New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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198 THE NEW YORK OLIPPER. June 1. lliU)ADWAvTmuTB«.-0»mllle n'Anlllo and her compADj produced «t UUi bouM, oa Ua7CT,"A ItaUgliierof Uio neroluUon," deflcrliied m t oew lilstorlul comlo oporm, In throo ftcbi, utiiiUo hj Lad* witf KiiRliindor ud iKmk t>j J. Cbcerer Uoodwln. 'Jills WM ihe rinit prcsonuiUon of ihU work under iho llilo vlilch 11 uow i>eQrB. but the vork In by no meanM now, hftvlng iiccn prevented it UieTbAllA Tlieatro, UtiR city, ft decade or more Ago, by » tier- nian company tioadcd by Uarfe OehUogcr. It wut then known under tho tlile oC'Hevenieenaevonlj- Hlx," U)(i iMMk having l>eon written by I<cu <k>ld- itiark. For prcaentuM tho book litH l>ceb revised tij Mr. (loodwlo, and Ur. Knglaoder lian RomO' what chHuged his ncoro and added hoddc oev niim- Item. Tlie mory. BHonUtned upon tlto profpitmnie, Ifl an rollows: IYovIouh to the rim of the cdtUIq Uipt. Lcc, or WanlilDKtnn'M foreci, who hnii pono- tratwl tho linen of tho llrlUnhand lltowlantroopfl who occupy Now York City, bss l»een arreated ami tried HA a Hpy and Honlonccd to death. With tbe lioglnnlng ui the play RrrlTeA litu rtweettieart, UurloD Ibiiibar. who.lcAnilrig or biH arroit, has BiHo gained BdmltUnce to Now York la Ura dlsgulrto of an AmorfcADofllcer. Hho |in:lcH«b to lie a de- Aertor fmni the robcl nnkA. dctdmiin or onllHlIng In Iho cHnmand nf (len. (Jnimm, and bi mmdi re- celveil by him, ihankii to her rfmlerliiK bis nplnlon that liu IH llio grcnlcHl of mllltjiry contOMmlerA. Ilav ' ' ' the rorl . .. Mory of (bo play Ih dovolcd to her tl- fiirbi In brinff alKint her Hwi:etlicHrt'H release rmmmpUvlly.And toobLalnaknowlrdgeorilie pn»- poieil tnoveinonbi of the lirllUli afnitnHi ihe Amerl- ranx, which, comiiinnlcatad b) W'aiblngtoo, wlU firove or vhIiio to tlia cau« aIib love*, lu (he coo- UAlon AllcDdnnt upon the conilHHnvllon which nearly dcrilrorcd the clly of Non* York In Ihe year nf thu Mory, lITrt, J^e chtjiiwh, Icavlntf Marlon hiIII wllhln tho limiNb llncA, ThankH to bur outilvntlon ofUnt. tiniinm'rt erreid atfeotlon, atio wiveeeilA In vlng Ih«ii appointed hlH ndluiMDt.Ahehi made J unwilling recipient or Urx. Orutiini'H af- rorllon, and diirfitg actjt I And II tho dlHannlrig Ausplclon unlll (In Act 111) Waitblngtnii, ihAHkA to Iho Inromialloii cnmrnntilcated br her, having croMod tho Ifelawitre, iiwola and de- doreau Iho llrltiKh at Trunton, and tlto lovon art) rounilol. Tho work ak iHiglu* ally done, wua not very Riirccnfiii. m- Hontcd by Ubn ICArvlllo and hor eompiiDy, In IIm rovlsod rorm, It not only mei with h cordlnl recep- tion, but received wicli uneiiulvm ii inaitaorap' proval AS warrAnt tho statomont that It acored an ampballo HiircoHA. TIiIr renuU wna achieved In Kpllo or inany dniwiiackii. In ilienntt place, the book hu been carolCArily prepared, and iiuedHmoL-h revlAloD. Tberintt sctlR extremely uiky, and the dlaloguoUnelUior enlightening nor othcnvlso Id- torwUDg. Tlicro wha no evidcut lack of relieaiHibi and of complete maMiurr of iho Hues. Kveryono was DcrrouM, and the anxiety nf M\nn D'Arvlllo WM suitlcleni to wirloualy Imerferu with her Tocal eiTonx. Tlio iuilhIu tlirnugbout ihe groaler part of the drat act hi Hiilnilem end not natll tbe end or tiio act wan rearlied wem there any Bttalu tliat overcame tbe IncreaHlog duUneis. After ibla dUboartentng Dnt act. however, aliiioxi all or tho gloom vauUhed, and Hliliougli linen wero hUII forgoTien. and tho voice (if ilie prompter wah oftan beard, thrcatoned dliouiior wam avertod and victory after victory reitullcd In tlOAl irlumph. Iliererore, In Iho connlderatJoii of iho iterTonnauce we will Ignoro tlio inlitadvi^niurfK of itio Hrat act nltogelber.forall faulbt thureln cunlalned ran read- ily bo corroded In Ihe futiiro. Ur. Kniluuder'a roaslo WAS found tn powtcm much uliarm. It Ih fall of melody and In of that lutrt whlob wins the oar and Is dellgliiriilly lAoihlng. It In, moreover, suniolently varlitl In rythm lo oscape roouotony, and soiiiu or hlH DutiiborM are very Imiplrlng. it is true tluii ho employe the waltz inovonentaoinowliatlavlHhIy, butAH ha wrltoHdo* ItgliUiil waltzes bo may roadlly lio rorglveu. Many of Ills aolos are molodlc Ronia. and nnioh of tila oooooiled muAlo la charming. MIm Ji'ArHlle aanic dellgbtfully and has never Iwoii liusnl to Hroater Ad> vaolage. Hbe acl04l wlih uitich Hplrll, and In tbta resiieot wan ably uhAlAcd hy Harry HoDonoDgh and llallon MoHiyn. Cllnluii Khlur demointxatod that bo haa nut l«en very liberally eiidowod wllb votco, but lio MUg wliii much laela and nklll.and wan ImUi plciulng and eflhcUve. Ilarry HuDonougU khdr IiIh wlo In the laataol In a style which mmlo us r»cal] with pleaa- ure the daya when ho sang luadlug lonor loleri, snd whlob oaiiHcd us monionUirlly lo regrul that he had ever ohoseii lo buconiu a comvtMan. The work was adralnbly Htagetl. Tlio cosiumori wore baudKoniu and approprialo, aiKl (lio acviilc onilwlllahtiiunt whh very prelly. llie ilago phdurca weru very eiTec- live, aiul the lableau Hliuwbig the repmdiioilnn of jjeutzo^H nlctiiru ol "Wartlilngtoii CnwdnB the DeUwaro" wha one of llie iKnt arrangod nml lighted that baa ever Ihioii hIiuwuiiimhi Iho stagu. The oiiom, or oiwrolbt, as It Hliatild pniporly iw callod, will, without doiibi, win much fhvor fioiii inotmpoll(anaudlonccA,aiiillnMpHoor ihOAppruaKli- lug warm woalhor ItMhoiihl liavo a HiicroMiul niii. eiqieohilly as Uio hotiHo hsM liocn put lo Its UAial Hummer irliii. Tlirongh a most ruinarkable hhinder Iho opera waa uiion tho boiiw prognmuio cn* UUed ''A Daughter or tho lleiielllon," lietweoii wbtcb Ullo and Iho mw liokiuglD^ in Ihe work there Ih much dtiTbroiico snd a venr inarkod dlsUncUon. Tlio chhI: (leiioral GoUlelb (Irumu). llallon Mostyn; Horgeant carl Creamer, Harry Haoltonnugb: Arthur l<oo, ctlnion Kidor; (leneml bo Uelstor, Jlarry Htanloy: (hda UrewKier, liKan Paul; George WaMiibigton, h:<lwanl Knight; KlTHt Soldier, K. II. Tumor; soi^ond tkriiHcr, J. U. I'ark; Ortlcor, K. J. WIlllaiuH: ImAj Margirel (Jninuu, MlHsMlditoy Worlh; Holly Morgan, Aniilo ftOwU: Flnt Udy, Uary Scam; Second lady, Jessie Qiark; Marlon Dunbar. Canilllo D'Arvlllo. liOSDON TiiBATHii.—Tliu WatHon HlMierHam niilHh* tug tbolr mason thin week, oiionliig to fair hIkwI audlonoes on May 27. "Ilio Cliy of Iavo'* opened the allow In gootl stylo. Wllllauuianil Uirtou were dnt In tho olto witii iholr knovkAbout set, llAtUo BtewArtandTommlo Olllon Hkolokod and Rpanml, the Olark-1lAUllllsn*H aortal nrt wont vull, W. U. Wabion aud Juanolto Ihipro were succonfiil, (Islla- ffber aud West wero well remouiboroil, and tho Dronto Htatuoa were i>nrh>nted by tho Snillax 81m' tors very oriOcUvoly. "On ibi* lio\v*wnw ory," the bnrleaque, conclude*! iho hIiow hi a lively iiMiiner. The company has beon uiii ror fDriyHiiio weekn, and Uaimgora lUzzlUlAU and WaiRoii roiK>rt ralranci-itSH for the Hoamm. For uoM wMk a nouse cuniMity has lioen ongaged. K. I.. iHtiinlibwD's Itonotlt hi Molioibileil for June o, MiKlH'a BowiHY TiiKATiiK.-'*Tlio Willie Oronk'* Co. aroplaytnffarolunidrtluthli(,tlifl laxtwoek uf Iho seaHoii, to light bUMliuiM. TtioMpurlulllm on the progmuimo are: l^iin l.u Omvlor. who mnlorH pop* niar BOleonnnH with a plonHlntr vub'u aud mnnnor; Want am! I^ohIIo, Kuiiiia IIdho lA.*e, cliArectorHlnKrr and danoor; Klllo WllUrd hihI Nttmm Hniwn, vocal- Isbi; lAmont aud Hamlfonl andltce, Dntnh and IrlNh roinoilhinH, nnd PoHrl llnullnini, abiger. Tlio nm part and liurl(vi|iio nro bAinlMoiMolr nwunl* od. The ouiployca' iK'iiotli, wlitcb wciinoil May '21, waawoll allomicd ami rndilint hnndHumcly. Au oxoellonl itorfMnnAiu'o whm given l>y ihc Night DwIh Ciimpany, niid I.lllli* Kmiiiult, Uiillrr snd Ituiui, omeno, Drawoo, Vnu mtil l.tmllr, tho llamMtit. a trou|>oi>r jNiw In living plriuiTKRUd Jiuhvm UcKcr- nau. a tenor nliiger. Tliu hoiiuu will close Juno 1 for tbe Hununor. OXIfTaAl, Ol'RHi llor.HK Mituc ItAI.U-llOIUllO Thornton Is Iho leading Ughl of tho prewnt weok'rt llatof attraoUniu.nnd tho lioaniiicHA uf bor wclct>mo prnved that Hho occupbMa nnuutncnt plsco In (ho aihwllona of Iho iialniiis or ttila rtaorU ller as- HooUtos on Iho bill n)mpTlAe: lluwanl and Wil- li ania, In an oiitenaliiing talking ncl; Turner and Htiaioll, Ina nmslcniAkolch; Nellie muiklyii, Mroii. lA Hoyuo, whorio U\t pcrrm-inaaccH rtral aonio of ibolH^il orihelrklml;CiiiOiimin snd llt>UHimli«,who atlll remain a sirvuginrd hore.and whoso ruiiilnued HUcocM luHlldOA lui'lr rclontinn; 1a IVrtn Slitcrs, wliouiAifo au cnndiAllcAiiri'iiHiitir lUK tUolr Or>il appearance at ihlM hitu«i\Aiiil wi>ro miiMK-lh'd lo restwiiil (0 novcnil well raninl om ntv^; Ctark aud tiU Ulalr, and Ibe Ituumlo llm^. Jacobs^ TilRATHK.—TliU rrjurt's allmctlon tur Iho ourreut week In **Tlii' WagiM or sin." wliluli wait favored by a fair i>l/.rd gHilirrIng mi It* opening night, May'JT. lla toli«niiviHllonlHKM>koil aher iiy the following people: MMtvin'o (icmld. Ui>iico l*er- celle, >:mmaAvenie, MhUu lialilwln. l.lliuii (Mh-r, \V. B. Ilanfonl. Chan. Cliaitolle, TIhiuwu Mecgau, Will Spalding, Harry l^uiiard and Oro. UndMy. nuiBH'i) Tdiuthi.— **Ui(le Obrlstoplier." which was to have cIomiI Dh HenMu hititwrck. iiu«l>ecn feinted one mora week of life. It l^ogsn on Uay *i7 he Hovonih week of Its run at tlils bouse, and It Mooius probable thai tho dual iiorr«>nuMuco of Ibt proiont season will Ih* given June 1,as ouoof Us principal jterfomiorH In auuouuoed lo Appear lu an- other proiiucllon Juno \ ARBKYiit TnKATnR.—'The Tllgano*' Is drawing good housea, aud will no dnubl uare s astlafAclory run. It liogan on Uay Ha (bird week, aiul It Ia Intendetl that it Htiall hold the tmAr^ until aouie time In Jnly, when lix rim will c«aee,toalk>w IJlllau llusaell to lake a vat'Rilon. ACAuaair or Mi'iiM'.-"Tho t'alal VaxxV* l»egau May tfT tho nrtb and Isal week of tii nin at (bis house. An exim tuailuce la aunouaved tor Decora- lion Day, TONV rARTOH'fl TirBATRP.—The Waning neaiiAn Hods this miccemful house mIIII iilrong lo popalarliy, the andlence In attendance MayiT lieloff of pro- portions suited to (hat period uf the year when the theatrical terra Ih at Its height. All Ibo ncsbt wore mied, and (bo alandlng room waa csRerly sought liT tboHO late comcm who inHlsicd on en}oylngono of tbe l>cat bllbi of amusement tbM popuUr resort liaa provided for some time. The fautlhat Veala Tllley'fl sixth and concluding week wah then In- augurated doubllcaa added much to (he box onice recelpbi, bot the bonon or tbe niKht were nevertheless llborally divided smon^ tbe many favorltea under cooHlderation. Dilka and Wade liegan tho bill wlib only fair cn:dli lo thrni- HOlves, but tho Uurt Bbitcn, who came iioxt In line, mot a friendly welcome. Two very pretty young women an they, and their clover work fully war- ranted tbclrgenerouHrcrrpiion. WilliamII.MmKh, Master Martin, II. WlltlMinwin end Alrx. Welch, Atvled 'Ibe lllg Four," ihrii biirodur;ei1 a panto- mimic act Uiat met approviil, and wero followed by Wolior and KleldH, whoHn work am Oormun ronic- dlans needs no oxtrnJpdmimMiiii hero. Tlinlnrel- como WAMortho iMsrtynun Urfunlly iicrwlcd lliciii, and their run makliia pampliiiraallu wiu In bh gmKi irlmaHofynre. K. H. Hall uextirnik tlic MiiKinnd enlertahied on the Intojo In a inaniiur d I hI I no lively hisown, aiHl whh reiihced bytba HuhmII llndtacni, who then cuicrf^d their Hccond week nlili c;oiitlii- iicd Hiirccw. Vfjita Tlllny next oiilertaliicd, and her rccopllon amounted to tbe cuittomHryovnilnti hnr talent Iiah so Justly galiie<l for hor. JriH. K. Ilocv, afavnrllc of lonv Abuullng with the piilnuiH of tnla boiiAC, relunied In blit frlendi, and wuh gtvi'U a rousing wolunme.and ihSHbowendeil In an aflnrplere, "A Day In Ino Otustry," InlnHliicliig ••Tbe Wu Kour" and Nellie Uurt. Friday night of iliU week Imn i>ccn doilgnalcd as (be Unie for n tCM- llmonlal to VoHta Tlllcy, and Ihe prograiiimo uf ur- rangements calls for many nallerlnK rxprciHloiM tnwardH that popiihirand talented lllllo Imly. The week glvea evidence, on the whole, of Icing an Im- portant period In tho Hcason at thia house. HKHAi.n.SquAHi TiiiATHic—"Hamlot II,*' styled an opemtlo burloMjuo, by II. Orattan Donnelly, the moAlc by ItomerTonrJeo, was originally produced at tills prelty theatre May 2T, iiefore ao audience ot fair proportionH. It Is to lie regretted lliat so much lime, labor and known talent bus been devoted to a aobjef'-t no unworthy the ellbrt, snd nuiMof all to be regretted Is the amount of money, evidcuily or necessity, expended In mounting and ci|iilp- plng Ihe producUon in a manner so complete. Tlie flnanclal pmmolera have lieen lavbh In their eiTorta, and bavo given the inveNiy an agreeable fraun of Htage mountlogv, the one and only redeeming feature of Ibo nrodiic* tloD, aud one cannot rernln rrom doptoiiog the unworthy avenue of the Unaodal oiiilay. or (bo music Utlk) prahw can bo rendered, and aH for the llbrotto, nn great degree of-ooaaklerstlon In merited. A very few or the maalcal DuiiitKm sre piesHlng, none will Income popular, and Ihe greater norllon or tho score U commonplace and sadly lacking In originality. Hecont and pant useful alsng and cur- rent Idioms aro callod upon to Herve oe tho llliretlo, a row llim from tbe original text boing rendurcil at (iraeH for (be evident purpose of biilding In mind tliu object of the burleaiiue. K. J. Ilonloy In ilio nrlncliwl ride malnhilned hlH |MHl rupulatliin for clevor wurk, showing lohlHndiiilrcmanowsldolo hl«Hbige accoiiipllsh- nioiila. catliorliie JawIh rotumcd to public life arior an almcuco of HoverAl yeara, a gracious acUon for whioli bor audltorit hail reason to render profound thanks. Hho i-arrled tho honors of the pmdiicilon. nnd In every way ac4|Ulttetl heraoir wlili much credit. Kate Davis was leas fonunaio In the opporttioliles to dlnplay her acknowlodgcd ablttiles, and In a like nieatiure the author of too burlewiue denied opportunity for any amount or work to Jaciiuea Kruger.aiiotJier per- fomior kiHiwu to lie canablo. IJtUe was required of (•eo. Brododck, Helen Ilarrlngton, Drew ItonsldHon, and John Uunnoy, but tboy did thatltlllo well. Tbe olionis was well drilled anil cArofully choHon, and could bavo added vastly to the pleasure of ibo night. If given an opportunity. While one is prone to oueailoa ibe Qnal success of the burlesque, It U due the lueratiorM of the cant to record that tboy all per* formed their duty well, atlboiiRb tho greater psrt or ihelr eiTOrta wore but illulng remludera or tbe pOHslblUiles In Hiore had their oimortu- miles iteen or wider range. Tbe cast: Uaailot II, K. J. Ilonloy; King Claudius, John llunney; I'olonlus, Jaci|U0s Krugcr: tbe ghost, aeorpe llrod- erlok;tlomllo.UlHri Dr^wlionnldaon; UerieH, Helen llarrlnsloh; Hoseucranr,, Adeie Archer: (lulldon- stern,Satlte Itaodall; Marcelluri, lAura WaliiHrurd; lleniardii. Vera Uoverlej; Odrio, Irene IhinUor; dntt player, llolurt Mack; eccond player, Oetuvo Moekor; t apmin or the watch, Mary (ill«on; Ural grave dig- ger, It. Mack; second grave digger, O. Meeker; .Syl- via, Florence Kllbi; l^nora, Mario ^Mlth Hlco; (fueou (lortnidu, Kate Dsvla; Ophelia, CntliorlQo iAwin; the player queen, KlHleHhorlilsn. I'HocniH'sTuKATHK.—Tlioblll prorieuted week or May '^7 was replete wllh fetching RpeclAlites.Bnd round Immediate favor with the audiences on Mon- day, the house being well filled day aud evening. Hill und Hull, grotesques, wereaccordud liberal ap- ptoUHO, aud llaymon Moono, ballml singer, was given a hearty welcome. Tho Three t*hiterv Iktn ap|>oared and soon danced theutAelvos Into favor, nod DoroUiy UonnlDg won much aputauae for her clover danolug aud chunuter change work. Frank Uakes Hose nvo a very Interetii- Ing sertoit of llluslraUons of OlMrlOH IMckenH* woriu. whlob he calhi "Tlirough liOndon with Dlekena,^' nnd which ahould meet wllb murli iwpuUrlty. l*rluce Flatow, lu bis acrotiatic "itlluQcc and fun," wart very umosliig, and Dan Cotlyer nud M-o k were well rei'olvod. The four Itb-hnnU, nrrolMta, met with favor, and tho Marions 4ltd well, ttthoniou ihe bill: The UmunlgauB, IrlHti i-nuiedluuH; Al. Walt/, roller Bkater; Maud Nngent, In mnu* itmt ilancu'i; Campliell and Beard, niiiiiifHl i-nmudlnuH; Al. Itoevoa. banjolat; Knox Wltwin, i-omodlsn. and Kennedy and Wllltams, kuorkaiHuiin. all of whoiu did Ihelr full share toward making a plcaslugun- tenaluntcnt, KtArrkH A UiAi.'a—A well rmwdctl Imiiso greeted Ibo bill pnuontetl May fur week. Tno UortleoA Shiter^, comedloiines, made tlu'lr iIfmi iipiviimitco on tho \-aiidovllle Htage In thin cliy, aud wored a proiitiuiiciMl KUCC41IM. Tliolr gmreriil lUucIng uiid rlilo waya Imuiglii ihem ntonre liilo roviir wllh \i\v Hiiillonce, and thov were rrcalU'd iiumy iltiU'H. Hiiilih aud OtHtk, HlHo UOW coiitci'H, pnive*! ihum* Hi'lvw lo lie lulrlh provokon, siiil u mi Hiqioivrtl riir their work. Anitotiul fuature on tlio iirnintunne vcAn the proHCiilatlon of a Hjwrlal HcrlcHnf llvnigidi*- lim's, wlilrh was couiposetl of Iwonly of the prliu'lital AiiliJoolH that have l>cen aliowu al IIiIh houw durtng Iho past yoar. Hpamiw. Juggler, nppran'd with Huveralnowlrii^kH. (ilhoraon (tie Mil were: A. (». Duur-aii, Tontrll04|ubil; llarrlelt Wrnmi, who lH>gau hor tlilnl week wllh Inoreaaed faviv; (hu (^ggii, acrobaiM (flfth wook). who added a mw feature lo their arl; tho Hossow Uroiherti, llltpullaQ ntbleteii (thirituth week); the Jioora Umthera. aeroliAllc wiro ui'rlormorM; Freil II. ImIIo sod bin leaping dogs llblnl wook); Hirlllug and Kevell, lnirloHi|uo tmr |>cr- ronnen (third week), attd Inn l^h-hcmoiT and bts trained dogH (tenth week). An exim maihivo will bo given <tii l>ccomUoii Ihiy. (Iahuks Tiiiathb.— "ItlUty" began on May 'J7 Ihe Ao\'eiilh weok of lU run. It In Htlll drawliig k(hm1 housoi. aud uu tUlo In aooiuinciil for Ma with* drawAl. In faol. It In lutlmalrd llial U may roinalii lliniughoiil the Snmmor.bnt.aiitliUrompany Uihu- nounced to am>car In a WVMeni Hiy hi tho Istier part of Juuo, tor Hoasnu hera win i*nd a( that time, uuleas Ilio WoHtem luanager roiiHeniH tn avcopl an- other coutpany, which diH^:* not a'<m prvlMdile. (lAHRU-K TllKATHR.—Tlio l>uik'A(lir, "Tlilllhy," waa aniiionuTil for prtHlucllioi at ihtn liniiM Msy :1T. but, aa the lUte of Iim pn^^enhitlon hax Ikvu changed to Juno J.Mr. .MaiiHilelilnill voutluuu (u appear here Ihln wcuk In IiIh faiulllrtr repertory. "AmiH and (bo .Man" wii4 iirvMUtnl ii, and Is an* mmnml ror re|H>lllloii :u. •*rrliii-o Karl" will lie HOen t* ami 31. "Ilcau llniinioeir'-Jvaud niaUuee Juuo 1, and "A Wrlalaii Komaoce" evening of June 1. Ki^TU .\vksi^kTuiatiiic.—"I1|4 wire's Fsther"i«' K*\\ on Uay (he fouiteenih and Hiul week of 1(8 run. TWO rhsiigMwerunutlcrd hi iho caitt. Tlie nilen of Kltly Canary aui Kenlliiand Ungdon were tilled roiiMcilvelT dy Mitw IhUlai Tjlor aud B. Doughu iljer, Mary SuiiilrrM aud Jowpli Wboe- bick Jr., tbe fonuer Im-unilientA, having gone (o Wsahlagluii, D. c. to Oil a Siuiinit-r engageuienl. Hio one huudredili perfifuianrf will be givea Juno I.AUdwill funiiH^i o(\-H«litn for ihe dlttrlim- ilon of souvcntm, consistliip or p^irtrsUaor Wm. II. Crane and tbe meinltera nf bin roinpany, togelhnr wllh aniogrsphit. "I'Vr Fair Ylralnla," a romantic play, by lluu Wh>ui. Isanunuiu'eil for JuueS. ftrANOAHO TiiiATHi.- "Tim Miifh JobDsoQ" en* tennl upon Ha twenty-sovenih and last week May 3T. when the two htimlrodth iwrfonnsnce was duly ciOeiimtrti. An extra nuUueo wlU lie gtreo on I>ecomUooDay« KKmi'fl I.'KION BqoABi.—High claan vftudevlUe, which hsa l>ecome syoooyniouR with the nsme of this very popular amuaenent resort, flntbj able ex- ponents In the pcrforfflors tbU week, and lu proof or tho iiellof patron* bold that reluedeuterlalnment alwayn awalis them here It can lie recorded ttial the riealing space and standing room waartpeatedly ailed (o overflowing on Monday. Hay 2T; snd that tho performance wan nojoyed waa plainly evident from (he frequency and volame of toe applanse ac- cented (he various nunlben on the long and diver* Rined iilll. Kna Bertobll, more graceful and proficient, If poadhle, than when last seen at this house, relumed to ihe host of ad- iiilrera her alillliy has won for ber, and perfoniied a long Hue of dinicnlt aod Hcemtoglr Im- possible ream of coniorllon with a ncatDessof exe* ciillifn that won a great aiiionotor applause.and liy her work quickly enUliUshed ber'telf a ravorlte. Inez Hcciisker carried her novel performance Into lU second week wllh abundant snccen, and added to her long lino of admirers by her artistic er- forii*. Sho waa In good voica and received re- peated encores. Wood and Bheperd wer well up III (lie IIhI or favored oDes. and Al. tlrant wari vrry gooil la bbi monologue and mim- icry. lllncM and llemlnglon scored a hqcccbs wllh their clmnii-ter skelch.And Kulgora made hts debut Hi (hlH houHO wllb much canaefor eongrainlA- (loii. luirt Jonlan waa eiithaHlAailcally received, and proved blnueir a daucor of more than ordinary atitllty. (Jllmoro and Ijoonard were well liked, aod (bo remainder or the bill, which Included Laveodar and l^tmHon, (he Dunlin, Charley Itanks. CoIIIdh and Parley, ThOH. K. aiiTOrd, Murrar and Alden, John I'attin aod tlie Fromoola fonud full measure of appmval. WoKTirri Mdhki'M.— The atirmcilon In the theatre for thli week Is styled Haltalor'a Ualelr Biirlesi|U» Co., which Includes tho foHowliig people: Tlie Austins, Will, Gllmn,Thoma:t RohlnKnn, IaiIq Bheldon, Msa- trr Flficlier,8wanhoiitsiid AuKilo.CotllnHand liar, May De Forroal, Siisle Corbel and Lottie Tsylor. In the curio hall FIJI Jim and Annie sre added to last week's HhL Husia'A Paiuci MiJsntK.—The attendance her« was good May 27,a Turkish harem. In nartlal bloom, doiibileaa adding much tollio drawfag powers of the Nil provided. Tlie i^votal slomacb dancera oi'copy a part of Ihocnrlo ball; He and Ulm, a fat man and skeleton, In boxlns bouts; Pior. Mltcbell, who eats soap without drtoklug water; Prof. Franks, a broomniaker, and l*ror. and Urae. iJb Roy. mlQd readen, also flndlog place on tbe list of curious sights. The stage is In itotiesslon of Mabel Htanton, toe Itossley Urottien, Uoggln and Davhi, Tbeodntn, aod Alice Wren and Ulonle l>aly, who contribute au entertaining perfomisDce. Foi'RnENTii Sthett Tubathk.— Ihm 8nlly„ In "The Corner Grocery," entered uikhi bin second week Uay 2T. No date has as yet been aooounced for the termloallOD of bis engaaemeoL JANgr Achcbcu haa detennlaed ttiatabe will ap- pear at Hoyi'A Tlieairo, next week, under ber own managomeol. Instead or P. 0. Wlillney'a. Slie has eugased Thomas Namack to look after ber busloeas Iniereiie, In TUB Court of common Pleas, on May 29, Judge (Jlegerich handed down a decbdou denyloffthe sp pUcalkin of Bydoey lloseufcid for an InJuncUon re- Btralnlnii Thomas Csnarr and (;eorge Lederer from using the title, "Tbe Mlmto Worid," for the iitay tbey iDtaiid U> produce Junea, atfibe Caaloo. FBori.K*H TDBATRB.~A(coeri Hemdon t>egau a week's engagement here Mav 7T, la "La Belle Marie." MIbh Henidon, In the dual roleaof Jean Inglesldo and Marie Du Dole, gave Intelligent and graceful rendition to two obaractera, quite oppodie to each other. Tlie house was of good proportlona. Mlsa llenidon received the smroval of the audience throughout tbe evening. A beaatirul stand or flow- ers was presented to her at tbe end of tho second act of the play. Next week will be produced here, for tbe llrat tfme nn any alage, Hsl neld'a drama, entitled "Logan's Luck." MiKBR*8 KdiiiTU AVBKUS TuuTHR.—The Caslno Olris* Co., wlUi Skobel, the iirong man, to bead the programme, and Omene, tbe dancer, as a special atiracllon. began Uie week bere on liar 27, wllb a good sized audience In auendance. Ala engage- ment will close tbe present season of tbe house. Tbe liencfltof theattacberiof tkls bouse occoraMayai, afternoon aud evening. Harlem^Tbla week will aboot end the season liilhU|>ArtoriliBCllr. Tlis Onra HouM doMl JuDe 1 utd Iho rtiluutliim & Tti« UlyniPic clond Uar 24, tad will liiQiia) for HtniieriTartla'ibeneat, sad then doM Ulllll AOK. 15. IIaRLNM OfKHA IliirflX.—"Puild'oliSAd WltAOO," vllb Frank Mayo. oiHiiwl 77. to A Idg houM. tkiLiiHBua—Vonn** aod RIm appMreU as lolot ttan lu "My Audi Briilinl" at tlila hounoaT, Tor iho An< time Id r(«n,And win )>«pantfi al (he rtoi* (if Uili TMh'ien. ■•Itcineiil. Tlisy iiial wllh a vami nce|tUun and nhouM itii ■ am] VMk'R iHiiilaflAH. NextTMk, KAt« Cla\tuD ■od Nnit> JuAuacbtk lo "rh«T«o OrphADK." IUalkh HosKua.—Till MaiMi at ttala home ctoiad May ai. «IUi Alwiisnt to AttAchti. UaaAKW Eilwud <*. auibli liu li««n r»«nBa|.'«d lor nsxt iMua. nuklna bin NVtntli year hsra. lie will ilm atlenil tulhalmoAtniR nnil x*t)«ral builnsai tnannmoiwit uf Pruprlofor (Inn- ron'a Trtnioii kluaMin. I la and bli wife, JeuleOArll, will )io illroct ti> CDiiAiift Oiy. Marttu'ii Vlu«TafO, Hama., nnd Mtjny lli« ocmii lir*e0« at tlMlr pnUy Suuinttr lipms iluHng lbs healed t«no. NEW YORK STATE. Drooklyn^Tliere Is certainly a rare tbealrical LmU awmitlns tlio people of ibia clly HiIa wook. A oior* flitliiK dtiNoofn pnxllalile aoAMHt coold liatdlybavs beeo arniiitnl. llul ilis local Uieiirical inaoagon been ilvea afurKut Al rtgtnU Die r«iol weattt«r cootloalDg up to Ibo liino Mil fur donlpg Uiclr jceann th*y woahl prolAbly luvo niAile dlironoi RrraageineotM, w^iaclAlIy as th»r« \u no IndlrKiloD ol ilii paltllo lieeonihig tirod or pmioIda viTttoua to liATe tbo liODMA tloMd. The AiiAoilAnc* dur- InailiB pronnt nioDlli hsa Imq rartntiar ibADWAi ao- llclpito*!, or than llliAHbtenlD Any pfecodloi yoar AtUilJ tlnio. CuMiHiiu.->-3i(Aiianr Knuwlaa hu tot hU cloalnit At- traction lldi weak tao Lyceum ThMtra Cnmoaar, orNov VoTlr. Id ri>|>aru>ry. "An lU^al llanband,'' vnlch wai M«QIn ihUcliy Tor Ihe nm tlino, was the opoolng p«r- loniioca ntRbt ol U*j 97. iMfon a brga and fkalilonable nudUnco. It win b« repeatfil Tuealay and WadoudAy fVMilnint aod Ttiur>«lA>- a»l Haturday matlateA. Oo Tliumlay and Krlday ovriihifti "Porluna." Aootbar nor- rli>. «lll bo MOO. T1i«> bill for Batunlay eTMlOR (a "Tba WIYo." Blior.—The nnal Attraction bor« In tlua Haogalo bU nevplB)', "A Vriiulno YonUfinAti," whlrli wm aaw for Iho AnH titno In HnMbtya V, whan iba thaatre waa larkad. Tlio aittlUncf «aaa kindly oiw, and wan vory llbrrAl M Mil (|pt ntpbtuno. Tb« play nlTitr* many 0|>ronU' nlllaa fur Monlr dUid&y, nlilefi llie manAKaiuont Iia4 lakrnailvanlKicoor. Animiit ihaiii (tn vlou nfUiB Itarl^r uriLiiiiluiiniiluD. n liii iba lain of Wight Ih the ill«laDC«; n imliy |>klura *>( Srvr Vurk liarbiir, naar Liberty lUaiid, nml Mtvoral «ronv>(ln tlie(^inril'AUnatiinaiila(na,pJiAw. hiR Ihe minliiit riit)i|ti(,lhft Mnn))> mMlii and other Inttfr iwihiK lhlnk'». Tlirri' In m alr«>nK hire •nlfro<'t anil a inrirliMiiriiiinitinttiMaltOAtkHKi. Mr. lloAite loaJa a dockled hit »Ith tlif aiidlvnrv, and Ibo pIm:* hlda fAlr to do giH^I liit>liio<Mi Htr Iho nc<k. Mantgar Harry C. Kannotly gavo MalwiiPlli Ol liU»oi|)layo.< Ihe pruceoda of llio tiMDiiiit nltihrit |wrO>rniaiti'o. A* tba ItouM wa>« rmwdod, iiIa ot- tadioa iiinal liAve had a nniti wuni lo divhic. I'lAK.—Wll<na RimU wlH l« mmi liorw thlawaokln llim pUya. Ttiay nr« "Tti* HlRn of Ihv Omva," which «lll Ik< M^n for ibfi Ural linir tn HnHtklfo; "Tba Manx- man" and "Thi« flilvnr Klne." A Ur%9 audlonc* waa |trr«4>iit i)l|hl of V, wlioi) Nr. Harrrll tifinn h[a oitgmar- nttnl III "Tlirt aimi nl the iTtuHV TTio rccoptloo accordni hlai waa rrrtalnly vi>ry Oallerlng. and inuat have cos- vlacwl hlni Ihal holmaa wami MKrt In ibe h(«art4 or tli« Hnmkbn IhiMiint Ro^rp. Thl« |>le«(* vlU bo rapeatad on WfilnoAlay. KriiUy kIhI Hatanlftr (tfonlocaand Halunlay niilhtfo. "Tlio Uan\niRii' will ba iilven Tdoatlnr "id TlturNlay ovpnltiifaaml W«dnf«b(T nulliip*. t)n tbuiv- dAyittoromlliin l>ay) uihIIbom the lilll wlllbe *11ik BlUor KIdh." Al Die cltt>« iif liln preaout aoitaiiMiieQt Mr. Itar- r«(t will Mil ftir KnibiBd, Inil will niuniln Uie l-'kll for a iniir, «tdrti will inrludo an •nsAROiiioiit at tlw new Mon- iKuk Tlioatrt. Tlil* li(ni*« b npUlh ovarliiv comrieilon ami will tM roady let open IUilot>r«(n Mia fuldlo oo Rei>L 2n*iti,whfn W. ll.Cnut, la 'illaWlfo'D Vlithor,"w|ilW UiB atirariUtn. .(IKANO nricHi lliit-Mt.—Tbe ctoilni altracllon of llie ■oaaou liare lii"A .N'l«lit nithe Clrcua," vltb Nally Hr- ■ ((•nrr In the Iwklinir nde. Hiaa Uclloan-laa arsAt far- iirllein HnHiklyD.and iaelaA]raRureurali«Bn>' w«lconio wh»n«ver aha n>ino4 to itit^ <>lty. llvr cotuMuy hoMa th« iKwnU bora Ihia week, and «a the openina nlsbl'a |tvrfumiancei.f7, all the In IhU tiiackiuahouao ware octiiploti l»na liofura the curtain wast ap. A nionalor tfallntonlal b«ni>rtt will t»e lartdocvd lo Hanajcar Wallace Ncthitch«iMiatllil4hiMi«eni nl|lilnrJuoaS. Tliooniar- talomant pronila«i to l>t rtplele wlUi ailnetlro foaluraa. Mr. Mc<'atclio*in ratlrc* froiii lha nianafauient or tbU houao witb the praaeni n«%tn. lll'SAH A (iKNilAHDT'e t.\i«iNO.—MaoAgartUrbaMt pre- a*oUAnalirac(lv«eihl caralully arraoiced blU UiUwoak. Tlw CUniii Platan «*n Ibe Diasaet ilitt drew a Urye audlonrrthoraon tli« oi*wlog olfht.!?, bnl lliora «ar« ullwr doTar |<errtinn«r« on tbo |»raKtauiiaa, who did aonio rfallyjtmtd aptclilll««. Tbe pou|<to are: tlia daSIn Bla- toT«, Jainaa MoTioD aod Mand llaTalle, Mlaala Clb*. a alMrrul iha famiHia gaa|la; Hlnala Bcbult, LUue Hall, Ttmi Bnten aod Klhera. faivi-inT l>aiMj.—Tlili ttummar reaori, which re- ranlli- tipanad lu doom lo llia iniMic, la Moated aaar !1ie Wllllnkaoirmnce - * --—— --■ popular wllh ihe Uialrarirminoa ' eirk. Manaaari , 111 for Ihe currant week, a re hi l>roap*ct I'ark, anil la fkat becoinlna >e niADy tlieuaanda of meple who ai^nd a Anil avanlaga at Brookljn'a irreal public firk. Manaaar 0. II. Munay haa arranrnl » aicellont in for the currant week, and, Boiwhbitaodlai the In- cUiiiaatwfAihar.A rncd crowd aluvMad tba npenlns nlithra petn>nnaaee,T7. Tha peoplaon IbeprDBimniuia are Tony MarVtka Kllllnhecba. Lollla Londal*. B««ale Abmiita And W. 11. llalL An antlte new bill nail week. AM«ROiiRrjiaK.-"IUekAinarkm,"Naiaasl«baTr*"oew Attinmeratlraclioa. o|>tBtd Ita Maonwllb two tertorm- anreabara. MayS. TliaaUendAiHewaA)ara*,boU) lotbe AnanuoB and sviolai, aad the aadlano* very •olhvsla*- Uc Tha prommDia. wai a loaf oo«, aad bafaa wItb aeoDcart hy tlin.Balilinori <e«loPid)Bi»Aa BADd.aad waa roikwed by Jubilee aloiilns:. a wnRMy.oflaih liTalry. oSored iKiiara. AniM*n drll and marrji: Wood Brmheri^ TaaUera; Jamea Wllaon. iunUr; OlhsUlna, aenhata, colored Joekay*. (ou imcea, MadAue FViwar ; F. Denion. wire JUR^Iar: C Jnfcn**. '.jj; (liriallAD. fancy abalor; t)aailrllb«,«n twraetaick. (laonn Wllaon. huek ami «lnsd»ncInir.lil»toric»lplclur»a.*lc. Tlia antartaintnent la a Rood one. and la well wortJi loing '"l(5'i:«liKirrnitai»'BiMAMEAicAS Jiso JjiriwariRroa opeaad ihalr ninth KeaMn.oodar (ha tinprlaiorafaip of Kiaak B. HryAO aod Oil Moalton. wltli Frad Irwin, man- Alter, at Brooklyn. S. V, May B). to a parkad biof. and owtpr to lha lilK boalncat tfiey baTa dono thay hsTS da- chlatTlo rantaJn Aootiier weak. Tlie followipa woll hoewo porfvnnaraArw wilbthaalior: Vanan and EilwAnIa, By- Intuvpeu: RoMnaVenua. pclaelpalrWar and wire act; Pamuni and W'elcDine. In ptranhl act; fl**'""™'?*'^ aenbatic brother act: :u>lo Buii«ni. trapailata; Mile, win- nla.conlnnInDlat; Tackewaaaa iraipe of tan Japa. who ilnfonrdlailoctacu: Fred Weteoma, Id head balAnclna; Clara Boatlca. laeih llftlni: CorsA Broihara, bnroionial \mn; John Wood, frank Bryan, Dare Pall and (Um Aua- tlo, elowna. and John Whiia'a boma pooey. Bonkar and doB clrcua. lo Uia roneert are: MAddao and ronly. RrTAO Ana Moulloa, John Worbl, Anola pAnfum and Mortia aod Plrnn. BxacoilTa atAlT: BryAnlAod Houllon proprlatnm; Krad Irwin, nunao^r: Jne BAma*. |.'*oeral anot: Feie CUrtr,Ac«nl; A. irMorrlr. awilaunt aaent; John World and Ika Rnae, aanouocam, and tha prlvlleftAS anonlnillftl hy Ika ntiae. AifHloy.—Ttila week !■ alrnn up In an elalMiraia pro- duction of "Pauat." lo whlcb.lMaph (Tallaiian eany* the lltia role. Tlionpaninvtraitoa falraltMl hoow. Fair hiialneaa laat wnb, Fanny tHvenport will praaeni "Gia- tnonda" weak of June \. Rmi'IHK.— Wllh ibaeoiraaMiientor 'TheConoty Fair." whlrb ofianed V, Hi* Ma«on at UiIn hooae will eloa«. A fklrly a(Mid alwl aadlenca vna pteaantoa Uioopanlnic nitlir. Ilualnesi laat weak «aa «aUafaeiory. Cmgt'K.—Hhado* Maber'a Athletir AodBpeclAltyCom- Koy Are htrA ihia week. Tkeopfnlnahouii«77wa"Knod. iapf«iple: Mr. and Mm. flatter, Annie U Clair, Klaaall aod Hutua, lllcbnnl C. Brovn. and Alien and I>elinaln«. At lha roarltialnn of the rerfanaAnee Shadow Haber tMxaawlUiHilly Varaon. BoilnoaMmollnneaakllarkclorr. KnTica.-Joaepli J. niil, die popular treaanrar of tho Bijon TItaalrA. haa comidaled hia arranaamaou vltli Jamea PaIq A Dona lo manaRoon* of their apecucuUr produrtlnoa In ttia pyrotechnic way, and will bealo hia duUea when tha BlJon Tlieaira rioat*. Mr. IIIU wlU proh- ably open the Manhaiian Baadi aihlbltlon. where It la pTopoaad to give a falthnii piclara In dre and goraemia drats oraeeoesebanictarlailr of tbe war botwaen China and Japan )l. C. K*nn«1y. R. M. Oulick A fft- man- aiiani of the Bliou In tlila dty. lb* Ifallnnal at Pblladal- Khta.and the hljou at Pliuhunr.bare Jnat houirtit the olutDbiA at BoaloD. and elll add it lu their elrcnlt Bualnoaa Hanaier QroTer and Adrertlalair Avvnt Shaw, of the Park Theatre, will bava Ihelr annual boBeflt at thathouaeon niphtof June4. anil, aji"Oar Flat" «lll be the play, thay are nietty sure of haTlnK a cmwdMl honae. WIUlAin T. fltorer. manAser of the PArit TboAtre, will become aentral traiBe manaaer' of the Koleker- bocher Staamlnat Company for lb* Bamner aa annn aa tha seaaon at the I'arb eloM« The PreuCluiiheneflt at the l*i(rk. A, waa a moat deckled auccea*. Tlie houaa vaa wall Blled andanaat llitleniBwurrallzad. Balllalo^Atlhe Academy of Manic "The Human lUce" eama May tJ. for one week. Ada Reban JaneS-d, "TTie FaaalnicSliow" 7,8. John II. Meecfa'a lieneflt was a (raat aucceaa. BTAHTnuTBK.—Tha opera of tlteWlhiurCo. fortheir aacond week la "Fra DlavoVi." Boalneaa bat been fair. Jimc HiLi..—AMin'a Band LVCRVH TllUTSK —"CooD llollov" In this waek'a aliow. Tha aaaaoo enda neit week wllb the MatMl Baton Co. "Oalley Slave" had aaubatantJal dau. Oouirr BiHKKT Tiiritak.— Tbia veek'a Hat la beaded by Prof. Rhan'a lUInt oWorK the Colian Family and AHen May. Natl weok "Tlie Wlilie Crook" rotnm*. RHAA'H Ml'tfic IUtl..~John Kamll. John CarrolL Ttien. McCale and hanlala. Joa.Walbrmk. Frank B. MrNlab, Carrie Hawk. UtUie 17eai, Symoiid* and Annie FowJar. Ml'SRUH.—Andrew J. fleymour. B. D. Uarvla, Nataonia, Ke«nAn'aedncalr<iilo|pi.)(lle Tosmour. Billy Jolinaoo. Martin and IHr. DoarM* UArlniialtea. Japanoae VlllaBa, Bauihlorn* I'uncb and Jncly, and Myalik and DulTaud. NoTten.—nelhBna.'CircDa had lo turn pe'Mtieaway.and tliair Oral vialt Eaat la a cnM winner wm. Breonao, manaicer Muale Hall, mIU fur Euiope next week. AlbaDF*~Tlie F^Utid Opera lloose opened the waekMAySwIihThaStioUen^ In "Mother in-Law." and "Ba^iberry Shrub Sac." lu a nuall audience. On 31 Rbea appealed In "Ihe PirltlAaA" to very aood buaiaeM. Oa 23 aod for tlia remainder of week Co. A. Albany Zonare Csdeia, preaanl«d,aa their aecond ananat tlia- aincal eatartAlnnani; a comic oneta enililad '*nie Rae- caoeen," by Win R. CArllta and Frederiok W. Mills, irlih much aureeaa. Tbe bona* waa enwdod to tbe doora aacb niBht. Comlna 77 and naV. Dan McCarthy, In "Tba Pride of Maro" and "TbeRnbbean Lawn." Biaauitm Rlkkckvh Hall luil on a Prof. Irm. In a camam oiiilbltlon. under tbe auaplow of the AlbeDy Camera Club. On 24 aad S Prof, nnvea aara b(a noDnal "Klnnli*A and Chlldran'a Camlra)," to bin aiieodaace. Comloir: 29, 30, Delia Fox Opera Co., (o *1be Little Tmoper." BurriLO Bill's Wild Wnrr came SO, 21, to big bualassA. Blnghmmtoit.*At Stone Upeia •House Hand llllimaD. Id npertory, bad good buaioeaa Kay flVA BiJooTiiBATaa—noUiIar li aooounced fortbla weak. The Kabl Rndley VandeHlla and Uvlni BrootaBtatuai nuneSS-lA.tOKOodratotna. IbeSaadomAHockavBlock On. iMplnaaRommarenitaBeneot at this liouse27, open- low In "The Oalley Blare." Nora.—W. J. Rannedy and B. J. Lander, two oiembera or the Maud Hlilnian I}Ttniallo Co., vara wayla'd and robbed while on tbe way to Uteir botal. In Blnttbamtoii, 00 the nlRht or2L Tba tblerea aacared two watdiea and aamAllarooBi)t ormoney. John arlitln and Frank VaIoih vera amatad and have been (Oily IdentUed by tbe aeton aa the noa whorobhed ibeni. Brnense^At WleUng Opera House AqbusUo Daly's Co. drew well May ti, 9. DelU Foi. in "Tho Liuie Trooper." playndaietondAte talarnbualDeSAtL "Tbe Old Uomeateltl," lo Kood bualneia, 14,28, Boston FeatlTal Orchaotra okuea iba recular aaaaon 27. Analaura will produce "The Coaredaraie Rpy" S and 29. The nnlverslly aiadeDta will leneat the Lallo ptar. "THmummaa, «r Three Pleceiorifoney"ak OiKtteVsBaodCoDcartSl. BAKTAbLB TiiRATsa.—The RtioIleTS ware aeen btat weak lo "Moiher In Iaw," fur Ihe bentflt ofSi.Joaeph Doipltal, by a him audience. Currant week dark. II. R. JACOSri' TiiiAvaa—Saaaoa cloeed. AHic.f A.—Sells Broa'. ClrcaA29. Troy.—AttbeGitsTOldOpeia llotue Ualleaand llAncame2r-39, in"L4tarOn." Delia Foi, In **T1ia Lit- tle Trooper." comeaSD. Tlia hnuae waa dark laai week. Rand's OrsHAHotwB.—The BiTOllerA had a Boodhoafo SI. Noihlnjt la booked (cr thla «eak. :CAii:t A WAvm'sTiiuTaB Royal, under caaras, opea- ed the waaon Lu4 week lo ROod bnaloeu. Norrla Broa.* Equine and CaQlnaCamlvAl came27 fbr a week. Newbarc—At Uie Academy of Unalo Delia Fox cornea Mar St, In *Tha UUts Trooper." oihervlae tke houae wiiliia dark all tJila week, aa It was Uat. Tha ragn- lar aeaaou cloaM here with her aDRajramont Court- aey A Walch'a Wyomlns WlU Wetl aod Frontier Kiblbl- lion la billed for June 9 It la said. And oo food Authority, loo, ibat A. lanlienlialmer. who a Tew yean AaomAOAirrd tbeTbaattaComlqoeand tha Caaloo. In thia olty. la tmnrto neiiolbte a baaa of lite Dibble Opera Houae, at MatlaawaD, K. Y., lo view of MonInK It next aeawnaa a low priced variety houae. Ir anceeaafULhe will undoubiMlly moat with liberal pAlnwABO fromthla aide or the river. Vtlr«.*Al tho Vtlca Opera lloose Angustla DAly'a "A MitblOir'Urawa bit houaa Tor Uieattaohea* twnortl. May 0); '*Chlinoa or KoniiaadT," local. 21, 22, ralietl to draw biff houMa. Tbe Lyceum School Co. Hoaeu Ilia wrak, 2S. lu a aiaaU but appreciative aitdlence. Dated: DelU Fox 0|>era Co. 17, "Tbe New Buy," SO. I LLINOIS. Chlcago^Tbero Is nothing neir lo town ttila week. Down town then era (be aaiua aitfaMlona that were oirered taM week, and at Ibe ouUylnB bousea thera laacoDteailbrpatroDAfe between the Tanerable "Usial Klrke"and tha alill moie antltiae play, **T1ie Two Or* phana" Out near whore the World's Fair waa held Uiere are two enierprlaea which ItaTe opened Tor the Summer aiiiuaemoni aeaaos. Oae Is Bojton'A "Shoot Ibe Cliutea,*' and iheoibir laaCaliromla mlninn canip, condocted aa It waa at the Uldelnler Fair In Ran Fnnclace. Thlaat- tractioD baa Raitiared a aood Taudarille coninaoyaod aoine clever (lenple vbn do a variety or Ada Uiat ai« a aort ol coiiiprvnilae (MiTean a WlU Weataiiow and a l«r- ilar drama. TbeHehlller la dark, awaitlna prapaiatlooi fur "LKUe RdblnaonCnnoe." vhlch opeaaJaDeS. Two linuaea will clott with tbia week—tlieColumbiauotll Juoe a. and the llayuiArket anlil HepL 1. llotiLaVs THkATHR —Na*neruua cbanjtea for Ihe beder have been aiade In "Tbe Birth of Venua'* Jallen Mlt- rbed, ftliobaa (Mteo connected wltbmoaloriloyl'a pro- duoilooa, haa been eimaned aa itaira biaoajier, and onder Ilia direction ihadlaloiueaiMl tiualneea have Iwib been Ktade iieiiar. For the «eak ot M. Uia laai of tlie eniraie- nient. LuU VharrI liaa (H>ao eoiated. "The Oately UbI" •ipaiiaJunasrurabrlet eonnnieoL Tlila la AomMlii ifaly'a aec<>ad cuinpany. "Trilhy" rotiiea June SB. riiii'Aoo iirKaA llurna.—"AladdlDJr."aiartaoir veil ami niia the liouae each niRhL Local 'cyclan are Tar* en- thualaitlr over the Wlhniit Duo. Tbe Trilby iiaadrina la line or the ntoat pupalar Teatuna uf the ptrfonnaace. Nell>- Lynch, who ItaiianoDAtea the heroine of Da Maurler** novel, la a dilcaao alrl aod aaraat local fk- vuriie. "Baby" Rnituo. itroan Into a veiy attracdve yiiuns lady, la making A aucoaaa of liar Act, la which Abe IniMraooateiaeTanl veil kouvn acireaaaa. Oou'MHiA TiitATaa — Faany Davenport, In "Ola- Mtonda." la havlaa a rery aucceaaTOI eosaiteuientaorar aa tlie iwk olhce reiorea altow, Rlie la, bowerer, playbiR under aumadlincoliy.aaabe la gotulodlipoaid aad only able lu play at all l>ya mat aiTort. llerennBtneot whlcloaeSI. Manajcer Davla baa raleaaftlherrromtbe leu pefiurmaacee uu Saturday, ao that aha may hate a dayurtwolneblcb to real herore opealoB la Brooklyo. Hie QiloBibla will reuain clooed for tdiee weeks follow loathe end af Ulan Davenport'a anaaaaineat,epeoloa a«ain JuDanwithCaiianiLederer'A^Mbnle WorU.*^ (or Aloniirao. nsA!(D Oi^aa Hons.—ThUU the aerenth week of "A BlACk Rhe«p,"wlth neCaUlBsotf In the Intareet abovn by patrooa of the lioaaa. Nr. Itojt la heni. aad raaile one of hia charartorMio ap eechea beftire tbe eortala Monday nlRbt, In whidi be cave tbe eonpaav credit for the aucceas of the piece. Mlaale Renwood'a Tillby daocewiuiteroatlnn^l fbraBotherw*ek,balChe letter rlaaa of tlie tirmnd'apatreBawoohl hare beta aatlABed U It b«l been wlibdnwa after ibe Ont alsbL MoViCKBa*s TSBATaB.-*^ie roilon Klna" la ruDnlaK alooK nicely on Ita eocaxentat of ladertnlu leoBth, drawlatrralrAlad andleooeaand pleaains llial eleueat In the IhealivitDloc public who hke meradnnia. The productloD la In the baoda ofa Rood company. IlATMAaHsrTKaiTaa—"JAoe" cloaad AaaccoAB(^l en- Ranmeni a and "A rounlrr Hporl" opened with a niatlnealS. Fe'erDalleyand May Irwin lead Ihe com- i«nr. TiilH la tbe laat waakof the llaynarket aeason, aod ihalioa»ewlilbacloaedanillaUoulHept.l. Li.<iouU( TiiaATiM.—*Tlia SmnRslera' cloaod 21 aad were luilowed by sme Elbler. who wlU appyar In ''A Woman'a Power.'^ "Dorla" aad "flazel Klrke'^ dnrlDflhe week. Miaa Rilatar oiiencd her enBssamant with "A Woman'a Power," Id whkit ahe made a plaasaot lmi>rea- alon aaLoJy AllcU. . . Masoxio Hoor nAaniy.-Hanacer Fair feela much elated over the patronafe nlvm lo tba rouf Kaideo for Ihe drat week. ThamcceMof Uiiaplaceiaralrly wall aa. aured, alihouHb It la liaBdIcapped )iy an lnade4oau> aujte. Tlie bill ot laat veek baa beeo retnloed, aod M. Alnlarror. will 1« an additional ittrartloii. Laier lo tho month Mba OAnlhony wiM npp«ar In monolnno- HofSLiM'TiiiATAa—John Kiraellelll he UieleAilint: auracKon Ih la veek. Otliern on iheblilare Flbtoe and Brrol, Bemanl Dyllyn. Linaand Tan I. Kop( and Pratida, Anna raidwtill, Moore and Archer, (da three Varale^ flarelii and Bnwem. Mmle rollliia. Tbe aiock company will preaent "Van. the Vlntlnlan," by BArileyt^ipboll. Tlie aiundanca at tha llopalnA !■ aoominna. FaA.YK llAl.L'H Camino.— For Ihia weak Mr. Hall baa an Kaved the Walarbory Bma., Vai»«iua«, lloiilla, WiliiaoiM and Orleluo, tho Tran-lkni, Klla Carlliiimn. f:nniKini aiHl VouDir.Ui« BIHaeA, Kiank Relo.llMiiaiid Jt>«a Betel, and Rtevartaod ntliKm. Mr. llaK, whoba- lieen (akliijca itlHirtvAcatlon, In At liooe »ais. ACAUAHV OF Mrxic.—"the HmuaRlen" moved urer frtm the Mncolo and iifuneil Al the Academy wllh a iiiai- Inae Sunday. It elll done .loae 2, niaklnit way lur Katn Clailon, In "The Two iiriihana." Tbe Aenilaiiiy aeaMtn will cbMe die laat week In JnD». In "The rtinnitwirn ' HMcUitiea will t>a Intrmlueed by (lua W<ioir<ird,JanrH O'l^earyand RaaiaK Hnlniea. AI.HAMIIHA TiiMTKa—Kate Claxtnn opeoeti %. for a weeR'aeogainmaai, lD"The TWn Orpliaua." "The L<h[ Paradiae" did mnderati buainaia, clatlni(2S. Sam T.Jack's Otbka Boons.—"Adam and Eve Up tn Date" will be prepented tlila week, wlih Rniltli and Caoi|> tiell, Ilunn and Bohea. Diana, ihe cliainuleon dancer: Bnille PeoM, Dolurea Blatant Annie Aabley. Pearl Alex- ander. Eva Walun* and Will n. Hakorlnthe r»i>v OLTaMC Thkathi.— Tonr Paaior did blR huilnenai tha Olympic, ckwinir tt. For tiili week tho progranimo will be rurntdHwl by Rnwn and Haniioo. Carrie Hcoii, the Salamboa, KItUe Mitchell, Rrrsnt end lUclimond. Oeonte DatIa. the SaTaaa Alice llAnaon, Kmart abd Wil- llama, three ManteacajL TImt* will be a new departure ni tlie Olympla next wtak, wbin a l)aria«|Ueon 'Trilby" wlU he put on Qoder dImcUnn of Ifarry Moniague. Park THKAraa-J.H'. Kelly has been raeosaittd for tbia week and la fully as popular aa ever. Oihononthe bill an Bailey DawAoo, Mar Dawaoo, Frank Clayton, Frank Reed. Mabel Sbaoo, BerUe Relsh, Blm U'lliraiiia, Joe Adami and other*. Trilby (lOAdrlllfA ha%-e struck the Park, and are lotroduced In the llDnle. KOHLAHinDLVTO?! SCUUK6TABErMD<tOH —FeAtarf.4 for tlie week inchido a akewalk,a trouiworTiirkaand Araba In native dAneea, ami hronxo riAtuary. Olosb Mtnncpi.—FkiRSie 1a BbUKhi^ Alda Ruaaell, Julea Oarrand his performlaic lieaiawlll appearai tho Qlobe Huaaum In addldon toihe Oriental daneanL Whiti'8 LO.TIKM DISK MuSBUa —Tbti roAort re<ipeneit, after a period of darhneaA, much improved by ilie cxten Alve npalm. Uaeb of the Interior HdlnffM are nenr, an-l llie weeVaatiendanre haa Ihwo Bond. Tliecurlo hall and ataae »hoa are atiracdve and woriliy ofpatopaae. NoTD.—TlwniAa y Saaiifvoke ApenttvuilayAheralAJit week on hia way to\aw York, where be will at>r>cirat thet'^bloekbeoBat Barrett Kaatman haa left the poaltlon of dramatic cntlc of The Joumat to accept n aim liar position on TlitTrthum loiile Hnoie haa left "A BlAckSliaap"Co..and her place iaaccepuhli* niicii hy Ilattle Wella Mr. Ilanibureer nod Mr. Love hniuRlit Ihe other mcmban of il>elr '49 iiiIoImk camp up lowo laatTueAday niRlit, and antarialned tlio Bohemia Club. Rabaanalitnre teloK held dallr Id lueparntlon for the producclna m "Little Roblnaon Cniaoe" at tbe flrltli- ier, June< Krank Perley paaaod UirouRb hero Tbun- day nil Ilia way to Ne* Vurk, when Mm. rerloy la vor>- III. It la aaid that Mr. Parley will add llie BoaloninnH M hlalhaofatrooBattncilona for next yoar U'liiiniti DeVanbaaanaw ItuRhinfi Hoiir In "A libirk fllieop" lhatlartillya>tKoudu Ilia *'Coiiv^vlal Man." VoMa Tliiay. whii la mwo to appear at ilie ClilcaBo Opera llnupio. Is recelvlaaa large aioouat of advance presit work. TEXAS. Oalweatan.— AIIIboIIo'sMbicoI Thealre.Orucc Kada. Llllle Le Clabe. Luhi Howard, Will II. Rtanler, Eva Tbomaa, f^o MCCoUouitb, Fnmkle Whllcomb. RIcanlo. Harry HoIdmh, Lenny Oreen and Lulu Loyal. B. D. BIcardo noa aasanied tbo buNlnvaa uinDnitenioct of tlila bouaa. TliapAViLio.vTiiaATairoMi'A.w.wlilcliliax be«ii per formlDB under canvai at Uie Beach Lavo for Uie |<aAi iwu waeka, came to an Abrupt end Uay 10. caoaed bv tho aoicMe of tbe proprietor, O. T. Haoon. He left a ledar addreaaed to hia wife, who Urea In lfoueioii,Texaa, aiqiIro- Ins bnaloeAitrDubletas ilieeauie. Bewasameiiii^rui the llooJton Lodge. So. »1, B. 1*. O. E. DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. Fain Vox Bt'pra, the well known compoaer.dlcd Ma>' 21atfalsboiite nearTienna,AuAtrlA. Tbe deoeaaetl was born April U, ItOO, InBpalato, a vilhEo lo lUlmaHa. Ilia baptismal name waa Franceaco Ezehlcle BnneotKlblo CavAlllen Snppe DesMllI, IhiI be flBAlly dropped all of his oameeicepl that bywhich be became world renowed. Attbeafe of eleven yean he leaned to play tbe ilutc, and two yean later be waa (kmlllar wldi hanoony. At tir- teen be iiroducad a nam At (he Franciacan Chnrdi In 7atk. Ills (ktbtraent him to the Unlvenltyof Padukbutaliortiy aftarwaidahlB lAtlierdled, Aod the wMow with har aoii movAd to Vlanaa. Uare he for a abort time taught Italian and than took vp tbe study of muale under Bey fried and obtained the ooaiUoo of conduolor of Uie ordteaira at the JoaepbatAdi Tbeatit. BubseaueBlly he became con- nected with oibar pbv houAea In VleoBa, aod dnally madeapemaoeoteoKaffemeQtatlhe LeopoklaiAdiTlte- atn. He ued to paten And aihl to theAooias a( operas produced. And matarially Improved many of tliem. In 1M4 he IwBAB coDPOilngand produced muale (ouoded on "A Midaonmar NiRbla Dream," and aooo folhiwed tbia wlUi "Der Kramer nnd Rein Commla." In MiT he produced "TbeCuuDtry OlrL" and ten yean later "Para- mpli 7* extended bis fame into Oennany, and (Von IhAt iloia a tieady atrlng of pleeea Qowed from bla pen. Ills worka wencoaiputad by Vr'unbacfa to iiave reaebed tho ranarkAMe number of ooe hundred aad alxly-flvefarcen. conedlettaa aod vaudsrIUaa, two grand operaA, a mAAA and a nqulem. The two comic oparmawhicn brought him moatChme were"Fatlnltza" ana "Boccaccio," the latter having mede aiouroT the world. Hia orertnre to "Ditcher uDdBaQer.''anaog«d forOi(y-oinedl(l<anotcombloatlooa of iDStmmantA. alBD won blm much popularity. Among other of hia be«t mdactlooa an "LIglit Cavalry" and '*Tbe BeaulHbl Oaktaa." "PaUolta" and "Boccaccio" bnragbthin afortmie. And be retired to a splendid aa- tate In tba nelsbborbood ofVleana. Tbe overtnre to "Peel and Peannt" waa one of bla moat popular workx. aadluhitmo pUyed In abnost every tlieat re In Europe aad America. He was alao tlia author of many soora that wen loenrMtated la bla onnaand have becomeexceed- loRly popular on tMth aides of the Attantle. OougrADOLru WiLUAH vo.** KiaiLVN,one of the found- en o( Ihe Kden Mniae, died May 21 In Paris, Fr. Hie de- oaASed, who waa Ohy-nva jaan of age, was a director and oaeof the larfeatauKkboiden of tlie Eden Muaee. flov- oral yaanago Parii was Rreatly ahocked by tlie allegwl implication of the Counteaa von Kaaaler In the ab^inc- lion of falaable papen (ton theoillee of Oenenl Boul- anger when he waa MInlater of War. Tlte accnaaUoiiit wan printed In aivenl Parlalan Joumal^ and tlircai- eoed a great M>clal and dlplouiatlc acaodAl. Couni Keaaler waa In ibln city at the time aad liaaieni'd to (he defbuo of hia wife. Ampl* relractlona ware made, and the animua o( the entire procaed- inga wan aubaequHitly tnced to Ihe wife ot a famotia painter. SliorUr artarwarda "Tbe Blue Odlcer" waN |iro. dured At the Hadlaon B4]aan (oow lIoyl'Aj TlieAln, lu thlacltr. ItdealtwiUi Uie inobieHof a woman fahvlr accuaea of takiog atate papen« bot floally eiooenteif. The pndaeilon oi that play waa nld to have been due lo Count KenleT*a Ineueofa, and waa meant as a publlo vlo. dIcailoD of bla wife. Ue waa a iMeoiber of several of^o laailing daba hen and la Parla. Ilia wife and aeveral chlMreo aarvlva blm. RocTOBAHao, a nualelao empkiyed In one of ibe aide ■bowa aitachad to Bamum A Ba1lay'aClroaa,died Hay 21, at tbe lloiaoropaihic Hoapltal, Pltubura. Pa. Tbe de- ceased, who was tbont tventy-llve yean of age, waa a native of Italy, botiiad Urad In Ihia country aboot seven year*. Maa Osoaoa T. TimtM. wanlnbe womAn of "The Tventleih CeaturT Qlrr* Co.. died MAy 21, at her home In arvenpolnt, L. I., It. Y. The oaom of lier doAlh Ia l>a- lleved to have been conctualon of Uis bralo, the result of A blow given by her buatiand. 0. T. MAtwr.tnaaager.commlKed aolclde May IS. si aAtveatoa,Tex. Mr. Maooa waa proprietor of the Pa vlUoo TheainOo..abowla|inodercanvaa at that place. Ilalefi a letter to hia wife la which be asilgned traalneaatruablea aaihecauae fortbeacL Uewaaa oember of llouaton, Tex.. Lodge, B. P.O. Elka Jam» B. BaowjriHq, auge carpeour, d led Mayau^at Trey, H. T., rrom paialyala. The daeeaaed waa bom In mi, at Iialthnora, Md.. aad enured the bua*ne««ai Ihe age of twant>'-one. Ia USD be waa maatar carpenter at tha llollMay Bireet Tbeatra, Balllmore, then under Ihe manatement of John T. Poid. During the r l8B-9lie west to Ibe Front Bireet Tbaatn, same Id lasi-A be waa connected wllh tba opera houaa at Nor- folk. Va. tn iaB7 he Jnloe<l the forcea of tbe drlswoU Open Uoaae, Troy, N.r., where he remaloed forflfteen yean. Of late yean Mr.BrewaUig liad tmea la ralln- «l«low aod two oooa and A dAogbier by bU dm wife. llAsaT HuaD, talaatrel, dief May ia, In tlie City Ilea* pltaL riodoAalL 0. jitflg J. Ltxcu taibaoo). tenor •Inger and numager, dktl May M, at bU honia la Jaraey Clly, K. J. Tlie da- eeaaed, who waa tblny-fouT yean of age, made bl| flrti wpearmoca wlUi Ulbaon A ftyaa'a "Irlah Arlatocraa" nin and laiar via ceoaecletl with Mclnlyro A lleAth'a KlnatnlA. Detheo Joined hU biviber, llarrT n.OllM>o, I the fkree oomady, "Little Lord McLoror." For the laat two yean lu waa maaaaer of Uie"J.i. 0." Mnslo Uall la Janer Olty. BidibtC. nuBCiLawell known actor, died MAy2S,Al the booie of bla ilster, la ibU elty, tnai c^maumpiliia. Tbe decaaoed. wb* waa bom Oct 4. USk waa a aaUreoC Landipeft, Eag., and cane lo thia country with bl| pareala at the age of lineee. Ilia pannia, aoon aner' waKi, secured aaengaaemeat ai Baraom'a Mu*eaa. aad later eppfand at the Old Broadway and Burton'a Tbea* tree. TbedaceaaHl made bladabot tn IfQl, and aoon be- came filfetUed vlih tbe pUy. "Marked f^r Life," In which be tiaveW aH over the eouoUy with great aue> cea^ Ueleavaaaaon. Tha faaeral took plara Way 27, under Iba aaaplcaa nf iha Adora' Faod. The pell bearere wan Deomaa 1kon|eoa. John T. EeUy.Cbarlea rofl«| Qeorge Vaddoi