New York Clipper (May 1895)

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182 THE NEW YORK GLIPPER. May 25 KP.nm*B Chioh SauARiTnRATRic—AgaUiwu thU hoiiHo Ollvil to rrplcllon tSotvMkj, Uftj ao, and thoM whn occnplcrl nil of tho Iho Mfttlng nptM ftnd OT«r- iiiiircn tlic nifindlnff mom were ent«rulMd by biiiuriiniiffiit nticij titii 1« nr«i7 «4|iiAie(l. Tbe ihrvo YoficiiriK niAtlo ilieir debut »t ibti tbMtro found immedlnto riror, thdr ftcrotMtlc work belog fiillj wnrthyor tlie Al>iindanc«or ftpplBOM tbe/were nnconled. Inc7. MeriiHker retimed for bar foartta enffnifenient ml thiH hoDM, and iDtroduced for tbe nm ilmc an net ihnt for noveltr and gennlne merit iiHH mi Iwcn RurjioiMd In the recent uoftli of vHuderltlo crtnllonH. "IJrchtDHorNewYort*' In ttie iltle,iinil lUonActnient liitroduceH m lAiidof rooDg< Htcni In Hircct mrIIdkii, nod on ibe ceutmf flfpire MliMNecuflkerHlnRH a numborof catcbr melodlen with tho MslittAnco of four lltUe fflrU, wbose talentA Hdilfniicli loitiOHi't. In tbU turn an orobentrlon IH intnMliicRd with oxrelleni etTect, to ptay tbe ftlra Hnd itcrompHnimenbi to tho MogK, aod furaUb nu hIc for tho (laniTH and frolics of UialllUo people, The act U a Hcene of continual anlmatloD, bi de i'MnAlj original, end made tho bit of the evening. Maudlluth and miijH.aiirord eDtared tbeaecond week and laxt half (if their Htar, and bj vlrlue of tholr QcrompllNlimtrnUi uulntalDod Utelruaual ita linn In the front mnk rtf tho faTorltea. Allc« ~ llngdon. an allrartJve looking joiiDg lad/, waa made H favorlto, her whlHilliig IteloR riill/ appre* cliiied. ricurjru Kvaiie, "Tbe Honej Jooj," relumed to tho Hcoreji oT frlomU ho inailo during bta flrst eo- tngeii>ciii Ht ilitH hniific, aoil hj hia nweal alnglog ndtlcd hII the iiowrnuieni to hIa lUtof advocaten, IllH (inUhird wiirkwonfor hini wnll deeerred wic- i-eiM. Oliarluy iManinnil wax h> no ineana forgot, ten. hlH linrp aoloe beInK a fi'Aluro of Uie «-V4>nltiR*fl criUTliiliimiiil. Othcnt who conU1l>nted 111 lliflHtirrCHinf iiio downrltflit uxrclleat hill pro- vlili'd were I'niin, an jittmcilve yountr ladj. In a ilnlHlietl ilHiii-liiff HiKclnlly; the three (Jnniian Urotli' rm, lu n iicirm art nf roiHldenble merit; Tonck mid Hl4:cl, In u iHillilnil tuillni; Uontagiieand Wetd, In a inuHli'nl rfinirliniilon; lloimti und Olonroy, In u rjitncdy Itii.vlrig htni; \V. J. Mllli*, In a moni>lugiii . UolMT and AHcn, hi a iroiiradyrikolcli; Tuni aiiil Jack RoHHiOT, In ii Cnlih: akmch; TIioh. |». Vun Orrten. lnamiuUcaiact,and ihu llowloiu, In a well tlntefl coinadj oreallon, making In nil » hill of niurc tlmii ArdlD&rr merit, and one that whn well uiijojol Po(ntTiR}miaTRmTniuTBK.-Diii'l Hnlly lotik poeeeeidon of tbe etage at this hoiiHODnMuiidHji Hayao, foran ODgageiooDt of indcflDlto duralluu, and, aided by a company of nioro than ordinary effloloncy, preeentod an adetiuato revival of hUanc- ceastal comedy, "Tbe Corner Orucery.*' Tbe play iB too woU known tu admit of exiendcil menUon at ihbi time, but li can in nald that tbe audience, wblob waa of fair nlze. fouud plenty of caoiu for inlrtb, and expreeaed mncb aatLiractlon, throuRh the medium of froquentapnlauae. wltb Uitb tbe play and Ibe manner of Ita InierpretaUon. Tho favoritea of tbo Kiipponiuff company were Alf. 11. Wltaon, Jan. T. Kolly, Will MaodeTlMo and JamM l)er lln. Tbo apeclalUea Introduced by the Uan- hattan Kour were alao woll received. Mr. Hiilly haa entniated tlierolna of iiwiiHgenieDt to lloinn K. Oooley, who haa the amilHianre of Vnuk O. Tbayer ae bualneae Dunagor and II. r, Koone aH Htage director. Bhould tbo cDgngemeiit proro i llnaoclal naccen, Mr. Bully will revive other playi lie baa made famllUr. "]>addy NdIhii" itelng the llnitobango cootompIatC4l. Tlio cail In appended Henry Dudwebwr, Alf II. Wllwm; Jlmuiy Nolan, JaroeaT. Kelly: Lawyer Ibipp. AVill Uandovlllo;Tom NoUn.Jamoa Wall:unicer O'Flarliy, Ben (irlDuell: Wkfewingor Boy. Jamua l»uvlln; Hetccllvo, Jnbii Hlnpaon: llllly UuttonH, I'. J. Curtli; Andrew liar voy, A. F. WllllauiB; nnt/. DeuMch, Al. Hbcaii; Kd, llayMOd. ¥1. 0. Mack; UrH. Kniaii, Suiian Martin^ JeiiDlo Burko, MIsh (lorumu ^:dwardyl; Ulchnel Nolan, Danlal Bolly. UiNiH'H UovriHy TiiiuTHR.—Tlie NiRbt Owbi are fltlhig a return engdgomont thia week, aniV drew woll flilod houBOJi at tho opening performaacea on Hay 30. Tho bin pnMonlcd In a gooti ono, Includ- lug, boiddeii a ralUIng llmt part and Ifurlewiue, Mriosof goodBitectalUes. **Tdo All Night Ilotel'i opened tbe show In H<iotl etylo, ilbome NoIhod, J. K Mullen, Kdna Holvllle, Anolo Dunn, Dob Bmoutt, Frank O^Urien and other mooiboro of tho compan ' tinldog their oiTuna with good emicu HcUIoud am MelTlllo, In tholr hntimoiiga and ilancea, were woll noelTod. Ohirk aiidHUOlairprenenledtbeir akctch, "A Female IUri>er," and received bearty encorea. Tho AujUnri. iQ iiutiiea and living piclurea, followed auccomrully. Frank O'Urloo, in bin Hlngltig and dAncliig comody act, had many funny potiita. J. K. Mullon and Annie Dnnn, lo ibelr gingery nketrh, "Bradlev'a Ylalt.'* held the boarda with their ploannt divertbweinent. Mlaa Dunn'e lively innunor reconmteuda Kaelf ationgly. Babarel] a diincer of remarkable high kicking Kwer, followed in a giacoful daiico. Itob Kmtuett, bU imu chHrautereonga and dances, waa welt remembered and hoarUly applauded. (Mell and Page, tke alevor cnmedy aomfiaUi, performed many surprlalng trIckM. Mndaine FIowoih, tbe colored to- oallat, rendered Hovoml HolectlonH, aaHated by Fred J. Piper. 'Tho Itovll Among Ibe U'omon" oonolutl- ed Ibo perfonnnuco In good alyle, Iniroduolng oral novel ilanoeH. a parodo, (Trill and olber blta. For next wook "Die W'hlto (rn)ok**Oo. Is announced and tbo houso will prolMbly close June 1 for tbe neaaon. London Tiibattib.— A good house ehow la booked forthbivoek, opening May 20 to largo alz«d audi eDces, who were woll ontcrtalued by Pacey and lUnley, akotob artists; Al. Lubln, cbaraolor vo- calUl; OoorgelMinrpby and KttUo Kumlo, In a lively Bkoioo. aaahitoa by a JnvoDlle singing part- ner, who wna tmatwl In one of the boxea; Jonn and Nellie lloaley, KthloploD Hlngoia and dsnceni; Kelloy Urothors, Irbih kuociabout comedlana; Jtogor und liello liolan, w. u. Ihivloe, singing come- ittaii; KlAti ftuil ()uIkr, occenlrlo duo; tue Orannt* nua. Ill Ibelr Irish ukulcb, with aongs and dan«^a. The prograninio Is concluded by "BobmeltKlelnV Oimpanlotu," a funny aketrb, In wblob Qconre Uurphy, Prod Fish. Kitty Kurxalo and oIIiotb tils' inrt tbemstdrcrt lo ndniniago. Hie reheanala for lYoaaurcr Kdwln A. IIuII'a Itcnoflt, Hay 'Xi, will rout- inonre stllA. u., Iho Kamo day. Next week, the \YHlaouHlKlur«' KxliavaganxA Co. IUrnKii*fl I'lMCB UiWHUH.—This rosort altnoted s good slrAl turn nut at tho itoglnuing of the wovk t>r May 30, Iho ISHt week of tho female barbers* shavUin nnd hair (mtUng cuntost then being opened. The carlo lUt lutiluduji II. 0. I'alinor, glsni hlowur; II. W. KrankM. biuoni maker; Stephen Sleimrup, i'linch and Judy cutcrlalnor; A. o. Uahel. cowIhi; K'anUt; l^mf. and Hmo. Leruy, mliHl nndorti.HUd atllo Ualicl. conioltJMt. Hie stage enlerlaln- uK<nt la provided by Mile, l^uruour, Mao Oray. SiMiiloy uud Hraohiu, h'miik Uoll, Ositomo and llovoro,!!. n. SiAUloy and oihera. The attoiirisnce (broughout thoiMut wook wan extremely gntlfyliii, Mhowlng tiMt tbe stylo of aiuusomoiit given bore u Df tbe popular aori. rxoM.s*H TiiKATiiK.~l>oniimu Tbumiwon A (too. W. 1tyer*a '*Two Hlntcm*' Co. are bore Ibis week. The ih«airo, on Maiuhiy, MaySO, was woll tllletl, and tho Hlmiito but cgbcllvo story of the lives of two iilrticni.nruld luolmpolltan litcalltles, was sraphlc* ally tnld. Tho vhmI was evenly good, and the audi* once orlnccti tbolr itlrasure minng Iho ovouing by franiieiit applauw). Next week, Agnes Homdon. 1)11 IteuHvOitu Day an oxlru niatloeo will be given. Tho tieiientonhoaitiii'hes of this bouse will oounr itii tho afivnioou anil oveulng of Hay 'it. l*HiK.-niu*HTiiKATHK.—A vcry atlrai'llTo IUIIwsh invHoiitotI hy MnuMKor PiiKior Msy for the wffic. Slid kopi tho tioiiso well patt^tnlEOd frxmi tbo npoDlng to ihv liiiiUnir hourwon Moudur. Oonrftn Kortoacue and ItlrhnnI Cornrnn apprarcil In a minh iniivoklnu iiur1ciH)iiDai'.l, aud tho Four llh*hAnl<*. liiToUnle. dltl Minio vtovor work. Ullr. KititKore. 4iiaui«iif)0 oi'CDiiirliiuo, entered upon her Heoitnd wMik with lucronBCiliHipnIarlty.aiiil Press KUlrldKC, ivltli his fuun)lsms, koitl hlHaudleuco In an upruar. Tiio Tliive HI. t-Vllx t:fl>lfrs. In mona* hikI ilani'sa, were well recolval. and Kamnutand Hvvnmur, arm* iMta, vero scconled ruundx of applause. Tho tlarrl' N>nR, Jule,i and Kila, wcreculortslulugInIhelrcoiuo' dTukck'h.and won lliu approval of tbolraudlence for ilK>lr rlcvor wi>rk. KntuK Ciayton was an aniualog iDiirtli-At iiMiVc.Hiid Ktitlo Ulenents won lond ap- |tUu4o fttr IKT Jig dHiicliig while dsnclug a rop^. shi> h lui AtirMctbe young ladjr, ana Is easy Hijil irrncrful In hor work, utbera on Iho I'lU ivrni l.yiirli nud Jvwell, lu sketrbea; SiuUhand ^'tiikr. Iiniiinipdirtlskoli-h; Hob. K., Juggler: ^\iMliu« i.'linpniHii. rnniol player; Hob ami l.oule tkrUhi'^: Ada Jones, Hluger: llsrry Krn* •;oii, mnlliUrUi. HiitlTliotHlnre, venlrltoiiuUi. liiJiii- TKKATkfK.—sadIr* Mertlnot, hi **TUe Pai»' 1MII1," Diirn'd May ;it nil iliffm-uiid ami last week. */lifl "Mliulc World," orJk'liMliT ahiHtiniccil for nfxr Avoek, will proitably luti tn! loi'ii nt sH hi ihU hoiisci t'ltii niay Ik> imnbu'etl liilvr si anoi'irr Ihealrr. ArAiiKuv w Mr.tir.—'Tbo Pstal Card" roullnuea «i ixtpiilar attmrilon nt thlx hoiiw, m IIio good alcotl tviidtcni'rH alicHi, Jt Iwgan May *JU the fourth week aC Its run. ToKT PAgroR'a Tqiatup^— The programme of •tialgbt variety provided for tbe cntrcnt days la ra* plete with Htara, do leaa than tbreo of ihe tiimx fur nlslied bavlng iicen at (be headoC iravelln^orgHii- Ixstlona daring the pant aeason. TblapnpularhouHc waa Oiled comjilelely on Monday, May Vcsia Tllley iben entering upon the urUi and )ap>t week but one of her highly Huccccffol engagement. Bbe roodered all of tbe aonnihe has made popular, ami experienced considerable dlfllcnlty In qiiiuhiglbe atage after having sung berself almoat to a point of exhaiistJoD. John and James Ruaaell were received as f rleods of long standing, and although ibelr net has been made familiar hy repeiltlon. the sudlcnce was appreclallveand very enlDDalaslfr. Florence Bind- ley met a cordial greeting, and eoteruined her ad- nlren in a very clever and satisfactory manner. Matthews and llulger sang a long Hat of Umely parodies, and, aided by a droll mraologue, came lo for abundant favor. Monti ColUns and Nomia ^llls were well un in the list of the favorir«i, their work l>elDg received wltb much aj^lause. JulU and Prances Wood, two very pretty young women, ~ng a number of songs wlih excellent erreci, and were rewanled by hearty ronnda of ap- proval, ueo. JiewlH sDd MiM Nealy BouiTon lln- bhed tbe programme with fcaiaof coniortioD und clever acrobatic worlc. KauKKrht.a lady magician, opened the bill and made a very favormblo Impres- won by her neat appearance and acrei^ble work. Ibe bill for next week, the last of Vesta Tllley's en- Kgement,wlll Include, among otbem, tbe ftunell uthers, Jas. Y. Iloey and Weber and Fields, a llsi of performen worthy of profitable dioslderstion by tbe patrons of tbla resort. Jacdih* TnBATRR.—"The (Ity 8porta"iiegan on Kay 20 a week's engagement at this liouHe. i>eforc sn audience which was moiit encouraging In size Slid lavish In the cllntrlbuUon of Ita plaudits. Tbey ounlfested a thorough approdatlnn of Ihe pru- mrame tbningbout Ita enlira length, and gave (he moat appUuse Ut tbe four KelMHi Misters, whose cffbriM entitled tbeiii, iieyolid questbm, to the recognliinn tbey received. "I^ve vii. HUchlor* was ttifl opening burtesqiip, and at Ibi conrbislnn Plynn and /litella anposr- ed In iboir familiar skrtcb, and Wrenn ami l>aly rolloweil In Hovenil dcwrlptlve vocal itclcrilons, which contained notlilug In recommend thnn, and were Htlll greater itllnteil by a ine<11o(.'rn rciMlerliig. TbeBbvrldaiiHconirlhutctlan eotertatnlng nkotrb. and wore lll>erally rewarded for tbHr elTorts, iitid Uie Cballoiige Hallel, ivlitcb waa dlik-lowl next, proved to contain eevcrtil luerltorluus fcaturcH, ami was kindly recelveil. The umnlcsl team, Miiyder and Buckley, then rjinio In fora geiieruuH wek-urao. and gave way to iaok llurke. who lllualnitcd In graphic and clever style, with ttie nt>le asslMance of Roee Burke, tbe illiDeroMt btutrs and guards of noted boxera. Thelrpartof tho en- tertsloment proved an agreeable and nuvel une. Tbey were roiluwe<l by tbe Nebon Slsleni, acmbals, who perfonn a number of feaiH which wore sur- passing 111 daring and wonderfnl In case nf tNecii- Uoii. '*A Hot Night" brought tbe perfonnanco to a oloBO. Next week, "Tbe BUU Alarm." Tub ANNrAi. MtrnNii of tbe stockboldera of ihe Madison Square (larden Company waa held B<ay u, In tlieoillcea In tbe building. Tho annual report showed that tlie Qarden bad come out$3O,0oo belter than during Ibe preceding year. There wan uo divi- dend, but Ine operatlona of the Garden paid thu In- terest on th^ bonds, an well as caring for tho run- ning oxpeuHes. Tbe old board of dlrecion waa re- elected. It conalBta of F. K. Bturgls, J. llorrrant Morgan, Cbariea Lanier, JamottT. Woodward, w, p. Wharton, II. I. Nicholas, 11. II. Ilolllstor, Ueriiian Oelrlobii, HUnford White, U. 0. UlKa and Adolf lAdenburg. The dlrectora approved of the phins to have tho Madison Uquare Roof Qarden Inckwd with glass, and next Winter to turn li into a ekaUng rink, with arilflclally rnr/eu Ice. They abw gave tholr approval of a proposed bicycle track to run around Uie entire roof of tbe big ampblibeaire. Thla bialso to bo enclosed In glam and be used for Winter bloyclliig. NiNBH'8KiiiirTiiAVBNURTnBATiiB.—T1ic American OaleiyGlrbi Co., under tbe uisnagement of UcmrM. Lewis A Harvey, opened the week here with lino IiroflpeclM for an excellent weok*s buslneea, as ilie louBOon Monday night. May *jd, wilaof gowl propur- llouB. The entertaining programme began wliti a fuunv burletia, entitled *^Tbe Mistaken Uarrhtgo." In which several mamltera of the company appeared In clever specUlilea. In tbe olio were Florence /elar, Cooper and Htewart, the Klllott Blstem, tbo Htanfordx, Andy Lewie, Iteynoll's KteclricHonsailon, Introducing thive Croole women, and tbeOoihani City qiianeu Tbe builesqiie, entitled "The llony Prince,'* closed the evening's bill. Next week tlio t;aHliui Ulris Bnriu«|Uo Co. Tlic lioiicilt for the a^ taches uf tills bouse occutb on Bay afternoon and evening. AN AfPUOinOK waa made, Hay IT, In llie L'nltetl States droult Court, for an liijunrilou lo ivatndn Badlo Martinet, Max Flgiiiaii and Maiiagorn Cnnary and I>ederorfrom continuing to pniduce "Tbe hiM- port," at tbe BlJou Theatre, on tbe grouud tlrnt It waa founded on the main Incident of "Uy OiUclal Wife," copyrighted by A. U. Qnnter. Aftor hoiiio ar- gument tbe court granted an sdjoumnient iinill unewhen "The I'divport" will have Oiilshed ita nm. Cbktiul OrgRA llouei Mubio Hall.— Manager Fred Meyaer haa studied ibo wania of bla patrons, and eaob week eudeavorato fumlali ihomwithan entertainment pleasing (o all. Tlio bill presentod May 20 for week found general favor with tbe gooil sized audience thataiM)ml)lod In thla aitravtlvo n- eon on Monday night. The Uroikera Kodack, scro- bats, appeared, and won much applaiiae for their clover woilt. Aadle Ciishman snd llerltert llol- combe, lo a new rouslcsl comedy, were given s cor- dial welcome, and won msiiy new friooda. Itexo and Iteuo, acroiiailo couicdbiuii, were well received, und Thomson and Uurrell, mnslcal como- dlans, were aiiiUHlng. Cart Kado preeented a novel ring act, and Hugh J. Rmmeit waa an entertaining veiitriliH|iilsi. (Hhera on the bill were lUcbard ThoniaM. singer; Ida Ruaell, who calls herself tbe ortglnsl Uowory girl; the Throe Horttllos, acrobata, and the Melropnfltan Three. Next week Bonnie Thonibm Isannounced. TiiK TWO iruiipes of trained don iMlonglog to Fail II. l.eslle and Ivan l^benoff, performing at Kustvr A Ulars.uiet for the first dme on Ihe nlgbt of May V> anil at once got Into a light. Ttiey ctiaaed carh other all over tbo stags. l«rklog and biting, but wetu Unally HCimraied by Ibelr reapecilvo own- orrtsiid gave their usiialperfiimuuces. AiuiKV'H Til RATH K.—"TnoTtlgaDe,*'tbe new comlo porn which wa* so succemnilly produced by Ihe .llllan Itiiswil opera Co. last week, ooatluuea u tbe atiraclloii and will, no duubt, prove very poteoL Tie buiise has put on Ka Hummer garb and looks ery Inviting. OAiiHiriTiiKATHi:.—TbrhiKt week of the regular McttAOU at thU bouse began May 'M wIiimi "Arms and the Man" was presouted. FurtUerHiiiinuiire- menu for tho week InoliiUe "Mnce Kart" :!1, n and nuiiliiec s&, "lleau llrummell" and e\-eiilng'r>, and "Axxu* and tho Man" 'A Herbert and I'uor- ner's operailo burieiu|Uo, "Thrllby," will be tbe oihir- liig Juno :i, at Iho iwglnuliig of a KUpploiiieniary wamin. IlKHAi.n Bqi'amk.— "IMdd'nbcad Wilson" enturcti on Bay Jn uiMm tbe aixtb and final week of lis nin. II Ih a novel and entertaining play, ibat has won Micoou uiKui \iA niei Ita and U worthy tbo atteiitluD of all. U(i May :IT mtoiwlly snd l^urjee'a ooerailc liurteMiue. "llsniloi II," will lie preivotcd for tho first time. (lAKDKN TuiiATKK.—I'aul M. lMlter*H dranatlza* Hon of "Trilby" entered uu May iM upon lbs sixth week uf Its run. It hsa aleadllydrawogood houses. llHOAbwAV TiiiCATHR.—Thirt bouBO WBH dait May •y>, and will «u remain all tbo week, to pemilt of preparailoOH for Ibo new oinm, "A Uaugbterof tbe r. ^ij-j,^, . Koftm A lliAi.x—Tbe mauagenieot considered but week's programme Rtrong enough to bold over wlilHiut dmuge, and, Jiidgfogby Uiewell crowded house which witnirsscd loo perfurtnance Monday, May Iho decbdoii wsh nut a bad one. Harriett Vemuu began hor vcund week In letter voice, and of coiinw was given a very nattering reception. TTie Hrotliera Komow. allbough In Ibelr Iwenly-nlntb week, cooilotie to t>« irreat favoritea, and were greeted with loud applause. Btelllng and Revel), burlevioebar performera (second week), won good recognition for ilieir work, and tbe-Meen Brothers, acroi«tlc vrire performera (sixlb week), were popular bold oven. The Craggs, acrobats, began their fourth week, Increased favoritea. Tbe BIsten Don entemi upon their eighth week. They appearcil in new and attmrtive cosnnues. and nng a new w>ng which found favor. Othenon the bill were: Hill and IKill, grotCMqaea (eighth week); Ivan Tncheniog and hIa iroupe of trabieil dogs (ninth week), and Fred IT. LcBlle, with hl< leaping dogx (second week). Tbe pn»gramme con- cliidal with the living plclurca. During tbe inter- mission ami after the performance tho llungtrtan Uyniy lUufl played In the promeuade. Fiiu'Aiii> K. HiCB expecu to open hU new theatre, at Msiihstuii llearh, alwnt ibe middle of iune, with a hurief^iue. HoiiHa'a Band will also l« an aiirac- ilou atMr. lUce'a theatre, and will give popular coO' certs ut certain boiini carh day. HTANuiHitTiiBArBK.—"Too Much Johitton" l>egan Maym Ita twenty-sixth week here. (;ood booses are the rule, and there hi no Indication that the poiHilarliy of the pUy la on tbe wane. A. J.icoBj, adveribing agent for the Central Opera Huuso MiiHic Hall, has returned from sn European tripnf aix weeks. llarleni.*At the Opera Uonee budoeas was only fatrdurfnic the Hmt inri ol Uit wsek, but iliey wen cf>ni|i«U«l tuitim paopl* avty Uter In Ui« wMk. "The Twrnilqiii Ceaturr fllri" tpeoed ao. to blr ilud au- dlenceii. Nsit wMk, (Udle Martlnot, Id 'Tbe PanporL" CuMraRDN,—'TenoiMee'i Putlner." wlib Con Vao TrkmII Ib Ui* Mile rol*. opeaed », loooeofUietMStMoD tlayiil||lithouH«MorUiei«aKO. HuRle Cllna met wllli a wanii r«r«pUiiii. NotI wMk, MoanM anil Rloa, In "Hi- Atinl BrUK«l." OLvarit*.—"Tlia Wliliff Crook" Co. Iiiir« no reuon miiifilalii, Na ihoy (lid a Rnotl builnwu laU troek. Hie WhImo HlMen Barls'itue Co.lvnn ilialrflm lUriam BnitfieiHtfDt 91, til k Urge nnd fmnOly uilloort. Tli liiTiiito »iaiasa w«r« Ininiducoil lo the pstniu of ihl- houM by iIiIh cuiiipanr, aod cratud a ■wimloo, uid will, wlilioui iluuiit, prove K biR Jrawlnn nrd. Tlili bouae will clou »t Uie oml uf ilio wtak. Mwuer Oort wlllbST* iilx Ipentnt »^ when a liMtof %-oluDiMn w Mr. UK llAHtJCM Mtvxi'Mclowl IH. and Uiiy rtatni that -itMawo'n liuiliitM waaiJie beat la toe hlniory amiear. Ti _ Paul _. _ , _. lbs liouMi. Tlie aiudiaa' lianaSt piored a rdoiI oae, and Ihe will give Ihe people iiulie a «uin of mooer. m thej- (Miri a Ihfk* rule of iickBta. NEW YORK STATE. tcTolullou," Which OamllU! Arvlile and her com* nauy will pivduro for tho dtst lime May '11. Fimi AVBKi-RTUiATag.-"llls Wlfe^ lather," In whluh Win. II. I'rane has met wltb well merited sue- real, l>egan on May *J) tbe Iblrteeiiib week lud tbe hut fortnight of Ita nm. "For Kair Vlrgtoia," a drama, by M. Hubs Whyhil. la announced for proseu- tailou Jnnoa. rAiJ4BR*(i TaiATRB.—"Llllle Chrtstopbor^' began on May*iii tlie slitb and nualweekof Ita stay at Ibis house. It Isannoumed ibat ibe eitnTagatua will again be seen In this city next veanon. Moth- log IS underlined to follow Us present engagement, and presumably no plsuB haTs yet beeuconsum' mated for a i^umroer attncUon. KMi'iaa TUBATHV.—"Bowing the \vind'> entered on Uay JO upon Us thlrtl and last week st ibis houso. Tbe seaaon dusee and the member* of the siorfc iMimpany will ttipn have sn opponunlly to enjoy thrlr tlrat vacation. Tbe house will remain cloaetl until Aug. I. WoHTirs MiUKi-H.-ln aiiolber part of tbUi Issue Is iiotetl iheretlrucnt of O.V. Moors as mthsgerof the theatre department of tbU bouse. On May K. I). Ilewes assumetl the msnanment, wltb tnefoh lowing lUl of aliractloDs: In tberurlo halla-Heab, ' rpnotic suiiject; iNi Kraaco. ronjarer: also lYof. 'orth's eiteiwlve colleeUoo of musenn cartoeiuea. The suge people ln<ffuile: The In'lagt, Kittle Cush* log. Hake and Ogden, Win. H, auaon, tbe (nidaya, Carrie frtedeiloU and Besale CaitoU. Brookly n.wThu birit week of the aeamn but one wliitrwumnr fine allrai'lluuHAt the loral playhOD«eiitaod rwmI biwlnewiplioiitd Iw tiie rule aU aloiijrUie line. The iiorelt): In not m treat, iiut Uio ctiaracter of Uie anlclaa olniindentinitrMi lobenioreiliao ordinarily Ntlractlre. HeTenUnf Ihe bouiw have already cIomO. hat tl»e audi- ence* of thoHe at III 0|>eii onlhuM ai mudi DOnax iher d d earlier Id the a«a«>n, anil good Mlti are llbenlly aur purled. Krena rr—"— Tertl«#d feature*-- - - ^ .„ duceiiitni etioufdi to coiitIiica Uie public that an enjoy- aiile iiiiiu»«iiipnt rwiavraiut iliein, anil tt« ihealnaoora tvlio caanol make a •uhable aelecllon rmin Uie allracilre bllta oAml aro certainly liaiO lo phtane. Iloworer, aa iPKid aaiUenrM were reported atihodltferoDthouMa vd Hie iipealnjr nlKht'a perTomiaiiro. Iho public muni l>« well |iIm««iI u lih tlie iKwklniCK r«unKu.—"llobHoy." Thiaeiceedtnitly eaterUlnlog anil lilihly iiiicce«iifiil operm vaH produced, for ihe flr« Uiiie In a Hrookljrn I•layllOlllM^ dIrIiI of May ax belon ao autllooee Ibat InlrK teatcd Uie aMlIni (a)«cllyor thU ^pacloaa lioui«, and Ibe apidauMi waa louJ and coiiUou* out ennuRli lo aallafy any itoe. It made a decMed hit fViim the Btiirt, and Ilia com|«oy worked widi undlmln labetlvlftor tu make It n micccmwIMi the audience. Il |m one of ilie iiio^t melmlloua ud plctunauue produe- lloniiur lu kind Moeit here UilaaeaioD. and wJu certeloly play tabic bouaoA, Tho ivt In a iiHid one. IftJuu.—"A (Ireen Uuoda Mau,''a reryoniualnff Tare* comedy, h the atlncllun olTervl by Haoueer llarrrC. KenneJy to Ida i^lrnDn llila week, iMnlnnloy lu ennce- iiiaiil niRliI or2Ui. when It waa k««o for Ibe Am tine by ao audience that niled lite houM. Aa a proruker of uproar loualaughter U In uiitluabledly a ■uecetuL It In OTldeol that It wa* bulli for pore eoterialBiiient. It la well niled wIUi MDRi, daucen and inveitlei el a pteaalna chancier. Tbe iwpte la It appear to liavo been carefully aelecied fnr III* purpoae of earrrloitbs fan oiDhlDi Idea oullo Uie eiiTotne limit Tlierear* aDumtter of upKlaltieit, wMcii were cleverly oxecuied and liberally spplaaded. Taken m a whole, Uie rorlomtince »mpl>* nllalD« Ita object, thai of antunlng lu sudlion. "Wkng" met wlib fucccM tait we«ik. iFua lleege. Id "A YeDulne YeoUe- man."!?. The honaecloeea June 1 for tlie neaaoo. ]*.vHK.—TtiD McoDil and Unt week of "Bliore AereV' waa Ivaun nlRhi of U, whoa the liouaowaa wall niled, and Ihe audience ffnro Ihe Mniecanfulanil cloae auee lion ibai had marked all preTloiu perlunuoDcaa. "Hhors Aerea" haa \ron lt« way lo lli* liuarta of Ihe Brooklyn ib^ aireco^rv. and It la nlwayn aure of a warn irekome when Il coinea here. Tlie clo«(nir performanceit oi Um aeaaoa will be given hy Wllmii Barrett. In ivperlorr, weak of n. tlHAMi Orsiu IIUVKK.—"Pawn Ticket ntr it tbe atlr•^ lliin pnaentod al ihUhuuMi llilaveok. A largeaod curl plecw. MIm l^eniadsa decided liltwiili ih« audience. Tlio romimny It n good one, nail, boaldea Uie o meatlunfil, bieluilex J. K. Aherry. F. J.WIMi Cunnor, R. .1. Dilhin. fleorm While, CImyton BtrooH, Sara Lucfllea. Nellie DudIv and Un. Roe* Waihloa The pUge setilnga are excellent, and the piece bkla fair Ui have a itoodnin while h«r«. Jolly .Sellle Uolleorr, la *A NIghi at Ihe rlrciiv will lie Uio cloalog nllraefloo. beclonlng night of 27. UvEtR a Bbiiua.s'b.— The awoo «u brouahL lo a cluae with two^rfoniiaocoa, which were Iniendedaji iheaa- nnal beneht to Tr«a«ur«r llanrj W. nolimno. lltTiiRRaoaHiiAapr*HCAi)i>u.-A larse and ailmcUTa hill boa heeo arranged Iter* foriheciirreni week, and a _ _^ pr«ni OD ihet ' . - - — — .inlin P. ctark and „ . _ Tlie Angellne, Ed, big crowd wa« pre>ent on iheoiienlnt nighi, 3U. neoplM an: .Tnlm P. ctark and MattU Angeilne __ LaluD, Minnie Hchull, Ueorn C. Davia, Margaret Newtoo. Mabe) Bood. ano oUiarw. Bach upecUhy waa Ubemlly ai>plaudfd and earli perfurmer waa ebllied to reaniDd (o to an eD»tro. Aaraio.'*.—Ell ward llarrliao and hIa ccnpaoy of play- era are bar* thU week witli "The Major." Thla (a tho drat lime the play h*at>eeu lo thla fiartorUie town, and Ifllie opeologbuuM iBanycrliarioa, It will prore a proUiable •ngagement Kiceileot builneai lav week. Comlogl7, "l^uat." PiiocHia.—The Bcaron haa ckta«d litre after JUKlooe week's run, owing. Il li rumored, lo lack of f^itula. KariHB.—J. Walter KeoDodr appean as uatnaoo,la Howall B puy of Uiat aain^ liete ihta week. Tlie opealog hnuaawaa fair. Knlr hualooHa laatweak. '*TlieCooi Fair* cornea week orv7. aoty l^.'ciqus.—The Lndloa' Club Big Uureliriue Compaay bO' ganaweek'aengaRttneDtbervw. The oHBlog wu tu a crowded houae. Tliepwple: MeCat>e aid Bnimet, Ann- ainag and Lanoer, riMbtr aod Camll, Kdlih Wllaon, and bailey and Hilton. The perfimiianceconcluded with Uie buTlOMue "In r)hl Kentucky Ilye.'" Ke\t week Shadow Uab«r*aAtblelk Company. ■ Bnflklo—At Uie Academy of UubIc Nellie He- lleory came IL for three night*. A beneilt will lie gUen to Manager John II. Meech A when "Uaniioi" will be [Irea, with JamoN O'NellL Oiarlea Rohira, Piaok K. -nmiaotL J. U Carhart, Edvio F. Uaiu. William H. Ilatth. Pr«d H. Wrvo, Robert O. Meecb. Rolierl Hatura, liBume Hainm, W. RoMille. S. W. Munmy, J.R. rarkea, L. i;raihlol. K. L. Hortluer, 8. Hobena. M. L. Edwarda, Mra. W. 0. tiowiier. JulU Stewart aod Mni. N. Janilaoo In Ihe ra>l. '*PrMe ofMayo" con>ea ti, 3S. HTiaTiiUTRg.—WilhurOpora Co begaa the Humuier ■eawD.vlueloR the "Black llnuar,"SJi Daila' "Uorle Toni'a Cabta"dld ivorly. l.\CKrM TiiiATaa—'Tlie aalleySlaTe" liegaii for one wmk^i. Next week, "Ciion Ittiirow." llallcn and llan did WPll. 1>)VHT RraiST TucATaa—Semou'B K^iraTaginia Co. auna 3\ for oae week. Harry II. l«auiiiin was given a bfiicntIV, John Kencll, John Unoll.Tlllle Rimll and oUitraapt^MHog. BHKA'ti Mi'iiir llAi.L.—John KemelLTtaoo, Anoa Cald- well Davlne and Trantur. AdfUlde Crmwfoid, Uertrade HeyauMa, JantH WoliirDuli, Jolinola Carroll The real eaiaie ownorv r\irther op Waihlngioo Hitaei havecoa- cluilrd not to erect the new theatre fvr Mr. Aea, aod he rvmaliii ai hli pm>«nt 'land. NOTBl—Aoum'a Baixl retama SOL 31 Sella Broa.' Circutii and S Tbe city U nill orKlkaatieiidIng Ute roureoilMi iliU vwk WegefkrUi and Bagg'a aalt agalmt the rtur In rrganl to the keeping opto of the diMtra leading ftxm (he iliealrw lo tbe aajooo. haa tieen ilecldetl lo favor ufUie Ural aanted partlea, and lliedaor« * ...Wegerarlh'arunoua'tloltl Dol- by Uioiherig Tlie opening ol uuii be kept oMo... ar* haa Imu clvoil Hie new Dime flod* theae peoiileatwork: .....— owreae,^ ' " - - , .- <s Hinghi . - _ „ liamt Martin and ,Day. H)alik and Wrikiid. Lawlor ud JaianeMi Vllbue, Oyreaai,~Aotool« Yon VtolFee, baave'a .. -. 1,1^^_- ........ .._ - — Koyal Harioaellevlllnihaui. Willi* Meek, klllle Blag- ham. Martin and Day. H)alik and Wflkiid. Lawlor and Hr«iiUuer. Frul. Itonuan, Hoaodem' TuQCh nod Jndy. Manager Pacheii glrea hourly ihows. Albmny.—Tlie Uland Open House had "The OM lliweaifad" May 11 ant] 11, |u gonl hualseaa. On l^ Id.'t'o. H. WaiihlnrtoDCoailaenlala,"app*and la ni' Hreby. omteOy aod llvloi |iiciurea in rrnwded hoa i«<li niBbt. Ilarrniana, Ui« maglclau.waa tu liavear i^ired barv i>n 17, but caoc<>l<d. Uo It a boitng exhibi . appeared la mln- |iiciurea In rrnwded hoaiea -Ion hy the Knipire AUdellr Club waa Bl««n lo a mtaJI au4lenc«. (Vnnlnf: 3t!^ ih* Hirellet*. In "Mother In- L«w" and *'K>i>pborTy Hrmb Rec:*' II. Rhia, In 'The (•arUlaaa;" tMX'Va. A. Allany JUteave Cadeta." In a coatic opfrv hv Wm. H.lTorlluaud lYnlarlrk W. Milk 'Tho Burcane^rw;" raiid week. Dan McCarthy, In'The Frhle of Mayo" and "The Irlali Ureeahnn." _ HABMAVi'a iLSh'kaa Hail— John i>t««. In "The Bat* letBleV* raina l\ and a larvehouao ^aa In aUendaarfj On II I4w1« Mnrriena'a "Kanat" pl^red 10 a Adr al»d aoilleare. no 16 'The New Roy" na pieeeatad togml rolurna. being ih» annual banaBI to ihe maoanr, Chaa. II.HinlUi. On IS the Uoal(>iilaaa aaag "Roblnllood" to anieodidbntlaaML OMnlag: SlCatnaraChibBihlbllloni Sl B, Prof, iitave** glrmeM aad OhIUraa'a OamlTal; a\ Mia rot opera Ou^ la "Ita* Utile Trooper." TngOiiNTrTRUTgRogertil u iia bill ih* American Oaleiy OlrU, In vouderllU oad iMixIng. The bunae waa vi>IiniMaieach perforaance. Thie eniMeweot cloaed Ihe acoMfln nt Ui(« tiietlr(<, afler a very laccoaafal year. Blaghmmtan^AtHtdneMOpon Honne "Bhore Acraa," return eiingenient, rame May 17, lu fine of the largeatbooBeooruieaoaMio. llandroda were noal>le lo gal aeata. John Drew, in "Hie Buiurfllea," delighted a Urge aodleoce Ul Bovked: 30-0, Maud IIIIIniaQ, in t«- penary. Buor TBaarns.—Imro Fo\'a Norelile*, locludiiic Omeo*. gave IVI5. pleaaloir i>enurmanc«« to 0. R. O. Itaa: 23-S. tbe Nalil-Brmdtey i.'oropaoy aod bronu aiaiuea, vbleh will doae the regelaraenaoo at thla honae. MARAOBa PK!isvBi«v haa engaged a nioch company to play a Bumoier engagtmeni Managora Clark and Deferaa, of lb* Stone Opera Hooae, bare compleiod ar- nngtmaDU for their Olin annual moalcal feallTal. which occunweekof JaoeS. under the dlreclloo of Julea Jor- dan, aoalftad hy WIU H. Iloermvr, Amnng Ihe prlBclpalri at* Mile. Fimncaaca Oalhrt^Hoyer. Mil*. Lllllao Blao- - —) Hienn. MII«.'/,bnon MoaUllh FlacheLOer- - ay Htelo, Mra. ClUfieKan Hp«or«r Bloodgood, William H. Kleffer, J. C Banleii, Blgoor Oolaeppi i:am relt, Bine Hienn. Hll«.7,i»not . trade May Htelo, Mra. CiUfi«Kan Hpeor«r Bkiodgood, William H. Kleffer, J. C Banleii, Blgoor Oolaeppi i:am ptaarl, Carl F. Ihifn, Mr*. Martha Dana Hhepenl and a' choroa of three lianlred. Ilockes(«r.wnie inestrlcal aeason hi gradually drawing to a doae lo thla city. Tbe Cook Opera Ilouae and Uie Academy of Musk bave already chwed their roflular aoaaon, leavlDg but ivt hoaeea for iheamuw- meoi goen to choone rroui. TUB LroiVMbad D^IU Fox. In "Hie LItll* Traop*r." foronoperloimtoce, May3l. Augaailo tMy'NComMny. In repertory, la dona for ftinr i>eKoimanc«a, zt-o. "BIglitBeUa" played tn ralrlKiiuea ie-l!l. Coming:D,a], 'Tee Okl Uoueaiaod." Tan Wo^oBRULfoMivBBTuBATRV aoDuuncta Uie fol- lowlog llat or aurartloai for tbU week.—Cnrin halt: Vir- glata Xnapp, lolnd reader, and Me aad IKut. Tlieatre -^napp, ID Mora, lady grmnoai; Oeorm If. AOaina aad family, A. C. lAwivnc*. Marie UrlillUt, aod McMahon and King. Tub siiXBOiRDM around Ih* ally nr« niled with eircua aod menagerie arenea.aofMuncIng Hie roining of Hella Brolliera' Wiow, t*. ByracQBo^At Wletlng opera ilouae "Hhoro Aereii" played to good bualnoM 14, Ift. E. II. BoUiera, In "A Way to a Woman," drew very well IS. "Pawn TiekatXIO" to aatlifaciDry attaodance 17, IS. Coming: Auguatln Daly*a Co., lo ''Loiiery of Lore^" "A wet Blanket," "A Bundle of Ll*»." 'The Orient Bipre«a" and "A Tragedy KahearaaL" II. C: Delia Poi, in "Tlia Lllil*Trooper" (return doir). 0:"Tlie OU Ilomeatead" 24, Bk, Boiton Fwilval Orclieatn May T. BlVTABLR TllRArRK.—Ttte Bontonlana, In "Prince Ananlaa" and "Rohln Hood," lu the full capacity of Uie lioua* 1.1, II. The Mtrollem will nrevenl "Mother-ln law" for the beneflt ufHi Joaeph'a iloiplial U. II. n. JACuih' TUK.\TaR.-4)ea*i)n dnuil. ARRSA.-RelUi' RroH.' CIrcuH 0. Ta«F*-»At the flrlswold Opera lloune. Mey 13, Marie Jaiiaen did big bu>ln«Mln "IMlmonlco'a atRix." 'The Old Homeat«ad"liad ralrboilnanlA. The houu in dark thla week. lU^D'ri Ol-KHA ItdtrKR.—BbM oM hig bualnoM li-lX Tbe Boatoolana nocked Iho liouae I^To "Prinee Ana- nias." The Rtrollant canie ^1 for Ihe Tioy Freidi Air Fund. BUPFAUi BliJ.*H WlLii W'RHT did bla liualneia 17 XaliiiAWoyleii'ii Tlieaire Itoyal, under mnraa, opened Uielraeoaona), for a acek. — -- - ■♦■ BTewbiirsr^The Academy of Hiislo b dark this weekend wlU b« until May 31, when the r«gularaeajoo cloB«swllh Delta Pox, In "The LiilIoTmoper." Walle'a Comedy tu>. put up a great aliow 13-16; playing repertory at popular pricoMhe reniU ol which waa a R. n. hunl- oeMtilie Saiuplar TuaUnee being the largoat on r«con1 loUiehlitorrof (he hnuae. Iiurlnic the woek tliey gave "Legally Dead." 'Thi Diaiiioiid Myatery," "The Prmcc ol Llara," "Voting AitKrlcu^" "TTia Bhifk Flog," "Sen- lencAdlfor blfo." "tfant Lynpo.""Thu Man Irmn CMtla- rauguar* "TheTwo Kidand "Kip Van Winkle." Con- Irarr lo original miuolIoD. iliey win prolong tbelr aoaxoo UDUl June I, eloalug at Atlantic City, N.J Waah iHim'H Clreun bad rather llgbi hualneaa li, UUem—At Ibe Ullca Opera llonse "Shore Acres," May U, did well. Tlie Bo)aonlan^ In "Prince Ananlaa," U. drew a rAalilnnabk> nudlenc*. "TlieOhl Hninepteaa'' cloned ihe werk IH. to rooil bu4liir««. Diiisl: AnMlii Daly'a "A NIcht Oil," ualtpm* U>nellu i); ■-t;hliiir4 ofNnr- mandy," hmL 31, tt\ llrrkky lAcvum Co., In "Tbe Bln)llera"and '*Tlie Mullirr In Law.''»; I>t>lbi Kn<c Opi<n Co. v. ILLINOIS, Rah T. J.irK'ii OricRA Horai. Co. will remain anuiber we«k -Tli# Lilly Ctav BnrleaiiDe Two of Mr. Jack'a mni- ponlaa, "My Uneie"and 'T1ieMldwar,"cloaftl Ifi, In Pitta. iHirgand Loulavlll*, r«-perili-eh-. Hone of the leedlnf; iiiembcra of tha«* cmnpanl<*> will rome hooie an<l appear al tbe local honae. Lew llawkloji erain In frvm tlie rna<| to appear at thr hoiue hnuMt 19. Oi.TMrii; TiiRATRL—Tony Paa'u>ropeoa IB forawe*k. AlihDUgh he haa boen Inuivn for ihroa or four weeks ai outlying Uieatre^ he la turv to flit lb* Olfnple. Be haa a good company, and haat<«en meelbgwltkgreatsoecaaa In hla recent eocigmeoia. Parr THiAraa—Ao ejicallent programaie la offered tbr ih|flv*ek, the batore ofwbkli lailiere-eBsacanMBt of J. W. Kelly. OUiera oo the bill are: Mortoo aadMack, Lil- lian Beach, ih^Bavaon, McKeo and Frantu^ the Drartooa, and Maud Deliy. gouL A MioDDgTO^rHCuiRR antttr MngcH—Floaale L« Blanche. Uie fomalo llercule<; Nil*. Lorllae^ Ada Ruifelland I'mf. Abi will nimlub Die progranm* thla week. nu>iii DiHB Mi'SirM.—Billy WelU, Iroo ahuUed nun; Ute Uypny Band aod Carr'awreatHn^ beara ar* Ut* fee. tur«afor[blaw»eb.wlthanTlTal of Uie Midway dance aoil poaloga In hrnnie nod altrerauioea. Notes.— \>«uTiHar and Qoorg* fleBfy will soon be added to Mr. HenderMn'e orgaaliaUon f'raderick Ward* went direct ffoni bare to Wlilte lAka, N. V., wher* he will ppend a bog racalloa In flablng Ifojgbey Dougherty, Uie a ell krvtwo mlnatnl performer, win ap- pear in "The BIrih of Veutif." O«orge Biler, the well knowo referee of aportlog inalteri, wa* giren a benefit 17 Souaa'KliaodappranUiUwMkatiheAndlurleBi. Tlie HopkloH TliCAtre ctaliiia to bav« had 41000 paki adinla«lona laalw^k It la anoouDCvd that Vemoaa Jarbeau aod Fay Temploton hnr« derbiTKl all negolU- lliiOH ug hmklng tovanl a cojiarliieralilp. <^alncr^At Ibe l>:mplre the ilelden Comedy Co. played a ancctnfblw eek, eadlORMay IS, aad cloaed tba honae for the aeaanii. Edr-V Muexa.—The attendance ntltl remain* good. Thla week: Alfred Llatoo. PrIoeeM T* HI, Eddie Uelioaeaad Mclnlyreand Flligerald Comedy Co. TOM BAUivig bai maile arrangemenia eltb Mme. Bloe- bart for a aerlea of opera, dramatic aod Tauderllle per- fomianctfl nt Bahlwin Pnrk tbin Surnmir, *" Chicago*—The week Ibat lias gone baa i>eeii noticeable (or Uio pruductkm of "(lliuionda." at tlin Colombia, oa a nio«t etaiNintoaeale. large audlencea have aoea each iiorTonuaoc*. and Ih* play neuiadue for an unuauollv great auccoM. "Tlie Panslag Sliow" baa mored on to Mllwauke*. lea nog pleaaoat mamoilea nf a hing Maun. Tite geadala hare cloaed wUm they an' Bounce as ihelr laat eiiiagemenl, ami Fr«drrlck Watde andLoulaJomea bare doaed their engagement at ihe Rcblller, iheir Moaoo and Ilieir partnerahlp. "LItUe Robloaon Cruioe" ii In actlre preparation for production at the BchlUer, and "Aladdio Jr." opeoa (bra run of aev- eral moolba at the l.ldcago (>u*m Houae. Tlila will make ' woealraragaaue la town thlaBemmer. TheCaliromla Mining Camp will 0|>eQ 21. Tbe raudeTllle company wbldi la to fum(ah Ibat part of the pregrauime haa a|»- leorod at two oribreeduba here, and created a fkvonble mproMlon. Tlie Maioolc Temple ItoofOaidon ataru oif with a high claaa of ailracllooa and abould prove po>pular. The location la beaoilfuL overlooking the fake at ihe tup of the hlgbeat and one of the iiioai tnogninceot bulUIng* a the world. A reaction fVom the tvanii wave ol laat woek liaa Impruml bmlnvd at all of the theatrea. A aucceaafUl raid by die Cn'le KedenilOQ on the concert aaloona haa r»auli«d la cIohIob ih*n reaortii. UouLKW TOSATSR.—After a T*ty «ucceaa(\il eneag*- meet of two w»eka ihe Kondala cloaed IB. The "Birth of Yeoua" opena Id, under the managanient of F. E. Whit- ney, who haa braugbc aoine clever people wlUi him to treaant the openilc ooinedy for lb* flrat time In Chlcago- n Uie company are Aubry Boucknolt, Urace tleUeo, K. E. arabaii), Phillip TIlne^ A. W. Mninin, llughey Doaghtrty, Roaa Cook, Alice JobnsoD and othera.. (IRAXD urKRA UufHS.—"A Blook Hboop" ounUaoea to draw well, and can «««lly do «xc*Ueni bualoeaa for snoUier tuooUi. A new faatore li a Trilby dance by Mln* nie Kenwood, who boa recenUyJolnetl the oompaoy. Tbe mtleUi perfbrraance lo ibUclty will be celebrated 19, by preienilng aouveolra. Ciin-Auo OriCNA Uuciiit.-.Aner sk we*ka uf apleodld aucc«aH 'The Paaalag Show" cloaed IS aod aiartcd for Milwaukee. Ur. lleod^raoa'a eiiraragaaia compaay la tH nufe from .\ew Vnrh on as|«clal triiln. and wlllarrlv* here Monday ,»Hintng, aod will open titat night with "Aladdin Jr.^' Tlia home eonageneni la lodeDnlie aod will laMt aeveral moiiib*. In the company ibat will atari In wllb tbe long Hummer run ar* many Uiat liare been Idea- ' llrt««l wlthMToralof Mr. Heoderauu'a prulnetlona. Tlio liai lacludea Anna Boyd. Kranhle fUv'mond, Ada Dearea, Iran* Verona. Iilalloe Cotton. Mary Thorn, .\ellle Lynch, Xellie Itaymond. Loulae Eouon, Henry Nomiou, Joiiu J. **—*:*, IIoorge Honey, John E. Cain, Dnvhl Aeraliam^ J E. Muriiliy.Cluirla>« Turner, Albert FroMuand Hen- ale llupe. Among ilie nieclalUea will be tho Trilby Uuar I ei.*tbe Wllmoi Duo In lltrir hicycleact and Arthur Dunn. ! n Uie company are arTeral whu are great locnl favorltaa. llenry Noniian and Ada r>eaTet* are particularly aure of an eathnalaftlo welcome. KcnitLBHTiiKATHK.—Wonleand JamcR closed UMir en gagement UL wltb a performanre of "Jullua Ca*aar," wbldi packed the huuae. It waa iho emi «f Ilia a*aM>n fur them, aihl alau the end of their career aa Joint aura. Bach will he at the hend offala own company next aeaaoo. Mr. Waide dellghlcl liU rvienda liy ancholarly aitdreaa on Bliaheapear*oil Ilie anemoon of IS. It wasdellvve<t to an hiimeoae audience, who were preaeiit by Invliailon uf the Carieton Club. The Kdilller will in lUrk nutll June L, when "Llllle RoblnMni trniaoe" will ii* prwlut-ed for a oog run. CuLrantA Tiibatrk— Fanny Davenport ha^ crowtled Ihe Columbia at eTrr>* porlomaiiee of ilamondo.'* The piece la magnlScooily atagvd. The advance ^e for this week IndlcoteaUiai Chicago la lofktuaietl with Sanloa'a work, aa Interpreted by Ulm PareapoH. Melbourne Mc- Uowell la winning a fdir hhare uf iho lionun aa AInierki. Tbe engagement lianbecuiM aucre«i«fbl during Ihe Ural we^kihat It will beeMendfd lo ibroe Heeke,Tiuicad of two, aa originally Intvndcd. MuVicRKH's TiisiTBK.—*Th*roiion KlnB"pUied Ihe flrat we*k lo Chicago lu ptoA twuln***, alUiough It did nut create a furor. Tlie livpntarlt)' of melotlrwoa aaema to twoocleol hiatory lu tliU city, and 'The Coitoo King." wbll*doIngbfti*r Uian any otbtr recant uielodninaUc perfonnanr* lierv, la mill nmeio from beidg a auccMH ur tf t«c«lT|ng the patmeago acconlrd in audi phiyM In other lay a. LIXCOlJf THRATRK-'The BniUjiglera" opene«l at the -ilacolowlibaiiiailiiealtf. Il U a toehidnma that haa oeverJ^een e*an In ililncliy befure. Frank lloltand .. .. itJiora In .Prof. Peabody opened UlgbUnd Park lIT'lllf bla Bpeclaliy company, tn a fa'r ausodaac* ft T. Bald- win Icarea S for Philadelphia, 11, wher* he haa ooo- trocts fur i«'o aacetulon*. May 30 and July i II. L. Koelker la rUIUng relatlfe^ harleg cloaed wlih KobL Doanlog for the aeaaoo Rloellag BiT>e.* Clrcmi drew large crowdiafUmoonarHl eronioglS. Doeatnr^The Flints, bypDOtl«ta,for AreDlgbla, cIoalngMay la dU gooil bualnew at UeOrand. Delia Foi. In ibe "I.IuleTrooper." H. hnda crowded honae. With thcae RttnutlonM lha aeoaon clo^ and Manager Italnea aliould leel gntlAcd at tbo palrooogo iod aatiafactlon Rlreo. Peoria.—At Iho Tabernacle 8oiin*a Baud play* ftlio lane houaaa Mayir, Itkand maUaee oo IS. Tlie Tabemaclewltl non* be pat hi onler for Bummer opera, which bridoa June 10 Tlie Ormnd Op«ra Honae boa doNod for the leaioo, which waa a ven* aecceaal\il one. CANADA Montreal^At the Theatre noysl tbe "Derby Maacoi" dM good bunlneaa week of May iX Booked: "Tlie While Kiiuadnin;" week of TT. 'Th* Police In. •pecinr." SoiiMSB Pajik.— Thla place of amuaement waiopentNl tor ihn aaaaon 12, aod did rimmI bsilneaa for the ween wlUi Cak-edo, A. Duncan. Vernon anS EdwanK D* Brigny. Bourn. OliriB. Adillle Lejaune and Larlano'a Military and I'ark Band. Retnliiad for week offl): Ollrii, Soun. I>e Brigny, Ihe Four JlHlg•^ Joale and Lori*. Bnet and RIvlrro, Ihinhamand lloa'ard. tli« Pollceand Park Band, and Ihe liiaugurailon of Uie t'ryUMl Uiat. EitRN MlWKK.—Ilarrr Soeldar.afUr aai-eral waeka'll|. oe«a.haa rcomn^ ihia hniiM aul dhl big buahieaafor week of IX Willi Ilelene MJKnon.Rdlib Mayo. BeUe Dar- ling, Tottimie (jnlna. Bleau, Romire Hlitert, Menard Bla- ter«, Uie Hrbis plcturea and PrDfeaaor La Ppsrera la th* annex, ttelalneil tar ireek of S. Hilly Roaello, PatUu Dunn. Frank Forreat. Agile Lomloe, Ii>ra Itoaaln. May Beltiiont, Julia Ilighl^y, Lew Oonlon. Roae Mack, Bleau, Maud Rititalrc, I/»il*o Mayoartl. Anna Mercdiib, Jennie Dupro and Pm emor Ia rrevcrfr Palicr Tiikatrk.— Tlila non- ploc* bta recenUy been npened Uy J, Koy, and hapt been drawlnp very Rooil . - - William l)ot|P«ii. LiM fur »«ek ot 13: MfTdiell. Claudie Lorraine. Pnul Madame Bldaao, UuU Picheue, Billy Hoodie, - ■ ^ ■ ■ AkrIo Loialne, lRldMu.HBdaint , , — .... Hetninvd lor week of 20: William MItrliell, CbiuOle l/irralne. faul Kldtau ami Madame Illdcau. Ko. N. RaI-trk. manager of 'The Derby M>acol," In Montreal. Inat week, wait prvwDleJ wllb a valuable a|ttu T>u)>py hy 1m* liohili, treaiiurer of the Tkoaire Koyal. Toronto,—At Iho (Iranrl Opera IIuiiHe, 13, lUch* ani Maleiileo, under the au'plw of Uie Torooio Alh- letlcClub, preaealed antoHt DoT*l eiblblUon of fencing. Tlie aceoee wer* taken from the Uilrd act of "She," "Hm CoralcauBrathera" anil "Haitikt."and werewellputon to big hu^lnewu Comlnga)-!}, Chauacoy Olcott will sp. pear In hla new play, "The Iriah Anlat." T0HO.VTO Oprra lIotTHE.—13-1^ Tooy FafT*lL In "Oany Owen," had fkir bualnen. Coming: fl>4, Hsllen and Hart. In ."Later On." AOAitRMY or Mi'Hic—Dark. MooRra MinmR.-BuilDeoH Iklr. Leciura hall-Tit* Biiraieae mcr«d hull. TheSlro-HaftarFred Sehelllg, ih* HakoiDR, HcShairrey. the McAvoya, B*Mle Halcom, Hani* lllon and aiyon. HiiinlltDn.^Attbe QTand DaoUcCartby closed a three nigbu' engagement May 18, to fair bunbeaa. Ttie Coghlanacaineioagoodadranr* aleU. "Uncle Tom'a Cabin" coiiiaa 22, aiHi Ifoughlon'a Oo. 2>-S. BrAHTiiKATHX.—Laatweek'A butlneM waa good. For May ajnnd week: Flillllpaand Kaynnr. Bobble aod Qeor- gle CariKtn, Dick and AJke McAToy,aiid Butler and Peny. Gneluh.—At the Royal Open Huofie, May 14, Den McCarthy, In "Crulikeoo lawn," liad a poor houa*. Coming: 20. Tony Farrell, lo ''Oairy Owen;" 24. Ida Van Cortland Co. lo ''Mlchnil Shvgoir.*' for a beneilt to Man- ager llaTemler At OaJt Town ||alL Ida Tan Cortland t playatJ.31. London.—At Ibe Orwod Uomrd Wall'a IdeRla played^a wMk'ienKo^emeniMay 13-1^ to good bualneao. Tony Fnrrell comoaX MINNESOTA. Mamie biierldan liave Ibe laatliag rules; utli. caat are Roaliia llohiie^ Una Wulford, Jamea U'Leary lAVcenco llohiie*. fcln* KlUler romct 3B, andwIH |>biy n reperior>' for a arek. Matllo Vlcken>, In ■Macuiilnp.'* dMrhlrlywelLckinbiBlK. ItAVgARKicT Tiibathr.— Tliairbsr ,t Juhnann'a MlitttroU dayed (u fair boanteaa, chiMng is. "Jane," with Anna teker loihe loaillnfcrtile, upeaed lu and will mn a ueek. Peter Dalky and May Ir«ln. In "A Country Hourt," wilt itpon U for a week, and their ongagemenC wlUeod the waaon ai Uie Ilaynwrkel. The hnuae will remain dark untU about BepL I. MAau.fic RiMr Uahok.v.-T1iIi r««<irl open* 19. undcrlhe manogentent of ileoige A. Fair, abuprmtoaea lopreaent a lilgli claaa raoderiiie perfurnuoce. Fur the opening week Jamea Buyle, iheTurtoJadaTroupe ufKMitUh alng- er^ Ihe DelloieUl Family, Laura McCurklo, Hinel Mela ur, Adolpb Adani, Llocohi KIwood. M*u Buoley. Pauhi and Dlko, William Cameno, Ul* uf "Tite Paulng Bliow," have l»een eongrd. llurKiXfi' Thbatrr.— Nellie Uaaibooy liaa made a de- ckled hit wlih thei«ironiof tlitahuuae, aod ban been re- •ogagvtl lor another wa*b. IMhera whu ai* on Uie Idll for thla weeh are Til*.\*lMrii Kandly, illUa Tbooiaa aod ■'rank Bany, Peter Maker, Fold aud Francla, Brown and larTU>n. l.«aueptHlal*ri,Kiiilly Kelao. I4 Belle Adrle, HaRoo and Dtagle. Tli* «ImvL ctmipaoy will proaaot 'The'. Daoitee." KaANK llAU.'e Capi.vo.— A ationg varieiy bill la pre- Kred Ibr Ihe Cn«lQo ihiN week, in which Anrao, Carrie lilt, Le Mala*. Kiaher aOd Ogden, lleory Bowen and othen will uk« pan. Tbe atieodanctat (beCaainoliw l*eo«%c«1knl. and iww that tlie Hoyai Bnillab Citcoi and llaTllB'a hata be*n ck>a*d It la iielUr than ever. Ai'Aniar or Minic—"Rdiih*'« Bnrglat'* or*ned fora week, with a matinee, If. Anna Boyle and Bogea* Moon head the oompftoy. TDnyroaiorpUyod to hjg boalnoM, -VoabiB lA ALHAHSBA THBATRa—Bob PttMlmownt aod hlarnu. nydM a moderai* ba>laeaa dorioa ih« w**k^)osln| to nob* room fbr "The Loit Paradlr- " -'-•-^•■'i— orris la tbe toad log role. ■lie," wIUTWlUI 8t. Pnai.—At tbe Uetropolltsn KeUar nude a hit May 13, and played to a good budoean all the week. Ttie Alhamhra Vatidevillea coiiie 19, and will play a f«aMn at Ihli houte, gtrlng nightly oarforiDUcea and mailneea every day al 24) i*. n. It la propowd to give a aew bill aod new perfonoera each woek. For we«lc ofSO, Cheva- lier Olhmoian<l Mile. Clluuoc Lenar aod Wllllaffl^lb• Three Hackou Broa.. daUuiui. \7IIUa CUrk, Eva Rwln- bume, Alice Uoivard, Qua Hlciianla Llizle and VInle Datj', Dolan and Lenbar. ami Fulton Broa. and Warreo. Pricea at iiinUDeea will be tweoty.flve centa to any pan ol Ihe hour*. Evenlor, nrkcen, tweniy-flve and dfty centa. Tlie company wlh play under the management of H. F. Ullklauo, wlKipremlaea a cbanite of bill and com* pany ever)- week. aR.\No.—Mrs. Qen. Tom Thuoib and her llllputlana have had good bu^loesaall ofweek of 1^ nod have partletUarly delighted ihn JurenllM of Uie city. Th* Olilln A NelU Block Coiuraoy will nraeeol 'Tbeaalloy Slave" week of 19. and the huaae will bs dark the following week. Tb« Umen A Nelll 6ic»ck Company will ratom June 3, for one week, to "A Scrap of Paper" and "f-BM," and will doa* Uie aeaaon at the Orond. Manager Klng>bury win take * benefit June 1.% whao Ihe aiock coiipaoy win preaeot 'The Jilt." BonwtA.-Hualneaacoalluueagoodat Uie Bodega. Kew people lor 20 aod week: Tiaher aod Well. JoMphWood. bllle. Linian Cheater. Kra Brmt, Oiudner's Llvlog Pic* turof, Sara Yager and tho rfiock. Mlnnenpolls.—At the BIJou Opem llouse Un. Oeoeral Tom Thumb qiioued May IB. Tb* OliTen A NelU Stock Co. retuma lo "the Galley Slave" tS. TI1* coeapsoy drew fair buuata It-IB. Koiii. A MjonLino.N's Diait lftnnL*a.~For 20 and week there at* Chenioi, Pesriey Koblnooo, Paonte BnrdeUe, Mile. ZImmeniiAD, and the FleUn F^lly, the bronu ataiue< Annie Lealle, Purker aod Reui^Io, Baker and KamlnlL tnina. flay and Bobby BryaoL Bualneaa la betUr than "fair." TUB Myktio hhrlvr's Mluabel aliow, 1& at tb* Melro- l^lltan. waa >urh a Kucceav, the liuuae bebig crowded, that Ihe boya repeated It lo a lanre AudleocelV.. vn. Plilllianuook Club gave Ita lait concert of uie before a i>lg cniad at iho Motr>>pollt4a, IB. Dulatb^Theljceiimlsdarkror tho week ot Mayn and perbipa for Mine wcekHtumme. Tiik TBRpLK wae lit u|. M when W. II. Mohan's Col- erwl Mbiitrel* appvarad. Hilshouio will bg' ough oreriianllog before oait aeaaen. There numtrtrof otv«cen«a)ialnt4daDd all Uie oM re a Ibor- win to a be (onehed up. The ilraVtof U^elratuewingeriiJ aher* uf l«Int, and new carv*ia will be pat down. I'ARLUB THRATBR ii diilng nell. Tit* people for the week aro Ned TbaUher, Arthur Lorraine, Edmooa Welch, F.ra,Tbstelier. Llllle llew«|l..Lillian Cberaller, Mr. Ilanlle, Hilly Pax. HiMen La rbevaller and Ui* regu- lar atock. .^^-^ INOIAN/L Indlnaapolls^t the Park Ur. and Hn. Robt. Wayne prvaeoted *T1te Ktroggl* for OoU" aad "The Wagea of Bin" lugood ab«dnudl*Bce«w*ekofU. Tbia week, Loadva Bellea' Burle«iue Co. llohleo Dramatic Co. ^ and wAk. }^S!I*',r'^ .^•Tf "n**! May FesilvaL given U-I« at TomllONMi Hall, pioved a great aucceearboth ortlail* eallyaod rtnaocially. Tli* fonowlag alugen look port: Mme. Melba, Mme. Noitlica, lltrtrade May 8iela,Ri>M fllewort, Mra Jail* L. H-joiaa, Mra. J*onlo Padrlc' Walker and MaMr^,,BeD Uvlea, Vm. U. Blamr.Hai llelarich. Waiklo Hllbi and Wm. ll.CUrke. Ball Hoi lenbauer woi conductor ol the orcheatia and P. X. Areae moMral dlr*ctor I. Ij. Baldwin baa been apulnt*l manager of Paul Bityton ii'^'aiarCliute." .Tbelo dUna Bin FOMera' AaaodaUon will meet la tbie eliy 11 ......Tlie following people htr* t>eea engaged tor th* eon- tinuoua alioa. qoder Uie Bananfoienl of BaMwIa X \ ounv. to tie alyen at Uie r»rk for two weeka, eomnenclag June 9: RoImiu ami Dontta, Booato LottI*, Dlsoa, Bowira |od IMion. the Boomaa^ Ed. BagUtao, the BU- ar« Meodota. IjoreUnd and ThoBOMtn, Jrrln T. Baata and, ViciurellliB BhadovgrMitf .The Fkrfc h^ bwM equlmd wlUi electric foaa Blosllng groiCcotnra sadBaraom'aBhowwlUbabareaL *****