New York Clipper (May 1895)

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186 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. May 26. BMC* on iMllt, wlilcli mn fuUawad lir ttmel/ hatilDt, enkUed ibt New YorlM to rertnn Ihecljon rwultlbTi;. liMveM iTMwncInto pllcli for tM Tlitian, >ni1 ho ill<l ftlrlr well. kMpliia Uio M\m mule off nini well *Mti, oxcopt In Ou Bnl, iblnl nd RlxUi iDDlnn, wSon um homo mm Kore^ til tbolr runa. Corcolough aiarted In to |>lti:li lor tin homo loain, but htd tiicli poor conunBOd or tho lull mil lit rcilrtd ■! itae end of iim Uiltd InnlnR. KM- leg replaced bim In tte fooitli, but be, too, wtawllil In RlTlni hate* on lialla; iKtldei, M waa fre«lj halted ai opponone times. Tbe long aafe blu wei« triple begiieni lij Uannon, llononn, Doclile/ and Cluiginan, and doable haggera bf Davia (twice) anil Bua/t). van llsllnn'a iiaiUog waa m wealt tliatte vraa replaced I17 Mntpbj In tlie fonrtk Inning. Voplie Belt'a dcclalona cauted conalderable vmng- IIOK on tbe part of (be Tlaltom. KawVoHK. T. a. a. o,a,k. Buaoo, ir.. n ] 3 1 I 0 TIaniu, rr. n « I 1 0 0 PiTla.3l>.... < .1 3 > 1 0 Don*, lb ... H l S 9 1 0 Tuii>it'> I 0 I II 0 Marpiir. rr.. < 1 u i u 0 Hlalfonl, Ih.. li 3 I 9 9 0 FtrralLc- Iloaw.ll, p. Foliar, Pk.. .at I 4 II 0 e I I I 3 u fi I I .1 II I TMali .-U M 11 27 II I Mir Vnrll - - - rliubiira. - rinaacaii. t. h, b. o. i.v. I Doooraii, rt. 1 I I I « II ) HUDutcr... a I 3 3 0 o I BMiihr. lb. a I 3 7 I 0 > Smith, ir.... a I 3 a 0 I ) Bauer, 3b... 4 0 11 a 4 U 9 i;ilotDiaD,9l< 4 I I I 0 I 1 CroM, u.... « 1 u 3 3 0 I Klo>low,e... 3 0 0 0 0 0 I llu||il<u,e.... 3 i I I I I I (>ireolouali,p I II u 0 I u Xlllon, p.... 3 i I 0 I It I Ti>Ula...lO Hit >rio a . } n 3 I 9 3 3 1 4-UI 3 uauusuot^-H KaroM rnoi-Naw Vorh, 4: I'ltlKburc, 0. Baat oa tr. rora-N. r.,9; P., I. On btlU-K. Y.,ni; I*..!. Rtneli ant—M. v., I: P., 3. Umplrt. HHU. Tlinl, 3.9. Botler all amiind work enaliled tbe ntiabiirga lo nverw ilie aixive reault Kay la, In what prored to t» one of tbe hlitereat and moat exolilDg conteata Heen In tbnl citr In man; a <taj. It wai obe con- lloiial wnniilo from nturt in tinbili, abil t'mplre Katta waa tbe chief caiiw of the tmiiMe, Itorle -waa roiT agitmulvo. On one iiccaalon be niHbed at tbo uinplru, and Willi clenched llnit Ibreateued bio. IHijIo waa lined aeveral lliiiea during Itae Jaino til the amnnnt of Il3r,,lt bi lalil. A dneor 2i ran aim Inflicted on Heekln. In Ibo eighth Inning the wllileat acone of all occurred, IKirle bad ri*acbed third liaao, and tried to acure on aoln- Held hit iir HUintird. lletu ilcclded liorle nntat the Plata on Cmaa* throw to Kloalow, liad tbe lun counted ll would have tlod the iwrore, Tbo moment the doclHliiii had Iwen given aliiwal tbe onllre New York team, headed hy Captain llavia, Mimiunded Iho umpire. IK);le claliiinl that ho waa afe, while the umpire claimed bo waa out. Kor aumo minutca tlie wlldeat uxcllnnioiit prevailed, lint order waa bnallr rentoreil ami the game allvwcd logo on. The New Vorka' Inabllli; to iiat llarfi plicblig waa the chief cauae of tliefr defeat. He pitched a luperb fame, lielngVerjertbcllve at crlUcal itageLand la nipport waa uicellent. (In the nttaer hand, the borne team liogan to Iml Heeklu'a pltcblig at (tie frtart, and kep( doing au throughoiiL Ilia aopeort waa mlaerable, aoma of tbo orrora made bebloJ ntm being of Iho moat dlaconraglng kind. The long Hafe lilu were a triple baggor by Ilart, anil doable liag|uni liy Van llallran, Heekln (twice), Blanial ana Uaiier. IKinnvan and Meekin loil their iBKpec* llveleama In liatUng. Nkt York. t. h. n, o. a.m. Haiioon, ir.. 6 11 I I u 0 Tliniao. ir.. a 3 u 4 0 1 DaTlp.lll. .. 4 0 13 0 0 IhijrIMIi.... < 0 0 e I OHnllh, ir.... 4 I I U 0 0 V>nlUI('ii.rl I 0 19 3 0 Hlalliifd,3li.. 4 II 0 3 3 9 Karrall, 0.... I I I I I I MMklo, p. . 4 I 3 t 9 fulkr.u.... 9 0 14 1 Huala* I 0 II II 0 II Tolali. ..^ 4 7 34 10 7 N»w York 0 PiTTniuKo. r. a. a. o. a.a. OoaoTu, K. a I 9 1 U II Hiantal, cl... 6 0 3 so 1 BKtIa;. lb. a I I II 0 0 Bauar, 3b.. . < 1 3 3 S 0 ClloaiDUI,9ll « 10 13 0 (!roBa,UL.... 4 0 3 3 1 0 KIntliia, c.. 4 1 0 7 1 1 Man, p 4 1 1 U a 0 TiilaU...3> 7 13 3710 3 11110 u—I ., 1 3 0 0 3 -7 •ItnalBliallPil In Pnllar'a pUca. KamHl nina-Naw York, 1; rlllitliurir, 3. BtM tio »r- nr-lM aDlialla-N.Y.,4; l'.j3. lirnicboul-N.r.,a: r.. I. Uliiplia, Balla. Tlnia. 131 Cblrago ra. PhtiadelpUla. The riilladol|ihluH were beaten Haj a>, at Chicago, III,, III a contonl marked b; heavy balling, In wblob tbo homo leaiii oxcclled. The (Alagot liatlod Uamey hard and coiucoutlvely, making twenty-aereii ufo bita for a total of tbitly-alx iHuea. Ilrinilb, loo, came In for a aevere dnilibing, butmanagoit to keep the hlla made iiir bIm well apart,excopt In the tlilrd lunlog. when tbe llilla- ilelpblana pounded In three oamed runa. OrlillUi led In bailbg, nuking a aafe bit earb of tbe Dva ilinea be went bi the tiat The long aafe blia wrrea home run by Bleirart, triple baggeia by Lange anil Mtawart, and doulilo baggen by Anaon and Ryan. Tbeublragoii played an excellent ilekllng game, while that of tbo vbdlon waa borrlble ihiituou. Hru, rf.... llaMen, a*. WlbiioL II.. Auon, 111.. Laoae, cT... KvaratI, 9b. HUvarl.31i T, a. a. o. i.a. 7 9:910 7 1119 0 7 4 3 10 0 7 9 9 lU 1 0 7 4 3 9 II ' 7 a 4 I 9 0 7 3 9 3 9 0 kbiriiijip, 0.; II 9 3 0 1 iiriinui, p... 0 I a I 0 1 Tuwl>...a3l 37 37 II 9 Puiu. T. a. a o. A.a " 1 II I llaitilllnii, rf t 1 Ba)rla,lb.... > 0 llallnian, 3li. t 3 3 I 13 Dal'nir, ir,9i) 4 i i i i i Onuly. 3lf... I 0 u Q 0 t nwiniiaon, rfft 19 10 0 (]ruaa,9b.... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Tumar, If... 9 0 I I I 4 HulllTan, aa. 1 I 9 I 1 I RIaiiiania, e. A u 9 1 10 Caraay, i 4 0 I e I 3 Tauli....4l « U 37 13 U '47 1-J4 0 0 1-a . Baa* nn ar- mrark otX-1., nblcago 9 II 9 3 II 9 nlladalnhim... 0 0 9 110 Earead nioa-Olileairo, H; ritllaJalphla. I. n)r»-<l., «; P., I. Oalialli-a.4; P.,!. 1. Hiiiplta, Murray. Tliiia. 3.W. Plltaburg va. WaahlnBloa, The ntlaburga auccoeilod In defeating (ho Waah lugtoiii May 10, at ntbriinrg. Pa., after an oiollllg llnlab. llanier proved a punder to Iko (ome team for Hovon Inuhigi, allowing them only Ihree aoalter- Ing alnglea, and aliut them out wlihont a mn. Id the eighth, nowever, he aoemod to let down, and Ike llltHbnrgt iwlled In four nina, then added two more In the ninth, with only one man out. The long mfe hlbi were triple liagget* by Joyce, Ooogan, Abbey and Ueokloy. llonoTau and Helbaoh led Ibelr le- HpoctlTe toaina In batting, llawley alao pltebed a Rood game, keeping the blia made off him well Hcatteied, e.icepl In the Drat and ulntli lanlnga, when Hie vlaltiira bunched enough hlla to earn four of the live nioa acored. PiTTnaraa. t. h. a i>. am. Donovan, rr. t 19 10 0 KMiwI. o(... a 1 I s 0 0 BMiiiav,lb..> I 1113 0 i an>lui.U 4 1 1) u u 0 Baoar, 3b.... 4 0 u s 3 0 nilnxiitaii,3a4 ii i 3 i e CrotA, M 4 0 1 3 9 1 Xla<1i<«,0... 4 114 3 0 llawlair.p... 4 0 10 4 0 Talal>..(l allltlll 3 1\>ula..JB 11037 11 I Wtalilaaluu 3 II 0 II 0 U I e 3—5 niubiira U 0 0 0 0 U 0 4 3-4 Baned nina—WaililDatuu, 4: Plllabura, 4. Ba«« oo arnra-W., 1: 1'., t Oalalla—w., 1; P., X Hlniek onl- tv., t: P.. 9. I'mijn, Bioalla. Tloi e, In OamM to Play«4» Mar 31. at. L<tqla Ta. Naw York, al Ht. Loila, M,t, Uar 33. OUTalaitd ra Bniukljru, at ClareUnd. l>. Mar H. Plllabura ra. Waablualun. al Pliuhurf, l*a. Ma)- n. Loularlllt VH. llalllmara, al IjouliTllla, Ky. May 21. Clnclnuatl tk. noalmi, al (MoolnDall, o. Say IL (9iloa)(ii x*. PhllailalHila. at(9ilcBBv, 111. ay n, 31,3\ Clf raUoil ra. Xok Viitb, al OlaxaUad, O. "ay SV 31,39, llllabum va. Bmii„n. at Plllabuni, Vm. Ia>- gt, 34, A ClDOluiiNtl Ta. llillMilpUilita, atrludnna(l,0, ,Jay 19,3\ 30. Litulavilla va. Bnvklyn, al Loutavllle, Ky, Bay n. U, Kk nilcaaii ra. Balilniore, al Uilraio, III ay 31.3S. 3a BI. liiiula ra. Wanlilnalou, al Hi.J,«ala, Mu. MAyis, Hak Vork va. riovalaml. aOtaw Vorkllliy, Hay n. NnHiklyq va. tmloaaa, al Brotiklyn. N. Y. May ftl. aiV a. H. alhl I*, a., Hoalon va. Ht. bouK al Rtvloo. klayXt,.^!. A. M.'an4 p. a., Waililnaton va. I'ltlibura, ll n°aalilaoliili,0.<\ >larS>..V. A. M. and I*, a., I'hlladalHila la I'lillailalNila. Pa. J4a.v la, ft, A. a. a»l,l^ M.,HaUlnior« va. t,*iQUvlUe.Hl Hal VrjumiNilluK.T. a. 11. n. A.C 9 3 9 10 0 .layu.91 9 3 19 11 llaa'mlHr.m ll 1 9 0 u Hc<lalra,r.. 9 0 3 9 10 a^n'riiihi.tb 9 0 0 7 1 0 t^ouoaD, 4 0 1 3 9 1 CrooVa,3l<... 4 0 111 .Ablwy, of. .. 4 1 1 Kerrar. |i ...4 0 0 3 3 0 ~olala Si lliiion). Mil. Vka Chaiaitloiiahlp Raoanl ts May H9, laolaalve* CanitiarlaBil Vallay |#aR«e> TUe Cniiibeilniid Valley League waa (oruiei] al a ■neoilDg held. May m, al cbambarabiifir, Pa, Ite a lnbe Mui|K>»lng the league are Orlltle and OttUt lieraliurg, f»„ llagomtown, Md., and Hattlnaburs, ^Y, Va. Ubty Uennlriger, of I'baoaberabuig, lapnal alriit, and \V. K. Kvint, of UarllnRbnif, la aocreury. The home club la to |iay a guarantee to ;be tUUhi aiub and hotel expenaea In caae of a poatpoBeman tun acconni of rain. >kich cltib will tu^nlif ojie urn- pdt, Imt nn ampin caaoniclateal a game In which Bla club la a conteitant. Tlie folbiivliig achcdiile or Uilrty4lx lamea baa ixen ananged: namea played at Uaillale-WlUi the Hartlnabais llnli, Jnly 3, H, Aug. 13: (;inmb<nbarg, Jgly e, IT, Aug. », Uagcialown, Jnly I3, Aug. 9, IT. (lameaplayeil at(}bamberaliurg—Wllh (lieMarllDa- hniBCIub,July3,U, Aug. U; Cankde,July 10, la, Aog. 10; lUgtrMown, JoTy 12, Aug, 3, M. (iamea pbiyed al Hageiatown-Wlih Uio Marllna- linrg Club, July I, M, 7t; Carlbile, July i, Aog. a, Ui; CbamlienoDit, July 12, Aug.«, n. Oamea pbayed al Hartlnaburg—Willi (be nagem- hiwn Club, July t, 20, Aug. K; Carllale, Jnly », Aug. e, n, Chambemburg, July M, Aug, a, 1». ' laUi^tete baagae'a Naw Baliedulii. TIM Akron cinb went to pleceaatUaDtoo, 0.. Kay ID, and Lima tikea ha place In the Inler-Htate lAtgne. In the new acbednle of cbamplnnitilp ganiea tbe lnler-8(ala League extendi tbe leaaon twn weeka longer than waa odglnally Intended. It went Into effeot Hay It, and la ai foUowai WhaalloLal iKano—Wllh Oilumbua, Jvly 1,2,9, Aiiu. L 30,31, fffpl. 3U. 11: MaaataM, July 4, a. M. aaj r a., li, Aoa. It, l^ 14. BwL 19, 3t: Kaatun, Juaa 14, A 3^ Aua. 19, la, ll,aapL laTB: riadbr ■ •.— -i - .i flap!. ^.... t. Ui.KlodUr, ■I lay 37,3^ 9, Jnly B, UL Ana i . liasM—With fhllomliaa, June » 31, 33, Hapt •. V): KlodUr, Juaa ^7, M, », Aug. 1, A 3, llapt. 11, II; Lima,MarZV14, A July U,U,l7.Aol.n 34: Rao Kay 31: Joly III U, Aua. 37: Twin iltStr. May . a-aad P.M.,9l,Julr 11, It, 19, Au«. SS! Wbnilnr. May 37,3^ 9, Joly B, ll U, Aoi 30191 BapLt, 7; Kaotm, JaaalT. K It; Aug. I, 3, 9, Bapl. It I; PlodUy, Juoa 19, II.1C July 9, 9IL 31, KapL a. K>: Uatm. May 21 Joly la l», Ki Aoa. at, 37: Caabii, Mar a3<.B,/olylB,l(( 17, Aoa. 3X flsTaln niilaa,llay 37, AAJulyMl Ul Aug. aC 91: n-hMllail, May xTa. m. aairr,a.,91,JiiIy1lj3.1i, ' Kaalon. al brana-Wliircolamlioa Joiw 19,14, la. Job- >MI,37,llrat.«,t: MaaalfabtJoaa 10.11,13, JnW 21 O, 3t,BatL3.^ riodtay, June D, 11,2L Ba|<.n9.14: Lima, May So, A. a. and P. a., 91, Joly l^ 9, \D. Aog. w. 9: CaD- un. Hay 37, 3a July 11, 13.19. Aui. U, 11; T» in Rlllea. Ma^ B, July IMIk 17. Aug. lOr: WlKelmV, Mar a 34. S, July AM), Alia.Zlli. yinjlar. at boue-WIUi Ooloroltua. Jona 11^ II, 13. July 31, It, 34. Rapl. I, I: Maojaakl, June a, 7, B, July2I, li 37, Halpl. 4,9: Xealou, June 9,4,9, Aoa. 9, >, 7. Bapt. a. 7; bina. May 17,29.9, Joly 11, 1119, Aug. 90. 91; CanMii, May a>, 4. a. anil r. a., 31, Joly t, •, lu Aoa. 39. S ~ ' ' lloa^Miy A 31 e, July ln In, U, Aug. 0, 14: Win Jnhr . anil r. a.., 3l, Jolyt|e^lU Aot[.39.,S: Twin 1,13,'liapL itTiii: Haa'ulaMrjona'^'' . Jar a 31», July U. I». 1 May i. Jill It M. 1>, Aoa, A h IJnia, al homa^Wllh Ifqlomlio lnmlK)a,_JiiDe^,JK31tAa||.^9, »■/ V. ^ 9,1 OaaloD, at noma—Wllh Uolombua, Jona 34,39,18, Aua. 1.13,14. BapL UL171 MaaaAaM. Jono 27.», D, Aui. li. ■ ^ - • Ul, U: KaiiUiD, July 1, 1, i Aug.n f. laa. al home— WIUiCoIoiiiIhih,JuIv4, i, a. and r. ..,/.ug. U, It. 17, Hapl. 31,14: Uanill<M,Jolyl,3,9, Aua.M,10lBai>l3D,ll:Kanu>o, Jnna 21, a, 29, Aug. It, a, 31,BipLia. 11: Plodlay, Jona 11, a, V, Aua. 11,19, 11, llai>l. UI,I(: blraa, Jona IDl II, It, Aua.M, 7. riau. if 11; lioBtan, Juaa & 7,11 Aoa. l,l,llRapl. II, 13: Wbrallnii, June3i(tl,2t,8apLt,7. DIAMOHD KIRLD U4HBIP. Lataat Saylnga and DelBfa of the Baa» ball FamUniltr. The receutly played cliamplonahip gamea of tbe New Kngland League reeiilUd aa foltowa: Hay 1.1— At AugnaU, Auguata, 30; New lladford, 12. Hny 14 At Augiiita, New Bedfonl, 3): Auguata, t. At Bangor, Bangor, 10; Fall lUver, 9. Al lewlitoo, LewIatoD, 17; rawtocket, 4. At I'aniand, ronland, 10; Brockton, >. May ID-AI Purtland, Portland, 19; Pawtiiokel, 0. At Auguata, Uaiigor and Lowlaion, tain. Hay 10-At AugiiaU, rail Klver, 11: AnguBIa, lO(tenlniungf). AtUangor, Bangor, 8; New lied* fnnl, 4, At Lewliton, Brockton, 11; Uwbiton, B. Al 1-ortland, PoUland, 13; rawtucket, ». Hay IT—At PorUand, Brockton, 7; Portland, 4. Uay IB—At Lewhton, Lewlaton, u: Auguau, e. At Now Ued- foid. Fall lUver, 4; New Bedfoid, l. At Piiwtucket, Pairtncket, 0; lliDoklon, i>. At Portland, Ponland, IB; Bangor, 9. The aiandlng of tbo cIuIm to Hay m, Inrlnalre, la aa folloim: rtanri. Wan. loAt. fvrrr. Bnekum la u 9 .ai3 Fan River ' 14 II 9 .be Now BalronI 19 10 a m Lawllun 19 t 9 ,400 ■oitlaad la c Ki rawuotel 18 0 W .97t Aunaia la t it .913 Baagw 14 4 KI .»9 The recently phiyed obamplooBhIp gamea of iho New Knaland Anoclallon leaultad o followa: Hay 19-At FItohburg, Haverhill, ll; Flleblmrg, 3. At lAimnoe, Lowell, 7; Lawrence, 4. At Balen, Balem, 18; Naakna, •, Hay I4-At Htobburg, Flhibliorg, a; Naahna, 11. At BaverhUI, llaiem,9ii; Haverhill,!. At Lowell, Lawrence, B; Lowell, 0, Hay U-At Naafeua, Naabiia, lH: lAwell, a. At Uwrenoe and Ualem, lain. Hay it—At Fltohbunr, Lawienoe, 0; Htotabnif, 3. May 11—At llaTerun, llaverblll, 14; ntobburg. 7. At Nathua, Naahna, 11; Lawrence, 10. At Salem, Salem, 0; Ixiwell, -i. Hay 11, all aebeduled gamea poetiionea on account of nlD. The aiandlng of tne cliihn to Hay If), In- cliialve, U aa follom: riapM. inia. t^w. lyrci. Loaell 14 e a .(71 Halani 19 a B .8lt Lavroaca 18 » 6 .00 Plubburg 14 7 7 .lUI Naabua 14 i tl .397 UaTaiblll 1« 1 lu .« Tte reoently played chaioplonablp gatnea of Iho Soulhen AaaoclatlonnaulledaaloUowB: Mayl:— At EranirlUa, BranaTllle, 0; Uiauaiooga, 4. May 13-A( AUaBta, AtlaoU, 18; Naakvtue, 12. At Uitlo Rock, Utile Itook, 0; New mleana, 4. At Hempbla, Mempbia, SI: Montgomery, 7. Hay 14—At Atlanta, Attasia, l3;NaabTflle, 11. At Gtialtanooga, Rvana- Tllle, 4; Ohatlanooga, 3. At UiUe lb»k, IJiilo Hook, 7; New (lileana,«. At MemphlB.Memphla, IT; HonlgomeiT, a. Hay it—AtAUanla, Kvanavllle, 11; Atlanta, 10, At OhatUnooga, 4]hattanooga, 6; KaihvUle. 1. At Utile Rock, Uule llooii, 8; Mont- gomery, a. At Hempbla, Hempbla, la; New Orleana, 8, Hay le-At AtlaoU, Atlaola, B; Kvanavllle, 3. At Okaltanooga, lain. At Utile Rook,Montgomery, 14; unit Rook, 10, At Mamptala, HenipbU, 12; New (lriwna,H. HaylT-At UtUe Hook, llooUPimeTy, 10: Utile Hook, 2. At Hempbla, Ueniphia, IT; New Oneaua, 4. At Atlanta and Obattanooga, nlu. HaylB-AtAUanla, AUanta.B; livana\1lle, 0 (tor felted), AtObaDanooga, Bret nioe, HubvUlo, in: Cballanooia, v. Second game, xtahvUlo, lit Chat- tanooga, 11, no ilandtbg of tbe oluba to Hay m, tnclnatve, U aa tnllowai Maniplila.. Naahvllla.. LltUa t. .-. BTaaaTlile.. Na« Oilaani.. (Tballaooogi... nayol. Vbn. ton. IVrn. .... 1; 11 9 .704 ....17 11 C .917 .... m 11 T .All .... 10 9 7 " ...17 lii 7 .m ....n ; 11 .9M .... 17 1 11 .999 .... 18 1 11 .(B9 TlH) recently played ehamplonahip oanua of the rennaylvaaU Slate league reooltcd an followa: May 14-At Heading, Heading, a; ntntehurg, 9 (twelTo Innlnga), At Shenandoah, Ckrbondale, 21: .iihenandoah, 0, May 19-At Carbondale, .Ulentown, e; I>i1nndale, 4, At llaileton, llayJebin, (; Head lug, 4. At IVMlMTllle, roiuvllle, 19: ilairlaburg, 14. Hay l«-Al Carbondale, Allentown,4;CBrtaondale, 1. At llaaleton, llatleton, 8; Iteadlgg, 1, At Puttavllle, llarrhrtiuig, 10; Poiuvllle, (, At Shenandoah, Ian' ca«ler,£l:Bheuandnali,3. Mav 17-At Uarbondale, CarlKindale, 14: Heading,O, At naxleiuu, Allentowu, 20: llatlebw, la. At ruiuvlllr, Pottavllle, IB; Lan- fatter, 9. At Shenandoah, llanlabnrii, 21: Bheoan' doab, 12. Hay ll-Att^ariiondale, Heading, «; car bondale, 3. At Uaileton, llaaletou, 12: Allentown, At i:oltavJle, Uncaater, 9:1'utuvllle, At Shon- andoak, Barilaliurg, 17: Shenandoah, 11. Uay 20— At Carbondale, UanUbi^rg, 8: Carbondale, 0. At llailetou, llailebib, 7; lancaatey, 4. Hie atanding of tbe clubi to Hay 24, laolnelye, la aa IWowg: /loaol. BulT Ltu. lira. llaalalAO 18 " PMUvlUa ,, 19 AlltaUiWQ „ 11 bl 9 .m Haadloa to I) t llanlDnn 17 a ( Cartanlafi 17 a e laaoaatar 19 a V UbananlMb 19 I 14 ,097 The ntenllypUyed obamplooahip lame* of the IVixaa-southere Iroague reaulled aa loHon: Hay ll-At AnaUn, Fbtt AVorlh, l3;Aua(ln, *. AtCal- Teaton, Qalvealon, 1,: Sbeinun, 4. At llouaton, Houiiton,a; ShreTapoi1,t. At nan Anlonlo, liallaa, 1»:banii)tunln,9, May 13-At Aualhi, ilalU^II; AnaUn, 1 At lialveaton, aalvcainn, 21; Shravepnit, », At llouMon, llnnatoo, T; Mieiinan, 1. At Sao Anionio, Kort Worth, II; San Antonio, a. May 13- At Anatln, IMlaa, a; AnaUn, 4. At nalteaton, Sbreraport, 19; (lalToiton, t. At Kontton, Bh«r 11 niBU. i>; llouaton, B. AtSan Antonio, Baa Antonio, 23; fort Worth,«. May 14-At Aiialln, Uallaa, la; AnaUn, 10. At (lalreaton, (lalreaton, 0; Sbreveport, 1. Al llooabm, Hbennan, 4; llouaton, ,\ At San Antonio, Fort worth, a: Han AnionIo, I (tireire bin- Inga). Hay It—At Analln, Hbnvenoit. 9; AnaUn, 4. At tialvealoo, Fon worth, 10; (lalveatan, », At llontlon, Uallaa, 18: llooalun, I. At Han Antonio, Hhemab, II: Han Anl4>nlo. 7. Hay 1«—At Auatln, Shreveport, 11; AuaUc, I. At UalTtoUn, (lalreaton, in; Fort rortb, 13. At Han AnU>nIo, Sherman, 21; Han Antonio, 7. At llonaton, rain. Hay 17—Al Ann- uo, Shreveport, 14; Analln, I, Al Oaircalon, Fort Worth, 10; nalveatoii, 14. At llonaton, Dallu, 13; lloiiBlon, 7. At Kan Antonio, Sherman, 11: San An- tonio, 2. The aundlng nf the elulia to May IT, In- eluaire, la aa folhiwa: mpm. itm. A<a(. /vrn. Dallaa fl ai J *r (lalvaaUM S 19 I .7m raiiavapon a la ki ai9 " I IToitb 29 1.1 13 JUI _ jaUin 24 IJ 15 Itn Bhaiman 29 ll U .423 Auallu X 8 l< Jir Ban ADtnOln M 9 3 .119 The recently played champluDahlp ot the Weatarv AaKclatloo renilied aafollowa: Hay 12—At Ilea HoTnc*, Peoila, .'•; Ilea Holnea, 3. At Uncnin, lincoln, T; Rockfonl, 4. At Omaba, grat game, IMuaba, lu; Jaokaonvlllo, a. Second gaine. (Miialia, 29; Jactaonvllle, a. At SL Joaeph, 81. Inwpb, IB; "julncy, ». Hay la-At Do Uolnea, ixa Uoliiea, 17; lulncy, I, At Uncoln, IJncoln, 18; Jackaonvllle, 4, It Omaha, Rockfoid, 21; Omaha, 11, Atst. Joaepb, 'eoila, 29; BL Joaeph, 13. Hay 14-At LKa Holnea, Uea HolneB, 8; (Jnlncy, 4, At Lincoln, Jackamvlllc, 4; Lincoln, X At limatu, Rockfotd, 17: Omaba, a. Al St, Joaeph, SL Jonepb, 9; Ftoria, 3. Uar 16-At Ilea Molnea. Ilea Molnea, 9; ((iilocy, o. At Uncohi, Uncolii, 17; Jackaonvllle, 7. At Omaha, Omaba, 19; Hocklord, II. AtHLioaeph, Peorbi, 11; St.Joaepb, 12. Hay IT-At Jackaonvlllo, Omaha, l>; Jackaon- vllle, B, At Itoria, IVorU, 11; Ht. Jonepb, 3. At (inlncy, Va Holnea, a; <JuUioy,4. At Itoekfonl, Uncoln, a; lUKkToid, 4. Hay It—At Feoila, Peoria, 7: St. Joaeph 0 (twelve Innlnga), At (>iiliioy, (Julnoy, 18; Dea Uolnea, 11. At Itookford, nln. The Btand- Ing of the cloba to Hay 18, Incloalre, la ai follown: riapnl Won. ImI, FrrCt. Lbicoln 11 10 1 .m DanMulnaa II I 3 .7U Ointha 11 r, 9 .919 Paoita 19 7 9 .931 BL Jmpb 13 9 I .m Oalan II 9 > .997 Hoektonl 13 4 9 .m JactaonvlUa II 9 9 .378 The recenily played cbamploiiablp gamea of tbe Inter-Stale League reanlled aa toUom: Hay 13—At Akron, Akron, 21; Flndlay, c. At Ueiulaoo, Twin Clllea, 10: Canton, o. At Wheeling, Wheeling, 18; MantOela, 4. At (^olnmliua, nm. Hay It—At Akron, Akron, ,'>; Flndlay, u. At Colnmbua, Colum- lioa;0; Kenton, 8. At lieiiulaon, Twhi OlUet, 2; canton, 2. At Wheeling, Unit |am^ Wbeallng, 9; Nanalleld, 4 (twelve Innlnga); accond Rtme, Wheel- ing, .'■; UaiMneld, 1. Uay 17—At Akron, Akron, 18; Canton, H. At llennlaon. Twin auea, 18; VHieellng, a, .UKenlon, Flndlay, h; Kenton, 7, AtMantlleld, (>>lumbuB, H; Uanalleld, .'i. May 1>—At Canton, (Janlon, 9; Akron, 0 (forfeited). At Uennlton, Twin Clllea, in; Wheeling, V. At Kenton, Findlnv, 19. Kentnn, r,. Tbe aiandlng of tbe clnb:< to Hay 19, In- cluilve, la as followa: i>MBnl. ro». Log. rtrci. TwIoCIUoa 19 II 2 JM rindlay II » 4 .el t^ilomoua 11 9 4 .SI7 Wlitallna 11 » 9 JU! AklKD II 8 9 .619 Omutn 13 4 9 JW Maoanakl II 1 13 .143 XeatoD 11 1 11 .m Iho cbamplooablp Beaaon of the Iron and (HI LMgue begun May19,and1be gamea played reaulled aa follow: At Franklin, FrankSn, 19; Oil City, a. M Sharon, Sharon, 4: New OaUe, 3. At Warren, Tltua- vllle, 10; Warreo, 0. Uay 18-At (HI aty, OU City, 21; Kninklln, 12. At Sbann, Naw Caatle, r,; Sbann, 2. AtWamn.TltuBrlllo, 12: Warren, II. Hay 17- At Frankim, Flankllo, It; Oil City, 3. Al New Catllo, New Oalle, 11: Sharon, 3, Al lltuavllle, Wamn, 8; TIIUBVlIlp, 4. Hay 18—At New (ksUe, Sbaron, 10; New UaaUe, 9. At Ull CII.V, (HI City, 8; Pianklln, 3. AtTltuavUle, Tliuavllle, 10; Wamn, ■). Tbe aiand- lng of the cluba to Uay 18, Inolualvo, Inaa foUowa: j'fori'. n'"N. £o>r. ivrcr. Tlluavlllg / 1 I .1U> Naw Caatio 4 3 3 .HU Rhatnn 4 " 3 3 JOO on oiiv i t 1 no Pnnalla 4 t i JO) Warm 4 I 9 .20 nichtnond aUll inalntalua ilio lead In Ibe ohani- ilongblp race of the Virginia Hiato l,<ague, though [.ynchhurg bi poahlng her for tbe place oloeely. Tbe ecoren glvoii below bear evidence of Uie attncttve- iieaa of the gamea, which contlnne to draw good at- tendance. Hay 13—At Roanoke, Htcbmona, 3; Ito- auoke, 2. At Norfolk, rortimnulb, l; Norfolk, 4, At Ijnrbburg, Petcrabnig, 4; I,yncbburg, ', Hay 14—,(t Hoanoke, Itlcbmond, t; Itvanoke, 18. At Ijnohbuig, Peteniburg, 2; Lynobbuig, 3. At Nor- folk, PoRamouth, B: Norfolk, 1 Hay Ib-At Roan- oke, ruin. At Norfolk, Porianionib, t; Norfolk, 7. At Ijncbbnrg, retcrnbuig, 9; Lyncliburg, 9, Uay It—At lllchmond, mlu. At liortolk, Roanoke, 4; Norfolk, 10. At I^ncbbnig, IMrtanooUi, a; l^ncb- burg, 4. May IT—All gamea pootponetl, raliL . Hay 18—At lllchmond, Petcnbiiric, 2; lllobmoBd, t,. At 1 jnchburg, Portamouth, B: Ijnchbnrg, 10. At Nor- folk. Koanoke, 1: Norfolk, T. Standing of tbe cluba to May 18, Inclualve, la aa followa: nnpa. Won iMi. met. Rlcbmoml 31 18 4 .919 Lynchburg Zl la 7 .998 PortaiuouUl n It 19 ,4a> Norfolk 39 10 19 .100 Fataidioil 21 H 19 .348 Roanoko 14 7 If ,391 Tlie recently played obumplonablp gamea of the New York Sbite iMgne reaulled at (oUowa: Hay 14—llaln couaed a postponement of an gamea aobea- nied. Hay l^At Aiiiateidam, Antterdam, 0; Al- liany, 2. At Jolioatown, Rlmlra, 9; Jobnalowu, 3. A( Tray, rain. May ta—AtAnuieidam,Amiilerdam, o; Alluny, 4, At Jobnuiown, Uniba, 2u; Johna- town, IX At .Sobenocbidy, tint gaine, Inosktmton, 19: Sclieneclady, 7, Second game, DIugbaraton, ll; SchciiccUidy, ll. At Trny, Tioy, 10: (llovemrllle, 9. Uny 17—At Amaterdam, Annuerdan, •; Olovera- vlilo,4. At Jobnatown, Johnatown, lo; Hingbam- Ion, 0. At Scbeneotady, Scheneotady, 8; Hmlra, 2, Al Ttiiy, Tro.v, 17: Alianr, T, Uay It-At Aliiany, Albany,8; Troy, :i. At Anuterdani, aioveiavllle, T; Amatenlani, n, AtJnbnalowo, Jobiiiiowo, I: Blug- haiiiton, 7. At Sohoncctady, tanUia, 7; Sohenec- lady, 4, Uay 90—At Amaterdam, Hmlra, 7; Am- iderdani, A, At Jetnelown, Jobnaioirn, l.i; aioven- vlllo, ». At iicbeiieolady, Schaneotailyj^as: Albany, 8. At Troy, Blogliainuin, B; TTOy, *, The aiandlng ut the rliilia to Hay m Incluulve, li ai foUowK ' IfnpM. ITai. (on. IVrCT. Atnalenluii U BI 9 JKI Elmlra 11 10 9 .087 lllovoravllla It 9 7 Jobnatown l2 9 6 .900 Troy II 7 I JOI Albany 14 I t .19 Hcboaactady 19 9 10 Jn Rlogbanttna 19 0 K> .SB Tbo recenUy played cbaniploitlilp gamea n( the EaMon Lnagua reaiiJied ai fobow: Nay 14—All gani<ia9chodulod were poaluoood by rain, May]}— Atnunklo,Wlkeabain,B;Bniiaio,i Atnoobesler, Bpriugleld, 19; Rocbeater, 9, AIT0ponta,1bronln, 10; Bi'ranlnii, 9. May in—At Oaalo, BuOklo, 11; Srnnion, 1. At noolieiler, Roobeater, 14; Provi- dence, 4. At Syracuac, Siiaouae, 1; Sprtngneld, a. At1\irunto,Toronio,lT; Wiikeabarre, 12. HaylT- At Buiiaio, Bcraniou, o; UniMo, i. At Roobeater, rrortdenre, 7; Hochtaler, 2. At i!;nirua«, Spitng- neld, 7: Syiacuaa, 9. At Ibnnm, wiikeabarre, 8; Toronto, 4, May IS—At UuMu, Boffkln, 13; Scran- ton, 9. At Roctaeater, Providence, 4; Hocbealer, 3. At Sjmauao, Syraruao, 7; Sprtnglleld, 8 (eleven Innlnga). At Itiroulo. wllkeaoaria, 1; Tironio, i. Hay 19-At Ibinwo, lliintto, 11: Bcianlon, T. Uay ao-At Uunklo, llunaiii, lO; Wurklance, 4. At Rochealor, Scranion, T; Rocheiter, 3. At Syiacnae, Wllketlmm, 21; Byncuae, I. AtTWunIo, tain. Tbo alauilliig of the rluba to Uay 91, Iticlutlve, la aa tol- luwa: rtowa. roa. Laa. ivra. :::;r eprlQRfliM WllktiliftTf Bcrulon BrncnH nolThlo PtqtMmim ToiT>nio RodiMlrr The rreenlly plarnl chanplonalilp gamea ot tbe Weatem League mulled aa fOlkiwt: May 12—At Omad Raplda, !ndlanBpolli,ll; Oiand RBpldisl2. At Hinneanolbi, HInneapoUa, 10, Kaaaaa Oty, K Al SC Paul, Nllwaukre, It; St. l-aiil. U. W Toledo, Toleilo, 9; Detrall. 4. Hay 13-At Mlnneapolla, Hl|. wankee, 13; HInneapoUa, 11. At St. V*m, Ranaaa City, 9: St. Pani, a. At Indlaaapolti and Toledo, rain. Hay t4-At IndlanapoUa, Indlananlla, I; De- troll, 4. AtHUwankee,KauuOlty,4;iaiwaatee, 1. AlMlBiieapolla,ialn. At Toledo, cold weather. May l.v-At UQwaokee, unwaikae,«; Ranaaa City, «. At Toledn.TDleda, 8; Oreiid Raplda,4, Uay I8 —At lietroli, UetiDit, 20; Oiaad BapMa, 17. At In- dianapolli, Inillanapolla, a: Toledo, 0. At Milwau- kee, Hllwaokee. 8; KaaaaaCIt;, 1. iktMlnn«a|lOll^ Mlnneapolla, a; BL Paul, 9. May IT—At Uenoll, l>e. Irvit, 19: Onnd Raplda, IT. At Indianapolis, In- dianapolla, 11; Toledo, 7. At KaneaiUty, Kanaaa City, 7; HUwankec, 4. At 81. PanI, St. Paul, 12; HInneapoUa, a. Hay 18-Al IndUtiannlhi, Tbledo, 10; IndlanapoUa, 0. At Kanaat CIty.Kanna City, 11; Hllwaokee, 8. At HInneapoUa, fllnneaullu, 3; HLFanl,!. Tbe aiandlng or the cloba to Hay 18, Inolualve, bi as fnlkiwa: fTapnl ITOB. LM. Ifrn. HbrnaapoUn 13 W 3 .789 IndlanapoUa 14 10 4 .714 Uomlt 19 a 7 .4g aiaatf Bulda 14 r. li .4S KanawRIlr 14 li .8 .49 Bt.raol H 9 7 .4ir Mllaaokao 19 6 » .40) ToMo 19 9 B .387 Manager Ilanlon, of the Baltimore leam, who was cbalrman of the Oomnilllee on lluUa, In recently apcaking about the war aomeof tbe niapliea Inlor- prel tbe nilee, aald: "It aeent to me tbataouie of the omplrea mWake the spirit o( Uie new nilea. These rules were miended to protect tbe umpire In the performance ot bla dntlea tren aboie from rowdy ball players, and alao to rbl tbe game of pro- longed and aanaeleaa kicking, Bnt hi the Interpre- tatlon and exocnUun of tbe mles the nmplrea abouht nae dbicreUon and good aenae, Uallplayenannnt achool cbUdreo, nor are umplrea flcboolmaatera. It la Impoarible to prevent expreaalocu of Impatience or acilona Indicating dlaient with tbe umpuet de- clakins when a player. In tbe heal of t£o game, tblnka be baa been nnjoaily treated, Tbe public don't look fur that, and don't want 11. They like to aee a UtUe soapplneaa lo the game,.and would be very much dl98an9ll<d, I believe, to tee tbt playeis allnking away like whlmed scboolboya lo tiieir benches, afraid to ton their bcadi for fearut a heavy floe from some awelled nniplre. Ihe wise umpire will overtook these email ihlnga, ind will only resort lo llie power which the lules bare given him ou cxlnordlnary occntlona, as when some tough liall player naea profane labBoaie to blm, or pendstsnnreaaonably In dlapoUbgnto oeclMons. I Ibink Hone of tbo nmplrea bare alieady gone too far In the mauer, and nave shown themselrea veiy much lacking In dlacraUon and good seme." President Bniab, of the (^cUinall Club, has de- cided that the repeated maiming of playen should be Hioppeil, and oe proposes toinAoguritea move that will cauae tbe aupprenlon ot all bntal con- dDct on tlie baU Held. In ncently ipeakbig about tbe matter he raid: '.'It la high Ume that a bait was called on tbla boalnefla. No team that goes agalnat tbe FIttaburga hi aafe. Sncb work aa tbe ntlabnrga have been pracllolng on Ihe Reda wlU have to be stopped. Laat season ve carried two tilayereforaeveial montbawhen they were unable 0 work tiecanae of Injuries recelred nom tbe Pltte- burg playera. Tbla year wu have liad three caaual- Uee In tbe six gamea that tave tieen played with Uiem. Under Ineae drcninitancee la ll not proper and Incumiient on me u> see that ny men are pro- tected In Bome way ? Something mast be done and done quickly to stop this abomToable practice. It lakes money out or tbe treanry of Uie team that bi heralded as n band of rowdies, and If a precedent can be establltbtd through wtaloh a team can claim damages for Injnrtea malldoutly lolllcied on a player, Ihe oillclala of the oOtodfng dub will soon come to tbeir seneeg sod prohibit 'dirty' playing, sooner than go Into Itaelr pocketsroraererel hun- dred dollara every time one of their playere Uijurcs anoibor," Hanager John B, Barnes, ot the Hlnoeapolla Club, It In aald, la maklbg snangesientt to lake a strong team of pUyen to England next FBII. The under- taking 18 a rlaky one, but Hr. Bamea Is conOdent that he can make a ancceaa of the veotore. He bi certainly a very clever manager, and baa bad a vatt amount of experience. If any one can make the achemo pay he Is Ibo man who should be able to do 80. William Schrtver, one of Uio catcbeis of tbe New, waa called to bla hone at Brooklyn Uay 17, from liuaburg. Pa, where the New Yorks were playing, on account of the death of bla yonog eon. The AUantas made only three lafe blta off Uoran, May T, at NaabvlUe, Tenn,, the NaihTlllea Uien win- ning by 10 tol, Rimlo praventsil tbe Cblcagos from making more than toiirscmtoh bits off him Hay 11, at Chicago, 111,, the New Yorks then winoing by 11 lo 1, Fee held tbe Shenandoalu down to four lafe hlla May 14, at Slienandoab, Pa,, tbe Oarbondales then winning by 11 to 0. Tbe Lawrence lean defeated the Lowells by h to 0, Uay 14, at Lowell, Uasa. The kwen made only two Bsfe blta off Urooka. Dr. 0. Petere, ot Amsterdani, haa rolgued ai president of the New York State Uagne, and c. U. Ball of Johnstown, baabeeb elected loaucceed oUn. Hr. Ball wtu combine the omcesol preildent, secre- tary and treasurer, Thomas prevented tbe Vale Unlvenity team from makbig a Holllair safe bit off tabn Uay 16, at Am- hetBt, Uas8„ tbe Ambent College nine luen winning bystol. The Princeuin College team defeated the Urorm University team by 9 to 2, Uay It, nt Oiange Oval, Orange, N, J, The Holy Oroea team defeated Uie Harvard Unl- venity nine for the second Ume this season Uay it, at Ombrtdge,Ha8s^ by 7 to L The IMen made obly four sate olta off Papfalan. BoUenus, left fleld of tbe BoiAtbi team, made (our bome mns and a double bagger ont of ire tbnee at bat In a game played May 12, at UniAtlo, N, Y,, be- tween the BuOalo and V'llkeaUm team*, of tbe Etatero League. - Pitcher Weyhlog, wbo waa recently released by Ibe Fblbidelpnia ctub, baa been idgiied by the Iltbi- bnrga. The Fludlays made only foumafe blta off Uairelt May 1,'i, at Akron, 0., Ihe Akrons then winning i>y a too. The Unlrcnlly of Founaylvtnia team bad the Le- blgb Unlvenity team for opponents Hay U,at Phlbt delphla. Fa., the former tban winbing by 10 to 8. Winism liooleT, a ball player, while playing a game recently at Uepoalt, V. Y., waa slnick sense- leu by a pltebed ball back of lbs ear, and was taken to nla home at Snaiiuebanna, Pa,, unconacloue. On May 8 he died tnm tbe lojury. He waa sixteen yeanoM. In a game of ball played May e, at Hblway, John P. Hlllzclaw, of Oeorgetows, Ky„ who waa catching (or Uie neoigetown team wlUiout a nitafc, waa bit In the letteye by a fonl Up, and was ao badly In- jured that be wUl pnbaUy lose Uie alght of tbe eye. Tho Voitolka made an1rt|ireaiafe bibi off Kagey Kay a, at Norfolk, Va„ the I^i)obbnrga Uien win- ning by 3 to 0. Fllob^ 4amea prevented ibe lllchmonda from maUng ii)ore lliui l^ne safe bits off bin) Uay B, at PeteraCnrg, Va., t)ie pettialinrin Ihen winning by ItoO. Tbe Ijnohbnrgi defeated the Poitemouiba by 2 to 0, Nay II, at Ijncbbniv, Va, Tbe loaets made only lores aafe bits off Ortta. NcOnary held Uie Hlcbmoodt down to four gafo hlla Mv 10, Bt Koifolk, Vs., but the k'orfolka were licalen by 3 to 2, allhougb tbey made eight gafo hits. llloher llrth prevented tbe Neifolka from niakUig more than four Ufa hita off Un Kay 9, at Noifolk, Va., tbo Lyncbbuigs then wlnnbig by I to 0. Tbe RIchmonda defeated the N'orfolka by 2 to I, May 9, at Niirtolk, Va. Tbe viclon made only four aafe bits off Foster, wbUe Uic loacn made itra off Behne. lltuber Chard held tbe Allantaa dorm to three safe blta May 4, at EvanaiUle, Ind,, the Kvsnavlllo then winning by 19 to X Rain prevented the folkiwlnit ehamplonahip games of Uie National League and Amertcaa Aaaoclatlou froui being played aa per acbedule: Hay 14, PltU- bniu vs. Fhlladelptala, at Pttttbnrg; Cleveland va. (^erelaud. May It. LoularlUe va. Boston, at Lonlavtlle. Hay 20, St. Lonis vs. New Ynrk, at Bt Lonia: (Mveland vt. Brooklyn,at CIsveland; CIn cliuiaU vs. Beaton, al ChiclnnaU; LoulavUlevb Bal ttoore, at LoularlUe, Vupby hat succeeded Fallcr aa abort stop on tbe I)'ew York team. If tbe fortierplbi tbe bOllba last UmctI wiu prEbabty Iw releucdT It would not be a bad Ides to engage Jobn M. Ward (or manager of tbe Kew Yon team. Ula preaesce might have a good eObct on tbe playere, and steady uem In their woik, Iben, in a rase of emergency, he could Jump In and aaatat the team In almost any poellloo tbey appeared weak bl. What a brtUlant cesbre deklex be vronM make. Tbe Stanforda defeated the iHympIca by 12 to T, Hay It.alSan FianctM»,OaL Tbe Wealeyaa OoUean team Aeteated Ihe Tlinlty OoUege lean by 18 to 0, at the IHnlty (Mlege Onoids, naitton), CL, Hay la. The recenily playnl I'baaiplousblii ganiea of the loaa Uagne reaulled aa follow: May 14-At tibi- Inn, Clinton, 13; Trl niln,K. At Uuiiuiiue, l>n- liuiine, 13: Oiinmwa, T. At (laloMiurir. burilDglun, 11; Ualealiiirg, ^. At Waltrlwi, Uedar Ilaplil8,i9: Wnirrtoo, 12. Vny Ili-AI aiiiloD. CiloKin, 1; Trl Clllea, 3. .vt lhibui|ue, Utbnqua, II; intnmwa, 0, At Waterion, Waterioo, 0; IVdar RaplOs,;. Uay IB —At Clinton, Tridllra, 9; aiuton,o. At Uuhuqne, liubnque. l.'i: uitumwn,:. At Oilesbiiig, Uurtlng- ton, o: Ualosburg, 9. At Walerioo, Waterioo, Z; Cedar Haplda, 1. Uay IT—At BoiUngtoB, Banlng- tuu, 12; Clinton, 4. At Cedar Rapids, Cedar Raplda, 13; Oltumwa, u. At Haveoport, 'ht Clllea, 14; Oelea- burg, 10. At Iinimque, imbuiioMl: Waterloo. II. Uay IB—At HuiUngtnn, Cllnton, s; Boillngton, 9, Al Odar lUplds, cedar Usplds, 19: Oltnrawa, x At Davenport, llaleabuiv, to; Til CItin, 9. At i>n- buque, Uubuqne, 13; Waterloo,*. —.MTcrie llanle,Terre llante, 43: Anrom, 4. At Lafayette, tbe Ilammood icam left for bome, (or- felling three games, giving as ibelr reaaon mat their playem wen crinpini, .M Fort Wayne, cold weather. Uay 14-Al Fon Wayne. Fort Wayne, o: Blnomlngton, :i. At TVrre llante, ,\uron, 20; Tene Haute, *. Hay 16—At Fort Wayne, UoomlngUHi, 12: Fort Wayne, 7. Uay la-At Terre lloute, Teire Uaute, II; Aiirnn, 2. Hay IT-At Bkwmlngtno, liiouuilnglon, U; Aurora, 2. At Uammonil, Tenv llaute, 16; Uammond, 3. In the game between ibe Bnffblo anil Scranion teams, nf ibe Eaalero League, Usy IB, ut Boitlilo, N. Y.,a pecnibir iineeilon arose In Iho Ofib Inning. Umnby and Wbie were on Oral and second bases sod Meld on tblrd bane. Ctymer bit to centra llehl fence, and Jobn9on aeldtd the baU, Fleld came home, but neither linuby nor wiae moved from the banes. Tbe play waa a torceil one, and tbe aide was really reUrtd, but the Scmntons did not recog. nize the fact, ana ^ut tbe tail Into play. Then tbey kicked, and Imj^lits IMxacher and Snyder were kept buay for half an hour trying to atnlgotcn matlera. Finally It waa decided that Clynwr wan out at llrat base lor not having touched tbe bag. Hanager Bamle pruleated Uie game. Tlie Hult of Pitcher Mark Baldwin, of Ibe PoUs- vUle Club, of Uio Pennsylvania Slate League, for- meriy with ibe Chicago, PUtabnig, New York and other clubs, axalnat I'renldent Vonrter Abe, of the SL LouU Club, to recover tv>.<m tor false arrest, WKsplaceil ou. trial Hay 20, at Plltabnrg, Pa,, ana wassiui on when we went to prw, Tbe Yale Unlvenity team defeated the PrincetOB College nine by 1 lo 0, Bay 18, at New Haven, Ci, The losera made obly one aafe bli off Carter, who pitched elx Innlnga, and none off Trudeau, wbo pitched three lonuigi, while tlie victore made only three aafe off Altman, Tbe Cornell University and Peanaylvanla Unlven- ity teams met Uay u, al Ithaca, s. Y., tbe former then winning by 9 to 1, Tbe Cuban Qlanls defeated Ibe Holy Cross team by 9 to 1, Uay IB, at Worcester, Hais. The (innnge AiblMlcs defeated the New Jersey AUUetlca by 13 to 9, Hay 18, at (Imnge, N.J, Tbo Orltinl Field Club's team defeated Uie Jas- pen, of Uanhatlan College, by 8 to I, Uay IB, at Uackeneack, N. J. The Ironsides defeated Ibe Albanys by 7 to 8, Usy 19, at Newark, N, J, CRICKET. The Phlladelpbia Chaiaplonaklp. Hie cbamplonablp season In PbUsdelpbIa, Pa., opened Uay IS, with games bcttvecn tbo Kelmont and Phlladolphia Clubs, and the Tioga and Herion Cluba. The PbUsdelpbIa eleven mettho Belmont team on the lattcr'a grounds, and batting Urst, were all disposed of for tbo meagre total ot 44, T. It. Reaoey capturing neven wicketa nt the cost of only IT runs. Tbe Dolmoni team made 189 for the loea of eight wickeui, and won. II. K. UcCall liaited rematkaXly well for 91 runs, and T. II. Keaney, who bad bowled ao effectively, i^aln dlsUngulshefi himself by scor- ing :ri runs. 'The accond eleven of tbe Belmont Club defested tbe second eleven of tbe PhUadelphIa Club, on tbe lauer'a grounds, by 198 to 48, tobiu of tbe Unit Inning. The chief credit ot the vlctoiy b< due 10 11, U.Townieod'a batllog and bowling, he Bcoriog 07 nine, not oiii, and taking alx wicketa at thecostofODlylsninn. w.M.Trollermade'janiBS, not out, for the Philadelphia learn. The Hoga Oinb'a nrtt eleven secured an enexnected victory over mo Herion Club on tbe lauer'a grounda. The Tioga team baued Brat, sod made 129, of which W. nr. Foulkrod made IR mm, the hlgheat acore. The Herton eleven expected an eaiy task In exceedhig thbi total, but tbo effective bowling ot J. B. Kkig and K. U. Cregan quickly retlieri them for only 27. King caplurtd Ave wlcteta fori! runs, and Cregan bowled dve irlcketa for 13 runs. Following on, the Uerton Icam did mnob better, making as for the kiss of four wickets when the stumps wen draivn, Tbe contest between the second elevens of tbe Tioga and Ueriou (Hubs termloated la a dispute regarding declslona made by tbe foroer's umpln, wbo Is alleged to have Improperiy caUed two no balls on A. Uiniln for knocking down the wloket at bla own end on delivering tlie ball while bowling. Eaob kad acored a tout ol 81 lo the flist Inning. The Uetlon Club will protest tbe lame, claiming a victory by two rnna. Sa xxuiBiTioN aauD were played|May is In Uil viclnlcy, Uie most Important one being between tbe Kings County SL Oeoigo and Brooklyn Oubs, at Proapect Park, Brookljn. N. Y. Tbe Brooklynelersn wonliy 17910 69, tho tolala of Uie OiBl Inning, thanka to the apleudid ataod furtbefaUot Uie Intwleket made by F, J, Prendetgast and J. Flanneiy, who Bcored 68 and 44 mns, leapecUvely, by brilliant bat- Uug. Tlio Uanbattana defeated tbe Waqderan at Prospect Park by BT to 72, and tbe newly otgasbed Incognlil Club defeated the M. Aualln's Bohool eleven at staten Island by 89 to 46, the totala of tbe Drat Inning In eacb game. Tbe second eleven ot tbo Manhattan Club defesied the OolnmUa CInb at Fiuapeci Park by 41 to 43. Tbe aeoond eleven of Uie stolen telaud Club deleated the second eleven of the Now Jereay AthleUc atlt at Bergen Point, J., by'in to 08, w, "B. UgUby made 00 runs, not out, for the wbinere. TwocgAXPiONsniPOAXis ot the California Atso- claUon were played Hay 6, al San Pranolaco, Oal., and vicinity, the BobeaUann defeating the neldo team by 141 to 43, and tho Alameda beaUng a abort handed CalKonila club team by 120 to 44, The Otl- Iforola team Journeyed to Alameda with only nine men, and (ailed to pake any etand agalnat tbo effective tiowllog of Soman, wbo at one time took Ihree wickets with consecuUvo bsUs. game was played Uay 11, tbe Alameda _ ^ for seven wicketa and dcfeailngtbe Paolllcs,who OnUr ( scoring scored 97 In their llrstlnnlos. foe newly organiied San Joee Club failed to meet the Bohcmlaiis on the latter cinb's grounda. A NBs- was organbed May 9, at San Jose, Oal,, Urough the efforia ol OecU Oardner, wbo will captam Ita eleven. Tbe roUowlog oOloen were elected: (lealdent, Dr. R. E. llerce; vice pnal- dents. Uayor P. I'. AusUn, J. T. Rocker, J. A. oay- ton, W. U. nairley ^ud E. R. Sodd; secniary atxl treasnnr. Major Oenaid; capl^ln, Cecil qardner. Tbo San 4ose club l|u applied for adm|9slon ts tiio CKllfonila Cricket Aaioc|a4on. It has » new cog- creie and cocoa niMilogj4tctilfl4itown In tt» old basebaU grounds at Sai) A CAit,iniuM from London, Eng,, dated May 18, atateaUiat J. Irrtne Scott, ol tbe Belmont Club, d PhUadelpbla, P»„ bu completed airangementt for a Cambridge Unlvenity cricket team to visit tbe United Stales, Tbo KngUah leam wlu leave Aug, zi and play a eeriea of ganiea In PkUadelphla, New York and Uoiton. DiL W. 0. anaci, ibo faneus Engllth cilckater wbo Is now torty-eeven yean old, has Just com- pleted one hundred centurtes In flni cUsb matchea, a cablegnm annonncing tbit on Hay 17 he acorea •jm rnna tor Oloucealerebire agalnat Somenietablre, at Biliitol, Eng, TUB ONiA- CUAMUE In the pUrtng rules UU year bi tbe folloirlng, which waa adopted at tbe recent meeUng of tSe Hanleboneanb: "The ride which goee m second shau follow Uielr Inning It tbey have aconil 120 nuia leaa Uian Ibe oppoelle aide In a thiee daya'mafcb, orsoinatwodaya'matiSh.v ' ' J. IxinxaxN aWn Dinnnisiint on til for tbe Ont fl'K'. "i! !?• S"™^ »«»lo«i Uie BrockweU Hrll Club, May 1, al Uie (ItalJUondon, Bb. U>b- mann made loi nnt, lodudlng two a'a and two 9'a, UIgglna scored T4 rans. Including a great bit fur nine, all ran out, which nakea a record for tbe Oval and (or any Orat claia gvoond, W,0.ouciJB.,lbeoklettBono(the champion cricketer, and R. A. Sindd, the yonngesi at Uie famoua bnUien ot Uiat Ilk, are candldatea (hia Ma- son for the Otmbrtdie Dnlrenlty eleven. TuOniuiinin) Clcb defeated the Dalvnilly ot Pennaylvanla eleren Hay II, In puiadelihia, Fa., by m ton, Uie tolala ot tie intlnnlaf.'Tta eof