New York Clipper (May 1895)

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161 > rH h! NEW YORK CLIPPER. Mat 18. World^Playcfs NOTICE TO OORRESPOMDENTS. Oitr mmtrum oormjxmOmu an htnDv taUfta thai Vie crHlmilitu win MA bv IA0n wid expire m June I lira/. 771^ nrf rt^vnteA to rttum tfiem to thlt oHkx at}>- rtmaxiljor UJl-t. — Culbmio'ii ComcHluii lure bMn reorgiDlzed, •ml Uim Ihelrtour April SO, *t WorthlDglon, lod. Tlie companr bug Kcenll/ lic«n ODder tti« dudiks- nitntof E. L. Bcsif, *bo leued Uienm« mm Mr. Culbaoo, but bmanm ms ao poor Uut Ibt com- p»nr cloud, Ur. Holt btvliiKlotc ill bUnunej, and being uublv lo p*y nUilci. RonrsI o( the people wllb Ihe former compen; bevo been reniDgued b; Hr. C'ulbene, wbo vrlll niuiuiio tbis compsn; la per- un. Hr. Cullieno cltlma llial be wai In no wey nwponriblo fur llie IndeiilalneM ot Hr. Half. The conipenr, ae rcornnlud, Includn: Will K. Cul- bsne, W. A. NIxoD, Joe Uennliix, ChM. Fioal, J. R. Haddon, Clan Uoroy, and Ajraiila Uohnan. — Juia Waller'! aeuoa ot ihlnr-nlne weelu wlUi "Side Tracked" doM at Dubuque, la., Harll- — A moTetneni u on toot at A«btabola, 0., to build a aen opera houne, bf lubacrlpUoD. The Crojeci baa met wllh auch favor that It [• eipecied ilieila work voir won. Tliehouaewlll iio modem la ainui appolninicniH, nod It U expected the town will In IXHikuil liT Ihu lient companies, In order lo break Ihe Jump between flulTalo, N. T., and Llete- laad, 0. — llanaiierDlckP.Hulton,ot Ihe "Teiaii" Ooffi' Enj, loithlalariie Iralned Knulleli iiuallrr, "Jumbo," kj X Tbu anlraiU dlwl of dropir- — Lew and Idllle Wateia cliwca their tourHaj 16, at 1)0 Dola, Mo., ind are now on Uielr farm at I>ana, III. — Ulllan LewlickwedaiucceaufnlaeaiKaofthlrtj Ore week* In Kauut <Mj, Un., Mar 4, the comnap} E)\m direct lu N. Y. Ulij. Uliia Uwlii will aall tor urope June la, lo ipend her vacation. Hbe will plajr "Cleopatra" tor Iwentr weeka next aeamin and then put on a big pioducUun In tJila city. — After neveuusen weeka' alckneaa I). E-roller, lalo ot Ford t llenn'a "Joaliua Slinplilna" Oo.. waa moved from the Bmltb llouae, Uauklll, lo bla home at llomellnvlllc, N. Y. — AugUHtSlcirtit haa liecn re-eogagod aa alage manager fur "llie lltowmaa" 0>. for next acaaou. UnilnK tho Summer bo will lie located at Manhat- tan Beach. — Uaiiel Paige l< aald lo In doing well with Maj Kelvin Wsrd'a new llirce net comcdv, "The IIUO' awarOIrt," wlilcli had lu diet producUon at HavaO' nab, Oa., April II. . — Kneior of "The Dorderland Bconl" Co.: R. (Mj- ton, Klla ticlloj, J. W. Bmlth, W. P. Kvana Jennej Kej, Laura Umwn, Dert R. Wade, II. R. Tltua, Wm. II. Ilarlor and E. F. Ulua — FItz A Wchaicr'i "A Bitorj Tine" Oo. cloaed tbeir CouitJi ami, lliej Hialo, a hu cuaful aoaaon at fortv weeka, lu Jaoioalowu, N. Y., Ua; II. Edwin Ulilbnl haa lieen re^ngnied an biiiilnon Dianauer. — J. Ilanj (Mover will ipond the Uummer at Kow- ■own. Conn., In putting tho lliiliililni louotaoa lo bla now pla;, "Buirmj Watera." Tlio play la nid to be an entlrelT orlgtuil inelodrBma, Willi aeveral novel acenea, new to Ihe atage. — The old paruiera, Monroe and KIce, have re united unilor the inniiageinontot tlobl. U. Hiiuroe. and wUI play a Hupploiiwiiiary aouHoii In tholr old aucuoM, "Mr Aunt llridgel," cummoncliig Ha; 13, In Jener City, with I'lillidelphla and Now York to fiillow. Aniunittbo nuiiporirugrAniKinr are Mark Sullivan, VliM. II. Ward, Tony Wllilauia, Karl Wtlpolbaum, llaro Uozlcr, lloiiry Heboid, Uliaa. aibba, Jenlo Mllolicll, Win. (hraon. Van Tilling' buret. Bally tXihun, the Uland Hlaiera, Mamie llvan, Ullberie Ltaroek, l,<in Uunlnn, Klla llirudliont, HIn nie Illaiid and Uiilo Kva Uiidge. — oiat» Uarenport, wno ban lieeii foalored under Itao DMiiagaiiicut of J. U. Itockwcll for the paat three aeanona, la laklim a alx weeka' leal, apendlog the time between Ht. Lnula and Chicago, and puiUci the Onal louclioa U> bar new play, "Lsve'a l,uck.'> Bbo refirua to ihe IteckwoM Uu. for muuou >W-M. — "For a Million" Nolea: Weidley Uanlell haa oloMHl bla aoHwm and will aiiend the Buuinier In Slienberdslowu, Pa. "For a Million" will uke the toad again Aiii. it. The play will be re-WTllten and new aceiilo eiieola lutroduccd. Moat ot laat — aon'a cant haa been re engaged. — "Faat Hall" Nolea: Ouracaaon uloaed la rol^ land. Ho., May 11, after tlilrty-nluo weeka ot one night auuda. The company haa played la thirty- alx dlirorvnl Bialenand traveled 111,118) ndlea, from thoAUunilalothel'acliloandfram Ualne to Call- funila. J. U. lloeen rmoiea tho management next eoaaon. Ilia beailquarteta will be at the Mallonal Priming Oo. Ho relurua to Valpaialao, Ind., where be will Join bla wife. Aflerwurda he will apend a abort time on hlH fann near Oblcago. Loulae Hlleholl ntuns lo New York; Fmnt Weed goea lo Foxorolt, Me., lo vlidt hit mother: Mr. Hamlj, Cbaa. Leeklna, Ohaa. Deekliii, Lew P. Oale, and Uelcn Vaughn and huiband. Will Jackaon, rotura to Chicago. Quabare Nouvlll*, our auge manager, vrlll vTalt a few daya In Uoelon with frienda, and theu go to KannaOItT, Mo., toniakopreparatlou for Uie production of '-1, Cnino 11." — Noua from (Xow Slitera' Uomedy Oo.: We have heeu out aluce taal Augiial, playing through Iowa, Wbiconilu auil llllniilii. llu.ilueaa haa been good, ■alnriea all paid and evcryliody well. The Mlaaea liCnna and Urplia are making a Hue auoceaa evety- when with ibclr aonga. Kdgar Lewla left the OOU' -Heni70-D»vta,ot U>nlavUle,Ky., boa favored TBI OuFm with a copy ot the pbir, "Rw Mena- ulneen," by Oeo. Ooleoan, the ehler, ptlsied In London, iSng., In ITM. Mr. Davla la an actor ol the old aohool,belng aeventr-three years of age, Ida debnt havlig occnned In September, ISO. — Lyoeam Comedy notca: Mr. Perklna, ot Ony Bne.' MInatrtIa, haa been hired to Binhi(then the company, and appear* Id conJuncUoD wiui Hr. Vin- cent, Hr. Morrow laklng a third Intereat In the com- pany and going Ui advance. Jeaalo Lee Randolph waa prcaenled on bar tweoiy-foortb birthday with a beanUfal rabbit apeclnen of kitten by Robert Boncblne. Alfred Hathlaon goea with "In Uo Dark'i Co. next aeaaoo. — Fred 0. Ileam, having conclnded bla engage- ment Willi Otay A Woodhnil'a "Aunt Sally" Co., Iiaa lolned Jeaalo Mae HaU In "The Telcgroo-'i — Hep B. Bcovllle, who bae been playing the Dnlebmrtln "Dncle Jonh Bpmceby," clooed Hay 4, and will ipend »few weeka In Chicago, lU. — Fknnu K. Itnmbnll, late aonbrett* ol the Uncle IIIiBm" Co., Ii vlalllng Manager Jaa. P. Slenaon and wife, at ttielr home In Bath, N. T. — "The PTlnc« rn TexL" Opera Oo. wUI cloee the iaeonatPlttabnrg,r».,Hayl6. _ — Notei from tbe Fisnkle Carpenter Co.—We cloaed onr very ancceaatnl aeoaon of lorty-nlne weeka at Flytnonth, Maaa., May 4, and reopen tor the Bnmmer aeoaon Hay ao. Everybody la well and the proapecta for a big Bummer aeoaon are good. We will travel the nmejartot the country aa we covered laat Bummer. Aoeter o( company: Jere Qrody, Dieprtetor and manager; Frankle O^rpentfr, Mabel Evenyo, Virginia Markham, Rnlh Ulnamore, Harry Harkhatn, Jamta M. Bany, W. U. Oerald, Aubrey BeaUle, W. I. Clark, Prof. J. W. HaUeiT, mnalcol director, and Will Stanton, agenL Mr. Ondy will carry all hia own acenery, calolnma and atereopUcona, and will have tbU aeaaon all new ■peolal lllhograpblo work, alao the beaultrol tiatnea Variety and Minstrelsy FlxiUMOBH. PAun, whoae poitnlt heoda tbla colnmn, laabrlghtand prenlilng UtUe perfomer, who«e atniflng and acting have already won maob Kiloe. She la the daughter ot the loteOaptaln a 0. iker, a aeafarlng man, and bla wife, Flora Faiker, a non profeBtonai. The child woe bon at Penh Oeorge Boma, ot the Davla Opera Donee, Plymontb, Maaa., have formed a partaeiehlp to produce one or moreauccuotal melooramaa daring next aeaaon. They have already tieoked a well known railroad melodiBDa, tor which Ihey have bought tbe sole rtghlo. — Hn-HarrB. Crane, the mother ot William n. Crane, died at her borne In Aubamdale, Haaa., oil ' yii. ■ - •■ Hayl her reception aeonicd for her an engagement — weeka'onratlon. She recently appeared at a ooolal aeaalon ot Philadelphia Lodge of Elka, and net only won the clitet honors ot the evening, bnt waa again aecnredaa oneot the principal entertalneia at the onicer*' aoclal, wblch occurred Hay 11. FBOii LmHamHCa Bnauirr ixn PAMTOxm Company.—For the paat live moniha we have played llayll, Jamaica, Ban Dombiso and VeneiQela. we . Hi». Ci»no win elghlj year; old. Untlng foundhartUmea everywhere, bnt we have done a ■he performance o£_"Illa r!!L' ..^^ii.K'_i^ I goodbuahiaa. Weaaw the Prank A.aardnerShow Fifth Avenue Theatre, tbla city, on that night word came that Mn. Crant had died. The conKdlin*a | wife got the Ulogtam and did not let her huaiiand knowlucontenuoo account ot thonervoua etraln lie waa undergoing. Before leaving tor Uoaton Hr. Crane aalcf be feared he would never aee bin mother alive. The hnaiiand of the deceoaed died recently, at Iji aulra, where we expecled to play, but aa Ihe town wae not large enough to aland two-ahova we concladed to lay oir. Win the exception of three people our company la the aame aa when we turtad laat November. Negretto la now onr advance agent, and tho Bolpelon Family joined ut recently. There are now twenty-one peo- years ago. _ — HoaleroCl'almer^"Work and Wagca"Co.: D. L. Palmer, manager; Chaa. DIankenbtker, treoanreri Bd. 0. Forgnton, repreaentatlve; Ua« Baldwin, I m^j, .ppeaSnce receniiy with bto parenle lo Olara De Vere, Hla ftyati, Dan Ciotielto Jr., B.S. theirJoggUogandbalanchig act. Wo 8le In tbe company, but Manager Llvlngeton baa eclded to dlmonllnue the pantomime teaiuma,and I will aend Ihots people heoie. LliUe Emll Banell Uwrance, Hllo Klrtpatrtck and Joa. Oulcy. We opened the Snmnier aeaaon In Boone, la., H«y t, to a packed houae. After the performance Ue com- pany were royally entertained at the Columbia Hotel. — Ma; K. Ounard, of "Tlie Kllxir of Ute" Co., will apend Ine Bummer at Ontario Beach, N. Y. — Rotter of Louli llartmanis nayera: Loula Uartmag, Lee Ueggii, L L. Oreeoe, J. R. Oase, Joa. ■--'aftn— ' " " Uvlngslon, l/OulaParvo, W. L. Diewor, Raymond C. _ _ vrlll atay In Venezuela abont alx weeka longer, and either uoae there and so to Hew York, or aall direct to Chilli. H. E. HvHH, nnalcal director of W. B. Oeve- land'a Hlnilrela. It at his hom^ Bay City, HIch. Be will put ont two bande and orobeattsa next aeaaon. Will 8. Ruino aang hbi aonga at tbe Uanbaitan Athletic Club, tbla city, recently, and waa obliged to rcapond to Ave encorea. 'rak BjiuHBOs AND Billy Br. Ciatk, ot the BL Olalis/wlll take out their own company next aea- Uariter, lloneiue Urenlano, Jennie Eddie and Oeo. IrbojwIII tour Uila country to San Frandeco, I— .k. r.„ii..—i.k.-»..i., "-■<-"-■"■-«-1 an J uien ill for India and Japan. Their paper wUl all be new, and they claim to have good time booked. TniRuastLLS (Harry and DolUa) have not aepa rated, at reported, aud claim to be dolux weU wttta their act, "The Canvaa Han and Toxae Olri." IBTIM T. BUBU baa been engaged for Ave weeks. Lvna, the fcntlierwalibi wrealier, under the direc- tion ot UontAgue t Oreene. Lee Begga la alage manager, and Joa. LlvlDgston advance agent — The opemilc comedr, "Tmaed Up by the Sea," waa produced Hay >, In Hqua, 0., tor the lienellt ot the 0. H. K. ot P., 10 a fair houae. Tin performance waa uiiiler the direction of F. P. Hlnnell. — Fredorick Heiiolda haa been epeoUlly engaged for three weeka lo head tbe atock company si the Kenalniiton Theatre, Philadelphia, Pa. Week ot commencing Hay 19, to do hie apeclalty with tbe Young-Dalnwln Continuous Show. Tliefr aeaaon hi to open In Tone llanle, Ind. HimaT C. OHtnoH, who was ebsrgsd with eone- InStofpolVBSriSSie Co.y>dla|»nd la«w«klii Lowell Maw., reaacala na to atats that na did not iSSilwWi oil money whatever, bol that what S^:?^u ncelrad waa pa«l «> ^ oawspapen, SSf MiSSJiSi mS.. anrho thlnka hIa partner KonMhive Moi by him In the matter. iDiOaimaa made her proferelonal debut at tbe OemTbeane. Wllkeabaire. r*.,^t\»i*- Ha. iXD Has. DIM OBiCBT (Ada B. BorneU)n»nm theloeaot their Infant daughter, Hargnejile Fern, who dliSt veiT Boddenly Hay e,at Elwood, Iiid.. of coi^eailve chills Ttey wlah to extend their U^"*; throngb TB« Curpgs to thoee who wers kind In '^aBTBCMBrm, dauibter ot William aid Nellie BakerdMI hi EnnavliTe,Ind.,Hay t,ot typhoid ^Wnjjs'uaui, club inigler and globe perfonner, of the JoHmTi Beam u In a aertonsoondl- doh In Lniay, Va., wllb moacnhir rhenmatlsm. WM.S. MO0ii*Hener»l Eastern repjjaenlattve of the CnltedBtreel Hallway AmoaemenlClrcnlL which comprtaes aeteral ciaes of the Weet and Norlhweat, hot during the paat week engaged and contrsoted with a large number nf nndevlUeators for their ap- poronce on the clicnit daring the Summer. Among ibemanr aecoted may be mentioned: Takaiawa Jap. anoelierens Sohaeirer, BadI AUaiabl, Pour Nelaon Bitten, the Rylng Jordana, tbe DunbamPanllyXMlc- edo, Alice Raymond, U^rdlDg and Ab Bid, MUcOllve, C*illnl>B doga and monkeya, Tlll'a marioneito. Haa- aod and Horba, Prlocata Uolgoiooky Troupe, Flaher Bne-andOellar, Lolaselle Stork arcua, AnnabeU^ BoranI Bios, Alberu, Bark Ben Achmet Ttonpe, Three Uorvela, Klns-Nets. Joaef Rlebacher Trio, Johnaon, Davenport and Lorello, Pattenon Broa., Pour Loatarda, Emery and Rotsoll, OcUvlo and Hc- Phee, and Illll. Several noted bands and musical oimnliaUons have ah» been engaged. On May a> leEeamU begin of the New York IJomIc Opel* Co., aieclaUy organlted by the Eantos Cliy Park Dlver- w Co., for the reodlilon ot a repertory ot comic opera sncceasea, to beglven during the Bommer at Minneapolis, Kansas City and (;inclnnatl. AM cmiONiii oovHinnoiiioM latonna na that Thomas Roblnaen and Lulu Sheldon were married OB the stage at Manchester. N. B., on May 1. TBI WoNDDtLiNDTiniTiu In KalaiuBioo, Hich., bu changed liaods and will be known hereafter >a the Oimnd Opeia ^oua^ playlog both combtnaUona and variety. U la bebg overhanled and eqalpped with electric fane, etc. for the Snrnmereeoson. The reinlar aeaaon opena Sept t. w. 0. Boah haa been connected with the houae for the pest twelve years 01 stage manager. Al. Duray, aaaoclate manager, waa tormeriy ol tbe team ut Duray and Leonora, tra- peze and contoitloolsia. They have leoaed the bonse lor Ave years. Tbla honee, formerly known aa the Oiand Opeia llosoe, was leaaed asd run as tbe Wonderisnd Theatre tor the paat four monthe. Ut HiiniT writes that hla minatre) company played to the blggeal bualneaa In Itobokeo, K. J., Hay 10, II, known there for years. Rla aeaaon will doae In Peterson Hay 18, and Hr. Henry wlU Imme- diately ttort for Europe on bnatneaa connected with hla next season, which will begin 1b this State In Jgly. PiaRL E. BixoutB iMD Qiucs WsBm vrill apend the Summer with Ihe parents ot the fomer. In Boe- toa,Ham. CBIB. B. OsUBiii haa the "Jay CIrcua" Co. JiNNim Durai, with Wataon Shiteni, la verr eirectlvely aloglng E. A. Warren'a comic eong, "Two Old Haldn In Plaid." HIsa Dupre will put on Hr. Wairen'a new aong, "1 Baven't Any Sweetheart," MZt 80UOD> OuprW.OiuHTwaaaOurTXBcallerUayll. Be Informa ua that be haa gathered togelber again all of the forces ot "A Jay CIrcna," which during ihia aeoaon bore been divided np In aeveiol companlee, and will play the organization week ot Hoy m ol Woldmtn'a TheoDe, Newark, N. J. Mr. Qrant next aesaon will manage the 4 Empeiore ot Hualc In "A Jolly Lot" _ Ricx AMD Hioi hove diaaolved paruerehlp. Will otter work with Joe Rnaaeil. nUUOtUKiW,, AMWMV,^ ■ H,,w«,W,.iB, 'mt ..uv_ ■ 10 01100 10X0110 110010, IQO. Hoy 13-18, "OiT the ■hmcli" will be produced, ond g.'^j, watsn, mnalcol moke, claims to have been next week, » now comedy drama enUUed "A FHIae „„_ ,„|, 0,^,, performere, ot PoleeUne, Tex., r»- . . _ cenuyby Dr. W. Prsuk Wood, with eleven weeka' — Letur L. Tllden, ot AUanUo, U., laaoager ot nuirduehlm. — Letur L,. Tiioen, ot Auanuo, to., inonager oi nuryduehlm. the Attantio Opera Houae, In ,ihol lown, wrttoa that jj^^ riqam, tenoralnger, wlllspend the Sam. the boutewoa cloaed May IMndeBnltelv. Owbigtoi "SL ... tho action ot the Citv (;ouncll In regard to license, pany laal woek, and 1). 8. Uruw, fallier of the Crow Bliilora, lolna here to go lu nrtvaiico. Uanager Bwltzor la booklDg noma gooil fair date*. — "Uur IHireihy" N"ttii: Wucloao uur fifth aoaeon, coninrbilng fortf-tliruo aolld weeka, Juno I. The baiiil, wbloh hat Iwoii with ua aluco Aug. 1,1694, ckMPd April 13, and llallle I'earoe Joined aa plaulaL Tliu folluwlng peoph) Have algnod with ua lor com- ing Mcaaen, whloh opena Aug. 31: Hon and Nellie Sluinioiie. Ilattu t'eorce and J. T. Williams. Tbo riivaeiit loaier: llcrl and Nelllo Slnuiioiw, llatUe 'oarce, QuMle Johiialono, Aguct AiUnv, Park Adaint, J. T. Wllllanus II. 1.. UcKay and 0. II. Johuatono. — Mrs. Uanile P. Olillleld, wire of II. V. OldOeld, diod Marob 1ft, at Sau Autoulo, Tux., from conaump- Uon. — Tho Biwplolon In tlio mind ot Ihe court that tliore bail beun colliiiton lielweon John H. Kogera and BIr Wllllaro Rom lu the aull bmught by the torinor In Louilon, Eng., agalnal hi* wife, Minnie Palmer, In which Sir William waa made uo-ieapond- ent, ooiiaed amilier adjouniinoni. Hay T, of the nrrsont divorce ault brought liy Hr. Hogora agolual hit wife. — Jaiiiea N. aenlry, who ahot and killed Hndge York, Feb. r. In I'hludolpliln, Pa., waa analgued iHifuie Jiidge FInletUir, In the Court of Oyer and IViniiliter, Uy advlco ot hla couuael he entored a ploo ot not guilty. — Inino Iji lluy, a OHimlior of Joteph Oll'a "Slor Qaoe" Co., and ihivlil Uut;ouch (uuii-prufeaaloual) wero married Hay T, at Bl. Ubariea Uotrumeo'e Cathollo Uhnr<:li, limoklyn, N. Y., the Rev. WlUlom MoOurulok DtHcluUiiii. — John Liuniicu tooIo, the well kuowu Kugllah ootor, la aunvrlng from paralyala. and, 11 la an. Dounood, will notretum to Ihoalage. — There will be nn Beldl coiicvria at Brighton Dcaoh tbiaaeiuon. — Jolm Blavin, who waa known w the ihorl end of "The Long and Short of II," In "14M," boa letl that oonipoiiyaod lolneil lloyl't "A Tonipetauce Town," lo ploy Uie jMrt ot Dingo Jones. — Chtuncoy Ulcotfa lour In Ihe "Iriah Artist" will cloee June I, al the American TtiCAIre,thUtolti. — Harriet Amiirv, who waa to havi played a role In Wm, Qllletle's "Tbo civil Sorvlvc," retired from tbe imnipany owing to III hoalib, and will go abioad •hortlj. — hay IViniplolan, who by the will of Howell Oa- lioni la lo receive f, haa gone to Paris wllb her mother to aelllo up then tho oiltlra nf the tea- utur. — Oeo. R. Boolea will play the leading Juvenile role In Julo Walton' uow producUon, "A Honey Order," next aeoaon. — Mario J*ntea,ln"Delmoinro'e at a,"and Rloe'a "14n." both under the inanagenoiil ot C. B. JcHor- B«n, Haw A ISrlauger, cloaed thtir aeaaon laat week. — lloaUrof Uow i Urew'a UiouiaUo Oo.: liovld E. Dow A Luke 11. Diew, proprietor!; David G. Dow, manager; Chaa. Foneatvr, advauce repreaentollve; fnnt r. OIUU, leader; Uiaon M. Dunn, i>lage man- ager; Waller Wllauo, Joseph llarrta. Joaoph De OioMe. Ilarn K. Fowler, Fred Meal, U II. Drew, 0. M. Dunu, llochrl Hay Clark, Hlldrcd lljland, Kninia Uallard, and TaUlt, Iho terpalchoreou wonder. UualneM It gooil, and oveiyboily well and beoriy. Nine wcekt oro linokcil In week atonda on ibo Hud- son and III the Adirundacka. — William mil, tcriilc arilat ot the Tteuiont Thea- tre, Uoaton, MasL,liwpalniedadropoariolu,wblch Hr. and Mm. John D. BuhMinil ore to piesent to the town of Hanehcaier-liy-lhe^eo, for uae In the Ttown Hall. The subject It "The Old Orial Hill." and rxceaalve toxatlon, oa well aa meagre patron- age, the owner haa Inued the edict that It will not be opened or leaaed for any enlerialnment what- ever. — Oliver lAliadte haa received hla new one act comedy, "A Bcrap o' Pie," from the pen ot Harold Payne. Hr. Ubadle onit M. F. Luce, of "TheUtUe Tiixle" Co., vrlll apend the Bummer ot HI. Clements, Uloh. — Lee Begga vrtll monoge tho stags and support Louis Uomnon for the Summer aeaaon. — "In Old Tennease" olosee Its aeaaon at Kanaaa Oily, Ho., Hoy 21, ond wlu reopen In Oblcoge, IIL, Sept e, onder tbe aanogement ot Hox Alexander and J. A. Tmlle. The oompany will be headed by Eorneel Uoiran,^and comprise ihlrty-elght people, lu- eluding W.O. Oistt, the Jones Bnit., w. Tripp, Al. wiiiloma, Jim Taylor, Nero Allen, Louhie Although, HoiUe WllUoma and Uaa Wai\l. — Loulae llaDllton nmaloa with "Coon Hollow" until June 1, and then goea atarring tor the Summer In 0 new plov, — Flank Jones, Ihe alar of "In Old Madrid," la alnglng "The Fami tetter," words by Letter Loner- gon and mualo by Herbert Clark. — Oeo. Uuloblnwn Joined tbe Bundord Drsmotlo Co. at l^naford, Po., Hay 18. —John B. Angelf, Cloude Donald and John U. NIoholion an recent addlUons to Weeton's Oome- dlono. — Paul lo Drew has oloaed o conltoct to play tbe ilUe role In "My Mother In Low," aupported by the Lo Peille Roaa Co., under the monagementef Will K. Hoton. — Nolea from tbe Mnalcal Magnatee' Concert Oo.— We have aecuted an engagement tor the coming Summer aeaaon with the Toledo Club, on Middle Uaaa laland. Mo. Oeo. 0. ProudBi, violm 'oellolat, tormeily ot Ihe Olea Sloddan Concert Co., will Join uaaooa aud remoln with ua on our Souiheru tour, to open next Fall under lha management of O. W. Hall. We will make o tlx weeks' tour through iner ot hla home. South Bethlehem, Po. Ue has been te^ingoged for next aeoeon with Primioae i Weat'a Hlnatiels. RBYNtne, the ventriloqniat, boa algned with Rer, Burkeinandall'aHlaalnlaforthe Summer aeoaoo. WiTMB ANB DRiMB hovo left the Kew YorkTheo- tre Company and have Joined with John FlonkUn's Hedlclne Oonpony. EiTON i WtATOBR'a FiTiuoN Mtiisraiia wUlJie- gln their tour ot AllooUo Olty, N. J., HoylS, and not ot Look Bmncb. CIO. M. Dirtu haa been re-engaged oo oaalstont manager of the Eden Huaee, Potonon, N. J., tor the aeaaon ot isps a. He doaoa hla preeent engogement at that houae Hay 14, to go upon the road wlu Zohn ft Wayletfe Theatre Royal, under canvas, of wbloh ho will bo aariatant monager. ALP. 0. PIABCI IHD Ton DOOROW BTS With the ■Tenneatiee'a Pordner" Co., and their apeclalty la one ot the atlncitnni ot the penormance. TBI POUB RiouuDS are hiybig otr, pmcdelni aooe now aorohatlo trieka. They ore re-ODgag» for "Tho Brownies" Co. tor next aeoaon. Tni Roestns have ntnraed to tbla olty otter twelve weeka' engogement In San Fisnclsco. OawLB HcOiRniT, of Edvrard Horrigaa'a Oom- pony, woa given o dinner and o recepuoa ot the toaldence of William H. Onmon, In Boaun, Haas., recentlvifortbepuinoaeotahowlng to him Ihe a: pncladon in which he Is held by bis friends In h native town. Hon. James Donovan, president of tbe Denwcroilo city committee ot Beaton, acted oa tooat- mastorot tbe evening. Hr. Donovan referred tothe ancceat of Ur. HcOanbr and aald he woa proud to cUaa bim os one of bis boyhood friends. The even- ing waa tpent In a aoclal way, and mony frienda of Hr. UcOtrthy conlribuled to moke Ihe atltir one long to be remembered. Loa>wu,Tiii wizAsn, lotonns na that he con- temploieao Buroneon tour. A OOMPUINT, algned by the people whopoiformed ot tbe Park Theatre, St. John,ll. B., week ot April B-Hoy 4. BUttea that Ihe manager ot the theatts decamped on May 4, Uklngthe recelptsond leovlng tbe performere pennlleea. JAxe T. AiLiN, ot Horphy ond Allen, while doing tbeIr speolslty In Vnlon Hall, Boston, Moae., on Hoy 8, met with o vetr painful Occident, wblch. It Is aald. vrill cause tho loaa ot one ot bit eyet, and poaalbiT both. A large tin rotor, which Is need In their act, altuok him on the eyeball, cutting that organ open. He la now at the hoeplto], doing as wall aa can iHi expected. Will F. Uinniy, the deacrtpilve alnger, has en. tirely recovered from his recent llbeas. IlABnv Aan Hauib Ncma will apend the Sum- mer ot their home In Hllletton, N. Y. BiLLT B. Haox hoe cloaed o successtal sixteen weeka* engagement iriih the "Tim, the linker" Co. CUAB. w. Hilton, late ot W. S. Olevelond'a Hln- Bltela, who waa aocldoolally ahot during a recent perfomiance ot the conmony lo the South, woa given o tieneilt ot tbe dlevelond Theatre, Hoy 6. Ilanager 0. U. Ilenahaw donated the house for Ihe oocatlon and volunteers from dllierent oompsnlea la the city, together with aome local tolent, gove a verv pleoalng performanco, wbloh woa well pat- nnlzed. Oim t-Asr HBti onntaloed the IntormoUcn thot Hoy iDiallaand May White had Joined handa,aad would tiegln on eugogemaut lo London, Eng., next i; olti ■ " Bonn or tbx Oxoiian H umuwum Jtmmu TondevUle Co.: Oeorgle Rnnilngton, Alice Mo- Orogon, Ooldle Forson, Beaale Smith, Phabe Bls- 100, Percy Horvla, Carrie Ahnns, Edno Derwart, Eleanor fatU. Ully Tonsil, Utile Btjon, Hilton Wenhelmer, Wllkle Cohen, WUIleStoddard, Oeorsle Ackermoo, UHile Ouuerlet, Fmnkle Kennedy, utile Lonmoce, Prof. Lawrence Huntington, monager; Lennls wertheimer, muolcol director; Robert Low. monn, advonce, end Sam Wertheimer, ireaBunr, law BAkiBAHD Bav Batsill hovBJolhed honda' and will appear lo the Boatem cities. They olao con- lemplote a European toor. Iliieii>0P"A Jat Cirscb," under the penoiu direction ot CUir. W. Onnt: Sherman and Moriaey, Four Emperon otHnalc. Emery andHorioWiPnncn. Inello Troupe, Blaien BoHiallno, Fields ond wooley, Mile. Delmore, Hoyor, tbe wiesUlqg pony, o bond ot twelve pieces, directed by Bmat Tenney, including Edword novran), John 'Mbert, Frank RnaaeU, Dow. Michigan, opening In Adrian Hay 18, prevloua lo openlag wlu the Toledo lAub on July I. Oeo. 0. WUaoala aUU director. — Ed. II. Bomatead lo In advance ot Ullle Aker atiom'a Compoiiy. — Leon H. Palacbek haa been n engoged aa mO' alcol director for Ohoa. U. Yole'a "Devll'a AuoUoo," making hbi third season with thatcompaiiy. — F. 6. Tliacker baa cloaed with "Uncle Juab Bptuceby" and la engaged at Wolortown, Wis., and la puylug iml tuba with Prof. W. U. Tbacker'a Bond. — W. B. Wolaon, ot "O'lloollgan'a Has(|uerad^" writea that hla lime la booked oolld. The acenery haa lieen completed by Jake Johnaon, ot Keman't Theolre, Waahlngion, D. C, and everything It in isadlncaa to begin reneanols. The people are all rngaged, and his aeoaon opens In Lung Branch In AugutL — Notes from the Dubb Comedy Oo. Challenge Band aud Orchestra: Tbla company oloaed lis moat ancceastul leaaon Hay 11, hi Wllllonuport, Po., afur being on the toad tor foriy-ouo weeks, and covering more miles ot travel than any two com- einlea ot lio kind, having visited not only New niltnd, bnt Koro ScoUo. Hanoger Dubb ex- perienced hla flnl trouble with aouie memtiereot his company the ck>alug night, whan dues wen Im- poacd upon aeveral membera for falling to attend to iiualDesi the last week. Several aought to tun ointlfB, both lu front of the ourtobi oa well aa on Ihe alage. During the entire aeaaon ol forty-one weeka not a .. ,e waa placed upon any member nor a aalary day ic:ta«d. llextBeaaou Hanoger Bubb vrill plooe berom the puMlo ' before aeon, ol pc bla own acenery people wui bo under Mr. Bubb's nonogemenu — Helen fiT>m ihe Hoy Rvons Co.: We ore loying off tor 0 few weeka prevloua to opening at Sullivan, ^ Ind., July 31 The following peunle hove signed for Kitty Sharp, Crawford ^oa,, the LomtMrta, Phil next aeaaon: Ben Beoaley, R HoBride, Toby Rob- I KInor, Prof, atmwell'a dog ona pony cinns, Andrew L Mack vrill hereafter R08B CoLEXAM hoB Just cloasd 0 BUcceaBtuI tour weeks' eniogtment In Boeton, Haas, at Manager Lothrop's Theatre, ond will ntom home for her vo- cadoD at Atlamic Oily. John Uoiiwsir, bualneta monoger ot Ihe Or- phenm. Ban Fronolsco, Cel., Informs ua Ihst Rellly k wood'a Oo. haa enjoyed phenomenal patronage at that house thna tar In Its engagement "Hadea Cp To Dote" Is being given for the tint time In dun- tonlo. JooM FrrzoiRAU), of FrraiBBALn and Killt, In- forms OS tbst be wsa married to Abbia PresalDser en Hoy 1, In Camden, N. J. Hlls. QABRBTrA, ibe bird ond animal trolner, who ntamed rtcently from o aucceaatal trip Ihrongh Ihe West, It st present conUned to ha home la Brooklyn, N. V., qnlto 111. Btlvia M. WALutcB Is In townnegodotlag for the coming Beosoo. Eabiv M. Pmoi ano IlAnRT Watson Jr., ot WstsoB sad Jenko, hove Joined bonds. NOTB ANO ROSriB OP SAITLAR'B COXIC OPEBA AMO LiTiNO PiciuBis.—Wm. 0. Austln, bnslneaa monoger; Frank Anderson, advance repreaantoHve; Thoe. RoblDton, atage director; Foy and Vonetta, Ed. Linch, Ihe Fletohera, Sheldon ond Seymour, LottkBotUor, Sibyl Neville, Hay Powell aud Myrtle Porter. ThlalstbellfthwaekoftheBbow. Thomas Roblnton, the stage dlreotor, woe moirled on tbe atage daring the evening performance recently to Lnin Sheldon. Prof. AusUa's living plchiree ond bronze alotiiea are great drawing cords. BiLLT BiABAM AMD EvA Daiin Ore touriog Oallfcr- nlo with the Vivian De Menu Oo. Their little daogbier. Bertha, la doing o alnijlngand donclng apcctain wlih tbe company. Tni EuNoni SrarSRS plav Rich's Theatre, Fall River, Haaa., Hay m-35, and the London Theotn, this Gllr, June 8-8, and not Hay 20, aa atoted. TBI OAFFfT Bros., Ilgbtolngdrtlllsia ond'dran majors, cloaed with tbe Minnie Leater Comedy Oo. ot Aahnry Fork, N. J., Hoy 4, ond will open wllh Otrt'a Orcheatrs and Concert Bond at Lokewood, N. Y., June 1, for tbe Summer aeaaoo. HicnaxL E. FiTzokRALs, wbo claims to be the oilglBotor and prodncer of tbe only etecbrlc clubs In exlatance, tlnuhea hla aeoeon In Americo Hoy u, and totla to Englond Hoy 21, to tnldll controcu In Europe, beginning June 1. Hr. Fltzgemld bos been Bucceesful In oil Ihe bonaea be bos ployed In this connliT, bnt will produce on entirely new act obroad. Lbw JoNis, anatiooheof Barton's Theotn, New- oK News, Va., wae the recipient ot a ronaing tMhe- Jt May 10. Mr. Jones, being In bad health, his frienda came In full force, and he la on the woy to Hot Springe, Aik. Sio. TATAii, ring contortonlat and tumbler, and Abochl, Arab tnmMer, ore now porlnen ond wlU do o aew ooL Sandow Norm.—Zlegfeld'B Beudow Trocodero VaadevlUea will cloae o eeoaon of tblrty llre weeka bl Providence, R. L, May 18. The tour haa been a very niccaaatnl one. Tbe orgonlzoUon will reopen In the Auditorium, Cbleogo, on OcL 7. Mr. Bondow and Hr. Zlegteld hove mken a collage ot Long Dmnob, ond the former will go Into trolning for hla new othletlo number on Aug. 1. Tbe Jonlan Fomlly tall for Eonpe on Hoy 22, and will ploy durinn the Summer montha at the Empire, London. They will rejoin IheTtocadero organization In tbo Fall. Hr. Zlegfeld ealla tor Eniope In Hay, to engage new feoUires tor next atoaoD. TsBAHn NUDiTTOKAtm-TiaiiTS BILL, Which haa been pendUig in the Leglabiture, la liable to be oallcd up agabi,Itaeema. lntheAaaembly,twoweekaago, ard Hill, Lester Powell,Bam Nelaon, BorTT Belmont, E. Roy, F. Rich, Emat Tenney, Ohas. Rhlnhan out Qlenn Koery. _ ALU O. Bn'a loteat aketch, "Chinatown Up to Date," wae played tor Ihe llrat time on any atage by the Onnberland Hnalcol Trio, at the Brooklyn Athenasam, April 10. Ratuoho and Wiloh open on the Kellh olrcnlt jDly 8, ot the Union Square Theotn, Ibis dnr. J. H. UOETOM, ot Iforton and Hoaon, dermoi, (ketch duo, who has been aick for the laataeven montha, woa tendered o benellt Hoy 10, otthe Aa- bury Fork Opeio Bonae. John Kemell and a host ot volonteen appeared. The house woa packed, not even alondlng room being letL Mr. Morton Is In o folr vny ot recovering bla health, ond may be oble to remm u the auge next aeoaon. lEX Roes, bualneaa manager of Ona BUlia Novel- ties, bos been re-engaged for hla eighth conaecnUvs aeaaon with that company, and will be aeen once more over Ihe well known cham of voadevllle hoosea which they ploy regnUrly eveir aeoaon. He hoe canceled hla engogement to go to Son Ftancla- co, ond boa rented the prtvllegea vrith the Irwin Brothers' Big Americon and Jopooeae CIrcna. MAXAom Ons BILL, proprietor ot the New Ona Hlll'a Noveldea and the New York Stan, la now ne- gotiating with bla EorepeoD repreeeniaUve for o morvelooa aerial act, occompUshed by two young ladtea; also wllh the Zola Slslera, who do a conlor- don acton the celling ot o theotre. TBI AxiuoAN VAODxnLLS CO., hcoded by the ;oung and promlslog contmlto alnger, Ola Hoyden, a very neony booked for next aeoaon. They are to ilay all the leading vaudeville hontre, Ihelr time wing excellent for o new ehow. Tbe monagere, Cain Btothere, an now negoilaUng for two other prominent head Uhen with the Bhow. Bixr Louz, lote of Lealle and Rlehords, sad Obrit. Bruno, ton ot Qua Bruno, hove cloaed o tlx weeka' tour on the Dovla circuit ond tour weeks on the Ooelle dniult Uanaoxb L'Jtns Calbpizld vrritea oa fdlowa: "I have resigned the management ot Harry Fleldlog'a Co., and am leorganlzlog the Orpbeum Store for o Faollo cooit tour this Bummer. I hove diapoaed ot a half Intereat In the company lo A. W. BrammeU, who will take chorge of the atoge, while I otund to the front ot tbe house, etc., and Oeo. B. Webatar la In odvahce. I om gelling out some elegant new prlnUng, and we open at Fond dn uc. Wis., MoyU.'' Jas. AMD Howard WnmiKT oppeared laat weak at TbnyPnstor'a Theatre, tbU city. In place ot Fan- nie Mom, whoae lllnesa prevented her appearance after the openlag night ^ . „ . Tax OoTUAH CUT qoAsnr, compoaed ot E. A. Ung, U. B. Falrbanks,T. H. Unmpbreya and U. 8. Putnam, annonnce that after o aeparetton ot one year they have reunited Tbe eaccesa attained by these pertormera In former yeore will, no doubt, be easily renewed, and their alondlng re-eatobllahed oa a ogartet ot tbe highest rout. Al. RiKViswas o Olippxb caller May II. Hr. Raeroa atales that be has a vondevllle company en- gaged for next aeoson, commencing In Pittsburg, Ang. 2t. He alao aiotes that next otaaon he will change the title ot hlaabow to AL Reevea and His Big Show, wllh all new lllhograph paper ot every delscrlpdon. nexiaeaaou Manager uuun vnii puige >1lo two compoolea. with playa never IpopnUr prices, all new priming and try for each production. Bevenly llve month; alto that Hay InmllawaB married to Wir Ham Coma, the baritone alnger. In Uoaton, Maaa., on Hay •. Hlaa Ingalls, In a latter, veriOea the above, with the oxcepdon of her marrioie to Mr. coma, which, aha aaya, la not o tact Our Intormatloo waa gained frem a teller to na, signed: "0. S. Crow- ell, for Mlta Invalla," and we are at a loaa to nnder- ttand wbyMr.CrowvllahonlderTlnIheinott Import* ant port ot hbi communlcoUon. Runm or HxxraaD k Van amda'8 Patilioii Show, located ot Brie, Po.. on Hoy 37, tor Summer eeoaon.—Three Rexford Broa.. Lealle'a "Hompty Dumpy" Oo., Bd. FriiB, Ed. rata Jr., Klliy Frits, iDfton. lUrre Jobnaon, Loatb A<Unu, Mar Ktedb ftod n. S. Bnot. Wo oury ft bnua bud and or ohottn, plulDf Mr datw Id IbdtAU, lUlDottkod Ohio. — Obnrloita WlnMU cloMd ber Moond mmoq wttbJACob Lilt's «la Old Kentucky" at KowLM- dnn.CL, Uiy 11. Ui». Wlonou will nisUcite for ft rew wMki ftt ber hong liland tIUa. ftnd tti«n JoId b«rliiiBbMnd M UouDlOlcmeu, HIch. — Otmor Oomedjr noias: UftuiBor Q. F. PottU ntilnK out Mw prtDtlDg ftDd putilnR onrrtblDt In Bhftpo tor ib« comlDR teMOD, ftnd the CAnter Unm- «d7 Oo. will Uk« tbo roftd tbli FftU iitn»i(«r ihan ev«r b«rore. SiwcUl MKnory «nd etffeota will b« Oftnted For c«ob ptftv ta tbo rep«floT7- A bftrnt ftod orcbntm will l>« added lo Ibe coapany. Tbe tea ion will opon Bopl. 1. — Tbe second nnmial lour ot Albert Tkjior* under Ibemtoagementof IHrk r. Button, will open Auv. 18, Id Oolorado Springe, Ool. — Wm. rubot Rftf moud bu been engaRed \>j Jacob Utt to puj the pan of TIdi HcOuIm In One lleecet d«w pla;. "A Tenulne Yentteiuuk," Oooper, H. A. Heelings, Delaw ent,, tbe Outbilea, tbe lleniunii, Prof. Oerl Cftrllru*a Band end Onbei* ba, Uari Carlmi, Fraok Uet, Ed. Doroe. U J Oar reteoD, Geo. Weelioop, Mike Daly, A. w. Van Anda, Obaa. Cuqua, P. V. metnan. 0. f. OouTene, FtM Tliompson, UiTTT Olllrer and Joe Tbompoont H. E. VniKLiR, nanaffer, and Edward Brace, ftRent tor Zoe, tbe daring bigb cable perfomer, were CLiPPia callen last week. Tbeyan bero to meet Zoe, wbo la dne to arrlre In New Toik May 14, twm Europe. She will Oil onlr flft7 eoBaseiMDU In America, moot of them belnir already nooked, ador wblcb a tour through Meitoo, Cuba and Boatb America will follow. BiKta AND Randall have oloaed a aucoeesTal «b- gaoeiueDioF four weeke In Cblcagn, III..and opened atVberalace Munum, Mlnoeapolts, MbiD., tor two weeka, May 11 Rici AMD Elmir, bavlnf cloeed a two yean* m- gaieimot wllh rrlmmee A Weei^ MIoitrTle. an meetliig with flne euccess wlih Tonj Faetor*e Oo. Jas.;. Oankom reA^ned tbemanactBant of tte New Aoadeny ot Mudo, aeielaiid, a, on Mar 11. It wit defeated by teo votes, but on a motion to re* ooDHder U was laid on tbe table, and can be called up again at anytime. TheblU, InltapreseniBbepe, contains Aseemitlyman Friday's ameadmcDt permit- Uog ttie wearing of tlgbts in spectacles, "legitimate opena,'* tableaui, and In ancient and modem drmmae; bnt this amendment appeare to be In- •uniolent to protect tbe wearing ot tlgbts In tbe TandrriUes and tbe circuses, and Ur. Friday, there- fore, In caae tbe bill should again make Its appear- ance, will endearor to have adopted another amebdmenr, wblcb bas been drawn at Mr. Frldsy's reqnest by J. AiteUn Fynce. ot tbe Union Bquare T1lcatr^ and wblch leadeas follows: "Norsballtbls ftottOrany section thereof, be construed or deemed to prvTentthe wearing of tlgbts by female persons employed In regolanv licensed theatres or clrouses, ana appearing therein either as trapeze or aerial performen, or In gymnasdo or atbleUe acts, or in natfttortalaihlblUons, or In sUutng or danolag. or In comlo operas, farces or nnrleaqoes." This amendment li oertalotj speclflo enooRh, and It Is to be hoped that It wUi be Inssnsd tn the bill, as the vauderiUe and clroui tnaDsgera have an unaoabted ri^ht to be protected^ iM Hat 10, at tbe mnqne Theatre, ^TlUlamshnrg. N. Y., little Annie Mavbol O'Brien, ot tbe Ann of O'Brien. JennlogsandO'Brien, waa tendered a birth* d*ypariT,and was tbe recipient ot many presents, among tnem twins a pretty diamond ring trom Hr. and Mrs. T^rry Ferguson and Alice Jennlon, sU silk dresses, six pairs ot stage shoes, eUk nmbnila, etc. She was tendoced a reception and banquet at Mrs. Osrmlne's, which was attended by tbe entire coDpaof, Flynn'i Oalety Olrls and sereral ptoml- neot peo^e,am<H)g them C^L Bhort, of tbe Fifth Precinct, and a nrj enjoyable time was gpvA. BkMHaT AMD OAKDOir DftTe JolMd haods again atttr ft Mfmtka of oos HMOB. MISSOURI Bt« Loolsa^Ada Qmy, In "East Lynns," began a TeeVieoRigeineDi at the Dagan Opsia HooHBiindky mailoee oftbliwofk. Bbe (i the doilGg alUaeUon «fthe HAiDo al this houi*. Lut wMk "In Old T*DnM««." • •torr ol Sogtbtm otantatJoo life, vlth EniutHoian and Maj Harnw Moore m the lolerpreUni of iIm leedlof rolM dlduaTensebuilDMS. ^ „ ^ . . BATllN'aTBtATKB.—ThllWMk, HAdtmtud AoiUFtlD KeurlUft. iB 'Tlio BoT Trunp." the lAAtaifincUoB for ihli MW«a. Laet week "The loelde Trsck" dM bir bUlDMIL EiroeiTioii Mosio Halu— Tbe flrtt weeVi builuMS at ihUnev Bummer pUcs of amiueineot vai aettArlog. Tbe btjr eadliertnm la cooled bj nuobtoefj, end the TABderille bill le of tbe best Tbri week'i peoptoei* BeTona SctiAeirer, Juffffler: Wllmot Duo, ble7cUeU|: Kaon and McNeill, conetlirtai SL Balmoe. Zaroj and Nl^bta Ceballoi, Mulllbrltta: American BeraDaden, Cbaa Wei- lloK and MeFhemoD. Schroder Broiberc flTAyDARO THUTRB.-Maaaser BnUer U prefeotiag tbla veek e etnai apeclalty bill lotervpened with HtUik plemns br local teleoc. It le after Die ilyle ofthe pro- gnmme arraDged by bIm and preaenied sereral weeks '^osDSMUSD Mossa^TbU week ipeeUltr perfom- eDMsandhTlogplctureti occupy the tUge ettJiUplace oruanaemeoL Ttae curio bell baa beendoied for 'he Bunreer, iDd coatiauoua diovi vlll be giren uolll tbo berlDolDforibereinilar aeaaoo. Winiam Ademale tba tnM)A|[»r.Pn>f.JeoDbeandbla band bavbg aefered ooa- neciloa with tbe conoem. _ « wiimK UAaoB.<t AHD OoKOiiiT OAra.-lllckej BnoA. Petri Kllaa, Joe and Ada Bennttt, Benr and Peart Sharer, CarleUto Siatere «n4 the OonbAre. BSTAMrsTHSATKB.—Ifte BafTDBiL UolBmand Wektolu roeter end WlUlena A. Ooonlue, Dot FoiUr and Battle Oordoo. ESUSK'a ALSAIIBBA PALAOS —TbO EbtlW, LIbU NOT- mtn, tbe Deiapaeye, Wallace BUtera, Prank L.Ooyand tli> Block company. nsH TuBATSB.— Dot te and Orar. Bennett and Haitland, Joko Motrin, Millie Merle, Mey ByroD, Eihel Oray, Bella PeUenon, Cnarleii Ondy tod the ateok compenr. Q04BIP.-A11 ofthe regular bouaaa here cloaed the aea- eon, eicept the BtendanI, the Hegao, and Havlln'a lumlni ont thainiRhuiihla week Aaalttant HAnaser and Tieanirer J. U. Leater, of HodIiIdi' Tbeetre. was glTes e baneflialldar and nlsht of IS A St. Ifools oitheBtfa,ledby Joeeph Bauer. fnroUhee ibe maalo at BipOAltloa MoMo Uell Harry Clark li not intnaier ofuia Union TmH Roof Oerdeo, aa baa been ennoonoed. Tbe rakDAitement la not yet ready to make known ua name oi Uie perty eelecud. The Oanlan will tkAve a dTAwloff attnctlOD, opeofDg week 37. Ui the, P*7I^," Nellie OeatbooT, lo orlglDal monologues In eddlUoD to tbe siAn et Cbrlg'a Cave the eppmcblogMaaoii there liMbeeoan eoUrely new depariara,niede br Hanaiier McNeary In aelecUng a choroa which wlU cooa at or thirty Tolcaa, elgliteen female and twelve nele. Tbft female chona thU year will cootalo raliMe eiela- slToly, not a memeil woman belog locloded in ue elgbtMo. RIngllDg BreUien* CNroui abowed bar* WMk of S. Bemum A Belley lollow June t. The rlfal cooeane hSTo t»e«n flflhting each other threoBn adTertinaraeDUi lo the delly oow*pHp«ra. RIorIIor Broa. make tltilr Inltlel Eaetem vlllt tlile aee«no Night of ITJuob Mehlerwlii pmduce the oaw children'! pUr. ' Nando, or Zenllda'a Hymlo Ctaam." al the 01r^l>lo T1ie>ir«. The piece wee written forMr.Hehlerby Jordoo The Uilnl end leat of the aeries ol oonceru of UeApoltoClub«u Riven nlRht of IS, et Ihe Qanneota Theatre. The mIoUu wore Ure. Julie I*. Wyman, of New York Ciiy. end Edward Hchuecker, eolo herpl;t. of the Tbeodon Tbomee orchestra W. R. Beker, of Dayton, 0.. who bee loog been eoooectAd wllh BL LouUeiPoal- tlon^ Is (he new proprietor of Terrace Park. Ad entirely new aerUe ol entertalamenu will be offered. It li the m- untloDio give Mrlcity drat clej<a TsutleTllle. The pare Ubslog besutined, and a number of pleaaioachAORoe will tie noietl when the gstes ere thrown open 1«- barrr It. RolN will manue the enterprise ^* llannoDle Club bulUIog at BlRhteeolb and Olive Btzeeta vlll be chenged loto A theatre. A leeae bee baee second by A syndicate of CblcAjto theatrical men, wnicn wlllraororflreyeer«,Rtgl,XD per year. Theaniulato beatwo plana lo view, one of which le touae tbe whole buUdlnfaaetheatro: another letouMlheMCoad Hnor, orer foHT fsf t lo heliht, sa a tbaaire, end the nnt no«r uoarlots for uae by the tiieetre goers beiweeo the eeia, ternMhrncou to tm serrad there Tbe bulMlog to re- ple«e Pope'* oM tlieetra, recently known aa Dopkme. wlllbeotieoftheaoottol Itaklodln the city. Tbaworkof tearing down the old structure will be cflmmeo&rti ei once Karl Win. the fferorlta comedian at the oar- nanlaTb«eire,d[sApMued8. Bla wife left at once for tour oliy la quasi of him. Ue left notee which showee lel be bad loae to Beltlmore. hla letentlon being to sell ihoDce lo Oermeny to Jolo Tlllle Eckelmso. a roimereon. breitft of the OermAnla Company Tbe deelge for tna flew Sunmar theatre alWetla'Builon, tbe tennlnue of ttaeSobBrbenRoed,beebeen decldad npoo. Tber* wUl beepa*llloo, wlihlawneeod Rraveledwelka AstAgeli being erected la thesouUiem portion of tbe groonda, aoo ban the TsaderlUe performaocea will be lOTee...... Three tarleiy theatrea have boon closed. Tbeyaiw tns BiJftD, Comloueaod London Moslo DalL Tbe recant le- eeauuitwarrsremsde opon tbtm by ibe aoihorttlaanw reaalied In doting ihelrdoon to ihepobUc Tbe nan- sgeie have not fUlly decldcil whet they will do, but It fcM>ksas tbounh the free vhov builnessbare ban Meo killed, for the present at Iraat Daring ilieeagaga- mantofRloiiliog Breihera'ClrcasI — Itiss evonped dowo upon the eil here the beellh eotbor. ihlbliloo Krouods aad Tacdoued oTery perltirmer and employe Bo f^' aa arranRed the Rummer shows this a«as<<n will be as loi- k>wA: Uhrlg'e Ca*e, oomlcopeni; Terran Park. vAnety, ITMonTrunRooraKn]en.Tarlaly; Weill'BtAtloB.TaTleiy. r*«poa|l1oo Motic llall,Tarli>ty, with tbe pnmpects for a soniloioue show at one of the renular houses aiM) e Bon- msr TsuOeillle seaann at another. Tbs feet that Hop- klne' cootleuous sliow house hsa closed far the leeaon to allow for tbe erection Die new bulldlni leads (he muia- gera of one oT the boaiae mentioned to bellera that It will bamMed to eueb aa eiUot that tbe pnblle «U1 d^ ' aofnethlng ofthe kind t4t fill the Tacaacy Tse doelnt of ihe regolar beaeea laat to an aad what tbe naaegen are aaegen are plaaaed to cara> broosbt