New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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June 8. THE N'EW YORK OU:PPER. 213 U101» pwjMPljwl for th* Ai ft eirciu ttnlT&l, which tlm on Uit an4nooB of Jdh U. H MtDbiuui B«aG£, OoMj Iitaod. Tlw oU Ha- Kb*» u«aa hu b«M tnufonawl loto t elmu mtU< ftod tk*r«d« vblte4DdblDo litob*M*aeT«nr«tMre. TbH* vUlnotoolr o« ut oM uoMeiRU', Dat.«etr« Id* romod.» full l)6dit«l ABd •lUoalTo meiui[«rio u wtU; ■iM fklrr lud Tor ihectiililreD. Tla c>r< eui Mfformuea proper bin booo arrund bj II. A. _, . bo hu Mcurad tho (bUovloK mopIol Rhlo* Lovtado, prlnclpu oquwiruui: Uie acrotiatio Jifordi, LaeUno Tauji, Mriallu ftod coaiarilonuit: Fnd Loillf'i vcwderAil uoupo of inlowl dort: "Mul- dooDt" lb* chunploa wronliog pooj: Milt. Za- rmh, baUnelny Ubmm: CArnlT and Ifludv^ Bla- BMM elo«D*i, oqulllbrliU aod tumbUra; John W. WorU, doublo woieraauli laapor; NIcoLm Coltallw, hl|;li win tad chair pjramklln; AI«ehX tumbler and acrobat; Bddla Boov. Joitar and dooblo Kunitruult kapar; HcmIdh Teooi, alack i^lra performor aod luRiUr: Vauia lod AdoDlLacrobau; and abo J II. Mooiw. Pnok Wljilit- mao, Albort 8tratiu,John BouilJ. M. PlUilao. Oftorna Lm. Albort Hauptniann, Roban Nlehoti^ Wllll>in Tauoo. Frants Habl, RotMrt Huily. and Jamaa 8. Robloaon'a mlUtarr liraubaod aod orchaaua. TbeaiacuU%'«or tb* anoa will bo Auguat BUifrUt, •quOBlrlao tllractor; M. C. Cody. ma«ur of rlnR atock: Ban C. Mam- nond, maiur ol proparilai anu pannfaaraalla: Joaaph B. Clark, Charlw l>affl^ F. B. Uo*anl. rnoh Xtrrlani, and llaonr Kawmao, ataUtaou; Uwanl Maftwall, •uperlDteodem of prMlf km, wlUi tlx aMlit> ania; Tbomaa Whlio wlU b« In cbanta of iho atoclL Tho aiiraettoDiarofobamanraitd rarlad, and chanvM will bo Qiado waahlj. TIiom alreadr bookad lu appear durlDK tha aoaaoD ara: Akida OU'riani, Macait** Doi; and Uonkor Clrcuv Kna BancOill. La Katia TIaJk ^l■I»t« Whaoidoo. ihe Pour Bldiaida.Morrla' PoDy Clrma. Br Diola Cballl, and uany oibar araolo and acrubatle NornPBon Bimuho BaoiHMir Oiacw.-'niaraeonl rorRlnvllDK Brothari' Clrcui hu rnm iha opaolair data to tha prMoaL , At Oraod RaHdH. J^aoo and Dauolt. Mich., and Tolada O.. Urt rtow nuyad lo^MpACltrorcanrai. Tha Rnanclal tauini bara baan vary Ultro, and iho •how eontlaoai to mw Id prtpu- lar (kTor auTappracUiioit. Tha dalljr parmda inaliat< a riaat hit ararywbara. A Bovalir la the principal par- nmoam* rida In Enillih tnpa. Titay are arrayed In momlnic cottuma, and the new daparton altncU a irraatdaalorattMitlon. Llberatl'a Soperb Band, whidi iHireo dally concarta or one houi'a durvtlon pravloui to •a£h perfonnanca. baa aeor*d a treat iiinaleal trlumpti eTerytfliare. LIbaratI waacalled to Kei^York )iaj aaion aceoont ol ihadeaili ofblaalOaaidauitliter. Kellc«. Aner hli dapartare manitMta of the band lubacrlbod a franen>u> iwiaa. and wired tha amount to a Near Vnrh tloriit, with dlr«etlona to place a floral trIbuU on tlie caaket oltlia de- ceaaid dauuhter of (ha omalcal dlrecinr. Liberati re- tamed and Joined Uie aliow at NIajtara Ka'h on JuneS. Nona nioM nil BamkhA BiiMUARr Bio Siiov.-Wa aie out Jual all weeka, and^ yet, don't know wkat U la 10 play tn lUlit bualof». We elay a week In aacb town. Hie people hare a Kood opportunity nf koowlnn a cood thini wLm It coma* alonir. Kanaitar Baktr li thinkloc olaiaylDgouiall Wloiar and playing retoni dnua orer the nine terrltorr- We made an addition to «inr riiow laitweek, the Shaldonlan Trio, makluir our band and Hhow atronger Uian ever. Abe Barahart la wtU ramem- bered over thla urrltory froai hU being eonnetted m loDR ago with ihe Van Ambargh Bhow. Laai week In ML Vf mon. III., we JuMpachad "eio. Thla la ManagerBaker'a fourth aaaaoo orer iba aaine route, and lor good, aolld nawanapar notJcea we get wore than our ahare. "AU'i wall Uiat enda wait*' HAHMSTOfl'B 0BOW NoTU.—Ilaruaton'i CIrcaa and Manaceria opened tlielr Java aaaaon atBamarar, April a. We have been meeting with auceeu (n Samiira, and will remain In Java until Aur. SDlihan to huanic Rangoon, and open our aeaaon In Calcutta, gov. ift. The preaent company: MUe. Le Blonde, premier equaa- triaone; Mile. Minnie, trick equeatrlenae; MIn Viola, huTTlle act: Jennie Uarmaton, manege tanUMi act: Mile. Mario, aplral globe; ihe Fuur l^tdue BUierH, wrial laddera: Oeorge Harmtton, Jockey and prloolMl act; Pmolt Hannaion. acene act: the AMaan Family. Mm- beta and gymnaau; 8lg. Byaach and Little Harty. <l) Ing rioga; Mailer Jolmny, pooy Jockey act; Daahnvar and Moultnn, borlznoul uja; the Woodwaid Bnn., Ctiaa., fiddle and Willie, acrobat! and laapera; W.CInrke, four hona actand leaper; clowoR, l^iiploo, aroleMiB*. Tom, Dulrmh; ainging, Cliarley Matbawa, Puinuy, El Mno, tho iDlkntprodlay: ihe BtawKTla, Johnny andOeorgln.muHlca] downa; Nellie Wataon. trweia and ringe; Violet BmodoD. manege act; Geo. Crvasle. A. Wlotera, Joae Mlcano. Fred Hanliall, A. Huun aad R. Stripe, leapera aad acro- lata. Mra. W. B. Bannalon Inlroducea tha trained horiet, Oladatona and BeacooadeU; George lUnoaton the nine Arab Rtalllona. We have ton cacea of uiloiala, and Btg- Leo Uemandei hai a den of irmlnau leopatila and the fanioua Bengal tigor, Duke, Uie largtnt tiger b captivity. Thaetud ol horaaa are the iluettever la the Eaat, compoaed of Engllali.Anb]ianii Amerieaa breed. Tlia company tiave been In the Eaat flre yeara indliare met with lucceia. Our laaion In Calcuita wlU be oar gr«at«Ht effort, and will Introduce a number oT noveltlu aeeured by Col. illeka during lila trip home. Mm. W. B. Harmiton and Bon, George llamiiton. aole proprletore; Robert Love, manager; Chai. Woodward, «tae«rian monaier; Geo. Savory,aiiid groom; Big. Ueraaodei, meDagorie diraetor: ft. Stripe, eleculclao; a Raleh, contimcilngagent; Oeorge, advanlalng agent; Col.Chaa. B. Hleka, reureientailre, and Ci<aa. Bruce, baadnuater, with baud of twelve plecei. _ RoBTBR or Cook a Bakkr Uhitku WaqoxSiowb. en rouieUirougli Keatueky.-Zelma Cook and J. E. Baker, ownen; J.B. Baker. mioAger; perfonnera: WeitrC-ch- ran Combination, aerial nmnaata. balloonliu ud atb- letea; Dudleiv and Kruk ^cbranj^doubla trspeza. awing- sa . ■ Baker, letea; Dudley and Kruk Cochran, double tnpeza, awlng- tngpereh and alack wire; Cbarie* Baldwin, aeroaaat; John BAer, high wire performer and principal lanMr; EiU Baker, aartocomloanddaovar; 0. M. Speen, aU» abow 'Boabomrae. high tower Juniper and dovn; Mary TocalUt anudancer; Editn Johneoo, ClrcaMlan manaaer; Blue Mountain Oliarley, uiaglc and Punch Joaaph Boi' - ■ -■ - VMonua. . - qneen: Waxey Royle.boa convaa man. with Are aailat- anu; C. A. Bradaen; genenJ cooirmctlngageat, lod Wm. Wllko. advance. We ooened the aeaaoo on niav 18, at Benton, Ky., to crowded lento, played a ntnrn date at Benton. May B, lo ''S. H. 0." Our lou La SdllZa TTila U aa eleven wagon abow. Tlie gboat walki rogaUny and all are well and happy Oar only trouble le we are away rMmnllnndaand can't get Thb CurriB regularly, and we on all loat wlihootlL MA5SACHUSETT& Boatoa.—mo endtng of Uio ttieitil»l Bumnwr ■eaion U the elgnal for a general cloilog up of oar Ont daaa hoaaea, and at prennt thei« oin bat four of iliom open, vlt., the Boiton, Bowdoln Bquare, Trenoat and Caaile Itaeatno, and la a vary abort time they, too. will lock thelronterdoore until the beglningof Uie Ptllaea- •on. With the performance of "lUS," eTenloicor June I, the tegular aeaaoo of tha HolUa ended, bat a compU- mentoiy taatlmonlal will be uodered E. E. Blca,9,by Uie maoagemant. A itrong anay of noveltiaa wlU be preaented, and a long Hat or volunteen will appear, among them being Benle BonalilU, John WlMoa and Bertha Waring, Uie Abbott BUuta, Walter Jonee, aa Saa- dow, the tiaveety of "Trilby," Tbetwa Vaagbii,W. U. Bloone and Quauve Kerker. ... .. ^ , TkshoktTiiutbb.— Thlabouie did an eiceUent buil- neaa loit week wlUi "Tlie Bpbloi," prodaced br a good company, under Uie nianaganent or Uut) *iklo. Mr. Aakloeipended money liberally, and worked Mlduoualy to preaent Browne and Ttiompeon'a comic ofera In n monnercommeoauratewlUi lu meriiB,and tbu he wUI receive a aubatantlal rvium for hta Large outhy (a evi- dent, IfUie audlencaa that dlled the tbeatreatMch per* ;ormance taat week be any criterion. "The Bphlni" will hold the boaida at the Tieroont nnlll further notice. The lecond week beglna Monday. 1 BowDOiK 8<itiAHK TUBATHiL-At Manager Atklnaon'a liooae, week of 3, Frof. Bamrl Oahlwln and hln wife—who call UiemaelTea^e While Mahatmaa"—will give an en terUlnnient which proinlURiobe a novMiy tn luway. In connection wIUi bar huaband'a niyatarlouevork Mra. Baldwin win give an eihlblilon nf her cklrvo/ant Eiwer. In the company wlUi Uie BaUwInaare: Kate oaaell, wlUi her ipeaklDit photoa.: Manuel Lmai, man- dollnliit, and Albert PbTuW pCanUt. ' LlUle Lord PaunHeroy"cloeedl.awoekoffalrbuilnaafc CAnubat^ABBTiiiATU.—"Kra BIbtoIo** win be pre- eentad week of 3 by tiie Caule 8<|uaie Opera The principal rolea will be Ukeo aa fullowa: Zerlloa, Loalac Blailng: I^y Allcadi.Mlia Ualllanl; DIarola. Ooo.r. Treveraler: Loreoio, llaroM WInthrop; Beppo, Mr. WolfT; Glaoomo, Charlea Bcribner; Lord Allcaah. ArUiur WooUy; Mattso, DavM T. Moore. *^ Black Uuacar" doowl a good week. Next week. "OlroAe Olroila." Bo«TOH TiiUTBg.-lt waa generally loppoeed that 'Trilby" wouU nmola with n« uoUl the month of July waa near, but the eoniractwlth Maoager BunnaTonp- hlua baa expired, and Uie laat week of Uili pify ,b»- (InaS. OnWednaeday,ft, after Uie initlnee.the ladlea in the andience will be Invited on Ute atage. wkera Mabel Amber (Trilby) will try npon Uia feetofaucb ladlea aide- air* to compete for Uiein, the patrol dlamood allppen which will be awarded to thelortuoaia competluirooi- aeaalng the aualleit and moat perfmly foraiea foot Boua*^ famoui band will appear In a BroL. Ward and CurTaB,i:io«a JujmltrBparnw, Topack aod&tael, Uia celebrated dog **Scottla^' Mirphy and McCoy. Ned Monne. Porbea and guloa. Morton and B* valle,^ontague and Weat and EIno C. White. Neit Mon- Norn.—Among the vlaltora io Eelth'a New Theair« laat veekwere Joeepli J^ITerann and Mm. JeiTtnon.botb of whom axpreaaed ilwirdelightal (lie beanly orthe hoaie. The Nickel Odewi rloMl 1 a TviiurkablyiuoeeaLMl aeajwn. The houae will be reopened about tha nnt week In Aognat wlih atrong laHely atlroctlona Maantlnit, daring ilie rtceu, tlia lnt»rk>r will hm eollrely re- deainteil and other ImiiroTeminu Inindncad Annie M. Clarke, who baa been at the Howdoln Rfiuare Ttieatm, goe< i« uaual. thla monlli, Ut Folly laland. North Edg'romh. to apaod Iter vamlon. Maria Borrougha ralh for Europe 15 TTtn pn»- ducUoa or the great •peciacutar ple'>e, "Burmah," at the BoMon ThMlta, haa b«en aet for the flrat week In Sep- teoilter. and Manager Eugene Tomphloa announcea hU Intenlhn uf urnaaaing all lonner alige dlaptaya of a RimlUr DAlura Aflar a very aatlalactonr MM*". Ananclally, tha llowartl Alhemcuni wu chMdafUr Ihe evening performance flatuTday, !• Lwnn^Attbe LfnnThulre PredUnrphy.glBgo manager of Mualo Hall, waa glvan a Unallt May a a lair boalneaa being done. Loula Parker, wbn receotly l<Ml both handa al the general elecincwork^ waa given ateaUmoniolV. thehouae being cronl*-|. The reiutar theatrical aeaaon ol thla houaa la chuwl Rlncllng Broa*. WorH'a OreiteatSlinwa mmiu Juno 31, and Bulnln niU'a Wlhl Weat July II. The WMhbum Rlrcea will >Iidw June 7. Low«lt^At the UkoTlev Tbulre lite Qllbert Opera Co. opened their Hummer aaaaon May IT, In "lo- lanUiA," tnalUrhniiar. i<rhlcbdeTeh>|«l Intoftood hou*etf ti^ioreend ofweeh. "lotanihe" mna another week Thomu WaTdvll, late of the '*Panov Rice" aed "Old Jed Prouty" Co..haabeeo appnintad moalal director of Ihe High Street Cliorcb Waihbam'a Clicua la largely billed for Jane 3, and RInglIng Bro*.' Clrcui cornea ii Taanton.—At the NewTbeatre De Wolf Hopper cornea June d. In "Dr. Byntai." OHIO. ClBClnaatl*—TblngJiire verjduU UwalricaUj. Kohl A MMdleiOB'a Mnaeom being the only houMopen; bui It la enjoying a iplendld patronage, the allror alatuea proving a drawing card. TTiiaveek'aprvgroaime Includeii: Wui. Hrwln, head balancer; Uie De Wlita, mualcal performera; Little Olga, Joo. A. Lealle, com- edian; Janiea Flyno, of Plynn and Walker; Hadge Mack. Uie Bentwurth*. aketch perfoniten; fTrolloua Com- edy Cnmpauy, la onerplecea; bat week of the allrer aintuea. In curio ball: Zllka and Colt, dvarfhoraaf, and Pranh'a Wlhl Weat Cumblnat on. Tlie out ofdoorrawrta are all gettlDgagood aliare of patrODafte. The Ludlow Lagoon la inakiog a atrvwg bid lor puUlc lavur, pultlog no a Rood vorfelyblll In adJI- Uon to beaUng, awtiniulno'. etc The new people ilih week are: Thawndwleli laLud Swlnmera. elmer and Rice. Helen Bluane, aololat John llenaon remalni a week looger. Co.tii uLASo la also branchlaR out In Uile direction and thla week bllla Kearney Speedy, the champloa high dirar, 1a givebouriy perfoniiancea. Tub niture of Uavlin'a Tbeatre la not aeiiled yet It waa a loiar on the aeaaon Jiiet cloned. BoBi.<tii0!<*4 under Ihe new management, proonni to lie ahouaoofhlah itondlng. ArranfenieDta liave been made for a drat clana atock conipnii)'. , , OKOROB RroCK.ayoung dncloaatlan, gnreanexhIbl- Uon at LevaMur llnll (iriila powanorillualon. Qoatir.—Adele Uelancoart, vocollal, who U lioohad lu appear at Kohl A HIddleion'a, la danierounly III with ty- phoid fever Manager Mavlln denlei Uie rumor itiat Treaaurer Joaea. who la mlaalog front St. Lonla. Mo., la iliortin hlaaccounu llarrr llop(«r In *'on lliedoor" at Uie Lagoon HiKue O'Brien and John llavlio are to be Been logeUier at Uie Utonla raeea every Jar. Tliey both plunged on a Itorae called John llavlfo, Tho"alaii ran." Amateur theaulcaU are uking an ImpeUi^ and nril aeaaon Cincinnati will fumlih an unlimited number of "actum" to the proTowloa. CleTel«Bd.^no more eiAirt and tliu leMioii of I8M-90 tadead. "£« roi rtt luwt, rire (« mi." Tlie Sum- mer aeaaon la at hand, and the drat pun will be nred June 10. when Uie Murray A lAue Opera Comvnnv open llallnorth'i (iarOeo, pteientlngthe opera, 'X'lover." Marion Maoola will be Uie prima donoa for the flratelght week*, when alie will be auceeeded by CUm Lono. EUCLID ATKNUB OfKiu H0C8R.-O0 ofthe ifoaU of the aeavHi, and which, unfortunately, came vhen It vaa In the Ihroea of rtloolaUon. waa propenivl week of May 37, by Ada Kehao. The week waa a veritable triumph lor MiNa Keban, wlioae premier eoiagemani It w«n In Uila city. Noiwllh* land log theaweJterliu lieal the houae waa comfortably itlled at each perfonnance. *Tlie Paaaing Bhoit'*cooeiJune3foraweek. Thiawin ha their tlilrd engagement In Cleveland thla naaion. LYCBOH TUKATBK.—The Atuerican Opetm Coiurnny continued their engagemrnt tlimugh week of 27, pre- Mntlng "Boccaccio." The aitaudance, liowevor, owing panly totbelntenaMheat, waa veryllgtiL Theatmpany la not yet alioiether pleaaing, ahowlug aome lack or tralolng. ThU will undoutiiedly be overcmue n# their MBMo advaocoK. They are lionked for una «eek longer, and "Heart and Hand" la tobe praa*oted. Tliere la aome question, however, whaiher any aUMnpt will be niado to continue the engagement longer. The itraaenl iialron- age baldly Juatlil-a contlauonce. The company la booked for the Summer at Bdillu'a Pork, Milwaukee. Wla.. where Uielr engagement beglna June 10. Aa noted In tut week'a letter. conUnuoua perfonnaacea will be given at thla liouie, commencing Jane 10. by Uie Young A Baldwin Company. Tbla la anlnaovatlon In Uitaclly. and time alone will develop wheUier or nut It win i«o pnfliabla. _. BUOLID Biaco Pabk.— Tlila new place of amuaiment will open In a veryidiort time, all arrongementi bavinv been perfected. Chaa. Riumio. formerly of the SUrTbe- aire, la Uie huatling rallroul aod aUieitlalnf agent Ctki3.-Jeoiile WTnBiun, of the American Opera Com- pany, haa been auiTerlng with a aevere cold iloce bar en- gagement here, which baa conildnrably marred her gen- ermlty effective work E. 0. Undemer, treaaurer of the Cleveland Tlieatre. la In ContUntiaa, Midi., for a cuuple of weeka' vacation Wm. fUawart an>i Win. Owen, boUi Cleveland boya, are wlUi the Ada Rahan com- pany A Men'a Pren Club In about to be organ- tied In Cleveland. In thla reapect iheraenolClevelaod are much behind Uioae of oilier clUaa aod Uio falnr aex of their own town. The Woiuan'a PreaaClublatmeefour atrong organliatlona The Cleveland City Troop will 8lva at their armory. June 3,4, S, a novel eaterulameot, epicdai;camp lire In all lu atagea,drillB, cavalry aporta, a bruab with Indiana, and nnmeroua oitter aoTeltUa. The troop la our awelleat organUotlon, aud crowded tioueea areaaaured. D»ytoB.—amnd Opera Uoiue—aoeed. PlRKTHBATHB.-CIOMd. _ „ « SoldibW Uohh Thbatrb. —The War Bong concert (locall waa repeated at thlahoua« Maya Babscii a BiiLBT CiBCtn pUyod to two Immeoae audi. encea9. Toledo^At tbe Peopte'u dial O. PonI» In "An American lien " to poor bualneaa week ckialug Junel. Daria"*Uncle Tom'aCabin" opeaaS forweek Ring- ling Broe.' CIrcua did an Imnieoae buaioeo May 2a. DISTRICT or COLUMBIA. la jlontainid — •• — — — day, l(t onddurlog Uie week Uie llllpotlan athlatea,the Boaaow Broa.. will begia an eongemaot here. rAUCBTBUTBK—Manager Wra. Aaattn a bualneu la Itoprovlnjr rapidly, and laaiwaek'a pairoiuga ohowed a mootdeclded Incioaae over )>reilouaweeka, before Uie advent of "f]UR" White aa bualneaa manager. Forweek of 3 Ihe programme here beglna with Uie fonay akiien- UU«1 "Algerlana In Cainp.*^ In Uie^variety ahow are booked Oua MUla. Pan American Aerialiato, Nona. Mon- aoUa and Mme.Mamie RuaaelLlhe Zarratta,UarryDe- vlne, Kennedy, monologulat; Forreeiar nod Steeart, Palace Tliaatie Trio. Morgan. Peay "d Adama. NelUe Petera, Etu Albion. Phil W. Peiera, osd Prof-C. W. Aua- Uo'aJapaneMDogCIrcna. Arms A ftfoiB'a MuatCM.-An Iriah vllUge eao be aeen week or3 In Uie leclore ball of lUone * BtiaWa Mu- aeuni,and one noUble featorewlll be the pmaenutioo of JotUI aceoaa at a Kerry (elr- RmI daacero, alngera, pipoa, harplata, Oddlen, aplnnera. lace maken. better chnmariL ahillelah twirlera. comlealltlea, wit and huiaor In abandance by lively "aoaamtna and CoDeena," and every nlrited Incident ailendant upon a«b a aceue WlU be laltbfoliy portrayed. Two farce comedy compa- nlee appear In anappy ikiu 00 Uk Uitatra auie. Ltciui TnBaTmB.-Forwiek orSM^nacvr Baicheller baa amniad a novel and very IntereaUng enienalnownt for bU mtieni. UMdlng bla ilat of attraalaaa la "Bon- ner." talking horae. and aeoiher Bifong cud la Pial- kowaki, mimic. A atrong vaudavlUa and neclalir bill wm alw be preaented bv the Meiropollun Tbiwe. Orrfo Baler. T. r. OroBt. Bberidoo and Poreai. Bnydiraod Boek- ley. iUy Belmont. Maggie EoooeU. iobn Bwker. Dot u£bn*randJ.W.BaiTraktAa. Tt» ^'?tIl!f*S'^ be driven wlUMOt haraea Uitonghtbe almU byatedy dulnf the week. WulilnStoB.—The torrid veetber of but week ltadaver)-dfpreaalng eiTvct upon box oAcerecelptJiai our pla)'bouMa. The week wu marked ooly by the open- ing of Uie Summer comedy aeiaoD at Rapley'a Notional by Uie excellent ituck company. Tlie opening ^rform- once wae witneued by one of Uie Urgeat audikotea ever Kaltiered wlUiln Uie walU of ihli ppecluua tfaealte, and for the drat Ume In many mooaa tbe orcbeairn vaa rele* gated 10 Uie back of the atage. and luapace waauilllEed to accommodate a few of tho great crowd; even then tlie houie wai not large enough to liuM all «ho applied for adnilaafon. Each Individual laember of tbe aiock co. U a prime fovoriie wiUi our aemtner audlancea, aod each racelved marked tecogoltloii. The National olMkau- ■onaunadolTwIUia great big beoui. Tha epeuing bill wuT. W. Wamn'a comedy, In three acta, "Nlu'i Firau" preceded Iw a one act euruin raIaer.'*A LoveOarae." Frederic Bond and hia ourapany beM iboir own al Allen'a Grand on Uie flIUi week onfielraeaaoo at UiU hoaa«, pre- aanUng a curtain ralaar, "Tie NaiUe,'*aeouwdIat(aln one RCeoa, wbtcb waa followed by "-Plak Donilnoaa." BuruiB'a BiJOU.—Julm P. Biaith'a "Uncle Tom'a Cabin" played to light bualneaa, chialng hlaown eaaaon, a<t well aa iiiat of the Imuie. HuRher Kenun'a beoeat, MgySr.'atKeman'MLyceatn, waaa hig aacceaa In every war. Tbeliouae waa uckod etery,pan,aodUievaa define and aUileUo blU preaented vaa In every ^tytini claaa. TheretualnderofUiewMkeaadevoledloaUiletlc and ^HlilaUo exhibitlona, but ibe huaae waa for tntn 'llrLBT** National TflBATBn.—The aecaod weak of Uie Summer comedy aeaaon by.tto National fltoek. "An Awful AltalVJuBoS-a, "Mamed InH""' lO"**/ AixoNMOgaMO Ornnx Uoobb.— Theilmth week or Fred arie Bond and company. "My Wlfe'a Mother" VB, "My Awful Dad" IO*IS. KBB<(A!('e Ltcbum TuiAnB.-8appleinanul eeaaon "Th» Whim Crook" and grand boilo|i carnival 3-8. Vaudeville >nd athletica In Uie Summer Garden KM5. CoMVB.'mnM IlAU.-Innla' Band. aaaUiad by Muiha OarrlioB Miner, Annie M. Weed. Katharine MacNelll. MarleJ.WIchman,Wiu. A.Zanl«B,O.C. ParguMa.EUian Allen and Pfonklin P. BeioL pieaeoUng "VTar aad Peace" and "Day at the World'e Fair.". . . ^ . NOTCA-Oiant Parrlab haa algned to do the advance work for Creaion Clarh'a lAorneat aeaaon, which openaln Bepiember, under themaaagemoniol U.S. Taylor. Dur- ing the gammer Inurval Mr. Parrlah li managing Uie amuaament branch of plelurewiue RIvervlew. aBoumer reeort abool twelve mllaa dieiaal from Maablngton.00 Uie Potomac Blver Eugene Keman. nanagarofKor- nan'a Lyceum Theaue, lea lait eeeh, to aaiume charge of the pfrotediaicapeclacular"Ametlcea,''wlikhnpena lUMOJWi In ColumbTa. O.. ID-U; CIncIonat IT-S, and Denver »JuIj 13. ^be oatfll eairlea !» Wfo. whIU over du peopU are naad In Uie pnaluctfoo. .W. L. Ballnof Jr.. of thU city, haa loM lila comedy drama, 'Tlie "MMoighl Bpeclal," to II. Mer- un. who wlU produce it neat mmm on U.e road, weniogJuly »■ »t EUrabeih. N.J. Marrr fl. Haley b Uj Utnanager. and Harri Bemonl, bu«io^manB«r. BMtfeWAIler Uteot HamT. Jacka alalf, U railing here- TTweUcLricIlgliU at Boilera Blfou Tl*aire were iiri^ri og Jnoe I. Uie laat olghl of the "Uncle Toin'a tSIireagAgemenl,and U>e ""Mf'«?t "'•"•^ to diwniu Uie audience, anil "^''"••J "^^Vi*:* W;; Oeoffroy SUen a home for bU Borome* roat. lie ha* riMTeda ihree yearn'conirort »IOi Mario Walnwright . ..Trroncla J. O NeilL of Maaager Fmbman'a exeenilve daoaitmenL b aMnding hie Bemmei vacation at hU KSS iwra llrlS^IU la never ldte.»4 be haa en- SSId bl!ie"llUj theedliJ^ 'BJ^JSR: r^m. to fllllD the Intervai betwe en ae mnaa UewUre- JeHtbeFrobBon fort*early In AngutsegL PENNSYLVANIA. PhlUdelphla.—lite Ibeairlcnl leiuon hero U ended. The Bnwd, the Bijoo, Uie l^ceuo and Ihe Ken> alDgtnn ara the only thoatnaremaining open, iiatnnlay night anw Uie cfoaing performoarea al the Cheatnui Street Opera Uonee.Cbaunut Siieet Ttieaifv, Audliuri- uu. Olnnl Avenue. VOrepaugh'a ami Peopia'a, at all of which Uie laat week'a bii«lneia waa onir Iklr. The eatn- onllnarlly hot weaUier even brtnighl the run of'A Milk White Flag" in a auddan end. , BBOADHTBiBTTHBATnB.—Nlnrn A Cliuminoan'a pro- duction or *Ttie Little Tjciw* openi for th«t Rummer aeaaon thla week, with a gonl adrance nie. The raat la an exceptionally atrong one. aati Uie eleolrical and aeeulc elTeetx ore aaid >o be very Roe. Tlie theatre la la lio cooled by Iced air. Ttie Boalonlans In "Robin Hood." hehl nfolrly gonl atlcndaiKe. In ai>lte ol Uio torrid wea- ther, and cloved a vary aacce«>>(\il lurtnlgkt'aengagement June I. BiJOV TiigATHi.~Wllh potted i4aau RenUy waving lu Utate|4i)ni ol Iced alr.and rVee |«liti Uaflan^ thepa- trona of tbla popular reeort will he able luenjny lile while witneaalDjt tbe aiiracllva hill piwaent*! IhiR week, ■hidi IndudeeKd. tnavoreiid Kdilh St.i:ialr. Le Clair ami I,ea. lie, Schrode Bn*^ Haaneit and Oanoon. AL Uraot, Ttioa. B. Clifford. Urender and Thompwn, J. Pratl f>pe. Swan and Baiiiltatd, Waterbury Broa. Billy Carter. Bona and Hart, Annie Wiimuth Curno, FlivliAion Kanilty awl Le«i aodtMpnian. Bualneaa Ui good. LYClt;u THBATHB.—"The Dnith Crock" la the an- nounoaraent Hir the curreui week. Intmluclag, among oiher aperlalIlea. Ihe French dancera, Paulo and Dlka; the Olymiila guartal, Marlon aa«l Poail, aod Uie pra- nilera, Mile. lUrnadu aad Mile. Clio. UatweekT. K. Mlaco'a Bxtnvagania Company drew filrly good attend- ance. KimimTog TnBATMB.—**T1ie TwoOrrhane" la playe*! ila week by Manager Btone'a Bt-ck Company. ^'Hurr akk" la underlined. Uat rreek hoalneaa waa rather llghT. NoTBa.~Maaager J. M. Waid, or"PawnTloketllir' haa aeeured "Detiiiouleo'a at G" for next aeaioo. It la being r««liun by the author. (Hen MtDuoouKh, and will be played aa a farce coiiiedv. inlintlueliig aoiiie ainmg apeclaltlea. Heupena at Newark Aug. 19 The living ticlura aiudio at DaiiiMey'a HlveralOe Maoamii mm uraed out Tuemlay oight, 211. Tho nierry-oo-round pa- vllluowu alao deatroyvd: Ivee, 11,011 The aieamer IlaranamakeahertrlaJ trip 10 uie Flahing Bonk* June 3 Manager John A. ForepauRh la «iulte III avain Jamea Bualir. Iiaail iiiacMnUt at the People'a, la hulMIng acooerp rnr Craaion Clariia'a tour In tragedy next a«aat>ii. Tlie People'a l»»clna lla alxth aeaaon, Aug. 17, with a new coraedydraoia, lu which horaaa, tpecielllea, trick arenery aud uechonical elfeeu nlil bo pruiiilntnl Charlea aordDn,orW. A. Brady'a Bliowa,w aaaiiiaat eiewaid of the Hotel Metn»i>ole. lie hai onlacrepteJ a poalllve en- Kgement for next aeaM>D .Trie ataamer Kepubllc Kina lia dally tripa to Cape May Juae 17. A new atago and acenery hnv* been erected, and the •theatrical nr- foniiancM will be made <|alte a fealurw Tlie CbeMtBui Street Open lloupe la to l»e greaUy Improved during Uie Bamnier, and will be en- tirely llihted by electridb- Kallierine Forreai idaya Conalance, In *Tlio Love Cliaae." June 17. at the Cheatnut Rtrvei Opera Hoiiae Ttie t!heainut Street Theain will be provided ellh nee rtela through- out fhr next aoaaon J. Fred Zimmerman aod faiinly aail for EuroM II, to vialt P.niland. Franco, Norway, Sweden and Hupala Henry Waneainarher, leader of Uie orcliaatra at the Bntad, boa the band at Llnadn Park. It la uld arrongeineala have bim mule ■>etween Oeorne Holland, of ihe Olnid Avenue, and Auguetua PIlou, ofthe Onnd Opera Houte, New York, for an ei- chanRO ofatiractiona next MaaoD, Wllkeeban-e.—Witb the loallmnnlKl to Oeurao R. Robloion, May 3U. Uie Grand Opera liouae chtaod lu dooiafor Uieaeaaon. Tlie Itenedt nui, from a financial auindpolnl, a moat lainentabU fallara. The |>Llce of hta binb, and the frienda of hla youib ami manhiMid. ahowetl ranierkahlo indlferance, aod Mr. Roblnn>n loiik occoaioa to ao term It from Uie aiage. MlMlullALLcloaod fortlieP«aMa9,wl>«n the Nalil-Hrad- ley Bronie Staluea aaded a three uay^ eogageiiient of very good bualneaa. Till niMTllBATRB hade Bucctaiiriil eaek with Leon'a Di\h»'aLand"<r-Junel. Tlila houaeclcMOil wllh night of June I, to Open agein Aug. W. » i%i < RHODE ISLAND. Providence.—At llio PiertdeDce Upem llouM, MayX>-3l, Jaa. A. Hearoe gave "Shore Acraa" tugood bua] noM. June 4.5. De Wolf HupiterLiraaeDlii "Dr. Hyniai" Tor Uie Brat tiiue hare On d-HtJie Kalaiofrciub. a loral arganlution. alvea Ita illlli aimuai lulnairel Miow. In fumier yeara llie liouae eoa not tirgo enauRh t<i hold the people, and It laaafe topreaumelt will t« Um aama tiik ~ ear. Krum all reporla thla cloaea tho honae for the lummT. WUBINilTRH TllBATHI.—May&-3I, the Hon Tuii H|«c1- alty Co. gavo a very aallafaclurv iteriTuraiauce 10 a pratty fair week'a bualnaaa. Tlila week enda tlie aoaJwn at Una houae alao. TIte attraction ugerfd la"Trllby'B Baby." Tbe aeaaon at Uila houie haa be*n a verr pioxtwroua one. anil Manager Baicheller haa kept up tne atiracllonain auit Uie iiatrone uf tli« hooae. Dunog tlie Hummer Ihn liouae will be rapaired.oew aoaia put In and aonie new Mcenary added. THOWBRIiNlRRTARTHiATHB.-lt la uDcoriain aa to Jual how loag Uila tliealrenlil be kept open. The attraction for the week of May 25 waa Max Freeman, aupporled by the regular atock coupany. In "Pair Ploy." tlila WMk tirade vniiiieti playa a return, preaentlng "Pabe of New york." Yooya OvT.-Koliert PolUitl, of Uie "Kobio lluod" Co- la at liUhomH In tliUclty. Mr. PollanI I* an active mem- ber of the PaUtalf Club, and nlll ha heanl In Uielr inln- ainl alMw at UioPnivldeucn Optra lloiiae thin week Tony Bryant, of "MeUintr'a Flirtation" tUi.,l» lo tiorn Willi Ilia family. They wlliHuuimer at the Puint of Plitaa. Next aeaaon he gueanutwIUi Barlow Broa.' Mlnalrela aod wlllbeavconironled by Ida four year oM daughter, who la adancer Henry Bcntt b «|i«adlng itao Hummer In thla city, lie ban been engaged fnrneit aeaaon loaaaumea Rf. In Dennian TlMiiipiHin'a"The Dhl ilonieaiaad" t^i— a benellt tendered Manager John Plillllpa, of Trow- bridge'a Slar Tlieatre, on MaySU, waa a great auccev, both ai an entertainment and u a lualter of Anauce. Fnwtscket.—At lAiUirop*B Uet week Percj Weklon In repertory. Mr Weklon la well known liere, having been connected with tho atocb aHiipanlea. The pUya preaented were well done, and wortliy of much bet* Ur patronage than they receirad. On Jutie 3 a benefit waa tendered to Jamea E. HcElroy, a Bomber nf KaUier- loe Rdber'a Co. Tlie Itouee waa well dlled. CANADA. MoBtresl^At Ibe Acadeuij of Ifualo Mme. llejane liad big houaea fur week of May S7. prvaanUng "Mme. 8ana.(lena," "Ma Coutloe." 'Vai'liu," "Lnlolla" and "Dlroreona," QUBBM'M Til RATH K.—Tlie iTogklana return to thla houao June i-S, to produce Uie "Chech Book" and "Man Pro- poaee." TllBATHit IIOVAL.—"The Oalley Hlara" iivl falrliuuaaa forweek of May 77. and ilie aaioe ciHOMiiy produce "Loai In LondiiO" for weak or June 1 Booked fur week of lU. C. W. Wllllama' Vaudeville Cwiipoiiy. WiXDHOR IIalu— Mr. and Mra. Durward I.«ly Iwl a big luHiae May 30. Booked June 0,7, B. I'aullua Joiiuaitn and OnenA Hnilly DRtu. Ham—Roun'a Band gave four cooceru 1,1, to crowded houaaa. ROIIHBB Park dtd lair bualnaaa wnk of MayaBwIlii Mona-and Mme. Bruei'HIvlere, the Tliree Uardnera. tlie Two Luclfera, Houm, Ue Brlgayuid Ijivlgne'a Mllilary Band. Bill for thla week IncTudeM Jack Burk and wife, Fielding Johnaoii. Davenport aod l^retin, flouui and De Brigny. EoiN MOaiL—lhlahouae dkl good twaiiMM week of 27, with Uie Lady Hliiairvla. Albert Page, Hilly Hi>aelle, Belle (.llftns. Aggie Lumlna. Anlnlne BmiJiere, Ella (loir. Lew Oordon, llowani Hl>ier^ Frank Purreat, Kilty Martin. Marie DeiarU, Leonce and Profvaaor Her/reion lu the oonai. RaUlneu for week of June 3: Belle nllrton, Leonce. Aggie Lorraine, Magfle DIekeraoo. Frank For- roat, Alleen aod Noel St. CUIre, aod the Turklaii dancing PauOB TilUTHM bad fair huuaea for w«ek of 77. *Ilh Mitchell and Lorraine. Thnmaa nnd Wabli, BerUta HIaad, Millie Prankllo. Heleoe MIgnun aod Haneiu Arnold. The pingramme fiir thla «i>ek Includea Mitchell and Lur ralnei Thomu and Waltli, Benha Steed and MlUle Frank- lin, with Uie Allcoal'B HtoUie Blanche. NtiTiH.—Afgle Lorraine U nuking a big hit at the Kden Muaae Mme. Hejane cloaed her American tour at Montreal on June 1. ToroBlA^At Uie Ormod Upem llouiw, Her aO, ■Kloclra,"BophAclea'()r«ek play, will lie praaenlvf. un- der the auapkwa of the (Tlaaadcal Aauciatlon of the ITnl- verally ofToronfo, The aourulnment bIvoi every oroni- lae or being moat MccaaafuL Tlilavlll Ijo tliecfualng periorounoe of thla thealre. TOROinoOrBRAUonBhaa cloaed fur Uie aeaaon. MooRBii MuBBB.—The eitremely eorm veaUior haa compelled Maaager Voong 10 ring down the certain lor the aeaaon. _^ HAaBTML*sioHAU—Booaa'a Concert Hand 9. Avery large aod foahlunable audience aaaenbled at ihecluiing coueert of thla beauUful halL CO NNECTICU T. Hartford^At Proctorl Opera llouie ibe rcgu lar aaaaon cloaed wlUi "Dr. BynUB,"May 31. TIte peat aeaaoo liaa been one of Uie aiuat euceeaaful, llnanclaily. iloceMr. PfOctorliaal>eanlo«untroL The Iwuae will be oeenJuaej.Bi wMh J. C. t:allahan'« "Fanat" Co. Tlie iZiiiUfiaotUy Borlevioe Co. draw a good oited andience at. Da Woirilopper tooted the capaeliy of Uie houae 31. Mr. Hopper recited '^aaey at the Bat'' In reipooaa to eer- eral curtain eaiU ^. , , pAViLioRTiiBArRi.—Tbla place of omoaeraeot will to leed June 4, under the muageioeat of II. B. RIccI and L. Taleott, aa a vaodevilb ibeatre, under eanraa. If. a. Hayden. ol Pncfora wiu be treeaurar; T. A. Darhy. - ' —•— T»,, for ' _ reed June 4, under the muageioeat of II. B. RIccI and r ' " R I _ _ _ n'oilaU director! ~Tl.e Tolloeiag will cbmpriae theptb^ Kwime June 4-6: Boyle and QraliOD. l>e Tani and tay- . kTccI and Hueart, Bertha Broah, BIJow Mlanun aotl Pearl Kaymood. Popular Rammer pncea will be la *'3?anB.—F. F. Proctor waa la toso May II. He latenda to give ilartlord a new iheoire by Aegaat oeit rear and baa node propoaitleoa to dlRerent nartlea. U they fall to coioe to terme he aaya he will beild a tbeatraof bla a*B BqffafoMUl'a WlM Weal oiblblted Jane S to a large —Oeone 1>. VBwcett end Wm Percy UuwcU wen Mted JoM 3, ftt Brtlfwpert, OL, (be Rev. J. ILtaflroOelfttlnf. COLORAOa Dettwer.—At T^bor <lrud Openk llouee. week of June X *^e Old llomealead." MA:(nATTiN Bbaon opena the aeaaon June I with a atrong atock co., incht«llag the foUowing well known per- fofiuen: Wu. Ingemtll, Welter Rdvonla, l>eo. R. Mle- ion, Tom Hlckrit^, Auguaiua llalhach, Charlae LuthUn, Jtnnle Kenoaik, M»lget^m>kok, Btrah TnoK, Seaadle WlllUma, Delay l^Ttrlng. Their opening piece will be "Beuy." KLiTi'H'a Uarohmn -Denver*! fovorlte SuHinier reanrt wiiloiien to the puhllo 1. Manager Chaa. HchUllng will open with a attwig vaudeville rompany cmttprUIng tha Rdlevlng peTfnniien: KaUaaao, l>Hi|aB, Read aud Tafe, Arh^^Ard and U«ia, Cimadail and CbtTk^ Derando, Worth and ManhallJenune ami Aletia, tlran]«au ami May. Rairiana'a turnl ami orcheatra win rtiralah the muala Tlieganleiiiarenolenlya prime allnclloBfor nrerpeupk but they wiu the admiration of ererrvii- r, and a tour ofUiecliy which d<w not include llieiii (aconalilartd Inromidele. The gr^aihla hare been tran«- ftfmcdlntaa beautirul reaml. Tlie InipniTcmenla thla Kar are marked. Tlie Itandmiie tlieatre liaa beenore^ uleil aomeehat, ntiialeled and entirely redemnteil. ehlehiiiakaa Uaoemadaeliledly natAilpkace. A veramla haa l«en added to the iHilhllng. and a cvmmodkiua fttyer conuructeil. Neworcheatn tlialnnavr beenput In. The reananienirnt giveaa aeailngrapacliy of nver 1,011. On the atage the Impmvamenie arv no leaa imporianl. Many naw mechanical applUncea have bwea ulded. Reveral ad- dltlona have l«en made t» ihe line eihlltlt In Ihe ani- mal hooee. Tlie atar card al Ihe opeaing will lie fuitr baby llona, bom a uinnih age at tbe nrdea. The grvumU have been rearranaed aad addetl to. A new grefu houae, two hundred and ten foel hmg, containing line NaeU and four new fouuUlna,ara ainona theaihlitlnna. For Ihe oomlng aeaaDn many Urat cloaa etlrmclloaa are tooked. and II la certain Ibera will alwaTabe lomeUtloB well worth aeeiog on Uie euge of Klllch'a. pel [101 Paioblo,—At Iho Ormitd M jet tbere U mulling deilnltely aellled aa to the luromlnH ailraotlMia for June. <:oLt>HHiA.—Thla houae eoatlnuen dark. llANLi.t'HHTAXPARD.-All laat aoek'a aperLallle'ara ra- -ilnvd with hill alight chaotfe* In UiU we«k'a|iniMraiiiiiitt. Not uniU June 3 will Iho weekly change and Intn^lur- thin uf new »peclaltlM from Klilchnanl«ii, Denver, Iw Inaugurated. Bualneaa la fhlr. M«H OREGON, Pot4l»Md.*Al the HMrquatu Untid "Alobaiiu" waa praaentoil May SI to S. Bualneaa «aa etcelleni. 'T«o OM Cionlea" oi«ned tr. Leonard Qnver aibl aut>- lionlngaHnpanyaie booked for June 10^ prior 10 whli-h dale aererai amateur perfonuaoeeN a lii be given. CUBnRAV'e TiiBATHB.—IHiglna A Wahlran'at^iiiipanr peoed Ihe flnt week of their engagenioat 17, with "Kld- PaRK TNIatrb.—a eomiwiy ander iha name nf Uia American Oalety (JontiMy played to light bualBaaa week or JUL becoming BlnBded atUieeAdofUwaeek. A l>rii- alll perfonnance waa tendered the aiemlteraof Ute com. peay by local pmleatloDal tateut W. AxiiBfNiR.-Pntf. Llvlngatone, llie Oe Marveiu, Cul- tun and Winchell. Klnia Kaoeho, Aailtla LoL'rHB.-The Morohfrt Udiea Uiehaaira, F. Urban, tenor. Tivt_ Emma Krancla, Hela Hla. Det:aprlu. Htwur liiiuea. NtfTB.—l'n>r. lAoaard'a Imrve Uiiilngeiblhliloodrew gvod BliwIcrawilaatUie KipualtliHi HulUiogXlti>]5. TlvoLl.—Rena Rianley, Hadio PalrlleM. Amy lluacliell, nima Krancla, Hela tJuugh, Triieda, Budd Hnvder an*! 6.Det:aprlu. twuuRii'H NIW TtlBATRB CuilijrR.-Variety cun- MICHICAN. Delnill.»Beiiellti ere now In onlrr it Uio vnriuua tlmtrea. At the Hetrull U|i«ra liouae Managvr LaHirvpandTnaaunrlAwrence aaun lake aji>nit beiie- IIL At Whiluey'a Uraud Opera Houae MoNanu Alliiiau and Coatellu, att«cliea of ihU lioua* ahare In a l«iieill Juuel. pr»a«nlinH "A (Tracker Ja<fc," n [day In whlrli Uiey are dnanclaily Intereatwl. CAHrHki.L'e KHriRB Tiihatrb.— Tlila week Harry W. tnion'a New Kalravaganta ('.unipany will iiienont "A I<awii Pariy" and "lllitTi and Low," Laat week "Jane" Orow wrr well onnahlerlnn the nitreiiia heat vhkh pra- rallei). Manager Campbell tabu a benellt t "Jaue" will tie the ufTerlng Wii.'(bBRUNuTiiKATReA.<iuMt-HHB.-Curloliali:Hie)>1ien Hlap!lenr, I'lliicii and Judy. Kalatun, the raltleaiioke king; auil the Riiiltb Bru#.. heavy weight Jiigglera. ThMtre: Wllllemllanui, Im|>oU aiid Kllvn. Mclliee and Hill. Al. Doviieraod Frank and Eunice F,llli. K»Um»xoo.»AtUie AcAtlrnif of HuhIu Bliigrt Holau>n. In "HlieHluo|i4 In 4:iKii|Uur," cuiioMay !0, lu an eicellenthnuee, Wu!fURNLAHli TliBATHB.-"Tlie Devll'a Woli" Ciritloa June 4*W. NuTlH-—York BmUierik funuerly nell knuwn iiiualelanM In Uila city, araiiAw ■ Kit Hlouirng Broa.'(.'ircu* t>. 11. King, A- AlwNid and J. 0. Dtihii have urganlis«i under Uia name of "Klectrie Balerulnera." Baalamw^lluwerd Wall'ii IdciilB. In reiwrtnrj. Iiekl Ihe atage at Ihe Academy of Hnalu aoek of May 77, tn foir buaineaa, itia eitrenie lieat keeping many at liome. l«mBalHv.*Al llalrd'H Oporu lluiioe Ur. rtiid Mr*. Wliaoo Day caaie fur eeek enillng Jaila I, in niier- lory, at i«palar ^ricea, to good builueaj. SOUTH CAROLINA. Chsrleeton.—At Oweoe' Autdemjr uf Hualu llie (Oanipobelki Urand Opera tte. cluaeJ ilw aecimd week uf lla engagement Juno I, lo atoderalely (air bualiieie Manager Ketrgii, uf New York, la eipeeted aliurlly to au' pervine the iniprurenienta in lila houae. IOWA. DabiiqHe.>ldrceuiuCoDMdj Co., In repertory, atit»|Hilarprlcea,iavegood Hti*ractlon to vary limited audlencea. Tlila week einaea the regular aeaaon at Uie UramI Opera Huuaa. HraWAHTM PARBt^oMRurt^BfigV opaDftlJune I, fur Uie Hummer aeaaoo, at ihe Park. "Btruck Uaa" aaa pre- aented loguud attendance. II> M NEW PLAYS. "BonnU ScoHutd," A roDUDtlc dminm, by HIdaej IL Mllg, weg Boled for the flrnt Umo ou any itaffe Mny 0, at tbe l*tuiAnU Tbentie, TV)leilu, O. Uio Htory bliigeeoii tlio feud bfltwoeo two ttcotliBb dune, UecPiartetH) eiiil Col qulHiuii, whoMo cbtefa caneUt of one nunrlvlng male uibDlier, eeob of wbotn bee m tlater. At tbe Uiiie ut Ibe opoolug or tbe plijr Waller lUcFiifleDo U e prott^ribnl uuUew, and HunUcb Uuoligugn U In lioiBieaalim of ArriHiuhur CMtle, tbe enceRlnil etiUte uf HecKarlitue. Iluuh»neii, hy rnlne rBpreeeuUiiloua, baaeutbiltere<l the feud liatweon Ihe rival elana by mak- ing lluniplirey Coh4aliouD bellara Macyarlaoe guilty uf a niordernhldihe (UucJiauan) haa cnibillUd, owl, foar- Ing hta double dealing vill lie hrimght fo light, hai the military liuotlug fur young MacFaruDe on a trumped up cliarge of dIaloyaHy. Both aiaUn uf Ihe chlefa of the oppoalng dana liare been brooghi ui> In Ignorance uf Uie liltur food, and each Oboaccldeniallytueeu and falia In love wlUi her hrotlier'e foe. Waller MacFarlaue aevea Uiellfeof MlaaCvhinliuunat ihe rink of lila unit, luB«a hla heart and wini hera. lIuiiiHirey Cgliiuhoua iiioeu MiaaMacFarianeand acuoaau aac4irt ilurlng a iiaianl* uualuuroey, which raiulij Inilieir falling Id lore elili rach other. Both Umm maeUOH'end Uie reaulleitccur an i|ulckiy Utai Uieladlaa' oaniea are unknown ui Uielr rev Cictlve lorera. When they meet Uie atruigle betwoen lio- imI and luve la atrong loibebreutaortJietvucliiefa, but kive pravalla and a reewnclllaUoa la erfectod. Tlie vilUiny uf Buchanan la bruuglil Ui light and a unlllnit ut Uie clana of MacFarlaoe and t'olijubtiun by a double mar- riage la Uie reaull. Inlervoveii with thla liaarl aliiry are character eplaodea end iiaalnthuuior. Thecaat; Walter MacFarlaoe, Frank Laiiuar; llaeai4irayC(il'iulitJun, Wm. Hialford; Murdoch Bucliaoan,O'Kaue lllllla; Tain Dun- can Faa, Jnhn IL i]umi^o; Lochirtira MoUale. Prank Draw; H'alUcw DugaU. Tliaddaaa Rhine: Heniaiiie Mr Wliarry, Nuniiao Campbell; l^opt. Hageaon. Lawranca Kddlnger; Landlord of Holly ron, John II. hIlia; Mary Uuhiohuon, Belna Herman: Jean HacFarlan^ Violet Black; Nannie OugaU, Annie BuchUy; Oatlierlne Kpa- wurih, Oraee Lyndon. _ *'BlBnoB." A eoclety ilrmue, hy Kdwla foucbere, weg preeenu ed for tbe flnl tino on en; Rtege May % et tbe Tcople'i Tbeatre, Toledo, O. Tlie acllon of ibe pley lake* place in and arouwl Farla. Tbe gtury: 111' enca La Vergne U tbe beautifgl daugbler of e faltblea women, Ui« UHinleag de Ferrand. Tbe Connt de Femnd, berbnsliaad, dlacuven ber InH- dellty, Rtrenglei ber, aod dleeeoon gfterwerde bliU' Beir. llie eeute (e bequeethed to liU cblldren, Ed' mund and Utbrlelle, end bli Deiibewa. I^ul aod Claude Ue Ferrand. bla aun Kdmuod recelvlDg ilie UUe. To avenge ihe doolb of tho CoDOteaa ber luver. U»e Chevalier TalUast, ulee to deatroy " lielra. Throu^ aome neana not deeriy eipUli BlancapoiaoaaClaude. aod. altheogb Bi»l)y la fovea __ hla brolber. Pool, who haa awero to av»Dge lila daeUi. flnaliy beeoBoa the wire of Rdmood ihrougb the power- fel Influenoo of Iter moUief*! h/ver. Blaoea'e huabend retarelngauddeol/frvmajoameyflndi eooelaaire evi- denee orner tore ror bieeonain.aiid aduel la aimut Uien- aoe. when, thrvugli the nacblnationa of liar pereecator, Ihe Cbevalfor Vaniani, abo ladeooenceduthe murdereaa ul PuFa broUier.ood eoda all by drlnhlegipulaoned wine. Tbe coit: Edmund, <>mnK l>e rerreod, Wui.Mioffonl; Panl DePemod, Fnak Lander; Claude ronond, iJerald Rob- erta: Dr. LocleoConller, Fraoh Drew; Chavaller Valllaoi, O.Keae UlUlaj Uaolan),yheddeaeBbloe:Narelaee, Joha "Um Beae Javue, Mornao jkmpUll: CopL NEW YORK C ITY. La.t WMik'. Bvrall.—Thowtuwll ot WM-M pmollnlljr omltil.m lur iw Ihia rllj la cnnreneil, wllh ili> olftM (It tlia piKl wnk. NeTcrtliilnK llio wook iru lij no mmnii ku iinlniiviritnt iin«, nor illil II Itck Innrmllng iiwnia. Two work.,» Imrlcnino nnil It conilo o|Him, «oni proNinle<l for llio Unit llnio.jei nell her of llicni coiili) rlitlni Iha inorll of Alisnliilo iinrrlly, bh Ibo ilml iiiitiKil vaa foiinilcil npon II Bhakopcnroan play Hnil Iho opom w*a hnt Iho roilaliiii, allhouiili * vrr; lhi>mu(h onr, ot n work oiliiiMllr prcariiitil hen inanjr jram aRO. Tlio Imnlni'in ot iho ncok waa vnj illmppolnllnit. A mrm wkto reachnl Iho rliy .vcnlnii of -ti, and conllnucil lis vMl iliniiiithoul Iho nmaln' iter of Ibo wc«k, lici-nrailoit Ihiy mnilncFS woro RlTon M all llio Ihralm., Imi wllli ullm at- tciiilanco, M the ilar pmvoil lo lio not ouljr olMr, liiil liilonarl; imiiu, iiid atitlHlilo onljr (or open air oiijojmoiil Tlio conllnucil allmclinnii (or tho weiik enilinx Jnno 1 were: "Tliniyigaiio" al Abbkv'ii, "Trilbjr" at Iha (UMDii.y, (leriniiii (l|icra al TmHicil UiKoaK, "Tlio (Corner dmcor" al the l^l'KTilNTii KTHaur, lUobaiil Uaiunrlil, In r<|nr- tor/, al Iho (Uhhici; Win. II. (Yiuo at Ihe KlITil AVINI'K, "lilllo i:hrt>ll<|lhol" iti ■■AI.HIH'H, "1\HI Hnoh Johnaon" al llio HrANDtRn, KiiKlhih Opom at Ihe (iHAHiillraHAliiii'Hit. "A llalot; lllrl"ai lui.v'a and 'The Filial l^inl" at iLn AcAnauv ur Hi'hii.', Ibo olRhi taut naincil doalng ujion that date Tho one week alniiita iMohIdk Jnno I. went ARnoa Horn* don at tho I'Kiiri.K'ii, 'Tho .-41111 Alarm" at Jaciibm' TiiiHiiAvii.Ni'ii,"Tlio Irlali Aill>l" alllio AuaniuiH, l-iiiM'iihcail Wllaon"at Ihu lUHi.lui llriHt llnnaw, and "Uj Aiiiil llrlilKol" al Ihu (.'oi.i'UurH Varl- tif eiiltrlalnniriil irni tutnl.hcd hITiinv PmoH'ii, KDHTiit A lliJii.'H, Ilia I'Miis Siji'iKK, I'wicnm'ii, Ihe lAiNno.1, Ihe oi.Tui'io, ihn i.'kkth«i. OriiA lliiini and MiHKH-a Hiiwkhv ami Kiiiiitii Avkni'k. ... At Ihn lliuiAiiWAr TiiitAni, iiu Maj n, Uanillh) li'Arrllle, anpiKinoil lijr a talrljr uapitlile company, prtaoiilcil (or IIioHikI tlnio".v iNmililer ot tbe llovolullon," a oonilo oprn, In three acta, uiualo by l.iiilwlic KnglainUiranil iKHik lij J. Uheover lloMlvln. Ai Iniliimicd alHivo, hovevcr, Ihia work I not an alMilnto irovrltjr, lint proved to In a teiy Ihnroiiibljr ravlaeil cdlllon ot "Hovonlorn Hot- ontj-alx," a vork wlilrli hiiil Hlroailr liccii heard In Ihia tVj, Mention nl ihia rarlU'r pnidueUon waa iiMdo In our laat Ijwio, and need not bero lm iv. pealed. Tlio work In lla new (onn met nllh a conllal reonpiloii nnil ill«pU>cd luimrlnni nu'ilt lu wamnt tho IwllcMhat II will pnivu Rnt*i.*rai(id At Iha llaHAMi iKjiTAHH TiikATiiN, on Ham, there Wttri prmhicctl, (or tliu nml lime on anj alagr. Kundot 11,'* an upomilo linrleiu|iiii, lijr l(. Ilmtlan liimiiellf anil llomvr Tunrjoo. A runipolrnt cum' pany ot plajreraapiHiarvd III Ihia priHliitiilon, many ot wbum rorelved wrll ninrllnl pralao (ur llirlr lalKira. lint the conaciMiia u( upliilini waa llial llitilr elUirla wcm waalud In ia hail i-anar. In tanl, Ihe pfiHliiulliin bail. In nilillllun In lliu ifuuil work nf tho ininiMny, all Ihu aitvantatfra ut liandaunio alaRhiff, lull II iiuvvilliuloM (alird lu will apprural and ari'iiu ilcallncil (or only a lirlef oxlairoiw At Ihe Kimi Avkm'K Tikatiik. on ntirmoon of Hay 31, urciirrod Ihu well lirnildod liiAilntonlal lieii- em hi lliu vrlrmn anil humtrLiI player, UliarlcH VV. t>uildock. Tlio ailtalrhail Iim-ii hinx In prv|iara1lon, niitl IhelHixniHntliiliolcodf aetilahnd liecn rtueni ly dlapoocil of al niicUuii, uull kiioivn iimfrwiliiiMia IiavluK lieun the aiif.lltiriurni, an alrraily iiarraleil III our vulimiii^. All u( Iho araia lit ihn hiinao hail lieoiianlil at (aiiry iii1i;<H, Mill all avallalilu aland. Inif riNiiii WHM llllud. llie nnaiiclal roaiilt waa moit aallafacliiry, the iiiininincuiuunl havlnir licen made tbatllniaiiinroNllxcil for Ihu hunfllirlary ainonnled u> |o,(ui. For Ihn prlvlliug ut niulallna In Ihe pmvldlnR u( iliu eiilcriultinianl llipro woro many RuneniiiH vohiiileon. luil, aa the eiiliro oiilrrialn. meni cuiialHiad ot tlio perfiinnjinrouf'TIiB lllvab.'* A llinllcil niiniliorunly ooiild lm rliiwii, and Hhotl- dnn'a dellghlfiil ciiineily waa iiItou wllh ilie foMow. liiK nolHlilo nut: air Anlhuiiy Alwuliilo, Wlllhiiii II. rniir; Caplain AliMiliiln, Miiiiry Miller; Mr l,ncliiu (ItrlMor, Nat II. iiikhIwIii; fAlkland, ThoiiinJi \V. Kcone; llult Ai'iua, Juwph Jeirenon; IMkTld, lis Wiilt llntipur; Kiir, Tliunina i|. HualiriHiku; l,ydlii l«nKiiUh, Viola Alkii; Mm. Ualnpntp, Mm. iulw llrow; l.iiuy, Kul-ln HuHenry, Tlio play bad licun uarrtnlly rehcarwd, under llie dlreullon ut Ur. JciTVirKiin, and au ex. CQlleid inrfomHiOi'ii whh Uio rcHtitt. Ur. Juifer. aoii'a ventlun uf the play waa iinml, In wlilr.h Ihu rola of Jiilla la onilllcd aiid Mini uf Falkland cunilil- enlily curullod. In IIiIh vrrvlou lliti (Ivo acia of tboorlKlnalaroreiliiuedlullinio. AI lliocuiiclnalnn ut Ihn perfoniMinre Ur. Cuiihlut'k Hdilreaaed Iho audience, and liiulmlnK aalil thai, allliouiih It had lieen nionllnned llial Mila evrnl marked hla nllre- ineni (rum lliu alaHr, iimiiy u( liU (rienila Inihdod tbal It ahonlit nut liu mi rmiililercd, and Hint hu Imped that Uiuru iiilxlil yei lie uppurliinlllui fur hliii lu appuar iHifuro llio piiMlr. Mr. i;unlihiuk waa iHiniuii April w, IIII6, at Niiiif Acre, l^imlon, Kng. Ilu ban iK'lin iipun tlm alngu fur nfly-clKlit ycant, (urly.»l.<( u( wlilidi liavu hceii paaxd In IhlMiuiiiuiry, nnd Ihia evrnl lllilniiijr Irallllcd the linniir and caUeiii ho haa wun friiiii lliu pnlilln ami (rum the inciiilHini u( lili pruteuluii Ulllan lliiaaell waa III from uvurwfirk diiriiiK IlioliiUur half ut ilin paal week anil ciiulil not apiKiar In '-'rho lyiKanu," now riiiinliiK al AiiiKV'a Tiikatux. Her role uf Vrm waa i;iinjici|uenlly fllltd al oil purfumMiicra liy Clara lAUe, wliii won tiiiieli rndll tlierelii. llliw laiie'a ruin nf Nliitlla waa llllcil liy l.tiim I'liiily. Vcaia Tlllry'a eUKniiomeni at TuNV rAimm'a TiilATHKenduil JiiiiQ I. ij'iHiM lliu prncedlnic niKlit alio waa Rlreii a iMmilll llmni, wlilnh wua lanrly al- k-iidml. Afler abohnd rendered nvu aonita llutry M. Kandcnuii, Nr. I'aalui'a repd-iwiilallve, uiiie npiiii tlio Hiagv, and uii liohalt ut llio Rcnlal and Rfliieroua iiuiiugcr iimaenlcil Ulaa Tlllry Willi a watoli eocriiNlcd wllh illuinunilH At the (Imnd Opom IIuiimi the aeconil and Itthl week ut ^^iiKllab upera, oa rendered hy Ibu IMiry-Vanden Hcni l.' i., Imkoii Hny ». 'Thul,|iy uf Klllariiey" wu the piliirlpal oirerlng, havlni boon preaented ut ull (irrforinancea except (lioao liven upun the alUTnixiii uf IhicunlPiii lluy and tbt NiKbl nf June I. "I'lie imlieailin ulrl" was Ihe malluee allracllnn, and iijiun Iho cloelnir niRlil "Oivalleria llumlaiia" waa Riven, In conjiincllon wllh acta friiiii "II Tiovaluro"aud IliaUly vf Kj|. lainey," Aliing wllh all porfiirinancoa ut Ibo but menUuged npeni, un and afler Ha; D(, th« "llal- let ot Vupellbt" waa Riven In niuUlaled (onn aud wllhuut > prtmlm iliuuriim Tbe rouf gar- den ut the AKKKiiiAN TiliATKK woa uptiied Juno I, Hie nin ut "Tho Curner Onicery" came Ui a aiidden cloaa »a June I, nu performaiics bavinx baeo glveu upon tbat dalo, on Ibo Iiuum bod licen cloatd liy order ufUanoKor lI'Meniineal, la Hpllout Iho proinU of Daniel Hiilly, DiNlil. Fhoiiuah, whiiarrlved May :il InlbUcllr from > all week*' inp aliriiad, liruiiKht wllh blui K. K. Hooe'adniinatlialloii uf Anilioiiv Hope's uuvel, "nieVrlwinertir'/oniU," In which K. ll-Volb«rals to appear next aeaaon, and "I'liii lluiiio Hocratary," n. U.Uirtiin'o now play. Ur. Fiohiuan will remain ben nnlll Jnno -M, wlieii li« will xu Willi the liTcenin TbestraHuickCu. luiliu I'sclDc i.'oaal. lla will re- turn lo lime to prc|Mr« tor tbe prmlucllunof <l«urRo H. Wins' "Tlie Oily •>( I'ltMiiro," at tho Kinplro Hie- aire, Hepl. I, In walcli imHliicilou ba will b« Inlor- ealed. Olaa NBiiicraola'a tepaiturr, Baxt icaann, WlU liicluile "i;arineii," "Hnnieo and Juliet," and "Vamlllo." Hlio will play a ahuti aeaaon on Ilia mail aod cuiue Pi Iho Kinplra Tlieairo In IMceiniier, iTiitainiuunuHlibatMni. Nell llnrgna will taavu Ibo eniira liualnewa nianaRonMnl of Iho Blar Tlieaira while Mr. UiiigeM ortll conOna bluualf lo Iba iUga nanaietneoL