New York Clipper (May 1895)

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J 92 TJ^" iNTBW YORK CLIPPER. May 25 LYDIA ^^^^^^^^^ ImuSSaa OICaba Invites Offers for THE LYRIC STAR, IN HER ARTISTIC ENTERTAINMENT, ACCOMPANIED BY Aadroww ]:x>W'8 SXOHA^OX:, 04» Broadway Samiiar and Next Season. FRED J. TITUS, THE ACCOMPUSHED PIANIST. ■lMT1tu.onlh«olh«rhAB4, d»p«Bdl nor* upon b«r ut than btr b««atT for noML tnd li ickiMwkdiiad ft» U« nwlMt lUr oT thli dtv ud mnntJon lo tb« nad«- TlUaworU. n«wotkofHn.TlGu U cluo uUitlallr, u wan u monllt-MOilTaOlfEBT FBUTEB, In OIN- Now Yorlc. I amNATicoKiiBiiciALaAZEnE. BOWTOW, M ASS. OONTINUOV8 PBRF'ORMJtJNCU. WESTMIIVSTE'R, THEA.TIIE, PBO'VIDBIVCE, R. I. IT-B-OWT ST. OPEHA. HOUSE, Q PBRF'OmviANOKS DA ILY. ■IIOII CLAR8 COMEDY, VAUDEVILLE AND BVnLESIlVB C08. FOR imiii-'iNi, ■■-fcOPUiiAn im each ISOft-'or. XT'hICKM PLACE. Can pIac«alrongcoDiMljror knockaboat act liar 3l7.Jane 3. Hana dataaopen tbw A 1 comlil'latloitvProvldanca and IVoRMtar. Lycaam. Doaton, novr playlnir Bammar aaaaon orTaadarllla. Addreaa O. II. BATCHBLLSft, Boataa, Haas. TIIE abriaIj and PYROTECHIVIOAIL. H. Kfodv, i L Dm Ml llch'li PKlin, WONDBRfl. MANAOBRB, PiMoilDg Uie sirooKAM Hompier attnctlon •r<r orRftolud. BRIllUNT, ENTERTIUNIN6, ARTISTIC, THRILUNS, NOVEL ConalUJoii of 111* lililienl ind* and nHHlnucpIQ- cvnldhpUjH of Klrevork* orer preMotsO. rur- nlidiMl bj Ilia ulelirmtMl and kaono muurtc- turtn 01 rjrolKhnIn, THE A. L. DUE FIKEWORKS CO., OP CIROItlNATI. Alao iDtrodDdnK Uia vondar of th« ata, AGHILLE PHIIION. In hU spiral Tow«r, lUvolvlna Glalw Kiblbltloa. la which lie hai no rival, appeannaat eaeh •xhlbltlon compldtelT enveloped 1b llreworlu* Tlili company U alM prepanw " * -'— Hiring High Wire Artists, Sensitloml or Aerlii Nofelllts, Troii|H of Roial Noorlsk Arabs, Etc, Etc, Etc M»oaft«n of Topultr PaTki, Hammer RMortii, Tain, EipMltlona, Plr««tnar or fltaMDboalHxoOlcaiM, Mod ui j-ouropan tima and fullpartlciiUnibJDoriiole aiiantJi, HOWARD SOTLE, NO. 7^n DBAIIBORN BTRBBT, OBICAOO. ILL. ALw A|t*Dla for tha A. I/. DlIK CO., malum of cicIaalT«ljr hl|lieit vnulo (ln« colored Pvrotaclinlca. irnrlralid In racllltlsi, Kraodaur of efTacta, Tarlety ordtJtlKni, DnllmltM ooTOiilea, brilliancy In colore, and itrfeetlon (n eiecdUoa. W« aoknowl- odRO no rlvali. complelelv envelop _ _ U alM prepared lo fnmlah tlie foDowlof atirattloni and noTeltlaii If dMlred: Z i THE KING OF BALLADS. I Love YoU|Sweetheart. Song with walla rcflrala B-llat, 3, F to F, BY LVB VERNON, FHBB TO PROPEHIION I ORCHESTRA PARTS, lOc, The woRia deacrllw llie tkUhlnl lova of a maldoa, ftom youth to old age, fbr lior tailor lovor, who wat drownod ai aea. The baaatlAil aarlody la aympaUiell. aally auranged wllh the aantlnaant of the. worda. A awaet, toachlDg aong that mella the heart, hence a aore winner and a gam tor pabllo aingen. Trilby and Little Billie. * Walti BonB and cherat A.llai, 3, B to F, UY Thomas n. bowers. Ilh appraprlato wordai the only Trilby aong pnbllahed t atory, Pnfeaalonala mailing progmmmei men, will recelTa Simple, aweet melody with nppraprlato wotdai tine to the oentlment ortlte atory, Will be ready June I. eoplea IVee. THOMAS COCCAN & BRC, Calveston.Tex Music BalL LOWELL, MASS. NOW UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT. The hgnw irlll be thoroaghlj OTOrhanled and r«norat«d, netr wonorj, etc The onlj peynlar price "ramllj theatre*' la the city. NOW BOGKINB FOR SEASON OF'95 AND'96. £*nrlloa Iiavlnm booked with prevloun manoooniont uro Invltod lo cor- roai>oiia with "W. H. BOODV, Munnuop. rjiBEiJFi.a^'sr. RKFINKU MUHICAl. ARTISXS. A DB0IDB3 HIT TUB PAST HBASON WITH TUB GEO. DIXON VAVOB ILLB CO. An Art that ALWAYS "Ooet" Belbre ANY Aadlence. niLLHIONWITII rlRHTCLAnl(M)llniNATION fORHBABON MM: AIMOPFN FORSUMUKRENnAORHRNm TURN. YlDDTuvii: "Thi> U'ATKniltlKr IIROS., M KEITtl'B UNION SqUAHB TIIRATRE, CONTnlBUTK A BEAbi.v riiiHT riJhi MuniiTAi. A17." TUB UIUIHVILLK I1MT Mya, Ia Ii> iMtlMoriha "Dliitn ghow:" "nolonnlnau Ihe lildi older of TauJevllla K«rTlof>at« the Watoibiirr Hnta., wlKt iiniwnl mn ardmlc itiutlrtl ReL and "(in TllnOUOM' witliout Iho HOTTBN rAHDiNo or RADmyRDr n'liiriKiiKHriTitnuiTiiRBTncK intradkofmokthuhh!ai. ahtihth." TIIK BU.'m^N IIKIIAMI Mr>: "At Ktllli'a 71iiw>ln> Ui« >rat«tl>nrr a hlgli rlsn tnoilral act, and Uia liamoor iDUMlurftl In tliair i>|v*clK)tle> U I'llENUUKNALun tlio vtudArtlle man. IBM SIXTH ST., W. W.. Waahlngton, D. O. Frol'oiiiisloiialisi, Attention. A NEW DEPARTXTRE IN DESORXPXTVE SONOS. AMERICAN BEAUTY, A new and beaullttalaonfi, wllh eatchy r»Amln,by II. aBORQE SCIIUBTTB, antlior of the famona "AltlRnit.AN QIRL." Free to profaaalonala aendlng programme or nnifeaalo.-tal catil, with uoruiaarnt addreaa, to NATIONAL MUSIO CO., mn Wabaah Arenne, Chicago. SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE Ten BROADWAY, N. V., OMR DOOR DBLOW NINTH ST. (FtimwrlJ U lUlden Lane), MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS. Ould anil BIWor UoM, KtiiiRu, Spaniloa, Run, TVuawla, Bnokdce, T1«bta, Shlrta, FaddlnRt, ll>l«, WIrii, BhoMauil JeweUT, TliMlitcal, R<)uit^r1iiti and Athletic Ooodt, UMtiiiniira'anil judge Mskeni'Siippllea. nan and Uannore, UlUlair aiid SuclalT Trloinilniia. •eatO. Tti D. ^ .. Atnun of all kinda to onler. Bond for eaUmalea. It MBorUiient and heaTloM atook ol Uieae fooda to M tonnd anrwbtre. Olraulara tiee. Ooodt "TUU£ HERIT ONLY STANDS THE TEST OF TIME." MILLAR BROS.' FAMOUS DIORAMA. IT* *mln»n(lr anil aluwlulelr th* Onlj r«rr«(t Act of the klnJ In the wt^rU. Wo niMn Ihli, Millar Muro|« I'rocurlni iha nioBl maipilflcwt and Marlllnii pc*d1o marTpU ei»r f[ottf o up. RE-ENOMED SEASON 189B-96 PRIMROSE ft WESTS MINSTRELS. WAKTED AT ONCE, CVRIOetTIES AKD PRIAKS FOR BIDB IHOW WITH JKRIBNBR t aMITU-R OIROUD. Aldiaaa aa i NOW READTt MIC JWII llliH AND NEW CATALOBUE OF TUCKS m mum. Tke largest and moiit origtaal work of lUi kind erer Issued. 01 pages. Althongh costing double aoj other calakgne, It Is sent gratis on receipt of a two cent stamp and jonr programme. Those on onr list will receive copies at oace. If 70a want Htrlklog featares send fer It. CHAS.LBURLINGAME&Ca, BOX 851, Chicago, Dl. FOR SAL3L AboDt 000 IRON FRiSE OPERA CHAIRS, upholstered In ImltaUon leather, now In flrst baltwuy Oljnplc Theatre, 8L Lonls. Also, abont 860 SEATS, wood rt-amo chairs, Imitation leather seats and backs (seats fold). All will be sold at a bargain. Address ANDREWS-DEMAREST SEATING CO., 10s Eaat Sixteenth Street, H. Y. City, Or A. H. ANDREWS & CO., a m Wabaah ATonae, Chicago. Wanted to Buy, Ninety Foot Round Top Can- vns, Seats and Lights. Moit be In flnt elaas c«Bdltlon sad very cheap fbr eaah. BILLT ROBINBOir, a4H Ooethe St., Oblcago, ill. THE SAILOR'S TOAST. A aplendld new Daet for TBHOB and BARITOFfB, br F. BBOHTBL. A rare wlnaer. "The wud that blow^ the ahip ibat Roat, And Un tail Ihtt loroi Uie asllor bov.'' To Introduce ihia Vafrnineant Daeiwawill aond It to ao7 adilreaa, BV HAIL ONLY, on noalnt of tao eanu. PIIBLPR MU8I0 CO.. O-M Laftyalte Placa. Woir Tork. W. Y. mm m mm. A FEW GOOD PEOPLE TO COMPLETE OPERA COMPAIIY. AddreM OEO. W. LTONS, BBa MOINBB CITY RT. CO., D«a Molna.. Iowa. STOP. LOOK. SEE. "DOWN WHERE THE ROSES AND THE LUIES BLOOM," (f>onc and Dane*): Terr tateat oat ProTaasloaala will do wellbr aandlDR ft caota(■tamp] and rvceWaprvraaaloDal copy. BlghlteTarrwhare. AddreM OARL 0. mri'LBH. it EdPA fUce. Boffaio. N. Y. rOR TUB STRINO AND SUMIIBR TOUR OF Daro''s Comedy Goi A flnt clau Blnclngand DaBfilngCome* dian, BeabretleTLeadlBK Man, Character Woman _aBd Piano PInjer (Lady pi** ^md)« People mnat be well aplnreyei^ tolre. Salary maat be low. Addreas at eace DALY A ARNOLD, Brookten, Maaa, THE BUOU THEATRE, NORFOLK, VAa, Will rvopan for lha Pummar naaaon oo Jona S, lift. WANTBD, epeclallr PmpU In all brwtchtfl of tho bull- new; alM Borloiinua LaUl6a. Will vlTa them lonit eo> gimamenU. Addiw ABB. BMTTH. Prop'r. A CATCHT AND POPDUUl TWO ST£P« "THE BROWNIES," DANCE OArRICE rOR nAMO.BT E. E. NEWELL. "HIGHSCHOOLSIRLS" fKlMOTTIR(?llR UAPHlOX Ttt Uiam; Ton will be plew«l. Proramlonal eopt«3 lOa. each. NRWRI.LA ALZAMOlU. am aiaod ato^ nfockirn. rt. v. Gtoilrlcli All reople aniniitad for & KliiR's Cossolhtaled WigMS, UKPORT BS IRAVIHTAN AVRNUB, BRIDOBrORT, COKN. Show opona Hatunlay, Maytft. Can um k faw mnre people who do 3 to 9 aclX a Ilou Canraa Mae, alao Tiiba I'layar. THE SONG OF THE DAY, "BLOOMERS" li publlAwl l>T MAAH1 PROOron, ramo. N. Dak. •THE OLD TfEI^TA-BlJE' BENNETTS THEATRICAL EXCHANOL Larseat on earth. ofcapylniteBtlni floor* FOR PARK A'TTRACVlONS, BCHRIBR iiOTBld'^, People or fbr Booklna Operm llonoMfdnpallneto B.O.ABXTON,Mar., BlPrarborn atre»t,Cbicano,IJ. S. A. ItvoubaTOBapcrflnooa ON THE FACE _->n<l frr now iDtDrmailon how to lenore Ueaallj and emviually wlihoot chfmlcala or InatminenU, CurmpoiHlciKTr«iif1d«ntlat)npl«lnMMicdenT*loc» Kn. M. M. VKIIRY. box 09. Oak Park* iK Btf jva nv tbia lo TUB CLUTBB. SIEfiMAN&Wm 110-112 SREENE STREET, NEAR PRINCE, NKW YOUK. OamilatM^naok of §£1^^^ OltArumM and lii IWSn PHICBS than anr olher _ JBAJS-DS (8p«CS Catalona), lor man, 9U0 and ttm ladl.« tUO, nwrrea OOe., mada,ua our prenilJaa. TIGHTS (our own make and un- Griad), In CoUoo, 05e. (ledacod fnto ll.lq: hwj Ml dilooad Cotton. II.7B (wear tMtter than WLOO voiiled tlDtill; twit nado VoKtad,IU<l; 811k. OA and UXB; baatfillk,S7iO. WecarrrXIakadailneacAqQalltranditia • ' .- '-^a. PaddadlliliU "'•itrflSi! ParfeetlmT. IFPEI ._|RK. tWe_ Ulloo S ATI If ll.lOperb. Bl/lXlON Be. a rard) to tola. deep. , , . Ir mlJft. Lace*. Coida, BallKm Fl«wan, ate. U Inen ' iTotT ri»ade, 4*c. eot. andlUX) arard. OBS mm lUln. daa|! ppanwoTk LM«a, Oou Olmpa, fS, In arelT ahade, tfc. €De. andJIXO nrard. Lyel.«to4n«.T«lTamTIfr8B!L BHOCAgBS. ARMORg, SlitBUM, ItBLUBm; RU8, DAOOERk wlih and without Jawela. (In aatliog or with boU.). A FVU. LIIfK OP THKATRICAIj JEWELRY, OATlLOairX, PBI0E8 AMD BTIBI DirOBlfATIOI) BENT BT MAIL. ■ OOODS SENT 0. O. D. DBrOSITS RtQDIEKD ON ALL ORDERa DONT NUMBER JBCCT cmcMo WANTED, WOTEt Belford & Howard Circus, Perforaera In all brancbaa. locliidlog e flood Clown. Ad- Tanee Hao, aUw the roUowlBg minlclaos: B and B Clario- net*, B Cometa, Alloa to doabia TIollo. Bllda Trombone, Doable Dnimmer. Addrwa Baidlnia, 0., Mar B: Orab. 0.. Mar 37; FajetteTlUe. 0.. May 38. FUTURE WIFE OR HUSBAND. $5 PER Lm. WHITES OR BLAOia IhaUraaat jmtj In the woiM. Addreu EARLT k HTHBST, IW lawnnta at, Btooklyp. IT. T. AT UBERTY, STRONG B.CORNET PLAVEB. SOBER AMD RELIABLE. Addraaa rm L. ODDBK. Liberty, Taiaa. WANTED, TO PURCHASE FOR CASH, AN BNnRB OIROnS OTTFIT, RAIUIOIII OR WAOON HUOW. Onenowon tha nad prerarred, Addreaa J. W. D, Lock Boi ti. Norwicli, N. Y. WANTED, Reptrtoire People of Ail KMt. TtteaadolDjtaptclaltlaapnremd. AUpaiUnlan. Oood looklDff Emotional Womaa and Jureolle Man. Pboloa re- lumed. rflBD'K n. WILBON. BlMCoe. Oolarlo. WANTED, LADY FOR TOPSEY, CHILD FOR EVA. HtSt BB CAPABLE OF ONE OR MORE TIIRNS IN CONCERT. euUlowaatialUT lofliat luur. MIRNEY AND McOOWAW. mind Una A.eana, Indlanatelli, Ind, AT LIBERTY, "JERRY HERZELL," BDHIIER SEASON; glNOINn COMEDIAN AND ODAB- AOTBR ACTOR. Addraaa DEOORAH, IOWA. WANTED, A nrst Cliss Blaek Fic« Comedian, who plara banjo and pau oo aeta. Moat alao be good ijarerTir ToneaaootQll the bill don't wriu. ^T 7T. DR. OttAS. B. FBAHKe Penacook, N. H. Wanted, Partner with Small Amount of CaahCapItalrorflun)merDrmmaUo(;o. SIrleUrboalneaa. fflt. BAYARD, «l Dlrlalon Are.. Brooklyn, N. T. Managers mthig a 6otd, Gleier, Stead), Sober. Sellable Touov Van, Rood draaMr, cleTar alofer and daneer-«u bIto rafereDcaa, addreia W. PAY, care or Pror. Rajnoiiao WeatOhloBt^ Indlanapolla, lod^ MiSCELLANEOUSe RITTEPV UMRVEDt B^id K) ceou (or umpla ol lal- DHIICni nUnKCIla oatthlnilnrortunaaandftilun liuibandL BAITERY PHOTO. CO.. Bo» M. Bdan, Pa. CURES QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER REMEDY. TaiTaBt*B Eztraet of Capebe and Copaiba li a nfa, caTtatn and qnlek mn, and la an old-Uma tamedr, con- ' blolog In ft blihly cooeentnted ronn the medlcloal vlrtnea of cupeba and copaiba, lu portable •hape, freedom trom taite and ■paedy aetloo (cnnDK Id lau time thin any other preparation) makv It TUB MOST TaLdaBLB KNOWK REMEDY. To pmTeot trmud, see that OTorr package baa a red sirlp acroaa the bee of la> bel, wllh tha alffnatun of Tar- rant A Co^ N. T., upon It PRICE, ll-OO BoKI by an drmnUta. THE yOST EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURERS BILLIARDand:POOL IN THE WORLD, THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER COMPANY. No. 860 BROADWAY, NEW TORK Neweat nad moat elegnBtitylee,wltlkthe UNEQUALED MONARCH CUSHIONS. Billiard HaterUU, Cloth, BalU, Cnea, etci|^f onr own nanafhrtare and Im- ^ THE BRttNBWICIC.BAXICB-OOLLSNDXR CO.. ObloacD, OlQclnoul, SULoali, BaoPiueboo. ASK TOUR FIIIENOS Th«M are the tame that emtad raeha aeontloD amocK theoon- oolMaon at the WorM'a Pair, and alnce hare punled iheaclanilOe world with ihalr mrfaclloD and brllllincy. 8BNT PREB wlih prlrilaito of aiamlnailoo. Piefee- alonalraioH. Por f\iU perticulan addrvu H. R BODRIK A CO . ae>D»ari>om Htmat, Chlcaio. FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND Far ibODiaad lUDi FUTURE CO., Tt B-ViineenUi Street, New York. lysnnooF iTiE^micsLiESHaie ai/MOvsauMf-AexTira TV/VfMSrfWOSfXO nOCAL DESIGNS/ ^KKENCRAVWCSOFAU^ OESCRIPTTONS. umfffms AT HODEfiATC PffKESA SP£aALTY- MAGIC UNTERIfS WDNIED BARBACii k CO.. en riibeit bl, phnaaTttijL.T^L NO, YotlGtfl't dstect oor newly dUoorared, Un* ported Rsmi Iron re*] diamonda. Bold at WorUSiPalr /or tlA. A bandaome aolU Ulm rinc, itud, lace or acuf pin, aolld Rold, by Bip. 0.0. D. for fS. PrlTlleg* or examloatloo; charvea prepaid. Catalaraeofjiaina, wttchaaandjewalrr w-ToteraailooalOeinCo-. l,iaKaaootoTample.cblcaiio. THE DANDYa nR Bicrcie clubs. pRtty Pin for otp or 'eost. Amg Jfkmt, 11(4 more than Un Idtfn. BllTerPIaU.SSc., dot. •1 BtcrllDiL 3Sc.. dot. «U0, CaislogM ftte. UoBABftKEELEBtUrc. Jenlm, Arruiioao, lUsa. WnUnCOmi l Band 10 cenU to FRAHE BABBISOIf. nURIICnrULI Soton. Ma«.. and lae what yog wUl net. EDMUSTD £• PRIC£, Goimsolor at Law^ IfBW TORK CXIFPBR BUIIaDIRO, 8B AKD DO OBNTRB ETBBET. New Tork City. PracUee lo all the Cooita, Clrll ftod Crlmlnil. foeclal auantlon RlTin to thi eouecUon of dalma and dehu of all kloda, Dae pr^tamtloo of afreemaoia and other leital bnilBMa. POSTERSiMD HANaEIS Base Ball| Bloycle, Trotting, 'Ing, if Et< Runnin Fairs, CALVEITLmiaeO. DITROTTa MIOH. OPIUM ^ Herphlna Habit Oorad la 10 irm. No par tlU eared. Dr. J. Slepbenn, Lebanoa, O. ANTI-SXIFTB* 18 AN ABBOLUTE NEOBaSnT TO TBB AtMete, Bsiers, Sportime. Bold by DnnatJta and BfM^^jlOooda Cjellst, Tourist awlBaH Flaier. Price, 00.; aaa Boi- Timlnen' Blie, •I. HoatelBacloai la 0rBBXaTHE.VINO TBB MUfiOLBB. e! rouoEBA A oon ao N. Wmiam St.. W. T. a.600DRk;h,uwyer,s^!s!;;? le|[iland«inlet. Brmchanand It dlltlei la U4 Deartwni SL, Ohloago; 104. BUlD«* PORTABLE SCREENED HOUSES. For lawn, aea-alde, flablng aod banUor partita, camping ouf, plonic grounds, etc. Poruble cam pi og bousm, foldlnt cola, tRblea, etc. Bond for catalogue. A. C.UUBER. rrif* mil. CiDrUnll.C TO BE POSTED R,EA.I> THE CLIPPER ANNUAL FOR, 189C. COmiNlNe BECOBDS IN ilL DE- PABTKENTS OF 6F0RT, INCLDDIHa CHBONOIiOeiES FOR 18M, A«{IIATIC ATHLE nC, BACIHG ARD TBOT FIHO ETZNTS, BASHDAU., CRICKET, BOo UABDS, ETC. RECORDS OF FAST. EST TIKE AMD AH. BEST PERFORR* ANCE8. miUSTRATED. Price 26 Cents. A.ddress THE NEW YDRK CLIPPER, OLOTVA BVILBIBOt TAPE-WORMS *aa>aC«tae ekam tsad »e. Mnp InPanakiA