New York Clipper (May 1895)

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176 THE NEW YORK OT.TPPEtL May 18 THE Li4Tl»T !LNB BIOGEST HIT. TBOKAB «. VIOLET CLARK # ST. CLAIR. ECCENTOIC COMEDIAN. OROTESQUE DANCER AND 80UBHETTE. ORIGINAL WHITE FACE COHEDT SKETCH, A FEMALE BARBER, 99 SPKOlALLiY KNOAOUD WITH NIGHT OWLS CO. Bby 13, HiB.r*. 8lli At.,, H. Y.| tlmr HO, Mla.r'a Dow.ij Tlimtr., if. V. AL. GRANT, Comedian, LIBJSRTY, (Reason 'DS-Oe. Addn BTROIfO aPEOIAIiTV, VAVDBVI1.LK OK FARCB COMEDY. ■ 693 THIHO AVE,, Nnr York OKf, .r AIiI. AOBNT8. (hrtag to the Kmaber of Inferisr CoB^Blei Vriag tte Title, I HAVE DECIDED TO CALL MT KtM OBSANIZATION JOHNW.ISHAM'S "Royal Octoroons." 30-OLIVE HUED OPERATIC QUEEN&-30, Xncludinip the BROIVZE ACSCB^, BiaOBR AND BBTTBR THAU BVBR. KALBFIELD'S ^ ORPHEUM^ STARS. LOUIS Proprleton. Can OM • Aw A NO. 1 SPBiOfAE/TIBfl ftor Bamm^r fleaMD. AdanuuptrRoaU, LODU RALBFIELD, Mtnsier. The Greatest SixiKer of Her Raoe^ and FRED J. PIPER, the Phenomenal Raritone, Ib a Qrand Operatic ExtraTaganza, ''THE OARNIVAI. OF VENIGE/' Which will •ornan In l(. bswIldtrlDB .Btlnt^Bll my prsTlou .Obtti. AUboaklagi mad. in B.m. of CREOLE OPERA COHPAIIY HOLD OfiODI I JOHN W. IS HAM. CompoiAd bj Q. E. BEALE JR. ANDF.D CURE. A Bed Hot Song on that Big Wedding. m IT. "IT IS ROYALTY, OR THE HEIRESS OF TODAy." Great Hit, San^ Tiiree and Four Encores. FREE TO PBOFESSIONAUS: Send StanpandCardtotlie DRAMATIC MUSIC CO., eoi Arcb Street, Phlladelplda, Pa. XO DEALERS A.3VD PIlOFE(!»8I01VA.i:j^. THE! L-a.TE3 ST HITS. "Bktrtmo." "HAVE roir anr A WHEBLr- "ourino tub noxsir mqox." "nro old tbaups " ■HWIPT UOUBBtlLEANINO." "JAO OK." "SLEBT, SWEETLT RLBBP." (Tb> Ulur loail ipMliUr >rrmiii«l Tor DMormtloD Dftr), bj Iim 0. IUi«. AUTHOR AND MUSIC PUBUSHER, 606 Chicago Opera House, Chicago. Th* kboT* hftve Fun ProTohtnr tod Soul BlIrtlDf Woidi, with ippnprikta msloJIa*. 8»ad for iho ftbor* and V>e b«Mll7 lurprlwO. Any ofUis ftbov* Mnt nn raulpt of 3e. aump. mdu pvnnuinl adilnu And c&rd uid wo will MEH copy or n«v plfM u tlioy Rre publlkliod. THE FUNNIEST THING WE HAVE EVER SEEN. THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL SAY. OUIl TITLE A BABBEL OF FUN. ROWE m RENn, MONARCHS OF PANTOMIMIC COMEDY, Can be engaged after week of June 3 for FIRST CLA86 PARKS and EXPOSITIONS. Permanent address 114 East 10th Street, New York City. NEW AUDITORIUM, Lighted with Eleelrieity. Seatiog Capacity 1,000. 6,000 InhabHanli, County (til, about mldwa, between FL Wayne and Richmond, Ind., Munole end Una, 0. 8li idjioent towni, thai bave no opera home, to draw from In the oil flatd and gai bell ol lnd.-laraeit In the worid. Will open SapL 23, 1896, Fair Weak. A limited numlter ol First Glut AttraoUoni wanted (or uaien of 1B9S and 1696. Addreu ZD. 2v£ZrdX^B:ES, LESSEE AND MANAGER. SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE 7W BROADWAY, N. Y., ONB DOOR BBLOW NINTH 8T. (FttnnorlJ W tfalllen LlDe), MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS. Oold and SIlTW Iaou, F^ngea. Spaiiilw, Stin, T\UMl^ BfocadM, Tlghu, Bbliu, FtddlDgs, UaU, WIga, Bboe. .iHl Jew.lt7, Tliulitcal, tfoutauUn .nd AtUoUo Qooda, Coslunura' .oil mig» Maken' Suppllu. lUnum BuinoTS,IUllUrTMd BaclotTltliiiinliuit. Armon of .11 klnil. to onler. 8<Qd (or eaUiiuUn. TlieUrauC uMtuneat uid bMTleat lUook ot tlieae goods to bo found .nrwlnre, Olroolare fno. Goods «»nlO.0.D. ""Our Wedding Day" Word, br TOH HESDON. A D»w .Qd bMutlnil Sfory Soni oiun idnnlMri-Not T— ' " naUlDR .lU MDd Bw«1 Hnslo lir SniX HAROOURT. Holmes' Star Theatre. WANTED, BTniOTliY riRST CLASS SPEICIALTV ARTISTS. Only tltos* whotd aoU mw* oftlio varjr bHi, mnA lalCablo Ibr l»dr «adl«ncM, TO OPSIN BAllLY IN AVOUST. Write or apply at once, to JOHN W. HOLMES, 319 Jajr (ln.«, or H.lmM' lis. Thwlra, BnoUvn, N. V. F. A. FELTON. PERY RYAN. Jackson Pavilion Theatre M.T ao fbr tb. ■amm.r of lewi. W. wUh to ]t..r IVora «ood impl. I. all lla.i. PBLiTON dl RYAN, Praprl.lon maf Manng.n. JAOKBON, MICH., Max V, 'Ult OfliM, Hot.! Oaald. NOTICE TO MANAOBltS AND AGENTS. TATALI <& ABA.CSL BIO. TATAU, th. RIoK CMlortl.Blil and Tamblvr of lh» woria, and ABAOHl, Ik. Oluimpl.a werM bwl.r .r ARAB TUMBLBRa, ar« aow partn.n, aad will d. th. anatMf act Ut.t bai «T.r bMa b.ltor. tb. pabllr. atl W. 38th St., n«w York, MA6IG TBICK JUGOLINa GOODS, TBnaiLoqonr akd jddt OfM. Otldtftl.htJMllUl Oood^Otdta, TMlriloqaltt ud rucli .nd Jodv ftnrm tn*. roLita.iA MAdin thici urn. nx, m Bomr. x T. "stop; thiep' ^110 SBIip 10.. FUR MY mow CATAIAODBk nraai Aina lA iuati, ■fiRiTOALr"' — ^ T. raaMM DOWKB, EIIbc Cola., ManMSni.WB. la. AT LIBEBTT, » SMITH ^ Al TiollnUt and Flanlst, Sololeto. JolDt eoftsnnieDt fllalloniry or irmrallpR, r«Mrtolr«or orthMtra. T«d yeBn'eiporiaocv Mkrioaud, wln-.wMk MftyS, Mannmtnfte, Mich., «o«k Mat 37- F*rTDtn«ot ad- dreu S» FULTON WT.. ChlcAfO, III. LIZZIE BMITB. FOR SUMMER IN COLO. AND NEXT SEASON, Boabr«t(e and Comedian 'withapeclnltles, Heavy Man and Property Man who can act. All men double In band. AUo Leader Ibr Dand to doable Coroet, Clarity net. Piano to double. No fares to atraBaert. QEO* 31. KIMBALL, Ooldon, Colorado* FOR SUMMER RESORT: FIRST CLABS HOLO B>FLAT CORBBT- IBT, BARITONE, DOVBIX VIOLA, A 1 TRAP DRVMHBIl. TROMBONE. Addmu (lEO. aODrHBV'. a)l CAmD SlrMt, Buduiky, Erie Co., 0. For CLARK'S Big Wagon Shows PERFORXERS IN AIL BRANCHES, BZCEPT niDEIlS. Writ, qalok, ttating loweit mmttkry, COLV.VOIA, I.a. M. I.. CLARK. GLASS eiOWERS, Oo Parrentuo for FarilTtl W«Ah, bftnlonloR Juna 9. Ad- Orau CUABTloVENBBRO.T LIndiD St. PruTldaoc*, R. 1. MUSICIANS. N. W. STEFFEY, Second Violin; PAUL BEHNISCH, Viola, FOR SUUUER BSAHON. RMorlpraremd. Addrau EVPIRE TUEATRE, D.UOII, Uldl. GAYETY AND BIJOU THEATRE, FALL RIVER, MASS., TO nKNT ON 8IIARIN0 TERHS rORSUUSIER OFBRA. flnMt luUllOD EQd bMt T«DtllftUd hOIlM lO Ul« Cltf. Oolj rU» of UDUiiement op«D durion Ui« Soamar me- Mn. ADIwer iiuiek, UAtlDB lull puUculu., panr. «te. WARDBLL A lIcOutRB. HEAL emeus MUSICIANS IN ALLBRAN0IIR9. Wlr* lmraad(*t«1r. LAKOLBBROB.. I.IUKSL Uul8AT0..8L Loqla, Vo. P. B.—Klokon, luihtTK Dtaihan uO igtluton not wMlwI. an wa bara JuntdlatwaaJ of aomi of uimd. For Summer and '96,96, J. C. WELSH, Musical Director. PJANO AND VIOLIN. Oonl arrURar. Wall up Id DnuiMlIc ut) Farca Comadr. AtltlToaaJ.C. WBL3B. caxeCLIPPER. To Join at once, a I*ady PInalatf one who can ptay small parts preferred* Mnat be well np In Bpeolally and Dramatlo work| all Summer^a eaaairement. Address ai once IIAHUY PRUNANDBZ, Ontonagon, Mich., Care Pemwndea Comedy Co, WANTED, Al IlEPEltTOUtE PEOPLE I.ADIB8 AND ORNTLEHRN. ALH} LADY PIAKISTE, Huramir nMwn. Hilao' ud .11 pvlIcuUni (n lint l«iur. ntnady lojnlnonwln. BAILEY A ORAT, r.«r» CM. rfaila. I'l.. C«i..»ll UtiUi Kl.. RL Loul«. Mo. WANTED, FOR Wilk8rBros."'U.T.G,"Go. Laadar for Rami nnd Orrhaatra, ud a Tub* Plajar, Ladf for Tivpav, auil Nan furriilnfaj^RL Clair. Lcrim, or Marka am) Drakati, to )ilar aotraarufn In hand, write or «lra 10 J.O. WALKER, DawroQto, Oourlo. BARTON'S THEATRE NEWPORT NEWS. VIRQINIA. WANTRn. Fin.'IT CLAR< rBHALBRrRCIALTT ARTUTB TO OPEN HAW. LvoK •nnjreniaDl lA mod pwplo. JAMISm. BARTON. Propifrlor. J^t ILjlt>©i*ty-, EABLE CMDDOGE, llMtlaaasdCftaTtc-tank WardroteAI. fttrleUr anbar. TREASIE CRADDOCK, Pliakt, SI{H Reider. Bumnaraalarr. AdOrv** (X'ONTO, Wla. Sale, 3 Klnetaacopes, 7 Subjects, I BATTBBin: COBFLSTB ODTTTr IQB TBB BOAD. r. raiDNnLTBi, tn wiiiatRu b m i w. r.. SEEGHAN & WEIL, 110-112 GREENE STREET, NEAR PRINCE, NEW YORK;. Oomplolott 8u>ok of O to?*^ffl!M|. BBAJRDS (SpeoTliI ClAloffoo), lor , I3.W ud tiw, Udloji %9Jbli, DOItTOO OOc uuo OD o.T promliM. TIGIITS (oor ofrn miko ud Uo- pot1«J), IQ Colloo, 03«. (reduud lYon II.IM; tttrj ftilL IkililODod Couoo, $1.79 (woAr bottor tnui tVO woratM Uiihl): b«l Rndo Vonud, lUO; BIUL uid tUD: bolt filllf, ST JO. W. OTTT SO itiulti Id tmet qualltr and du Id MDck, Md moko to oidor lo lour dsjL FDdded tlgbla (nromotitcsKJ, fTOl. lEIdUrER'S (Importodl □KBABE PAUrrg, tK>WDBR8 ud BCRNT CORK* fWo .TO iolo OKODW for Iho 0. g.) Porroctlnil- uiioD ^Tin fiijnnBRB, v-it; banpau, |IJMI.A»3XD: CUMIN. ols. SPAROUBa, ^.lOporB. BVlJjON FRINalEBnDm IMlD.dao^ ate, a jAid) to lOlo. deop. Oponwork LuM, Ootd Glmpo, •I'll* !**' ^"^ -? ^f**".. ^If-. ' A FUIX URB OF THEATRICAI, JEWBLRY. OATALOgOB, FRICEB AND ETERT IMfOBlLATION ' SENT BT BAn.. aOOSa BENT 0. O. D. DEPOSITS BEqDIRED ON ALL ORDERS. FOB SALE, KING'S OLD ALE HOUSE. E«ub)l«h«d ISH. L«aae Rood, with ftiU llcaoM. stock. TvoBhudla Boanla, EobIIu Baftatalla Tsbla. 333 Waat 4id Stfaei. Way York. BoqalraoDihspraiDlm. WANTED, USEFUL SOBER MEDICINE PEOPLE. Mako saUtT tow, Qj It li paid arair week. Would boy good aet of PoreapiL BLECTRIO REMEDY CO.. rrieadtblp, WU. MISCELLANEOUS. ALL THE CRAZE. NOW J Thoa* axe tba g«ma tbat cnaiad •ueh a aaoasKoa among ttaacoo* DolM«nr« at tin WorM'a Fair, and aloce baTo poczled lha ao]«Dllflc world with thalr_p«rfootIoo and brilllanCT. eBNT FREE with priTlloKoof eiaiDlnslloo. Profea- slooal r%tM. For fuUpArtlculsn addren U. 8. BODEIH A CO.. 368 DaaTbora Btreai. Chlca«[o. RHEUMATICS HH^'fiTee: atampod H. PaaltoD. Di«matioAutbor,68wastBL,Worc««tsr,lfj Will Sand Tslopa. llflCllieYflClM8B()flli)ll(!i.r''-'ig^-'i''-'g'-''---y'^ i6««<teMTH«0it»ltI. js COE. YONGE A OO. 3 H.IIUrAeTUillll. OP 3 vTALEINO OANSB. >i Importora of OUILEBT. D.iraUi«lu8WtIlnoof JeweliT.M.. 4 liou, NoT.luea,^..llove«tpito(«. i a OooditorSlmUrmrAocUoBemuiI / ai Agonta,OueIt«:k>.sdEnir.BtuidBU <<( a specialty. Illnatr'ldOaulogn.Ina| <9 TOO Wiihlaalcil An. ST. LOUII; MO. THE MOST EdENSIVE UANUFACTUREIlS OP BILLIARD and POOL IN THE WORLD, THE BRUNSWICK.BALKE.COLLENOER COMPANY, No. 860 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Nawest and most elegant styles, with the UNEQUALED MONARCH CUSHIONS. Billiard UateriaU, Cloth, Balla, Gnes, et«.| of onr own mannfkotnre and Ins- poriatlon. TUB BRDNSWIOX-BALKE-COLLBRDBR CO.. CtalcapTO, OlactoDatl, BL LanlH, Ssii Pruolste. IDON'TPAYACEMTW ISEE IT* OurlalQstUnportadsbns puuln dlwnond eipeits. Yon lcaDDol<loiM:tCromUMii;eoiilDekl>] loiioduce tbis now slooo ws wlU Bood lor SO do7S this ring or sldd broxpiwCO.D. (ortlA& YoU aiamlB*, If p^traoil Id •npMru«ato a S«riofd«a'itaUll. irulUTA0*0*7par _ lha ami fl.Q Ortv qokk Bied foifira OiAHluorttrAmAlliUntn. (kuiownVraa* mWimOOUIflCO. iflSM>jocloTmpl>,r ~ - WHAT YOU HEED b a SAFE DEPOSIT BOX 1b tbe btest and Host Improred Burglar Proof Vaults or THE National SafeDepositCOoOflVJ. THE NEW MUTVAL LIFE BUILOINS, 39 UBKRTY BTRBBT. SAFES $5 TO 3O0 PER YEXR. @ticura FOR THE A warm stompoo with Catkafa Soap, ud a single appllation of Cutlcura, the greit Skin Cure, clear the scalp and hair of crusts, scales, and dajidruff, allay Itching, soothe Irritatioo, stimulate the hair folli- cles, and nourish the roots, thus producing Luxuriant Hair, with a clean, wholesotne scalp, when all else fails. .SoMthnwhoollbovoild. Pom. Dsn a Can. OCU-, Bote nop*., Booloo. 0. B. A. MAGIC WAHllDM Ih» 'RACH4CO.e09F'lberiStPhlUJ>fc —« PrlTllage of oiamfiutlon; etaargaaprapald. Calatoffnaofjfema, watcbaaand Jawalrr fre«.IntanutloiuiaamCo.,),u3MsioateTamplo,dii[cago FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND Par thoucaod %3JD. FUTURE CO.. 79 B. TMrteanlh Btteat. New York. HBNRY J. PCALONa, Conoaalor at Uw, 917 Broad- war. V. T. Thaatrleal tDattare apeclaltr. EreirUilog conMeoUil, qulat; contracU, apUUmMtA Tnada; nnetlca lo all cooru; claims collacdoDa of all klodi. No cbann aDtaMBiiceourtil. CorraflpoodoDtjCiD other Statsii. CLUB PINS,-i;i:£?.°-^o!^' Any IcRcra orfigurclll Dot mora thu five. £ouDcl«d laon. or two color.. Su i mble (or Schools, B. a aubo, Blcr- cle Qufah Sodcria, etc SuDpleitcr.tlLa)C „ tlL plate, roc „ $1.00 KEELER, Hro. Jcwiliii., ATTIXBORO, MA8B. WniinFRnil l lo to fbane uabbuok, WUnUCnrUL l Bo»iod. Km., Md m. .hmtTo. wlumL EDMUMD E. PRICE, Counselor at Iaw^ NEW YORIC CUDPFER BUlUtlHO, 88 AND to CBKTRE BTREET, N.w York OltF. ' Frullu I. .11 Um CoottA CWIl >Dd CrlmUuL SooeUI attoDtloD (tlTMi to tho ooUoctloD of ctalju tad doDlj of .11 klDdH, ue pr.ptrmU0Q of tsrwniMt. ud othtr log.] burlDtu. FOR POSTERS »o HANOERS Baae Ba!i| Bloyole, Trotting, Running* Faira, Efo. CALVERTLiTRoeO. DETROIT. MICH. OPIUM MorphlB. Habit Carwl In 10 to afl day.. No pay tiU oaral. Dr. J., Lebanon, O. A.NTI-STIF'B' IS AK ABBOLDTE NECEBSTrY TO TBB Athleta, Boiers, Sportsmen. Bold br Dmnlrt. ud Bpombji Oood. Cicllst, Tourist awlBan Plajfer. tfO. BOL Trmlnata' Blxs. Moit afflcscloaa Is BTBBNOTHEIfINO TBB HUSCLBS. B. FOPOEm A CO..3D N. William St.. N. Y. A. GOODRICH, LAWYER, i^u'^'^& S'o'd'^S lagalMdqulsL BisDchaaaiHllacHltleilnotharBmaL PORTABLE SCREENED HOUSES. For lawD, scn-slde. Bslilnir and bunting partln, aim plug out, picnic grounds, ric Poriiiblo onm plug hounn, folding coin. tablos, Pto. Bend fur cnialoguo. fl. n. LAUDER. Prlra Hill. riiKlBnall.Oi TO BE POSTED REA.r> THE CLIPPER ANNUAL CONTAIiaRG BECOBOS IM ALL DE- FAETHENTS OF SFOBT, INCLVDUi'G CHBONOLO«IXS FOB 1804, AQUATIC ATHLETIC RACINe AND TBOTTIMe ETENT8, BASEBALL, CBICKET, BIL' LIABDS, ETC BECOBDS OF FAST- EST TIME AND ALL BEST PEBFOBM- ANCES. ILLDSTBATED. Price 26 Cents. -A-ddress THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, ouFPHfi Bnumio, raw YORK. MArcHuiwtftfralbrStnctma^