New York Clipper (May 1895)

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188 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. May 25. ATHLETIC. T«Ie Too Haeh fbr Hairard. Tba sel6ct«d arhletai of Y*leAnd lltrvAnlODl rendUM met la tbelr aDDUAl tMA meeting at nolmu' Field, Cftmijrldga, Hue., on Batuntoyftfcer- oooa, lto718. Ttie weatlwr wu cold and tbrattai log, end Uio tnck whs beftvj from a mklDg rmlo IQ tbe morolng. while the lolleld wu 1q poor coodi' UOD. TtiU mnf(Aled egalDnt good perfoniuDceii oo Ibo peU), but It did not prereot tte Tale gtanl, lUckok, from creeling two oew records, In throwing Uiebemmer aud puuing tlio itiot.end Hojt, ller- vard'ii crmfUf, from (opplog ibe collego ncord Id polo veulilDg, Uj clearlDg a bolgbiof lift Tbe otber achtovemeiiti wfro pertlculerlr (rood under the olrounuUDcve, eed the raeult of (ue com pell- Uon wai a victorj fur tlie Yalenclau, bj a ecore of 06 ID4T. Bummerj: OM Amdrvd tam rwi.-WM bj W. M. Richinli, Y«l*; h. W. H«l|«th llBrranl, Mcoml; M. O. (Jouiermu, lUr vard.Uilnl. TInio. KfH«- Two hundrrd ani twaig warii run.—Won bj W. H. RIchardi, YAle: I.. W. ltad|«Ui. Ilur«nl. wcAod; 11.11. Btorn, flarvAnl.ihlrU. Tlmv, IIH*- ibivAttfUmlamlAfrtfiNirrfjnia.—Woo Ljr N. W, BIok- ham, IlArvard: N. 1 Hariliall. Ilftrvani, wtiad; W.II. V'InMDL IlirvanJ, Ihlnl. Tlin«.(l9i«. EtQht hundral and eighty fordt run.—Won bj B. Uolll*- Uir, lUnranl; V.II. Vinceot, llarrard, »m<iih1; l*.?, Oac nfle run.—Won bx J. K. HorKaa, Vale: lI.Eniir- ■oo, IlarranI, Hcnod; w. II. Wadami. Vale, Uiltd. Tine, 4oi. sri. On/MltewUlr.-Woatjy P.C.TIimII, Taia; C. U. Dr««, llarranl, ' ■ ■ - Tin. on/Mife wuir.-woa ijv r.c.Tii#iii, Taia; c. D. Dr««, llarranl, aaooiM; J. U. I'hIlllM, llkrvinl, ililnl. Tine, •n. B. Ilatdt, Yala: K. II. itady, Vala, Mcond; K. U. Ptrhlni, Yale, Uilnl. TIhio. IOH^. r«oAund/ttlaihJfiam/tf mrtfr Aurtfb ma.—Won brJ. B. Braraer, llarranl: K. II. Cad/. Yals,locuod;K. U. far hlni,Ya]», Utinl. Tlino.lM;*. m mdu blcfcU nttf -W(Hi by If. Illll, Yale; K. R. RUIoU MarranJ.aacoDd; 0. K. I'adi. Yiie, Uilid. Tloia. 6m. 1^4. /funndiolknNbliHinp.—Woo Itr L. 1*. HliaUiin, Yale: A. Blieiiaaf. 11 irvartl, Mcoml; R. Hlicholl. Yal*. Uilrl. Dia- lanes, an.AHIn. Uunning AltrA Jump.—Woa br fl. J. I'aloe, llarfard; J. U.TIiuiupaun, Val«, MCond; W. B. Puloam, llarTafd, third. ll«l|(M,9n.9,'fln. • /U« touii —WuD by W. W. Ilovt, Harvard: II. Tliomw, Yale, Mcoad: 0. N. Aliaa, y>le, third. llelRliL liiL Tkrowlno 10b hammer.—Vion liy W.U. Ul&ok, Yala; 11. CrotiL VaU. ucoiid: 0.Cbailtfick, Yalo. Uilnl. Ula- taoca, larLAMIii. I'uUfno ISft iAof.~WoD bf Brown, YaK Hcond; K. K. Kubll. Harvard, UitiO. Ula- I'uUfno \th iAof.~WoD b/ W. <). Illcbok, Yale; A Brow, VaK PIVII ■-■ - - PenaeylvABla Dafeftla €allft>rals. The eecoud duel Hold tnuellng In wblcb tbe repre- ienbiUve* of the Uulveraltfof Caliromie baveen- gaged einco Uielr errlvel lo tbo Kiet look place at rhiladelpbia, Pa., od Heturdny aftemooD, Majr II. tbelropponooUon that occasion helug (be picked atbletee of Ibe UnlTeraltr or PennejlTenla. The wMtber waa not favonihlu, and tbe palb and InBeld ware poor lu coniteqaeuce of nin iho preceding nlebt Navertholata Uio conteataiite ae a rulaac- aiuttad tbamMlTes credlUblr, end the cloeeueM of la struggle la attoaled U/ tlie face that ttia reiull was a Ua, oacb side wlonbig eovon oventi. Ae tbe vliltoia did not compete In two evoiibi, however, tble raeult wah virtually a vlotor/ for them. About two tUouund RpeclAtoM were iirexont. Suiiiiimr;: Ow hundred Hunli run —Won b> (I. T. Rudioli, l'«na- avlrajtla; T. L. Himsi, Uallrunila, aacuml; U. 11. JuOd, FMnaylvanla, anJ J. \V. Rcruflfclni, Ualirornla. (led Tor UilrO. Tliito.lUH". llaifmUe rva.—Wim by U. W. OrtoD, I'eaniylvaala: 0. 0. flldiBl. >'«nn>/lT«iila. xKoad; riilll|i BndUy, (iall- Turata. Uitrd. Tune, Siii.tU. /Wnif left iM—Won br Artliur Ka[|>a,PanDavlraala: r. W. Kodi, <Uiromla, iiaeuihl UUtaiica, 40n. S^in. Qiu AuaJml ofwl lumx* war^huNU moe.—l>«ul haat baivMu K.I. Dyarawl ll. B Tunoy, both nf Calirorola; 11 B«hll«r, l>aati4yiTaDla, llilri). Tliiia. I<M«. one Mite latU-.-Won liy L. Mtrrla, ValiroraU; W. B. Fattennan, I'Miiiivlranla, MCiHitt: A. U. U. Uavli, Paan- aylrania, IblrO. Tinia, lui. 'JJ». hunnlng Al^ft Jump.—Woa by J. D. Wlnaor, faanaylra- nla; H. W. Koch, (lalirorula, MCond; W. il. l*alt«r«oo, UairroraIa.Uilrd. lloUbt, Ad. Illn. nso kundftd and latniit fnnU mn.—Won by T. L. Bamaa, Oallfornla; J. W. H- uirglna. Ualirornla, aoMod; farkar Kraoman, rBuaaylraola, liiliO. Tluia, 2n%<. On» mlU run.-Wnii by (l.O. Jarrli, PauniylTaala; J. J. UrerD, faouaylvaola, Uw onlvolkarauner, dropped oataaarUiaiiriiUp. Tliita,4iii.6rS*- JfUMfatf 6nMtri Juaip.—WnQ Ly O. II. WuoImv. Caliror- Dia; O.T. Hucltoli, l*«aniyl*aiila. ■Mond ; W. U. Warrao. ranDaylranla. tlilitl. UUiaoca, llft.sUln. Twohundrtit and tweMfyttnUhuriierr- B. Torray. Ocllfunila; K. I. Dyer. OahfotMi^ I*, lllddlaioo. I'aiinB) Ivaala, llilrd. Tliiia, 21>£t. Two mJiM Wfcta rtier.-WMi by W. 1>. Uitfuwl. roonayl. Taala;U. H. i;iial«i, raonftylvaola, aecMiil; M. Ihnlar, Oatiromla, ■liricO, but illd nut nalafi Ttu*. Sm /bur humtrrd ami Jbrtir mrrfl rue.-Won by K. W. Koch, naliromla; Vf. II. Warnn, I'oonaylranla. aacoad; H. A. -WuDbyn . , HiewarL. faunaylran^, aaconJ. Oatirorala did uoi com- l>aie. llalKlit, l0ft.»i ii. Collegeuiea In ConpetttloB. iDlorcoUegUie aporie worobuld at Stale Uollage, l*a., on Brtiurday afternoon, Uejr 16, wblob dovel* opedaomuoxcolleiit MbloUo talent among the rep- roeeniAilvee of the dHTerenl Initltutlons taking pen, aepeulalljr on the lurtuf the dalogatae from Uffartb* more, wboao ihreo nUn louk three nnt prtsee and caplurod the luiercolli'Kbto oup, sdorlng elitj-elght KInie 10 twoDtjr*Uirvu fur Ijifajelle end twenlj-one 'Hiaie Oolloge. Huuimerj; OM AunJml yanii ni».«\VoD by Palmar, SvarUimora; ■acoDd, Matilauu, HaarUiniuro; third, Barcuy, Lafayatia. Tlma, 10«a. Two Anfidml OAJ fiorn/jr ^nll rail.—Won br Barda)*, l>%lkyotie; aaomd. falin^r. dtvanlidiurB; Ihlnf, SalllvaD, Uwarthiuora. Tliua, IIH^ >bur AundPTd and Jwtg yarUi run.—VTou bv Otark« LeTayalla; iioAind. IIcr]|(«, UKartbiiiuro; Uilnf, (lloln, Bvaithmura. Tliur.UV. Ualf mtu run.-Won by fllarh, lAliayaita: aaoond, Olnihler, Hvanliiiiore: third, Kalaar, Ht«ia. Tloie, Xitt. UM mile run. — Wun by 1. <^Uiler, Raarllinioro; MOond, Kalvnr, Hialo; IlilnJ, W. llluUiler, Bwarihiuuiu. Time, ftui. I9}i< Oik Mlla i4^U'.—Wnnby I'arrlalt, HwarUiDinro; mooml, Price, Hula; iiilr^l, Hnivn, Nwarilimnra. Tliita. ttti.l]>«i. Two mitn btcfrtf mr*.—Vtoi\ liy Manley, HvaTiliiiiuro; toeood, faaliiK, Hut*; ttiird, Hiirechar. Bute. Time, Am. 4>i4. Oiu Aunrfml nml twmlg yanta hurtte ratv.—Wiin by RpMka, Hvanliniiirv; atciuid, Hcolt, H«arlliiuiire; Ifalixl, Harder. Hiato. Thue. IO\a. Tieo Auihlml itHil tmm$ (vinlr hunllt nvr.-UTou by l*atiiier, Heanliinore; PMund, Hcolt, H^arUiiiture; thin], IJonrail, Bute. TIiud. U^C*. Minnlntf htah ^unp.— M'dd by Harder, AU>o; aacond, RnKika, Hi«anniiii>rv; thlnl, Curllai, H«arlbitiure. lleiffbL en.THin. Nunnliu brwbt Jump.— Wuu by ISibiiar. Bwarthiaore; aecood, Thoinaa, Ua'anJiniMre; lhlr\l, CaMinlui, BUto. DIataiico. mt ■ • J'ulNnp Utt that.—Won by Italiiliart, lAfayalla; pocooO, Plahar, HUto; lltlnl, Hawo. Hiata. tMHlaiif*. Wt 6ln. Thro»tM iei> hammer.—Won by Okark. HnaTthuiurv; aeouud, Kjlultan, Lafayatto; UilM. Klahir, HUle. Ula lanre, lllit tin lUa niHll. — Won by CurtlM, Hwarlhiiinre; iwconil, llnKikH. H«aTtliiiiura; Uilnl, Tlionii>avii, rtlate. Itolglitt IOft.4Sln. ' Pradekitlal Alhletw. Tho nieiuUon tif Iho PnidenlJal AlhlaUo AmucU* Uuii, of Nuwnrk, N. J., hold a mrlee of gamee on tbe Krouiidiiof ihoUlverHtdu AlhloUuUub on fUtuitlay Hdcrtiottu, Hay IK, wlilub wore fairly well altended and funilahed mmo o.xoollcut aport. Siiiuiuerjr: futunv IsaiArf.—A. li. Mania nrai, a. Beika atoood. DUUnc«.Ma llD. Hat/ Mtir Mrydf mrr.-W. A Hoamau Brat. J. II. Orlea avruiid. Tlini>, Ini. aflt^^. Oitf Aunitml pinU nirr.—A. L. HartiD (liat, K. B. I'ea- DiDRtoii pwcttnd. Tliite, IIS* h'MSnlw AlyAjHMp.-K. H. tin a«c«iD<]. lliaunca, 4(L IHin. KiinN(ii(r6mLl yuMp.-A. L. Martin Aral, K. U. I'aunlnir- Inn awiMiil. IMaunra. ITn »\\u. Two Auadrnt iinil mrnlir^nb Aanllf nvr.—A. L. Mania Drat, K. h. ranitlnaltm kkimuI Tlnie.SIH« nrvttHrm ifift MMai<r.—J. t. l>oMrmr tini, II. Batka MCtiihl. llUuura, MA. nun. One mlteUcfrt' i\ifv.-j. ||. OfrleD Ural Time. (lu.US*- fbvAwnrfmlnntl /brfy ftinia mn.—V. H. Wanlniloo flf«t,A. M. ^-alTlamlaMtfund. Tloie, lui..\S>. Ttia roM medal aaa avardoJ lo A. Mahln, ha havlot a«ored fimr nmla and oae aariHtJ, a luLal »rxi poloia. r. B. I^tnlniitua vaa aacoiHl, 16 iMilnta. A uoLy HAivn, for a purt«o uf lloo, of whlob Mvaatj Ovo per cent, (u ihu wlinter, l aino off at Ibe rinks of tbe Oouiitry Club, at Uiooklluo, Mane., od May 11, tbe iirtnolpele Iteliig W, CtDipiwII, laetruclor of the OouDlr; Club, auil J. IJojd, who ucoupira ibe Name poalUon with tbe Rnu onuntj iltib, Tbe re- sult wan a victory for llie furmur by one bole, alter a meal axdtlug oonteat, A UAHK lu tho aerlea for iba Inlercniicgute la* ciuaae cbem plan ship wae plsyod at Uelhlehem, i^a., on Haturday atlernuon, Hay Itt, between (bo teame repreaeuUDR Jubtu Hopkins Unlveridtj.or UalUmore, and tehtgh Uiilvanl^.- Tbe latter wen by a scon of Bva Roale (o nothing, nellber sMa baring auc- ceeded In scoring In tbe Dmt balf of forty-Ore mln> ulee. UovHiK, tbo Kngllib anistenr, again ran laojda. In n\ii. at Wonilriey rsrk, Loudtm, on ibe ane^ tioou of Hay It. Hew York Be»U BrMklps. A doal fleld meet!Dg wu bald oo BerHelay Oval, tbts city, on Saturday anemooo, MftylS, between the picked atbleies of tbe New Yoit InlmcboUatic Anodatlon and the Long Islaod InteiicboLutlc League, and tbe resalt of tbe oonpetltlm was a vie tory for tba metropollian yooogtten. Ttia point prize waa won by ibe delagataa Crora Bsmard Scboo), and during ibe aftemaon foof InteracboUs- ilc rocords ware broken. Tbe score ai between ibe competlDg aasocIaUons watM to 33 In favor of New York. Bummary: One Aundrrd Kordt rwi.—Dead heal batwaaa T. flurooa. Rmnklyn Lttio BchooL and T. H. Hall Jr.. Vale Rchool; K Btorao'oa, Polytacbote Taatitula Praparmtory BehooL iblid. Tlma,IOSt. Oa tberea off 8Uraiudor«al«d Uall by ona yard. Om Aundml fordt ran, open only to boji DDdor anaao. —Woo by A. fcobinaoo. Bl Paura School Uardao Cliy W. WiUaD.Bamanl 8diool.aacood,aiidD.M.Aimatead Barketoy HchooL Uilrd. Tlme.llH*- lifU odNJI.—Woo by B. T. Blmpaon, Barnard Pdtool. ■Oft: R.PauUlnR, Drlalar RoHooL aMOOd, Ml Mo.; L. Hurlbart.Barkarey BehooL thitd.m Sin. Unartff mUe rwi^Woa by Bdwari Javall, C D. Drapar,lUrTard8chooU third. Tlna.04Ha. tioo mUn Mnde race -Woo by J. A. Powell, Otittar Rchool; L. Mon|mor, Blaka BcbooX aacond; Ban 'al Oil. iA*i»la, Ooltimbla Oraoiuar BchooL thiid. Tine, An. aZMa. One hundrta and tventg yanti Attrrflcratf.—PIratbt Won by A. P. Beara, UeLe Balle laalitola: La* Uarrl Hrooklyn lllsh fldiool, aacond. Time, t0Ka. Raet. itaai: Woo by B. II, Hoarae Jr., Barkalav Reb«ol:H. Vom Won by Yam Baur, Baara aacond, Moerma third. Time, IA.S4. ruUtng tKe l» Jhof.—Won by A. 0. Avraa, Condon Rchool. KWt: H. Biiralov, Tllaoo k KallojtR Bcbool, ■a^ino, SAfk eln.: Doner HaMn, PolyUcknlc laatUut*. third, ^n.4XlD. Tteohyndndandtwentiigarii Aurdleratf.—PIratbaat; Won by 1). O. Uarria, CuUer School; Bjdaay A Brma, Bimard fkhool,aacood. TIoi*, V*. Becond h*at:won I'y J. PelLCuUer BchooljL. & llarriek, Rmoklrn High Rdiool, aaeoDd. Time, Ha. Pinal heat; Won bySyrao, llarria aacond, Pell third. Tlme.SJHa. one mUe run.-Woo by W.P. McCord, DwJghtBdiool. II. O. MoaanthaL Aachi Dchuo), aacond; Ueory Romar, Adelpbl Academy, thlnl. Tlma, 4ai. ttMit Hunntne (roodJuaw.—Woo by F. (^wparlhaalt, Oolam' Ilk OramoarSchool. S)ft.0Hlo.; EdnrO Jevell, AdelphI Arvienir, aaoond. BML AJibi.; I. A. Povell, OaUar School, third, IvhuSlo. neo htatdrtd and Iwnljr innli run.-Won by Y. Siaraaa, HnMklyo LaUa School: IT. L. Waabbun, Bernard School, Hcond: Kdvard Jeveli, Adelptil Acadamr, and R. Under- bill. Polytechnic InatUuU PraparalOTTSaiaol, ran a dead liaat for tkird place. ltm*,i3HiL On tho run oiT lor third plaea UoderhlU deraaiad Jawal) by t«o yaida Nalfmm rvn.—Wnobf J. A. Haekan. (Toodon Bdiool; L. Hoillociworth, Bryant a Rtiauon School, aMond: 0. Van Ordao, Polytsolinlc Praparmtory BohooU third. Time, 2a. 9a. TArewliiir tA< l» An«aur.—A. (XAyrM, Condon BchooL IDTL llUln.; II. L. Batiamao. Harvanl Bohool. aacond, initKln.; |f.- - " third, aiiLtlo. NtouiU? high iuMp.—Won by 8. A. W. Baltaoil, Uar mit ^ln :>. ralrbanka, St Paul'a School, Oaidan C\iy\ rard Hciwoi, Hx. VhIo. ; B. W.%«niaa^ Prl?l*r BcIumI, iHU nciiuvi. Oik i^iu>, o. n . n wiuMU. ■'•■...I ■Mdml. an. Ala.; tfUoUr OaonUoo. A««l(>fal IctJemj, llilnl,Ift.>io. Ifaw Torh Valvcnitf. TIM anouil Bprlng gtmM of Uie ilblellc ftsaocU' Uon ccnneoud wllb tht M»<r York ValTonlij wen litid tt Oblo Flelil, Unlvenlij llelgbia, tills dtr, on Hftlurdij ifterooon, Usy le. Ttn grouods wen In poor condlUoD, ud tlig l*n« orowd Id •tlendanct irert not airorded > chtnce u> wllaea aupwtor per- (orounoe*. BuminirT: Oiu Aiaiilnd tanu niii.-B. & HIIU, H, IM: J. A. •ctar.'W.iMollil; ». ILVweltl). tblm. Vm Drat; r. 8ku«, tl. HtoiHl; II. U. Buka, 'le, Uili^T 11 fbur Amdml and JM, yardt nut—i. B. Maoioii, 'M, Ural: W. U. Uolxru, 'M, Mcaod; r. Btaat, 19, thlnl. Half'HI' nm.-R. r. PuUr, «, nral: H. B. Otlfa, tr, Mwml; H. Kampaar.'ML thlnJ. Tlma, fm. tM*. Om mlUTm.-k. E. Mudvo.'M. Irat; E-CTBckal, It, aaoooil; J. J. OnUiaiii, W, tklid. Tlinclm. ont Attndrtf and fi0niryMjidj/kifnll<raa.-.tfartla U. VoiaL 11, am: A R. HaaL'h aaennil. Tluw. UKa. Twa Aimdml nnd IweiUy yorU Aunlte nlee.—E. w. Om- can, 'VZJInl; U. U. Buka, «, aaoond; M. U. Vof«l, t>, ililnl. tlota, Ua. UM aula mtt.—B.B. aartlngar, ttit; HowuJ Bill, Vr.aacmliO. K.8iraB,'n,dilnl. TInia, am. tXa. ninnlnabrHiliiMip.—Won b7 V. B. Tameklna, 'SB, Itlt. Iln.; W.II. Rnbaru, W,aaoond, 18ft. tin.; B. W.Qnacao. tl, (lilnj, lIVi. /Wf nua-VTon br R. 8. Wlibbnao, V7, ML; V. 8. Touipklaa,'tt,i«conil, 8lt. etn.; roni Batoriua, V, MedU cal. Ihlnl. 8n. ain. i-mim tiu lAoi.-Woo bj E. a Hiiu. n. siL tin.: T. 8. Tonipklia, 'W. wcond. SIR. Iln.; ronI Snloilua, 11, Hadl- cal (blrl, SIL (Id. rAnndna \t% Aaaiawr.—Woo br Fort Bulorlua, '0, lla<llo.l.Mft.eln.: r. A. Knrkn,'M, wond, Blft. tlo.: A. Kelt,'«;, tlilrd, 60IL In. Among the Liesthar Kleken. TKe avnedul^ gaimsol Uie IxtnglUind Suburban football Uagne wera plajad on Sundar, K»7 le, In iHW, cblllr weaUwr, and betore amall crowda. Ttie/ imllad aa here abowo: Duabwlck AtUello aub i>eat Wropla AUiletlo Olub, t Is 8; Hldievood Alb- Icilo (nub beat NewlowD AtbleUo Aub, 4 to S; ImunUew AUilaUo OInb beat Empire Atniello Club, 3 to 3: Woodilde AltileUo Qob beat llanUlon Alb- leUc Uuli.d to 4: AUanUo AUiletIc Club beat Bar View Alhleilo Club, t to 3; OlenUale AtlileUe Olub iwat Peerleaa Albletlo Club, T to 3. THe HlandloR of tbe vluba la the league up to dato Ii *. ahown In the appended tablor WoodaitU A.R....I> Ulandak A.O U AlluUoA.O ID Hlilgoiood A.C..U llainllloo A.n....l0 BaaliiTlckA. C....II iron. lad. I IBarVlawA.O. SlOlrioploA.O. SlPaarloanA.O a u 1 IlaunUnal AC... • 1> IIBmplnA.O e U TlM.atuiM-nA.O .... a U Two nmea lu the race for the obamplonahlp or the National Football League were plajed on the Kama dar to thin vicinity. Tbo Anienooa Atblello AaMolailon uiot ihe loam o( the tcoiUah Aineiloan Atblello (lull at Nnwark, N. J., tholauer winning hj H acnn of hIx goala lo nothln|. The Brooklyn tVanderora vlaltod lla}onn^ N. J., whore ttaejr met ■ ho team ot the Cenii««llln Athleiki (;iub, b; whom ihej worv d^'fenud lijr ill gouK tolbtve. llt«oklyB*i PantalUloB Oanea. Tho nnl renlalhlon gamea uf ike prcMUt apaaon were hold lijr Iho Bodford Uranch u( the Uiuuklfn Young llen*a Ohrlatlan Afttoclatlon on Saturday, Hay m, L. K. lUarold dUtlagulibIng himwit by carrying oiT four of the Ave ovenli. fiuaimary: una atlk nM.—Won Lonli B. llnlaraU, aApoloU, llDio,ftiii.ft&L; HilnlnU. Luytur, 9U puinu, aaconti, ftni. I rauJI fir Arl^AI —Won by Cbauiicr F. Ilamlltnii LuraUr UtIM, Rra. (a., aipolnu. rVii MnU rvn,-Louli E. llaufalO Mi4 William 0. Bad. lar lu al <><■., 1U lolnu; llanrrA. 8<lftaMoDlt tK>., Jr.^. 9ft. aln^jU l^lnl^J .''"I",J^,- i^*^'"''!:.**^'^* " lar Itod at eH...7U |«lnu; llanrrA. Bvinaaco 0) iwlnla; John J. RailclltTo thlnl, mi, M potou. nravlap IA< in Aoanar.-Won (r Loula B. HnnloM, MfL din., 70 polola; llanry B. Poiila aaointl, 97(1., 34 polnli; Hilvaid U. Lujalar Uilnl, OIL M iioliita. NwanlKf AlaAynav^on br Lnola K. llntalaU, tn. Iln., WlwInU: llanrr E. ParriaaoJ WlUlun K. Baillov IM for plat*. <(L lUn.. M polnu; Ilinr Bam Uilnl, ,«l|i<ilnr- Tba fioloia ntoad wera ai rolkiw: Lonli B. UatafaU, ..II painu; Edwin II. Lovalar, lOj William E. Radlay, IM; llanr Bwin, IW; O. ll. Parria, W; ninnncnr t. Uun' Lisua llALrai<H.|In,vii.Li deteaied John ilall In the flnal conteat lo the tournament for Ihe amateur lolt (.'hamplonahlp ot Bnglanrt, played at Ihe St. Andnwi llnka, London, Hay 10. The laat hole waa ilared amid cooalderable ezdtament. Balfour- : jlTllle drew hia approaoh much to do, and Hall won the bolo aud aquared the and gave bloaelf too niund, and kept hlinaolf aUII la the running, llay- Ingnirthetle, theKnglUh phkyer got Into tbe bura wUhhla plloh tu tbe gieeo, anil UatfourMelvllla eaallr woo, tberebr becoming obaoplun fur Ihe en- Hiilng year, illn Tlctoiy waa very ponalar and he waa greeted with loud ohecriL Ilall, tho former uhamplQO, haa been regarded lu tbe flneet golfer lo tbe world, he barlnR won tbe obamplonahlp four Umoa itnd the open ctiamploiublp ooce. Tni (»ULUI TiAVa that are lo engage In the re- lay race that will coneiltule a leading feature ot tbe many InieieatJng eventa ronulng tbe nrogmmoe for tbe DeooralTon Day aporta ot Ibe New Jeieey Alhleilo aub, at BergeD iVilni, repreaent llarvani. Vale, Unlrenlty of rauuyltmola, Prlnoeton, Colum- bia and the Clly College. Sneh a noteworthy repre- Miilatlnn ot Ihe flower of the college athlolea ot tbe country will pruTe a stnng atuioUen to the loTen of alhletto aporta, and abonld reaull In a memorable race. TIIB HutBotUin (Uaja.) AthleUo Aaioelatlon held lu annual election laat week, a wbiob Ita old offl- ren were again cboeen, aa rolluw: rrmddent, Jo- seph II. (Uccabe; vice praaldani, William A. Herri- Buu; secretary, A. L..t>aolols: trauurer, Leonard U. Ahl. TUB uunis champlonahlp ot Uamrd Unlrenlty, In dnglea, waa deolded on H>y IT, J. II. Cbaae,«, deteaUng J, B. Read, <V>, Ibe icon amndlng: s-t, «-«,»-t,»-4,8-a. Anniia W. Nam, nutnaier of Ibe Ualltomla College team, now on a tUI u Ibe Kaal, la noimed that a letter and papeie awali hini al tbia oOoe. 0IIICU8 OANVAtESo a r*l«a and Stakaa, aEAn, Vlaca, Mf,, ^Hm% PATEIT CaCOS UMTS. ICUTAhOAl^l BALDWIN BROS.. Leidlng Acranult el the Werld. INVENTOIIS OF THE P/UUCHUTE, ?AU NOW OPEN FOR 8EAS0N OP II Aljo manuraetaren of all kloda of Balloona (Qaa or Hot Air). Bead for prioa Hat to BrOB.. P. O. Boi ■ BALDWIN BROB.. P. O. Boi 111. Qnlntr. 111. P. a A. nSedicliie Gampsi I bATanbiaod new WallTanU, I2in, IKR. walLSoi. dock IOOinc«Taolii.Kllia>(.BOLdack,en.wnU; 10big Boaran Llibu; BMa wall\ lift, blab. In lIDft. aadlona; Door Llihu, all naw. I do notwantthaol thlanooimar; llfoo want lo bay vrlto ma. Tbe aboTO tentn bare polaa, pina, raadyioaalap. I bare ooa 49JatQale lliihtloaall. Ad dreaa PR QRANT. Mankalo, Minn SHOWMEN, Attention. I have Juat oompUtad A NRW AND RLEUANT UALL SaatlBK capacity 900, Folding Clialni, Now Bcaoorr. Piano, Or«MloK Hooma, aiaam heal and all niotlem eonrenl ancaa. Tarma toaaooabla. Write raa. E. H. BRYANT, Belmefit, N. H. PATTERSON'S Mlndi,a(.0D;Sloeb,un;3)lsch,ISA; FuU Ikaahrlol timr, and all olham, to c anta. a a<h. Tanna, caab la ad C. PA'FTBR84)!( & CO, ■111 Hlrwel, PhUx' ' ~ 13a If. NIB delybia. F*. ANIMALS FOR SALL Uftmma, Amlelopo, Pet Deer, ll»ea,I*arge and BiuAll Anlmalf, Leopard, H^eaaa, Etee« flnakea, CoekataxM, nac«-we, Hon- keja. ANIMAL IMPORTING CO., ft Catiiaglne gU, N, Y. City. Notioe to ProfesBioiialSa POH BALK-APlHBTCLABa PROPBflSIONAL UOARO- IKO HQUBB; wall atUbllahed; boat location In State; beautiful Bn>und^ froDtlnf the Eden Huaee janl,«lth "HlTatf entrance to Maaaei, and one block nom Opera ^lotiae; all ImrirovameotA; aura ofKood bualnaai; nine boanloni Tor the Hammer inonthn: good raaaon for aaU- Inir. For paiUculan araly MRB. BARRA6. Ho.» Smith Btreet, Faiaraon, W. J. THE BON TON THEATRE ORCHESTRA, SIX PIECES, AT LIDERTY AFTER JUNE 1 INVITE OFVBRS FOR BVHMKR EN> OAGKHENrt VAUDBVIliLE, OPERA. ETC. Addnu OEO. A. CRAOO, Xualtal Dlnctor Ban Ton Thaatra. Janar Ollr AltorJuna l.neBBOAPWAT, W. Y. THE POWELLS. OEO. L.. Oamadlan, TooallataneEipart BanJolaL JUANITA, Bonbratfea and Cbaractore. LITTLE. DOT (lour yaara old) doea all different apaclaltlaa. AT Li BEAT Y to J Din ftratcliaa SpecIaltT. Burlaaqaa or Comblnallon, or good Hadlclne Shov. We VaodeTllle < hare a GOOD reouutlon. aplaodid vardrobe and ptentr ot r«r«renc«a. AddraaaOEO.L. POWELL. PUotOrofo,Mo. WANTED, FOR Dr.WhIte Clotid's Vaudeville Circus, No.2 FIBBT (ILAB8CIRUUA BAND OP BU HOUTUPIEOES; ALSO nuSTCLAlSCIRUUSPEOl'LIIIado two or mora uroa; niuat b« Brrt cllaa; aula lowoat aalAry flrat letter. LKW 8BBKER. Uoaoinl UanAfar Tandarlllo Clreoa, P. 8.—No lataa adraflced. Andaraon, led. WANTED QUICK, Circus Stuff of All Kinds. Addreaa H. WOODS, IWl Batte Bt.. Ptill«delpbl», P». WANTED, ENGAGEyEliT FOR THE Chieago ladies* Military Band. 0. p. MUNRO. Kanaitei, 2H Oiand Ara.. Cblcako. 111. NEW YORK AWNING COMPANY, Bolklara of the Pineal Balloona In the world. A fa* aacond band|balloonafor»la. LEOflTEVENB. 1.6lgBroadTay.N.Y WMITEO, AI SERIOCOMIC AND S0N6 AND DANOE LADIB& Call at WASUINOTON nOUSB, South Baach. Slaten Island. UENRT BCIIACKBL. Profirlalor. TheArt Of FortDneTelliDg, Signs, Channs Price 37cta. Portunaa and Futarsa, $10Ck UD of each. Mechanical Wai Pfffurta, Baa Borpant, Qhoat Bhowa, IllualooB, Palnllng, SuilTad Antroala, LtreBnakaa, Photo- ■r*|*li Tent, etc D. H. PAiar, AtlanOo City, N. J. Wigt8d,Tlree Hnnilreil F«t of Side Wall, ONE TRUNK OKOAH, 8BVERAL LAHFB. All miiat ba lo good condition and ehaan. Can alao place a raw mora Krionnon. QBO. It. KoTOBMICIC CllnliMiTllla. Wla. Mrs. S. Vag Axte and Daughter, The. ATRIOAL CO0TUM BBa Teinoved to 10) E. «th BU, N. T. Burlaanuaand DancingOoatomaaaapoclalty, WiDted. A No. I VIolli Soloist aid Teicbir lor Doa Holnaa ConaanatAry of Muale; alao a MandoUo, Odt- tar and Zither Teacher. Addreaa with racommaadallooa and photo, to JOHK BIKCLAIB. Pea Molnat. Iowa. WANTED, 6000 SPECIALTY ARTIST AND GOOD DRAWINO ATTRAtTIONa Baawin opena Mar 90. Bala, rioamiulbalow. Addfwa CUARLIBOOLLINB. Manaiar Bajiton Amuaement 0>., Hajton. Pa. WANTED, A HRST GLASS COMEDIAN, SINGER AND BANJO PLAVEIL Molt be annllaman and anbar. A good Uilng for tlia rljlit niao. Aildraaa CR. rREP BLANKNEB. Loulalana. Mo. WANTED, Perfomers and Musicians, DOO. PLATUER'B MINBTRBUl UNDER OANFAa Addiaaa WUAT OBEEB. lA. Waatid, Gesiral Coaediio, tkat eio olai Baajo ANDOROAN. Kiinioiarandwlnuraauon. SaOarylow,bat ■ure. Will bujaaconil band aMa wall and raaarvad aeau. Wrltaor wire. BLRiriRIO RENBDY 00., Nahawka, Nab. Mediclse Wigoo for Sail, Ckiap. Cost 400. BBLL FOR Itk wlUb OROAN. Parfacl condlllon. Two orrourhonaa Partlcolaraaodpicture,addieM O. F. Wlliai/)W, Bau Clalta. Wl^ O. JUDD MONOLA Ills Lint DO 8WBET, AND PACK 80 PAIR, 1TB REALLY A TREAT TO Kim UIM TIIERB. MUSEUM OF ANAT0MY.-56 NEW WAX MODELB, *IB.a>. BUmp for lUL R. NOTRA, aWailHInib Bt.. KanaaaRItT, Ma. WANTED, A FIRST CLASS LECTURER AND BTRONO OFFICE WORKER U Join at onoa. BUUaco and aiparlanre. Work on aharen. OBRMAK MBUIOINB CO„ AhoBlaan. Ohio. CLARIONETTIST AT UBERTY FOR BUMMBB; aiparlaaoad and eoaipatant. Addreaa B.P.WBtTCOMB,BaTaiblll.Maaa. WANTED, TO JOIN ON RBOKIPT OP Talaanm, Bead and Orctaaalam iMdar. Fiafar flxM viollnlatwboeandonbtaflm cenaL oaar naaiai roper toira paopla aad acton vbe can deabia la bimaa vrlta- .VIACltroWLEa," Bawai^aa, Iowa. .-SEASON im»^. OLLIE HALFORD, -jiitG spr BOYS PA SINQINO AND DANCIKO INOERVES AND BOYS JVBRETTB, 'ARTS. CARL BREHM, AOVAIfCB REPREHEIVTAT|VE. BV8I< _NUSB HANAOBH ORTHEASUAEn. Thoroughly aipertencad aad compeunt In every Una of Ihe abovr bualntaa: atrktly aober and raliable; unly Joined enitagentenL Pennaoont addreta CAHli BHEHW, Erlf, Pu. TO THE PHOPESSIOy—We boa to announce lliatwa bare lo nee an orlfdnal proceuforleturhaad worif.wlildi Klraa you all the adraotaite of ihe appearance ofa lltho- ItnpbataboutMoftheuaualcoiiL You abioovn the cat atuf are tbua enablad to hare jour letlarheada atruck otT atanrpriniaraataralDlmun coaL Aperaonalvlaltwill aatUnr the moat aheptleal. MallunlervprDropilT aiiandeil to. R]CllAJtDR>.i^UD10 OP TUBATRlOALDESiaNll, 13 UNION BQl/ARE. New York. Nbki Joorto Annalrong'a Eichaoite. FOR BUMMER AND (XIMINO BEABON, OEOa T. WELCH, COMEDIAN, STRONG SINQINQ and TALKINQ SPECIALTY, Would Ilka to hear Tcom Raaponalbla Maoagare of Fane ComadvorBurlaaqueOi.'a. Addnaacmia WOOD'S HOTKL, Wabiah Are., CblcadO. 111. OPERA CHAIRS WANTED. I will beplaaaod lo hear from HrtJfM wbo hare (JOOD BECOND ifAND OPERA nHAlKB. Muat bo In ntod order, and In Iota of frou three to ntoe bandred. Huat hare them by AuRuat the IMli. J. T. RAVENSCROPT. Mirr.RaTenacroft'a Opera llouie. Frpatbun, Md. LAWRENCE THIS WEEK CLOGS • $2.50 pair. SPANGLES $1.00 lb. HUSIC 30e. 4for$l. "1^1^b'o*^a"me8^' CONTtUCTS, all kinds. PHOTOORAPUBOP PuaiLlllTtLIOc.: SrorOc BPORTIWO AND TUBATRIOAI. GOODB A BPEOIALTT. $600 WANTED QUICK. Han to rapreaant owaer of aatabllahad Comlo Opaim Co. (Uaai tnvaat abOTa amaant). Compaajranw rahaanlng, Saa- aoa opani naxt JIenda|r and booked aolld. (^L lakanphorwrlta borore MoDdar. Bin opportnn. Itr. "MANAOBa" Oroamaj * BlaJbnl. PklUdalpbla. IT UBEBTY FOR OOHUie SEASON, Norma Yeager, SVPERIOR WARDBOBE. Addreaa No. 310 GRAND AVE., Waukaalia, Wll. All Summar. .T. X. HAVENSCKOFT, Maiager RAVENSCROFT'S OPERA HOUSE, CPROSXBURO. MD., WANTH A OOOD BPECIALTT OR. FARCE COMEDY COMPANY FOR WEEK OF JUNE 10. Tba Fireman will loU their annual raanloo oe tlia Ulb and Hlfa, and (bare la a chance for good buiioaaa for a Iret olaaa eompaor Wlllla WUdwara'a Baal Walls Baas. HIVING PICTURES IN THE GRATE." PROFESSIONAL 00P1E8 FREE FOR BTAMP. ORCIieSTHATION 10 CENTS. WM. W. DELANEY, 117 Park Row. N-w York. ATTENTION, Madioino Lec- tunrai Why not aoRafie with me and mahniDODeyt Bioppuulnnupyour medldoe on the toadr Lire la too abort. I furoUh batald^ poaiiui, dod' em. tack up alna, ahov prlnUna FRBB. Bamplea of foot medlclnea d Hoap. TB eta. ;aampleaor printing _ dcartoonalOcta. Ramit the price vltb yoarcorreapoodance. Iwlahto amoxe with Ural daaa lectuiarn or reputaforaaaaooor'W. Addreaa T. M. BATtlAN. 6L Loull, Mo. Now Ttniif for Letter Headtl My work lathe boat on earth and my prlcea are Uie lowoaL Bend for blar CaUloirue of Latter Heada and wTa«Saylnn.ScFBANKMYBRa, W Tim04 BolMlnf. New Tork. SHOW CANVAS. Built 10 Older on afaoit notice. Wrlla for nartienlan. lUutnlad catalofaa Oae. J. C. 0OB8A CO., W AtwalarBt. DatioH. MIcb. WANTED, SIDE ATTRACTIONS, JULY 3, 4 AND It RAOES. SEPT. 2*-2a, RACES AND PAIR. AJ. droM wlUi ttH parUcuUia, BECRETABY PADUCAII PAIR AND at. aBn.. Paducah. Kanlucky. WANTED, HSS. AND PLAYS, NEW AND CATCUT8II0RT OaAt PIECES. Caali or rorallr. Baal unna Oaat and all partlcoUn tint latter. Addreaa JULE F. BWITZBR, What Cbaer. la. WANTED, FIRST CUSS PERFORMERS In All Drwicbea ef Mloatral Bit. Ttioae that dooMe In t»T»aa pieferred. Addreaa TI108. DOLAW. Ebnira. W. Y. Wanted Quick, for Mullen & Eagleton's RPBCIALTY CO.. Btrooff Comet to double Pitet Tiolln. Wlra loweat aalary to BAHFOHP. MAINE. FLUTE AND PICCOLO (BOEHV SYSTEM) DE- _ ,^ rapertolr indenca aolkliad. BIRBRBNaAQBMENT. Have larfe repertoire of One dttU nd piccolo nolo*. (^riMondeBca aolkliad. PEROT H. BURNBLUSlr Humn Htiaat.Toledo. Ohio. NOVaTIES IN SILVERWARE. JEWELAY AND WATOUBB. Bailableforflnavajparpoaaa. niojtraled calalofna FRBK. BAHBIT « VHBB, IM ». Madlww Btiael. Oblcaao. Ill NEPNER BROS., HANUFACTDRERS OF nor AIE BALLOONa PARAOaOTBB, Bta. ABOBNBIOIla HADE B? LADT OB ODIt. BTDBOn. MIeb. JOB PRINTED 1895 TUVEUNa TVIS StJiaER. neBcaloor I _. loco, World raiB suaaER. iaap ■an Haa, Mora Ronaa, Hora Cava, Brlf Mar Llabted Ihaa aar BiblkllloB alau tika neattoa. Tba OrlalaaL tlaa Oaa, the Oaly, Iho tnt BUFFALO UfILD ILL'S IIeST CONGRESS OF OF THE ROUGH RIDERS WORLD. COL W. F. CODV, PmldenL NATE SALSBURY, Vice President aid Miaager. Tba Preaa and PaUlo aboald lanon pitataa aad Imllatort, aa fkllare Anaa tba fate of Paklrw. THE OLD RELIABLE A. M: DUCH&Ca 156 North Ninth SI, Phlla. *'PrO!uplnaB. a Boeclaltv." "0«od Wort a Ctrtalnty." Magical Apparatis, Tricks, llltsloos. Etc. New, fully lUaatratad book cata- loffua, ereiyiblnii np to date. Ucia. Parlor trlcka catakme rvee. MARTINKA AGO., 4g Blith ATenue. New York. 100 AEMT T£NTS, flood ai aawi Blu, TxT, $4.00 aachi wary cbaap. Alao • flae lot of BAND COATS, good aa new, I3.0O aaehi color blae. N. KANE'S SONS, ITU SonUk Straat. Wew York, FOR SALE CHEAP, MUST BE SOLD. FINE AND COMPLETE SCENERY FOR SMALL THEA- TRE, SPLENDID DROP CUKTAIH, BUKCU LIOIITB, ETC., ETC. Alao one hundred and ffrty opera chalm in guod condition, alw n fkli ami complete net of lodge rvom furniture; Done beUor can bo obtained Tar money. All niuat be aold ulthout delay. JOHN HORRELL, W Danrorili Ataoue. Jamey City. N. J. "STORAGE AND LEASING OF CARS." For rent, two tfft Bamiage. one Advertlainc Oar and twoCoadiea. We hare nitoDalTe raclUtlta for theator age and care of aqulpmeor, under eorer, at raaannabia imtea. Watchmen onduty atall houie. New Jersey Car Storage and Repair Co., Lnke Viev (Patarscn). N. J. 14 tullea fVom New Tork City, on Brie R. R. SPACE TO RENT. The Paal BoytonCoiapany, of Baltimore, Bfaryland, ltnv« l«Mia«d a alte 700x300feet, and will leaao apace on a percentage to a few fliat elnaa amaaemente, ineh ae tlie Haonted Swing, Penie Wheel, eica y^lQ^ GOOD WORK. SlJItE FITS. Write for ANTHONY BOCH, an Booth KloTonUiBtreel. PbllailaWiU. Pa. ATTRACTIONe WANTED. BumniarTtieatit, at Park, on Una of aleetrio railroad, centre of &,0D0 population to draw from. Free uae and rree tiaotportaUoo on cam to Om claaa attnctlooa, with . Btaga, . or BMDarv: llgbta. Beatlnc capacity. OD. Ala tienty ol papor^urliiff JuiM, Ju^r "•'-g eai _ _ ' c an play OHAltLHB A\ BICII MOSP. Booking Agent. DoTer. W. 11 9rL opaorna, 2UL deep, or Bcenery; elecule llgbta. Beating capacity. ajX Alao. compaDlea paaalag UiroGgh Dover can play In altenooo to good bualoeaa. The FRANCK COLLEGE of TRUE ELOCUTION ind VOICE CULTURE. HARBY C. FRANCK, A. H., Piea'L IMlt WatblBgCoB Street, Newark, N. ». N. B.—Ladloa aad QHitlemau prepaied far tbe Dim Diatlc Stag. In a abort tloie. Notioe to the Profession. MBS. L. 80UEUBK baa opaoad a btaolinil Uae or Bprloji Oooda, BlaBant laportad BTaalnit Diaaaea. Oar. danDraaaeaaodBlieatOMhiiDU. AlaoamtalloaorOan. tlaman'a Poll Dnu Bulla. Wbaa In Pblladalpliia It will par ipu lo calL nt-n BOirru BTBEBT, belmn Mlalb andTealliBtiaau. cmcns CANVAS, 8E(X>ND HAND, IN OOOD (XWDITION. Oae 60(1., one lOirin^ oae Uatf. one eOiUa Wrlla for piloaa. JAliESHABTIM k BOH, 9 aad W Bldimepd Btiaot. Boatoo. Maaa. ■a ■ I I AAai AKaa.looaror <)aeaa'» BIrlb. uMi I IlllUdar, Uomlolon Uar, 41b of atni I Illini Jiilr,Ubor Dar.oranrolbar Il|t|_l_UIIH da.v. Yaanoreiparlaocaar — * IMMWWBB balloona.erar>Uiloalli«tcUaa. EaatemcorToapondeocaaollcllad. Kabtlcb.Stiinria.MIcb. [AWRENCE ILEnERHEADS. FREE BABPLES. OUR WORK I8N0T KI- CELLKD BY ANY (X>K0BRN IM TUB WORLD. I 88 AND go CENTRE BTBEET. N. Y. NawTricks. Hen lOO Page PIctiiflalCatalogaa, wlihpktureaorieadlDxpnrewlonahi. Lauat Boropaan noTeiUea, maoU, lacODd aightand aoll-aplritnaluni,op todata. Band U ceotaforaame. NorrealllL _ W. D. LB ROV. IfR CoortBtreeL Botoa. M**" WANTED, TRAINED BULL AND EEEPBR to uaa In nprodocUon of a "llailcan Bull Plghl" at Iho Atlanta, Oa.. EipoalUoa, Sapt U to DecSI.'M AildraB«.*lthrolarancmandUmia,uTUE MEXICAN VILLAOB EXPOalTION 00- Columbua, Oblo. Circus Ganvasesn Teats of All DescrlptiMi Maaifactirtd. M. B. KONEELT, lO eonui Bnaat, He» Tort Clt7- "THE UOME FOB ABTISTS." Apaimanla vlUi board. Cboloa of Baillab, Oennan ad Prancb kllcbanB. Prioaa malanla. B.PBTUraCU, » ar. Twaalhilh aii»«l. Wwr Tort turr. •2* TWO"HITS" *2* Two Flae SoD(a Jaat Oat. Amarlta. Sxar irltb araltl rtf i«la,40c. ■l Mkm VaUla, llB(, walii aoni. F. B. Jaa- fleaa,40c. Samplaeopj mailed to tbe profeaawa Mc E. ■■SOTLP, Topaka, Maaiaa ^^11 ILL&R.THEATRICU(itlSnimRJ I «3H(000 8T. PtlllAOIlPalA.F*. Si OsnTncWcs etc Tt RiREini my v irHAnwn OftM lUUMKETC. ' catauauc a unMATK rHoailnfa KIDD'S PATENT TEMT LIGHTS .Improred and raduoed. Bend tot clrodlar. OBO. TAYLOR, movad toffrCtiffBtmtt Hi " TAPEWORM RECEIPT, $1. Navar falli to brlog head and alL Hie beat knoan to ledlcal acleocn. Addrwa M. B. FLVnnn. IIM rVmnMll^nl St.. Rl LnataMo Oa A., BEl!»lVAH. Important LatUr la CLIPPER odloa for yoa. Adrar tlaod laat we> hy mlttata aa O. A. WEBMOT. THK TWO avtsmiifl, IM Ihetr 4halcle, ^WeAltli a»4 Perrartr**