New York Clipper (May 1895)

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May 18. THE NEW YORK CCLIPPER. 171 BflooklTB*! Seboolbox AthletM enjojad UmIt ftimul clumptoiuUp Held moetlog, nnder tbe »Qq»lco8 ot the Long lalMid TDt£nch(te tto EMUrn Firk on BatanUr. Maj ll, bat owing to tlie fftct ttut tbo games were bold In the roiraooD there wbs not u large an attondaDce M mere otberwlM woDid bare been. Koraottcoald be foond vrttb tbe weather, and the crroaodfl were In preiUf food condldon. Nothing calling for special inenuon cbancterlzed tbo compellilons. Tbe obam* ploQihlp cop wai won by the Adelpbla Academr Hholara, with a score of thli^*iiIno polatB, Poly* teoholo loBtltuto second, and Urooklyn Uigh ttcbool tblrU. Bommafr: OnthMdndyardtrun —Plrttliaat: Wod brB. W. Alp«r, Bryut A BbRiton Bcbool: E. II. Watib, rolriMbalo In- rtllol*, Mcwd. T(m», Ul Second hMi: Wod br P, uafOK Bmkljo Lttlo School; J. 0. RteTeoMO, I'olr- uctanic llutUutA, OBCunU. Tlra6, Wri*. Tlilnl hwt: Won br B- (JwJerhlll. PolTUchDio iDnilwle; F. O.Cbtimo, Bnaat A Stfttton BdiooL socontl. Tin*, loyit. riDtl h»At: Won br BterooB, BtorootoD lecond, VodtrblU iblnl. T\mn,lOH»- one hunArtd yatiu nm^Jgnlon,—WoDby A. RobluoD, Bt,P«ulBchoo):0. Jieobi. Folyisclmloloitltulo,Mcood: 0. Dnontoit. Adelphl AcAdeny. ttalid. Tlmo. lla. fieoAifflrfntf and twoi/y mru rvn.—Won br P,Bt«Tu^ Brooklyo L*tln School: E. II Jmll, AdolpM Aeaduny. ao«ood;B. Undertilll, Polytocbnlo IaiuUut«, tbtid. Ttnio, Aundmi and tiotntt/ yanU Aunite nic<.—Won by B. OoaDlton, Adelpbl Acsdemy: II. LttchfleU, Brooklyu Latin School, aecoDd: V. W. IfhlUliw, Bryant A Slntton School, thin). Time. l6V- Two Auiufmt and (ra/y fonU Aunlfe mce.—Woo br B. Ounniwn, Adolpbl Acad»mr: J>- H. ll«rrick, Brookljn nM6chool.MCADd; II.LItdiDcM,BrooklynUtlnBcbool, Uilrd. Tlaie,SML ytw ftMndred and jbrry Mrdt run.—Won by B. H. Jew< •U, AdelNii Academy: W. V&n Wenneo, BL Paul Scbool, Moood;B.Ooetilog, BrooklrnlllghBcbool.tblnl. Hue, ^^^^d hundrtd ana elahtt fnnlf run.—Won by B. Bad- ford, Brooklni Ql>bSchool; C. A. Van OrOen,Polyt«chDlo jDftltat*, aicoDd; P. UolllngiTTOrUi, Polytedinlo loitl- tale, third. Time. Zm. tnie. ■ -Won by iTl Doklya lligh , .., Adelpbt Academy, ililnl. lime, ha. Ox. ffonby , B.,Bedronl, Bipoklfa High School, Mcond; J. Beanley. H. Romer, Adelpbl .^enOemy r» nUltf blcvti« POtt.—Pint but: Won by Roebr, Pol/- lochDlo loitltute; B. IT. Hatelilne, Brooklyn Mtln KcbooL aecoBd; F. W. Wenienroth, Pratt Inetltute, tblnl. Tlm*,em.a@r Secuod beat: Won by Wadiworth, Pratt Inedtate; Puotao, Brooklyn LaUn School, Mcond: a. Pomey. adtlpbl Academr, Uitnl. Time,Sm.yr7i*- Final liaat: woo by Boehr, Ilaieltlae eecond, WeoRearath third. Hine, one mtte watt.—Won by C. UalL BL Paul School; R. sun, BL Paul School, Mcnod; J. k.Clark, Polrtocbnlc JoatJtDta, thinl. Time, era. S7a. Pumru tM lift <AM.-Wnn br 11. B. Mam, Polnedi- nio Iaautule.SBrL8lD.: P. W. PLilllpt, IlryiDt A Straiton School, ssn. Sin., eecond; Brown, Sl Paul School, SifL Sin., third. rhrouplnff the Ulb Jtamner.—Won by U. B. Ifa«oa. Poly- taehole lontltute, lODtt. llln.; D. P. Palrbaok\St. Pnol School, nit 10J1((d., second; A. Milne,PraU Institute, MIL lln., third. PoU vauU, for helgtiL-Won by F.W. PhUlIpe, Birint A AtimttODSobooLSfLTlD.; A. Pomey, Adelpbl Academy, Sft lOln., Hwad; U. W. Forney, Adelpbl Academy, a/u 7in., thlid. Running Klgh Jump.—Won by B. OouqUod. Adelpbl Academy, ML i}ila.: P. W. Phlltlpa. Bryant A Stntton School, 6n. 4Kln.. lecoDd; P. Oaval, Brooklyn Latin School, 5(L JKId., thirO. aunnlion won Ant placo oo the too. Running tnadJump^Wfu br B. II. Jewell, Adelpltl Academy, 2DfL SJilo.; E. W, Alpens Bryant A Sttatton Behoof iSft. Itln., iccond; R.Underbill, Polf technic IneU- tola, urtTlo., third. Gora«U Siicoambs to PenMjrlranla. Tbe athletes oroomell UaiTereHy were compleiety overwhelmed on the occasion of tbelr annual dual fleld meeting with the selected team of the Uol venlty ol FennsTWanla, vhich took place itt the groandB at Ithaca, N. Y., on fiatuiday afternoon, Uar ll. Al- thoogb neither JarTla nor RanwIeU, boih cracks of hlgb qualUj, appeared for Pemuylvanla, tho visit- ore won by the nig score of 06 tu 31 points. Sara- mai7: One Attndral vanb ran.—Won byO.T. BocholiAlf.ol Pa.;e»coad.C. H.Judd, U.ofPa.; ailn],O.P. Sfiddleton. OnaAundreitandfvnuvjQrliAuRUe race—Won byW. T.Yile, CoroeU; mcodO, h. B. RuNhmore, Cornell; third, O.K.Pei " •■" ncoM HCOWl, ' olPa. Time. . K-Pernaon, U.oTPa. Tlme,17Mi. ncOMlCs Mqcte fwc—Won by W. D. OsROod, U. ofPa.; icood, W.Q.Doujilaa,U.or Pa.; Uilid, d. U. CoatM, U. fbiip Aufidnd andfirtp mnli rVA.—Won br W. B. War* nD,U. orP«.;tMoiii]. p.ltPrMiDU. U. orra.:Uilrd,a. W. BuIIkd. Cora.IL TImKUt. owmlle nm.—Woo by o. W. Onoo, U. or 1*..: ftoond. II. P. Wobb, Con.U: Iblnl, J. J. Ontn, D. or Ft. TllD^ 401.4^.. Tm AufidraJ and Iwenfy mrtfi Aiifdr« raa.—Won bj U. P. MMdleUo. U. or Pl: mudiI, W. ScbldC U. or Pl; Iblnl, A. O. HIIh, Ooriidl. Tlm..>7i. Ok Kile iniu.—WoD br W. D. FotUnnu, V. oT Po.j ncood, E. H. Bull, Coni.ll; Uilid, B.P. UilntL Time, 70.51.. TiDo mmdrta and boailu vonci nw.— Wod br P. R. Pn.- •uu, U.orPa.; MKODd, A.b. SMIImu; Uilm,a C. Ba;.r, EtfU AifldmJ and dvAly inmu ran.—Won by 0. W. Ortfo, V. orPa.;iiMond. CO. Bldiol, U. orPa.; Ihlri.W. P. Ploucb, Ooni.ll. Tlm^ 3oi. a. awiiiiiKF jimp^vtim br J. 0. widmd, u. or p.., sit. IOIq.: Hcood, 0. B. Uack.r, Coni.ll; iDlnl, a. U. Pemaoo, U. orPa. PlBUlW IA« irtot-Won br A. A. Kalp., U. or Pa, sn. alB.: Mtoai, W. O. Bl.boM, Uoraoll; Iblnl, J. CreailDnr, U. olPa. Jlwuirna^rDadiuiip.—Won by W. IL Wamn, U. or P., vltb aML tin.: iMond, 0. T. Bueholli, U. o7 Pa, Sn.; iblld, A. O. Hdw, Uora.U, Itn. tx<n. 3Vo«OwM£Aasaner..^oa br O. L. PatUnoo, Coi^ n.lLIUR.tln.; Hcond, J. Craalogor, V.orPa,(0(l8lD.; tblid, A. A. Knipo, U. or Pa. rut Willi.—A U. bslvMl 0. T. BueboIU, U. or Pa., and W. A. Bwwait, U. or Pa., at lOIL; J. J. Ciilo, Conull, Italid. SporU at BwatttamOT*. KotwlUataniUiui the bigb wind tlist prenLod on BBlurdtj tftenoon, Utj 11, good irom wu accom- pUaliad on the occulon oc tbe innunl Held mMllOK «t Itie BtodesUi ot Siranlunore (Pa.) collen, ma tonser college records belDg nirpaased In tne leib liBDiioer ttirow and tbe two boadred and iwenty nrda hurdle race. Tbe Pboeolx Cup, competed for by ibe dlObrent cIosmu on tbe scora or pofott, vos won bj tlie Innlon wltb 41, upbomorea second, it; treabmen iblid, 19. Summair: IW Aundred and Iwenlif tantt Aurdb; ra«e.—Woo by PfUiler, >a; aecood. Brook., '97; iblnl. Scon,'05. Tim., VK hundrtd vardi run.—Won br Faliqar, *Sft; ucond, KatUMn. T7; Uilid, UollDidiud, IS). Tlm^ lUJii. half mVt ran -Won by W. Olothl.r, H; MCOnd, Ilar- .ball,'*?: Iblnl, Bullniton,'H. TiniK >m.eU'- OnonUewu.—Woabjrailib,'M; Ncood.Loliar,'»; Iblld, Brawn, te. Tim., 710.4lL O ie Aundred tfonlf mn, noel.].—Won br Buchanan, B*alhmon Orammar 8<liool: MCond, Htaove, KriMida Cratnl Hlib Sebool: iblid, Coolor, B. 0.8. Tlmo. IOKl TAroHtn? Itu Itt AonuKr.—Won by Clark., 'M: .w- ond, Poou, tt; Iblnl, Llprlocoll, DIalano.. IIZTU Sin. ibur Aundred tud nrif aunU run.-Woo br, 'M: .Maod, Uodna, Uilnl, Clolbl.r, tt. Tlm^ t^.. nooAlMdndond tioairir innU run—Woo by rainier, 'fid; eecond. Beou, to; Uilnl, DoganDO, '71. Time, Vk rote laiilr.—Woo by Oinlu, 'M; 104.-000, Brooke, '97. H.libl,l(ln,lln. Wllwn,'M,and Bean, 'a^ U«l ror Hcond. Hodal weul u> WlUon on Ion. Tloe.0o.3liu rioD mile blc]icr« race.—Woo br Han ley. IT; Mcond, Bar- k.r, Iblld, HlruioD, te. Tfmh tm. X»i»- Puaiw lAc let «lot.-Won by Clarth ti; Kood, Uild(..«;Uilnl, Fooie.'M. Oluanco. Jin. 7ln. , Aunnifie AToAiuiip.—Won by Tlioma., lecood. Cur. lla,'«: tblid, Prablar. tt. Ilelahl, en. .IXIn. Runnliu broad lump.—Won oy Paloi.r, '96: iMond, Blook.,'n;Uilnl,Tbema>,gil. DkancSXt llio. The AUilelee ot Ainlterat« Tbe Bpitng Held meeting o( tbe Amberat College Atbletlo AmoclaUon was beld at IlaU Field, Am- beiat, Mtaa., on Saturday, Mar K- Tbe conditions wer« faroisble, tbe conicau, as a rale, wero In- teresting, and the attendance was ralr. Winncts Md second men are to represent tbo college at tbe New BulADd Intercollegiate Atbletlo Aaaoclatlon, to be beld at Worcester on Uaj 18. Summair: OnoAiudrvdwinUnin.—Won byGieHronor;, •Mond. Ilai«,lK.. ^OncHill run.—won by RMly.; FurblKb, rmooiI; Yotk. iblrt. Ttma,(m.«a. „ ^ OncAiMdml and tianuv Hrdi hurdU rttff.—Won by Bnaat; A. Mofsmu, leconJ. Time. 17!^*- Fue miu bttyttt race-Woo by II. Moaimao; Ourg.D, Moond. Tlme,Im.eOa /bur Aitndred and Jbit. konli run.-Woo by EUlol; Coo* MOMid. fin., Mr ffair«JK run.—Won br K«'; Rock*-'1L eecond. Time, >oi. tfft. run AeMdrBd and tvjmlj ^rdf r. ■ 1.—wn by Oroerenor; CWTiiMwuMcsnd. TImMli. _ tm hndnd and fwaxv va>di Aunllc race—Woo by ■■Taut; A. Moeiman vai MCond. Time, SH*- nno auie ran.—Won by Olbbi. Ttme. Ilm. aUt- One Ml. watt.—Woo br Uooibloo; Ire wan .Mond. ''■*7ni.Mr mmatnff AJqA iump.—Won by A. Moiamaa; OroaTenor " ^.l|bl,jn.llo. A LioioiBi oui Id the series (or lbs cbamplon- aup of the Intercollenlale Aasocladon was nlajed at Belblebem, Fa., Har 11, uo teams engngcdreprv- ■enong Letalgb Unlvemltr and ConcU Unlrereliy, and Ibe leauli being a vloiori for tbo local Icam l>j ajgbt goau to three. Each elde bad three goabi to their ctedit at Ihe end of tbe Orst bair ot tbe game, and In ibe aecond the Lehigh plaien IniprOTed graauy In tbelr play, while tbelroppofleniseibllillcd weakness and apparent lack ol conibleoce, IhU being the nnt time In which aercml «r the latter had fiayed In a piibUo game. A Fast OoUec* Bpriator. The Union College AlhleUo AasodatloD held lis annnal Bpitng field meetint at thalMTlng Park, Schenectady, N. T., on Satniday allemoon, Maj 11. Ibe weather was not reir taroiaUe, owing to Ihe Ereralenceotablgbwind, while the nam wu doi 1 the best condition. Notwithstanding tbesednw. backs, O'Mell, tl, iraa credited wlih luniUng one tarlong In hhk, better Ume than had erer before been accomplished by a memtwr of tbe aaoclstlon. There was a goodly crowd pteaant, who were weU enteitAlned. Summaiy One Aundnd jfordt nin.—Won byZ*.0'NeU.*fr; R W. talker, ti, ncona: aeorfeSaadi, V, third. TIaa, 10^ ncoAvndrDdandhpemyiKirtff n«.~Woo byL.O'Nall, .. Ooorn Banda, ic^ aecond; P. B. UoUenn, third, ime, 2lKa. /burAumirvd andjtrt}/ wardt rwn.-Woo byL. O'NalL '97; Oeorge Band* eecond, L. J. Lane, te, tblrd. Time, ^Sghi hundred an^eigiaw yartfi nat.—Won hrCharlea Ellpairlck. L. J. Laoe^'tQi, MCond; It. B.PalrvMther. '09. third. Time, 3m. Via. <>nc mate ran.—Won by Cbarlea Kllpatrlcfc, B, W. Booth wci>Qa,L. H.Sconeld third. Time, im. i^ia Ana 1—nib tWtL^^ t._ tt A TOW* - -ibr^XoiinpEell, ■«»:». A. Boctln,'>7, Moond; T. O. UlU,'91k ulid. Tlffle,bn. On. nIK W1U.-W00 by U. O. Todd. •91; J. a CoUon, tj, ieoood;a.E.Polloek,'HtUilid. TlB*,ta.9)U. TU> MUa HCkdc raca-Won by W. A. gampbell, '9«: "ftcA _ . Aundrol and IvmrviunlfAiudlcnuir.-Wonby M. A. Twiron), -ea; R. a. Peam,9r, wcond; 0. Troonan, -981 Uilnl. Tlro^ls^. rico Aundrcdand (vntlir mnll kmdU roar.—Won by M. '.E.UoU>iBn, '9a,M<ond; r.L.lljani, A.; F.l '99. Iblnl. Time, a Z. L. Myera,'«, Mcood; E. Pllilaln.J9a, Iblrd. Aunnmy broadiiiap.-Won byW. A Twirsid, '99,19a tin.; B. Flldain, li, MOOod; Z. L. Hyen, '99, Iblnl. Piailin IW >AM.-Won by A. B. Bam.a V, MIL Jin.; Z. L. Uyen, '99, ncond; 0. UcKlllan, 'W, IblrdT TAFDicln«nek Aaaiicr.-Won by Z. U UrOTK tSiairt Tin.; A. E. Barnee. ■9S, ieeond; W. (taeuland, "m, Iblnl. I'Ue »un.-A lie between E. Plklaln, ■gs, and W. A. Campb.ll.'se.atsn.lllo. Uanaier Bamea went to Princeton on Ibe priTloa. day and iuceecded In makbs airans.roenu vitn Ibe Unlrer. .itr of ilallromla manater loboU adualnlorgameawlth Union on Decontloo Day, In Albany. Trinl«7*a Field Day. The annnal field day ot Tttalty OoUege was held at tbe Oentlemenhi Driving Park, Baitfonl, CU, Key t. A unall gathering witnessed the events. Amis- take was made In measnrlog Ibe 100yds. course, adid unniwell ran lllyds. In UMs. Buoimary; One lundred and fm(M yards ran.—Lelltnivdl, f9w Inl, IIM..; Aparbk'97, Mcand. Batf mUe rut.—Undsrvood, *90, flivt,an.23Hs: I^ooor, t&Mcoad. %ic mtlt McrcK raoc-BMCb, '9S, Oril, Sm. Ka; While, '97. Hcood. Ont Aundred and neauv inrd. AunUi race—Walerman, 'ga.OratlSKa.: W.Oaie,\i,Meond. On£ nUc ran.-Und.nrood, '99, flint, Bo. 99ia; Qnlek, *9a,MCond. >bur Aundml and >brt|r yardl nm.—BparkA '97, dnt, HMf.;Ulcka.'91, aecond. on. mile tialA.-Woodiranl, t), flnt, Nm. IHt-; Cook, riflo Aundml and funuynanli AurdTc race.—Ledlnfw.IL tV nral,2I>i..; W. oas., -ItL Mcond. rico eUlc ran—Bemion,'96, flmt, 13m. 43M*-: Und.r- Tood, '96, Mcond. Pale raaU.-S(ui1eTanl, '98, Ural, 7lt iln.; Danker, "97, lecond. ilunnlnff AI9A jmip.—Plynn, '97,rint,S(LalD.; Buirle- Taol, 'IS, eecond. ihirulnff bread Juap.-Ledlogwell, iS, flnt, I9rt 9J£ln.; riyoo, '97, eeceoo. Two Aundnd and (lentrir loide ran.—LelUaiwdl. '90, nret, a>ia.: Sparka, '97, aecond. Putnaii ith <Aot-Joboioo, '9S, flnt. Sin. IXIn.; Lef. flniiwdl, ts, Mcond. rArMcln016b Adauns'.—Gunning, '99, flnt, STfL *^\o.; Koole, Tie. wc ond. ^ Vnlreralt^ of Oh(c«KO Oamea* UanhaU Field was tho scene of the annual fleld athletic contasbi of Ihe stodentaof the Vnlrerslij of Chicago, III., Hay 10. No records wore made, the ovenia resnldng as shown in the summaiy that follows: f%rrfir'.^re yarAi run.-Won by PalanooJIhelgmeyer aecond. Tlm^ilia. One Aundrtd and lieoirv laidt Aimfle mo.—Won by Bern, Kellaecond. Tlme,!^.. on«Hllcrun.—WonbyPeaoody. Tfme,9m.3a. one AunJred j/arde ran.—Won by Fatlenon, Wooley eecond, Law Iblrd. Time, lO^^ii. QtdwKr mUa ran.— Won by UoUonay, DIokerwn aocoDd. Time, fi^^a. One mife wall:.—won by Jobnion. Time, 7m. Afle. OndlepMciKrcracv.-WonbyBacbelle, Uleaaon aecood, Tlm«,3B*(a. On«Hlle McKle racr.-Won by BacheUe, aieaion Moond. Time, 3m. SIh*. Thmoliv iah Admew.—Won by Uerehberger, Oany aeconl Meiruiln). DlitancTjaVln. rioo Aundml and tuptfvvardi not Won byPatUnen, Lamar eecond. Time, 3m.. I^lng lAe lAM^Wpn by Bulgmey.r, U.rabbeiger ho. ond. Dlilance,3zrt9ln. Two hundrtd and twenXy Midf Aunlle raor.—Won by Il.raliberiier. Law aecond. Time, Xmi. ffunalnd brood yump.-Won by Neel, Behan eecond. Dlal«ac^ I9rt 2In^ Tlie Boston Atbletlo AssoelaSloB Held their annual Spring handicap field meeting at the Irvtngton Oval, Boston, Man.,011 Satonlayafter- noon. Hay II, In pleasant weather an-l In 1 0 pres- ence ot a large aasemblage. The res- (lered memorable by the creating of 1. new long Jumping record for New England, Lenny Oarpenter vleaibig a distance of xzti. tin. Ihe fonaer record for that neclton of country was 23tL 8U1., made by E. U. DIosa. Tbe games tbronghout were very Isier csUngand the performancoa excellent, emeclally ThomaaBurke'snuiolngora half mile, a olstance new 10 him, tai 2m. SKs., flnlsblogeaallv. Summery: OruAundmliranUran.—Flnt, U. LWIIIIamL 11. A. A., 4yda.; aecond, A. DyrMirortb, H. A- A; Iblrd, W. J. llo|. land. a. A. C. Tlme,l(H.. >bvr Aundred and jerty inrdi run, eorlc..-Pli.t, T. H. BedicoU.M. I.T.: aKond, F. W. Retbraan, Boalon Vn|. .rally; iblid, B-B. WrlibtLN.wlon. Tim., 17.. One mile ran—FlieL Aruiur Blak., aorauta, B. A.A.; Mcond, II. Cummlege Jr., Sprda, M. I. T.; Ihlnl, 0. H.w. OIL ecintcb, B. A. A. Tim., im. S>ia Etokl Aundrtd and dtfA/y Mrdi ran.—Pliet, T. E. Borke, KCralcb. B. A. A.; aecond, A. M. BemUlglon, ecrmleb, a A. C; thlid, O. Itau, asyd.., Bonerrllle. Time, 2m. SVe. One Aundred and ivauif yards hurdle racv.-linil, B. A. fiumo.r, M. T. T., .yd..; BMond, B.D Hunt, acrmlcb; Iblrd, R.W.Sullt.lXrde. Tlm%l9V. Awinlno bnoodJump.—Pint, L. A. CamnUr, ecnieb, WalieXIdlzaa «n.: J. 0. CUtka, 9ln.,^ A. A., an. ekin.: U. 8. Biyanl, In. 91n., N.wun A. A., OA. Iln. I>u<llnaltftiAM.—Flnl, L. A.Oarpul.r,>a,Waked.ld, Xin.; F. W. Kddy, 9I0., N.irlon A. A., 97n. Mn.: J. P. Ma- coU, Krmlcb, L oyola A. 0.. BTTL Among the l#eatlier Klekeiv* The clubs belonging to the Long Island Suburban Football League played their regularly scheduled gamea on Bonday, May U, the result being here- with shown: Olendsle AthleUo Club beat Bay View AtbKUo Club, g to a; Atlantic Athleilo Olub beat UaonUeas Athletic Olub, t to 3; Woodslds AlhleUo Clnb beat Newtown Athleilo Club, 4 to 2: Bustawlck Athletic Olub vs. Olympio Athleilo aon, tie on a; Kopire AthleUo Olub beat Uamlllon Athletic Olob, 6 to 4: Rldgewood AthleUc Club beat Peerless Ath- leUo Club, s to 4. Tbe sundlng of tbe clubs In tbe mce for the championship at the preaent time Is as follows: Clubs. Won. last Bay VIoA.U.... a 19 Olympic A. 0 A 13 PeerleeiA.O s 13 N.wlonA.0.... < U (^DaanUM.A.0.... < It lO^EmplreA.O 7 U CUiis. iron. Last- WocdlldeA.C....IA 1 AUnellcA.O 17 3 niendaleA.C 17 7 BIdnwood A.C..I7 Bnidielck A.0....I3 UanlllonA. 0 ...10 OS the nme day the teams representing the American AUUeUo AsaoclaUon, of weat Iloboken, N. J., and the Wanderers, of Brooklyn, N. Y., en- gaged In a game In Ihe NaUonal League eertee al Amcrlona Park, at the former place, Uie latter prov- ing Ticton by a score of Uiree gosis to one. AvTsat of Ooir Plai^ern. A golf contest was to have taken pisce on the links of tbe Headowbiook Olub, Uempstesd, L.I., on Vsy 12, but It wsspostponednntu the flnalseiue- ment of the trouble which originated a few days prevtooDly, when two members of the club were a^ rested and warranls won sworn out for othen for {laying the game on tbe Babbatb. Thearreiiof he Dcmberaoy Joseph Smith Jr., a deputy sbertlT, and tbe complainant, la denoonced by both Ihe clnb meobere and InHnenOal residents of the vicinity as an OQtrage. A petlUon wUl probably be circulated and sent to Sheriff Dohl, of Queens Oonnty, for tbe immediate removal of Bmlth. TIB Johns Hopkins University team defeated Uiat representing Btsvena IniUtnte In a match at la- croM at BalUmore, Md., on May 11, Uie score be- ing ilx goals to three. Ii was the first same of the seriee for the Intercollegiate chaoplonshlp, and the -'-IT reflected credit on bolh taana. In Ihe second if Decker, of Stovern, was hit In tbe eye by tbe , csnslni bis reUrement, and Shaw, of Uopklns, Mid od III order to ciinalize maUeia. WUIeu toot Decker's place at goal. Tbe more brilliant In- dividual work was done by tbe Marylsndcia, list Uievislton eicelled la team work, Janney dlsUn. cuUhlng blBUMir by making tbree or Hopkins' goal* wltliout aMislance. Stevens wlU protest Uie game nil Ihe ground thst two of Uie UopUnsplayen were —■• bona fide students. THE TURF. Raelng •( Bnirtkume Fuh. Kayr-PlntiiM-PlnfutoBO-Blne aad Oiy.lU^ Ballard, < Is 1, won; LaOi*ao,a!,lla^ ■heeiln,90b * r a pe H eUlog. Ainr and a hair Inrioeie—Wamn Point, IIi^MacnaBoo,ttol, wen; PMaOkiy, UB, Clarke^ « Id 1, eeeeod; IModer, IC^ Cborn,! 10T,ibM. Tloia,0^' "'" "'^Tn.B 10 ..Fonnbrnee—Onemlle-8houie,iai, CbernTi Uanr.14, Its, Clerieo, U 10 I.eMood: Bwale Ble. land, lM,,aMklln, s la t mini. , . . _ 1^ l:«. _ ll rbrtonga, eeUlng-Otiyanna, KK MMbr. 3 in a, ... ..... 'BUl.lW, W7, ULChore, ; Kaaone, ... BUIyK^lll Cleiloa, 10 10 1, aMer<n,3Dlel,lbM. Tln»,- " wen; BIr Flu, N7, J. IIUI, T llanl.etoigrulnl. Tlme,0: inn. ell rorlonee—Ool' * * sT'.Cener.lOI.L.Bodi May a.—Flnt raee—Fonr nirlooge-Kaaalo. 1 a 10 I, w( " 111 Bella J«ilUng. . JamM v.Out.r,^8od.nL sloL Moood^ 93,K.Cochnn,7UMhlrd. Tlnta, iTin ntri. — VWIVkHtdU. BSinOh OJAW... ^ 1 roitontaMlolo. ij^ H/Hileliljk }[y^ '^'^^| Poor nirlonga-limiell^ 107, Cbr, tin l7>on;lllaa Mailm, 107, J. UIILeren. lecend: HarUialL, 107, Chora, 71a l,lhlnl. Time, on Fontlh l ao e B eUlng, elgbt SM e half ror losp—Tbelronmaitar, 107. Bercao, even, won: Tnmor, fll.EOoohraD,«T«ii,eHDOd; Uanrdmlth, loa.U.alaldat lObtal. Iblld. Tim«,l:»lX ^(ib raM-«i«rt emraa rtaeplecbaie My LcdLugU Bmlth. i tft^ won: Unoer- talnly. Ul, L. MuiphyTi to 1, Mcoad; Bqnan FeUow, 157, MGCDliou|th,liol,tfalrd. T(me,3:4SK Slaib imce- Fife torloQie-Omltt KXX Macblln. al to I. von: Bllrer ■do, lia BaUard, 13 to 1, aeeood; VoUlna, B. (^ochiu, 10iol,iblcd. Time,!MX. May e.—FlnttBO^rour and a half Airloof^Dare DoU IarriD\ J. 11111,7 to 1. won; Bolmltar, lOB, Ballanl.l to I, Mooud; llamony, 108, Berian, even, third. Tlmei,0:tfM. lAeeond raon—BoTea hirloojie—blberllne, l&Mack- lln.ei«e,Toa: ropQray.lli, Chom, eniii,e*cwM: Mjay TlMmpaoD, AMaffnttKn,7tol,thlrd. Tlme,l:17X- Third race Bellini, on* mile aad a fbrlou—allly Mo- Keoila, 101, HadhllaL 19 la a. won; OorMaifU ia\ Gar- ner, ft to I, Moood; BoMle Bliland, 101^ McQu«a, U to A, third. Tlmikl:ft7 fenithnca One mile—Moderoclo. lOOL J. 11111,1 to 1, won; l^ppar, KD^ BalUcd, 6 to 1, lao- oat: Aablaodjia Chom.S to 1, third. Tlaw,l:OJt Fifth raoa Benlog, ill ftirtonc»—Amelia May, KB, Lolfh, T to a« woo; Charm, 100, Qanier, B lo 1, eeoona: Otkfann*, ICB,Bema,4 to a,Ui[id. Tlma. 1:14.V RIalb race— BeUlnv,ilifun0O|i-BlTa,lO7,L«l|h,4(oi.-woo: Martha Orlffln.«, B. CDchtaoJ to I, aeeood; Banell'i BlUet, US, Olerloo. S to 1, thbirTlma, 1:UM> May lIX—Depatj aherlflk, to tbo nnmber oTone haadred aad Dfty, caade a r^ oa tbe rorel(n book donattment, and Bine oftha eheet wriun were anwtM. Tban was no betilsB after the etcoBd race. Bommatlei: Plmimco -Four rtuloBjn-Mlu HaiUn,lia J. UUL 9 lo &,woo; Manlaii,lU,Cliorw,T to 10^ eocoBd: PM* Olar, lliX Clay, autoiTthlid. Tlme^:43X Becood imee T eUlBg. ena mile—oar MacmlQO, Oaner.9taSkW0B;BarrwU*eBlllet, 101, J. BbleUa, I to A, aHond; LlctleBd, Vt, Bdtorr, S to 1, third. TlmO:41K. Tblrd mea-fleUraf, ooo mllo- Tnoior, n, S. Ooehno, won; l l oe «m or%,8L Thompeoo, BaoDad;HaitIbid.lOB,Ckrioo. third. TlmeTltO^i Foortb race—Fonr and a hair rbrlaaia—Maid or Honor, 107. Lolgh, woo: Camilik. UOl Cbon, eecond; Bon Soir, ilikChLrk, Uilrxf. - * FirUi neeT^UInj. -_Clark,UiW. TIffla, OJW BOTan rulonfi—Booi^ U9. fiernn. won: Oahley, 1 . Ohora. eocoDd; la Joya, 107, Banardl, third. Tint, IJB, Blithrmce BelllojrflTe htrloBia-Dlttk Behan, 100, Bemn, woo: CoUIbil uO, Schorr, aecoad: Co«ack, 111, B.docbran, third. Tlma,l:Q9H- May 11.—Tbe Olrlo Faderaiion ot Cbleafo took an act- Ire part lo the raee track war on the lait diy of tbe piaa- ent meeUflK,aod had a crowd of depaUeaon hand to armt bookmakera. Ed. Oorrlfmn and ai _ _ aerea Maollian _ ihea In. tlthouRb Booe poitadoddi- The day'a rmclBg; rmltod a« foUawi: Flrat race One niI»-Mld- ■tu, VV L. Boden, 10 to L woo: Charm, 107. Maybeny, 1 to 1, eecood; Ra«per,M.B.CocbraB,Blol^lblnl. Tlmo, IdO Beoond rac^^ro tnrlonia, two year oUi^ Ballle Clicquot, KB. J. UUL 3 toO, won: Martba R.. ICB, MafpineoB. 0 lo I, aecond; (IreidMOB., W,Behorr, 10tti K (bird. Tlni& 1.-07K Third noo-lUlnoTa Central Btakei, BUOD added. eelUnr, one mUa aad a alBteeoih- The Intatnaetar, IQL J. HllL Ml tol,won;Chloot,Kk It- orett, B to 1, eacond: Avim^ IIV, Ohon, 10 to 1, third. Tlme,l:MK Fouiih lue-BeUlBK Are and ooe-bair nirlont»-May Koeoi,Bft, B-Oodtrane, 0 to 1, won; Balle roMer. lU, Leigh, 1 to I, looood: IMIcl,(iv Blerlna,eo to 1, Oilrd. Time, 1:UK KirU raca-Oiort eoono ateeplechaM, nine hnrdiee—My Lock, Ut), Almark^ to wob; Bodrord, is, McCoUooih, 2 to 1,eecond; oneo talniy, lAT. Morphy, 10 to 1, aiid. TIbi& 9:U.. ^..Blai nee Belling, cereo rarlonge-aeorge w., UB, [ng, cereo rarlonge-Oeorge w., UB, Chore, a ; OaUioao. Nl. J. UlU, 1 lol, aecuDd; RImreck, ■,Btol,tlilrd. Ttme,lJB. to I. won; C 10l.aileUa,Btol,tb^, Time, OalUbralA Joekair Olab* Mar 7.-Flntimoe-Hairnll*-Bitraol fiUy, UB,Cb«Tft- ller, B to I, won; kdianoat, KB, Uearlcha, ft 101* *eoond Bprr Lark, Ki Lloyd. 10 to 1, third. Tine, O:d0K Second race—81i ftirloojra, aeUlog-Bymn, Ul. Lloyd, < to B, won; Dell Horto. IW, Uenneaay, 30 to 1, Moond Uarry Uwli, Bi Ueorioha, s to 1. third. Tlmo, 1:14W Third rac«-81i fbrlonin, lelling-Breotlde, B7, Riley, a tel. won: Manle Beott, 107, fTboTaller,i to 1, ■•«■ ond: OypeelU|reklJir,e9,B.JoBefi,3tol, thim. Tlma, l:Ufi Foarth rao^Aboat ila farhmn, eeUlag- Bmpreea of Norfolh, 90: Blou, 6 to Vwoa: ■Icardo, lol| Ufariefa^3 to 1,eecond;BeaBj tbiid. TbDo, l:\iU Fifth 1 RearOaaid, 10ft, Sloan, 8 to 0 baU U»k . jt<_BeniBg— lOft, Bloao, 8 to 0, woo; Boyal Floah, UL CheTallar, I to l, eeeond; Webachadnenar, 80, B- JoBea,'i tol,thttd. Tlme,l:it- MayB.—FIrat race BeUlng. Are farhwua-Morrea. UM. nennchaJO to 1, won: Bed Bird, UH, Oheralier, lU lo 1, •eooBd; Otaniner, m, W, Flyan, B to Ii ihlra. Tlme^ liB'i BeeoBd nca—One mile, leDlng-MlM Bachley, 61, B. Jooea|3 to 1. won; UnrUle, 107. OofTey,ft t»), aao- ood; Dar^BLUhepud, lOto 1. third. Time, 1:4)X Third raae-nre ftrlBBge-Her MaJaaty, luTBloao, 4 to ^ wob; Monitor. IIX Flyno.l to 1. laeoBd; TaUooU, 100^ Lloyd. lOto 1* thin). Tlaa, IXK^ Foarth rtea-Do. clandoir Fifth race—BeUlog, live and a half Ibrlonn -Oommluloo, 101, Uenrlehi, 8 u> B, won: Bar AHa. lOl. Bloan. 8 iM l« aeeood; BabJoi UB, LlojtL 9 to 1. thM. Tlma, imSi Blith race BU and alialf ftirioogt— Theliiw, KU, Baancha, 9 to 1, voo; Qnlit, UB. Patet, B to eeeund; AneUc. n, B. JoneB,3 to 1,tbiid. TIom, IMU HayO^Flrvt nrr-FUe ftirlonga,eelUog-Boledad,fl Buma, 4 lo 1. vno: .\ildle M.. tX JonoaB to l.Moond, luilEki,^-. Ml.,6lb I,third. Tlm^lfflK: Baoood race—One i>a1Ung—HydTi 88, BU)an,ll to t, won; Raindrop, lui. UeBrlcha,8 to Leecond: Marietta,07, V. FtfoneBlo I, third. Tlme,l:«l Third nee-lfalfa mile, handicap, epeclal pony race, notleBiea rlderw FIneaea, m. Toblo, 1 tol wob; Conejo. lU-BIrakise, 9 to 1, aecond; OoaOela, 141, Baavn,6 to 1. third. Tlme,0:M. Foorth race-Ooa mile and a elitaenth. haodleaiH- UtUe Cripple, 01 PIggpU. 8 to I. woo; Arandel. 87. RUar, U to 1, aeooad; MaloDIablo, 09, Oberalter, 4 to I, third. Tlme.l:«)^....Finhr -Bitnme ehortoonraeaieople- cbaeo, about one mUe-Carmel, U4, Bpaaeei ft to 1, won: " ynnle " ' '- ' " " 30 tit I, BeuB. BmpkwB VI nwiiwiBi owu. m VIM i^m _ _ &, flS, Cheraller, 0 to 0, tblnl. Time, 1.-08,... ..Barenih r B.r Utt, Kldd, ft to ft, eeeondTZarmgoaa, lia Mo^ *- - ■ hlid...Ttm«i.I*7......^8Iitb race-Fire Hahon. 30 to 1. thiid. Ttm^L 1:57. and a half Airlooga, eeUUig—Mantel , . Bmpraw of Norfolk, Bloao, J to I, wcond; TlUle taoe—One mile, aeUlog—Bear Quard. KB, Blou, ft to 1, won: Rod aieOtftft, IIearlch4,9 to l.aecond; Del Nortei laUoyd. latol, third. Time, Mayltt-I ' , . ^ Firtt no»-FlTe and a baft ftirlongi^ leUlog— BhieBeU, Jll.Bhaw, 3to 1. woo; Tobay.97, Uenrlch^ 1,eecond; JallaMarUBa^y.9^aleu|.ftt«J,Ulltd. Tim l-ObK Becond race-About 4i tarlongi, eelUng* Hldaj,101LOberal(er,9toB, woo; BaaBpiay,Bl, B. Jonee, 30 to I. eeeond; OommlaelOD, 107, Beorf^B to J, tblid. Tlma, 1:19 Third rac^Fouraad abiurnrloofa, eoU- Ing. two jearoMa-Edgemoot, 98, Uenrfcb^ 8 to I. woi Hearu EaavA, Cheraller, 4 to 1, eecond^ Seoaior ' ±K eio l.Tlioe. loaga, eelllog—MlM Ralh, 0,8. Jenea, 8 to 1, vm: Mw- Ten, 107, Uenrlehi, Btoft^ aeceod; Joe Cotton, lift Chon- ■on; Nellie !f, IL , OheraUer.Siol,third. Tlme,liBK. ^, _to'l, Ijftl^ _ „ ' May ll.-Vlret raoa-Ooe m'Ue, aeTUoa-Nonnaadle, 80, Cberaller, ft to I, woo: Ioeuila(er,9BL ueorlcba, 4 to ft, •ecood; LlnrlUe, 10, Oo(rey,0to 1. third. Time, 1:433V- Beenod race Bereo ftirlonin, eelllog-H^pL Raaae, U0.Bloaae,a to A, woo; ML Air, », PlHoti, S 10 1, eeo- ood; RIcatdo. 108. fagoi, B to I. third. Time, 1 itJK Tblrd raee —Fire ftarloogi^ two year oldo-Ver% 107. Pturi. IQD to 1, woo; MeBitor. lOB, W. Fjyon,ft b> f, eeo- ond; BTeotlda, IQD^ Rifey. 10101. third. Tlma, I iOK Foanh raoe-^emlle. eeUIng-Areetto,Bl. B. JeoeiL8 to I,woo; UommUaloo,9eLlJeBiicbi,9tA|.Heaiid:Neph«v, m, Sloaoe.Tto ft.thlrd. Tlmo,l:41)i Flhh rae*- OaemUeaoda halLorereli bardie*—April, lAa,Calmi, 3bo I. woo: LengweiU IS. Beanan, 10 10 I, meotuii The Lark,U3,ClaBcy,4tol.ihlrd, Tlm*,3:<7 fllithraca —Five forlonn eelllrig-Hynn, loO, Lloyd, ft to 1, won; Tim Morphy, rift, W. Flynn. ft to ft, a - ——-— — CbeTaller.4I01,third. Tlme,Ifllk- May U.-Flnt race-Blx forlonge, 1 L eeeond; Bad Bird. t\ May „ _ _ . L KO, r. Joo«B,ft to I, won; Cnwiotd, „ 1, eecond: FUylol 10». Peier^ 4 to (k third. .Becood race—Fotir aad a half nirloni log-RoMo Uoe4 w, PUrgcit. 10 to Trne,l:UM. - _- Jgs—rerhape, KB. Bhaw, e to I, won; Ireo* F.. KM, Oheralier. B to L aac- ODd:OUdettegeldlBg, KM, llenHcb%3tel,thlrd. Time, \-Mk Third raca—One mlle-^lre«,87. Flgioit, 9 to l,w(>n:Thetma,lp«.Henrichi,etoft.eocoBd: L¥UaCrlo- pVi«. Lloyd.. W to I. ""lrt-,..TIin^,l:Sfc... Fonrft rai»—Abegt *1k ftirlonjra, leUIng—flir BIchaid, 08, B. Joo«ik9tol, voB:.lmp.nraad Uujy, ICDL Feiere, U to I, •ecood; BoraiB,8S,T. 8k«o.a to I. third. Tlrae,1:U»;. Fiflh ra«o-Beren rarloage, eellmj—Tarand Tartar, 97. T. 8loeu.4toft, won; May Day. HO, r Igimu, 4lo I, ■ac> oBd; Charmer, 91,Ch«TaUer.ft tol, third. Tlmo, Is. \!SS&)^nirm\i^mUiit-i^^ toA flr.l; TaaBranl,99. Flanailn, U to 1, .Mead; Aumla 134,^0,. lo I,IbW Tlm.,l:a Jlllh ns-taa flv. and ona-biir Iterloega. mlllnff—Wlieeler, lO^ BellT. 1 lo X rim; Benatnr Teal, KBL Dotton, U to 3. eeeond; WeUbman, US, Pens, 7 In I. Iblld. TlBe,l:W. OOTnNOB Uownm alllud hla appmral to tbe rercr.<1mr racinf meatua at Albsny, N. T.. May 9. and appolDlMl ADfoataa Balmonl, Joba Daaroril aad Edvia 0. Horfao aa mambtn or Ibe But« Baclsf OoomliM, ptOTUaA tor tM MW law. LMlarlUa Ja«k*y Clab. Mat 1,-PtrM nea-aii and a bair Idrleon aallloi- WIIdln,mTkoipa,U to L na; Bamoa, nl, R. Wll- llaa% 9 to I, eeeoBdi meld Beanr, IHX a arabam, ( u I, Iblnl. Tim*, IA Becondraoe-PIre nirlMn-B.E. Braah, m Fartlna, a 101, voo; Caitire, in, R. WlllUn^ >lsl,Moeod: Ooncealen,IU,l(ai£*w>,Ik U I, Iblrd. Tlm^ lAU Tblnl mM-On. mUe-Wr Bl Bulla aaltn, lOk n. W.ber, I to 1, ra: Ray a, I13i Ili.niek U in I, Moond: Frn DUtoIa IIB, Tnn.rTKDlo I, Iblnl, Tliaa, l:U....-..FMilh ine»-D.bataale BinkM, hair ajnlJtT- '.maBda, IBX Toner, 9 lo fl^ von; Mai^ialae, HI Amanda, IBX Toner, 9 lo fl^ von; Mai^ialae, HQ, R. WU. llama, 10 in 1, aKoad; nulla, IIIX B.n.n, jo to I, Uilid Tlma,0:M. Plltb rao^-MlM.n., ila hrlMiii.- Pallb, rav Cualn, 1 lo I, nun: RalmalMn, ICO, A. nlay Tts >,Hor>ed; RooiOT.ll, idL BUugbUr, 30 lo I, A,,-. Tlmsl:UM 8lllbnc«-«i ruriangn-iUr Knihbooe, KM,noire,0lol, woniCnIalTiia, IM P.rtlni^e lul.Mc flna-Falr ■ lu,, IH^ ,.«H,B, a ,o 1, wufli Jiuni.iavu, lu., A. CtaTUn to >,Hor>ed; RooiOT.ll, loL BUugbUr, 30 lo I, Uilnl i<l;Blrmlubain,10^IrTle,9loI, Iblnl. Tlnihl:ll Maya—PTialraee 8.T.o^rlnnH.-lltllrtwwo, 1117.1^ pin,f teljwoo; Ourile, 107. Vanktirvn, A in I, wooed: TeblnJ.17,1borp«,eT.n,uilrd. Tlnie.l:tlV Heronil nee—me riirlengn, eelllng—OonceJJltin, In, Peikliu. a lo a, von: Rlr Dlihe, KVPiMmu, a lo i, Mcimii; sir Areber. lol, R-Wluiama, 10 lo 1, ihliJ, Time, 1:<DU Tblrd raoe—LeuliTlll. Hotel llendlrap, on. mile—RL Meiiro, IO,T1iorpe,e loa, von: Henry Young. 119, A.l-Uy. Ion, aio a, Mconil: SaUnma. Illa,l^laain l, Ihlnl. Time, l:wU. Fonrtb raee-Hli rbrlonas mIIIdii-Uviiiidro, llvnurne,Mini, von; l<oyil8plill,IOLIL<MMln,louil, eeeond; CllotleO., lla, B. Wllllama, 10 lol, Ihlnl. Time. l:ia,U PIIUi race-Four nirlonn-Hon Kd.r, IIK, P.rklna, ...a, von: Hevanlir, 113, R. WIUIaua,n ua, eeeond; May PInberlon, lla, 0. ataliam, i I. 1, Uilnl. : May PInberlon, lla, Tlm«,0:iaM: May9.:-Fli.t tace-Fonr ,rorlon| ■nor rbrlonp—I jlla, lla A. CtayliHit.v »• • JonM, B lol. iktnl. Ttna,0:l9M * — •- ' .ndr - Fontet, 110, R. VII. ion.9tAl, Mcood- llaml^ 8 to a, von; Locell Baalla,IIOL).JooM,BIL , 'nuvT-bnemlle end noy janU bandlcai—Prliiren Monaco, KB^ TbArne, a lo a, coupM .lib (Jeora. HKk, ven;aMrf* BeeV, UO, W.J.nM,»e«id:B*llbn, 100,11. WUIIama 10 to I, Iblrd. Tbiw, 1:U Tblnl nu*- Malden Stakee, all and a hair Airloan-lloodvln. ]«. Bnoha7lnl. voo: FblrPalth. ll(X(!ai.Tn,ainl, M>cood; Tlioraan,101,P.rkloa,aint Iblnl. Tlme,l:3lM....F<ianh nca-Ooe mile, nlllni-^Callanoio., KS, Perlln^ 1 lo a. von: dihulbk B7. Mcclain, 90 In 1, wend; Blaur Anita, 101, II. Williams 18101, Iblnl. Tlma.l:U Filth lare —FiTe and a bairrurioniii, Mlllni—rrod Birr, lUOl A, 01ay1oo.eTen, woo: The wlnoer, 103, l'erkln..4 lo 1, mo* ond: Cat Bamll, IB, I!. Uiabam.aio l,lblnl. Time, 13D. May la—Fim race-Fir. .Igblh. ofamll.—Rap A Tap, ii7rP.rklos.Ten, voo; MluYoung, W. H. Darin, lUD (o I, iocood; lloiic* Ann, im, Thorn, aou> I,Uilnl. Time, IMS Beoond race—One and en..ellleetilli ml i>s MUlnf-Piad Uanlnar, 107, Parkins 3 to I, won; Kll.^ aa,Mctl!aln,aDuil, eeeond; Reral ITInce, 101, Tlmrmi lol, Uilid. Time. 1:80,U Third nce-ll«.n.elahuu Ola mlle-Ralnmak.r, 100, A. clartoa, ...n, von; BlH Florin. lOO, Irrlni, 7 lo I, Hraed; Anu, liu, II. WlllUms lOOUl,Iblnl. T(m.,lio nil., wllloi-UMen Mar, loa, Neveoin, » m I, von; OlrU lO, A. Ulaylon, a In 3. MComI: Petrol..., li^Uo- 0Utn,O 10 1, llilrd. Tlmo. 0:81) FlUh rac—llire. quarunoramllSMlllegT^lleU.U.. 110, H. Williams 8 tol, von; Domloao, ll9,w.jD0es3 lol, eecond; Cyckme, lOIl Freeman, a to I, Uilnl. Tlme,l:I8M Harll.-Plm noe-Bliend a hair mrioniis aelllu. Kail. 0., 99. Pwklns 6 In 0, von; Malar Tom, 110^ W. Po,- • ;AII or.r, too. Cualn. 4 ui I, Uilnl. tar, 18 to I. iW;VUM,Aii UI.T, ,W. ^.Wlll. V IW ,, u„,i>. Tims 1443ii Second ra<e-|rrnnk fetir Makes on. mile,MllloB-Anpebos d, McOUIn.aio 1, von: De^ml, lA Bermn, 8IO1, eeeond; Uaeeo Mar, 87, J. Perkins a 101, Ul lid. Tims 1:44 Tlilnl race--Bll ani] one.|inir Ibrloofa, Mlll0B--8hl.ld Bearer, 104, Parkins a loa, von; llodiaoo, lO, 11. Williams 1 u> l.weood: TvloklsOO, MeOUIn, 18 10 1. Iblnl. Tims 1:31}.' Fourth racn- PourrorloDire-Tndlllen, lOLOUrlusBlo ■, von: War McontT; Boopl. LauIw. im, K.w laU, HR Berno, 9loa,n comb, 7 In f, Uiinl. Tims IMM - nirloDiin-Oaitalls KB. Olvloo.riAl^won; llralliy, l(H ..FlIUi nic»-Foiir ,,,iroHaii wwTivu. I w w mitt. ..tmii.t, ,w> PerblBs4 In I. Hcood; Maiale &, lOH, Tlionie,a In I, Uilnl. Tlni«,0:81K. May U.-1MU race-BIl rurlonas nellleii—lllvi Younf, 98, II., 13 lo I, von; Domrolon. im, 11. Wllllans a to 1, Moond; Rojral Priecn, ICDL Irrlna, 19 In I, Ihlnl. TbiH,l:ia.l( (Mend rac*-Klf. ntrlenna-Tlie Win ner, 1I(L Perkins 4 to 0, von; Joe Olark, flO, ri.liliurii, 100 Inl, wcond-, Faalf, lit; Q. llnUiani,4 lo I. Ihlnl. Tlfflsl«K TbiKi nc*-8li nirtonin-ll.piiy Imr, IQB, MoClaIn, BO Ui 1, von: OinaRon, in, Perkins 7 lu a, eeeond; Ollnlle a, 113, R. Williams .'en. Ihlnl. Tliiis 1:18 Poarlh nc*-Clark Htakesone and one auar. ler mllea-Ualms 183, Perkins 1 m K. vun; itnra. Inr, in, II. WlllUms 18 In 1, aeeend. Time, 3:l>.S Only Ivo ■tartan FlIUi raee-HalT a nlle-rn- Inileos lOa, IrrlOff, 8 In 31, von: Beiieln Loulw, lll^ NavGom, 8 Is I, eeeond: Oalely lllrl. lua, Tliorps a to e. uilnl. TlmsO:li3>i Hlalh rac^rl.e and a hair liir loon. Mlllni-aiart, 9a, Porklna, 7 lo a. voo; Twinkle, m rraamaa,) lo a,MCond; lolerlor, llll. K.IUi, 10tol Uiinl. Tim*, 1:11. M«M Old DoiBlntan Jo«k*jr dab. May 7.-Flr« nc*-Fonr and ahalt IUflon(.-Fla«li, IIB, Dody, 8 In I, von; Bids 101 Bums 10 lo 1. aecenil; Jnllu,97,0.dono.lly, 10laiTuilnl. TlmsO^a/, Hik- ODd rie. Bll and a noarler nirkoaa—Woodcho|>|ier, WIK, Neal, 4 lo a. von: My Uyps 91, Noelnnd, 4 lu I, irc end; NalUe Choo, 9a, Andrevs A lo % third. Tims 1:I9K Tblnl nce-llairamlle-Wl.lftil, ll^ Miin>liy, 8 to L voo; Teouls lia, Waahbure.r too, eeeond: Irlili lljUa, Real.8 lo 1, l)ilnl^,^me^O^I)( Kuunh race . ...... .L ,. Miirpliy,8u ind: Pat Wood ^neandODe.alil«.nUi mllM—Oontaws 90, Murplij,HUi 1, von: Bams 107, Waalibgra. 4 to 1. OMond: Pat ejek^, Y.lter, 8,lD%Uilnl, iTme, l^UX^.. .F.irUi, r, Coudoer, IB lo 1, Ihlnl. Time, I :IOM. -Fire lkrloni>--Oaitam.r«, 1041^. Klnik Ileo, IQV llem, 0 to 8, aecond; Home d: Bliaodabair rurloofe-KelWeel, KS, Murnhf,Bio N, von: Bine Blnl 107, Clehanlr, 8 In I, Hcood; A. (I. II.. 107.Waibbara,latnl, Uilid. TlmsldlM nalhinc* —Bll and a bair (lirlooaa-l'atUe, 97, Andravs 8 to I, vnn; Qnnd Pril, 109, Waanbum, ores .econd; t^o Lacey, 109. Fennlmore, 18 lu t. Uilrd. Time, 1:3D>r. MayO.—FIratnce-Bliand a (luailer lurlonei^nnn. vater, 101, Paraoo, 1 to 4. voo: Teaond, 97, fhilTy, 0 lo I eeoood; Roalta,^, Coiidoor, 13" * ' BMOod ran*—Fire Ikrlotti sou l^voo: Fluellen, lot IIei_, . —, , More,un, jClblnl. Tins 1<BK Tblnl laoe-BIt ai^ a bair Ibrtonia-LItU* Jin, lOaXJIara, > lu ta von; Tralee, 100, Olar*. 18 lo l|M00Dd: nacbHmy, in, Morris 18 In ^ Uilnl. Tlmsl^aW FuurUi lace- BlaaadaqoarUr rorlonaa—Ontario, 10b, Marpliy,atnl, von; DetfeM, 108, Rnns 18 In I, wcond; Jerwy, IIB, Han,4U>^Uilnl, Tims 111 FitUi laoe-KI.e r.r- lonae—Prioce John, loa. Bender, 10 to 1, voq; Tioga, iafii,A. Moor*,8b>l,Hcaod;Can»w, lOlK, Keel, 13 lo I, third. Time, 1:011. aiilb ra r e Be.eo rurlMR.— Woedchopp.r, lOBL Keal,8tol, voo; CcIIpm, 113, r.olniiaii, 13 to 1, Hcood; Billy Boy, UO, Murphy, Ito 1, Uilrd. Tins ' Ku IL-Flnl rac*-«U nod a hairrurlona.-NcKMTM', 99H. B- Klog. ao lo I, von; Ataman, loo^ Ham. 4 lo a, a.e- ond;U.mel,9a, Donnelly, lOlol, Uilnl. TlBSha Becood nc*-Fln rurloof.--Oon Lecey, lOD, Dennrlly, 7 lol, von; Benjamin. lADlare, 8 lol, eeeond: Fereu, Ho, Parwns *'«o, Uilrd. Tims l^H: reri Hli andeo«.ba]rnirloon-Raais 108, waahburn,Blo I, von: — 7 lo 3, •ocond; FalUs «t Donn.lly, t ''ourui rac e Hla and one. IfB, DorMy, 8 lo MyOypsrOit iram,? Ul 3, •wend U> 8, ttW. Tims la......Poller Mceod: Bamas 107, Ham, ....Finfa rara-rrao mile— . von: Pal W/ndcook, lua, Taylor, 9 ui 3, aeeood; cennora, 108, Coleman, 8 to a, tblnl. Tims 1:44U Hlilli ra e # H la and onnquanor rur- lonir, wllfni—FInnvaUr, to, Paraon, 3 ui A von; Key Weel,lliMer^y,9Ui I,aeeood; Dwpair, kJO, llonoeljy, 3D tol, Iblnl. Time, 1:11. RmIbb at Bobjr. play 7.—Pint rae*-Be|llna, Are aad a liair rurloDjra— Klodon, m, Maybanr.O 10 8, voo; NeUTlly, Ita, lior, aio3t Mcood; Floryoy 10 le I, third. TImsIlll BMOod ran-Hillbilt,oo. bairmlle-Miu Lyon, lOOi Mayberrr,l lo a, von: SMorlly, Kt8, Jackaon, IOul,Moeed; Oeul.N.11,100, M.B.r(.n.3 ui I, Uilnl. rins 0JO% Thlnl rnc.-fl.lllnr, on. mll.-l.ln.. more, 113, B. Morris It lo lu von; Hijendulloe, oa. Lev, lOtol, aeooad: Conalani,OIL l/1eary,3 to 1, Uilrd. Tine, 1:4814 Foorlh ra c e H ellinf, eli Airlonia-yucalan, 1(& Crauy, a lo Ik von: Craar, lla Morris 0 lo a, ae«ind; Oberaeler, 117, Lev,30lo l,Uilld. Tine, 1:10 FHUi nee Hla and one hairrurlnoga—Daao, 108, BoKemao, 4 lo l.von; HmdoU*. lia. Moms ereo, lecmd; Tom Hayre, UCayvood,aiol,Uiln). Time, l.'lH. Jim Head r.U. ■ay 8.-Flnt n r e fl.lllna, ruilona.-ller.vdrl*.r, m, JaekMoa. 18 lo I, voo: a. W. Blaoton, nt,Oarvoed, 111 10 Lweoodj RoonleM., 100, Oleary,8 lol.Uilrd. Time. 1:19k HKood race—Selllor.arenirlonii.—Domlolco, 94, Obary, 4 lo 1, voo: Rolbran, 91. B*.rall, 19 In I, mo. ond:TlirarTal,ncayvuod,ll lo s tulnl. TIiosl:ul. Hoes Ka, Claarj, 3 - • ■ ■ ■ J. 1(t Tblnl nee-BeUlni. Ill ftirliiea.—lolly Jos IIB, : Ledy Hoes Ka, nieary, 3 lo I, MO. .man, 30 lo I, Uilnl. Time I:1AW. Fonrtb raee B.llloi, .li rurloon-Atana Bor, Oorbler,8lol,voo: iUlaniaioo, lU^Jacfc«io.e lo I, Oorbley, Blol,voo: Knlamaioo, imjacfc«io.e lo I.eM*.. .nd; Prank Pnllar, llB. Crally. 19 lo I, tblnl. Tlma, I -.UH. Finii ne. H.lllna. Mr.n and a hair rurliioa.— Freddl. L.T.. 101. Rnratua Uia,wi>u; Flnnnee r.wo, Cayvood, 8 to 9, wcond: Uor. Ilagood. flOL Oorhley, 7 lo 9, Uilld. Tims 1:39. May 9.—Flint ra c e H elling, flre loriona.—Toano, 113, Morris voe; Halelllle, IIOL Uraltr, eecond; Barguanl, 107, Mafbeirr, Uilnl. Time, IMU HaviM rero- Ualra nil. ( l icorlly, 110, Charles von: Nlilr, W, Clenry, weood; IdaBernolds98,Oorbley, Uilnl. Tlm.,0:8l Thlid rara H.lling, Are rurlonga-MelMr. 100. Bowman, voo: BMondo, 101^ Olearr, wcond: I.inle N., 90, Lev, Iblld. Tine, l:IB>a Aner tbe third race rertralnlng vrlte tmm Judge illlleue'a court el Crowe Point, led., vera wrred on Uie ouaagMnut ud eOklale, awl no rurtberraciogvae permitted. The date or Ibe lieering In IbecAWVuwlforMiy 31, but II «aa eipeclMl that ao earll.rbwrlng .uutd be Btanled. The roomiallonellly or Um aav lav la lovol.*l, and Ib. track will ram.lo clowd noUl rortbar oid.ra ar. recelred rmm Ihe cnun. Uehht a. VUlUCBBAjnr, or Uila cll/ and Barllo, owoar of Rhadalaod Dalmnnbi, wliuwr of ibe Uiltr- oadooal imc««at Nice and Ucrllii, Initmctcd tola rod. w. ir. pielKtitnaub, to iiuy Ijie ivu tUgblr bred atal- lloD*, NoDilo.itnraod uueitannarcb, and take itiem acrcaB to Betua. Tta/wUlsaUICayn. BaiCB 8. AiXAK'a bar Dona ;tii>ralace (Cla/ Broack), by Tan ineck-llaiT L.. Cell wUla nunlsg a Mai noarter ot a mile at Ilia Country Clob track, Boatoti, Maa., May 13, aod waa as badly bort Ual ke bad lo be killed, hank Orabara, who had tbe Doont, had hla collar booe fracured In two placca. Tib Kempton nark Oraat JoblleaBlakeaorB,ooa BOTerelfiia, for tBrae year olda aod opward, aecond horaatanoelTeaoOBorciatgna and (bird loowver- elfna, Jobllee courae (on* mile), waa run May II, al Kempton Park, Kof. T. Woiton'a Vlolorwild won, any Lag aaoond and rj Olable tlUid. Brann FBBiitniOi), who airlred at Chicago, III., May 10, rnn the Padlc coaat, mU In ao Interview that the track war will kill racing at Uhlcago If kept np. and that Ban nanclaoo will go Uiroogb Iboaame inuic next Winter, when a oew tiack trill open la oipoaiUOQ 10 OompUL OTSR THB JVnP>< Tbe 8le»pleeh«aa Aaaeelatlem Opaiu «»• flamaoa la th* Baa*. To tbe NaUonal Bteepleebaae iaaoolattoD (all tbe honor o( Inaognnting the laolng aaaaoa In Ikla Tlolnlty, May II, at Moiila Park, ooopM with tk« dlaUncllonotUilUaUnathetratoeeUag nnder th« nowlj onaoted racing lawe. Owing to poalpona- mania, made ueceaaaiy by ilolaja la bruiglit th« new leglMaUre acta peat Uie QOTemor'a apprtin), tlio luirnnt In tho Ont day at the aoaalon waa aotne- what Icaaenoil, and Ihe aiiondanco oooaeaaenUi aObiited, allhuiigh tba tumaUIca rcttattred a,Ma paltona of cnwn conouy a|Mrt within Ibe haodioma ouclonitre. Tbo weather van porfoct tor outdoor aporta, and Ihe mbalillltalcd nteopleohaaa ooiun Broveu tu lio lit gouerally oxcellant oondl. on, although tho binding at tbo water lump \n» InaiiAlolenUy pnpai«d, coobrtbnt- Ing aeroial talla to horaea and their nonnla. In tho nrai rai.'O over tho humiea Prlmua tall wlib Uhandler at the but hnnllo, ntailog the dn- lab. Tbe Jockey waa almoat Inahintly on hla teet and caiiRlit hU horae. Wright, who rode Ecaila Is tbo tuitrin race, .rent down at Ihe waier Judo. Ino IMike fell at tbo Ural Jump, wlUi Pines aud Dwlght tell ul Ibe toiirth Jump, grvlng Chandler hla aecoBd toll. Tho biwkniakera' ting undemeitB tbe grand aland wae iliwrloil, but thoro were ptenl; ot apeon- latora upon tho lawn In rront at Ihe bulldlog. No money obangod handa, but reeponalble men lotind plenty ut bualnoaa. Moana. IMat am) ruwei* wa8« the ludgea, Uenry 0, Crlokmore the aacretary, John B.llooy tbo palml Judgo, W, H. Vaabnrgh,hudl• callpcr, and I;. J. KlUgerald, alarter. MHliLn hunlle ll anil 880 to Ihlnl, vanl. _ ,^ W. i:. ItavM* cb. g. Havimara, 8, l>y lineodai».PwhaM,. laa: llul Dnntu I p. |<.P. Ituilul|ih'a ch. m. Lalkyells 4. IIS; lOlol.CaiToll 9 W.«tliniok Hlalile'a cli. ni. tVloahlis S 148; a to 8 M, Lyacb B Tims 3:83, HlMPlecbaw. nunw 17101 nl vh cli 1100 lo aeeood and to) 10 Ihlid, riir tbur year uKli anil u|ivaxd, eelllng ollov. aiics three miles . . „ Vhail*. Hhleld'. eh. f. Pal Uakley, a(nl, by Bayead■0^ flu 8 lioea I t, laa; 4 to lUiendlar 8 lllavaaw, aged, Ue; a to rrayllag 3 Time, 8:19. _ HI. NIchetaa llunlle llandlMS purw 11,001^ .r vbleh IhU lo llnl, I3D0 In HCood aoil BIOI to Uilnl, OO* oil* .nil a hair, nror .ll hurdles . , . J. Weill!', b. h. llnl Cloud, a, by H»l Ino-Manl* D., lea; 13101 rTuraeu 1 H. H. lluvUnd'e b. h. Judge Menov, .god, IN; 8 Is 3 Kogllih I Pamrapo Hlable'a eh. g. Wowironl, aged, Itfj Bununaitaai IIeracA,iiunea8U\or vhlcbgUDloeeeood d, eolrvnce $18, tor lour jw oMe aad op- Nell ilvrnii, 189; 0 WeMbniok Hleble'a ch. g. PUymat., P. H 1.. . r. Handnlpb's I'. Tims 3:00. aglllb 1 , iwi B to ..Mcinerny S Nev York Btewlecbaiie Hanllnp, norw »1.3a\or vblell 831X1 lo flrat, •3CU to Mcooil and IIU) tu third, tve aad ooe-heir miles B. P. Clyde*, b. in. Laily Haymood, 8, by Han ot War- Ladr Pafmeraton, llT; Bl lu I Biaekea 1 Broad llollov Blable'a eh. g. Tbe I'eai, d, 148: 18 Ui 1 .Bfrrp i - • ■ — 3Mlol..»IUIogo8 P. llebbaid'a ch. g. Roilmaii, 184; tv.ller vel.hl ttat ncs tor Uirw ywr oMe aad opvaid, punie lyu, ofvhlcb B0O lu wcond, wren nirionRS W. I«nl'. eh. g. rrlw, 4 by HIr Vodred-l'neluM, 119; aio 1 Tfeeh I A. Hhlelda' h. h. Ixigan, eged. 183; I Ui3 W.Milehla } 1'. a 1'. Handelliira ch, in. Jill, 8,117; HI 1.1 UarTOU 8 TInisllai. Tbo aaoond and cloalng day ot ibe meatlog,!!, liruiight aonie Udo racing, and a talralRed orowd^traa llll liniid to citjor It, Tho tealura ot Uie day waatlie tiratid Inhiraatlonal Hlevplooliaae. and, apUiat a airviig Oold, Ijidy llayniond wuu at will. Bummaiyt Belling, hiiidle ncs I'UiwIOlUL orvhieh 1109 lo eeeond and IM trt Uilnl, fur tiiur ywr nbli and uiivarJ, eelllng atliivaiicM, irii. mil. and a halt,urer all hurdles Weilliroiik Huble'a b. h. King Mo, S by John llapn- ulUe, Ud; llul Illiandler I W. II. llajM' rli. g'.'Hayona'n, ai 'lU;'7 in idii'.'. .'.'iHiniap 9 I'. H. P. lUndolplra ch. «. LAjetls 4,143: 4 ti ' Melden KIMiilecbaw, iiuraeBttUt or wbleb #10) to eeo* onil and 980 lu Uilnl, lur tour year oUe anu op.anl, tve llitl.S W. II. Hare.' ch. e. Trillion, 4, by Klag Brnert-THU, I4i>::ialur Uonlap 1 0. \Y. Weil.vorlli'. b. in. Ilutli H.,S lO; 9 ln\ Mam 3 Tlms8:«. Kiitckerbucker llunile llamllcep, tor feurrearoldeaad ii|ivanl, purw BI<iw,orvhlch f3LD In Meonil and BNO to Ihlnl, on. mile .nd Ihrwiiuarura, iir.rwT.n hnalna. H. K llnvUod'B ll. b. Judg. Komiv, egad, liy Vaguond- Miiunltglit, la0;8 lu S Bnalleli 1 J. H. Ceoaby'a b. g. Kan Jeanulo,eged, I3D: 4 to l.Veaob 3 H. Bradley, cli. g. HL John, aaed, HI; 4 bi 1 Ploe* 8 Tlnis!:ia. (Irand Inumallonal Htwiileehawror tour year oUe aad Hpvenl,pureeftljuaorvhlcb 9310 lo ewoodandlUO to mini, coorw nliuul Uireenilleaand ahalr. II. K. Olrd.'. ti. Ul. tiiip. I,aay Haynioed, 8, by Man ot War ljil/ Palm.ntun, 110^ 1.3 >'*t*a<> < Brood ll.llov Hlable'a ch. g.Tlie Pmi, 0,18713 U I.Man 3 Augu.l llalmunl'a li. g. apr.ul Bails 4, l«>; H) lo I P. Lrooht Tlmr.7n. Flat race ror Uiree rear obi. and upvanl, ponelSoO, nr vhlcb IW In wcond, on. mils P. H. P Randolph', di, m.Hie Jilt, 8, l>7 Jlla Jobolen. Tiophf, 138:1 to 1 namU I J. M.l!n»by'a b.g. HunUionier, aged, IBT; 4U>I..Ve*ch 3 J. T. Htevirl'a li.1i. Inm Duks 110; Otoa Ploea 1 Tlmsl:U. naelwa Bt Ihe Moaad (Illy. Tbe Bt. Loula (Ho.) Mr amunda' annnal Bprlng moetlng ww luaogunKd May 11, with a crowd or twoire thouaand ponwni In allendanco, allhongb colli and windy weather prarallad. The orent of the day waa the luaugiiml Handicap, wonb|8,000 to the winner. Hummary: Flrat race-Fire rurloo..-Hagn.l, •, llyls 10 U> I, von; Mi.lta, 118, J. McHunaU.Oio ^ wcond; Hoy, 107, Baraor, 18 lo I, Uilrd. Tlin., I H.cMld ne^ Kire luilon.., Ivu yeer nU.—Heeu Ideal, 111, R«ecu, 7 lo3, von; VIrgle lllauo,HerR.r, 0 ui I, weenil; Kubinis », Marklin,«tu I, ihlnj. Time, I Third nee-One mils Inaugural llapdlcap or 98,001, for three yearoltfa end uuvanl-tltiarirns lla,Meeklln,a to I, voo: Urauls n,,9toSMronl; Yo Tamblon. 118Lf.Cafr.p u>a, Uilnl. Tims 1:43^ Pourlb rape One roll*aM e .lkla.oUi—MIcliel. 108, Tliumlon,S UiLvon; Jaqus Uf. P.Carr.llo l.weood; Henry jMklos 103^ R. Knight,» Uj I, Uiinl. Time, l-Jok rllUi race-HeT.n eod e halriurlong.-^. P. B., Iff, II. Hloan, 13 In I, von; Oofis n. llyls 3U lu Ij Hcood: Mnllla H., 108, MialAr, 4 Ui 8, Uilni: Tims 1:3IU; Hlilh iac*-(Me mlleandaali- leenUi-Hegle BInl, lia, II. BcUuiaU.S bi 1, voo: at. Pan- eras IIB, U.Hiotn, 18 lo I, wc'ind; FlntUbanee, (oa, nul. rerTIo to I, Uilnl. Tlni.,I:8IM. Hay 13.—Flnt raco—tlirw-'iuarlara of a mlle-^. W. Ball.y, 118, ll.,8 to I, von; Mlotrw, |I8, BbksB U> 8, wcood; ahlnlnl Belle, llr, tl, McIk>qaU,< lol, lliTnl. Tlins 1:19k .Ucond rac«-nn. Iii1l»-P. B., KB, U. llloan,aui I, voo; IKiyl., M llrle,9lo3, •ecoodi Ee«ie Bird, III, K. l.'eiT,lllo 8, Uilnl. Time, 1 :<7. ThlnTnon —Two ywr olds nre .Ighlh. at a mil.—Hags lOT, J. Uanlnar, 4 bi 1, von; Pinky roller, 98, A. Barrall, O lo I, wnind; I,* Halls 08, J. Ucl>i>n.ld,8 lo 8, Uilrd. Time, IM Fuurlh rac*—Flre.elghUii »r a mll*-YemeD, 119, P. Crr, a iii8. von; Buna vara, 981 ilantner, B to I, wconil; il.urg. Mjll.r, 118, J. MeDonabl,4 la I, third. Tims tiBK Piniiraco-Unemile-ComeleRlar,111, II. Hloen, 18 lo I, vuo; Han Bkis lul. Hols 9 Uil, aeeood; Jowplilns lO, Bunn, 7 lo 3, ihlid. Tliae, 1:48, Wonr Ibr tha broabliia naa4lcap. The Uruolilyn Jockey Ctoh will, on Hay it, Inang- urate lu annnal Bprlng neeUng at ilnveaend, L. I. Tbe openlog day will lie made iDportaol by Ihe running ot the Brnohlyn Handicap, and It tha acraU:hlDg la not oxreedlnfly bttak Ibe Bald will be one ot Hie lient eror aont away for lite tamoua OOB- leat. Tbe eolilea ahow a number ut tonnldable randldatea, chlot among Ibcm belog Ramapo, Or. Klce, Blr Waller, llulilcou and Hey a Banta Aalla. Theae an the bonea largely diaciiaaed by Ihe Uleol, lint tho iiaual contingency renalna tor Uie unei- period, and a dark home nuy, nt i;uunie, pull In the prl7,e. Bealdoi tbe Brooklyn Handicap (here la a Kood pnignnime for the day, Incliidlag the ISimo- lUnn HIakan, tor two year olda, at ball a mile. Tbla will iirlug out the crack dlllea, Aglom and Floietta. on Priday the Afflmon Hiakea, at half a mile, tor two year old Olllea, and Uin May Btakea, lor three year iiliU, ai all furhingi, will be run. Batorday'a r^rd will lie iioteworlny liecauae tha enok three ynar nlda will meal In Ihe Oarlliin Blakea, at a mile, while Ibe two year olda will ineaanie auldea In Hie Iludaoii, at Are fiirlODp. Crah. Hooibr, a Jockey, waa talally hurt lait WM I: It Uecatur. III., while exerdaing Blorruuar. TIk Jily fell and broke bar lack, and lad to be ahol. TBI loleraute Pair, which |la to lie held OCL1-4, atltenton, K.J., irlil afford a number at good ataka ne«a. A TiOTnNO aaaoclatlon baa been tomad at Ue, Pa., and Ita Inangnral meet will ba beld Jnly 3-8, with a Btrong porae ptograiame. Ddbino Ibe tblrd race at the Aleiaoder laUnd track, Mar g, Hondlan fall, and JocteyOondrler had bbi collar none broken. Thb parkway IHlTlng (llnli wUI open Ihe troWof acaaon at limuklyn, N. Y., Hay IS, with a maUnea at tbe bait mile track ou Ucean l«tkway. lut. ViixBriuuB haa cloaad a codUboI wllb the Coney Inland Jockey (llnb tor the oaterincpiiniegaa al the June meeUog at Bheepahaad Bay. Thb ihinileonce track, almut four mileo aaatol ratanou, N. J., now owned by Oeorge II. Bniemao, !• 10 be oat lalo buldUif lot* and lolil Bl MMMi.