New York Clipper (May 1895)

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May 18. THE NEW YORK OIJ3>PER. 167 World^Playcrs — neAmerlom LnmatttmciuiUit^tnemX pobllatlaD, In ptmpHlot fonn, wtUob ihonht pnre ot iTMt mat 10 pltTw^lits ul mutgan, li vontalBB a caUlogat ot pl*n nt opatu, ilphitwU' csllj airnDgcd, vlUi uiiNa of •ntlioraudownen tbcieof. ThonrtoiM purpoaei or Uie pobUotloD •n clorlj Mt fortli In Ila prehco, togeUier wIUi Ui« iDtoQtton ot Uio ciDb coocemlDg ntan lames. Hie Itit ot worm (iTtn iDcladoa such u wo enUtled u> firotocUonanderiimUoDslorliKtniitlODtl Iswa. H e not claimed tbmt tlie IIMof plajs tod opens Hlren U couiplele, batellbita btve bceo nedetoiukeUu voinpnhenilTe ujposelble. The pempblet alen coa- ulia a digeat of tba laws pn>foctlng property ot ttUa sort and alao a IIM ot oimen, nanacen and agenttiWllti their addrenaea. Hie vork, Inlta proa- entand aoliMiioentediUous, ttiii be ot great nlue to mnDagem of tlieairee who dealre to coodoot bTiiO> ncaa DooeaUT. and aliniild pioTO a Taloahle aid In Mippreaalng plaj plraor. It la bigbJj commeDdabIa In flobeoie and cxccollon. — "Down la Dixie" cloec-l a veir encceaatal aea- ann, the managemeDt ntatea, In Lynn, UaaaM Uayie. The performance In Ljnn wa« far tlie heoett ot the Prospect dab. The cinb gafo s rapper, after the Cetfoimance, to tbe companj and tne plekanlsnj and. — T. Wilson Hennle, of the J. 0. Rockwell Di«oa- III! Co., and Florence Uorblu, were nnlled In mar- nago In Providence, R. K Haj 12. — The Rnesall-Pniton Ptajers bare cbanged their repeneiT, and are now plajing atrong comedr bills altogether. Dnalneas reponed to be rerr good. — Arthnr Dnnn has signed wllb Henderaon'a Ei- traTagama Co., Cbleago, III,, for the Bummer. He Is engaged witb Rice's "lacelalor Jr." for neit Heaaoo. — Era Darenport cloeea with Tbos. Besbrooke'a Co, Mar II, and Is engaged for tlie Summer In Fhll- adelpbla. In "The Uttle Tycoon," conunenclng there Junes. — J. 0. Henry Intenns na that tie will bnUd a new lirick and alone opera honaa In Anbeni, Ind., this year^nd expects to complete the aame about Oct. •Jt. ne booae will aeat aoont 600, and wlU hsTe a TtxM foot itage, Uxtl opening. The old bonia weotnp In smoke OTer two years ago. — ■■Utile PbU<a Sweethean" was orlglnallr pio- <lDC«d Hay S, at Uanbslltown, la., by the Bliby- ailkbiiion Stock Oo. — ■■My Uncle's Dangbter," by St dalr Bnrd, was acted for the Hist time Hay 4,at Excelsior Springs, Uo. — Kae Fowler, wbowon tbe scholanhlp laataea- son at the Bmplie Theatre DrBraetio School, haa been engaged for nest aeaaon by Oharles Frohman. —Judge Uallett, In the United States Oomt at UenTer, Col., on Kay II, granted a pennanent In- junction reaminlng the Lrcenm Theatre Company, ot that city, ot whlob HcKee Rankin la manager, from preaenllog a dramatlzatlou ot Dn Uaarler'a "Trilby," which It produced laat Sunday night, and which HCBirs. Haiiier t Drothen and i. H. Pabner claimed was an Inmogementof Ibeir copyright on PanI H. Potter's dmmstlzaUoD. — Fiederlok Warde and Louis Jamea close their flnaltoaras Joint stare May U, at the Schiller Ibea- DO, Chicago, al. Mr. Warde will relum to ttali city to prepare for his next seaton, which begins early la September. — jfeniT Clay Bamabee, of the Bostonlans, who was In this city nearly all last week, under treat- ment for throat trouble, rejoined the company at Syracuse, N. Y., May 19. — Oeorge Hanz, brother ot A. K. Hartz, has leased tbe Old Roboken Theatre, Hoboken, K. J., which he Intends to reopen earl; In September as a flrat olass combination house under the name of the Lyno. Doling the Summer the theatre will be re- modeled and renorated. — Herbert Cawthorn, In ■■The Cork Usn," has closed his aetson. —Qeorse 0. Boniface Jr. closea with tbe Oamllla d'Arrllle Opeis Oo. May 16, baring reatgned from the organization, owing to his being alnatladed with the role assigned bim In ■■A Daughter of the Rerolotlon," which Mlia d'ArvlUe wifl present at tbe Broadway Theatre, this city. —James T. Fowera haa dsclded to mum to comlo opera. He will play the leading comedy role In ■■Filnceaa Bonnie" next eaaaoi, npUolog Frank Daniels, who will star. — Umo. Bernnann, wife of the magician, wUlaall for Europe May ii, to settle theeetateof her mother, whose death waa recently recorded In our colnmna. She will make a flying trip, and expecta to mum In alMut tour weeks, to enjoy a mooh needed Tacadoo. — Amy Lee cloeea with "Pawn Tlcketno" Jane 1. — "Homsnl^" closed Its aeaten Hay 11. — Florence Bindley will not mvel with her own company next aeaaon. — Mane Walnwrlght cloeea her aeason May 2S. -Mre. Elizabeth AndenoD.ot Boeton, baa been admitted tn the Forrest Home, taking the place made Tscant by the death ol Mis. Ben De Bar. -John B. Bnnnan's "nin, the Tinker," Co. ulcaed their eeason Hay IL at volon City, Fa. — H. B. Moigan and wife (Conrtenay Roee) and BabyTMdy cToaed with Oerdon twella' Flayen Hay i. Hr. Morgan will open his parlllon show In aerland, Kan., ahortly, and la also getting oot £noting for his new diama "A Manlage at sea," 1 which he will atar hia wife next eeaaon. — Hand Smith rejoined Qeo. W. Lanen's Oo. Hay u, after a rtalt to Ravenna, 0., to her brother, who met with a lalltoad acotdest recently, and had eight bones broken. She says her brother wlUre- ccrer, bat will not be able to get out ot bed for six months or so, — J. Fries, the well known coUeotor ot old thea- trical programmes, photographs and any theabrlcal rello, who for the past three yean has raalded In this city, diapoaed of hIa entire collection laat week to Erert Jensen Wendell, a veil known amateur actor. Hr. Fries la negoHatlng for HeniDann>s Theatre, this city, tor the ecmlag eeason. — Oanie Radcum plays at Forepaugh'a Ihealn, Phlladelpbla thla and next week. — "In Old Kentucky" olcaed Its aeaaon May II. — Kendal Weston plsye nnnanlty. In ■■The Arab- Ian Nights," at the Park Theatre, Boston, this week. — On May », hi East Boston, Mass., the Oollartan Dramado CInb produced for the llrat ttme an orig- inal comedy drama. In two acts, enUUed "EUn Fmn," written eepeolally for the dab byFtedertck Knell. The plecela a ahnple atoty ol New England life, theohaiacleis, with two excepdona, being ot the aaoal type. The castwaaas follows: Will Unga- toD, Oharles A. Hofmann; Stephen Harper, Jamea 8, Hniray; ■■SUe" Fetenon and Bam Jenkins, Freder- ick Kn«U; Mre. Hannah Peieraon, Mabel 0. War- nock; BsleBtuart, Minnie L. Hagrath: Maria Fe- tenon, Etta Taylor. The acdon of the play oecnn In the sittlog room at Elm Farm, Bunnybrock, Iteaa. — Nal Ooodwln doaes hla season Hay to. M —J. E.aibaon haa dosed with the Jaa. H. BiSwn DnmalloOcand will JolnStelaon'a Comedians next SBSMQ. — Aswego to preaa we lean thatttieLondon, Eng., conita. In the caae of John R. Rogen against Uanle Palmer, tor abeolute divorce, rendered a de- cision Hay 14, expreaaing coovlodoo that there waa no coUualoa and nandng the decree asked for. The docomonta In the cam wen sent to the (lueen's Proctor tor the pnrpoee of Inquiry hi legaid to Juils- dlodon. —The company engaged for HalUax, N. B., and St. Johns, N. a, bywTD.Barklns,conilattag ol Emma Stevena, Minnie Radcllffe, Ed. Hetroo,T. a Wlae, Wm. Ccurllelgh and olhen, will leave Boatoa Kay IT. — William E. Horgan, who haa been appointed liy Prealdent Cleveland as coiner of the Hint al Phlladelpbla, Pa., waa for nine yean otchestn leader at the Walnut Street Theatre, that city. — "The Becnt Service," William OlUeue'a new play, waa produced tor the dni Ume May u, at the RraadBtmtThcatre, Philadelphia, Fa. — Mn. Maiy T. Beabury, wife of Forrest Beabory, aenlo srtlst of Horoaco'i Oiand Open Boiise, Ban Knnclsco, Cel., commlued aulclde recently. She had been eeilonsly lU for some time, and Uus wu probably the canao ot her act. — J.w. OaakUl, father ol Wm.T. Oaaklll. man- ager of the Tucker Co., died Hay i, al AahvlUe, kTo., aged It yean. The cause ot death wu Blight's dlaeaae. -The Lee Avenue 'Beaire, WllUamabarf,N.Y., waa reopened aa the Fhobaa,Har 1^ bvdamlUe d'ArvUle and her company. In "Kaddelne." D. Bacon, the acting manager, annouDces that next aeaaon the house will open, after further Improre- ments,andpreeentaUa[ofthebestattncUons. — A new departure hae been decided upon for next leaaon by tbe manageDent of RobUuon'a Opem Boose, Oloclnnau,0. The house wUI lie Ihonogbly renonted, lighted by elcctndty, Incsndtacent lights, Mtagc dreaslog rooms and aadltorlum. Th« taonae wiu be thonoghly heated by steam throaib- ouL Manager John D. ilsvie will endearor to bavs the beat of attractions that can be had for the honie, regatdltas of percenuge. There will be fonr mall- neea a week only, and fiom the lint of January ttey will run a slock company, with new apaclaldea each week. The price of adinlaaton wui be changed to Jnsttfy a belter class otatncttooa. -Yale sladenia, nemben of the Pal trpaldon and Delta Kaiipa Vt&oa aodedee^mented, tor the mat tiaa on any atage, at the Hypehon neatre, Kew Baveo, CU, Hay la, "Mr. Bonaparte," a ansl- ol baileagae, lo two acts, by F. Uwraaoe Lee and Bmeraoa fl. iWiler, —Otto Eenhlit, a member o( the company which teoently gave grand opera In Oennan atihe Helio- Klllan Open Honee, In thbi city, waa taken to Uevae Ilospltal and placed In the Inmne ward, Hav II. lie u aald to have Invested hla aavlngs Ui an liletprtae In thla city which proved a tallnie. N EW JERSE r. JesMy Clly.-ltonroe and lUce, aa Uie Joint ■ton In "Mr audi BrUgel," RhoaM call out a *tf«ii| cODUoitaat wMk of May U. Wllloo kamtl, lo n^w. toiT. VMk of ax llemDSOB cloiiod a larft WMk II. BOK I0X.-TIHM. Mfvlct, aalMl BoDd, milgr aiHl Uatclitr, Daly uU DtTora, nice aad ll«lr«n, Ntchtt afld Walker, Moataxaa ami Weat, HtDir Prey, rox and WanJ, the BtrretU, Lev Randall. Will C. OarlotoD, tod DaUy VayaraodplckanhialM. UoalDeahAatftllanawayioma- vhtL „J.I.C-Nasole RoimII, Bulla Clllfonl, Alblaa WaUi, MaTllanliall, ADilrar Urata Jr. and hti RarmooU. BujlliMoliaoed Norxii—Doiolhy Drew vaa not at the Bon TOd lail vook .Tbe puoplt vho an iiptcUllir blllail for "Mr Aual BrUiaf' are Ibo Hlaotl villain Sally Cobui. Chirtia B. Want and lUllo Era Huilao Jotio Wal- ler, or Walter A Waller, wlU muaga IllUniuer'a n- aoit u RMhavay B ia ch for the Souimar. fha plan vlu opan In Juaa Jinar CItr Lodaa. B. f. 0. BlU, wilt bold lhair itaa at Taylor-i Tloul, IS 8<I«do Jobano la boma Item har tour wllb "Tbe Ulrl I Lon Sa- blDd Ha.*' TbobaaaStto Jobo LtdcIi. vboUatlll v«rT •let, vlll lake plat* at the J. 1.0,17. goluaaamber of Mrfoimara have Tolunlaotert tbtlr aarvlcai Looo'a Tnubadoaia,.vho bava baan tuurtog ibit BUta, eloMd Ublir laaaoo atSoawrrlll* II, aail aAar a t«o voaW ml opn uodtr a uaL Tlia poopla an: B«1>a Rial, Jobo lluitha, Praob and Jaaey Cusblnr, Wra. aod hlu Ooile, aadWni. U. Fovall Mil foolar Janai K O'Mealla haf Innad a naat pampblat for tbo beoafll of uuo- aftr^ locatlas ararr ooo of Mn boaida aod Btanda Masagar J. B. Pond vlU hara tbo Vlllonaa alMaia, Mloa, Lily and Bmma, aad a d«v Inipor- utloB. a MIM PraoekDuon, rrom tbo Draadan. (far. Cooatrralary, and a ■optmao vltb a poworflil toIm, uador hU eoatxol aaat aaajoa Lauar BddIa Fox, with UHniana, gara Iba Acadany palrana bla Cblcbaa Polka with (real alfaet lait weak Managaieu Ettia llao. dataoQ vlll lallra to Loos BnndLN.J.,aa aooo aa iba Aeadany'a doon are cl'iaad for iha aaaaon Robt. Brovar la looktof for a Now York opaaloa for a burtoMoa wTlttan for blm by a wall known auUior Moaio Wbluan aad Ida LavlUa will call tbamaalraa ibe Wbttua SlBlaia. Tbarbaraa oumbaror aaaalda laaoilafer the Sonaiar, which wUl kaap tham baay Nad Hoaroa, of Monroo and Maak, la doing a monolono tam .The aao.8IddooaCoinblnaUoa,atWood'a ualLdId not naat vlUi Buccaaa, and ibay doaad olibt of 9. Hoboken,—"Ibe Oonnty Fair" will be at the Hobokan Mar U-U. Tha booae will thao bare a loos Id. larval of darknaaa, nalaaaaoeaathlaxor ao altimctlTa aa- tareoirenuotllS(l-Janal,vbaD"Later On" comaa,aDd ItvlaTeiTllkalybrlogaratber Indliniant Biioo.-Air. P. Baraaa brlD|s a nornbar of oaopla bare thla weak, compriilos 0. O. Jaffanon, J. f. aod D. r. Bbaaao. Uany and Allea Olaajoa, Jobs J. Karr. Ollla CUvell. Ed. 1. Mack, llawky and Uarrli, and Marlon Fllx. Bualnaaalaatwaakvaamadlum. lanaiiu-DlanMind aod Hlll,RdaloMaca,Jaaalafilbort, Lanim Piaoda, Anola SdimUt aad Boy eandan. Boat. aaaa la Rood. OBiaimi.-CIinia alalara, PblL lleak. Mary Edlaoo, Band Nn|ant and Maltla Aulray Ollad alcbt otil. KOTia.—An aitlda In aomo ol tho Nov York papara, autlDK that a Mr. Hans would bavo tha manaaaaaot ol Iba HoDokoa foroait aaaaon. la totally onfouoilad. Tha laotlaman iBuuaatlon waa alUr tha houaa laal aeaaon. aad would DodoobtllkalD have It thla comloa aeaioo, bntDO ajraoBanaata hare baao made by Mra. Waialoff to take Uia maaaiceaiant oDl of John Olark'a cootnl up to Uila tlma. l^lItha^no^a, iba houaa bai baan vary IbUy booked with good atlractlona for tha aaaaon to come Wllllaan C. Moirlaoo, lata loanasar at tha BUou. waa uhan to tha Era laOiinarT. yoor city, 7 ni ^Bonrr, who KaTa a llna minatnl antarulajnaat at tbe Hobokan to IndlfToKnt tvanlta, IIX 11, aod doaaa at I^ivon la will reauma bla trmrala again July lA. mabina city tba point of opanlna. Frank McNIah Ion nyt*^ --. . - llag 'flop Siaba Moat*a Tnrkiah'pa'Tforaaia fill wook or 20'aV tha BUoni opanlna. '-a :r. r tea -jm .-- --- ...waagasad al Ilia llDhiua, Btoohlyn, N. Y., vaak ot S. tbe company two wMkaaKo^ud ArpinrDainlnyd vnava malt vuon... .Hbadov Mahar'aunrantlon will r weak, Mr. Mabar baUiR aagasad D and la. Thay reauma piMa. Dnifag tha pande. If, Mr. Darning dlatlninilBhed ntnaalr byftopptna a runaway taan attacbad toaU. 8. mall vuon... .Hhadov Mahar'aunrantlon will raat thla .AUarrannmantahaTlngbaan conplatad, Maoagar But Welnthal, or tha Imperial, will aaaoma control of tha BlJou aad open lha aama lo Beptanbar. Bewatk.-'nio hot weather, combined with Barnom'a Olrcna, pUf ad baroo vjth bu^alnaaa laarvo^k. -- _ - ---- \f," wlilc^ waa booked al thla bouae for tha praaant weak, having "Sborv Acraa," at Mlnar*N, vaa favorad vilh a sobdly abara or tbo xaoaral altendaace. "Tha VlkloK,** wlildb aoootaplacaaatthalaai momant. tha houaa lanocaaaar- llj dark. Tba Da WoU Uoppar Opaia Co., In "Dr. Syo- lai." eomra vaak ofA. Jacoaa'.—Tha Roaahol Horrlaon Co., In "Pauat" doaad lhalT aiaann ban 11. Thayaband tha dlaadTantagaa of lha beat "lasr* la ban thla weak, and tha pricea bara bean lalaad to |l, TSandeOcanta. Itopeaad to a good bouae 13. Wook 0130, "Tamplailoa orHonay." WlLDVAHN L—Tha city fiporta Co. draw modonta bouaea for lha waah andlng tl. Thla weak Uia City Olub Co. nalt Nawark for tha aacond Uma thla aaaaon. 1 Rood booaa lava Iham a plaaaanl auit IS, aad Rood raaolu an antidpalad. Bbaiman A Hofrlaay'a Co. appear X) aad raak. Nbws.— Banom A Ballar'aOlicua took ararythbiR In ba ahape of nooay bare laal waah. At both parfonn- ^oaa 10 tba big eanvaa vaa aoUnly dllad Maaafar Waldmann haa made airangamanla toaallforBurapeal Ibaaloaa or the aaaaoo Edvaid Staikaa, ronnarly liaaanrerof MInai'a Navark Thaatia. vlll manasa Uia tour of Barrr Wataon andAJIoaUutcblaRa In "The Two Plata." Thay an announced to opaa, 14, at tba thaatn vblcb Mr.Btarkaa la atpraaaol manaslnR bi Nav Bruna- vlek,N'. J.; lA al ElhabaUi, and lha romalodar of tbo vaak In Nav DaTan, Ct. A banast for lha rallor of Nawmrk Lodga, T. H. A., vlu ba jtlvan In Jacoba* Tbaaira Sanday algnt, May 19 IlarTT naaley vlll opan vllhbUaavplaca,'-TbaMMulgUtBpoclal," InEUiabaUi, N.J.,anAng.nr3laBd91. ■Ilaaibstli,—At the Dnke Opem llouee ■■1491" May a to light huatnaia. Roland Road, In "Tha Pollll. olaa/' II, lo alUn andlanea, bat a plaaaad ana, vbo gave Mr.naadanoialloo. Tha company doaad thalraaajon atlhUhooao. The thaatn alao doaad for Uie aaaaon. LTOloa TsXAVaa.—"Ailaiocnoy" vaa flTao 11 for the whan'iMaeit to a Rood alcad aodlanoa. Th* eompaoy doaad thair aaaaoo at Uila thaatn. Comlai: "Tha Oouaiy ralr" is, B. ll.Sotharn, In "CapL Utiarldair," IS, vbtn tba houaa vlUdeaa. Tira^By aa nnfortnnataeombtnallonof alrcanatancaa tvo Uiaatrea van belle In BUiabaUi durlBR tbo yaan IM and UBt, and u a raaull tba aaaaon baa not baaa a Sccaaa doaaolally, aod It la faand that not raiy haary ridanda will ba dadarad. Nagotlatloaa ara pandlOR looklaR totbaconaelldaUoo of tha managamaota. Illhia la accompllabed the booklof of attiactiOBa vlll aot con- dlctvlthaacbolhar. Pa(«noa^lUce'a ■■I4P2" company had splen- did bualaaaa at tha open Uonaa May 7, daaplte Uio fact Uiat Banom A Ballaj'a Bla Bhov vaa aialnjt tham. Bookad: HI Uaaty'a Mlnauab 17. lA Buoo TaaiTSB.—The Nahl Biadlay Company la the bill at thla bonaa for 13 and vaak. NothbiR daBolta for XI aod weak. Baa T. Jaok'a Cnolaa bad good bualnaaa e E0B.W Moos.—Bualnaaa waa fair at tbia bonaaSaod week. Arrlrala: Hinaa and fUmlngton, llany Poy, Morton and RaraUa, May Toubr, WaiO and Bnwn, Alice Olaaaon. Ladall and Mum, Banr Caatla, Laooanl aod Mono, lha Blatan Allan, W. 0. Da Vaana aod Harry Lyona. Oiaoca—Banom A Ballay'a pUyad to the full capacity oftbaUblgtanl aT. TnB<i>a,^nios. Shea and company did well May S aad weak at Tajlor'a Opan Houaa. Booklnga: John Dnv lA, I>o Wolf Uoppar lA Bovaid Block Co. 71 aad weak .Tha CiTalal xaia ladoloawall Hanr Allan, laetnrerat ihaTranton MuaaaB,Iaft TnatooVfor Now York Waller Dngan. planlal, wliororhlabomo In Kav llavan. ^^^^ MARYLAND. BsIUiMi«f-^ohD I'. Smith's "Vode Tom^s Cablo*^ Co. comoaaiced a vaak'a aagagament al llarria' AeadamyMaylAbafonaaaodlanoaofsoodalxa. "Prioca ProTam" bad a pnapanuawaak, aadlot 11. "Tba County Pair laduan. roao'a Oraaa Uocsa.—The Bnt appaarance of Daolal Pintainaa'a Lyceum Tbaatn Co.. u, vaa one of thaprio. dpd anau of tha waaloR aaaaoo. "An Ideal Uoataad" vaatliabUltorUioopaolD(olaht,aDd a largo andlanea aipnaiad dallsbt at lha paifad production. 'Trllbr-dld an Imaioaaa bualnaaa llinusbout tha vaak doabB II. Xait vaak, Nat C. Ooodvla, brloglng Uia nxutar aaaaon 111 a 1 liiafi BouiDAT Braan Taiaui. —"Tba Tanputloo of - ooa'f tha tbrllUoaladdaota of vblcb la aa alae- ron&oa iai,opaiiadv1uiavaUatlandad matiaaalS. iChack' did vaU «-ll. Moa. aad Aofaatla gaaaaa^ MoaoanTAt TRBAna.—A vail silad beuaa ■laatad iba Wataon Blatan Burlaaqua Co. on ihalropao- rBs. u A aarlaa of onnaa alatoaa wanihown for tha Snt Una ban. rater Mabar-a AUIatlc Co. doaad II. Tba Pay roatarBotlaa/|uaOo. ladooB. Tax Baasca A Bailst Ciacra vlu put loan appear, anc* 13, nablns a «uy of tvodaya. DELAWARE. WIlBlrngtoa,—At the Onnd Open Hoaaa >^ba lalaof CbampagDa" vaa p r aaa n tad May A to Rood baalaaaa. Tho aaaaon vOl doaa 17 vlUi iba Da Wdf llop- nrr opan Co., hi "IM. Bynui." Maaaaar WIUIad. K v»l waoJ U» Somm'ar al Ooaaa 01^. J. Ua bu boliaeaauyparcbaaad a naw iadil,vllh vbiehbevUl efflaaehlnMfdajtBgblaTacauoo. % - #Niscellaiieoas# IVamraoHMiB.riBcm't Mattumym nmtt ihm^ t«U»i—AfWr ill W**ks* MMBpOHBt M tht R|T«r, «B op*Md la <)«ort*ldra, M%f to food ta«l< BMt, uid nudi roar "plubM," •iUraooa tnA oUiht, to ft Uii* cfowil «teb llm*. 0«ro»1lKUoQ of ivpUlMthU MMon bUirftlriooulnnl iboM of pravknitMi^ft-' iltbougb r«t Mtl/ In Ui* Muoa w« tmf KD of tb* flo< qwclintBioftlwd««dlrr*pU]«irlb«. Tbfy wm all cap- Inivd dnrlDir oar ouUDg la the uMBtuaa, Md u» u wlU ftDd iltadO M vbMi r»«. Mm*. PttaUr lithtoDtr ' ■-*- ''^' ftranr oibtr couatrr «bo vlUhuaSIt . W«wlllb« Id TlMtun. T*!.. doriDf hacfMi ConMerste r»anlMi,*IUi MWieaVatrr tit baa- JretTrtptilwu Hoxioi ' ilewtk* MUMa; Dr. Hm«. rotUr.tbtnt lKtur*r uA Uilr koownlB ihU poll - lha lira ilei ^ . _.. .. Hoier Coinelj, ■IokIdk um cbknetor codmIIui bi BoIadJ, bUek Ac*, aod lluiir^HUknu, I'anchuid Jodi. l*iiict'ii WOBi.n or Wo^tMU hu ODnanlldtiMl wlib Idinl'aBM on lauM. We wtt htm rvopl*^ irmm liy nil, mA mtk* 'tAmli. mf. Mill. Honlud hu tlRDtd uitlpli n>po w«lk«r: v« iWi mo (Vm ■howadtlir. Ourrenla It;* tlimifh PBanajlTaoU.Ohlo uhI Murbno, «nd ihM dlractbwt. Our outfit u d«v, ftvm Itroui pla lo c«nii«polo. Wa opconl ihv MtMW la Uaallnitoik, Pft., Uift, to woni boilDOiA. ■Iiior.WH. P. Filial, niMlcUa, U roovlractlBR a p*. tIiIoo tl LokcTlev rkrk.aur DvU«, O.. for ibtSon* mtraeitoo. lLIB.DUIIKBARAN01U.1iaraHailPATILI0]l HiinmiiiA r>]Ho tb«lrMuoa Jon* II wlUt iho (blktwlnRiDittr: NIch ITfr.Nfd Burt^^wiiiUlUod*li,rcukD*Uo.QUI« Youai, Rda Rtrann), Blllj r«iton. ittnr WMTen ik« B«a|h- mto. Ba|t«a« T>«linKr; niuiIoUnk-CliM. Toirl, k~'" oKhMktrm; fnnk llMoiKo, l*ad*r of liAod of moulhpler -r- . j - j. -- - . WftlUc* Ki •f ivoha Uck. J. A. httol. ic«t; AiUil fnUTft, Cham ■urko, lUoiItl [•utroj m*nkci_ . uwlih ivoa^liiuu: PlnitRtlllT, i*oci cADTumui, «lth UimMtlauaU, aod CtitrlM Buci, rawand DennlaBonUl lltr, Burko, RaoiIallA t>roprlotor«; CliufM B. RoMy I oa»*lii pmrorileii. Wocairranxt round (o|\9>ft. nlddlaploco, «tM* aod ■c«a«rT. W* irarol bjr fMoa aod iIdd it hoial«. Will tmvtl tfarouRh iltilo, ladluaaod Illlr\oU FoLtoviKii U the PMUr or bin car. No.1, orBdrandn'i Moouaa W(UMt Woii.-<:btrlea BomanI, oiananr; DavaOtrroll, bOMblllpoiitr; Torn Rallar. Uihopraphar; n. B. AnOonmo,jprnnminmar: Qao. N«I«od, H. C. SorrlcOh Qeo. LadU and wlllltro McAiUniik aioanlonwork aoa ■poclat billlag, aod Hnnlua H'lortr, ear Mrt«r. (loooral AnalW.C. makaa ocnJilonal vUti cmlly. A anriH of antontenu nn «h(ch la ibt bMl cllf lnili«rolt«u BMIM U lha OBirHiloir to aAiuMua br. Daro ramill I«ad« with Clilcaco, Hanr AaOonoa a lood MconUrorRaidatlij, «lih a«ent« Ifiuoa louilidpUoo for Nav York. HOVrVR OP IIBRMA^R A BlOV.trS WAOO:* flK0«11.-J. namunn. W. L. Brovna, Alai llonnanti, Chat. Bada, Fo>U»r lUvmioo. Dooiar Ittnnaon, Chaa. Rwaaoar. La OrocU llamiipn. Llnla Uaimann, I. lanraC W. A. Da BhaEOt rrof. Ki Jaaklni, laadar of band, with ■!■ DHntli plocoi, and Nat«la D* Derf* haa ehajm of lha immto aaata and candf ataada. Tho *ho« la troniportad oo ira batitatawavooaand tvo hacka. Waar* loarloiTaxaa to a nod baalaofa C1ita.Nor1ahaadiarc«orttaaeanTU and Jta. EwIdv charm orttock. Nom tMt W. D. AJiiiivT*a Bio Tim Ciht aeow.~Wa opaaad lo Haaoatlaa, la^ Mar 4. to ^ packed unt, arao aiaodlaitmon tMluf ukao. andihoiania ihloMbu hap- MQod oTorr nlgltt iloee. Tbb ihov baa mad* a moot ftTonbla IntproMloo, and tbe |iapan ctr* oaeredltor flTlni the bart tan cent attow aT*r aaeo Id that olty. RonBR OP 1'aW5IK B1LL*M WILD WBTT ADrutTIRIIfa Car, Ko. t^niat. F. lIoBtiian, maoaitor; Chia. Baker, boM bill poateri Itenr tanah, lltliOBraphar; Archia Walla, pronnmner; Chaj. Cobum. callops aod enarna of paata: John Olanti, Kobart Perkloa, O. wTanTonT. Bd. more to white Id oppoelUon, __.,,.»rTT Speocar, Hanr Joaaa. i _ . , aoo, Ftm. PrIcflL Frank Brown and Bd. Ooldboro. oflklal wo laR Wlaiar quartara ajre weekaajio. paatL. . - _ __ Baker, B. Barr, JoeOardoer, Joa. Johaaoo. Jaaa aarttit, L. ]<ofan. Harrr Spoo - •• — • , Fred. Prlc<vFrank B jpammer. wo laR The boji an all happy, which wa ara Into now. Mrflowo.*! 1 BrsuT'8 "Ten NlihUla a Bar Room" Co. doaad a reported auccenfui ataaoD at MoDfort, Wla., anti open ondar caoraa In lodlanapolla, lad., aboaiMajXI. Thoriiow will trarel br rail, carry about tweoir people and make a faatufo of tha baod under tha capaUa dlroo- itoo of Ooo, (Sliortj) Puller. F. B. Terrr haa aaeooeded to J.U. Runfar'i laloi«atji,aod will do the ooolraetlDR. MiLAin llii8.Ciiii(. B-BuwHia opeoed iholr Hprlor tour at PUIflHeU. ct., lajit weak. ADMiiULDoTwrliMua Uiat ha la dolog well with hla hotel an! n'Uuraot eotarprlae ai Whlia Plalna. N. Y. lla lUteathttSerlbnarASmlth'aClrooi ahowcd at that place May 1 anil nineiaan of the people aioppad albia lioui. Col.liuablaraod H«]nr Doyla were * («]nr Doyla were netU of tbo and Jolooa him Id Uie parado of Aloa, of wbloU body be la a Ailinlral on Mar 9 and 10, and tho flremoD of White naloi memtwr. UiMiLUtnooa RHowH.—Rnaur of tho Bbakar Uadlolne CO., No, 2D: Dr. Loula Turner, ante pnprlal»r; Dr. Ueo, Panley, maaaaar and lecturer; Joa Earl, bniinan maa- E; Prod. Ilarben. HtaRooianaRer; Bd.R«yDard,ma. J), and L. A. Woolwortn, planlit They are tourinj ourl Boaurof tha Or«|oDlladlarnaCe..No. «: Dr. r. P. IJIII, manajirr aod lecurer. aod lha Bpeocer Brod TTilacompaaydoiodluiaaaooMaFllaAarbalBff oat thirty vooka, without Ivalog a day. We lake one week's Taettloa aod than open la oor Suranar PaTllloo, which la all ready. Weopen UDdorcanraaatOaya, III, Har ao Notaa nom the Dr. F. W. nooria Cborekae MMlelao Co.: We go lata loola Map w, oanylog tweira paople, a Dimia bond, ten aew uoia iflOXL ol IHL tide wall Mala, a ttage MxM aad a comMny ofiweaty-Are people all told. Roatar: Dr. F, W. (Monro (Charokea Geone), lecturer aad mait' axer; Un. LaoraGeorga, Are aueea and oeno ODrnlo;0. w. PatareoB. blaok face and banjo act; W. 0"Brian, aooi aad dance: ma* BUreaior. aklrt dancer; W. Wllllami*, black Oca comedian; B. Jolinaon, alalght of hand; B. E'liraon, hanjo and black tie* conedlan; Mr. Joaii, Punch and Judy: Prof. Ralfk, leader of band; Haater E4My. One Freneli and black fkco torn. Bntlnaaa U booming and everybody la wall Roaiarof Mohawk UodlclneCo., .Vo.7: Dr. J.h. PuraaaoD.lacturar; J-B- Loalla. rouBffer; Uarrr AUaoa, OrrlUe Butler. Jobo Butler and Prank H. Foid Ilayden aad Uoward hara Joined banda, and will take out a medlclae coropaoy la Jane, opening In Jarvy Oily, N. J RoaUr of KItkapoo Indian MedlcloeCo^ no. 173: Dr.J. 0. Armood, maoagerand lectarer;flam Krana. cbaracter eocnadlao; and Btag«DBoagar:0. Motcalf, laaaer of oreheaira; Joha Kaloo, moalealaci; Joaepli Bllla, aoog and danoe: In- dluK—Cblaf RodliaC contortluoUt ana Poach and Judy; ChlerRtroBKBagl«,Jugclaraad win walker, aod Bcioav LliUo Brlibi Byea, udylUupioalaL We want loiooomp Kay 0i to the capacity of a soon, aide walL Butlaeaohaa beeo goodaloca wo aUrtod Id March. We bare girea ootl re aatlafattloD la otott place, aad tho "CMtlooaa la wklto"appeanioTerynoDoay ronDooo. Our band aad orchoatraof alfht plecea U tba leaiure of tho oailtte drawing crawda erary night Ro«tar of the Klehapoo lodlao MadlclnoCo., No.3l: Cbaa. F. Eodor, manager; Dr. A. N. Auttln. lacloter: Uarrv W. Black. TaotrlkkqaM and nagklaQ;0. P. Eodor, IrlMi comedian aod orgaolat; ChlefBbortTrwe and Ptiaceaa Pralrlo Plant Thlacom- panyaro now touring Iowa to good bualaoaa. Wa opened Id camp Maya, and rmlo and wind haa laid all oureanria flat twice thla aaaaoo. Oao. Alhlnaon. bla«k(h«a cod- cloud April StoJoloBella A ReoUrow^fClrcaa.. tfillay Proprleiar/ Co., No. 1, are loarlog BaatarDNe- liraakLwIlh the rollowlnR people: Prof. " * ^ " Wetharbea. FrtdHmlUi, -" „ 8. Rood, Jack . II. Wetharbea. FraJ HmlUi. Billy Ootta, Obarlay Woolay and II. A. H—a. N. E..Weiharbee oMoed In — ... ;bee oMi camp Hay 7, at Oralg. Nab. lo reported good boaloeaa. Roalar of Oreaoo Madlcloa Co., No. 1, aow undar caoraa: Harry OrrlUa, maaager: Dr. B. M. Bmlih, lao- torerand tooth ailrmctor: Mn. Roth Orrir Baen>maacoraadjDgitler;Ha«tarPrmaharTllle, irapen. flrlai rliRii and- tumMIog; Jamea Broa., HwUi ball rlogar*: Nad Janaa, Irlah and charoetar eomadlaa: a lee^vH Wm awe ap«a _. ^ .. ._ . Ilarlle Junea, nagm ooDHdlan and daooar; MartVaaea. Imneraonator and comedian; Mn. AIIc«HmltIt,orKanbt, •od Uarrr Orrllle, acrobat, ate Tbe Nlblo«,MoDe. Jiaae aod Benha, oloead thalr aeaaoa of "llumptf Dampty" In Liltia Hock, Ark., and hare ilnau with Sr. UainlKon'a AU Rlar TorklaJi M*IIcIdo O) 77.., Boater of tha Hawao-fa ladUo HadleioeOi.: Dr.Waltor Veat, lecturer and manager; Mra. Dr. W. Weat, Wofttey Maniell, acceotrle Irlah eomedlaa; Harry Lum, the Glaleu wonder; BiUyOlark, black faca cooed Ua; tbo raiea, Juan and Panundl, knife and balile avo throwenk and iwolodlana. Pale Mood and RmHin ta. We aretoorlagPennarlTanla ft eieellent bualnaaa, aod all In tho bait of health. We opan oir camp aaaaoo Ala weak In RhepharditowD. wlih ao eatlrenawoaUlt,andaeatuig capacity for 600 POOpf- • '—— Join oa thla weei..^.. lie. Two morw lAOghalred ladlaae , Rortar of KIckapooIodlaaMadl- clae Co, No. SB: Dr. 0. B. Frmnk. lecturer and Irlah Tocallflt:Mr«.JBl[aOoklao, wlihtralood dogaaoJ blido; Prank OoLdaB.Diaaafer,baqJolat,daiiearaodcoaMdiaa: Harry RIplay, baojolat, organlat aod eomedlaa; Tnl. Alei Wayer, magician, ttmag art and llvIog~Metar»e: Indlana-wbltaCload, Prmlrle Plant aad Walk mow. WISCONSIN. HUwitakM.-^ KxpoNlUon Uuglc I[*ll opooad lla door« areoloi of May 13 for lu third ruroo of raudarJIte. For (bla aeaaon the Milwaukee AmBaaneat Oo. laihelaaaeaaodChaa. P.aallaborypiaoager. Tfai lo* urior preeaau adeeldodly cbaagod appaanaco;(he IkMr, which faaa beratotore beta leral, eioeptlog thaiporiloa —• _ —.a-1— I... a •-■illi opoaaa In- uaad ai a rofrailimani place, baa beeo 1>uni opoa cllna, commeoclog about alitr feet from tba aiaie.Boq rlalog towaid the rrar of the halL aad the portion need for refraahmaot purpoaaa It built la Bra tier*, aach about two feel aboTO (he one directly balovlL In thla way erary thalr will praaoni a rlaw of ihe tusa. Tao boiaa have t«en placed oa each atdo of the alaga aad are, perhaps tbo moat ootlceatila ImprnTemaoL Tbapraaeot maoagamaot loiaod carrybigoot Uia aama poUcT aa that adoptad hy tha former leaeee. Radolph OlUooto. tod HaaaierO. F. Miller, thalof ptaMoilqi tba bMtobu(aabte*audovlLUtalaat.ata geoaraladmiialoo oftweaiy-BTecoou. Forth* lolilalwaak Maaigarlali*- barrofen: The Ettgaoea, MIU. RLalta, ll«wa, WallaDd McLoAd. Prof. Mkcart'a doga aad Donkeyt, IfcPhee aod Hill Dora Wiley, rbe Lodud Brot., tha Boitoa QuarUt aad thaBliteri Delorei. Thaorcbaffraof el(btaeaplac«a Ib aadir the dlreotlcra of Prof. Joaeph Claudar. Datipsov TiBATM.-'^a Pattlag Bbow" comat nail- nae and night IV, which will ba the Ihlid ootaiaaHOt ot IhaooopaoyttlliltbouBOthlaaaaaoo. Katnoodwhaod lha bail aniaportlng company lie liao arar broaght bare 6are "A niUed Foor*6-7. ''Darld atrTlch"aod "Uod [a Fire Hhlltlnga" B,to areni* food baalnoaa. >rat n«t what the eioallent parfonnancee diaarred. Coning: ll«rmin WalHkolTU. "A BUckllharp"a. BcRun Parr.— Manayer O. F. Millar haa aboot ron* plated Uia mpentlifOi for tt.e opeolng of thla Bemmir rekoK an4 *IU cvramenoa hla aaaaon.Bj^wIth Bouaa'a Band, mallnt* aad nliht, and upvo 17 tbe Wbltoer Opora Company will opeo aa anitB<«o)*nt for one weak. In "Tba Fanctog HaaUr." FoUowlog thla atUadlon w|U eona tbe Cbleago Marine Band for one weak, and than the Anerlcan Comic Opara Compoay for tbe laaniar PttaM. PriO. Bvoitf cvtUow; Moaa. DalkanOt lalanad- dkPinMUoadedUdy. lltaaloB. oaJ ALDownorJog- gtoTa 0iaB»-lMiarUowaid,CarBlawanaodMra.Mow. — "-^-HMLaCiairo, Oimo aod lloMaa, and Usa • "'•ass!' dtKa'Maalo nSTrMatMd'fVeffe^tKlSVo^r ' »a^_Uie.tatue«ale oharaMr.wM H Ispoa CL . _ ... ,0(vroi(».--Maaager C JOoa Maalo uSTntx WaUar BalMiAruie lattleaake ohaneei. . httMB VK at Ihewoadartead, durlag biB porfbratneti Iv a hiai nliler, bot be fblly aipooulo raoorer Louis lanmu aala pau out KalbdeU'a OipbooDi fluro, omq* ng (aPouJa l«C|Wla.M Lealer Howard, nme- dlaa,amaHagRttbeBdaoBmihe ptai weak, la on oM MUnukaaa. M*M • WASHINCTOMg S««<Uo.-^( tb« BeBtU«TtkMtre "TDo (llrl IUR BehUhl Me" ouuaa Kay 10. 'The FeoclBg Haaiar" came to good boiltieaa April 9, SL Urimth'a "t^uat" ^nw a Ikir tiuaa* Nay 3k and waa fiillned Uia neit night by *niaBall%*'by the«iuac«arany. "Alabama" c^nnM 11 aadia. ODRbUTf TnUTBl.—The UlgKloa-WaMran IV*. ofeoptl Ihe WMk ^ la "Nldaapnad," to agood houao. Tie Ameri< raaOaletyOo. lUtl gnoj builoau weak of April A. Weak or Mu ULUIggloe-WaMroa Co., U "The insngar." MiDWRtPanRTuuni opeaaunler tItaiimuAganiant or Marrr Braaa It. Ji» W nTTH oipeeta th feopen Ibe ("eople** Thaalro In a adiori Una aa a TaudaTllle lhaatrtf. iMkaaa^At Uie AndKorlum *'Atabiima'*rAiiio li» ur hoaaeo May &, T. The Miuart Rintiihooy t'lub nave a aaerod concert lu a big iHiaaa A. Paon.ii'a-.Week o( 6: Llllle MonU and Uum Adilry, Adele Staart, Dora CrlmmlnB*. Rpf ncer, l.ulu Walia, Plor«nr« FatMlBPti, Bil.AmoU, llcn.Tnurll, Julln Wln- cball, CUnaea lUaon, Llbble AraoM, HatgU AiMtt. Builoaaa Ugood. J.BrarrJfminKur, treaaurerof the Auilllttrlani Onring Itaa Boaaoaa of imU, diad May I. NEBRASKA. LlBeoln.*At tbo Unalng Tbeatro "Side rnekad"camd to light baalnao May 10. HouM'allaihl omneafbrotatlnoe U. ifailly Oaaehercorneaolnhtof U, In'^r Flat" Palmar'a "Trilby" corneal). Niir PuxRB.—War oonoert, iimlar th« auaptcea of lha W. C. A., waa glren A, to packed houao. Itooianr I ctwtna U. JctLB WiLTBia' 'Wde Tracked" oinaei lie aeaaon at DobuqaalowB, U. Mr. Wattera will prMuce lib now plaoa, "A Monay Order," oaii aeawn. ami W. 0. Ktlnunda wUI haroebane ofbli^'Blile TiMkad" Co. — OB»lia.«>iAt nord'R Tbeatre the OnutiB E(li«* lllaaireUbaregonlnroapaotJi for iheir annual benafit, May U. looaa'aBanUroBiealli Kmlly Bancker, In "Onr rut," U, M; Peur P. Dallay. lo "A tjouoirp Hport," »X 11; *^« Paaalag Bbow" B. n. CALIFORNIA. Aageleo.—PeUr Pa Italler, Id <'A CauDtrj Bpon," played to lood boiloeu at the Loa AoRetai Thta tre,MapM. '^iporba" (a bookad for M-ia ihouihat Kaoat It looka u If tha datea may bo cancaled At Barbank TtaeMra "Tha PreoehH|ty" drew light houiaa week oodlag 4. Bdnr Rfktao obened fo *'WIII n' the Wlap" B The OrpbeaB ladnwfng well. H%w (acaad. Blnaaand Eleetrli Naoly, 1 OMDI , ..-.awfngi laad BlaDa,Btuartaoa thoHa)*!. rio QuartoL Pora and Prancla, ....r.Maollftrt aad NfUf lladlaj ' Bgltl ofV lioranrora: The and t^ariuU aoil . aad Nflae lladlay are at Ue New TIenoaBafftt AHnoahlerlogltrevai ilUcoraredat rbaak, tiock of tha aoenea, when the buoae waa by the laaller, morning of 1 Ko partlouUr ilam- acawaadoae HaoagarPred J. Ooo)wrlaan atilp to Baa Praoclaco. DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. Joia W. Bru, iTUnager, dlwl Hay II, tlihe I'tttKlrad* aatellotpltaL thiaoltf.fhmidlalielea. Ute deceaiwl waa bomlalMTak Naw Orlaaaa, Ia., and vaa educated at ■priog Hill Roltef Hnblte, Ala. While rat a young man be eowred tho llTory boilneM with Mn raihar. and waa far e nomber of yitara In tlia tamp liuolnau In Ualreaton. Tei, lla Inreated largely In real eauto In tkat |ilac« anil llouttoo. Id Itn he enlarwd ihe >how lioaliirM, and Ittar becaiiieproprletArofthel'alacuTheatre, HfKiatun, wlilch be owftad at the time of hU di>alh. lie eaiiio to ihU city early la April, In apparent Rood health, but afawUaya altof bla arrlral he complained of feeling 111. Un con- tultlnwaphyalclan II waa found tlial ho wa« MtfTarlng with dUbeloa, and ha at nnre placetl hlniBelf ondir niadl- calcara. lllNwIf«,wbii hail prerotlad hlin lolhUrlty, woaalaoonder ntwllcal traatiiienL Hr. Bell wu Until/ mnwradtnthePoalOroduato lluaplul. vharo ha dlwl. Ttaeramalna varepIaeed'May lA In a racoirlng vault In WoedlawnCenieiery, wMrv tliey will remain until Mra. mnwradtnthePoatOroduato lluaplul, vhai Ttaeramalna varepr ' " BfU haa recovered auntelenlly to return home, ehen alia vlll take the body of har late hualiand to MoUla for In- tarmenL BaaldaabU widow, ihedecaoaad laaurvlved hy a na^aw, John Coltaliao. JOkiT. Moug. a varleiy_perfrimier, dieil May0,at lila boao ta lAwreooo, Maaa. The deceaMd waa well known la coGoactloo with the ute WlUlain Hliltler, wlUi whom ho made hla debot lie wai a|au uf tlia teaiit Laalle Eoran, aad later Leonanl aad Moran, tarred 7. ton ARDRLttOf Kaatlag aad Anlolldlad racanlly (n •may Oliy. N. J., aOara iTogerlng lllnaaa. BiDiR BOBK, an aetraM, dM May i, at her home In kgo. IIL, from perltoollla. Tho docea**l wat laat e ^jTvlth Hieiioo^a "irode Tom'a Oablo" Co, Hhow_ lewilk of0. V. Burr, wim aurrlre* lior. J. BOOTT JonBROV, ireaaurer uf the Andliorlam. Hpo. hano PaUa, Wath.. daring ISBO-n, died May 4, atihatcity. C J. Dl (IRH (Onoa. J. ProenO, corOumr and hypnuilM, dIad May 14. In Biwhlrn, N. V.. agoil iblriv fovr yaara. Tba daoaiaaed waa a brolbar of Mn. B. H. Hahiitfao, of tlia Bolamboa. FOREIG N SHOW NEWa "PRINOBH Amabwazbs," ID extmTaffinu, br Tom Pftoltoo, wu predaiied for tbe flnt time Apnl U, Bt tbe Fler, EBitbounie, Kog. '■iH roBvraAVBB," A dniu. la four ici^ hy lUob* •Til SkowTOBoek* wu uted for tho flnt Uine April 11, At tbe Hew lUeBtre. BerilD, aer. **Du Ubtsbil obb WBIT." A tbroo aot drama, bj Fedor Voo ZobeltltB. wuperfonDedforilioantUme April 3a, At tbe teeefoR Theatre, Uerlln, Oer. '*Tbb Oirv OF rLBABtma," a drwu. In m prologue d four uU, founded hj Oeorge Ha Mow on Tariie aod DMOoreelleie "Olfoleite/'^recelvetl lla Initial piMtotatlon April 72, altberrlaceofWBlwTtieAUe, PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAU. WaniB of Mmctr* and P^rlormn, Optn Oittia fto.-4)M AdvirtlMmtfltb Da4HATI0. Bdwia O. Lawnnea'i Bchool of Aelloi olTara acarmi datloaaiathoaewlahlogtortudyforifaeaugo. IMabo "BInpHBed BloealloB,<^b aald b bo telling rapldlr. AL Orant doted the aeaaon wlUi^A BaitgagelVioeh*' Co..tDdeaaa«ceptoirarB foraeitaoaaun In farcaeoiiiady or nadoTilte for oU atroog •peclalty. Tha Oaraar Comedy Co., onder uf dlracilnaof J. W, Canwr, waot dramoilo people aod anaiaoi. Tlilaatirac- loo oaa be booked Id goodhnuaof. The New AudltorlaD. Portland. Ind.. wjii be iMnad Kept S. Aitrecuoaa can book iLa upaolnji oaa later ' tUa to good tdraataga. W.M.wlabeeaaon^ ~ RobloaoD Opera li wgagemaoi ai aloilni c(me>)Ian, Ifoaae olTeia eicellaot time lu flnt o. r. nod a mroeit Dnoia altroctlooa. P. MllUroSi.-, attiwuona for time at hla B|jouTbvatr~a, (niicafoi roffaraaMclallodneamaola to managoraof people are wanted by WIU K. OuUtaoe, Balpb T K TIckera, Bva floranea, Mdlowao and Tonr, J. 0. Walker, BaUay an<l liny, Marry Far- naadeo. (lee, M. BlmbolL W llaid and Viiaaun; Jack Fowler. J. A. Jaaklaa, Joe WIIHobib, J. R Hioekdale. Uoo. ''ai iSborf/: The Jamtta, will pavU, Wm. J, Honpe, Eaile Onddoefe, TrooMa Onddock. Lonia Amatrang. Prodtrieh Hooker baa oaBamoil iba inaoagatnant uf the PrlBeeeaTbaatrOilfobUe, AU.,aodubooklngattrBcikinf. "TbeLaal WalU,"a eolcby reeltailve walii ballad, con .TT^ ^2 WonDRtURpMrtna^OaeUaadwoah: Onnoball— Prof. Walter JUlftoa, the ntUonaaU klof; OberaUtr ba ebiMa«d,wlth of«b«atra v*rt^ from ilia **' ~w Co. They reeommand It rerr ntrongly in all Aa oi^lallr atinctlra wfabrollo aAng,aB. Ffr TTiary Ara Olhen," b]hki|4 alaoproreawiB- oar, aad laaappllad forteii cenU liy ihe aama Hrm. _ Prod loaea* Baod, la iheir muiloil ■p«iaclaa,"War aa4 - taa "Day at the WorM'a Pair.'' lotrodudDg many - — —_ ^Dg many Doral o(recta,are booked lor a lonrUirooi^ iltel;ofi«l Buioa A aami«r of promlnaot aoluiau.loainineaul aad Toeol. are onder engagement, aod the o»mpaay will Inchide aliiy performera. A few i«peo datai eao lie hcokad. Chat. U Lowla eopipAae* anoga, arnnflaa mntlc. etc. "Darllog Mabel" la laaaad hy W. V. tlhum. "Mr Booola Elofae." a DOW BOOB, can tro ordered fruu tba PortifO Maaie Oo. "It la loraliy," a aong ao a popular topl(\ haa beeo la- Boad br taeDroaatJe Mualc Co, Maaleiaat or* wasted m Ooa Flabar. Chartea Uonlaoa, OjKrrra ^^^y^' ^ IJjl* Bnihera, B. R Klwb, J. A. Jen* Thararu MuIeCo. wiu aupi'ly lao saw icoia for four ceata to pro/at»'ootl«. Tbe BaRtiah Boag Poblltfalag Cv. btio a ounberof eaichr RiMleatloot, at un caou aKh. ^"The^y of Iba Whippoorvlir' la laaaed by Horrr ^QTvoor 'P*M Waa RIth Uka MIbo" caa ba ordered from W. J. A. CUder. At Llbenr: I'enn Dobba, B. Kmlch, prof. N, 0. Abbott, Oroeo T. AbboiL f. Cameron, R |[. AlfRarar. Prnf. R. KanlaakrN. W. Buirar. Paul nahmaeli,/. & WeMi. JobaBoniag. vlollnlat; H.B. Barbr. Harry ni<tar, W.J. Adama^ Cbarlae Barker, Walior fitmllo. Bpencer braka. Charlea T. Boyce. WlllBoetlurnppUaaaoagtookaatdnaaa dollan per ^KK^ Uala Bmltfa, tlolla aad piano MioIaU. caa IliSrSf B'SiiV If, pabllabad '■wloil low," caa »a onlaiatl Ima Um- tkUUT ttik" la a law «alU _ .« h1 DaoaMaiiilKaiM. VAHmV AND ■IIISTBBU. r.w.«uoh'aTaoaaflllaa,haaila<! ami otraail hr K. W Mnh, Iba llalin.latil dnnbliaU linar, will apaa lla .m •Dilaaavnaaalrail. Tta eompanTwlU liaral Inlhali A rawnoiallntahaa qiaclallr aala ItnoirEpi.' MaipilllMal Hinatiala will oiM lhair nailaaaa«fl In Jgtr, nnilar Uia n*w manaaamantorBaall HallanfT, whn wanuulani in all bnacbaa ol inlaaualar. muitcUna, ate. A nnag noTalljr act can alao nod an an. TiullandAbaelilnnhaanMfrl. ,, _ , .. |l^tel»Ula.araw«iila.ll.)r J,*. Ita.lilwn. Or. "•„V<^,'- Knlar.Dr. H. a. Il■l•al<l^ Naaman aniI.>lo«r«.HIacltla nnlr Co., HUanlvtlh an<l RuUxrfbnl, I. U. Barton, nr. H.>. |ii«nMr.B<ihArtM.nwr(taW. Brran, llariT Kcharkel, Kiiirlr^ tS... nr. Whlla Wolf, nillr Itataaa, Catl raillKii, Wall MrlMnahl, I'amaliaalta^llMnia Van linu l.n.t:hBtl" Alk>n. I'. T. Juliti'vii, f.T. Walth, Umlrli A rtrry, >V.lar llarli (V. - „ . , llarrr Falrtvinh., T. II. ItiiiiiplirM* l(.». I'aliiaiii anjl K.l.ljill|t rail in llio r.v l llrnl ilirr ^ow ' '•."'I- lliiiliin of till, lltla tliilham iMiy gnarl.l, anJ wailo llial lllle fkuiioa. thajr ran l» aoaaanl, h.vliia laiinllpj. Th. iinartal wprkliia umlrr that namu at prraonl axa »al enllllid tit II. iiH*. thai- rlalni. , J. W. Ilnhanirt Iratlii" .taan Jalirint, ric. CiinltivVKllli, llw .wlniiiiar, liaa liarn nlllm a "ik. t*mr^\\ riicaaoiitpilt at llikaitK. Who I. niiw al Ilia IHwna Hnral. Am Kianrlacii. .tha can In anaaaail an.r Jiiiinl. Jnhu W. Irtiani liB. diaiiacillha tllla of lii» nut m- p.iir> •umrtliiui 1.1 "JiJin VV. t«h»lii'« Rural Ih-l'-rouii.. 111. ciTHilMitir will InrliiilD Mm.. iaua.n.^r«il J. riiirr. anil a niiiiilHir iff iilli.r clnrnr i-olorrJ Iwrhinnon. AculMl iianlaaUTmiiutilar. , VliilM MA.ciilta, nlinlin..|iailaarenUr«al»' ftit.rl.nnt In aluillar vtora, I. |ir<i|>«rr.l lii nnilorut.lo ralrtan. nail .ta|lnuat*|>niiliirlliin^tiiilr.laliaihl ftimUh wanlmlv^ at.! aNtaiallv l.t|iut lii,i>lli.r ami »|illp wttitanloa. MiKclallnisll'in.arKaBiilii'l II) I'. «rt(«itii, fir Ikit la™ llurli I'alitro ami Hilalilun I'lrr, i:ia>ar liJarel. Janioa Mtlltllitr la llis ihracliir uf nntni.liiontri. Kutra anil ll^nlr. ranliMtiliiilal^ can All CHKnait* iii.Dtailiirlnn III. fliiininiir. BmriAlly arunf llifl hlaliit'l claaa at. wanlnl Inr Joliii W. Ilolinr.'Hiar TtiMlia, lliiiolibii. l<irnD«a««iin. J<rti«ii'8 liavllliin Tliraira trill o|.in Jlajr >l. Howl pmiil.rjin iHmh tliiir. . .. ^ .. , li Hiteclallira am wanloil hy liHill. KallillaU fur hla Or^,ll.uni Hiar*. Dalhiy ami llllliin can bu anaaanl an.r Jnlie.t At Llbortr: ■liinll and Uaitolkt, K. Krana, llaiir lllllhrlBUirarlalllltaarawanUillir I'alu'a fynhRliK. y.,ia. Mult cahl. laifiirmar, can ba aniianil Untualt II. K. WhMlor. j!latkanitHl.lIlalractillllinaan ana^ainitnl with llio Vntal* Ilarhar." ■how. "lilKlit llirl." Co.. In Uialr n.w acl. "A frntal llaily lia D.II vanlfiimiiU fur hla iiarlllun llarrr llraia wanta a liarlnar for a mualaal l... irnok anil CIlDUin. laily dianfltiKtt.i". can ha atiaaxaii Al.ailtl Mania Amlanma ara ancctarfol In tlioir i>a>« Klanlalltin akalrli. Tdar ara nillnl an aniagaiiiaillat liaa'ailiialrllall.llulllilo. iKtrini artti laalla'a comaily daoglnn art can ba aaan at rrnelar^a thll waak. ^ ^ , rtaaa ant) Aildfa Burt hatn tatiimail li> Naw yorb. TTiay ara bitnkatl n^r anaairMrianU In London and tlal. caluandwIllaallJuIrld. „ Aclnra' I'niloatlio I'nlnn, Xit. I, alMla.! naw oHlnrj Mara. Thalrniaollna will liahaM ovory Ttiijr»lar at II i. a. at) Unlni Ktiiara. TnlanI can ba >u|i|tlM al ahoii icarl and U llall liara ckiMl wllli lha Haniiiin k Hallay aiDWandcanba aiiaaaml fur aorlal ami alalia b»I "Hlehanl. A I'clrabi'a Uuoritla Jlloatrala. haulMl Itj ■Illy Kataaalll^ can bo Uiokcil nirnatl aaaion. (tool* toloiad iiarfiinuara am waiitail. V. A. Iloaco U lha baal. naaantanairar. ^ , HiMlallr acu ara wanlad fur tita rarlllnd naaliv, llprlo«ncH, Naaa. OIROVI. rircua |»oiila are wantail liy Irrlo anil Hooa, il W. no Arl.y,8l(Paranto, K. A. lliiaw,H.I..llUtk, M.T. Wa ann, "■- ■ lalila Bhnw allraollona, |ialalla|a, Klniy and llaria want a '^nn,at«. niayon.rii,....'.. ilU Kmthata wanla |iSirftiratata, Ikaaka and aurloalllaa. Tha lliilfabt Hill WIH Waal ara canHiM for lha araoin, liaadail l>y t>tl. W. K. llialy, who olalnia iirlorlly lu unali- lllita tlila fonit nf aniuariiienl, , , KMlaraa are wantxl for tint Wyoiiilnl WIN Waal. MmOBI.LA NICOUB, Wanlail; fllau lilotrara Ityf^liarlaa Loronliant; Iralnwl bull bv H.ilcan Vlllaaa i:ii.; lani, by lltirlliiiliinaw: aaala Iiy Uaaonlo llulMliiu AaaouUllun| lunnlna abiba br Hclllarwi: laily aviiiitiiar, lUcer anil aeruliat by A. H. I'uaelliHanta t!laiia«l|tali>'nAnla titaua. For Hala: Tricka by W. II J. Hltav, A. lliHatbara and T. K. Onwiia: pliiiliiarepb niarlilnaa by II. H. Haa; Hloa'a llbl Ala llouait by Ilia iiruprlalreai; Unla. alu. by K. Kana'a N<iiia: hlnitlii>aiii.a liy K. rraunf.ltar: trlnka by Jaa.l,.Hmllh; aiiakea by J. K. tndlila. Ulaa II. R. Jolinaoii aitilU. W. Halo.. prlollniatlkntnlaoaraliMland loaorlptira alaaila al itrlollnaatlUeonlafH lj£canl. anil upwania, Tha Hli 1,1111a Talbin Tha Jiiiilan Hlinw Wlnli:!!.. ofLlilcaio. aupply iilolorlal aUa ' faliortiaro nikklnn Uianianlraa popular wlUi lha niaaaoa by lliair |iiw lataaforwhlcli tliay mm oulRprloji aulta. , Tto WUilarhnm Miow rrinllni l^>, aiainla onlara of <Mo la tacninnianilail tn prufauluuala fur lla alTatllaa* naia In araillcatloK bail odor. Hhow palnlina. ara aultpllad by Ttickar Urulhara and OltarleaWiilfACu. „ Allraalloiia ara waiitail fur UtaUalolyand IIUihi Tliaa. Ira, Kail HlT.r,llau.: falauiii (ipan Houaa, Uuonia, N, II.; Opara llouaa, Hochaalar, Intl. A.QUATIO. ooMino DvaiiTi. May 30-Oaiiania Yaoht Olub annual lagatla, Jaoialea Bar, L. I. May ID-ltonlh Boaon (Mala.) Yachi Olub aaaaal taialla. May at-llarlanl Ha|aU* Aaaoalalloo lunual lawlal lo' Rlw ABtataor Bowlag Aaaoelatloa aonual rentta. Paaaalc, M.J. , . ,. ^ May BMlairaui Taelil Olub KprUig rogatla, Loss blaod ■emid. Juno B-Knlckerboekar Tacht Olab uoaaJ ragalla. Long laLand Bound. „ June lO-Uroohlyo Yodit Ulab onaaal regolta, Ka« Vork Bar, June ll-AUaqUo Taeht Olub odbuoI rafolta, Naw Tork ^'oe IS-Kaw Tork Ta«bt Olub aaBoal regatta, Kow Tork Bay. Jupefi-Ualreraliy of I'aanaylranla ra (Airnall Unl- vtnMy inaloli raoe, IHiaca, N, V, . JuBo lB-Ur«hmuot Yadit Olub Bprlog reialta,L*BB Itlaod Rnaod, „ Juae 1A-Ptillada)plili <Pa) Tacbl Olab obdbbI ragalla. Dataware Hirer. JiualB-tHymulo VaolitOlubanBual ragalla, N. V. Bay* Juno ir-Maiao^uaetu Toeht Ulub aaoual ragatta, Marblahoad. Juoon-HchoyUIII Hary aaoual rafalta, Phtladalpbla. JoneB-Dottglutoo Tacht Olab aaoaaJ ngotta, Itoof laloiid Hound. „ Juaa n-Hteant rocht raeo, Voakee Doodle ri. Norwood, Hudaoo Blrer, K. Y. ^flo II BetwanhakaCorlothlan Toebl Olob laaual "iarraji]\'wfyala l/nlraralllaa annual matoll rioa, Maw tomlon, ol A MOWiHil uuiui la Uio lalMt laauo rfiiiii Ilia priM ol llio Amartcaii I'ulillalilna VniniHtny, 'M Hroail- way, Now iriirk, Haaklea ino otinaillullon aiid lij- lawanr llio Nallonal Aaaiirlatlon iil Anulriir (iiinf mon, It conlalna lava of Iml ncliiK,i«l(allaruloa,. doobiloiia uf oxaciillire onnunlllo, llat of laial i;lulM itMinlien uf Uio Aaaoclitloii anil *aaoclaUi clabH, Willi the nimea ami •(Mr«aea of llwlr itilli:«ii, aiiit arocoidofraiaUMlieMilurlDiUM,Willi ihoiuu* or «aota iMinMr of Uio wlDUliig crow, TIIM Yds Uollago oarr raweil lU aonual HpitoM fcaitia Ktjr II, OD Uko Wliltnof, owr Naw lUron, VL nouiurMwaaainllokodittiuarUir liiag,aun Uio wftlar roogb. Ilio Hopbomoraa woo. TIib win- olog araw wm iiia<la up u (i>llawi i. H. IVOMl- WTlabt now), T. W. Millar, J. H, Joilil, 11. V, tuithplii, II. 8. tknpb^, S. I'aMfann, F. II. Ibill*}, 4. U. HUnpami (uplain and ittroke), Avango welghl, I«Mlk. Ooxawain, II. 0. Ilolcomli. Tub Biiiniiiui of (ho lal« lloorT Wam, wlioaa re- MDt ilutli at King Mill, N. Y„ waa mado known In lha laal laauo nf Tub L'l.irnit, prulaal agslnal tha atnteaiant ibat bla funeral waa oonduclctl tiy tho lUbaruiaD of L'lairbuuke/ lleaoh, llo waa liuited from the realdenca of hla oldaal aou. and hla Camllf bore lall tlm oxpenaa of bbt lolarmeiil. Till OtruKNi IN. 1.) Ibiwlog Avuclallnn Ujcllog MtIMuu haa foroeil a wheel olub Willi tbe foUowIng olllcan: Caplalu, K. II. HtockUio: flnl llanleiwiil, (V, Wordaitj •aojnd lleul«D*nt,(l. w. Buoillcic; asc- reiaiy, W. a. Frealon. THI Holnis Olair* Vwllng Honlreal,L-*ii., held lU unual nieoilng Jlar Iko elecliun of omi:en reaalUug aa follow: rraaldant, Rnbl. Hnre- dllh (n-elecladi: v|i» preildeul. A, A. Ucliougail; ceplalD, U. B. V, Unncb; aacraUr;, (lao. 0. Jack- Bun) treuurer, II. i. A. (Inrdrel. Rowuio AT llARVaau l/'KivcHmri.'aae tna atsud- itIU Max 10, owing lo aareralcaaeaof acurlotfevar •moDg Ihe oaraown, and for tba prawi furtbar pracuce wUl oothepeni)l"ad. Uauy McUUMOKr, of Loudon, liai., win, a la •atd, brtng hla aiaau facbt (llrvlda lo Auuitu thla Haavar K. IIiai'llHi.f, traaaorar, aad a mambarof iba Rtacollva t:omrnlil.a uf Ui. .Vaibmal AaaocliIlM) nf Am- ataor Oiraman nf Aifi.rlca, iliH ar 1,1. raablaiiea In Ittlla- dalplila, I'M .May 0. kk.'I rurly-alabt year*. IfitoMa tnami^r or ih. (;i« Ivat t.nnh and »f tba Natal Hoard Iff tun Mrhiiilklll M^vr. fur yaara «a. aiiaciira anil afllJioal-t*ll- ahi.i.ur oar'nlao, aill In baal I'M nryi un *aa cofnijitidora of lha .%avy. 11. hiil lirtn iraaaunrurUi.NailoiialAauictatloii almotlfrooi ili.ilaia ol lla oraanUatlnn. waa vary pofialar wlUt hla bmocIhi.., aitil illq touch for tlia adrancamaot of ainalailr in. ■ lorafort lo Amarlea. lla waa a nianiliaror ttadrinnf lliivaol llln^haian A Hon. min eAi|luil*.|iin ■arrbajti.. Tlia Karal l>»nl haUaaoacIa laaDluilooa ware adoptad. Klal niaattnff,at which aaltabja