New York Clipper (May 1895)

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May 25. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 179 Vaftety and Minstrelsy Nona raOK Oohtoh's Hinotuu.—w« cloattl ogr Muoa in Onuo, Hlcb., H*/ is. Tta« nttioD «.\- ttatai ont t iHriod oC rottj-ibree ireolu Id ibe Euton Md HoatlMni Steltd, and our bulncM *r- email Mr, tha Ont h«l( baing rarr good. Oor- loa'i nav prtnu car, Um Craacant Cllr, wu acnl to BnlWo, K. Y., for a tboioiigb oTarbaulIng aud will "•PKfiSVWi? gomwui anwr. Tbe ootao Odd Band wUI rsmaln Ui« mmo aaltbu heen rorTambntlhagtampaopleirUj ha onilraljr nair tniiortoD'acf/enlele. Newpapar rrooi tbe Cbiirler Utlwtnpb OompaDj, or BuiTalo, and Koterprlae FitntiOtaaTalaod, wlllbels to avail ll.F.Tnvel- IKk'i alnadf fonniilable IM or advanlaing mailer. Tbe Goitona and Cbae. D. Larkln win. ng uaoal spend on BooDer In Frtenilablp, N. Y. mwi JUci cloead wlib llopUiui' TraniMkaanIc CO., In lUa clQr, Uar is, anil opened irlth T. B. HUoo^Exmvaganza Vandevllla Oo. In Pnuedd pUa, Pa., Mat ta. MiNiop Ito. H. Baktox's daugbier iim not ap- pear In Ua tbeatre at Newport Nowe, Va, laai woet at waa rialad. In iba toaiar Jannla Baiton aboiiM raad Jannla Oloocaatar. a V. Hoou baa realgned as manager for Wortli. Maaaom, UiU dir. After a abort vacation Mr.Uoora irlli Uke bis oim companr on the road. UScnwABiz, MiOicuH, wu retj liadir Injured br balagUiowp r»om a carriage In Ararlll Wr», Albanr, N. Y., Haj w, and la not axpaclad to lire. PAODr PiTrmsaii, okthi PATisBaoN Bros., wbo wrencbed tbe mnscle o( ona of bla imaeii la Prortd' ff^^^ri/^^^y- ^" recojetad, and will open at t»e Expoaltlon Hnalo BaU, Ullwaukee, Wta., Juno s, fortwowaeka. _.TP'"f.?■*'!?.'' •n* Atinle Ycaincm will aall ror Enrope on June 10. The Rnius laquaat na to state ttat thar are not raambcn or Uio Ba-Won-Oa Uedlcino Co., aa waaraporlod. Wu.!)! Bob, head balancer. Is at OUmora'a .toiH' lorlom, Pblladelpbbt, I'a., this weak. AL. AXDUSD.v, of the Andaraoos,Hamle sod Al. wbUaplajingIn 6bea>a Uiislo Uall, BoOklo, K. Y. reca^, was preaantad with a cane Jobn Aruiai.NT'WiOKni<> waa given bjLewHaaoo, or Mason and Honme, at his Hutnmar home. Oat. dale^a.,on Mar 13. Among thoae preauit were the Price Bros., Leonada i)oartet, llain and Rll- gtttlck, Oao. Sinclair, Ua Vere and Hoorls and Ike AoroBB' FnorEcnn U.nion NoTKii.—The Aclon' FntecdTe Union, No. 1, or Now York, held their aecond benaai tor ibo Oharltr Vaai at Miner's BowaiT TTiealra last weak, and It vaa a dccldeil sue- laaa—good bonacsatall the lonparromiiccii. ltwi.i ™m%ner ^° Uanager Wi uu LNFDRiiio that Will lialAvojo and Uaille Cope, mambore or Iba Casino Ulrle were married InProTtdence, K,I.,lAstweek. Tbe antlrc companr participated In a banquet given to ibe newlr wedded conplaonllarls. Tminmn Jons Huih and Adreitlslna Agent Flank RaTinsr, or the bjcenni Theaira, Clilcago, ID., were lendarea a banadl br Hatugar Thos. Oranler. Har It. Vr. Mulr In lha oldest box ofllce atlacbe In tmicago, from point or conllmioua aer- vice, and bla snnuRl benetia are evenis or mncli In tatcal to hia man/ rrlends. Haitd Evth, of limb and Cllirord, Is doing bersct at Keith's Union aquaia tbbi week nniler acrloiia dimcullies. Bbe was under tbe cara of a pbrslclan lost weak, and on Siindar lust waa compelled In snbnilt to an operation. In spile or lier lilnras iha baa nlsaad but ona performance thua tar In thoir rwo weeks' engagement. FHOf.DBLiADU.raii was pnmeuted I>t hla wito with a badj Imt May 11, at their hxmo ranch, In Uie Blltsr Root Vallej, Hon. Rgrons OP oood business come from Kaiuneld's Orahenm Stars. miBMACiBY, Ucsia Hall, Mile. OIUIIc llio Btran SIslara and many nlhcra are sIokIok Ibe calcbr waits song, "TheOblldran on tlio Sireet." J. W. Dillon, or FroctorN Ttcatra, IbU city, baa bean very 111 with rboomaUsiu at the homo of bis rattier, Jonathan Dillon, In Ht. VetuOD, N. Y. Annic SvLVBjrRn, the graceful bicycle rider, goes from the nelropolls to llostoo, Mass., where she commencea an engagement at ilie Howard Alhe uenm on Hay tl. Woon AND Woods cloeed Ibelr oiigajament with the Bast India Uedldno Co., and Joined tbe "Down Ibe mope" Co., at Poplar UluOk, Uo., Usy -Ju. Ltdu YuHAMsTtroa has bad a x-eiy busy and a vairauccefafulsesuD. Bbo now stands foreuiost among tbe Inic stsm of the vaudOTllle stage, and Ibe enlertalnmant sbo oifens aaaltfed by Kred J. TIWs. bi wlihout a rival uf lb Mod. Bbe will only take brier spalls or recreation duitni Ibo Biinnnier, and will devote the greater part or ner Mme to Ail- ing eogagemanta which she Is now raplilly making. She la also booking dates ror uait seanon, aud ex- peols to find no Idle tlnio upon bcr liandn. AriBi PimiBALor Ibe lluie dauibteror Fnuk 1). Sheildan and Annie PoresI, who died on May 17, a namlier of baantirul noial pieces dcronled tbe handsoma little while casket, ami ware presented br lAvender and Tomson, Uin. Annie Ilugbea, Mm. Korie Tnob and Hm. Paulino Cobn. KATBiiim OrLis, club Juggler, will spend the Bnmmer at West Nyack, Rockland Co., N. Y. Mba Qylea baa oloaed all her contracts, aud will lay oir unttl laator Angiiat to pertect new Juggling Irtcka Id the club line. _Boosn>aa.-Ai Ui> rmtm Thuire, Homml, Can.: Wa. mtdiell uil Lorraln.. Olnudle. Agil. IjOtralo., rnnk roiiuL Ollla Uoliun, Imw rortor, Con- ■tutlo. aod Ed. Hom.II. At EAHUrn KeUutxen Ptrk,BtIllmsre. Md.: n. BrowolDm R)' Slater., Pior. Lmo, wiulllbrlit; mi.. AiI.UIo, lliiniM Vine, CInc* PrukllD. and Pror. wllinii, faanjo kinir At HglUttd', Fort tVorlh, T*x.: LIllleBII.- woitb, BobOallir, HMffJe Lnwl.r, jMniui(]U.urKl«Pov- en. Jute DancaiLLrdla Temple, lloiMr notl stiur, Ollle LwBAid, Vlvlui D.nnoQto aod Mil.. Clki AtOov- •raaloi'. PaTllIon, AlUJitIc Clli*. K. J.;<l. i:. Ilurer- Dilor, preprlMor; Pror. Jam.. M.onn. miaa<or; UnKiQe Thie., PaiwuioD,. Ilnwanl and IIoIiiim; K.lly Bna, Rayroona Hrit.rvC^andTourg«, Lulu LoiUle, ■h. aliMrua^j'. U. Bulllvui, U.r R<ynoUl> and S'.lll. ^Miscellaneous^ lb* , <^rl(on At Barum'A TliMtn, Novpnrt Nqtis Vk. UlU*J*DBteBartOD. Hftnle CroM, Boston Siiitens Curl* WcUiHi. KluJ« Millar, Nellie MooP>ft. EillUi U MUT. M. Lft Marr, Jmle Kanwll. bin* Korreit, Jdin lucli, Buu Bordell, John Hlivnnnn, Jiick (lloren, Jotio B»tTy, utd tkvllfiU and Clinon. MICHIGAN . Otmnd Rapid*.—At Powem' open llouso lUx. HmitMi coidm U«jr V>, K«UBr22, Snurt Rolmio IT. OUiTDOPRU HOLUK <-loH«l QOlll TTQlk JuD« 1. vh«n OnlotDbUn Oram Co. ft|>P«*n^ BHim Ofmu Uotms.—WMk aOL ih« Hurton KHmllr, lln UwnDc««, JMil* Vtmoo, OiUa HalL Wfsloo itad WmIi^ MIIHo, Jaale, CturfMBiKl JeoDlo UirUtiil, and iha Mock. 8»clnaw,—AtttiB AcHdemyoTUuiUcllnmiTaiKl MftckelD "PlDDlKao'a Ball.'* Mir l(k had good Inmloeiu. OaTla' "OdcI* Toari Caliin" Co. hllcO th« doom 17. John DIUon. la "Wasud th« Earth/* W, hid a lUrhoufa. fltaart Rubm oomM XL llowanl wall'i Oointdj Co. 37 awl WMk. Ntwaira PaTliloo Tli«atn optoii Jtmt lU, wlih th« OolosibUii OoidIo Opem Co. KAlammmoo—AcAdetn; of UiwIc^KoUar tbo Mafldu Mar an Htnart kAtoaoti, lo "Hlia8k»o|j« toCua- ■inir," nDd«rlln«d RIoKlInf BroH.'CIrcua comii ZL "BaoR" KlQR, lata witli Eiiwnoo** Mllulnll^ U TUIUoKrriaiHlt iBlIila citf. Jp«kMM^At Hlbtwrd'A, Mny 13, -FliiDlffiiii*0 Ball*' ptaMtd a lan« ho»m. HNart KoImoo, Id "Th» HaQrMtta,'*coniaa3l Wood«rbni1 baHr1u*«0. ilBK^At Bftlrd'fl UpeM IIoum "Fliiittgan'rt Bair cauiB ffay 1*. to auod littalQ»«f. ttaarl HuImod «II1 .doM tba MaMo bare a, In "Sha Stoopi to CvDi|uer." CONNECTICUT. HaHfM.—At Froctor^4 Op«ni IIoiibc "A T«id- ptna«aTowD"c«aetHaja>. Oda llMve. In "A Y«ou- Id« VaotJfmto" II. "LUUe Lord Pauolleioy" -JX Vim. Banr. Id "Tb« RUIok OaoanlbD/* 33. TlfV Rcndow TrooadtroCo. iMUd tfit capacltjofUrt hounU. i'aul- maUall, la "Doroaa," iil«aa«d a unta andl«nc« li. Tli« Wbltmr Oparm Co. plarad "Ro>> Roy*' lo 8. H. <>., 19, al ■dTaond prleaa. "Trllbt" dillriiiwl liru* nudlaiKo* IT. U At Poot Oaanl llaU Btlle'i opera, Uie "Bleep iai(|Qwii,'> vlUbaglTaoSi. bribe Park Church Qdartol MQ oUian Waabbtira'i Crew cuna' Hay au, Bafalo BlirtW|MW«AJao«a....AttlweoDclaBloaonh« Paolloe IUllp«rrbrniaac*.U, MarorBralnenl preeeoted MlMllall with Ml ahk flAfi, to ba placed on Ibe bUrclM to be oMd brHlM HalTa part/ oo tbeir tourtbroufh Unrope ibU SoaBar. BrMgajport.—At ttke Fftrk Cllr TU«atre "Roh lo/," Ibr 17, the oDlr produciloo of (be weak, did a Ooe >!Woeaa. raollH ifaU eomia O. lo ' Dorar." "J» Ye 9 w'K "A Yaavloa Yenlleman"Z>. CEORGIAe iaT«BB«h.^Ttie limjtlj TbcMin did ibeUr* naibMlBiaa Ib lutaUtorTdarlon week ofMar 13. Tba rtmtof laeladaa U(b«m aod Milboam, Dm Halt, Maod MlUam, ftmakia Xanar aod Jamea Dcfua. A-mnctaBM-Tlw Andmn Opem Oo. appMred F.un'n'it ifi^tUMiicAL ^AHDl.\^ in Db:ithi,coL, will o|>rn(tDHuiiU*r.Juiiel,aod(ndlnll<-o^ pi>lDl to a nico itf*ra\ MMHtn. Ami'OK ihr ilirartlre fnturM will u llielMuciriildlppUj«.r (Itiwvr*. (lanlnen are now eo- tta^ed iQ Mitlor out i»Unu uf «r*rj kDi)«n rartfiy. Ihirlnjr thapiutWiDUr wuny liiir<rxir«ii)«a|4 ami mldl. llonahaTe been made. Three acr*^ nure haie been ntr cn«a*i. and the lanlfoa now loclude twt>aiy>oDti acre* of (T"'!''''. V'? ■<>ol<wlra>coUeciloo bwaW beta eabufMd by the adillilon of a pair of bulTalaa, uoa pair of Beiinl tlften. four Rockj IT-uDUln aheep, tod [wo ntotuirouB ijTl«Tbean<. A lake, itucbed wlih Uia beurmrlailft nf lUh. bmM hcfti adilfO, aod prumlHM lo ho a mat at- iRUrlkto ror aoKlern. A now liaMl>aU dlatDOD>l. wlih Kraihl KUOd. Iiv been placad In the rrmiDdi^ wherw la«t J«M*« Colorado cliainplont Ohe lll|hlaDd AUileUc Club), w(U iiiMt aU comem. The theetrehaa btoo enilr*- ir rtmodAled, iiecnimletl aoil enUrsMl. Tbeattraciluoa n the theatre tda coming neaMD will ■« bljth cUm mc- laUlMajKl comtcnpen. AmonR tiHiveeonnO rorine openliiK are: Kalkaia. Arlmo, CoonD, Rand and TaToL Jarone apd AUtlK Crandall and OUrk. Nellie ArdelL Frmnk nilroy and Wprth, Mar*liall. PonI aod Lewla, _ rpralu Trio and Pmnk (llUfln. The aieootlye kiaIT fur tbe comlnfrfeawo will be aa rollnw*: i*baa. R. HchllllDW. maruKer; (3ia«. \r. cimKlyMr. tr«Munr; P. SatTUiia, l«ndtDaa|er: P. (llUrin. oirhatlradlwior: J.CAIeian- der. itaire mauaicer; P. Alexander, prMvrtJep: ALRIilekli, 'Uge camiiiar, wldi two iinl»uitiH; n'ui, PaitereoiLnu- Kriiiaiidantoranlnialri; Jnim KuiKbaeli, Rt«vaid: Brroo erh. sale keeper, awl John Bblrley. M«ola] oincer. .J!^^. ■ci.iaw A EAtiLmiVM ftPBrMirr Co.— WblU pla/lDit Id Anirfm. N. II., the home el Jo)io HI- i>)9<MM,ooe or oor ffleoiben, ihe coniMorwef* eoier ultiedbyhim at hU home, after the Aow. Munloand ppoeeli niaklow waa (o order, and a floe eollailoo waji wrred. flan. Vullenwaitoaat iiiarter, and ibe companr prmnted Mr. Rlmnoda wlih a wold hMulcd cane. De threat 17eM made the pr«««niaiToD apeech. aod dtd the wbolA company and htuiaoir nrat crvdiL TbeooDtpanr ara playlDB tbnnKh X«w Bojtlaiid lofnaibualoaB ererr- where, we bare receiTod our new whde allk diutara aod while allk batik and nake a oeai atreei parade. Norn nu»i Prlych's tfamno^. No. 9.-We kto re oTFuiliing for IRB-ai Tho new neopli eDgaiml are: Uuny and flawtolie, Heath and Cadd, Cirlion^atara, Teoor Pamir Und and orcheair*. D(ck Lentett, Ed. Fox, llarrr Jenkhia, Dan Reamo, Wiley McNalr. chief eovtoMr: U. I'. Dolen. ■eneral aMilauoi; Alma Dolen. R. V. leach, Wm. Loren. HL Jo. Kaahan anil L. B. Bllter. Iraaaurer. Jim. n. BRiiw.fl cIomO with Walu'H Ooniedr Co. (iPert. •m), April37. and opened wllb BulTalo Blira Wild We«t, Norn nttu Brmto Bat's Wtio Wnir.—Baalaaai ROMlaod all wetL BrerTihlDc ladoDe In olrcoi MfU aide ahow, covered rod wacooa. etc The roujrh t UaiUla AnU, the abooilnic o? Rafhlo Bill ant - i Oakler are airoQf fealona. Al rouRbheepala a boy waa killed In i^arade broneof tbo Oonacbarkiroo RIoRllBir'a adrance a^U flailed aa ai Tro/, orerlilm. H. Y. Thr memhvra of (>ir No. anfpaworo BIM'f Advance firlo'te are a* lollnw: Archie Randa, maoafer: Jne <lr«an, Jaa. Keaii. llapfy Ouiiway, M'lll rtaui|p> ilHl Hen BlUer, pmiinintiner. BiLLV Mi-rL.ti.\, ritmieily uf "South Relufe Ihv War" anil "Oo Ihe MiMlaalppI," baa eharce of Ihe aURlnir of Blaak America at Anihrrww Park. Mr. McClaln will aur In onf of IhtIk A Keoitgli'a aiindloiui nevt acaaoo, mah- Inff hU aecond aeaaoD In iheir emph/. Hiari:LL\!iK»m HnnwK.—RoairrorDr. r. M.8loip«on' Manniolh HnlklneCo., Ho.S, ttiidrr themananmeat c. (leo. llowanl, U nirelliia wlih mod Aiicmu. Our nulflt U new ttom top lo bolloia, aira iDCludtt* the fblluwloii people, headml hj llowanl and Marcnn; Melly Ihinciio. Cerll rhai'ln, Prrd llowanl. Blllj OToiiUHr A Oen. Co\rJr.. praprlflora; liella IThaplii, iilanl«t, aiid llarry h. Cliapln. Ircturvr Roavr of lir. Whftr Olouil'a VaudeTlllo CIn-iu: Dr. White Cloud^•r»r>rletor; L^w Mar 4, ai aolo cornet player. ,KOTn MOM 0. JDDD MONOU'S CBLIblUTIU VlUA' Ulea,—We hare l>een tourioir Pennaylranla wlih food •itecoaa. ThlaeoUrprlaa U Mr. Moaola'a own Idea, carry- loR twenty-two iwple, and featuriOK htnaeir and the twMl of twelre plecea, onder tbr leadenhip of Prof: R. J. Clolabod. In one of nur oandea we play a walb, aod walix with tlie oiui>le while tnarthlor Oar caa\M la a INt. roond top. wlih two «n. ratddle ptecea. We niftba Uie lanie clilBa.wlMi two aod ihroe week aiaoda. Tbe companv coaalma of 0. Jnild Monola, hoIo owner aod maoAifer; I'ror. A. L. Adania. piuo mananr; Harry rerrr- leaiternr orcheatra; J. K. AllLtoD, nMriatndeot of aeata; Robert Ban)ov,ireaffiTer; Andy Qaylord. Jen* nle Cooaiello, Ir*ne Ttiom. Beatrice Oogio, Mamie Wn>-er and Prof. ClalBbod, with a band ofiwelre Piece*. Vf. 11. I^H'LUlK RUrlailown the Ohio RItot with bla Blnw boat, Imperial Merry Mah«ni, Jnne 1, plarinc all aliow- lowea lieiireen Evanarllle, liid., aod New Orloana. W. II. Poullain, proprietor; II. victorrellla, manijnr; MtuHce Tuchniao, bunlneaa inuujtor; Prof. Ilarrj'ror. unuMinentdlrertor: Billy Ponllalo and wife, Karnr Vlo- inrrelllB and wife, cbaa. ll. Putkr, Baby Lola PoulUlo, Llllla Thnrrell and Praoklelje#>, u the rmiar. We will hare a airicily flint claaa conpaay, and Inteod lo plav opera hoaaea, tlireo DiKht alaodii. Buiiy, Ta., pmponea lo have the blfffreat ceMnilon (•r hekl lo oortheaai Iowa oo July 3, TTiKUARD'H Diohamji, after an eslanalveCanadian tour, will done May Xi, at At. JoIion N. B. Durinii the aeaaon tbe enterialnment hai^ tbe inaoageineot aiate, traveled orer ifJOO iDllea Id Uilrt^' elRht weeha, all In Caovltan ter- ritory, and ha* Ibe nine peonle that opened with the akow In Seniember laat, rbt,: Urren. tbe wizani; Walter Mooroe. Albert Iji Rron nod Allan llllllanl. Vkva m. Coin-AT write* ihai nbe cloeeil her aeconil auc- c«M(\il MAJton ai Mail%mp Rlnehart'n Mnaenm, In Dei Moln»a.ta. May II. Cinorii RiiTAL iXD Vb!iktia.*( Watik CAnxivjiL la tlie lllle Klvtn to Ban Pranclaco'a lateat anioaement enter priie. Tlie paooranta building, comer or Edd/aotlMa- aon Hirvetii. baa been entirely remodeled, and new la a btaoiifbl eaiabllahment. Tite programme la divided loto two pom, fint a drcua performance, cooriallnR of ridlna, lumbllDf aod aerial acta; aecood, the water carelTml. Tbe laat nart of Ihe mrfonnaoce Ucouldered bj coni- •ecanlJadfrwb)*iuaianyihlofteverpra]aced Id Aioer ca. TIte dekl for water apectaclea la unlimited, and Rood productlona are being put od. Tbe camlral pro- Cjame al preaent la aj* fbltowa; A aeriea of ub- UE lllu«lrallDir the atory or Pereua aod Andro- meda, Ihe Birth of Venue, Ihe Lfflnff FuoaUln. roy- al gMiilola, with the Olyiiiplan Qnariet; Liberty Bn- llghienlnK the WorM, and Cor« Bodcwitb, ttM to be Ihe champion lady avlmner. In afjuallc feaU. The circuB la made up of toe fbHowloir acta: Plylnr ac:. the Zanfrallu; ladfr iklrt acnhac and parioer. AnoU and Caawell; boundloa wire. OraDjaan and M^: principal ridinf act, P«ter W. Barlow; BLtnege act. PeUr W. Bar kiw; acrobatic clown, Willie flleiTTtat; muileal clowni, Bannack Bretherv, Cleopatra ballet and an Anaioo march. CUOK'M CoHBOV Co., DOW touriog Michigan under caa- raa, Inclodea J. L. Cook, proprietor; Oeo. II. HUaworth, manager; Chax. Camlaer, adrance: Harry B McCoy, Btage manager; Nlcoll Slate, llenrl Dooao, Jeade Bally, Wm. Rtachln. Robert Cliurchll), P. C. Van Klelt, Ralph llaahlDi, Chaa. SIply, Ben Young, Ohaa. OlbbM, aod Wm, R^ao. Davjs a BaxNinrH Korn.TT Co. opened MayS, noder canraa ssn. by Uft. Tliey carry tan paople, biass band and-orrheiaia. THI BLR CiRLTtf. to be gireo at Marion. 0., June 9, by Marion Lodge. B. P. O. B., No 9, prointaei to be a mc- cera. Large delegatlona of Elka are eipectad from all liarta of tJio Slate. (Nile Yoaog, tbe club eipert, aod Jamea Hoblnion. rider, are to be amoog lha prioolpal realoraa. The peiade wlilbe girenin ibe afUtroooB, and promteea to be uulie a novelty. NOTW noil N0RBI8 BROS.' EljUl.tB AXD CaNIKI CAR.f !• Tel.—We opened onr aeaaoa at Rocbeeter, H. V., with a week Btand, commeDcIng April 39. The weaUier waa per* fed, and a night parade wan Hreo the preoodlng Batar* day, which waa greatly adnilrvd and received very flatter- ing oomiueotfh>oi tliepraaa, >^UI meatloD being nude of^Prof.O. W. Beck'a Military Bead. One thooaand Ave hnndred people attended the opening perfoimanca, and the nuiiiiier fell very llltle abort of that at any of Lbe night houMA. Ihirlng the week matloeea were well patnnlcad hr Ibe ladle^ and Young America waa there Id toll ferea. On May 4 the ahow moved to Syracuae, for week of MayfL aad did a tott aatlafactory hualneaa Jeaplte tbe rala and dilllratmoapnen. Weaae a lODft roaDu top, wliha39fL middle piece, and COft.dr»«aIng iofi,aod carry oinelaeo Shetland poolea, elghly doR^a rldlngfoatand a Dombar ofmonkeya. Tbe ontnt la irmnaoorted on three cam, and week Blandawill be the role. The nttar: Norrla Broa., iruprietora; II. B. Rowe, bualQeM maoagar; Prof. A. 0. forria, eiiuoatrlao maoaitar; ClarenceNorrli, traeaorer; rrof.d. \Y. Beck and band ol ton pieces John Sdinder and O.B. Culver, laadvanco; Weeley BinerMo. boaacan- vaa man, with all aaalaianta; Mona. Pera, with one a» ■lataot, baodUx the culinary depanmeot; Tlrglolo Joe, maater of pnoertlea. with one aaatataot; 8hoi^ Boilih, on wanlrolw; Jim Uall baa charge of ponies, with Iwoaa- •lataota, while Fred Peateraon and Herbert Burnley look after the welfare of IliecAalDfa. Bverybody baa a hand In caring for tlie moDkeya,aad tbe goat la capable of laklog care of blmarlf. The privHege' ara run by tlie uaoagemeot, aoder-lhe aupervlaloo oTW. J.Pbloney. Till fioicwM BKntu Cf.Ci In tbo name adoptad br a •unall party of profealonala orgtiilM4 iiy Wlllvn Collier. In aopport of Soloroe Collier, fancy dancer, fora Bumroer tour uf Ohio BOd Canada. NuTwrROMMtLLRH BWM. A Eiivi.i'tf HHOTH.—We are In oor fourth week of grvat neceaa. BTerythfog baa been runolng amoothly aloco opening. We hare Jnat added au emtaot band wagon and four head of aiook. Tbe tiianaifipi are making every ettort to make thla a ieaaon nfauooaaa, and If buduea cnntlnuen aa It linow they win crrialnly preva that labor la i«warde<l. Tlie roaier U beaded tv llie La Role Brw., In their nur- relona return aAi; Jamea Hrwin, betanclng trapeie aad elunoJuRgtor; Pnf. Black and hla troupe of trained po- > nlea, Diuloitaod doin;Cnli Family, all In Bomber, aero* bala avl rontortlonlata; Jolin Rnlli. otiullibHat; Ham and Annie Bliaa, ■rotes'ioaa aod contonionlita: Pruk Kmlib, flyloK irepo; Ben WllllaiuH. vrinelpalclown: AnnleMlller, Annie Beanian, Pr«l Mlllerand M» educated dog.Pllcli. are among tbe featurea uf ilio ahuw. Prof. Jolea Blaiuer ba.i diarue of the band oriwelre inu*lelaao. Natb HALiaHPHV haa aoaounc#d Ibat Ambroae Park, In Hoolh Brooblrn, which waa oerapled Uat Hammer by the Buflklo BlllWlId WeatKhow, will be uaed Ihli /ear for Ml exhibition Ui be bnuwn a* *'BI ick America." A coleay of rokirod man and women will preaent a prvgnuiine of piprru aud paailinea. Coiiceru will be one of the feaiurv. It i« now announced ilui, notwIihaUnOIng tlie nUte- luenlfl whtrh have been aiade to the kooirary, Hr. Beldl will roDdua the uaual aerlei of Humiutr conreru at BriRbluD Beadi IbIa Huumer. The f-^nUacU It |a uld, haa >>een ilgued aod preperatlona are being made for tbe aeaaon, wliidi will tMt ten weeka. 0. Paul Hhitb xvu Willaio (ioaTf>:(. after apeodlog tlie sDlIre Wiuter Id Florida, have returoed to New York. Their aojAurn waa for the beoeOiof Mr. Am iib'ahaalih, bat, iDclileniaUy. Uiey gave t*a eourtalnmenia Id Uie prlncl* t>al citiea ortbat Htate. Tbay have ropmraed regular work oad hare, they Inform oa l/ookcdafall Hammer ioaaon lo .N'nrihern and Ceotnl New York. KoMTKH or urvdyr, Hali. * Boraa'a flracjALrr Cu.— Ctiaau Dumon', (eu* Boyer and Baioioo Hall, Ollle Pell, RingloR and talking romedlaD: Chaa. Joboaon. alack wire aod JuRRlor; Doinlnlcb, the bid.diDoar; H. Dele- TOO, Beula ihiniOQl. wng and daaee; Jcjtan OelU, lea«ler of band: Andre KlIenLeraer, leader of orcliaitra; Will Dltlanl. and BIDIe CotumC .VoTBi FROM Piaar'N "V. T. C." A.VO Bru-iauT Co.— Wo opeoed lo l^oki. la^ to a packed bouae. May II, aod, deaplte tbe eilnme n>ld wealber, btuunaaa liaa con- tinued to be good op lo dau. Thla ebow traveU by wagooa. thrvo bbleaai and a«*eo hagcan waama. Wa nao a braod oewflm. nund top, w|*h m. middle place: foarBlbenao bloodhnoiMlBaBd twodonkeya. Hurf: F. C. Parry, aole proprietor aod manager; Mre. P. i:. Party, treaaurer: Peur Marvin, nage uianuter; Prvf. In Oar^ directurof bead and orcDoairv wiib uu niao; Robert Aoe«r«,bo>a canraa uaa. Willi eight a«1ftaot4: George Allen, boat hoatler, wlih iwoa^auraota, aod W. M. Barry, lo adiaoee, wlih fnuroMlaiMt*. Roaterut the eompaoj: Fred Perry, Roy Kmm', Wlilt Ra«Ml, Bloom Lo Boy, J. W. Ulaotl. L. M. (HI. YA .Vewcomb. Yaalree PeU Harrlo, RalpliWI.ilUm.M. Uwla. prbf. Ira Oaid. Bcben Oaid- oer; Llllle Parry. Mn. Mna M<f#ber, Cecil Humutervllle, Mabel Ariingiflo. Llple Mu-ber. Panay Freoch. iH^y Voaber. Praadi Haetlof. Mtnle Wilbur aad Little Oar- DiCKLioom.'nhetlalng MoeraUun." hajJolBejA. Frenrta'a »«fUniaUoa, whkh will tour ftoa Fltla- 8eeker. grneral managar: llenrr E. rrMcti, trNtMur<i«t; (leo. Helchlr, pronnrilr-; \Vni. fi'Bricii an<l wiri>, cnoka. Periikfinert: TlieMcDnuald^UanT aiid Rachftl—iloutde trapet«s rlnmi, etc.; OagnlcrRina.—Jack aod Buil-bigh kliv, etc.; Ilriidfrwn and Jrarlna, bara, etc.; Hllr. t* Hou, c'tnionlDiiht; Lew HM>kfr, alnglng and uiking chtwo: Wartenb*. guudrill. (Vncrri: Heeker and WllkM, Prifliid M. WMver, Thoniaa Jeavliia and wifb, ai>d W. WartenU. We opened May Ilk at Hlchiuooil, Ind. aod lumtHl |eropli« away for Ihrra nifbu. Wo ua4« i 7W. reiind inp, wllli a 40(1. iiiMdlc plcct*. We hat< one iif ilie heat acrehailo clrcuF>fii oo tlie roail. and e^prct ■ pnwp^niua aHwm. Tho niuilr la ftimlahad l>y the Naniue Panilly Band, roonaea fn niinihor, anl ll excellenL Wo have three car* ol iiur own, ami play itMhIng bul large citira Noater of Dr. Illiri PawDoelodlanMwIIclnaro.: Dr. i?, Illll, proprietor; Dr. C. B. Brooka, lecturer; J. K. Hanipaal, manager and com- edian: L. M. Bhier, Harry Baker, character comnllana, and May lllll, aouhrrtte and vorallal Hum Alllaon'f Specially Co. and the Dr. R«tlllog Tliundf r Kiowa Medl doe Co. rloaeil a HnccMafbl Winter iwiom at Well«l>iirg, N. Y., ami, after eoJoIng a week** vlali at head-iuar tora, will open tberr tent ivaaoii at Mkldleburg, Pa, Wlllta Lore cktaed with the lluallppa UeJIclne On. May 11, and opeoed with Diamond Jark'a Umllrlne Cn. nn May 13, for llie tarap aeaaon Boater of tha Anililan Village and NnvHty Co.: Dr. Will Juilion, iMinrer a»l lightning loothoittnclor; Jolm K. Myera, baidneaa mm- agar, derman cAmadlanandatrDngutan; Robt.J WtlM), Tn«alUt, magician and hlick art; Joe Dempeev, Iriih comedian and dmrer; Tom HcVey. black fare anil vocal lal, and Fred Hnaworlli, cornat aotolal and alienee and fun. We will carry a band and ordioairaof eljthtplerM, under lbe direction of Piof. Schmidt, and n|fn undor canvai In t'ulioo, N. Y., May W. OHia CliielnD«tl.*Jick Front canic back for a rare- well wnatle with Hprlng, and the reault waa that Mraral maoagera mourned becauae they had rung dn«n the cur- tain ao Booo. Tlie vealber waa *o cold that lhareailvltlei attendant upon the Iniugnrel of Lagnon Park w<>re I'oat poofO onlll May 18, when ihe aou once more benavoil down wanuly upon a chilled earih. Tlie Lagoon'a nmr Sldeo la ona m their beat carda. It la aura to ilre nar laland a nib for paimujte. Tlie /ooktglnil dnolen wlllajaoofTeraRumBHr'A feaat of ruualo aod flnworba. Jean P. Weltunan liu eniereil upon a a«Min'a coiiind wllb itie Koo, but they pro|tnae m "rnrnt him out" pari itf the time. OHAxn OrtinA lInrMi.—Mr. ami Mre. KMidal come Z(-2S, todoaetbe aeaaon. "The Recond Ml*. TaDMooray*' will be itreaenteil twice, avl "The Queau'i Millllnr* nod 'The IrooniaAler"arealiiopronilaed. Laal week Marie Wain- Wright had thaflebt all to hetaair. and "Daughtara of Kre' dbl a nice Imilneaa- Wau* ITT RrRiar Thhathh.— Ada Keliaii, arior an aii- aenco of many yean, returned to renew »u ac<iualni- aocoaend make new oneiuSD. The bouae wai* ilark la4 week, an<l with ihlaeoganment IheHraaonof IrtM-Sonmea loan end. Tbe Rehanrwpertory forlhe week la'TheLaAt WopI," 'The llooeynioon," 'Two (lenilainen »f Verona," "Rallnud of Love,' Taming ol the BhreWaml "NaiKy A Company." KOHL A MlPDLimiN'H Ml'aiK TilKATHR.—Tlie Bngllali modala continued tlieir biunca joatiia eihllilta). Lowry and Francea, Victor Lee, Mile. Lee, lllgglna and MIlllRan. Carrie Hcon, Kallle Wllllama, Pern and 0||U nunny were the eanla In the andllnrium. Johnaon'a Corin Con- graaaoccupltd Ihe mualoballa. BualooM la good. OoniP.—TbeCaina-U.J.antl W. J.-~hBve booked Ihe American Vaudeville Co. well Into Ibe aoaaoo. UU llay- dao. who will head the aggregation, will continue her moaleaiitudleahen all Rummer Bdaa Barren haa ntoreed fhtm Now York, aod l« again uhlng part In the Pirformance of tlie Cincinnati Opera Club AL U. leU apent part of the week here Oeorge LIttleJohn ImigtoJlfvOriatBi, Bagley/a bo'y aopnno, la creating a aenaatlon here In mualcal cliclea. Charhnene Kuebler, who haa left the mooaaiery, hai decloed not to ntiim lo the Btage Juat at praaeot llany Martrn, ol Ihla city, la going lo Ht. Clomena, Midi-, where lie haa l^aaed the Tliaatre Oombiue Oacar J. Klirgott gooa to Hoartani- burg, B. C. 10 uke part In the proaenlallon of Hajrdo'a •fieaioni*' and Oaura "Holi- City." MlUreil Maralt, ofihaCloclaDatl Cooierratory of Hualc, recently mado her concert debut at Beriln Ed. Aylward, of tho Oraod Opara Ilouoa, la to be on the aialT at Latonia Herman BOllatadt Jr. and hla hand are at Waat Bnd, New Orleana Tbe Knelael Suing <2u>nei, of Boatoo. waa heanl at tho Pike Opera Houao 13 Manager Jamea R. FeoQeaay propoaea lo give Summer niglit boilngfeatl- rail at toe Peop le'a Theatre.^ OlevalABd^The aeaaon Of IGM-^rortwoor our hooBoa haa paaaed loto hlatory Tba othen will eoon fol. low, and the Bummer aeaivn, for which aoTenl aewai- tiactlona an olTend. comet apace- EccLiD Ave.<(oa.—nagenbei'fc'ii aolmala drew cmwded houaea at nearly every performanre week of May \\ ihe matlneea •BpecTally ttelng well attended. Tite ahow coo' tlouea sail,22, tbe bouae lying Idle ZWa. AdaHebao pUyi In reporioiy week ol 37. LTCIUM.—Thla hooae waa dark week of U. owing to the rebeanaU of the American Opera Co.. which openi the Bommer aaaaoo ax TbebenoatforllAnagarlleniliaw, of the Lfcaom TlieatTe^ tAkaa place 31, at vbldi lime the opereof"Hothnmlem" will be given. Tbe advance aale la very Urge, erery down atsira aeat being taken the (^tealng day. OLYVlLAHD TUiATHI.—The Noaa Jollllr Co.. lo 'Tie Kodak," played a fhlr engagement week or IS. Thla cloaeo tho aeaaoa lor Ihla honae, which will Inimedlately t>e put lo thorough repair. A number ot changoi aa to eilta, balcony entnocaa and ataging wilt be made. Prartlcally a new inakle houae le proinlaeo for the aoaaoo of fB. STAR TUIATKL—Owing li> the failure of theBemooa Eitravagania Co. to ahow up, IS, the hoaae wu doaed premaiorely for Uie aeaaon. IlALT!(ORTg*H nARDRX.—Tllla pUre of BmOBemOIil will be opeoed June 10 by the Murray aod LaneOperaCo., who will fill an engagement during (he entlra aeaaffn. Marlon Maoola will be tho prima denaa for iho ilr«t elgki weeka, aflar which Clan fjaoo will roaume her place. The gar- I eo haa been iboroughly overhauled, anew pavilion built aod covered In audi a naonar that matlneea can tutWf beglvoD, iblabologaomewhatofan Innovation In Hum- mer reaorta. Chaa. La Marche will be manaior, Pred Brandt treaaunr. aod Wm. Moiod In charge of the adver- alngaad the door. CciH W. W. Ooodhue haa aevorod hla connecllon witli Uie Lyceum and Clereland theatrei^ and now ilevotoa hla entire time to the manageraont ur lha American OMra Co B. 0. Uodener, Ireiaorer of ilie Cleveland Tliea- ire, learw aooofor ihree weeka* vacation In Hlehlgan. A- C. LawraDce, barlione of Rice A Barton'a Come- illana, waa In Clerelaml tlio paU week, vlailing bla p«. nota. Dftyt4>B«»At Uin (Iratiil fificrm lloiiio Haria Walnwright, In "An L'oe«|ual Maidi," comra S. Thla will clou the MOMO at thiBliouia. Park Thiatmi.—a apeclaliy company came 1\ ll. ii. The London Belleadnwbig Iwuhi ir>, 17, iJf. Baldwin A Vouog*! Coutlnuoua Comedy play the week ut 9 aod doae thla houie for tbe aeacan. BoLDiiHa' HoHK TiiRArHi.—Tbe Turner* (lorali gave Uialreihibllloa 10 lo big bualoea. Marin Walnwrliilit3l. Pain OluiL'.tlM.—Banium A Bailey Clrrua cuot«H0. NuTioi.—Marry Bower, fonnertt amumiuont director At- lantic Oardon, Clilcago, la here UyInK niT Hr. Pelcht telegnt4iB from Han Antonio. Tex-Hint llie OiarllyClr- -ia teou wen partially deitroyed hy a cyclone May 111, CftatoB.'At Ibe Graod Open IIoum Hlairt Robaon. Ill "Pie Henrietta,'* fur Manager Cuol'alienoflt, had R6od houae 11- TMurHK COMIQUll.-Tlio Wright Hldara. Paarl Arin- atronK, Uoo. Leallo, laahella Lorella, Maier and Noon, and loeTliree Klon. HAURH'a McciC Hall.— The WilliamsTrin. SXLU BROTHlWCiHrca had bli cr<»wi|M ti l4)tli par- romaneea, afternoon aad evening 17. Colambaa^Kverrthing hai been very t|ulfltiu Ihe dramatic Una the ihree weeka Tlie Oraod Open llouae doaed lU aaa-oe May IT, with IMIU Foi aa Iho at. inciloo, to large bualoeai. \ ipeclalty c/impany did fairly well 19-III. HioB RnicrTHiATNi.—Marie WaloriRbt coinea t), tor three olghta. TgkBAajfi'M A BAiitr BHiiwlaaoni>uucedrur77. Toledo«i»At U)6 People** THetttie Hitiart HobMO. In' Leap Year,'*'tUioHloopK loCoonDer'*aod "Tlie Hen- r{elta,"j[iUradtAgoedbwi»*aMayl3and l4.rollowed by 'Vcoa Hullow," to fair boaloeaa. 1^19. A loedally cu. openilv for week. Rooked: "L'ncia Tutit'a Cabin*' June 3 aod week Rlegllng firoe.* CIrcuaeoueafl. Vpiiaaield^At tbe (imnd Operm Huunb , uupoar Okett, In'Tb - •■ ■ ■ MayU. DeUaFotCom . Ttooper,'* doaed Iho ragular aeaaon , _, fog to a tarve aodloaoe Bannm A Balley^a Olrcua wia be bore a. -. .- The Iriih Artlil," dkl fair l/uelaeaa lUa Pot Comic Opera Compuy, hi "Tho Litlle * altJiralioueeie. i-lay- ChauPoarO: May 11 Del Ttooper." c> a tarve aodloaoe. win be bore a. ■teab«Bvlll«.«Al tbe aty Opem Moose Fmok Ilonoig eumea Hay 14.8 Pawn** Bill pleaaed two ir The Baraam A Bailey Hh'.w NEBRASKA. Clipper Post Office . tf^ A fTABPgD RgTiiormplalnlraddwBaid. nnit bo lodoaod for airh letter, aod the llae of bualaeai followed by the pervAn addteaaed abouU be given, la orU» lo prevent inlaiaVra. KoTR.—lYnfeuinnala and othet* ibouM bear In mlad that all letiera, etc.. In innMt Itetweao Ihe Halted Riaiaa aod t^nada, auut bt pnyoM, oihorwU* they at«,*ool fb^ warded. ^ Akeralnmi. I'MIe Anann, A>U Arkwrlght, Marie Ayinar.LolHo AihlnHOD. Obulra Athlnaon, Rdlth AraoM. Ilenrieiia Arror, Mr*. CUrrnce Aiidrewa, Mary Aloiauiler. Lillian Bowera, Amy Baker. Nallle Ruraettft. Ada 11. Hurnelte, May Hlancbanl, Hay HIrcb. MatlKf iV Hrvant, Hay Remiont.Hylvln Bioarh. Pnnkle Hah^r. MiMrod BernI, .N'ora BaUbreR^Hpi J.] BaironI, l2aMa Bererlv, Dtlay BiwhAli, i^imion Bany, Hollle Boy)«t,Mr«.CIta". H*ckiuaa.B«>rlhaR BartnQ, Clan Ollne, Margie raiHitnm, Fay Choairr, Florence Collina, Jaa. i'bHr«,U Belle CAlo,Mni.Jolin R Celialliia, Mine. Corleltr Helen Cimoo, May CUrk, I.Ida Chanc\*, Anna Oimpl>f IL Mra r J. Onm, Mr*. Walter Clinoo.Jeule Creaavllle, Mn, J, Clark, Uiurm Cam III Mil, Fkiran re tAatlhourna, Iraoo Cnnniy, Mn^ John LADIES' LIST, ridi.r, Nn. U»l> rillmiin. K.UI. nuD.r, BM.I. niMMt. M.II.IID. (, Jiwli« ilrt.wnM, llmhuit, l^nl. (lohlitn Ann.ll.O. nrofu^ H«u. nrle^ Ktlh.rine arvtmr, M.uil tllllDUl, 8.JI. (lixrnMi, I.mId riwinl.r^ M.lMl 'U>y. Hrrtk DonulM, H.rtl,« Dmuiiu, Rn.« DoVDi., H.lll. 0. 1111.r. Dflltl. DlAmrtlid, (Inc.*. liMtIo n.1., Hlnnn, Sl.nil. [).lbHir, Mn D. Vpr., CAut D. V.r^, J.nni. DKv.nruil, MhIii. Omii, iMim D«|mit, Mini. J. lllTU, lllnDl. 1. Hhno, HiiUi Uurrunr, Ball. 1?.rl, M.rlnii A. 'C'Kliii.. Lillian lolwinl.. riuranc. fnnlli.nll,lllu Eililr, Kmma Kiu.rT. Mm. II. B, KorliliL Jull. Klllull, Buu, I'Mrl Kingrr, Ura. UUii 1?«rnand.i, RIaiirli. rruili, C4III. L. Perrl.. Annl. M. fnuili^ Jull. rnrr«ll, >lra.T«ny HaniT, Martnii, ilit..|. lloiianl.lllUiT.1 llo|>vln>, Jim. H. Ilaallnin rhirNiC4.H. llnM, In. II. O. Il.T.I, rurm Mill. Ara.lla ll.mlllDD, Bar " ill. ir^ ilalwlK, N.lihma llanl«;,lll>«li.K llan««p. Maria llowaril Kal. M. Ilarn., (I.nnilti llanillluD, I.tiil.. Ilaawlclr, Maml. llDnlLlila llii.aiil. May llklilrr, RuiBIS llantilloD, Madn llarrlnalnn.dflnl. Iloinllnt, R.Mlo r.0., Lllll. IrrlDir, H.II. Jiiyc*, J.nal. J.-a.n, Ho),lila iaw.ll. tlalan Kllna. Maml* KlDLMaudl KldU,llni.llM>.ir, Karl.lla, Mtii.. KlDnhml. Mynia KkIiI, PbuIIii. Kli|>lanl,MluH KrwnB^ Mnk .V.laun Kanilall. I.ollIa K.TWin, Mlonl. L.litnHlBt.T. Lriiiia. I.llj' IjOrralna, Agn.. Lnini.iallar, Ada LInruIn, Maiill. I.«ly, Lillian ,AW.||. 11.1.11. dnill., HaooI. Larlrtr, l,nulr. L.'^ LlllUn L*tni8Ta1l.r, Alia .wlia, Marlua >.lar, Mlnnk ,.rln.,n]en Malnunli, Ua; U.ln«. Liol. Moraan, LviDllna UarC Jol. Marllli.ll.. Adtfl. M.llttiiu, (:l«a M.rnllili. Mahal HcCully, Hull! Haltlaun, Ion Malitr, Bn.1. Hnrton, Ihiruilty "iiaa. I.idia „ay, ItuM Malrlll..J.iiul. Mar>lFn, Adill. L. McAToy, Kmma H. rCala. Mr.. Jack ' Alvlii, MarluD Marah, ffaula M.Tton, Mil. MoDoaaU. Bad I* Myrkl^ Eama MllllDAog, ll«4rwla A. MorUnar, N«lla MenoaaU, Alk« N.lagn, Nalll. Nlroll Hlaura Xala, Bcrnlr. Xlchiiti, Nalll. Oall, Kata uuil. Ailahl*. ci'N'.ll, N.lll. Pilrta, Annl. ri.rciv Lydia l^nllr.>,Mrall.O. Prior, I.lllla l"ort.r, Mirth IMnvIL Kal. rianini.r, Krani-la l-.Uii.4tn.Uwl I. l>lillirp<sMIUn«l Slllfl.y, Loftl. y«funl HUl.r. lundall. Clara Kiuulla. Mniida RMila. Kail. J. HOBWtl. Kollt' Hi>mll..Mauil. lUJulla — —^ca^" — LMnanl, H L. I«a, Cliaa N. Urwtn, 0«o. W. Lynch, Al J. L«Tlno, Onlidt Tiorlnii A Lnall. Lawianr^ l-n.r. y. 1 l.or.ntn, \T. I'. U Mar, llro. I.«wla, Andy lAmonl, Frail Laands, Wni. Larlnn, Dolidi La Cunpl, W. H. Laooanril. T. LlTlnjcalon., Harry La Clada, Ixiitl. La*. Ohaa. LaD.II,llao Laa, KJ. lAm^ tlatTT "aMaclTTiiin Mack, llanr MllrhalL rrank Hahar. Palar MonlMty, D. J. M.Bahy, Jaho Mayo, A. V. Martalkt. Bnioa Moraly, rntf. Ma«k, Anilraw Mannar. A. L. Mn«ly, 0. K. M.lniHs Kildla Mrl^rlliy, Uan MaiM, e. II. Mnti.Ia. o. J, HiHiia, lUyniiin Hark, A A. Munlaini. A ((ra.n McLnn, Aim, McSiilly. J. J, H.ckl^J B. Mc<ln, J. K. Mrtlralh, Jiilin MnUmn.ll, il»i MeKlnkiyl J.nnlnga Manl.ll, W. K. Murray, Kranola Mllcli.ll, L B. Manall. II. K. Manln.111 Bni-. Markliaiu, II. M. Mluh.ll, (lao. Ma<k, Jahn II. ManrliMl.r, H. MeDiinoitiih Bmiu Mnrxla (Iwi. MoWalUla, W. J, Mnran. Frank Mark, Cliai. II. Mah.r, riill Malhiy, MajnrJ, MeOowan, Tim.. MorrlMn, II. r. MoKay, John Hurllm.r, llany Mcl.'onnack, Wiu. Marlon A Furl MoAroy, Thoa, Manaki, Wm. Hurlim, La. Wlllll. rank Hlil*.'. Raililiilpli, AmiM Kniu, illuill. nillli, (Ian... rtlnclaTra,rHfle B. HIMl, HaJI. 1*1. llalr, Bdua Hvaaioiaa. Mra. J. W. Bmllh.lila Kantord.llalaiiaU. Wiania, Manila HnaaVllnn, Ball* llllt>in,Jannl. Hllbnn. Aildia Hylr.Mor.Aiinl. K. Haniir.lla (Iraca H|*Mcr,Alll. iluliMn, Lull!. A. rburhiw, Lurkia Tyrana, — Ttiomlon, Vallla Taylor, Hula TInniiaa, Hilda Taylor, Julia Tjrilnis ftliia VIrian, B.II. Vanua, Kiwlna VanOaian, MayU. VlarMii, Kva VIrk.r, Walll. Wai.ns llaula VTail, nania HTanl, VInlnlaB. Wair, Iloia WanI, Malvl IVInam, Maria Willi., Fraukla IVwmI Hlal.r. W)ill.,Ia.h.l Vrjiiain. Mail. Wllll<. Mn. F. Wallan, BllKl Takly Wolch.llrara yal.. May alU. Mil.. l/.olla, Mlb. /.ballu*^ Xarali A Ik.o. Um. W. •^Amulil. llarrr AnoMruiiR, KIra All. Auil«ih Abacn, Jna AiHirM. — And.raon.Tliiiolliy Aarhana, A. i:. Auatln, Hali'li Aiun.. I'rlnca Arvlna, tlw. Alh.n.Bal Allilnl, ll.rlian ArnoM, Arthur Arcbar, Hain Allan, Will. Allcaal. Jaa. F. Ackfruan, II. J: Aailraaa,— IWhIla Haliauna) }arr A Brana Bruan, John 11 Boyca, Chaa. T. - iWil:, ■ - GENTLEMEN'S LIST. louiedy Co. Beunett« Haiu Brookea, Coraey Billing!, Harry BIgelow, Frwl A. Barrrlla, I/oula Burke. Hod Huri, Haio Bright, Bmeai Beeru, John Bennett, 0. II. Baiwiaad, B. II. lord, aiaa. R. laldwln, WalL laker, nmnk B. Unka, Oui Browne, Joe (iiiualciaa) RUndford, Harry Bowman, H. 1*. Harnliani, Harry BeironJ, iho. i.L. Henoeic, c£rence Bin Uawoud, U. Hniiniiiell, A. vr. Barrfnginn. U. B. Wonanl A Lew I a Srennan MIdiaol Herol, Mai Bougliloa, Billy Becker, Joe BUkely, U. Uania, ll. A. Boiilden, Ihiward Bubb UbiiivlyCo. Btodgett. Al. Buri.Hani II. Rem la, T. J. kucliaoan, W. L. Bell, Halph Byrnea, A. H. Hurtlne, Prof. Doeera, Billy Hurke. W. r. Breoton. HobL Baker, P. K. 1 urn ley, Vernon Beifan, iloo. loauin, C T. laggeaaOD, C. K. Berry, Wni. Brickeit, Wm. Hurke. W. a. Buck lay, Cha*. Boone • Uunii Ball. CUrk HuriiM, Tom BrvDioo, J. K. poablay Bni. Cornell, ilirial Caae, Cliaa. Caaey, Joe J* Culllna, U. B. Caonofcl. W. E. Cllirord, Dirk t'MDruy, I*. J. CMirad. Fred d. Carrla, Oia«. ClIOD.Cfiaa. ir. CUrk, llany le. A. W, t^iunoe/ Urmin.Cu l.'randall, llairy l^oaklfiy, MIfeo irarndl. Prank i:fle«te,lliaa. <;«B8>I, 11. .v. raotor, Nat R. (trandall A <:Urk I'HiiiiitielL Win. Co* lea. (^laa. Cuanow, U. nrulliia, R P. l.'aniPlMll, O. P. i;urlo, Ur. Hr.J. N. Dlioii, nwl Broaaor, Paul l>iiuHlierty,JidiiiP. Oe Format, WBllr UoUamco. Pruk Oe Leon, Frank I>r Uraua, Tlie Down a, Harlln Uliou, H. J. Do Mackley. Frwl Det^ura - Ihioliaiii,. Uacey, Billy Uare, Harry A. Oavia, A. H. UavliLW. 0. Uowning, RnbU Uavare A rtharplai Uu Hell, rrmnk Del AmtD.UIck Owyer A Cooroy Dunbar. O.H. Oilloa, cmoat tloniiBD, Juke (laloMl. 1). P. llrllinoll, Ben IlIlMon. Air. H. lhaol,<1liroM (loldle, Prank iluy Rrot. iiuihrie, Kildle llonloo, Hon. llraut, At llrlevea, Jnliii (lragor,tleu. J. tiarrlauo, Jiilae llanlnnr, l>. F. (tnuiaila, iluetaTO (Jnllor, Hooa. Iranaila, llerr lunliio,llarrr ilrlil1n,lleury Ihiuioiil, Jlin Ueolon'a HInat He HDlfe, U. H. Uavli^ Jaa. <). Donovan, J. II. Deainon, f baa. UareojMirt, J. Vf. Uormt, Oeo. Plllppl, Jo*. De Freou, II. B. DeVaude,(:. 0. Doyle, Jaa. D. Donley, Chaa. Daly, T. D. DUmoml, Wlllltf Ue Uoplon. Fored Itolaon, A. L l»avla A Keougli liucrnw, Wm.*^ Daly, T. D. UetaurA Debnmont Jeming, ArtJiur >«aKfidiera,J.B. iowna, M.J. hiyle. W. J. }irioD, Hairy Jaley, W. Jlaiiiuiid. J(M Jwyer, Bfldla DuiuDOt, Prank Drawee, Uua "arle. ArUinr Baal wood, tniaa. Silvarda, C. L. £liHn, Loe 'alatiud, W. H. Kvaiia. ThD Bnocli, Prof. Kliner, Frwl Bnoch. Pmr (iberldge, J. W, Carey, Toninir CoobllD, W. R. Oooiier AKmlUi Cuohaoo. Kelly Crow, W. H. i.'uonloiliaui.W.C. L'llOva, Job. D. Crew. Prof. J. H. C'dlloa.T. P. Clliron], C. W. Onaaha^At BfiydV neamPclcr f. Italloy, Id "X CuonlrrHf<on." i.p*ntid a three Blgbti' eugagainenl Hay IV. "Tba PaulngRhow" iofD»«&,a, 'Trilby".10,31, Jnoe t. Jobo W, Kbennao'aTabWai Phaalaana ptaytd Ui good bualneaa Mar la II. EJki' Hlneirela gare a ben*- flt for the charily hn^a of Ornate Lodge. Ifir. 9. to a crowded bouar. It. alandlog rootn only, Emllr ployed to food baiiatai u fk>aao'a BobI amarad ajglito/ It (o I elf a r, La -tmr flau." (MIeodar,... . (.1ii|ver%_Uu|li CI I noD, HI llie Coualaa, Joa Ctfonery. frub Cualiman, Wm. Ctargea, Veroar Comatoeh, II. ~ iteo, Jerry ifulcbael. R U ..lonnioa F. J. Coflior. ArdiU P. Carletou. I'ribca Coleinan, John A. r«fni'ii»ll. J If. f.:4>llei,l£. P. Coaruy. Jidiu Clwg.ll U. Cmw^la, Waller CoUlnKArcbU F. Caahinan, If. r. CarU^ Hllr Campbell, W. g, CoWlna, T. W. CoWHt Jaa, Biiiera'in, A I. Kinioufttl, Chaa. Kinery A Harloeo KloifiurOfs Willie Kfllaon. W. H. Banlley, F. pilfwilllaiiia, ^ Proeiiiu, (Jua Pllf|«lrlck, Joe Fergawn, H. v. Fitfey. W. T. Purren, W. K. Faaaon, J, R, Ford, Toniulo Poruaeue. Oeo. K, Ponl,t1loi(l, Forrort, ton Ftck, niaa. FalkoAHenon Fella A rain Field. A. (J, Fraaer, Hie»o« Flatter, Harry Foraaadoi, flarry Freoib. P. H Fulloo, KdMrt Farrell, Toov FItcgarald, flarry Fkrreoee, HeU Flu, B. B. Poaur, U. W. PlelariierA f^t^r PUIier, Harry FiBldi. JoliD f. Fay,W. U pBOtfla. (;ba^. 1 - i"" Fie teller, Joliu iFuirtrrd. RoU. Graliani, c;ha*. , (Jray, H. lUarmnell, Auailo UrueabecYll- W. noodhanTR- L, OeUati. Bart drlifla, oTb. OInrfl, Oiu. iiailaARciMrtar Oamolt.Al. nllniiiroALeouanl Ulbba, Cliaa. ilrliwo^), A.M. Harrk IfaKl lleaM, tl. P. llerr, Dr. Bradley llailleyA Hart lluntlogtitn, lawrence llaillay. Fraok lla|>rar^, W. A. Ilugliea, Benton llarrkOeo. 11, High lay a, Tho llerbeh. Coco Huntley, H. P. Hall. Uiaa. R. I loll, Llarence llarlo, Fred p, Hut>er, P. J. Ilonin, Joe llaaaao, K.J. HoIUaJ, K. J. HoliuHi, Julio HIiKloaA l4ilie Harti^ Joe H. Horu, Rddle Haaaal, tleo. Henry. JIni Hall, llarrr T. Ilarrif in.Fnnk II, Haleombe, riliurty llalbert, Hortoo fliiward, Will lluptar, Wallace "lllrer, CUrk . ■liHll>ergar, If. HuBOl. Bttill llayaa, J. P. HarUod, Otli Hooy.fl. a llowea, Froainaii lfoo|«r. J. H. Ilanilltona, Tho llanling A Ah Hid Maod, cT. K. Ilugkea, Prank Henry,ll. O. H«eite,(lu8 lluniing Broa. Mon4erMHi, W. F. llripplaif. Harry U. Henry, )H llelfM, Fred HarwaM. Frwl A. Hubball, T. V„ Hooy, W. H. ■jayiar. Hilly laolnaa, Leo a 'ahim, John ■Irving ng. Hunigotnery Her, .Slrk Jamil., Naurlca Janiiia, Viator lanklo., iJao, A, Jullao, H. John, Oacar Juuay, Bf mica liillan. Frad JaikKn, Billy Jt^nwHi, Tniuaa KrauH, U, II. K.llr Bno. IC.n<lalf,|ilnnl Kinilall, Bart Kaaa, J. M. J. (Mooaek., bull iry, Anii>l4 K.IUi p. kIoh y, •lu -, Joho 11. -loaay, H. f, K.hlund. A H, <Uil, <laii W. (allilMkI, I,. KnaalU A Malbava Klna, AllrlMaa K.lly, J. W. Kaa.1. Jula a. Klniatoy. A. H. TMOIiaa. -'JLao'lag.Oaa.U. .joa, ilao. lArraloa, Chaa. Lav/eBCe, Joba Uodnr, Jobo M. :. W. A. la,j,*;. lawreoce, A (*. laHoBf, (latiy Lacaaale. Joe Lladoo, Peicy Ult. Hobort L« Boy, rraok L«ll«r, Nort««,AL Nam, U. C. rWlaaiObaa. ^-'b'Biisrka.TNn naan, J. W. Orl.n, Albart U'HotiikaA BaanaU iHinllhilaal, J. D. Ilcanhn, H. K. ilanilov. YouiiK itlnckilaVi, J. H. Bi«nn, Byrvn hIc.-' Pariolat, llao, I'al.r^ r. Mack, ni„„. HeOnlliiiu, W. B. Mlle«.ll, Jo. Muola, W. d MiilykMux, K. tl. Maok. Kuicana Htirrlaaay, Tom I*. HdJiiaon, Frank Maddam, W. J. Mdlutrliaon, riant Molliaa llha.. Mann, Uarl Mci:.y. B. II. Murtliiiar. Harry MaKtoy, Larry MoKlnlar, H. K. Marliin, llurt Muoiai LIvlnRNlun Mcfarlliy, Frank Maakar, llao. Matlln.lll, llwi. Marhia, Jaa. MoWallar^ A. J. Malli.wa, lir. II. K Hariloalll, Irfiula Mayo, II. Miiallar, Eil. MdJann, l>. II. Maaun.Wlll K. Hark, Bah Mctlramir, H. B. Hurria^ 1j«w Manall, llllv.r Mc^riuna, Rnhl. J. Maaulto, W. A. Mayo. B. F. Navnian. Dr. N.aall, Yank Narllla, Amfliallll Naaeoniba, Lar Hoiria, - - Nortli,. Nodlne l*ra«Ion, John A. I'anio, — Farkar, rnnk H. Fyk^ llao. I'.li.r, llao H. I'rtnra, niarky I'rlc.'a Floau Fall.rmin, I). i\ l'a<k,AL K. Frllrhanl, Hrhl. Fliiilila. Jan. Fona^hLMima. I'rlnca, 0. II. Fua.ll. Jolin M. I'oa.ll, Oliancay nfit, rbaa. T. FlllTall^ r.i. rnualy, Uarl W, 'arry, Frank L. 'nninMO, II. I.rca, tl9v. . rlniniao, IML Frini, I1ia>. L. ri|»r, Frad J. Fally, llaii. B. I'riilll.J... T. I'lnrra, llanr B. Qiillll.y, Halihla UBr.n. Dirk Kalny. W. II, ltll.y, Tiinl Krlla, I'ml Klrhniiind, Jaa, Hayiniinil. ivta Hoa.ns W. A. Uiindo, Ooiiiay ll.llly.Ja..A. Ilullina, W.ll. Hahlath, Jallll U. Kaio, Frank Kuh|nM>na,ThA Kahlnatn, llarry lli.ldilna, r. A. Hanklna. Tlia Itayiiionil. Uobhy Kaarsi, Al. RMaan, J.\r. Hurliariirl A May ItwiKt, Ban ILynukla, K. J. lUynohl^J. M. Ilyan, Ihin IliiUlnif Tliiinil.r Hiiltand, Uarld Irani, - ■ "'fi'.r Shin; Oeo. L. Bonle. II. H .iilo«4tn A Mortod Hpencor. 0. W. HlDima, Jay Htaogc, Hianlalaug Hal In go r. Herbert MnilihA Johniea HohuylorLBnlf rilegrlat, wnL tllnipna, Jaah lUieck, Frank .Hirong. tleo. Hiilly. Jnhn J. ilnillli, H. I). lUlinikMin, A. Vf. rtiantonARoUdlntf .Sulmnon, Mol rtclialfor.n.K. HI roll, P. W. Maariwt<i.1, J. J, HlHtwallar. J. W. Hniltli. Cany rtllver, Jam. Kiieridan.Wiii.A U. Kaylur. Duck Hilea, Penl ((nnw, Loti HtolUi, HoL Hcoir. Wu. A. rtiiilth, Tuiii Modioli Bnw. rttuanl, Walter riVylor, John ■^Tantor. Bur bla TItua, P.i. rhalcher, A. M.I riioitipipnA BuneU raitnnr, Kddla rumiMilL, I'eier raniier, Hlcbanl rrew, H. J. riaynor, Jolm Mt rurnor, llittil. rhuni|iaoli, Alei. rurvin, Ben ri^Kaderu Uuartol rhom, Hark H. riitiniima. W. F. ruck«.lleu. K. Jiomiwin, II. U. Thiuiiaoo, Jaa. U'*'-F"SV.ri.H. Van Doumum, Iteeaa^ Mark Hitllly, Pal lUniua, Ih C Hakteanit, I'riiico HiiaaelLJ. II. HlelianlaAl'riDBlo lliiaaella, Tim llfftl tNini Ot. Kayiiiond, llr, lliiaaella, Tlie llaagati, Daii ' Itay, Jnliony Uultun, 1). I'. Otfhearnr, W. K. Homon, II. W. Hcoil, O. H. 3>llB, AIm law, J. II. tIaeeiUtuI, W. Vf. Hianror, Jnllanu Miiiiw, Irfi* rtaii)|>wiii, Vniiiig |(rliu>li«r A .Saali Hiona, ri<il Kliiink, Harry rt«'i*ainaui, W. 1*. Kwan. Maik K. Mcanbiii, It. K. Klmildnii, W. It. Hknily. VViii. riaiiiupla, Pfof, Hiwliinl. Paul riluaru Ral|t(i rlidiiiiHiii, 1. A. H|nvnrl,CliaB. ftalvlnit, Hugnite rialU, K. HIreuaa, Frwl HIifiriiiaB, Dan HtiUMa. Knn ml A Aiuaa HeauHin A hurke Hlniilun, — (iiiaHlulani Kliekloii. Jaa. Klllllll, TIlii"- rtcbrueilor, F. ritandaid Uuariet Hl.Cyr.H. A. riulKiii, IHcb 1', HIg. nioe, ijev nuiKiii, ifici , Pref.t). ri«Hlolla.HI| ArihurW, Mataoella.- iJr.. H.H. iKucliaii, - iHliifir, Buck Vtciorellla. Uarry Van. Hilly U, VroelamrO. W. Vemnn. &< Viin Tilcer, Harry Van Verneit Bn>"i Vatythl, A. J. "^laina. A ll, ival, WuL Weat, AL II. Welali, J. 0. Wallo,J H. Whiter, Bank' Wllaon.lloo.C. Wllla,/.y. Waller, Jidtii Wayne, Al. Warren. II. II. Wflrkl John W. WanI AVdke* Widie, Capt. U. K. wmiiir.dUfeoco WiiHtanl, AninM Webater. Willi* Walle, J. II. Wallar, llldgla Wn4Hly,JiduiH. Waal, Juhn W. Wotrlnr, 0. J. Weailahe.iroLW.U. WIIK John a Walker, W. WiMalliull, A. II. Wallera, Julaa Wnynn,Mr.AMT(i. Walt^i, John WlUrtt. W. W. Wo«l. 11. W. Wnllnn, —(diver) Wtaal.Uranl WhallKU A Hartell WalUre, |rfi» Weal. llr. Wallm Waller A Waller Walani, Ttuiiiiiy WalMiii, W. H. Wiilfo. Jaa. Wat«ra.Krneat.\. Whlio.l.liR-. K. Wllllnma, D. II. WMlo, Dr.Heo. W. Wrlibl. 11.11. «c. WanI, TiMtf. Wlillinan, Prank Will*. NaLM. Walter, Ibibl. Walker, O.J. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Wa«blaal«a.—Niii i;. tiooilwlii, altrayri a prime favorite wllb WaBJilngiiin pinygoani, hail an n«- oepliuiially good weak at Itaploy'i Nalluiial Tliealre, pm- aenllug"AUulilHlne,'*"liaTld Uarrloh"aod "I<oml Mn Flvenhminn"(»duQh|abll0.and"AillMe>l Fool." The Uiird week uf Uia cuiiieily aeaaitn al Allan'a tirend llpem llouae waa e«iually ancceaaful aa lu prnde«!naiMra, ihn Frederlo Bond Oniii|iany preaoniliigalwn act c»nia4ly, Iriah Atnbaaaadnr," fxllowwl by a one art farce, onllllvl Lova'a Alarma." Tlie llilnl wank of grand u|>vra by Uie llliirirli Cn., at ICapley'a Aoadeiny of Hualc, In every way worthy uf Iho liberal )«lrun* age baaluwotl. "ill wale liu." -Tlie Haabed Hall." "Romeo and Juliet," "Hlgii"ii." "Tim I'oarl Flahera," "Faual" aiid "TTie Harber of riavIMn," iiiailo an ojiceii. Uonal roperlnry, oacli of wlilcli waa imiat aniailcaliy pnidiioed. Hie Rlleii Vockny i^tiiiipanv upahetl what promlaetl Ui l>e a lair weak at Huilof a Bifi'ii Tbaatre. IhiL Itetwoan a (ailing oil In llin |iatriinain aa ihe weok worn on, and lbe evMoni lllnaaaol HIaa Vockny, tJio ongagO' maul lemtloatoil on Wwliiniday nroniiig, anif llin lioufle waa dark fur tha r»iiialnilor nf Um woali. Tlie roiii. «ny, wlilcli haa hnen making a aborl t^niriifllie I'mr. ncea, larnilnated lu eaUlencM hare. Tlie Pay Poaler Rig Hurla»|ueCo. waa, aa iiaual, luccoaarul In drawing giaiil houaea at Kernan'a fiVi-auiii. Rarnnin A llalley'a''firaal- eat on Hirili" oihllilliHl III Iho capaollyiif ilialr iraal looia four porfiiniianrM. Hay 17.11. Tim limrceaalbllliy oflheHrrualuldbl iiolbava an a|>preclahle effect on Uie patronage, HirrBT'ii Natmmai. Thhathh. — Daniel ProlimairM Lyoeuui TliaatreHiKcb ('<i.*)-A wlihrh cluaea tJie rigular Bfaaun at thla hniiae. (fi'Mlng ol thu National (kriiiody kaaoo 37*JHiia I. ALtara naiMD nnm lluiraa. - Ponrlli weak nl . rederlcBoniiandl'o.,lnHuiiiiiinr siine>ly, "Tlio (luv*- nnr" Hay n-'J6, "link Donilnm'* 7r-.lurtn I. fUrLar'a AuinBur ttr Hcmr,—Kourlli and laal week iifUie Hinrlchdrand D|,«ra i:u., May3U-tf, and cbwi uf the regular aeaaon »l tlia Imuaa. Rirri-aa'a Bliuu TiiaiTKK.-Kilw. W. Itowlaml, In "Tnin ilillearia:" JK'A "i.'ncleTi'iit'aCaMn"'i/7-JuneI. KigMAlfM f.Tf'Hi'M Thkathk.— Plynn'a I.t,ndiio llalely -Ifla Hny9l*3S, Maiugar HUH'toy Kaniaji'aannual lianu. At 77. and chMool Dm jagular aaaaiiii. NirTu—tlia|'reieotwe«ik r.Ii>aq« ilia ■aaaiiniifaH nur Jay hi*uae4 aavn one, nlildi riuiiliuiee uiih week linger. Our bical managara hnvo all liail proniabli bualnea*, not a ifnlly tmi\ wank going uii ier<ird. tfeit Maavn tlie Mlnioain uf ihiiflrii cbiaa houa<>aw|ll lavM Ut Imi dIfliM ii|i, aa a nnw niiem liouao will lie In llm riold. under Ilia niaitaioinxnt of Jiiliii W. AD^ugh, wImi In nailing hla new tfuipl^ of Mi^ dmnia raplilly t/iwaid aim- platlon, and it will uo>liiiiliii*<fly lia rrady lur nrcuponcy at tlie aPnnliilwl daln, Hmi>i. 21 M. Hiillle, wlinae piriHi. lariiywUli thalllDrlrh ilmiKl f(f.«ra tUr.lMH vwia. al Hapby'a Aeadainy of Hdi|»<l inm'li to lln aiieriku nr lliat eieelUol mganl/allon, iiiabeo hlailrat appaaranro with lliat eoMi|<«ny ilurlnirUikllia laat week orilie atiMf- lueni, wbkli will iiiab'-ll liiaiiiiiailtrllllantaiid Miemoraldn ofUiefour Aoelalily f<nil Parria wlicql la In rmiiMt of rooalruclliHi al MaralMll Hal), on ibn pnloman Tliedileriiif police rfiiiii all Hte |>rlnaliial cltlea nf i\m rnl<e*tHI«lii«li«l<l tliair annual ronTanllon In Waahlog- ton laal neek. ami by Invltall'fii of Haiiagor h'nniau Ibey wore Ilia giieAla al hla f«yraiiiii Tliealia, lA, lo wline^a Hit eiitertalonianl edordwl liy (lie Fny Fo'tor irii Tlie ilay, "Ignore," i-reannlvl liy Mm Kllan Vorkoy i-'o at Ui« IIJou Thaaire dorlny tbo «arly |>arl or laal sank, wan atrlklogly like -f.'reolt fyirraloo/' nbkli waa produce'l al Kamau'a Lyramn Tliealr^. In tiilarlly, Aug.'JIaC, IWI, by Lillian Lewl^; WEST VIRGINIA. WhMllBB.WThe Nemaon hI the IothI iliealroi came to a cloao lA, wllli DelU Foi In "Tint Ml'leTrw'per" aa ilieclvaing ailrracilun. Her audlenre waa an elegmi one and cnDforUlJy flllad Uin 0|>«ra llouaa Tha mii- doorallraallADawllllieglii In n^meal ihl* week at Inlli parka Tba sudden ami iiiie(|rected cold anaii waa ac* cooDlMbla fgf lha iioilitftiienicnl of the annual May Nu'l- ealFeallvaludbe HomiI Hinglag Hta laiyinNii Ul<i:ll. Tie regnUr vaudeville arawfnat Moiart Park ■•itanM i.-Theaanualcoareniir ilis Oi>era ll'xiaabaml and -rchettraw|iTbegltf*nattheWiraallnK Park Caaino ii. Tbo orflDlMlloa will U aaiUiad riy well knowo PllUiiurg laleni Barnuro A Hallay** Hii>/v loiuea n. PgggOgaC—Myra l.'oHlnaaulvfd al bar lioiim In Ihla liyJI. afier rloalog a ><>i> *iir< ^iWhI toar with Marki* Jrolltera' t>im^»ny m^litvlluu l-vly. ,iUie will rniiialn bor** ibout two *••»(■ I*- P. ll>-ljtiW*/, bualneBa loaOagrf it F/aek lloanlir,'icui P-iri'iay. IV. Id 'biacliy, and Tf- Kita Mr. |IanBlM^'m«lii*'-« «> '*lDg Terr bt^f Wul I MiAK lot r)a*«' l4i>')Mi k rbUr wlfli ilia Barnuiu .i Balky HftoKa, la w*l| ka»«n li^r«, and hit frlen-la run irmplaie aaklnr bl' vl«|i a ninil anjr«val>la ouf> Man- aiir FalnHr, of ilia flr^iid, ami AiiiUM<rimnl HanigfrO. if (iaotlior, "f Mivan Park, liain laiugtil oui ihafTrantl Hatra Hon** fm(^, owler Hit Ihoaire, and ara •lidnir w>-ll n Ihalr nav rtnluro Col. F. RIeatar. luanoKir"! Oi>era Ifcriie. wilt act hm aoiuaemeiit iiiaiiairr ut trie Wliaellog P«rk Cadiio during lha ran uf lbe RuIjIiivjII {^ral^Mdtaa/i «bl«b opeea.Jiuio &