New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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200 THE JNJUW yoke: CLIPPEIR. June ]. THE N EW YORK CL IPPER THE FRANK QUEEN fUBLISMINO CO. (Limited), rROVRIETOIO. GEO. W. X£IIi, Hakioib. HATDBDAY, JDNE 1, ISSS. RATES. ADVBBTIHEKBINTa TWMtj emu |)«r Ho*, mgtu tjp« niMara; tf*o» 01 oot loch (tio aicJk iMotlm. A iltdoctlaD o(S pn «nu li Allow«d oa idTtrtlMiMou vbto for Uim noalJii In «dfu<«. tad on adtonliMiioou nMiartof lOD Haw ormofm. BDBBOBIFrriOir. On* 7W, Id idTuico, $*; ili mnUii, tt; tiino nootbi, •1. ro»i|0 po«u«a tilrm. BlDHto copTM, lOoootitacb. OUB TKMIg ARE CUII. THE CUPFER la lauod ttair Wadaudif noniloi. no IDh. Ulb UK) lllh (•ilTotllilDi) poiM OO TO fREM Oil MOMDAY, ud Uio liU, 1MB ul olbor |«cm oo TUESDAT, Th« Forma Clodng Promptly kt 4 P. M. plouo ramlt br oipna moDor oidor. cbKli, P. 0. Or* d*r or roflaforwl lolur and ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS Pm- the Bdllorial or lb* DulBOi* DepailmoBl to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, r. O. Boi ILS30, or CLirPEB BUILDIKO. Dud n Coain Stnot, Now York, la Eolliiid—Tul CupfiM can Im obulnad, vholaasJo iod roUll, or our agaou, Haillli, AliuUa * Co., S Naw. caaUa Buaol, Rtranif, Loodoo, wbaro boned fliaa of *iila papor Bar bo aaoD. In Prueo— Thi Ourm li on asia at BrooUDo'a bona dapol, UATOQuada roparm, Parli. 4r THE NEW YORK OI.IFPBR pab- IbkM OBlroB* MlUlaB, sBti «liatb dated ft«aa Raw York.^l QUERIE S ANS WERED. NO REPLIES B Y MAIL O R TELEGRAPH. ABDBDiisoii vniuuiioonKiTuivu. Auiiqonr or lUOU MOULIi UHlTITOfUOa WBOH TDITBUI. IV OAMorTllEn.lPJ'Klt limOwnct. jtLLLimuwiu U IDVIHriBKIi OXE WMIK OXLT. IW Till ROUT I OP IITT HUTBHUL ruHrinr u aocoiir, uiriB to oob ubt or kOVm OV ANOTIIEK MOB. WB QAIMrT UIO lOOTn IT UILOKTBLKUBAI'H TIIBATRICAL* RB.HtHLlAulii.—Ths >kstdi li w«l) ooDMlvod ud UBbalarllr «rllt«D. )n lu iiraMniBhtM, Iwasrsr, It -nld prelMblr ' " • " - would prel>«bl)r prove Icdinan, uil vouM uo jrully Ini' provtd br haviDRlJiedlilofiM* bnksn off Id puc*ii Uy th« laUDduetlon of muite. RtiJita Iwm* mad* luiiruincDU, of u origlDtl aorl.cuuM boua«d to adTtoUtft. U.r. 0!;nilUdfflplil«.-VMi hid b«tt«r uldreu Kruk U>Km. lloTl'iTliMtra. N«« VorkOllr. T. E. Aurom —I. ws nit(h*r kaow Uie parly nor faU ■ddrwi. S. W* oever uodsruke lo filr« iDfonnalloii concsrnlnjiUit mllOKcapftelilMorihoairei, bmuM lili tlRiMt linpoulbU to obulo roHibIc fl|nir*t. B. U., Manlialluwn.—Wa hara do raconl of the daatb of tka iiftrlf. AddrvM latur Id can orTui Curi-IH. M. IRD F., Vldalla.—VourdaaalplloQ oTyuurict iiTarr uaafftm. bul actordlnir to wliat «• canjilaaa fnun It, rour Uam iiijjthlobialn from forty lAflfiy dullaraparvoek. B. 11. T.. Naw London.—Tlie lakrr wnuU b« pnportlon- alalj aboutlliaMma. You would probaUy racolfaatnm twaoty*Ar« ilollan par woak. J, 0., Kliuln.—Tlia play IvproUlily owned by llaaullior, Joaapli U. OIIRoo, whom you rbouM addnn Id cue or TiiiULirfaB, T. D. W., Haraoa.—AUtlrea iti* Lawraaca Novelty Oo. m and SoOahlra Btnat, Naw York Oily. W.H.~I. ratHoonsy did atit mils tn thlncouolrr until )S7I. 3 Tie nmtappaartd In N«w Ytirk City lo October, 1873, at Tuoy Taator ■ Theatre, in tJta Huverr. K. W.,Kan Aaionio.-.The wheraabuuu vl Uia party l« unknown to US. Addren latter In ourcareaud we will Mlrerll«a IL a ardB.— Tliera li little demand for the acL rorty dollari per week wouki be a Ulr ulary for tlie taam. KaiMii.iN.-l.T1ie "ad" wouM cosKllOD- LLTIieaci U hot Id ilemand and la pncilcilly wiirtb notliloR. II. Il.T.. (Iay'« HIvar lloid.—wa cannnt aniwar jour queiUon becauM we have not the ■llRliteel Idea ai to what prlvlleite >uu rerer. J. T. g. Uraddoek.—We do not care to take tlie n»pon- Mbilliy or recfMumendlnR any nkatch writer. W. P.I1.. Chlcaitii.-Wawm ulilikli the falrltat wme Ume In AuauiL We publulteil li laal year In our luus bearinjidaleAuR. li. OUHiotiH.—An aclorthatcLyuwouM not be acceptable upon the Tariety state, lor It wouU not be Uken •arleuily. It wouM aoaeer, probably, for a corbala ralaar to preoede a «erloua drama. VA01IIVILIV.-1. Yea, uDleaa tlie ball lias avearlt II- oanse. L Aathe aniounl rarlM you will beobllRed to obtalD lonimiatlon fhim the imoaaorer tlie hall in eacli town. I. Yea. 4. Tkere li no Him pereauian. Vou ■liouM have a man on Uw door alooit with the doo^ keeper of tUe liouse. 5. Bmall cnainanies pUy loic In li'alis Yitat la a matter of choice. U. A fourlucli woukl eust MUB net for thtwe Inisrtlaoe. IHtflR-Aildreu itia Uarence Novelty Co^ 88 aitd flO Oentrw Street, New York City. T. W.—1. We know of DO one elio woukl lasimolyou lu do ibe aeL 1. You ooukl lean It at ike aue of twenty* one. A.a. Benion.-Adilreai Lyon i llealj, Wabaili Avenae and Aduna Htreel, Olileast^ lU. A.U.. Delrolt-WehaTonoknowlcdRe ottitf where- abouu of the party. AOdraai leltor Id cars of Tuk ULirriR. U. J., Kaniaa Oltv.—1, S. Kron forty lo flfly dollate per week. a. nail. U.KlIre Ooiufuy.OS Broadway, Kew York nit/. U.K. If., Ullwaukee.-Tli« play. ■■Katharine KsTanaili," whicfa waa Uie Julot work oi' Mra. UHmr barluner and OlaanTaLwaiprDducetlfortkadnttlmeon any state bjr Mr. and Mra. KendaCat llwley'a Tliaatre, Chlcaao, Id., on l>ec U Ml. We do not know wbelber Ibey owned the I'lay or produoed It oe royalty. ^ K.A.N.. Hrandenburf.-I. We ihlnk tbirawouM be a demand lor ihe acL I. A* a rule It does. 1 Tlie "ad • woaia cost IIIJD for one Inaerilon, and SlTJl oet for two Inaenluoa. 4. Hy all neaoi ft. I'robably ality del tare per week, with proajt^ct or lacreaae If tlie ad proves Buc«easriiL e. Advertise the aot In Till CufraH.and aeleet the moet adranUgeoua •nfagament for the fliu aeaaon. 4). D. A., t^lilcago.—1. Yua slwuld aluo lie *u|>plled with llthoprtitfaa. 1 AdveiilM la Tin Cuitih wbeo you bare your act In proper akanei. awl aurt out aaMnn aa tou bare aeeurwd a date. a. Hueh a cvittee la not uuunuU. ,itoiMbl#on'l UuUf, publiUisd by W. II. DonaUaon, OlDdnnall, 0.,wllliinA>aUlylMul aMUUnce to you. t. Not aiaaya, alihouih It la well to sifn (outnci*. L. A., Dearer—I WedoiHitknnv how thoruuiility the titleUi>rMteoiedaiairadsntaTk,but«e advise you not to use ft. I, S. The ilUe liaa aot ItoMi uaed for aeverwl {rearm, and we cannot Inlonu you who tlalnia the rlabtto I at presenL _ J. O. n., RaTaooak.—Addreaa tlie parties la care of Tin CurpiH. II. H. B—We have never heanl ofth«con)|iany. BABBUALL, CHlflKBT, KTC. W. A. K. Bbennan.—B vloa the bet, proTlded tltat (he uniplre'adecision of VIoOId lavorof tJie Bhennaa Otub Isnotovemiled. No anawera by mail. a R, Bostun.—The Ut ahklesV ihe result of the aeo- ODd waiita, tltat ttelDf conildersd as tbe renlarly ached* nled oontesL W. a K.J f rovldenoe.-Bets abide by the umpire's de clilon In laror of tho Bntau I'nlTeralty team. K. W., DiiDklrk.-UallaIre liu lumbhed a Dumber of prvntiDeat pUveni lo ilie KofeMlonal rmnka. Btlll we are not la a iMisltIno lu decide your liel. It wouU require too raaeli time to look the matter up. J. IL U., Amea.—Tlie uoipln Is the eo|e JudRe aa to vhethsr the alleited Inierfetence waa luteotlunal or other wife. II. 0. q.. Hrracuse.—rool selllai or boekuuklof Is aot allowed InthlsHuia. T. P. M.. llrlditepurL-llere U the nie bearioi on the ■ubJect' "Heuun a iititrh fbr which adead heat are run mra void," KHlaUorUtelieltlnitrulesnadi as rollowa: "When horaearuna dead l1eat^orallureeorsweepBlake^ aDdlbeown»^ldlvld^allbeu belwesD audi honea, or betwton elUierofthemandthsnehl. areaettlsd brpultlni lottether the money belted attd dUldlen It e<iually." Hiat U a Bpeolal rule of Uie turf, which does not apply to uther braachoaoraiKirt In thlaruuutry. CARDS. T. W. B., Boaiun.—TtiecuuDt In crltibaae for a hand of two ft's, twn 0-s aitd a 7 Is slitesu. J. N., Haltlmuiv.—A hud of four Ti and a 8 connta twenty In rrlbhaae. H. f. O., Luvrell—There Is do |ieus1ly lor acorlng too few |«lnta In crlbhaie. II. r. p.. New Vorh.—It li not aWay*|loml iHilteyto pUy a band In Uiat way, y»ur i«Ttoer belnit without Irunp. K. IL JIh llouslOD.—In diww poker, when a call U made, all the player* renialnlui In are required to ahuw their band^ the atroniteat hand laklui tlie poi. BILLIARDS, POOL, RTO. OiiiOAOO.-ahouM the striker toueh the cue ball with the point ofbls me. or with any other part of the cue, or with bis olotlilDK, or anythlDf else, It shall b* counted a firlke. Tlie ttrfker kiaei hia Innlnv, forfelu one bait, and Ihe neat player playa. O. J. B.. Jameatown.— Yob ewe a ball to the ubie on the play, aa deecrlbed In d laffmn 3. RING. O. AKD B., Mllwankee.-0. won Ihe wanr. II- K. VancouTer.—Jainei J. Corheli Is the lieaTy weight boilng diuiploa of thewerM. havlnjr wod the title whea he dsfeaied Charles Mitchell at Jac^aonrlUe, n*. h. U. N., Nashville.—Joe CObum wen the tbasopleoahlp of America when he dtrealsd Mike HeOoolei, under the old rulea, atCharlesiown, Ui^ la 180. MISOBLLANBOUS. Oa W. N., Uetnlt.-Will aatenain the iBfbfBUtlon, and laonrDeii Imuo. "To, New York.-«ee aaawer u **lBiif bar.** Sawoiik, New York.—Under Ibe drawing ahoBld tAke plaM aolo, ftB tbe annbera being tilaced To tbe hat, ao ihaterBi/ pBrtWpaot wUl haT* a bir and equal show. CHESS. To Con«apBad*Bta« Mnaita. Loro, Rncugiut iVD Ottmo.—Yon aee, M. Pndlnat, aa weJ aa ooreelw reekwaa on tbe average drat elaaa American eolnr being qnUe able to get away with a diet rau twenty poaoder:l>nt we rolyon ue cmnc ae la cmnc of AmerlcaD proMmaUsla having the am- bitloo and vigor to oooqaer one twice lu ilie. Oo for M. EBILB raiDioiAT, BbvJod. Fnaeo.—With yoor ~'Haa accept our fellellatloH oo jeer very re- adilevenenL We long a^o raoksd you m Ihe , jutnate problenatlit In Fraoee; nowthlaiaag* ntfleent trlnmph eairlea yon beyond th« eoollnee of a ■Ivan for the work, waa the loaa or asraraJ probleioa from Imperfectloiu Two of theosi boweter, nay be reeuned and, aa the toumarDeot Is iwv over, appear though, - elogle eoentrr aod enbraoea tbe entlie globe. H. Nuba /avn, raria.-will tob kindly forward ihe above eeoUmeota to M. Prad ifaal. la la tanugUr I, M. Bunm. BritUh Vhui Ma^atbie. Leada.—Aocept eurheaity thanks for geoeroas ravlsw of odrCbeaefee- ilTaLanacliatlonsfPHn lucolowiaa. B. TmLVT. TiBiei. LoDdoo.—Tbaak yoa for the alten< lion of Hay la BRo. IIarlir, a uttraUulan —Thinkyou foreltalloos. J. A. OABaoR.—Holgtiooi correct, of couno: we give the Mw onei. Tour oplDloa of Mr. aoldoDlib'e wort eonllrms what we have often lald. Chab. a. Oilribu.—Wo are almply dallj^tad at the tare *Tbe Triple AUIaDce'* haj taken; voar geoemns lellar and mnDlllcent soeloturM highly apprecUtad. Tou are probably rigbt Id yoiraurmlM aa toue'*gelltr paity." Dr. H. Oold.— The haadaonw taliuta dedicated to Mr. (Jllberg |i very welcome: oneorvontt la two weekL NioDU)BARDOncn,Trieita.—weaie not a little proud of being selected to Introduce youvrary pretty three-er to the American chev work). E. N. OLLT.—We ahall recoDmeoceenourcontrlbulora' many favora with ooeoryoora, neitwash. Oar PriM Wlnnen. Thonib the problama entered arae, aa we hare before aaM, very nearly up to our maaloiBin eipectatloiu. In three points they were net up to ehat we had hoped Therewerwoo direct mata»-iDat«u a aurvrlM: aod.a point lo be regretled, especially In view of tlte long time _■— a. —T tho lost or asr—'—" ' ISl bOWSTI . _ . _ _ . appear though, per* liapa, In a dliTereot numberof movsa from the orliwal iDteoUoD. BIMI*LB BUIMATBB. rirat (Un, "£0000010," M. FmlW rrodlgnat: aeeeod ($10, conditionally), "I am bir*,"P.R.0llilaa, Blrmlog- nun, England. CONDITIONAL BUIMATES. Plrtl ftaOL •'Picheou" E rradjnit; second ||I0). "Coiaa de lUpana^B riadlgnat, 8avJon, Charenta In- ferleure, Pnace. Tbe nanMs of tbe other omnpetlton will not be given without Uiitr conasoL Ooce more our beat thaaka era due to all wbo con- Irlbetod to our auc«aaa anj pleasure; and tbie exleods to all Iboae wbo have ewelled oor Holiday Pestlvltles cir- cling aioond No.ljaLOto Bocb altopther UDpreoadsaied dimiosloDi. Enl(iaa. ITo. S,0Ott. FlralPrice In Oua JTonlAlirj Third Toareey. "ALTtaua ROH UBPIHB"—Ur TAUBTIH BARIR. ai(), KBT,qB^ <ti, 5i"T, gss, «, gi, l£B^ Qua. KK. UQt. harJl QR7, K II»,QXI3. Wblu lo pbaf ana iito inatolo two BioToa. Problom Na. »,0«e. DadlcaUd lo Maaaloon 0. Loyd ud 0. nalclihalin, JudRoa, and 0. A. Ollbanr. ompiro, to Tua Naw YpBK CurraK'a problam toumay. Mr a. uiu ra^oioifiT. BLACK. WniTK. WhIU lo oUj aad compol aulmala la fortr taovao- undar lha rollowlof raitrleUoDB: Plrot—Tba two Black HIahopa nuatbo laoorrolAlIoa toaffalboaiAlo; aocood— ooly ona WhIu placo la pomlltod^lo ptaj opoa (d 8)Q*a & Oaano No, »,90t, Aa loutoatlai laraa la lha KnahlloO.C'a loonar, B. Varna BaiD^^BTL^W^, Parrla—ruUlc jtodfivr. WhIU, Mr. bamiiUB. l..rioK< I..ICIII.B9 9..K H-Klt KB-H4 BUY LOPB krs OAHB. 6..i'-gj C..KI-' >..a Kt-Ba lO .I'-X RS KIS Rs'" P-KKKI 1I..UKI-K1 u..iIh-bi ll..q-IC> U..P-K H4 1«..KI-blat RUcL Mr. Ponta. I'loKa QKUIJ P-gHl KB-Kl K Xt-KaqV) K-Raqf qB-K3 OKt-El P-qBt Black. Mr. Parrtt. KPjrP O-Ktl BPxP I)KXKR P-BxtJ mita, Mr. Bimptoa. II..BrxKt s. .g Kt-B i rxB Kt-K7 , KxP+d)! Ki-t t R >q + K-Ktl *t+ K-BJ ,B-Xt>4. K-hla« XtXH KAt BXKl OKxIl B-Xta K-Kt] larUa K-gB4 34..9XOBI (tSnt X..g X B P.aad Black ra aina. A bri 1 «TKV. mfilAfe.^ 1 ' Of Hi , (6) Br7 .Kt 10 hla tWklUwouU bara atada al oaoo irrHl BlrUaa lowaldaTlcUrir. Tbaa: PloOa; II..IC Px P. Kl X P: »..Q10 K B S(Ik ft B to KS: IO.\t x B. <lih aiucb Uiabaalpoaluoa. (I| 1 UilBk>..lIlx B PparlbcUf aoond. (tl 9.. P u> g < aooma damaodod; Ibll aad 10.. proro loaa or Umo. m KToaaowUilaaooaia (ood; butlt.. wai Tory lafar lor:andir..coaua ploca. (1) tlila daah la brilllasi aad aoend. II oartlfy to tod thai aoaia bl«blr aolorulalaa plai rolk»a.-MlBO>.l (t> AaaarancoorTlolor>inakaaWlilta iadlffaraot to an anlaUo llolab. Boa: DLAOK (Mr. Farrli). U) Boat lag., p 10 ^follow A brPtoKIts. Hue.. " airanailitata, Ihoaib Wbludld aot atall bimaair I; J. .H to B 4 la rarracL WUlTBdlr.B.) •laalhaq la txomoToal The Ohaaa MoalblK'a Award. Tba aaorutoua bodj or cofBp«Uait prabtoma haa cauaed llio apiwaimaca or a loat dalaj la anaouaolov tbo wlo- Bar,, but va an panuadM than baa baoa ao nal dalar. 11107 ahow a body of artUu that can aanolr ba toon than aquallad (ot mtar jaan to coow. la lour Dioraa-I lur — * *>Pau Mori Wall' atala. lUt. "Oannda," B. 0. Lava: „--'nBa," Hudolpb WalalHlioar; S ~ Adoir BaianJoiftri 4 (11), "Pallaa,' la Ihroa moraa-l tfn, "Roilooi." Bot. J. Joapanan; I lit), "Ban." nan PlaUador: l(£)]i.«AednwB I," Jaa La«i. lu i«omoTao-l (£9), **AllarDB aria; i (UX "Yyniw,-W. A. ^_ Ai\>iiad." bTo. Laaa; 4l<l), "lltia Jaaporaoa. Pour luura aulmatao—1 (CO. "MroaoUa,*' O. Haao: I ((Ik, "CBraBMbs"Jaa. aaraar. • > • Tbna nan da -I (a),"CndMlBaRtaDlum,''a. lluBw; "Maal aalui moloBi." Dr. U. Bdkr. la "noa prlio tatara" wa Se4 fbar Anorlcaaa; aad, what aulhao an oH obaarror ol aaoh OToata vllb au^ Iflaa, uulta a Hat oT rataiaa auaton wbo althar nt aa the* al all. or aa lalMor eaa. Or lha fbimor abia la Botablr tho oan all ooaqaailoi CoatBd Barar. U L. D. fV c. jr. Botaa '■with ratfot" ona pebl of dtpaitur, from tba uaual cuBtom la louraaaionta. via, ao probloaa awa aolad far ■VaaotaMo aaaatloa." Dar aoatamparan rridaa luoir tan Jaatly Ikat '-alibt cT tba palaaa aboall baaa IbllaD to XmII* ooaapaaaia la aaoor^aaoat In- poltasl laUnaUoaal toatvaaaaata OTor bald.** Poat PimrnllKl. Book naaekaa akaaM ba akorl, U wtUf; oor p. p. Iku tlma will bo thou, vlth«aiaar|TaMaoalawlt...,r. Oa, I loadara." TalaaUa MMlB;_Y(t«>,."»7''aiw,-W. *._Cla»ki 1 (II)^»AWall[ al Iba naalaat of AmarUaa probUaullna, la a aolaa clrda wCon all an piwat, wittoa aa: -1 bayo aidoTad ataiT noraol or Uw Jablloo laait, aod am aonr It a ao aaatthoaad. Ibopaioo'll baToaootharaooa." An. odMr.npiaooallattbaaolrlaiibttncb.aaja: -Ac(.otmT noatbaanr congntnlalloBa oo yoor trraat Jabtloi Bo- laibatabumtsaolTar, Ikatanalhlail olaa 10 OITor but nr kaanloat (ood wiahta ror Uie Talon or tooraair BBd roor balovad chaaa eoloniB.- .Tbo fratanal tnaloiaat or oar "Jubllao" by lO manr chaaa aditora S DOW outdona br Bro. Brewa, la BrtlllA Oai Mm- Hac AlUr daToAoi hair a pan 10 Uia "Bkmphr," ba tiraaOB rblldlamoia Ko. tjta. Dr. Uold'aand Mr. oll- barra problama. aad 'lha KlaiTa Bpallloa Malcli." And Bion. Todn hla eoolrlboton wlUi oow BnJ,hj olTan Iiibualo thafiraland Mcood lolfoia or 3,000. Tb la will Wdblf racall Ikodafaorblaown "challaB|[ara."Bad It will ba 00 naal voodar irthay an rarIrad...... TV; CAcaa JfeMAIiTl Ual portrait la or Mr. T. W. Lord, plajar and pioblamatlat, mat In both braadiea. Mr. L. la dO; acTlbadalaoaa<nlianlln|iplnt buhoMalropolltaaCO." TbooolraraaloondomoalloBor Mr. niacbburaa'a bll. Ilaaaabulltloalaanaaabia raadlni.biit-lt baa baao (Iran Bonapacathan ll'awolth .. .Thc.Vunor Ha/ lliniaaior. trail and an lauraatlairaccnunlor.wa think, lka'>Meat act. ITO chaaa plaier la tbla couatrr, Mr. Jamra Orowar, or Brooklyn. Mr. o. waa bora la Edioburib July S, nil. Ilo baa baoa aa oathaalaatle cbeaapUyar orar alncaalahtaoa yaara old, yat nrrar bolooaod ton chaaa clubl Ilo can allllpUyaflD4Bamo,aiidltuka8aroallyilood plajar to baathlBi nt .luuat suua iItm apnuy anaoi to oor own Riaat tao KU ra ona P .lady by M." by Joho 0. Ilolman, which occorrad lo play lo a tournay ol tho BL liOBia 0. C, la 18DL atbomfcXRA alhlaA JBt, KR3. wblto to play aad Black to win. Oar Ealcmaa, Wo bad BBllcIpatad itlTlok Uia Icadlsf prlia problama oT Tkc ckcar JroniAiyoa dlatrnma, the dial and aacond at ka«t: but ourooo tcatrlbulon havo booo lo Rcaaroua with Uialr Earon that wa raal booM to xlra tbom tho flral plaaa,aod aira C JT.'f piohl«ma,Kraataa thar aaauradly ara, lha minor poalUon. Wa ahall maha orary atTort lo lira tham corracUy, and haraby command them to tba altanllon or onr aolrora Whita. I..KI0B3 >..QKt-liU< 9..KKuRa BolatloBo. OP PROBLEM KO. 2,0m. Black. PI0K3 K-Rd X-H9 X-R6 K-Ht X-Rd K-B« K-Xt4 X-BS X-Bd Vblta. II..RtoBt + II. .R-B3 + l9..r-KBt li..K-B3 U..Kt-ni + lt..K-Kl> I7..K-Raq III. .KlrU> lt..Kt-KB4 O..Kt.hlal Black. KloQ? K-qs^ KPX P P-K B9 X-bla8 P-Bd + K-Bd K-blad K-BS rxKt,niatal ate. >..KKt-Kll <..K-q< 7..R-Md B..R-Re + •..K-lila4 KI..H-Rt Maaatflcaatl Ouaat toMn. Balid (byJ. A OiaaOB).—1..B to OR, l. • • • L A.aolilBBillli<a-I..B toq4;3..KtloB9; 9 R to R 9. orto R M|,aJ Black playa; 4..R, or B, mataa. "Dallghl/ull Bay. Oohlaailth pula up tho dandy, ohr'—J. A.n • • • E b.W.'a.-I..RX P.f :3..qioK Kt9+, arq X R+ao'ly; a..P bac. Kt, laato. Mr. (Janoa'a othar iolutlona baro appaand. Tha OloaliBg Gama. IIOLLANDIBII OPENIKO. D. Stuart. Mr. Bamp'.OD. D. (kuarC Mr. Bamptoa. PloKBI(()D..I£rxP. QXttoRB I.Ploqt >..p-qH4 9..P-qR9l 4..qi(t-B9 >..K X1-B9 P-X9 K Kt-B9 r-0 Kt9 OB-Ktl X B-XS/) iiikKt-iibbi q-ilt4(i) (..p-qsi i>-X4 IO..qil-XI9 KXtwn II..BPXXI II.— IS. 14. 19. I Balrloll taoUa Uila liirorl IL.KBXKt n..a B-R4 □..BPxr .Kill IS..K K-Kt all >B..K-hlaB9 n..g H-Bt <8..P-K9 S..g B-R4 kJ..K R-Kaq ii..gR.gHi Q..KKxn I9..K-hlaB9 94..gKt.K: J9..K1-B4 + qxq l'-Kll9(A) S7..RXP + K r X PI ■• K an. and i rbiq4.ur llBxB I'-K Kt4(0 KK-Kll KRx P P-X K9 KR-Kt9 3K-Haq H-Kti KX-xe BrxR + K-K19 qK-K4 K.hlaBl P-X 7 K-honie rina. PtoKS. &; . I Doaa not aaaoi coma; bel*.or 1^ I bolloro, C.. B x Kt,aDd 7..Ptoqi IIU 7.. la uoadrlaablhaalt mabaa hla K 9 a rary waak apoL '"■ 1 hla (t) Oely Incn I dimeoldta; Ibe oalymore Ihu mifhl bare helped lilm waa B. .q B numo—but tlila would bare aokjoclod lilm to aooia llraly attack. (0) Tba aacrldlcaor laatarlal u> nllero a bad poaltloe abould oolirba raaortad lo (ncafrcBli. (h) BbouU darelop bla placai iuatoad or trying lo ea- tnn lha White B. tlioaib Iba Idaa la loiaaloua. (0 Another allompt to take the oA'aaalre, wblch la Mr. Bamptoo'a elomeoL Ha would belter bare preceded tlila hvR to Ml a. IPor tJia nakdewllo hla logaouliy, all Blaok'a ammlaa are uaahw. Ine pritea ware woo— Flral, Mr. Btuart; neood, Mr Bamptoa, H name behind: third, Mr. Volibl, K laax bahlad Mr. B.; and bunli. Mr Panla. Ilia wortliy ornolathat Mr. Parria woo theoaly nme loal by B. Xameoy, vhlla Out paladla nmalaad la ue city and toumiy.) CHECKERS. To ConwapoadaBta. Db. Badaipbb —Aaalyala at band; accept oor thaaka. R II. Vlouara.—Oamaand llaou ncalred O K. M. BnowH.—Hare wnuea you. L. M. stbabu— Uava alien dad to the matter. ■olatloB of Poaitloa Ho. Hi, Vol. 43. END OAMB. bt w. bbwabo. Black 1 IB n K 9 Wblu SI 17 * Kll Whlta to play and wlo. 10 e IK) SI » a a Wblu vln& 17 14 PoalUoB No. 13, Vol. 43. END OAMB. by oa. BcaaKma. Black I a II 13 xn. While 31 ao 19 13 7 9 Black to play and draw. QBBae No. 13, Vol. 43. OBRTRK. lir OK. 1. BCIIABrKB. II 19 11 II as 31 ao 37 24 29 » B) 11 91 H 19 II 9 9 B II 7 IB It 21 O 19 34 19 aiir aiB) sb aa 9b 19 .18 M 11 31 R IB M IB 12 19 19 2> I7(»KC)S1 a MB 8 II 10 IB IS D n 31 M II 19 19 34 ■ 30 21 2a N a 19 11 IS 4 II 19 3B 91 ■ XI IB II 19 as aa bi ib b ii a b ib ii 11 19 MS) aa D 1) 10 IB 19 » 34 19 If 31 •) 21 18 11 8 7 10 aoas 3791 19 K 37 34 30 13 a »M S39 89 9 14(0) 38 S at 37 31 37 7 10 3U3B 83 IB 13 BBJ S8 B • IB 34 2) D f7 31 • 14 17 19 23 18 II IB 8 9 8 3 3 7 19 B C >l 31 27 IB 11(d) n 34 38 18 11 B at BwIb^ (a)StoUloaeaaa(olk>wa: B 19 S3 S r II a 14 31 t) an 39 8 9 3B 39 la 19 21 17 3 7 17 14 19 ir r 29 a SD r 34 10 17 tl B IT 31 IT 19 9 8 ai It I IT B 31 8 la Whluwloa—loaepb Malle. <»L B) IB 10 It S 33 19 18 II 7 lata 39 21 19 39 4 9 2 11 33 IB 91 B II 8 IB a 8 19 a 90 a 17 19 39 IB II s a IB II 14 18 8 4 B 9 91 37 Dnwn—Dr.Bdtaelar. SI a ■) a B^'la 14 la a a II 34 BO n 19 B a 19 IB BI IB It IS IB la IB B II a M aa B w 19 14 a a Dnwo. M II a O IB 8 a 19 Dr.Schaerar. (d) Thla coiTwcU lha B. 0. P., which only drava. Nowa of Uto Oaaao. In rta Ktvark aimaat rtu wo oou ihe rollootng: "C. A. Blaodla vrllaaUialbawmild like to play a IViaadlr match with Mr. Van Looo, of Jeney CItr. Aar nuaber or aaniea weabl ba t u iaae l i l a. bat woold pnrar either auleea or twenty. Doe ball to be played In each plaee." By the br, wa alao laara llial Mr. Blandla la becomlnir a bOadrold aiaert, aa wall aa a orooa beard adapt Recent- iTj all*'?.'*'!'. !■* K*'* aihlblUoa of blaaklU ol^thla lankubLr odance U. Jtcobe, or London, haa aeond a wla olT Bobart Martloa, Ihe oolycamo loal by the ai^hanploa op u lha rraaeal time I. (;ohin, or Mew York, Bow la London, writao lo Bra. Yeoaaaa aa rolkiwa; "larrlred aaToaBd lo good health,had aaeicel leal Toyaf*. I aeo Mr. Belli aod Mr Ta««ilelt, and thla ..nanoea I am iuIob 10 too Cypnaa t^ra to pUy Mr. Mantna, wbo U la loaa. A. tor time la ran lloiilod 1 will wriu Bon laur oo. with beat nnnia to all and wlahealbrlheaecceaaortheoewcloD." Iberoralim nlladolphU irleeaa woatl be pleaaad to rire a parae to Barker It he coma oa to that alty la pkay BUB. tie k]aalthU,aa«abrhaabaeo made la a reoadabont way that a pane oT nffleleoi atao wootl be rlraa to Barker, aad irnarkar decllaea, wky PonMnn-aTrlaada can toy thai be (Fomerey) waaWltllH to Dlar Barker, it'eallulataotraoafaraatforaiennliia. nretat udearor to play, ir the pmla oribe "Tlty of BntherlyLon"doUta to aactruln13ie attaal pUrlai nlnoilh or Mr. Ponwrey let tbom make an offer to J. P. Reed, and It would be or lotateat to know bow he foand the dnwa UaUl bo playa aoow or our Irat claaa playera be will not taceire, nor done be deaarrjL the nUny he aeeka. When he haa made a neon] wa will ba aaony the flnt to ackoooledita bla nllni. BASEBALL. DIAMOND VIXIJ> OOBBIP. I^toat Saidago bbiI Dotafa of alio Baao- ball PiBtonillr. All loren of the dbUosbI g*08 will njoica Uiat UiB New Yoits tuva ntuned borne txalo ud wiU nmalD ben, pla;>ii| Rinits on aod oir DnCU Jolt 4. Hie tetm deaeivM lo ix llbenUjaoppoitdd, for It Ib a ffood one, and CBpUln I>a\l8 aod blB men irlU no donbt five a good accoiut oC ihenuelves befora tliey are bome maiiy tlaya. Tbo New Yorka did far btslIerontbelrOretWetfeni (rip, all Iblngs conald- ered, UwD out ot tbo otber Eaaun u*mi,uid far Inller, praliablr, Uan tbe majoilt; ot tbe westera teama will do on tbHr Orel ISaaten rUilt. A caretol rertew or Ibe wort done bj tbe Kew Yorte wbUe BwaT Com borne will Bbor ibem np In a faTonble Ught to inj Impanlil penoa. Tbe/ wen paiilcn. iBrtjatrongagalDataonieot Ibe beatWeaum teama, una Iheir ricioilea over Ibe CUcagoa Bbonld con- vince cren Ihe moit akeptlc cilUd that, tliej can and win play dianplonuilp ball before tbe oea- 600 la oyer. Too much baa been eypected from the men, and, ibentoie, wben tbey failed lo perform Bliwml impoealblllUea, fault wasfonnd wlib (bem. The people ot BoetOD, Fblladelpbia, Balti- more and IJrootlia bave fntta canae for com- plaint at tJie Bbuwlng made by Ue teams reiiresenN Isg Ibeir clues than bate tbe local enUOBlaais against tbe New Yorka. Wstok tbe work of ibe latter during tbe aext teir weeks, and tben decide aa to wbeihv or not ibeIr cbancea for ttiepennint are as good Ibia rear 88 Ibey were last Tbeteam la aubeunllally Uie same as last year, bntCtplaln Uayls bs8 bid less expeilence lo managing teama (ban bla predeceeaor, and iberefOTe loomucb sbosld not be cipecled from blm at Ibe beglnnliig, A llule patience aod lots ot encouragement at tbe BUrt may work wondeia before tbe lace Is anisbed. Tbe fact that lYesldent Freedman was wllb tbe team and Is well eatlalled wlUi tbe show- log made while away from boms, and la more tban Eleaaed wllb tbo way CBotaln Darls bas bandied la men, should be sumdeatguuantea to Ibe pub- lic that tbey wUl get tbe fall value of tbelr iBoner. Ur. (Yeedman ma/ not tuve bad tbe eipeitence In baseball ma tiara ibst some olber league oOlclals bare bad, but he knows a genuine anlcle from an imllatlon, and It b no eaa/ mailer lo attempt to de- ceive blm. He says Ibe Mew Yorka will be In tbe race at Ibe fliil9b,and be knows pretty well wbat be Is talking abooL Tbe llarrard Uolveralt/ team defeated tbe West Ends by 10 to 2, May 33, at Oambrldne, Hasa, Tho loaera made oulyalx safe bits olf Oregory, wblle fourteen of ibem were retired on etilkes, Secbrlst preveoled tUe llempbls team from mak- ing more loan two safe bita oiTBim Hay 22, at OhtXr Unooga, Tens,, the OballauoogtB tben wbmlng by BtO^l. Tbe New Oileana team defeated tbe Allantas by 2 to 1, May 32. at Atlatila, Oa, Tbe vlctorn made only four ufe bits olf >Vood, wblM tbe loaera made four off Oraun. The Dsrunoulh Collene team defeated the Am- herst Oollege uloe by e to 9, Hay 21, at Ambeiat, Mass. Tbo JuhUHlowna made only four safe blls off Sn/dcr Hay 24, at Olonrsvllle, N. Y., tbe Qloverg- vllles tbeo wluning by B lo 0. Tbe fallowing teains of Ibe Eatlero League played exiillilllon games wllb Cknadlan (earns on Hay 24: At Qutlpb, morning gaiae, SprtngOeld, 14; Maple Ual, 7, Aflomoon game, Spilngdeld, 23; Maple Lear, 14. At Uaoilllon, noralog game, Rocbester, 4; IiBiulllon, 1. Aflcmoon game, Rocbester, 13; Iiamllloti, 8. At Lobdon, monilng game, Frovl- donee, 10; Alert, t. Alienoon game, Providence, 14; Alert,«. Horcer prevented tbe St Louie Browns from making more Uias three oafe blia off blm Hay 26, at SL Louie, Ho., tbe Wasblngtona then winning by B to 1, It required thirteen Inolnga lo decide tbe contest between Ibe I'nvldenco and Torooto Kami), Hay 2i, at Tnronto, Can., tbe former tben winning by e to e, Tbe Pltbibuiga defeated Ibe Bostons by 1 too. May 29, at I'lUaburg, Pa. Tbe loaen made only tour safe bits off llawley, wblle tbe vlclors made Ore off NIcbols. Tbe Drown UalTerel^ team made only four eafe blls off A. IIlRblands, bay 29, at rrovlden(», H. I„ tbo Harvard UnlierBlly team tben winning by 7 to 0, Tbe vldoniUBde only live Mfe bits off Summer- gUL Tbe Orange Athletic Oub defeated tbe Yale Dnl- verally team by a to 4, Hay 29, it Orange, N, t. Tbe Pilncetoii OoUego laam defeated tbe Lafayette Oollege nine by a to 4, Hay 29, at Kaaion, Fa. Tbe Princeton frnebioen team defeated tbe Har- vard tieabinsn b; II to ^ Hay it, at Princeton, N, J. Tbe AfflbeiBt Oollege team defeated tbe Dart- moulh College nbe by 17 to a, Hay 19, al Amberat, Hasa. Tbe Englewood Field aub defealed tbe Honls- town Field Club by 8 to 4, Hay 28, at Englewood, N, J. Tbe Unlremt; of Pennsjivinta bad tbe ComU UnlveiBliy team for opponenia Hay li, at FbUadel- phU, l>a., tbe foimer uen winning by 14 to 8, Phil cure prevented tbe Suten Island Crickets from making imre tbin one safe bit off blm Hay 29, at NuUey, N, J., tbe NnUtyi tben wlnnbig by 8 too, Tbe Orltanl Field dab delealed Ibe Columbia College learn by 12to 4,Hay 29,at Uaokensack, N.J. no ]ury In Ibe damage suit ot Hark Baldwin, tbe profeasloual pllcber.agilnet Fneldeni Von der Abe, ot Uie 8L LonlsOlnb, on Hav2l, at Pittsburg, Pa,, leuimed a venllct awarding dimaieato tbe amount of $2,90010 PIlckerBaldwln, FresldentVoDder Abe bas illed notice ot an appeal. Tbe WbeeUnn defeated Ike Flndlaya by s to 1, tj 91, at Ftndlay, O. Tbe Iceeis made only four safe bits off HoBougall, wblle Ibe vlotoia maoe four offPastoriui. Oannon held tbe FrauUlnsdown to tbiee safe blls Hay 2D,at Sbann, ra,,tbe Bbaions Iben winning byaiol. Tbe UlUe Kooka made only twosafe bits off Uison Hay 1«, at Evansvllle, bd., Ibe BvansvUles tben winning by 7 too. It requlitd eleven Innings lo decide tbe game be- tween tbe Cuban Olaats and Ibe'Uemoiest team Hay22,atWlllluospon, Pa., Ibe former tbenwbi- nlng by 8 lo 6. Tbo ITlncaiau OoUeRO team defeated Ibe Cornell Dnlvenlqr nine by la to a. Hay S3, at Princeton, N. J, The Uarvard Unlveraltr learn bad tbe Amberat Oollege blue for oppooeuls Hay 21, at OambrMge, Haas,, Ibe fomer tben wlonlu by e to 2, Toe loeen made only four nfe blls olTPilne. Tbe Princelon Callege team defeated tbe Orange Atbletlo Ulub's Dbie by 10 to 9, Hay 2:l,'at Princelon, N, J, Tbe lostre nude only inree aife blls off Easlon. Ttie wmiama and Vealenn Oollege teama met May u, at WllUamslown, Hiaa, tbe former Iben wlunlugby9to4. Tbe Uulverellr of Pcnnsylnnla team made only four sale bits off O.Msboney, Hay 21, at Waablng- too, U. 0., Ibe Oeorgciown Volvenlty tben winning by8to2, Tbe Ortlaut Field aub delealed tbe Yale Univer- sity team by 11 lo 11, Hay 22, at New Uaven, CL Tbe Uanmouih OoUwe team defeated tbe Tufn by 1] to 11, Ha/ 21, at danover, N. If. Tbe Urown Uolverslly lean defeated tbe Eieler by 19 to 4, Hay 32, at rrovUence, R. I. Tbe Boston Qub bai released OoUlni to tbe Lonls- vlUea- HewaanotcoBsldeiedBaongenongbattbe bat to suit tho former, Tbe Uoly Cnaa team defeated tbe Weale/aa Ool- lege nine by 18 las. Hay 31, atWoroeater, Hasa, Tbe loeeiB made ouly two BLte blls off Haroney. Tbe Uaiunoutb College team defeated Ihe Tnim by 8 to 9, Hay II, at Ilmover, K. U. Ataepedal nmllnsoribe New York (Mate League, bold Haya),alAinatmlam,.S'.Y„lbe Albany Club was dropped, and tbe lYoy Club leilgned. It was decided to oonUnno the league wllb tbe nmalnlog aU cluhe: AnalerdaiaBUigEinilon, Bmlim,aioveii- vUle, Jobnabwn and Schenectady. litober Clark pnrested tbe Oalveotooa fna anak lug more UuBlBree aoaueilsg safe blla, Inclodlng a doable bagger, off Urn Hay IB, al Oalveaton, Ite. Ibe DaUaa tsBB Uiea wtiBlng by U to L liBAaVK-ABBOOIATIOII. The Eattem Ttiiiw Hiva FtnltlMd tiMir Flnt Sarle* of CamM tn the Weft St. Laala ra. Hew Tork. Bnpeilor batting and Ine lleldlng eoablad Iba New Yoikatoseon aa apparastlyeaeywleloay tno) ibe Bt. Lonls prowBB, Hay II, at SL Lenla, Ho. Bosle was In great abape and bad tbe bome team com- pletely at bll mercy, allowing tbem only dye safe bits, two ol wblcb, wllb an out, gave tbeB tbeb' only mn In tbe elgbtb Innbig, Clarkaon, wbo baa bentofore proved a pnnler lo ibe New Yorka, wu an easy mark, and was fmly tatted from tbe start, eanedally by Darts and Stafford, tbe former maklny four timely singles, wblle BlaOtinl>s Ibiee safe bits Included two triple baggera. One ot tbe latter was made In tbe tblid Innlog, wben Ibree men wen on Ibe baeea, sending tbem all bome. Betides ibelr Inability to bat Rnsle'i pllcUng, tbe Browns Aelded poorly, and Ibis canae alone gave tbe New Yorks seven! nns, althougb tbe Utter well earned Ibelr victory. Bannon opeoed tbe game wllb a alogle, TIernan followed soil, but Bannon was caught at Ibird by poor coacbloi. Tlenan took second and scored on a atngle by Davis. In (be second inning Biaffbrd bll safely, atola scoend, reached third on HUler'B poor throw, and scored on FamU's bit to By, the Utier making a wUd throw, wbloh aUowed Pamll to reach third and scored on Pelit's low throw 10 Brat ot Haipb/'s grounder. From Ibis out tbe New Yorka had Utile trouble In miking bits wben tbey were needed, wben men hid reached Bret on balls or by a Bte drive. Tbe only error made by tbe vUlon wu Huipbys effoit to stop lu apparently ante drive. Tbe home team ran tbe bases In a very llsUaa minner, and tbenb/ loat sevenl chinces for scoring. iMlnu ind Hurpb/ each Belded well In tbelr rtnecttve poelllons. Hew Voaa. T. a. a. o. i.a Br. Looia r. a. a. o. a.i. Banaon, ir. Ttanan.rf.. 9 Dari^ab.... 9 Doyle, lb.... B VuHalra,cr B 9 Famllc... 8 I 1 0 I a I 3 4 1 1 0 II 1 I a 3 3 1 1 0 9 0 Ruale. p. 9 0 1 Mnnhy. aa... 1 I 0 fiUa...4> II U New York 1 1 4 37 IB I I a BrowB,cr. Miller, c... Cooner. lb. Palti,9b.... Qnlnn, 3b.. Bly, aa a u Dowd, If.... 4 0 Clarkaon, p.. 4 0 Touls,..37 1 0 4 0 0 B I 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 1 S 1 1 4 0 010 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 7 0 4 0 1 3 9 3 0 110 0 19 0 137 18 4 0 0-14 1 0-1 New York 8l Loula a 0 0 0 0 0 . . . Earned rune—Hew Tork,B: BLLoola, I. Baaeonarrora -N. v., 9: BL ■■ OnOlla-H-Y-, S: Bt-L.,a. Sinck out-M. Y., I; BL L., 9. Umpire. Loag. Thne, 1.19 The New Yorka won again Mays, after a cloae and ezclUog Inlsb. Tbe kxal euUiutlista were worked up to i high pitch In tbe nlnib Innlog, wben a safe bit woold have Ued the score. If not have won Ibe game for Ibe Bnwni. In Ihe Uet belt ot the slalb lonbig tbe bome learn bad two men on the baeea and two out, with Roger Connor at tbe baL ne score stood 2 to sui favor ot tbe New Yorks, aod everything depended on Connor, but be was not equal 10 Ibe emeigeocy, and was eaally leilnd on three suites. Tbe lleldbig done by tbe New Yorks was perfect, and sone ot tbelr plan wen ot a sen- aailonal order. Hnrpby made one In the nUitb Inn. lug. Davis and auDOnl also dhl great work. Heekln wis batted quite freely, but kept Ihe bits well apart, and at tbe most crillcal suges put forth bis best eObrts, and was succesafnl In preventing dlsaetrona lesolts. Breltensteln was, aa usual, very effectlre agaloat the New Yorks, but tbe lauer man- aged to bunch Bovenl ot tbelr hibi when tbey wen needed for aendlng In runs. Tbe long aafe bIta were double baggen by Heekln and Connor. Ely did the best Aelolng for Ibe home team, while Brown and Codey led in balling, tbey makbig six ot Ibe twelve hlu credited tbe gt/Loulalans. Br. Lotria . Brown, ct... 9 Coolay, IT ... 9 Millar, c... 9 Omaor, lb.. 9 Palo, 9b 4 q!ilnB,2h.... 4 Q), aa- 4 Dowd.rf..... 4 BnU'alelB,p 4 Tolala..'40 0 0 0 a. B. 0. I.B. 1 0 Ilea I I 0 a 0 13 3 II 1 a 4 0 13 0 0 0 3 3 9II r 11 0 2 0- NtwToBK. T. a. a 0. A.B. BaonoB, IT.. 4 0 3 S I 0 TlaraaB,rr.. 4 0 3 3 0 0 Darhi,9li.... 4 1 0 3 4 0 Doyle,lb.... 4 I 1 9 o 0 TaolIaU'n,or4 113 0 0 Buironl,2b.. 4 113 2 0 ramll,o.... 4 0 0 4 0 0 Meeklo.p... s 0 1 0 3 u Munliraa.. S 0 I 0 4 0 Toiala...S4 4 II 27 IS 0 How York 3 0 0 St. LoBla 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 .. Karnad njtu-New York, 2: BL Loula, 3. Baao en or rera-K. Y.l. On balla-KI. L., r litrack onl-N. T., 9; SLL.,!. Umpire, Long. Tlma,3h. Clklwgs ra. Phlladelptala. Tbe Oblcagoe wen beaten Hay 21, al Chicago, 111., tbnogb tbelr InahlUly to bat HcClll'e pltoblng when blu were needed, Tbe little left hinder bid bU old teim completely at bla mercy. Besides, be struck out ten men, made two safe bits. Including a double bagger, and aaslBted In nililng live ot ola oppo- nents, nutcblaon proved an eaay mark for the Pblladelpblaa, who batted bUi pltoblng bard and often, especially In Ihe tonitb, sixth ana eighth Ino- IngB, when they earned ten ot Ihe twelve runs scored. Ilamllion led wllb (our safh blls, InoludUig a double bagger. Tbo olber long safe bits were mple bag- geru hy Dablen and Thompson and donblea by An- BOO, Fatrott, Boyle and Uelebanty. ------ pniLA- r. a a. o. A.a aamllton,cfB 3 4 10 0 Boiu,ib....a a 3 11 0 0 Hallinaa, lb. 9 0 0 1 3 0 Dekhanly.lf9 3 2 1 0 0 niompeon,rf9 2 9 0 0 0 Cnaa, 3b.... 9 3 3 1 1 1 Bulllran, aa. 9 I 0 0 ' ' Buckley, 0. 9 I 211 MC0II1.P.. . a. B. 0. A.a 0 0 3 0 9* 1 CUICiOO. Ryan,rr..... 9 0 14 10 Dahlaa, B-.cT 9 0 I 1 0 I Wlhnot. ir... 4 0 B I 0 0 AuaB,lb... 4 117 11 Decker, cr... I 0 0 I 0 0 Pamll, aa.. 3 0 I 3 10 Ennu,8b.. 4 13 0 10 BUwait,a>.. 4 0 I 1 4 ~ Donobue, fr. 4 0 0 B 1 - UBtcblsoB, p 4 0 0 0 1 0 TDUla..'3B 3 7 31 IB 3 Tolala....« 18 IB 37 K) 2 Chlcaio oeOBOIOIP-1 PblUdaliliia... OlOaiSOS -IB Baned nisa—Chicago, I; Pblladalpbta. 10. Baao oa er. ren-a. L Oo ballad., 4; P., 4. Blrack out-0.,»; P., S. Umplra, Mnmy. Tbne, 2119. BuMTlor lleldbig, wllb Umelyand hard batung, enabled tbe Oblcagoe to reverse tbe above nauli Hay 32. Uodaoapnred an easy mark for tbe home team, who bitted Um tor two bome runs, a triple bsgger, two doubles and nine aloglea He was taken out In tbe eighth Iniilng and Deam was sub- sutnted, but Ibe game was vlttoally lost before tbe obange was made, Terry pitched a good game, keepug the blla well apart, and was superbu; Bup- noixed- Doth teams were very lively on the uaaes, unie and Uelebanty led their respective teams In batung, Tbe long, safe bits were home luni by Dablen and Uoian, brtple baggan by lanxe and Halhnau, and double baggen by Everett aod Honn, Tbe leldlug done by the vlallan was ot a very rag- ged order. Ilamllion, In partlonUr, seemed to have an "off day." Someot bis enore provsd very costly. OUICAUO. Ryan, rf.... Dahlaa, la.. wlbBot, ir.. AnaoB, lb... Langa, cT.... 9 13 3 Bretett,3b.. 9 a s 1 BUwlrt,3b..9 1 I 3 Mono, 0...-. B I 2 9 Tarry, p B 0 1 0 T, a, a. 0. A.B. 9 3 13 0 19 113 9 3 13 1 112 9 0 Tolala...4i II U17 B Chicago 3 ISO Phlladalphta... 3 3 0 0 PuiLi. V, a B. o. IIamllloa,or. 9 1 3 2 0 4 Borla,lb,... B a I 9 I 0 , Uallmaa,ab.e 113 4 0 OjDelebanly.irB I 3 S 0 ' Tboupeoa.rf B 0 . Croaa, 9b.-- 4 0 0)8<iUlran,u.. 4 I Claffloala, c. 4 0 Hodion,p...a I p— 3 0 0 0 3 I I 0 . . 0 Totals....41 7 13 2719 8 0 4 0 9 0-14 0 1 a 0 0-7 13 0 a 1 a 1 1 1 1 3 0 I 1 0 0 Earaed ruoa-Chleaao, 3; Phlladalphlakl. Baao oner. renk-c.,1; P., I. OeCille-O.,9: P,4. Btnck onl-0., 3;r.,4. IJmpliw, Murray- Tlme,UDL Cleveland wa. BrooklTB* Tbe CleveUsds detealed Ibe Urookl/ns Hay 31, at Cleveland, 0„ altiiongh the Utter made a Ine up- hill Igbt Young pllcbed a superb game for eeven Innings, tbe llrooklyns making only one sate bit off him and falling to get a run. In the eighth and ninth, however, they batted him hard and often, scoring seven runs, but tbelr boucblng ol blla came too late, as Ibe ncloiy bad vlttoally been settled In favor ol tbe home team. Lucid had poorconunand ot Ibe ball, and be was fieely batted at oppoitone tlmea. Lucid gave alx moo tnelr haae on balls, and everr one of ueD was afterwards baited bome. Tbe long aafe bIta were triple baggen by FOnti and Ualler, and double baggen by Bnlndle, 0. Tebeau and UQAleer. Lucid was baited muoh birder tban tbe bee ot the scon shows, but bilUlaot fleldlog pnventad Ihe bome team from making mon rone tban tbey did. Qrlllln, Daly and Cor- coran made some remarkably One playL Tbe after- noon was peifecil/ clear, bul very cold, and tbe at- lendance wu lo conieqnence smiU, only about Ave hnndied penons being pieeenL Tbe pUyen of both teams couipBlned of tbe cold wealner, and It waa a (real wonder that there were not more emn made thin wen charged to both laams. Bbooklvs. r. a b. o. a-B.j CLaTSl,uo. r. a a. o. a-b- 0rifliB,er.... a 0 0 s I o Burkett, v.. B a 3 3 e a Lachanca, rf 9 3 1 1 0 0 McKeaa, aa. B I B 1 B I Aadenon, U9 I BIB OlCblhIa, 30... a S 0 B 3 B raBli,lb....B I III 0 MBUke,rr.... a 1 9 9 0 a Corcenn, aa. 9 0 114 nO.Tebaan, Ib 9 B t II IB ■hlBdlOb.. a 0 111 a 0 t 9 0 0 Dal/.lb S I I 0 9 O^O'Ooaaor, c 9 1 1 9 1 0 OalIay,o..... 9 I I I 0 MOremlag'rJbl 0 t B I 1 Lnckf, (....4 1 0 0 3 OTouBg,p.... B e I 0 I n TotalL...I4 T 184 19 a TotaE..-4811 U « II 1 BOOOOBOt t_T .... 3 I I Earned naa—BraeblfB, 3; CleTelaad.S. nre-B.,l:C.,a. Oe balla-B.,a: OVCStnck oat-M. I. Umpln,Keera. TtoekBir. Tiro gamei tor one admarion wan played by Ibtsa leama Itey Xt, wbeo Ibe (BevHaads wan aedltsd with tan vletotlea. Tbe