New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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212 n P HK NEW YORK OLIPPER. Wofld^Playcrs _ NtlO.Oooi)wln unnouncm lli»t be ti>Bicc«pte4 plija for MXUCMnn from AuguaiuiTlioniM, llowy Ooj CirleuiD, Brdner JloMnrcId and Hn. Honm- cIdoraOieo. Mr. Goodwin will plaj tiroeng>g<- mcnla at too Fldli ATcniie, thla cllj, opening lh« nnt on ScnL le and Uit accond In Varcb. On Juno 2« Mr. Ooodwln Intenda to all for London to nuke nrmnijomenU to appear at Ibe Adelnlil noit je»r or Iba yat altar In "Alnl-nnia" and "In Mlr^zoum." — Marj Tookor waa granted an aliaolute diToru from Alboit v. L1a;lon, April IT, at WlacaaMt, U«. — ''The HIdnlglil Flood," which waa aucccaafullr produced for alx wecka In the Soulh during Ibe aeaaon goea next aeaaon nnder tbe ntnoaaie- ment of Ksgan t Wlliier, wlio hnvo booked time In the cliica onli. Tlio acenery for Ihia imxlncllon will Ik carrlea coniplcie, and the conjanr will nnmliorlwenlj people, wlinare now liolDiieDgagrd. — Cbaa. Uoile and Carrie Oraliam b»Te algned witli "The Prodigal Kallicr" for next aeaaon, lo plaj tbe pari* of Tom Breeze anil I)o)lle llonde. — KrMik Cainpeau liaa algncd lo pla; Tom IMa- col. In "Pudil'nliead Wllaon," Ibo coning aeaaon, Uie part originally played liyR J. Henley. — Uuring Ihenerfoniianceof "An Ainerlnn Hero" at the people'a Theatre, Toledo, Uny 3)1, r dlaaalMua. lire occurred In a lante knilling facton apoo. alio the tbeaire, which ilireatcned the riatmcilon ot the property. Mr. Ford diMiilaicd tbo andleiicc, who were unaware of llio danger. Uo Welnrich receully Joined the "An American Hero" Cn, — Gordon McDowell Infonns lu that be liaa at' ouredthe following pla)a for Uie alarrlDg lour of hlinaelf and wife, iimler Uio maDagemenI of T. I>. MIddangh: 'The While Maliatma," "Uladera, anil Ibe Golden nod," hy I'ercy 11. Cllntord; 'The IJIIIe Corporal, • and "My l«dy Haliel." Iiy Beymuur 8. Tlhlali. The coRiimiij will numlier IHealy-clgtat people, and will Inclndo a Imiid and nrcliraln. — Rnaler of C'lilluiuo'B uoniedlnna, who are play Ing a Bummer aramn alJoplln,Mo.: Juno llarntt, Alyno IMeman, Ucnbn rhlllpii,Cbaa,IIenilergon. W. A. Klxon, 1. G. Deining, dalr Oo^lmln^ John Com- mine, P. A. I'hclpa anil Will K. L'ulhane. Tbe com- pany opeuod April 27, and will rumaln ttiero aa long aa liualneaa wairanla. — Ilelle Travcta la Summering Hi lior home In Vienna, Va.,nnd haaalgned wlIU the new "Spider and Fly" Co. fur next aeaaon. — George Tiellcn, who waa charged with lielng naponilliTe for (lie death of hli wife, which oc- curred May S, waa cxouerat«l from all blame liy the coroner'a Jurrand waa dlarhniKCd fnm cuilody May 38. It waa found lliat Hni. T1cl)on bad died from cereliral heinorrliage. — George WollieniHHiii liaa Inen engaRed liy A, M. Palmer anil Kdwin Knowlea aa liurfiieaa man- ager of the Park Tlieaire, llronklyn, N. Y„ nexlaoa aon. — The Infaiil daiiglilor of Thcoihiro and May llui- raerllalicock died rccc'nily. — Oonrlciiay Tlioria) liaa itovliled to teoaiiie "Aa Vo Sow," recuntli pn>ilu«id In UrldgciHHt, 111. Tliu 8lay will liereaflcr liu known liy the llllo 'The lory of a Hin." — Manager F. F. I'rovlur |iiircliuaci) Hay 9 at tecelver'a aate the Icam of Iho Iceland Dperv llouae, Alliany, N. Y. Tlio Ijiiiiao waa formerly managed l>y Procter k Soulier. Mr. Pruclor a fuw nionlnaago applied for a dlaaolullon of parttieralilpand a re- cclTcr waa appointed. — "A llonianro iif UcKin llDllow" cloned ■> aucceaa- fiil Hoaaoii of fiirly wecka In lluiHtlo, N. V., Juno 1. The play will gu mil next acaMiii rucuUKlnicted and Improved, and wlih an entirely new acviilu eipilp- iiieni. Thu Keyaluiio <|Uarlcl, which pmrcil a aUung fuiitnro ilie hitler |Mrl i>f Iho auaaoii, have liccD iv- eiigageil, iih have iiccii the huuk ami wing daiicora. The aeaaon will open In liclrull, Ulch., Aug. 3ii. — Walter IhiiiinixL-li liaa nuido hlHanangonieula Willi Hannacr kllhvaril Ailanii*, of the AiiUTlorlinii, Ulilcagu, III,, fur a two weuka* opem aeaaon at thai lii)n)<u,lHiuliinlii|;Ni>v. IN. — FniiiK licaliiiii and l,riia Ucrvlllc havo lieen en- gaged liy 0. II. JeiU'rauii, Klaw A Krluuger, tu ap jiear nuxi muioii lu I'liliiicr Cox'a "llruwnlca." — Klaw \ Krtnnger are Imiking "Ibaii 'niplca," a now farce uiiiii-ily, which will lie Men noxi aea- aon, with William Jerunie, Wnoil bihI tiliuimrO, 0>n- ivyand MacFarlanil, Miinroe anil Muck,andCliarlea Seanwn lii Ihu caau — Ilnliluann'n Uiiuni IIuuhc, t'liielniuiil, 0., will lio npoialed next aeawui aa n iHimilar iii-lccd tlicaire hy Uniam.Hi'4iU A UumliigH. Klaw .I fxlui the Now York rtipreacnlnllvca of iho Iheatn. — Kilwln Wayne, having cIimliI Willi Iho TIiim. K. Shea Co., Inienda vlalthig lila fiilka In llillatiulphlai I'a., fur a few ilaya. Ilu will aiKiud avvumi weeka at Ilia iibico In Allanllc Clly, .N. J. — Kuward N. lliiyt liaa rucoiilly ainTOmd a aovere lieteavonieiit In Ibe doalli uf hia iiiollier, which occnrrwl a fuw daya ufior lila arrival laiiiie, al tlie cluae of bla aeaaon nllh llulwrt Uantcll. — Lew and Lolile Waiura will opoii Ihelr antaon In Auguat, and will have, they Inforin lu, auiiw now people wllh their cunililnalloii. — lieUii l*Tlugle la apuiHllitg a |uirt of the Summer vacation at her hoiuo In Kuoxvlllo, luwa. She rliaied wllh Itenlfruw'a Jolly ratliOnacra at Grmnd Junollon, (Xil. — Geo. F. (Jolconl, uianager of Iho nirk Tlieativ, Ijiwieuco, Maaa., lururnu iia thai he will have four tbealraa when llie aeaaon uuoiia hi Btnleinbor, lu tbe folluwlug vlllea: Salem, Kewlinryiwri, llavornlll ud Lawrvnue, wllh Imdiiuanem fit lloaluii, and will iHMk iMwpIo for four weeka. The Park Theatre, lu Uwroiue,la going Uiliu nilllled with now cbaira, DOW aoeiiory, anil will lie laihilud and Prwcoed. Tbe olicnit will o|aih nhuul Sept. id. — Joa. Uoninl la In I'liilailulpbla, liartng rioaed with the Sawlullo Co. Nay M. Ilany Hewley baa bocii re-eiiKHKeil hy Mr. Hawtollo for next aeiuon. " "The MlKado" waa proaoiiled lu Wapulngeni h'nIIB, N, v., May U, liy local Inlciil, uuilor ine per aonal illreelluii i>f Mr. niiil Mr*. Uw Mclterrl. — While playing hi Weal Itulhtiiil, Vt., Rrenlly Willi the New York Tlieairo Co., Nnlajlki Mllla and Mae Wellor, wo aru liirornieil, deaccodcd lo the twlliini of llio dec|ieal of Ihu uxieiialvo ainrhlo ipiar. tlea Ihere. They nrv aalil lo In the only ladlea that ever acuonipllahcd ilila feat. — lloalor and Nuiea Iruni ItalnCa Couiedy Oo, lUnry llHt\'oy, J. K. Mllla, Onilg ItoylHiou.Jaa. Dua- khi, lU J. Ualnl, Maliel Mllla, Uae Weller, Mm. IL II, llalrxl, Vleiorla llalnl, lUuaaom lialnl ami It. II, llalrd. We aro louHiig VeniHUil and New York Stale, under Hie Hliilago uf Soda WhhI. Unalnoea la fair. Vlvlurla llalnra auiiita and dancoa aro a fealuni of llie ahiiw, aud H.J. Ihilrd uiakua a hit nlglilly III Ilia aunga ami farcni. — NuutafromCiowHlaivra't'omeily Go.: Weoloao our aeaaon In MIIclicllvlllc, la„ June H, when Ibe eomiwiiy will rclurn to What Otiovr, la., (he home of the Ctvw Slaiera, for h two muutha' real. Uur regular aiyiaou will open (ho laalof AURiiat. — (letirgia IKwn S|aiiildlng Kent auil faiiitlr have gouu to iheir cullago al I'lyiiioutu, Uaaa,, lur the Summer. — Ilulicn and Mario Luniuger Labiidlo »n pleaa- anily ajwiidliig a (uw weeka ut llielrVBcniluu at St. Ulalr, Uleli., wllh their friviiihi. — A. 1*. DtilMMi, manager of John It Wllla' "Two Uld i^nlcM" tv.. wrttea (hat they played to tbo largeal reculpia ever known hi ilio Dlaiory of tho Victoria. 11. 0., Tliuatro on ibe (juooD'a lilrihday, May lA. TlK'lr IMeloo vuaat trip haa heeii very gooil, couaUleriug Ibe Keneml deprcftdnu o( bualuoaa Ibrongh that eoeUou. — Mm. Kntlo l.uek, of Docatur, III., vrllea ua lhal alie la lu poor boalih and la iknlruua ol loatning ot the whercaUoula of her ilaugbler. Mm. Ilan'oy Ueudriuka. — Hoaler of Rlllnwood'a Iteportury llayera Kranvia llayca, W, II. llarilgnu, Janiei Malaldy, W S. Clirtaly.^larry llunus Allcv Kom|i, |.elUe Shep- panl and l.Ullau Sinclair. — lo leno llHili'llirc haa Iwen cngaoecl by Chester A Uvmgaiou lo vrx'nie (he leading niualu role tn "Wilder ^iiaplvlon." Mlaa llHdi'lliAi aallcd for Kng- land fiuiu Ikwton on May It, and will t«imlu abroad till September. — Ilie Anchor Giro Cluli, of Knoxvlllo, Tonn., will uke Ibo road next ai'aaon, under (be diroeilon of Hon Le Kuah. Koaler: Finn leuor, A. 0. Kobctta; aecoiid tenor, W. W. Warrvii; baritone, Jiio, A. Mar* tin; baas, lleiiiy Uinimw; uiandullua—Ilany Van Glider, Waller GIbba, (,1iaa. IHau and an urcliealf* of ievon. — Harry SinlUi, formerly of (ho "Toui Sawyer" Go., will heivafler lie known aa Harry O, Suillh. — At Saginaw, Mich., on May 'A>, lleorgD Hay. I. ,, -Noteitrointh«lUbelP»lfoOo.: WeclmeaarpT ■oeceafnl eeaaon ot toily.thiw weeka In Knonllle, miB„Jonel. Hn.F»l|eand Mabel wfll remain In that city for the Bomoier. Tliey are accomMnled by Mlaa EmlaoD, who la reengaged for tbelr next aeaaon, vblch opena Aug. t, at Roanoke, Va. w, W. Newcomer, leader, apesda the Summer la Blr- mloghan, Ala.; F. 0. Horeboaae go«a to Roanoke, andXIbia. Eberbardt, Ireanrer, (o Ate Bnlngi, Teon.,aDd are re-engaged. J. Wylle Oronldtoncb, agent! la In Waablngton, D. 0,, for tbe Bummer. He araogoeawllb the company next acmiog. H. Guy Woodward and wife (btaate Wanen) are In niaca- looaa, Al*. Mr. Woodward and wife ftre re-engaged for next aeaaon, and tbe former will coDtlone In bla preacnt capacity ot bnatneai manager and principal comedian. , „ — II, Guy Woodward, bnalnea* nunager for M. A. MoaeUrtMalielPaige Oo., while In Otaattanoon, Tenn., rtcoired newa ot bla father's death. Mr. Woodward Sr. died ot heart dlaeaae. May 4. On Hay ao, while going to the Ibeam In KnoxTllle. Nr. Woodward recelred the newa or the death of bla Iffolber, Francea R. E. Woodward, who waa for- meriy treaanrer ot Ibe Oallfomla Opera Co., bat who, at the time of hu demth, waa war correspond, cut for Vie Km York Jountd In Cata, and In one of Uie recent baltlea In tbe Interior lost hbi life. —Thellnaacll.ratlon Oomedlaoa are playlsg tbeir new repertory ot comedies tliroogh tbe East until Uie M otJnn^whenIheywHlcloae. Heaan. Run- nell and Patton will spend tbelr racaUon at their Summer residence on uke Ontario. Tbe cempooy will make a tour through tbe West next season. — KdgarSelden closed his Drat OalUomU toor al los Angelea May la, and reports aucceas. — Maude Smith wlu again be a memiier ot Geo. W. Mraen'a company. — Harry T. Glick has accepted the bualnesa man- ageiDent of Ilenry'a Oper* Uouae, la North BalU- more. 0. ^ ^ . — Gus I'ennoyer, an eld timer, has been engaged hy Tony Uenler to play Uncle TOm Id bla production of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" next aeaaon. — Manager! Frank T. Menlit and Ollle Mack, of Mumy k Mack'a "FiDDlgan'a Ball" Co., hare been In Krle, I'a,, for Ibe past ten weeks, ordering a ftcab supply of new Ulbo. paper for next season. — Bawtefle's UiBmslIc Oo. closed a aueceaaful aeaaon at Haverhill, Mass., May 2a. Mr. and Mn. Sawielle will apend tbe Summer at tbelr country realdence, at Cbalfont, Fa. — Hosier of the Glliiert Operate., which opened a Summer aeaaon at I.akevlew Theaire, l/>well, Mass., May 37, In "lolsnthe," under tbe manage, inent of Jamea Glllieit: Rlliel Ualcb, Katherinell, Power, Marie 7Jibu, Helen Power, Bra l«dle, Kate Hanson, James Gilbert, f9bert L. C^cb, Roliert A. Warren, Thomas Callahan, Walter Irvin Oowllaba, Frank hanney, Walter Hurkland, treasurer; F. H, llanney, Btago manager, and Han UoreCXeehlel, musical director. — We are Informed that on April 'JO Utile \» Vynne, lalo leading bidy of Gotniau Bros.' "Gil- hooly'a Abroad" Co., and IJonel Uwreoce, for merly leading man wllh Grimth's "Faust" Co., were married In Windsor, Got. — Mr. and Mm. Hart S. Gllmore (Mile. Ilolorea F«r- iMnder.) will apend Ihe Summer al their home In Wealem Pennaylvanla. — The "Uur Dorothy" Co. closed June 1. Ron Dale and Frederick Malcolm were nnmlieni ot tbe company. _ — Kugene Roblnaon wrttea as followa: Ttie suc- cess ot "The Fatted Cklfon lUi trial week In New- ark, N. J., lanlKaater, waa ao great lhat I have de- lermlneil to put out two comiainlcs et cnual merit In dliTerentaecllona of tbe country. Boui compa. nlea will take the mad ibe la tier part ot next Augital, and negotlaUona are now pending with one of Uie Uruadway lbea(roa for a king nin. Oilier companies will lie Kent out alioni (he middle of November. ThepresM unanimously bestowed upon "Tbe Fatted Galf" Ibehlglieatprauo. >:acb comitany will Iw as nearly perfect aa the lioat suge nunageaent and CootI people can make It. WUllam Gill, the author, I devollng his entire Ume to Ibe supervision of all Iho companies, and I am tilling time atmy oniee, U West Twenty-seventh Street. Klaw k Rrlsnger are also liooking lime for "The Fatted Oalt." — Harry Palmer la dbeeUng the scenic arrange- luenla for his atttaellon for next aeaaon. In which Kva Tanipiay will alar tu tbe obaracler of Horn, Mr. l>aliiier'a company will compriae twelve people, — Fred'k 0. Uooy will nunoge the stock com- pany for the Audllortuin syndicate, at Kureka Springs, Ark., Uils Bummer, opening July 4. Mr. Hoey haa completed amngemenui tor a starrtog lour next season In his new play. — K. B. Flir. and Katherfne WoUter will, enriy In Augiiat, begin their flflh season In tbelr well known farce comedy, "A Uteezy Time." A new equipment of handsome scenery l>y llurkiy Merry, coalunies of unusual beauty by Maurice llemnan aud Van Art, and an abundance of apcclnl priming, new and atintoUve In deaign, will be dIalliieUve fealurea ot Uia foriliceming lour. During tbe four yean thbi company has been upon Iho road, pre- aenUni Ibla popiibirplay. It has inet with uninter- rupted sueceaa, and, as Ine compiiny next aeawn will be mote meritorious lhan ever before, Uiera hi abundant leaaon to expect a conlliiuaiice ot suc- ceasful business. — Oenle Palmer, who Is vbiltlng her mother In Reading, Pa., will return to this city June e. — Geo. W. uraen was a Curraa caller June 1, Speaking of hutt season's lnudnese, bo said be had no reason to complaU, as he had phiyed a season ot fony-one weeks and eame back wlUi a balance on Uie rtgbt side of the ledger. — K. R. Maokaye, aecretary ot Ihe WIntetbura Show MoUng (Jo., of tiblcago, III., was a Oui-rn caller June 9. Ho will remain In tblscliy tor a fortnight In the Interest of libi linn. — John lament, a broilierotOarrie Lament, died In this clly May ao. — H. Webb Ghamberialu closed bla enngementa last week, and I* vlslllng bleparenlsln Minneapolis, Minn. Heuxpeola lo take out a Hiiiall company for the Bummer, opening Juno M, and playing at suni- luor iiricea. — Itnster of Ihe Mhiule Seward Co., now louring IhoSuinnwrivsoriaof New York Slate: HlnnleSen- nnl, Ihsasto Morton, Mamie Dallas, Frederic Sewsid, John M. Ferguson. Henry Barker, Kngene Santler, ■"Jul I,. Aiken, K. M. McAuley, Baby UloasoinandA. J. Wlldea. — Tbe Brooklyn Seldl Society will iMgIn IIh eighth season of concerts at Driablon Beach Music llall June 'Ju, under the dlreeilonot Anton Seldl. Tbe eocloty held lu annual meeUng May 21, when Ihe following oitlcerswere elected: Launa U. latngtord, Etcaldeni; Mrs. M. UBIovona, recanting secretary; [rs. Glioma Ttulie, eorrcepondlng aecretary; Mrs. S. B. Walennan.treaaurer; Kate 0. Maxwell, audi- tor; Mrs. P. A. Wharton, obaltman ot Mualu Oom mlltee, and Emma L. Adams, ohalrman ot t:xecu- Uve OommlKee. — Georgia Cayvan, who arrtvetl In this clly Jnne 1, from Paths wUl Omj here but » week, as she In- (euda to return to tbe French capital S. She elates that she Is here to perfect amtngemenu for her tour next aeaaon. — (;hariea Frohmau has engaged W. 11. Penley and bis company for a tour ot tbls counuy In ism. Mr. I'enley waa tho original Ohaitey'a Aunt in the farce ot tlut UUe. — Maria Burroughs annonnces Uiat ahe baa nur- chaaed a new play, by A. W. Ilnero, wbleh will la) one of (be leading teatuiea ot her nperiory tor next aeaaon. she has alao secured a new plar by an American aulhor, wblcb ahe will pteaenlon her next lour, beginning UcL 1. She Inienda lo go lu Europe June It, to remain abroad during the Bum uwr, — Delhi Yax baa Juat closed her drat eeaaon as a star. Her compaiiy gave her a handaome floral piece June 1, at Poughkeepsle. N. Y. Mlaa Fox will apend her vscallon In Europe, aud Goodwin and Flint ai« buUdmg a new opera lor her use next UkM, enlorulned a inlda, grnud secretary party ol friends In a royal manner. Among (hose ^rraeiit were J. Knox (bihi and U. H.SIreeler, ot iVall'a Iinaniailo C.>.: Gov. 11. Eiiierirk, of "Flunl- gaii'a Ilnll;" Dr. Hiullh, Win. Mahonoy, Ed. Ilena- aler, lliiil I'riiiniiull, John HIvanI, Oeo. Siiillb and othen. Mualc and aoiig enlivened Ihe occasion, and an enjoyable lime whs apent by all present. — John tiaunJeni haa been cngageil to Play Sir Joaoph iwier In ilie pnidiicUon ot "II. U.ll. rina. fore" at t^acenl Park, l'ro\idence, H. I. — II. K. Newell, iimaleal director, Joined Ibe Vlllan-iiwen laai week, at Wauketha, Wlo. Tbe ciun|«ni will play ilio large cllleaotihe Noilliwetl nrtng (lie Siiiniiivr, Variety and Minstrelsy Mom rooii "V»iii.i)in'B MiH»nii«."-We were Uie Ust In the field lo close our season which ended on Jnne 1, baring opened lug. M. NotwIUistand- log tbe untavoraMe financial cendlUon ot Ihe conntry, tbls baa lieen the moet auccesolol season tn tbe history ot this erganlzaUon. Mr. Vreeland baa eveiyUil ng nearly completed for next season, wblcb opens In August, and will pot oot a nneb larger and stronger company than ever before, wltb all new UUiogrmphlc printing, ccatumrs, etc. He will nUIn many of tbe old favorites and add a number of comedians and specially fealgrea, new u> Uils comnsny. T. II. MIddangh, who managed the com. oany the past season, reUres and opena Aug. le wllii Mlddangh'a Musical Co., sopporUng Elma Cor- nell and Gordon McDowell. LTOU YiAHUia-TiTi'S Is again whining marked favor on the B. F. KelUi eonUnnons performance circuit. She will make her leappcaronce at Mr. Keltli's Union Square Theatre, thia city. In a fort- Lew Dochaiader, also, wbeae lines have itof ■■ ■ Keli house soon. — Hesalo BonehlU will not pUy "LIlUe Chrlsto- riher" next season. She baa determined to sllok to lurlranue, however, and will bs numbend in B. K. Hlio's forces. KENTUCKY. iriiwlaviu*.—At tbe New Gem Tbeauv, June and >Mk: Rlirunl ud Charmae, Katie Vara, Charity IVniir, Msbla Palmtr, Nsllla Parkar, Cliaa. SmlUi, the O'Ntlla aail reiular Moek. Baalaeaa li (ood. IVHiTs FaoXT Tnaavaa.-Kaw wMt S: BIIU Ta- nij, mnaU 1^ Mlaole Bl«ma»«, llarrr f«ro», fan- Ilie *nm loJa Keren »od •wck, Bu«la«» sood- KuraK-AriuisNuwuliaTa bean ceiiinleiad • >> Ff«l Innv' Band lo aire fuur eoOMrta at l$<*ola IIUI rart, IJ-II Loulailll* LoJn, B. T. 0.11. No. K ««»• a.Maj rtalUal at PlHrDla llIlT Park Mav »\,J1. which dm cmnla Tlia Kaw Falls CIV AlhlaUo Clob iliaa lis niatHliiuilon^al UwTenipl* Tliaaira. lt» priiK r«l •lltatllon* win ba lao (an leuoJ ,r»a(* for a aacliloB, lolatan KM Wtblwr and Jin «<alllaa, botliol liiillaoai Kii»aa MoBlrol ot ninalnahan, Ala., and rtyil Roabar, (It rtaolnaail. O. Billy Thonpaoa, ar Naw \etk,lalha iiianaxar of Ui a flub. , , ^ , WYOMINa Ckey*BBe.-«pei* Ilouae-«mln«: John GiU- nm, June II, U; Two OH Cll>«a"t4. Thb Naw Haul StKeicars BHOwa had e»wd«l (aau June 1. taRen Into favorable placea, Is msklns another tour of Uie KelUi circuit, and be, too, will be at Uul )usc soon. DouN AND LiNBiBB ban been engaged for fonr weeks between the Metropolitan Opera House, St. Paul Minn., and BIJon, Minneapolis.. Mr. Uolanlias also licen engaged aa stage manager. The vande- Thle craxe haa caught on, and (bo UenopolKan la doing a splendid buslnesa. Tbe Utlou opena June2. Nicx ILIB AND NBB UUBIB. of ller.Burke and Randall, became members of Marion, Ind., Lodge, No. 32, B. p. u. Klks, on Hay 23. FBxn U. LmtiB waa a CiJrriH caller Hay 2a. He reports spending Ibe past seaaon pleasanUy wllh "iVp" Iluber. Bis dog show h phaylng an engage- ment at Knster A Blal'a, New York, and la re-«a- gaied tor Que Hill's attractions for next season, nuking bU (bird wllh Mr. Ulll. , _ Cnio. A. LODKB ANn wici left for Areola, Pa., June 6, upon a six woeks' OsbUig trip. Hn. Loder's beslth Is Improving. Coi. vnaa. B. Uicis, who left tbia city during the put Winter, ns manager of tbe Oriole Company, writes uaunder.daieotAprilll from Java, as to|. lows: "Tbe Oriels Oompsny closed Uelr aeaaon April 7, at Homaybala. DosbHway and Moulton, the Panlnl Slaters and Violet Uimndon and Nellie WsUnn have Joined llarmston's Circus at Singa- pore. I have resumed my old poalUon aa general reprtscntaliro ot Ilaraiaion'a Clrcos, and await UielrarrirallnJava. Too much of Ibe new woman In Ibe Oriole Company caused the retirement ol Ihe llnanclal man, W. n.Vaiea, and jieUy Jtaloualea did tbe r«BL Phil Hack and Lotllo Mnlley Hack sailed tor Auauolla April 2D,and will Join Ibe Opera House Company lu Melboiimn." Bato, tub junoLBH, Is touring Cahfomht wllh Leavlu'a Specially Co. He will come East In Au. |usi, and go direct to Europe, opening In London, %Knk Fox, profeaiUonally known aa Dertle B, Tlioniton, Informs ua lhatabe waagmntcd a divorce from J. K. Fox, In Uils clly, on May U. Fmni Wiiitx bus dlmolved parteendilp wllb Ben Smith and Joined hands wlUi Peicr M. UcCormlck. MiNsniiK Gi» III1.L writes aa followa: ''I have ust secured, through my Kurnpean agents, AnI and Jno, Ibe greatest aerial act In Europe, alao Mlle- Fkintell, contortion act hi mid air on glaaa plale- Hy agents are arranging wltb Little TIch, Marie Uftusand VadU Slslem. Will have Ihc strengeat VBudevllle allows on ihe road and tbe two flncst eiiulpped shows intTelhig." Dan Siikhhan will open at the Orpheum Theatre, San Francisco, Oal., with hIa company, "The Jay Circus," for a alx weeka' atny, licglnnlng next week. ^ , Thr i.uvxiibs»(i SiBntuinro In Pmridence, R. I., arranging tbe duncea for preaenlallon at a feaUval called "The Feoat of lloaea," which epena In lhal clly June e, for one week. Chaa. Lovenberg will write (he buriesque and llrat part tor the Kenlr.. Santley 0>., again next aeaiwn. Hr. Lovenberg whl take bla orchcalra to Rocky Point again (bis Sum- mer, for the mih eeaaon, aud Is leenaaged at KelUi's Opera House, Providence, lo begin tils sixth season ibore, ncxtSeptember. . ^ HoDoNALD andStonb, muslcal comedians. Joined Uie American Mllputhins on May It, In MInneaiiolla, Minn., for Uielr Paclllc Coast lour. UicK and AI.ICR HcAvor are spending a number of weeka at their home In Toroulo, Can. TUB Donovans enjoyed a pleasant three wecka' visli ul their home In Norlhampton, Mass., wllb their mother. TUB PAnk Pavilion, Geveland, 0., opened a Sum- mer season on May 'J7. RosTXH ov Milton J. UrjiBit's WoriJ) op Notbit Uea.—Mason and Ulmer, eharncier sketch In "Tril- by;" UtUe Carrie Lewbi, child dancer; ilatUe Rich araaon, In her original fairy and rainbow dance. Oark and Fariey, Irish eccentrics; Meade, Juggler and equilibrist; Ikiby Orsco, Sndle Richardson, Boubrelte; Ulmer Brathcni, Gennnu dialect comedi- ans; Lertsaa and Polol, pantomlule clowns and chair diving. , ^ . JonNGRBiVBS'opemlleand apeclacularhuriestiue on "Trilby," was produced at tbe Howard Aiben- inim, Boston, Msw., May 20, and was continued for Ibe second week. NoTBa vHou Bhyant a- Swain's Hioa Claib Vaudevilles,-Hobby Bryaiitaud Frank Bwaln.sole propriotom. We oiwneil our season at Fertile, tllnn.. May 29, to packed bn>lne,'a; we remain here unlll Juiie6. We cany a band of ten plecea and eight performers. Prof. Shepbtrd and bhi troupe ol trained doga, Joined Ma) 30. TuNV Db Uku, banjolst nnd comedian, reports niceling wltb much aucceas wllb bU hotel In Haver kill, Mass. .. _^ BBS9IB OiLBKBT, coruet vlrtiioso, and Ilarrigan, tramp Juggler, aro playing lu the Albanibm, l.on- don. Eng., making a prouuunced success, they In- form us. KuniK IIONAN writes Ihnt during the past six sea. sona ho has pniduced Hlnioat a acore uf succesatiil minstrels acia. Mr. Uomn continues aa followa: " Tbe Vance of Iho Seoauiui.' wtilch 1 am going to produce wllh the Ullly Vim's Ulg NliuMrcht, will lie Ihe grandeat thing In (be dancing Hue (bat bat ever been seen; Ihero will bo twenty people In Ihe cast, eight of whom will lie hidlcs. The produc- lion will be uHiilnal and novel. Many week stands will be played, and tbe company will play almoet every large citr In tho United Stales. I iilao wlah loautelliiit iheUllea, The Daucool (he Scaaons' and The i<pony Mllllonain,' aro copyrighied." RiTii Dk SnoK, lalo ol lllee k Banon's Roue Ilih Co., sailed for Europe on June 1. tfiu De Shun will visit Undou and Paris while abroad, and. It rime pennlla, will vlali Italy. She will return In time to till an engagement wllh the Waahbuni Slslem l«at deiwitlim Uimpany, which Is to be managed by Louis Itoble. Fhanb J. DwvBH AND Iiickik llowAHn nport suc- cess at Wenmr'a Theaire, New Urteans, U.,ln tbelr Alpine Mounlalnevni aong and dance. AI.1CB llAHNBS, of the "MeSoHey'a uourtablp' Co. now pbiy lug at tho Colniulila Tbeatrv, lloaton, Mass., at the conclusion of Ibh euguiemeni wUl lour tbe NewUglaud Bummer reaortawllh her own com- mny, under Ihe msnageineni ot 1. F. Moore. Hun UuniioN, Of guhwih and Livk, haa arrived at Cspt. Chaa Glort'a I'avUlon, AGanllc City, N. J., where be will have change ot Ibe amuaemenu. Me baa engaged some of Ihu best \-audevllle perform, era for the opening, which will lake place on June 11. The place la located tweiiiy foelfrnm (be water front. The executive suaiT; Cant. Glori.proprtolcr; Robl. Gordon and Frank C. lllce, managenh ami John Vnti, auge carpenter. GBO. IJSLIB wishes IIS lo deny that be was In Canton, 0., last week, aa was reporied. Mr. Ualle Is at Tony Pasliir'a Tbeali*, ihla clly, Ibis week, and expecu lo auiy lor font weeks, and do« not wlah 10 M eoufouiidcd wKh any other pany ot tUt name. Maouib Lbb Curx Infoniu ua that ahe aecured an aliaulute divorce from Wn. E. I1ark, In Clucln nail, 0.. May tb. ToBVLTiissrenuesIs ua lo olate that he haa be- come a aiicceaatnl baseball umpire In Ihe New Eng- land AssovhiUon. , , BiHoaALLA NOMOB'sHiKinaBLa cloeed Iheir ees aon at Marion, N.Y.,on Mar 30. The nutnogera wUl'alay In IWmyra,N. Y., lur the Summer, and Prof. oTjIewton nigelow will atop In town. Fnan Kbsko, tub AcnosA-nc *vn juooijib, cloaedaauccessfnl two weeU' engagement alHo- (art Park, Wheeling, W. Va., and will open at Proc- tor's Tbeaire, Uila city, week et June lo. HiLLT HiCB has KsUnieil his pealUon as alage manager and amiuieuient director et Frank Hall's Oasliio, Chicago, III., alter nearly two yean ot con- tinuous aerrlce. ^, Obbaiia AND MAt'O GORDON appeared last week In (he DIJoii, Paterwin, N.J.,ln (fioir acrol>allc danc- '°8Sfu*CMBNSBiu repreaentaUve for Wballen k HarteU's "Souih Before tbe War," waa aturriR ^trnB^iLuahaackieeda snccesaful season as soubreite at Barlon'aTHeatie, Newport Newa, \a, and wui retire to ber Bummer collage at Oceai City, Mo. losm Oablanb, MAiuoBBorr»iiiBg(i* WjmJ Un^els, reainesta to pobHab tbe (act of Uatrtbor^ dSuLat bUkome, Oxfonl, Eng., lBbl»rt«tyfoaiUi yearrolbemorrtiageotlbelnDn, «•»»••»»*"> of sieflleM. He aetred In Uie HoyjS Hone ArtU^ery, biSuab onny. and food part In Ibe eiclOng Incl- dJfflseonsMnentnpooUie Indian MoUny. He waa Ibe boldSrJf a good conduct medal, Ae muUny medal and the Ucknow bar, baring uken a TSiy acUve nart In Ihe siege ot Lncknow. After twenty- yearn of acuvo emlce In Her Majeaty'a service belAikhlsdlactaipe **,^Si5>''»S^}iJ^}S;i in Uie year i(7»,arid wasfortbwlUiappolDted riding Easter at tbe Mllllan Collera, Cowley, Oxford, a post which he tilled nearty fonrteen rears, retlr- ng about three yeare ago. T»e lonerel look place at 8t John Cemetery, Cowley, Oxford, where, be- sides the chief monmers, a number of ex-muiiaiy men assembled to pay a hist tribute ot respect. WBBBB AND FiBiDB Will pot ont three companies nsxt aeason, under Uie llUea ol Uio Vaudovlllo Club, Rnasell Brothen' OomedUns end Weber and Fields' Own Company. Tbe poifornets thus far engaged are BlUy Emwuon, LolUe Gllaon, Jaa. F. Hoey, Will II. Fox, Sam Benan), Ltalo B. Raymond, Ibe Meen BreUien, tbe Faosona, tbe Burt Helen, Wl 1 and Ida Momlhi, Uclnlyre and UeaUi, BeUonI, Blocksom and Bums, John and Jamea Russell. lloaUnga and Marion, Ummmond Slaley and Dell Burbeu, and Uie sun, Joe Weber and Lew Fields. Peter dark and Wdl Fay havs been re engaged to aaslst In the linslnen nunagenent. Waltbr J. lUBHRB, Uie variety agent, bse been engaged by Manager Frank Hall lo liook all per- fonnen for Frank Hall's Cailne, Chicago, lU., suc- ceeding Billy lUes,whobas been suge manager alnce the house opened. Dntuan, and Wllle and Barren have signed wltb Al. Reeves and bis big ahow for next aeason. Norun, Uie frog man, was at Uie Ijceum Thea- tre, Boston, Hasa., week of Hay 27. IIARBT ROBZART bos closed a Bnceeastol engage- ment of tony weeks wllh Caracross' Minstrels, and wUl open at Glort'a Pavlllou, AtlanUc Clly, N. J., Jnne 17, for two weeks. W. B. Wbeblxb and rosy Kniqut have Just closed a aoccesaful eleven weeks' engagement at Kornbergerta Oanten, EransvUle, Ind. EnwAHD AND LovibeLorrrt closed tbelr season at Tony Pastor's Tbeaire, Ibis city, Hay 21, and will apend Ibe Snnmer at Gwego,N. Y. Mahara's Minstrbl Notbx.- The show baa cloaed a very sncceasful season ot foitr-two weeks. Mr. Mahan will Summer at Lake Geneva, Wla., with bla family, and In the meanlhne wlU comMne bosl- ueaa wltb pleasure In looking alur his compsny for next aeason, which wlU open In September, at Chi- cago. The company will carry forty people. In two special Pullman can, and tour Uie East, playing week sunda In tbe pilnclpal dues. An ord>r has been placed with tbe Orm ot Meyer's Bros., BL Louis, for new wardrolie, slage sellings and gor- goonn iinltorniB for Ihe novel street pande. The firinling will he apeclal, and catcbv sland work will le made by the Great Amerioo FrlnllngCo., ot Now York.andTlie Wlnierbum, of Chicago. The htho- gnphs by tbe Empire, and Bhoberand Carquevllle, • jhlcago. Jack Maharaand tiro assUunUiwill bare charge of the advance. Gxa Orxoory, ot ilie Gregory BroUieni, and his wife (Louisa W. Lauglry) were called home by the death of Mr. Gregorjia lather, C. I. Sheltcn, of Ot- uwa. Can. Hub. Flowbr, of Piper and Mower. Is milng a short engagement at Amlirose Park. Mr. Piper waa compelled lo cancel an engagement while prepar- ing for hla annual Summer tour. They are engnged wllh J. laham'a Hoyal Oclorooua tor next sesaon. Willib Wildwavb haa wriuen an up to dale wall2 song, "My Llllle Hoot Garden Olri," which al this seaaon of tbe year may become popular, asihe melody Is very cstcliy. Jahbs Tiiohioon's Vacdbviixb Co, hrnded by Bonule Thornton, wlU begin lU Itni season rariy In Scptemlier, at Tony Pasfor's Tbeaire, this cliv. Gllmore and Leonard, Monll (Collins iiinl N^roia Wills, Jamea and Bonnie Thomton and oiliers of eiinal merit will be Included In the roster ot Uio or ganlzatlon, a fact Uiat makus M iuager 8am Dcs- sauer's Usk ot booking Ibo ahnw an easy undertak- ing. SpecUlfeauresotIhe lour will benewandelab- orete printing and novel uilvertlHng devices, and wllh Uie added merit of a i-lrong company, the ven lure gives pionilse ol uiLcli siicce^ HuRTOA AKD DuvAL liHve Joined bands again. MISSOUDI. St. Iioula,—Bnslncn) conllnuca good at Uavlln's coDtlnooua Khow houie, aad Uannsar Jooaa la plaand lUi Ilia auccaaa ot liU Mipi-laniaourr ataaoo. The ape- clalty pao|tIe Uila weak S'O 0110*0111 and Wllllama, aonga and dan,-ea; Bertha Wa- nar, mualcal character aniala Larry and Annie Com l■f^ ahatcfa artlaia; Julia InJalow, hannonlca aololat; rtr-Mi/aaeoient otBaliy DeoDelL Tho drmtiia Ihla week la "Tlio Black Flag." U.NioN Tacer Rook (laanict ANOCisiKO.—Theaecond week or thla aniurcment veolure bagan 3. The bill la chaDsed earh HonOny, aad tha people tiila week Include acme well known itanonneia. Tlie aflarooon coocirta are popular raaturea al Ihla r*lort. TxaBACK ranK.—Rpaclally people Uila veek ar« Doli>h end Huala LeTlao. Ihe llavlatlaa, De Mom, Harry Boa-*r«. aarlallat; Eddie Boora, Varia PUley. BAi.phln and llos- senaan. "I'aythe." Iliaca Millnrn. tltlTlllA Uelvlila. Uiiain'aCAva Manaaar MeNaar7 ooaoad Siladelight- ful Rummer raaortjuaas, wllh a aliODBoiieim coiui«ny and a large choniK. Tho lolclal pioducllon Tor iho aaawio la "Hie Bexuar SludeaL" In Uia chonia or Ihlrty voloaa Uieraare oiahleao nliaaa aad Iwelraor the beat mala Tiilcaa 10 be nblalnad In Ilia counuy. Hieprinelpala aro aa follow: Oartrude Lnl|ia.Ada Palmar walker. Tenia llankio, Jerooie Bykea. Mlnola Brldsai, William Stalsor, Oeorxa Palman, Oeorite JaekiOD, Qaorsa LydlDs, Pnuk Dealiou, Qeorxft Kunkal and Uayd Wllaoo. Alax. Spencer la mualcal director and KlrklaadCalhoun ataf a nianaaar. Tub HunUHBAN.—Thla raioTt, altuatod at lha lermroua of the Buburhan alroal railway Hoe, wmaopeofd nigi tofS will, a company or twalTe apaclalty people. Thaailnila. alon la Itee. and die Tonturv la coDdoclail for tiie benofll orihe railway llae. Tlie onlartalnmant ogared In Ural claaaanil lha ground! dallshtrully cool and ranedilnn. WOHOBBLANo Miaaa ahd Family tmbavbk.— Conilo- iiiiui allow people thla week are: S. J. Whaelar, in (lie play, "Tlia American;" Jolio (Tobun, Jamea B. Rlreel, William Laclada. BiUy Han. Jamoa Hurpliy, Janiaa HniBO, R. B. Juiiaa, CorloQe Blacklairn, llallle Uonloo. DuBloeaa fair. naa TliXATsa.—nllly MaiMen. Adin Adama. Ilanley andTllTay. Lollle Tbo^l^ Ellial (limi-. Bella Pallaraoo, cliaria* Grady. Queair.—Uarnum A naller'a Rhov U eablblling hare Ibla weak, opening alleroooo ofS Onica llaiani, un* der Ihe alaxe oania or May Uaunce, won Boklan opiulona at llavlln'a conllnuoua aliov laatwaak Tn plaaifngape- clalllaa. She la a St. Loula Rlrl and alalar of Robert llaianl. a local ncwapaper man Ealier*a Alhambim Palace doaad laal week Tho Winter Oanlen and L'ODcert Cafe waa In ninnlna iliaM laat weok, and lu manager hnoea lo atianslhen the ahow lo lha near fUluro. .. ....0las« Manaftar niaily, or Ihe Gam, will conllaua hla i4iow Tlie American FadeimUoa haa taken up Uie caaeufUie aclora no* out ol work Ihrouali lha doalnaof Ihe varialy Uiealraa hy llw autaorilka forallaitad rlola- llon ortha Nowberty law, and will die a proiaat wlUi lha flovamor. Kanaaa City,—At Ooalea' Opera House the Kenipar Stock Covpany enleied en Ilia Ihtnl week of their engagemant May V, ami prodncad "A Kaat Family" to lair liouaaa. Tlila week "Oura" will be gtren. nsAKO OrsBA Ilorea.—Oaary A l^derar'a "Tlia Paaa- Ing Show" cloaed lha aaaaoo at lhl> bouaa laat weak, and liMlahlKwtek'abiiilnaaaatadTanead pricaa. Thepaal MAHHi haa l«en an aiceHanlona Tor Ihla raTOrile tfatBUe. niLLls' OrsBA HuesB.—"In Old TennewAo" remained orar lor a couple of perromancea laal weak to medium biiilneaa. . WAsniMiroN Pabk.— TakaaArraa Japaneae Tiouva cloiad their auccaaaful eoaaaamaot laat weak, aod Ihla weak Uie Hhaafara will du tbf Ir cloTar acroballe lun. FAIBaon.<(T I'Ana.—The Soniroar Opera Company, heailed by Oeonre l*aaton, comia to Ihe naw Audllorlum on JuDo I. and will open wlUi 'The Hlkado." TnBATHK COMluuB—Roaa DuITr, Flnnesao and Fay, Nina Cllnoo. Wallace Sialam, Benio Vemoo. La V[ne^ die (lanuya, and Hopper and BtarT. KoTBLVT THEATBa.-Byien and Blanche. Hehaagar Family, Loula KanelL MnrThr, Lannlala and Oulty, Charlaa miao. ami KiM aod Addle Halroae. AvnlTOHlva.—"The VolunlMr," under the dlracllon or K. L. Hunt, waa given at Ibla ttataire on May 30,31, ami Juoal, forihe lienalll of Veteran Company A, aad mat wllh nilr auceeu. , CurrlBita.—Vaaya giTea aconrart at the Audltonnm on 7 Seymour lleta waae«nipalled to raUra from the caal of "Tba PbuIdr Show" dortna ha en Basement ken, and bla part waa taken vary creOlubly by Geo. W. Par. aona, who left "Our Flat" Oompany hare. Mr. lla« baa bean aultering fnm hemorrhasa, bat la Imrrovlnx Jo. RoaenlhaTliaalanUie adranceerew ol LemenBroa.' CIrcuaand la la the clly Frank Munroa, manaseror lha Koaalty Theaire, will pel la aiarteaorallraclloniat BoTge Park dorins lha Rainnar, commenelnx Jone 1. Wallaca'aClrtaablll car la hara boomtog (ha ahow, which coniM the taller part of Ihla month Laaatnx June 8a #Ufi(ler ttie Tents# TU OiBHUK, O., coUegv Btndenta, on lUy 2T, Tiflllad tbe Bon Bm.' Olrciu, wltb tbe iDtentlon o( bnektBg np tbe sboWt bat tber wen ungbt % lee. aoD tbey wUl not eoon fonreU For we«ke put tbe atatfente btre been prepeiltiff to glre the ebowmen e bot rccepilOD. Tbej ud punoed to cut tbe ropea end reduce tbe ceovu to ebrede, end ibej bed ebw collected a qoiniltr or rtetoegga for Ihe beneflt ot tbe perfonnen. ThesladentsoccupledeMctlon bT tbemaelTee, end elarted In by relllngend gnrliiR tbe perfonDcre. Tbe mayor utd tbe police tried toqalettbem, bat iboy were gejed roruelrpeloa. One o( tbe prouteton ot ibe eboir emtealed to tbem to keep qnlet, lint be waa nlulcd wltb cat calls and jells, nnallj, Bnn BiutheTs celled on tbelr em- plof eea (o eject tbe rioter*. Beveml cenvee men be- nn osliig tfaelr c1dI»s, end a oamtMr oflhe aindeota were pounded Tlgoroaaly. One ot tbem, Jack Enos, attempted to draw a revolrer, wben bo waa atnick by a club In tbe bands ot a canTaa man, and frtftbirauyponnded about tbe bead. HUrecoTeryls doubtfnl. wllb tbe flrvt ooslnagbt made by tbe clr- cnimen moelot tbo etndeais ned precipitately. Wn.L AMD ED. ArrsHBURTp ot tbo Reynolda' ar- ena, made up a party after tbe afternoon sbow on Blay 28, and visited tbe grsTes oC two profenlonals, Bnck "ntner and Jobn Downs, who are burinl In Union Clly, Pa. Tbe party consisted or Atterbury Brca., Ods Lomtu, Lnn Hoore, Billy Moore, BIrt ailmore, Ed. Baker. Jobn aeTeland,T. P. Ambrose, Jamea Backford and J. B. Dlancbard. Appropriate addreeseewere made, after wblcb tbe party enjoyed Jleasantride al)out tbe city. DON LTHcn, styled the worid'a greatest wire walker, Joined Prescott^ Qreat Bastera Shows at Roekland, Ve. NOTB8 FBOM TUB riARSON St HOPFITAN ORIEKTAL Sbowa.—We are progreeslng nicely. All avalUible standing room wastaken for toor nlghta last week. New acqntsltloDB to tbe abowa are: Prof. Ed. Long and bis edneated dogs, end Prof. Martin, tuba tlayer, making our band full. Onr new spectacular JrleutaleDliy and flint part pleases tbe people, and tbe street pMade, on account ot Ita norelty, brioga ont tbe Dstlves. Uawsoa and Walters, eerobais, and MacOurdy. tbe baUoonlst, were vlsltore Mat 30. CoHKBY, cluD Juggler, haa closed wltb the John RobloROD Circus, and will spend tbe Summer with his parents, at Waasau, Wla. Kom PsoM RiVMBu liHorunts* Waoon Suow.— We have been doing s good business so far, and tblDk tbe outlook tills season Is morefavonbte than last. Tbe ebow Is headed wltb a comet band, a good orchestra leader ot band; Burt CdUIds, solo slide trombone player; Ra L. Hood, genenl buslueas agent. Thb BiifTALO Bill Wild Wbst Bnow waifat* taobed, May 3D, st Bridgeport. Ct., by Jobn Hunt, boss canvas man, who claimed $200 tor services. Tbe removal of the company's parsuherealla was delaved several hours, uenjamln Flsb, local agent for the llamum k. Bailey Clrcua, Uually receipted for tbe company, and the attachment was tempor* amy released. ROSTBROP LBHXXBROe.MVOUD BDTBIIOWH.-JDO. Hol- luid. mntnil tRsot; W. J. NIdtollii, vpoctal as«i>t: B.J. aaf'D«y,coiiinciloa agent; H. Poner, i)r«M ■nnt: (Ur No. I; H. C Kre««,muie«r; Jack llerod, boul)lil|>o«t«r; Hobart Varlto, luhof:mpher: Ed. Ilym, proirnmmor, aihl blllpoaan J. RosaoUitl. C. Ila■-thu^l^O. ClaTeUnd, W. a Bmllh. R. I^awia, W. Ulller, W. C. Bnwn, ALSlXBda and BIlio JonnMoD. Car No. 2: L A. Weddle, Dianacflr; ChM. Btiooaback. N>m blllpoaur; llllllard Jc«el. lliho- srapliar; Don Ptiaov, proinammpr. Billpoticn: a». BuKtinall Jan. n'wUirook, W. II. Hlller. (Jeo. Bm>hlll, J.B.Taylor, Qco. Burk, II, JoDWi,Qu(ney UandonMn, aoil Pml Cook, porter. Car No. 3: Oco. BcdaijnanaKer, with kIx PLMlBianiii; Al. Otklej. route rider. Tlia »hoir la b«- Ins billed brtler tlila Maaon iliin aver. Kom raoH W. P. Kimkiiaiit'a Onkat AwisaicAS R. R- Clrciiii.—1h« khov opened at Terry, la., Uayl kninia« liad Rood tinalnesa for Ilie paattliraevaeki Wa areiOay- InR over a Urgejyirtlon ol last rear'a ronta, ami are nap- Inicaliarreai. NopriTllegeaare pennlttvl with thaaliow, aud Ihla territory U full of friemla for Ihe KirkhartClr niH. Followlnjt IM Uie cornet ruMer of the ahor: W. P. Klrkhartand R. M. Harvey, proprletora; W. F. Kirkhan, nmiiaRer; R. U. lUrrey. atalitianl nianasor; A. B-Kirk- liarL ireamrerj Wltllam Dorr, enuexirlan director: llerr DmyiOD. Carl Cretoe, Wm. Joale and Enle Dorr, Roger Loulle.illlea AndenoD, Ed|tar Oeyer, Julia Ceyar, Lob Bybee, Moiie. LereQl. Cliarlei E- Jordao, Franhle Jnidao, flhenoaD Kirkliari Bybea Broa.. Ilirve Lwielle Rnv.. Jai. E Black, coDcert Jlrtcior. with l)«rtlnaLe*lle, Uona. Le- TfUI. theJor^an^ AwtenoD BiM-aud Uie rre>i iMploR boTve "Unrrleane." Charlen B. Jordan, manaser aide Khov: E. W. Jonlao, ticket neller; Chief Debto and wife, J. R. bill.flllly Billy, Klu Bamoia, Wllllain WJUhlDCtoo, LItUe Delay, JeniieUe, Mr». C. K. Jordao, Prof. A. P. Raloatnirg, condnetor or Ijlc atnir band, with Robert Adklaa, Irenua Uuncan^acob llebbelo, lleriDan Bcliroltt, Albert Sdiralit, S. J. Trew, P. C, KeodaU, D. A.Martlo. N. B. Uanlo, M. Long, LoD Lender, Harry McOrlff, and J. R. Ulll. Al. MartlD. leader of aide riiow band, wllh Mat HcColloaati, Jamea Brown, Charle* Baaur, Ollle White, AL WIlMD, Bert Fennwan aod William Murray. Oeorae Day. In cbarae of curaa, wllh twelre aMlflUnta; William Dell. In charge ol itock.vlth elshi aaUianu; Charlea White, clitndeller niao. wlUi twoaulManu; Bob Smlih, ring maker: K. K. Cole, tn diarge pnpertlea, with three aaalBtanu; Jack MeOlumphrer. In cliarge ol »lde phow caoTaa, with two aMlilanU: AL Rhoilehuu^ head cook, wllb tlirte aaalntaoui; Ed.Rock, haad waller, wllh three aaalitaota; OelaluRer Broiherr, candy uandR. with F. E Rheo, bOM bniclier. Advance brigade: Jd Clllfoid, aeneral cooimcilof agent; W. U. Hootgomery. excunloo ■gent; Hal Burton, In charge of adrancecar No. 1, wlili ten raen. Hie waatlier |i Aoe. boMnetii good, par day regular and ererybody well and liappy anand die (Ireat American. iTBMSrHOK OOLLVAR BROS.' ORUT ClROFH AXD Mk- nagerie.—TIte coU. map haa lelt ua aod werm weather relroa auprame. Tbe acton that hail tlieir baooer out agaloitJach Proftarenow cloalog likewise agalnJt old 'wI,"lx)tao1lmarBrDii.are aailailed. for their buatneaa Ueioelleot—In fact. It could baidly >ie tmprored upon. There la bo reaaoo why thlaaliowelionld not be aucceaaniL tVe put out a due pKnde, have a good big spread of oo* vaa, glvean up todate piuforroaace, aod put ootoaarly all epeolal lltlioRnphcd paper, and ploBty of IL Every year Bode the inow eotarged, and ihU year wan no eicep- tlfiD to the rule. If the Ooilmar Broa. aieai aucceunil id tlie future aa lo the paat It won't l>e many more aeasoua helore they will be recognlud among Ibe tMft George Holland Jr., pf1iK(|tai aoinon«iiltrlder, Joined at Delevan, WU., and bindarlog Iteia uretiutitrlanrnn creaiea lurore at every per rormanee. Now we have two prinolpaljockey liuidle. Hany aalne la breaking a menage bone for Hn. A. 0. Hauicher. Prof. O. P. Bbev'a mlllurr btind la play, log up to dale mualc. Tbe profeiMr'e clarlonei eoloa are making a hli, aod aoareW. H.t^p'acomet eoloa. Ilarry JacolB^ Barry HcVeon, Fred William^ Nathan NnrrK tlltan. l^rokape »n aMo giving ratlntkclIoD, and Jacob Poniloiii Mtncu much attention for hla clever trap druinmlog. Bandnatter Sliaw haa a long lUt of nut^ HrlberarorTuaCLiPfRiL Nonn PHOH Tlia Muuawk Vallbt Bnowa—Our bual- nen bui been excellent, ami we areaendlog thta week for a brand new IMXI. tound tap, with a OIL middle niece, ourpreartiteaovaN not being large enough to liaUthe crovda. Our Ucket wagon has beeo cmwdad with people eager to get tickeia Tor tvo hoon tMfore Uie doon opened, and Mea«re.Cha>. Piper aod Ilarry P. Ryan have liad tlieir haadN full to wait upon Uiein. In fket, for the laat week, we bare been conipeUed to cloae our wagoo before 8 o'clock, anil liave turncU away huodreda of penpK Our concert! are alwayaatiendcd by large erewda. Bulll- van and HcUowao, clog dnncera and black face come Revan. of Ihe KeiurerBlock Ouipany, fell and apralned her arm during tbe oeriwinance SL unded her amT ahe Anl^bftl her pan. tree gave mailoeea «i Decoration Day.. Mloairela rerform at the Grand S. CALIFORNIA. Loe ADgetM—Tbe Um Angelea Tboatn held fklralted audleocta for "The American Qlrr May II.O. and the aaroe attiaetion Ii billed for a letura engage- ment M> Taarepacked ihla iheat« 14aoddrewa ■oodhouee»....7?rbe Borhank Tbeaire ogkn'Tbe Red fipMefaaablU for week coBmenelngM Kewmo- ple at the Orphenn. opealng 17, <AaeUiu aad Ida, and tbebUI fbr^be week IncTedee 'Tlie UDdevtakai;a8o- claL*' Tbe Aetna' Ataednllea of AsHilce baa a bea*> atat tbe Darteak anemooB ot JuoeC dlaaa, aerer r«ll to bring down tho hooae, and they are making ihe hit of the cooceri. ,In Samioga, Ma;j>l. a fly by night pick opcoinpeoy wee In oppoaltlon,aiHrthouBht ao lltue of pronMilonftl cuurteay a* to iry and adrertlae by dlitrlbntiug Uioir bandbllla along the line of our pa- rade, ao an to lead people ti> Uilnk that It waa their die- play; bat, thanka to tJie go-bd, etrung voice of our an. nouncer, we were eoahitd to rot* * w fool iheio. and turn away people et iMtli perfonnaocea that day. TniC UBNBBU OP Till WALTBg Xi. MilR BilOW Tlllted, re«entlr, the gnvee of iht^ae mambenof the ahow who werehllleil In a rallrtoil acctdeot near Tyrone, Pa., en MarS0,l8Ba. WalterL-Ualn ud wife ted the perade In tlieir private carriage, followtil by Hugh llarrfaoo and wife. W. Preil Aynar cam* neiL After libn were four ladleawiihbaaketaof rtowen. Then followed a carriage wllh Ed. Rnapp,Rer. D. F. CulvlUe, Mayor HIcka aod lieo. Boynton. Neic vera tho perfomiera, theo cune tbe grooma, headed by Bob Abrama and Mr. When, after wlioro came the canvu men. beaded by Jamea Caaahly and Hlchaal McOrever; oeat came tbe property men, headed by Prank Collloa and Ben Pnnkllo, and then the cookhonfte boyi, under the direttlonof Dick Rlchaida. Mr. OllberiMo, iuperlntendeat aod general manager, aviated lo fennlog the paimde. Ton Brown, wllh ibe lioyawboload ibe irmlo, made a nice appeatanoe. Not one man that cooM tw apered from the canvea, tailed to ahow htanapecl for the dead. The twnarka at tbe grave were very touching. lUFPi.tiKOB TITO TUB Coox Bnowfl.-J. W. Cook'e Big Bhowa opened on Mny 25. at the Winter Qnartera. In Jleihaoy, Mo., aad only a few momenta had etapaed when the ■Im eppecired, atainillng room ooty. Both afternoon and erenlBK InamtM wa« greaU Following la Ihe roa- rer: J. W. Coolf, vole owner; W. M. SoUlvan, manager; W. A. Ilink, advaaee, whh ten aaelatuu; AllleWlUlama, bOBaofcanra«,w|thaacnreoraaal>lanta; Bllai Aahfold, boaa hoatler, aod aailalaota; Bow Tbompaon, eook, with fouraiv1iiiaot«:Ihe Irflnga,ln aerial feiata; Bnory and Ru«Mll. triitia ban and ringa; Emel Oerber, contertlon- ' : A. 0. CliilOiea, aingletnipaaod baaTTweig*' ~' '~ |L wire performer nod glohe dancer: Ah Wee mualcal performer; Ooaale Elmore, epaolah rlnga; Befl, M. BuUlvan, leading clown, with four i__ _ - . KebrD.nfiDg r1o|rp,Knil mualcal illrecior.H. A. Walker. J. 0. Cope baa Ibe aide ahow, and De Raaronhastbe candy prftlkge. MOTBS PBOB OBD. BCRTCH'S NBW 8l58ATI0g.—We at* touring through Weatera Oatario,and liavejuat received oar new aVL oitddie piece for our IQCHL round top, nuk Ing a Boo aprrad of canTaa. Boalneca la eicellent Dp to dale AU Ihe people are maklDghliA. Rlackey.atlltwlr* walker, la winning greatapplauae. The Abeni»-.WIIuam ami Mlonie—«n making aa big a hit horeaa they did In iheSuiea. TbeTbree von Dale Broa are doing theaet of their Uvea. The BlaipaoD Trio ere atnog fSvorltee; Prof. Hank SInder'a troupe of doga ai* the peta of tbe ledleaand children; Jamea Von Dale,ialklu and alao^ Ing clown, producea the looked for laiMriia. Anaieweu* eicept FoRrt Von D»K nndentanderef Von Dole Biw.. aerobaii^ who, wbll* leaping, eprialned hla anU^b .i Blackey, alwrnyi op aftTmaif. Uled tbe MILTT.t^ Delaraall'a rooster band la a diawuff caidlatbeaide