New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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Jtjne 1 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 205 LYDIA i TITUS Invitos Offers for ^ Summer and Next Season. THE LYRIC STAR, IN HER ARTISTIC ENTERTAINMENT, ACCOMPANIED BY FRED J. TITUS, THE ACCOMPUSHED PIANIST. Addrosa LOWtil EXCHANGE, 00,0 nrond-way. Now YorU. JllMTlla^f«lh»nlhPrhKn«\d»[«n4t non apAn h»r inthintitrhMUlrfor micc*-^ ind la aclinnvl^dim) M lh« ftTMUil »Ur oi ihli lU* »ntf icnnntlon In Uia T«iitl*< Tlll*«ftrli]. TtMvnrk AfMn. Ti|'i« U elMTi tnlailnilT. ■a w«n u mAnnr.-KOKTIIOMKHV rillRTIIR, Id CIV- OlNNATIOOMVlthniAl.dAXmH. XV ja. 3V T EJ 3D , Krery Flnt ClawMBBBgtr and RapaUtbla Agcat, mUo ArtUU, ts know that JEROME 1 ALEXIS THE FAMOUS FBOO IMITATOR wid THE LIZARD IMPERSONATOR, Aradolna the only OaBnlBc IfanKy CoBtoitlon Act Ib AmerlCB, and are bow piv pkredtacoaalderoffnranroBi blfilt olau maaagen ar_VaBileTlUe, 8p«ta<Blar, Mln- _ .„ hlBl „ . . ■tral or Barlewiae CorapaalM tor Best leaooB. A1m> Tlieatrei, Parka, RoofOanlenav Bt«. Ab aet ■nllable for the nioit reSBed aadleace. We carry our owa eneclal ■ceBtrr* We have opea tine, commeBclBaJaBe 10 aad later. Addreot, nntll thea. r^J'^^uAj^fiSi^] «^'«>«*- FnUT TUIB DV BLEVBK VEAIU, J. B. SWAFFORD, Aqent, Clrcu or Combination, Q«neral, Locnl or Rmllromd Contractor, Cumblnntloni, Agent or Dotlneu Manngert Sober, Roltable and Clote Contractor* The putrepuUUoQk ButiulMforUio ratun. BoohtaKAod nullog a iiMalftUr. Kint cUneompankiiODlr, •ddnu ' " J. H.BWAKFOriD. Kokomo. Ind. Jott dofed a iacc«nful i««md with Siolioo'i "Uode Tom'* CiblD" Co. ReginJi to H.O. Rogtra ud «ir« ud Tudjke ud E4U>D. THE REAL THINQ. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. FIT niORDy%l\l, Greatest Buck and Flat Foot Dnncer on Earth. For the part M weekr oae of the r«atarea with HOPKINS' TRAITS-OOEAJIIO CO. 0FFBR8 INVITED. Keith's UoloB B<iaareTheatre tliU week. OUBIOSIXIES, JVOVELXIES, -WO]NI>ERS, MERIXORIOTJ8 ATXIIACTIONS. Aire •Iroagapeclaltles or anything new. Slate ■alary eipfrlctl In flret letter. The Omaha Dime BlBtee and BIJou Theatre open Aag. lU.lgUJ, at 1 P. M. Addn» all carxmpoBdeBce to F. L. BARNES, 73« K. Twent y-fuarth 81 reel. South Omaha, Neh. I MERELY MENTION that Sllllman PoMlshes the Hits, "TRUE TO THE SHIP" (Or ttie Lost Steamship "Elbe.") "THE CHOIR SINGER." "AN OLD FASHIONED VALENTINE" and "KATIE KELLY." Profoulon 10 conto, orcheitntloni 10 cent* «itra. JANES 8T1LLNAIV, Mnilo PnblUber, 453 Sixth At«., N»w York Cltr> MAGIC TBICK JUGGLING GOODS, VEKTBTUMDIBT AND JUDT nODREB, EnNOINd CLUBS. 8<]ii]I>eanUliifUmpiroratp*|UlI>lleni. Otts- lolM. Oftluon* for JonlljlR Oecdl, Olat*. Tedcrllo^alil and Pooch and Jodr Finna tn*. OOLUHBU MAOIOTIIlaZ Mm. OO.. OIBontT. ■>. T. For Sale or to Let on Royalty. mumi PUY, "KILLARNEY," Trith acenerj and prlntlR?, owing to llie fact that next BeasoD Nlss Emmett ap< prars In her new comedj melodrama, "AN AMERICAN BOY" Address KATIE EMMETT or HUBERT SiCKETT, Manager, American Thcalrl* cal Exchange, Abbey Theatre Rulldlng, Kevf Tork City. Lew Dockslader's AU parties taavlng claima of aar de- •crlptlon against m« or my wife, LUCIN DOGKSTADER will uBd the aame to my attoraey, WII.- LIAH E. JEWEbU No. 3« School Street Boalaa, Maaa., glTlng hira fall pertlca- Ian. LBV LEW DOCKItTADBR. Addreu all oommnlcatloiu direct to • WINTERBURN ICC SHOW^ ISn? PRINTING CNIUBO. COMPANY. Wanted, for WIntennute Bros.'iSliow, CoBtoitlonUtt Bkr Perfonn«r. ale. B«Urr muil b« low Add WW WIWTERMUTB BBW. Bo4Jiok». Ill B-FUT GORNETTIST, 20 Years' Eiperleoce, ATLIBIBTr ABOQTJDNK I BTBICILV O K. W. O. RKNRAW. can TORK A fOS. SK. loolafltrMI. Oraikil Rapid.. Mich. BALLOON A«c*nHloiii Mad* Aoyvlirr*, Ud>orinftB;ilM>colAr«(l Mro- Bftor. AlvtyM promptly od hind. Btpf>rien««. nputAlIon. Prtf. Ksbrich, Star- WARTEO, First Ciiis Clarl«Ret Flaiar for Baad ART) giOUUIRA. nOHT ■SKADEA 6ne who dOM r OB iU|« un fa ii ad. Ooa VMk aiADda. A A UArr. W. D.;ABSRT, Isek labad.-n. CIRCUS CANVASES S. S. THORP dc CO., ao FDI/rON ST., If. T. "CENTRAL" TRUNKS. $5,00; 381a., UJQD; Salo., frJD:»ln., pjA; Ma.. ...^ -K. . wWbound.H tSJOO; i3\o.. $K)JO; Comr«rtinent trmn ■ iixlB clrcuR tninkR, |fl 2& cotnpl«t«. nlll InaldBLfSJO. Lllliolrunkik43>iiail3 laitlde. • snd iiAleton f61lo««n>, ILSft tnd tlJO. Blilmd on n tinnkikXhiAilli Mlpi or tldO, ba). C^O. D., «ic«pi oT«r SD mfMH, tlion re- mli whow staoQOL UuhIoI laaUuimot, tiektt and man- amn'tTuaka to on1«r. JUtun lUakcta. with Irar. IIdIhe. coror. «t«., Sla.. flSCO; 30ln., $11.00; Min . |1(VJ0. Baa kotftuilpped on rM«lpt nf nrlco. flIHONB A CO.. CRSTRAL TRUNK PAnTORV, EaUb. 1854. iXW Worth 7lh HlwU ntlMclpliU. INDIMNEDICINELCmeRS Who ar« capable of managing thoir own troupflie Perltormenlnallbranclieawrlle, staling oiprrlence, to COL. T. A. EDWABDS, Proprietor Oregon Indian Bledlcino Co., Corryi Krio Connty, Fn. WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE OF ABILITY, roR PAYILION THEATRE CO., riaylDg weak flisnds-Vounit, AilraUlTA JureDlle ladj, Blniclnir and Danclnrfloubretls, ConcdUowIih »p»cUl- tloa, Han forCtianeUraaad other awrul ptople. Mua bo ladUa and RODlltmeo. Oood wanlrobo lodikMOiable. locloM phoioH and pmimuom*. fiUlo tRe. htlfrtit and wriahl. Fhotoa relumed Ototkntva phrlnr bnm frerorred. Wanl a RonU dnimmer wllfc a riill line oT rsM. Biaioloweitaalarr. Addreu B. W. WQRRia. Mule Rwk. Ark. WANTED, Third Year, JuTenllo LeadloB Man. Otnuwl Iftavr, CksracUr Old Van, Dramatic Tramp, BUck Pan (H'tncb), Ecconlrk Character Comedr, rroponr Man (mmi pUr pert*): all muit read muRlo and Double Id BrmM. rinST CLASH ADVANCE AOENT, Leader of Band end Orch«iLra, and Muilclanii, all Double Id BrsM; JuTanlla Woman and Cbarseltr Woman. Blata, lo flrvi letter, aire, holRlit, walKhr, r«rarencea aod nalarT. Vit do not kJ* bnard. Seaaon opani Aug- 34. near New York City ■ad c\nttM — JAR. P. fTTENBON. Care ofrLIPrER- A REFINED YOUNG MAN, EIOIITKEK YEARS OLD, WOULD LIKE TO DOUBLE VP WITH A GOOD PARTNER OR FAMILY TO LEARN THE OYNNASTIC BUSINESS. AiMrm MIRR RMMA AI.FHBDO. Can omlffil HEIIOKH. !M Euil Uh Bl., W. Y. ANIMALS FOR SALE. Llauia., Aatelepe, Pet Deer, ibel. Large and Small Aalnala, Leopard, llycaa., Ktc, flaaltea, Coekateoe, nacewe, Moa* key.. ANIMAL INPORTINQ CO., e CatharlM. St., R. V. City, WANTED, Caldftll'a Colorat mittrelt, FULL MINSTREL COMPANr, InrtuilInK Band and OrchtMrm. AM oiuat doubl.. Rtala full llD. or bD«lni!u aod Inwa.t tarai. In flnrt latlar. Nolhloa tAO Itood tor Uila *ho». R. CALDWELl., B-^a 0»iitr. Hilfar Cltf. fowa. AT LIIIIEIITV, SLIDE TKOMBOrVE. Addrau JAWFJ COLE. U.Tarblll Maaa. AT UBERTV, noMs WARD and HORN luitr Watch UxBara.,tClo<olL AdJiea TBOIIAB H. WABD..*! rinh A.ano., ln>oU;v,«. T. The Only Real Melodramatic Success Last Season, "A RIDE FOR LIFE." TUB to ceTtU> that I have Bold out all my Interest In ••A Bide for Life' to Walter FesBler. JAMES E. NUGENT. GREAT COMPANY, SPECIALTIES, 3IEC1IAKICAL uiid SCENIC EFFECTS. "A RIDE FOR LIFE" ha. bees ([really Impravetl by alr.B||ll>«BlBB aoine of the parte, iBtndaelBg ipeclaltlra. Bad aildlBg two BOW aad great nechaalcal .Ifecte. HAVE A FEW WEEKS OPEN. Addrea. EDOENE ROBIHBOir, Soto KaaaBw. 1* W. 9lth Street, New York City, WALTER FESSIiEll. Bapreeeii«atl»« M»a»«T. with Onnpany. CO. CIRCUS CANVASES, Pole, and Stake., SEATS, FUgf, Eto. ^E^IDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS. BICOIIIHUIID CilTlB, MUTB, ITC, FOl BlUt. S. S, Stewarf s Celebrated Banjos PRIC|8 FROM «I0 TO «200. AUo Mb.Io BBd Book, ftor Ibe D»a>>, la great variety. String.,, Etc. Rwd rorllliiMreud nrleallatanJcalalogna. TIidm Iq* t.rwtlad alioukl aaod loo. In ilampa Tnr a ppaclninn copy ofTIIB BANJO AND UUITAK JOUHNAL. Addrau B. B. 8TEWAHT, Koa. HI aO(l>D(3iiiTthHL, Plilla-li-lplilv y.niia LAWRENCE SCHOOL OF ACTING (ETOurirDUu mo»). lUO WEST 4SID STREET, NBW yORK. EDWIN GORDON LAWRENCE • • Director. CIRCULARS ON APPLICATION. MR. UWRENCE'8 NEW BOOK, ENTITLED SIMPLIFIED ELOCUTION, Bfllaiiacoinpr«)i*oalr«HT»leDi of Voice and Action, XU paitea. liandaomely bouou Id rloLband goU, will In aeiil puntene free on receipt of 11.00. JOSEPH NOLAN, MANUFACTURER OF THEATRICAL TIGHTS. Beatflllk TltfatA,|l8 Mr Ml; biat Wonted Tlaht^anj color. lA per set; beit tfo* CotloD Tlithui, In I'Ink. Wlille, Llilit Blue, LeTtnder, tirean. Tallow, Had end Puriile •UO par aeUtook better Uiaa span rIIIi ilRbU). RjrmeU Hala, Paooy Contortion. Projt ead HkeUtoa Holla a ape- clallr. lIlRh fTTBde Kooda onlj. No lecood ouaJlty. Tenna: 91 wlih order, balance 0.0. D. Special piioea lo aianagenaod eompulet. Addr«u ell ofOen end com. loanlcetlona to nur faclorr. « and fcj Kllary Street. Brooklyn. H. T. STEAM MERRY CO ROUNDS tiallopliig Ilunes, Fliie Imported Or> giUH, AUracUte eul< lit Prlcos on appll. cation. Terms easr. NOIUUN & EVAKH, Lockiwrt, W. Y. "YOUR FACE IS FAMILIAR" TOTIIB'TnoKEAII," aod the faei a«ldi a aiout link tu your chalo of fame, If you faaTa a |oaJ r^irtnlt cul of jourMir for HlAlInnvry aod adrortl^iiK. We ntake tin rlRlit kind for 9I.(D. AUklodaofeaU for ibow prlntloN aladlKoont Write CHICAGO PHOTO ENQRAVINO CO., Park Theatre CURTIS BAY, A. A. CO., MD. WtKTF.II AT ALL TIMEA. HKHIDI.'OMKUKDNdANII UANirK AMD HrK'.'IALTir LADIEfl. TIIOMAR HAdR, H.naoar. Showmen & Strootmon SONG BOOKS $1.00per lOO sONC SHEETS SOc. per 100 Caih with order. Samplei (or TEN CENTS. HENRY WEHMAN, 130 & 132 Park Row, NEW YORK. 66 E. Miillwn SInM, CHICAGO. ANIMAL SHOW OR CIRCUS. Beat locatloB la the Ticlnlly of N. Y. for the Sammer. Iiocetlon for rent ob good tens,. Write J. W. WAIM WHiailT, Hoefceway Heeth, L. I. PATTERSON'S at loeb,.(.a):]]loch.U n: nlodi. »M0; TM thaau-kal tnr. ..a all, pl f »nla. aarh. Tn/ma. cub bi ad' .asea. C. PA'TTKHMOJI A CO., 13a n. Rlalk SIrret, PblUd.ipbla, Pa. <1ILl&R.TNuriiiai(t)srimrR i ^Ui wooo St. rnii*i)Ci.HiA,.iL V/ snTnuvnesEicToiNRiroiMY'ix yOnm ORRji iuitAtncTc.' THE AERIAL AND F» Y ItOTECJIrllVIO A.T^ H. Iraciff, A L Dm ltd Adili PUni^, WONORIIA. 'f«MRtlng Ibe iirunieai Hummer atlraotlon eTer orcanliM]. BRILLIANT, ENTERTAININ8, ARTISTIC, THRILLING, NOVEL ('.onriitltiR pf ihahl|lia*t iTBileaml mn»tniapnin- f«nl ilUpteva of I'Irevnrkfi erar |ire«^nte«l. Pur I nI»hMll)*ine«el«bral««laatl wall known iiianufkO' turvra III ryrotarhnica, THE A. U DUE FIKEWORKH CO., OF CINCINNATI. AlaolDllv.1uclnitlhawi*nil.ror Ib.ftl., AGHILLE PHILION. IntalsSulral Tower, newntvlaif Globe UvTtlbltlon, In which ne has no rlr»l| appenrlnir ■! rarh eihlbltlon complrlfilv enveloped In flreworhe. This company Is aUo i-reperM to rnraloh the fulluwIoR aunctloaa and noTelllaa ir dealred: Daring High Wire ArtlaK, Sensational or Aerial Nnelllaa, Treupt of Rojal Moorlsli Arabe, Etc., Etc, Etc. ManaeterBiif PojiuUr I'arhi, Humnirr Htaorti, Kaira, Kipniltlnna, Nlreatl^r or HteaiiilMtatKyDOIcataa, aaml uH|ruuror«n time and nitlpartlrulan inour aola a(»nu, HOWARD Sc DOTLE, HO. m-TK IlKAIIKtlUN RTRRKT. (IJIinAdO. ILL. Alio A|teel« f'>r tli* A. I.. IlUt: no., mahitra of aiclualrily hlirieal Rmila line cnlAiwI Prniiecrinlc«. irnrlvntail In rarllltlM,inim1eHrof tlTecla, TarIeirofi|ul|n», unllniltaifnnTBllle^ hrllllancy In ruk>r^ aoU parfaotlon In atecutlna. We ackmiel- edfta nt> rivala Bijou Theatre, (FORMERLY STANIARD), OHIOAOO, ii^r.. COST OF TIlEATlUi), lj^200,000. 120,000 will b« •ip.nd.4 upon Inprmmanlt. Win b« lh« HiMlra on Ihi Wall sM.. Wliyglv.Mp IhouttRdi .1 dollirt nnt monoii nti not ibir. b«. lor* til. MR li Mltlnt, whan iroii ei. play at a pr.p. 8ri|r maaagad Iheatn and than en Ui. Hnt dellarT A law op«n dalH nail Maion lortrtt alui atlruUani andallbaralparoentagaglvanloallolnMrIL Addreu 0. F. niLLER, Hunagor, Sohllti Park, Mllwauki., WU, Until Auguil 16. Music Hall, LOWELL, MASS. ' NOW UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT. The Imum will be IhvrMigliljr orerbanled and renonlMl, new Mwncr;, etc Tbe' onl7 pupalar pritse '*fginll| theatro" la (he Mj. NOW BOOKINQ FOR SEASON OF '95 AND '96. I'airtluN lietvliiK Iwolied with provlous niaina»Huanittit nrn Invltod to cpr« r4mi>ontl wllli W. H. 1KK>IJV. Matiiimor. ORGANS!!! TiiArn WHAT iuu'll have at aErriKii one or the FRATI & GO'S ^"Hi mm or ORCHESTRIONS. DRMUIITRDCI/STtlMHRII •illln. ini) .IiIIIdi ua .lallr. Ilara'a •lial i,na aaii: "NKVKH llAI) HUilll A (IKdWU, aait louk lo W) EUHH MUNliT V elian I chaoae) anil <l(rr(INK of VOIJK IjlUIAKII." vol J CAN cons OK w 'rHIC HAMUI Iraa), nt oDi.r . . Rrnc ituiL'KLVi I10.VT i.or bln4. thai roiu roa lla Mir. for rvfalr., an.! al.i>o .nur ItiialnM. iflMP' lima, run parircaUn anil (IATAI.4>UIIKS MAIIJSU ITHKE i>a t|.t>ll- callou. llai Uia UKIIT. (1.1 a rrall A 1^. Otiiaii, AU6UST POLLIUNN. 70 aB< 72 Franlilin Slreat. Net Yarli Clt>. BILLY (WM.H.) CHACEI, SINtiINU ANU DANCING COHKDIAN (Any flliaiie or color) AND HENRIETTA ST. FELIX """•aa wi-snw HINOINa AND DANCINQ 80UBIIBTTE AND INOKNUE. IIIIE DOB* aiKO AMD JIAKOE AMD 0AM ACT.) CAN BE BSOAUEO POR gfASON OP 'M AND '«t, POB FAnCE COMEOr, DRAIA, I'OMIC OPR^A, KXTBATAUANZA OK VAUI»EriLLE. Wonld like to hear fron a Reepoa.lble Maaager wha wnald featare two good proule. Hare a Baraber tt play*. AMree. BItlrV CIIACK, af« Ka.l l«lb St.,New Verk City. P. S.—SI. P.lli aUler* will BdrappeaTaaa Trleaflar Aag. 10, •M, TWO MORE MONSTER HITS. "When the Whistla Blows at Six" ^ "AnneHea" UY BABL. O. 'WMBKL.MH. BoiawilbniMnHMMbr JOU/.NDiraTcllantrarM.) T.klaf lt/H.r4 rnrMHnwal illkltr, Dm'tbllle AaMM^ua, M. T.