New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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June 1. THE NETW YORK OLJPPER. 203 THE TURF. Halu WUi Aaother Dvrbf • Tbe BprtDg meetlog of Ui« UtonU Jockejr Club itpoMd on iUy 23, %X ibe tnck DairOovlogton, K/., uadtf Tei7 fkTomblo AiuplcM. • Tlie w«Uwr wu rlae, ibe tnct In ftlr coDdldoo, ni aboal UiirtMO thotuud pcnoQi wore In ftt4eD<UDc«. Ttae prloct* 1*1 ereotoC Uie meeilDg, tbe Utonl* Vttbj, vortb 46,720, WAS won by Uio rftroril«, Bjrron UcCTellAiid*! llnlm*, winner of tbo Keotockj Derby, npoD wblcb Jock«j Ttiorpe h»d ihe mount, ud abont which (be itettlDK nilcd at to 'JO. Sammary of tba wetk^e mca: Mu-n—Flrat tws-Ooe Blitt—Ilaoij of 1Uvut«lI1Ti fdrhlBi, 1 10 10. woD.uihlffr » pnU: AalIU, im. UTWU- llami, 10 to 1, HoooO: tuKT Itorom, W, TTUbTlot, S to I, Uilrd. Tlint, l:i\K Hecoad r»c*—fill Inrloni*— MartonO.. 101. A. CU}U>ll,8lo^ woo; Koko, UlLBumll. 4 101, Hcood; AxliluKl. 101. PrMiDaD,(lto l.thlnl. Tin*. liUii Tblrd rmco-FlTo nirlon|[wP*Durr< UT, Ktw. COID.4 u> L «od; Boodo, IMc A. rUfioD, • to 1, Moood; HlMriock. lOl, rtrklni. A to 1, iblrd. Timt. Irta KouiUi ne^Laioolt I>frl>y, tor Uii*eywr oU oulUk cm iiilUftnil a lisir—lltlina, IS, Thorp*. 0 to au^ wen: Vro* AtlTlw, 117. A. RUytou, lit to 1, ucoil^; BuhlIIT. Hullo. i (o 1. thinl. Time, t-MK Hdh raeo—roitr Md a bair rurlODRf-Brac* Olnlla. IK, PorhlD*. ovoo, *od; Fnnw. llUi Prwm«n, R lo I, aocoDd; Htarlotift, Hff, WaJksr.a) to 1. Uilid. Tlroe,U U^ Blnlh no* Bli rurtODK*, MlllDK-Or«rIaD, lUO, KerkluS to la vod; All (iTor, 101. CutiD, 10 10 1. MCODd; M«tn>pol«, KV, PrMinui, lOtuI, llilnl. TInio, I:l&. . ^, ^ Mat H.-I1nii nc«-a»UlDir, mtod nirlouik-Judlih, lOa. mklDi, t to I, «6it: Bludio KonDoy. IB, ThorM. 7 loX,i>«coiHl;HrDvnoU, 101, Walktr.ftOtol. lUnl. Ttmo. IrSU BocoDd nco-MllDB. one ull»-DUb«lt, O. N. Horrli, IQll to I. too ; TOblo. UO,Tliorp*. 7 lo IQl ncoad; TsKCClW. rorklDR, 7 lo I, thlnl. Tim*. I:U Third rmco-Uftir mllo-inorTle, KB, II. BrDOkii. 3 lo &, vos; Countou Innt, lOLTliorpo,5 to 1,Mcoad; Onroflo^ 101, Porbln«,7taS,Uiltd. Tliite,0:iSX Founli nc«-8lE fiirloDit*—Juo Hack, Mb, PerklnR, llo ft, voo; Yellow Bom, 114, rroeifflu. 76 toT Mcood;, H. WIUIwu, lO tol.ihlrd. TlD*, 1:U>4 rifUi rMO-rin hirlooga— Rovanlor, IIS, Uutlo. W lo lOt *on; Bir Dllko, IIA, Obr- toD, 3 to 1. ucood; Dol Coioudo, lit, McCUId. 7 loX, third. TIn)#,l«X. Unj 28L-Klrrt raco-Sollloir, ill AtNoOfff-AMU lUrU. DO. Kewooni, ft to 1, won: P«ytonla, 99, H. wlllianii, 3 to I. nocDnd; Cootoat, lODL N. Hnnii, 39 to 1. third. Tim*, 1:U>> Socood noo-A«lllnK, odo mllft-pMrl Soor, ]0a,UiMln,6 to won; (l«on« IMclr, lOOc V. Jua««.e(D ], Moood-OriDdA, H9, Porkinm 4 lo I, third. Tloi*. l:4i>;. Tlilnl r*c«~Oa« inllo ud a RlKtMnth—Llutk, W, roTtlDO. I loft, won; Hay BL, ll3,Thorpa^ 10 lo Laooond; CatiMuiniB, iOS,Tamtr.etol,thlnl. Tiwsl:M>4 roortfa rmc«-CllpieU*6take«, for Iwoyaarold nil6«L 0v« farlonn, taUo tu vIoDor. tSiJW-Hrrtlo llukiieia, 110^ ILWI)Tlaina,7toa. von; AlUdooa, 108, OUrtoo, U to 1, wcoDdj^ArutDdt, 101, Turner, 7 taft,Utlnl. TIdm. I:(nj«. uu. muKiMj*, «u(uvr, i was uiiiu. tiiuw, iMt}^. ..PtrUi raco—Two year oUi, flro olghtlM of anllt— Raoioro, lia P«rkln«,4 tuft, woo; Bqulra 0. 107, TT-^orpe, 8 to I. aMond; Damlon, UOL Clayton.ft lol, third. Tint*. 1:01); UiUi nco—SeUlna, tlx rurloaga-JannU W- lQ^flanlo.8tol.won:7li* niaceMLM. Uthor, lOtol, HMnd; Own Lilly, in, B«nc«n, ft lo 1. third. Time, *llav37.—Plral raeo—BollInv,Mvon furloDirff—CrwcMt* 89. w. Jooaa,S lo I, voo: Bt.Ilarlo, 101,Qnliun, to U •etond; MaMor PrtJ, lul, Newconi, U to 1, ibtnl. Tima, 1:31^ Bocood mco—On* inllo, MlUnR—Marioa O , log; FerklDii,$ toft.Ton: ElUb*rt,9a, K. Ifttrrl'. V to 1, Mcnnd; Poyloola, 109, Jalaoo, « to 1, thIiO. Tin«, Tliird ra<»-Flv« furlonirm two rear otd«— Btnrioek, 107, Perklna,6tA3, vim; PaalR, 110, lliotM. 4 to l.forond: Del Uomoado, 107, K. Willlantl. lo r,Uilnl. Time, 1:01 Pounh ntco—Alx rurhmin—1 adr DIa- tnonJ. lUU, UcCliUo.4 to 1, won; ll#)le Foater. IIU, k. WU- liamK 15 to I, Mcond; Potentaie. Ill Brvuk*, 1 to &, third. T1oie,l:16 Filth rtce-Kour and un»^airrarknii:a— Countoui Iraia, l(M,ThorM,7 to A. woo; Aa RaTolr. lO, Ferkloa, to 1. •ocood; ParmdUo, UU, Martlo. C ti) I, third. TliDe. O-Ki^ Blitb raco— Sotoii rUrlonn— Koko, 112; R. WlUIamt, ft to 2, won: Tom Elmom, 101, r«rkliULftU> 1, nocond; RlKhtraore, 112, Bcooka, 16 to 1, third. Time, l::w. Racing »t the Mo«ud City. Hay 2l.-FImt nce-fllx rurlOD|t*-8e«lni; Qlrl. lOS, Buun, A) lo I, won; Uncortaloty, lltJ^ Hacklln, Sn <o 1, hoc* ood;tfaiap)ioa0.1Q6. Ilardin, Ta to I, third. TiDe.l:m Second ruc^-FUeelRlilliii of a mil*—Loyal Prln- cam,98, Bunn,4t> lo 1, won; I'hllelta, l(l7,Tumur,ft to 3, Mooiid; Idail..l07, F. Carr.ft to 1. third. Tlmo, 1:07- Thli\] race Qua and oo«4lxt*«ntri iiiilea, handicap—Lin- da, 87, Oarear, 3 to I, won: Urania, M, J. Oaidoor.S lo 3, vecoDd; Uakwood, 1(0,0. Hloan, S to 1, thlnl. Tlue. 1 :ft4. Fourth race—One mile—Cnuroone d'Or, Oft, Qatnari 6 to I, woo; Dotia, 109, P.CarrS to L fecwd: flhioloi B«ll«,l(]aL»o«,lo tc l,U>ltd. Time, 1 JO Fifth rme* -Fineooih aiiteaaUie of a ihIIb— Buck MiaKle, 91, Wynti, 7 to S, won; Mollle B.. 102, Maokllo. 9 to 3, Ncond; Roy DolHar.107, Bunn.7toirUilrd. TIao, 1:11. Uav ZL—Fhat mca-Seren MriooRa-iack Rklielleu, lll.P.C«rr,9toft^ won:Barr»ll*aHlllatt, 110; II. renoy. 4 lo I, aeoond: Darwin Wedgevood. KB, Ulnkey,«tol, thIrO. Tlmo. 1JIJ/. BecoDd raoo-Flve Airloag«-^>«cior 0^ 104. Bunn, lOio I, won; NewhouH, lOL BInw, U to ],aec- oad; Plnkey FotUr, 99. Mackllo, lltol. tntnl. Tina, 1W. Tblrd racft-SoTen farlonfi^M«]or DrIpM, HI, Hianithtor, 13 to I. von; TOm Koller, HI, tt. Penney, ft to I, <eeoBd; Fnnclf Pope, lll,RJooe«,4 to 1, ihlrd. Time, 1:33 ..Foanh race—One mile—Fanday. HI, F.Carr; 3 lo ft, won: M In Nonua, HI, Schorr. 1ft to I, aocond; Youtii ArioD, 111, R. Jon«a,a) to l,tJilnl. TInie,l:49 (Flfib race—Ooe aod ooe-quarur milea—fOiant^- Bob, V, 0. HUuihier, ft tul, von;Wllmar, lUB. Uamtr,ftto3;MCond; Wltlllton, 101 F. RuueU. 6 to 1, thlr^. Time, 3:11. Hay S.-FIrrt race-flli fflrionipi-Blll Wblte^ 113. F. t:arT,A lo 2, won: TeaSel, ICQ, Hardin.SO to 1. Moood; Karlonn, liu, It. Kolaltt, Ift to 1, third. Time, 1:16J{ Second raca-Ooeiiille—Ace, lOT. Oamor,8tofii,*oo; Dr. Work IDS, A. BarrelL 8 lo 1, Mcond: Shining Belle. lOD, Hoaa, e to I. Uilnl. Time. I MH Tlilnl race-Kloder- KarUD 8iak*e. Ore rurbnn-Bcn Eder. Iia, Lalcta. 3 to I. won: Lour Fllebt, HlBriiton,4tol, wrond: Beau Ideal, 131. J. RaaBU,2lo iTthlnl. TIaw. liD Foartb race —One uiUe and a ilit*enth—Samo, lUXQaraer, 4 to I, won:. Buck Maaale, IQOi Turaerj to 10, a^od: Lily of the WeaL flt. Bono. 2 to 1. thlnl. Ttmo. 1:49 .TIIUi race- RIx furienga—Oeorfe HUler, 109, Btaaxbter.ft UtS, won; Renator Morrill, 10^ Ciedle. ft to 1, ««coDd; ProbaHCo, IIOl Tamer.fttol. tblrU. Time, 1:19 Blxlh raco-Flreand abairtbrlonge-Lady Inex,flC,Kaokllii,l to 3, von; J. A. Ur»y, 110. Turner, ft to I, tocond; Oanion, IB, Uooaey, 10 to I, third. Time. IflJ. 'UayU.—Pint tar^FIre fbrlonit^Pinkey Potter, 97, A. BarretL 7 to I, won; LItila Bramble. 17. Turoar, ft to 1, wond; William Duke Jr.. 97. Uacklla.5 lo 1. third. Time, 11D}£ Hecoad race-One and oBo-rlxieentb mlte^ Faraday, lUft, Turner. 7 to la won; Prince Ctrl. 105. J. (iaidnir.ft lo l^aecond; Fliaro, IQft, LeiRlhM to 8i, third. Time, 1:49 Third tmce—Fire nirloDii^llcUeDry, 97, Turner, lOlo 1, won; Lon Joaei. 101, 0.1lue*Loo.aO to I. )>eooDO; Doctor a., 107, 0. Bloao, 10 to 1, third. Time, LIB Fonrtli race—Sevan and a b&irrurlonii^Llnda, 101, Oanlner, 4 to 1, won; Wekota, lOL J. (laidnir, 4 to I, i«cond; Dr. Rice, 122,0. lluealoo, 2 to L Uilnl. Tlio^, l'Jb!6 Firih race—Ooe aod on»-al]r<iili mllex-SuU Hov, 114, C. iluefton, ll to I, won; Hlimbeaa, lift, 0. RIoen, 8 to 1. Mcond; Eaale Bird, IH,Mooner. ft to 2, tbinl. Tima,Ide. U«y &.—KInt rmr«-One mile—ImnilUa, 100. fbughler, 7 to I, von: HanHlaa, lie, Mooner. 8 to 1, eecond; wamo Leland. luasiiMrin, II lol, third. Tline, IrOJ,' Sec* otiil rice—Seron and one-half fttrlunge—Uaorlca, U). BUbe,2 loft, von: Tieolnii, l07.0.Sloea. ft U> I, Mooad; llandipun, 101 (lamer. 4 to 1, third. Time, 1:30 Tlilnl race— FIto and a half f^irtonn, Obamplonthip Hiakaa-Beau Ideal. Ill, J. Reagaa, 9 to I, voo; Ben Kder.l2l,Ulilh.atal.pecoud; LaRalk 118, J. UcDon. ■ aid, HID L Ihlrd, Time, 1X0 Fourth rmce-Five far- Ion Rii-I.lbvrtlne. 122,MachllD,0loft, won: Fraak Fanner, ll3,C.Uuetton. 12 to l.aecooil: Vomen, 113, F.Carr,3to 1, Uilnl. Time, IrUIJ^ FItth race—Ooe aod one- iiuarter mlle*.--r!yaotlia. dA, A. Bairett, 6 in 2, won; Black Jack. t}<, (laraer, fi tu I, ncood; Hai|aeen,tt,C. Rlaughter. 10 lo 1. thlnl- Time. 3:llfi BUth raca- One mile—Ttio Kllten. 101, Uhum, 3to I, voa: l.ulu T., Iifi, Wyon,T to2.iiccund; Bill White, 114, Lolfli, !■ to 2, thlnl. Tluifk, 1:0^; Heronth nte-Ona and ooe- '(uarur mlle»-Harcel, iV. J.a9rdner,9 to 2, von; WiUla- ton. KH, F. RoMOl, 10 to 1, Mcond; Fooilivty. im, C, Sloan. 10 to t. Uilnl, Time. 3:10. Uai 27.-FIrU nce-One mlle-gan fllai^ H8L J. Hooney, 3 to I, won; Zoullka. IIB. W. Ill|l,ft in I. Mcood; Mr. Dun* Up lift. Tuherrllle. Ift lo I. lli(nJ. Time. l:4lV See- up, lu, lunarriiie. lo lo i, uiini. (inie, i:«i*4 oec- ood rae^FUe and a lialf i\irloDRi—Jllaoy, lu^ Oamtr. 7 " ryThouirht,W,Tumar.3tol,f>«coDd; Coo- Hloao. Ill tol. third. Time, 1:11) Thlnl ._ .^rfonipi—BuckJi|an[o,iai,Tun)er,Stflfti,won; Rey del liar, II8L Bono.S to I, eeoaod; PncahoolaH, lOft Maaklln.3 to 1. tlilnl. Time, IMl Fourib rare-One iiille-HeTenue, lift, R. Jone*, Ift lo 1, voo: HllUboro, III, ■ — • I, IW,dBloan.9t/»8,llilnl, oi, von; Harry 1 «aaloa. liB, C. Hlft ■ ac e Nine nirfonn Tlfue,i«W. Loalavlile Joekey Clab. HaySI.—FIraL rac^Flre furlonne-Laily Diamond, 90, HoClaln.8 to ft. woo; Lampllibier. lU, BrwkiL ft lo 2, wood; The Priaceta, 901 Lather, 60 to I, iklru. Tloe. IM^' Second race-Six furkmn ■ell(i)«-Ketla O., lot, A. CUyloo. 0 to I. won: Dr. Haed. (tt. H.Wllllaraa, 10 to I. McutKlj HaJorTom, lift, PerklmCe to I, tblrd. Tlmr. 1 :l8>a TbIrU raco—One uille end aertiity yRT^*>, Mil* log-Devpoi, lO, Berien,Oinft, wnn:Ploiua,ll|L A.Clar* Loo, 7 lo ft. ■ecooil: Santa Crvi, lUI, UcClalD, A tu I. tblrd. Time, l-M FourUi race-fllx ferlong^Malmtlun. 10tPerklna,ft lo I. won: Hai«,lOft^U.wniuiu«,3 tu I. MCnod; PortBua. KD, Nawcom, %) to I, tblnl. Time, I :I7V Finb race—Four and a liaU rortf>ojA aeUlog- KoMo, loo. Bers»n,e lo I, voo; HIr Dlike, KH, Freeman, lOtel.aeooQd; Altidena, MO, B. Wllllanu, 3 to 1, iMrd. Tlnie,0«>{. ^May 31—FIrat nee—All Itartooj^Launat*, t<Q, CUrlon,3te^ von; Fra OUvola, U9, IrTlnt 11 to I.... ond; Dofflinloo. lOB, Toner. 20 to I,third. Tine. l:lft;i. ■ ' ~9e-Four furleojfa^nperRgo. 11^ Per- „May 31—FIrat nee—All Itartooj^Laonat*, t<Q, A. - - - - k wTi IV,, «u ut l.lh -. furleon—senperRgo. Ill klna,4 to Lwoo; Lncllla II., Il\ F»IrgooJ,i&i tuT,^- ond; Rewanler, ll\ A.Ckjtoo.Ttotthtn). TLiie.0:4S. TbM nco—One mile, MlUni-Cyclone, lOI. A. Clar- too, 7 to 3, won: Orlnda. 107. Ferkma. 4 b> L aecood; (Jieeowkl), KIT frrlav, 4 to 1, third. rima,l:4l Foorth race—TUe QurllDjion giakK A*e tarhioia-Mey PlnkartOD, Ul, Tomer, f to 1. von: Reprtare. WI.Mew- aoB. rjo 1, aecond; Fivd Barr, NO,A.CUrum,t to 1, lulrd. Time, llO Fifth race—SoTeo ftirwogik aell- iBR^Raoona, 10, Barfrn. T lo 5. woai EIIm, ToI. Per. : Dr. need, lOl.Tomer.S to l.thlnl. bla>, ft to 1, TlBie,iaB>i: Tsoimo nt STTECiiae, N. T.. viu be fotther sdm* ttlaled next eeuon, wken tke new mile tncg, dow beloff coDBtncted, wlU be opened In eonncctloB wllb tbeOmod drcnJl. ForiMpreaent iCMDnlbe room will be UHed oolr for inlnlog purpoaet, gnd ll will be Rsdy for tbe bones In n few weekn. CalllteniU Jwker CUb. HaySI.—Flretno^Flfe Nrlonfi, eelllaf—The Dnm- mer, KB, Cberaller, 5 to I, von; Jamve lU. C Webor, 4toB,eemd; PriaeaDevIna, 100, Manin, H to I. thinl. Tlma, 1:U .Second reo^Flte and a half tarloon, aelKng—notoeme, 04, Plgcott 8 to I, «»n: 11>-| Rn. R. Jonea, 8 tu 4 eecosd: Venna, fll, tawvallor, 4 to I, tblid. Time.l?DM...^Tblrdraoe—About bIi (<»rt<;nr«. h1".^Rt " nie" — -. ..... Mamie Scott, MB, Shaw,B to I, vnn; McKurlane, n;, lien- rIchi,3iol,eecood;aypMtUnkllDg.8l,J. U'ard.4 m |. thlnl. TtmflLl:U>t Fourthraee-i4li forlnnRiLaoninit -Fortona, », Cbaraller. to L von: Mt. Air,Stk hnott. 4 to l.aeeood; Boiwk»7,T.Sloeii.8 lo LiMnl. lT^l^ 1:14 FirU) taee—One mile, Mlllng-Bemanlo. lin, l'aget,Slol. woo: DonCa-aar,BtL Jonea, 10 lo l,>n.nihl; Commtatdoo, 99, lienricha, 0 to ft, third. T)m^ I:!!!«. Hay31.-Flr«t nco—Fire IutIoori, tvo year olUt—luip. HlaalBrunnel, lULBIiav, 4 loft^aod Boaator Mihoney, 110,C. Weber,3 tol, ran a dead beat; City(llrl.n.Pww Plaa, 3ft to I. Ihlnl. Time. imU- lu tbe run oir MIk> Brummelwoo. Tlme.lfll>4 flecoodrace—Oaenllf, aalllni-OllTia, 84. B. JonoR, 3 to I. woiu Aleiln, lu^ Peten,9 to l. aeoond; Oohl Dun. Stt. CbevaliorS ip i, third, TIroe,l:i4U Third nco-Flvi and bIlkIi lur looga, aelling—Paaok 107. llenrlcha,ft to I. von; 31rn)n, aB. JoDee,«to I. necond; Rail Will, 98. ChenlUr, 4 to I. l\l. Tlme^lWA Fourth race-KIi-e aod ana-half fOrlongn, Mlllng-Joe Cotton, 101. IV. Fljon. 10 to i. von; Manieu, 107, Oiefallar. 6 to I, aeoond; t^nntl, IM, 8iinv. SDtol, tblrd. Tlm^lA>i Fifth nic«-%si\ niiluiii;^- Theloia, 107. Bbav, a to 1. von; Uuirt, W7, raiel. A ut ft, •aoood: novani. Iirl Peien, 13 lo 1. iiilrd. Tiinr, I :tsv. HaytS.—llalfamllMnaldMi ivo vearuMju-Tartlwetl. KB^ CheTaller, 4 to I, won; Zona,KU, LIntd, .<<m .•i Mmud; Lallecha,KB.Hbaw,SUi l.thlrtl. Tiiite.O:ci Hn:ond race-Ooe mile. Mlllnit-4>api. Reea. III.C. Welwr, 3 iti \ von; Comnlwlon, 90, nhera]I*r,ft to I, aecond: Koiiia, n.K.Jooaa.9 tol, tblrd. Tiinf. I.4IV TTiIrd Tar«- Flre rurlooga—OoM Bag, KB, lleoricli<sC to I, wpo: Fir, 98. B. Jonei, 4 to I, aacontl; gotrt, 111. l*aitei, B tol. llilnl. Time, ijDl.i; PourUiimce-Ono mll»-Mr. Jlniile.SA. Cbe*aUer,ftto 1. von; Cbarmloo, KtLBhaw.ato x*«eond; loiiallaioo, 81, B. Jone«. 3 to I, ililrd. Iliiir, I Fifth race-^teeplecban. extreme ahurt rouiM. ateat on* mtle-Arctlc UJ, Spenea, 7 to ft, voa: Homnn (I , 132, ClaBcy, 8 to ft, aecood; We«, U), H« lh, 4 lo I. ililnl. Time, liBSk. <«HayU—Flratraca-Flreanda half rkrlon|ii,wUlng- BoaeCIark. 101.Ueorldia,0 to l.wen; .VeUoo.lli.lleii- neaay, 3 to 1, aecood; Vanua.aL ChoTaller, fttoft, ililnl. Time, \M Second race-Four anJ a half furiong*, aelllnv. tvo year oMa-ilarBaJtaiy, 100, B. Jt>nM.2iol. von; vera, IQCLPeUra, Ift lo I, MCond; Monitor. MO. W. FlyBD,8tol,thlnL T1me.l)Jd Ttilnl rare-SU fur- tonga—llyno, 101, Lloyd, 8 to I. von; Ami>t(«, .t9, K. Jonea, 9 to ft, Mcood; Quirt, III, I'agrt, 3 to I. ihlnl, Tjiiie, 1:14 Fourth race-One mlle,t«llloR-.V*phev, Ua. Shav, S to I. won- HcLlRlit, 112, cTVeber, 3lo I, a«c ond: DooOvaar,8^E.Jonet,etal.Uilnl. Tiuie,l:il.... FIftli nee-FlTe fbrlonia, light velter welaiii.PeUinx- Horren, 137. a Weber, «lo f von; Hcl'arlaao, lift. Ilfn richa,] to ), aeeood; Soledad, ua^0alra^8 to 1, thlnl. Time, ISA. May ai.—Flratrace FItq eihl on« lialf fterloop, >ellliic —Myroa,9I.B Jone)i,9 toft,woo; My Hcpeihaait, 101, W. Flynn,8to 1, aecood; Soledad, W Bumi^ft to 1. third TlmeTl ■ ■ — "* •■ I'eteii^ lOtoL voo; Ledetio illlr, tU, Wtlkemiiil(.40 to I, aecond; Imp. BanU Bella, llftLmLav..'tbi I, Milid. Time. l:QB>j Third raea-Six furionn. HUlnR-LIavllle, lio. Shav, ft to I, von; Imp. Ivy, IT, lecirivl; Atoila, 101, Petan, 10 to I. thlnl. Tlmo, iTlMj FoutiIi -Five and aliair fbrioon aeUlnii-SirKkbani. iOO, E. Jonea,3 to 1. voo: JoeCol*on. lUI, W. Fljan.Oto I, 'oeond;T1mMurpliy,ll3LlIenrtcbi,4 loft.thlrd. Time. lOTX Flflh nco-Aboutono milt and a half, abort eounerteepladiaae—Relarapago, 13a,ateHart,4tol. won; Lonnle E, 129^ Clancy. 4 to l, aeconJ; North, 177. Mc Mahon, ft to I. third. Tlme.3:II,S HMh r«rv—nne mile aod ailxteeoth-Roma, 87. l'aKR«u,< lol, vno; Mr. Jlogle, 99, Ueoricba^ ki ft, Mcood^; Nalo DUblo^ IIU; E. JoDoa,3tol, Uilrd. T1iiie.l:l9>4'. Hair^-Flretrmco-Flve lurtonta, Mlllnc—UanKle R. Smith,90 Steele, 7 to 1. woo; RoaaTir, H, lUnridn, 3 to I, aecood; Regent Jr.. H4, Hh«p«fO, 12 to i, Uiinl. Tiao. \M. Second Mc^PiHir aiiil aiialffurlrinRi, maldun ino year oUa-Inatigator, 106, lleoneiuey. 6 Ut I. vnn; JfM«- plilne, 101. Peiem,8 to 1. Mcoad: (4ty Ulrl. loi. )'«»pI«j^ IQ tol, tblnl. Time, OMfi ililrd raca-Bli furluniK, wlllni—Hay Day, lOL FlgfOIL 4 to 1, won: Boiean, liii. Shaw, 4 to I. aecond; Tar and tarur, 138, 0. Wfl w. 4 to ft, thlnl. Time. 1:18K Founli race—Aimul aIi ftlr>oDt:^ ■ellli)|t—Amollo, 10. B. JonefL4 to won; KoallzAilnn. llOi W. PlyoD. 7 to 0^ pecund; Hoadruooer. itff. XJiaw, 10 tol. Ihlnf. Time, l:lftk; FlfUi nc*-Kiv« furluni^ «llln8-07M>/Ulrl.97. &unii.3 to 1. won; Hllv«r Ktule. tliW Time, 1.10,%'. OM DonlnloB Joekey Club* Har3l.—Pint race-PIre furtoon-Tliackerr. lUft, Mur phy, & 10 2, woo; William Peon, KA Faraoitrt, Ift to ODd;Oama,iaL Delelianty, 8to I, iJilnl. Tline, litn Second race-Six and a iioaner inrlonia-Callnia, gn, Donnelly, ft to3, voo: SKllabnry. I(U,S, Dutfy.a) lo 1, rot- ond;Ueadll|bt, HU^NeaiT, 11 lo ft. third. Tlm«, 1:223^. Thlnl reoo—Six and a quarter furlooga—Ataman, IIM. Ham. 1 to2, von; Home Bun, laxCuuplon, Iftio I, Mcund; Quartenseaur, lOlW, ParH>n,8 lo l.thlnl. Tliite. l.-Oj. Fourth race Mix aod ahairfurWiRa-DlaeHlnl, IW, Waabbom, 4 to 1, von; Pickavay, VBH, Murphy. 7 lo 2, eecond: Uraod Prix, lOS. Keary, even, thlnl. tliie. 1:31,^. Fifth race-Ooe utile—Ecllive, lli. t\>Uiiait. 7 u> I, von: Benrollo, 117, Hu-"^ - --~ i .-. ..- 114. W. UeDennolt. 10 to I, thinl. Tine, I Xl'l May a.—FlFHt race-Fuur aod um half rtirlonua-WII- llan Penn, lis, Panona. even, woo; Boenton, ito. Aifonl, 8 to 1, aeoond: Rufua. V9, Waidihum, 11 to ft. ihl td Tlmo, 1 At... .Becond race-Six and auuarur fUrkton-Anxlaiy, 107, rBTtont,8tol, von;rearDrap. IQft, WaaMiam, I toX aecond; Chillle, 107, A. Uoore, CU lot. ihiid. Time, l:a Thlnl nee—Seren ferkmin—Aumaii. 110, iiaiii,ft to 2, woo; Doc Birch. 104. AlTonl, 0 to ft. aecond; Kaxaii. llM, NeaiT. S lo 1, thlnl. Tfme, \M TVounlt ru:e-.HIx and a quarter furlonKH-C. O. D., 107, PaTaona,8 to 1, won; Hod Star, lia Ham, ft to 1, aeoond; (JuarUrmaUer, 110, YetUr. 3tol. third. Tlme,lS Finhrace-Oataiid onaiiiN. teenihmlle»-<Jonialea, 10B,Hurpby,8 toft, voo; Pullixer. KM, WaiibbuRi.3tul,Pecvnd; KlogUinl, 101 Klnninero. Wtol.Uiird. Tlme,l;A3>^ Sixth race-8U and one- hah furloDn—Key Weii.llft,Murphy, ft to 2, von; Flnn- vater, UA. Panooa, S to ft. Mcood; Finty, IU, Ham. ft to I. ibird. Tlffl^lA Mays.—F|n>trace—Four aod a half ftirlonga—Fr^tik B. llart 119, PlualiiimoBB, 2 to ft. voo; RuiUi, lib, ATery, 1ft lo 1, aeoond; Jareer, 118, llain,ft tol,thinl. Time, ed0 Second noe—Six eiida niaiter ferlonKi-lioc Blrch,lUJWaNbhun),7to2, voo; ladra, 1(^7, Ilaiii,7 loft^ aacood; Belaaariu«, liJ8, Curbley. ililra. TIfflH, ica^i. Tiiin) race—Haifa inlle-Clianua, 100, Coriilay, even, wuo:Torello. KU, Waihhum, 9 toft aaconii; UntdiUIrl, 108, Ham, d tu 1: tblnl. Time. OJIO'4 Fourth ncu- Six f^rtongfr-Wiliiam Peon, HH, FanNma 3 tu I, won; Thackeny, 104. Murphy,4 lo 1, mcuiJ; Cafiilt. lUl. Dun nelly, i to LUilid, Tliii«.l.-3D Klnii raco-Flvp fUr- kmn-DokeofFlaf,im A.Moerr. 10 lo ], won; Vaiiui- benr.lR^ Uam.4 lo Lieoood: Pktaway, ito, .Mun'l>r.3 tol, tblnl. Time. 1-04 Slilh rmce-FIra furkriiKif- Traltor, llOi Uwrer, ft to 1. voo; W«a Park. ilU.Xeuoieier, ft to I. lecond; Cajodeo, lio, Paraom, 7 to ft, ihtnl. Time, IMli. RBolBf Bi SI* Ai«pta. Hay 21.—Pint raco-Bli aod a half furkingM—Frulk. lQft,t&rtiley.7 lu 1. von; Dllioo J,,lo;, llui.f lu ft. hc ODd; Marfuerlle, uD, Duffy,t; lo 1, tblnl. 'hme,l:ir>;. Bewod na»-Hair amlle-Anla.9^ Aodrewa, ft to], woo; Cblok, lOL HeLua'>l'D< * )• mcoimI: Delia H..SU, Barrett, g to l.tbtnl, Time, 0:03 Thlnl mce-Heren rurloOBa—OoQOOra lOi AHbnl. 10 lo 1, voo; KellUarlua, lOI.Cerbler, 10 to Laeeondj Iiarliaia^aB.DoBnelly, I Uj 3, thlnl, ,Tlme: l-JS); Feurtli nc*-Oot mile. Mlllnir —\alkTrIe,89, |>ono3Uy, 2toa, voa; TnlM. W. Par»uo<, Ift to 1, wood; Teoacluua, 108. Deieliioly, 7 to I, tlitnl. Time, 1M<« Fifth raco-Sevoa fbrloiixM-Key \Ye«r. 79, C. Donnelly, 3lo I, vun; Illume^97.C^riilnr, i tufi. mc- ood; Jeaile Tarat el, Noainnd. 10 to I, i/tlrd. Tiinn, IMU Sixth race-Six rurlonn-l'loniy, 109, Ham. eren, voo; OnoBle«,IKLUnn»hy,4 lo Liecood; Flurii- Ing, 107. Alloid, 10to l.thlnl. Tiio*, I 31;):, Bay34.—Pirn race-Haifa mile-MlnBUfL, ou.(;. Don- D«lly, Ift to I, won: Trlxe> (laniner. SO. Doiinvlly, 4 in \ aecond; aoTemorPirir. Ul. H. Klor, Utol, third. Time. UJ1.>;. Second raoe-81^ rtirlongii-Tincreii. lot. Murpliy, 3 to L woo: Anole T., 891 tinny, tft 10 I, •ecund; W. tStKhade, lO, J. Moora. 38 (ol. tblnl. Titnr. 1 :I7*a. Thin) nee. Bereo furloogK-UameL iUP, Uuonelly, 7 to L won; Some More, IdV Muri'by,! to ft,«ec(ina: FagDtrioa,Pi>eoo«,ftln l.thlnl, Time, (Mi Founli taoe-glx and a half farloofni-Flaiury, im^ Corbley, 4 to ijinnu, lu^ 1 eiwr, :i u 1, mcoii _, „ _ bam, 4 lo ft, third. Time, l:4ft% MUtb rvro-Flve furlooKa-OMpalr, liO, Corbley. 7 ui ft. «oa; Maioyoo, im, Aifonl, 0 in I, eecood; Henjanila, KB, ;i£«ll«r. T to 2, thlnl. Time, I rOlt^. Hay 77.—FIrat nc*->Flve rurlooE*-T«ar Drop, IU7, Waahbum,_7 to A, woo; (lovemer Fifer, lUL Hun, 3 lu I, aecond; Clemtnt. 110. Dugy.ft to 1, ihlnl. Tiiitt, 1:04(4 Becood Tac»-4)li nirlonga—Cerebui^ lOf, Dtleliaiity, Ito 1, wool Mamie R, lOB, Alrunl.ft lo Ztemnd; Maiur .. 107, Waahbuni,3 lo LUiinl. T^m^.\12n^ Ttdnl race—Six and a liaJl lurloofwDarhoeas IV, Donnelly. 7 to I. won: BelliarluL KA Curl>l«y. jmi. •ecood; I'lck- ivay, 107, Waahborii,ll to 1, tblnl. Tinm, l:/7 Fourth race—One arid oqe ilxteeolh tal)ea-l*olluer, 02. Doti- niUy.Otol, von; Tenadona, 97,U. MoLaughllo,!) to 1. pocviid: FuxfluTe,9t,Urlkin.»i(u I. Uilnl. Time. I:»H. Flnh rae^FIra ferlonita-Beniyn. 107, Alfunl.H to l,vun: JoMle Taral, 93, DooneUy.3 Uj 1, tacoiid; Mar- Iuerilo, lOB, Delebanty, 8 to Sl Uilrd. Tleie. IW Ixtli iBca—Tlirte <iuarteri or a mil«L wIlhiR-Bbick Baaoly, ilB, Avary, M to 1, von; lolluldad, 110, Z«il«r,8 tu I, Mcond: Buliea,li(JCVatler, Jki l.thlnl. Tfnie, Is. M**4 Jim Boanmon, owner of M Tclemro, waa rein- iUted by Ibe fHd Doinliilon Jocker Uuh, el AlcTan* der lAUnd. Hay 14. He wai ru)e<l dTJao. Ufur iiianJpuletlojr ble bone In a nc« wben be wan beav- lly becked. InliUpreTlou ittenpli n Telegrafo didootappearlobaTee cliaDC«,and Inveetlgatluii after tbe race In iioeitloa reveeled ibe fact that he cemedaellrertiibelDbLitliioet, iHl lii bU other noce tbla tqbe bed been Ukeo oat* THPUoifiNiuNJouKicrCLi'BwaarormedgtTorDntu, (ML, Hay n.nt a meeting ftl(ende«l I*; reprewnta* UTeeoftbeOftnadlaoTarf Haclng jwioi-LiIIuq. Tbo object la lo tiare ail Hie jockry €lut« gcppaa tbe lionadn line form a ooltnl clrcall aod lie ffoverned by tlie iame rulca, Ao eiTbil will 14 made U; amaj. gaonte wlib Ibe Jockey Clab, of tbu cliy. JOOBBT DoBSBT baibeennled uiTortbe KC Anpb track by tbe nrflalft Jockey Q\ib, for piilUnf mlly Boy In B reoeot nc«. TBI PloiUco Drif log aut», of OalUnwre, Hd., taekl Iti Sprtng tntilnf aeeflnf lut week. lUrlBK Ik CameiAm. Tbe Spring racen or tbo untatlo Jockey Qab open' ed At Tomnto. dut., Hay 21, and art Ibeae meetlnga areilio cblef event o( ihc Canadian turf year con- alttontiilo InicrcHi vm lunnirested on both itdei of Ihc boiiiiilary line. Tbe tiicetlof continued dortng Ibe ilvo rcmalntiig Oay^ nf Ibe week. Suomaitei; May3l.-Fir»i nre-Trial puree, all ageMhTM qaar- intofamile-Hiu|ih«ua von, l.on] N*lM>nBeTond,<3Dpy. right Uilnl. Time, 1:I«U Meooed race-^uralk Scurrj- HveeiviAke*. ivo va^r oMi. helf e nilk—f^nmU von. Rouuduitan MCond, lUodcar Utini. Tline, 0:HK* Tlilnl raco—Rfd Coat Hteeoleckaae No. 1. pvirate Hw^^p«uk»^ ivi) mil««aod ahalr-Royal Bnbwoo, Dodo •econd. Prince tliarify Uiird. Time. TM^i Foanh rare—WalkerCui*. thrveyvoroMi andopvanl. Canadian uvnod hora«n,nne mile and a iiuarter-J- B Beavnm'a BarafOMa vop. t^iuttto aecood, Lotui third. Time, 3:10. Filih race—Oueea'a Plate, of 80 ■uhkeaa.el) efva, \wr**» oviiisi. hnO, ralMil in*! mined In (iaiarlo,ooa and a iiuarlflr mile*—J. R. Seanam'a BoonteOeb] voo, J. t.SeaKmu'aMlllhmok aecond, W. UrWtrll'a Lochlo- tar thlnl. Time, 2:I7S Blxth raco-WoHar. ■eilloir. I-QTM leu. three yf«r oUm and upward, oae atid one- elr;hili niiien—SlonemaMmwon, Kilkenity t^end. l^Mlla ihinl. Tlmo. 2:0). Ma> £t.—F|n«t race-tlrud Rtand l*ar*e, all ag**. three •juanaronr a mile—jtintfaclydf, HQ, Roap|>.4 to 1, von; {•ouKiirudii, ii'j, Lcndnini, 4 it> 1, moowI ; Kapania eolt, ITtPlinl. ID lu I, iblnl. Time, 1:17 B«rand^ rare- Hrpfilcm'SiaLit* ritrtiir(teyoaruldii,noe and oae-elxhih luliei-HoiinleilfiU, 124, Hrooker.t to^ woo: CUofeethnep, iT-J. NcMantiM, 4 lo ). Mound: Klllle, 119. Flint, 1ft to I, Ihlnl. TInir. 7tlB\ Tlilnl rare—Rujil Canadlao liurdlo llanillraKooe arul ahalf mllM. ov*r>tx hurdle*— Inin Itukc. lv,^Plnr«, ft to I. von: The Hnrpr. ISlL Phalr.3 lo I, Moroiid; oayonara. iltl, Ihinlap. 4 lo 1. tkinf. Tine, 3Jfl Piiunh nco-Rrartwfu Plate, one andaBliHenth milaa—Mnrpbeni, ltt<, Bronher, 1 to 1 von; Loid Nebun, IS. Knapt>,2lo I. aecoml; Uiirrl. 122,Whll«Mft lol,thlnl. Time, I9I Finh raco-WoodblDa UleeMocliaMi tvo nnd a bnir mliea, tvlce orer vaur |oti|^-Pal Oakley. 191, I'lnti, OT«n. wim; Dum Peitro, 14ft. ilrown, lutn 1, aecond' RiirrOah, lOA, Wllion. Ift to I. thlnl, Tlaie,6:4i«S Sixth race—Kla»h Siakepi, all agea, nreet|lilha uf a mlle- Onpyriiiht, lit, Howe. 8 log, von; Loran. i23,Shtekla, 3 to I, ««i-oad; Slralhctyde, liVX Koapp,7 lo 3, Uilld. TID^ May 23.—Flr«t rac^Dou l^ln«, for all aireii. throe* mianera of a itille-Loflalinioh. 14, Knaitp, 3 lo I, woo: RailUtor, 119, Fhni, 01 to 1, MCitnd; WheoUr, 119. iloede- kor, d lu 1, thlnl. Time. 1:17 Seoood race—Maple L*af RiakM. three yvar oVI Ulilea. one and one eighth mile—Waiarnnv. 1)7, Brmkar, 2 lo 1. voa: Rtepplni- piooe.ii7.Nuit,it bi I, eecond ■ aikkle, 117,Boedeker, 4 .. _. _ tlilnl race^rllohorrtelur loft. Ibinl. Tlliio,3:inH. rhaie, »h(»t nlf«|ilechaM counw. one nlle anil abaif< IhKii Pedro. I.M. Umvn.S tol, vmi;Tlie Rat. KB, Elliion. IDtu I, Hccniitl; Trillion. ITX Uuotojsft to l,tliinl. Time. ft:iU Fiiitnli nre—Watariiw ilaaCicap,all aim one mile anil a iialf-Lofao. IIK. Bnmltker.ft 10 1, won; Joe Miller, IW. llrooker, 3 lo 1. aeoond; Lonl Kelwo. Ill, KnajtK 4 to I, Iblnl. Tiia(>,i:4iK nnh rae»-Wood. Kiock Flale,lhree year tiUii,one aod an eighth mile*— Hilk Qovii: 1)2, Flint, ft lo 3. vim; Oerlce. 1)7, Conntlly. 1ft In i, nrond; RoOMnar, 119, McManui, 8to I. Ihlrtl. Time, 2:0) Siiih race-llutal I'laia, one ami an elihlh iiilIea-SionanixMn. 1X1, Bn«ker. Sto I, wuo: Kllhenny, 123, l,«ndrum. rt lo I. necuod; ilvendotlDO, llKl, Kiupp. HI u71, ihlf\l. T1mM:w. May 21.—Finn race—Lailleit' Porae, all air«, Ihne qnar- ter«of a mile—Co-iuett*. 114. Fllnt,S ti> fik ftrvt; Rannioa Blnl, 114. l.)-nch.3 to I, aecond; Foam, m, Null,4 tol, Diipl. Time, l:lfi mcnml race—WMslhlao Hunerr Hiake, fitr tvu yoar okli, live elfrtilh* of a hille—Hound••- man. 111. IIorion,3lo I, won; TynmlK, 121, Hntuker ) to z. Mc«>od; Fiilfld, lib, l,»ndnitii, ft to 2, thlnl. Time, 1:01V Thlnl nce-Prlrate aveepalakw. Uiree t|uar> tan> of a miie-Totia W.,)aft.(>)i)iK)ny,4 lo I. won; Ka Ptnm coll, 1)2, Knajip. 1 t4> 2. wund; Tlie Piper. 10, lint. 4 to I, Ihlrd. T[ma.l:i;'« Fourth mee-Hireel ilalliray HieopIecha*e. haiidlca|i, two aod a lialftullea, tvlce over water Innip—l.»|«itLn, itoMlnr IXE, Bmvn,^ lo). won; Idalio. Ui, )lKtluck,fttol,aoeooJ; PalUakUy, ifiLHiioLfttoft. iiilnJ. TJiiie,eA Finh raoe-Toroo- ioru|>, for Uiree year olda and iiiivard, cne utile and a •inarur—MaraRopu, 131. Hnedeker, 7 I " riKhi, 128, KnH|>|i, fi lo nocoimI * lyiok i >iiiariar—MaraRopu, 131. Hnedeker, 7 lo hX woo; Copy* riKhi, 128, Knai'ii, 1: lo aecoiMl; lyiok Out, II8, Rmvn,40 to I, thlnl. Tlinit, 3:10 fltxih raco-IInntera' nat Iiaodlcap,unaitilleand abalf—itayalBob,ll% Hajea. I to 2. won: Errretl. Iffl, MiUhla. 31 lo |, mcooU: Kblla, ift7, llietan, 5 lo 1, Diird. Time, 3:ft4.. ..HeTeitth nre-Onurio tlata. oiie and an oIrIiIIi 111 lie a- i infect inner, 90, He Miinn\7to|0. ven: l,oHilnvar. H4. Filnl,3 tti I, second; Vicar orWiikenaM, 114, llurlon, 4 In ft. Uilrd. Tline,3.tU. Mny 2ft.-Fir»l mce-Nnrna)' l*ur»e, llirct-<iuartera uf a iiiilr-MoiHiioirt, li!>, Rn»ker. 1 lo ft. von; Radiator. Ill, FIIni,C III ), Mrnnd; Kaiuttim c«i]i. IIT. Aiedtki<r, 8 to L tlilnl. Tlmo. ):i7.'; (kctrfHl rare—Tym Pun*. Iiandl rap, for tail yivir ol'l", fire eluhlli«Mr a inlle-PlNald, 130^ Kiiapp. 4 to 1, von; Klimna, |ili I'onnaUy. IL 10 1. mo- ond: >1oreiice<telrllte, ICU, Leodnm.8 tol.thlnl. Time, IWi Uilrd rvce-Doinlnion llaoillrap. ooeaod one- iiuaiier mlloa—Foam, lUL Nuti, 4 Ut fti. woo; BooQlefl»ld, Mil Hrouher,etDft.Matn«). Tlma,3:i3,'^ Foorlh race —The atoeiiI«rliMe. ivo and oneiiail inlli'a. tvlce over water Jump—Princn i;)i«r|lu, 174, Treaio, 2 to I, von; Venua.JHI. Hayaa? lo ft. necond; Ooorn C, in, naiop* li«)L ft to I. llilnl. Ttma, 0:ft7 Fifth lace-Vlulel Handicap, three year okla and upward, ooe aod one- eiKbth mllea—Lon) .NeUon, IIB. KDepp,4 to I, voo; Oo •luotle, 118. Film, li to ft. lecond; laurel |IL White. B> to 1. tblnl. Tiiiie.l:UU Hlxth nto-Maldeo alnepte- cliaie, fdmn cuorae, about one and a half Dille^Kpple- vonli, 19, Hoiley, lO («i |, won; Rl>lk UL OalUflier. 0 lu 1. Micond; (larviKhl. Ifti, HaUoeka, 7 to ft, Uifrd. lima, ''.ftftU Hereniii race-Con wilal Inn, Mtllng, ooe lulle- Kllkeiiny, lift. I40*lrant,2 lit 8. vna; Merry Duke, 110, i.yndi, 10 to I, aecond; Nockt>an*n, lOt. Knapp, 8 lu 1, Ihlnl. Time. 1:11. " The JockejrClMb convened In ibbi city &Uy n, Slewnnlri Aoput Bet- uioiil, JeoieH H. Koene, l>r. U. Leo KnapiN J> O. DoO' uer, W. l>. ThomiieoD and P. K. .SiurRld being In at- tendance, Chalnnnn llcliiionl appointed a corainit- feo to furmutaio plam for tbe racomcetlnKpropoHetl AtUurrtft I'ark, ihodcdelun being reached Ibat no Spring moollDg Bboiild Iw held. PnacU lYevelyan wasabnolnleaelewurd to repreaetit ibe Jockey Cliil) attherloillco HrlTlngCluli'emooUnf. H. W.HtroetV honea were doclated out of all eDgBRemeniH, and bo was made reepomilblo fur all minor lurfelbi wblcb accrued to tbo date of hie dlMjiialldcatlon, llie ful- lowlog roeoloUoiie werv adopted: /Mrwprd^ Tliat rule ITO, wbldi nada aj folloni^ klwii ip. ply on all tlceoied eouraea: "TlieMcrttaiT ofeadi a>«Kla- tlon ■hall relaln one i>er cent. uT tli* itll value uf each race." HwAml. Tliat tlio alarter rlmll Im eiawtwared lo have any vlcluui nr unruly bun* ImM by hiM aajiUtaol In a i>u>itioii M Indlcalt^r by tlie third ledlon of KuleHHLuf the Kutea uf RarlnK. whkli reaili aa fullova: "Nerarihe leu lite aurter may place vicltna or unruly huraea aliarv ilioy cannot Injure oUiem. hy placlDa Uieiii lielilnd Die lino In llie poilllun vlilch they bare drawn." Connlry Cleib Rm»«< Tbe Hprlog meeting of tbe Country Club, of I'blla- delpliU, l*a„ doecd 011 Hay 2;. at llala.tbe racoH resulilng lu alinwn In llie HU0inmr7 below: Hay 22.-Flrat race-Six furlongi—Hlu CUy, 114. Mr. le. von; The Hlielh. I4i: Ca|.U inhnioo. aecood; ,^100, Dr. Dolian, Uilnl. T1iae.):9,S HoeMid w, aw, «>i. uvi>«ii, UIIIU. iiiiia.ira^i nncwnil rri^e—Tvo mllea, oraraliilii hunlle*—Uilapeodence Day. 137, Wadavortb, von; UokuL laj. RnglUh, aecood. Time, i-M Third race-Onr aod onolixlf mllea on the lUt— Jill. 137. FreylloR, vitn; Kcud. 113, WlUou. Merond. Time, 4.1U. Only ivi> MUirlera Ftmnh ntce-Hunter^l llani)Ira)i. HleeplecJiH^e. alMUt tvo oad a half iiill«a— Idlayetle. IW. Vrarllav, vdu: Utlhnla, IV, Ur. HuMla, -iinil: l,Vunle. fU^ Hrackoa, Ihirtl. Tlma, a.-21 Ha urn«eu. i>lBa|>|Hilntninnt and Ttie Rhamruck alto no. ...Kllli raoe-t.'oiiniry <:)ui> llandicab. ■leei-iecliaie, aiHiiii iwu and a half mllei—The Foar, Mr. Realii^ won; HI. Juiin. Or*en, Mcund; i.liory l.'haae, Frayling, Ihinl. Time, ft I'M. TlIK iKnKrXSIlBKT llOKAK OVHIRft rfUmCTIVg AwocIaUvo wa8 fonncil. Hay ri, by bonemeo now mclng at tbo Alexander lalaod aadBL Anepb Irackn. U. Daly WAH choeen nreeldcnt. Joil L'oderwood tlce EreeldenU Victor llnUar IrcaHurcr.and U, R, Tomp* InHRecroUry. Jamen Underwood, Frank W. l||«r, Viclnr Hollar, u. R. Tompktne, W, Beckelt and W. UcHnhan were aninlnted to waltbDilieonictaliof ilio Virginia and Old lioalDlon Jrwkey Cluba,and to lay itefore ihetii ihe objeotaof tbe new organization wliluh iH U) prevent owovni now racbig on lilg Imcki from HOlllnir nr lurulng over tbeir catit oi7j to raco at tho two Virginia coumea. Tint Moilen I'ark lilood llonieAMoclaUon itrougbt to trial ItJi Riilt for |ft,oui agalnwt Jaa. w. linpe cliolrtnan of tbo IJntleii TownBblii Ooiumltice, at Ellzabclh. N. J., May Tlio aclloii Ih limuffht to recover itic uDioiini ut IlKitue UK>iiey paid by tbe a>«oclaUon lo oncnte He race ineck at IJnden, N. J. Judge Vao Hycklu took all tbe pepem In tbe caae, and reeervcd Iila tleclalon fur an ind^anlte period. Jdckkv liLNUi', tbe rider of Kayonira, iinick J'lckcy.NVjcl, who bad the mmint on Pat Uakloy, mv- eral IIiiim with hie whip during tbe pn>greM« of tlio Hlcei^ccliaee at Woodbfoa I'ari, Turonb}. OoL, Uay 21. lie wan arrcalcd iiy Detective llebum wben be dinnuunted. and lie iben adde^l lo bbi nnrt uiTcnfte by aftoaiiltlitg the iletecllve, wbom be badly ttniUed alfout tho bead and eltoulden. Btaktih Jam. Ilowegave tbe Jockeya a emart laite of dlfldplloe Bl Oraveeeod, May 34, In tbe Oral race tui liuen were aaMeaud agalajtt Jockeya Hoggett, Taral and flrlniu for bad liehavlorat t£ettNit,and In tbe racetbal fnllowed Jookeya Hbeedyi UioleF. I'enn, Kcefe, Uaoilltoo and It. Ilogfeli paid |I0 each for like udunwi, Jaa. lAmle; waiaaaewd 110 In tbe Clover Wakefl on tbe aane day. IIAKOVBHIAN, a clic^toul ooll hf Ilanover, nut of Tbe Niece, the property of T. B. Uoewell, fell ou tbe upiiertun at lirmveaend.In tbeorihnoe. Maya aod broke bU aooulder. He wan eo iiadly Injured tliat he bad to Im dcolrrtyed. Jockey IJUteOekl, who bad the mount, had bli collar bone fncturad, and will not I4 aide to ride bgaln foreome lime. nicifiBo CiuiKiB'H colt. Honiftuk, wblcb was en* leredforibe Uadmlnton PUt«atUaUi,Roff.,May9l, wu wlibdrawn. Ksr Wnr. the propenr of Hike Daly, polled op lame at HL Aaapb, May aiHl utij BOI be aUg to gotoUwportaffUo. HAOINO AT OaAVKSBND. no BrwtklyB Jockey Ctnb contlttned Its Spring ueeUnglast week, the fourth day^ mclng.taking place Kay SI, the obtef event of tbe day bebig tbe mrkway Handicap, forwklob twoHtanen fur iho Brooklyn Handliap, were tntvml. Tho allcDiUni'o WB8 fair, alttaoufb ibe weatlwr wan voiy dUaRrvo able. Tite track wai heaTy, hat forall tbat the fMc- iDf wuTery good. Sunuttartem Fortwo yaarolda^a avaeiwUkMOf BUearlL added, of vhirh IIUll lo ttcond and IW to third, Ave fUr W.^RoUlni'h.o. Joe Rofen^bj Tk<rao-l(an«, UK; 3 in I Dveiett I P. Hadllck'a li. r. Fred Tnia, IIR: Ift m | Hank* 3 J. J. McCaffeny'ab. t Arlma W; 7tv3. RelffS Ttme,lW. For maldeo three jear ohu. a iveepaiakM of |IA each, V lib gVO added, of wblcb 910) to aecoml and VO lo third, ooe mile. PreakneM Hiable'a |r. e. Belntr, by BeWUere^Adek, lOB; 8 loft DARieii I A. II.Morrla' h. a Hlran 113:3 lo I...LIItlelIeM 2 J. R. A F. P. Keeoe'abr.r. loauUahy. li»:3tolgheedy .1 TlniRl:4r. The Hanmer HUkea of iioiu for iwo year uU^ SJO each, or |3U IfdecUiwil by Aurll I, 9lii) ■Idlilimal tur atartera, 10 Uia winner ll.nB^ (o tlie aocaud (.lUL and lo the Ihinl hor»a $BU balT of ■illnii aarplua tu wo to owner of aerond horae, and tbe other half tu the Race Fund, MDlnialltivaaaei, halfamlle. A. H. A p. 11. Murrla' cli. 0. Hriak, hy (l|>rio«fleM ArlUe, 107: ft 10 1 7 ppnu 1 L.Sluan'a lilk.e. Furua, KU; Slu I il'Laary 3 J. J. McCalferty'e ch. r. Baale irowiioir, hS; e to 1 Reiifft Thne,0:*ii Tilt Parhwar llaadleep, uf Wttk Tor three year i>Ma aad upward. Btt each, to Ihe winner $tjax iu the aecoml horae gSUD^ and to the thlnl boneg3UUt uae nlleand aalv laenih. Uoeck RUble*e h. h. Sir Walter, \ by Midlothian tjt Brala, 134: I In 1 Doitfail 1 H.MTAIIen'a br. h. Raa«eUaw, ft 105; 8 lol....J. Umley I P. J. DwyePa b. c. Fatrlclan, i H); 4 to I Lamley 3 T1tne;i:WV For IhTve yeer nidj aod upwanL mDIi of gift each, whh gaO) added, or rtich L _ . 880 to Iblnl, eolllegallovaocea,o»e mlb and aalxieMtth. WTC. Daiyaeh.h,CaplaloT.,Tiby " " 3 lo 1 t aveepalakea Ixaod upwmnLMlllor, a 0) added, or which fluoioeemml nud mlu and aalxieMtth. WaadererCiln, 100; „ Krefe I W. R. Jonea* 1>. h. CbartdaA 101; 3 to 1 natullion 3 A. II. A D. n. Horrta' h. eTPrlll. 1. lOT: I tol Penn 3 Time, lu. Pur all ayea. heaty haadicap-a RwerpiiahBi ofllftMrb, .... ^..^^ iMed.ofwl'^ or aft if declared, vlth $7U «! und and $40 lo third, all lurk>nta- vhleh tUU to I Jamra HclAuthltn'a b. It. Wanberg, 4, by Muacovr. llolrodeL 133: 7 toft Dogaeli 1 n. D. Leach 1 Ca'a di. b. Ed. Koaieey, 4, lai; 3 m I Venn 3 J. trrllly A Cu.*«b. b. Factolum, 4, 111; 9 to 1 Keofn 3 _ Time, 1 :WS. Tbe racing 34 waa of veiv bigb claa and oreatod nucb Intercel among the roor ibouiaDd mmone In auendanre. Tbe Falcon DUkes and Ine Uover Htaket were tbo prioclual eveDta of tbo day, ami In each caae branght out able fleldi and fiirahiliod Boiue very lively neclng. Huinman: For all airea, a aveepetakea «>rglft each, villi pui addod, of vhlch iTUl U> aecood and IM to thlld, all fOftoaaa. J. B. HcDonaJd'a ch. e. Ruble**, 4, by Rayoa iror-l.illy K. IB:4tol mdHUy I BlempUin Hiable'a b. c. Jack uf H|«laa, 4, 112: 3 to 1 Orimn 3 W. B.Hlnk'a l>. oi.HlNUrMary,^ 1115,'; 4 lo 1 Taral ^ Time, 1:14. For three year okla and opvanl, haiidlcai\ a Bveoii aUke>or|lAeach,or$a if darUivd. vlth $7m aiidoti, of vhldi ttw to tbe aecood and |IU tn thlnl, oiia mile and a aliiaentli. HaoU Anlu HUMe'a b. e. Bey el HtnU Anita, l, by Chevlol-Alalin, US:3lol /irW 1 MdllM A trlarh'adi. li.Htavftvay,a, KH;7t«l.l.lill«noM 2 R. D. Leadi'Bch, 0, Bd.KeafMy.4, lie;4tn 1...Doibo|| 3 Time, l:«tK. Mubiforni l«> I J. UiiiWy I A. H. A It. II. Mnnla-1.. r.TMadnm-B«. lift; ft in ). Penn 2 UaeckHiahle'adi. I. Faaclnatkm, lift; 20Ui i....UoKBell .1 Time, 1 .id Ttio Falcon HUkea of S3.aU, fur ihrra )Aar okU 8^1 nach. or 830 If declared by April I, eiui atldliloDal Tor RtanKrm 10 the viunar 81, and 10 liiB tlilnl iwrae ilM. lo Ilia fSx, llie «1i lloand aaliii ■ecnn«) borao M*', Inner lu be aoM at Buctloo for ifttfUi ooe nilloand aaliieeotb- C. LilUefleU^b. c Bright Pttorbua, by Kdrello Huir ami Biiio,lll:0tii| I.iltlrnald C. LIlllitftpM Jr.. br. f. HoniUaielte, 91; 4lu 1 Keefe 2 Preakneaa Hiablu'c cb. ii. Laonlnn, |ia; 4 in i Tt»o,l:AI. Portvuyear oUa,aaUlnf.a aveeWkea ui iift eadi, vlth UOl added, of ehich f IW to Becood bihI ghtlu Uilnl! M>e *!n»erUi Iwanld at auetlop fur gl,flfO. nre fnrluniffl, I*. Lnrlllanra U. f. Bloumer, laft;3Uii John Daiy'acb. c. Oitdenabaiv. 100; llofl,. Tmto, inMfj. J- K. Maiiden'a b. f. Aaiulyle, by Slrathmnre^KlnHrnn, IW: 3ltol Hblniey I I'omi 2 (Irimn 3 WM. For throe year okla and upward. aalllQa, a avAepalahea of lift aeeh, with IftDaddad, uf whldi tlQ) to ancnnd and $iO to third, the winner to be aeld at auctluu fur |4.uilt, ooe mile awl a fbrlMiir. MrHtoa A ilarh'a di. h. Haodowne, ft. Iiy H|*ondiliriii- Zuteka, loi;ftUig. urlnin I P. J.Ilvyer*«h,h. l^mRHeadi.S. IlK; fno6....Duii|nii i r. Cumehbon'a li. r.BaruMw, 4,Vtl;4 to)T...p. Ifiigioii a Tlmo, I :&7^. Tbo attendance,'Jft.wai tbe largeal of tbo muol Ing, Have ibat on Ihe opening tlay, and ibediilHliuH were aumclonUy dose loadd nucU liiteroMt to tliu day'aeveDlft. Ttie chief canl of the day waa ibu Fieakoea* Hiakee, altbougb tbe remaining ovfnu wen well couteaied and enlertaUilng. Buiniiinrlea: Fur all aiea, iiea«y liandlrap, a aveepalakea of 8I& oadi. wlib|7eOaddetf,ufwlildighOtu aocond ami IftO Ui Ihinl, alx furloDga. p. UrIllanPa ch. f. Llia, 3, by Rayoo d'dr-Mnle C^n, 101; eio I Urirtin I 0. B-flmllb'ach. f. Applauoa, 3, ltl;H toft IhiMKeit 3 Preaknema Hiable'a b. in. BeMamere, 4, DM; 1 1,, | .faral .1 Time, l:i4V For three year »kla and upwanl. >a)|lnK, a aaee|i«tike« nfliftearh, wllhlOO addod, of whldi lillJUi wmni aiti) 8£010 Iblnl. Uie winner U* U aold at auction fur9.i,ii>; on* mlla am) a flirhiflff. J. J. Mrt^giiny'M di. a Uuckrene. 1, hy Uurhanan- Ireoe, 107: 8 tu A )(oirr 1 A.M. AD. II. Morria- Ire. Frif, 4, kBjftbti pmn 3 W.B. Jeonlniia' b e. Little Hall. 4.97; lOtul.. HIiwKly 3 Thna, IM. Private Bwee|4UhH for twu year uU ccilta,|ja) uacb, •HOfnrrell. dre ftirloOfa. J.J.MeCarrertf'adi. 0. Api> Rurbanaii f^ina "— "-iato7 luliTI .-DvHgelt 3 Hbore, 118:10 to 7 1*. J. Dvyer'a cb. a llMdjrrl.n_J|^l^n; Otu0. Time, I*.,,. The I'raaknaH alakea, fur three rear oUa, witli ||.0iU atlilad, urvhlcii|3£0 to aecoml aodlllO lo Ihlnl, nne milo and aalxlaenth. Preahoeaa Htable-* gr. c. Balmarby BeliMere-Adohr, . lift:* till ' Taral I I'. Luriilanl'ab.c.Aprli Kan), ita;llto 1 llrimu 2 (I. A. Jmiea* b. f. Hue KlUla, IKJ; 10 to | Miilgley 3 Time, lioj:. For Uiree year <iUa and upwaru,a aveaiMtakoa of gift each, vlth |aDailded,ofwbldi|lu)toaecoitd awl |ftu to third, one mile. John Daly'a ch. c Keenan, -\ \ij Llalma Pairlmonr. I08;4to| Z ... (iriilln I Sanla AfllUHUIiia'a b. c. Key KI HaoU Anila, 4, 18: 01*12 Taral 2 J. Kuppnn Jr.'B Ajat, Hjw: fiio I.... •^famfoy 8 Titue. 1:41,',. Fur maklan 0Ulea ivo yaara iiH, aavetpalakea of lift each, Vlth lew aildNl, of whidi gUU In aeoioil and |SU lo tlilnl, fuur and a half furloiiga. W. H. Magolre'a di. r. Dnmae), hy XInilIke Ktuaeeruu lift: 4 to I ., (irlrffn I Preafcooaa HlaMe'a di. f. Palle Aiiila. lift; 0 to I... .Taral 3 A. II. A D. 11. Morria' b. f, lolermlaalon, lift; 6 In 4 Paun 3 TbuB, OJA M #»l Tile Boetan Coumtwy €1bI>« The aanual Hpnng meeting of tbe Country Uluh, or Boobiu, Haaa., liegan May 'ift. al l.lyde l^rh, bntokllne, tbe attendance lielag Uirge and iherac* lug of an IntereaUog kind. Humtturlea: Hay 34.-PMiy race-A aweaHiahea ol aiO aarlt, alih IKU added, half mila-HUa creU ICDl While, Mcood; M Uilnl. Time, 0^3 fboml . ,„ eacli, with gJuo added. Uiree quartan oT a mlla—Ferrle*. ft,tAH,HolMn. won; UiiUox, B. 114. flrlDln, ae«>nd: Au laota,ft,Urt. Freillng, Uilnl. Tint, 1:31 TItIrd ra^e- HweepflUkea efllft eadi, wllh gJU ■ddaO.thrweiiuarlera •* ■|44,Hobart. Friroilly, a, n c a Bl aweaHiahea ol aiO aarlt, alih aaOlay, 140. Riddle, won; Ke- Bveol Marie. tOt, Tlmiulna, lood ne«-Hwe»|ialahea of lift of a mlla—Tlira«^ ft, 144, Hobart. voa: Poealiontaa, aaad, HI, WaUli. aecood: Friroilly, 3,131, \r. HarrlauiTlinni: Time. 1:21),' Fuurth raw Beeepeiakea of ai& pbcIi, wiUigSm added, boe and onefiuartar mlle^Lrille Mid, ft. 134, ilunn, woo: (Jallooa. 3, 1121 Hirrlaoo, aacond: Boulberaer, aged, 130, Vaacli, UilrJ. Time, 2:l7Ji Flllli raoe-MaeplechaB*, aveepauhea uf UU each, vlth 8 OJ added. abtMit ivn aod a hUr lulla^FbKaJmuiii, A, 10. Mara, voo; IHavaaaee. ag«d, 181 Frayl/ng, ■ec'nd; Altua. ageil, 180; llaolM. third. Tiina, A:ll Rliih race—Hieepleehaae, Tir ktintora,iwaeioiake«»r|gfeecb, vithg4aOa<lded,aliAat tvoand e italf mllee—Lafayalie, *,\ea, FrerMag.woa; inarmal«,l^ Ud, l''hamlkir,ae"ind; Oukeol Alnrei/m,^ l^o'liaary, ii.inl. Tiioa.&:i7.';. Hgy Kl HiKTA ANfVi canted iZAtb for a mile and aalileenlb at Urereeendjn tho fourib race, Hay 71, and landed tbe raoe Id Ibe ifoat lime tm dbiUDce and welgkiaon reord at Uiat track. iucsgr llDtin PDrwr waa ruled orf Laloula track after Ibe fonrtb m». Hay 24, for liad riding Mel- ody. Formal cbargoa an Ukely tu l*e maiSe agalnit blin wltb a view to baring bhllcenie revoked. Habrv ISMiwmn, a trotting gtAlllon, tbe prop- erty of (1. H. Puller, reeelved lojoilee wblle Bpeed* Ing OD U'e track, at BramplMi, Odl, Hay z), wblcb will, no donid, reault la bU death, 4mTg, a cbeaUDt geldlni owned by ibe Onyg Bublea.gtutubledwImiBeanngtheM fanoag to Ibe concluding nc« al Koby, Ind*. May 8, and broke Ua neck. J.w.u.BaggMAM, who porcbaaed tk« Huntington (U L), inuiDg inck aad groiiedsk le talking abogt glvli^ * tou dayi' bmMsc lb«re duly la July. Uoalh otm Piomlaeat Twrfman. Jnbn A. UorTb^ tho itrloclpal owner of UoTTtg IMrk mro imvk, wa.1 airlekon with paralyela at big rancb, fmirlcen tulle* fmm KerTvllle,T>)g., and died Uay ae. llo wan iHtni In |h43, ami |row to luanbood atntd RumtumUiiga Ihai bhvp blin a leaning towanl tho turf. lllN faiiier wan Fmrn-lH Uonrla, a tnrfman very pniiulnont In tila dnv. When Prior, Prtoreaa amfotborbnrHcawero aciillo KosUtDd, In 1810,by Flaoola HortiR, In chargo of Hlrhanl Ten Froeokt young Morrle went ittititg nniltranttcletlbbifntber'a cniumlMlnnR. llo then Wgan wttrk In a ateamsblp oillce, and ronilniiotl there until tho wnr olneed, whon ho went tu New l)rlcan^ Im., aod becamo In- tercfled In tbo lotior.v iitiRlneM.«. At ibo deatb of bla fatbor John A, Murrbt auccecded to hiA tMialnon and folluwcd Iho torf, racing hUi lioreca with niurh pmni. llo itulll HorrU Park fur Uio oximiMyl purinwi^ itf Inlcn-ntlitg bin mn lii out itf diHtr HniUiVinml.ari Ihn iHty wnti very doll* cato. Ilia raring canvr bntiigbta grrat amount oC money to bU already goneioim Hlnre uf wcalib, and at the llmu uf ble death he was an ctcoodliialy tlob mnn. llo had a niaguliliTnt homo In 'Hiroim'ii Neok, tbrco otbera In ikwloii. Bar llarttor and Sow tirlrana, Kahttutliig Iw.x In Utulelann and Ihe ranch III Tb.taa, wberr be dicil: tarliiir iwUbllabmonu and t>rt>cillog rnniu lu Marjtniid, KuHlandiaiid a buiim lo lliHiitviT, Oeniuny. Of late ycarN ho haa lived luiletly, iqtending hbi Utno Intiriwn hh TbroggVi Nock niinio and hu mddmi o In N>w llrloAna. Ho niArrieil font Keiinon. of Now OiIimiii. La.. tht«o children, ail novr living, iwliig ihe rvaiiU uf ibelc union. HvANOk. 1I10 orhur iniKliig Htalllnu. diod racenlly of old ago at tbo Wlnana eatilo, Ciltnea, on Iho Kraokllii mad, near ibtltlmnrv, Hd. Tho atallton* with iwrt nthrrw, wae itmughl to Ihilllmoro from Itiivla liy Cnloiicl iMnanloirlwcniy yearn ago, and the ihrM wont iHiiightbyThoiiua wlnana. Hvaituk lurvlved hie i:oni|iaulunMliy aoveral yvarx. Tub Ontario Jockey tnnb n*riiiml lo allnw Harry l4iwl8, tbo American JiHrkpy. lo ride on Ita track, hi> not having A llcenao from the JMkeyCliib. I<ewbi clnlnrn tu nobl a llcuow fiooi t ho Wealem Turf Cou- gmM, which la not ncnjinlMd In CHnada. DxpHNhRH, a tbrco year nid indUugcolt,ilreillty a am uf lielractur, end valuod hy hbi owner, Cbae. llungorfnni, at |l,&uo, fell nnd l>rtiko hla ihoDlder wblte epcoillng at i:iitoii Park, StglnAW, Ulob., May 'J2,aiid waa of neccMliydoatnijcd, lUtMA. Iho tliTte ycarnid black coll, by Ilanovor- Julia I., Iiy lAiDgfolliiw, wan uHrohaaed fruni llyron Uc4.1pland, Uay 21, hy Otias. PlelHohiiian A Bone. oC Ulnclnnall. U,, the puroliane price lielng rvportoil an •2&,ooo. IlKu lli'ii. a uuntMlHuer of coiiHldorable iiiccom at an onrly uro, wim Mild for al llio Olevebtnd* 0., italo, Uay'j'j. lii the name nalo Tuken, liyHn- warn, bntughl IJ.riuo, iintl will ito canijwlgnnf tbbi Huiiimor. Mbwrh. Chukkh anp DwYRit, It In Mid, bavo CMldetl tu lliolr irvlnur, Jack Klllott, HMIraveaeu*! tnck, lit Roiid uvor at onco tho ploh of iheir honen which wore (oil iwhlm) whon thity touk ibolralriogH lo England, MAt-KHKr.iK, a aavciiteen voar old HtoeitteohAea tmnie, Iiy Ugatiti out nf Mar. onil (twned by Uto liay \ lew Htalilei, bniho IiIm ntck fnim a fall during n ntoeploobaMu racu al WiHidldnu I'ark, Toronto, lint., alay.M. TIIK COSKV Irtl.ANIi JOUKKV i'i.Vll Will liOglU lb4 .Hprliig iiiooiliiH at hlionii«lit>ail Hay Juno lA, and wilt cniiiiiiiip until July 0, nuing on aiioruato dava. THg Parkway (I.. 1.) Drlvloa Uliiii will give a liut* ting iiiallnro Mny Tug I'oiitnl Now Vnrk Trottlnv Ai»H)laUon bag dt^'ldttil HgaliiRi harHUM rrtfouiiMiiliiKit thlaaoaiun. Tim iirliivijial pnlDte In tbo rlnMili are H^reouao, IliiiBbaiiiloi), lb>uio, Kliiilra, llin'idxiuid OirtlaiidU TllK Flulhlog. h. I. rare irarli,oii May24, waa theaceoa of a rare n>nlP«lMi Inr llm imriMM or iMilng tlieconail. lutltiiialiiy nf liiintrMhilr enavini Pur«7 llray and Wllda m lng lilila. The irarh «u li^aanl fur lU day. am) a fVill troHnmnia uftiill milo lar^a wan* run vlllinut a lli'dliaB y llie tiurMa iHch. Hrlle, tirovii Fiaiik ami Ihiily, riihlen by JiH-hey* (lao. l>i*^. W. It. ltat»a«,4loit nia|.|>el ami Fre<i Hrorellrh. Ttie •{■•klaiiira nwlr U<la •m llie iBMilla, bimI Ibe raving waa cuiiduriini In llioijiinu nianufi aa iteloro Ibe new racing lava went inio olfrnl. TllK I'htlBilotpbIn ipa.) llrlfing Park AaaoclalliMi, ibnniHb itadlrvrinra,<le«MednnMay 2ntolinkl iUHprlng IniltlnxiueeUiigati'uliilMlovxfl, liiit In give only lhre« <la>a nr neliig. In %luvol Ihv fart that the nev Hlale law iinililiiiu hiHikiiiahlng<«t raiaa in Pannaylrania, it la llbair Ibat Ihe irarb will nol bo ui>eiietl aUer Uie coming nieelliig. iliivRHMim HiMTiMiH, of ivnoiylvniila, haa planed thit ritlUAntI llolllnif Hill. iliKrabw loilllng an unMliia) iiul- nhiH on loirMi racinji imiI nil idiiar hranrliaa of belllni: *|Mirl InllialHlalK. TiirfiiiKn ain ilvrliding oif nearly all KrootMiiiiw arlivliiled and « lli ihii arrangn nawilalm iim> III ninre fhvorablo IiiHli*la(b>n iirevalla. KiMM.Kr Uial villi nn arrhieiil atHlin«|wiiea<l Hay, li. 1., Uay ■liirli UHhrly loMy lilui up a limu lime, lie vea lioinu eiprcl*cd, aihl.nllnruiiinii nlnli^ Im IimiL altaaiiai* and MuibI liagan iHiiiiliig fioni hla nime, |'rol«lily oiigbi> aling fnriit Ihe liinga. llHiLMjRyr. while at Mm iitml In itia ftisi rare nl lAlunia. Hay J1, iltretr jnckny W. Ji>ii« in the brnakavay, ami ran an aighlli uf n mlU. Jniir^ vim vaa nnliijiir^l, n< iiiuiiiiled Ilia ItonMiaml mm llierace In a ilrlTn. JtN-aav HrK.'UMIir waa nnUreil olf the Koby, htd.. Irarh May A fur ■irlklnif with liU whip JiN:hay ilurrk wlHihadlne iii'Hiiil oil Miimir*, vliidi bn laaied vtiull win frum Wamlarnuiii, lliDlinnv rkldoii by McKnlgiiL HwMKr Aui'RilrniimlilMilaillie ihrar iiuariar i«laiii Ilia llral rare il fUn FraiirlK**, I'al., Hay 2&. Juvkey I'bevaller. vim hail Ibu iiiniint, waa ■llililly liiirl. TiiK I'fiidn Jot-hoy i;iuli raoe »aa won by (Iniiiluiii H, at llie l.liaiilllly marMi, pnrla, Yr., May ai, vlih IDierbuuric Mconii and Hultaiai llilnl. TiiK Narravanantl I'ark Ibiclni AaaoeUdiin. J'mv tile new. It. I., Ilmmili Jaa. M- 4:niai>y, bia awdlml for a ileeliae li» niiiifurl a minimor iiuinlliiK, bi li#HiH HlNiut Juna )b. TMKHI. Uiiii Fair AuHrinlli'ii liaa «iigage>l KU (Ihllili liibaiidln ibti atarlnra'iniiiiliii tiurlng llm Iwu vavka* ■u|>|ilaniaii[ary rarliig waauii. llRHir. by (IrinalniiriuilrlnilU. Um pni|<nrty ul Ih* Aleiandria HUM•t^ dlwl of dtlte, Hay37,nl tlie HL Aaaith track. TliH Kfin (I'a.) DrlrlnK I'ark Jlauiriillon iiaa decided tt i:«ticel lu July irultlngilaiiw. tiwInK i" ibe aiiiritoulaell* hig bill reeeully adi(|it«d in llip KayaluneHlals. TlilKaraUigaltaiilnH A*MtfiailiMi liaa l;re|>arei| (la n*w rani of alakea III In nin llila viaiin. The iiiaellllg vlll liriln ■luiieVainl riiiiliiiiio fi>r llilrly raciiig ilaya. I.AiUHTiA ami lu owiiar wprn nrdprni off lha Itoiix, lm)..lrack. May 37, liorailuMif Uia lUljr'n In Btnl nut nut* iitng. . liN.-HRr W. Fl-T.f.'v wa4 ■iMi«it<ir<| al Han Ffanclam, t:al., May 77. i>riiiiluK an iutnaflgsilun uf liU altegvt pull. Ing of K«<ali/alb(it in Uia foiirllt iai;g. RgirK, Ibe ImraA alnlrn from bla alali al liin Hi-Afi|>li ark early In It '" ' •»>•--■••- Haglnat*. Sllrb. tUmmtHiL aliiiia IIiiim a b«I| known tiurdla racer, died audiloiii) iirrolkat ltllluiai«..V. J., Nay 27. ToRlii vuii Ilia AualiUn Dnrriy al Vienna, May 30, villi '.liaHianiaaecunil ami fj«iiraiiU thlnl. TlIK iNKiMi. TDi'HHftMKNT fur Uui Uimila nbain* iitnnHhIpMr IboHoulbwaR held al llaltliiwre, Hd„ faal week. i:oni:ludllig oil Mfttiirday, Uayift. Huaulls HInHleii—A. II, H. Pont. Ikillluuire, twat J, 0. Iiavld- a<ii). WBHblngkin, In lliu Rnal rtmnd by a aroreuC 4—1, *J-ti, 0-3.4-0, v-T. UiiuliIcH-J, V. lltrclanil It. I), Tliiiriirr l>eat J. K. Iloliarl and K. K. UrKnrfHt l>y 7—0-4. T-.'i. Uonwdalliiii Hliiglua—J. V, Neely» rtlMcetuii, Jidin CUe|, Wuibliigloo, 0—I, 8—:^ A IMII HLF, IIANDRD MAU'll al pIgcnUM, fnr |UW. Work and I'aliiier, uf New York, agalnal Macalen- teraiid Wolcb, of PblMelphlni "Qo bundred lilrd»i per tnao, waH coiileelerl at (lie lllvertiiii. N. J., grrriiDibi oil Hatunlar, Hay 'I't. Tftny were favoroa Willi Dao weathor, nnd anniu ogcriieet Inp wurk waa done hylHiili teaiiiM, the llilladelpblaiu witinlBK hy a ecura nf lift Ut I'M. TiiRlnlorcillcglato Iraualiotft lieiween IIhi Iconu repremntliig rrlncelon I'lilveraltr and Harvard Unl* voralty i-mimu uif 011 ibe foriiier'a gruuitdR on Hay 34, and rmullvd In a vlcUiry fur Ibe local learn by a arure of 100 to Ul. There were Hve ineo 011 eacU teauL Thb nnal conicat In llut lijurnniiigu! for llie lennbi chainidnnRblp In tlnniilert at Harvard i-'ulvoridiy wan played on Har 'A A. F, iKiidbn. Vi, and 11, IL Hlrooods, *», defeaUug K, H. lixjl, \t.\ miul A. H. I'Icr, *vi, the Hore Iwlug 8—2, o-l. 4—0, n—a. TlVlfSKBIiV.*^***"^—^ giihl, allrer. c>pper« ulckla. ire<*a, puri'lo. blue, etc. Ail tirunroL vlilcli make a grand coinlrlaallon of ralnlKiv ■liadea nvmnoadliiiflba i-n. Hlreet iiien.i-ard wrltiiM ala can make iheir otan laiier HmvI*. fUmpb tMiiiif, I eaat, poai f>ah), U) c*aia tS NII.VKtl. Kami'lii ul tfan k IteeT XblraM Ui* (nvtniur, Jfitl.v K. (iRF.k.v. 2071 HI. raltiarini rirrpHi, Moniraal, Canada. ''WVtfTkhiyimmUAiiH.H' Cilicim: nHMd HlllF, PKfirfiKjAt Man aii'l Wire Ibat doeaaeriiidalKlH, niagtr. I'unrb, ale.; mt*^ Kranh*. Haahra, MonbMya. Han- nuraand Mo'lclanKforalilailiow Umf. Aii'lrraa llllAH. HFAHKH, Hir. Marllnktiurv. W. Va. K*!. Varueliu, vrtlo. ~ BIDiC HIIOW MAN AOKHti^tikMiM ClTlTll FilH RAI.K i:itK.tP, recanily flnlahw). Kent! for llai nf iiiiiiniiii*". aaa iiiunaian, patrtRed hodiea^ enttaUniml hmoan fi^aba. vie.' _ JUlJrH IIANKF.K. .Vaturdlat, IftAB-AOlh HI., .Vev Turk. HTHIKlnUMA<:lJkMk'.liliitt^V"i*k*''*l<'*'p* iimmer reurt*. air. l.'lHiap. A. WARFKff, Cadii, Uhlo.