New York Clipper (May 1895)

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184 THE . ijq-JSW YORK OLrPPEE. Mat 25. THE N EW YORK CL IPPER THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLI8HIN0 CO. (LknlM), rRoroiBTons. OEO. W. EEIL, Uiii4on. 8ATUBDAY, HAY 2fi, 1895. RATES. AD V JC KTISEMBNTS. Tv«nlr CMU p*r Un«, m«u type Di«war«; iptM oi oa> ■ iDCh tUD eatM buerMAl. A dfdacUoD ofS ptf c«nL U illoVMl 00 •df*rtliMn«Dtii whin paid for thra* month* Id adTtocA, uhI oa vlfertlMiiwou mMiurlDf 100 lloM or mora. BxmoBmioK. Ooi 7Hr, Id tdriDo*. |4; nli monlhH, 13; UirM inODthi, tl. PonlKO po«Uff« «xtn. fllnRlo eoptu, 10 oiata«Mli. OUR TKRMS AHB OABH. TUB OLIPPBR It URuad erirr Wwlaeadfty moraine. TIM l2Ui, ISth ud leUi (■dvortlilDfr) pftm 00 TO PRBft ON MOHUAY. Md Ui« Hth, uOi ufd ottMr pftffM on TUB80AY, The Vomu Oloilng Promptly at 4 P. U. FI<«M nmlt by Mpnu mooiy ordv. ohKk. F. O. Or- d*r or rtfflBi«r*d l«itar »nd ADDRESS ALL OOMMUNIOATION8 For lb* Bdllciial or th* BvilaMt Depftrtmeat to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, 1'. 0. Boi UMB, or nLllTKH BUILDIKO, tt liHl flon«Dif« mnoi, M*w Vork. In KnitUnil—Till Cun-IH can obUlasd, wM«aU •liO null, or ogr u«nu^ Knillh, Aloille A Co., 0 Niw. u»ti« Hlmt, tUraad, London, wliera bound lUea of iliU |<«pornikr MMn. In Pnnc*— Tub CurfiR Uon aAle«tllr«aiuio*iii«»i dejvt, 17 Atentiede I'Optra, l^t. 4a-THB NEW YORK CLIPPER nb- llataM only one edlUoB, »ad UtAtUamtod nrom N«w Vork.-^* loff ponlllon when you tnt\ compttont li QUERIE S ANS WERED. NO REPLIES B Y MAIL O R TELEGRAPH. ASPUaUIOIIWHItUBOinBROTaiVU. aixivqcm or mrou uiottu) wun to thou waoh tbit ubi, ih OAHBOrTlIBOMPi'Ull fMOTUmOB. ALLUTTIHWILL 11 ADTIKTIUD ONB WBBR OVLT. Ir TUB hOVTI Of AKX HKATBiOAL ooMrArr III aocoKr. rbhr to odb im or WWm OV AVOTHBH rAUi. WB OAimOT Bins BOUTB BT ■AILOBTBLBOlArH TIIBATRIOAL. O.T.,l(Artlord.—1. Tliere UbullltUtchuiMlnAnopera ciHiiptnr 10 nw from Uiv choniiUiaiirlnclpol rat*. 1 Vouliui •• --' —_J iDff poiilil _ , _ ., Ihuu KlOKlH.—AlMJut Uvuly-llTa dollars p«r wmW. II. K., Uowaiida.—I. Wa Iiato Mtrtfawl ourfllM fbrlbt lUm, but hare not diKorortO IL % Wa |iuMlili our ad' TarUatnff rau> Id «ach Ihub. V. II. W., liHlianapollH—AddraH tli* Lavrwc* Noraliy Co.. n and U Uaniro 8ir««u How York ultr. U. II. H., Eait Lyana -Addreu UarUudi A Co., 80 Fll UertBtfeu, IlillaJelphla, l*a. S (Ta, Nswark.—You can liava four|>U7 writtoa br par ■ lOBCAMI. n.A. B.—Wo liAT* racaUed do iDlollliieBoe of Mdia coni|«ny belnR upon tlia nwl. MfHifTAirrHiunBR.—KiM WtHMl wu at Willadi'iThoa- tr« Id IVTV-HHtl. Lawla Munlaoo vu uol a monibtrer tlio cniiiMny. 0 B., Hevarh —Wa have no r«coll«cilun tA Uia Itnn to vlilch lOD r»r«r,aiMl do nut know wboro to look Tor IL B. 11 B., Haitiniora.—Wo lia*B no kiiualaiiRa of llia ttlioraaboulii of tlia iwrllea. AddraulalUr Id cara ofTui OLirfBH. J. B. M.—From forty to llfly dollan par week. II. W. 1'.—Tlio party la unknown to ut. V. II. AHD (I. U.. Clilcago.-Fn>nt thlrty-flvi to forty dol- lar* per waok. MiOK Hkhic^ Bnmklyn.—I. Budi an act la not In da- mand, aotl nn Ralary can batiuoloU. X Tlitdnabloaet li itiobattor. 8. Tlio play li owiiad by Ihimlnlck Murray. 4. It dtpanda upon tbo naiur* of tba acu. ft. Addrau any uiuNo daaler. Mrh. M., Montt«a].-W« rvirat lo lay thai It la not In our puwar to obtain any )>D«lllon fur tlia youDg lady. M. U. R.. LowolL—walMTA oo linoal«d|«of tliacom' |)any. AddraM lotlar In our cara. 0. N. K, t;tiloaia—I. Tlioy niaka daioa mi Ui«y happan tuniidtiioopaaliiR. 3. Not aa a rulo. X Hadi a couraa woulilbaifUa. i Tha latiar liatd iliouKl b« ua«d. but voutd not ai nrat ■uiltolaatly adfarllM yui. ft. Tuara la no Work Uial will ulro you audi [DRtrucilon, nor U It oaoaaaary to eonault aoy uiaoafar. Advanlu, writa to niaDagara and awall rwulia. Vvu will n««d vuur own papar. - J. O. a, BiuRartMiR.—Addrau Denla Amould, flSB Caoal Biraot, KawVoikOliy. Burr, Hodon.— a latter Kldrauo^ to Jobonla l^rloitla. In cfra ofTRR OLirrvH, wlUdnubUHaprvearv fbryuu all Iha Inlnmuiion you doklro. II. O.—1. Wa fiavp tM-alvflil no loltlllRtnca oTany dottli among tlia iiaoiiUwIih tliK »ttov. t, K. Addrm Edward i>rriii. Ult>- of Haiicu. 4- Tliara U no publlcAtloo Uiat vDI RiTB yoa Uia luloniiatlon. U L. v., lod[aitiiMillii.—TItero ar« uraml |«rtlaa of tlia nauiB of Baklvlii u|wn tha ruari, but wo an not auia Uiat we could accunialy litcata Uia oua you rairr to; tliaraf— you bad bailor aildroM latter In eara oi Till ULirfiii. K K. L., NajOivllte.—Pia land U orawdtd wIlliyouDff ' paobia who claim to liava aicaptloiial nbllliy for liana wuni, and aa you advance Uia Rauia rlalni, and aak un Willi you Pliall do, wa lioueiUy and alncaialy advlae you bido uoUiloit. J. IL. fli. UiUiirlnaa.—I. Tfia Hamum A Da'larninw ' aiblbtiad tut year In rhllailalplila fbr una waak, from April SU to May ft, InoltnlTa- i. Theihowwu not dirldad 9. Tberalano law Id (lie Biats of ronniylvania whloh ptublbltiaihow fhim atajluir or aililultluit mutt tliao una day lu aoy olty or Iuwr in tfae fliate. K. W. U.-*'NtUiica" wu prannlad ai B«oUi*« Thaatn, Ibli cliy, Nov. 14. IWI, by a oumpany under tha nanaita- maaiorB. B. Rioa. A. W., l*aorla.—Wa knownnthlDgconconilDitUianioritB of Ilia praparailoo vou maDtton. lUwiwK, Urand ftaplda,—1. Wa donoi caretodlacrlinln> alalu favor ufaoy mtkar. 3. We oanitui roply m Uila 'quory fbriliiillar ruMitiii. S. Rovoralyeui, aeoonllniio uiorllorinairucinr and apUio'i ofMipIt r.T. A tki., rblladalplili.—Moifc Malbabaa aallod fur BuTopa. A. 0. R., Wacn-'flai-b a palnllnit caniiit|l»abad,ai tlia drmwInRM are cu(iyrlglitail. Wa know of nn oiia who baa audi MlnUniratu rwiiL t:. W., Ilraiid Itapldn.—Walcli our route lUl. II. H. M.. HouUi (>«Iinma.-Addran WalUr J. rtiiimier, HI d. UMrk KiTvet, Chlcaan, 111., or Jaum J. Armaironit, 10 Unlim Bnuare. New Vttrk U \\\ iluun(uii/~/JDiMraion'i fi'uM^ imbllidirtl by W. II. Donaldion, Cliiclnnail, U., will iirokably aa«Mrer your pur- jHne. Trlca, |1 A. R. K.-Tlia addraai (■ l,OQ Hrvidnty. II. K.r. Cu., Kanui t:ily.~We have no dalai of Ui« coiui«iiy at Uia tinio III vrrllltiii. iHit If nny are received lliey wiQ !■• Inund In our roule lltL OAHDB. J. 1U L)'un.—1. A lOayarranapllt a pair to draw to a four nuib or MT«l|lit, and li only rwiulred to place lila I Id lu pni|ier place in tho dl»card pile, po oromw to In caio of itibiviiuintdlHiute. - - HPun 10 aipoia hli pUr u uilien at Uia buanl, aaliB wuuUi Iwdnlna lUd lie caliUMlr aitantloo to dlacarded canl IdIu pni|ier place in tho dl»caru pile, po tliatltiuay lienronwl to In caio of itibiv^iuiintdlHiute. •lie UDotnlled iin i-i--i.- .. ..— -tbanatiiraorhladlKcarxl. i. tlie|iUyart4lbe IttmiadUU right uflh* dealer U llieunly one who li eiiUllad out theoaiUi. TltoiloilerwuwroDR. II. 11. II., lfakat:ryiUI.—Vou are only r«(|ulietl toahuw openoTw under ibu>a clrvuinauneai. NuvHiR, Now York.—If U kaiH wlUilq Uh limit, Iwaoty- flva eentf. lie ww right: oUierwIso ha w«i viwoR. - II. B.. rrilladel|ihla.~l'ndar ibe rlnHUuMMiQM.B unit Uke auoUiei irirk. lie ihouM havo cWiiTUi^rHrure ploliInK up a rani olf llia deok. NRW<^l&LBH.-Ya^ pruvldid ho niebli tha iU al Uia aama ntoiueni, M. B.vHaiuta your query, and make tt mora aiplloti. ■ T. lUBrDOkUo.—IneurhreaiMiTty whofUtHnlnQainuiil inakeallflra trlekiln order lo ■eorefoariHtlnin. flAtBDALL, CniCKBT, KTC. (I. K M., Vlrtiirla.-Wa hare not Ilia lima to hwk the nailer up. If jou can name four or imira iwaoni we will lie Uller able lo dacMe. 0- TIlUBvlllv.—B wina. An wa uiulirwtand iha baU the club oaniaJ by A wia to niiVa mure tuna In oa« la- ntOR Ihao Ilia tiiher rlubwouM during the entire gaiue, wblchltlklletltudo. < a K., Miannan.—H wini. Kheruian geUIha rndll of a TleU>r>- by a Mtroof viii(l,Hndallbeti ro by ihr um- pire'i tiaclalitn. P. A. A^tlrallou.—II wini liiraie Ibe peroenlaie iliould be a lie. T. H., riilUiUl|tlila.—The nu Iml) U aoi looratl, but only Iha rum iitida muii li by tbe Imumaa. I). II. a, Tronton.-li li a draw. ' A. K. H., Troy.—Tlie run li iml eoHnie>l. P. A. A , tlrannD.—lu eve of a ila B would bo Uia win- ner. TURF. L. CO., New York.—Tbe lUtMon Onnonde, by Bond Ur, out of iJly Agnei. wa* oerar dpfteiMl during Ui* time hawaaonUia turi in HngUnd. Anir bla IhrMyaaroM canwr. bowerar, be waipurdiaied by areihleot ofBouU 'Amarlra, and deralopad Iniu a cvooniteit itwar. whidi waa Iha cauaa of lila being l4ati>n In tlio Qnl rare In whMi bo aurlod after UaTlng Knilaml. That, we lietiaTo, waa bU only delaaL (trmoiiue wan neier lu Auilrmlla. lie waa In Buenoa Ay raa when purrhiaed hj W. O. n. Uacdooeugh, of t^llftinil*. . A. H. R., Jerome.—Tha (kalail quarier mile running record Ual>C«, by both Jim Mllh>raoil Rla«>py Okk. For aildliional paiileuUrw we rewrda oi iiage 79 uf Tub CLirriR Ah.ti'Ai. fiir im. Tatlor Bm«., Now lliTH.—Weharano daU whiieby lo antwer the queatlnn. ll.iMi.. New York ~We do net knowMapreoontwbere nUiDU. A leiUraiblreMed In cue erniB OUPfRt win readi hliu, buwoTar, ATiiLBrrio. lliiiH KirKiR.-l. Tha roonnla Id whidi yea are In aearrh •>! will lt« fnund onj««a*Haadf» oTThb UumR ANRi iL fnr im. 3. Hm "Tliealrlcal" aiiaver& J. tL. Newark.-h, wlui wagereil Ibal the Trae Blnea «euM nut wId ibo game, wm Uia wtnaor oftlio tie. P. J. T.. fit LoDla-Sod) iM0T4a aiva hkTa rmidlat MrformaocM of thai doienpilBa «in be rbai Tb T» CLirrgR ARRCAL for IBB. . L.B. P.,ToroDio.—ThaletUrltadTulHidiBfhlalL- AreMreDee tbareto alae appaan fa tbe alUeUe tfaMft- DiaoL T. W. E.. Boffalo^I. Than bolof a dUpou betvem tha two Jndiea retaidlng CeDaer aaTlflf cooa the fol dlataoea, and tha olber pnodpal uflnf bUad to no al alL Id the abaoaoe of a refwee to doelda tho dl^U the balur way to eottla tha autterwoiU be to agree opoo another day to ran, when pracutJoni abonld be tAkao to preTontareearTeoceof tbotnnlte. 1 TbafMaet Una In which a mile and a half haa baas ranbyaptaa U6ai: 45K*.; Id Anorica, Jid. MU. HOLPit, aitmore Clty.-Tba Dgsreayon glvo are correct For partlcolarRaeepages of Taa Ourrai AgROiL for rhio. J.J.L., Newark.—According to pablUbad rtateokenU lhalrraipecUTemaaiartmaflU are: Corbetl—Height, ML lln.: length of reach. aSMln. PItsilmmoiu-llolght ftlL llVIn-; )«nffUiorr«ach,I^VlD. Waoanootroach |S»rUie abaolula eorrectaaai of thew flgarMi J. J. 0., New York.—No aeeonot waa kept of tbo aotna. Palflii made In that conle^ bat of ooarao O'DoanaU iat li opprrnant In that re4«a alio. J. IT. Kaniaa01ty.-Tt«tdopeDdiupon whether oaaU a contatt llnlied to a cortalo •Upalated nomber of rouDdi and ihe oUier wlihent Unit aa to roonda. MItCBULAIIKOUt. D.B.. Piper CIty.-TheMrtleawbo tied oo S aboot off for eholoe of priiea, tbe winner takloj flretand tha loaer ibeaecood. Tboaa who aeorad 9 aaa U on Dot eaUlled loaojrUilDg. K. B., New York.—Not accord low lo tbo wofdlag of tha bet, which la to be cancalod oo JuLr 1, ualaoa decided oa or before that daU. R L., KetlliBbun.—Iher^lTo wealth of the lHailllea nieouoned la aoaethiDg aboot which we know too lliDe to underuke to wire you tha dealrad Infomatlon. B. iHD M., Turrlngtoo.-We oarer anawtr qaaatlooi ro- gardlng tho circulatloa of oewapopata. U. B.—Uavlog been narrlad, yoe cannot legally marry anin dorlng tlia Ufatima of yoor bntftasd withoot ob- Ulnloga dirorce. The feet that yeurhoibond baa*con- traetad two bigamouaaillanooadooa not U aoy way con- for upon you a rigbt to remarry tiatll yoo aie gianted a decree or dlrorcamenL ^ TRoof A, Port Maada.—We do not baodle booka. Ad- araia the Lawraon NofeliyConpany,tt and 00Centre Rtreet, New York Cliy. CHESS. To CorroBpondeBlo* II. N. BTOHR, BoBion.—Tbankaforagreaabteoota; anrvl a lorpriilugly proper oelabratioD of yourMrenty aeooni birthday, April 3Dl OIL U. W. II., Mandiwur. K. U.-n*ilk yon for tbo atteo. tlon of Uio paper*. La Rt'B WIUJAK0.—Much obllgod for the neat contrl' bntlon, you are cullWallDg a good taau: tho "glUed dome" Uworthy youradmlntJon; weaballbejtloaled to recelre roporu from Uie cheaa ot tbe Omaha T. M. 0. A. Btanytlne. "BtTirbo vrSrBRO."-WaaabBilt—wbotherfoe prefer to accept Hr. Lord'a brIIIUnt aUnilatlon aa a fUaity, or to haul your piolilam ap for repnlra to nuke It Mand la tvoDiy. ■ rii urlMV In laadlo^ „ . BRd'HiroiiUBLR^—ttwDiSi^n^ poblUhed we gire JHRpRKaoN. Monifaal.—We are much obHg^ by yourcourteay iDieadlDgaoopy of£« Jfondc/Uoitrewiin your portreli and dieM bl your diaoged aUpuUlloo. M. E. PKADi<i5AT,Baryon, Kraoee^—Aeoeptour hearty thanka for Uie walcomo oonirlbutloD«aad toe hiadly (Ut> UriDgeiprealoaa Db. Hpimamh.— VefTihankfDlI; ve acknowledge your oompllmoDU; we ahaU aoon eonmeBce on the -*otBolal ■oluUona" of our tourney probleoui, probabhr noit week. Bro. lliHiLTON.—YourffalemalDollealanlghlir appre- cuted, and your aiptenlon, "a Mar Dunb^r,'' au the more gratliyiog, aa that la Jnat what we irled lo make It Hrd. Ualurratii.— irihatremlalac«Dtulafmphlogame did not readi yoa, pleaM let ui know, and we'll ur It again. The BrsBB <l»ublU ItUnotAbleliowcheiiebbaond DowbIdIu pmralllni ityle«, lomoihlng like ibe lldaa, Ihougli lu porloda an o yeara—a period Toll of life, brimaney and Inuglnatlon, making cnawi what It Inirloaleaily ibouU bo, a cbann, a ■olace, a recreaUoo. Anon, ooiaeo a ware of dulloea^ hearr, erantplDg, forbidding. The eieuao for UiU (a, "dually,"—' *' "adenee. Tlien cornea upon tha flaU ao«e towarlng geoluB, who rellgliutheiacrad flroa Pf>rthiiherocelTMibopUudlu and fullowlDg of all who prtie the game aa a raoogntud Intellaotual relaxatJoD from tbo waarlooai of earaa and tha perpleiltle« of aertooa dallaa. Than It li that tbe game uiea lu great atridea fbrwaid lowaida gooaral ap- preciation and pracUce. Now li coming atMal ware of tho *'Bfana," and It li welcome; for wa bare no fear that tholoflnlteTarlaty of thU marretoudy Unadoua gambit wIlLJii pnoeot at law, be Tary»nouuyeurtallod;or lu brilRijit popelarity bo rery nudi dlnued. Uerr iMker*! uiutaneea win oommand uoirenal a^ UnUoD,whonglren Infill: and UerrAlbinueven now prei«nng lor publication hlaoxpoeltlonof ihliUnacloua attack—both of ihom laborf og U elucidate a laoabtf do- fonce. llerr A. lirepoiudtabaTapliyodtweniy-flTedo- laucea TH. Judge labait Id Now Orkua, Jndm L. being aouDPOKuouHbrgined eiuoneot ol ihliattaoi.wlih the followlBR reauii: Drawo.!: Juiliel^, ft; Uerr A. is. The fuilowlng clue u llorr L«ikar'«T|eve of the de- fence haji beau publlthed In adTaDceof hiabook. Ilia three loadlDR ihoMiaie: 1. Tlio "Oompromloed Defence'' la favorable to the lacood player; t. Tfie "normal fomi' of o|»»Qliiir ylaUa WlilU a laatlog and very dangarouf Uia K'l aide; and 3. There la a itnplo and aafa attach un i . __ _ way to evade all dliOoaUloi If Black glTaa fiackatonce blaactiulrod Pawn. Here lathokay tonlademooiiiatlon: Whiu. Bkuh. While. ~' ' l.-PloBI PtoK4 ----- a..lCKt-B3 QKt-BS 3..KH-B4 KB-B4 4..l'-OKt4 BXKtP ft..l*-<]BS KB-B4I 0..OaaUee(a) KBtoKiS , Wlilu'i g'a aide l« dittmngid Ibr Ue end game, and HIaekhaaabatUrdlapoHdpoililon. TbeWbluQBPU weak, and alio la ao obilade to bla afraetlTo davelop- niant. \a) If e..P to Q < Bleak eaabrfng abonttho "eonpro- ntlMd defoDce." IWrorable to the oeeond player. (ft) BurrondarlngthePfbralBpliilaaiioB. i») Theatiaeh9..K B x P -f regaliaa a lltUe caie on BUok'o pan.-Dr. PoUook. Mb. RBicHHBtAi*8"AifKBi.*'-Aoont tbli onrloaum we have received a note roqaeitlag ui u> lUU tkat 6. Loyd baa a.atalenaia game In fierin OKiro^ ftom tbo origloal pua'ilon uf Uia roree^ wlUi tbf atlputatlon Uiat oeTUier aide |i to kiae a man Hr. L'a lolutlon pLni two nan. Tfaeiefore our coDtrlbutorwl«hai to BiodlTy hia propoib tloD to Uila—"While to play (oto a aUlemaU In tfariom moToi, without lodnc a man, or havlog one monad." BalfBam No. M,oeil. PIret Prlae la Cha» ifoNlAlv'f Third Tooreey. BT "MTOOOriB." ^•^M 1^ ^ t t t •iqi,gKtT.^>cj, XRl.KIISkqR4. S, QBI,ja, t t t •lli(al.llKt;, KKt, XBt, KO. KBl. WhIU couipoli iuliiul« lo nuriDOTM. PrabiiB Ho. it,oaa. TUB OLOSK or OUR TOVENAHBHT. MT "IT BrUO IT Tllin." The ■TPODilM) atlpolAtino lo thU probloiu li bj Bom Lrtiyd. TtM o«it \mt \Mom 10 • MODd pnbUm li to hftvo It M\ tnto lb«b«ndio7iof^lUaB artlit,who £u •¥olvt l^t It til. Dtoft RalMI* ud (law* b*U«Ti)dtdr ouu Mtutloo OTor iriTOD to ft ^TObloiD Id tLo liko nnmbor or moToi. Mr L.>a MlatJoo •ntf now ud thw uilta MaliM or elMlrio brlUlucr: ud oo our "TwMty nor* Tminey" •Bdi In a Aw aeiaUof clou flravorka. BLACK. WHITE. Wblla eonip«li MlnMo Id olihtMD tooTta. Gam* Ho. 9,005. A. w* hava aaid, ll.rr Albin' haa a wrwkia of hU own aUuttt daraodlo|tli*"Bran<' baiadoD throld Klanarita- kr d«raa««jaam runoui br Iha Boitott taanam Mtaitm, Hlon. ud Vara. Ill* loUovtos iima aUiad ln*n«lth Mr. lliThaid, raeutlr llran Id III— ' ^ladmu. _ K\'AK8 OAMBIT. nawrAwiMiiil la a food Wblla, I. E. (Irehaid. l..rtiiK« I. K Kl-R] 9..K H-R< i.l'-URll (..IMIB] «..■■-<]< a..KR.Kiq >..K-Raom IO..IlKt-ai I. .it.«t« IS..U Kt-RS II. .KB-qt M..KBNKt l«..NKa WblU Blaek. A. AIMd. FtoKI ORI-BS itB-R4 RXKir KKI-Bl RuUa,<)l< al-KB H°blta, I. B. Orehaid. !i::§!!8K» lt..KI-KT^ B..aR.R3 II. .d a-Bat B..gRXB ~ *arB« It-El .g>t-Ba+ l-Eaa .RRI ItxB (0) To reoder Blaek*a gane note neeara Irr oot ai< changlof KPforq P, tboaheeplBvWbluPatgBS, thiu obwinctjDg kla 0*8 wUtf. (UTho lBl«oli«tt,aafbllrcan1ad oot, la to caatla, Q B, aodaaMU the White wUedK. •ID Wblteappaan to huaaomoUne. <d TfcU aaeou w glra White tbe advanlajn; but. In leilltr, iboboetlaontheotiiorlog. Tho petition U rary earlon^ and aooe Uvely play folkiwa. — Pl^^ HP, There- earloi-^ (A q X Kt, ofooune, loaae tbe g. BUc eichaoge" by ihiwatoalog mata. («) ThraaUnlogBxqftP: aad»..Ktx ply 10 S.. U neal and codcIoiIto. •«BlBtory Ropaata Itaelf. Under thii title rv^Uong./'ownial glreaa gane from tbe recant eoneapoodanee loaney of Tie i>ublin Jfoii. P. Baafoid, ofOalway, wa. W. Bnaten. of Torkihlre. Dr. Tarrmaeb poloU oot that Ihe gone la no. IS of hIa book of "amc ■ wlU 1 "amOaBMa." Al a aort of eomnenUTT l»efore the fbct It rlU be uUreotlog to eonpare ihia piece of practical ptar, ao eonaplcaooily repealed, with Iforr I^aker'a theo- fitlcal traatnwnt of the ''Cospronlaod Defence"—when Mr. Buroid. I..FtoE4 i. .Ki(-Ba a..K>-B4 «..p-gKt4 e..r-gBa a..p^4 T..<hMlaa t..Q-ita >..p-ia H>..aitxP ii. .qB-Ba Mr. Bmoton. PiaK4 SXt-Ba B-B4 BXXt? KB-R4 EPXP ■K Ba -Kta _EI-K1 q B-iim Mr. flaoford. Hr. BraatOD. u..qKitoqB KtxKi ia..KRxiu r-<iKi4 - BPXP QPXB O-KB r^KKta P-QEtB CaatlaMO |'-K4 Raaltoa U..KRXKt I6..KII|-Ila II..Q-K It a 1>..0-Kt> !' Dr. Tarraach'a nma ti. Kelly eoded ihna: B..KIJlo.Re-f ^toRaq \9. ~ a..QB-ge K-Kts M..qBXB BXQB if) Aodereaeo'a oooUo conaldored batur. ■ |S::9^ lalgnad. loailon; P b B0-f Kliome t-bU 8» and Black re- 10 q Et 4 at once, la . (0) DofVeaa'i eonMnaUeo, prnlwd by TV Chat Month If m%y. •81). but -* ■-" ' (A) iri»..qio followodbyfttoq4,it«. (Ifay. HI), butaftarwardidliparagodi ;A) IfJ»..)to K Be, B toB Bi; )D. .q to KtT, R to Kt4l, larlDR ihat by tho uit dhto BUck made good hIa eacape. (I) ITblBBpleDdMefriipmnatbellloatrmted: BLACK (Belt and Bruntoo). WIIITB (HrBaDfoid). Mora made-3I..Kt to B 711) Tbla beautiful movowlni br force. If dow q R x Q; X2..Kt malea: If K R X Kt: a. .Q R to q 8 -f, and wIdjT Had White 31.. Rt to hU 4, q X IIP-f, etc Walfk and fltnya. Without proteodlDR to bo eiaet to a unit Ton CurfBR, fhMu theopoDlngof lucheaadopartiaeni to No. XOUDi haa gtvan about4,aa)problama,ofallny)eH.abootS,2BOgameiL and a quanUty of lUmi, artldei, etc, which do man could number for nuliltuda Another plaamnt feature of the Bret InrUIment of our racaut Ctuaa Oamlval haa luu been oertlAea lo by our vturao corraapoodeot, If. N. BtoDB. See "To Corraapondenta." A aarlai of oon< loIUtlon gamei la under war at tha Maohattao 0. C. tfevra. SItowalur and L. B^mldt lad off wa Lee and Llp- aoboatx, and woo Wajdn hliwarmeatftlanila In con- gratoUUng Mr. Bbowalur oo bla eompleto reotrery frtjm •Ickneia and rolum to the etUoytnonu of hIa farorlu chaaaclrelw Tho newly foraiod "Playera League" li Ibuaably olDcend: PreaUeBi, A. Poller 111 ggloa; vice do. A. Bttllngar; ixaamrer. Dr. O. P. Honeiiior; aecntary, A. B. Uodgaa; flnanolal do.. 11.0aiuall;drracion^ MoaariL Dabnar, Hanham, UpechoMz, PllUbury, ShowalUr and BtelnltB. There I If ofSeera couot for anvthlng, Leagae goaa it U nowdedarad that the umoaimaa- urAmoa Bora la going to come forth from bU aedn- Uen In Chicago and enter tbe fnaat Uaulngi Inuroa- Uoaal We have ollan wUtiad that the buahel andar whkb be haa bean hHllnghlallRhtBolonrmlgbtcnicb flieand bamoffrlghtoTerBlabaad. Ooaa It naa The Lea-Hagulm match waa not played to a llnlah In Phlladelphta. It aeeoia that Mr. M. waa uken 111; but. balog behlod, the natch waa conpienlMd bj Mr. Lee taking two iblrda of tho aukae Hr. J. Warren Bamptoo fought the doting htttle of tha Prauk< ]Id 0. C'a tounay with Mr. W. J. PorrU and won. .Tbe chainplooablp of the Bt LouIb C. 0. haa been won by Mr. a A. Spencer beating Mr. A. U. Rob- blu, but only after the good and ourdr battle of Mr. R^ 9: dr«wn, 4: Mr. R. fl The SeotUab Chaaa AaaocUtlon haiagaln Umlnated with Mr. O-Y. Mill* aa champion, bat (hIa time braTorTdoee outcone. Ilia cloteat com* paUton won Mr. David rnrayih and Oeorge B. Pnuer. Thorewen eight conteitanu The Mancheoter (Bug.) WaeUy nma naa Juit dooad a aoataaccaaiful problem touraay, tbe lenowaad pntblemailat, A. P. Maekanile, taking fliat honora, doaely pu>htd by O. J. SUUr and Hn. W. J.BaIrd B/iniitaalceDaeotthe Bardoloben- Blaokbnne match baa oeea dtdnrod a draw. Tfae Qoal aeore waa: Bardoloben. S; Blackbarae,S: drawn, 3 Tha match by Ulephone betwaaa tba Brooklyn CtaaaaOlub and tba Chicago Chaaa and Checker Club la anoounoed |a take place Maj as. Tbe gamea will ' three o'clock In Uie afternoon and p take place Maj SS. Tbegamea will be bogon at two or three o'clock In Uie afternoon and playod to a nulih, bnt It la eipoolad that tho nutfh wQl not Uke more than eight boon. CHECKERS. To ComapanAanta* 0. A. BiaAHDiK.-Bave wrlttoo you. L. B. BBBRo.—Tba raferoo Id the eaao yon cite la In boDorboand not to a»lBt (byhlioplnloDBorotbarwIae) either pailj to analyu a poitpoaed gane. Tbe beUer way UioaolBb any gameonceoommoDced. It would be jDBttooimaldertbe game airlcheo ootof the natch and oonnence It over agialD. And by all noua Inaliton ao- other rwfaiee, oim that woah) be noneat wttb both partlaa. A. P. Wallino— A letter to S. R. Yeomaoa, No 308 W. Tblrty'Bliih Street New Totk, wUl obtain all dealred In- ftinnaUon _____ SolaUoB of Foalilort No. 11, Vol. 43. BT W. BBWARD. BMD OAM& BUck le ir S E 31- Wblta SI K lA 10 U U 11 19 White to^lA^anddraw. 10 14 17 U 19 fl Drawn. 14 IS 18 14 S a « 30 PoalUoB No. 14, Vol. 43. END OAME. BT T. SRWiRD. Blaob 1 la n EB WhlloSI IT t Rtl WblU u play and win. No. 1», Vol. 441. WIIILTBR. Played In Brookly leoootly beiweao two amaUora. II lA 31 iKa) It 18 B B I « S 19 8 11(6) a lb OB II IT 0 14 19 16 10 » S IB 6 10 B 17 II 19 ao n U B O 19 7 U O 7 II 1» 17 18 8 II B B 1 II SB ■) 17 B. W. 11 19 as 8 II 31 B BB 48 13 B 30 18 B 17 13(0 9 13 0 14 (a) DoaethUloaer (») la a game betwem Porguaon and Or. Banks th fomar pUyed aa follewa: A9 I7B 81 37 014 19 U ITU Ill7 17 13 Ot7 BB 8 II a 7 » 13 14 19 1ft K) 19 M B r 13 « n 31 *B a II 19 7 1 1ft 19 10 18 10 14 B 7 17 31 9 d 10 1ft 30 8 1 ll B 17 r S3 8 9 14 B 88 87 83 31 n 8 II 48 lli BIS 9 14 B13 8B 10 14 IS I7S B18 8 U 17 10 18 14 14 17 8 8 Bt9 18 SI B19 IS 8 14 13 US 14 10 16 II SB 19 M 1 10 1ft Ift II 8 19 II N II 17 -19 B 17 B 8 8 Mack wIna. (c> Bebb played thia agaloti Tateannd loot: to 19 M 8 8 8 19 B IB 11 B II (7 18 SB B ti 8 18 B8 Wr II 8 BS SB ilM SB 818 MS 17 14 dfl 3B 83 BS IS U 18 18 U II 14 S IS Black wIna BU B» 38 SB 14 IB U 11 IS 19 M II B I SB 8 11 II U nawa af 0*aa. nu WMk mjt tbli J. D. Jaavler aBBoaDcee bla lotea tloa of loaalBg aoother edliM of hia rapiut of Aador Bon and eiorgea, and effen a eopy of each to the ope aending bin the noat oofTactlonaofthlawoih the DmeXu irorltfrbrMayUatbaad ffllod with good ihlBga. While It belltilea ihe gnaUat checker.phyer tbe work ever aaw (Tatea), and malatalna that Fornix In bla dalfl to the i^nrloaB title, UJnat right: and eaa never aaa any- ihlDg wrong In a cbockorpUyer If ba bapeena to lire In Scotland, eapeelally If an Aaierican baa ae other aide of the argomont yet aUU wlih all theao fanlu we oonaldor It the greataat monthly macadne on chachara aver laned, and wa wlab It all manner of aocceaa (eapadallj In ao geoUenanwIII not go to JerBop(nty. for which we are E, aa wa eipectao oor yoong )fawTorker to make a record Van LoonLjU Ka 316 TIrglola Avenue, yClty, recently (laya Clouaer), had a Iodr dttlog with one or tho atrennn aod beat hoown Brooklyn play- aauirioa " — — era whom be dafi dooaart It waa_ Fraeett Waa It R W. BpelMrf dean acoro. Who waa It, Bro, t HalvlB BrowB. neither waa It Do ..bow the old veuran, HartlBB, reuloa hlaatnngib aaadraught player la aaan In hIa Tecaot acoraa at Liverpool when In 140 gamor atilnitallcomet^ he loitftutddraw S....Complou an. alyala of Uie Black ~ ' ~ " ' worth, Kan., put " ifng [yala of Uie Blacl Doctor, by Dr. J. SUrmu, Leaven -orth, Kan..Hibllahed byL.M. 8taan)B,Wtat Darrr.N. U., la lomothfng new on that openlag, and (i wall worth;' of cmreftil peraaal, ai It la rich In origloal pUy anil aaalytia The voUran pUyer, author and analyat Ranrr Bpay th. of Buffalo. N. Y., enuiulnod the WllUama- vllle checker Club, at the T. H. C. A. room reoenUy with an BihlblUon of ilmultanoona pUy agaJnU thirteen play- rn. Id all he playod Ihlrty-flve fftmea, wloolng then alt. Mr. Bpnyth la an aoihor ol worM wide repniallon In 18tt he publlabed "Tlio American Draofbl PUyor:" In ISO, "The Game of DreusbU:" In 160, *Tbe Drmagbu or Checker* for Beglanara," anil ho haa now In preia'^o Cbacbor Player,*^ which will beontehortly. Prom 100 to 188) be played uiouaaDdR of playeta lo the United Btatea, aod annored bnt two dofeita. A-raauikable ncoid, one to bo prond of ludeod. May bo be spared with na for uuy yean yet ATHLETIC. IVaaleyaia Too Blaok tbr TrinltT*' Tbe Bimualdual Held meeting betweenibettQdent athletes of WealeyBo aiid Molt; Colleges wbb beld at tbe OeDllemeD'B Drlvlog Ptrk, Hartford, OL.Kaj 13, thegeDemlresQltbelDg to fsvorof tbe former bj a score of 74)6 potota to $as- ConslderlDg ttte ronrtldnn of the track, the perfonnanccs were good. Suiodujt: QfU/uadred pontf ruiL-Woo bp LeBlDgwell, Trinity; Raeman, Weileyan, Mcoad; Andanon, Woateyan, third. Time. Ila. i/a|/Mftcriin.—Won by Tower, Waelejan: Underwood, Trloliy, wcdiDd; Rution, ffeilayinjthlrd. Time,3m.Ua. Oiu mfle Mnw rotf.—Won by Whlta)Trlnliy: Beach, Trinity,aooond; MeredlUi, Wedoyas, third. tTma,lm. 4CH>- Otie hundnt and (mniv yonU AunU; mec—Woo by An- ^oraoo, WealoMO; A On" - - '-- layao. third. Tlme.SM>> Oige, TrlDlty, aecond; Leo,Wea- /tntr kundnland Ont^ gonif ran.—Won b; Trinity: Bennett, Wealeyau,Hacuid; Ulcka, Trinity, Uilid, CnK ndc nut.—Won hy Tower, Wealeran; 8atun,Wei- loyao, racond; Qoick, Trinity, tnlrO. Time, Sm. nur Aim-'-' — * —'■ — *- Trinity: Bet Time, ftTKa. „ Onemtu voU'.-Won by Chaae, Woaleran: Briuon, Wee- layao, aecond; Chandler, Woetoyan, thinf. Tlm^ 8m. AuRJred and ftwa/y Hrdi AunUe race-Won by Lemngwell, Trinity; North. Woileyaa, lecond; W.Oage, Trinity. Uilrd. Two mUa run.—Won by BottMi Wealoyan; Quick, TrU' Ity, aacoDd; Rile, Wedeyin, third. Tlnejlm. SJS^ Two AtDbtred and lioarfg ponir rvn^Won by Leflng* well. Trinity; Bparki, Trinity, aocond; AnderaoD, Woe* leyan, Uilrd. Tline,UHo. iWc rauU.—Won by Wyati, Wedeyan: Meyer Wedoyaa, •«cond:AthertoD, Waaloyao. third. Uat^tSftlla. PuUlngthe IShfAoC—WoobyHoyea, Wedeyaa:LoODg- well. Trinity, aeoond; Jobnaoii,Tnnlcy, third. Dlatance, Sit lOkln. Jtuimtmg high Jump.—kti* between Plyna.ofTrlulty. and Andanon, or Wealoyan, at ftfl. 2Id ; a tie balwaon Btortarant. ofTrinliy. and Bievna, of Weileyan, forthlnl place. Bachcdleaogot4HpolabL ThrxneingtM lefe Aaauwr.—Woobyaunnlng,Trinity; Johoaon, Trinity, aacoml; Noyoa, Wotlayaa, thlid. Dla- tance, BIft llln. HvnniM broad iuaio. —Woo by Baaman, Wadayao; Yaw. Wederan, aecood; Lefflngwdl, Trinity, third. Dla- uoce, 3Dtt Hia. PiincatoB DofoBln C^lambla. nere were compamUvelr few people «t Colam bla Oval, WUIlatnsbrldge, Ibis city, on Saturday afteniooD, Hay 18, to wltnes tbe annual dual Held meetlog between tbo atlileies of Princeton and ColamblA Colleges. Hils waa mainly doe to tbe faot tbat tbe weather waa very cbllly and tbreatenlng, wblcb waa also agalDBt aapcrlor performances, tboa maUog all tbe more notable W. H. Fearlng'a per- fonnance of riding a bloyde two mllea in 6m. 2\b. Tbe score between tlie opposliig cQllegea resulted la favor of FriDcoton by eaJi to 48K> Sununan: One AiMdnd ydnU run.— Wod by Halpli Derr, 'WLPrlDoe- too; P. W. AUoo. V, Prlocetoo, aecond; U. U. Chataln, *0«,ColumbU.ihlid. Time, lOKa. One Aundred and lioMv pardt hmrOU met-Wun by W. B. Rogore,'flH, Princeton; 8 U. Bljar,'97, Columbia,— ond; f. J. Joaaph, '96, Columbia. Utrd. Time, I69(i. One aUie rim.—Won by R.BacoD,J9S,CoIumbU:R. P. BUrllniL '97. Princetoa. aooond; J. PdIm, '07, Columbia, third. Ttme,4m.ftlHB- >biir A wimd and jortf yonti run.- -Won by H. 0. "SS. Colombta, ODd; P. V.DobblDJL'07, Colombia, thbd.lir' Brokaw, '91. Princeun; U. a. ObaUlo, 'SS^laml mo. AV£a. f^lT.jUolumlHa; i,aec- . M. Bmead, owe mMe looilr.-Won by T. L. Bogei S. MoTltty, 18, Princeton, aecor' rinceton.thlnl. Tlino,7m.9V(a. ruD mUe* btacU mtf.—Pim tuat: Won by II. L. How- ard,JBB. OolumbU: U. D. Baiter, 'B7. Columbia, aeoood; A. W. Jamloion, Y7, PrlncolOD, third. Time, ftm.4fta. Bacood heat: Won by O. B. Ruppert. 16, Columbia; W. H. Fearing Jr., tS. Columbl%_aaoooa; J. A. Leland. ■07, Princeton. Uilrd. Tina, ftai.a>iB. Plnalbeu: Wonby Fearing, Colombia; lltiward, u>lmobla, aecond; Rap- port Columbia, thiiu. Time, ftm. S^t- noo Aimdrol and ewn<p|KUtiiAunUemee.—FlrBt heat: Won by D. R. Jamea Jr^ "BS^ F ; E. P. Johnaon,•8^P., aecond. Tina. 37a. Bocond boat: Won by W. D. Balaxar, ■97. U.; W. a WlUon, *«. P.. aecond; R. L North, '80, P. third- Time.37a. Kind beat: Won tv rialazar.C' ' P.,aecond; Witooo. P., third TIm«,8X«- Two Aundrrri and tnaif pania nut.—Won by Bal|>h Darr. '07. P.; H. B. Jamaaoo. '97. P., aecond; U.A.Mc h'ulty, thlnl. Time, SV£^ Zfolr mile run.—Won by II. L. Klogaley, '98, a; John Hamlin, 'BS, P., aecond; L. C Lore, P., ihlrd. Time, am. 4M- TTlnnofnff tiW Aomaer.-Won by J.M. Rhodoa,'97, P., II3(tft>^ln.; T. D. Hlgga, ■97, P., lUOft lOln., aecoad; W. L.Bdimalhona,flem.,y.,10in. llln.,Uiiid. raeMua.-WoobyA.C. Tyler, "07, P.. I0ft.3ln.; P. U. BowinaD,J9S^C.,IOft., aecoDd: V. B. Smith, •97, C; K. L. CaaweUTv. C and W. B. Trainer. '97. P., Uad for third pUce. wlUiBft.Sin. Aunnln0 AfffA^mp—Won by B. Burke, IS, Columbia, ftft 7lo.; A. B. Do YoDOg, "BB, Colonbia, Mt Tin, aecond W. R. Roger*, 'SB, PriBceteo.ftftlln., third. VFuaiRffUUdUL—Wonby D.F.EdwardB,'9flL Princeton, S(t llia.; W. L. Bdinalhont Son^ FriBoeua, 3S(t lOMin.. MCood:A Ball.-SA OolumbU, SUtlOln..Uilrd Amnlnp bmodiuiRpL—Woa by W. B. Bogen,'tt. Prince- ton, Sl(t3in.; J. llaaimond,.'9b, Columbia, sn. 9ln.,aec end; R. Qarrotc Jr^ '97, Princeton, Sft Sin., third. H W I Lafteyetto Dafbata Lohlgh. Tbo annual doal Held meetlog between tbe atb lotea of Lafayette and Leblgb UnlvetBldos wU bold at Boutb Betblebeffl, Fa., on Wedneaday attenoon, Uay 18, and waa wltnoned by a goodly nomber of underandoatea Ttie mull was In favor of Lafay> etto, tbe Bcore being M points to Sft. Sammary: one Avndrrd mnli run.—Won by Snodrrau, lAfayetta lOKa : Baiclay, Lafayette, aocond; OaaajLehlgta, third. mtJUHang rvn.—WonbyBnodinaai, Lafayette, US^\ Barciv, LauyeUe, aecond; Oaaiu Leblgb, third. i/olTMUcnm^woo byCtirii, Lafkyetieklm.Blia.: aoo- ondrWheelar,Lehlib: third. KodibanoirjUhlsh: Two Aundml and rwairg tnrda AunUe moe:-Won by -iarh. La(kjotte.3iHi.; aocond, Arbeni, Labigh; Uilrd, HoUenteaa, Lehlgb. ' ' vauU.—Woo by Kllao, Lebliib,6ft.; oeeond, llar- afaTotu, 7ft lOin.; third, Walura, Lalkyeite. On<_m(Ie run.—Woo by Ularb, lAfayette,ftm. 3a.; aee- VK miw run.-nuu wi uma, ■aia>a(««L oad. nhaolar, Latilth; tkUO, Kllna. Lablab, nnnrffiff WR AaaflUr —woo by Bbl^ B(t4lD.; iecoDd. Rowland, Lalkyatia, Walbildia, Lafajatla. InaJUblab. bjBblnaha/t, lAfaratta, ky,ll«,7in. lIlQ.; (hira; AufflUiv' aj«a'i*f.ip.—Woo br Mnmr. Lahlab. AfL Win.; aacmd, Valaa, Lahl^ ITL lln;. t£lri, rtnlaT, !«. fajratla. rayatla. itw Anadmiaivl/brTir innu , rkrelta. Ua.; aeCMd, Malbrfdia, Laftyatu rtuL—\Ton br tHarh. La' ' tblnl, ..- bnad-iaaip.—Won br Tatal^ Labigh. aOft. SHIn.; a«<snil, BnodRnaa^ Lafijttta. left ain.; thlrt. Qirtn. Lablih. Fvaw9 Mb atot.—Woa by Ravland. La/aratla. S7ft 4ln.: HCOKI, Rhlntliait, LabraU*,.Sin. Iklg.; UblnL Oaj*. Lahlih. B. C. CiRTiR hu bMa tuppolntM hRDdlctpiwr of tbe MetropollUD AoocIhud of Uia AmaKur Athletlo DolOD. UatlOii bla sbMDce •bnul Bub 8. lUrt will *ct In Uul CMCItr. n. bMrdot nubRRcra bare maaed > rooIodoD tbit tbe bindl- ctpfwr, In DRUDir op Ihe budlcapa, •hiu oute tbem to muldplletl tt$n, %<eA Die ■ copj or ill budl- caps witb tbe eMretaiyor tb« uRocluton, pilor to Ibe g»me> taklDg place. IIAIRT UiRHOK, ot SlaD Ftabclaoo, Oal., laataled to bava, oo May W to tbe ereblDg. Jampea rroiD tbe Be* bridge at Rtd U'lag. Nina., DOtt. bigb, IB tbe pnaeDce of about Ave tbotuaod pereoba. lie la Hid to have allowed UhlkU to fall tMckmrda rnm tbe cnaa biacca. tuntloR a coniplet« •onenult and alrlking the water feet OnL lie appeared oo tbe mrfiaoe at once, nnlnjoitd. HRrsBzi jAMra IL %'iRin-ii, on May 14. tiled a re- tort on Ibe peUUon of a majority of tbe dlrecton of be Hanbatun AlbleHo Onb, or Ibia euj, \ roribedlaaotatkm or tbeolub. Hoc onred to the dlaaolntlon, and tbe i oendad that Ibe petition be finoled. nn lUbllt- Uea bave been redtaoed ti«a IMT.MO to |(N,ain.. . •ekaalkoya Take Ike WUU. me maDbeiR ot the Hewait^ (H. J.), iMdor Ith. leUo iaaoelatkm beM Oielr Inldal Held day on M- day, Kay IT, at tbe Vareil/ FRIr Onoada. Tbe weather wu mw and chlllr, with a blfb wtad, bnt there wu a-fair ilRed crowd In attandaaooj no mck wu in pnttr good oodMon, end dnrbic tbe of tbe gtmceaeTeial academy reoordi were mproTed npon. BammarT: OwJUndreriHrdarw. fiiat daa.—Won by A. B, Alha. ta; J. w. CiMkai aacmd; r. W. AMred. «^ ttM. Tina, IIKa . _ One atrndradyarti rm, aaoDo4 daaai-WoQ bi B. a nak- arlog, W. 0. WrlRbtaon aacoDd, ■}. I. roid ihM. ~' "SvMaKredmrUnoi, lklrdc]aa<.-^irMlMP.f.l narJr..L.ll.aibaaaeoad,A.l.Walab,tlilii^ Wmi Una, tak ISa. l.-f. B. [| fmnd, i(U JJilR,'; 0^8. 8waSn BalfmlU MaUL-Woa- by J.W. Cltmka. V; Adama, "flk aacond; 0. Btawan iblid. TlBa, to. liilid. 4n Tin. rtmming JUok iimn lacond e]aaa.-^Wea by W. Dam, 4ft. SKIn.; rTb. BaUwIa and M. L. TIIAid Hod for aatand at4rL4lo. Aunnljia AloA Jimp, tblid- daaa^Won bj H. Bl mat. 4IL Xln.; P.>. Hcblraat Jr.BMaDd,3ft.ara.: r. r.WlH Hunt Iblid, 9ft. alb. " nmnt Ott 1» iM.—Woo by J. W. Crooka, '■^lih Sin. UKIn.: W. T. llaOaweU aaowd. Ult. r. MouoUTd, 'Mk Iblid, an. Tin. ffiomjiu bnod Jiov, flttt daaa.—Woa br J. H. OIlL ITft. «ln.: a. W. Loid Mccad, 17R.lln.; P. C. WacUnbntIt Jr., tl, tlilnl. ua 4bi. Aimnlnn enod imp. iacDod -fillia—Won by B. J. fttinhan.14ft.4lD.; W. Bnnihard Jr. aaeood. lift, ain.; B. H. Ifayba* thlid, Uft. da. ai i BU w-Rw vordr hwiu net. lint daaa.—Woa by W. T. McOovaU, J. H. nm laeaad, & B. Plom Jr. third. TImo, Settntw-Att rordJ Rttrrile moE. aaeood fitaa —Won by R, a. FlckofSnit, U. J. SUahan aooond, W. Bafniiaid Jr. third. Tlmo.Ui. nooAmdndaadliosuiriwdanai, flratolaaa^Won br A. B. Atha. ■gt; r. W. AUiMl aocnod, T, A. Ualavahl Jr. third. Tlal0.SXa. fVDAiauli«daia<tieai<viNml«nifi,iaeond elaaa—Won by R & PIcktrlDB. H. J. Blrahan aocond. W. J. WtaltaaMa Jr.tblid. Tlnio,ra. PbHrAuiidTedoiidertvnTdtnaa.—Won by W.O.QnIo. br, «: R. D. RaynoUa, wTaacond: A. B. Atha, tSt tUn). TImo, HXa. Raw Knglsod CoUese Ckamploaia. Ttnre waa % Teiy large crowd In ettendeace at tba nlstb annnal gamea ot tba Kew England Inter- coUegUte AtbleUc AaocUUcn, beld at Ihe Uke Oral, Worceater, Kaaa., on BatnidRy allamoon, May IB. Tbe weather wu lot pleaaant, bnt tbe palb and gronnda generally were In telr condltloik Tbe ranreaanlaUraa ot Damaoalta cariled off the point honoia with a acoi, ot 93, Bnwn being aecond with 23, Ambent third with UK, and tbe Maaaoboaeoa InaUinle of TecbnologT tonrth with IT. me moat notable potonnnnce onilng the afternoon wu ac- compllabed by Stephen Okaaa, ot Deitmontb College andtheNewTork Atbletlo anb. who equalled the uoyda. boMIe record, ISXR., e tiB wind mora than oflketUng tbe beartneaa ot the tnok. Bmltb, of Brown, alao diallngulahed blmaell by throwing tbe hammer listt. xin., tbna creating a new aaaocladon record. Bommair: Om Amdred ponu not.—Won by Pauonon, WIQIaDa; OrDaTaoor,AinBanl,ae<oiid;Laao|rval], Trlnl^, tbbil. TIma. lOKa Eeif Bule no,.—Won br Boljor. Dartnontb; Bull, BtDvo; aaeood; Bock. Wllllana. third. TImo, to. 4Ha. One Aundrod and iwoinr ttfnU AurtKe none.—Won by Cliaao, Dartmooth; Bnrd, k. I. T., wcood; Bonnor, H. i. T.. third. Tlma.lM(a. nooaiUcMeiffl^raoo.—Won by Gary, Dartmooth; Har^ mon, M. I.T.. aooond; Bnma, M. I.T., third. TImo, 0m. ^"j^ur AuHdral ttnaprtu poitfl nan.—Won by Alloa, W. P. I.;Sparka, Trinity, aacond; llnm, Dartmooth,-third. One aafle niji.—Won by Comnbita, M I. T.; Prlnalo, Dartmouth, ae4«nd;Tower, Woalayall, tbild. TImo, 4m. Aundred and fwoup ,arda Al0d:l« raoe.—Won by Chaaa, Dartmonlh; Hooy, Bowdoln, aooond; Unid, ]f. 1. T.. third. nma,Bka. Tm Aundred and naenrir rorti nm.—Won by Pauoraon, WlUiama; QroaYooor, Ainhorat, " ""' llama, third. Tlme,Oa. Otk atf " ^— ' Wllllama, Two mUa nm.—Won by Bonlo, E loyan, aeoood; Pvlogle, DanmouUi, third. Tbna, Mkn. fluabia Ilk lAoL-WoD by Smith, Bnni, SSfL IKIo.; Vaaon. Dainnooth. aacond, SBft. 6bi.; Tylor, Amnorat, thlrd,lULaln. — — TRnvfflo 18k. AoBuiA'.—Won by Rmltb, Bnvn, lUA. S;ln.; Ooomba, Brown, aocond, llln. X>o-: KbnbaU. Bow. olnilhlrdTiafteta.^^^ . Peie oooJl-Won br Morgan, Anborat 10ft.: Wyatt, Waalaran, aocond. loft; Ponnlnir, Anharat, thin). Oft ain. wyatt won tbo toaa IhiEuTog alao tied Plfar, ol Wllllama. for third, and won tha tooa. Aumlfio AJfA ^aav.—Won by Macombor. Brown. 0|L Bio.: Tylor, Ambent,aocond, an.Tin.; Bordaa, Bowdolo, third. Ift. Un. Awmlfv brood iionp.—Won by Obaao, Dartmonlh. zzfl. ain.; Pargoahar, B. I. T., aooond, IIIL lln.; Allan, Wl|. llama, thlid, iOri tKln. Lhorat, ioeoDd; Dayton, WU. I, third. Tlme,Oa. t aiUr wollE.—Won br Hoagfaton, Ambarwt; Bllaa, ama.iacottd; Tlaur, Brown,thlrd. Tina.TD.ITJKa. 0 BiUa nm.—Won by Bonlo, Bowdolo; Sottoo, Woa. Soptaomoreo Deftat FnekaaeB. Tha Bpilng conpeUUona between tbe Bophomoie and Fleabmen claaaaa ot tha OnlTenlty ot Pennayl. yania took place on Hay 19, on tba old athletlo grounda at tha Unlreralty, and the nanll wu a Tto- tory for the Sopba by a acoie ot U pdnla to m. Bummaiy: One AnndrDl yonu rua.—Won by BoyoE, '91; aocond, Dunn, Vr; BlUary, third. TImo, IMCa. AwafUair AJoA ftunp.—Woa by wlndaor. 'PT: oooond, Ptrgoaon, VT; BmnbrvT, third. Balahl,tn.ain. Two MUa Mcvcte moc—Won by Doaglaaa, 'flB; aooond, Coatoa, *tt; Ihorno, "08. third. Trmo,8m.ta. /bur Aundred oad/toiypardanm,—Won by Borer.-*0r; a third. aooond, BahonoT. 'OT: BtTnor, IB, third. TImo, Two Aandrad and tvaum iniw Avdic raoc—woo by Btowart t8; Farinaon, t7, aacond; Winner, "OT, third. Puulno lek lAoL-Won by Wlnaor, *97; aooond, Dlokaoo, 'Or; Smith,'Vr,thlid. Dlltuoe,JirLaXbL BolfmOc not.—Won by BUwart, tS; aocond, Bmllh, t>; Uilid,CI)ialaby,1R Thna^.UUia. Jhffuuao bread iuav.—won by Wlnnor, vr; Fornoon, '07. aocood: A. K.DIcioon, tl, thin). Dlataaeo. left. lln. rtooAajidredaNdteailffiMnuner.—Woa by Boyor*07: Kood, Biliary, '07; A. K. DktaoD, '07, IhM. TIma, Hn.Xa. .- Ona Mlla nm.—Won by Eboogfa, *981 oooond, Oootoa, *B8, Trlchnar, tbM. Tlma, lm.l7ar ■ GBeaoa on Ijoag lalamd. Tbe Winaeld (L. I:) Athletlo-anb enjojed their annnal Spring ontdoor i^orta on Batoiday, Kay IB, whloh pr(>Tlded good estenalnmant (or a tkir Bliad onwd. In the morning there wu a ten mlla bloycW road race to Bayride and iMck, wblcb bad a dozen nartere, and wu won by 0. Bmggman, tha dob crack, who ataited from acratob, and won In 4go. 33k., his beat laoord for the dlatanca. 1. Bchielner Onlahad aecond and B. Bebig third. Tba winner allowed each of bla opponents a start of Ire minntea. Tbe eventa decided on the Hack In Ihe afternoon mnlted u mmmarlaed below: Ona Aandivd torit not Won by W. Bookowaky, In 119^4.; 0. BruBgman aetond, O. Rlcao tbird. Amnlnp brood ^si—Woo by J. W. Porn. BNt'Sla.; T. Lynch aaeood. lln. Un.; J. Bowald Ihlnl. IML fiunni>« AloA Juav.-Won br J. U BIdblor, 8ft. Tin.; J. Drape aocond,aft.8lo^ P. BDnkowaythltd,Bft.lln. nmlap (Aa lab lAot -Won byO. Brnnman,aiR. Tin.; O.RIcko aocond. 90IL; n.Jooaa thlnl, 8ft: Sin. rhnwtnc tha Uk Aomaur.—Won by U. Jooaa, TBft 4[n.; J. lararty •ocood, OTft.; B. SoaUIng thlid, asa Bin. »Bobklea" «b FbIIi mad FlaU. Tbe trat and aecond aeotlons ol the Twanty^ev- enth rreobict police held a aailes of alhletlo aporta at Bellar'a Parlllon, Beach Arenoe an) One Hns- dred ud Forty-esrentb stiaet,tbla cliy,0BTbnis- day morning, May IB, the dimrant ertnls oo tha programme reaoinng u ahoam In the following asmmary: < one Aundred Mndr nn.—Woo by P. Qanon, J. CoanoDy aacond, and J. Bnllh third. TIma. 14a. One wUe toolL-Woa by J. Batlar, P..Cnraon illcond. and C. Wbtttlngtonlhln), tlmajlm. IlajfoHU rvn.—Woo by P. Tappon, J. McCarthy aaeood, and F. Canon Ihlrd. tima. Tm. /rnnninp brad imnp.—Won by J. Connolly. IStt. llln.; P.CaraoniocDod.iaft.Mn.'J.Snillblhln).lilL '■ PnOjapWa none—Won by J. BoUar, an.; J. Taylor aacond. soft.: T.tJooaar thlnl.9n. nmMnoMkltonc, backward.—Won by J. BoUar, Sft.; J. Taylor and J. Connolly a tlo al 91ft. Taylor woo Ihe throw off by a Tool Tng opriciiL BAXoioox of tba IntenoDeglale Athlelio Aaanclatlon la tbe iateat pnbllcatloo by ibe American Spoita' robllahlng Company, ot Ihla city. Tbe book conlalna Ibe oonadtntlon and by laws of tbeaK>cladon,llat of cinbe, omcen and oommit- teea, the new atbletlo mlea tor tba pitaeni year, and lecoTda or eaub erent tbat hu been beld rinca IBTB; alao tabolated records ot polnia acored by each col- lego In the aaaocUdon since Its fonnatlon. Itua T ory uae fol book tor reference. Pbirb Latdah defeated Cbarlea Bannden In tbe aoonal match for the tennia champlonabtp o( bg- lud, Ibe flnal aeon being aeren aeta lo two. Tbe match truconclnded on May 4, at the Pilnoe'a Otb, Brighton. A uirniN lacioste match wueaatealed by the teama of New Tork Vnleeirity and Blanea' Inad- tote at DnlTtnliy flelghia, Ihla dty, on Satutty aftemooB-Mayll, Ihe naall ctwhisb wuadiaw, asllhtr de boUg sua to aoon.