New York Clipper (May 1895)

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174 THE NEW YORK OUOPPER. Mat 18 ORE^TER, STUOIVOER, BETTER THAIV E^VER,. WILL OPEN THEIR SEASON LATE IN JULY, UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT AND PROPRIETORSHIP. WANTED-The very best talent In the various branohea of minstrelsy, oomedlaiu, vooallsta, specialties and mnsiolans: Will plaoe a strong novelty of any desoriptlon. "Will mabe a feature of our parade. Address all oonunnnloationB relating to the aliove to BASIL McHENRY, Manager, care of Donaldson Litho. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. THE TURF. naeei at Fleetwood* Floetirood Firk ctlclimted Ibo tvcnty'OrUi onnl- Teimrr oC tm 0|MIi1d( of im UdUIdr track Uaj II, •nd lungunM On liaroeiu nclDg Mimn Id tlila citj. ADinttrMllnii csril had been provldeO for ibo DkttDH, and Ui« {Bf't iport wan tlionugblj on- Jo/ed. IleniT W. Ilumu, of Bouoii, ofllelatcd aa nuittr.and blaanoclatealnlboMiind treroHatUieir niler and a. II, ArouiroDi, Jiidgoi, and John U. Vam and Lnkt A. Diirke, UoeriL HiiRimnrr: S wcUh. trol. pun.$2ai>-U.jllstil flnL L.T.1 Mwn4, nor lb I nl. Tim., 1JS,>4. U.mb.n' rac timd wuODi, .mauur ovnrr., trotl«n—O. A, Ptlmer*! rrioM iTontLntpL o. ii. mcDui.M'i miir iienuii, >m- nnd, TImo, 1.9^, IM, IM clui, Itnl, nuru Dm, Attutnul MConil, Qulrlfiil.|i (hlnl. taoUlltuon liA, Allot Tlt», a:a.>i,>:ai.>i,3:».V Thf Jeekej Olab* Tba iKwaidi of Iba Jockoj Olob bad a niMUDfr In tbu cllri tiAf 8, lu flnl liualnen boing iho parsaga ot tbs folloirlni retolutlon: KlMvtd, Ttiat theJoek.r CInb h.nlirwium.i folijurli- dloUoo OT.r all ncJan iin courHu uicaimI Rwit or tli. .ifblr-fouilli miridlu, lo Uio twund.rl.. or Kant.ckj; Umbo* aloaathe Euum bmindkr/ur K«oluclir, Tmrm- M Ud AUbiDU, to Ul. Ouir or M«llCO, Ud .11 .NWCI.- tioDtvlttalo ladiJorlMllcllQD. lo l>o rMAgnli^d, aiuu ub- talQ a llMDM from th. Jucli.r nlul>, which aujr b« icnoud or«d brtlie RUo.rdi In Uielr dlKr.lloa. IbU aouon nacoiiillnttd a nfosal lo grant a II- ccawto Rolix, aa Ibat tnok to lw;i>nd the boiindar/ Hoe. Tna New YoRi BTMri.iciiiai AaaocunoH, or tbia cllj, wan incorporated wlih tbe Bocretarj of 8UI«, at Albanr, N. Y., Uajr 10. Thia la the lint rftolnjr aaaoclatfon to bo Incorvoraled uodor Iho prorUlonaottbeatkj Racing lillljinoim aaohap- lar no, ot tbe lawa o( tbIa jcur. Ibo olijtcis or the corporation are nlalng ana lireedlog and ImproT- log tbe breed or bonoH. Tbo capital la 11,000, and tbe direotora ate II. lio Oonrc? Vorhea and llenrr O. Mckmore, or Now York Ctlr; Hamool B. UoF- land, or Qrcvcland. N. V.; Jolio 0. FnllRnabeo, of Han yrancbwo. Ual., and Krolorlck Qobbnrd, ot Kalonlown, N.}. IllODAHD OROKKH'S TWO YKAH 01.1111, Willi tllO OX ceptlon or Montauk, liavo lioon ncmtcbed rrom all Iireaent Eogllab enlrlea, and II la said that U. F. >wrer'a bonea Trill not nice again iiiiUI winoUme In Anguat next. Ur. Oroker nud lo ■ pron cotro- apondent Kar It: "We conalder that tbo liorsoa are not exaoUj lit tor bard work. UndomttDdoio, tboy are In good condlUon, but wo are ohllgcil lo nilinu Uiat tbe7 are aomewbat woakoned tbe voTnie, and not yet acclimated. We want Ihom u> lie fully opto tbeir work, wblob at preaent Iboj aro noL" Tai American TrolUngAaaoclatlon hnld itA blon- nUU meeting at Obloago, HI., Mar 7, and olocled lla old iMard nr offlcen to aerre Anting tbe enauing Tear. Thar are aa follow: rroaldant, W. P. llama. Tain liable: Tice prealdoni, a. U. HoFtell, baka. looaa, la.; diraotora—George II, Ely, Klyrla, 0.: F.. O. UwU, OtUwa, III,; N, J. Oullman, HI. Louli; N. J. Jonea, Red Oak, la.; eecnilarj, J. U, Hielnor; treas- urer, Edward llayea. Tai Vimii Tiunniia Aisooiation, ot AnaUa, baa addieaaed a letter to tbe National Trotting As- Hclatlon, ouggeatlng now rogulaUona to praTODt Ameiloan "ilngora" from niakliiR auccemrui mlda in Europe, It propoaoa Ibat on dolecllon tbe "riiig- or" and tbe Impoaier ahould l>e ruled oir both In Rurope and Ameilna, and all Uio boieea owned bj bim. It propoaen oomplote reotprocliy wlUi rogarv to tlie freoboolen or tbo tioltlng turl. In tbe Ooutt or Beaalona .1 Troy, N. Y., May 10, vgoment waa bold on tbo logalliy or an Imllctiiwni ugalnat Jamoe P. Oleaiy, U. J. Duoy and Jiimoa II. Uwyer, obsiging ttitm wlib pool aelllng on home laelng. Tbe polni waa ralaed tbat ttie preaoni 4Jr»y-wllda-nice law annulled ibe crlolnaMt; or tlio ooenoe, and tbat there could bo no punlabmont In- Hloted on a charge or pwil aolUng provloua to the enactment of Ibat law, A OBAKOI baa been nudo In Ibo condlllonii gnr- emlog aeUlDg imcea at the nntarto Jockey Club meeting, to rar aa Unllod Blatca taorsea are concern- ed, llereartar tbe winner or a aollliig mro. If rmm tte other aide, will not be aold aubjool in Uuly, but hia owner will bare to pay tlio iluty on the amount he la nlned at, and not upon tbo ano bo brings at auollott. ' Tn Obeeler Oup. oT |lo,ouo, added lo » sweep- Bloke or lilt each, for three year oldaand upwaroa, wu raced orer the old cup oourao at UbeiUr, Kni., May a, and waa won by Rlhinllagban, flroycam old. The aecond hotao waa Hon or a Oun, with Thoaoiia tnlrd. U. V. Uwyer'a Don Alonxo waa entoteil, but did not Blait. . Tiios. A. MoUtNini, nr Ijanaliigburg, N. V., m» expelled from the Ainerti-anlVoiiliigAaaoclnlloii by Ue Board of Appeala at Olilwgo, III,, Uay 11, aa well aa tbe bay gelding Den All. It waa proved tbat he hod aianea tbe boiae out of claaa and under oanimed namoa. TBI Blow Park IMrlng Aaaoclailon. ot Uliiglutm- Ion, N. Y., boa decided to rellnnulali lla loaao ol Iho Blow Park track uuUI Jan. 1, ITOA. Tlila rioolaloii waa reached Hay 11, and la ilio roault of ttio law prohlblllng pool aelling, Aiionil,an AmoHcan Itotler, won a ni1/.c of '.MM> orowna at VIcnua, Aunlrla. May e. The Inloma- tlonal Uondeau priico nr 4,000 cmwna wkh won by Uoyd'a Unnel, wllh Maol'boo'a Atlluo aecond, nnd Orult'a Rowley thlr<l, Tm Quit Oiinuiiu Uriiin, or ;o aoTorolins each, wlUi 9,H0 aovorelgnn added, n nillo nna a quarter, waa mn tor at Ohoater, Kng., May t, and waa won by A. P. Ilaaaelt'e VIoraiie, Qazelecr aec- ond, and Sarawak third. Sr. PRtnquDi won tbo Itoyal Two Vonr Old Pkilo, ol S,eoo soTOielgne, Ore rurlonga, at Koniplon Park, Kag., Mar 10. (lalluatan waa aerond, wllh Funny Boat turd, BoUi the winner and tlio place horao on Uie property or Leopold do Rothachlld. JooiR NunT, tbo hone Bumiuerllnie, anil Us omer, H. W. Hinet, were nilod oiT Bl. Aaapti inick, May I, ror crooked work. In * noe 3, h'aoey polled tbe horae uodor InatnioUons rrom Bireei. JooiiT Ntnrnr iXD vr. Ilui were find tw each by Starter Oaaaldj at Alexander lalaod Uny », Ihe former tor pulling np hla mount, Urate Oblet, and JIam ror l>ad bebaTlor. TBI UCINO at San IVanrhro, Cat., May 10, waa tor charity, tbo Oaliromla Jockey Club donallug Ihe entire gats receipts on that day to iho Oblidren'a UosplUI. Jm lliiD Imks a bloodcoaael In tbe flltb ihco al Beby, Ind., while coming Into the airetch, Uay 10. ne boiw tell, but hla rider, W. l>onny, eacapoil Mhous Injaiy. TBI Oamberland Park Pair and Racing Aaaocla- tloi, or NaahTlUe, Tenn., liaa decUred oir Iho atakca for III FaU meeting, becauae of a failure to more thonpartauymi. D SFur r Biaairr Oca rw^Wed ui .itaehmMi, Maj l\ tat ITJB aaalnat Ih* Virf Inl. Jiiok.x tHuU. In (kTi>r ol Bon D. Mcdolrre, or Brookiro, V. v.. «hn wi» Mcnutrr of UM .Igb. Hi. anouol rvpiWDU a^fturor ii«rr Ic*b *« am aMTneA euriu or"lii« ^•* J.rwr JocY.jr 'Olub for l,Oaa chain and 04b.r arUQlM aoM to Ih. Aral a.mM) club lo 0«u>b«r. ML at Iroohlyn. Th. attachment wu a.rT«l 00 iba w.»l«m ITbIod Talwtpb OoupaDjr lr> at- Ucb ur mooar In luhud. UIODalnf to lb. club. Tai Vlnlola Jockrjrt'lubwaiOfprlTWI of |ta llftnin by th. Jnek.y Club Mar and on 13 rMpenad BL iiaph aaas iDdapwdMl tnck. .IT ' awaHagllaT U, and li .^jury, and tor oT«rM«lDa ih* ran. track alAUv.n ria, batwMQ July I. UW, and May 4. IGn, aod II.IO on f—• ..-^j-^ J, -. - rAU bMAA luCtprloir niMtll t wQlceaUaoa roalaf ror m WHEELING. Jftr IX 3I-OhulotU 'O70W Olab fipring nMt, Obir loti«, nTO. M«r aft-MstropoUun Lir* Ibiuum Athl«tfo AMoolfr tioa tODTDftiUDlt BrDoUfo, N. T. Itom».N.y. a " ^ Mhy a>-NMchunlor 7»m AaMoUUoa Sprlofl BMt, tfMhUDlor TMM, Pft- M«r a^-MaboDlf 'Oroto Olob iprlof m**^ Toaop tOWD, 0. - . Uty BD-0r(MUl '0/el* Olab annul nam, Onad IiUad^Ksh. _ , MarS-HlddUtowD (N. T.) WbMlmw annul Sprloi UturnamenL Mar a>-IrTlDfton-MIIbara (H. J.) uooal twtntr-fln mile rimd nc*. Mar SD-Mtrcarr WbMloiw annual tmroamnt, AUao* town. ra. , Har tO~kttmrT Park (N. J.) TbMlmio annoal Spring tournamanL Mar S^ToDnxainont at nraanSald, Hum, Mar ao—Touraanienl at MaoclMtar, H, H. MaTSO-AUiliilo 'Crol* Clob of Borton tonmaniwt, WalUiun, MawL May ao—WayMa Park Club toQmaniODt,BoQUi PnmJnf- bam, Maaa. MurS-Aubure (K. TJ 'OroUn' toananant Mav a>-BTani clif (Fa.) Atblatlo AMotlatlon t«ona> nenf. Juno 1—CohoM ffl. Y.) Wbaalman annaal tonraamaoL Junsft-Yoonr Han'R ChrUUaa Anwolailon toonfr DioDt, Hrracuia, N. Y. Jiin« »->WlUDlnRtDQ (D«L) Blorda Olab annoal Bprtog touroaniant. Juo* 12, iS—tftraniT WbMlnan annoal Bprioir naut, AllMitoirn, Pa. Jun* I6-N9W York Dlvlalon, Laafna of AaariOD Wliaalman, annual moat, Oonar Island. June 15—VouDV Mm'i CbritUaa Anoolatlon touu- man. I'lillailalplila, Pa. Junt 17—Pma 'Ojollng Clab toomamant, Boatnii, Mui. Juns IB—ToaraamantatWaltbam, lliaa, JuQft 19-22—IlUnoli UMilon Laagua of Amirioan WhaaV oisD annual maat, Oalatbon. Jun» SI, Tt-VlUMbnrt (Pa.) AlhlaUo Olob Spring tMF narasDL _ Juna 23—Soolb End Wbtalmao toonanant, nlUdtl- phla. Pa. AcooBniKOTOAOABLtaiuM rrom OODflUDtlnOplfl, Tark07, Ur. Temll. tbfl UDlted Stat« HlDltttr, tuu obuined from ttie Port« dlracUoni to tbe OoTftnior of Rrzcroum to fsollltAto A. BaoliU6b«o'a ittrob for the iKKljr or Fmnk Unz. BaotaU«t>ea hu atart«d for Troiil7x>nd and Err^roum. NoTiiiKa IiasTotboeDdonelD tht matter of tlie charfiea brougoC aRalDnt Jobo B. JotioMD, nlatlng to bla iiBtus u nn ■mntour. The acciiied rider bu dooled Id toto the obugea mule agftloat bUo, and UaoAfferEckBtTODuoaalranertethfttbo laenUrelr lanoceoL Obalrman Gldeoa, of tbe lUolog Board, will mako kDowQ the result as bood u a decliloa baa boen reacbed. Tdb ^:olnBlllcrole Olob haii beeafonn<d In Brook- iro. N. Y., irlUi ine followloff omcere: FmUdoDt, 0. II. IHTlda; Tlco presldeDt, willlam A. Daries; aecn- t\Tj, Uoorge M. uenn; treaeturer, E. 0. Looker. Tna AKKOAL KOAD RAOB rrool BotdoaoH tfiParii, Pnnea, open to rldBnofall naUonallllai, wai htid oo Mar 11* 12* and «aa won br Otrser, an AoMilan, who corared tbo dliiianceln2lb.l2ai., MatlDgibaraeoiu mada hr Laaoa In IHM br naarlv an tiour. Mover waa aacond. In Wi.aom.: Corn 0\\ri. Tnoro wora elihtr-rour lunari, twenir or Uieni boIng rorolgoon, nnd Lucaa, an EngllibmUi,waA (be bvorite. la. (1. WAtiL, or Colorado RprlBRi, OoU rormerlr of 7aahluRtoo, li. 0.. U lUtoO lo hkTO ridden flftr JDllaa oTor roadi, «llh the wind, In 2li. Um., Var Ul* He li ula lo liara rMden from » potot foor mllaa north of the BprlOR* lo Piiablo, fonllnB Pounlaln Blrer, one hundrad root viile, on ihe war- CiiAHt.M H. MoHHiv la italod to haro rlddio a quarter of a mllo, unpacad, on a lra«k of that alia, at Saraanab, da., Mar lla to Wi*., lowering Uta former rweord. C M. MDHriir, ofUia llumbarlaam, liatatad tobara, In atrial avaloetilnw on thaqnartermlle track at Saran* nah, fla.. May IS, ridden a half mlla la In. Ufa., uopecad, loaeriug teoord. UkohubDankvh, of ritliliunr. Pa., won a two kllometn raceatihe Vetodrome Do L'fttt, Parli, Kay IS, deretUng Berai nnd Vawaur. OBIOKET. First CoBturlM of tbe Smmdi Two conturlea were Korad, Mar H. In aihlblUvn gamee playod In Pblladelphla, Pa., the batman aadi tlaothan retiring wltboui lotlog hliwloket J. B. King, Iboeap- lain of tlie Tlogm learn, mide 103 nna, not out, agalut lite Keoiliiglon team.anor alao dUilngnlibtng bUaeal by capturing aoron wlcVeta-all claao bowled—«t the coat of ODIT one run. The Tlojra laanj aootwd W ram for th« loH nf flTo wlokeii, while the Kenalniton taam made oatr _ _ . .. » ---lU^ II. B. U. OroMr, wlUi M niDK, and II. W. UalnboL. Willi O ruD*. aiilToaoonded KlngUefTorta.' foMlooal of llie Uoliuont Clob, niue ICOrune. netoult of the total of SM Korwl aitatntt Ihe Wayne Chin, and then ' '-'bry* roUretl. A. M. Wooil aUo i«iiad brilllanijT fbr U mna on beliair of itia wlonera. The Wayne Club nid preflouilr tweo retired for 31, ihle iintall total l>oIog malnlv doe to reinarkatito bowiiiiR by T. R. Haanoy, who tooa aaren wiekoii at the roit of only 6 runa. ThaBalmont Club pra- aenletl nearly lla rtiU atranrih, lo lotlolpallon of a con- tort wllh tlin Now Jarwy Atli.otlc Club, but the latter iviiiionoil the dalurt, and the Wayne taam at abort no- Uro look Uio of the vlaliora. A curloua oolncldenoa ofthaaa iwu Kamoa waa the fbct Ibat tJie winner In aaeta ahoitld liaro aiiowo auch a almllarlty In tbo battlog and liovllDg r^aturea tbenwf. Thv Hawerfbnl Cell«g« BlewaB. The liilarolaaa diantploDahlp aarlaa at HaTarford Ool* lege tomilnatad May B, whan the etaaa ol 'Mdefaatadte by a acora of W toS In a one InoIngoouiaaL The llaTer< lunl t\>ll<>ga eleven mot Uio Uennatitown Club on ibe lau ler'airrouDda al Uaoholin, Pblladelftbla, Pa. Thohoma loam Itatied firm and acorad VB; of which P. U. Bohlanwaa lite chief contributor with a dOTarly compiled 37 rani, notouL TTia llaTorfonI t»am toauen In ibeflntinn- Itta, the rotleglana, wllh the excaptlon of J. A. Loater, [hllina lo ntaiia any atAoil, and be battloff lo fkulileaa fom) roriSruni beiore how«a oaaghL Laotar had prfr- Tlniialy taowled four wickota for U runa. In iheaaennd Initlng Uie llermanlowD taam Korod 84 for the loaaoftwo wkket^ V. W. Halaloii lillllojr hard fur DO rani, ootouL Ihirhig till (lorwanalown'a ilni lonlog ao uorortuoate accklenlocourrad toO. ]|.nowoao,tb« wicket keeper of the llavarfonl Oollaga tanui, vlioaa noae aaa brokeo by the i>allboaled by Itall rebounding ttouk ihebalbattba dovnihll of a wloieL Tlio tiermnatowo team woo by tlia tolala of the (Irat lonlog. Tut Ciiir.uio AuopcutiON haU Ita annual naetlng May 7. at nitcagnTill-. npnaantattToa iiolna praaant lYom the Albion, Chicago. 8t rieoria, St. lAwraQC* and W'amlrrura t'lutta. Tbo following oflleart war« aloctad for tii« vnaulna year: PT«sIdent«J, Lenoon; rloa pnal- ileatJk B. K. Joiiklita and U. Qoodroar; aaaraiuy and irHaiirtr, P. Hanaorao. 8li eluba eolerad fbr tba local chamiilonihlp, lacludlog Ihota abore tiainad and tba rullntAii Club. The chauiplonahlp aoaaoo opantJona 1 and rloaaa Aua. 17. Tlio date of tbe annual ratatan match waa uado Aug. 31, A coramunlcailon wu ra- relTotl rrom K. r. Eilkelly, of Doblln. Ireland, uklng what iliiaaolal vuayantjM lha nMoclallon conU glraa iHU) u( Irlali siuatoun who Intend to coma orer In AuguBi and play In moat of the ptiner ' * fori will be made to arcuro ihelr tIiIi. Till ARKUAt HHOTiya of the OoUrio Crlohot ^Bfoola- tlon waa bald April U at Toronto, oOeera tbep being eloclad for lha enauing year. A coiumnuteauoo waa road from n.a PaitarMnrMpeoiIng thamatcb balweao ihiiarlo R04l riillatlel|thla, aoti aaklng In addition for a game «lih Ihe t'olfonlijof PoooivlTanl^ paatudpiaa- oBt mriiiitar*. The aacretary or the lourunlTeralty league a«ked Iho Toronto Aaaoclailon to aalact lha taan in rDproaani iUnada In the Iniornailooal CAotoot with the i:ollad Ptaica, July 1,1, at rhlbdalphla. Pa. Tba dataa furihoaDDual malcb 1>elw«*nODtario and Phlladelpbla were flsM rbr July imiladelpbla. Ttia match Utweeu Eaaiora and Weatara Ontario wma aniogid to be played Aug. f, la al Toronto. The aocralair «a» In* atnioiad to call the annual mKting nitnn barbra March IS. Tua BaLriBLD Cu'n daraatad tha Vudarara brill to 4.4 In an one lonloR cmmo. May II. at rblladabhla, ra. Nnrgao and Allen mada Sand p raoo, raaMollTal' Iho winner*, and Qanad gott4 nu Ib^ U« woai Tna eoniaai boiwaan lha aacond alaTau of the Batmoat Club and llaTorlord t^olWga, May A, at nibdatobU, Pa^ TiBuaihlbltlongamoiwera played Mar II, at Proa- pact Park, Brooklyn, N, T., two being botwaao aecood alarana. The flm and aacond alaTena of tba Bnobtyn and Muhaitan Cluba eoatanded, the fomer*a aacond dafaatlng tbe Manhattan by 71 to aRar aa exciting oootaaL Tba coniaat between tba drat aUTeu of Uiaoa eloba raaolUd In a diav, ibe totala being: Brooklyn, 100; Manhattan, BS, for nloa wiekaia, Jaraoa PUnnory marked hli Orat appearaoco with the Brooklyn Club by batUog darerly for37 rana, the hIalMRl icore of the eon- taai. T(,B.CoynabattadwoUfor'3)raDJi,notont,onba- half of the Manhattan. Tbaaaeond elaraa of the Hov York Club defeaiad the aacond olaTeo of tbo Elnge Coooty BL Oaorga Ctnb by 39 to 2B, lo an one loning game. Tai Lowau. ano lawanoi Cicu hod an exclilog coniaat Kay 11, at LowaU, Kan. Tba Lawrence taam ballad 0mt and icorad ei. The Lowell taam had made flO runa for the loon of eight wicketa, and had one mora wlckeltofkll,tbealarenUiman harlnigonehooa, whan the atompa ware drawn, tba rial ton daloalag It wu a few ilnntM.bafora the appolntad Uma, and tfia game waa protaftad. Tni TBAVofEngUahAmateon which B. a Lneu took lo play a aarlaa of malcbaa Iii lha Wert Indlaa arrlrad. May 1, at Plymontb, Bng. fllxtaen gtmoa In all ware plarod during lha toar, of which ton warn won, fonr loot, and the twouolng two nnantabad. A. E. BTODDABra TBAM Of Bagllah erioltoura, with the axcapilon of Kaclaran, Ford and Oay, arrirod at riy* moulh. Eng., Marl; 00 tboir ratnm home fron their ouccaaa/bl Avatnllan toar. The abore meotlonad trio wlU aitand their irareli, ratnralng to England by a longer mota. Orowii LonMAjnr. the popular Engllih pcofaoalonal, who ba« been aqjorlog a Tacatioo doring iha paat two •aaaona, loft Oapa Town, Bootb AJHca, Mayia,oo bU ra- ton home to England. Tna Mbriov Olob darealed lha UnWenlty of Ponniyl- vanla'aalaran. May ll,ticHarorrord,^a^ by IB to 64, tna totala of tba lint loolng. N. Ettlnr batted In bli former fine form for B4 nna. and a O. Thayar ably aaalatad him, making 60 rant. B. Ooodman made 11 nna for tba col* laglaaa, and O. anaat bowled affactlrolr* Toi Karrard Dnlretalty etarao opened lha II, at Bioektoo, Maa.. by a TUtonoTar tba local taam by O to 8^ In an one Inning lamo. Clark, tbe captain of the TitlUog taam, bowled aliwlekau at the con of only 16 Tui Boaton Atfalatlo Aaaoolatlon'i olevon Tlalted Lynn, Maaa., Kay II, and daraatad tbe home taam br eo lo 93, tba totala of the drat Inning. TnBUofari.of Boaton,Man.. Tlaltad Newton Hay II, anddefaatadtliehoaaeleTanby 1(B to 3S loan on* Inning game, Vllllan went In aaoond and carried bla bat out roraBnni,and Howardacorad SI rana fortbaZlogari. Lambert, of tbe TUlton, bowled fonr wlckeli for only 4 A TtAU BIPLI BBOOTTHO RBOOBD U MfttM tO bBTB been created by Oonpany B, Flist Re«1iBent, N. Q. 0^ at fibeU MoQDd Raoge, San Fnocleoo, Gal., on ICiiy 6. tbejBcortng 1,962 points out of a possible 3,coo, atSOOjnrdBtlo compeUdon. lUelroppoDenta, tbetminorOompanrDiPmb RegliDeat,800itdl,8M. Oapt. J. L. BBKWEit, In a matob for tuo, tbe Bbooter underlAklng to kUlM lire blrda oal of 100, on grooDds In tbU vlolDJCy* wbi giicc«gifDl. being credited with knooklog orer oe. lie Blood tblrty yarrti from tbe tnpe, and tbe bonndarr waa fifty yardi. BBFOIUl burlnt yournppcora and caodliagatonr prieaa. WaUooal(ionftctloiiOo.,7aaadauFhllI la Worth Tlilmaiitb Btieel. PMIail.l|»la. Pa. MAOlO PSOTOS rORBtrSBDMS, SIDE 8U0W8. BIO. maMipl..lOcla. A.WjtBrei^PlioloaTapb.r.^la.0. lD?e^3^U^bS?aIi^lSnl\u!MVM»llbmm Oimw rrom. CompanU.daalitnirdatMrortb.Bamm.raM* aw wnwpond »llh JOB M. MoCOMAIl. Manaaet. „HUrnraiD, bAkiLooM Miiil to bb,<(d for miOP LIST UFBALUIOHS and all klod or aaronanla- KABBlCll.Blurali. Mich. WAIITBD,OORNET,OLAIUOKETAMDB/IRtTONE: movtvork at .lih.r claar making or tallorlov. FInt .^laaa mM only. Addtw rAMOPa OAMBKON mtmny BAirp, camereo. Mo. ready.^Wanted, a Female Partner, ora roungmao and wire. lataUlgaotandrtflood. Biceptlooai taraa offered. A life time engaaemanL with a carload of mechanical myaioriea. Tnthelargeatcltiaiandtbeattwonly. Addraaa Janaaa L. Bmlth, car* 0. B. Hheyne, Box 18k Danpton, Ta. 00E9TRA. Bammarruortprafonad. B. U. ALLaEYER, BdUIIIerTbutra Bollding. Room 6CB, Chicago. III. ^M***\.^^ SICBTUH 700. CUKTAIK RAiaBRH^ llOa Diaiiiaa wruuo and rarlaefl. Addraaa, wllh ■tamp, „ Q- rh'ladolphla. ^. „F«K BAliH, ELEVEN MABIONBTTB MOUBIM, Iti Oood worklowOrdor. cheap: mnuaaU;aoeIaaeBianin for reply. A. W.grHAJiJaiOM Wallaco Bl, OblcaRo. III. WAJtTlUI,CDOtortionIaL Win Walker or Magician, ^nai be able to change for two week atanda One who can do atnlghta. Ho faraa to airaogera. Orankarda keen QuIeLTddnm NEWMAN * MOORE. Managon Oregon IndlanMad. Co., Oaorgotown. CUy Co., Mine, „IWQP. 0. KOBMlNRUk, littAb£ir~OP OROIIRBTRA, with Rood coUeetlon of mnalcSolo and Trick Vlollolat. good ■ortwoorfl''' DAMIEU, can be eogamd. PROP. afeoSM IKS Kr,Acklar. HarJeo Co., Iowa. i^AH't^b A'1*6N6^ a6oD taAi^To rbMiUMb amitann fnr ataga, alao two ladlea and two noo to plar baariaa. Will giTaboanl and room to rijtbt nan for aer- lL<=^y£!'JL8*l**'**'"**«^TJ*"'- AddraMjJWARRBN grTT HiaB BVA PLORPmSOE m iKO of Blllla Pl^nnea), WANT&D AT ONOEU WANTED, UOUD BLAOk Face. Dutch and Irlah Comodlana,fiianjo, Mandolin and Oullar riayen and TontrlloaalaL flood poopla wanted atalltlmea. But* aalary In Bnt letlor. Wanaytrana- ^rtatlon. No rarea adrancod Addrou EMPIRE MEDI- biNB AND ELBOTBIO BELT 00., lee.Ooodmao BL, Rochertar, N. Y. pRfflMSSS BOOK. J. B. OUILIW, Boako Pann. Cbadalck. Ho. ATTACUMBHT. J. OABEBBBB. yalartoo, la. nalUlMa. Hma. flialla Al VarMr Planlit and Oootralto Vocal Ul Both pUy parta. Addraaa Cberaller-THB JARRBTTB—ftalla. Ho. 47 _ qnr8L, BmIoo, Mua. IVANTBD ftUlOK, TWO GOOD ALL AROUND OOMBDlANa able to Joloon raealptofuiegram. Bute allyoueando in flrat lallar and lowattBanraoraalavT. Noeanp. Addraaa Oa R A. EDWARDa Blogbaniton, N/Y. aiM lUTlaad: Hnalo pnt to worua, or Actomp. made fbr Molody: Band^ORbaatimorHudollo Moilo Arranged. OHAfl. L. LBWia 106 Rlahnood Btiwal, CloelnnaH. O. BAfl& VIOLA k or VIOLIN. Uara eiperleneo I ' lo ortbaotrat nTKROfCU/tfB^^ DKVIL FISH and baDnar,|l& AiiiaatorBoy.fu. Btenalla wonder and banner, $& All hira tnTollng Liaa. ^ tahoa alL_Tbef an In Uno cotrflUoo. J. HW AW, m Aniroau etraat. Ohleago. lU. FOIiBAI*B. Mydeo ot ani good reeden and oroko to handla. Addraaa MISSll.fl.J0aNaOK,4B lakaa, 16 In ounbar. All I. Pint glO bare getaibam. 4B1 Waiblngton Bi, Apple* rttft »Am 6h khwt, HtA. WAk ri^ VtW and II ApoaUea,Baa Barpeol, OboatRhowi, lUii. alona, Palnilnga, Orgao%etuged Anlmala Boahea, Fboio- fiath Oamorai and UiSft- 6 ooneo Dnck. food aa nav, t»: DTK. PAIRT, AUantle City, N.J. MOK ON H{:||i|iBAIJ<>IUI>IIV.O or » biadi ooMr on. baliiiMnf 00 IllaalfmiroBa. Tttla l|a aawaetmr.r.rybody. prlcaDc.; aat, 11.7a. "TBaMod. •m Ofacl." II a ' ' • —• ^» tvi «.., jiAw^. rii^^wv*. m,, .1.1.. .uvHaw. >facl." II a amt ooralty for dfVtlM.. All. 004 tm.o. Prlc.,Uto.aacb, or ICO IOtIIAiIJXA IIQ. Ad. W. M. J.BlUw.m ilnauilalilrwl.CMeM5.TlL '. lllt« 10 " tnauiiaRir. LUttMT' plma. Ho ^ ^TTBinBaiSB BEBOHT. Tlil« 10 Iw " eaaalda. BMtatajidaTd ■— ^ ipaalc Cnnnrl and Tbaatr. Bob pAr.r.^ Addru. "VlOUHInr." a BottthbaaSr Bl. Ooiry. Pa. ««l!i*osi^iie.!i^!ffAPj'ifflb£.S'»si"!s^sS! OMB Ixo BOAlb^p par *Mk on: nlnly ^wllkiaMaa. Ptani Mill CABiiJ^ Waal TwfalHkM iinatpjryi **IIev« only auorlt conatmnt pay rocelvea} la bleat In what It (akoa, anil irliat It glroa.' m OUflDltt. THE tine. THE MY. THE BUFFALO ILL'S CONGRESS OFi RIDERS OF THE WORLD. EN ROUTE, 1896, led by A Man with a History, a Record and a Name," GEN. SHERMAN. COL. W. F. CODT, President. NATE SAIiSBTTRT, Vice President and Manager. NOTE TO PRESS AND PUBLIC: This exhibition can- not be dnplioated. In all honor and under moral law the title, name, eto^ belong to and possess value firom these gentlemen's honored career andthe genuineness of ohar- aoter of "the outfit." Pirates and Imitators should be at least ignored, as in all reputable business, as Failure Forms the Fate of Fakirs. J. VL BURKE. PRIITCESS THEATRE, A Bimnd Re^r Tbeatre* Seatloff capaotlt>% 1,(I0U. Lighted bp Eleetrlclty sad Gae. Trolley Can paaa the door. 14 lorge DreMliia Itoomt. Ntago, 60i45. Bntlrv new Scenery. Good open tlmfl. Call or addreo* FREDERICK HOOKER. Slanaaer, Packard Tbeatrlcal Exchonge,47 W. asth St., New York. TRILBY OUTDOIVE BY DAILEY AND HILTON. A BIR Hit St tk« London ThaatM, N. Y., IhU week, witk tbe Ladlna* CInb Co. j LIBEBTV, commanelBB Jnn. 3, fbr anminer aaaaon. Pemaa.nt addreaa. 100 EAST FOURTEENTH STnEBT, M. Y. C. "Trilbi" Has"CaDglit" New York. WE Ciptured the World. FRANK and ADDIE BURT, (OPERATIC TRAVESTY ARTISTS.) A SPONTANEOUS SUCCESS IN EVERY COUNTRY ON THE MAP. OfTeni liiTlted from flret clan hootea ootll JnlylS. We return to LodcIod on that dito fort upecliit unf*- ment, tbeoce to Calcutta, India, for tho naWD. Addrou Mo. aX) EMt TwoDiy-Mvanth St., Noir York CItj. THH ORIODVATOR-TO BIDE SHOW VAN. aser. UumuiKled ud feirlOed BouIoil Onbaod, IntlUn flltnlau with lubr; eb«olut» autoinlcal uid rarj natu- tmllooklQB. Bj Eraoflt BnjKinnuin, ADttotnUt. AddrvM aOI E. AM flt. iiore. or I.TM Uilngtoo At.. M. Y. Clly. JUlIN HUNTAQ, LEADER AND SOLO VIOLIN- IBT. from mont r^fthjoDBble rosorlA, op«n for flint cUm> «o- gMMoeati, BunifDtror Wtotor. Flnt cUMoniDloDsof preu on appllcatioD. Atldrou JOHN 80NTA0, Cara OIJBN. W B. Twwty-thlrJ BireeL Now York. WANTED. GOOD GENERAL. UUHINEBS WOUAN AND COMBDIAl< FOa REI'ERTOIRE. Must hare wardrobe. Batnmer mUtt. I uy eioooMH. Doa- too faklra don't writo. JOB WILLtAUS, WorrrD, M>y 1$. 17.18: UdIod. Me.. M»f 2D. 31. 22. TBNT ITOR BAl<Et «m. ROU.NO TOP, »tT. ._iMdl«, wftllMWtii, etc.; poM coiKlltloo: SA}. Wootuood bonotODL BKKT QltXMt^K h'r^imont. 0. WANTED,MU8I0lAMa WHO AHE OIOAIt UAKBRS tRTAILOHd, can ncure irood poilllooK br addroaalnjt < :Ua9. lIARRiaOM. 6anicroD.tfo. FAHCB C4JK BD Y. U'lTH H FECIAL 1*HINTINU, FOHHALEORtU LGTCllBAPj «1*0 flDeu- ■ortmtDt of Hprlonr Llthomphi, good tor mit »hoir, chMp. E. II. HtTLLlVAN. IMTIiTrd AT<noo. Kew Vork. OPEN,Tbe VoTrall^ Vocal ud iDttrvmaoUIBoIoUtji andDiietbta. KKt«.ii«lovlollnbt, pltolit ami lopnnQ; CUroDce, wlo comeiltt, plulat anil baritone nlonr. 8li[ht roador*, well up Id concert uddanM muxlc. Ho- aponilble partlw tddrw W Fronblln ato.. Brooklrn. N.V. WANTED. GOOD TUUA AND HLIDR ROMBONB fLAYSR. to workln carriAg« fkclory. Ad- r»MOEO. II. PERBOHJn.. Dolbl. N. Y. BKETCUBH. SONGS, UUB wrillOD to Onl«r. Beat work. lMc< ^ ^rsii _. — . iic«« low. Blamp reply. JOS. XERflllAW. I2B F>lniiount Ato.. Phllwlorplilt. A GOOD BABITONB 8INOER WANTM TO JOIN AN OPKRA IX>. OB yiNSTRBLS for flnt leawD. Bplandld »lDR«r. BaUry no objoct. Apply, vlUi temt^ REVANB. Box aaa. Coshocton. Ohio. PAPIER RIACUK AND PIIUPH OF ALL KINDS mailo cheap and aulck: Indlaa Clabn, welRht one pound ucb; VootnloiiuUtJi' FlRuron, Anltnali,elo. Contracbi for productions eollclted. E. WALKER, care Ultli, I.ODB Bfoadwij. Waw York Cliy. MAGke. cAtaLA^IUK 6f 6V£r 4ou TRICKB,IO CKNTB. Hend for free llHtJof hDOdredn of barnlnii In reliable appar^tua flood Mcond band mRnle ■toff bouBht Bihl aicliftoaed. Addreu orcall. A. HOTBRBBfln. 38 Worth Clark Btroat. Cliiogo. 111. "IF YOURPAPA WAS RICH UKE MINE" Chaii.0r«liani'i(lre«tClilkl'ii8oaR. loiiluiliucceuwilh all. HcfpiUr piano cony to Prof. 10c., wllh orchpura p.irti 3D0. AIM, "Lorvn In 1^-a " ■ 3D0. AIM, "Lorvnln l^-aOonoBr" (rerypopular), ''Hier BarTbey Do Not LIko It BulThey Do" (conic), "My Pretty LlUIeCarolloa" (the popular lont ami daiirA), "Wantod, an nonaat Man" (de>crli>tlre), "niore'a a I'laco In inr Heart for Vou 8UU>>(balUd). '-Oli, Mairlo. Iwu't Bay No" (•aoUmeslAl). WILUAU J. A. LIBDER, IVbllriier.gygW Park Bow, y. Y. City. CAIX TO aiY FRIEIVDS. 1, F. 8. MONCAYO, CAIiXi ON m FRIENDS FOR HELP. I am bare In treublo and with no Doner. Yon all know mo, thai I oarer fall to come op ud belp a brotJior pn- loaalooal. I hope that aome will aniwer my call myoa. I temalQ V. B. MOROAVO. Qeoaral DellTory. llooaton, Tesaji. WANTED, Imedlateli, Leading Ladj; Tall, YODNQ ANDBXPBBIB.\CBb. Alao UadlnR and Char- acter Man and Advanc«AnnL (lire full Miruruikra in flrrt letter. OBO.HPEKOER. Oen- Dellv'y. i.ltlch. WANTED, UDY FOR CHARACTERS, LADY FOR JUTRMILESAKDOENL. BUSINESS. rUaorUTtr, not pnr.n^l. Two (l.ntl«iu.n for Oenl. Builn.u. Qillct. Ai'.ll.M J. a. BTOCKDALR Faiao, Kolth Dtk. AURAHOBD (unall). nlaa partiL tO ... .... . . . Takoo vlluPv eaau; °ili>n. locraunobiiait.' down from toI<.. SoDn cempoM.1 Uuahl. A. RBIHBnT.mEaitasSisi.,b.. tw... Swnd aad Tbirt ATM.. K.w Tork U/nl D UllTTCjD'Ull^ nnii III lln lid SP't? ,•'•'7 rona of SU|» I NoT.llr VTla.. lo ortsr. llM^llnr. Motlo Blora. ll» Bow.iT. W.w Tor^ WANTED, MANAGER TO INVEST ONE-THIRD INTBUar IN COHPLBTB CANVAS "V. T. 0." CO. Hall la aUa 10 nal» DAUIB HAKIOE, m f a4lana Bimi, IU<ai«, IIL WANTED, QUICK, Shooting Acta, Cowboya and Wild AVaat and Illppodroine Poople, Bketola Team and otbcr Concert People, Hnal* olana of all kind., lnolaidln|C Cometa. Tnba, Double Drammer, 81tdo Trom- bonea, Darllone and Altoa, donbllna vlo- llne. Addieu IUNAOER; _ Wyomlns Wild Weat, Phllllpabara, BT. J., Blay 10, Dangor, Pa., IT, Delblebem 10, Haaell Ohnnk »U, White Haven ai. Snakes JL'Ar RECEI\'I!D. LAROB LOT OP flVAKES, lOD HON- KF.rS. AMHALS OK ALf, KKna. RiHDa of kvkry KIM>. DUNALDBimSR, lia RlOBr.U Bt. N.w Vork. GOOD SINGERS, SEND FOR THE SONG, UlY^VlimDlM A FINE jlONO'puljllrliMl br HARRY rEPFER i CO., BEND STANP. M Wc.llMBI.. N. T. CiW. FOR SALE CHEAP, MUST BE SOLD. FINE AND COMPLETE fiCENERV FOR SMALL TUBA- TRB, SPLENDID DROP CURTAIN, BUNOU L101IT8, IfTC, ETC. Also one hundred and dfty opera chain in Kootl conilltlon, alio a full anil complete net of lodae room rumltore; noaebettar can t>e ol>ulned for money. All uuat bo Mid wltbuut delay. JOUN MORRBLL, W Dinfortli ATcnue. Jaraey Clly. N.J. FINX: SGZSNXSRT FOR HALLS AND TnEATRBS. AIIATKUB ENTEKTAINUEMThTeic. 31 AND a SULLIVAN BTRBBT, N. Y. THE NEW lURMOS, THE GREATEST AND MO.<TTBEN3ATI0SAI.0P(iEC0NDaiQHTA(nfl. Quick aa LlRhtnlnffaail etay to Itam. Kulland correcteecrotonly 91. Auyiblog In otbrr Ncreu at an efioally low price. Bend atuipfor llntofaccreta of the reiT lataatlUuelona. 1 bare come to eiar and abnll try my ImiI to pleaae joo. llARRVPlllLLIFPI. the Reliable.Tremonl, III. WANTED, Circus People In all branches, EXCEPTRlDBRa:poole^cloiPt.iialBeOanlmala Wrilaor wire. M T. WATBOK HL Vernon Hotal. ML Vemon. M.Y. WANTED, A NO. I LECTURER A.ND TALHINO CLOWN. Win NEBRASKA OTTT, N.b. LEmrinB a perry. WANTED QUICK, BLACKFACE IRISH 001IBDIB.VNB. Uo.tjilar«r|iaii aod lolo od ncalpt or 1.I.III111I. FOBrEBiiBRti iiiibici.'rero..Yeiiiio. uii. Stage DancliiE, Banjo, MindoIlD, Soae aid P.ili'Si-"'!; O'-O" OANCINO TADOHT FOR TUB BTAOB. A flo. collMttODof laitTWin.duoDaal.. B.n«l forclre.Ur. J. BOO AN. MM A.... N.w Yotk. F0RSAI£.FINE,LI6HT,NEW26IN.610BE,18. L. BDPBBT. U athaalTorBt^ Brooalfn. N. T. WANTED, BASS AND TENOR FOR QUARTET. IpplF ANPT l-B|aB, IN Waat Sib SL, N. T.