New York Clipper (May 1895)

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150 THE l^EW YORK OLJPPEB. May 11. Fmpiiik TDum.—SydDer Onudj't IntenMUsi plu/, "BowlDf tlie WlDd," wu KTlrad it tlili Ikhim M»r g, Id tbe pmenM ot t maU todleso*. At rauRTcnui or the ailoDiUnM upon Uie nflnl tt t pUj wbtch litd fonnotl; nc«lr«4 knoh ■bnoteDt pttiDiuKo rumlstied coDclDdn CTtdanctUiatUitt- l«r goloR u a noclil toncUoD U tt »d end bm f«r ttu> RttMD, > fact wblch will not b« gratl/ 4»- plond at una boiuo, wblob la amn to cloat Ita doora for Uio Bummor racaaa. TtMm ^aaaot, bowarar, wen l>T no measa lacking Id antbnaliaiD, and the play and lu perfcnnera ware naTar mora hearuir applaDdcd. Nor did tbe leading plar- cti ever more UioroagblT deaarra plaidlla than upon Ihla oceaaloD. the work or lleiuT Miller, viola Allen and W. II. CromplOD oonld acarcalj lie eunpauod, and we mlgbt ba wen con- tent to cliallengo (be worid to rtval onr acton oonld we prtaent on our part lucb a peitonnance aa la given bT tbcM playom In thia drama. WUllam Karenbam might ho Incloded In tbe roUofbonor wer« ItnotforbUconataDtalaglneai and blaasao- lallona of nieech. Ha It nodoobtedlr a clerar actor, A fact which, Dnfortunalelr, he nefer dla- gnlBoanorconceala, forhela alwaja reeonliadaa an aclor playlns a part, too conaclona of bla owp Creaoocc and Idenlltr to peniilt It for a momtot ) tie Ignored or lott In llluiloo. Uay Robaon aid Agneii Ulller, who were bccd In tbelr tomwr rolc«,were quite Hatli>fictai7,aii waa alio Robert hlileann, who muiiined tlia role formerly plajad by 0/rll Hcoli. H. K. .''pringer, to whom wu aolgnea iiic (linirnit iMk of tilling tho role created here by iiiat iDcoinpjiiftiile actor, W. H. Tbompaon, waa nvorwolghtcd Willi the ]ol*, and, wlthoatcompailaon with hie pfedecMMr, waa unaatlflfactory. He wenicd Homewbat lienl upon making a comedy creation of the mrt,Knd wiwerldentlTnndeoldedaa to tbe advlniillliT ot miking Lord Patworth an KngUabman or an Irltbman, the conMquence balag a diaplay ot dialect Teimtllliy rarely beatowed upon a dnglo role. Ihe full catt la given an a maltar ot record. Mr. Drabaion, Ifenry Miller: Mr. Watkin, W. If. Oromploo; Ned idmealer, William Favtr- aban: Lord Fetwortb, B. R. Bpnnger; Sir lUcbird Ourtdtor, Robert Edeaon: Mr, Deakin, E. Y. Baokua; Oloaiop, John Borentz; Webb, J. r. Whitman; Roaa- moad, Tlola Allen; Bon. Mm. Itetwell, Hay Robaon; Mand Fretwell, Agnea Miller; Urldget, Oonevteve Reynolda. The aeaaon at tui bouae u In Ita laat fortnight, and tbla play will be continued nntll further notloe, a few performancai of "The Vaaqne- rndeia" being tilasded aa tba final olferlng. OBKTBiL Omu Hoois HrBio IlALL.—The aeaaon attlila bonae waa Inangnimted May e, and the event waa honored by the pieaenoaot ajarge andlence. Since the hoiiaa cloaed laat FkU new decomtloni bare been added to the tntaiior, which eveiywbere Indloataa the work of the painter and decoimlorby IK geneiml fitah appearance. Aa loon aa the wealbar permlta two Snouner gardena will In opened, one on the wcond floor, the aaino aa laat Snmmer, and a new one on the ground door. The bill preaeoted on Monday uight waa thoiongbl/ appreciated, and each number waa ao- corded fuU recognition by the aiidlAnce. Flalkow- nky, animal Imitator, appeared and waa the lame Sleaalog enttnalnor aa ever. At would In hard to nd a more clever performer In hia line than M. Malkowaky, and hli populaniy Increaaea with each aucceaalveappearance. Oeo.K.ForteacueandDlok Oorman, In a aketch, entitled "My New Teacher," were eiceedlDtly amualiig, and won well meiltM plandlla. Joale OregoiT nuderod n liudgetofaongt, and the lUxforda, acmliata, vera clever. (Hheni on the lilll weie Mile, llenlrico, high kicker and dancer; Hatlhowaanil llarrla. In u akeUth; Jame« (laylor, comlo linger; the (lolilena, akotoh porfumieni, and 'UeniT KenlOD, hand Inlancor, nil nf whom were well received, Fdoctdb'h TiiaiTni!.—Week of May e waa uahered In with Incieaacd altonilanco at tbhi hoiiae. The bill waa one of unuaiial axcellenco and command- od full attention, llorley and Wilton, triple hort- UDtal bar petfonnom, won coniliint applauae for their clever work. Ulle. retreaou, contortlonlal, whoae wonderful fcalu of hand lialanoliig are well remembered by thom who aaw bar on a prevlona appeaiance In Ihla city, vrsa given a hearty recep- tion. Dalay Mayor and her band of plokanlnnlea atrontedconaldonbloamuaenioiii, and Uonnle Thorn- ton added new admlreni to her alieady long llat. JameaK, IIoeyOfoiingMule) waa aadrollaaever.and llama and Wallenicrmtedlangbler with their wlilm flIcaUUeii. Maaaiid ami Maria, aorobatlocomedlana] Maud JUymoiid, mHo comic ainier; the lapori Hlalera, onaracter idngen; llentley and Oreve, mtulcal mokea; Malicl lludaon, aoprano aloger; Oorman and Weal, occcnttica; tho Mallllona, Ohlneae oonlnreni: Jenny KOdy, aoubrette: the (Menu, gro- teaouee: dallataer anil Qrinin, Iriah knockalionla; Ungb J. Kmmetl, venlrlloi)Ulat; Annie Sylveater, bloyoUot; Mward Itogera, Irlah comedian and danoer, and Charlotte, alnier and dancer, all con- trlbuted their full Hbaro to Xho enlettalnmenL ]lDBia'< I'liAoa Htioiuu.—The aocond week of die fouiale batlieni opened Hay t, with a good alzed orowd In attendance. That thla attraction haa Eroven a aiicceaa cannot be denied, and ahould nalncaa keep up for the remainder ot their four wooka' engaRomont, Manager Uuber will have oloansda auui nim. rrof.Langdon gtvea a veiy InierMllng talk reganllng the barbeia, which la •Imoat an uiiicli a nourco of amuaement aa It la to aratck ike glHa handle their aubjaota. Other feat- iirw In the cntlo halhi are Stephen Blephena, ven- tilluouhit; Mlta, Tumour, aerlallat; the Fojol ilroa. and tbelr peitomiiiig bean; IMnce Tiny Mile, l>oxlor, Jan. UllcUall and II. 0. Palmer. SUge— Ooloitniid Wiley, Hd. Begley, lOnnle Olln^ Aatarle, King Bimcni, Klaka and Ogden, and Antonio Von <Wro. nia month Mr. Bcbult lolonda gtvlng an exklUltlon ot hIa trained araat Dana doga. Tteao •nimala have licen In training alnoe JanuaiT, and nm mid 10 bo alilo to do aoDo very clever Irion. OiKHtCK TauTHR.—nichiird Manateld and hla esnipany uppcarcd In "Pilnco Karl" Hay «. Two nubile dteai nhoaraala ot "The King of l'erv"ani announced rnr t aiul e, and what la called the tint twrfotmauco of lliat play will io given «. Further noitlon of theao oveatamuit utetattTitf be delayed until flur next iHMie. _ _ ., Miaui'a fiioirru Annul THtiWl.—'nie Pay Ko«- ter i3o. ouetied tho week auiploloutly bete to a hiU bouae night of May Thla organltaUon haa played Roveni nroBialila snuagemenla In and aionud Ihla ollv during thla aeaaon, and the mcrtta of Ita mem- ben have imwu revlowed frequently In lbo« col- unina. Vur ihU cngaiRnient tne roeter lochidca the rollowliig: Fannie au Clair, Nelaonla, llartoii and Oatneroii, Ualmo, Howard and Wl|li«tiia, Ilroa. La Morae. llodint and UunohDien), Umeain and Joe tlinn. Tho liurloaquo aklla nitUad "Tie Kleoiilo Hotel" and "A Knave ot nndlae" were inluralile, Next week, the Mght owla. The atucbea Will have their annual tioueflt CD May 91, afternoon and even- 'fill CABiKO.-Tho pilnclpal fMtote ot Ihla week'a Biograninio note la tno drat AmeiUan appearance of tho Mllo■^ a Iroupo of European a£|oli*>a. ■ ' ' on May Iroa., Ko- _,„. . llTaok^ Uouloo anil oainiag, Oougot and the Manhattan Oaiueily Four. The liallal, and the kloeteaeoplo rtiiMjoafrum "Tniby" oontlnua. livn)' MiwBUU.-The Trilby Beauty Oonleal, In whii'hwffeialgouil looking women ara oooipotlng for wizn. th4 irlniiera to be decided by the ntea of Haiunr l>oil^ lutnina, liogan their aaeond week May a. Vaiulovllla pufionnauoea couUnue In tbe thiwtia hab. iJiNiH'a Uowiav Tiican.i'ne Ameilcan anlely fllrtn. under the mauagoment 01 rtcd Harvey and Andy LewlD, ara llting an engagement at U)Ja lionae tiilit week. The huaiw ou Uonilay night, Kay a, was (roll mod. "The MldakOB Marriage" opone<l the Khuw, Introducing the ooDfany In aonga and <nra«<1y. Florence Zvllar, vocalUli llooper and titewut, black faro coniMlaua; the klUoU Btalan, In (wiige anil lUiiro:!: the Bianforda, la putlcal oomailv; Aiilrl-o<'l><. comodtan; Reynell'a Kloctrtc DonMilon {■ikreo Cnolo licaullea"), and the Ootliam Wl i|iiartM made up the olio. "The Uoiiy rrlni-o" coneluiloil the paiXoruisnce. Tie company |i iHtikcd liir u«.xl neuron at good hoiiaea. Ikir neat week the bcuoilt i<t the >$lon< lYotecUve lii,<os. No-1, la ainoiioced, a complete change ol liMjniiumo iwliig inad» at ««oh pertornuice. A large Diiiniwrotperronaeta have Tolunteetcd tbelr rttilwfiirihooucaaloB. , . . . .ii(W.»ii» Ar Titr.*TMB—"AlaMIn ir." apteied on >l*y t ui liK unit week tviJtU (ortulahi o( lie mn. AiMUg me pimiT itew faatoroa added lo II during Ita aay hen the MH'T quidillla liaa pnwen llie im»t ailhutin). The bii'liuqiie Una ««Uantly ■foimd nmni adnUtra here, (oriia ijualnea haa been MtlJfaclecy. , „ , l'Ai.ii«R'« Tit£*TRi.-T-vuille Chrl<topher" began An Mar « tho fouilli week (€ U«run at IhU hoiiaa, :and It the nme tine lu two i^m^inA ai>d anieth veiformance waa duly cHebntoil and aW P* .u«»liiii for Ihe rtlatrtliuUon of a3Mvcnln,MM**l. UHe eximviginrjtaaenialo thrive ouUroatfllV*')* -Vtlll, iloubtlaaa, nil far bito tbu ' Among the oiber pafformen who appealed on i 0 were l>a|ilnM, Ihe Vaaeatra, Ihe Fomal Ihoa.. kin, Hlla. Uirguorlie, IJsIe N. nayniond. Ilrw iBiB'g VmON BviAMM Thutu— ne doae ot the leaaoD ot a nimber ot traTellig vandavUle ihowa makea ReaMeot Minager l^nea' laak ot bonking alar feaurea a very eaar natter, for then an a great many vsitety aun In the dly at piwent ■nHoni to play befera a Kilth andleaae. The bill preieiled thla week, begtniing Hay e, baa aa head- Unaa Lotde OUiod ("the UUe magnet"), Holntyra and Beatb, who have no nperton Id their line; Hairy La Olair and Id. Ihe oifglnalon ot Ihelr Btyle of work, and John C, Rice and Bally Oohei. Mhn OUaon Introdoced an new Mngi, and ahowed tcit conclodvely that abe waa capable ot boldlag her own with Mr. Kelth'a ellentel aa Mtf y aa at any ouier booie In the city, although abe mat dlOMent ttylei ot Bonga than thoae aha haa been ao- onatomed to alng. Then waa nothing In her worda or aodona to offend the moat nlned taatea, and ahe iraa given nnnda of applauae, Mc- Intjn and Heath, whoae npreaentatlon ot the Bouthem darkey la nearer correct than moat black face leana. Introduced their negro life and honor to the aaHafactloa of aU. IlarrT Le Clair and Bd. Lealle Introduced "Tilpely," their new borKaqne, for the Unit Ume In thla city. While It la tnnny. It doea not give theae clever peifoimera the oppor- tnnlty to abow tbelr vetMlIllty that their other aketcnea have done. Mr. Lealle la an exceedingly clever comedian and mimic, but hla talenta are not brought out vaty atrongly In the new burleiqne. He gtvea bat two tmltaUona, and doca not alng a aingle aoag. Heratofora he haa alwaya aung one or two aonga, and the funny worda, and hhi exi remely funny my of ainging them, have alwaya been a aonrce ot noch amuemenL Hbi make np Id > bave Ihe new burleaque la the moat deceptive we aeen him make. Mr, Le Clair doca not bave occa- alon, either, to ahow the taandaoma coetumea he haa been In the habit of wearing, although "Trtpetyr' gtvea him a better onponnnlty to do good work Ihan It doea hli pailoer. Tte oM bnrleaaue, "Cleopatra," aotaronublnea "TMpely"that theiatlerlanottobe mentioned In the aame breath with the former. John 0. nice and Bally Cohen, In their aoclety eketeh, began tbelr flnal week at thla honae, a, and met wllh tbelr aaaal good receptloD. Cieo. H. Adanu, the clown, and hla famUy Id- trodnced a very pleaalng afterpiece, which waa well received. Moon and Karcher, In a Dnalcal aketch; Kelnon and Mllledge, a Ulbemlan comedietta; Arthur llig./y, hunt cork moiok>glKt: WUIa and Iblpln, In "Tne Copper and the Tramp;" iheOomedyTno (Emmonda, Emenon and Emmonda), the Twin Broa. Oloaa, Fox and Ward, black face convenaUonallata; Itijan, acrobat; the Otanin Blaten, In aonga and danoea: Oaatellet and Hall, comedy akeloh dao, and Meeun and Ray- mond, hi "A Uoky Btnke," all did well. Next week the head llnea Inolnde Isolde Ollaon, Huth and Clif- ford, MclDtvra and Heath, Uacker and Leater, and I/e Olalr ant Lealle. Bmod Tdiatbb.— "nie Twentieth Centnrj Olrl" made her reappearance la a new garb Hay », and found conalderabia favor with the laige audience preaent. The piece haa been nvlaed and nwiltten alnce Ha prodnctlon at tbla hooie laat January. It haa been out down fram three acta to twojina haa tieen mada a fane comedy of aome merit. The piece la apiliikled with many good apeclalHea, and while more ginger could be InfiKd Into It to gnat advan- Uge, It tiaa conaldemMe anap. Dan Ualy, ai Jndaon Dlnglewoith, mide aa mnch of the role aa poealble, and when he had an opportunity for a little apeclalty bnalneaa he aoon woo Ua place In the aiTectlona of the audience. John T. Kelly waa very ainiialng aa Mr. Michael HicNamara, Ilia re- boanal wllh the oraheatia ot hla aong ot the Turk wu veiy cleverly done and orealad roan of laugh- ter. Hiilly Fuller, aa Ferey Venice, the girl bache- lor, waa pretty and vinolona, and gave a veiy aathifaotoiT perfonnance. The Mra. Potta of Chrlallne bleaalng waa a clever piece ot work. Oailietine Unysnl, aa Once, aang a coupio of preUy aonga, and waa accorded hearty applauae. Thecaat In full: Mr. Michael MaoNaman, John T. Kell: Nick Weddle. Uatir Kell; Judaon Dlogle- wnrth, Han Ualv; Faol whifflelree, Anble (^w- tnrd; Profeaeor Augaat lleimann Karl Von Ullde^ bogen, AI. II. Wllaon; Oeoliray, Wm. Uvlne; Pit. vale lloollhan, Ohrladne meaahig; Bhrtmpa, Mea- longer and Newahoy, Samuel Flaher: Qlnger, llany RiandUh; Percy Vennce, Holly Fuller; Holly, Caiheiine Unyard; Omee,uUlan Thnigate; Ethel, tvliwte Carlyle: Flo, Emma Jaovlere; Beaa, Julia (Hover; Viola, Kmma Lerey; Roee, Kelale Chamber- lalne: Mra. Potta, ChrlallDe Bleaabig. <1lie HImIc World" Is announced forprodncdon abont Miy Zl. TOR NlUL-BBADLXr LTVIHO BaONII SriTVARY wu withdrawn from the Oaatno Hay 4, on account ot the non-payment ot aalary. OIlea Bradley, Ihe manager of the alatuea, waa aerred with a notice, 4, forMdiHng him to appear In anv part ot the United Stalea for alx monlna, ucotdlng to ccntnet; but Mr. Bradley Immedlatelr Initlluted a ault agalnat the OaalDoOompany for back aalaiy, claiming that Hr. Annaon, the prcaldent of the company, bad broken bla contnet In allowing tabulea to raU In aman. The Nabl-Brailley Bronze Blatnea wlU be exhibited In Pateraon, N. J., next week, and vrlll then be taken on tbe road for a abort lour. In the FMl Mr. Bradley will take tbe alatuea to Ennpo, when he expeota to nnaln all Winter. JiooBS' TDXinii.—Davla' "Uncle Toni'a CaMn" la the oflbitng lliU week, the company playing lo good hualneaa at both performaocea on the opening day. May e. Tbe charaoTere of the play wen In- tniited to canaille petfonnera,andthealaffeploiniea were canfiilly preaenled, the reault iieing a per- tonnanoe In ereiy way aatUitactflrv. Tho following neople comprise the company: Walter Espey, Fred O. Hnebncr. W. H. Hamilton, Harry Welilier, R. I>. Treahim, Charlaa LangMatr, II. HcOellen, II. II. William', A. Jooea, Oiivie Ulllon Webber, UUle Lillian Orahain, Kva Welier, Hay Lonlae Algen, Alice Hniilagiio, Emma llyeni, Utile Valeila, Kd. F^wy. P. n. Wood and flatty Walera. Neitweek "Tno IMllce Inapeotor." Tub roUMDATHiN forOacarHammenleln'aOlym- pla, at Funy-fonrth alreet and Broadwu, bave been comnhited and the tiilckwork begnn. The data aet for (ho opening of the honae u Nov, 18, Henry lloaeniierg. who niuned from Ennpe Hay 4, en- gaged the folhtwtng peitorman tor Ihe opening ot ihemiielii hall: (llactnta Delia Rocoa, vlollnlatei Virginia Amgoii, wire walker; the Halaanoa, mnalc- al apeclnllata, and Carl Hertz, lllnalonlit He alao eeennd Techow'a Oat arena. Idle. Yvette OuUbert will begin her engagement on Uec 18. Till annual benellt for the Acton' Fund wUI be given at Palmer'a Thntra, afieraoonotThunday, Hay t. when Kilelle Olavton'a new comlo opera, "The Viking," mnaio by the late & J. Dailing, ar- ranged by Max Hantaek, will be eung tor the drat Urae lu thla city. The oiicra had Ha Inldal pieaenla- Uon at NewlUven. CL.IIiy e. To Incnaae Ihe pro- ceed! of the henellt tlowerx will ho aniil In the lobby hv the ladlea of tbe Twelfth Night CInli. and the llhratt') and nrognmuHa by the children, under Ihe direclloif of Mtu R. I> Feraaudei. llaniiJ) BiiUini TaMTiii.-Frank Mayo'a plav, "rudd'nhead Wllenn," M nieeilug with well dc- aerved auooeaa at thla Ikhim, when |t began Hay < the fourth week oflttran. HarkTnln'a Inlereal- Ing itory haa lieen well bandied In the dnmaiUa- tlon, and tbe a>age creailon ot the title role adda grrally to Mr. NaynM ainn of liniela. Tbe anpport- Fng cominiiy le one of unuaiial ainngth, and the at- tention of Ihe andleaoea la chilned from the tlrn to Ihe anal (all of the cutlalu. FIFTH AVDiii|TugiiAa.—"Hla Wtre'a Father'' la atlll dr»vlngexcellobthoui<>ii,de>nlte the fact that onMav eitertiated upon the elevnoth weak of Ita ran. Mr. (Inua haa never hod a more enteilalnlnt play, nor one that anUeil lilni belttr. Ha run will otldenUr be pnltalily conllnied np to (he warn wealhM Hna, •ml protMhIv beyond IL niaDiii TiiiAT*|i.Ol'r|lhy" ta a inmendoua luo? ceaa. Tho bouae la onwdaditeye^nerforpiance, and aeaia an lieing punhaaed far In aavgnoa, Tlie pUiy Itaelt and the manner ot Ita pertomuknee both riohly (leeerte the favor ahown. It entered on Kay a upou the foniih week ot Ha ran. Aiaira ViiCiyiii.—Tbe raagnldoent prodoodon of "Lft Ferlchole," glren by the LUUan Huaell Opera On., entered on Hay a upon (la aecond and laat week. There la niuch oauaa to regret ao f|ieedy a wlUdnwai, bnt u ti neoealiaied by ilou^P^^oveo aid flmlth'a hew opera, "The 'nilgana," which will be uetenled U. LuNDOH THgtiu,wSlSeiman ^ Woiiaey>i "Jay arena" Co, o t ieMJ to fair buatneaa on Hay a. The ScclalUeaar* fDmlahtd by abort and Ddwaidi,lha men rMQuelena, Seonedy and nuinD, the Rydera Urrtle Tteailder, Oharlea Reman, and Sherman and Moitacy. The many Indlonualnoldenlaot the "Jay Uroua"pfaroked mnch Ungbter. Jai-O. Davla la manager. Hen Haijlaon, tRaanrer, and Al. Rdwarda, mualcal direclor. HaiU week, LeonI A Bventfa UdierOllbCo. liaxT>; TaaiTiii-—"Ihe Foundling" began the eleventt wae,' — loatRMaot- ever, Ba« Aiigualua 1 _ Han UpSlalra." BTANiAU Tuunia.~'Tea Hgch Maif)^ li Mating Ha two hnndradth perroiaaua, It gnta)^ (4 yiy f n^ Uie twentr-toiith inSal lb nlT TONT FisroK'a Tsiatbx.— Ihli popolar reaort waa crowded Hoiday, Kay e, when a itroog bUl of the ninal itralghl virlely aort naheicd In the week. Veata TUley entered npon the thlnl week of her downilgbt ancceaatol engagement, and celebraled the event by adding lo her npertoiy a new aong, " I'm the Lateat Imitation ot the Prince." The worda an Ihe vrork ot Arlbnr J. Umb, a talented writer, who has condlbnted aerenl taking aonga, of which tbla last la perhapa the besL TheUugnagela excellently conatracted, but Ihe moalcrequired Hlas TlOey'a art to give ita aucceaafal rendltton. She waa Doncordlally received and aang aU the aonga ahe baa made popular during her present visit to thla honae ot her aucceaa. Bam Bernard began Ihe last half ot a two week!' atay and cbangeil hla act, adding a ncltadonofThelife Boat,"whlchn)etwlUivoclfeT- oua applauae. Fannie Hon made her American debnl, out waa aeen tea great diaadvantage owmg toe aerioua Injniy to one of herean, which pnveot ed her dlMognliblog her own voice. Under theae condldona It would aeem nnfalr to paaa crtUcban on her work, aldiough It may be nid Ibat her voice Is poaseaeed ot raUier limited range, and la In no way nmarkable for atiengtb or tone. She bean a atnng penooal re- semblaace lo ber alster, Helene Hon, (he accomp- llahed baritone. Her coetnme waa neat and her Btaga preaence raUier atmcdve. John and Nellie McCaitby wen wsimly welcomed by their friends, and created nnch amuaement by their clever parody alnglng and fresh repartee. David Varfleld made hli drat appearance at thla hooae, and found Imoedlala favor for hla mlmlory and droll menolofloe. Estslle WelUngton aang and danced hensu Into atnng demand, and found an abnidance ot spptauae as her reward for clever work. Fkiule Leslie performed msny dllB- cult (eau of contortion, snd by her neatexecnUon gained mnch apalanae. Can and Joidon were fa- vomMr received In tlitir vocal contrlbudon. BeUe and Tlllle la Verde opened Uie ahow vrldi an ac- ceptable aong and dance tnra, and the Thiee Mar- dneue Bnthen inlahed the bUI, their acrobatic work behig well received. Fnru's THUTU—David n. Scully's drama, "Special Dellveiy," received Ita metropolitan prv- mien at this honae on Hay 6. The drama was dnt produced at a Harlem theatn duiing the present aeaaon, when the atoiy appeared In theae columns. Hr. Scully haa attempted to weave an InlsresUng story abont the life of a young postman, amid New York (Aty anmundlngi, and In the main haa anc- ceeded In tnmlig ont onlte a well constructed tale, U we allow onr ImaijlnaUon full play regarding what oould befaU the aforesaid young postman. Of conns he lovee a young lady, and, aa naturally fdlown, then la a had man who tries to destroy our hen'a hspplneas, Ihrongh an accusadon of murder, and also by b7log, through the meanest of methods, ta win the hand In marriage ot the girl to whom he la betrothed. The author haa not employed any new methods In plot or de- nouement to ahow us the ilghlfnl triumph of vtttns ever vica, and there an few sltuadons or climaxes to compare even favorably with dramaa oftheUnd. Tbe last scenes are those of the New York Post once and Old Hirlem Bridge by moon- light. Kven hen It la very neceesai?, aa autsd above, to keep the Imaglnitton tohlghdramaHo teoalcD, In order to remain on (rood tenna with the suihor ot "Special Dellveiy." The dialogue of the drama la Its Btnngeatclslm to favorable menUon. The cant Is iiultc competent, especially so In the case ot Ralph Wairt, who eiacte the character of Med OanligioD, the postman. Speclsldea wen In- troduced under any and all olrcnniatancea, aome of which were quite entertaining. The csit: Ned OirriDgton, Rilph Siusrt; jack Benton, John J. OoUlns; IHek Colton, E. L Uuane; Dob BpilgbUy, Hany Beieaford; Will Oiitlngton, Joe UiUey; BeniT Uowanl, Harry Bereaiord; Supt. Bnd- ley, (Rurles Gordon; JHiiniy Hack, Emma Dunn; HinuD, Howanl I'owen: oncer BulUvan, Oon Hal- vey; Bridge Ttader, Chsriea Oayr; Wakeley, Ileniy dark; I'oatontce Inapector, Edward Spean: Tom, Loula Bpauldlng; Clarence, Mort UcKIm: Centnl omce Uetectire,Oav Law; Agnes Howard, Tesale Desgle; NelUe Oatrlngton, Kmma Dunn: Hre. Oar- ringion, Hre. Hair Mack, Joaepha Cnwell. Ezeou- Uve atalf: J. J. Ooleman, manager; Chas. F. Olliney, hualnesi manager; E. L. Duane, stage dlteotoriPon Malvey, aaalsuni sUge dinclor. Next week. Kite CUxton and Mme. Jananachek, In "The Two Orphsna," K08TIB t DiAL'a—Tbe prognmme pieaented week ol Msy a waa up to Uie etandard set by this popolar resort, and waa witieased on Monday night by a well crewded house. Tho Cnggs, acntiats, alx men and a boy, who made thelj appearance hen 80^ entered npon their aecond week, As acro- bats theae pertormen probably excel any olhen who bave been seen In this oouutir, aome ot their tests being UUle short ot marvelots, while all an dlAlcult and dangerous, aa moat ot their work Is done from ahoulder to shoulder. Round alter round ot applause waa accorded them, and they wen forced 10 napond to aUc or eight reealla, and, had they been goremed by the UwlUiadon ot Uie audience, would bave responded to msny more. Stelllng and Revell, burieaque barpertomera,wen announced, but did not appear, owing to an acci- dent that betel Nr. HIeUbig while pracUolng. Their plice waa OUed by a veiy olaver Juggler. Bnlls Ed- warda made hla llrat appeamnoe ben In a comedy aketch, endued "The Ulde Oeiman Band," and ere- atedagnatdealofIsughler, The RoeaowDrotben, lUlpuUan athletes (twenty-seventh week); tbe Hcera Brnlbere,acnbaUowln pertormen (fourth week); Hill and iloll, groteeques nilxth week); Inn Iteher- noffaid hu troupe ol trained doga (aeventh week): Eugenia Fougere, chsntause excentilqoe (aecond week); the Smera Don, In songs and dancea (sixth week), and Harlon, llayea and Usrton, aaalsled by Hlaaea WUiahIp, Biahop and Wainn, In "Ye <Hde Time Belles and Besux>< (0(ib week), wen all popu- lar boMoven. The programme concluded with the Uvlne ptctons. "The New Woman," a new picture, waa pieaented tor Ihe llrat time. The reappearance of Hairlelt Vernon la announced tor next week. FDPXiivnn Sniiir THiatu.— "OaplaUi Paul" coitlnaea to be the atmoUon at thla honae, It began Hay t Ha tblrd week, JoaxTH JirriHSOH wUl deliver an addnaa oi« the lUe of Oharlei W. Oouldock at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, Hay 19, wken the boxea and auila for the Oooldeoi benellt will lie edd. The auedoneera wlU be Mr. JeUSiaon, Nat. Ooodwln, De Wolf Bopner, W. U. (Trane, Themaa \Y. Keeie and Thomas q. Sea- brooke. Joim H. MAODoNOuan (Herbert J. Meyer) haa leased Ihe Ameriosn Thealns root garden for the Summer, and Inlenda to open It at>out June 1. woxTit's Mositiii.—Indlcadoos do not point lo a likelihood of any change In the style of enlenam- ment hen, and colored minstrelsy continues to hold tull awiiy Id the theatre poiUon of the boUdlng. 0. V. Moon, who oiBsnlzed and controls the company, will uke It on tour at the close of the aeaaon here. ACAPSiiT OK Minio.—"The Fatal Oud" t>egin May p IIS second week at this houas. The play ap- iwan to have lost none ot Ha popniarlty, and la greeted by good attendance nightly. Harlem,—At the Harlem Open Bonae Oamllle D'Arrllla oiMiinl May a, In "Uadaltlne, «r Iba Hallo KIh," lo the beat Monday olsht auilleoce Hso at tbla liouaa In moolh^ anS made i gooil Inpreaaioo, iscalvlog ■avsnleiiitala allaaod Mvaral flonlplKas. Maunr BoiaoMra n^rta tli« adruKe nta aautin. AU tadlaa praasBt wan praaantad wlpi a ptwlo orcainllts lyATvtna, ^*aaasaoiMtblr«Uilai*MooS,loaorDWila4 —. Vtit«Mk, lloplliia' Timna^leeaBloflur Spsclaltr Oo. OLVMiia—inir McClftla'a Oonpsorof vlas ud tiHCh lUaLSH MratuM.-HutlntM waa narer halter al ihti plAO* ihiQ II U at pnaant. T1i« houia wlllRiDAla op«B ooa waak l«Qivr Thla waeli: Dkk Laraetl, a fat woBHO'a M«loi cwilflit, fill. Wabaur and Jna CodUq, ItiViT McAToy anil Bmma Roiinn, BlUr BarlOT, St uIIbo, CbvL AibotT and KUa ftobvrtaoii, Jaaalo Cula, ()lU||Oina pUI and nBlRa May. NEW YORKSTATL RiqallIyi»A-A< the aaasoi) draws to a doss tbe aMOAset* an pnassUns aoae nnirkablr auvas ittno- Ueoi la aoma laataacsa area baiter thin van wltaaaaed bitbaiDldatorihsHaaoo. ■lefa weak aaeaia to pmant I nnera altnollra but it lha dlffanat ptiybooaai ihu lb* pmadtoB oaa TIiIk li eaitilalraodarlag tba aar- not wwv, wb4Q Uia ihaatfasean ara atran a chotca Tirlaty tron which Ui«y cao nakai aalacUoa. Tba dot- atly II not BO mit u im i>I<cm tbemaalraa ira food. Cau-saiA^Edwanl llitrlfaB ossoad a two wMka* _ » _ .rr:= .m,,^ tia pi \V» ■uad" na Uia lUncUm tut weak. Edwaid Ilanliaa, "glwiSSKlfottop«ia4.ban 4 Is \-I*»5"<''i!«i" Ha WM w«lliSt»ad ,aiid llbtraUj ajjUndad by I iw udisMa. Tba p a» U a larta eooaJr, apd Hr. OU »«« bU au^uca b nod >isn<>r br Uia fan ha niada u Try fMUrJ^pHar Aa. Lut waA Joaeph Haipb; pbjad i oriiiat EfDwtf* and "A Tnsedy Pahaaiwl," batoif i li^lirfluS: TiMywIII be npealadTnaaday aTaBias SiOWadoMdar nitlaM. vr«loa«lar <iT<ala(, ■ A Bua- Suro"Zlai"aS"A Timsadv "•'>«a,~': ,J?A'^'ra«l Fridir aTaotnn and Siuidar milloae. 'Tka LattaiT of lif?'and"AWa«BUii»al:" ««loiday nishi, '^Nfjbt or * 'Ta Jitu nhlu nu*' soiaSad a aoeeeunt two iMk^ anfirimeot 4. J^aa A. Ilnna, la "Aon Acna," '^OaASD OraiA noni.-lfaiu«er M^,"'?'"'' JiaI f" hla atneUoD UitawMk "Ih.Cjoiilf PJlr." whidioniojd S, baron an aodlaauuui IllUd Uw '■•'"• Cooror and Fo«, In "Hot Tamale^" pUrad » «*w booaattaitwaak. Bamoy roigeaoo and Bimay Faiu, VJaSfKi'^S^iiT joi.„ w, DoI««^blu *i. WMk U "ni* (Blip of ft*ta.'' w AtnericMi wu JMo for tte tint ilmo by Ui* p*ifoot of thl» booM tX two pirionDtBcvi, i. when RiAodlog room col/, "d wKwr ur ofUi&t, twaliMl bU comar*. Thirau«mur lDt«r«itlDC fMtUr«R Itt ihO plow., lOClodlDp U OMSM from I Brfitth wir ship, u oU mill on iho Aorai of ibo Hmum Rlror. tho rMcoe. uid ft utaI batti*. A Dombtr or melalUoH m lnlrodiic«d aod tho Kooon li of m ouSonto onlfr. I**»*»»tVI*M5*««'«i>™"r 5" hen. With tho boohioK of *Tbe Ship of 8UU" Uie «m* •OD elMM ftt IhU thOAtro. _ UTOi A BiRMjiya-Tlio nua«K«niaDt oftbo hooia pro- MOtJi u fttrrtcUro bill thU wo«k.wbleb lnufflclontlr lDUr««Un|[to4nw Unto ftaJltDW* dariof thoromkla- dor of tbt WMk. Two biR crowai wltnowod (bo two opoDbff P*TAnuocM0.wbMi oTorrfpecltltr rmlTMudlibenUlrftpplfttKlod. LrdU Yoamuajlto* boulitbt blllud tbA comMDf Indadoo tho Nttloul Trio, mnk r. BiTML Nellie ForrMUr »Dd 0. E. Moultoo. tho Bli Poor (SmftMfutln, KooBOiljr ud QuIod), Rytn ftod HtchaoM, the hUmbot. A>._JUot«. Qomf Md Ooodeln. Lnfai llaho, JoIib utd LoalM TtlU, Ukd the AtfOTBroUioTL TtMlutwockof th*HOJOQ boglDilUr UwriheWjrwWi/eomptBf. « a.*, -i. UvBiR f OKeuAiiDra Ci8i50.->Uoa«*r a«bbardt MTo ibt pfttroni ol thU hou«o & tT«ote,wh»DDopre- wntod A bill (hot for noT«UlM hu not boon lotpuHd by Mir MO beio tbU MWOD. TbonvnHonth«prorrafflmo Ara OUkA** InptriAl J>p«oaM,TTOupo, Jtmoo pllki ud HuTT Wode. the Dtveopoit Slwn, Ljocb ud Lorolj, HlnBlo Bchall ud oihon. ^. ^ Asniioy.—A ROOd fitod audlonM woipriMntt, «b»D Aacutiii Plioa'i produeUon of "Uuo. Sjuio-Oooo'* m- cu luiDltaliDfammootliiilit«pmnor town. Tholndl- ouoai «ro that tbe plaj will praro a monojr nuker. Awk. UtIaI cloeod a blrwo*k4. ComlogU, "AMlUrWhlto Flac." Bi(nBii.~**Peck*aBad Rot" In bora for a wook'n lur, and hla mlKblevoui piiDiii wore wltnamod bv a air •Ifadandleovd. K«itwo«k."TboCronRoadior Life." Ojitittt.— Tbe taai voak of the na*on bore wok anfaered lo 6 with RopklOK'Trua-Ocoule VandiTllio CompaDr. hoadid br UMoae Mora and Qui Wllliama. A jtvo't ilEod bon« bra tb«m wolcomo. Phubci)— ET«r>-thtn)t la lareo'lliiflM fur lha opoolnff, HaylS. TbohouMbanboeo inRlarl«lljRlt«roil Id lu In- lfrlor.aod DtvpalDlaod daronulooa rItoi llie Interior aappearuce. ToUieOanimoD'ArrllloOpefmCom- pur will be (tlran lha honor of Uunchlnit the hoow on wbai la coaflMDily eipocted to be & auccoKar^l caroor. L-rcaoM.—A good ilud Midlance wax pnaoDt 6, whao Ihe flock coBMor preunted "TTio Ooklan Olut." J>>m- iDjr U, "lAat In LondoD." ' OingVR.—TtioLoadoDnalairOlrbbafaa A noek'aon- ■agtmoDtd, to BblRhouao. Tbo people are Dot Lnchrnp, Manle Fenroaon, Bertha Bernard aod Wllllaiu Ihilr. Next week, a boane compujr. Nona.—A beocdi will be tandareil Ifanry W. Bohman, Inanrar of djde A Bahmu'cTiieauv, In two perforat ucM to ba nran al that thaaira May a) Bamaa and Helton win benrfltat ihe I.rceum 13. Albftnye^At (be UlAnd Open Uoum lire, rot' tfr and Brrle Belle* plared 'Titncllloo" and "Chartotie Coiday" April D. S), to rood titod audience*. Sluart Robaon oreteniea "Leap Year*' May 1. to big haalneia. "Para Ticket 110" had medium hunlneu S, 4. RonlDR: TtaOL Q. Beabrooke^ In "The IhIo of Champagne," 10; Rote udChaa. Owhlaaln 'The Check Book." 11; 'Tbe OM Bomeatead" 13, U, Co. B, Vaihlngton CootlavDtala, Ifl^ 18, Herrmun 17. liARUNta Blkickkh Hall.— CepL naltland'a Mili- tary Band drewblralud aedlencea Apriie^-MarS. The BpyofAtlutft"wuprttaeDted by local talentSo. "HOT' raiDmaSO. CotnlnR: Pauline llall. Id "Doreaj,**'A; Ro- lud 'The Politician." 17; the Albur Mualcal ABMclatlona. 9, boM Uie fhiirt)i unoal May fenlral wllh fleldraOrchutra, Mm. KillUi VAnmaiui, Hhl GarlAlvl^ Eleanor Heredlih. Ben IKrla, \T. II. niooer, Briciou Bnahnell aad Waiklna Hllla. Due: IS. John Draw. In "Tbe Botterfllea:" II Uomvon'a "Kantt;" 16, 'Tbe Haw Bor," bueQt tfl Maoenr Oiaa. D. Smith. aiiirTT TiUTRiL—Good bnalneaa ruled Uie put weak with the lUnt^BuUey Co. Mra. Agnea Barry took her boDiflt^ when the bouae waa crowded. Imro Foi'aNor. elUaa, looluding Omene, thla week; Uie American Oalety OlrU neit week. BPiTALo Biix'a Wild Wnr la dae SOi ai. Bnintlo—At tb» Academy ot Uutlo Rom and ChtrteaCofibUnbaTeM*yfr«,B.H.8oU)ara 9-11,"Bight Bella" a-lST Trilby" did a Urge bnaloen laat week, bnf John DrewdldootnnaowAll, iheunff belogUwblgh, Stir Tbutri.— Edwaid F. DarU* "UacleTom'eCabro' cornea for week of 13. Tbe houae La dark ihU week. "Prince PreTam"pleaa*d htralted audleocea. LTCitnc To UTAL—"Pawn Ticket sir* la the carrent at- tracUoo. "KlDnlnn'a Bair' had good tnnoatai OODiT SingrT Tdiutrb.— Sani T. Jack'a Co. praient 'The BoU Fighter thla week. HophlQa*Tnna>OceaDlci did well. The regular aeaaon la near lu doae. BiiBi*a Mtmio IlALL —Veek of S: Alice Baymood, Dot McClellan. Tbe lad named performer hu been Mr. Bhu'i bAOkUgMant alao, ud will ahortly leare for the Madlaoo i^BBA D «4vn,v Hi4s^11 VI IV. Aiav9 AiAjissvins. DaTanpert, Marion ud Pearl. Ihe ADdenooa and Fred " - lUn.Tl • - - . . _ . _ _ igMao . _ gquare Roof Oanlan, to leaume hu poaliloa bare la the FsD. J.B.HAOiaTTwin open a newmnaeum here abootZBL known u the People'a Huiaiun and Theatre, to be located at 69 ud tB Seneca Slraet down for &0, the BoflUtn Bymph< Ticket31Cri&-ia. "Bight B«11B<^1 Taa AOIDIMT OP MD8I0 hu "I Rooh«iter.—At Uie Cook Opera notue the Abwn Rljon Opeim Co. bpiu a week'a engagement. May ^ In The Tar aod the Tarter." Tbe flrait half of lau week Toay Faaior played a aocceaafbl engaaemaoL An* -oonced for IMS, "A BagCDRe Check." Tbb Lyoioh remained.dark 6, 7. "Shore Aerea" la '100T Orcbaairm 10^ "Pawn 16-11 'Htnda Acroaa Uie Baa" t and week. Nlnnla Reward Played to raiall audlencu laat week. Uodarilnad for U and week: Tbe French Folly Oo. ud ImparUlaTapa. Thi Wo.vDaBLA» Muaai Thkatiih pieaenled thefol- lowlog pn>gT«rome<: Ourlo hall^Leo Whltlon (Cana- dian glanll, nommu (magtcUo), ud Prof. P. D. Rlog, (paper king). Tbaatr^UanllUm ud Clynn, Campbell ajod Brana, and Mud Uarrla. Syrmcnae*—Al tbe Wlettug Opera Home "1402" had large bnaloaaa April 30. "Ariatocncy" drew a good atuoduca Mar S. Tbe company wu unaatlaAuoiy. Btaart Robaon, In "Leap Year," "She Bioopa lo Conquer^ aad 'The HenrletU" had mtlafketory Vuatneu 3l l Booked: Ihoa. Q. Seabrooha, In 'The lale of Cham* pagoe," 6; John Prew. In Tlie Buttomlc^" 10; Sol Smith BuiaMl, la "A Poor Relation" ud 'Tbe Heir al Law," 11. Bastiblr TBainia—Paiilloe nalL In "Dorcas" had medium baatneaa May 1. Rhea, Id "Tbe Ladrof Lyoni^* ud'TbeXawMaadKien."h«droodbuaIneaR4. Boeeand Charlaa Cogltlu. In "TTie Check Book." 9. II. R. JAOom' TRgATBi.-Jaraea B. Mackle, In "Qrlmea* Callar Door." e-a The flilll Alarm" Ml, Moagifl Bros.' Co. will exhibit Uielr edooated ulmala week of Nay C-ll at ihe HelloaBtraet loL ALDAHUiA,—The Food BxpoaltloDcRiaea 11, Bualneaa bu been ooly fair Trar—At tbe Oilswold Opera Houee "Tti« SlUl Alarm" did a poor bualnpaa May 0,30. "Ariaioemcy" parked the houaeMay I, fortba beDOfltof tbe BerauPark IIoaeComMay. 'Trllb*"dklagood bnalooaa^ aretum vlilt. "liir* had a good houae 4. Paulloe Hall, Id "Dor- cas" CMie 7: Thoinu Q. Beabrooke, In 'The lata of rhampagoe." O; Roae ud Cliariea Coghbio. In 'The Check Boek," 10. RAMD'a Oprri Hocsi.— John Drew, in "The Bntier- fllaa/' pecked Uie houae April ». B. N. SouUien. In k "A war In Win a Womu" ud "Captain Leltarblalr," oame May 7,8. BuPTALo Bill's Wild wmt la billed for 17. BlBali«naton.--4t tbe StoDe Operk Hoasetbe nowuirnock repertory.draw Mrly good bua|. Biu April n-Ukf 4. jwoklnea: e-ll. Come Payion, In npertorr At the BUou Tbeatn lola Pomaroy had lair bualaeaa April aB-Mav 1. "SMe Tracked" bad Mr bgaioeaa t-L Doe: 4-11, Boblnaon Opera Oo Bury bgaioeaa t-L Doe: 4-11, Boblnaon Opera Oo Barr? JohnaioDe playa In the semper Stock Co. tbie aeaaon at KuBu City. Nellie Bly, of 'Tbe DerU'a AottloV' wu Id town Uat week. lT9wb«rg^At ttie Acadetnr ot Unslo E. II. Aotbero tonee Bar A Tlie OU Ifnmeatead" a, Lewla Mornaon'a 'tpReat'* 10. The I>evira Apoilon" had a Urwe audloDce 1 Walle'a Comedy Co„ Premium Bud aad QrtlMatra li due l3-«. after w^leh the bouae win be darkuntlltaelaatof thamnqui Waatibnra'a Clicus. Menagerie ud WlU TeatBbow la billed for U. . —, -, ____. ...... Robaon. lo "ftie SioaMtoCoaquer*<e: Hlltoa Nobtea, In repertory,». 10 II;"BhoreAcr aiia. ILUNOia Cbleafla—UoBlDeaa at tbe tlowQ lom bomes bu been good fbrthe week, ud promlaee to eonllaae ao vltb tbe high cUaatttimctlonAoflbnd. Nat Ooodwln bad tbeaatla&ctloBofheariog aerowd cUnorlag foritud- lagroomaaeh oftbe aeTon nl|bta Uiat be pbyed here. TbePaaalog Sbow" draw good booaaa, aad "A Black Sheep" Ailed thi Qraod. Marie Valnwrigbt ud beroom- puy failed lo anuaa mnch laUiaot at ibe BcblDer, and Ihe ftmttb week of "Llaaay Woelaey" at MoTlcker'a wu sot notable for any apeelal effort on the part of Um pablle loaeethanaw brpooUc play.. TvoplacMoramaaemem ban paaaed fnm tbe ecue UiU week. The Royal Bngllvh Ctrmacloeed May 8,lbr Uie^eeaun. BDgera Opera Pa- rUlenbangool a dUtiaaa atsaal a, aad U aowclMd, walliajiferaDaaBewBUtoBakeaaaflbftto make the plaeapayaipeiaea, Varalev h haa beaa aaa- a«ed by Jack Dalien. who pnaeaied a good lotof altnc- Uoaa and manand tbe houae .well, bat the peneU - notcome. A brilliant pn>Rrmmme for tbla we«kandna» weak la offered brHanuer will J. Daria, nf ibe^u^^ bla, who RlTaathaCblago people u opportunity to hear Mne. BeJuathlaweelL with Fanny DaTeoport to follow lloourr*aTRRATnB.-Ko greater cruali haabeen aien In a tocalplarhoaae ihtaanaioDthu at lloolet'alaatWMk during theoDngamant of Nat Ooodwln. Tfiere wu not a Dlgbtwheo (he leaiawere not aold befon ibe cortalii went op. anil many w«ra toraed away. Mr. ud Mr*. Kendal open <l fore week'a engagement. ItUannoanced uUielrlaH^ngafomMtlaChlcaRO. 'Tbelronmuiar" ■impulaa," "Tbegueen'«Shlll>nR^'and '-All tnt ller"wlu fomi the TeoertAr/ for the flr«t week. PoUowlnr lha KaadaIa.'*TbeBlrin of reoaa" will come, ud Ihen^Trii! by" witbWilton LackayeuBToegall, and Vlrilnla liar ned In the title role. Faally ware added laat week and bare contrib- Diad mucbtotheaDjoynieDtoftheaudleocu. Tbliweek another iMcIaUr vlil be aeeo lo the Maeart Dog and HaokeyClrcaa. Then will be one mnreweek after ihle nf'The PaMlojrehow," ud then Manager UoodereoD'e EttnTa«uuiCoai|)any wlllcomebomeror a loot run opaalngaiL ORAMD OPRRA HoCBi —"A Black Sheep" contlnuu to dmw well, ud then Ii no annonncemeDt of vbat In 'to follow. The fourib week of the engagement begu 5 and Uiare wU probably ba Sre wHhfi mora. In tbe early part ol the tngaiemeat then were aome doubti u to whether ibia pUywu equal to other* that Hr Boyt hu written, bet In the haodeof a thoroughly conpeteDteom- puy Itnu growD'lQ popularity. CoLOHiu TnuTRB.—JamuT. I'owen, In "A New Boy." pbyed to moderate bu*la»aa,clo8lng 5. OoeoftheeTeDU of.tbe aeaion will he the aopeannco ih(a week of Mme F^ue, lo "Mme. fUna Cene." Uer engagement la lor ooe week, during vblch ahe will make but one chuge In the pnirramme,' preaeniing "Ma Ooulne," Baiurday nIghL The Columbia wID be dark U. Inoidertoglreu mortunltT for prepariog the houae for tbe appearance of runyDaveDpon, in "OUmondL" RcQiLLia TnuTRB.—Small audlencea wen the rule daring Uat weik, when Marie Walnwrigbt prevented **DauRhten ofKre." FrederickWardeand Loula Jainea opened 5 for a week, udanaonnced that Uila la poattlrely tbelrUetappeaiuceiogatherooany atue. Rehaaitala nie In prograu for ilie aiinTannEa, "Little Roblnaon Cniaoe," that la to run at the Schiller tbrouib the Bom- mar. MoVicRBR'R Thbatur,— "LInaey Woolaey" began the iMtweekoflta ongagemeotd. *Tlie Cotton King" [a to follow. UAYVANKvr Thratrr.— Chauncey Olcoit plared to good honaea for Ihe week cloaing 4. William MorriH' ''Loat Paradlae" opened with a mat^neeA. ThU la the finttlma that It Iini lieen aeen on UieWeat Side ud then wllldrnbtliae lie big houae* for It all of tbe week. ThatcherA Johoaon'aMiBamlawlll foll4w 11. LI5C0LJ TnRATHR.—'The While Saoadron" opened for a week. B. with a matinee. "Voung Mra. Wlnlhrup" ptayed to rood bonaeadariog tbe week doalng^. Mattle Vickeni will come 13, for a week Hall** Ojun:<o.—Billy Rice'a Uloatreb com- nonce the Uat of a (Ira weeka' eagaRemantO. Special at- tiacUonaanoiUred In new forma oftbe Imnte aod allrer •latae cnr*, and amoog Uie ftwturea will be acta by Red- ding ud Sianten. Reyna and Hondo, the Two Mahen, Rayinond ud Wolcli, Crawford Broa.. Cbarlea 1a Hello, Alice Porter, Uia'/^rnM. Eavleton ud Ilamt>lelo. KnakU Earie. Once Mlltmm, McMahunud King, and othora. HorKiWTBiuTRa.—"Alone In LoDdon" will he pre- nntad bytheatockcoTDpooyihli week. The TaedarllU feature of ihe contiououa perfonrtuee will be In the banda of Mona. Rruett, Mile. Riviere, BlirulM Quarlei, Dillon Btoa, OU Harden, Richmond and aieomy,i>M- cu, Rand aodTafe. ibe Da PliUllpa, Leo ud Chapntao, Oua Rlcharde aed Clem Cllffonl. UAruraTnuATRK.—"nudaoo'R Marrie Makers' wllinn u aogaRementof nweek. preienUng a vaudorllle per- formauca. 'Tvn 011 Cronlea" were booked for thla ihea- Ire last vcek and their ongagvmeot deffrred unUl thU veek. At a lale hour It wu atinoonced that It would again be daferml. ALBAHBRA THBATRE.—TOny Paator opoDRft With a mat- inee. With bin an Mlaa Bmlly Bella, poatorlog arUai; I'ritxToDnr, LjiIIr Dreama, Mlaa Maurier, SlalerSlatert, llaloee and reitlnglll, UUa Polly l[olme^ Rice and El- more, and othera. OLTMncTiiKATnK.—Tlila woek Rorera Iiro*. an at tlie head of a lot of derer penple, iDcludlng ihe Nelaon Fam- ily, Fulion Brw. and Warren. Rackett Btoa.. Jamea A. Rellly, Bwlaburae and Tloward. Armltrong aod Porter, Alice Berwick, the Wehatera, Louien SUlen and the HlateraMendoTA. Tony PMior cornea 19. AoADRHT op Muilic —Bob FlU«lmmnna ud hla aoe- claltroonipanr open wllh a mailneo ftforawaek. Tlie company InelodenHcCale and Clancy. Hownnl and Eiu- araoD, Joe Ifanlnmn. DeVeatiE anil Taylor. Uar WalvK Ramiaud Ano, Flihcr and (^well. Bobbr Hack, and llowieyand Dorlo. Rah t. Jaokh Oprra IIotmR.—"fleren Wi'hea" and "Oriental BeTerle^" the doable bill that hubeoD eeea for the past three weeka at thla houae, will beretalneJ, with aome new feauir>«. Bd. Uorria, (;liarley Banka and Will a. Bak^r Itad the comedlua, aod the ourleanuera are lead by Edith Newton. Hunn ud Bobe^ and DIxoo, Bowen and Dlion coniribute apeelalUw. Park Thratrr.- "RIchea aod Ponrty'* will be pra- aentad aa a curtela niier. to be augmented wlib a good lot of speclaUlaa, among othera the following: WlllIanM and Adami, 0. TI. CoAitng, Ora MerriU,Qua Klnlfb, Hill and HIILFlonoce Blater*, Plo Butler, EUiel Onr, Loo Tomer. Wiley Hamilton. KoaL± HiDELino.T'80LARKBrBBRTMi:Bicu.—A South- ern cake walk will be one of the laatoru Ibr ibta weeV, uduolher lathe preacnUngof bnneaiHl allnratata- *^'u>oi MiTBiPtf.—Tlia bnnte ud allrer autae craie wIU alao iDllueoce tbe perfomucu at (hla houae, where tbla atrle of poaing ukaa the place of Uio aUge itaow for* merly projented. Tbe midway duoe, howerer. will l« reiarned. Lo:tDON Dias HrsRUH.—New facea and forma will be aeen In the mMway duce thla week, ud aome of the ou time ftroritea hare been nulned. Boaloeaa keepa ap Toiywalt notwiUisundIng that the midway dance bu been glren bare for monUiawlih butallghtchugaalo tbe atage prognmme. Nona—Cbarlee J. Boaa la out of the "Pasaing Show," owLdr to a peiaonal altercation that be had a few nlgbta ■go with a member of the orgulntlon (^riea W. Ftah, tbe noted bareback rider, died ben at nldnlgbT, 4. tbe Elka will Uke charge of the ftinemt ar- tannDienta Tbe Haaonto Temple Roof Oardcn wllfopen 19, ud It la dalmed that It will be tbe moat elabonle ondertakloa of Ita kind nrer offend to the(7hleago publlo OtU Skinner w|U drop 'The K(ng*a Jeatar" rnnx hla repertory Tbe 'A Hlnlag Camp h now being conatracted at dlat ud Oottafo Onre Avenue. It win be opened In a few daya on a more elabonle acala thu at the MId-WlnUr Fair, In Su Fiudaco Tbe Actora* Benefit, which na aU of laat week at the Lyceum, prored fblriy autceaaXol, ud a wood aomwureaitrad CoooerUSunday aReraoonat (be ScblUar br the Chicago Marine B«nd contloee to be a popalar feature. TheorgulaUon will aoon betakeaeat on the road br A. W. Rumuaaon. the Ont eoeagerotnt belDR at S^lira Park, Milwaukee, where itaer open for a week June 9 Tlia now municipal admlola- tratlon unouncoa a datermtnaUon to do avar vlth concert halla. The Ilcenaea ol aerenl of ibeae re- aorta expired duriog the put week, ud ihey ware not pamlttcd U> tie noewed The Darld ll«o< denon Company flted artldea of locorponUon at Sprlog- fleld, III. May 1. Ibt object la to produce plan, and Jay Rial, bonlneaaraanageroftheChfcagoOpenilouM, Wm- A. Sheridan aod Bhner W.Acklnaon are the Incorpora- ton DoriQR the performuce of Wood BrotherM* ar- ena Z Mu<i Lyon, a renrieea yuroU acrobat. auiUlced ulDjaryorUbe aploa which producedpaitlal panlril* and may raauH fatally. Q,«lBioy.—At tlie Rmplre "Superba," April tO, ao,pUTed to good bualueaa. Indlcatlone an (bat Delia Fox wlu have Uie buner houae of tlie aeaaon May 0^ at ad- Tue4d price*. The Uohlea Comedy Oo. cornea U and week Attha Edao Muaee bualneaa nmalna good. ThU week: The Two ance^ Crudall and Clark, Oenet. Uarrlaonud Berkley, Mllle l*uanuellno, OarrySenon, and A. B. Parklu and bla trained aeal Bert Martin wu a Tlaltor Uie pant week Cbaa. Fultoo bu n- tureed home, having cloaed for (ho aeaion wlib the Co- lumbU Open Co. Deeatar.—At tbe Powers Grand Itaade Atkin* aoD opeu Mar 6 for one wuk. DelU Fox cornea U. Prof. FllDt, hpDotlat, Ifi. Banholamew'a Horn Bbow. l, 14, did a tafrbuUneaa John Batpaulte, manager of'W Perklna," taken rielling hU pannta Bobble Beach ud IL A. Ortdy, of Beach A Boweia' MlnatnU, an bare to kMk al a apeclal car belonging to Hr,.IIafpstrlte, wIUi a Tiew to punhaalog It M INNESOTA . UlnneBpolla^At tbo OriDd Opem Iloiise Kel* lar appean for a week, bei Inning Hay i. HoUitng Inrtber Uuaounced. Tbe Boalonlaaa dnw Bna buelqeai week of Aprils, harlDg aiandlng room only on all bntue niRbt, BIJOU Oprra HoQU.— *'A Boweiy Olrl" benn a aerea dara'eDiagefflMtHayA. The aiffu-NelllDo.wlU eUy '*OulalBawin"waekof». Tbey pUyed "Kucy^Oo-. and "LltUe Lord FanoUeroT" to good aJicd bouau April koBL k MlDDLBIO.-<*8 DiHB MCSXtlM.—lo the OOrio kail, A an tfaa Broon Butuea. BraJeen, water nymph; Faanle Burdatta and Com. Foote. On the atagea: Tbe Fleua Family, Uie Montalalna, ElU Ward. A. Slilon, Caaey Ud LeClalraiHlJuk Bovllne. Bualneaa la good. TniODORBTiioHAa' Cbioaoo ORonRSim pUred to urge audlaaeea atBxpoalilon AQdltoHum April 9T»* I>«}«tli.frAt tbe Temple OpeiB Hooae Wanle and Janea came for tbe laat Uma u partnan April 9^ May I, for the beneOl of Uie R. of P. "Heon 17" wuppt oDTor the tint Ume lo DuluUi, April AO, wlUi Mr. Warde uPriQcaUalueHr.JamuuFaUtaff. "JuHuaCnai^ wu well pUyed -- - - nlgbti. BookuiRi wu well pUyed Mar 1. The audience wu laraa both nigbti. BookUiRa:Mr«.aeo.TomTbumblL'7beBoverr Olrp' liTruao Vauderillee M. Tbr Ltoroh Ii dark uoUl May 13. «be Prof. Bten, tlod reader, wlU appear. "Mw ud Womea" XL Tfli eoacena In the Pavilion on the bUl top on Bandaji calloatlargecmwdt. _^ TBI Pabur TBBArai U well flUed every DlgbtTba compaBy for thla week: Oeo. Qolgley. Bob Quittay, Edwia We«on Ed. Welch, Mamie DUloo, Oaleay Wade, Feffgf Brand, Vinile TaUeen aad the regnlu Block. Bl. Paanl.-AI tbe HetropoUtan tbe WUUam Mowta Corepuy. In 'Tlie Wandering Jew.''played lo llghlbiMlnaaaweekcrAprils. The bouae wlUbodark week of Mar 7. u MarleBarroagha cuceled ber en|ag*< mesL RelUr comu 14 and week. . "JS^^il^ ^T"'* Bowery Olrr* had blr bualneu waak of Aprliaa TkeaiireaaBdNelUBteckCompur«inapM*r wa week of May 7 In -^puln Bwm/nin. Oeo.Ton ThpnoaLttipntlwaooDaMforoneweek. „ , BMnA.-.yew people wuk of «: Qalgley Broa. Mm\% DU^en. Watt, a^^towler, Baa Tager ud the nock, BaHsaaooBUaaaablg.