New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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210 M ' H h i ISTETW YORK CLIPPER. June 8. # Theatricals LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Hoaday Nlxht'i Opolaga la all tk* Bis Sktnr Towu. ' GOLDEN CATECLEANINC& Contlnuad Good BuilnMi Reported from the PicKIc Slope-No Noveltin Praiented, but Good Attrectlonithe Rule-The Fraw- ley Dramatic Co. Winning Merited Reeog' nitlon. IBPmUI DlapaUh U> The Htm York alrft,] Han FnAHcmco, Jiino 4.-At tho BKldwIn Itiemire llio IJIIpminiiii, In "ItiimpIT Iliiiaprj Up toDaU," voiillnuo to ilmw l>lg aiundsnce. Coi.i'imiA.-Tlie mwlej Ctompinjr titgnn lint lilitlil llio fourth wcok of their highlf aucctmful en- KBiiciiicnt, Willi » proanciloD of "Tno AmbliiD Sluliiii" Hnd "Tho llciiire," a cnrttin ml»cr. Tlita ilmln hunlrcailrcalablliboilllMir m s fiahloo- HlilD and popular rcaoil. Hanamr Fruwley baa iM'un iiejioiUllnK triili Helen Itauvny and lier plaj, •■(iiiaiifoiir (ilrii,"riir an apptannco during hu iiroMiit fiigagofnciil. . - .j^ - UAMniHHiA TllKATiiK.—Tnlj liouM Will rcoptn Juno M, Willi "Tho Old llamemead." "A Ulack Uliecp," "Tlie War of Wealth," "In Old Kontucky" iinrt "A Uvlllud Conimiinllj" will follow In rapid HurcoMlou. _ Mdamcii'ii tiHAKD III'IRA ilornt.—Tho UMial pai:kcd iKiiiKO waa prcaent laal evening, when Wal- ter Hanford'a Co. iMgan an engagenuit In "tlf Jack." Ai.uA7jtH.-Joii<lo Morton appeared lut night In "Clndcrslla" In a good houie. John A. Coleman, tho l,]rnoh l^^iull; and the Voia Kamllj appeared In HPcclnlUea. TiT0l.f.-"3hlp Ahoy," with Laiiis Millard and loulw Itojce In tho cant, opened to a crowded lioum. UiiriiKi'M.—The American Haca luade Ihetr ap- jtcHniiico and acored a Itig aucceaa. Noran.—The Daly Block Oompan; will liegln n fonr wcuka'aeaaon at tlie Alcar.Br 10 (Ico. K. Uek roKiimoil hli old poidUon aa ilaffe manager of the Tlvoll, vleo John K. Naah, thla week Unaccount or the ilangtroua condition of bla wife'a health l^rank 1(. (.iTfton, the manager at tho Ulicna HonI mid Voiietlau water Canilnl, haa realgned nil IkMlilon and liaa gone i" a aanltwlam to await bla wiro'M cniivalcaconco .The ragnlar mi and Wliiicr acawin of the llaldwin Theatre will Icgln July iri, Willi the engagement of tlie lijcenm Tlii'juro Conipany, which will appear In "The AinjiMHUi," "Tho liaao of Relielllona Subd," "An lilcal lliiainiid," and other plays of Ihoir re- iicnoiT. Tho I'aullne Hall Opeia Company, John liraw, hi "Tlie UauUle Bbiip;" "Trilliy," "The l'rin.|iiK Hhow," "A Milk White Flag'' the Jle Wnit (i|ier» Un., James irNalll, Htuart Ilobson, Marie Walntvrlgbt, Ftedorlo Warde, Varaty Opcm Uom. pany ana olhor playa, companies and attractions nro Imokoil to follow MaU Tmyen, 0111 and llaTTcti, Kt\ imian, the four ItMsltes, Lulu I'owemi lluli Mcllonalil, Klllntt llroa. and Mile. Oaieloe's liniiirj) HUtlues wore the atlraoltoim last week at the lU'lla rnlnii (Ico. I.. Uayton haa been a|>polnt- uil ainunomont director St tbo Circus Itoral llogors llroa. Iiavo algucd with Uontielly k (llmrd next senmn Hr. and Hn. Junta HcCree will gii h^aal Hh<irtly iJilor and Cheater, 'I'allioi and BliaUiick, Hnao Uoineuce, Anita Ht/Jionild, the Uonlniui, I.0 Mont Wslan and (llinrlea Horrell are at the Auditorium lYof. (llertson, tho horae lamer, has done a plienom- vnal liiiidnoas at tlie Mechaiiica' PavllloD, where for tho past Uireo weeks he haa aulalued eveiy Tlclous niccd brought 10 hliii. Ilia stay has been a lucna- tlvo one William llarry will appear In "The Illalng Oonentlan"at Hai'ilonough'a Theatre, (isk- laiid, Oil., June .1, > John J. llauael waa mar tWi\ butl week to a non-profeasloiial A bonetit ii>i' llio Ban KmnoUco I'nun Cluli will lie given at llio ColumbiaThcalre on or alioui Juno 37. FROM OTHER POINTa Summer Attraetloni In the Larger CHlei Generally Doing Well-"The Little Ty. coon" Succeeihilly Revived in Phlladel- phla-The Summer Opera Seaion Opened nt Uhrlg'i Cave. St Louie. Ifll4clal Uliptlchei to The New Torfc Clipper.] CiiiCAdO, Juno 4 With tempersturo that breaks nil rcconla fur May or Juue the thcalrea are having hard limes. Iliialnviai la rory light, mnel of the peo- pto preferring to si>eud tbo eronlnga In tbo iiarks. Yoiila 'niley npenotl her short engageiiient Willi Iho "Aladdin Jr." Company bml nlgbl,and was well received At llooley's "Tlio (lalety tllrl" played to a modumlo si'/ed audience, trhlcn didn't take aa kliiilly to tho pndiicUon hb when pnMrulctI by Iho other coiiiiniiy Hr. lloyt iirliihlriicd up Iho thlnl sci ur ''A Olack Bbeep" bo- ftiru leaving for hbi New >^glHUd bouio, altering the lliialoallghtly. Agues lluao I,auo,of the com- iMiiv, la quilo III, and her part Is being played iiy Agues l*aul I'etor IMiiley and Mnt- llu Vlckuia are plsyliig to iiiodemto bust- mm III "Chris and l.eiia" at tho Llncolo Wiwi. .siiioia nro not crvwdlng tbo llayniarkot to see "Tho lllrtli 01 Veniia," allliniigli It la Iwtter now innull wnsihiriiig the cngiigeiiieiit Joat oinsed at I liHili'r'H TIU'SO are gnla idghls fur the UawHilo iluof (lanluii, when the iiuinagcr la looking upon the hill wavo as a simrlsl liloanng aeiit to limaper Ills now unilonsklng "Tho Collon Klug"^ la L'DlIliig iatlii<r Iho wunituf the luid buslnoaa at Mc- Vlckor'ii. Few iieunio can to grow e.\clloil over a inrUulniiua wlillo tlio iiiereuty bi tiring to orawl tint ovor Iho tup of Itio lulio. IhisTON, Jiiuo 4.—"Tho Sphinx" opened Ita second week at tho Trriimnl Thrnire last night, and al* tlioiigli Iho wrallier was not atnll coiufortablo there uas a very fair idzotl aiidleiico nrcHont. "The "Sphinx" will run uiilll tiirtlier iinUco At Ibo lliiiriliilu S(|uare Tlivalro the llalil wins (tlie While Mahaliiitu*) drew a Itig hiiusu slid iravo uiie of the iiiiwi iiitvol viili-rlaliiiiirnts of Ma kind over preaenl- i-il til liosluu. tloiuu of Iho feats performed are liK'»iii|iivlioui<lti|a "FTa lllavolu" was given II s|iU'iiillil pTesriiiallim nl Iho Casile Square TliuHiru mill (Irn. W. Tiavenirr, who csnio on siwlally fnnii Now York lo aaaunie the title ixilo, iiuiilo an iimiut'siloiiable sueceiH anil 144-orM a Haul pniuount'Ctl hit. Ttio scoiilu fOHiiirosnf Ihooiiemaro nii|ierl>, and iMnlciilarly notlcoabln aro tlui hut on the moiinlaliissiid /or- lliia's iH'duhainbrr: In fan, ibo unlliv arenery bi new, and was iwlitlcd hiwlally for Ibis u|iem Tho Inst wrak of "I'ltlby." iit tho Iliwloit Theaire, diiontil with very fair bushiea^ ttui tliere a*ete plenty of vsrani chalra In tho big bouse Kellh'a New Ttioaim had gtatil patmiWHe tlurliig the day and I'vciiliiu, ami Iho fuwothor popular prlv-cd houses got their sovonil ahares of liualness. ST. Jiino I'lir1g*s (Mvo oponcti Ihe Huro- iiierllpoia Kcnaiin Siiiulay night wllh an ex<'4>llent preseiilatlon of "The lloiiirar Kliidenl." A large iiiiilli'iu'u was ptvaoni, ami the isirftmiuui-o was ao. I'lirdril uiHiliiUHl applaiiao. I'lrci'lor Alek. Bueu- rrr was given a i^M-opilon and Ada Palmer Walker, lionrudo l^iitgc, T^>nia llanlon, Wllllaiii Priielle, Jontiiio .^ykrs and Flank IVuhun were oonllallr ix«- celvi-il 'I1ii^ M.>i'niiil M'eek nf Iho llulon "Rust KuoT ilHi-iIoii iK'uiiii aiiHiiloloiiiily UiiihIst night wllh a rhaugo iif bill "Tlie lilark Flag'' was put on Sunday by the llavlln Thcaire stock company and iln'W e.xcolleiilly. Tlie playruua ihe week. The new MiH'Vlalllen were kliiilly received and buslneas t-itiiilniics gi>Ofl 7\*mti'v I'srk preaonleit a now vsiidovllln lilll Siiiidoy, wlilrh was eiOoyed by a large audience I110 lumnm a Bailey Bhow opened yesterday altciniKin to light buslneaa. I'lvaa Agent Itouse U autburtty forlho statement that It was Iho iiooreai tiouss tbo show has bad since lis Inception by Iba gnat sbowman now dead, lotenaely hot weather aud racea weie foiiiildable opposingcondltlena. Lam nlgbt the lent was tilled. The advance sale for the week Is large. riiiuDBLriiiA, Juue 4.-^Mxou aud Zliuinenuan'a Iinduction of "The Ullle Tycoon" 0|<eDed at Ihe Irond SIrcel Theaire lam nianl. There was a large audlento prcsi'nt, and the tvfn wsa received wllh ail oxiniordluary amount of terror for such hot weather. Tlin pinducUon was a notable one, the rlerirtrrtl riTerii In lite second net belns both novel and iiitiilsiit. llio cosiiimea new and iioh, and the i^honisos Utrge and well trained. MgbT Wll made a marked siicrnu as (leneial Rnlckeruocker, and I'atnriliie IJnjanI aa Violet aeted wltb Intelligence and sang In good voice wllh a tna aiUfUo apMt, which aniused the genuine eDibaslaan of Ibe audi- ence. Tho oUiar pflndpal cbsiatun also received natteilng reeofnllloD, and aereni recalls were In- aaled npoD after the tall of tlie cnitala The Lycenm uda fairlycood bouse for tbeItat pteduc- 80D of "Ibe Dotcta Aook," and Uie BIJoo, as nansl, dlda (oodbnaUiem "IHe Two Orpbaaa" waa gtveo at the Kenalnfton, to a fair aUanlance. WiatiiiioiDK, Jone4.—Ttsalctb week of theFM- erlck Bond Comedy aeaaoD, at Allen'aOraidUperm nonae, opened UBtnlghtwllta"MvWire'a lIother,"a three eel farclal comedy, preceded by Uia outaln ialaer,"Jack White's Trial," loan excellent bouae, ROtwIlbslandlng the heat. Dlsocbe Wsbib made her amt appearance as loading lady, and waa glrcn a Birong welirome "Ao Awful AiTsIr," a three act comedy, iiy Cbarlea 8. Fawceti, opened the sec- ond week of the cniiiedy season st Hapley'a New Na- tional. A nrst class boose wsa la auendance, Clintlcs liowser siid Percy Brooke making tbeir fliat appearance wltb the oompaay Kd. P. Rash's "WblteCnok" Kxtiavagania Co, bad a latEefol- lowing on tbeIr conuneocemeni at Kenan's Ly- ceum. MiLWAiigii, June 4.-Brooke8' Chicago Marine Band and Nellson's Aetlsl nsllet began Itae week at Bcblllz Park last evening, liefore a good aired audi- ence, the Whitney Open Company closing Biinday nIghtwIUia good bouse The Sunday slUnd- anceattlieF,xposltlon Music Ilall was a tilt lielow the atandard, aa the weather waa anltry The Flints were booked at the Davidson this week, but were noUlled but week by Uie police to cancel the engagement, as there Is a Isw here problliltlng ex- hlbltlona otbypnotlsm. Kamias crrv, June 4.-.The FJks Rave a minstrel iierfoniiance at tbe Utmod last nlgbt 10 sn luiinensc liotise The Kemper Block Oininaiiy surted their fourth week at the Coatm last night, snd in- senled "Ours" to a fair bonae Tlie Huiniiier Upeia Company at Falnnoont Park opened their sessiin Hsturdsy nlgbt with 'The Mikado," to a good house. UurKAixi, June 4.—Ada neban bad a good wel- come fora lonid nlgbt at the Academy bist night. The Lyceum sod Court Street Theatres and Hhea's opened tbe week with fair sized galberingr. UiuiaviLLi, June 4.—Tbe Kew (ism and White Front Theatres opened to good bouses last nlgbt. ILLlNOia Chicago.—All hot wuUier recordn for IU7 won hrokoa Un iMk, BOd In eomeqitnce tita UiMirM v«re aotwtllpttroDiud. Th* RdilllM', wMrh liw b#endarli for & MD1>I« of wmKwIII raop«o Jun« 0«IUi "I.lUlf RobloMn Cnw," In wtikh Eddl« Koy idJ Mftrie Dr«H krwIUIitra Uie hwllnir rolw. Tlila oiinvMnnnvlll bft put on to ran bII Rummer, and mocli liies|>«<iMl ofli bj iliipnnnoivn. Ths manic In bj W. II. RttibslorUMl lb* liook bj llurj B. Rmlih. It bi Mrtctlf ■ local pnHloc- tion M ftr, u MMorr, eoatunef, etc, u* M b«lDir pra- wwllifre. W. V. DanKlowbaji (IcftlfMl thacimtumM. Tbe r^Iumlilft vlll 1*0dark forUre* VMkiL and ib* liar market wnuU bare eloMd lu wawn 1 If li )iad not baen iMied by Kr«il Whitaer whI M- V. McLeod ri)r twn of tlte "HIrih of Vaaua." The Albminbrm and otieneil under tbe maoaiemeDl of Eoael A SioeMl. Tlie ralirorala Ulnlop Ciiitp li dolaic Ulr bualneaa on the Montherq aldeor toe cltj. lIoiiLHT'it,—AfUrtvroweeka of tnnlenle auctee* "Tlie HIrtb of VeauH" at thli ItouM awl innvod orer lo Uie llaymarket. "A f lately (llrV* pnMntad by vbat la knowne*tbe"No.3Cotiip«iiy.*'aodir Uie iiiaaaffiiieot ut s\u|{uaUD Daly, opened 1- lo tli* onranlatlon am Hariarel Krmnr.llaud l>«rr>-, UlamI II. Uniiler, W. J. Mannlna, Bert llailem, DonaM DalL Janiei rrattr, I'ercy Marii)ial,W. II. lUvlloji, RIena Howenler, Hnlen Kraur, Kibel Craddoek, LouUe (loroerMl, Winnlfnd DennlH, Minnie Radler, Min Beanmide, Diilly Klrach, HayBIUe. MlnaUarllnn. Bdielflldoay. CiiicitK) OfnA IfuusK.—Yeata TiIIpv la ibe apeclal at* iracUun uHitrfd In ooooectlon wlib ''AUddla Jr." for ihlNweek. Bualneaibaibeeoeicellent forilteeitrava- nnta ooinpaoy ainoa It came houn,aiid TlibaatnnK ((■toraperlairraiuiealnpronwia preaptroui Mmmar laceruTo. The Trilby guadrflle, IdalAne Cotton, ArUior IhinD and Uie Wlloiot Duo and other areelalliia are MmoKeaumibtomatntalo a lively lotereit In Uie per lonuance ouuhle of Hie waota of Uie bandaointly Mated eitrmTaittDiaa. UHAMU OriHA lloiTaK.-4%aa. II. lloyra ptemoce In I'lilraipi baa liiil a Knod erfea 00 the pruductlon of "Tlio Black Sheep," wbldi baa been hrljihteDed u]f lit many wayi. It eoierrt on ibe ihird and Uat innoUi or Ita ran tbia veek. Alice Pierce haa met wlUi ffieat faror lo lier Impe rnonatliio of rarlooji well knnvD actor* and actreuea. Hiebaamucb abllliy awl cu haidlrrall to nieetwIUi Mi?\irKiH'* Tnuma.—"Tbe Cotton Xln|"beiilo«ihe fpiirUi week of lu eaufefpeot wltb fair proapecia of Ctnman. Vlille tbe piece Itaelf li DotracMTini mucb /orabie cnmueiil, the worli oT one meiiilMr or (na com- pany, Aupieiua Keynokla, la wlnnlna conimendatlMi. llU|iortr»yalor Uiedninkeo mill hBiid Ik couMered an unuaually Hoe piece of work. COLUUBI* TiiUTM. — Fanoj Davenport, lo "Ola- monde," cluatd SI, 10 order to be able lo ep^r In Brook- Irn a, wlUi a day or two la wbldi to reiL cloaedttie (>>1umblauDliro,ivban It Kill reopen wllh Canary A Isoderer'a "MIrolo World." An eiti» i^rfonnince unt on the revular progrminme waa n benedt iireD Hunday eren- Ing for ilanager Ropealiaaui, ol the "C*>uDlry Bnurt" Cu. The oompany and oUien ruralihed Uie bill and tbere waa a lull aliad aeaienc*. _ _ Li.Hcnui THKiTRL—Effle BtUler cloned a falrlr puc- ceMlbl week 2, and waa fulloaeil by Maiile Vlchnn and Peu Dloleylna production of'Chna and Lena-" Nu- meroui epeclalilei wei« Introduceil, and ihe lUfiMtrtmR oonipany, picked up on abort notice, waa Talrly eiHcleni. "Chria aud LeBa*'^ opened wlUi a matinee Bunday, awl will run for a week. lUVHAHKn-TiiKATiiii.—Ihli hoeao waatobavochM*! 1, wlUi tbeend oi ilie "Country Bpon" ennaeinnnL but It haalieeo leaidl fortwoweela br "ItieRlnbur Venun" Co., whtdi cloaeil 1 at llooUyJohn D. (Illbert repUcra Oliarlea KIrbe In the part or the deircilre. )lAiu.<«io Rnor Uahdkx.— A hm w-are thai haa been mthlnii other nanaptere unroraroriable thla w«ek ban twf n looked upon aa a rval Kunl Uilnit by Menan^r Pair, oftho Hoof Oanlen. Kor ihia woek llie atiracUuim In- eluile: Wiwd and RieperO, Uie Huhloaian Trio, Janiea II. t^ullen, t\int Bironjr, Laurft Uo(N>rkle and Un. .lamvH Hoyle. Sunday adantton cnecerta are civen hy ibe Sec- ond ReitliiientlUnd, under dltrrllen of KUIa Brook*. UitrKim'THUTiiK.—Tlie DiDCk comnanr will pnwnt "Waaea o( Bin" ibia week, and ilie Taudevllle profframroe wlllhapreaeateil by tbe Rio llnmn Truu|te of Arabian Arrobeia, tlerile Cochran, imtorollea. Bemanl Ojllyn, Jliiuiiy Wall, I'lMM aud Ullnlon, McNuliy HlKlor<^ ifan HaMin, Kllly WtiK. Clint CirlvrlRbt and oUiirn. Khank llA(-i.'it nANiML—The leading atirarllon rortlile week will IM VlrKloUKnapi\wholt«Mild to ha ma/raattl iirniirTrltiu«pnycti(.i force. Jennie I<«rv, rwnllpt; Mny WaUb Iho W etwter^ Venllo Bm*., \Vnili« anil tUrmii. Bella anil Once Jnnaon, Julia Kelly and Anily MrLnMl will cfinlrllHile a viol pnvnunine. Tlio huniv la kepi nt & i-oiiironable letiiperamrp, pvm durlnit mcb xctv \wx wenUier aa Ibat of Ua( ue4*l<, by thi« eieana o( iiiachlnrry recvnily pul In by tbe manaiirnieni. , ,. Olvhi*:!* Tiiiatiiil-A new deMrture will be irlcd by tbe Dlyniplc IhU wrek Id the ehaM nf a rnrt-e callnl *Trll H." TitU U Iho ilrel timellial the <)l>-ntPlc l>a« irM anyihlna oflhe aurt. Ilarrv Hi*niai:ue Iiap cbarge of ilie prndu7lion,whlrli will run for fiiur wefka. In llti« ciii*t ■re: llaro' Hontainift I'-amllne Dunrau, Kra Hwlniiuni. Frank llanwelL Baraey RoynnhK Narly (t'NelH. Harry Brown, KdlUi Newlon. Allcf llonani, Isotlle Walleffs Kitty Ripley, Uaude ]*eily,llnicf><'uiiiminKM,<lrac«Oe- leMis V%nny WallnnL l.uin Tliltw, Mile. LnlA.Maiiile Ban- rniO. IbwA Wrlilil, Mar WrlqlW. Kale Wriphi, neoree Beban, J. K nocinelL O. B. 'nia>«r, John NrRroacim and K. A. Pewey. ^ . Ai'auiht UK Mfitii*.—'Tbe Two Orpliani" roinen nrvr til the Academy tbr n wrrk. lu \>ti rulh»vi«l f by "Hie Tpuiplatluii of Money," uuw mnnlnic at Ilie Allieinlini. Tlte Aradentvaaamtiiwlll cinee Junt 2i, ^nd tho Fall aea- pon will l>eiln Antt- II. „ AuiAHlinA TiHATMK.—"Tlip Teiupiailou ol Money" oiwneil X aud wUI run a w«<pli, chiolnii llie P>R«on, t>\cty\ ftir Iho ivrfunuanrea of *-|ui*t loitne ' l<i be Rltrrn 9. In lltr rial for "Tlie Temi iatlutt of Honry" are: Alma Eart, JitPle l'rlr^Jaur Nalmr}-, Helen Voi. Jolm B-KnUUl, Willie Hover, Oharlea T. NrKnvry niid oUiPi*. Ham T. JAt R'H i»rahA II«wtt.-"Adani and Kre." pre- ecnieil by one nf Jark'HlwrrMiiue retnpanles, <rlH lie ron- ilnued for another week. The company lia alroaione, havlnit been augmented fhnu lli« ra.ike or Mr. Jacb'H other ronii^olM, which hate rlnartl Tor Ibepeamn. Tank Tkiatnm —WlU^y llaiullliin'a l^oniMoy will pre aeni a farce enlillnl "A HjirloB nilckon.'" A|4clall(tP wUI be preeenieil h>- Fmnk llup*. May Mtlhir. I'alrick Mile's Frederick lirUnd. t>rlnli« Le Verne, LIHIan Hearli. Ibe llawaim^CViUtn and M'ayne, Hallle Bernnnl and lloninlh. the ttrletilal danrvr. K!<(iiL*ri ctriNA I'AViLio!!.—Tlila ItO'ii^ Iiai rrtpened anrra Ira worka nf lUrkupa;^ an>l Iuh ivluined ihe nuni|rein#ntofJi»wiliRnffl. Tlie i>i<enln(; nrc>irrf«l ). llie eotrilaluiuent oelnn furalahnl by 0. r. y.ainota, AIlP) ud ]>n|iaT\l, Era Auirv FlcblerBT>'roleaugiiNr- la(T^ Atlle l^<«nrer. Auailn nalali RuKtnle Lonwine, Boil* llari<or. fadlib Bebitttni, iHill)' D>rr and oUiera. Pr. ntll|}bie«Ji«l (aft«*ocUle\l In iho uanaaement. Kohl A MinnLKTOs'a Tlink RrnKKr Mi-mrH.—Amonn Uie atiraciioua ottetwl for ihia work are a Rrnun of airla, will) pore in pklurea of fammii atatuary, and a (niupe ni Oriental acrobata ami Junler*. .... ULDUi IHHK MueiFM.—The Midway danrerf, heailetl by Ho«e, ulUlurnleh iho pmimtnmeat KobIA .Viddlelon'a Huie Street pl«c«, where there are an atirartlre ll*t of ruilea, iQcludlBg Lqioa, the amileea man, and Carr'a perform lot bear*. Wnirx'H LoitnON MtttH.-^^tlnce baTlni been rloaed a atwri tliue for repair* ihe London Mueeo li an aliraeilTe place of amuaeneni. Tbedilef allraciloo now, aaher*- Mnt*. la the Midway danca, which laiierfeniied by a lot ofpreiiy RltU. NuTut.-Aiiliur Dunn will play ih* leadpr of the Japan- ese Anuy In a rerlpnl edlllen or'AtaddlD Jr." TieleQ Tracy aukl Virrtnia Tracv tm at lionte In ibia city for tbe (Summer Katberlne^rtbei. ofthe *'AUddlo Jr." Co.. win ppanil a raratlen Iroin that ci«i(viny at her home lo Noecow, Rumla Alice FloreDce Itaebeen Hi^en Uie perl of Henrietta In "Tbe Birth ol Venua,** funoerhr plaTe«ltiT Mlaa K«biia "An American llnro," wlUi Cnnt E. rem aa ibe Mar. will l*e ilron nl the Lincoln 9. Mabel Beoeon Belfe*. at c^e time wvH known In ftstland a* an amborwn and artreeik atiemptetl euldde In Chip oily, SL by cnnlna Iter throat wliharmter. Rhe vaatakeo to the I'eunty lloaplul and pliyalrlaaa do net Uilnk llie can Ike. #0n the Road#^ ATf RMitM Mutt Nnch Ut Not Later Than Mendiy. DRAMATIC. A tilUmn'f. UUIe-SL JohnJI. B.. June »* Flwlsrlc- A un 10, II, Mooetim 12, IS. Tram. ir.H , U, IS. AHiurdrs JMISI-!*. Y.Olljf Jeoe W. ••Alslmiii?'-»ui Kraarl.fn.taU JoneJ-li. •■AU.HInJr."-Clilca|io.IlL.JuiieJ.leS^nlu. , . _ , "AmHco"-irrsnO lupld«. Jllch, Joae M. Oil- B'^!!lil"'i"lif^ln-m rUlin-Ashlasd, Wll., Jooe S-«, B4V.mar,Mlcli..lO.II., , . , IUin'>, Wni.-<>sSlsad, Cal.,JaooS. ' BalUr a Oisr'' Oiamstlc-Cspe OInrdaaa, Mo., Jane M, Cosdea, III.. lO-U. . „ „ , . . Bouo rur.n-achueelailr, N. v.. Jene VS. ••■oipUi"—Dulolh, Mloli.. June IS, II "Blsck nisap"-C!il«n, 11, Jaoe J^a. foltiiuie'«Coiiii»II»n.-JopllD; Ho.. Jew ». InOjBnIts. Ch.lnnon'.rl.y.ia-CsiilialCllv. <M..JaM\J>. CurollX Ion. «l/«k-<'s»sd«al,ak(. N. June IS-U, Cosliho'-. Ilow-MonUaaL.rUii.. Jon»0* "rrsrlirrJs«k"-U«lroll«keli.. JoDslA "Cnumi Kln«"-nile«so. ■11.,/un. a InilellBlls. : "(lirlisnil L,nii"-<liltMi;. IU.. Jun«M. T\»»enporlX FMOl«-w(llloi«l"i,rt N. Y, Juos 3-S. Dsir SImlc-lUn Kl»ocl»o». «»1.. Joo. iiKloly 8. ••D,flr« Web '-KalsiBUO.;. Jlleli. Juno** JgmmellV, nimcls-PfOTliloooa, n. 1^ Jane ML Fraderick Road lUmedr—1Ts<'l>lsin°<>. D. C, June 1, la. il.nnlle. . , „ _, , , , . Pro.lA Kan«liswe'»-<-sMonl«,N.V.JunelC Fnnl-Jaummer H»eli-lUlllo»>fc Mi. Jun. J, loilellalui Foaltr'm Jsek-Hiooi Ytllt, B. J).. Juno M, ReoUanil Vr»ier Wiick-Kso Franclnco. Osl., Juue .t Inil.nnlle. •'F.urt,"C«llsliio'»-HrHj»f<>rl. iX; Jane «, IlBnrunlT.d •Tor Vlnilnla"-H. yVCliy Joo, J-IS. lir«n*.VeirHiock-Sl.i'asllilnn,JuiMWl. (lfiiTer*s, lAonsnl-FonlanU. Ore., June 10, Isdall. oils Clennsa LlllpullAoi»-Siio FimaclM..«. Cal.. Juae 3. loder. nrinlUi'r, Jolin-anrenne. Wm-. Juna 11. U. "fl.lelr'llri"-ailesito.III.,Jiinea.lnJoJnl». HoualiliiaX Mr. soiT llr<.-I>«lnll, Mich., June 5^ SI. Tlinniai. nsn.JO-I*. , . , IlsifsBlnck-FonVsyne. lod.. Jane 3. Indejolle. illisln. A Waldoiao'ii-I'urtltnil. On.. June 3, Indelolte. Ilnrt A Blisnnnn*. FIjirei»-li«tllo*'. M, June 3-ft. •iismniir-.v'. R,nii«r Mloek-Kui<««r.llr, Mo. Jan; 3, InOellnlCs. JCen.lnittoa HUKk-Kon*lns1«D. I's.. Juno 3, IndeO- fi i'ISm In I.«nil»n"-Montre«l, can, June 341. iJ "I.o«an'« Luek"-K. I. filly Jnli. "MlU. itolilniten Cruwe"-OiIcaRo, 111., Jane fl, Intlell- M",!iVllls'« Ooniedluis-IIoleo Orotij, Wli, JuneM. Maiblo Thsatre-WsliMbai, N. D., Jose 3-S. llsl>tlFjiloa-Bulhli>, K.V^,JuBe 3s Ninli's (Ulecl naj srs-ltsisnlrllla RU Joaa 3-8. "Blmlc Workl"-K. T. Cllj- June ». lodenolle. G' "Hllk Wlilt. rtAa'*-Fhllsildn)ila, Fl, Jones, Inilsflnlte. VtllnnsI Tlieaira mock—Wa*lofu>o, D.C June :v ia- floSnlle. Oll'n Jowpti-BoUao. HaK, JeoaS-IS. „ , ^ *'OIil ifoinaalssd"—I>aover. CaL, June 3-8, Conndo Sprloia iu,rualik> lI.LaiVaBSs,K.M., U.Baa Dlfse, lil. IS. ... "Our Flat"—Bnsikl^n.^K. V. Jui^W. "Fiuutni BiM>».'''No.^--oi(r«^ O., June .VS. "IWIna Sliow," .S'o.t-Banio, N. r., Juoa r, 8, Syncaaa a'isnx"Aila-'-BolI.lo,N.Y.,Jun,«iO. „, ■, Rsilniond Dmoiatic—WeaplDs ^TKler, Kab., Jooa Aubnra 10-11 „ ... „ , nuKtell-raUon <'onie4llana—8L Alhsos, Tt., Jooa 5, WsUrliurr»A . . ,. , , . , J . glawsrt'a rark t^niadr—Dubuque, la., June 3, lodaQ. (Unrnnl'., Wsllar-Ssn Fiantlico. Osl.. June .1. InOalolls. iirrrllbr." Palmei'ii—M. Y.Clly JUQ0 3, IntleSnlti., A 'Trllliy." Hrsdy'i-Bwton, JItaa., JooeS-8. 1v>.Tn>anil Kaiiillr-Oualpli. CUn.. J;na .J-d "Tnni|i*sl[i>ii uruonav"—Clilcsao, III.. June 3-15. 'Tno Jolina"—Fond ilu trla., June ta "Inrlllir"-K. v. «lly Juu.X ImloSnlla. 'Two OiTilian."-<^ilrsso. III., Juoa 2-8. fiTTocla Tour* Cltln." Darl*'—Toledo, 0., June 3JI, U nilcaeo. III., 10-9. "I'ocle Tom's Caljln." Wllberell A X)oad's—Ilennlon, N. v.. Jiin.s. _ , yaralo, IM-Iloululale, I'.., Juna riillllpaburf 10- sir's Ilovanl. Idesln—Sar Ultr. MIcli, June M milsnl k lllaswD's11iaatr«-S(. Jahnarllle, N. Y.. June 3-81 lllovenirllln lO-U. "Work .oil Waae»*'—WsTaily, la, June S, Cluulao City e-tl, Muon Cliy 10-lt IlasiploD li-U. PfTSICAL. AnerlcJin openv-4:ieroUod, 0., June 3-8, Milwaukee, Wip., in, iDdeHnlu. "Dlnli ofVenuR^-Cblcaifl), III.. Jine ^1&. Raftle Bnnaiw Opera—B«aiDo, Mat!. June,\ Indellntte. Camitolwllo Opera-Ciiarkatnn. K.i;.. JuneCL Indefloliea Camilla D'Arvllle Opera-K. Y. Cliy June \ IndeAnlle. Genreld>romnczy Opera—)(.',V.CllyJooeX Indellnllo. rnilcaitn Marine RaaJ-Mllwaokee. WIh.. JuneS-S. OlHiert flperk—laowell, MaM., June a. IndaAolte. nrmu Opera—Drooklyn, N. V., JnneS^ Holmaa-ltoblnaun Oiiera—Wbeellav, W. Va., June a-15. Ilinrlch'f (>pflni-llalllmi)re. Md., Junai 3<16. Hopper'p. ne Wolf-PmvHenc(>, R. I., June ft, Taunton, MapA.. 0, Hrldveport, CL.H. Innea' Band-Ualtlniore, Md.. Jeoe 6. IxiuUtIIIc, Ky., LinUn HuMell Open-N. T. City June 3, IndeOnlK. "I.lttio Tycoon"-rtilbMlelphIa, I'e.. Junes. Iiidellnlto. Murray A Lane Opera-Olevaland, O., Juno It), Indertolta. I'yhe Open-Halt L*ke City. V , June 3. Indenalte. l^|Re*)ey Bro*.*-Trvntoo. N. J.. June A-lft. Rpauldlnir Hell Jtlnnem-Enoabirff Fnlh, Vl, Juneft, 6L Albanatf. tfouaa'a Band—4)uet)ec. Can., .lune IkSNJolin 0,7. Hall- fai, N. H.. H. Monctnn. Can., 0, Bangor, He.. 10, Boatoit, MaM.. II. Ilolyoke It. "Tlifi Rphlni"—Soalon. MaaA, Juee 3. Indeflolte. 1llirlH'Hr:aTe Opera—84. I^ul^ Me .June 3, IndeAoIte. Wilbur Ojwrm— Si. I'aul, Ulnn^ JeneS-lft. VAniETY. Albanibn Vaudevillea-Rl. I'aul, Minn., .tuno3-.*t. Canadian Jubilee l^innen^Titlcdo. 0.,Juno A. I hill a A, Wauaeon 7-9. Hlr>-kor 10. Drynn II, Edvortnn 13. liiiernailonal Vaudevilles—Mlniioai>ollp, Minn., June 3, Indeilnlie. UoKon l^llllUy Cimcert—Wllllmaatir. Me.. .Tuno&. Flilrley ft7, Cn-envllle^ Tlie FiirVM ltu>rrllunk II, HlnKbani . rioloii 13, tUnlelllo M, MailiH>n 13. MnrUX At.—.^mun MlH*. Me.. June 0, Macwahnc C, 8i<rlnitneb1 B. Reiiion'^DriroH. MIHi.. June .'WK. "While Cnink"-\f aPhlDElnii. 1).O. June.V]). WHllaniN', (\ W.-Moiitnal, Cniu June ID-lft. CIRCVSBS. Hakor A Eamlian'a—Mcl^analnro, 111., June 3-9. Xanium A Halley-Ri. NmiK Mo., .Iiine SnrhiRfloM, 111.. Ill, .farkaonvlIM II, Ihtcalur 17. Hloumlnslon l-V Cliani|«li:n U. Kaninkeo Ift. Ilurtch'n-Markdalf. (int.. June A, Duniam t, llaiinTor 7» Kontiiwa rUrL'a. M. L.-'WarTcn, I). June ft. t'lwtk'a—Hlnitxlirrrv. M«t., .Iuttp\ DatllnElon, 0, KlnR lily 7.1'ltlonMrarli, Hrqrkinrhlice Cook A Raker'p—Odii, Ky., JanoA,C. Ilracio 7, Hem- dun K. IHwk'P. Ratit—'Jutnev, l'a.,JuneA. Klva Furkalt. Ilannelim'a—.lava, June Klrkhart'a-Oxrnnl .lunrtlnn, la., .tune 5, Haraonp. III., A, Bellevue. la., 7, tlulleoUirf H MctliWBor lU, Mannna l1, Kayette 15. Uonilcello 17. Teanon A llf>irii)au'a-Helloro»tjilne. (>., June ^ 7jineK- vlUoil. Ulnitllnii Hroic'-8«iicn l-'alte, .V. V., June^ llerkluiprt^ Tn.y 7. North Adania, Mana, H. lV>»ldriie*, It. I., IP, Nowport II, Kali HIver. Ma**^!:!, Lynn I&. BellP Brop.'—lIuritcllPTlllH. N. V.. Juon C Bradfonl. I'a.. 7. Ralainanra. H. V.. ^ Rlinln III, WHIiamP|wrt. 1^., II, llarrUbunc IX Nnrrlaiown 13. Wallara-4'uvlnBtuii. Va, June .\ rimoo t-omO. Illn- inti 7. tliarleatnn. W. Va., R, llnntllicton HI. Ma)Pvltl^. Ky., II, I'otlonlon II, iJiwitnrebunt, Ind., 13, Narih Vernon U Witahhiim-MaMen. Maaa.. .lune .V nhel«ea «, Lynn 7, Haliiin El, liloucoiier Id, Anmlniry 11 .l\>nNnni)ili, K. Wflih'hnu.'-Spriin: (Hty, T*-. Jnne », Pottttown «,7, BlnlPlwruH. MISCKLI«A.VEOU8. nanholotnew'i Rouinei^hlrago. 111., .lune 3, ludpilnlie. HIack America—Swiiili HnHiklrn, N- V.. Jun* V Indeilnllr. Prlatora Kitiinea-Rockland, Xe., Jnne7. ,\ VInal Haven. Bablwln'a. Mr. and Mr*.-Boatoa, Maaa.. June 3-8 HnrTalo Blll'a VTIM Weit—Womxlor. Ma**., June4. 7. (Tliriatlnr-BlHi—FortlanJ. Ore., JoneS-a t'OTlA't .Vupcatn—Aan Antont^Te\.. June4-^ Ragle utke 10-15. Kdna tTivMl—f.'n miir^ ihmuchStHtih America. Trenrh'p Penutllim. No. 2—BmwoaTllle. ftt . June 17,13. Moreaniuwn lis IP. Hendereon'e llyperinna—Lonji lalaod City N. V.. Jone^ lotletlnlie. Kendall'p. Pietlon-Keni. O..JuDe»-a Kellar-HlnihaininD. .N* V,.rane8. Isone Biar llarTr-D&nimrjr, V. 11.. June 3-9. Norrlp Broa.—Albany. 0. Joni S-A. fawnee Blll'a Wlhl Vul-llirrlphurR, Ta., Juna 1(\ Al- leniuwn ll-1.\ 8ioltb-Oonoo-Klne, N. Juea ^ A. De Kalb Juncllon 7, PlerTepoot^R■*J«^ lU, 11, CaHob II, L\ PariahvHIe II. I». Tiwl—fH rmif^tlirouvbraaadi. Wvumiuc Wlkl W«<l-HockvlUo, t:t.. Juoe4LTTIUlDiantlo 7, Jawett City ^ 6eullibrU|Ee. Ma*^.. 10. Cllotoo II, Na«buM. N. U.. It TENNESSEE. ChAttKBOof »^At tiM Now opeim Hoiue BUod Tomncelred a fair heoeeMky tt- The boM haa civaad (hrthe eeaeon Tbe Hevbanlcxl Wonder MuaeuBi le delBR fklr hualotep and will be In the clly for aome tine. — HeamWlltordA Oleuoninlt« ufoDewB:"We «peMdoorrDgiilArSaiiun«r muod Id Port RbIo. N. Ya. IU7 80, to Rood bulMa. InoBDe LoDe (UiB, a E. Jonee) was «ngftg«l 'or our coDpuy, bat MUUn Bijtclow took ber pUce. Oar corrected roster Ib'm foHowa: OhsrlMO.WUiArd, UvOlo*- ■on, Rdwln WtlcoU, Fr»nk Btufer, L. T. WUbor, June* Oray, lUrry D. XmnoD. J. AJ. Wftlennui, ProC CbUsT. Bojc«» matlCAl director; JobD Cmr- aie, Bdvuco represenutlTa; AfttUu SlnglBioo, Uui BIgelow, Hftdelioe Qletnon tnd Llule Fero /--lUnr B. HetteT, maiuger of "TIiq Mldnlslit teecUl:" bM eoKBged w. II. BmlUi to plaj tbe trwnp IB tue above pUy, bUo Fsd, WWle, u sUgt 'cBrpenrer, ud Floronce FroBcb. — Tddt DoDler will nil for Rurope Jone 6. Be neslneewcbor MTentl speclAlUcerorbta "Uacle Tom'fiCBblo*'Co. — Uiade White Is booked to ro wltb Itobert llllUnnLDextBe&eon. _^ — W, 8. lUrt, latelj wltb Rhea, goes with Kod- jeakBuleAdlDgniaiL — Add Rjiiun wuii lately nutirled to Ktta Derger, VB are lofomfil. — Beatrice Uoreland eallH for Ruropo on June 8. — (leoiTray Stela baa algeed Wltb Marie W»Id* WTlgbt. — Charles Brickwood closed with Bietaon's "U. T. O." COaMar IB, and Is now with Wltherell A Oowd'B l»avllloD "U. T. C." Co. — Notes from Uoyi'a Comedy Co.: Uaoager Harry Adams has algDCd Emma Uonlton aa alDKlog ftod dancing eoabrette, and Prof. Itodeobougb lormaBlc- al director. Elgnt eoUd weeks of Fair dates aro tKWked. OureeaHon openn abont Aug, 1, and will ran forty weeks. Tbe company will tonrlowa, BUs- Hourt, Indian Territory and Colorado. — The following people bare slgoed wllh Ion Car- roll for biri Summer stock aeuson, at Oassadan Lake, K. Y.: Charles WUdrlck. Albert W. Swur, Walter Van. Louie Ilamadell. loo Carroll, Hsrle llougbton, Raihiyn Shaw and VIoIb Isee, The^ pertory will lodade: "Ttie Vagaboads," "Or«zo- brook Farm" and "Fancbon." Tbe company tflll appear during July and Anniet at Gaasadaga Lake and vicinity, giving two penonnanceH pw week, — Kate Parthigton Is vlslilog the family of Capt. K. 1>. ItlcbmoDd.ln Detroit, Hlcb. — J. 0, Darld has ocariy completed hisbookloga for Jae. IL Adtim. In bla new panlomlnilc comedy, for season of 18»&-M. Ur. Davis will alM book Ihe tour J. C. l[enilerHOn*s oigaDlzalloii, tbo Ideabf, which will begin lUelr season Sept. 3, at the Onnd Upera lloarn, Heading, Pa. Sixteen people win i>e earned, anil apeclal scenery. Tbo tour will be through Penofiylvnnla, New Jerseyt New York, Oblo and Michigan. — During their eogageiiient at Joannelte, Pa., tho following members of tbe Bowatd-Jeoklns* Comedy Co., were royally enteriAlned by tne mem* bers of tbe Belvedere Clui»: Prof. Wm. M. Qoff. Geo. Jaokson, Rrmdiey l*rlce, llany LoriBlae, Geo. HIce, Ed. J. DoDoraQ snd Martin R. Heego. SeverBl se- lections were rendettid by ihe orchesttB, and aongs and reclutlons by niembereor tbe company ondtbe clnb were In order, while the lime flew merrily by. — Nell Scully bus been enjr Garter to create Ihe chaiactor p — Nell Scully bus been engaged by Uncola J, juter to create Ihe chaiactor part In bis new pro duoUon, "Tbo Defaulter,^* which will be brought oat at tbe Llacoln neatre, Chicago, 111., week of June 10-32. — Mtb. Frank Ii. Wbluier, profeulonally known aa Amy lluntloy, presented her husband with a boy baby 00 UayHI, ut her parents'liouie InTomnto, Can. — Lena Salinger ivms recenUy mairted lo Henry llanleln In Helena. Moiiu Tlioy are iioth members ofthePlko opera Co. — Stanrt Robsoii oloeed hid season June 1, at Uaeon's Temple, Port Wayne, tnd. The bonw also doaeil (or the eeaaon on that date. ~Tbe wlfo of Manager Henry U. Uarrl*, of the Columbia lUeatre. Bostoa, Mass., died May 31, at hor home In tbat city. — Ods Bkloner U worklog on an arrangement of ■■Ttie Two Kot>le Kinsmen," which ho lotends plac- ing In his reperton next season. — Manager 0.11. Johnstone, of the "Our Doroiliy" Co.. has written toTHBOLirriB a denial of uo statement made to us by J. T. Williams, and pub< llahed lo a previous laaue, to ibe ediect tbat the company's property had been aliached by Hr. Wll< JlADia to secure salary dae bliti. Manager John- Btooe states In his letter that be holds Ur. AVilllams* receipt (n fall of all clalma. The company closed Its season Jnne 1, at Wllllaoubnrg, Kan. — NlokersoD & Neainltb'e Comedians will toar tho Eastern BUtes this Summer wHb Walter Bsnford's "PowerofOoId," opening at Booth lUy, Ue., June 10, wltb AagastA to folloir. John J. Dougherty wiu also prodnce Ills new phiy, with the full cast ol the above company. — Henry Trencbard Obanfrua and Margaret U. Daly (oon'profeaslooal) voro married June 4. at Long Dranob, N. J., tbe Rev. W. P. canlwell omclat- log. PENNSYLVANIA.^See Page 213.1 PIU«barg.«'nie season of lSM-05 Is dead. The BlJou Theatre, tlie laitof oar leitlUinale houaoa renaln log o|>en, cleaed Juoe I. vltb Jaa. B. McOaiay'a "Rad Queen," and will reaintn dark till aome tine In Aoboil Many IVIIllami* Academy of Mualcabw doaed, I, wlifa a rarieiy compaay, and "dread eUenoe vlH relirn sround' lUl early In AufruM .Jamei B. McOarera "fled Queen*'la in bo taken on Hie rovl. Mr. Mcdarey liaa l>een a encceppfbl ntorh arior Pince h(a eninuica la- tit the (irof^'^on fn ItM, lie barlos l>een a ntamber uf UcKee Bnebln'p, W. J. FerKuwn'f. tlmce Haw. iliomoy Clianirmu'a anil Chaa. A. Oartlner'a coinuan- lee. In colkibomildn vllb the late Or. P. A. Wooil, of (bla cily, lie wmie "Tbe Trite Winner,'* In wlilcli Chae. A. Uardner haa atarnNl wIHi aucccpa t.'on- ahlereble iDlertfPt la felt by riltaburven In the an- nuunremeni or tho wmldloft of Henry T. CliaufVaq, eldeat aonufthabiteP. aObanI>a>i,toMpritaret M. Paly, Phil Palr'a daughter. Mr. Chanfiau'e Unit wife havlOR iwen Hadle Fnlton, a I'lllaburu jilrl Owit. P. Unitliold. of iblK city, who wart a uiember oTChauncey Oloott'a t:o. tii« 14PI peaaoo, will remain vltb lliat orcanliatiendurirtu IHQD-C mr. C. L. Una' Automatic I>aanraqia, HIiip- iratlnK ft teur around Ute world, nhlcli tMbeln«exblt>> llnl In a Mpedally comtracie-l boat on Uie AlleRbeoy llher, near iho RIxlli Slrwt PuapenPlon brUiro, In liavlnn a de«en'edly praniabli p«A«an Tho Keyaiene <:<dor«dOireua, a iliow coaipoawl laritely or riUPhurf- err, U tahlblllOK In nearby ijiwna wlih luccou The Dmiueue Tlieatre—Tbo atraire or tlila isouia are Kooiewhai niiiedJnntai itteaent, and in nnlort^i under PlamI the inalter It will be lurvaaary to brltlly review iiahlaloo'- Tbe pi^nnd on which tlie Duiiueuie Ptandp lielonea to EdwanI V. Jachman, and for many year* waa ■>cv-uitl«l by Jackmatt'a llrery viable. In llUIUavJd A. llondenMui leaavd lha (tround and encleil Ihe proreni ainiciare. lie had e-xpederi to uae all tha wall* nf the livery aUble !□ I>ie new bulldUiir, but atUr the work had commenced they were coodinmrtl-wlih the oxcepilnn of the ftont wall-end tlte MUniai«dcoaturihe tbeaire waa thereby greatly increaaed. Tbe aeaaon Jaal clMod haa boon a very uni>mnialile one, and «ben Mr. Hen- der*on*e *'AliiMln Jr." Co. came here li>r a r^ turn eoseitement voiue tea weeka ago, two jtiOgniflnt notOH, nnretadnc oror :en IbouPaod dollFrp, beM by rinclnnati MT1ie^ felldue. and tbepcenery.coaiumep, etc, or*'AUdilln Jr." w«realiaclied. Mr. Ileodereon waR aUn Itrblnd In bla iround real to Mr. JackiiMn, and to lift Ibe atuchment and co\-«r Uie back rent he (tare Ihe laticra hllloraaieon tbe Du<iu«uie |tropeny rnr$3),cgti, and Jacknioa liaa now laken poe*t>R«lon. There are oUier billP onlnii tlte Du<iue«e manaaemtDl, which lleoderaen clalmi Jacknian waa bnuod to take care of under tbe ifmia of the bill of rale, hm Jack- nian denial thla, and m law auli will prolttbly reiuK. Mr. Handeraon*e aitnrnay bofi come uu here from N«w York to InrePllpnle the inattpr. Meanwhile Ibo rutureof Ibe ibeatre lauarertaln. Mr. JarkntanoiTeni lo leapo iheheute fur alerni of ycar«. Ii nn<«DCCtulul In ihK be conlemplalPa roinilne a leint Ptock comiMuiy wllh a carlul of iblrty ihouaand dellara 10 Iraae ihe prorerty. Hooklnn rar next H«ama ar« IteloBheMln abeyance unill aome definite arniiReineni In made. ReadlBf^Beglonlog June 10, games played away from home by tbe lUaiHna Sute League Club will lie reprm^uceil on tbe etige of the Academy of MqpIc, tbiH city, by Ute fUaw Lat«ue BasetvH Auleniaton Rrp tern itlmltaL'). Oertle Palmer, ewubrette, with Oeome W, Larweo'P (^laedy n<iinpanv. la vliltliig her inetlier In Ihia city U.e. nil), advance pp<il nf tbf Huudard Draniatle Company, tu4 njinrneil lo hi* booie In ibU clly for the Hotninor. He will rejolo (he comt^oy early lo AnpuPl Lew l;(lll[non^ the vfierao rainrlrel, ppeni Pererol itaytben reeeatly. CANADA—leee Page 213,] (iaebec—Auilemy of Music—May 2:, Koae Cogblan, lo "Eoenilen," pbkyed id qood liu^lneea. Cbarlea CoibUn wip ladlqioaed and dlil ant appear. **Tr1lby"pla)red lopoor bouioi May AMI. Tbecoupanr launder ihe managemeot of W. v. Kaaona. AtSrat It looked aa If Uialr eoKaveueDt wonkl be a aucceaifdl one, but llarrr Klniorw, repr«#entlna A. M. Palner, arrived In the cl7v Mf^or^d tbe beet lefat advice, and tried tnpieveaitaem fniaipUilns, which hecooU notdo on Canadlao poII. He lucceeded very waH In abowloK litem up before Ibe poMIe aa ptraioa. and deetroyed Ibeir ba«l- neea here. Nr. Khneie ulll follow the ceni|>aDr ihionyh Uie dllfeteat citlu or Canada aod ebow tbem op. Oaelph.—Royal Opera llonw—Tbe Oeo. W, Lareen Company, billed frtr veeh or May 17. fklled in ap- pear, iiavloR cloeed lo WeUand. Week of Jane a, Town- aeod Pamlly, la Hbokeartamn drama. #Iviiscellaneoas# raics*8 FLOATiso OnBA Kom.—We are on our way to PItiabarv, and bwlaeea, «o far, baa been aooieUilns woaderAil. We on eoatlnualty pUylag to laife a^end- onea. This li tbe bosl aaoann we bare bad for tbree yoan. In taadlag oor tiolaed pooyaboaxd tbe boat re- oenUy Otio Olebar fell lo the rlrer. palling the pony over on lop of bin. ffe Uthe ftretoae to gel In the river UiU aeoaea, and bad to pay for the Ice cieaot fur the company. OnriMterliafl foDon: B. A. Fnce, proprietor: Chap. P. Oroaa, manafer and treasurer; Kraoh tij Irea, advance aveot, with two oapletonta: OUo aieUer atoce maaanr: Joe w. Bolrinaoa, loader or kond; Ham Bomett, leader of orchectn; OaaOaben,aUllMiIft:TonTAsbtoa.MayAah- too, LltUe Cloadla Aabioo, tbe Decorioa, Joe and Haitle Blenard. RobL Roaabo, Knrl Dana, Anna RobtnaMi, Mur- ray Ollbert, Cbao. O. riilu Oeora* OampboH, Bob Uvelv. Oeo. nunleo. May Hllee, fkarrrDado, Boaa Le Cbilr, Mor- ion Bhm: aloe twelve trained dom and a perronnlos pony. Tku la oor tweinb yiar, and bave never mined a iwiy day. Joe Rlrkonl ladolns aeiandlnitfUHtwIaiar. Tlie now eitenda beat wlpteatoTnaOLirriL We are all well, and pliDtlns the loon green. RRisx A Box's opening occured at Camllloa. N. V. Hty v. Tbe alAW oaei an flMt round top, wltb ML mid- dle piece, and the outllt Is iranaported upun tioaia. The rouer: K. A. Reeae ASons,prupneiora;KdwBrdf'. While, bualnem maoaBer; Mra. K A. Reeae, ireaaarer; Choa Baklwln,horacanTaanum,wlUt Are aaelatanui; rredA. Jnneii, property man. The perrormem: Maaler Mark Reeae. hlih wire; BIr. Iievii^ Junler; Ryiner, oontur- tlonlat: Millie Drew, alack wire and bami kicker; La- luiia, dylog ttoHze; BU CUIr RUtar^ acniiata; Pnif. DarTuwa,irtlit«ddD)tsand»lie«p; Ned FraDCla, plncinir cloaa: umont Broa., bretber act; L« Petlie Irene tlpanlPli rinaa. Tbe oonc«n la under ilie dlteeilon ef Mr. bee«e. Tbe fcalom are: Blc. and MUe. Lerliu mlul reading and i>ecoadil||ht; DolMllchell, aongand dance- IjiHoni Bnie.,l(aocliabootaonKafMl dance: Dan Baker Dutdi mrocdlan; Mito. Drew,aeriecomle; PrDf.irarrlne* too*e Solo Band and Orcbertra or elRhi plecea Tbe ad- vance U In chance ofO. H. Beola, wltb two aaalataaip, Norn noa TUB Wjiuai bhos.' CobooSAL **u. T. c* Oiow.—We opened oar eaaaon atI>eaeronto.Ont,Mav4 to big buplne*. and desplis tbe dUoirneable wntber buplneu haa continued icod. At Araivlor and Ten- brook, May a)-lL we tuned thein away. Oar nreet Mrade ta one ol the flneai on tbe r*«d. Socka, wlUi hla trick donkey, Jaaper, takee tbe wbolo bakery on mnde Prof. Oreir* Buperb Band Is dead lo It. Tbe ahow wiii tour Quebec aud Oatorlo, Eaat, pUylng Montraalaad oi- uwa a week ea^ loJoIf- Tbe roner: The Walker Broa., proprletoni; J. C. Walker, naaafer: Prof. A. C. Qny, WaderorbMdandordieelm: R.K. lloiT, Jar Hoff, ChtJi^ Walker, Bert Walher. Al. Tliad, Wm. Jerman Ad. Uould, Ira Voodle, Sandy Waluce, 0«o. Beala. Chaa! «U^Mr». J. C. CbapUn'and HHleVailo; wltb J. 0. Cliapllo, and Jobole SmLi, In adrance MiNiiiiHjL-i.iM Va!( openH op under while tMite,lQ Oeontetowo, Pa.,aod heauteethuibeuBilreBldewairen- cloaure wai packed t» tbe doora. Tbey carry Bre peoole. •even uau and SJDfL, aide waU. Al. rfvana/alnSSTaS daocloRCMied[aD,loloedMay3r. n a •»« .Noms nioa coli's rAtiLiox "U. T. 0.** Co.—We opened our euaon May tl. at ttepenTllle, Mkh.. to a P'.^JilP'Wehaveanewl»il.roaod top wlUi aSMI. middle piece; eoTea BlberUaiblnodbounda, twoBbetland poalea,thr«edonkeyaaoda pair of trained goata. IVe make a feature of our panda thla PaaMo.beaded brClloe Bree., gun aad batnn driH eipeni,aad a bond often moatbpleeea under tb« direction of Prof. Chaa. Koott. TberMUr: arontUoagaad JnnHardy,manacen; L.j. De Uniaiter troMurer; Fod B. Wright, Chaa. H. cilne, Will Cllne-Cliia^ KneiL LO. Ilielpo, HobLBaer, Chal I'-R-WIl-y. M. A. Hani, Uui Lewlo, 2. LoMr. Lou Tbompeon, rred Leeiik lleary Brown. 0«o. Baker, Brroo Ollletie. Lou Noitcong. Mra. I. 0. niel|n.'CerTle rhelp^ LttUeMoble, Master uRarlee, Waller CbltdaboS canruauo, wlUi aeveo oielaianu^ and four uten Id ad- rits none, r. FaKsanrs Bhow.-Wo open iheaea- auii Junes, and will tour Uie New EoRUnd town*. We wlllcarrytweniF-ilx people and twenty bead of atock. ^^I'Lj?^*'??^ "und top, wllh ant middle piece, aod carry a band of teomootli- pleco*. under the leadendilp of Prof. Fnnk I. Capb. Tbe people Hlgned ore: The ManeU**, Victor and Mile , Geo. Kobvbuinan eel; John Lynch, wbe performer: Naael nrlng rlnita: Mile- Flon, pallor Mrcb; Billy Oonoaa clown; Uooa.Mcior, lilRh wire; Tnm (lalvln^priodpa* leaper; Tanloo Bme., barn and brother act; BddlelA Harrv. principal ctown: F. I. Oaidi, J. Cole, K. B. Peoae, Joe Prer, J. Donoliue and Wm. Kellehor, adruce. iriilt two aaplitaota. Nonp rkoK KiiaaociT Pais Auoirosioa. KAjrais Clly, Uo.---Pn>b^Iy the beat cooAruetcd and noitcom- foruble theatre lo Uie country for Summer aranaooienii la Uie beaatlfol new Falraiountl'ark Audliorlnm, locattd at Kolrraount Park. Xanaaa atj. Mo., which la Joat com- RiS.^Jt'*^,*W**P*"*L'" » •'Ig audleoco. preaenilng '^e Hlkule." Juoe 1. The Auditorium waa dailgned by Geom Mathewa, and In a model of excelleaee. It It IHe IQS feet, wIUi H ceotcm] helgbt or flSn., a oiafe lone onougb to accomiuodau large apeeucular plecaa. and comrorubtyarrugedu to aMUnjr capacity. tEealalea being brttuil and plenty of RKHn le/t between ibe chains with whldi Uie paniuei U aeatsd. In UieraUed clicie aettaes are uaed. The pn>eoen(am latsit wide oodSSn. high. Tbe alAge proper U aSTL high aad HBfL wide. A.' "XL proacealum a eecUoo of the , wall soft, wide la arranged to alMe ooi. lasTlng the beauUfUl natunl icenery of the park *^.S2! •ii**..**!.'?? «• preaenlitlwi of "Tlie Mlfcado,** tiiU waa moat egectlrelj latrodnced In Uie LaDieme," and buodreda of brlgbt colored Japaaioe laniema aad eledrio Ugbu arraoged la tbe natural>cenery mide a baauUful eiwL aammer opera will run bra nember of weeka. There la olaoa gtaDdataad.wiUi a 8eailagca|«eit7 of 3,10)1 aad aUiletlcgrrunda aniUble i;i>r the preaeoutiwa of any oat- door apecUclee. OeorgePaxtoahaagaiheredtogetberan exceUeat opem company ol forty peoole, wlUi baodaome ooamnw,aod an orchtatraof ten piecea, under the dl- lecHoDoi Max Kaauer,of Hew York. B. W. Fujiii; mo B. W. Wooojoln haoda for a short tourthrpuRliIhe Eait,opealoc oaJune4,at Harerhlll. Xaia., the •Uimcdoa to be known aa Prank A Wood'a New Yorh Mur the Bommer neoaon. Tlte conpany fa pUylaa Indiana, lutircuTOik to iwported good b»^^ J.B. nprrMAv,orrut Wtosixu wild Wnr, vlU open I Brooklyn wllb hie ova Wild Weat and Clr«aa Jnne 17. awy Jack and Keoklen NeU will Join lu J0I7. Mr. Tom MASn.f hai Jolaed L a PbUlIPe' Comedy Co. for fie Bommer neoaon. Tlte conpany la ondircanraa. to iwported good baaTneta. " " Wtosis Rraaklvn wllh !,(• nn Ilol , .... hi, •ililbUTon Uila VtU. Bntk t»jl<,r toll Uuaho.M Lltwnr, N, Y. cu-t. smtt ni.iiliM, nr. mn. cIomJ hit nuon wlUi bla nm liorluqut lira Kvlni riiov. tt Buchouar, N. t .,Junal. uil b. will go oil (lulT at Cooar Iilud u allramrcrJoiiaia KivriKLD'ii ALL STARHriciALTT Oo.opaoad ibalr iw«khi al Hanaroatak, Juiia 1 ugil.rt «l bj m>. laoL Ibnaaa fl«vnaU. |)ro|tri«u>r; On. loaanfill, builoan maojuiar; Jolig ArllniKiii, i>n« tiaDi; llany Mylran, clali »lniiar aiid iduli »lia: Raaa llobalir, tlnlil npa aiid fimalrii iltiicar; Hoivhr Braa.. Irlili aail Dulcb comaillaQa; MtLa- nion>a, nn qaMn; LUIItn laganolL wiiii and daiica; llioinM tknOeld. Mirooii nan tad acrobat: dan. lomnoll. clown JuMlar aiid Soanlab ilnia, and Jack ArliDKIon. conlonlonrat aail ilnulnir comedian. W. hara Uin. naw wamn. and .1X iinr fioioaa. mUo a band and oidiMUt or alx |||c<a^uDU»^ tha iMdanUilporrror. Boiylbr. Joilx I. J. Uuoaa, aaill naolty pollca nponsr on Tlic Aiiiiiu vui .Mdr, iHlmal u bccom. ptaa agaui ror I'aul Atoxaoder Jolioalona, thaiolnd raadar. rcMBLD. madcbui, Ipronna ut that b. haa lutt cimcda V.I7 pfoapaiooH , a a i o n or lbrtr.twovaaka.liaT- Init nude a tour or tha aotlr. Bautb, aod endlQualClG- cianall. 0.. un Mar S. Illi neic laaaon oiwiia aboat Autf. ti. Sana nou Kamtcii'H 6mATio.M, ko. L—flaatfa and Cvdd ir. oitMlaic a iuccom. TIi. t!tnton Htttart ai« . In- nlnKburalt. TlioIVIilulnniratlia mnalcalttuiictlon.. HiaKa MMiuutur lluiry la In bU Rlunli taaiion wlUi ua. Lll- tl. Jim 0-il^\ ibia. yMnold. In tlnilnK brlnat down the liuara. Ukk Lamatl la a niabtly woiHltr. Tlia npoit llitt t nitn had liliibeadi4ioloiriintbeBanMtliiniji irua. it U dim. itijihtb'. Tliara are thirty iwipla beta, wall and liti'py. Botintui. aa u.ual. la Rind. UlKkLUMliiiva 8iion'il—KolM ami malar or Ekkasoo Indian Uedlcln. Co., I'arly SH: U: Bill, tola pro|itIator and iiitDtgar: l>r. II. A. Brady, aaalataotmauaar: tliaa. II. Ratio, uualraldlrattor. votallat aod baoJolA: Joo. D. Madilrn, coinMlaD aail alajia niaoagtr; fint. T. Tnca, inaKkltn aad TontrlbquM; y4nan\ roalottloalrt; Uto. /.anckar, pro|l•nlo^ Willi llirae aaalaianu; l^rr foot, Indian plalol aipan: LIUlo Bort Indian aliw walkor anil Juan tr; ALCIatt, acrobat; Xafni.lU Quar. Llttla Dr. Hill, tiuaarw. Evarybody I, wall aod - ■ AlfUiaii* r. Brady Jol WaUilogtoi itppj. nm Bhoai mlha oTtry weak. Alf Un party lira la c«in|i. n • oDhr plav; blit town.. Dr. Brady Jolnil II, liavlna rIoMd alth fmnt Ho. 14, lo WaUiloilon. Oar inonMor paradaa aalonlali Ibo nallroa. Tha Hanolla Uuail.l la a utaal cart. Tba orartotaa by Mr. RaA. oar niualnl dlracur, gellapatlad eocorea Roalar Auia lodian llcib Kamedy Co., Ko. IB: CtpL W. H. tlood- •iiuiildi, Rtnami utunar. tnl bla Indltn nMdIcloa into vliTi alabt Wioaatiaio Imllana. Laka Kaalo and ranllr, llooil Tliaodtr aad wira, Craiy lloraa and Bin Bur and Uia rollowlai parrormara: Clita. lloDliaat, r.iaala Intpoiaontur: Iltrry UanpblU. Ualiv mnachanioa; Waltot Brollh. Raoda. Iilah till cliaiaclor cniuidlan: . a Oiuneay, TlollnlUaad whbllar: H. M. llaii«n and Kaiily lo Ro«aoaii and dtnea tatmi Co tnauclio BIIU B. D.. D. D.a.lactunrandpalnlataatoctric toutli a.\tfaet4ir and rtocr rlUa aliot Jaiiia. MollIjTan haa lu't cluaad a loaK Maaou Willi Kktapoo Oi.,No.2, and naa(oaahoma Umllltt•lr^ wlw la Illln RobblniC dt)a,Nlna.....RoaUrofU>*(kkaboaMedlclnaCo.: Fmr. Bana., bioorlator aod mantfar; Dr. J. W. LoaJMarar tod llalitnlm loolli oilnuaor: Uia BtowaiuVlll and FUa. akalcli and KCaKlally: Chaw Bio«., Jan» and Char. Ik, no.ical Biokaa; Pinf. RanM, juaitlar and uajil. cUo. anil Ml.. Allla Raoaa, oncaolat tnd trata- nraf. .ladltiia: Or Tlio Nuoa aod Windy WUban. Jack tha BImr, tilt iloii aaiootnt, makta tallooa aa. eanakni. and cutUnii hiauwn naracliuu at Iho Dilai oi a tanlior. Wt ara loutlDg MIclilian, tad iila acaaa or Blio.1 In a nawa ijMMt.Tary Runday nioraloif Nou. hoiii tilt Quiktr Viadorllla aad RraiadyCn: Dr. Win. li "S'lS^ lactuiwr tiHl llihin a( tuiUi ailiaclor: UH. W. F. Moaioa, yaawal builnwa maoaitar; rtad Dolt, baaao ptohiodo; AL Wall Ilia Faityf. Jokn aod Kit. tbaiactar^ aod II. Rainood .Brtgna and Jaa. BInar. TtnatlkraBHdiana. t(a ti* la Nann|o.aod liuiTMia la nod Mr.Briaia haa Jon romphlrd a tniplealnne ror tba falti", MlItM "Aak Anolliai and forait;" It laa buiiimai. St 1. at pwaiil wrlfag a na« daacilptira >;■>■: '° <« <»«1 br Mr. Blanr and hloHlr. rullkil "LirlnK I-ieioi»i Tilt Ara Saan In I>allr Lira." Tlia ^™ ""I tJ*^"i "» contaaiad. llW" llron IB. ftaiao Katloaa- Mtdklaa Co.: W. JUiliJSf 'f •"'J** "U"""! lar.ootaad paojila: aal or acaaaiT. lit op by K pauat hkb alTia ua thraarooUllhu, two Uria ll|btt ror opn- loi tadoo. bin IKbl For our alUain, wfileb oootala alaa wall taala and a cook taat Wa canr onr own wtMl n>rioitroldlni bad^tnd .Torytlilaa It rnnolaa aaionlb tod aleo B Ikr. TIaaripla: Or. ClilarBad Jtekat aad Ur. rrrl Raiaaooda, piopileton; Or. Bnah Catlar, chlar ar aulTj Mn. Uudak, Jactaiwta; Mra.,BayMd, kdlaa' pkialolta;Ilr.lWMd,alte<i1«fknMu)M 4Mka^