New York Clipper (May 1895)

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178 THE NEW YORK OTiTPPEB. May 25. ^Theatricals NOnOE TO OOBBM yOJIBHITl. Our UualiimI mrrajmeeM an hmtni rollfit thai the atttntlaU nou Mtf bu Ihm torn txptn on jiiM t tiat, neiian rtvtunt In niim Ihen lu Utis o/kx al oniK,j»r reneanljlrr liCi-c, LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Utmiaj Hicbt'a Opodm* la all Um BIc tkow TowBi. GOLDEN GATE CL EANINGS Op*rai Melodrama and Vaudavllle art Doing Woll on tho PacHIo Cout-Th« Frawlay Dramatie Co. a SueeaM at tha ColumUai ItpMla] DUptuh u> Th« Xn Tork Clbiw.] H>N KiuMcmuo, ItoJ ai.-IWd»lii-Uie Ullpo- tlsni Diadt Ibeir Unit •piwtranco live lliU Muun HoDdaj, la, la "Iliimplj Uamptf Vp to Date." Tb« iMiiw wu packed. COMUnii.—nio T. IMDlol Fnwl«T Coinptnj b«. KED tlie aecond wtek of tbtir eDgagoment Isat nlRbi, In "OipUlD Hiiin." JuO^Dit from the tcit Ur|0 and dtllghttd audlencen of Uio pant vMt, iblipretljtliealrelasilMtfratd riuuillio hoodou vblcta wnckod IIh pad. ouroaxu Is closed, ami will ronialu no for Uie Belt tbru or four wmIw. aaixD Ornu Iloon.—"A Han Amonj Slen" was Rlftn Its llrst ptrtonnanco lnlliUcll7laitnlgbl,at Ibli bouse. Tbt production vasa sacccaa and was greeted bj • laige and enUiiulaBUc audlencs. UciiANin' rATiLioH.—IW. QleasOD Is giving bis horH Ualnlng eablblUons bero to Tory large audi. eDoea. TiroLi.—"Uorolbj" was produced at tbia liouse. Oaroioa.—Jules Utjt, Rogers Brolbeni, Maud Harmond, lUohmuid and Olenroj, and Monsieur Nlfsnasmsde Ibelrflrat sppeaiancelast nlgbtattbe OrfbeuD. THe "B. IL o." rigo wan out iiefoia elRbt r. a., and baU an boor later brealblng roots could not be bad. Kum.—FlUgenM Brotlieni, Australian nians. gets, have left for Uie Fant Tbe Uipbeum management denj the report that tliej naie se- cnted ttie rreano Uptra Uouaa OiistaTe Walter win open a biancb (irpbeuni at licnrer, Ool.,ln June Uert HcNultj, a prominent member of Itae a r. 0. Wu, died Hsj », In Ibis cllj Roee Ueckflll la engaged for an esrir appeamnce al tlie Oltcus llojal Tne Vonr nortrtoe are at tbe Bella Union Peter Uarlow will apiiear next season wlUi tbe RlugUng Bros Jsmes r. Poet andOusBnmo appeared last nlgbt with Blawatt's Oomlo riajen at the .\lcszsr An popular Umoratlon In charging a nickel tor a piegnmme baa been InlriHluced at the Urptaeum. Oeorgo 11. Wood, latelj arrtTed from Auaua lis, bas been eogBge<l for a short neason st tbe Orpbeum Tlie Oermsn peifoimanceii will liegln InJuljrattbeUaldwIn, and Iw given everr fkindaj night for tbite moulbs. Tbe coiiipan; will consist of Max Dlia, Artbur Kggellng, Jullua Aacber, lb^ tbiea rteU, Hex llaenaelor, lleiman Hcknexeler, Ru dolt Benlus, Julius Aacber, Vrau WUtaemlne Scblen Ur, Anna Braga, Ubarlotte lluiand, KUe Uote, Usa Ilsenseler, UemaBcbleuter and Josepblne S'ebaner. titwt, wbo calls blnuelt tbe male 1*8111, will open ml Uie Portland, Ore., TtvoU, a new music liall, June 10 Jobn K. Drew and McUrtde aad F1;dq bave ■one to Los Angeles ailbett and doldle will ap- pear at tbe Oipbeum June lo Ford and Uewts lisTe Joined the Leavlil'HAIl Blar Vaudeville Uom. pany, now at Hacmmento M liolaD, Klllou Bna., Loin Powen, Nella Msddnok, Ida Florence, Jnnle KcOiee, Kalkaaa, (luailna and Mile. Oaletee'a Ihonie fltauea ate Uie aUracUona at the IMla Vnloo, FROM OTHER POINTS. Tha Waning Beaten Has Few/ Novaltiai- Raporlt From All Point* Show Good Builneu-Summar Attraetlont WaHIng for Wirmar Weather. tBpeeltl DUpttdiea lo The Ktw York 0]ipfU.) imnoN, May 'il.-Falrlj good bnaliiemi began tbe week, and nile<l generally at Ihe bait dozen regubir tkeatrea now open here, but the several honaeawere not crowded At Ihe Omnd Opera llouie "Tlie Two Orphans" vaa revived, and drew an eicelleni liouse lUce'a Huriiilse Parly met wlUi a hearty welcome at the Uollla Hireet Theatre, when they presented "IIM" to a large ami eridenily vrell pleased sndlenoe. This popiiUir hlstotlral extrava. gania has been altered and lualerlslly Improveil, Kew leatnte^ mualu ami meloillce have bern Inlni iluoed, and the place In more retohliig itaan ever, anil would banlly be trcogolzed by iliciie who mw Ita original production lii lliln olty An B4loilr. able performance of "(illvur Tnlsl" opeaed whal Manager Atkinson terms "lilckeiw vrnek" si How- doln Hiiuare Tliealre. ami the really line audi, ence present fully maiilfesleil ilieir appiei-lallon ul play and playen. Tbe piece Is beaullfnily ataged, andpiesenlei) by a thoroughly competent company, A beauUtiil pnxliicllon of (XilllerA Sloven. son's comedy opera, "Dorothy," drew a good slied gathering ot light open admlren to llie I'aiitle gqnate Theaira, where this charming c«ml)luatlon ot music, mirth and melody begun Ihe third week ot what now sppean to be Itae most siicceasful (omlo opera season ever given In Honton Mme. Rajane began her second end Uel week al the Tre- montnealie under more favonble auaptcea than her tratone, The weailier was Just oool enough lo lie very oomfottable, and her sdmlrera tnmed out In faWy good numben lo greet her In "Unie. Bans dene," one ot Ihe beat of her InlerprelaUona "Mlby" and her bandaoma teet proved the stnng. cat kind ot an altraollon at the Ikiatuu Tbesire, and Ihe result was a most saUstaoloiy atlondsnce. The play has become veiy popnisr, and many who have seen It several timea will regret lu withdrawal Keltb'aNewTheaUadldafalt biiMoesa Auilng the day, and Increased It to a Dotlccable degree In the evening The Howard AlhenKum, with lie "lUlly miliy" tmvealy and a strong vartely show, waa right In the tnnt tor patronage, and tbe vaud^ villa and variety ahows at the other popiikkr price honsea oanght their full share of tbe shekels. PuiuniLruti, Hay ll.-There U veiy llitle lu the way ot novelty here, but last night's opentogs were all good The Boslonlans bad a crowd at the Broad BUeet Theatre, aud ssng tor the Iret Ume here their new comlo opera, "Prince inanlai,' which waa well received At tbe I'bcstnut Milk White llsg" had a rousing reception to wel. come 11 on lis return E. II. Soihem opened In "Lord Chumley," and orowded the Chest nut Street Opera liouse The Wealon Brolheia' OomblnaUon, at the Audltoilum, hsd a good atteodance "-THe SbaughrsuD,' the Oliard Avenue, opened wtUi a very good house. C. II. Uolland and Joeirph HoUsad doUi making succtsset .vr roiapaugh'a Funy 3tc Intyre. as Mercy Merrick, In "The Kew Msgda len," was well sulied lo her part, aid lha play waa received with approval by a very larga audience. There was a good house at the National, Man' roe and nice appearing In "My Aunt Briilgek". usrocteas' was well palronlied J, U. Walllck, hi "The Cattle King," bad no canae lo compMn ot Ihe auendaice at the People's Mlacol Exliav- .j»n«» Oonpaay began an engagement of Indelalte leagth at the I^ceum and opened with • crowd, The BIJOB waa packed dnitag the afternoon sod evening, aad Ue Hmieam had even mote than the usual cnwda. Cnioioo, May ll.—Tliere an two Inpottant changes In local houaes. "Aladdin Jr." opened last night at III! home, the Chicago Opera Uouae, for s ran of wveml months. Then wan a tiemendous crowd to welcome tbe exuavsgan/a company home, end the pro4ucllnn was aomiicbdelayed byeooores, riirtain calls and speeches that It ma midnight Im- ton tbe Onsle was reached Vu other change was at Ilooley's, when "Die Birth ot Venus" wss presented for the Unt time In Uhlcago Bonday nlgbU It Is certain to prove popular wttb Uie pa- trons of Uodey'ii, who were out to the capacity of the house on lioth Hundsy snd Monday evemngs. ...Fanny Iiavenport,lu "Olamonda," conUnucs nil Ihe Columbia. The advance aale luanrea a brilliant success At Uie Grand nnmeroiis In- provemcnts have liccn made In "A Black Hheep." Ttie feature most discussed Is the Trilby dance done by Minnie Kenwood. IBhe opened ber engagement Bundsy evening snd waa seveiely crtUclud by one ot the atumoon papers, Iheeirect being to pack the bouse last nigtal At McVlcker'sUis"Uotlon King" la doing tslr bua|. George Fair's new venture, the Masonic Temple Roof Garden, opened Bnnday afternoon wlUi a large aud elegant aoillence. The weather Is very cold now tore roof garden, betas soon aa It grows warmer this will be one of the muat popolsr resoris In the city "Jans," at tbe llaymarket, and "The Bmiigglen,"at thelincoln, both opened lo goodbustneas The HchUler wUl be dsrk nnill June s, when the Bummer season of extravaganu beglna.... .Bousa, at the Auditorium, Is not drawing large bouses. Bt. Loi'fs, May 'il.—l)e«plle Ihe Inclement weather Hnnday Inrge and enthusiastic audiences were present at the opening of Tenace Park. The polloy ot the new nianagere Is broad and liberal. THe Park 1> now one ot tbe handsomest suit most complete out ot door resorts In the country. The regular vandevlile season opened Sumlsy night with a BUTHig company, which pieiiented a divenl- Bed progiainme. Monday night was damp and obUly, but bualneaa waa above expecisilons. Free band concens will be given every Sunday after- noon The contlnuoua ahow at llavlla's Theatre was UHhoKd lu Sunday sfternoon with a good st- tendance. Hsnager Jooen' Intention bi to give sn Indoor show sll sonimer. There wss sn Incresse In attendance 30. The ntock Is pieaenUDg "Bsst I^mne," nnrt the speclslly programme Is goind. The drems waa well presented, couKldering It was the lint petfonnsuce by tbe new company. WisniMims, May 21.—Daniel Frohmsn's I^rceum Theaire Co. opened last night at Raplej's NaUooal Theaue, In "An Ideal Uuaband," to an excellent house The lllnrlch Grand Open Oo. opened tbe last week of lu engagement al Rspleys Acade- my ot Music,In "II Trovatore," toa very large house. .Frederic Bond snd Company preMnted "The Guv'nor" tor his tourih week's aOmcUon at Allen's Grand Opera liouse, lo a well niled auditorium •Tnie Irish Hearts," with Kd. W. Rowland an Uie star, opened a return engagement at Butler's BIJon Theaire, to excellent biielness J. A. Ryan's London Ustely Girls had a packed bouseat Kemsn's Ucenm Theatn. MiLWAi-KU, May -Jl.-Wltb an Improved bill Uie Exposlllon Music Hall begsn Ha second week Snn- day, with good maUnee snd a repelldoa ot the large opeuing business at night, while last evening the attendance was good The Davidson held very Isrge houaee Sunday with "The I'aadng Hhow," Baby VaveDS, daughter ot Fnnk Dodge, buslseiw manager ot Ihe Clay Clement Oomiisny, made her professional debntasadanoer at Ihe mallnee The Wonderland did satlslsctety buslnen. Kuuus City, May at.—Tlie Kemper Block Uo. opened their second week at Ihe Oostes Open House la, and presented "Bobool" to a good hoase, At Uie Gmnd. Sunday afiamooo, Emily Bsncker, In "(Mr Hal," had a fair house, with good attend- ance at night "In iHd Tenneseee," at the anils, iilajNl a mum engagement to two big bouses Sunday afternoon and night. OLiTRUiio, Hay ::i.—Sella Bnn,' drcua opened last mght lo an unprecedented Jam. The doors were closed before eight o'clock, and police protec- Uonwasre<|ulre<I. Mln UuUon.eiiiiestrtenne, snf. fered a bad fall from her hone, suxtalnlog a aeven arm fnoton AmericanUpen Oonpaoy opened aiiaptclnuHlr at tbe Lyceum Tbealn llageU' beck's animals, at Ue Kuclld Avenue, dk) falrl;, Loi'iaviLLX, May 'Jl.—The UucklDgham was cnwdeil by Ihe friende ot Col, Savage, treasurer, whose anoual benelll took place Iset olgbt The New Gem, White Front and Nstlonal opened lo good sUeil siidlenceri, CiNaxHAvi, May -Jl.—Ada Rahan sppeareil last niglii at the Walnut Streei, where etae wan seen In The Ust Wonl." #0n the Road# An ReutM Mint Reaeh Ut Not Lgt«r Than Monday. drahatTc, Akeralnnn'*. l'lll«-)ll- Jobs. N. B., Mar t7-Jug« n. '^lilu HIsliW'-Bsllliooi^ lld^Mirsr-JaiM 1. 'aUdillaJr.''-<Jik««vin,,M«y«Undrtlnll». Aiut Briditt'--l'lill!2ilplils, I'sTMsr m-A narlan, N. V fr-'so* 1. 'A "Vseolse TenU»miD"-Worejilsr. Mum, Msr a, ^sniU^WIIaniipteiMr Oliy, N.J., M»' IMS, Brook- Bsnri|Vm-ifsTironI,' Ot, Mar », Bosuw. Han., JT- Bsldalo a YounirsComsdr-tliTtoii, C, Htr »-». "Barslal"--Cbl(mse, 111-, lur II^SS. Cro' Bluan' Onsfly-WllUn Jiioclion. Is.. Mir a, Reots, S-&. CUiun's Xils-Bo«uo. Msb.. Xu SMS. ChalUrVin'a niror>-Colonda Hpiloaa, Col., Hs7 XVB, (laUsoTT-JuiM I. Cnos'a. w. ll.-M. Y- our Hw XMuoi 1. CMpa Coniedr-Uolonillla, Ulih, Us; 12, Aknu U, OUaTllle a. „ „ „ «« Cunim'a. Olem«o^W»FOMUr. llai^. ll»T»-». "Uounir rslr'-BalUnioT*, Vd , Hsj S-S, Wllllsin.bur|i, N. v., n-Jonn I. . ...„__ ■CotUMi KInif-l.nilcsso. IIL, Msr "Coon UoII«w"-n<ln>ll, Mlcb,, Ksr Bolblo, N. Y-, 37-JuBe 1. Tttltoi'a. raur r.-Dw Molnv. !•■, Utf II, Cnlst Hsp- f ld..».Oiliiso,Ill., jaJonel. Usreopon'a, F«nDj-Cliles«o. III., Bsr JWone I. U»'a,^lb<>n-Btllle Croat, l)li'h.,Msf 9-S,IaoalDi S«luaa I. t'K Auv.-KyractiSB, H. Y-. Mny 21, Rocbciiler O-A Nausrk, N. J, nJunsl. 'C'lUIar'a, Em*—Oilrsso, 111., Vsy27.Jdd«I. _ ^ -Edlllu'a Borslar^-Clilnvo. 111.. Msv lO-A 1?n>limali'> Emplts eUKk-N. Y. Cllf Hsy W-SS. Kamira, Tooy-llainllUHl, Cnn-, Kay B, tVoodalock aLoodoQ 24. •rick Hood Comedy—WnahlBKtoa.D.C-.VsrS, la. dadnlu. rut Hsir'-UlulaloM. Well.. Mar n, Enonsla a, Slar- ■•oo B*r. Wla., M. Oconto 2S. Appletoo 27, Oskoab 28, Food da Lac 29, HsdlaoD 30, WsukMlia Jl, Racine Jans I. 'rsuat"-Wllllamaliuril. N. V., May 2r-Jnn« I. '1491." RIo'a-Ro'l'.D, Mua., Mar n ladeSolle. "Fsul Csrd"-N. Y. I.'IIT Hsr aUune 1. Gooil>la'a, N. C.-Bslllmiin, Mil., May2D-19. OlUelU'a. Wm.-N. Y.CUr Mar2Dllnil>aai(a. OIlTon a Nam BUKt-Sl. Paul, Minn., May mans. at«1la2S^ua« 1. (Inxlrlrh'a. Eanlcs-Tacons, Wsah., Hay a>-2S, BaaUle 27-Jane I. <llnt<l niock-nilUdelpbU. Pa., Usf IMnne I. flrpar Wanls Slock-Port llaivn, Hlrh., Hay atklune 1. -Aslalr nirl '-N. Y. Ollr May 2IMana I. 'Otllor BUr<>," No. l-WlltMtuTS, Pa., May 21. "Otllsr BUto." No. 2-BiilIslo, N. Y.. May 1M>. ■(Iraan Oooda Hui"-Brootlm, M. Y., Hay t^B. N. V. dtr n-lmt I. Harrlsan'a. Edwatd-WllllaoirbanL .N. Y., Mar Wi, PhllaiMiHila, Pi^ Juso I. Hannli'a ffmnk-Canloo, 0., May XI; Alllaace ABtou- banvlllsU. & wallailun, w. Va.,27, BrMnpon, o., 2a, PalraioiinL w. Va.. 35; flmlton 90. Howanl Block—Tronloa. H. J., Har27-Jana I. Hsiloo a Uart'a-Tonnio, Coo., Mar 20-29, Tror. .V. Y., 27-3S; llotekan, N. J.,ai. Ilan'a Slock—Port Waynr.Iod., May ai, lodennlto. Ilanido&'a Asna»-N. Y. Oily Mar rr-Joiiak lIoldBD (yoaiodr—todlanapofla, iDd., MsylffJunal. J" 't k miaaoOD'a Plarara—Hllbfnro Bridge, If. II. arS-V- HoaslitoD'a, Mr. sod Mrs.—Uaiiiiltoo. Can., May 0.25. London 27.41. Detroit, Midi.. June S-s. Hamlal ll"-N. Y. nlly gay 27. IndoSnlu iiTo Old TaDn«om"-KaaauCllr, Mo.. H., A -Iriih ArtlM"—ToroDU), C^l., May D-2S, N. Y. Cllv 27-Juna I. Ideal Oonwly and BpoclaUr-MllfoTil, ci.. Mu' 23. Buiily rf,*Mar »«. TraWy^VT/'^'J*- " ?£iSS'igi5:lSy,?aMu..--;wic, U», Mast, Ma; S-Jaoe I. Baauorii. v.. May ladelnlia. »,Mar Boll Roy Jooaa'a B - saTBoltak^K.T.. "MilDB"—Boaloo. Wabor Open—Ba VABIKTT. Auiaricu Galal; Olria-B. V CItf May M. _ _ , . . Allumlns Vaudartges-BL PaaC Minn. May V, bidall. nils. niirHporu-.S.Y. (Illy Mar2U-B. _ _ „ .. „,. _ Caalao Olrlo-BofUD. Maan, May 0-2S, N. \. t'llr 21- JonoS. Pay PoffarwBalllmors, Kd, May IMS. llalalr alrU-BaUlmorj. Mj.. May nJaoo I. Jack-a EiusvafSOB-Clovriasd, O, Mar SMS. -JaiClrtua"-5Swark,K.J,M»r5-2a_, _ _ _. KalMtU'aOiphaam8ui>-ar<aa Bay, WIf., Mars. Sha- wano n, ilew London 24, XanUana *, Sta«e»a Point 8. Ladloa-Clab-WIUIiiDlliU(, N. Y., Mair 2D4 Xowark, B. LmjooOaitlr Olrb-Waskbigtod, D. C, Mar 2M>, Bt|. tlmon " ' London ir*. Md.,Juna 1. oBolloa, SydaU' Lilly Cby-Chlcaso. IIL, Mar 2U-». Habor'a, Bhado'—rauraoo, N. J., May m-A Wllllami bunt, N. Y.. 27-Juoe I. Mlaoo^Eilrmra»ani»-niUadali*la,Ii, Mavy-il. Maaoo Famlly-Charlaalon, Mo, Mar S, B.iwlfonl 24, Le OiUf* 2S, Mllo 27, BrowBillloIl HamloKonSg. Pol rraas, EaatSaoserTUIeSI, HaDsarvlllo Juna 1. _ Maru'arAI.-Monllulki, Ma.. Maya, Brldsnwalora. Nahl-Bndlar-BlnsliaoiuiD. N. vCMayS-3, WIUadMrre, ra., 27-2S. Hl«lilO»l»-N. Y. city May 20-2S. . „ _ Faiut'a, Tooy (road)—Chlcsfo, III., Mar 2Ma Rallly a Wood'a-Slocklon, CaL, May a, Xroaao 23-lS, Loa Angoloa 27..JB00 a Rfna-Santlr—Provldanoo, a I, Mar 2»A tMToa a Palmei'a-Waihlastoa, D. O, Mar JMS. RaimoadaurrVaadntlUeo-WoiUilasloo, Mian., Maylt Baobnn. la^ a, Rpeocer 24, Boono as^ L« Mais as. Domoa'a-Balrtlo, K. Y. May 20-2S. Walaon Blitera-harlan, H. Y. May »-2>. N. Y. City 27- Janel- Wblu Ci»ok'"-Piiuboni, P^May »43,N.Y.CItr 27- Jnnol. Bully a Janaon'a-Rillalolphla, Pa., May *>-2a IKauliara Jolinion'a-PlllabiiiT,Pa.,l(ar20S. Vreolaad'>-Ebansliari,Pa., Mar B, Leeehbarg 2S, Mc- Donald 27, BraniCllraS, BaUarS- CIBOCgKS. Baraom a Bailer—StoabeavlUi, 0., May 33, Wbeellng, W. Va., D, ZanoBTlUe, 0., 21, Xawtrt XL (Mumboa R, SprlogdoU 28.Dartoo 8, Richmond, Ind.s; Indian. 2a. Wamn 24, Cottt. Pa.. IS. K•ndal'^ Mr. and Mr<.-lndlL... clnntll, O.. S-2S. (liansa. K. J., S7. [aaaasClly, Mo.. Ha^aKB. . i .May , Hook 24. Balhol tj, Dovar PUIna, .V. v., 27. MIIIaTbiu 21, PIna Plalna 9, Pbllmnnl XI; CliaUiam al. Usitoa, Mtax., Jane 1. ■<TaBO"-Cblcaeo. IIU May l»-a. » j;Jay. Biuir,t^.'^llolleroelsln«,4l,Mara, IJallon indlaoBurlla. Iml., Uayll, CIn . , . .-insa. K. J., 27. Koonalr'a PlaTOn-Lomila, N. V. Mar >>-2S. Kannady'a, J. Wallor-Wllllaniiburs. H. V, Vay tMS. KtmporSUKk—KauwClly, Mo..lIar U, Indolliillo. Tjrcaam Thoalia, Pniliman'a—Wadilnilon. D. C, May t' 0.2a Brootlrn, N. Y., 2r-4nna I. tanjnlon DrainaUo-Ainn Hill, Md., Mar »-29 U Pallu Ruaa-Wen Braneb, Mkli., May a, Zl, Midland 24,3. UrMa'a, nao. W.-WalUnd, Ont., May U.39, Qurlrh 77. Jnna 1. "Loat PatadlW-Clilcaao, III. Mar la-S. "Lire Uuanl"-U» Aanlaa, Cel.. Mar l>«. "Llllle Clirlalopliar-'-N. Y. City May 2S-39. "LIlUa Triile'<-OvosM, Mlcb., May 2t. Pilot 29, Port tluronS. "Lima Lord Faunileroy," No. I-Boaloo, Maaa.. May 27- Jnaa I. "LIUIe Lord FaonUaror," No. 3-IIanronI, Ct, May 'A Worooaior, Haa.. 24. A Is anallald'a. Rkhard-K. Y. City May tO-b. McCanhy'a, D«n-« " , Dan-Hnfftlo, N°. Y., May 24, A Albany MoHanry'a, Kellle-Buiralo, N. V. May A Faier<on,K.J. A Brooklyn, N. Y., 27.Jnna I. MatbIa neatn-WUhner, Minn.. Mar A Baaaon 2MS. Helrllle Comadlaoa-Ronoaha, Win., JHnyXMuna I. Uanli'a Salaci Plarora-Wlndaor Locki. Ct., May 2l>-2>. Hartlnnfa, B»dle-N. T. Ully May a>.A llarloni, N. Y., 27-Juno 1. "McMorlay'a CoartJO)lpa"-Bailon. Maaa.. May TT-Jnno li "MImlo VoTW'-n. Y. C!lly May 27. Indadailo. "Milk tvhilo KlaiC-nilladalpblB. Pa., May 30. Inlaanllo. Noi'Jolllllaik^alom.O.. MarO,BeaT,r KalK Pa., 24, RiKkwIer A Ktw Llaboo, A Alliance A NeurlllaX Mm*, and Aa|f.—nalllniom,Md-May 20.25. National Cumody—Waahloston, I). C. May sr-Juno 1. itfM llomaatead," Tboiiitiaon'a-4JsOaoaburs. N. 1 . ^ May A Oavago A Hyracuao 24, A AuLum A Oanoya A Hnchaaior A .V "Our nal"-RaB>aa City, Mo., May 30-2S. "Oltrar Twlat"-Bo>u>n, Mau., Mar as-a. Paylon-a Cotw-Raial,i|a. S'. v.. Mar ™Potiar.Baliaw-x Y.i;lirMar3M». "PacM'nIioad WII>on"-N. Y. Ully Mar 2l)-29. "Pnlifo Inal.«cU)r"—Monlival, Can., Mny 27-Juit« 1. 'Paulns Mioa"—Milwaukee, Wla, May ' Clir, M<>., 2S-Juno I.. TEXAS. Dallas.—Tlie Watle-Le Itoyle Co. upeus tbe uak CIIHTtiattra Ma) A Jos MILIA—Dolly W|.Muu, Mamlal HIHIe^^ Lulu Iaw. tou, llarT)- aad l4onle MaodaL Anna Balea, Boaaon and Foi, Barrett ami Pb'no, l.lllla Lulu Bofaoti, Jualo Flynn. Tho iiiani|i<uienl haJ>oi.«nod a roofimrilao In cuoQrcllun «llb Ilia liouao, t>ul tlia Toalher haa oot tmn warm onuusli to tlimw a sraalainuuntoropan air palranaso. MlLSSiNUMuoNav Iiara laaard Iba Mala Blroat Variety tloaao. Ttiay Iwro reniloti and paparvt tt throuRliout, iiut la now aeanory and curtaloJL and npaoM under Uia nam* olTlia Oani Tltoam ao<l Buuiniar llanlto. Tlila lionao liaa a saidon lhat wUI too uaa.t tor cooratla. Ttta poople: Roaa MIlotiolL Oraco Ftahtr. Loula Fox, Joala Brisbl, Oiaal Wllaoa, MoncrleC and Meradllb, Lrdla Tantpla, Clark and ilonlon.nrayaon 8UI«^^ TSlbort and McCatUiy, MayLaVada. lleaatoB.—A new edidco for snnsemeDi pur- BMoa has laloly been ctini,lnjrled at Uia fool of Main and dloTan filieeu. II haa a ftimlaiiaof IHIl. nnd adaplh of Ifln. Tho alasv la Slinit. Il baa Imtn nanml lit* .\nilllorlHHi Bulhllos. and waa upeiiH Mar 7 bF llillllp Hours'" Banil to iwo liniiiani.« erawdt.. Anli.n RcIhiii ^lluVNro^llsltillTNTiiuVNK.—Loola Mllcholl otHned S, for a four wtoka' aU)', 10 bis huaUioaa. I'aui-s TMSavHK.-Tha raise* raoj . -. las Iwudaya 00 aecounl of lha daatli of John W. Ban. lu >alae« raopenod AafUrctoa- .., , IhaJaalliorjohnW. BslLIU proprietor. I^pla week U an Nalaon and Coomr. Nel- lit llain. Floivnce llnnt, Klllla Bret, Ntlllo Vaunhn. Dollla Wlbun. Tom Kally. Flod L>aler aad Cliaa. ilaloi. HD. HkHiiSAH, manasar oTHwooaay and fVwmba' tlrarm Uouaa, haa aaauinad lha maoasamanl 01 Coomba' fark 'FrlTaleSarralaiy"—Wllkaabane. Pa.. Mar AA. PaanTtekallKr'-Brooklyo, N.Y., May 2UA, Phlbulel. Dhia, Fa., n June I. Ru«.eira, Ed. and Ula-Manonlown, Pa, May A A l-nlonlown 24. a. Rohun'a. Htuart-lan.Jns, Midi., Mmv A Saalnaw A Bay Oily 21 TraTaiM Ollr A Uinnd Bapkla A Muahe- sonAKabiii,aiooA,l}ouU)IJend, lad. A lAsanapoit 31, Fort Wayna June 1. Rtban'a, Aila-Clnclnnall, O.. Kay SMS, ClareUad 27- Juoa I. KHane'a. Mm*.—BoHlun, Mau., May au-A Moolraal, CaB.,27-Jan« I. Reduiond Uramallc^Wahuo, .N'eh., May aO-A RanlltoWa Jolly I'allinodan—Kallda, CoL, May MS, (^ppla Ooak 27.Juna I. RuaMll Pallon Plajanb-Bt. Albany Yt., Mar 30A Roa.kain a /lalle'a Dnmallo—tlaklaod Clly, Ind., May AA "1te«l Uueen"-Pillaltiirs. Pa. May27-June I. SnUiem'a. E. Il.-Flillailelplila. Fa. Mar avA itpooBar Draiiialli'-DanvlllB,III. Mnya^A. Sully'a. Itan-.V V. Rlly May A IndaSnllo. Kananl't. Mlaalo-tl.iutemonr. N. Y., MtyA-A PawlalloDiainallc-llBTBriillL Ma«a. Hay AS. "HIda Tracked"-Duhuque. la.. May fl. "Mwre AcraA"-.BmoklTn, N V.. May 20 A "Rllll Atem<"-N. Y. Clly Mai' 37.Junn I. "l<oiusslan"-4:hlraso.1IL, Mar IMune I. rvuie 8poonpr*-l)«nTer, Col., Mav aMano I. A Tucker Uiamallo-Koohuk. la . Mar as-a Trawbrklso'a Slock-ProTldaoca, R. I., May A ImleOnlle. "Trllhy," Palmar'a-N. V. Clly May A Indsnnlla. "Trllbr," Bnuly'a-Hoalon, Maa«., May A Indaflnlls. Tmalrlah llaarui"—Waahlnutaa. D. ('... May AA. "Tbrllhy"-N. Y. Clly .luao iloilallnlta. 'TanncuoB'a rarrlnar"—Harlem, N. V., Mar AA Two (il»ieni"-N. Y. <!lly May A». 'TwonM t'ronlaa"—Vaorourer, D. C, Hay A Hanalmo A VIrlnila 21. Port TownaewL Waali. A PonUind, Ure..2r-A 'Tamptatlon of Noaov"-Newark, N. J., Mar AA. Tvollelh Canlury liirr'—llaileni, X. Y.. May -i -Vbln."- "U ocio Tom'a Oahl aalTMioB.^t Ihe (innd Opem llnUM Heir Anton Heholt, the well known Oarwan taour, aa*laied by local lalani, nans lo a fair andlonca Hay la . , , TSS Pavilioi* Tssaras (under canraa) had a fair waek'a bualna aaS-ll. COLORAOa Deaver.—Al the Tkbor Grand Opera IIoum, week 19; relet F. Oeller, In "A CountiT Bpoit." pUyed 10 bl( houaaa. Nay A (krawaU laaUmoDlalto Uauy D. HaiUn. WoskofJoeoJ, "IhaOld Uomaitaul." _ ^, .. , LtcBca TaaAvss.—Wsak or laMcKaa Rank Is Kioek Oo., In "The Ilnnll.«>," Tbe Canuck" ind "A Logel WrKk." tocood boepea. . .. . Baoanwav Tauvaa—Doualaya and Uaitlsj'a new oparm,"rhaJoeilar, *AA. . ..^ Masiio.i —Tbs ensoeit at the TalorU by KMnlB>i.era a Orcbaam, aaalaiad by Mm*. Botrlno and Paul Efry, lha boun Uaii Staik U elperlad thla woek ttooi Eofofe. Lwdvlllva-At GolduDltta'M SiMcotr, wMk of Mat |i):LlBt«Bprti(i,FNMvrni«b7aAanaMIto. Mlnal«Mu Uwla, Rm* ll•rl^K«n^• 0»ll««*r. Ur fta<] Cbta. M- diB, Cbtritr Coin Molln Hall, OutU BcuIod, MlUlt Jacub noLMiTH, fun oi MliKtUnMinliNerih* Hkvoii Tltfalr*. febnl iii-l Invlttillt kllM ti) by N B^ogiinil «h» oil«louk hlu i't>r » nhiffr. DMwMd ftta>nt iv»Di> Mam rMn oM. iucural !• U ciiUh1/« kAplloat m OnrtUThr*. lila~(lu*lph,00L, Mir 34. 1 Urk«A K«(uB'»-Pt>nildu Luc WU..Hkr»-lV DBTlo'-UunlltOD. Cao.. M» &, tiiivlph C RLTtiomu 34, LondonB, Dotnlt, NIch. f7-Jan« I. "Uncle Toin'M Cftbln," laVsU k Ellluirn-Kuail ilu Iao Vln^ MkySI. "I'nrtoTom'NCkhln," rerir'*-Abbot, It.. UajrXl, Acktay A, Aplloatonai. )>iirk»n>rmrir3S, W«l^«rTphi'lklflr^•^:nlu^lbtl^ U.. Umy -Jl. " Tkmer Comatly-Dtcorali. Ii-, May X>-a Walie Poiiirdr—Long Bnsch. N. J.. Hayac^tV, AiUniii OltrTT-Juite 1. WAile U Rnylt-DAtlft^Tol.. llBT«V4^ WAinr'n. Mr. tod H^^.-Mttncl^ (od.. Mat JO-V>. WtU'ik llnwinl. TitNh^itihtni. Odl. Mtya>-as OirI- Mw. Midi.. I. ^^*t^m*^ Rromt—Wien. Ttx., Mty >v&. WamcV«.J. ll,-PblU4*lf>h[K. Pt., May Ji>>B. "While BqutilroD"—MnoUftl. CkQ.. Mir *'\Vork and Wip*"—W>tt L(l>Mty. la., Mny 'JX Nirion £3- 2\ Vlntoo 77-9, U'ii|«tlouSWanf 1- AnitrmD npfm-OtortltitO, 0., May tx lodefluU*. Boslnolto OMTB-rMUdalphlt, Pa., MtyXWaoal. "Birth or VaaQ»"-OhlctRv 111.. Mty n lotlaflalta. (^mlwUfl Opwra-CbtrlMioa. K 0.. UayKi, InJaflolt*. Ct*if*8'iutT« Ultra—Boftioo. MtM^ Nay a\ IndtflBlU. CtmtllaD'ATrltlaOpaiwN. Y.CItr MayV. lotfannlta. rr>Br«M-FM««(-ayOpm-^'. Y. rity Uu'Al ladtBolia. D*1U Fox Optra-l'ilcta V. T., Ma>*tr. AlbBay»,3C^ Ka< bunt SI- "Ftocloi Mt*t«T"—Jani««(o«D, N. D-. MayU, >'arfoll, BrtWtd, M[Qn..a,Ult«iukf«, Vln.. r-3ua«1. iiW»n OMra-Loaell, MtM., Mty tT. iDileflDli*. HoloiwRdlilnMitOrara—VooDialowmU- HtyfT-Joo* Hlnflcli'«Up«ra-WailitnfluB,D.C. MtyA>-3\Bahlmora. Md.;;. tndfilDllr. KrtlV, raiil>n»—Brklflvprrt. MtvCl 1li-fKr>. ItrWoU-Nrvtrk. K. I. ll«*3t £^. UlUiB Bnmil Op«n-.N. V. Oily AUj av lallM, BydtU'i-Imllaupolla, lad., Mty IMS. Vorld^Playcrs — Seven professionals, who weie until retently Dambem ot tbe Minnie Semid Oo., have written na conplalnlng of unjust treatment received at the hands of Miss Beward and her manager. They state that It was Impossible to oi>uln their sslailen, even when the company played on oenalntlea. The rol- lowtnc mall brounhtna s letter from PredeilckBea- srd, manager of the company, lu which he asks ns to defer Judgment In rase any Injuiloua lepniie should reach us, and In which he nutcs that some dlscharses were neceaasry, owing to a disposition on the part of aooe of the members of the company to ran (he ehow. Ills letur further says: "OnHayA we began a tour of Nortbera New York Bummer re- sort towns, and spleasanttilpthnnab thatdellaht- tnl region la anticipated, we shall make a (ew changes In our company for the Summer, In order to secun a more vereallle and compact ovjianlza- tlon. Hiss Seward will test Ihe merits of several new plaT^ vThlck have been submitted to her," — bessra. Wlllsnl and Oleaaon, managera of Wl|. larp t lileaaon's Tteam re, write as follows: "Unce more we are brought fsce to face with tha plain, cold feels that there la no theabrtcal paper Ike TBI currBH, not only to managera. bat to the irofeenlon generally. Our 'sil' In last week's issue iroughl In over two hundred replies, and they are still comUig: In fact, so many rspllea hsve been re. celved thai It has been very bard lo decide between the many well koovm applicants. The foUowlng hsve been enosged so tsr: Edwin Walcott, Knni Sbafer, J. Al. wsterman, Dsny B. Kenyon, Archie Lowell, L. a. Wllberand Prof, 1, M. Sheedy. We open In Fort Flsln, N, T„ Msy 30, and, after a week stsnd,are booked on the Kmpln Circuit for twelve wetka. Kveiytblng k>oka btfiht, and we expect a pleasant and proBtable season." — WlllUm a. Oolfaiid Marie Qoir have Joined Ihe Howard Jenkins' Comedy Oo. for the Summer a Siunhah'a-Baoloo, lU., May2aA ,-Colnmbla, pi. May A Readlns A 21, apolla SI, Braiil Jnoa 1. Bakers Banl " Harris', W. B IV)l1aTlllaA Moliawk Vallar-Bandr Mill, M. V., Mar A niana FaUa A Fort Kdwanl A Arsrle A BchuylerTlllo A Oiecn. wichn. Maln-a, WalUr I,.-ApolklL Pa., May A Butler A Johna. town A Tyrone A Belleronu A Lock Ifarea A Kenovm A Emponan 31. ^ . . . , ataoa'a^ohn-BonlaJS A., May A IndeSnlto. lasllns Bma.'—Port wayoe, led.. May A Kalamaioo, Mleh., A Jaekaon 2<, Oelnilt A Toledo, O. A Eanlnn A Ashland A Oraanrllls, Pa., 31, Janeatown, M. Y., Junal. alia nroa.*-Brie, Pa. 24 ABocliaatarA Beribnar A 8nilth'n-TliooipaaaTllle,0L,MnyA8talIotd Bprlosa A Paloier, Maaa.. A VnreB. _ Sladol Bn>t<-I,lmBau»ia. N. Y., Mar A Little VallsT A 8auull«-NewBerlin,R. r.,May23iMoiTla24,OneonlaA Nllfoid A Wallan-Roanoka, Ya.. May A Rocky Mount AVrin- alon. N. 0. A Prwenatioro A Walah Broa.^-LahaDoo. Fa., May AA ElhabeUilown A Mt. Joy A ParkeahurK A Coaleavlllo A M, Downlns- lon June 1. Wallate'a-Blcbniood, Va., May 31. Nalaon'a John-BoialaiK A., May O, IndeSnl RIqsllna„Bna.'—roil wayoe, lod.^Ma]r 2% -■rie, Pa^Mar A Onnkltk, N. V., A Bnialo ASfi - BaSCKLLARKOUa. Buckler'a, Mr. and Mni.-LBo<hbnrT, Pa.. May S-39. Bartholeinew'aBqniBaa-Aums, IIL,MayA JolletAA Otiloaao A Indartnlta. BriatoPa, D. M.-EllaworUi, Ma.. May A A WaUnlUo A A ttowhamn A A Baliaat3l, JuBo 1. Bulfalo Blll'l WIM Woat-FllwneU, Maaa., May A North Adama A OrseDlsM 24, Ilolyolia A HprinK««M A Waiarbnry, Cl.. A Danbniy A Brldfeiion A New HaranSI, Jnnal. Coyle'a Muaeom—Houston. Tax., May AA Edna-Wood—£n neU tlirousb Booth Anierlea. Fullettnn—Wllkaabaira, P^ May 2»A. norton'B, B. P.—Indapendenco, Mo., Har A Ronadale A HaitaBbeck'a-.CIeTelaad. n., May A Keml.U'a, Praalon—Bavannm.0., Mr .. .. 3 j-^, _ ^ . ay! Kellal^rand BapMa,Mlch.,Mar2VrortWayue,Ind,A Lone BUT Hatrv-BauoB H^b^ N. H, May AA L^lao., May ISA _ _„ ^ Jtr-Mllu>n Mdla,N.H., A MIlUn a. BaafOnf, M&, A Llaierick A Cumlih A Mrs. Oen. Ton Thomb—Mlnnaapolla, Mian.. May . Mullaii a Eulelon'a BiMlaltr-Mllun Mllla, N. H., Mar Brownfleid A Bpdgeton A NorriB Biec'-Anawdam, N. V.. Mar A A Hcheneeladr A A Tny A-Juna 1, AllMnyS-s. BnlUi-Oortoa-nlendak .V- v., May 31, Oibow June I Edwsida3,4.FlneS.a Tbaatra Royal—Trot. N. Y., May 2D-A .tibaar 27-June I. Tens nauT'e Wild Weat-Kaaaaa city. Mo, May 27- Juaa3. Teel-A*n rwre throusb Canada. W.IU' WondarUntt-Mooalon. fx, MayV-S. tVioolna WIM Wen-DeUil, N. Y., Mar A New Beriin A rronilos _ Nonrlch ASIdneyA WISCONSIN. Hllwaal(ei>.^rhe G.vpoelllon Mualc Mali liegan llA aeaaon Hay A with an attendanca which pnabed tbe limit of the capacity. Dories the weak, oonaMarins the Inelaoent weather, ihebaelneaa waa good. ThahlUfor week 01 tv latroducoa BoTeraa Behaffar, Blockaoin nnd Bursa, LIna and Vaol, and Ploanle Moora, and ratnloa llie En|ena^ Macart'a dof and monkey coniedlnna, Howe, \rall and McLeod, Ihe Beaton Qoanal, tlie Tbno Alblone, Baldwin nnd Daly, Bnd Hcrhae axl Hill. liAviusox Tbsatbs Canary A Lederer'a '-The Paaabiff Slion" made Ita llilnl vUlt u tbta house Uila aeaaoo 12, two perforaianeoa or the UBTaaly twins gtren. The Pllnia open au Indaanlla eonnaiant Junes. Pahk.— ThiB baantlltil Summer taaortbu been cateiully put In trim for the aoaaon. Tlio pavilion tiaa boea temudeled and nude tu men comtonahlo than In Ita old Blata. Tlia ataga haa tieen roodainl/ed In lla an. tlraty, and tlia produoUona can now ba preaonted varr elahoratelj. AlarseeanraapaTlllon baa booneraclad In the |«rk, and will ba octuplad by • few high claaa raudo. Tlllaaou. siren durins tbe inlamlaaloo. Manasar O. P. Millar will open Uie Suaaa'aBand.lono«fl.ll7by„ . In 'Ttie FeoelnsMaaier." forone 9L the Chicago HarlBe Band will play llia Amerfoail t^omle Opera Compnay will open an lodeS. nils aaaaoii. The nrlnoliiala of tho eomfaiir are: Boae Lalghtoii, Jennie Wliiatoii, Lllr Poit, AiioIaHeyon.Joao- phliie Bualoo, Willlaiu Bredrrleliur " , . ^-any Brown. Hallaro. W. r. Baeheaur, Bluait Marreld, Uenn ~ . Ueniy — —^irplcker- Bon. Malcolm E. nuaaell aiid Gate MoDoonaU. The com pany will l>e under lliedlractloB of Barter Johns. Wo.iosnuvo MessoH.—Ihe bad waaUiaror tha pas. wook aaemad to aaroo with thin rawrt, aa lood bnilneaa waaUienihi. Duo 20 and we«k: Commodon Foots, Wal- IvrUalaton and blaTexaMtmlUarB, Prof. Morrl^ cremation, Buule: Lena Bruce, llarbert and Lyona, Caaay and L« Clair,Cal Stewart, Jenoie Morrll nnd Loatar llowanl. t^uroxe—Elmer J. Water*, nient of Jute Walun' "flkle Tracked" Coniiwiy, apeot lajb. week with fHenda In Ihia city. Ha raporu a prmperoua aeaMin. doalng at Dubuque, la, 21, aad that naaL aeBaon Mr. walteia will aur In hianawplay, "A Money Older," opening at Pall- man. UL, Aug. 17 LIna and VanI did not roadi In Hum for the maltaaa at Bipoaltlun Muale Hall 18 Manager Lonla Kalhgeld, or KalbSeU'a llrpheum Stan, waa here lAand alalod he eoiiiiiieneedhla aeaaoo at Pond du lac, Wu., A *I(h tlie foUowlos people In hU com- pany: Tarry and BImer, Arthur Lonua, Bfvant and Mor riaay. Uai WIlllaniB, HaUieBemanl diai.. J. Roaa and William Cameroo hare ratlred rrom "The Paaabig Show." Fond <I<a Lac—At the descent, Msy 16, KalbOeM'a Oiphaum Hum lu ba.1 tiualnoaa Tha Van Srha a Eaton Co. come AA Lincoln J. Carter'a "t'eet all" A Uwla A Ellkiu'B "U. T. C." Co. 31 WASHINGTON. Beatile.—At Seattle Tbealn Clement Main, bridge'a "Alatama" opanad May IS, fOrtwo nlght^ tothe delight of a bla Iioum. 'The tllrl I Lett Behind Me' came Sand 10, to goodbusloe.a. Willed "Two OU Cnnlea' cornea 14 and 17. CORnaav'eTHkATna—Tbe Ulggtna.Waldron Co. began Ilia latt week of their fortnight 13. In "Tha Plunger," lo a wtllnlledhouae. "KUna|fwl"dmw blgwoehofa The Tacouia AthWUctTlabwiUitrDdace "tnjored Innocence'' 'JiandA EnnlroOoodrlefaopeoaforawaeksr. MaDisoxPasKTniuTss opeaed for iba eeaaon 12, ul dar IhamauaaamantorBranaa Millar, vllb Wn. Mnnaj aaanioiemeoldtiector; Wm. P. Ihchaideon. oraaaagant: Wui. Learned, mualeal dliactor. and tbe foUowlsg par. fonaei*: Dcreoda, Carey and Boward, Many L. Dsv1^ Baion, Wn. Marray, Bnina nnd Hina, and Baalrloe Lorna. lULiaFAasTuuTas iMpena for the Sunmer aoaaon 12. under the fnanaaamaat of R B. Pieude. with the Anertcaa Oalety Co. u the attraclloa. TaeoBim.->At the Tscoma Theaire "The Feo. elBg Maalar" played to a cackad honaa Mar a aa did "TIM OlTl I Left BahlBd Ma'Tl. Coning: li '^o 0» Croolea:" A "Alabama;" A 21 aad A "Inland Inno. cence," hr local laleni. myrunusTTnsarsk.sner kanns baen cleead for aereisl uontba, opeea thr week of 3 with tho Enoloe Ooodrlch Co. SpahaBe.—At the Andltoflum 'Two OMOroBlea' came lo a light honaa Har A "The renelag Msater" ^a^to thlr builneaa 0. A LHHaa Lavle coaae Jeaa FaorLB'a—ftoplewoakori.1: MafileAJdla,1>a«nt,'rlm. nilnsa. Adale nnait, INillle MllchelVlM. MpMrer. Llllle Mnivl^ H. AnoM, »1unnc« PatleiHin, RIto llUben, Ullla AnoA CUtenea Maaoe, Ida aioma. Har Ooid, Wn. Hoase asd Lstua Aakhr. — Tbe Edwaid Wsmn i;o. closed a sacceesful two weeks' engagement at Bangor, He., May is. Ohas. Tremalne teas presented with a diamond stud on their opening night. — Alma Aiken Strong, Edirhi Bmirster, John H. Ready, David Beymonr, R. UcClannln, Lillian An- dreirs and Frederick Psnldlnggo with Gladys Wal. Us, In "Fanohon," next season. — Oharlea F, Ootthold remains with Channcey OIcoU neA season. —Ths WardeJames comhInatlOD cloeed Ita sea- son May 19. — Benry Irving closes his liindon season July 27, and commences hhi Amerlcso lonr A Montreal, Osn., on Sept. 11 — Olga Nelhetaole cemrnences a provlnlca] tonr In Engbind Ang. IB. In October she sails for America. —J. May Oossar waa married last week to lanoy Oohaa. — Edtrln Feny, 0. M, Collins and 1. R. Amoiy, have glgBed wllh Robert Downing for next season, — George Woodward will be one ot Bol Smith RnsaeU's comedians next season, — Geo. W. Laraen says: "I have Just closed a very succeastnl engsgemeat at tHe Grand Open Houae, St. Ustheilnea, (Ssn., aud have iMMked a retnni date for the week cemmenelng Dec. 33." — WUbnr M. Gale la belog treated for a serious eye trouble lii the Opthalmlo RosplttI, Twenty-lhlid Street and Third Avenue, tbls city. — tier Ferd. Noes, nf the Koss JoUl^ Co., write* as tolloas: "WewUlckiae a season of forty weeks at Alliance, 0., Msy 30. Enconrand by our success this season, we will go ont wltli a mncli Isrmr and strosner company next season, opening stPhllsdelpbU, PS., Sepu 10." — Geo. L'. Ftsncbi, Iste bualneM manager of N. B. Wood's cOm has nigiied to Join the managerial toiees of Davis ^ Keogh next season. — Matt L. Berry. Iste bmloesa msnager ot the Kimball Open Ooffllqne Co., la aasbilng Manager Bndy In toe tour otoue of his "Mlby" comnanus. — BuslneA Manager B. J. Snydsr, of walker WhItaMde's Co,, bi in the city for toe pntpose of ar. ranging for the metropoutan leappeaiasce ot his Hollts E. Oooley has been engaged by Dsnlel Bnlly to care fur the biUer^hiteicaa during his en- gagement M the Fourteeotli Street Theatre, In thla city. — Dan HcVstthy has eloaed his eeasou, — Manager frank W. Usines. of lha Grand Open liouse, Decatur, 111- wliea in that the FlUits, liyp. nothits, opened at hia bouse, May A, to good bust- ns. —John CSIavIo opened with Hoyl's "A Temper- ance Tbtm," la Hartford, CL, and made a euccess ssBlngoJonAthe part fonnedy plajed by iiugene CanDela. The llim knoim sa Walton A Blavin has been dissolved. — A bUl of ssle for "All Uaba," "Crratal BUpper," Rluebeard" snd "Aladdin Jr." ms flled May A, In Ohlcaga, 111. Ily thla UU the niopeity bi tnns- fened to Mrs. Jennie Btelnau by tte Amencan Ex- invagauHi Company, tor Ihe conMderatlon ot Jl. AU the costumes, Hceneiy, elSoA eleetrlo and other planA Ilbntloe, mtiMo, and everything uned In the pitHlncllou of the exttanganaaa an Included In the transfer, which Is In s<»on)snca wllh a reso- lution presented to the Board of DIreoton of the American Extravaganza Company In New York Clly recently, ne bill Is idgned by David Bendenon and Daniel McCnUongb, — Henry R. Dixey has sndounced hbi IntenUon of stanlng next season In "The l/otteiy of Love." lie wlUnolgo to London, Kng., with AoguBtln Daly's Co. this season. —The Phoebus, formerly the Im Avenue Acad- emy, In Brooklyn, N, Y„ cloeed Usy 18, after being open one week. The reason for ckismg the house, It Is rumored, was lack ot funds. TheTavaiy Upesa Co. was to hsve plaved there thla week, but forfeit- ed Its engagement because the guarantee was not torthoonung. — "Ihe Love Knot," a comedy In thne acta, by Henry Guy Caneton, wss scted for the Bret dme Hay W, by John Drew and bla company, at the Casino Theatr^ MMdlelown, N, Y. — "A Yenulne Ventleman," a Stredtab phty. In tour acts, by One Beege, tras gives Ita drst pn>dui:- tlon Hay 'A, by Mr, Heege aud bla oompany, at the Ruasirin lyceum, Kew Britsin, OL — lleniy MlUer wlU ssU tor Eunpe June 1, lo spend his vacsdon. He wUI return In time to ojien wllh the auplre Theatre Co. In Chicago, lU., early In August — Badle Msrtluot wss examined. Hay A, In sun- plemenlarv ptoceedlngs, on a Judgtiient for IMO ob- blned by Marie V, Anmet, a Boston, Mass., dress, maker. Miss MsiUnot temiaed that she was vrlth- ont present DsaaH of meeting the Judgment. She averred that the Jewels wom by ber on the stage are owned bj her uuther, end Inst the sale of her coeabi about a year agovrsa In leaU^lhe uie of Jewels and dtessss belonging to her mother. — Hatael Jeseoy, the plaiibt. Intends to become a citizen of the Dulled Blateasa soon as the law will permit. Be sppcared In the Clerk's OtUue ot the Supeilor Ooui Mar A declared his IntenUon of be. coming a cltben ol the United Stales, and renounced all allegiance to tbe Empetor of Austria, ot whom he Is a subject. — During Uie petfonuance of "Vharlutta CotUay," May 90, A Ihe Anstlcan Theaire, thla oily, Hie. Potter accidentally stabbed Kyrle Bellow In the side, Inillcting a slight wound. -Geo, Hartt haa assumed the matugewentof tbe llobokeu IN, Jj Theatre, and will In fntiin style It the Lytic The leguUr season ckms June 1, with Hallen and Hart's engagement, when the house wlU pass Into the hands of a Urge force of workmen, wbo will give It a thoniigh njuvenadon and complnte npaln. Manager Harta propoaes to book only tbe beat sttnoHons obtainable, aud by a metinpuUlan aystenot management expects Ion. store the house to full fsvor wlUi the amiiMuisnt ssekeis of that ihrlvUig conununlty. The booking snaogemenis wlU begUi st once, vrlth a view hi having the house ready lo Inangnnte Its season lu good time. IOWA. Dee Halaea.—At the Grand Opera Bouse I'ref. Roche, bt pootlat, had lalr bonsee week of May U. Fosna'a Opsba llouas Mnlly Baaokar, In *n>ur Flat," had a good bonee It. Soaaa'e Band. A_dnw a FfSllarA"*° ""'* ''■^BBbowMUPaler CwcsssWMMbsdgood crowds the (ut week, with Burks-a Dog Clicue aa the attiactloo...V7Twood«llaa< haa eloaed for the aoaaon. ^Dmbwaae^At the (liand Open Bouse, Mar I - A Magult>j'a Cknsody OomeuyjaTa a tapalesT A naU l«"a- Oralns: A •'dS.Y»ikad.'~...*iivldic»a Hontssa WIM Wm Aow nre two parfbmanees to good housM Stnwan's Farf will be«lo tha easfon Jnna I. A good eomAsy haa l«ea eogated. ■•rilagtoB.—it lha Onnd lha BpooDsta, an- nonnced for Msy BloumsM. Heaia will rawils dark 'i' 'I'M Wallaea arena brigade are oBreriuc Uw boarda with paper with oo dale. .Mas Waplisi Al Omae's Opera House Ihe UUUapn BUby Merh VuBpeu' Idayed In Uit ba^eaa Mar ISend wash. Pator Onawy Bpwl."