw laat w««k Taiy brse houcai veta on hand, n« idiow proved ooa oflha uwat noral and Intorottins av«r pratanted harv. Tbe aorkofdiaaelDfliMlalarlor fur ttip TandvTina vhlcli opaOA Mar 13, coitinieneail April ^ and Mtntnr Oitrlea P. HiIIhSoo' aulva Ditt liowlll make aome de- cided Improvemnta over Ilia Inlarhir arTaosomant or Uio past tro anaoni. A now itasa will b« erected, wblcn Is 10 ba saoil clrcuUr In »hap«, and will htca the aaualoqalpmciiu found lo a thaatra. Tan ntlTmta boia*. flra on etcn ilOa or Ilia atain, Mdi of wlilch will aaai iwaoly-fOur panooa, will ba a new laalure and a dacUed improreaiaoL Tbo anllra floor of lha Inimanaeaoditor- lum will be cboaeaO lo Uiatltalll liava a sradutl idop* loUieattaa. and tiie Ktliarr. wlilch ailandaarODnd the vbola-bulMlaii. will ba conran^l Into a promenade. AOAOur OP Ursia—allroora'a Band. M br Motor Darbart, waa llifaoail lo by a sooU ilzeil hoiuv 31 WOXOIKUXOHL-SBDII.-Ourlohall: Ulla.Gtmltaand her aducatail blld^ Lotlar Howard. Ilia Ulndoo Boi Uya- iriT and an a'lilit lagsad lamb. Itiaatn; rnnk Uur- plijr and Uia uoclr. In '*A Blrikliis RaaaoiUanca." Coppoxs—HaaafarO.F. Miller waa at homo laat weak tad atatad liahtd complelad amntemenla wbarebr Uie BtanJanl Hiaativ, Chicasi^. which he lia« laaMdlorllra roara, will ba ccmplelaly ovarliaulad Uila Rumniar, u>ba ratdr for the opaDlna or tha raaular aaavto, aaUiaCbl. caito BIJou TiMatn, eapt. 1. itanaiisr Miller baabaan auecaaa/al la hit Tanlur«M,ha baiag Uia onir manaser avarabla to coBdurttbaStandard Ibaatra, Ihu city, wilb prodL Ult lucceM In oHxIoatins and condudlns lha EipoiIUoo MdMo HtIL UiU city, U wall known. Manajier Minar aonouacaa Uiat ba liaa an eicollaot oparm eompaoy booked for hla Bummar aaaaoe at Bchlili Park, whleh will comnaoca June 1 Manaicor John O- Bundln anlerlAlaad lha Mltvankea Bajuball dab at Iba BUon U Berarut Bcliaflor. tha Jusnlar, In Ibia city 31 Ibe matt or Htnuar U._F. Killer. Wm. DuQiop, pnaa aiiant of tha BUou, aod drmniatic editor of Th« Emtng irucoiuln. dapaiteil forsaboitEiinixaaUlp April 3; JtniaaA. Ilania U now ilnmatltlair ilalan U. Oaidanar'i tlory, "An Vaofll- etaJ Patriot," for production br 11. C. Ulnar PlunkaU Orsane slret a reelti I, endar aotplcaa of lha Acioni Clab, In thla city, 39 The mambara or tlia Sttdt Thattra Block l^ptD J lalt for Davanpott. Ia., 11, U lira a tatlai ofparnmnancaa In Uiat city, altar wlilcb tbay will locau at Or«ao Bay, Wta, far tha Bamnar Ilarbart Oaw. Iborn'a "A Cork Man" Company doaaa Ita aaatoil at Ha- mlt, Web., May 11. Ftewd da Iiac.—At the Crescent, April 1(, Gll- mora'a Band pbyad to a crowded bouae. "Jo4i Spnicaby" comas 3D. PEMNSYLVANIA.-lSee Page las.) dincar; Cbaa. P. HnmoMl, nnalc^ noksudHltil (Inf laon,comodiaa. Wa bare a 9Dn.loKWilhaBft.mMdl* 1^ and make three Blatal alCi>bi,Ia.,Mayll. WabaTeaoawtop,aemaoav waffontand Uia oU oota all repolnlad. Tlie ahov will ba Urear Ibia taajon than aver. Tbe adnnca briaaua, n charieoIWlUII. BaifT,Uttaaaaon with Iba WaHibare Clml^ It aa tna a aiaon thow edranoa nolBltavtt aver pnt ouL With 'ba n>rca aod paper on head Uia dead walla thonM uionia tha many coloia of tbe rainbow. PROF. Jack C. naai-t hatckitad atwowaakt'easana. mant al lha Bdan Moaaa Tbaatta, Mnnliaal, t^an., and n Joint IllUlard'tniormmaaaoianainr, Nom rioM the Mr. and MnTAudy Bpaar Royal Bpa elahyCo.—IVatbrewour all eaDTaaaa to tha kraeia at Rullaod. n., April 23,10 a ntlling wtak'a Inialnata. Hr« MttUattpear. allh bar adoeaud doia, la maklDl a <la- ckltd hit, while llUle Delay Burton, b bar aario eomie Honsa. la a prima (iTorlte; Prmoh Ilait. oonedltn, kaapa Pltubargt—Host of our hotmeti are nearly al Ibe tod of tbeir aaatoo, and will cloaa ihelr doon abortly, DrQrtuiM TSBAVRI.—Ttioa. W. Keona It BUlog bit aa- noal enstganiaot ben tfaU week, In rapenorr. Wllaoe Banaudnwatrarallhaalnpartlit lattwetk. Nolbldk laundtrllnal ro^MaySL AtVl nback boMf B'uoo*Vmtt««.-"WanB" It lha curtanl illncllon. Jo«.OUClo<adano<l week April 37. "A Oraan Uooda Man" Mays, fcrtbanrel lime here. Uaaao OraaA llol'a«.-"nia HbaoBhrinn" comprltta thli waak't Mil. Kd. f. DavIV "Unela Tora'a Cable" prored ta«Uftcl»ry laat waok. A tbraa nl«ht iMaoa of Wamaroptia. In (lanoan. UannouncaJ for Mara. llA»«rDAri«' KoKii Mumr-Manasar Davlf blertia neaabelwaenncelatltdiea hare prorad lucb aamag curio hall atlnctloo lhattbay are laltlned tor ihit wetk- St litar-OcaanVaodatniato. appaare In lha tbaaua, JSJiDinoolmainbarii bolns Paulina Btuhahir. Uata Ma- llek aad U»m Lawk and A. I!. I^wtaace. llAiiiiv Wittiua- AOAOsai or Mcaic--liartln Jallu'a AMuSlan Vauda.lllaanJ AlhlaUor-o. will hoH lhe ala|je Sill waakT Ibe Londoo Ballet Barlaaqna and Vawltvllla **Wol2.?i'°Mt-eara-Tlt«ATIit--Tba Eitiavaisna bu nravad as anooa>trol bare lliat Maniaac ,In>la baa da- fkid to coiuSoo li,andpreie»uihaOalaljrBnrlja,o« fSL b '-Sa forty Hlatit." Uiti weak. X an-beror darar tDtclalUu are uilndnCMl br Uie PincblDtllo ^ffily,UlTo?|t^aa,AnnlaCartor.^llanleMlyt^lOO^ 100. aiarltaMorelanilandnlhara. „rik. Ai,t. BkA Weea-.Proprlttor Cliaa. L. ,Oa»li, or Iba Airln, clowbla"AhbJo«ln"aaa»un In I3itca«".- .•■.Tiiatl; laihN of Binr WlUUmi' Acsdaroy will lake a IvnaSI at Sit boata k^ . .....Cliirord n. Wllyn. adc.rtliliis Srenl of a» iUm. will Bammar al IWa. Pa. will, bit SKlly. ....tbeWlli or lha Baronm-BallaT show are n^ S?aai itlaaolduahare lln MiT 3U..... LlnnaHana^ cifWhMllOiC. W. Va, a r ot fnnk Hannli, ;b«* *. Ktana^ lu&losnti. Joint that orianiialloo al the Du. Uieane Tbeairo Ibia leak for rebtanal VIRCINIA. BIchBOBd,—The regnbr iheaMcal aoaton In thUclty winbaeloaedalUiaAcadaroyof MttJc AprllW- Mar 1. by Iba Baabloobe Opera Co. Ho adranca aalai la- ilieala a toatndins W a moat wo>pannu >«aoa Bicnaoxp Taaaraa.-Tbe Elhf Btnar eooUnaai to OoofUb. laim lami ware laallied laat weak, aod ma ■■Cbirllv F«nd" wu eowidarably IncMMd IbanJ/- oSiS i«3Sd Rnlar "ly. aecoropaoUd bybll wllV. cSmA tb« tolenalomanl with a hiimoronl iptjrt. ^mAreltBrArii CoxMcr-OKoiniiAprtlB: riojd oi!<« pUoifllanrLao Haitmaa and Cobnm ud BaM- J!S?*V2SR£lJf U^aSTpUtlof a. Eeropaanlrip ""SflS^lSSSJare asain rifa that lha Rlehnond Tbaa- •-ffSS;^S¥anI5ri5» a "ommartltl hooil. A prom ; chanaau. lu.^Vi"'",'1«;„TSS Si'ffi^oF.V'dSJj.-cij^i^^^ IheeItT,awalUag tM wntt tbeIr botoaa. #Nlscellaneotts# BoiTift or Oah. w. d. AMura Bio citt rArtuta BhowtM;^ W. ti. Amat to^ pnwtotor ua muuu; pwfomtn-Mortlmtr add Dur^ Vkl Tim wl BMtK Duhloirtoa flrea, Honik; ttaUn. tf«M aad llobn Mn. B«ttj RunUr. 0«o. DimtiT. tMdetn ItiaM* ChAril* B. O. Qrawwi. WUl Tonimd, Chia. Mindtr, f, M«r*n, & A. Unoo, Chu. P. WllaoB, WIU JoMi, Pfol. Mtjcn wHb btDd of t«a imd, tnl rnf. ftDChnU. kidtr ofoitUttn. Oarlu««B«waBTM, MftUud«T»nthlDC •toot Ihe mow labrmod Mw.ud •THylhlBf leektclm u4 biljrhL W« vlir pUr wMk ■«udi, ud mike k ham M«m r«miloln|(oatanUl Cbrl«tnuB,»pMlDf at Mu- catiM, III KoTbt nnKTiiiORitiniL BruKi Kovkltt Oo—W* miwd ihtildRitutr PMMo uMtr cutu wflrMbai^ lUeHtr K HoMtr: fW H.Wo«d.imtri«toruJiUD> 4*c«,ihi ' riM wir* n«torit*wa| -wtmnvMd nuki thiw nlihiM - ir#or TboK.H.wool prvMBMii bun viih » b«br dta|ht«r Ml April SJ, Koto ninii BO.fHn'i Blot' Riitnr.-Atl datelia v Bttrlr CMDp)«te4 UMl «T*rrUiToKMr for lb« rad. Tb« no jQDlw iDua««r* of ih» Newllodirno* bU^Ua lo borne eoffle lime ■Inoa $aA depentd fttr their Wlour qunen ti Bui«raft» Te., from vtkb pb(« iber win out about the teoUi of Maj. Prof. Wn. Wiley bu bU Ha* inaM ortTftleeddORi la eioeUeot coodlilKe. end U8b* ud Jeiranon an prmeiUIaii mid air rbau Ibr tn omb air ■tincUoo. Chatir» Rfith, peUia tadf iBperenaatar, wbo vu ukea tnm Dtx Armm nevuboj fore* In Chlcain, farUtlnlnitlMtWinter.Iivell up In hie nOeandeloita Uka a prima deana. Blilr B«f rfaiier, lUrl rika, Bam , PBor.TnoaB. AooT mb win an rwtlov at Aomik, 111.. haTloR clo««d their imr. Oia P. wooot' Wild wnr mo OOJtaiiT Oa U all CDroptatid. Therana(in«orfclnir In open boom^but nptcl tocloee Ju«t aa aooo aa tha w«ather vtllpennlt. The compenr: Oeo. 1*. Wood, proprietor and mao* Mrer: Hn. Jaoale Wood, inaaurer; Lonla A. faiker, iiqpinraxmanaittr, at>d Tonj P. LoMtOqoaitrlaa dliwlor. fhey have al«o re-enfand Prof. Ilanr HttanK Ham J. laninKton, Oeo, Pnaiar, Prank Dibo aod uitle Jim I'^rbeir, and Loais Parker. Tonj tern *aa meeotod elih a told rlDf Mt wlm rablea. ftU (• tfrrparkefa •econd waaon wTOi Mr. Woodr Co. Fnixca'a BaniTioir, NcMiu Qib, will bo la Point Pleannt, W. Va., Mar ft, BenatToo Kumbor Too vlU arrlTe la PlltiUian. Pa^ May U. The too ahov boata _ a ^jj^ ^ , -„i the tf«aaierB aauro. Thof Dovtil a a vain aereatT-Are feet vMo, nom New Orleaoa, withoal aoddehl or Inddeni an laahad tontbei Dovtil aavaihaere^., to Clodoaatl, 0. worthy of DMnUoo, BoTARD Bbuiott ADD RiT ATKiim have dlaaolred tbe^ panoendilp. Mr, Belomt la now with tbe Wlilia Medicine Co., lo towa^aad Bay AUlaa la with tk bavh HtdklneCOa, In aaiiBaa. IHOP. Hoim Di LivTAiiD win, aad their trained doa; Colo, will make too balloon aacooelooa aod parwhaU ' tbo Torre ilaato. lod. leapa, monbs ond oranlnv, Tntnnf Aaaociatlon, Jnly 4. OiUNiLLaiv, Ibe maflelan, baa doead hla aoa * 0B. and npnruiioodbiuloeaa. ProraOraBalleaa and wife bava alRoad for tbe UhUnjraaawtn with the tfata aod One- coot Ploaiinf Palace Sbowa, opealoa at Lealirllte, May I. Thar win haro control of the aMe ahow. Tni ROTALSTABQoamr liarabooo eocamd for uie Cape Mat Meaner Repoblle for the Banner anaam. tiLA UtiDOuaTOX reoolrod a dlaoond ring on her birthdar, AprilM. Tbb Iowa Rtats Bavo. Prederiek Pllmney, banJnufter, will epea the neaaon at Menipbia, T^no., May U to S, Tub DASUiiiaTOx Hhiw. (Jerry and JanwajhaTe ilined vllhCapL W. D. Anieni'a runlral ol IToToltlfa for lha Ther Join May 1, ^. ^ f ntBT*0_*-ir. T. t;.;^ Mom.—We open our third Bommar lonerU the audience lo an uproar; Diarlle Oitbrle, moitcal iter- former, la dolog well: Joaepb Canurbary, Irlah eooie- dbin. never ralVa to Heaae, and Andy Hpear. ecreoule comoillaD, la a Rood Uauli producer. Tbe fhoat walbad Sunder oiomlnir, and the wboleeoai|«nr la looklag for- want to a pTOA|«TOoa aeaaon. KoTn rROB PKor, rBBOBBtDRROTAU'aBitxoomna. —Wo are opeolof aod booklag oar aoaaoa North, wlih oTarTtklnB new. We oarry Iwo SML balleooe, two flOn. halloooa aod one 80ft baUooOa Roeieroroompanr: Pnf, Rorala, Mona. VeranoL Mile. 8L Lawieneo aad Mme. Veiano, aafoaauta, and the Jeannetia, In iboir dr Iom n- tom art. We hare a trained baboon aenoaaL We baro booked for twalre weeba In Sooth Aawricft, coDneoow Dee. 3. Prof, Roraloand iboTwoJeaoBetumadea iml trip with tbo SHL taallooo, whldi waa toceeaaful, all three breabloB awaj at the aame lime. We have aecond Par dinand Eberhanlt aa maoaver. 0Bif,Jo8BrRT0TiiA)r. awell koown llll)iollaB,waa lO- e»nllr rraotod a divorce fVom Ida Toioun. BooTBBorCapi, It. B. flldia'Teua Harry Ro.:Prio- ceaa Neoetab, Lad/ Uorotbock, Chief War lUffle aad tribe ol Ootiimancoe ladlana, Teiaa and Meilcaacow- bera aod a beod, MllCSLLANIOUB . . claeOi.: Dr. Ueo, A. LIndaay, loctunr, apedallrt _ _ maouor; Mm. U. Llodaari tnaaorer aod planut; Ub. Bulllna, Walter Upton, Andrew Bolkjer, Cblefk Ralo Daerand Anow Head Roater of tbe OnioD Indian Mi4ldaeCo.,No. 4: Dr. P. Omat. proprittor; Dr.fl.B. Baaham. HmO. B. Beoh^ J. U. PaoL maoaieriMn J. C.Paol,planlitaod liaHan hatv aololai; "LItUaDot," Mr. aod Mm. II. narltU, Prod Salmon, Harry HUtTorA and Prof, J. r. . towm In MlonoaolL Kara, cnmpanr are tourini tbo lam BoelarofthaOUfloo lodlan Madl- dae Co.. No. 6: Jack Janea, maunr and loetarer; Jeaoe Jamet, treaaenraod trapauat; Clan BTaoe. ctane inan< War; Thoo. B. Btaait. Cbaa. Bnoea, W. Vloteo, Raoa Dteo, Loi ■ " ~ * * - - We an toui nlofDODey.m _ _ — top, with m. middle eleco Boaior of tbo Orefoo Indian Medklne Ca, No. 4: Dr, Arlcona Tod, lectsror and tooth eitnctor; Janea 0. Womti, maaater; Aana Wenia, pwer queen and JoBgler; Prank Orrllle, blaok ». B. Muaiia vaa»-i pess>^% ew, i ssswaii itile VlBt«B,Lola Bumler and Bokr Aanley. irlof TeuL and while wean not maklogn taar- ay,we are noldlof onr own. We kavenlOfL taoB comMUo, motlo alnnr aitd llnhlalof enreo arlltt; Stella Orrllla, contortlonlit, alack win and alofff bntie; Paddr Bcaolao, Irlah aod Doldi conmi dancer; LlnloScaolan.acrabatloeortahoedaocar; Frofa Vanderalooe, planlaL Baalaeea le good, and oreryfaodr carrlea a aood dnd nil Open a all weeka* amannani HL Paul, Hlan,, tUjK. RuontOK Elk and Wblu Roarer, ladlaoa, Jolo ua oeit week. Roater of tbe Kowana lodlan Medicine Co.: Dr. O. H. PInmU, auaamr; Prof. J. A, Kelloy. planlat; Plckena aod CuonliiBham.Oormaiid DonPlOQolL WedarRomlne, IltHtar; mdlani: Whit* Eaitle, Red WolC ClilefKewana artd Mean Bsflklo. Wo Dr. P. Plak and wife. I. W. Halt/, (I. O. BUajiaoa, H. W. WiniaDa,<lDrtyPlrnaodJ.W.8culoo. Kickapoo ladlao Hedldne Co.^ No. ». Clipper Post Office laeEad fbraatfe lauer, ud tbe Una ofjHitlaeaa tUtoaed by Ibe peiioa aiUiwitldMeltbe ibea, la order to prvTMil mlitaiea. ..... , . llon.-mfMaloaila tad olbeee eboiM bw la nlad thatair letUKk ete. In mull batweaa tbe llaliad Riaua aad Oyat^ aaul ts piinilB, oiberwlee they an do! n» ™* LADIES' uaT. Armour, AMa N, ArdalL CNlla ■Ardall, CNlla Abbott, AoaU Ailama, I.IIHw Berlmao. Jeiali Boiler, Addle Breonan, Hm.Ooa R. BaiteB.BMale Belbnna, Mr& & Beraoo. Anita BellonLBHna Blr, Nail I* BeilnitofLMtod BlaacC«itl,Mi* ^CnrbUa,Wtu Chanller.LlQlan Carelhan, Bertha Onartney.MBia Clifton. Lino Chartlara. Habol Colo, DoUla Ooi, Mn IMeoy Oiarlea, Klttj M. nurUnJ)*orgle CUytoBjDella CoonlDgbam Malen Clark, tAum Carlton, Adnh Cunnloghini, Tfellle CamtD, Mro II. Cbeeier, L'llUn DeTeau, Ruih Deroui, C^l DonoTaa,lln.KJ. Don^Thao. Duane. 2«n« DelAoer.Mn. X. Deotalio. Maude DeTero, Jmalo Do Witt, Jenal* DMdle,- Doreiby Bliitan Ewatda. MllUe -Irelf n. Carrie Baclatoo, Blbol ^r, Carria Edwar^cPWeoc* Kmery, Oeorile BToaa, Anw Imery, Lola Urk Alleo Fft^syjiS" 'omaia, Mtnella 'titir, KaiT fOfaMaBti,]Umta FraaillrLliaoa ros.loA rrubtln, mule roBUr, Uolly arar, Ulllan olUiois. KItlla OlUan, baila llaylor, llsy fllanle. Xtu ftnra, Laiu (Itant, Natlia Uanlaio, MHa UII>ior« KUtla —IllSlalw —UaTt.aiaale IDU^ Ibail Iawlaua,lln.R.A. Ilaollloa. lay lartiaTt. Mra K. Iltaltlou, llabal lanmin. AIke llarray, Mar llaiaon, riiilla llowniu. Nulla llalaton. anaale llnibaa A Manlre llaldar, Alice tltnfbnl. Mra. B. lawer, Midse ' - •■ilia .Roauroflba _.. l^nk lleUte, Dr. Vajar, laclanr naaasar, haojolat and comedrao; Dr. Vajar, laclanr andtooib eitimdor; Pror. Wayar, niicicand alrooiaet; Al. Rano, lassltr and allonea and mo: Imllaaa: whlu ~ ' rralrla nowar. aad paoooie. we tra^orfclnff ipablre lo bill batlnaa. tora'a Ramady Xew tltnipablre u bill baalnaai A. E- WbilUni joloai] KelDra'a Ramady Co. April B Roatar or ibaToraerBhakorHadlclnaro.. irn. 11: Dr.J.r florty, leeuireraod mauacer: rror.Clamllaehoey.vaolrUoqarat and niaBlcian: Brooke and Ckrr, rocallitj, conadlaaa tnddancen; llairyDai*, pbilali Cliaa. IMdla, Dnlcb aod Irlab coniadUw, and Nalaoa and Manntilta. atrial. lauindRTmoaau. We bare been playlaa la rravCord't Oparm IIODM, Topaka. Kao. for two weafeikaad noale anoUiar waek. Bnoka and Carr. and llaxry Dara ap- ror lha banoll of Uie Toptba Ledat^ of T. M. A. d RTnioaau. We bare been playlaa IIODM, Topaka. Kao. for two weafei ir waek. Bnoka and Carr. and lla peared for lha Unoll of Uie. Toptba Udaa of T. M. A, haM a waek ago. Raltoo aod Hamartla rloaad AprltaL lololn Curtit A Otawaw'a Uollad Rbowi. Ookllt aad Haia are dolus aa OP lo dale mnilcal aet,aad ourthow 11 plaatlDi erirybody. Otm Haebt,ay la bealnaaa tnan- andnoUilnsieooalntondooa towarda matins ear w a nttnd ancoeaa Dr. KeanadT'a Madlclie Co. opened at NIeboIaefL Pa^ April U, lor Ilia Sanimr aaa- aoe. Hoaltr: J. A. Ntlton, rntowk. 8, Kanoady, proprHtor; Morria Hlllar. Whluner. Bardo, and Maorloo Jaaot Krank Richie, faniala linperaona. lor, baa Joined Dr. Htaoa jft peity el tbe Ilckapoo In. dian MaJklna tVi. ^ ^ COLORAOa Denver.-'nie Tabor Oisnd Opaim House, week of April a waadtrk. Waek ol •, Ma Klblar. 0;»tiiiBr«BiiTTuait»B.-Weak of a -Catu," by ib« alolb oooipany, pliyad In blrhoeaaa. I.TCsra T«sit»a.-"Tbe Arabian Klihia," by KcBaa Btnkle'a stock Company, drew bif bnalDaia. beadTlUs.—At tbe Wealoii Upera Hosaa tb« Roonar CoCMdy Co. bad Ctir tiotleeia April S. Rmlly Sidebar. In ••oir ftaV la i"« l''fX^l.. _ OoLinaira't MticoiT-Ptddrilnirtiei, laHle Oifoid, Uw and Cbaa. Eddya. Chaattr tolb. Llsila apngSk < «r- •la Blitilt, MaMa Alawn, Tom Wada aod tea* Htrla. Albart Hubta, and UirM, ton of Faddy Boibai, made bit Initial bow etlbe flnnday nallDee. Paabl>«-Al tbo arand Iba Wchlfan Unlrsrallr Atoa fSob bad a tood aodlanca April 19. Meoieoyi eoneo 9 EoUly auekar Hay ^ Ena uCte^ bSfJil5twttk i Aptil Jl: "TtaOlbjt Mio-me stTenapldS. when Iba boaaewma oeenplad by Ibe Ly- caamI.acureCoar*e. BTASDiaa.—Tblt wHfc; Tompaoa, Oalrlo A Danma a |"to>4't tod Comedy Co , IpcfiSns C. MlWDlHollla fhomiatn, Maaila Drola. Tom, OaTrlo, <oala I>ucaa, Jobn auiiiay. law CamU, Baial Aiajln tad Aim tttr. Tama Vidan; ntiua nino. May Scnlui, Dally Oa Arra indlbeSU&oBroa. Bubla« it lOOd. aOU TH CAROU NA, Cksrlaataa,—At 0«aiia> Aca4sav ot HoAi Vabatfalsaib»«l Uia resalai teaaaaof tbaboaatloa •aeb of Bond bniloaaa, April fl-IT, al popelai rrto'- Wlib Ibe aiwHl^ »f amalewr p ei ti i ■ a a t aa Ibe beue will mels ckaad enlU Kay A wbea Nsaafwr leogb epeoi for two weeba wilb J*^°*%ertrode ~^ellh, QarUe Klnt. Birdie 5eQ0Pdy.I.llllan ellopf. Nettle riaeTllamleB. KarnUrDnt Kemp, Alleo Kaaten fiUten T,ainor«au!i. ^ Oeortle Unite, Mme., Ukaeeater.LllltaB IaoIbp, Hnoda Leater, Oeerwla Lew la, Pannle Llndar. Earlle Leon, Prtokle Lonlno, Bille r, Annie Uonanl, .Vallle lia Vyna. Latlla Lealla. Ballna Lartalla, Lillla Martow, Raiila Maraii, Uonnli Mtnlall. Mn. R. MiMolle, Vina Horae, Jniephlne Marcallu^ KlIUi Hooma Rlttan Hllcball, norm Htdlaon, Hind HcKanlaaa. W. II. HcOna, I'etrl Halioie, LIula Hotlon, Janele Hoia, llelane ■alilind, Habel HellanrT.Ntllla Htiriinl Thanaa Hllcliall,Annle Martin, Dollla Haniuani, I'aarl Mair.Afaaa Norvitfl, Cyril Morton, Lois NIaoo. Utmila Rata, Banilre NkhoU, Hahal ll'Nelll, Rallla ll'Hrian.MlaaC. B. rutnnm. Dot K. I*alaiaoo, Ruble ■■alaiar, Ida ni<linM«l,llatlla Roto. Mra. Timab Roako, Dalu HIalta. Mile. Reed, Llllle RandoTpli, Kdltb Ray. Llaie RadmoaJTatlla RooneyJIaitle Knillna, KIttIa Rica, Louiae Kobay, Jannla Hac*. Mtria Rtra, (Mrrla K, Ryan, Lain aaadalL Adelaide Rorar, Hoaa RaTniooil, Allca Raynioild aialere Rhaa, Hay Read, Lncllle Rolilnion. (Itmte Ruaaell, I'Ink Rial, Beba Cfayinour,VlrBla OHchubarl. Llllle l*anfbnl, llalanaO. HwlnliuneA llnwtfd Hlaner, ( Scott, Mr.. H. HaharrI, — Hiawail, Halial Riimniara, OUn Htiun, nrria HtDcklon.SadIa Slanironf. Klon Sanfurd, llolaoi 0. tc. rrtiomlonOfalaHa ATiickar, Harlha rapaSaVI. Hn. B. TrlmU^I.albk Tbuuiimn, Ualla PUIli, Ilania nam, RIana rauiiilllna, Mlla. rnlrir. May rrlor, Lillla l*anlo. Plan Potur, Kalhloan rairt, Lillian rorelral. laabal )uuip»n, iilabT^ VtrttntJoiiaM. Van Hlrlan, Ma Vamoii. Billlli Hia. Clannce Woodward, May Wllltnl, Allia Wm.1, mncla Wbll^ lailvl WantwurUi, ImIh Whilnay, Annie Wllllania. Jeaana WetMlar,-RlanDha Whilnay, Rmaia Waaloo, Lillla ' Waaler, Tadily WlnaiHi, Mane Willie. Oon WKUIiia Ward, BUnrbe WwK, Khwria Waal, Hialla Wavloo, Lillian Yucca, Mine. Ytk. Mty Voiinr May JJanAella, Hide SttaaaU.F. idfaa,CaalaU A Umand, CItaa. A'AraoU, T. J. Alktn, Ibl. Allaa, J.M. ADdaraao, Paul P. Alwaca, A. Aiidanaaa,Tba Annalnos, Kirk Allyn,Oaa.H. Adama, II. P. AUioa,Prad Arthur, tlaa. Ailhiir,J. r. AnoU.M.Ii. Ambiom, Prmnk Anderaoa,DlcM Allyaa, Tlia Aod raaa. Chat. AlblnT.llarbart Aabnry,«. 8. Andnwa, Prmnk AadaiaoaCarl AlUaoo, CToa Apdale, John Andar*aii,Jacb Allan, Ida. TlauaA Baua sSn^St^ MB laakaoa. J. W. Boib, 1.1 Bany, Rittaaid Bmwn,Kaoo BaklwIn.WIU Baaba,WIII BltBkeer|^Dr^Pred bBm^Vi'iUiiI Brawn, Mil Bnchaaaa. B. II. Barka,j7k. BaUmtn.AL , Bill port, OUad Baraaloid, Kraak Btldaatr,.J. P. Bndea. PIridlay Bany, JchD Biowa, w. r, Balaar, Thot. Biwwa, M. Barker, II. a BulBV; Ijanj la, KobL Betka, Jtob Bulla, riad Hafer, Cbea, Braton, Tad biekali,W. K. MachMnJ. ■uUa, riad Buchanan. W. BalUiII. K. Rrul, Uao. Buchtiuo, Ed. BtlU Balpli BmuilAN. Ij. BuUar. Alai. Buaklrk, tntl ■abnOBI, J. H. Bankaoa, J. W. Rack Jitiann 8 Keadi A B<iwan Homier, Vamoo GENTLEMEN'S UST. Doboo, Alliert L. "fMrbyWInnaP'Co >e l^w, Tlioa. )a Tine. Cbaa. Iwyar. Jaa. Tr, Tom D. De Hole A Paul hiinont,Jlm Dnhaland, llao. lely A Arnold >aran, Bttlr Dawaon. B. M. huiaUHHi.O. Iraaaar, Paul Oa Veuaa, Oliat. lllloli. Jna hicrow. l,oule >aTiii,Toin "aria, Urahaffl Bdiiar, - Bdwaidt, Om. B. bntrr A Miriow !ail,llinT Idwaidi, o. L. Idwarda,hiit.a.L. llnioiw. Prank Irani, W. I.I Jnhna,(lirar JudsaBrua. Junal^ Alliarl K. Julian, Pml Joiiaa, Harry Jarhaoii, Jaa. K. Ionian, 11. Bsan, Prank Brana. W. B. Blllom Dal Basan,— liioekalmAn, P. 0. C pntbaa, Harry 'ountain^uir.ll.J. 'lURtralil, lltrry MiiierA Will ParRUion, Ilobt-N. PrankllD, Nat Prill, Oeino Poialar, Nlch Plibarivamll Potur, II. W. Plu, EL B. Paraum, W. M. PorLer. Mona. Pomalar, Prank Plalda, Jotin P. PunLBam Panall, Prmnk Pol, liiirn Plaliar, llill Ptrtli, Wlliy Inmaliaui, c P. InirtlK •!. II. ~,ilinMin, Kil. n. Jaronio, Victor •Ti-Vti ^.W.O. Raadi. Prank Banlsit, II. H. RtaocuUI. BlR. Burr.«. V, Rarkiv, hIIL U. llanha.Uui Bona, Idaar L. Conlna, Harry Cannow.U. Collier, Eduiund Cooeey, W. J. OlcloDarharlla Cnw.i. n. CUrk, WlUla Carmaaalll, Jat. Clajioa, Prmak Chaw,John tnarb.John B. CanpVtlLtlao, CaIaata.U. c:ook.JoiinD. f^aaaO.Wm. Camlaada, Doc Cmwfanl A Mannlns CampWI,'. P. CaaptMll, Roman Crowlay, u>n t^iihlas, Prmak (3oidaBO. Nicola Oarmody, Arrkle Carlaton.H.d. l.-larli.Hatbart Coartrljtlil, Wm. ChaMih.-- nurbt, A W, CaiiviLAlr. Caroikniel — Caanlnahiui.Uao. Cnilli, M. 11. Coeaal, P. W, mialta. Sis. f'^UIaa, HonU tViwHr. Jaa. U. OatAAH. . Oartar, nao. h. CoUiln|L Prank (UdaiU. Jot ChaMmore, w. Da yiilppl.Joe. DIiloa,Joe Deck, Billy Uarl>,Jtc> , Dearia*. HarUo Pfcktr, Harry eliaiAWada Smaldaoa, D. L. Daasberty. Joba EwTtTlddla Dowbaa, ioa. J. DiBsaADepev Slllae, iure_ Dtwalns,W.W. OlrkiaaTkoberaA Bjda DllMI.I{ea. jIa,Wllay Parpuion, Tarry Gllday, Jet. B. (taylor, RohL Oordoo, — (of 0. A Lick) Urani.Lon Oamalla, Hobt. tlanlntr. Jack OlUaun, Air. H. Oarrlion, W. J. (Iieanon, Bert Oalt, Uto. ilanfnar, P. H. IloUlt, W. H. UlUoolar, P. W. Iloodrlcb A HeltrUe OriRor, (lao. J. (luanoy. H. K, Oordoii, Boll Ooidoo A Lick llarlud, J, ilrtliani, Joa llraana, i:iiaa.l(, (Irlau Air. llalUtt, W. II. Ittlban, (I. lloUta, Walur llonuao A Waal tloUla, Ctiaa. L, llhiri, liapt. Ualltsliar. Hill llraham, YIo llr.dy, Jan UllUapla, Prank P. Uardnar, Jack Urabam, llao. llllbaru,J. II. flnnnan, I.. H. UUany, Ed. llondmao,J. B. Iliar, W. N. Urililn, II. 1'. Ilircia, Honor llaiuiliar, Wm. A. (Iraea, Bitly Hobin, r B. Norton, U. II. Ilutclilnaoii, J. K llaaua, Bart llaDy,V.P. llar^Boh Haara, Prad II. Hilt, Uoa lltrrli. Bran flewaon, N J. Ilarliacka, Tha ilanler AJarrla Hunl,T J. Ilaarr, C. D. UaldriKCbu. Iltffllluin, llao. II. Hatrit, Bbli _ _ llooror, MaaLT.P. Hart, RoMit llllt, Htrry If. iltmeaton, Hiu HIIL Uarty U. lladUr.N.D.. Ilolhilmar, U. HIIL n. W. . lUitwalL J. II. llUlta, C U. Haodaraoo L. B. Ilelmaa, Ed. HarwiKOua llartyryohe B. Hoy^rnf.J.A. Ha«ta.lliald UtatlanAlltrlea HtaiT.iir Moiriaaay.T. P. Hani^Juk iillSialt; J>a.n. Hanalla^A^.^D. Sualilemiian, J. H. anball. Jack Httk,Jaa.J. lBitc<sTiiB Mct'arTarJIowinl Mlaetian, Prank aarlou A l-earl atli, BoUiy Morphat, Fred Itorlaity, W. A. IBcClaln*,J.\r. Ultltr Bra. MlUar, K. 0. Salhham, llarrr amy, mo. Xf Ilel.)t9e. Mllinn, ana Hotlally, Barney walwa, Tbiia II. ■'-"lllfhoU.O.II. Niekaraan.Bd. B. Naillla, Hart Nahui. J. A. Ntkon, M.J. Norman, — NiiholK <l. II. Htwn, Tlua. J, Oliret. TIkii. a'Ktlllr.J. O'Rourko, Husant O'dalll, Jta. nramin, lliaa. tirartnn, llam tMmma, II. O'Hrien, Prank «MMinie,l.lauLB.a trnrlen.niltr lltlinin,T J. tlnlnay. Waller trllira, r. R, tlflon, rml. Chat, tlnio. nirt iliaaa, T. niirv J. J. * "Bit" " - ry, nint,Jii Paloraun, Gao. 1* l'aiur>i«, Alborl rttk, ll.ll. I'atnaiu, P. R. niilllpa,llany I'alnn. 0. IVail. nuly Rabtlta,0,{, Reaeabani, ■» ■ailly.Jaa A. Hellty A Woodl ripplii H II. Thwtr. II. tl. riull, L. Lawreoco Tl|i RuMol. — Hlch,aao R. Rydar. Preil Read, Pnneae N.W Kdilli Ro«l, II. J. K|,lor, II. P. nihn, lltrar Haillinn. B,l. Itaaliip, Maalar ltDl>,n\ II. W. tloltalr, II. Kimar, P. J. ItlehmontlARrnui HactMl Una. RobhiaoiL mil Hiiaaat). Pnnk Rhaa, (Vrloa ~ Haava^ Al. Karon, nick Hoaalay, Tiiui ltA)-iiinnd A Welch Rice, 00,1. T. Haa,l, II. 1. Hldwita, VIo Hann A llawlalle Roliinatm, Harry Hrsan. l^iaa. KUlaL A. J. nin, llao. W. Hunolt, Prank Kotilnwn, Waller Hotaido, Will Hire. M. K. fiiiluiuiin, Preil oilonui^. 11. K, Ttiayar, Hr.v' rllihip, llou. nioBipaon, Joltil fnmlell, O. II. IliarloilH. _ Tumbull, J w, Thunlon^ llowanl Tiibin, John P. Tanoahtll. r.A. fea, Pnt u. VT. vicken^ 11. H. VIclariL Ilanr Van, Bill Vomon. CTarl Tan Hunn, Le# 'allMi, Pror. WellaaVAL Wonlwint, llarrr Walnrlihl, tJtiia. WaPon, Orrllla Wlilltmlk T^y WlA, Kaklon. II. II. rVanhm A Hlorona iT. W. Wood, Jaa. I WliUA llalrlit Wehar, W. II, Wallier.WhIniaical Walli, Htanlay Weanar, Ban WalliniLirit, Wnno, A. T Williams K r. Wont, Pmnk Warren, Jaa, Waal, A, O, VVmdbuil, A, II. Wllion. K. 0. Itrrr, . .. iltlnRliU llalnta I'flllnR I'lanlal Prinirnae, llao, llloL 1>, rtcfa -II. T." Co. Prealnn, John A, l^trkar, Uurt ritilln, I'. J. Ilnlo, II. nillll|HLII. Parry, llarry l^yna. hon p. hl■a^.^JHa. T. ruaora, Uan roeaniPatiiily I'otara. I'liil I'liaall, H. Pallio, Lliaa. Randutrli, II. IL ltonllti>w J. Ni iloilait k ftraii Kiiyal. K. U. Hia^ (loo. Iteanetia, Huah, bl, llayni,«i,l, Ibililiy Huwior, Prad Rile, (I. W. ttaniun. If. ... Hcoll, — (ftivman) Hulllvan, 11. J. Hlowail, Prank IT, Shorw,a>l, W, II. Kchine,llina, II. Hhowallar A Zane Hltwixl A llodie *,ill, P. I). Nwaarlnean, Will lUnipMin, VminH H.ursea, J. A. :lynTulhla, lliisliaa a Raalua Riiillh. I^iin Ibnllh. II. P. Ilnitl, irarl Mulltin, Ulck P, Mioarni), Jaa. rtpraauo, A It. tUAthlan, HobL Hchwaru P. Sliuwaltar, I). 0. "lllniDkltaa"(\>, Hlarr, L. N Hniall, Prank HliaMon. w. V. Hnilloy, J, II. Ktlroiitlm, P. HalTlna, Kiiione IVaiiiali. P. Vi. Mitinr, II. K. Riorlllro, — Hllrh, Haniiy Heiiti, Mill. 11, Kiiiiw, A. II. Koinorliy. HulVia riailiin, iMinIa Wlnaiin A Hortun K'lUllianl, J. I, HI. Julian, - Hlroiit, — Hlanloy. Iliirlon Hayuiiiiir, Krvl ricutl, HilliHi Hliinnon, llarry HKian, Ihihili ilrliii.Mor, W. K. illaiinor. It l„ ■■■Tirr, K.T. railjiuay, J. A. fakorawa, Ja|«, H. nialeliar, lUirt Tonloy, K. K. Trewala, — Tuulioy, I'. tiar, Jaa. B. ■fp,- ■• - Wriilil, «. Waiinn, ALII, Wllliama, Mm VVapl, Wnl. Waalilvrrvl,. W, WiiilaoiirA. r. Wl)ltll^ Jiilin Want A Vokea WhaitonilL.Silana Watlon. Jilnnla Wjlla, J. H. WllU A Raran WnniiwoiMl, liror, Waniel, Prwl Wilklu., Lowia Walla, Hlltr WInaniaii. llarry Wllan, Uw A Louie Wllliama, A, II. Waabiii, Jolin t\ While Clinil, Ur, Wbalan, <:haa. K. Williaiuis Danny Walter, 11. T. WiIllaiuB, Uan Wo*lay, lAUla W,irloy, Jtaa W, K.ll, Wllor, llotbart Wittraiiia.ll. A, & Warnii, Htail Wolob.J.J. Wiinnwonl, I-rof. T. I', Walla, W, II. (I, Wiillania, llriir, WalibA lloanaralea Wlilla, n.A Wristil, ni. tl Wllaiili Mnia. Wlillliar, II. II, Waaloy, hiaa, K, WaUar, H,ninlj<ir ■"raaar, IMU* VanI, llou. Voiil, II. N. Yiiuns, Prank (7. Zaniiira Patiilly /.anno, — /jrT,i,J,W, Kaiiiura, Bal, r,Ii,sriklJr.;P. /.Ola, Prank rflins, W. II. A^KiJi, W. W. Kelly, Watuir Kalluftr. P >. Keliar, Ttioa P, Kano. H. J. Kant, Albert P, Kaayon, 0. X. Kalty, Jaa. P. Ktoeh, B. It. KniBliI, llarry Keaian, Jubn T. Knoallon, floo. Kelly Broa. Knuao, IKIo Kannetly.Haiiiplila Kranon, Plorra Kaaiana, Tha KlIo^ 11, II. Kanyun, P. J. Kim, Uao. W. Konia,t1iaa. r ,owrr, Jaa. lUBonLArUiar .aala, B. i'. .adallaAItarai .ilndan, IV. P.. :,alBliiuii, llatry >a,l,1iaa V. UwIa,J. II. Lowell Brua. dOwltLJua Lota,T1io WItl * — 'Vinni Hna. Lonii, Eil. H. Lytona. W. U Lynn, W. H. l4rtnioa,Ton 4niora, Oao, LIrlosiuiBi, Albert Laitlll, Aba Ultay, Ptid Lueler, C. K. l^warlnicaLaille Lore, Wllilt Unif, A. II. Uilla, Uan. IJIttadaM.UIiai. laUtodo,LouIo barely, Tony Lary, Julat IJiotIa A Ilarnaa UlailTa, Itorbort l«b»lla. Ullral Larkin,a.ll, lAjtli, U. H. Lalona, Prank MjfJl'liy.'pMk Hti:ienal,an, (1. Hack A Kllliilt Halinlnir, — In! Harrall'aCo.) XKIoy, R Haliar, I'aler Mtckanita, Arcllla Hoiiri, W. a HcKta, 11, K. HairviAlilaiiTbrea Htlrln, Jack HortlandA Tliompooe Morton A lUralla Hick, w. II. Hit-k, Pruik g. HcUin a Hah HclVir. R. H. Hirbb, Hilly Hllcball, Hon. B. Hair, Wai. Hatdill.W. P. Hirk^ Jaale Murbrfi A Oilamia Hd^nrtl, Uao. HcKanU*. W. II, BcKInUyA Jannlnse Huipl,yAHu)U Hjllar, (I I.'. Millar, W. H. Mark, Bob Brtliliaa, P. W. Hoaaa, Laa Haiarr, B. A, BiHiiilluni.mnlay Morrlann, Ja.. BactayACroli Hattitiia, J. (1. Harta, llueo HtHiola, O.J. HclMiaU, Kdrtia Millar, I'rol. L. P. Masoa, ClamU. Hanrlca, Harry Neninna. R. J. Hanalai, Das V, Harney, B. U. BcBrlda. J. a. SlUtlu.Eddla ourtJCdwud Hann, W. 8iyo, lltrry CANADA. BIaRtr«iil,_At Ilto Aiailctiir ii( Uitidu "Trilli;" pUyail lo Bond huuMia a rtoh of April 9. Waok al 9, 11,1 Hiiillli lliiuoll, ill **A I'iMir Italattun," "Tito Hair al 1a*" ami "Faacorul Vallay," ijllMi.^'H TilKATaK.-Tlin I'layara' Ci>ili will rai>r..lur« "Jicb Ilarkaway," umler tlio iiatruiaManf {.i^nl ami l^y Abaruaan, April & iMiinu a tunatll Iveiinrail liy lha Man. treat Ainalaur Atlitolin Aauwilliun, aaaiatail by Uie iiiam. bora ol Uio i:anaj|iBii llloo rloli, TitUTHa HOTAI.-Tlia ll„io llltl KnilllBh Vollyroal. Rny did a RniMl iHtatuau nook ut Zl wllti "Tlie Pihlr*!* lUKkler." Ho,ikiil waek lira: "Uoan lnlliila:"wael« ol Uhi a. "A PalrnrKM.." Wl.VwwmllAl.i—Tho PiKHt Pair contlnuaa todoa wof.1 bealiiajii^ anil IinTn o\toii*Ip.l tliair eniasoiiianl lu Hay 4. THl prpHA PMARralH illit a^wnT bii.ineu waek of TUB oral _ April Uwrni "ItiBiit.lli'," "U Kaniliina Papa," "lAra. vnrlttk" "1.0 I'ollt Pauai," "Nltnuatia" tml 'J,ucle da I,amiaaniiofir." Weak of 21: "I« I'ollt Ililr," "Tniia. Ion," "l,aa Niiroi da Jaaniiollo," "l.ucla lla lAaiinar. inofii" and "l^amian." Kliu Hi'MRK—P. A. Ihibion tiaa latoly ranronad Ikia llvua.^ anil ilid a Inir linatnoia naak iifzl wiUi I'liapul, Burtaieud lla Atnio, Baiiki ami lliirio, Jerry Haiitiml, Honrr ami Malrluiir, ami Uroon itiDalMrtl. Weak of El; IViltlna and Kan. Ki»oiIa, HamiuoL Lily Ulllbin, lloery anil Halcluirtanil I'mr. ll'Orrlliii. l(iiTlit.-IIIra A Hanirn'a Huio IIIII Knallah Piilly lloni. panycliianl IIialraaaaiiiiAprllyr Arlliur llunnclaaei hit aaaaiin of PioikIi oiiora at Uia ll|iaia Praituia May 4. TsnntOH-At Iba (Iranil ilpora House, April TJ, Uio BL At|ilwili.ii. HInalnIa did a bin bualaoaa, "Tho Twntlr|>liana" 24-r7, ToRilXTii DreaA ttiit;MM—"Ihiwn in niile"ilpl a B<Kal bualnoaa-Ji-Z7, Omiine; 9-Mart. Dan Hn;arUiy, AviiiRHr iir MiiHii-.—Apr't 23-37, tin I'aria ilabity lllrit opamal lu a uikmI ttiaiKliiici, Hiwura UURBB It ilolns a bikhI IrtialDOAi. f«obim Hill: I,ao Whillon tiid Hlsnnr lUiMwIi, Tbetln: Kd. wiril and Joaio Brana, Tyrant, l,av|Kihl aJM Hiiro, tiKl Horloil ami Hack, rArii.iuM.-TtieToninlo llrchaairalKclioal but lilff bual. mat a. MUBiaCs Hliitii II11.1.-W, II, lUniiay, in "A Trhi Amgnd Itin Wiirbl," waa a bill auccou 3]. Biiinia Baacu Vawoainoa]. Ilibiiora'a lUml Iaduall,3l. ■■•mlllan,—Al Hie llranil llio I'erli fitloly IIIrlieiimaAprliai, lliiwaid Will'a Moil lb, Htytand want, al popular pricoa, HTAUTilBATHB,—April as ami weak: Tryono, I^it^iM aoUHIIrii, Itaaali.NIlrBiii, lliitiMa lliraiiii, lleiirillaUaraull, Hnrliin ami Hark, IIhi llraya and N.iila llurtlt. TtBArRH R^irAl. —Tlie To Pno >lidlcliiii tml IMvailp (>>. playeil lo kihmI tiuatnoAa laat waok, Tliay raiiialB an. oUiir oaab, Jua llalny laaii ulillltnn lu Ilia cuuipaoy. dlaalph,—At Ihn lUiyal il|Mra lloiim, April 'J4, 'Tin Haalatrau" waa pill uii tiy Uio Trintly Ilraaiallf IJliib, ol Tufuniii, lii a |.iijr Iiouaa. Ida Van CuiUaiiil c.ii»a weak uf May s. dluatiwi,—At iho Tltemro llojnl lite Qtielieu Praflcli Opara l>i., In raporbiry, April had bill burlneae. >t«M — MARYLAND, JltrSiAirtlure Uerd.Pred IIopb|B<Or.A.O. llanUnSiBaMtll llitaJI.Loo_ Ilr^el'iSiia. L, ptir.M P, Htawall. T. t. HcCoUenibj^^^^ Mayo, Tummla Matka.P,ddb HeodrcJ R. HirllBo, lis. Hanehi. W. HtCinliy, c. 0. Htltahi A Raidtr Mann, fraali HofTtJOB.Jlli. BBltliuoroa—Al llHtrlB* Acailom/ tu niMllonco »raicallentiiru|Nirtluna anjii/**l Ju«iiHi llawonJi'i flnn l>oi1rar«lorMa(lhla«, III "Tlia lUlla." April ». Iltwanl IJoaldl, leaftlni man In Mr. Ilaoorlli'a cfitnpaiir, «a« eaUwl tl) Bfi'lun 3M l*r llie IIInManf hla ratliar. llli|iUr«i »in Ito miw) fur Ilia «nok >'>* Jama* Ynmt(Jr. TIn Hen* iinv-TrorwIoro VNi|ilnrllI»fl clfiaed a I'ruipaiuua itaak 77« Mar0, "i'rincn rriiTfiin," Tnwt'H OrBHi Iliiraa.-Wllaon liarrell openetl t^it well niM h<tuM April W In "Tin Him i>rilia VUttt," olilth met villi haartr eppioMl. "The MaMtinan" will Iw iloan Inter. Hia eniiaHtin^t Jt»w|>h J«lTar>iin, wli'cli lennl- naiod 77. vaea rtmiltiuniK uviiinn for llieilliUniraIafa«>l comedian. Hlan'llnir rnnjn «b< al a iTediliim aflar Uw oi«iilii(t nl|lir. "Trlliir" nnnM Mkx fl, llMUtliir HrHRHT TllRATK»!.>T«u RiKal aliml avtll- •area wllneaa^l "t>Miii llMllfiw" April 39. "Tlio Uerh/ Miwi.t- tiki vkII Ual w#ali. MarO. ''A HmraafH Cberk.^' KBNMaM'M MojiiiMBvriia Thkitri.— Ham T. Jaeh'e Kt ■ invaianu tA>, (>arbMl llie Iiouaa April 9/ Tlifi yrencli K*llj 1^. eloaeil a weeli ut imod imalneM 17. Peter Militir'a AUiletlc Vm. Utj n. KriTM—4;Mlliie'af>le«HiTliaatracliiM«l ffir Iho teaaiMi April 77 Kai>r>^lurlliina (if tlia Kanin« tdaTP'l \>f Uut ffattlinifra lia*M«ll Oliilt awar from Ifioia will IwBlraii nl Konra, llarrla' ami Uie llnIlMar HirMit Theatraa Una Htiifiiner A. BaMwin Hln«ne, alMi arola Ilia iita*ila of "l(uaU|>lia" aitfl "MI'lw," lia« Ijenn aimKe'l br K. K, lUu for hla aaarutUe >iair Tlie IC*ratftii» (fuarUt r«Juln«>l Uia "i'Mt'ti Iftillnw" (;oin|«iir TV Tlta MaaN no4 WiM Cluh of i1ifla<lelf'hU irmwoled "KenllarfrUi," at AllAUgli'aLreeum Tlitaira, A^M 7i. Ml8SOURI.HH^«i^«o >WJ HI. JMpha^At TmiIo'd TliraUo l»elL» rui. In Ihe LliUaTroopar," hail eumllii* umtn nnlr At>rII tl. 'Trilbr." t/j home Ulani, |-etker1 Uie hotiaa M, r«mlni: raulAlosamler Jblin«Uiflit Ti.Si. Ui« LlPpuilaoa Majrfl tHliBO Lowlat, Bniiu'a IMii'l 13. "A Baidpite Cbock" H. ClUwvoBD'f TiitATOr.-"In Old Tanoaaaee," a oei* (Uy. by Enwat llf>Bao. vHtned a Uira* olibu miiairo' Meat Apnl», w foi ttiklaeiB, aod M*ma<l to Hire gen- atBl aatUradbHi. the Il'^m*/roniKlr Co. cmrtei Hay V, \ 4. followed br "HkU Tratkad" ^ Kdbv MraiK.-H>i«ln«*« itia |iaal waeb waa Intinefli*, fitile Nallla. Uie ••nlr ftqrvlvliif Meiptier of tlie niafdervl ' ' —-'J- ■ -i-i-lt vaij iDe™ 'l' B4rMyBaldHloTB't>Ue«rlohail,TeirB««B4 Dmalela^ UM bijoa BUff, the Hidffloti*. Meileaa Troohaiicar^ IrvwB JlriA BM UsiB Jofaiuoo lo tbe Oaalffrioap