New York Clipper (May 1895)

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Mat 11. TIEENEW YORK OlLlPPElR. 149 Sweontnct to nito a pUrror hin to b« mMtoi ^■tidOtoVt'tUilMwmbalU • finTi... In ibU OIIT .Walur 0. iTkIl muuRtr of Sd, of lis Re»4U«.-^oiDU E. 8tie>, lo repertory, did * ten* tmrint— at tlw ACMtinj or Motlo vMk of April9, "^SSwtttr*^ op«nlOi BlitbL "Jutile^" by '^nuxDOruuHoinB^'Vhauik ajooo," by localul«ni. dri* ft Urgf udluM* AprllS). Kuoo ntATim^TiM NlgbiO«)iBarie«qa«Coapu)r plir«rtD^oadba^MaH«T2-4. BUftD Voeiey. In npor- '^Krrn^Barlftlo BUl'i Wild Wmi eomw 7 Mait uMoftrfl"**^ with Jftn* Burbv. of ibttSbMComp«nr. " - tdUiTi^lo Jolo Mitt Burbr, harlSf 2^ fntmboim7 Bbe wnt buklo'bar pmnu. ' Erle^At Uie Fftrk Open IIoqm "TDe Reromu. tiock" br Mm. U. B. Mourn and local taloot. April 30, Mat 1, ibvvMckod bOQMC "Trnbr,"2, hul uMd bail- "A nui Btftftr," a, drev a Utk* al&iiducM. •^r« Aow," 4.bad larm baniMn BU*d B«ach nwaCoowrtCo^ftt tbft rim Prtsbjierian Cborch.«, tMdpaekadhouHatblftbpricad idmluloo ainrd'a VocKlorUiid Tbofttra •olojtd txc«U«Dt bullous tbo past vMk, wlib Ow. V. LaiMD'i CwiMdr Co. rhtfcoailoao wMkofHir ^elotlng thtt Maaoo of th* WoodirUsd. Johns. Bo/la, an old Erl* bojr. now adranea aieat for8olliBroft.'Clraii,waa here tbe paitt «Mk amoalaR fw tb« ibovMarO Oomlni: 9, Emnia B««bo&iif. nll'i OoDcartCo. AltMBAr—At tbe EleTeotQ ArenQe Opera Homa "Iba Tftleffram" bad a unall hoaM April 30. •^aD>'*Mav7."0ar Cooditt Coailn*'lOi Da Wuir Hop. BrU Hanr Dftvu* Edao Maw« clo««a the MaaoD Igweakvith u* foUowlDit: Gtrr and Touijoa, Paulino BUdielor, Marion and Paarl, A. O. Lamanea, Utuhaw lod lAynan, Batanallaand Otcaiallo. L*m«Mter*—At tfae Folton Open Houm "Boas «m1 Boo" had ROod boalnon Aprif 29. "OurCoontrr OMUln May 7. ^Boland Raad" 10^ Bunooi'i CiRtu coma* 11 MASSACHUSnrS. Bo«toB<—The eeaeon for cloelDg our regular booiM U rapldlr ftppnadilDg, ind (n a fov wtaka onr IbeatreiMrt will And locked doon the praralllor ml*, ilnidr the laaaon haa ended at tha Castle 8qu»t« Tbai- tia, and oo Mar A Manuer B. B. B«a» will open bli Bun- ■ieraaaaon,dunnB which be will ran lljtbt opera, opan- [D| with the "BanarStadenL" Tba conpanr Muager turn bai Mcarea u lald to be one or the bait oTer onaa- [tad (n Boitnn, and In the laedloR volcei li panicubrlr moor. Amoof the prinelpalau* LouUe BlMlag. Harie MuUe-Bell, AUcaOaUaid, Boeallodt RIaaL WlUlam WolK JohnB. MoWada^. J. Jaion, Edyar KBMinaBa, Baaa- iDMit Sotth and Max BlnchreklL With tuch lalaat,pca- dudnr popular oparmtlo atiracUona, at redaced prlcai, ibe MaioQ ibouU proTo a paylDf one. Next week "Boc- caccio. "Bob Ror* doMd 4. HoiuaBrftnTTHUTiB.—'UAxaoderfialflnl begins to •nsagamant ol two waekeO, at Vanaaer Blcb'e bouia, and dariogblasuybawlllbe Mon In bla noM popular In. penooailooa On Monday. TuMdar and wedoebUy •Taolop he wUl be laan In "namlat," and for the n- maloder of the week, loduduia a Saturday matinee, '^ethfaaOaaidinien." T. RSulllran'a adapiatton or the Itallaa uacadr, "The Outlaw," U Intabeanalaad wUl ba given noit weak. Ada Rafaaa'a enmtameot wu e mcccttftil one and cloeed 4, with "Naoer a Co." Boerov MosBcra.—Marie BurTODgb^ a ilecldeil favorite Id thia dty, begtna at Manager Plild'o thaau«,9,an en- remeotorat least two waeki, during the llrtt of which iwUlappearIn "The Profligata." Thta li the sacood riiltofMusBuTToogfaatoBoaton thia eaason,end ebaU Nien eartaioofa beaity welcome. Her supportlag compuy wUl ba the aame excoUent one u waa wlui ber Eefora, thaa anring ft strong casL Next week sba wUlbeesenla "Laeh" ftnd "Buneo and Juliet." Coumaia Tbbatu.— bealnolng 6, "Down (n Dtxl*'* wlu be itagad for a week. The drama RlTeeaTlTldpor- tfaralorSouthem Ufa, and the plot—which binges on the lores or two young paoplo-ta said Co be extremelr (ntsr- eatlng In Its darelopmenL Among the r«ataraslniro- duoedwIU be a brass band of plantaUoaplckaolonle*, twenty-five In nomber, and also a geouioecouon press. Nextweek "Tba Still Alarm." "YoDTooeon"dldaralr buslnett last week, doting 4 to ft good bouse. Pauob TflUTBi.—The CaalQo ExtraTaKsnxa Co. begin a week's data bore 0,and Manager Anetlo's patrooa sre assured they will witness a varied and Iniereitlog enter taloment made up of vaudeville and apeclalty. Msnager Austin bu also auccaaded lo effecting aneogagement with fbaryoarold Oartle Cocbran. auKDorua notrsB.—Uanagen Musflehl and Magee made DO blander whan they put on "Dudy'H Bluadsra" last week, for a sucoasdon of biR bouaes was the rawlL This weak shows still more strongly tbelr shrewdoettln secortngasadrawlngattraction *n)ldJed Proaty." Pabx TOBATRB.—Badls Martlooi'e popularity lo Botton was ruly demonstfftled last «aeh. when sbe crowded the Fftrfcttever7parfoinianceor"ThePatsport." "The Pass- port" wlU hold at the Park this week, and wlU be followed next weak by Sydney Onindy's "Arabian Nlgbte." BoeroH TEBaTBB.—Prem aod publlo fully agree that the Bandow Trocadero VandsvlUe Co. Is the strongest and best erganlxatlon of Its class that hu erer been leen In thlaolty. Tbey drew blgbuilnosi last week,and will re- male one week mora, when they wIU be saccaeilsd by •Trilby." BOWDOIM Bquau TuBATtB,—"Uncle Tom's Cabin," wblcb seams to have Imbibed a huge draught of the waian of everlasting Ufe,wlUbob up serenely o, at Han- agar Atkinson's bouee, and run there foraweek. Next week, *flpactal Delivery." "The Fire Palrol" doMd a good weak t. TBiMOirT Tbbatbb.— Thlahousewltl be closed wtek of S,In order to allow time for alterations and exteoslre ptapantion for the adraot of Hme. Ralaae. She will be- gtn ber engagement U, appearing Monday, Tuesday, Wadoaidayud Baturday lo "Mme. Bans-OeDe," Thura- day evening and Saturday matinee "Ma Cousins^' and "Halson de Poupee" an Priday evening. KifTB*a Ngw TOBATBB^ln unusually attractlre bill Is- booked at Manager Keith's house for this week. The list Is headed by Maggie CUne, who ftppeaia In oew smies. Otheraon the rolTare the RuMell Bros., the Athoa Quia lau O'Brien and Havel, Claebson and Bums, Dryden and MlUell, Dftlr ftnd Derere. R. U. Mohr. the Crane Bros., Haber and Allyne, the Plttgltjbon Pamlly. Thomas aod Wekfa, Swan and Banbard, tba Du Bell Twin Btoa, Uall Merriit and Bhepard and Wbltlog. NioBBL OoBDV.—Tbla house win doee up about Jane 1, andManagar Frank V. Dunn wlU take a trip acroa the watar, visiting London, Paris and Dublin. Mr. Dann Is In need of raeL but while OB bis tnveU he will keep a sharp lookout for attncUoaa Upob bis return extensive aUarailoDS and Improveuieou will be made In hia bouse, andwbenltla opened In the Fall It wlU beooeofthe haadaomestin the olty. Th« attractions for tbisweek: tAirio ball, MooguUa, the lion akull man; MUa. BaaeelL niad rasder; JennieLamoot, fire queen; BallnsId, card aharp; a bootblacklng contest bscweeo a number or Joangwomen,andadoagbnut eating match betaeana ottn or more boya Onttae stage aia Keonett and Mai- theva. Con Armstrong, Bva Raad, Blllr Moore, Oenle Hclntlta, Hany Derloe, Yasger and woods, and the female minstrel comeany. BOTABD ATBBRADM.—The RentE.8aotley Burleaque Co. oomea this week. In the olio ara OoUlos and OdUJos, Olara Simpson, the SIceonds, Leslie and Teuley. Rove and Beotx,Chas B. Lawlor and a series of living pictures. In thsDowaid's speolal variety Interlude are NsUIsIaw. ranee, Olara Cole. Lillian Curtla Prank O. Mack. AL Labia. Robert T. Tyrrell, Wm. H. Burke, John P. Penlon aul John WaUh. LTCitn TflEaTU.—Tbiiwaek Utnager BalcheUer pre- iaeta the imw edition of **The WhiteCnpok," a spactacolar extmvaganxa, and In the specially show are the Tbree Herbert Broa., McGale end .Daniels, C. W. WDtlams, lAmontand Love, Sanford and Lee, Peari Birndborn. the Btnlevs and Logan, Boss Lee^ Grant and Bean, Ward aod Latlle, Tboa Morrloer, Wm. Mitchell ^arr aod Bvana, Jennie Daniels, Marie Barbler, Qeorieiu Arnold and others Amng A BTOHS's MtTntiit.—Htlf a doieo mammoth females are on exhibition. In the olio are: Porter and Lewis, Morton and Coleman, Archie Deacon, Lonag and Leslla! Flora Scott, Brooks and Brooka, Qaort* Bcoble, Lorenherg Bletera. KaU Oardner. Brannan and Bally, Lena Lovenberg, McOuIre and Thornton. WlUIsms and Todd, Pief. FhflJlppo. Kent and Carl, the Blstsit Tan. Qrace Brothen and Pianeola Rensnl aiAHD MtmBUB.—"Uncle Tom'a Cabin" Is to be seen here week, with Jay Hunt as Marks and llule Charlotte as Eva. The sappoit vlU be f^m the straogth of the mpany. 6o the vsrlety pToaiamme are the Barretts, fdallnsaeU. Herr BchUm,Jas. J.Fanton, Boee Oolamas, the Patching Bros, Ned West, Annie Car ter and F> 0. Annitroog. PBinLLBTOg.—Louise Beaudet and KeodsU Weston will bead the cast to produce Grundy's'The Arabian Nigh V aod "One Touch of Nature," for the benellt oribe Maaachosatla Homaopaihio UoBltal, at the Ferb, May U Oeneral Manager B. F.Tlbae, of B. r. Keith's Amusement Enterprises, end Paul Keith, realdeat mana ler of Keith's new thaaira, an booked for Burope, leav- log your city May tL They wlU ramaln abreed three BOoCha. and J. T. Fynee, raRldtnt manuer of KelUi's OparaTHonse, Providence, will be asslgned^to aislst Mr. Keith for the Semmer Maoager J. B. Rich, of the UoUls Stnet Thaatia, Is In New York on buatneas...... Daniel BattOD. William araeoe. James Loiden and FeUr Traotveitar, advertlslnjtaceou lor (be llollleaul Colun- bU Theatres, will beoediBunday. May U. at the llolIU BtmtThaatn eiiu Proctor OUs and Charlee Barron sn eeoo to do "Oliver Twlei" at the Onnd Open House. Btaga Manager McBlny end C^nwDUr HeCarroo, er the Oolnmbta, beoemied evening ol i. Lru—At tHe tnn Tbmtn "Tbe Fut HbU'* did a natl bnstneas April 90. Trilby" was pnduced br the Easura Company, Hay 1, to a packed hosse. and It vlUptay antorndale II. Bobby Qaylor appeared In "flMtitMftAlllstar" 4, to a fair bosTneea. Hanagen Dodite A HuTlson, or the tb«treyw»te given a taAlmonlalC. the attaeUoo belog the Wbliaav Conic Open Co. In "RobBoy." Coming: FaallnaaaaandeompaarratMrDs afor the atnat railway men's beaellt, and ''Down In ver* will be given U, for the beoellt or the FroapKt dob. anadAimyKlmlsslB-B. ^ ... MoBto Bau^Mleoo'e City Club comet Ml. and the BenMuUer C o. 13-U. W«R««t«r^At tbe Worcester Tbefttn Edward BftrrlgaDdrawblrboeleaseAprilaO. BlUv Bury bsda good beosa May 1. The Mason ManoU Co. did a eeUafu- terrbaetnasBHart Trilby" packed the boeie with the Mneaie»wdmr erithlaIta walls,at »AnattAmi^t. anmon*aBieadbadalUrboDM4. "A Milk White FlsT' «wneeltT.'Tbe»U>w»w»y»'^miieAber«MWI. ImBBorOpBBAHona.-Dcaoelly ftM ainiil.for the beaafitofthaBk^dMablrbasIaeMat advucad prkas April 86^ May iriellToaner.lB "Moota Oijft*" drew |nd Sans »4. Kalheilna Sober l-ll. P«lft Poneny Ueqoe Oo. ft^ AusUa'J oi^SuISwZ^^'' Oub^ir uiL •Tj'a i^*^ aeaies,and wiU praient "Tba Dsvira lainliir.pKliJllW! ■"" . '^,7"Si"."-~** <>P«» HooM "In OM Km ■lud wdlna. Bobbr Uulor, In ^vnllc ,'5"""««^:r*' ""f '"'"'re Ur.ud Un. SnSS*» *T«°'f*'»°«« Jill wflL OoiDlSll' ^doD. bj locti auot,uiU>ulbr KM^u tSZ Sii- MICHIGAN . Datnlt.—At Uio Ljceum UigeDbeck'a Anlnulii com* M.r 6-1], roUowea bj StuAit BobioD IS-ia. Toor Pulor, n, did not do u weU w npocud. Ciblo" (So., •bieh will pnbiblj doH iho wum u ihli boul.. IJrt kllor bur or lut wMk UtrtSrTSiiiCii "D;liiiooleo'i«l«,"»Tori»«ir«lrbudn«». —• Pi"" Hoim^TtiU •Mk.llilloa won MlbL Koit tioeli, Jollan'i V.udorllja >nd AUKUc Co. Oun.Lur Buriu THunu.—nii «o«k. Htrbon C.wUioni,lD"ACork!lMl." Lut »..»-nlir>Mt Mill" i^i'^i;'' •••'.•■nio amuinkr-'ud-rbo Tnln wnoitr. WONOULiliD Thuiri aso HcmL-Curloh.ll: Llmlo SulfwalMltl plul;l>,Caidou(lDUraiiiNilallit), Hut rioMlo, th« Dot TM md Wm. Iitrt. Orsad Raiildi.-At FDw«n> Open Douae OliSpOriEi Uorat-WMll of April S Ika Kou Pun- Mp. Iu'lbj Kodyk," b«d • sood aHk. CUmloir: 'Tho Bijortlori" «..7. a, 'Til. Train Wrackon" «, la II. BiinH'a ortu Uouai—WHk ofl: oooin i. PUhtr. Rlldilo and Rllcblo, Hnirp Pollvonh. M»ud Dolly, Bean- Ion and Kllioy. Uoory Wamn, Ida HuUar aod Iba ilook. taglnaw.—At tba Aademy of Hailc Nellla Vc- Bordwall's Open House closed lu season April XL with a benellt to Manager Frank BurroBgha>t which tie fol. loalngpeopleappaared; La Drawuid West, Pnok Beo* neti, AL Pemey. Prof. Mooio, Violet Earl,Harth Bmlth, James Crlmmina, Fred HanJne and the stock. KAlamABoo.—Attbe Aademv of Mtulo "Sbon Acres," ApriiaS. had a good hoaee. roUowed, 31. by Nellie HcUenry. to fair business. *T1ie Two JohnH" 11 At the Wonderland rslrly good buslneu Is the ruls. Tlie people: Oeorge Kocureaod PtnnleChaplaio. theKosaia Cbltdreu, Roster fliiten, and Oormsn and Fields E. P. fitoms A Co.'s American Railrosd Show open their sea- aoo In Ihls city May A, ror s week. banalBg^At Bftlrd'e 0|»en Hoose Utmj bihI Hscb. io "FiODlgan's Bsll," come May H,rollo«ed by Btoart Robeoo. in "She Stoops to Goaquer," a, which will doae our regular seaaoa. Jaokenn^At Ulbbanl*! Uarle Janaeu pleased b fslrboosa April 3D Comlog: Curtis A Ogewa'sClrcus week or May 8, RIogllDg Bros.'^CIrcus 2ft. INDIANA. IndlaBmpoIls.—At tl» Omnd "Shore Acres" played a return eogagemeot to wtll filled faou■•e^ despite Ibe warm waalhKT, May M. Mr. and Mra. Keodalim Park.— 'The Bmugilen" and 'The TTalo Wrsckera" fik>nd a light week's enRagemeetl. Comlog:ClIoiO. Ford, In "An American Hero," <ML "Little TrUle"»*ll, Mr. and Mr*. RobL Wsyna week of U. Notbb;— MasonloTempIewIll be the atane or a Bsby Show under the management or ReutchMcDoosld next week Walter Uaosoo has rttired from theposltlon or treasunr of the Park, end Frank Poller, formerly ssalslaotlreaaurerof the Grand, will sutceed him Capt. Paol BoytoD wlU erecta "moot the Chuie*' here. Kaie Fletcher has dosed Uie season wlih James O'Neill's Co. aod will upeod her vscatloD U her home lo this city Jos. Oavlo, traaanrer or the Oraod, has ukeo cbarge of the box oince at Baaeball Park A wraaUInf otatdi Is billed at Eogllsh's for May e Bar onm A Ballef'ssdvsrtUlogcar.No. I, In cham of Mr. Hedges, and Rlogling Bros.^car, No. S, In charge of Oeo. U. Uaitford. an To the city. ETanawllle.—A( the Orud Eddie Foj booked lor Maya, In "Off tbe Earth," (slled to inatarlalUa, al- though the rast of the company end the effects were on hanil. Efforts wera made, but wiihoul su cce si. '.o get him to come oo irara Louisville by spedal train, but he declined to do so. Ills manager msde a aailsfsaory est- Uemont, and thecompaoy procetded on iheir wsy. PlOPLB'a—The Holdeo Comely Co., lo *Tbe loside Track," did Cslrly well April & Augusuo Ntuvltle, la "A Boy Tramp," May ft, win probably wind up the season. TnBATBB CoMiqtra Is doing a pMdhuslnesB. Tbe people: WlUlanis and (Periston, Clyde OouU, Uloes aod Miller. Dotaertr and Maylletd, Minnie Lea. Ploe CUyioa aod Wtll Wyaa CONNECTICUT. lV«w H»wea.—At tho HjpertoD Edward Hani- gui came In 'The Major," to eicellent busmssi. May 1, asdIdsleoBolsnd Bead.«. Mrs. PotUr and Kyrle Bel< lew come 7. "A Milk Wblla Flag" a QujtD Opbu Uodbb— 'The two SIsun" eame to good buvloem April 0-May I. Donnelly and airard.3-t. bad overflowlog busloan. The TlblngOpera Company comes 0-4 ••Humanily"«-ll. PouV WOKDiRiaHD TflBATiiB.—Basiaem eontlnuea ei- calleoL This weak: Law pockitader. McAvor and Msy. O'Nell sad Sulhertsnd, Uaitlngs and Msrlen. Morton and Echbotr, Jules and BUa Uarrisoo, WiUlan Bowa and II. O. Stanley. ^ Hartfbrd.—At Proctor'B Open House Ute BrooksCotDedyO>._wlU|Uy^Jire performances,May6-& lay _ ... received S. Mrs. Potter and Kyrle Bellew draw a cnwded This engagement will ba the fliat this sasiob at low prices. ^-AMIIh Whiu Flag" cornea May II. E.II. Bothera did fairly well April S. Ed. Ilarrigin, In 'The Eoihimt d^ fairly _. Major," dnw a full hoasa May 1. Rolsnd R*ed was well '^OOTflDARDHatx.—Tbe Choral Union Msy festlvsIT, 8, with Melba. Nordloa and ethers, wlU be the attraction. MISSOURI 8t«I«ovU*—Forttieweek of Hay 6 tbe attnc- tlon at Hagftn's Open Uoasa li "tn Old Tennessee." lAst week Jamee J. Corbett, In "Oenileman Jack." did a big buslneea Neil week. Ada Orar. who vlU doie the Hagao Opera Houia season night offl. ^ ^„ HavLig'B Thbatbi.— This veek, "The Inside Track." lASt waekCliDtO.Ford'scoDpanydld aa avennweek's basinees In "Driven fhim Home.'' Neat week. The Boy ^sfiJi'DiJLO TBBATBB.—This week, Oerrr Bramon'sEi- tnvsganu Company. Iasi veek Oee. IHioo did anei- **EiPoemo?Mraio HAU_-Evsns Brothen mned this K'hoeor amusement with high clasa vaodaTlito olghtlT. e season will last oniil Aog. 18. Popular prices pre- vail. The big hall Is mads eomroriabie byooollngma- ^WO^o'iRUtiiD KniB.-Cario hall: Escokna. Meilcaa feather worker; Howard B«l._ strong man: tnt.M^ moB, win haired man, Prof. Bsker and bis trick dog Booocar, and Jacobs' Pamlly Band aod Orcbaetra. Thaa- tra* Belle Carmen's Female Mloisirals aad Barlesque Company forthelrseeood wMk. eonsleting of Belle and Beatrice Carroeo In llvlog pkturaa, Adams sod Monietio, William Laelade, Ida Opentandao, Larrr Connora, Joe Cohom and Flo. Fraemsa. Bailnemliblg., WiitTBB Oaboh ahd Comibt OArs.—DfckeT Evans, Aleiander, Pearl Rllne, Joe aad Ada BeaoeU, Bwle Qanoer. Harry aod Paarl HhAfer. Carleloa Btsun aod tbe 'raBAraBCoaiQua—Lesheanrfflartf ebJ. Pearl Andraws, th>» Corley^ Ryan aod Ldvia, Llnie Parker, Dave Me- "^^^ilSrTnSiiSZWJiu..^ r,i.r.l[a.a. oo.. doo. Dot Pliber, A. Ooiaaloi, WIlUa and Anla Bamo, and Mollon and Whiln. _. _^ ™i« ^ ^ E«HM'«ALiiii<aaiPiiJCi.—Tin Ibana, clUbid and WlUlama. Ika Bnplio Trio. Wallaca Blaun, Ltelo Ha». Sil tta Dampaaya, rimnkt Oay and Ibailoj* OT an TauTlB.--Ooylo aad OimT, BaoMIt and Han- |aa£ Jobo Moirl^Mai Byren. ailllo Mnrli, ElfcalOny, Bali* Pallanoo. OiarM Ondy and Um nnek eomMny. BUOCTBural-LlUla Ulancha.Bcba4farand0a.ara. (Mrria IMIttr. Ja«lo Adaai, Billy RMd andtbo alock. Mnir.-Por aomo lltoowarbM bHDwaiadnpooUia railaly Ibaalraa, and Uia a.lhorltlaa bara mada It ao on- oiauant roi tba faa ihowmanMltnlbaUohoBosimar rnSkTr Ibo London Maak Ua]Tdol*nnla;d u oolt tba tai&Saa, tnnporullratlaaiL Aia imH Ua London la ^SlloMd .maanrer Jobn OiMby and Adnrtlalnii aSInt Dkb U^^'lll ba b«»llud.n!|btoI U al HHlln'a nanlrSrib. aOiactloD b«lM ^ *h TraajP." navlln'albMtr* doaaa waaoo DlBbtorifl.....^orbal uiribBdm^^anaunbnlldlai, imnllp taawiM hnltJiJf!'JJi'S?*.'*' t lundaoBa a.w tkaain bniuiag will ba at one* amtad BlQBllft« BlMban* CInaa, acnmranlad by UtenaU'a Bud, EaBnTwiS^i ■'.*''■.• ." «*» ^'v os*™ "<»«. «• Ha will al^'Sl'tS'", »»',''•»!»>'blrtfbiillb ruS^maaa..... SSTEJ i!f"'.'l' J»'°«'.U» foBoany of Cllnu a. rord hare, to pUy Iba pan of Up, aoJiDonna, In "An»tlcan •.v""'"?."*.."'' "Bolar lhaaliaa «i» now f£i .l'**"- *• WandiBl. na Brat IT.. iM? "tS?" * aand«nl may ran all Bnm- mai. Uopklna'TbaalracloaadltwIibanailnbllL Kmaau CUr_lut WMk wu k notabl. one Jill™'"'"' •■?' •? " C»»d opam.and ada- cMad uccaiawaaacotad. Tbaolhar boaaM anO'ond In coaanuanca. but illll had fair auaadan«k * "~ OOim ari>A lIoni..-Lut WMk Hallar nmuad Iblr andlaocaa. Ua Hay • a oawpUr, "lly Uoela'a DantbUr," •lUbamranlulalUal oradaclloa, and on r lha JJllpii- tUaaooraaforlharamalndarortbawaak. Tbla wIu and iiSlfVJ**"'" Oo U lha Kaopai Slock Co. aurt ibalrSummar aaaaon. auxn Orau Houai.-Laai waak LlUlaa Laala, in "Claopiliw," made a llltla monay. Ibla waak Iba Cal hoan Opora Company, lo "Amorlln" and 'Tba Black llDuar." Kail waak, iba Rooaoy Oonady Company. .Jl'ii?.?t'f* lloiM-La.twaak JaU WaunCln■'SIda Tnokad." bad a lUr waak. chxlnn Uia rafuUr aaaaos at tbta hooaa. AuoiinRirM.—Tlia WaKDar OarauaOrmod OpanCom- l^f^/. Waltar Damnah aa conductor, auna for Uiiaa "'V"' waak preaaollni "Tanalunaar," "SlaffHad" f?S"!11°' '°'pnaoaa boaaaa. MaiUBeia Knn- bam A HbaakUn, of thIa city, braoybt lhacmpany hara °Lfi •'■"'•and dolhr naranlaa^ nniTdaaarTa cndit for uia maaoar In which lhar oooductad tha antar prina. Tba boaaaa wan packad wllh ear pronlnaataoclal Hadara, and naUhbortna lowna aant Una dalafftUooa Alrarr. OadakI, Bnchar, Bnma, riabar and Rolhinuhl calrni oratlana, and Ilia pfodnoUon wan a Rlotlona auo. TllUTMComgCL-Tbla waak: Roan DoO^, Bd. Nolan, lha Klllali, Nloa Clinon, Torn rlanofan, Baaala Tamon, llina aad BoMon. Janma and Alalia and Ilalnand Raad. Bamloaaalafood. Nov.LTT Tnuiii-Tbla waok: II. B. MoKaa. Banha KIOK, Can Coallaii. Oallay BUlar^ Hlln aad fuA. Lawla Punll. Zoa ramawoith aad John U. rloMlni. Bualnaaa It bOOBlOf. CLirra>ili(n.-llana|tar KeAlllalar, of lha Audllonam, nlomad laat waak fmn a aaccaaafol prallmlnajy book- Ian aaaaon Id Now York. Ha rapona komI aneeaaa, and will tiro lha Auditorium anolhar whirl nal.aaaaon B. r. Crudall, proprietor of lha Omnd Hliaonrl llolaL of ihia city, atuehal Uio Oaimin nnmd Oparn Oo. for tarn hara, laat waak. Mr. Cnndnll claim, ha contraclad wUb Ihaasaot loboanland lodnaalaly.four of tba paopla, hot whan lhay arrlrad hara lh,y rafliwl to atop at Iba haul. Sooorr than uka lima lo Iit Ihr lOKb aalllad Uia uonbia for tlOD. Sooorr than uka Uma lo ut Uia caaa, Cnnduclor toKb aalllad Uia uonbia for tlOD Tba Tuaado Quar. tat. compoaad ol Jan. J. Larklo. Han. A. wluiana. irarxy HaJay and Ed.O'llouaa, all darar ■lonrn ol Ihla dl Halay and Ed. O'llouaa, all darar ■lonrn ol Ihla city, hara .iRord coDlimou for Bicalakir RprlaBa for a waak, and aaar Laka, la., for Iwo waaka, Uian to Chleapo, aild than Baat lo Bar York Harry Walkar Br, aadllarry WalkarJr., of ihaComlqua. haralaaaad Iba old CoUaaua Tbaatn lo onlar lo haap ootoompaUUon. Bt. JoMpta.—Al TrwUt'i noBtn Ftul AlBun- dar Joboitooo, Iba nlnd raadar, ekma April 3., 3D, tn llxkl builoaoa, Tim Lillputiana, In ''lliunply Dnmply Up In Data," cama Mar (L lo a bin adraaoa wilt. Ulllan Lawta comaa a, Bonm'a Band li. "A HauaBa Obaek" l< 'Tba Paaaini Bhow" ts, CnavnRD'n tbutri.— Iba Houaa waa dark tha pail waak. J. WIU Halloo, dia mnoanar. laft for porta na- known 37. No dallnlu hooklniracan M oblalnad. EORN MoaiB.—Bualnaa tba paac waak foil off owlan to Iba ailrauM warm waalbar. Tha paopla for waak oil: HaUell and Camll, Ball O'Lynn, Mr. and Nra. Mandi anii Baby Marah, B. D. Oarcla aad nai HaUell and Camll, Ball O'l Mattln baa ntumod from looking attar lha Inlaraala aad riapL Ulnman. Managar D Quiocy, whatT ba haa batn of nljhonan Inara. OHig ClnolaBatla->T1ie theatrical eeaeon li rmpliUy drawing to a cloee, end the and of May wUl see only one of our theatres open. Havllo'a, Ueuek's and Rohlnson'a an already on the ntiied Hat, the People's and the Foua> Uln Bqusje follow Msy 11, while the Ormnd aod the Wal not reroalo open till the laat week In May. Theusnal eustomofraonloglnafew medloera stiiaeUoDS at the doseofthensaaon doeeootobtain thisyaar. Ada Bahsn, lo a repertory, dosas tbe Walooi, while tba Reodali cto*o the Grand with a three nlghU*engagameBL At tba two high class houses tiie sessAo has beaa Iwttar thaii Isat Jear. and the variety boaees bare about held their o«n. [avilo'a, Henck'aand Boblnaon'sdid notdoso well, and asaresaltthsrormerbouM will not open ostt saawn. Tbe vsrioas Bammer resorts In thia Tlclnlty alll open the latter part or this nootb or early lo Jane, and so the amnsemeot seeker will not feel lost when the theatiws dose. Chavo Ofsba Hoc8i.-Chianoer Olcott, In **The Irish Artist," came Hayf. "BbeDaodoah" did a good bueloees week of April SB. Merle Walowrlght, la "Dsughters of Eva," Hay IS. Wauirr BTHBrrTaBATRi.—Kmnny Davenport, In ^'Oia monds," opened her wcnsd aod last weak 6. Advance of prices lo 0 and warm wasther kept down Uieattandaace. Ada Rahan oeit week. In repertory. PBorLTB TBBATBB.-8sm T. Jaok's "My Uncto'* Oo. came 6^ FoDirrAix TiiBATHi.—The Marie Hsngar Co. opeoed (. Bob FltislmmonsCsied well the past aeak. KoiiL A MiDDLBTOM'e—TliebrDnie statues will rentala _iotherwaek. Oo the cootlnnnua bill are Kuril. Beule Lamb, Banleo Sisteti,' Lewry aod Francis, the Lunde- Gni aod the Crollus Comedy Co. WombweU's Taamao- "* ' - - - .... another waek. Oo the contlnnnua bill are Kurti, Beule - ----- - - ■ - „s Tai LO Dsvll Is the lead log feature lo the eurlo halU. OoAir^-Llule Olga, who hsa bean aiarrlog In **LitUe Lord Kauntleny," wasat the Muiae TbaairaAprllU TbeCorloneMoonlAWson-PluDhettOreeoeeoog recital at the Park wsa largely uteoded Hay 1. Hsnsgera Ralo- forth aod llavlln bare returned ftom New York The Walout will be dark week or IS Tbe enpleyes or the People's will take a baoeBt It. Local and proresslonal talent will appear Horris BcbtaMloger, traasnrsr ol tbe Fouatala Bquare Tbeatrtk uka* hie annual beoedt 13 lAgoon Park, <>>oey Island. War^sdale and the Zoo wlU be lha outdoor resuru or note thia leaaon. Olaveland.—NotwlUutandlDg tbo tacreBBloff aad nnpracedenied wana weather, aod the approach or the eeasMi's aod. business can bo saM to hare been fairly mod during the past wsek. »• »«--■•-• • * loose *^wlDg the Wind" good during the past wsek. At tbe Budid Avenue Open Roase*^wlDg the Wind" played a dellghtfbl engage- ment week oTAprllS. WeekofMaye,"Trilby;" weehof IS, Joa. Uawenh. LtobdhTbbatrb.— A. R. Wllbni's living pictures aod comic open cloeed Uielr ihrae weeks' eojtsHetueot the pastwaei. Attempts at "Tbe Bohemian dlrL" "Falka" ud "Dorothy" wera msde. Bastoess wasoolyfalr. Nollis Mcnenry,ln*>ANIgbtsttheOlrcus," weekoFMayl. The Amerlan Opera Oo. follows for two or three weeks, after wbleh Manager Ooodbue will Uke his oDDpany to Bcbllts's Park, Milvankee. when ibey will play for the nnuader of the Bammer. CLBVBI.AKO TDBATBB.—Btdle Ilaison pUyed a lalrly sncceBfyil engsgement In "Nobody's Olsln" week or Aprils. Bosloasa during the ws^k was good. "CooB Hollow" week of May «, roUowed by "Noas* Jollities." Braa Thbatbb.— The builness done by flam T.Jack's "My Uode" Company wsi Cslr. Martio Jollan's Aus. traiian Athletic sod BMcUlty CtinnanvwaokorMayA. iCompany weak of May IS. Basdi Yaw, tha phenomenal so- rranoL slogs In cnocert Hay 7. nunbett Oreeoe. the risb basso, wu heard lo eoocart last waek. O0BB.-8angarfestlltll. which wasopan part of last year, giving Bummer vaudevlltesnd variety perfonnsneea,was sold recaotly at auction for B3,0au. The balldlng^uagbig and scanery cost overBSD.QU a few yean ago. The fsu of the hair Is Doi yet deAsltaly decided TheBndld Avenue Open Ilooae dcaei atMnt June 1 Treasurar Oook end Advertlslag Ageat Heed, nf the Star, have eoui* btned roreeiand will handle a general adrsrtliing bureau dortna the Bummer msmo OusHlMOo., Is at hone rertlog , In "Nobody's Clslm," dosed their soasen hen Msy «. . .Oeo. Htaobridge, of the ..Badie Haaaon'sCo. MIse Uassoa sails for Europe the Arot week In June, sad ntaras to open her annual tour Aug. IS WlllStamro, traasarar ol the Lycaoni, goee to Milwaukee with Uie Americao Open Co., actlog aa traesursr during their Bommerseaaon at that pkce Jeeae Burns, romsrly manager or Jseobe* Theatre, was In u>e city the seat two weeha He lenior blsboma. Rocheeur, N. Y., Msyl. Dayton .^nie regular BeaaoD at ItieQrattd Opera House bas about drawn to a cleaa. DeWolf Hocper, In "Dr.SyaUi,"dnw a large eodlsnca Aprils. OlarkeA Coae's "Ban Unr." by local talent, was tslrly wall patron- lied 3D. May 1, S, 1 The Toraen* Eihlbltlonoocal) Is booked fore. PabK TBBATaBv-Adaaray, la "Kaat Lynne," played lo poor bosloass week of May 1. The Bttdlanea was dla olwed Mooday olsbt, HIM Oray being too 111 to appwr. •fil Pluokard" and^"Ao Anericao Uero'< All week of 6. AfliooiATioi Hall.— Inland Powara P. Norga-^neoi Henchel, or the Boatonlaas, will prabebly S, Booth this Banner to ecoapi an engagement ashbura's Olrcoo, while m nmU to Marfoo, 0., had a brafcedown bsraRnodar. Tba earcontalalng theelephaat became disabled, bat the animal was taken oot In safety, end the ear repalredin ehort order SeUs Bros.' Olreos played hera to two nnraeaaeaodlenoea t The show gavs ganeni satisfaction. Tbe cima loaned one of uielr camels to tbe "Ben Ilur" Oo. ror nee In ooe of thalr Toledo.—At the People'a Tbeatre "A Teiaa Btaer^'pbyedtorslrhouwiiprUV.aaMayl. "BUm," a Parisian sodsty drams, by Bdwio Foaeaera,was pre- sented 1. ror Ihe Ant tiaa oo aoy ataga, andar ihs man- tganeot of B»doey B. EUls. ''BoBnle Beoilsod." by Mdoey R- Bills, wss girad lu laltlal perfomsoee f. Both aitnctlons will be pot on the nod neit seeaoa. Btoart BolMon. la '-l>sp Tear" aad "TTie llenrletU" eomefllS,14; "Coon HoUow" U,1«.17,1JI Hon Broa' Olreasopanedthelrtoarl-4. BugllagBrae.eooMB. GaatoB.—At the Urand Opera Houe "Sbon Acree," ror the oahera' baoedE* had a crowded boose May 1. De Wolf Hopper bad "B R. 0." S; A. Blanche BrenoO' man'sbaaeetS At tbe TheatreOontaue: Hlggtasawl Leslie, NeUle Dunbar. Monroe Bletan, John Neea aad Ed. MaMr. HaaefleM.—At tile Memofflal Opera Hooae Rhea shewed to modenle builnese Aeril SB, In "Tbe New Msg- dalene.*' Hartee'i New Torh ThealnGo. Aewed tojtoor boslneas Id npertory. Coming: Hlgbt Bella" Msy K ttombeBTlUe^At ibeCItT Opera Ootue Ttutcb- or A Johuun's Mloetrels had ■eod boalnaes April S. Pawnee BUrs WIM Wert eooee May 17, and Baraotn A BalUy will spnad iheir big top tL RH ODE ISLA N& PraTMeB«o.-^t Rttllh*i Opera Bonae, week9t April S-Hay 4. Daalei" nsda Its aBaoel ifpeanaee here, and, eoaslderlag the lateaeee of Ihe prDepacoas week. This waek,**A which will be sun to draw crowded hogaea. The at this tbeatn doaes with this eortgaaeaL Pbovidb^cb Oraaa lloraB.-Week oT April S>Hay «, "TheB«eIlkaruaresL"atTaag«d by Harwet Mcl*. Bngel, aeder (ha auspices ol the Hhode lelaaO Siehaoga (br Wo- meo'e Work, was glrao to audleaeea aa larga asUia houee would boU at ell perfbimancaa MudewaaAiraUbed by the regnlar PiovMerua Dpen Hons* orchestra, and Ihe dsneee wen very sklllrblly etaeuled. This week, the re- tun or Jueeph llsworth. In repertory. May U, 14, lA, 'Trilbj." WBBTainrBBTuBATBB.—Weekor April S-May 4 "The Wblu Civok" Oo. nsde lu Irel appaaranea hera. aod gave general satiafkriloo tn &Ir|y good basloaaa, Thia week. Mcllenry*e Bogllsh RwelK basded by the Wash- bora BlsUn^ ror ih* flrmt ilnw lo Pntvldaoea, followad by another new attractloo hara, "The Csatno airls." The Bsasno at this houm will eitend notll lha last or Jana Tbotbbihii Rtab TuBATae.—Weak er AprilB0-May4 'The Police lospector" gave unirbrmlngly good baslnaoe to good bouses. This week, Byroa's "Phiagai" Oo, heed- ed by FloneoaBtooe, rollowad by "Ten llioasand Miles Away," MOTBa-Tharles Phillips, of Tnnbrldge Btooh Co., has received a Aatieriog ooer Rom Manager OnoMr, of the Burbank Thaaira, Los Aagalee, Cat, aoJ alao ttom Msna- ger J. J. Dowllng Fred. U. Whipple, manager fbr Baraey Ferguson'! Oo.. was la tnwn April V Kath- erioe Aagus took the part of Rei. In "Tbe Diamond Braaker,''^ai Tn wbrMge^sHUir Thettn, oo short notice on accouot of Bieiha WaideU's imponiy lose of volea, and scored quite a sucfem J. T. rynei, reddenl maasgar of Kelth'^ will pre aeid to Boeconas eeoa aa tha theatre doaes hera, and wlU be located at Mr. Keith's new thestn for the Hummer during Mr. Albee'aand Ha^deat Mana. !er Paul Keith's abeenie la Europe TnwbrMga's tar Thaatn will be kept opan at the oondesion of the regnUr seaaon for a Bummer saaaoo of esvanl weeka the doal stiracUoQ belog nreseotad week of July 1 Dan* can B. Harrison paaseu thrauali town May S aad stopped to eee the people St tlieProvUeoce Open House At the doee of the pneeot week Treaiurer Frank AMrich, nr Kellb*a WlU go (ohU betel at Watch Illll, K 1.. to prepan for the Bummer season "Tbe Dealer' elaaed a sno- oesefkl eeasDn In ihb dty May 4. Paevtaokot—At LoUirop*B <ta»«im Iloaae, week ■ -^ ■ r,lB te ■ ■ fhfs Week. lola Pemeray. Gi~'*nie Ahle Hurricane. ol April a»-Mayi-KaUieriQe Aober,ls meiiory, hsd a large waeVs boaoess. Miss Rober waa gWea a iMiHllt S, id the nooee was not Urge enough lo^oU the orawda. UTAH. ■■II« City.—At Un Mt Uk« TUMtra Hlehanla * rriafla'a MUumki, Alirll 9DL bad lood bual- naaa. aui(D.-.Tba atoak la piaaahllnf "Youoii Mia. Win. IbtOR" and "Malba" Ihla wMb. Harir Ooiaon Olarh la aamln In Iba anal. JllanmondthatUBbtoPara wiu ra* pbca lha ainek eonpaay for tba Bnnmar aanaoo, but no dadalla aaDoaaoaoant baa baan unda. It la alao aa- iorlad that llarrr Oeraon Clark will hand a oonoany of hla awn nail iaaaoa, vllb Madca Ckrr-Cook lor hia load. .. mr. »WHM w IB... w.H. .vilOWlOK ..... narrlatt Lawlon. Lamar Bna.. Tareo aiul WU- ark. Kaab BiMi, • • . . t- . ftoiVDnuHD.—Baalnaaa la ffclr. with lha tollowlai paopla: narrlatt Lawlon. Lamar Bna., Tareo aiul WU- mark, ffaab Bn&, Andanon, enid hmt: Joa RmlUi, PrmnkllaodanoB, Afnaa Vaatarand LlltlaJlr' NEW YORK C ITY. LMt Wn«k'. BwnaU—nw put WMk ml «BUr«l)t d.volil er BoTtlUea, And III. fair .fenti comfMiiil wlUUn lb Unlii wa« mora Inteinlliig Uiu Impoiuiit. Dutlof tlw mriT put of it. wotk iDclenunt wottbar Injailoiul/ .iracM IiiuIdmi, bnt pnqwrltj am» Along wllh clear aklet, ADd Uie floml Abowlng of batAiiceA ma iiiilte ■aUnfutorj, TUe oondnoed pwtonnincea for tbe week ending 11*7 4 wen: Onnd open At tbe Umorau- TAN Orau Uoun, "Ibe InportAOce ot Being Btroeit" At ue Kiiriu, "AlAddln Jr." At Die BWMDWiT, "Pndd'nlKAd VIlun" el Uie ilAHain Bgoiu, MokArd MAnaleld it tke Oihakii, "UUlo Ohrlalopher" it PaLMU'a, "Too Hucli JolinMn" Al tbe SnNDiiD, "MideltlDe" nl Ike Buou, Wm. II. Unne it Uie Fiprn atinui, "ITie Foundling" *i UOTT'a, "TYUbr'i AttbeOiiiDBi, ud "OAptaln FauI" ■t tke FoumnNTn Bruir. The nuon of gnad open bjUie Abbe/ k ana Oanipur cloeed April so, "Tke Imporienoe of Being RwoMt" wee iriui' dmwn After tke perfennAnce Kej I, end "Made- Line" oloeed lla ran Hiy 4 Hie one week iluda oloeing lUyA were: Wilier Kumedr, In "Bemnn," It Ike Pioruli "Oaitt Owen" it Ja«ou> Tiiiw> ATkNui, Kai« Clixlon And Hme. lenADKbek, in "Tke Two Orpkiu," it Uie Oaamo Orau lIoiiHi; "Tke Derl>7llu(»t"al tke ahiaioh, Vnncle WIN wn M Uie nanMMOPiAA lloiiM, inil "Oliver Twlet", It tke OouiuBUB VAilelr enteiulninent wui (urnliked it Tony Punoi'ii, Konria k Uiii.'i, Uie Union Biiuiiu, Pbooiob's, tke Umdon, Ike Ouimii, UoHis', ttie OLrHric, ind HiNiRt IIuwiuy init Eiaim ATkNiii rerfomsncoiln Oernunwera given It tbe Iatino Flici and Ouminii, ind per. fonnincea lo Hebrew At ibeTiuut, WiNnwA ind ADLiA'a At Uie llnM)roi.inN Mricu lloimd Ike Abbej ft Qiiu Oimnd Open Oo. preeenied, oii April 2», Howtii "Noua dl Flgire," u menUoned In onr luttene. Tbe inpplenenUiT Maun cimd to A doee upon tke ncceeding efeolng, wken Ike toUowIng railad progTmnmie WA* preeenied: Bcene am. Act iklid, "liokengilo;" lecond Kene of ici eeoond, "hlMiir;" mid iceae fnm "IaioU," ant Bcene of act UUrd of "Ue HriAterringer," two aongl bj Hinn), ud tke tktid ict ot "Aid*." Ttie en: Uiueiiani or Ike aadtence found full vent. The ■tage trae crowded witk flowen, end In iddliiod lo tkeee doni Ulbnie. tke fiToille eingen receUed glfia ol gold end ellTer, riaklooed Inio Tiiloui uw* tnl ud onimeotal olileolt Anong otken who wera kindljr nmemberad In tbia dlatribnUon of (ATore WAA Ike coniclenUona end Inraluilile Uie. Biuermeliter, wbo ncelred rron tke Open Olub u enoraou* biaket of reaaa, wkenin ake found kiddan a gold watok aet witb billllinla. Oreat la kire been tke icbleTemenia of Uie TAriuaa prto. olpaliof tlie coopuj, noae kivemora Uioroughlf meitled lokeni of eppreclillon tkin kaa tkle herd working ud reUihte alngv, wboee name hH tie- come IdentUed wlUi grand open eu cc eeaei In Ikla connby; end mm Ue prndlgil uiai of riTora lie- Mowed on tkoee who kare conlilbuted ao Iirgel/ Ui tke Hocceaa or Ikla, tbe flneMeeiaon of grand opera our alv haa erer bad, we gladlr dugla oat thIa Inci- dent, becauae we are kappr to put upon ncord Uile eildenoe ot tbe ncognlUon of tkli Udj'a clilm upon public eitaeo At Aaan'i Tnunta, on ApiU as, tke LUllan Rnaaell Open Oo. appealed In a magnlllceot raTlnl ot Oirtonback*a Ikree let opera bonne,"LaFeilcbole." TkUwiaHlaelUiaieU'allrai meuopolltan tppeiraace In Ihla open, ilthoiigk Rhe kid ilnad/ been aeen In It tkle aeaaen In otkor olUe*. Bke waa mora Uuo aatlatAcloij In Uie role ot Um fAeclniUng atreet anger of Una, and kia nielj. It ertr, done betlar woili. Wklle It la tine ake wiB not comparable to Ike tamou* Itenok alng. «n wbo, jean ago, made ua tAnUlAr irilb tke role, eke nenrtkeleea gave a reir epMted perfonnanr^, and did mora ud belter aeUnalku ake kaeakowii for aeTanl jmn. Her alngtog waa alao commend-' aMe. Richie UngiirordadiplaaaAntaiirprieelnUie. rele of PIqolllo, kla AoUag And alngtog eaok dl*> plA|lag mailtaof wkiek kla fonaerwork ked eurce- \f gtiren Intimation. n«d Boloman, alao, waa It kla beet la tlie role of Ike Vleero/, ud Oweu WeeUord, wbom we bate pnflonalF hid occialon lo commend, did excellent work la Ihe old priaoner. Tke .taglng or tke open waa Irul/' Mmptiona Tbe atagi pletaree ware uuane- loglr beanttfol, aad tk« gmiplng and bandllng of tke foroea added nerw liarala lo the brow of Max Fieamu, Alrwdf oppiaaaad wItk tbe walgkt of nunr Buck aFnbola al i/iunpli. Aliogallier tbe prodoe-' ttoBBOoidedarirakMdellgbirallreil. Ttewofk WA* Ikna CA<t: riqaOto, Rlcbl. Ung) Don Andrea, Tlcenj of Feni, Frad gokniai; Ooo Fedfo, Ootr- eiDOreC Lima, WUUim BSalaMU) U Mar«nla, Owen Weatfofd; Oonoi FA n at a l lA *, O/mf 'Sooey; Tke iAtlAT, i. r. OAndnll; Fliit lloteir, Oeorge MeoKen- ale; Second Roliij, Jane* Feakei; OnadalenA, AUee Reed; HiaMlia, Laora Pirdf; Berglnelli, OUm Mtea; niaelk, id* Dare; BnmMUa, Flor. ino* D«;le; mafilialla, Harfba BiMmu; Iten. «UU,8a*U«iiid; U FwiMe, Yiinin »fell ■IkeFWal Caid,"wklob had tbi lint Ameri- CAB produeUon lo December lint, Id Uila cllj, re- tuned rnm a aucceeami tour and began on Apill B an engagement *t the Aoapmit or Mimio, when lie opening houae gave promlae or a RRtlRfaolnrr *m The InviHo Tuuna doecd lu aee- aon April It. Tke ilnAl oitbring we* "Pie Jnurnal. ^n," tke Author of wbloh, nuMav Frtjlag, dleil at ^aahiden on the Mme dale, newa ol hla ileceaae navlng been received al Ihe Ihmm >i)d announced 'dniUig Uie perfonuince..... Atitae KiiriMTnaiTiii '■■Tbe Importure of lieliiR Harneiii" waa wlibdrewn itler tke evening peiforaunre U»f 1, and upon Ihe rollowing evening R. c. Uaruin'a ilellghifullr pore ud tkonngkl; Inlereallng pU>;, "Ubort/ Hall," w*a revived and Jo/lnll/ received. The cut wu malnlj the aame lk*t conlilbiitnl ao largel; to Ike auccoaa of tke pl*j during II* run at lliU taoiiao, but aa aome okangca kave been nwil. thencont cut laappenilod: Mr. Owen, Henrr lllller; llUucho CHllworUi, viola Allen; Amjr ChllworUi, Agn» lllller; lion. OenM Tuquenj, Hohert Kdnrnn; Wllllaiu Tortinan, W, It, Orompton; J. Ihlglnakaw, K. Y. Uackiia; Mr. ■■odleok, aw. K. Dr;ant; Ur. fllokaoii, J I'. Whitman; Ulaa llluluon, nenevleve llejnolcti; Rohett Btnka, Arthur llnjian; Vnter, Haj llob- aon; l,uK>omlie, John Horenm. While All or the pilnolpala wen hotnll; greeted In Iko rolee which ikay All 80 well, eapocUl piMuure waa derived from again aeelng Ihit conaclcnUoua, nllablo and de- aervedl/ favorite actor, w, II. uromptan, In * role commenaunte wllk kla power*, and ol Uio aort fur which he haa proven blmaoll to be ro Iboiouihlj niteil liji«*eonortnlnlnganil Innpcntiiienl. In riicIi |il»ra Uien la mental real ami inoni iiniirlahinoiil, iiid In In auoh nilea u rail i<i till lot In |il*;a ur llibiRiiil Mr. Orompton ^a lliwaoeui nlwijti abrnii loiitlur "Iwueillol. te," end the unapokou word Hnda voloo wllhlu oioh heart that la under llio apcll nl hla Inlliioiico. "Lib eitx Hall" waa igihi leeu evooliiK u( 9 anil nwlluco 4, and tke week cloaal with a alnale iiorrntiTMnoe of "dudgeona." A i>erriiniuiiii.-e whirh waa ar nnged ind uiiniitoil by VIoIh Allan wiu given at tbe KHriHB TiiiaTHa, udoriiuuii u( May 'J, liir Ike beneflt or Uio llarloiu Kirbango lur Wuiiirii'M Work, and wkloh iioIUhI aimut Ufloii lur ihat liwtltiiUuii. Three rauillUr one ai't plaja wcro |ierfiiniioil, vli: "Tbe Uaii Up fitalns" "Kreilorii'li l^niutllrn" and "lluaebefy Hhrult, Hoc." A iiuuilior of woU kuuwn proroaalonahi rumlabeil aililllloiiil entertainment iil nrlwl aortik At Iho (Iahhii'ic Tuiini Hlobanl Hanalleld waa Hueii during Hie wvok In the roHnwIng npertory or pliyn: "A i'arialnii lluinanco" April vu And H*r 3, "The Htarlol Ijitliir" April ao, "I'rince Kari" Hay I, "lleau llniiiiniol" i anil iiiaUnoe 4, and "Ur Jukyll uil Ur. Ilyilo" oveiiliig or 4 A Bummer acaaon or grand iipora in KiiuliRli liegan at tke Ml* TuaiTHi un April M, ilio iMunpaiiy whiuli tken appealed iiavliig i>r|*iil»]d, liir IIiIh R|iMlal purpoae, under Iho IlUe kI Iho Now York Uraiiil Kngilak Opora Oo. Tbclr Una uteiMm waa "Tko Doheminn Ulrl," iiieiillon or iho |ierruriiiancu nr wkloh waa inado In uur Inal laauu. Thia nimre waa agaUi glvon May I. Vunti'a *'il Triivniure" wita given April .v, wlili Ann* Urlilor aa i^oiinnm, IIdIoii von llocntiniT aa AJiucoiia, Victor OIihIIu an Uaiirirui and Anliiir DoaUm aa llio Uiiiiit. lliiuinHl'a "Fauiil" WAA the utTbring Uay 'i, wlUi Unniella I.liiilh ua Harguurito, Kraiikllii Ulllur lu Kauai, Abmiii Abiaui- off aa UephlRlJipliBluH, l.urlllu Ihuiiiloni aa Hlotiel, Terry Averill na VKlenlliiu, anil Jiuiilo nowcr Urmai aa Uartha. "11 Truvaloro" waa nipiuilod 3, niiil "KaiiMl" waa agalu given at Itiu iimtlnau 4, iiiit upon ovoiiiiig or 4 Uie aoitaiiii rnniu tii rii liiglnriniiK end lieoauao iil Iho iiiiii-payiiiiiiii ur wilariuN, Tliuro waa nu perruniiaiicu uii that iilulil anil llio ad- nUaaloii luuiioy waa ruruiiduil. BVHDir iHTiKTAiNNaNni un Uay tliioliiileil lieu- man Tliuinpaun'a HuiiHa llliuinitctl ami llliKiiliMluil at the Herald Hi|U*ruTh«*m,MHl lliouniiiiul IwiioHI or 1te*aurer lUuo and Advortlnlng Aguut UcUiie al Ike Btaoitard Tlmatre- OiNiHV A UivaHiii, llud iiolico or n|i|wal on Hay 1, la Uio Uuurl ur Cuiiiiiiun riuaa, fniiii a Jiiily- ment for M-MXi uulonMl agaiiiHi ilioiii In tliu muni- Ikfi by (loiaull, hi larur nr J. Wualuy Ibiwiiiiiiiwl ano Kuiollno Uulilllo, fur Iwu niniilliN' ruiil ur lUo Ullou Thutlre. Henry It. Hire, wliuuwiia ihopm|i- erty, leaaed It In ino plnlnlltlk, whn aulilul It lu llio derendaiila. Hie; ilopualKjil |l,uw aa auciirfiy, ami aay Ibit Ihey allunred juduiiiuiii Ui lie Utkoii in ur. der to deleniiUie whelhur tlio runt Hhuulii In laild tu Mr. HUe or lo the pluloUini. Tlioy alaii whili lu know whether tba aeourity ilopoalhid may lie ap- plied to Uie payiiienl ut Uio nml- Judge lluuhilavor aiared aUpruceuditigK, Ike durvnilaiita dltng a buud alAyed allpruc« InWiOOO. lIlNAVK.ABI lIiNAvK. Aanir akii HauHiui iihiii announce tbnt tbey will give * aeaauii nt Ueniuin uiiare at the Melropolllan uinra iiuiiae npal aoaauu- Anion Baidl haa lawn uagagod Ui cnmliiut, and lliora will be leu perfonnaucea, Iwu Tliurwiay iiiaUiivna ami eight Tiiundav ereninya ilovolod hi Wagnur. Tlio aeeaon of Italbiii upon will oiien nii Niiv, in, anil Ibere wilt lie tbirty-uiue nigbl perruniianueii ami thlrlaen ni»Uueoi, aa well aa a aurtoa nr popuhir 8*turd*y night ptrrurnuiHi»a. Atiliuy anil tireu are endeavoring u> gel HIaiiora tfiinclnolll ami llevlg- n*nl to coaduct tlio Italian uiieraa, MANAUk* KuHK W. HANiiMa Ilea anangoil ror a aerieeorpruuienade c«iii:orbi iiy Uiu Naliuiial Hyni- pliuny Orokeair*, uudur Uio illfuctlunor Itnaa Jung- nickel, lo niieu lu llio aliipliltllualfu nf Madbwin B4U*re UardiiB ouMayJI- Tbo iiroliniilni, which la * new ofgulullun, la coiupnatil nf aeventy porrnru- en. Tlie prognninio* will tie, It ia, nt a high order, and thu urokeaUa will lie aaaiaUMl by voc*l *nd Inatrninotital anlulRbi. Juifrioa l«AWMiNua haa duiileil Uiu mniluii or Jrw, A. While, aaalgooo or Harie lJuyil, bi cuinjMl Kirnlnr it BlAi to dlacluae the obnmctor or llio licunae Uioy bad In Uielr Twanly Uilnl Hirert ealalillahiiieut, Ihla clIj, lu an. Mario Uiiyil leDkR lu nicuvor lew Gilu by bor on a luilguiunt alilaliml by Kuabir A al in lain. Tbt Judge decided thai Uio ilermidanU c*nnot lie compelled lo diacliwo wheliior tiiey li*vu been guilty or * udadeineaiKir. Uiixi UuDUr, oiaiiaKor nl tho NaliMlrailloy Bronia Wauioa, lia* aecurod rmni the Hupraiiie OooriMi iiiJuncUun rcatraliilng ilioArniiaiawrriiin lurrtngiug on bta rtgliUi. ur linltiitliiif ilin act, clniiii. log Ui*l he urtgliuted Ihe lilt*, *nn kaa a aiiperiur right by prfurilr or ailuptlnn. Tliii moaiiii ror Ihla at*p, It la aald, bi that Ihu NRlil-ilndlu; Uunipany concluded lhDireng*goiiiiiiilatilio(MRliiu,aiid llial tbey bnve loarooU Uial Ihu Huaara. Aruiwuu liave engaged oilier perauiu Ui liiiluiio their apeolally- RUWIH VuRHBfr Ijuui*. Nu, 'J, or Iho Aclora'urdor or Frtendakip have porciiaMil Ihe pniperty Nu, loe Weet Forty-wvenUi alrecL lila Ui lie iiaedaaaludge kooae, and on May lo a lionedt will Iw given at pAtiner'aTbeatre to nblain funda to runilak II- t.Uutt Muauv liaa liueb engngeil liy Augiialua Mtou aa liuAloeaa manager or the Uraud Opera Uonae ror oeal aeawin. Oahilli D'Arviixi iiaa decided to call Uio new opera by Mean. Ooudwln and KiigUnder, wlilch an* will produce May 30, al llie llruailway Theatre, "Tba Uaugbter or the NovuliiUoii," Jauea T, Fewen, Uen. U. Boniface Jr., Ilallen Mmlyn and Annie Lewla have Iweii engaged. MiMuu rnii-ii-f, of Uie Oeniiaiil* Tlieaira, will cioae hla ecaauu Mar lA, MaDager rhillpp will give bndoe*. niaD.ger r. WoliT, and (reanurer u Wlnler- fold, * Joint tieneOI on M*y Vs. Avuivma Pmiu, who lu recenUy Itaaed the Onnd Opera ilouae, In Uilaclly, inruniw ua Uul he will take pnneaalun June I, ami lliel liiiring the Bninmer tbe bouae will lie oiillrely roabiched wllh new Kenery. The dreaalng niuifui will Inimprovoil and many needed imiimvenienbi fiiade u|kiii Uie ilage. The luae atcured U ror Ovo yean rrum Bept. 1, with privilege ol renewal. Henral new play* will l«produced un an elniHirale avale neat aeiaott. Mr. Pllou will give hla porauual aiienllou lalbeni*n*n»Mint or the liouae, and will lieeaalaled iiy J. Inike Humy, wbo win repreaenl hlu. The price* wUi nnge trom one duAar lu twenly.gve cant*. AN luaoMT* aouveotr U lielng prapared for the Oeuldock Iwaent. II will cunuin a bkigr*phy of Mr. Oouldoct snd a hiaiorr ut "Tbe lUvala," both of which hare lieen written Iiy Umnder Matlbewa. II ivtll alao conUlo llkeneaae* of the memhen ot llie c*at, Mnaa. Paanr iKu VaM biN Ugao wUl open Uielr Bngkah open aeeaon at ibe Grand Open Ifouee on May a>, tviU * producUoa or HirJuieallenedlol'* •Tb* Uli of KilUney," anopenUc venhrn ot "Tba OoUeen Bawn." Tb. piredDotlon ot Ike ballet, "Uop- peiu," wlib Mm*. Maile Ol.rt upraoUen daoacuae, u *lw annoDnoed.