New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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June 1. THE ISTEW YORK OUPPER. 207 James Tbornton's ELITE VAUDEVILLE COMPANY WnX AOORN THE MIHIO BTAOE THE COMUfO SEASON, HEADED BY THE PEERLESS QUEEN OF COlfEDIENNES, BONNI["TiiiRNTON The Company irlll bo coinposod of a Onliixy of Artists whoso iiumos aro synoiiynKtiis witli Hiircoss. In this nge of rivalry one muxt not onibiirk on tho st>u, of uiicorlulnty, hiit iilck tlio tiiilsl-s from tlio foremost ranks of the profession, The Creme De La Creme of the Entire Vaudeville World. Nothing but Top Liners in Our Array. RBAD THR TJAMKB OF" THTC P'KW XHtJH THE ONI! BOrvrUIE THK THE ONE IRELAND'S KINGS, i'AR KNOA<*10I)i NORMA 3 THE ONE SKETCH TEAM, The one Snpronie Moimrt-hs of uU Grot««iuo Ac(,s, THE WONDKItFUI. A 1=1 V E Li THE INVINCIBLE IMONTE. 3 Th* Kspoleen of Bon« Wrlten, tlie Hui who hn. .tt UtoWorld >-Bliiali>K. AMERICA'S MASCOT. Other First Class Artists nnaor consideration when complet4Ml will VIK with host Vnurtmlllo coni|n«il<«s oxtflnf. THE PRINTING IVHL BE BY THE MASTER MINDS OF LITHOORAPHY (LIEBLER & MAA88) AND EVERY SHEKT WILL BE A TIMBUTE TO LITIIOnUAPIlIC ART, AND OUR BILLING WILL PUT TO BLUSH BARNUM IN HIS PALMIl-ST DAYS. MANAGERS OF PIBST CLASS THEATRES PLAYING COMPETENT COMPANIES, ADDRESS QUICK SABE DESSAUER, Manager. JAS. THORNTON'S ELITE VAUDEVILLE CO., 10 Union Square (Armstrong's Eaohange), New York City.