New York Clipper (May 1895)

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Mat 25. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 181 Xmi noH Bvuou A Uovau'b Buow^W opw«d on ADrtl S hAT* bMo doltti food boalMM op lo d*U. bni fti pnttnt w* hATlof Hm q«u1 btA Kij wmUmt. IIM Mtu« ibow Tltltad th« BoDtlDR flbow ftt CuT)a«toa, w Vft. Al TlotOD, rnnk Stow* TUll«d Ih* •hov. OM MlTottf, udiiid bj B«tt BoUdbir, bMd baUnclDc OB ih« MtilcAB UMtrt, KOfM ft hit at Mcb ptrfomucs. UOl* Priti UoUdMr, Ui« flro jtn oM cootortloolU, la aimplr a ■o»]«r. Bclford tnd UoUchtr'i ntam tnMU Id ma |twL W« ckMtb*«bowwitbIL PmokYoat fall mm tab ban, ratUlDlng a mrm cat Id Ui« palm of OBVOfbUbaDdi. FollowlQf la a correct raur of tb« ■atov: Btlford A Howard, propriolon; Chaa LaOanlo, eoioait; IaoU Talbtn, boa caavaa tnaa^ud tw«lT» man: Dick Bandti*. bow pnpa., and thrra nen; Rim Junlptr aad Ed. Uuffbea, eooki, and thno waltan; Jim lfeAJ*«r, caoTaa man, and D. MeUloekILn, cundallar maa; Pnf.O. T. Bur, l«ad«rorband; inatklaoi: W. Bunlait, B. MeUlan. J. A Suraman, Chaa. E. Fottar, U. II. BrlKR*! J. B. roitoKr and B. K. Jooai. nrformera; Mol- Ua B*iron), OlP*I* Oanlo, Dora Uolacliar.Trasta Rat- ue. Oao. Balnnl, Ban llolacbar. Priu lloUcbai, Chaa. La Oardo. Cbaa. La Qanlo Jr., Kant La Qaido. Edward OookUn. Pimnk Yoat, AtwaU Vwii, Uamr fluiioo. tbo Vol^ aod Manh CialR. CharKa La Qudo baa chare* of coocartwItbaaTaopoopla. Ourailraoca la iDeharfoof p. W. Mlodm aa (taoaral aqani, witli 0*i. Rldianla and Joe Ellna aa aialatania. Wa carrj an tOd. round top, with tvoKML midilla placaa, aod thirtj-dra liaad ofaiocB. T* will ihowtltrouKb Ohio and IndUnL KOm run UOUJIIR BRO*.' aHlATClltCVa.liB!tAOHII aad Arabian Hon* Fair.—Allhouiih the fanoara are buajr Btaaung, etc.. onr bualnoM U icnod. W* itpeo with a toornamaot or a plaaalnit rharacrer. Fnd aaJ Anot* Do BaU'aaortalfllRtaUara maklnjcahU. ChaJL A. Uollmar'a troop* of Armblao hoiwoa and flhatUnd poolpa ara a faa- tar*. Talbertaod Uailer'a acrobatJa fbau ir* floe. B. T, Bacrom'a foorborw act la aood. Jamaa PiUKanaU, lo kli aqulllbrlatio JuhIIdk Mt, la doiog olca worli. Jam*** Ilofi our principal clown, make* iliam laupb. Annla Daraml'i prloelpu act Roeawlih a hurrah. .UariaU Broa.' riabon Opatft Boo**, haa baao apoolntad pr*aa aatoi ofth*B4pabllcand WUllafflTolb^rUta MaHamTaUa ' th* auM poaltloD far ih* Uafina BiB* B. Olorar. lb* faTorll* KHibratt*, la h*»lag opaa booaa to old abow fHanda at bar f^r'a "8tfawb*R7 Banaioq," la Fair- nonot Park Bamaid DjUjd laaT*a fbrammm*r*B* ga««m»ot in rbtcafo D*it week Oaa Brano Jr., who plaj«d Tob; for two jaaia with Tala'a "D*Tir« Aue- tlon," iioaa aa 8aun vitb "lb* TwaW* Twaplailoaa" Co. nait aaaaoB Ooorr* WUlooffhbjt a tall. bktoila ronc*r, Rot two rw« lo Cherry mil la^t week. 11a aaM to tbe court: *^* punUbnani la daaerred. I am ao actor, and atrmadad four tluiaa ID two yaan. I waa ctaty fbr braad." II* bad played witb repertorr above lo tbo Woai Edwin loabtoD celebrated hla OftT-foarth blrtbdaTwltbadln- neraiCamplffllaa laatwaob Vllllam U.WIuHrwIll not be connected with Park Ibaatr* box oiBoaandtrJ. Uanl Worrall'a maaafentanl Jiam Moaar, of th* llu* ■eam, wa*knocked down bja IrolleT car,aBd la trltJcallr III, flafTarlnii fhMo cancuaaloa of tbe bralo FitDi Bereafoid left It In adraDoo of Joeaph Callabao for aaaa- Boa of tbr*o weeka, ctoalni Jaoe I, ai the Amploo. Brook' Irn Tbofflu F. Orailj Joloa Walllck'a "Caul* KlnR'' thUveek.plajloB Bamay Ryan Tbe Walnut will re- open la Beptambor anar eiUotlTe alurailooa Plttaboi mant tabarg^ulT three ot ourpUceaof amane- iha*ip*ctod"riod<'nicco«of Mne. luiana. thecela remain opeo. the New Ormod Opera UQua«Ltha 1 bratad French acirau. Durlos the w#ek Aa aiMwvd In AlTin, tbe Duqaoan* and the He* Workl'a Mueaum tlie- I npenorr, but there waa a aoubte paucity of patronan*. atr* aia dark, and w|U remain po till lau lo AnguM or I ud racaot cbair* wetw oel "few and far batweeu" by any In fla.ita.Bili ■■ * ■ larUlrauimladratdaaa. Klephani Pally li tlolna a flrH act with our elephant^ Bmpraaa and Mania WaltOoll- mai*a **rete Jenklna" and Jockey acu an darer Binay Bbay la workloff our African liona In sood abap*. Uona BhlnitaUdologalloewlreacL AnolaDo Boll'abalaac- lOR trmpeu la a One pleca nf work. Frank Harkbam, Mou. Fedora atad wait Oollmar, our knockabout ckivo*,mak* thlmta llrely. Prof. C. P.ShAw'a Ulllury Band UplaTlnKeBo* inadoof nutale, aod Ckaa. Brokaii'ii barltODeeoloaaramakinahita. Prof. II. K. Maon'a Band No. 1 la all right Pnf.Chu Brokap'a operatic orchotCra laaraluabla aequlaltlon to our concert Our annex u doUut Rood boalaam. Prof. A. C. Banacber and wifaare makiDga bit wlih ibelrnlad reading and itafile. Prof. Btoaaualaobluloii them bard witn hla Tontnloquim and Punch. Laura Ball* I^uralne'awork I* a plaa»lnff (•atur*. Our parade U a novel dIapUy of gmadeur. wlih a looit Una nf glUed cagaa, •lepbania, camila. haodflom* Aiftblan boraea beauUrul Bboiland tHinlea,«lennt ailh and pluab timpplnga, banner*, etc Our tiiaalca] eblme* waiDOlaeooeitalngnoTelana attxaeu nucb atiantloa; loTacLOur parade la certaloly worth conlnw nllaa to •o*. FrwlCUoUmar haa been on ih* »lek llit, but U BOWboatllngihlaRNalongon tbeadranca. Harrrllarm, bom canfaa man, lefts, and bia place U aceaptably fluad bj (farrr Oolne. „ fUwna OP Sioa Snow with Bitroum* Woaut'a United Bhowa^ua_LambrlR^r^uiaDaffar; Tboa., Am „_ f all pieces; itaL Daaolnf airu. four lo number; OannilU. Candl* igjim; Prof. Wm.Quraa and Millie. ; Pnf'wnilatM' early lo flepumber. ALTiRTutini.—Ibia boDieoloBed lie aaaionU, when I AdaBaban aliu doted a aacc«*anil week'a engagtiaeni. Th* bouae will be tboroaablyranoTatad prior to lu r* oponing for the Fall and WlnUr aeaaon of lOM- Buor TutiTkL—Ueorve Tliatcher and Canoll Joho- , aon'aTwanttaib Ceoiury Min«irela Uila we«k. Th* Petvr Maber Athletic and Vaudeville Cn. cloeed a week'a on- ■agmantUL "Tb* B«d Queen," Jamaa McOarvy** dra matlmtlon of hta own clever unval of th* aama name, will I glvea tl. for th* Brat time vo any ritaco, IllRRr WILLIAHB' ACADRHT OF MUSIO.—Bd. F. Raah'a 'White Croak" llur*aa<)ueite. la the eurronl nttraciloo. RamT.Jack'a F.^lraraxaou Co. doaed a proOUbU en — A ipwlalt tatjement Ift. HARRT UAVIS' ha* proved audi I . „ tmtlnaaa contlnuan eicalleai. MOTD.—ManaRer lUrry William* ha« pUeed a new elDciric ba«»tall bullotin In M* Academr or Mualc, wblcli lllHbowerarT play and move made by aviry player vn th* PIU4bur|t laam ami tlialr aniaRonlMa, the plava and being ln«antly tmnonlitod by epedal wire ImJI lUld The La Boao Broa, lym declatooa bel Iron) th* natie. have been epecially eoRaaad Tbaidier k Johoaoa'a Hloatrela _ _ _ the curvent week Tb« BI|oa doa«a lu aeama June 1.......Clark QlbW^' one of Iho'oldeat llvlnR I black art wonder, SloRard: Prof. Wood, la bin eiiwak of lyClr- the opium likblt; Mootulla, Imp akulM man: Mile.' bi«*a, orator; U. E.n*nry ajnd Wn. Quean, tolldlore; AWalkh'B Algeilao Band, of ali places; Rabow'a TarkUli Daaolnf airu. four lo number; OannilU. Candl* and JanplnRJim; Prof. Wm.Quran and Millie Oray,llln- aloolBia, bypnotlau and i««ood alRht; Rkloola, Ultooad ^^•^ ^aln•d biriaaod Implemeom of tortara IntndocloR hla aanaatloaal banRiog act; Prinema Julia, aoake charmer and fortune uUer; Lo*lla,ClreaManand dreoatar; U. B. Hanry, TeotrUo- in " - • ■ - - — II double deck clitna dowo^ lath* prlndpal Jeatarof the "Coaniy Cir- cuit* at Harrr Oavla^ Eden Huaaa Manager B- Oullck, of the Bllou. hu been elected an boooraiy nam* b*r of tbe Wa4ilo|ttoo Infantrr Walter L Main'* CIrcua axblblu at tbe Eaat End » Adelaide Ptu Allan baa been eogafed lo create the part of Kadelaloe Wardeo Id "nt Red Qo*«n," nt th* BIJou, XT, aod Kame Keame haa been eoRBRed to eraat* the part or Holly Morton (a th*itam*play H.M. B«Qa*t I, general man- agar nf the Bijoa Clrcott of Tbeairea, baa been ra-elftcted pruld*Dtor lttaC0Q*o1ldat*d Oaa Company, of thUcliy. Nina Milllian. a w*ll known local amatear, ka* r«- colTOd OailarlngolTen from aavaral New York managara I for next aeaBOO.aoil will probably caat her lot with une of theProboiaD comMolae J.C.Cober wlU appear aa Vli ■ - BL Jnlat ud maglclaa, and. Prof. Queen, lecturer. Tbe lUway Danc«rfl and Algerian Band are eicdlaat Teal- are*. The ahov baa bean toning people away ever alnc* the openlng^The ft«ot cooatiu of foort**o d< palotlagB, tti Di PENNSYLVANIA. PliUmd«lpbU.-^e cool weather of last week nTlv*d allgbtly th* waning th«atrlcal bualnear, but th* aaaaoo la rapidly dimwing to a ckMO, and altar neit w**khut few ot our theatraa i^U remain open. Broad Btrrit Turatrr.— Tbe BoaionUna com* for a fortnlgbt, praionung tbU we*k, for the llrat tini* ber«, "Prloce Ananlw," and next week "Robin Bood." Wll- lUm OUIeUe'a d*w play, "Tb* B«cr«^t tterrlco," waa Klven all last w**k. but the BUendanc*,thoaRhremalnlnii fair, dropped tary mocb an«r Ui* flrat nlMhL OJeue TyUr and BdwIaAidan empbaaliad tbe good ImprMilou made al tba Brat performanca, and Mary lUmptAD, aaUlllao^ won deeper admlrmtloa from thoae able to appreclau the dUBcolUaa of the part, In wbldi abe baa aaveral long emo- tional aeanea, with acarcaly a Una to work on. A part, by the war, wblcb, had It been In laaa able hinda. wonld have drawn tbe btugbier of tbe gallerlea and wrecked the nl^. Nlxoo A Zimmerman'* revival of 'The Little nooon" June& OBBrNDTBTRRRTOPRKA II0D8R.—E. ll.Sothem iihare tor th* week.praeeotlng "Lord Chumler" », II and » Saatln**). *'Caualn LetiarbUli" 21 and Ifl^ and 'The Igheat Bidde?'a and S4. Wllaon Bamtt bad a w«eb of axoeUaot builnam with "Ihe Blgo of the Crom" and "The Hanxmao." The crowd* that attended the performance of tlM latter May abow that the theatre golnR public la food of weeping, for "Tb« Manxraan" la one uf the r ^ harrowing of playa.Ihougb a atrooit 00* and Itla. l_ . u tn* to oatur* aa 10 act. Maud J«(Trlea, aa Kaia Cr«***n, deaervea to b* apotbeotlzed. Owlnv to th* demaud for aaata, "Th* Manxman" waa given Haiurday night lD>tead of^noRlgaoftheOroaa," which had bo«n aaoouao«d. Edward Barrigan, In 'Th* Major," V- tuna for another nio, and la expected ta repeat lu auc eemoT earlier In the aeaaon. **l(pr cl4**d a very auc- oeeafol four waeka* aaaaoa la. AtTDrroRiiiR.—Weaton Brotberv* Combination lumlahea thacorrsntatuactloo. Th*weekJuatdoaed waHOoe of only Cfelr builneaa with Matbew* t Balger'e Company. N*xt weak Montague A Wect'a OMoedlaaa will doe* Man. agar Ollmor*'* aeaaon. _. . . . . OARRORoaa'OriHA Uodbr.— TbU la the laat week of Bully A Jao*on*a Hlnairela, and they preaeot their now bDrttaqoe, "Initiated, or Joining the Odd Fdlowa." They bare bad a riioa but eoccaaahil Baaaon. . Matioval Turatrr.— George Monro* and John O. RIoa. again noltad, give their popolar fcre*. "MfAont Brid- gat," forthecloelnRatrraetlon at MaiuHerKellVathaa- "A Giaan Oooda Man" did a (kirtv good bualoeBa. OiURD ATRMOR Trratri— "Tbe Shaogbraan," with E. M. Holland aa Oonn, Joeaph Rollaod ea Capt. MoU- neaoK and Amelia Bingham aa Clalrv, la tlia currant pro- duction. FuU bonaea ruled all latt week with "Oaata,** which waa an exeaU«Qt producUonand llherally patnn- laad. Oeone BoUandaaBcdeaand Mra. PhlUlpaaa the Maroataa, repraaenilng tb* exirsBea of cut*, wer* *x> ceptJonaUy An*. N*xt w**k "Capt Bwlft" wlU doa* tbe FoRRTAirau'R TRRATRR.—Tba New Magdalen" boMi theboaidaforth* proaentwaak, with "PlnkDonlno^' piomlaad for the week of 17. 'Tbe Two OrpbanaP' waa weU played, aod did a good builoeulaicwa«b., , ^ BUOU Tb ■ATRR.-LydIa Yaamana-Tlma remelna for th* oarraot w*ek, and with th* followlDR aovelUe* will form the w**k*B attimdJoo: Wood and Bbeppard, Bany 0 |. MLLetJlalrand Lealle. Imro For, John and Harry Dll< loB, Orydea aod WItdiell, ln*ne Floranca, Jotanaon, Dareoportand Lorella, Frank Mono. BlUerand Ratcber, John Patton,WIUa ami Halpln. the Faneoo*. and Oarma- neUl and Lodll*. Tbe hooa* waa pecked all taat week. FRon.i'B TnuTRR.-Jamea H. Vallick praaeata^The Cattle KloR"tbla w*ek, after enjoylag a week of proa- perliy wlth^Tba Bandit King." Meal weak Amy Le*. In ■^vn Tlek«t 210," doaaa her aaaaon aad tbe aaoROO ofth* tbeati*. Bualaaa* Manager B. P. BImpaon already r«- porta a demand for aoatafor the Uat week. , STAROARb TBRATRR.—Tbia theatre cloeed every ane- ceeafbl ■**Bon, 18. with a parformkoe* of "Orlmaa' Cellar Ced her*. Next week, "Llitla Urd Ftauntieroy," with talented chlU acttMa, Annie LaBRhlleula the title ml*. Tb* BaldwUia (tbe white Mnhaiiaaa) ara a near f booking. BoRfoR Tmratrr.— "Trilby" haa pmrao aTaryairoBg drawing card at Manager Tomphlaa' Tbaaira, and you ar* aar* of aealng * big audleooo ther*atevery perlonnaoc*. Tbe caat, led by J. M. Colvllle and Mabel Ambar, la ei. iremely w*U baUooad, and th* four act dimmaUaatloo ol Du Maorlar*a novel la rendered by A. M. Palmer'a airoog company In the moai perfect maaaar. Tb«pby will run hare until about July 1. Allhougb It !■ koown that Wm. A. Brady (a toiereated baavlly To thia engagement, It It •logular that hla aamedoaa not appear In aoyadTartlae- mantj or programmee. Oraho OriaA Uoi'RR.— "OM Jed Pnut]," Inth* huda of Rlcbanl <l«Ueo,la a atrooR attfaciion,a auiauMot forcibly verided bat week whan the quaint ohJ character port. Ha, drew audleocaa (hat Ailed ManiAeM nouae ai each perfurmaaea. TbU week om, n and Mma JanauMhekueblltad lalheoU hralUar melodmma, "The Two Orphani," wlih fin* econio adjunct* and a competant uipporllng compeay. Next — - ^filog OenaiaiUm.'* a f Ming" I we«k "Billy" Barry, lo 'Tb* RIbIdr Oenaiatl< . comedy wblobhu never fUled to draw rattlloi bualneaa la BoeUMi. TrrrortTHRatrb.— Tbedliagr**ahl* weather of U^t week waa, no doubt, the cause which ulllutadagalnai NEW YORK g TY. WMk'a ■*•■«•.—n« put WMk wlU oeaMd wnitl Impotttnl tmi\», pnniliMiit unong whluh wm the Bru pcoduolloii ot t Ughl open ud Ui, am pmonUiloD Id Uili oounbT or t n«v 0«^ nun nptn. Tbe (ml lUl 10 taiupemiiira wUoh occumil III the iWRlnidoc ot the met, and tbe ■MdjcoDtlnuuiceot cool WMlber, bad • nrj bmt- llcUl Qlhiol upnn biuliieaa, ud good Attendance waalbenile all along Ihe line me oooUnneil pecfnnnani'ea for tbe week tnding Kaj M wet«l I'lidtl'nboad Wllwn" at Ibe llmu Bgirau, "Uu tie ClirliiUipber" al PauiiHhi. "Dnwlng Ihe WlQd'> at Ibe KuriHi, Hlobard Uantllold, In npertorf, al the (UHiici; Win. 11, Onne at tbe Finu atikui, Trllliy" at Ihe UiaDiN, "Ton Huob Jobuaon" al ■be siTANDaiD, "The FaUl Oard" at the aoatiuy, A flalely niri" at IIiltM, "The Vnundllag" at Uovf*, tbe'nivarr Upert (X. at the QaiNuOraHA tloini, "Uipialii l-aul" al Ihe FiiuiiraaKni UmR', and "Aladillu Jr." al Ibe Uriiidway, the (niir lam named ehMlng upon that date Tbe one week alaudi cloaing Ha; Id wen: "OlWor Twial" at Ihe 8h, cootlDUM Mr MncwucDt duhna the cur- k, app,«rlaf on Howlajr ud Tuwdir trenlnp niMday iiialToM In "Hoit. lUnaOaDV* VeOnei' _ _ '^r,SS!'\t^):^1-'^ir»^t''S^- l "Vi. ^ll'^riii,»o"toi"arj»».a'T.n«u Av.. uil aaunltr nliht will doM la ttiB fturiii aet of "Hap- hui, "Tbe Two Unbana" at Ibe t'aori.i'a, "A Toiu- ,ho:':^^ui..*'Vo,..a.«ioHn,j,..,iu«forh,rb, | ^^^^ ^^^^„ ^^ ^^ AmwoiM. and AuRuailn - I>7 -Ulim . NattwMkthen*wc<Mnloonra,"11i«B|>hloi." OouTMbuTiiaiTaa—ThUhout, 1. cIomiI at piw but (III opea >7, wllli Wllllaai II. McCalt ud bla com puy Id hllnaa raive<enl«lr, "MrHorU/'a (ViurlHhJ|».' pho;" "Lokitl«,''^aotwon,Mtcooi«df — ll«Drl Mellhie, ud Ui« Mcvod uil Uilid Mru nf - Tf bla , l«T'. (Viurmhl. KaiTa'a TllRAiaH.—Tb. vuiUvlU. uwol at Uili hoiua „ , for WMk of u iQcludM Wfbar ud FUM., Law IMH-b- •MClalty O0I11PU7 fr. I ilu],', I.llll. Wwilaro, Tlinmai S. Clliran], llackar and I' KDRN HcniB — "The Coualy nircu." I Lailar, Al. Urmnt, Uur.r and tloodwia. Kckan aiHl H«r«, tauccaM ibu It I. tllll retalBid. Tha I tli«ediicat«leqiilQ^*'BuDOtr;" Iharuur Ocviir,., MaMU iw aiclleal. I ud UmIj, Atruy, Juaalar; tJhirtej Haoka John awl Wmm IIhtM Wllllun. h.. nlu.Ml . n.V I UaIIik Uw' iI.a tit (lanlHar Uma Bnl If Aana.lir aiHlljulao. iMMtauaiuanialjIonaoDatha blu la car* lalaljr a nnug oaa , NicaicL UDlox—Uanaaer Pruk Punnultl uialntalD. ilal wire | bU pbwe In Iho Trool ruh of uiiuMii.ut (.rovldtia it amar with Ibe Bijou popular pricaa, and that hi. ODtarpf-Ui la appiaolaud I. ibowD by a dally ao<l Dlahlly aarlaa nf 'warflow" liouwa Thia wiek ha .howa lo hi. earif* lialla a half douA youQH lidlaa lo a dioa laelua eunlaal, alau Ui. I. Huiu iall. aacood alghl domooairalar; BaiaoaU, cart aipart, aod Marka, inaalciu. Tha ataaa: Major BnaUah. May Pruela, Uora AnoMnoff, Pala Orlinn. Laalla hlinar, Lllllu Bpaocar, Yaaiiar ud Wooda aad Iba remala nln. ami iroupa. HowaHD ATUKHJiua.—Tha fartlaalahlu"nlllla Trilby," will! lha full BUwilh uf Lalhmp'aaicallant llowanl Bur- IaM|ua t\i., la alaaad liara waak of an,l la addlllon I. ulvinii a alfooji varlaty ihiiw bjr Klonvnra Blana, Jua Plyao, Mahal lludwD. Joba IWy. HlaaJalfnya randy, lha duo Af Walloia, LiUlu Walib, Yoiioa Amarica, IMIy B Howa, Dala AnoMniov,Jaiua.J. I^aouiti. BilwatUIU- tua ud Ilia Uowanl Couady (te. In a Miarhlloit cloalaii ahalch. pALAcaTiiUTaL—Ooaof iho vary boat yaudaTilla ud ▼arlaty aliowaalvan la Botlua for muy moalba la the oae piaaanlea waak of n by Huaaar Auitlo. Ila bu boohad for tlia waak a roiT atmoK anar of alnaara, afllaa, on Ilia Hat ' dueara aad acnbatlo oovafllaa, Durratl Twin Broa, Mornn, Adaiua aad Nu . Wanao and VI9 Rulndau,nii lliair cwuodjr aoccaia, "At It belna lha lulan, W. K. ...uody aaccaia,"At tlia Hacaa," and a aew ailmvainiua lotmlaclaa tha four Dear," followed by a llttlo damoouratlon oa ihapait of Iba amployaa In honor of tha muaiiara. It wUl raopen lata In Aogaat, after aiuy liapniTemaata hara baea KaxslloIOH TBBiTBl.—Uaaaiar Dart dlibaada hla Mock oampany ud UanrSlona aniniaa iba Banaia- nut TbaSummaraaaaoo opeoMae, with M.J. raotoa, theColaaVuLaar and Barton, Mar Bukforl, Muri>b| and Jooaa, Dpaacar Broa., Uttla Himard, .Bakor ana Wrtlbt, and BtrTT Dowlay, of Camenaa' HlnotraU Oaonia mud. In'■The Black rua," D. . „ .. , NimaaDAUlMmni.-In the carlo ball the main altiaauooa are Caplala OUika. la a ballet pianf uat. and MllbloawboiUotabatplaaaadbnlraatbranib blalaah. while tha Loodoo loiparlala pnrlda 1^ tbaatia aatar. lalamnl. Bualoaaacoatlaoaa mod. MOTOL-Maaaiiar Joba U. llan inw la Atlutlc Ohy oew a Bammarraaort rblladelthla Moalc Cjob (la a parforaaaca of lha opaia -lodlana" at the Walnut « aadar tba dlrecllon olTf lUlam Wolalalfar ■Mooajl Haaaalbari, iba Baaabui pluUL «It«« a toaear t II , at lha aarcotlloClab. Da laaaalatad by rradarickHihn. Bnt ollnlot of Bailoa Bympboay Orthaaira......Tba Maao. aarlpl Mualo Doclaty il'M a aracart at Moalcal rood Hall a. „.."IhaBohairlan Olrl"wu wall rudaiad byama- launatlbararkltiaatia U..... Manajar Joho A. fora- pUBb baa baao 111 a(a<a and coanavl to tba bouaa, Gt nolhlai aarloua Ha U now rapidly Impror. Gii Ajaoaamaat oliaclor Pr»k D. Oiyla, of lha ataamar Bapabllc U In Naw York eaaaf laa paapla The coollni aad ToatllaUoapUatorUio BQou la la opar. alloaafbrlMBonimar... ..Tlia Qiaad Lodga olfleaia at tbe oncara- aoclal of tha Hilladalpbla Bka niada a mad abowlai and brlUtut paaea apaocbaa Bandar, B. Wio. 0. Meyara, ol No. I la aow la lha laid for aial«d arajd relar....rTha faib o>minl«iloo baa raoaahland lu da- cUlonaadalTOo lha Park Bomroar ainalo euotractalo nlladalphla ordiaatraa '<l""l'",L,l!*oESS to Maw Mforb, ud Jolna rrocur-i Twanty lhirt Buaat far tha Boousar ElManaiar Charlaa R.Hay«^ of tba Otud Opaia llouia, Atlaatio <^W;,. b" Eona lata lha holal boaloaaa. ud la ojmplatloa a lltnao atnictara, wblcb opaaa an a IjHb pneaa ouaa July 1. ondarlhaoamaof''TleBndolpli/...^.Tbe MUtoa Abori Comle Opaia t>o. doaad Ibalr VrajUra uar oaasowal of bad boalaaia. Thay ijaoma al Ailullc City, opuliB Ihalr raialai aaaaon of "a waaka, bjjia. BlaalaJuly*.... Bualoaan ManaaarA. U."ou. oftha J. H.Walllckto., foa. to Roetowar, Juoa «. aa wpann' laadaal of lha Klanlind 0«»l">.,— i "^!;te"!.* rlafclai Buka eiaamar, llaraaa, liaalai bar tripa MM dparallo Muamr WlUarJ tpaaiar la ont a«ala, worn aad baniud, fron aatara laiannlllaal Ia»ar...... Oaaiwa W. BSHr&wh.r of Bolud lu«lMa onl at Bl"'- aUa For Iho Ba^mar Ch.rlaa B. Bojhor. of Ihla eUr, huuhaBlhamaoaaomutorTboaiuJ.Oradr a"JoUy()W Chama," wbkb opaaa In Beiulao Ao«. ■•■.:• •■/•!!,• WaUIek U tiTlna 10 arraaia hondoo Urn. tor lha Budll and f:aula fctoirn Amy U« and rany'a Rlfarnda Oitbaatfa iH.aa pablle racapllon aod pramanadaeajmn oa lha atOa of Iba PaoRla'a llaonta Friaod U bacfc baTlat doaad wlih Jim Naaaat-a lfau»MI"a'" » "if aoalrwioaalaatwaak .llalph Bloiliajn. tha Jhlladat elaboyoialar,l«ponaeoll«eatber aad food bualBMa 0?KS5i Iteoth. Ba ntaraa JuMU tor ik-faa aad PaodI Clah'a anlaitalniaaat. la honor or lha latania. UMal^raatioa of Piaaa Qabn Aba rlalahaaa tSThaTdana of lha float of th-boaajal Iba Wal. iiL TSEaiar Paawar. af tba Brtad la ajl oa MI, and the oaUar of tha abortua la kla mt- Suta U aald la ban toao aaulad........B. B. SoSn^Mhata Mays Na Api>al, of tha Uar. Ihtly'a Co, at Ihe lltRLiM Upiha llouhB.... .Variety eiiterulnmeiit waa tumlibeil at lUNV rumiH'ii, KiHTiH i lliii,'a, the Uniiin Dguim, I'aiiuniR'ii, tlie Uabiko. the l/iHmis, ii<i*ih', tbe Untral iiriiRi IICHVk. the Oai.viiai'ii, Ibe iilvbi'IC, ud HiHiiH'a llovkHV and Kiiiiirii AviHit, I'orfnnnaiii'en In llelirew ware given at Ihe Thaija, Winibdr ami AnuiHM Sadie Hanlnot began on Maj » a fort. nigbi'a engagenHnt al the nuotiTHiiATKI, In "The Ihkaipon," wblcb waa then aeen fur llie llixl Ume In Ihbiclljr, Haa nguiu waalealuredln llio wl TTieFiiTU AviKitlTiilATiiBiraadark May 13, owing to Iho death of Ibe tsolber or Wn. II, Oaue. Ur. Crane nappeared upoa tbe loUowIng eyenlng Tbo OonroM.Feienoj Opera Oo. Iiegan a aeawn of DemiannpemalTBRHAQkOiRDINTiiBATMan Har U, and gave upon that data the ant pertnrmanco In IbIa oounItT ot "Uar Ulieralelger" ("The Uaater Hloer"), a comlo npent, In tbreeacta, by Uarl/eller, Ila ■Inrj telle lliat Duke lUMleHch, tbo nilor ot a dialitct In Suuihom (leraiany, oima a mine, la wblcb It aulu hla tanoj to work Incognito, he being known thenoDlT u llodeilcb, HarllD.Uie taieuian, leada tbe minora In a iUIke tor higher wagea. Mar- tin baa a aweetboart, Nolly, but be DOfOrtheltn talla In love wlih » preuyglrl, who be auppoeoeln lie a milliner, liul who reallr la tbe Oiuntew Julie, who ban luu awaj from homo to eacape * dlataalo fill maiTlage, Julie, iiaiurtllj, doeaant relum Mar Un'a affection In bind, liut Inatead talli lu love with, the volunteer miner, Hoilertoh. Under audi cIrcuRwtancea the young UukoOnda Itconrenlenlto enorge from bla dUgiilae, the raault.lnliig bla mar riage to Ibe Oounleaa. Martin retuma to hla Ont love, Nolly, and Ibe atrlke la nettled by caiinmlnna lo llin minora. The work waa Ihna caat: Uiike lluleilch, Max HuoU- Uouiiteaa nchtanau, Bortlut I'rinz; /.week, Kinll Hondertuanu; Kitilode, hla wllo, Kill; WIealnger; Tnoblda, Herman Uti; Dnnel, Haitln SloRinami; Uaitin, FerdlnandScbuoU; Nelllo.Uarbi EiiRlandcr; Strolil, Cart Delta; KIlUn, Ktlti IJiiilncr Klnoder, Joaeph Btonor; Nepamuk, Kuill (llaahoiT. ..Atlbe KariHiTimarHR.anornoon ot Hay 14, puplla of tlie lUupliv Ttioain Hchool of Acting, aaalattd by eevoral pnifeailooal plnyon, preaonloU Ibree one act playi, iwn nr which Ihua bad Iboir llnlproducllon upon any iUge, The Oivl pnneiitol atUicne,"lidgar roe," l>y Henry Tymll, preaciiU Home niippoelUuua opiiodn In tbe IKo of that poet. One of Ila obaiaolora li William K, llurton, wbii, lu good huinnradraahlnn,ende«voii to imhit Ihe pool In vailoua wayi. There fai really no alory tiilil In Ihe play, wblcb deala only with liiclileiiu, and la probably InUuited as a atudy ot oliaraolur. It waa Ihna caat: Kdgarroe, Nelaon Wbeatcmlt; Wllllaui Ourtoo, Alfred llaber; Urinell, K. Y. naokuj; Mm, Cloium, Ulllan Ubiea; lloloo, Hay Hunlodonlcu. Tlio olber novelty, "The Cup of TremliHog," a n manUo drama, by A. E. Laucaalcr, telbi In IMnk vene a atory ot Italy wberela a palrlclan buly, wbono allUncod taualiand baa allowed bla iiroctlona In wander, polaona her rival, and then dlKOvera that Uie object ot bar vengeance la none otbef than brr own alalor. It waa caat aa tollowi: Count Qulllo Uaz7.ei1no, Walter B, llaloi Ilr. AmalO, llorliert nueburgb; Jncopo, P. W. Illll; IXoDieda CaiMOl arace HeaU; Valslla, Hata Vllltra; Kola. Kdltli Rudolph, The third play pieaenled waa Iho now ranlllar"Tbe Three Hiaa Uddlea," Atl'ALM BB'riTiiEtTiil, afiemoon ot Hay 10, an entertain' meni waa given torthebenedt of the cbarlly fund ot Edwin Forreat l/idge, Acton' Urder ot Friend, ahlp. Thomaa l|. Ueabrooke and bla company pre aenled the Dnt act of "Tbe Qnnd VIder," and WUIIan n, Onne aud bla company appeared In Iho Ihlid not ot "Ula Wlle'a Palber." HarloD, Uayee and Hailon, aaabied liy tbe Hbaen WInablp, Blahop and Warren, appaared In the dance, "Ve Olde Time Oellea and Haiui;" Wm, Ulllolte made an humuniua addieaa, Uin HeiTllleea HlHtaia pre nented their npeclally, lleale Uonoblll aang, the Onkgga gave their uraballo aot, and the perfotui' anoe concluded wllb tbe aecond act of "Hun, Hana- Oene," In wblcb appewed Kalbrru Kklder aud the membenof Augualua Fltou'a company Althe Piini AvmuB TUBATiB, aflemwin of Hay la, number of young lailloa belonging tu the faablun aMe net appeared hi a leilea ot decoroun living pin- ijjmu^M Ibe l^ouTbeuIre faullne Hall rame I uireaatueulerUlnnontglvonlnaldoribeKlnilar U, and puyod "Dorcaa'' for Ilia Moadl of lha auiuloyaa g^^o and Potted PUnt AnaucblUon Al the of tha Lyao ud Uoatoo Ba roatI, cnooactad wlili lha I a».w" Aniarican rSdaiaUaa uf Ubor. nii did a fair bualaaa.. OiHIKO then waa ehoWD on May 10, for Ihe nnl „ _ „ _ B«ollMarbh-n'J>ownlii Dlnay"waapra»nl{dllfortha u„, S^S'^i^W^K5ii1ISSiV,-f^^^^ Ja'Ml£»?t£ "&~A!;!'pl2tTb.!!'.'l?,'Jn°d*rr plcur.rd«dgied by (I. von P, him, and called by TgloloaatiheA^TTieatraJune 3,for the beoeatof Jo**ph Or^tao Aaylum Th* Scli*olay Park naaloo Mio b* opened S. It la one oi the lanten pUc«a of amuiemoot In thla conotry. and alee one f>T tbe coat- laaL It lodudea a lante caronml, aa otthetirlan, caasd rollerakatlngrlnka,a<llnlng hallatcommnlatlDg oo* thoomad, hin*ioaeop*A, ahuOleboarda aad many other fcatorea. Neil Pall tliata will be •reeled a roof ganlao. Tb*prlncipalown*nar*Maoag*nllarrTDarlK, oftbe Ellen Muaeai. and the Wldoer Blklna Traction Rail war Syndleata B. D. Biiuluhaa been oogag«d a« roan- Her The Banom * BalUy BIww will he at(»U Eipo- 00 Park » and n. Wllknbam.WRiiK8 A. Uernos* "Sbore Acres" waa preaeotad by a capable com^ny at the Oram! Opera Uouae, Hay U, to gnod alted aDdlaooea. With "Bhor* Acrea*' thli bouae elo*e« lu roguUr aeaaon. Mraio Uali.— Milton Noblea, lo mertorr, week lt-18, played to fair bualneaa. To come: "Tbe aalieyBUra" 91. ; I, a, "Privata B*creUn" S, 34. A Nahl-Biadley'a Bronu fliatuea, wIthBaaale Btaittoo,17,0,9, Puliartoe, Qjuaglclan, 21,8, SO. Orm TRiATRR.-Bualo«aa hu ba*D fair aloca the racant opeoing Poriheweekof 0 thare are billed Ward and Brtiwo, Baaomoot Slataia, HcanlaB aad Biareo^ DIUoo aad Pino, Tyrtoa, Omr an^ Carrie Monroe. Por week 27, Lenn'a "Ulila'a Land '* . . N0TCti.-T1i*Maud lllllinan Co.*a dalaabar* been can- ned Manafer Waltnr U. Mack, of Mualo Hall, went to Bcrantoo r*c«itly and attached the proportlaa of lite -rroe Irirti Deartt" Co. for tloUt lon of their pontract to ineair* appearetbl. boaaa Apri» «.S£mlnjl Jodg- JSi^^i'^J^tJ^u^^r^.iSVli" Bent for th* foil amount claimed..^...M»nagar_J.,p. | »"aj^^(, HcaauR.-Tborib* two "OllverTwIatf theAlnealOald here thla week, aa tliera rocenll; adoat Uiat Mr. Miahler wlU eooo run the Academy oo tba PODular price plea Manager BurgunderbaHUndared irrr... r,...-%—^ « Ifiuae, tree of cbam, to Geo. „. ,wa,...-sru aa.. a. w... M. RobloaoQ 1* afllloed WlU kooMotorolojia. UelaanatlTooftblacitv, aod waa for ■OTenl year* eonneclad with Kata OUeIod'* '^«o Orpbana'^Co. IbabenelltwIllocourSl.andalargenuut- Hindoodaocera. In tha TauUeTllledlvertlaaaatentara a Bcore of comely glrl^ headed hy Neule Peiar* aod Bttle Albion, and the element lafuniiahMl by Phil r•Ul^ Jdm Lawrence, Ham Adamun aod J. J. Nolan. LtuiUH TllRATRR.—Pia atiracilvn pat on thla week by ManaRer Batcheller eooaiata of theOaalnoOlrU Barlea^ue V.1K, headed by Alice Qltmore, and who wDlappear Id dm* Junction with Sandnw'a rlral, BkobeL the atruog man. In a varlsd eotertainmeni ofcoBHdyandhurlfHioe. Reaklea tbe two above named there are In lha troapo: Uelaroye aod PrItJL Dan Mavm, W. II. Burke, tllluiore and Buahell, lATenleSlaiar*, VeUereMJlranl andTtiotapgwo. Ed. Ilal laRber, Ned WeaL MeAvoy and Roger*, May Bal«U* Bel- moot and Clia«. Whalleo. Tlie ahuw la ctntlnuuualiere, id Manager BatdieUar baa been doing a very fair bual- Ai'vriN ABiORi'aMiraRUM.—LnuliiCrr, who elalnii bi be tbe Ptrungeatmao lo tbe work), ta the great roaiiiet tltac will uodoubtetlly draw Iiur* cruvUa to Hlone A Hliaw'a houH* thla week, aheo he will aataiolah the public by hU feaia of slant atreagUi In tJie lecture runiii. lie w^llbea«lat«d by lilaaturdy broUier, Peur,and tltaei- hlbltion glren hy tlieae inouiiro Nerouloana (a ear* to be an lotsroatlnione. Other butoI fealurei arealaotobe aeon lo Ihe hall, aod on tbe theatre atagetwo larcecom- rocenihr duplication if pl^y' >l the mm* houwa. Managar Lutiirop announoea the drama fur Iheeurtent ereekatriU Roulh Bod thaaifV, and It \n, aa nbovo iiotked. al«o la be [Iran at another houaa. Ai Un Oraml the can will be led jyMr. and HnkJay lluntaa Bill Hlkeaaml Nancy, re epeetlTAly, with lltueCharlotUaBOliver, aodlhe auppprt by the Grand Muaeum etooh. In the variety eouruln- mootareOarrleRaler, Uarrle Plehllng. Naigla Walker, vaKtMaa- v-. "■'"~r'',-,t,"'-if"i" I mooiareuarrie naier, uame FieHjing, awiRie naiaer, berofpromlaent Pf>Pl« In H^? Pi^JV'J^^^hu «Vi? P«i»« ¥w\iat (aopruo), Kd Parker (i*oor), Prloee meredtoap«mranaglTe a mammelh «^^ j^u,, cimpbell. ibe Boilng Bm»ke 600 and Ulnmeot The nam** of thoae wh* bare already I Baaneu. ^m.—Tne maaageinf nt ol the Boatno Thaatr* ha* of. Inred a UO) pair of "Trl|by''ellp|iet« loth* lady Ikarlutt tlie Binalleat fvet In town. The ■Ifupen are now on eibt- , bllMO lo the wlnoow nf one of our alioe atma Prleoda of Barney Pagan araarmntUig lu kIvo lilni a rwialoK banedtatnaearlydat«,aada atrong Hal at aur Ulant baa already volantaertd Tlwa. E. t^lltford, baritone ■loger. who appear* at Kellh'a thla waek.Iiaa auog for aeveral yearn la church choir* li Boitun and Tldultr, and made a big auccaai la*t aeaauo witli th* Deoman Thompion Co Manager "Jack' T. fyoaa, iif E*lth'* Providence Open lluuae, one* mora lo hla naUT* city, Boatuo. after an aii a«oce of all year*, and diirioM the abeence uf Moaar*. Paul Kelfh and a«o«ral Manager B. K. Albee In Europe thla Bummer Mr. PyD«a will hare charae of Keith'a hew Mu'jiTirTi^i^iVnMViii^hira'r^m'in^ I Tbeattwbara. U* la lovhing walUand haalncrwaaed ma- SSSSA^l^tSS^i^tbTM^l'^^ IflSyrdJ..''«^V -Oun",of the agent. BaalaoeURiMd a oommlialon oo lh«B«,U)Dln ">5**1J" tSeaal* of the opera boa*e,oo Mr. RonmTwrman agree. expremed their lotenuon of appearing era BllUProoior OtkLbxle Bvana, Arthur PorraRt, wm. Beaefa, Harry MIIU, Michael Leonard. Qua Wllllama, Jaa. an* BonnI* Thornton, and Mark Sullivan. Altooaa.—At the BlbTenUi ATeau« Operft Uoiue th* D* Woli Hopper Opera Campaof, In "Dr.Bynui," doaed the aoaaoo IS with a luge huaae. NRwWORto'BMoaRR(foraeriyihe World'aMeaeoro).- Oraoavr A Lyone'Company opened with ROod bualneaa I IB. The company eoiwUu of Prof. Oiaoger, Mlaa Annie I Abliott, Prof. BpanHler aod Prol J. A. L*od. NOTD.—Th* trial ol the foiwlgo eltachoMnt caaa of ei- Manager B. D. OrlawoU ra Wm. W. Roue*, ai-owner of I thra*T*oth Av*oa* Opera Honaa took place in oor | BlalrOoontrCoortir. Mr.Grlawoldclaimed theaumof | mant that be wouU b* llb*rally comp*naatad. Tbe de- fendant malDialocd that ibeaceountaailaUDg between tbemhadbvan w)uand.and th* opera hoaia nalecDm- mlaton olaun waa only mad* altar their ralatlooa had been a*T*T«d, and was aa afterthought of Mr. QrUwoU'a Oo May 18 tb* Jury ratunad aTenlkt lofkvor of Mr. GrlBwoU fortSl.RC with InteraatfVom dept. I, IM...-- Ma B. Raymond, advance piam agent of Walter l*-^MalB'a rircua,waalnournetRhl»rlng townpf Tyrone 10, mak- ing artangemenufor giving aneRblblUoo le that townar. 8«mntoB.—At the AcRdemr ot UdsIo it» left- wn cloi«* HayD wlih Jaa. A. Uame'a "Shora Acne," which alaoeloeeatb* aeaaon of ihU ooopanf. Davis* Thritrr.— Th* Nabl.HraiJUy Vaodavlllan and orleloal IIvIor broom ■latuaa doae tbe aaaaonw**k ofS). Laorri. Hiu. Parr Sorhrr Oahhr amb Thratri, with J. U.Laio* aa lauee and maoager.osena Mwltb Ollroora'a Bead, lor two day^ fdlowed by ivo weeka of flrat dasa raodevllle. Pni.Morria aod pool*a,Oyi*p*. dancer: the Londgreane, George Pi*bllng.O(wo*r,club twlnnr: Marl* Wanan ar* among thoae who will ftpp*w. Tbe Park hai beao Bttad up at graat eipuM hy the HCfanion Traction Co., and lodudea one 01 tbe uaat Bommertbettraa (o th* nountry. aeadlog.—TtiB PbllAdelphU Novelty CompftDT nma to large boalitew at the Academy «r Maalc Hay U. D* Wolf Hopp*r. In "Or. Byotai." dnw one of theUrgaat audleoc-aof Ih* aaaaoo I& at advanced ptlcea. The coo- ,A AanwaaaalK Banal IV *M WfU attOndOd. _ Pair and Midway did a W. O.llarrla'NIcbel Ptate rOdeon,Ta bually eonged In preparing fbr bla , .^an trip oeit month. lie will be rod* abeu' weeka, aod return with a k«d of foreign auractlona. Tbe peraoBld and huuaehotd elTtcii nl John artd Marlon Maoola Maioo war* uU, IT. at public audloo. Anwug tliam w*r* two handaome doga—a hug* Eugllah niaatilT and ao Irlah a*tt*r. l.ow«ll—-At Ihe Opera Uotue "Fi1eDdR"pU7»1 a raturedataforualMr** beneRtIS, to good houa*. Hhaa. lo "New Hagdallo," Id, did «ood bttda*aa, and "UtUe Lord PftuotMroy" drew well IT, IB, whldi doied th* ami •00 at thla bouae. Mono Halu— Cameron tllamena ptayad a i»p*rtory w**k*odlBgU;to)lghlliouaea. I«U Pomerov come* U for weak, an«r whlcfa th* aeaaon doaaa at thla liooaa. Thomaa k Wataoo hav* railred frran the maaanmeol, aod no dedolt* erraoRemaot baa yet beaa made for neat BUOU TURATRl,—Thla houM la cluaed. Tli* lloaoa* lain Jte nam* of U. i:. CHiurch, and Uila will hav* U be tiana ferred or a new lleoBa* obtaio*d before the Itouae oaii »pen a*ita*taoB. _. . , « Xarovjiw TiiRATRi.—TbIa houa* opaoa for Bummar «X7,wlihth*ailb*rt OpeimCo., under ilMmanan- ;or Jamea Gilbert. "lotuthe"la the opening bill. for wblch L. A. Prederleka haa Minted aome newaoenary. Bthal BMek will uke the leedloKaopmnun American Ofdieaua(Erail Borgea,dInKlor) cert of the Oennaola Band, 17, waa wtU attended. NoTBL—Poropaugh'a Traction ^eek of LI. Kodbualnem wl__ owa eome, 0.34... Wm. W.Beliilncer )enUforBuitalo,l lion of the BlhL'TbeMukedBtU,' , May 17, doted a fairly aucc«aa(^l maon tithe Opera HoUM. Badnau waa Ug with D* WoUOopfMrRand na?rld>urga«iml BoclMy^^^^ 'jEHJrtill l^.^.Maaajjr I Nathan Appall ha* acc*pt«d a poaltloo aa adveillaing | pUyed to a big hodoeaa IS-U -~. ~. - acent 00 th* aieamer Kepublle. which make* dally ei* I of lu moat aaccaaciul aeaion* In Raw Ifaven, Cooo. —a tM.ii^ »«<^«fb* ub> rfii*iB*theSam. | Baimdayerenlog, Junel. ootalonalrom Philadelphia to Cape May during thaflom- m*r Manager J. 6. ib* Ed*a Moeee, will mantg* Hanover Park, naarWllkeabarr*,Pa, during the | Summer. LsMcmatcr.'At Fultoa** Oper» Hooie John Onw, In "Tb* Buturdl**,*' had a large and apprwdatlr* audience Mar IS Raranm A Balbr** OUona cam* to blgbtuSMMls Harria'N Ick*! naucfita* dld w*UIT,ia. MAS SACHUSE TTa BoftoB.—Tte tbeatricRl seuoD bere wrocr _«c*. Th* general ckMing up lUne fur tb* regular boom* U oaar at band, and Job* 1 will probably •*• th* majority of them with locked daora,not to be raoponed until lha nguUr Pall •eawo begtoa Tb* Booton Muaeum and Park theairea "pat op tlie abntUra" afler the per- riimu^eHayia. tbe llolllaBtreai Theatre wli roftow ault 10 aboat two weeka Tba Bortoo Theain willpnb- ablr boU open noUl July 1, and the Oraod Opera Ho— **UoSIn'8TRBRtTRRATRR.-Ed. K BIcM aod bUflorpHaa Party cornea to thla bouae B, aad wlUilvena* rarlvalof bL" w(Ui a eirong cait, among whom are Tberaea wAn. In her charming voealiam^ and WUttr Joa*ea* a llrpaoll*er. We are amurad that "W b*a been oraoihly laeeoaifacted and **bi«agbt op to data," ulent la all locaL Prod Murphy, atag* manager i do Hall, haa bla benadt In thta bouae 7\ aa^ ad Dial wm b* gtveo b«ra,0, to L«w)aM. Packer,* young oiao who recently loat both haoda by an accident at the ThnmaooUouitoa Kleclrlc Worka. Ninio IlAtaia.—Tbe Renif-Baatlay BurleHf|ueRompaoy '■ " Th* Cijnpaoy doaaa one _. flui aeawoa In " Batarday evening. J WoRMt«r^At ibo Wur<:Q«)er Tbtuilre "Rob Boy'MrewegoodlMnaeMayU. Bandoa hail a big bouae '1. "A Yenula* Yentlamaa" Zl. "LliUe Lord Pauntle- '^rmtBtrrrt OrRRi Uoi-RR.—TIte HaUlor Burleuue Co. drew amall b^Hiiaa U-IA. Hanti'Haotley packed Uif bouaalt-IA BooToo VBud*TlllaaW«. LOTHROK* OrRRA llocmR—lola Pvmenty had big an- dUoeea dnrlog h*r *nnj«meot laat week. Oameroo ClaaeoaV-fialUtiiarln* Rob*rf7-Jaa* I. NOTBL—Aoado'e Ulnouao* w*ra alraodad b«ro alter their perfurmaoeo, aoder the oauie ofHattiar'a Burleatjue Co., U, and tha mamtMraof tlie comrany wer* helped out of towB "Prloceaa PlHMa," th« oi^ra, la loMtiro- daced in MnrliwroW, ondcrthadlradioooTihaeuiiKir, John M. Kondal L LawiwBM^At Un Open Uutue. week of Hay II ih*Bawte)l* Dramaile t^e.. In rapenory, pl*r*d to liftiii tradorm. Tb* bouae doaed (or the aaaaoo U. Oaring the BomoMr meoiha a choruagb r*oo*atin| will Uka rlaaa, the aeeoery will all be reioochwl aod^oaw addl- loaa mad* In atag* aOarta. tboreoihly laeeoalfaciad —_ new f«tut*e and apadaltlea belog laifadaeedj "b^B them a eearkllng ifaveeiyoo 'Ttm oriRloal flrlog piciui**. Tbe eitn _ - Mii w**k.. ftalvWe aoRagamani doaaa tA. wlih >^ illaoyl'a | nlll r— tMidoraa. Ihe BomL... — ilaae, the aeeaery will all be reioochwl loaa made In atage aOarta. TBBBtoa^Al the New Tbeetn WUliam BAny, In "^be R*dBg O«nentloo." came IT, to fair raluma Thoaiai Willlamaoa, tbe veleraa t»lll pottarofthla diy, aUf Dptod eaieide in •raotaentof t«mporary Inaaotty, by eotUag bl* thr oat, IR. ^ ^ ^ OREGON. Tbra* OuardBm*o.* Ciana Sgoaaa Tai«aa.-Maaa«ar B. B. Baaa baa niada a dacldad Ml wlih hU Sammar aaaaoa of opaia. iMn waak "Booaaclo" waaKlraatairrBalbaalaMa,aad irroUowod ihU waak bf Colllara ila.aaaoa'aenaadr iJ.Sr^S'o'bJ." able!! will ba foUowal waa* of 17 by ^lia llaeh Haw." la caanacUoa with tbo Caala (iQnaTa tbora la not a boaaa Id town thu U BMia Ibor M.1,1. "bllM." Partlaad.—At tha Mai^oaia Omnd "The Olit I Lau Bablad Ma" waa praaantad Mar M. Baalaaaa ana Kad Urtfflth'a "raaat" a.ll. waa predocUaa of fair alaa«. "Alabana" la bookad for IX **Tae Old Cru- ' Ooaaaav'BTaBaTBB.—Eaalea Ooodridb eloaad a waak'a •oiBffawat 7. Bualoaaa waa fhlr. Ttia Ihaatra ' dark. HoaiOBU'n Maw Taa*Taatloai4C*.-llaad loaa, Baaar »>»■•'-. .1- .. ■? _ -ic, wllilains FraJ Wade aad <jonr aknuarM of lha plaT will ba alrlrl i*prodaak>aa a UMTiawIaiaof Cnitakank aad olban, aad mm- I -a weak with Olekaoa" that baa aarar baaa aar. Ti>ou.-IaiBa Piaaala, ndUnillald, Aar ■oaabaD, ■aia Ooafh, Baaa Kaalaf aS II laU imiaaim. aa a Rarden, with ftawlog paloia, poUad abrulia and blooolot planu. Al the losr nt Iho atoge waa a marble gateway, and hen aod Uieie amid the dimbliefy were padtalala, aome of wblch ■uppofted nniB, hot lire ot wblcb were uUllied tor the living mudeli, clad lo wblla and poalog aa KulpUrad marlilo. Fire laldeaux were abowo, eaeb employing Ibe Ive modela, and nhowlng the raiylsg eiftcu ot auutio, noon, aflemooo, euoaet and night The Itevaty Opera Ui, Dnlataed Ib necond and laat week at the Uunu Urau llouag. Tbe repertory tor the weak Included "Uartha," la; "Oannan," U; 'Hio BobemlaD GUI," maUnee 16; "<krallei1a llaatlcsna" and "1 ragllMcl," evening isj "Fault," l»; "Tannhauaer," 17; "II TrovaUiie," matinee U, aod "(;avallena Huailcana," wllb por- Uonaof "HIgolatUi" and ot "Uanneo," evening ut ii. At Aiair'a Tuutm, on Hay II, the Ulllan Huaaell Upem Oo. produced, for tha nnt Ume upon any atage, "The rtlgane," • comic open. In three ecu, by tieglaald de Koven and llarry B. HDllh. no acenw of the opera are located In Huaala, tbe period belof tbat ol the Piencb Invaaloa In Mil. Vera Ifanovns, tbe boroloe, bi a gypay fortune teller, who la lo kive with Kaalmir Ahdrovltcb, the beir lo Ibe ealale upon whlob nhe la ■ aeif, Bhe la, in tact, beuolhed la Kanlulr, hat ibe liecoDiea aeparated tiom Un through bla loberluiue ot • dite. Fcailia that be will be oelnie lo her, aha raolvoa to irla a poaltloo u apleoiUd aa bU own, and bance ihe goaa lo Moacow, when, aided by aome powerful fitanda, abe bopea 10 Inptove her gift ot eoog aod becomefaoooaaa a adnger, lo tha BMood act la ahown an Ice palace oo UM light of a nuaqnende baU. Vem'a irlth haa beao ■atlaled. She U oow a rioi*r,reaowiied oad oau1ad,*nd it thla ball abe Bgilo metta Kailnilr, who l a ii iWi bli towi of lore, na cow the Iitelll|«o* tbat Mifotaoa baa III—111 tha tlonlla', aod h Uw Ice palace mella amytheaanemMlngot Ihe Rualau liuopa babown, Tbe ilae ot the cuiuio npoo Ihe thifd act lUacloaea Uaaack camp, wbllher oooMi Von In Ihe garb ot vlvandlen, Bhe bringa lalelllgenca concerning the weatnoaa ot tbe Pranob (oma, and enittavora baalen an attack upon Itieni, Uhe tloai not iuooeed, however, tor Ibe Huanlan conmander beallalce, ami tbo opportiinlly la loat hecauae Ihe telnforconuiit ut the Invaden, and Ibe acene oloaea with an oxblMUon ol Imvery npoBlbepartof Kaalnilr. Tbe Inal avonoibowaa I Tllbtgo lu Whiter, when all ot tbe charae- tera aaMmldo, and whore tbo irlnmph of true love bi duly nhown In Ihe union of Vem and Kanlmlr, The ■10(7 haa many oploodlral aiMlilona, wbloh not only fall h> adorn It but involve It In alnioat Inextilcabh) oontOBlon, Mr, Sndlb baa mile rrannn tn bo proud ot bla book, Ila lyrica an>. It In true, nbllo uU*- Ikuury, but Ibi dialogiio U wllbniil tiierll o( any and, or wit or hunKir iben bi not a trace, nor la iheroany expteaalon ot acntliiiont which ban tbe gennlno ting, Ur, 1)0 KoveA haa liecn more aucoemTul. The mn- nlo which ho ban conlrlliulod In Iho work In In Ibe iiutin Ibe mmt amMUnui ho baa yet vrrllleu. It dlnpbiyn gnat alilllly, anil In nnny nt Ila nuuboni nhowii rcllncil laalo ami deltcato fancy. It la, bowovor, of pmvnklngly nnoven merll, atui, although It nbowM groat variety of rrtbinlo form. It bioka dialliiollon and talla olthor In dollghl Iho ear or Impnaa tbo iitoniory. Uitoh of the mtido la too nolny, ami, willlon an II aan In ni«ler for a coui. pany of thU norl, II miint lio citunlilnrod a mInllL ftkon In lU onllrvly the anin of llibi work baa a loobniral value that will aild lo Ur, lie Knven'a tame, but II la buking In Uhm iiunlllloa which win popubtrvohllutntapiimval, of Iho petfnnnance Utile can im nald In pnlno. Ulna Hunaoll U not tiled oltbor liy loniperament or viical training tor Iho natlnfacbiry rondoiloRot aiiub mualo aa waa allutlod 10 her, imr did tbo vocal aoora atbrd aueh opportunllloa In the other princlpabi aa would en- able them to Iw hoani In llio lionl advanlagn. The thno roninllanii—JoHlmon do Aiiinlli, Fml, SohHnoii aod Joneph llerlwrt—laboivd hanl tn . nuke dull mloa clTOciIre, niid deaervo miiob pimlae fur tholr oiTiinn, Ur. Ilnilwrt WM llin moat Huccoanful nf tho Irin, Ina almniicliaraater croatinn, and. In tart, ha fhlfiy won tbo cmof honon ot iho ocoaalon, In npilo of Iho lnailoi|iialu opportiiiilllea aniirdod hint by llio aiilbiir. Ur. Hinllli ahould, by tho way, writs bin InokH In two aobi, lor a third neema alwaya tn get lioyonil liU rnntiol. In Ibo conalniullon nf bin iHmkn ho nvoiiw to moot with Ibonortiif iliniaiilljr wbliMi,arnmlliig In Imilllbin, hoael Ihe Uhlneae In llio nuking iil a barrel. They auccecilcil, wo ara liild, vviy wrll unlll Ihoy had put lu Ibo hoail. Tiila Ihoy nulbifacU>illy acconiplbihcd with Iho alil nf n iiutii iipnn Iba liulde. hut ItnUII piiuled ihoin liuw In got hliii nut wlllioni npniling llioir work, Ur. Hnilth baa given na many an anlldlniax In hin llilrd acin, lint oxcoplliiH Hint of "Ibililii lluwl," but novor liai* be Micuocdod In pnaliiclng nun an iillcrlyilupbl,an ilovnM of rcg. nonalilo motive, anil mi piil|Mlily Ilka the nviiiwi llial oaoie nut of the tiiounlalii, aa bi Iho iiiiorllo diilali of UiU work, tit iliiim onuagnil In tliu croatinn and praiianHnn of llila wnrk llio pitnrliml hnnnra fall In Iboncono |talnlcr, lliii ooaliiitinni and Iho maker nf pmperllea. Tho nlago ploliiron aro full nf ninolaMi. btrottbutlveneM.anil aro iiiiijiiiiHiliiiialiljbaiiibiniiiu, anil owing tn tbo woallb nf oiiilHilllHliiiioiit, cniii. blued with tailing iihiiniBcn niiil oiccalliigly tlhio- live nrabnlrallnn, thu wnrk will altraiil a great dual ut altunthiii, and a niiccrMful rareur fur It may lie anllcliHluil. It wan Hum rant: Vara, Ulllan lluiaell; Uarynka, Finm Fliilayanii; Katlinir Andtnvltcli, IliilHirt Wllke; Vawlll, Jrifrraun de Angella; (luuoral IbigiialHy, Fral Hnliiniuo; Oojut lllulbi Ceaarln, Jiiicpb llutlHirt; Nliiolla.L'lan lyme; Herglua Hiivaniir, Ur. Mcllurn; I'rawuivla, r.b>ra Hcldon; Moiiluiiaiil Vladimir, Juauiicllii I'urle; Uouteiiaut KUnlalaiw, llclmi lb<alrli:o; ^untenant Urcgor, UillallahiilJouleiiant Ivan, May luyninnd; Naryncliblii, Ur. Adiiniliil; a |«go. Him Kimlor. Thu uriiory waa paliileil by lluiiry K. Ilnyl, tbo coa- luiilun wnra lliado by K. i;aHllulwrit and llaxlab, after doalguH liy Hiiio. Helillr, tlio lunponlen wi-ru made liy Klwanl Hclillv, anil thu inaclMiilual viroula by U, 1>, UuUleliau, IMil Utclmlurif waa tuimlual difeokir, and Ibe uulira iirHluclInn waa iiiiiler tba dlreclluuof Uax Frooiaan AiHT.JaMaallAU., evening ut May U, Ibo bllerJ, an aiiialcur nrgaiilta- tloo, gavoa iwrfnriuatKo iil II. U, Caiuni'n Ibteo aot play, "Hunllglit ami Hbuibiw.n fur Ihe Iwiia. lit of the peiwlun fniiil »l llin Haiiiiy llmib llluU' Ihiiievnloiit AaaH:lallnn Tliu uiiiiago- inout of the Uuliiu In again hi cliango baiiila. Tha alorm which haa lung liouii iliioaleiilug lira Aninanna baa liunil upmi ilieni, and on May la lliey won dUpnMKWil. UwyurOuurgsFnlfcbl, again for Ibo Illxliy ealate, wblcli nwiia llio gruuiiil iipnn which the Uaainu nUnla, iilibiliied llio illapoancna warrant tniin Uvll Juntico Hiloer, lu ilie Klgbtli \»»- trici Ooort, upou llio uniiiiid Iliat ilio Aruiiauim bail failed bl pay onuipmrlor'a rout nf t3,mi aud two yean' back laion, aiiiauiiibig bi to.iKU, nuking n tout IndeiikHluoM nf |l'i,U(ja. Tli' warrant wan nerved almut loa, a., aiiduvury niie lu llielmlld- liig waa roi|Ulied to leave Uiu linunu, Huiiaeiiuoully Ibo Aruunuoa worn alluwod tn reiuru, aa an act uf ouiirteay, that tboy lulglil have the una nf tbu ofllce, aud tbe ainplnyea, porfunncn and iiiiial claim wuro albiwed ui runiuvo tlioir punonal eirenia, Nu porfnruiaiico waaiilvou ellhur atleriioon nr night, and performon wore In iiraat dUUnnn.cnnoeniliig their lalarlen, IJtlgaUuu ut aiiiiio nnrl will diiulil- lOM eiiiiie, but, uiilnn tlio IjoDdbnliloni pay Ihe In- deblndnean Inr taxua, ur nlilalu wiiuo relief fruui the cuctm. It In likely Illll Ihe IlixliyMUbi wlIU o Into puanoMl it till oullio pmpcrly wlthnul ibo payiiiout of the 101,000 wlilub, ii|hiu Ibo lenulnaUnu nt Ihe laaao lu IWI, Iliey would bavo lieen iilillgol lu pay, acoordlug b> Ilia provUlniu lliereot, 11ut In a BUio, however, which la wnrtb Dghiliig fnr, ami Ihe end aeoma yet far <af. Honani, iliiiary A Uderar have lieeu olfofrd a leaao nf Ihe hnuae, hut, at the lime ut writing, Ihclr ileuUInn liu not lieeii an Dooncad. Till HTia TiiltTHI, whlub i:liiied Uay Is fur Ihe aeaaon, will open noil aeaaon aa i popular priccil cinnblnalliin bmiae. Manager Una, Inleuil. Ui give time b) Ont cbina riini|>aiilra niily, and no cunipany will lie given niuro than a weok'a lluio, no that (bore will lie a oiiilloual cliaiigii duhiig Ibe leaaou. Aiuuog Ihe allraclhmi alinaily aunoiinced lu ap- mar ara "Tlie Fnuiidlliig," "tho Uaniiuondaia," "ifiwlng the WIml," "tim Much Juhoaoo," '-Tlio Fatal Dard,"andall nfOhaMeaFrnhouu'acompanloa; Uun lleeie. In hla new play, "A Yeiiuliie Yoiillo- uau;" ■■Itei," "MUlo I'hrbibipbor," Kellar, Ilia magician; ■■ater F. Italy, lluyl A UiTKee'a attrac- UouB aod UaznwB'a new vaudeville company, Charlea Unrnhaiii, ihu baa lienii Mr. Minn' aciliig manager for a uuiiiliorni jrara. will cuiillniio tiHll- ncl the furliinrn or Ibe flUr iinilrr lin now inillcy. AT HiKIB'a Ibiwiav TiliiTHB. Mar U.iluring a perfftraiance fur Iht lieneot ut tbe Acbin' I'rnKcU Ive Union, nomo electrical dWuilianco alinnal cauMd a panic. Tlieie waa n cry uf "Firei" and aenral pomona nialied fur Ibo exlm. lu Ihe otuwdliig that onaucd niio ur tarn were thrown down ind liadly l.nil»til. "nlir waa oiHin raniored when It waa found tuwo waa no raal danger, and Ibe peffomiance wan reniiiiod , „ „ ^ ,..„, AiiHiriT«anfnan<l Fulled ITaiil Aaoctaiilonwuglrrn mi lha aftermain ot Hay la, al the Fitlh .tvciiii" Theatre, The prograinnie In- cluded Mile, rilnr Uortn In a munnlnguo, lablcaui vivanta, lu wlil. b a nuinlior of noclf ly ladlea nmk nan, alagliig by la CoUie Marhi,and Mm, Anne EulkeleMIIlK and tb» Twanivaecoiid Hegl«»i« llaod under tho direction of Vlclor llerliert. Tha beneOI nrtied alwiil %va> lor Uie awocUl oo, John U liaaHin, who haa hern c<innect»d w Ih the tbeaurn nl lloalno, Haai., ai mniloal director for many yeara, baa baen eoiaged by Unit » McKaalotake charge of Ihe orcGeaIra at IIoyl>a nealn o««l anaoo.