New York Clipper (May 1895)

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Mat 18. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 169 UlAOVn AMOOIATIOR.: Euttm Taamt Bagln .Tltelr Ftnt S«rln -of CaniM tn th« Watt'. OlmcbuwU n. If (w Tork. me Onoliuutls bast Uia K«w torki for tha aec- oQd tliMlIij t, (t OlndnLAtl, 0., >fUr • liard Dp- bin llftit, bj KOtlof time ram la tha nimb Inslog. na Tlallon auited off Uke wlimtn, acoilDg four nu In tba ant Inning, wblob giTa Ibam ■ lauL TMr tolM to score tgsin nntu Die aannUt and elgttli InnlngB, whan Uiaj added two more aloglea. Tba boma Utm, In tba nianntlnia, bad acored odIj roar nmi,ud, wltbderaatilailna ttaam In tba tact, tbax want In on tba olntb, and belog aaalaled two baaaa on balls, two ilnglea and an eiror Faller, scored tbiea runs, wblcb srored anongb to win. Boib plioban did good work at tlaiea. Tba long aafa bits were dcnbla baggera. hj lAtbam. Hogralvar, Davis (twice), Tlanan (twice), and Haekln. EwlngandMoPbee,niadaaoni«pre^stopa on bot bit btlbL ^ ~ I. NlW YOIK. T. I. B. o. A.m. 0 Burt*, ir.... 5 1 0 9 1 0 ' Tianan. if.. a 1 ■ 1 0 0 ClKOIKITin. T. R. B. O. A.M. lAihaio, ab.. a 0 3 0 *" uor, ir 5 1 3 I a i HorWiti.. i 1 0 1 a 1 BalniTIbi... 6 I 3 U 4 1 llllia"rr.... > BDltli.M.... a HoiinlTer,cr 6 Phlllliakp.. BblnM.p... llaiT<u>.... Tolali... OlQClnnall. Nav York.. 9 1 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 s 10 0. 7 » n 17 . I 1 ( 4 0 D»lj,9>.... t 1 a I . Dorle, lb.... 4 0 0 t 1 ria Hall'ii,cr4 III' BUlTultfiSb.. rami), e.. MMkIn, p. Puller, ■.. 4 1 0 4 0 0 a 4 0 10 4 0 0 1 Tolalf.. 9> I e 27 U 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 9-7 - 0 0 0 0 1 I 0->< •K•rrllt baltad la Rlilaee' Dlaca. Eaned reaa—New Tork, 1 Bale on eimre-Clsclo. aatl, 1; H. v.,4. Od balto-o^a: N.T.,1 8(rucli«il— 0..1. unplra. Keafa Time, 3d. ST buncbing tbeir bita at opportnna tlmaa tba Kair Torks wen enabled to rerene tba aboTa ranlt Kar t, wban thsM teams met tor tbs Iblrd same o( tbelraeiles. Rode was la gi«at(onn and neld the borne team down to aU sate bits and onlj one earned roD. Tba boma team were onlr able to aeon In tba second and tUid Innings, wbanbasason balls bslped tbem to iwoottbelrtbreorana. Pbllllpswaa batted aafeir wben bits wan neoded. Tba long skf a bits were a triple bagger bj Ewlng and doable basan bjr Millar and Biina. Tba llelding of Davla, Faller and Smitb was eicallent, sacb malting aome wondertal stops ol appareouj are blli. Ciictimin. T. a. a. o. a.b. j,9b. Uer, If. 4 lIonea.n>.. 4 Eflni, It>... 4 MlUar, rf....4 Smith, H.... 4 Tansbo, o.. 4 BofmlTar,cf 4 Fblillpap... 4 Tatali. ..90 OladoDatl KawTork. 1 0 3 0 0 4 0 1 0 1 I II I 1 3 0 0 1 2 3 NnrYou.T. a. a. o. i.b. eu II 1 3 1 0 0 1 9 Barka, U. . Tlaman, rf.. a DaTla,9l>.... S Dorla. lb.... 4 VaaHalt'o,cI 4 Slairoi4.3t».. 4 FairaU, c. Ruale, p. Falter,*!.... 4 10 9 9 ToUl< 10 10 17 17 1110 3 110 110 3 I 1II 1 0 0 3 0 0 13 4 114 1 4 110 3 Baraad ruDa-OlQCtDDaU, 1; Nav York, S. Baila on liaUfl " - — -. ........ uioplrt. -0.,4; K. Y.,a. BDack oat—0. Eaaft. Tlm^lJa. 4: N. Yn 1. LoataTllle Ta* New Torh, Tbo New Yorks defeated tba Lonlanilea HaTt, at LoDlsWUe, St., br tbelr superior all round work. Tbe New Torks baited tbe ball wban bits ware need- ed. Both pllobera were loncbed ap tn a Uvelr man- ner, bat German managed to keep tbe bits made olT blm well apart, and bad bis support bean perfect Dot a ran would hare bean scored. In tbe alghib iDolog tbe Loulsvillea acored tbrce runs otT an error br Uavla, a base on balls, two dropped lly balls bj Van Haltnu, and a loni llT to left Oeld. lUe New Yorks were also fsvored with tbrea rnna In tba tblrd InolOE, cblefljon errore, witb a couple of blls added. Lubr led la baiting, ills tbrea aafe bits Included s double and Utpla Dagger. Tbe otber loogsafe bits were doable baggerfibr Darla and Tan Ualtreo. lluipbr was bit on Ibe knee and be waa forced to Rdre, Faller taking bis place In tbe Hxtb lonlng. LOVI8TILLL T. a. a. 0. A.B. UeOaan, rf.. 9 3 0 0 0 0 O'Briao, 111., t 0 0 3 9 I BhQian, cr.. s 0 1 9 0 0 Olaacock.ia 9 1119 1 Claik, U 9 I 1 1 0 1 PraiUo, 3ll.. 4 1 0 3 1 0 Lobr. lb.... 4 0 9 10 I 0 Cun gham, p 4 0 0 0 4 0 lr»\& c... 1 0 1 0 0 0 Zahaer, e ... 9 0 0 S 0 I T0U1S...41 9 7 37 IS t Loala>llle I 0 0 Nm York 1 0 9 Ntw Yoai, _ Burke, ir.... 9 0 1 3 D 0 TlarnaD, rf.. 9 I I 1 0 0 DaT1^3b.... 6 13 4 3 1 Dojia. lb.... 9 0 1 19 0 0 VaaUall'iLcr 4 13 10 1 BlalTort, 23.. 1 0 0 1 3 0 Bchrlrar, c. 4 1 3 3 0 1 Uerman, p.. 4 0 0 0 3 0 I 1 0 1 I 1 Foliar, aa.... 3 0 10 3 0 TolaU....a 7 II 3713 9 0 I 0 0 3 0-9 10 110 -7 Baao OD aiTora—Loularllla, 1: New York, 1. On balla— L., 9: N. Y.. 9. Sirack ool-L., 3; M. Y., 2. I7mplr«, Canpball. Time, 330. Br bancblng tbelr bits In tbe second and tbJrd Innlnga, Hay 10, tba LoubiTUIas scored algbt rana, and Bucceeded In nvenlog tbe above reaalL For tour iDDlags Heekln was treelT batted. He waa tben takes oat of tbe gaaie, aud Boswell waa sub* stilated. la tbe nmalulng are Innings be slmck oat Are men, and beld tbe LonlsvUlea down to two aafe bits, one babig of tbe sontobr order. Bis de- livery waa very pnzillng, and be bad lots of speed aod good command of the ball. UoDermott pitcbed a steady and effecUra Rama, boldlog tbe New Yorks down to elx aafe bits, from wblob tnay earned only one run. Tbe long safe bits were a borne rna by Davie and a triple bagger br Fkmll. Tbe llelding of O'Brien at second base for Ibe borne team and Boewell'a pitcblog wen tbe teatnrea. LooisTiua. T. a- B. " ' ~ ' KcOaao, If.. 1 p 0 Bwaenar, rf. 4 O^Brieo, 3b.. 9 Sbngaiuer.. 9 aiaaa«ook,u 9 OIaik,ir..... 9 Pnatoo, 9b.. 4 Laby, lb.... 4 Cols, e. 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 13 0 0 0 13 3 0 114 0 0 1 0 I 9 3 2 I II 0 0 1110' MeDennoll,p4 2 0 0 9 1 T0U1S...41 8 0 37 19 4 LoalaTTua. 0 4 4 Ha> York 0 0 0 NawTORk.v. R. B. 0. Jl.B. BanQoo, If TIanuD, rf.. 4 DaTia,3]>.... 4 DojIa,lb.... 4 raaHalt'Q.or4 BlalTonl, 3b.. 4 FarT»U,o.... 4 HaeUo. p... I RflavolC p... 1 •Barke, .... 1 FaUar.aa.... 9 Tolala...99 0 0 0 9 0 0 I 0 3 9 1 1 I 0 9 I 9 0 0 I 0 3 0 0 0 I •f99 0 1 0 0 I 0 3 1 1 0 I 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 9 a ISIiDnrtaot, bit by balled ball. •Borka baued la Boe- waU'a place. Earoad runs—LoolaTllle, I; Hew York, I. Base on ar- rai^-N. T.3. Onbilla-L.,4; N Y.,3 8Uuckon(-L.,9; N.Y., I. Omplra, CampbaU. Tlma,334. Clevelaad vs. WaalilBBtoB* Tbe Ovelande defeated tba Waslilngtonslfayp, atOlevelaad, O., altbougb tbey were ontbatled by tbe latter. Bolb teams played listlessly. Timely bluing by tbe boma team In tbe second and elgbtta Innings, oonpled with eevemi cosUy errere on tbe Krt o( tba vlsllon. Is wbat caused tbe letter's de- iL Tbe loag sate bits were donUe baggen by Joyce, Uasamaear and UnKean. A neat double play by Crooks and OsrtwTlgbt cut olT at least two runs for tbe borne team. A featnn was a senia- ttonal running catcb by UoAleer. Wasbihotoh.v. a a. o. i.a " 84lba<b,ir... 4 0 3 1 0 0 JoreaTSb.... 4 13 0 11 Hanm'ar, rf 4 Abbar.ef.... 4 MeOuln^o.. 4 aifrlglil,lb 4 iiulUrior,Sb3 Vartar.p.... 1 T« Vaablaston. OloTalan). CLarsLiBD. r. a. a. o. jlb. Burkalt, If.. 9 « u 1 ■ UcKaaa. u. 9 2 9 0 0 Obllda, lb.... 4 - • - - 0. Tebaan,lb 1 a.Tabeao, rf 4 llcAlaer,or.. 4 zlmmer, 0... 4 llcaarT,3b.. 0 Orlmena*r.3b4 '=VSL£:::::A 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 737 19 3 3 0-3 3 -7 0 0 10 0 0 19 9 110 0 0 0 0 3 9 1 0 14 9 0 0 0 0 10 9 VMS 14 3 0 0 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 *0. Tebaan oat for iDtarforanca. BamaS mna-Waalilnftoo, I; Clareliad, 3. Baae oo errora—W..3; 0:,l. OaulU-W..3; 0.,B. Slruck oot- Wm3. Umplrv.Batla. Time.3.10. Tlme^ nattlng, assisted by a qoestlonable de. dslon on tbe part of Dmpire Belts in tbe nlntb Ion. lag, enabled ue Waablngtooa to nveree tbe above result. Hay 10, altboogb tbey ware ontbaltad by tbe borne team. Belbaob, Burkelt and O. Tebeau led tbelr respective teams In batung. Uercer and Wallace botb did good work In tbe pitober's peel, tlon, and eacb was very effective at critical stages. It Is said tbat tbe game will be pnteaied on ao- coant of Umpire Belts' decision In declsrini CbUds out at Inl, atier be bad batted In a tun that tied Ibe icon In tbe nlnib Inning. Wassihotob.v. a. a. o. i.B. BalbaelLir.. 9 3 3 3 0 0 Jor<e.9b.... 9 1 Haaamaar.rf a 1 Ibbay, ef.... 4 0 McOuIra, c. 4 a Can'rlabblb « Doonn, aa.. 4 OTnoka,lb... 4 9 1 1 0 a 0 0 1.1 I 1 oil 9 0 . r. a. a. o. i.a ) Borkatt, U.. 9 0 9 9 0 I i UcKain. as. 9 0 1 3 1 0 DCbiMa lb... a 3.1 I 9 1 DO.Tabwa.lbt I 9 • J 0 1 O.Tabiaa.'rf 4 I 1 -3 0 j > HcAlwrier.. 4 119 0 0 9 O'Cobnor, e. 4 0 1 10 0 I aniDlnrr,Sb4 0.0 1 0 1 1 WalUea,p.. 4 0 0 0 1 0 Toula...JB 9 II17 U 4 . ..00040 1-9 Olaralud 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0-9 Banadmaa—WaablaitoB,4; CloTaUBd, 9. Baaaonor. nia-vr, 1; 0., 1. On CaUs-w, 1; o, I. Strack «ut- W.,L Umpire, Bella. Tlma,31B. Mamr.p., Totala... 1 I I I 1 _ 9 •IT 14 4 WoafalBftoB loo St* Lewla va* BoatoB. Tbe Bosiona were beaten by tbe St Lonia team Hay 7, at BL LonU, Mo., cblelly ttanngb tbelr poor llelding. Ibe Bostons batted baid and made more hits Iban dM tbelr opponanls, but SKKt ot tbem cane altar the Me abooM bav« been oat BtaMy was tonebed op|ir<uy lively after tbe tbarth lonlng, «^InUaiM«In<aaTe«Umln tbe middle of Ibe 'ttm. VUsoii puobed a very good game, bntie- celved poor support tnm bla team. Ely led in ba^ tiaivltkadoutiieMdiwoaliiRlea. Tbe oiber long sate uia were a borne tan by Lowe, a triple bagger byOooleyand two banera by Duffy, Tnckar, Connor sad Lyoifs.. A neat double play by f3y, Qnlnn and Connor cut tbe Bostons off at least two rana. Tbe homo team Heldad Bnely and no the bases well, be- side ibelr batUng waa timely. I/oog did good work at abort desplta bla enoiB. BoaioK. t. a. a. o. i.b. Low*, lb.... 0 119 4 1 LanKaa..... 9 0 119 9 IMS, er... 9 1110 0 HoKitbr, Ifa 0 I a 0 I Naah.9«..;.'. 9 0 11 I 0 —" " 9 1 1II 0 0 9 13 10 4 0 0 1 0 4 13 0 9 0 VUaoo, p.. Br. Lovia T. a. a. o. A.B. Brown, cf... Millar, n.... Connor, lb.. tyoaa,3b.... " linn,3b... 81. Lenta. .4) 91411 14 • 0 0 0 0 19 a I 119 0 3 13 1 I I U 0 119 1 119 4 13 0 1 Olio ,.. . 0 0 0 3 Br«lCataln,pl 0 0 0 1 T»tall...ttlOll>7ll 3 3 1 0 0- 0 0 0 3 St-. Palla, ( ... 9 Bta]a>,p.... 9 Bnlt'atain Banad nnia—Bostbo, 4; Bt Loala, a. Part fln balli BU 3; Bt a. Btrack out—B., 1. Umptra, Bmalla. Tlmak3.90. AH nnroitonala Injury to Ebret, wblcb earned bbi nlliemant tton tba game, waa Ibe chief cauae ot Boatoo'a bdnt aUa to revaiBe tbe above reaolt May e.' The hoae team bad a good lead wben Ebret waa ugared while at tba bat to the aaveutb Inning, and bad to retire. BrelteDsteln was snbsUiated. Tbe latter waa so wild In giving basea oa balls that the Boetona scored seven runs before the side was re- tiled, wblob vlrtnally settled tbe game In tbelr lavw. Up to the time ot bla raluenant Ebret Btotaed a great game, and waa well supported. Tba ug blta ware double baaan by Connor, I^on and (jutnn and a triple bagger by Polo. Long and l}on. not led tbelr reuecttve teams In balling. The Held, lojr ot I/owe ana Ely was a teatare. ftOSTOB. T. a B, 0. A.B. Lower lb.... 9 119 9 1 LoDCBa..... 9 1 9 7 4 1 Dallr,cr..... 9 1110 0 Kecactiir, If. 9 o i i i Xaah,3b 9 13 3 1 - ' 9 110 0 9 113 0 0 Btnaon, r1. Warner, o.. SaUlna. p. Oolllna*.... MIchoU, p., Totala... BoatoD St. LoQia. .911391 .90000 . I 1 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 .49 II 11 37 19 7 ...1 0 ■ 0r. Looia T. a. a o.ti.a. Brown, el... 9 1 0 3 0 0 9 i i 4 i o MUlar, rf.... 9 I l 1 0 0 CcnMT, lb.. 9 0 9 S 0 0 Lyona, 9b... 9 114 11 aalnn,3b.... 4 119 1 I Elr.aa. 4 10 3 11 Pallao 4 0 13 10 Bbnt, p 3 0 0 0 0 0 Dowdt I 0 0 0 a 0 Br»lunat*n,p 1 o 0 0 I 0 T0UU...4I 7 917 II 1 0 0 1 7 0-10 IIOOIO0I1-7 •Oolllna batted In SaUlran'a plaoa. tDovd ballad In Ehnt's plaeo. Banad nna—Boilon, 1: 8L Lonla, I. Baao on twUa— B., 9: 91. L., 4. Slruek out-B., 3; St L., 2. VupIro, BmaUa. Time, 110. Plllabwrf wa* DvooklyB. Superior battlDg enabled the Brooklyns to defeat the PlUsbargs Hay T, at Flttsbnrg, Pa., when nin stopped the game at the end ot tbe fltlb Inning. Tbe rein drst appeared wban tonrand a half innings bad been played. Time was called, and jnstwbea thirty mlnnteawareaboutup tba rain ccaaad and tha gBma was Rsamed, wllb the score ot 0 to 3 against tbe home team, nie FIttabnrgs went In and scored three runs before the last man waa put out Then It commenced to min again and the game was called, gIvlDga well earned victory to the Brooklyns. Hart, who alarted In to pitch for the home team, was bat- ted so hard In tbe tblrd Inning that he gave way to Uenotee, who lasted only one Innlog, wben be waa replaced by KUlan. There were alx aafe blta made oir Hart's pitching, iDCludlag a double and two brt)>le baggera. Two hits ware made off Meneteo and none off KlUen. Lucid pitcbed a good game, only one run waa earned off his delivery. Hie long sate bits were triple baggera brlacbance and An- derson and double baggen by Lacbance, Cross and Hart. Bbooiltv. t. a. a. 0. a.b. arifflD,cr....9 a 1 I 1 0 Ladinac«,lb 3 11 Dal;, lb 3 1 0 Buna If.... 3 Andenoo, rf 8 0 1 Shocta.m.... a 1 0 MulT«r,3b.. 8 I 1 —8 0 3 I 0 orlm. 0 LaoId,p... 9 0 0 1 I 4 0 3 I 0 0 I 0 a 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 Pirreaou. v. DODOTin.rf. 9 Buntal,ef... 9 3 3 9 Cllnlrm*o,30 3 Cn)aa,aa 3 Rugdan, 0... 3 Uart,- Tolalt.. Broobbn.. Plttabr - .33 0 a 19 4 3 a. a o. A.a. 1 I I u 0 '300 ADO 0 0 0 0 1113 0 1 0 0 3 0 01100 110 11 ^p 10 10 3 0 llenen«,|i.. I 0 0 1 I 0 KUIen, p ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tobaa...2l 9 9 IS 9 1 1 0 4 1 3-a 1 1 0 0 3-t , . . urx, 1. . _ _ ror—P. Ob balla— B., b; P., 1. Umpuna, Mumy and Lena. Time, Ih. Bupetlor batUng enabled tba Plttabuiini to nrene llie above result dv tba auct aeon Hay 8, wbea tbey met tor Ibe third time this seaaoo. Ilawley ftreved tbe stumbllDg block Id the way ot the vlslt- ag twtsmen. He not only pitched well, but led Ui balUng. Bla three aafe nlta Inclodad two bcabla baggers. Tbe other long safe bits were double baggere by Stanzel and Beokley. Daub proved an eaay mark and was freely baued, especially In the second and seventh Innloga, wben the borne learn scored seven ot Ibe nine runs ciedlied to them. Hawley's all ironnd work was Ibe leading feaiore. .Good lleldlDg was done by Daly, Bhoch, fisner and CUoinnao. Rain fell during the game, which had a bold enact on the attendance. Bbooeltb. v. b. b. 0. A.a Pirrssoao. v. a. a. a a a. 1 9 0 0 DoBona, rf. 9 I 3 I 0 0 0 0 Bunial,el... 9 13 10 0 3 I Backlar, lb. 9 0 1 10 0 0 0 OBolth, ir... 9 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 Bauer, 3b... 9 13 19 0 9 I Clln|man,9b 9 1 3 0 3 0 9 I Croaa,aa..... 9 10 9 11 0 0 KInakiw, c.. 4 1 0 4 II 0 0 1 OHawl«f,p... 4 3 3 U 9 0 - - 0 0 0 0 .97 4 731 11 9 Totala ..43 01427 19 2 000020003-4 .. O401O3I0 -• arimn, ct. . _ Laclunc«,lb4 Daly, lb 4 Boma, If.... 4 Andeiaon, rl 4 aiocli,aa— 4 MaWar, 3b.. I arlm,o 4 •Foub.... Totala., Brooklyo... riuaburg.. I 1 * Feuu batted In Daub'a place. Earned ruoa—Brooklyn, Ij Plcttburg, 4. Baao on balls —B^l; P..9. BImck out-B., 4; P., I. Umplraa, Homy andLonff. Time, 1.49. Chleafo Ts* ClevelABd. The Chlcagoa defeated the Clevelands May 12, at Chicago, nL, after a bard, nphlU llght,ln tba pre- ssnce ot twelve tbouoand people. Tbe vlsllon out- batted the home team, but could not baucb their blta. Botb pltcben did good work and were elec- tive at critical alagea; tbelr support, however, waa wralcbed, u only one na was earned off eacb E" m. The Chlcagoa were more tonnoate In Eoak- helr blta when men were on the baaaa, gaoerel- a result ot baaea on balls. The long aafe hits wen triple baggen by Dablen, Decker, McKean and O'Connor. OaiQAOO. ' Bran, rf Dafalao, aa.. Wllmot,ir... Anson, lb... BreraU,ao., BlswaTt,3b.. Klttr1dso,e. OrifflUl, p... TDtaU...< (Ihl OlOTI Ta&nd.. 0 10 1 8 737 13 .0 0 3 0 OLBVBUiro. V. BurkalCir... 9 l(cEaan,aa.. 9 ablldar»>.... 9 O.Taboau,lbS 0 a.Talieau,tl 9 ~ KcAlaar, cf.. 9 O'Connor, o. 4 G*m*ogar,9b 4 4 0 0 I 3 3 13 9 0 0 13 0 Olio 119 0 1119 0 3 3 1 0 0 0 7 9 0 37 U 0 3 1 Baraadraoa—Clilcago,l; tnaraland,I. Baaaonballa— Cbrr9; Clara., 1. Btrack out—Chi., 1; Clare., 9. I'mplra, BcOonald. Tlma,U9; Chicago Ts, WBslilBgtaiB, Tba Ohlcagos acored their aecond victory over tbe WaablDgtoua May 7, at Oblcago, HI., after a ckwe and eiolUng Onlsb. Terry me effective unitl tbe alztb Inning, wben be apparenlly eased ap and tbe Washlogtoos pounded out Ave earned runs. Tbey added two more In the eighth Inning aod ded the score. Tlie home team then tallied ose In tbe nlntb, wblcb gave tbem a vlcloir. Mercer wu ponuded so hard tbat he retired at the end ot the toarth Inning and waa replaced br Hnllarkay. Tha latter did mucb belter work ana allowed the Oblcagoa only one moreran during tbe retnalDlagflrelaDlogs. Tbe loag aafe hits were a Mpple bagger by Stewart, and doable baggere by Anson, Unge (twice) and foyca. Ooogan replaced Nicholson as short stop and did aome really clever work In tbat poalUOD. Tbe llelding of Dablen, Stewart and Crooks, irtlh lABge's t)aItlDg, were tcatures. Csioioo. Byan, If. DB])l0B.aa. ffUmol,rt. AaaoB, ID.. BTar«tt,Sb. Sl«nn,lb.. DoookBa, c.. 9' I Tarry, p 4 0 r. a a. o. A. a 1 3 0 0 9 9' _ 3 0 1 13 0 0 9 3 0 0 113 0 114 0 9 0 3 0 9 0 9 I 9 3 9 I 9 1 » 3 9 0 Totala. OblcafO vraabbftoo., Baraad raoi WjuniicarOBV. a. a o. A.a Crookiklb... 9 0 0 4 4 0 Joyia^.... 9 1 9 3 0 0 'sfbadi. If . 9 I 3 3 I I Uaaam'ar.rfS 1 0 3 0 0 Abbey, ef... 9 110 0 0 tCcaullBkC.. 9 I I 8 4 1 Can'rIgbtlbO 0 18 0 0 Coogan, aa. 4 0 1 14 1 Marcor. p.... 3 0 0 0 0 0 MuUarkar.p. 3 I I 0 1 0 .44 10 13 37 14 3 Totals...41 0 017 14 9 019 40000 l-U OlOOOSOl 0-9 ~ IcacD, 9: Waililogtoo, 9. Baaa on or. oTs: w. ' ——. - - rer>-W. 6o"Balla-cr,l; Wm 9. Btrack OBt-C, 9: W.l DD^Iro McDonald. Tunr.lJO. Tbe imicagos scored their third consecutive vtc. torr over Ibe Wasblngtons Hay 9, wben tbsy batted Blocksdale hard In tbe elihib Inning and scored sli nma. wblcb virtually eetilcd Ibe game. Up to tbat ttme It waa anybody's pme, with ihe chsnces Bllttallr In Cavor of tbe vlaliota. BoUi pllchara were Oobggood work and keeping ibe UK made off ot John J. UanloD, president, aacretary and treasurer ot the Fanusylvania Slate League, Is one of tbe beat known men In tbe section of Peansylvnnla tbat comprlsee the State League circuit Ue baa a pnc- ttcsl knowledge ot the nalloaal game, baring gained bla eiperlenre aa a player, capialn and maosger, sad haa, sluce he baa been Ir charge of tbat league, fully demonslrated tbat he Is capaMo ot laccesstully handling Its allhlra. Hr. llaalou waa bom July 7,1891, at Allentown, Pa., and It was at hl9 native place that he learned lo play ball. At aa early age be Idned tbe then noted Ulao Stockings, a atrong aeml.ptofeasloDal cluli of Alleatown, which he captained and played firet base tor from 1880 lo IBSa, Inclusive. In the latter year be waa elacled lo Ibeaty Oouncll ot Allentown. In 1802, whan the Peoneylvania State League was organized, ha se. lected tbe team end acted aa player.manager for the Allentown l^oh. In 1803 lie was given foil charge. Including tbe business monagomcnt of tbo dab, and since then he has oot plarod ball. la 1804 Hr. Uanloo, who had so ably conaucted Ihe affaira otlbe Allentown team during tbe preceding year, was agabi selected to uke charge of tbat club. Shortly after the season opeoed, however, Albert I,. Johnson bought out the Street Oar Oompan; and Ita rights and prlvllrgea In tha Peonaylvaala Blale League, which Incladod the ball part, and Mr. Johnaon selected the late HIchaol J. Kelly as mana- ger ol his lean. Hr. llanlon then tnaaferrad hia team to Basleton, which was also a member ot the Pennsylvania Slala Leaguo,andbehad a rery aao. ceaatui aeaaon than. Mr. llanlon alwaya nprsaeat- ed bis olub at the rannsylvanla Slate Uague meet. Inga, and In July, 1804, wsseleoled preatdeat of tbat orgaiilratlon. Ataspeolal meetlnft of that league, bold In December, 18U, the oincaa of prealdent, aeo. retary and treasurer were combined In one, and Hr. llanlon was elected lo the omce. He Is now ktoked upon as one of tbe oleveroet managen at tbe heart or any baaehall nrganlMtlon under Ihe prolactlon of tbo ruillooal agreement Ho devotes mnst of his lime 10 bla league's anwira, and Is alwaya on Ihe lookout for anything that will advance IIm Inleroais, or mske Its clulm' boldtagas profllaltle InveHlment The renasylvaala State League ahould prore a aiio- ooss UDdar hie admlnlstmtlon, wblob thns far baa been eoUrely satisfactory. .911 .919 1 t?nKiki^b. JoTca,9b.. 8« I 0 Haaam'sr, rf 4 n VABBisoras T. a. a, o. i.a. tbem well apart In tha elgblh, however, tbe Cbl- caioa batted hard and consecutively, and were alaed by a ooupla of costly errnn on tbe part ot tbe Wsablnglons, and scored six rana, three earned. The long aafe blta were a borne ran by llyan, triple bagger by lauge and doable baaar by Morun. 08(0100. - - - - ■ - — Rran, rf.... DaUoo, aa.. Wllmotir.. AnaoB, lb... - . lADgo,cf.... 9 3 3 Brantt,8b.. 4 I I HUwart, lb.. 1 0 0 Maran.o .... 4 1 1 BUttlOB, p.. 4 0 1 4 0 0 3 1 1 I 4 0 4 1 1 I 0 I 9 0 9 I 1 4 »eaalre.c.. II rarVrisbklb 4 0 0 II I (^aan. aa.. 4 0 1 0 0 1 8Ioo^bI«,P 4 0 I I I 0 4 7 37 19 3 1 0 0 1 8 0-8 Tou)a..;4i 8 14 27 11 9 Cbleage 0 0 0.... vriahlngton 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 .. Earaa>nrana—Ctaleago.9. Baaa on balU-Waablnilon, S. Umplra,HoDonald. Time, IJO. LoaUTlUe TB. Philadelphia. Alter two postponements, one on account ot the Kentucky Derby and the otber by rein on May t sad 7, these teams met Hay 8, at Louisville, Ky., the Phlladelpblas thea vrloalag after a Has uphill light Knell was very affecllra for tour lanlags, when be apparenlly eaaed up, and the vlsllon ancceedad In batdDg out a victory. Hcaill was freely batted, but kept the hiti made off blm well acatteied, except In the flret and sizlb lonlngs, when the home (can bunched enoogh to scon dVa rans, tour of them bo- lag earned. HoOann and IlallniaB led their respect. Ire teams In batting. Tbe letter's three hlu Inctud' er and a dooUe baegar. Tbe other long asfe hits were a home ran i>y nompaon, triple bag. a by ThompeoD and Bhunrt,and double uaggen were triple baggere by Miller and llogrelver, and doubles by MuFbeo, Rwlng, Vaugbo (twice), end Smith. The Indeld work of Hcrbee, Hmtta end Daly waa a nelrtlng feature. OlSOISHATI. r. B. B. 0. A.B UUia.Bi,9b.. 9 I 1 I I 0 llor. II s - - - - - 9 BRooiLTB. r. a. a. o. i.a nrinio, cr.... 4 i o a d o 1 3 0 0 Uchancclbe 0 19 0 0 1 9 4 0 Andaraon, rr 4 0 0 4 0 0 I 13 0 I HurarL ir... 4 0 0 1 0 0 110 0 4 0 1 9 9 0 9 110 f:Arcoraivaa. 4 0 0 1 1 0 110 1 Halrar,».. 4 0 0 1 1 0 110 0 nallor, 0.... 4 0 1 4 3 0 10 10 Loeld, p OOOOaO Blain, p 4 0 I 0 0 0 TOU1B...44 II 19 n 17 1 Tolala...30 1 017 9 0 Clnelonatl 09004000 l-ll Broohlrn 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0-1 Baraad nina—Olnctanall, 9. BaM on arrara-Brooklvo, 1. Un Italla-ll., 1; B., 7. Btrack oal-(l. 3 Uaiplr*, Koofo. TIma. 1.19. XwlngTlb - miKr, rf..... 9 2 Vaughn, 0... 9 9 Bailili.aa.... 9 I 9 1 Ilhlnaa,p.... 4 I ed a homer and a dooUe baegar. Tbe other long asfe hits were a home ran i>y nr " '- ' - gen byThompaon and Bhugan,! by McOann and HcOIII. Ilallnian and Ulavcock Delded Onely, each making sereial great slops of apparently safe hits. Locisviu.a.T. a a. o. a.m. MeOann. rf.. 8 IBiuBSrt, cf.. 9 Oarlirif..... 9 Olaaacock, aa 9 O' 9 Ubr. lb 9 llaUaM. 3b.. 4 InoU. p 4 Zabnar,a... 4 . . . . T0Ula....41 9 12 34 13 Lonhrllla.... " Fhltadalphla.. Pbiu. r. a B. o. i.a .300 9 3 3 9 0 0 1 3 3 0 1 llaUnuB, ll>. 9 I 8 4 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 Oolahaair, ir i I o 9 I o 0 19 4 1 Croia,3b.... 4 13 13 0 0 1 9 4 3 Tlioiiipaon.rf 4 3 3 1 0 1 10 7 10 BachloT, c.. 4 0 I 3 0 I 1 3 1 3 0 8ulllran.aa.. 1 0 0 4 1 0 I 3 I I 0 Borl^lb.... 1119 0 0 0 13 10 HcOin. p.... 4 I 1 I 3 I 1 13 34 13 4 Totala...S OUnio 3 iiooosooo-e , 0 0 I 0 3 I 3 I —• Earaeo rana—I.ouUrllla. 4: PfaHadalphla. 4. Baaa on aiTor^L, I: P.,3. On balla-L.,4: P..1 Btrack ont- L.1;P., 1 Vnpira, CampbAll. TIma, lb. ClBelBBBtl Ta. BfooUpB. Heavy batUng marked the coolest between these teams May 0, at Cincinnati, 0., In which the home team excelled. Onmbert proved an easy mark for the Clnclnnalls, who batted blm hard aod often, eapeclally In the fourth and aerentb Innings. Ewlng led In balUsg, bla four safe hits Including two uiples and a doable bagger. Hoy abn batted bsrd, Eittlng a bomer and a briple liagger. Tbe other gg safe bits were double nsggen by Dwyer, I^ chance, Anderson. Daly and Obrcomn. Panou stalled In to pitch for the home team, and did well oatll Ibe third lonlng, when the Brooklyns pounded out six rans, after cbancea bad been oIKied, off tale Bitching, tor dlsposlag of tbe aide with only one ran. wyer succeeded f^rrott In tha fourth Inning, and did good work In Ihe pitober's poaltlon. . a a. O. A.B. 3 13 0 3 3 0 ' 13 4 I 4 10 I 10 3 0 3 3 3 13 8 9 3 0 10 3 0 0 0 BsooaLVB. flrlOn, er.... 6 Lachanea, lb 9 ABdanon, rf 9 RanuL ir.... 9 DBirTn 9 tJoTonran. aa. 9 llalray,9b.. 9 Uriel, c 4 aumbert, p. 4 1 0 0 0 0 3 11 13 3 0 13 9 1 14 10 1 I 0 I I 0 3 0 ClBeiBBATI. Lalbam, Sb. a Uor If 9 llcPboa,lb.. a EalngTlb... 9 miKr, rf ... a VBasbn, c. 9 BmlSkia.... 9 9 Parrott, p... 1 Dwrar. p.... 9 Touk...H II 171718 3 Toula...l3 9 10 37 18 9 OloetnnaU I I I 4 0 I 9 I 0-l( Brooblni. 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 1 0-9 Baraad nna—0(nclnaaU.J; Broohlrn, 1 B*m on bolli ^.,4^B..4. Btrack oqI-h;., 1;-B. 9. l/mpira, Meefa. These' leama contended agsla Hay II, nIn bar. log prerented the game achedoled for tbe preceding day. Lucid waa batted notof tba pitcher'apoidilna St the end of tbe second Inning, in tbatlnning tbe home team made six safe bltj,lnclndlng a tripleand two double haggers, and with a liaae on lialJs scored stxrana Stein waa sobatltnted In the third Inning, and pitched during tbe lemalDder of tbe game, doing nirty well, except In the flilh Inning, when two angles, a base on balla, a triple liaggtr and an out at lint gare Ibe home Icam four nioa. Rhlnes pitcbed steadily and eirecUvely, completely poallog Ihe vliltora, woo made only live acaturlog singleeoffhin. Droohlyn'a only ran waa tbe reauli of a hit by a pitcbed ball, a forced out a wild pitch andanoulallrat Vaughn and Ucbaace led tbelr nipscave teams In banlng, n» long aite blls Clevelaod vb. Baltlmorw, These teams met Hay B, at Clevebind, 0., for tbe nnt lime thbi season. Ilain caused a poalponemenl ot tbe ocbeduled games on tits two preceding days. Young wss freely batted, bui managed to keep Ibe hibi made off blm well apart except In Ibe tblrd and orth lonlngs. Esper proved a puuler to tbe Cleve. lands, who made only four nfe hlu off Mm. Two games wen to have been played, hut mln Inter, rapied tbe second game In the second Inalng. The Oeldlag of Mcanw and Uhllds aod the balling of Keeler wen Ihe foatorea. Tbe loag aafe blu were doulilo beggen by Jennings, Chrey and HoblDsoa. Batnaosa t. a- h. o. a.s. tJLBTBUBD.T. a a. o. a.a. " ' ' ■ " Barkati, If.. 4 0 I I 5 I McKaan.aa.. 4 0 1 I I 0 l3llMa,3tl.... 1 0 0 8 4 ' I 0 I 3 S 0 a 0 0 0 3 9 9 0 0 3 0 0 3 II 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 3 0 3 10 0 0 0 14 0 0 II 17 14 3 .10 3 - I 0 4 o 0 II b Il.Taliaau, rf < 0 0 1 0 MeAlaar, cf.. 9 10 8 0 irconnor, 0.9 I 3 3 3 lliaarr,9)i.. 9 0 0 1 9 Younx. p.... 9 0 0 0 9 Tolab...JI I 4 37 11 0 3 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 I 0-3 Xollar.1 Canr,lb.... • Biana, ef... 4 l<olu,lb 4 Roblnuo, e. 4 Eapor, p.... 4 Balilnore ClaralaM Earned ran^Haltlmora, 3: Olaroland, I. Baaa on ar. rora-B., 1: a, I. On balla—8., 1: a, 1 Stncb out-B., 3:0.,1. tlmplro. Balla. Time, IJ8. Plltsbarf TB* BAialniore. Tbs Bsltloores outplayed Ihe PlUaburgs at all poinu Hay 0, at lliuburg. Fa., and had little irenble In defeating them. Ilemniing wss In eicel- lent form, and bad lou of speed. Ttie hone team could do little with bla pItehlDg. They failed to make a aoliury bit off blm after ue second Inning until lbs ninlh, when Ihey tailed In two runa and saved thrmaelves from a shut out. Besides, Hem- ming did good work at the liat. KlUen was freely balled, eapecUlly In the Drat and Ifth Innlogs, wben tbe vlsllon balled In sevao of their nine rona. Keelar's batUog and Holding, with the llelding ot CIlDxmaD, were features. Tba long aafe blu were doable baggen by HcUrsw and Baner. BabTlBoaa. r. MoOraw, lb. 9 Kaelar, rf... 9 Jannlogaaa. 9 9 Canj, lb.... 9 Brodla, cf... 4 IUIU,lli 4 Hoblnaoo, 0. 4 llamnlos, p 4 totala.. Balllawro.. a. o. A. I 0 8 9 9 10 118 0 3 9 0 1 0 II 0 0 14 0 0 3 3 0 9 0 Pirmou. T. ■. a, o. a.m. DonoTu, rf. I HtoiiHUf... « Hffllib, it.... I BAotr, lb... 4 (.1lainiD,lb< CroM, H I HojPfM,«... I 0 4 0 PUtabors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Earood rape—Raltlmor*. 4; ritubsrr, 1 ~ - 0 0 - 0 10 1 1 13 I I I J 0 0 9 4 10 10 9 0 0 S 9 1 0 4 9 0 0 0 9 0 9 3719 4 0 l-« .0 3-1 . «,uu„'i*, 1. rt.iauBrn,Baia on ar- ran-B , l:r.,l On l«lla-B. 1; P., I. Btrackool-B., 9: P., I. umpires Long and anrTar. Tina, The FlUsbDrgs revsned ibo above result on May 10, after a bard uphill llgbt They had Ibe gams well In hand up until the adxtb Inning, wben an error gave the BalUmona two nna. fne vidlon liatlcd oot two more In tba eight and tfed the aeon. PItuliurg won In the ninth on Hmltb'a dnublo and two InOeld bits, the fleldlog of wblob failed to head off tbe ranner. Holier did so poorly lo Ihe Inrt two Innlogs thai Oleaaon waa substituted lo tbe tblrd, UolcoVougb waa replaced by Hart In Ihe eighth, after the acore had been lied and wben Ibere were aUII two men on the baaea. Hart vlnoally mved the game by bU effective pItchlDg, BALT1B0BB.T. aao. MoOiBW, lb,, a I I 0 Kaalar, rf.... 9 9 3 3 JanolBgaaa. 4 13 9 KtOn.U.... 4 0 19 narar,lb ... 4 0 19 Bradl^cf.... 4 0 19 «olll,lli 4 0 0 1 ftohlnaoo, a. 4 0 0 1 lloffar. p.... 0 0 0 PfrTBBOBO. V, a. Donoraa. rf. S 0 staouLef... a ' Bacblay, lb. 8 Smith, lr,...s Baoor, lb... 4 f.llagmaojb 4 rrooa, as. o. J.B. 10 0 I 0 I II 0 i i I i I \ ! 511 i , Mais.. .40 8 It 17 14 1 Ti Bal tli 9I0 34II ll . ' ' ? I ? J I J « nieaa leans oonunded for Ivs Innmgi Hay II, wbea Ihe noa was called 00 aecosnlot lain. Its aeon Hood a tie whaa play was suspended, bnt as It conUnned iHnlng at tM end ol tbe thirty nlaotes Ihe game was called, and II will be played off on tha Baltimore's next vMt to PlUsbiuv, Fa. Ibe oontest waa close ihnuBhont Bawley loiced In tbe tlelng ran by giving a base on balls In the Iflh Inning, when three men were on the basea. ■luiBoaa. r. a. B. o. a.s . 9 0 . 9 1 **" ji'C'."" I kallej, Canr,lb.... 9 BndV ef... I I RobloaoB, 0.1 Bapar, p I ^olala.. .e BalUiaoiB. rlllabnrB. Banad ruBa—Baltlmoro, 1 0 0 10 110 0 0 9 0 0 10 0 0 0 9 0 0 110 0 1 0 a I Olio 10 11 a 19 9 1 rivnaoBO. V. a B. a. A.a DoBOTaa, rl 3 0 0 8 a Q Slanul ef... a 0 0 0 t 0 Bochlar. lb. SmlUi, Banar, OllDfmBO,ab. fhna^ ao— 9 Ilnalow, a.. 1 "iwloy, p... 1 ToUla.. J9 I 0 0 0 rilliborg, I. ar. lb. 9 1 1 1 a 1 i,ir..... 3 I I 8 0 0 r.aa.... 9 0 0 0 i 0 mBn.aii; I I 1 J 0 y 0 I 1 1 I 0 0 4 0 0 0 I 0 0 I *,•«»» I . . naaaeaar ■-•.1; P. I. Oa belli-A.,~lV.F , 1" Binek 4. irnplr«a, Hurray and Loag. Ttma, IM. I*. liOBla re. PhUadalpbla. Tba FhlUdelpbUs defeated Ihe Bt Loala taam Hay t, at BtLoula, Mo., allhough the latter ont- batled thorn. Up to Ihe alxtta Inning tha vtillan made only one safe bit off Drelteosteln, wbo wu In gnat form and waa pitohing wllb lellliig offset In that Inning a couple ot anon by the borne team, followed by aevemi hita on the part ot Ihe vlallon, gave tbe latter three raae and a lead tbe St Lonla lean could not ovarcotne, although tbey made a dne uphill Bgbt Canoy did good work, loo, and, altbougb hit oftener than Breltenautn, he proved effective at orlUoal atagee. The long eaie blta were a homo ran by Delehaniy, triple baggera by Tliomp* Bon andl»oleyand a two baaerbyrbompeon, A triple play was made t>y Delebsnty, llsllnan and Boyle, ilelehanty and llallman also made a doable ■ Bt. Loots T. R. B. a A.B. pBiut. T. a. a 0. llanllUB, el4 I 0 9 Italhnan, lb 4 Dalabnoir, If 4 Uroaa, 9b.... 4 Tlioapaoo.rf 4 cleuaBta,o.. 4 RuUInn, aa. 4 Bofla, lb.... 4 9 9 9 0 I 1 1 I 0 9 I 0 9 0 8 1 0 or' Rrawo. er.. Iloolar, If... Hlllar, lb... CoBBor, lb.. Dowd, rf.... tjuloB, lb... nn>ll>a ' .4 0 19 0. 9 4 0 0 10 11 0 10 I 0 19 0 0 9 8 B 1 1 I B 0 10 0 0 I a 0 11710 r 4 0 .4 I .4 0 .4 0 , .4 0 - - - - . nralt'alaln.p S 0 TouIb.,« 4 917 11 I Total!....Tjs 9 FhlladalphU.... 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 lU- Lonla. 0 0 I 0 0 0 a 1 l-e Baraad nna—Fhlkdalpbla. 1: Bt. IauU 8. Base on UIIi-F.,8:BlL.,9; Umiiira, Xroalla. Tina. I JO. llaavT batting marked the oonieat on Hay lo, In wblob the Pblladelpblsa eioelled. Clarkaon wu bit hard, eapeeUUy In tbo aecond and elghlta iDDlOfa, wben Ihe vlslbre scored ten of Ihe twelve runs credited to Ihem. Every man lo Ihe Philadelphia team, except Duoklay, oiaileoneor more Hrenlla, llamllloD and Sullivan leading, each having lour. Smith, too, wu touched up In a pnlty llrely manner, but brilllaat llelding kept Ibo homo tiam'a soon down to four nna The long aafe hlu were homo rans by Hamilton, Thoinpann and Sullivan, a triple bagger by PelU, and two liaaoa by llallman, DeV hanly and Miller. V. a. a. o. i.a Fbila. .. _ ItanlltoB. et a 9 4 4 0 0 llalbnaB,n>. 9 114 8 0 I>aMiknty,ir8 19 9'- Unaa, 9b.... 4 9 11 Ttiompaoo.rf9 1 9 I Rueklor, 0... 4 10 9 aumTan. aa.. 9 1 4 I B0Tl*,lb....9 I 3 10 - iW p. Bmllh. p.... 4 0 10 Taula.,..49 14 1127 rhlladalpbla... 0 9 BULouli 0 9 Bv. l.oitia. v. a. a. BnwD.ef....,.... Oonoor, lb.. Lrooa,Ui.... >lon, lb... iilCi:::::: Olarkaoo, p.. Totala.. ' 0. A.B. I 0 0 I I I I I 8 0 9 4 0 I I 0 I 4 0 0 8 1 1 4 118 9 0 4 3 114 0 4 U 0 I I I 9 0 19 10 4 0 0 1 1 0 39 4 8 17 19 4 0 I 4 0-14 . - I 0 0 I 0- 4 Rarnad nna-phlladalphia, a. Baaa on 1«IU-P. 9: RL Lonla 9. ainck out-l-., t: Bl. L,l. Unpin, Imalla. TlBIBi lb. Superior UtUag and faullleaa Heldlug eoabled Ihe St. IxiuUanB to nverae tba sliova reaiilt May 11, when the PhlUdelphlaa were shut out without a nia. UrelUnsleln wss In greet fnrm and pllrhed eoeollvely, allowing Ihe vlsllon only four acatler- Ing safe hits. Ilodaon proved an easy mark for tbo borne team, wboballed him bard and often. Oooney aurted the ran geuing In tbe second Innlog, when, with Ibreo men nn tbo bases, bs hit for a hnme ran, sending lo the three men aliead of him, Ely led In batUoi, Ills four late hlls Incliidod a homo ran. Tbe ether king iBfo bit was a two iiagger by Drown. Tbe liauing of Ely and Uonley, wllb tbe llelding ot tJniDD, were tbe leedliig foaturea. Sullivan's work aa short slop wu of Uio emtio order. Utsgood ~'— were oOtol by cosily errnis. Ilamltioa^r 4 lla]lmaB,lb. 4 nalahsnlr,lf4 llroaa,9b.... 4 nompaoo.rf 4 Oradr, e 1 OlaniaotB,4. 1 Buurran, ■. a Borla,lb.... 9 llftlaoo. p... 9 Totala 81 FhlladalphU... Rl. Loola. V. a. B, o. A.a 9 D I 1 I 0 1 0 0 10 0 10 0 ?8i 1 e 9 TOO I 0 Rr. LouiL r. a. a. o. a.b. Hrown, or... 9 I 1 1 0 u iWiler, If.. ■ Hlllor.rf... fJonnor, lb. Lyona, 9b.. aulnB, Bj,, Ir, aa.. Falla a. .918100 .1 1 1 I 0 0 . I 0 I 1 I 0 .9 0 0 1 0 0 . 9 0 0 4 4 0 Brattaoal'ii,p9 119 10 0 4 14 II 9 TolaU a II IB 17 7 0 ooooooooo-o 0 9 0 0 0 0 1 I -II Baraad rana—RL l.oala 9. Baaa on omin—Rt. L., 3. On baHa-BL L., 9: Plitladaiphla, I. Birack out—m. L., 9: p., 3. Umpln, Baiall B. TIma, <.41 . Ohieago va. Beetoa. Hopehor all round work enalHed Ibe Uhlcsgoa to defeat Ihe Uoslnos Hay 0, at Ohloagn, III., wben tboae turns met for the niBt time ihbiisaKn. Poor Jndgneol on Ihe part of Everetl In Ihe olnlb Inning, Id rabnlog In IroDt of Dablen lo told a Iwll whlob the laller could have taken easily, allowed the Bob. tons 10 Kore tbelr only rans of ths nnie. (Irlflllh wu In excellent form aiid pllcbea wllb uiling eObotimventlDi Ihe Hnrlona ttum scoring tintll Ihe niDlb Inning. NIohoIs provsd easy for the home team, who Iwlled bU pllohing when blla were need, ed. lAOge led In hailing, with two singles and a doulile bagger. The other long ufe blU wen triple baggen by Everett and Oauel, aod a two liaur by HahToD. ' Oaioiao. Rfan, rf..... Ilahlan, aa... wTlmol. ir..., Langa, ef.... BtareltSb.. Ruwan, lb.. Illl!;l4ga,e. ariinih, p... Totab.... Ohicago Beaton Haae on arTora-Cblttgo 9; Boaloo, 4. On ballB-4T., B. 1. RInek out-a, 1; R., I. Unplra, MeDonaJd. Time, 109. Superior balling enaiiled the Oblcagoa lo win again on Hay 10, when Iheae Kane met for Ihe aeo- ood game or their aeries, ilnlchlnon wu lo great form and bald lha Boatonadowo to five ufe hlu. In. V. B. a. 0. A.a 8 3 I a 9 111 9 0 11 9 0 I II 9 0 9 9 9 111 9 0 11 9 119 9 0 1:. 48 7 II 17 II 4 ...I i 0 ,.0 0 0 0 I 0 0 n 4 I 0 I 0 0 1 0 BoeroB, V. a a. o. a.b. Iowa, 3b.,.. 9 0 1 8 4 1 LooKaa..... 4 0 0 1 a I Ovilf, of 4 I 0 0 0 I HcOarUiMf. 4 9 1 0 0 0 4 I I B I I Taebar,lb...4 I 1 s 0 I Ranson, rf.. 4 i 1 8 I I (lani^, e....4 0 I 8 0 I Nlcb4la,p.,. 4 9 0 0 1 0 . Totala...17 .4 817 19 a 1 I I 1 j 0-7 0 . 0 cludlDB a doulHe lisgger by Uuliy. Tbe oUier long safe hlla wore a mple bagger by Halileo. and doulilOB by Wllmot lange aad llulohlaon. lean: proved eaay to Ibo borne bam, wbo Iralled his pitch, big all over Ibe Held, arorlog to Mch ot ibe six Inn. logs be pllehed. He wurepUced liyBannoo lo Ibe seranib, but Ihe game wu virtualir losi before that time, unge led In liatuog, hU four safe hlu In- clodad a doable Ijagger, CHIOIOO. V. a. B. fl. AL Rru, rf 8 s a 9 8 9 eshlBn.aa... 8 3 a I s I WUBo<,|f... a 1 I a I 0 Aaaea, 9 1 1 i ' Uaga,er.... 9 1 4 9 i BrmltMi.. 9 1 1 I I RUBBftlb.. 9 0 19 0 Pooi^na, e. 9 0 0 I 1 llBUhlsoa. p 9 9 8 0 1 BCOTOB. UwMk....9 I I 4 4 I 00%!?:'.°.'.! a 0 I I 0 I MeCarthy, lf> 0 I d a i Naali,8b. ... 9 0 I 8 i 0 4 o i s e o Baoaoo, rf, p 4 0 0 1 1 1 naaiato..., 4 0 6 I I 0 Wllaoa,p,... 8 0 0 0 0 0 coiiinarf... I 0 a 0 a 0 Totala...Al 14 B 97 10 1 Totals....41 I 9 till 4 Oblcago 9 I I I I 8 0 i i-14 'oBtoB a 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0-1 Baroed rana—(Aksso, 7. Baaaoa ha]la—0., 4; Boaloo, 4. Rmck out-o, 171., 1. Vmp1ia.McLaod. Tina, I jo. The above reeuK wu nvenod Hay II, wben the BoetoDiwon bysnpeitor all 'round work. Abbey WH batted herd, etpeoUlly In tba tblrd Innlog, and hU aupport wu poor. Hulllrao pllebad lor lha vlflllon and proved loo mucb for the Uhlcagos, who conM bonob their hiu Id one or two luuocM only; besldu, Ibe excellent aupport given Sullinn pre. vented ue bona turn from Incraaabig tbelr scon. The llelding future wu Nuh'e work at Iblrd baw. lie accepted all of six chaDcet, onme of which were very dlfflcult lielU tn haodle. Dablen, too, pUied iBlIllaally, despite Iho two errnn charged 10 him. The long ufe hlu were a triple bagger liyUensel and doolilea by Stewart, Img and Sullivan. Oaioipo. r. B.B. o.i.B. fvxros. v a. a.o. a.b. Iran, rf.... 9 0 1 0 0 0 P|Uilan,a.... 4 110 7 VIbnolllf... 4 0 110 AnaoB,lb... 4 0 I 19 0 uuigB,cf.... 4 0 I 0 0 0 Pacher.'er... 4 0 0 0 0 ~ RiarMtM).. 4 0 u I 3 . n«waft,n>., 4 1 1 8 3 00anwll.e. — ■". .... n 1 •-■iiru, p, Totali.. iAtwt,th.... a 0 0 L<iDa. aa.... 8 114 floSr.'f. .a I I 8 Mct' a 0 I 0 . . - - . Itaib,3b.... soil 0 0 0 0 0 Tuctar, lb.. 4 1 i 14 ' " " BansoB, rf.. 4 1 If aani»ll,o.., 4 I I I RoUlraBiP,. 4 0 10 .U 8 I - lloraa.e.... 8 0 0 8 0 11 AMisy, p.... 10 10 9 0 KfBtfaaV...j 0 0.0 .0 0 " f I BuD«d na»-Chtttts, It MtM. 0 i 0 I . 9 0 1714 I •Aeko«t-<X,l;a„L