New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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214 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 8. (UNHICK I'llKilTHK.—ThO rCKUlKF HCkKO 0( tllll houM Iwving clonwl June 1, Mr. Haoiiteld lu*ugu- mim It SummtrMaiOD, 3, wlUi tlie producUon or "17imi>7,<> an operatic butloiique, In tirouti,br Joseph w. Ilcriwrt, mualo lijr Cturle* Puemer, It ITM Riteteil lir ■> noUlilo (Udloncc and met with liiMlatil R(ici:cm. Jdr. Ilertjert tiiui <Iodo bin work well, uuil liaH produced u book lltnt notunl/ dlA- ji\*yn mucli wit, but bIioiiehIii In liiiiuor. It li tnio that It lackH keennen iit eatlro, Ijiit that In proliabl Hii ailvantaiio rather than a ranit, for It Is dinicul to maDiiructiin xatlre that la without lillleniein.and the fun Willi which Hr. llerlKrt hin enilowed hit work u ilioromthlj Innocent anil lull of klndlf reel- liiff, wliblho exception of hlHCtTurt to caricature the Itev. Dr. lUrkhiirHl, which In In poor taate, and wa«i thtm ciinntdored Xtj tho nuiltence. Mr. fotl^r'a (Iraniatl/JitlnDor l)u Haiirier'n work hait been lol- luwvd i|iillo riAMly 111 tho liiirlaHiiic, up to tho cloa- Init Rceiic, whore u new cndlnit (iim licen iiippllcd In cohKOUHnco with the hiimorotu treatment of tba theme. THny In thla Imttaoco la known aa Cara- I'nela, tho Ulirl licoiniu Uutier-Scotcb, Bven- nail llffurefl an HpaRlicttI, Itcckii m Jocko, itnd Hmo. VInanI cliaiiuen Imtli bcr name iinil her natlonallly, unil liecomea Ura. He. Frtdileii. An 111 Ihii nrlKlnal drama, lijpnotuoi IM inado a prominent tutiutr, hiuI Ita fun Diablng IhiimIIiIIIIIrh iiru rulljr cnplKjrol. HnaRliiilll lirnnp- iliXHOvcrviKHly ami ovcrj-IUiiir until ha anally eo< rntintcra Tin Maurler, who Hi proof aRnlDit hln In' fluence. Ill fact, HnuKliettl In a pomonage of weird Indiionco nnil tcrrlliln niwrr. lie iiiakea IiIh tlmt cnlrnni-c aci^nnpanleil by meteoric tllHttirlmiiccH, unil niHkeM hU oxlta 'mhl itrcfin ami gniotome light, lie mvolii In ilemontnc power until llie eiiil Im rcarhrd and he la coiirroninl liy two rvlitlvca. bin wKo and ion, iinil when at liwt he In i-laliiicd by biM Hataiilc MaJeMly wo feel ihiit hero again Iri an nlivlotiH rjiHO of kInMlilii. Thn niuKlr eonlrlbutcil by Mr. I'uonicrlH pleajilnu tliniughoiii, but inerlla uo ajieclal mention. Tho porfuniiance,ua a whole, wan very coinniemlHlilo, but tho caet waa not In Homo liiHtnnrca well chOKOn. Alexander Clark, aaHpaghotll, and Carrie H. rcrhlnii, aa Thrllbj, evl< ilonily i-jirrlcd out tlio nutlior'R Intention thomiiKdly, mill Irft nolliinu undone which lulgbt liave atldea flircrllvciieiw to their work, nor, what Ih Httll moi« coniincudiililo, did Ibcy do anrlliliig ifi innr the ex- relleiice or their ruMpcctlvoperTiinnaiiccH. Nextlnor- ilorforofrectlvenemwaaPlomlrw III, whom Hong con- ceniliig Ucl^ddou'a blatrlonlc cxiiurlenm mwlved the hebrtleiitoncorDortlio evening. Adehi lllcbleaiig liettor Uian iilio generally doex, which In not vetr high pralMO, It hi true, but It la Hid full ineaHiire to which aho la entitled, for her acting waa xjirccly worthy of the name, and whorovcr elae abo may lie- long uiHin tho Htdso Hho corialnly is entitled to no ptacelnburkwiiio. Margaret UclKiunld, an the /nliij WEH qolto captivating, and rendered her aong, "l,a, ■a, la, loll," with charming ph|Uiinry. IL F. OoUon and K. U. I,jooa nru acluraof acknowledged ability, lint were orldcntly not In their oleinoiii, ror they added nothing to tho dluro or fun. Of Ibetwoacia or the bdneKiuo the Orat la derldcilly the liellcr, the second act nelngnmrred by tbolntrnduciloii or Kdward U. KIddcr'g nklt, "UaiUiiio .saiia lU-Oeno," recently nrraeutcd at the nubile gniniHil or The Mnilte. TliU Irine la In luieir decldvtlly clevor, and It gave Hr. Lyona an opportiuiliy to rcdocui lilinaeir, wlilublie cenatuir did not ncRleut, but as It la writ, ton Id k KtyloM taoruughljdinvrcntrromtbivl of tjio work Into which It la thruat It dcatroya tho liar* inony or tlio pcrfontiaiicc. It vuiild Iki well to omit Itaiid put In Ibi place auniu Himclaltloa, thiwoor n grotcsiiuo sort ImIiik nrcroraiilL*, iinivldcd thuy do IMitlackrellnoiiionl. ''Tlirllbj["la|u»t Ihcanrtiirat- imuUoD neoilod for the iiiiitniiMilltjiii Hiiiiiuier uoasoD, anil aa a nilliied and liitcltiKtiml audi- unco haa put upon It the Mai or aiifinival, aiitl Ihoteby dealt JuaUy witli It, It hIiiiiiIiI have II voiy Hucceaxriil run. tt wan thiia ea»t: Carainehi, IL F. UoUou; lluttor.Hcuicb, L II. l,yona; I.llUo Wllllo, Adolu lUtcble; Siiagheltl, Aloxamler t^ark; Jouko, jAulaWcalor; the /ulii, blargarutMc- ])onald: the ilodo, llnce lliitter: Anlia, HIaa Flciir- otlo; Mr. Faggot, George llii Maiirlor, A. U. An- drews; Tlirllby, Oarrle K I'erklna; Hra. UcFadilen, Floranoo Irwin: Hra. h'aggnt, Uhlan Urccii. Tne Intoniolated "Uailaiuo tlaim Ila.|:eiio, or tho t>u» of lobei: Jlabellloua Katherloo," waHiiut aa rollows: Kalher. )ue IMIwcber, Mr. Cotton; Nap<ileou, Ur. Ioioiih; Court Harahal U Kobro, Ulaa Itlicblo: fiuioho, Ulaa Ituuer; lie Mghtblrd, Ulaa Uulimulil: lUiuiUii, Mr.Wosloy: tjueon tMroIIno, Ulaa Kchnnl; I'riucoaa Kllza, Hr. Androwa; Joiiiilo, UlHatlrecii. Koeriii t UiAi.'a.—WIUi the cndliiR or the cur rest weok will come ii Huiiinior aeauii or durK. iieaa at tills houao, and the miijurlty or the petfunn- Ota DOW apiioarlDg hero will llioo bring to a close engagonieiila or untiauitl longtli and ilaUurlng Irl umph. lAst week's bill waadeoinuil or aiithcleiit alronglh tojuatiry IIS rolenilon, with butunoaddb Hon, and the audlenco hi ntloutlanco Juno 3 waa large, llio pfocoeda or Ihla, ibu Uiial week or the wwaou here, aliould vie with thoaeor any like period that haa guno lierora, I'rinco Feo luug lajgaii the bill with a clever exhibition or Jiigglliig, mul the ItoiHow Uroa., who rniiowod, tuay Justly feel proud or their succon, ror wlUi tho rliiglug down or the laat curbiln they will have tllloil thirty- iiDO oonsoouUve weeks, .smith and CaoV ontored tholraecoml week high In ravar,aud Frod II, and bis raiuouH lenplug dogs, now In their rourih week, weie wcllrooelved. The Craggii,uow Iniheir alxlh week, wen) recetredwith heart; recalls and mot with other evldencea or favor. llUioia on tin )irograuiino won: A, <>. Iiiiiicanlaecond woek),Uei^ rlleoa Blaluni (second weok), Heora Unm. (olghtli week), Uarrlot Venien (roiinb week), Hielllug Mud UaWell (rourih week), atid tho second week or the spoclal aotlos or living nluturrs. The cloaliig or tho music halt proper will Iw rollowed by tho opening oT the toot ganlcii, Juno lo, ror tbo Iimu- fluratlnii or whioh wvcral Kuropvaii novelllca havo loeu aouun.ll, ai|il the lailnnis or tbia resort will la> ngaloil rioiii llino to iliiio liy tlio cream or tho fnnlgn niarkol, and sleillUK mpreseuiaUvos of Ituine MIcnt aa well. Tiia MiNiiATrAN TiisiTSK, which will bo one or the now reuluioa at Uanhattaii lloaoli this Huuinior, la faat being proiiarod ror tho oiionlng ur tlio seaaon on Juno lit. Tlio houao, vhli-n will lio under tho luanagouionl or R K. Itlco,wlllbardlyltorecognl/.e4l HHtho aiuphlthealro runiiorly dovutml to tholiand conootta. Tho slago Is uuusinictod on the lateat phins and la amply largii to acromiuialato any kind or dniinaUi! prcaoutatlou. Upon tlie stage from hair iMtalx to elghto'ok>ckearliiivsiiIug,Sousa's Iland win play. The raised bsuka ur aeata ror the inual. rlaiL^ aro so arranged that tbey can l>e lowoied to the uago, giving a level nmir. At iiluo o'cln-k tliu regular dramallo itorforaianco will begin. Aa Ilia opfluliig attnii'ibai Mr. UU'o aiiiiouncoa "IlifJ,** rovhwil and limugbt un to tiato. 'l1io oaal whi Incliido Waller Jmira, Wlinnm II. 8loan, Hark Hiulth, Yolaudo WalUpo, Annie HuUierhiUd and Maliul Wallace. Tlio aiii|dilthiiatro u>^cunl«l laat Hnuinicr by llaucubin'k'H Anhnala haa also Xtwa rviniHlolAl, and horn thlaaoaxuii will In pmieutod a clrvua iiorforiuanco~l>iu\dHiok rlilhiH, acroltailo foat.->, light m|u walking and all tho other ramllbir rcalurca-BlHo imderMr. Ulco'a iiuinuitenieut. lliiHka'H l'.«|ju<x Nfaiii'ii—Thla beuae waa ralrly well |Mlroiil7.od Juno 3, when tho usual weekly l^kntlKU waa otTDi'ted In all doiwrtiiicnia. Uiina. HII. iHiu. Ilio Klohnuiud Klaleni, lAe lUlaleya, Ulara lUr- lun, Vamdl and latrkin, Frank Uhiytoo, and Hoberla nud Kiuiiry are In |niN«s»loii ul the stage, and |ii« vido an hitercalliig pmgniiuino. Tlio cutin lUt for the waok Incbidea llaib Itny, au Altiinu iltaltH-atlon. lal; Actio aiul Uakoot, aaonl daiiiwrs; Uoaud llliii, II fat mail and a akcli'toii. In In.xing coiiteata: ila. matfO, a Zulu ehlurtiilii. uiid uthom. Tbo Tiirklah liaivni la inalnlAliioiI as tha rosliiio of llu) bill, the lIalli'l'n>,^'atluM,^'a/.lraanllAnllllla,lK)lug Inslnng ilotnaiid. UAiiiaiiN HviuKK lliHir OAHiikN. — 11ila roaon n|M<lioil tiir the SuiiUDi'r w-aMin Jiuiu 3. with tho rol. loM-lug liat of jH'rrnriiicr^; KIclda and l,onta. pant- illaia; llatar.y ainl liurand, I'luiiiin' artUta; the linithera tYiwanibw; Kivnrli musU'al downa; Alllo fiillHirt anil John rain*. In H|MM-laltlofl; .Haiu Hvmanl. jAiili'a I'. lliM'T, Ulle. I^iiiiipndti'. the Alliuiinia. 4'lrrli-c'mo, Arlington ami lie Chniiip, In aiiiiga and ilaiirra; t^arr anil Jonlaii, anil tluaisve d'Anjulu's on-licalra. AURSII'AII IllHIK tiAUIlKV.—Tho pttiplo Who ap- |a<anMlhoro u|»iu the ouvnliig iilgbt.Juno I, an limllnued ii|»n tho tdll this week. Tliey arc: Aii.'clla llliivor, Jiiinos Thonituii, Qougot, llie Uiitl HIater.' I^harlea II. Want, tho tluihaui l.'lly i|uartot, K. lairU, Ida Hiiaach. (Iniive llilgblou, lllloy and lUnilail, atu) riilllp llei k. AmiKVa TilK»THit-"Tlio TV.tgano" began on Juno :i tlie f,niHh wc«k nr Ita run. I Jllbiii lliiawll uaa Mini unable In npin'sr, but aiiiinnnccniont waa niaitc iluii biT lieattli waa tujpnivliiK and that abe tt-iHilil pMhaiily n'aii|irarn. Olamliano again aa- Kiurnil till' rolo i< Vera, ami will eoatlnilo to mi It ilurliiK IlliW ItiiNM'lt'aaliaeni'O. llsiiAiji .sji'AiiK TiiMTtut.—Tlio opentlo bur- Inaiiir, "llaiulel Jl." IvgsnItatiicowl week unJiino :i. II prrriouu some pmlty slago pictures ami la well |H-rriiniiciL Ttv a wk lisolF liss, howeier, nut itp*n bivnmiilyn-i-eli'od. aiid at |i seaaon when It liaii Mining cn'iiiirr aunilliwstn i-Diiteuil witb It wiiiitd half Miilr I'bsiiro Cor auixtat. The Jiousa VJosca Iho acaaiiu Jiiuc s. Tony rurroa'a Tuunc—Tlie usual variety cn ICTlalnmanu In vogue at this house dating the reg- ular season ai« sapenieded thla week by tho pres- onlsUon or a farce comaly, entlllcd "The Twi FlalM," by Uany Wataon's Umictly Ui. Tin viory of the play hinges upon tho ailvontiiros ur rciiii Ithlnetnck, a gay Diitchniao, and linger (irecn, who deceire their wiveain orderto goto a nmai|uc< rade ball. A baby, a dog and other acc«itnrlra help to conpllcalo mattaia greatly during the action of the nieco, which savors strongly or "i; and 1." "A NIgbt at the (;ircns," and aefenl other old timer*. During the second act iho cbancKra, In rancy c«slunes, are_pennltted to dlapenao their specblUa. Minnie Tburgate sang and danced ac. ceplahly, llany Watson and Alice Uotclilnfs did their Hutch act, Julia (Hover sang, and Hlgnor Bonlll played a Inoetul mandolin anln. Ihirr; Wni- BonailOeorgs I«lle, In the two principal roles, were supported by Anredo flnrein, Kd. ttdvards, Willy Cherry, (leorge Uitngle, AUce llnlchioga, llenrlella HcotI, Anneua Zeliia, Uurgsrot Oallaalier, Minnie Thnrgate, Julia Uloror and tfarle Hregaml PioPLi'sTURATU.—Tliu Unit preMnialloD en any atago or "Ixignn'a |jick"at this house, on Juno 3, nurked the lieglnning or lira hut week of tlio piea entaeaano here. A talralMd auiIIeiK'C was preseni, Thla new play. In rour acbi, by Hal, liuld, ilrnia with lire In the hllla ur Arkaiima. Tlio llnil ac HhiiwaTnm Ix>gan nianledto Jciiiictl«Arniwlale,an advonliiress. l/igan la also loved by Itiiih Urkln. Frederlr Armndain, an old biver or Jraneiic, roinra totlie l^anhomealead, and Jeaiiettr,dlMH[>|a,lnii;'t In l^igun, aa a huabaiul, cona«nta to run away wllh lilni and desert her Infant child. Armadale, rear- ing a lust rclrlbullon at Uigan'R lianih, aiiKgeii* tliat tie kill htm. Jeaiieit4i consepta and ptsiw the dolalls, but, by an accident, l>igan*a old rather Is aubiiril to death Inatead. Ij>gan la diaaivered liendlog over tho laidy with Ibe knife In hia liaiiil, and, tbougli the mardor baa Ikcii wltiiosMd br Jem Mason, a Immp. l>ogan bi accused of the murder by hhi wire, and la acnienrrd bi pi1s<iii ror life. Four yean elapse, and l/>;.'an's niotnorlias licconio Idlnil, while lluth, a nilolMter- Ing angsl, lias taken her pbtco aa nilsirew of the houae, Buke Knimett, an Arkanaaa girl, hi here shown, "alius: cuttin' Iior Onger, biimpln' her head 'or auin|>ln' wiiaa." Tom's child pmys ror her rather, whom ahe luia naver seen, l/igan'a lillnil iiiolheraiid hairwiuod bmilier, Jimmy, and Sukc, go tothetiovemoror Arkansas,and axKfor l^igan's pardon, without any proor of bU limw-euce. hmv- ever; thla bi rcriiaed. tait when the nioilier givca the Ooveniiira bunch or old rashloned yellow piaea. It roiiitnda him ur hli own dead mother, and, tilled with pity, he pardons lAgan. When l»gun. In the lalson, u ordered to the dnngcon fur naving BTOd a crippled boy from a cruel guard, the pardon arrives. Araudale Iisa aioluii 1^ gan's child, lu hopes of getting tho l»gan Farm, which the gnnilfather had left her by will. lAgan now realizes that bo baa lovc<l Hutu all the wnllo. iloce free from prison ho searches for nia child; he llnils hor In the keeping or his false wire and her kirer. Aided by the tramp, whom he haa lierrlonded, I^ogan rescues tho child, and tho ralthleaa wire Is accidentally slmt by Amis- dale. Hie child la safe In Huth's arma and all ends happily. Tlie author Is one or the ruunger mem. lM;rs or the American Dnmiitlsfai' Cluti. Manager Blicldon reodeivd eveiy fsclllty at his command In Older li> give the now play a fair teat of inertL The scuDlcotroctaandslaglngor the pbiy were excel- lent, Ur. Ilald, tho author, awujuied tho leading nialo nilo of Tom l/>gan wlib credit, Sol. Aiken lUd a goial Idt of character work an Iho tnnip, and Kniinelt King naihi a dignl. Ocd Uoremor. Uertba Hello WesUirook, aa .Suke KmmeU, cleverlr luuwiuced a character, new In Its way, Mrs. William Hubyns, aa Bainantha I<ogan, waa e>cellent,and IIIUo VlaUel l^llafsrru, ss (ince lAuau, gave decided promise of a bright slage future. The play contains a preuyelory, and,'wlieu quickened by needed action, will bo Improved greatly. There are oue or two Inipoailblo scenes, noubiy tlio Inturvlew lu Act 3betwe«ii the irovernor and the iiootblack, and It might lio well to ellmluaie tho bnitallty or tho scene lu act 4, wherein tliavll lain strlkesliU mlslnss and then Iknilllu her. Still, wlUiiiiit giving a oUisely wiltteu critlrism or tin tint IMrfurmance or "Logan's Luck," It Is entirely aato to give Mr. Held much credit ror a well written atory. The cast: Tom Logan, Hal. Iteiri; Frederic Aniuulale, tierard Anderson; Jem Usson,Sol. Aiken: Uoae Jonos, Mwin Urowne; Jlmniy Logan, Wlliuim llobyns; Itlcliard Uarkbom, Deputy Weston, Kiiimet King; .Samuel iMWta, August Miller; llorbert Bhaw, Ubaa. Forrester; Toni Alexander, T. U. Uverliigj Hike Uorrlgan, K. II. Cleiiwiit; Umiiey Morgan, Kdward Brown, Klllo Pearl; Jeanelte Logan, Julia Alkon; Ituth larklna, VIvbin Kdaah; Bantantha Ugan.Mni. Winiau Ihibyus; lliuo Qraco Logan, Maliel 1^llarerro,aad l.uko Kiuiuetl, Uortlia Ihjile IVeaibrooJc. The play waa produced under the dliwllon or 1). W. Tnias Jt Co. Ho\T'a TiiKATXK.-Ianet Achurch, an Kngllah aotrcaa, made her American debut Juno 3, at this houso, aa Stephanio da Uohrlvart, In "Forget Ue Not,*' a chaiaclor inado well known tu ua by Qoiie- viera WanI and Hose Ooghlan. MIsi Ai'hutch made an unwbio selection of the Dietlluoi with which the honed 10 lis favorably iDtioduced lo Iho Aiiierlcau piibllo, fur the role or HIephnnle Is not at all sultcil to her, or ir It Is ske hulod to doiiionstnto the tact. There was one thing which site rully luinmaod upon her audloncu, and Ibat was her ability to act unevenly. She can ucarcely lay tho cause of hor dereota to uor\-iHisneas, for this would have dlasppeared before tin play bail pn>- Sresaed von rar, and she would liaru bIoihI out In ertniellgiit. thla was not tlio cose. Ilerresdiug U iioor. RhKiitlon-evldouUy oouuis but lltilu wliu her, for luneoUon la almost an iinkiuiwii iiuantlty In hor nieech. Ttue, lu one <t two of tbo scones wllh Sir Uoraco Wolby she otlcd ami Iniiiihcil very well, but when sulitluty or roroe were reiiiilreil she Uoksd the oue and ovenlld tbo other. SIcpbante, as wo know her, la a wwiiuii who venr successtully wcsni itio iiusk of ruiiect- ablllly for theputpoao or atuliilng iwalit -ii. Ibo Stciibanie or MIm Aohuroli navuililea an uiiicaai or Iho slutioi, havUig all Iho uiaiiii<:ia and ncilmia or such a iwnwu without the Imigiuire. When Uisa Achurch railed to make her ap|K-amiicc with .Mr. Msnafleld'a (;o., the object tor wiilcti alio it.iiiio tu Iho United States, II might have Ikcii lirlicr fur her had- she sought an upportiiutty 11 rviiim hero at a later date wiiti a utttoi' niuipuient or plays. The BU|i|><wUng I'uiiiiKiny mm ratr. Tno oaal: BIr Horace Wrlby, wt.linii llur- cnurt; Itlnoo Malhiolll, Wullacu .Shaw; ll.iir,iiii, AlbertUran;ti«rvaut,Mlniiunnds; Poriur, uutrauluii; Alire Veruey, kleaiior Nonvii; Mn. Foley, Juiiiile WeaihenUjy, and Bluphaulo do kl ibrliari, Jsnot Achurch. "In the Beaaon," a onu act play, wna pnaeuleil by Miss Achurvhaannndei'iSeru. The coat: lATd lUehanI Uronilolgli, Ur. Uarciiun; K<I- watd KMrtainme, Ur. (Iran, and Sybil Unn li, UIb:i Aobunh. "FUreotHe Not" will Iwpiiitcd Uonday, Tneailay and Hiunday. "A lioll'a llouae" la aii- uouDcod lor Iho romabider of Ihe week. LtHnuLUniu lloi'*! Musiu llAi.i.^Thla house elans the present week with ■ ndtubcror rront rank tuns In lino, the proitaninie being composed In the main of perTonuen whose nasi auccesies uii local boards should put at nal aily douiilsor their ablllly 10 give asllifaclloD, Tbo sttoiiilanco Juno :i was uncommonly lanie, and or that gonkil dlspoal. tlon which gives enconragoiuciit lo the iier, rormers. Ileni; Frey was Unit on tho list, wllh a Mtoi-k or liuiienioiiatloiia; itieii came KIdom anil S'orlne, rqitllllinata uiid Jiigaleni; 0)lller audMai'k, In a comedy akctrli: Atmito llaloli, bal- ladUl; lleniloy and Cauierun, iiiiirii-al artlaia: Nellie nclda, buck and wing dancer; llarria and Walteia, In a rinill and orlglnsl coiiieil)r sketch, nud (lertle (lllsnii. In popular aoiins, wim pncmlnl the Unrtln- iieltl HnM., tne salient rraumi of the rvuiiliig'a on. tertatnmunl, who bold tho sttentlnii uf their audttora Id a manner which brandoil Ihesi aa nulslietl ox- poneuta or the triple lirntb^r act. Iainkov TuKATitK.— a lioiise show of mem bi Oil- ing the bill this week, Ihe housAM on Miuiday, Juno 3, lieliig very light. Alwu sinl IMuialu, aketoh team, oponcti Ibe Khon-, and were aurcceded by Fred J. lUoni, banjoltt and ilniiiiiner; Max Fet tloglll ami his educated dog, ibi* Kllnoiu Slstora, coniedlenues; llcsloy llrulhrm, comedy diioi Frank lllley, buck danniri Uiio, J, Uuklii, rooallak *ud tho Wcaliin Ikoihcns, In Iheir muslrsl scu Tite shadow ploturaa clus«l tho slinw, K- ii- lloaaldaaii wllllieurilt on Tbunslsy, June i),nnd au excellent programme will lie pnivhletl. ror iirJit week a show cnlltleil Ihe Henry lllg Uurlesiiue Do. Is an- niaiuoeil. Tii> annual election of oiiu-on or Kilwin hvureal laidge. No. i, Actnni' tinirr or Krtcndablp, waa held June I at Iho Imlge's rciTntlj ariiulred new quar. Ion. Frank W, Sanger waa elected president, J. IMike Murray, vli-o president: K>lwtn Knowloa, treasurer, and J. J. Hiiles, serrataiir. Tlio now Ihianl or TruAleraeonalats of Aiiiniaiua Pltou, chair nun; Ailolph llcroanl, l^iula Ulichrll, tjharles Klein and Uen7 Bln)os, Kgirit's KxioNHQUARk TiiEATSK.—On Jnnea, for perhaps Ihe OnttlmelnmanyiDonthsthlsnaorlwaa able 10 rurnlab seabi for all who applied for ad mbalou, tail, regardleas or tbo fact that (be execs- stve bent had a detrimental eifcct on Ibo general liuidneaA or Ibo day, iho liouao waa fairly well filled. Alllioiigh Ibo cuntiiinary croada were not lb attend anco, the usual :«imiig ttlll of aniiiaement was rur nbdieil, and llis several perrormers were ssneniualy applauded ror their firorta. Tommy O'Brien and Clara llavll, a brace or new corooni here, round a genetoua welcome, aud Ulllo Western, another stranger to Ibis suge, waa vlgurooaly cheered ror her clever work. Ibise and Hilda Ia Porte, two very pretty glrla. ssng dollgbtfully ami wer« accorded an abiiiidanco of apptaiue. >;na Uenolill enterad hor second end II nal week, and waa gives a renewal of her rurroer welcome, expressed llirosgh much applause. Jamcsanil Ilowsrd Whlt^ ney lutrodnced a very creilltablo muilcal act aud woniucceas. W. U. \VataoD and Jesneite Uupra end Ihily ami IJevere gave akelchea, and the Rlxrord Urotliera ottered an ncroliailc act that wu well re- ceived- Unrdo, a Jugiler; Fulgora, In changes; Ihe Hare Hrotliera, uu tho liorlTontal bar; Prank K. HcNisli, In ".Slleneo and Fun;" Prof. Hampton, with hIa trained dogs and rata, and the Clipper (fuanet also contjllHited their eirorta to make the evening enjoyable, nud all met wllh a fnll mcnsuro of ap- iiruvnl, nccunlliig to Hie merits of their work. The Buiianer rcaaoii at ihbi hoiiao liaa iieuun In ciirocsr, Judged by the outward sign', tlnllecontlon lis; the Kirco or attaches donned their Niminer nnl rorii-M ror the tint time. The hoy iishera present a nciii iippeaniico lu cadet gray, trimmed with navy blue eonl and iiarmw gold lace, with kuluker- iHickcrs, gray stocklugs, iMtcnt leather shoes and //iiisvo irajH. The oiHceni and doornien look especially cool aud coiiirortablo In tbclr black gold trimmed ahon cmts, white yachllog cajDi and whilu vesta, with brans buttons. KvcD the slage handa have got Into warm a'enlher sulbi that ore at once comfortable and bright looking. I'alm lent fans have been attached to tho iMcka or tho seats throiigbout Iho houso, and Ihe ushera aro now kept conatanUy busy serving Ico water. Four dve horse power electric ransarelnopereUonday and nigbt drawing cold air rroiii Ihe Ice cliambeia In the Issoment. A special realure which hna attracted much adinlrini note Is tho rocky grotto wbtcb haa been constractei at the woHtslde or the house. FiKrii AvK.stB TitgATHB.—Tlila house waa on June 3 tho scene or the Drst nieinipolltan presenta- tion or Itua Wliyul's rour act war dnina, "For Fair Virginia," Incorrecllyalyled on the programme a rtmanUc phiy. Under Ibe lllle of "Virginia," Iho drama was orlgloally acted April i, Itot, at tho Ulnrd Avenue Theatre, Pblladelpbia, Pa., and Its story found puiillclty In these columns at Ihat time. The attendance Uonday night was very good, but It was plainly evident that the an- tlior's friends were sirougly In the majority, and while the applause wiis very genenina In volume. It was not given at the proper Tntemtbilo point to a dIscrlminaUiig venllct. Tlie dronia not only lacks tbo virtue or originality, but In following a well worn theme It gives uo new light on the onli led, nor does It add aiitl hhig of value lo the man] leiuona we have learned from Uio uorortunate Strug. Sle upon which the present work draws ror lie Inci. enta. DnmutlsTs liavo taxed our patlenco wllh oft repeated pictures ut tbe war, and 11 would seem high lime Ihat sectional reelings weie allowed to ■■am away, without lieing repeatedly recalled tiy too liilruductbiD ii|Mn the sugs or varioua ronns or the ott told story or "the late unpleasnuiuis." If ilibi last candidate pos- sewed originality or motive one night panlOD, In a massuie, Ita frail consinictton; but, as noi'elty Is entirely bioklug, tho poasIblllUes of Its succeas seem much In doubt. One strllilDg error In the dnnuillsl's work Is the Importance surrounding the uiuvemouls and utteruncea or a child much too yoiug lo accomplish the work one b< called upon to wlinoaa. Moreover, tbe action Is too depnnsing, anil doi'a not creato withal Bulllclont Interest. Tho etr<)rl8 or the rotiipsny are McrtOced to bring into pnmlueiico the work ut a few, and agrtat majority of the characters seem to lie lutroduced for the purpose of nmkliig poulUe tho presence or the tmi principal Ignres. The company was In the main equal to the requlrenienla or their roles, but the work of Frank Iloane and Minnie Dnpree calls lor special commendallOD, Tbe author and bis wife nsaumed tbe chief roleo, but It Is a rcgreitablo fact that each failed lo bring their tasks to a siiccosaful Issue. II. F. HcClaunIn and lltue l/)ttle IMscoe were very profldoatlutheir work, but the renialuder or the cost, aside rioni those above referred to, although rnr tne most part I'oinpelent, wereitouled opportunity to bring their work to a point worthy or mention. Tho play was castas rollows: Kilwaitl Esmond, Kdward J. Mor- [sn; Julian Ksiiiond, IaIIIo llrlscoe; Stephen Uun- nir, Frank Iloane; John Uiigbllu, Rues Wbylal; Frank Weslyo, Frederle Vroom; Colonel Lester, l.jHterSandtord: Colonel Shauuck, WlllUni Parke: Uncle Xeb, R. F. McUlannln; Uergeagt Uclnlyre, Fsllx Uaney; Iho Sentry, C. U. Thomas; VlniTnla hMnond. Hitrio Knowlea Wliyial; Nell Eauond, Uliinio Dupree. TUB (Xu'LDuck HENKnr Was marked by an ex- ceedingly attractive and decidedly original souvenir In tho rorm or a tasty broohure conuIiUna actual nnotograulis with btogtaphlwl sketches o( Uie pir- tklpaiibi In the noiutde perrormance. To those who take pleasure In tuo colleciloa or aouvenire, and a'so to nil luveiBor the drama, these remeinbniicea will coins as rare keeraakes, and they sn worthy of II iilaco In Ihe iioxieailou iir all who admire nrllatic products. Ilraniler Uatibows haa tieen honored by Iho pnbllcallnn, within the covora of Ibe token, of a critical cvssy or "Tbe lllvala" from his pen. A Hulled nnnilicr of the aoiivenlre may aim bo puichased by npplying at the box otllce of Ibe Firtta Avenue Theatre. I'Hiwnm's TiiiUTBB.-An exicllent proBraiiime kept this resort well nllod from opening lo cloelog iHiuraouJuno 3, tu witness tbo bill presented for lUe weok. Tbo houae U well cooloil wllh.eleclrtc rina, while palniiis are supplied with fans aa well, and lha^ when the Ihermometer la gn among tho W's, oa It waa on Monday, all who visit this houao will be comforhible. Ijdia luOBiiis, veiilrilo<|Ulstnnd coutorlloiilsi, assisted liy Mlas Uaurier, was voty eitteruinlng. mil and Hull, grotoaiiiicK, wore as runny aaever, and llaroonUooro niudercdseremilalliidalnhLauklugHttle. lltilding Hiid Sbinlon, In their rellned comedy sketch, "The ll«|ipy Pair," won much laughler. This lesm m:ika nmuiur the Urat In Ihocnmetly akotch lino, and givo a rluver akciuh In a clover and Interastliig Biaiinor. Ilerlriide lliiilcdgc, alnKtrand buriesque P'rrormer, was well Itcelvod ror her songs and ehaiigo work, and Pmr. Hart nud Mile. Uwsle.ln nmglu Olid llliKliin, dlil well, uthera wore: UcCabe Slid Kmnicl, ui-miiatic rnniedlaiis; the llaHvMn a eoiiicdy sketch:Fniuk lUkca l|iiso,lu his ••Tbrougb Uiidoii with lili'kcna;" Iletene Ttiosart, singer and dancer; lliiinisoii and iniuolll. miidcsl comedlana; IXaher and Carroll, Irish coniedlaus; Henland Uel- monte, mind ivndcra, und tiniene, each or whom I«. celveil their full share ul approval. Tub Kxtx-mvci-onxirrBRor managtn who had charge or Iho recent tieiiciH tendered to Cliaries W. t>iiiIiIock held a meeting Jniie a. Treasurer Ihinlel Frohuitii ropurinl that fjMi UM ticeii received, and more waa e.vpisiteil, A.M- I'aliiicr, llanlelFroh- uian and Juwph Itrooks worn made trustees of Ihe fund, and (ii will bo paid weekly lo the veteran actor. WoHTii'a Mi'SKt'u,—Tlio inaBagemenl report busl- ncaia.ssallaraclary here. The list or stagepooiile ror this week Inrliidcs: Ctuia. iMdemlorf, Xetln, \V. J. l>->ylc, Alico Ihirothy, lleatrica Cole, Vera llelle, llnluiud and lloivanl, liollle Ward, dullmette, the Allynasiid Margaret l« Mawle. Cnrlo hall: Tho new additions are Hose, tbe beaidcd lady, and Manager Howes' latest Illusion, entitled "Levlu tlon." UHiiAnwAY TiiKiTaB.-"A Haiighlor or the Hevo. lutton" ciitervil on June 3 upon tbe second week or 114 run. II haa won much ravor, and haa drawn lioiiaea which. In view or the lorrlil brat of Ihe past week, aliinild lie coosldeirtl quite saUsfactoiy. (lAHOK.y TiiKATai —"Trtitij" entemi on June J n|Mn Ibo eighth week or Ita nin. The attendance la still good. In spile of the uaravorsble state ot the weather, and scats are ticlbg inirchased far In advance. No now snnounrumenis hk\t been mads cunccniing the duration of Its run, ctAjaKii--Kmplre, lijceuni, Uljou, American. l>al. luor's, lialy<a^ RIar, Sundard, Academy of Huelo, Fuiirieeiith Biivol, Jaeoha'. Ilarleu Open lloaer. Casino. In-lug place, uormanht, imrls', and Miner's llowriy and lilglilh Arenne. ■ ■■rlem_At the tipera Houao "Pudd'nhaad Wili,Mi" alATIod villi Hiaa) alial liouisabul batlnam isit uH sreally ttirard lbs ami uf lbs «Ml,UiuiniaklDR lite last kaok of ll,p Sf>Moo oiw lo li« uorkafaaltr r«- nieiiil^reil. MaiuMr Mosanlvnt allrtbolaa ths laJllu -«ir K, His wanti v«ail,«r. Moaof lh«eDiploissof lbs >A4l vHa.,11 «tll lolum tltliaofvalBf, Aut-SS. r,il.l-aMi-:'.-nu,.lii»u laa iKMf (iDttni tha Mat we«k; In ran, llie «tini or iho PMa„n; an Monaaar Itarrv Ilanr bienlain ha-i ri>nrlu,liH) lo eloMat tha sad i,rwt«fe, lo r*. 0|.*n eArtr In Ananal. lie irroita Uialoatj tb« Uat tt- racllvaasralwtfkad ror bull bvaaea. Kala CUlloa aad Usia. Jtaiaicliak. In "Hia.Two OlflisoV' ooaosil to a coed stiad aedlNica. asd alioaU do a Btod wwk'a bosl- "tlLraric.—Manaisrrartln'a aaoaU tMBSBt took ptaca May ai;a»l. n(>l«llb«l*nillB« Iba warm asaUitr, aasa nnaaclal «iifr»»a. lira rollovlna pejl* apiwarisf: Itanava Atdell, Wil«m Brnj. Alica and Lula iHrkar, lillwii and vrll«<n. fl<>ui(Ua BIsir, BItIr CaiMr, Waouo and Oupra, lieurvo n»«klu sad othei*. NEW YORK STATE. Brooklxn.—The Intense lint or the past few daja haa tarnod Uir allooUon nf Ute |i«opl« In thla city lovaida iba aeaaliors and cwinirr, «lth llitia lotorsat lo thaatrical again. All bat nna or t'o i>r llie pUybosasa broDRbt Uialraaaion loa rlo^ on but Satunlar olsbt, aad til* AoiKblen and Paikatll follov sell In a vtek or two. Ilovercr. tboae who itn not to avaf from tlie clly fortlis SoDnier nionUisalll not wger f^r Ihswantof aniDaameol, fur Ibeio vlll be aaj nuinbar or rtaoita opaosd Id aod smaod Uta clly. PaaK.—"Our Ktai" la lbs lillt pra^Dttd bora Ibia vaak. with Kiiilly lUnobar In lha ladlDK mU. A Rncd alad and apprtcUtlve aodtsnce waa pnaant olpbt of JuoaS, vlisn II bagan lla lolaf ennaiamanl. JdIm Urau'a (loiiilc noara romiauiy. In "IVul Jooaa," JudbIOl llcnsa A nsHilAHiiT'a 4;«viifa] now tteloraa ara on the bill hare Ihia veak. asd Ihe usual Hooday nletit cmad waa iiraaaot at llio apanliit parriiruianre, when eadi aperlalljr waa lllArally B|i|4aail*r. Tlia ra^la on lli«pngnini>i,s*ar*; Will Itaironlaod llairr Manlalt. characUralnsan; tViann and nalr.rAmlATOcallata; Ulo- nla Hdiult, Willi Daw aonsa; M. il fUanlar. dImlMl and cliaractar.rtimnllaii; Wllltani ibiws, fancy ao'l eina danrer: Nellla Saynmur, inplralaAaeaand untnosilaneei. I'MiMi-KiTCAalxo—HualDo<abaalncr«aaad wondarf'illy at ltd* reaarl eirh weok abica ha doon wore thrown open In ili« pulilla a low wreka ato Vanattar Murray liaa arruar,l an ao-tllent pmaraniae fnr Ihia weak, asd a crowitcd hnntu wlino<«ad tlie parroniianre S. Tha p«o- pl< are: Aualbi Hl<iar>^ Manila Baaou, kttlle Cuabing, Tom runner and EJilip Ma<on. AMHBO^i: PAHa.-"Rlaek Aniarka" still et^nltnuoa In dmw lhon«Dd4 vfpeopla In ana wtet l"prorlnKtn be one oniis liaatatuacilunaor lu kind avaraaan In Hits eoun- Irr. Ananliro o«w programino !■ praaaotad thlawaak. ThrouRboul ths ataann nsw attractlnna wilt ba added. In racu a chanan of bill la nionilaad ovary weak. Ttio pfDaraMinia rnr thla weak Ineludaa the re»l llvlni aeaaaa lo lha liraorihaSoolhem naitro, amkl coiuio flebl* and In cahlna. A nnrel axblblllon rnr tboaa mho liava narer haanRouth, anil aplaaalns alttitllar Ihnaa who havo: a chonia or voice* and anl-^uu, mala and r«uiala: .\>m raoara, hnnlla rl lara, aladlaura, aUitataa baojolals wfai and buck dancer*. AMriltox.—Kaiinr Davanimrt batran nSranlahu' an naomaol bare 4, in Saidm'a draai, "(liaiiooda.'- With tbIa produeUon lha linuao will eloaa lu selaoo. Boalnaaa laat weak waa aatiaractnry. t'.'duCB —A linnfe company li hara thla weak. TbIa anRaaeiaaDl will etoao Iliaaeoaon. Tlia paopis: Tha Kour lAaaaida, Muroliv awl Kaonadr. fleorie Wllllain*. Kobt Uarlaad, Annta Kdwaidaand ihoCllna fllalara. .Nnrm -AII he Banarn Dlilrlct tbtalraa will I* thornocbty ovainaolail doHng tha Bamniar iiioniha Tha byceuin Thaalra will bo conduclad nadar Iba nian- aaamantor Lout* U. Prey nasi saaann. Ha will pot In a a ocb company, wlUi two alrang Isadlnt ladlea, lo play allrrenla weala. - BqAId —At tbe Academv or Uualo Ada Rohan l^jnna lha cbialnr week of lha aaaann Jone!!. f^r four U'l?!!?■„■,?'• "- Uonisn Rica" (lid but ralrly. Star TUKATas-Darknaaa pranlla. iha WHlHir Opera Co. haTlogalvan up llielr Uak owlnr In poor bnalnaaa. The eooipaay pUya Ihe ranilna rortnlahl la kt. Paul. Hlon.. tha auccaoilina fortnteht to bulaUi aod Ihe bal- ane« of tha Bniiiniar In Sr. l*aul. LvcseH TnSATnK—Tlila la olio ilia laat w«<k of Man- anrBoliinaon-a bnuaa, lie Maltfl Katon nompaor aop- afl jj"pj'"*j*l""""" "Hh "A Scrap of Paiwr" and Cui'HT Btsbict Tn«ATa«-L"tlng ptdorea. Baxo and "^'.''t,?*".*.'*"*^ ■'•><• ■'- J' Eaimatt, lha F^uTOoliana aod Allaa May. SliitA-a Mi'Hio IlAl.t. -Ollmore and I«noard, Uw ^^'l' r*;""*.,*°J'* Wbtlnay. LolUa Weal srranada. Prank Latono, tlie IhaioTana and Uargoartta ^Xa^'^'-l'f RJ"«. Mcaaus.-Andraw J. Baymour, naonio °J'^.!^ j'O' IHXna'a Trained Uonhoca, JoairiSI^ chel VIckara. Join T. an<l Little Block. E. 0- llarela. Blllv Johnaoo, Helaoola and Uia Cunilierlaud meebaalea^ clock. Lii.iv Lvoxo, of dia Wilbur Opan Co.,nuacbsd lha llrlmj Dilun pnoartj orHio ennpany. I. and Haoaianaa Maod Danlal rafaaa-l lo aottia, wheraopou Hr. Wilbur waaeosaolted and eonchidsd topay lhabTlb Albany,—The l,eland Opera House had Im nnal woob of III* aeaaoo Jusi iiaat. Daa MeOanhy ainmred aH tliawa.J la two ol lita pWa, -no FiMa otilani" The Cnilabnn Lawn." lo Tar>- sood baalnaaa, cooalder tnaltw lDleasaheiiLI Tha l-ajuTor llila boHwSS^U at puhllo auction Mar S. to Fred P. Pncur. fonnar part- nor .tUi IlaiiiT P.Boullar to lha mSSimait or thla ;r."lV. "'S '"i'tJEf" JT" •« raoa for two learatroinHar^iaK. Tha tbaalnwIH nnalaeloaad ll^!l."ii?.""J'i!"i!!L"<'l""' In Bapumbar, under Uw nuioaiomaot orMr.'Practur. IIAUlAXi-H Blskchkb IIall wss opsu 000 alsbl. Mar S^''!',°.f."!!>:^' '»k, whaa Ibe DollaVoi l'.o°pnM^aa -I*e LIUls Trooper." Agood alud audlaiiee waTpna- aoL TliaralabutooanHin aoaagsmaotat tiila Uiaatre baroca tl< ebiaa.o-iJaDa ll,wCn»nia ras^lai ShSii^ will pUy a muni data. -"loa ""uw Noaaia Baoa.' Cisccs wilt bo bare Jooe S and week. .'^'"•••-Tbe suaon Is rloeed here; but one atlractloo la iindorllned for Uia enmal week. WIRIXII Ol>snA lloU8S.-AuuleDrapnsaatod "TtiaCoa- ^ru37.'i7e;u°n.a'^«!ra^^^J;?.yt^^^^ M.l,;.T!'i.' ■^»»«'"" "I" vuf tu'a.«,.5'!S .liSJSzJl'A^J'""* "<"!■• "Ill anUraly i. deooralad Ibia Sumntsr. An aattca saw att of acanarr and a new drop cortatn will ho added, tha oU arooVaaWHl ''*!',?>S*'*>',!:"'< "d thadreaaing roma ranual. Tlw fl« bSl"" "l"'*':^'^ thJ daeoratlonalrtlt bTSr ^.,".'i"!!??"'"".'~*',*?,*'<t"» S-7. IligHub aoaual inoaloal raaUval wlU ha baU, under Ui« iiusaeeniaol of CUrk aad DoUraa. Conilg^a, Kal. BiJuiiTu«Are«.-T1ia Baadan-IIoctay Block Oo. had fair bualuaas laat weak. Nswburg.>>At tbe Academy of Music the rtgn. '£i'V^Ji&nJ1S"- "I"" "» aniaieoiaot oroSlla roa. In **nM Lttlla Treopar." Tha cnmpladoo ottba ; K'u:"*'H'^'Sr"''V^»« Lak,.urn!Klu or S! clly Una, and WaMmn, N. V .naaoa an laenaaaof la- coma for Manager Taylor, who will whoa Uia aaaaoa npana liara, ealar for palnnaBa Ihereftom. placing a llni. had ounitMroraaau oo aala at that plaaa for each par- gina.noa...^.Ttia Wromtng wild yfut eoraaajanal. Bob HunilnK'a utmia IP, gauuU'a clrtoa a aad SalS 11T??*^-"*? V" Ortawold Open Honse UallenA Hart had good housaa Mar Ir-S. la "LatarOo." Dalla RiJ"'?* •„" " " '■'"^ TiJSer." The S";!*"^*", ib"„waak.-.--.g<>r»fa Bna'. B^^os aad Lf"'?,* Carnlral did lood bualoaaa aU lastvaek nUisllng BroB'. t^rcoa eonaa June T- Uilca.—It the Utlca Opera House Delia FDi Opera Co, In ■Jho Llllls Trooaar " May », plaaaad a Urm audlanee- "ITia Naw Boy," sSdld poorly. "Tia Paaalag Bhow" cloaoa tin bouaa for Uia aeaaoD. WISCONSIN. Mlliitawlm.—At Ihe BipoalUon Music Halldur- loa laai week liualnaaa wu. aa uaiul, sooil. For weak of June 1 lha (bibiwlni UII U oTaiwd: New laeoa-Priscwa Dobioiouky aod bar HuRatan Tnnibadoon, Moatioaiary Irving, MeDoaouRh Broibara Trio, Fatlaraoa Brathan anttllarbertaBdCarln.aa4 lamalDing over are Priflre Ko-KIn, Car aad JoHln. HtsaonaUa, Urigloal doUiam Clly Ijaanal anil Stoppa aod Baiaooda. Ki-iil-tn Pahk.— T- P- Bnieke'a ailcaao Marina Band, wlUi Loutaa Biahaniar, mmaa anlolat, oMnid J, foriHia weak, la ooivluocUoB wllh NlUoo'a Aarlal BallaL Tbe J"' ?'V',.'!?"*^°E"*">' .l«aoot»il "tha roncliia Mao- or." whh Uoradiy Mutiai la lliS loading rola, weak tnd- H° * J!"^' (""""bla laielnaaa. Tha Ameriaia .unite Ooan Company comuiaDea Ua raaatar Bumaier aoaaoii. lU, In "Uaart and Itaoil." wlilla to tha PavlKoa the lolliiwioa aiHiear; Dallonlll Hroa, TredaJ^ Tvouoa. Hiicn.rk>|r IwhMtar). Hlnal MabUr and Vj^SSffi WosMNUxii MirHim -Hia&ger Marion maim boil. DCM Mm«ftnmDtt IcMpInK hit niort oMB,tiHl offtw, fur vt«kor\ 10 caridlullllll*. Moult BUDehTlMmov *..ui»»i). Prof. MHTim <iuai(c). Ia Baut BIwn (Sn iiuMRi). Hum-Th« T«ro KTtldi. Raj L. Rorc*. Law I*^.^ pick*iMlkmfo<Mmmfnii MiJmuM.-A* romhailuvtJ Id UiU toiivr l*«* vaak •oim II. >Mii*ina. |»ropri«iorand adttor ot JVwwfae'i rH*, ft wa«h1> wMlal JuuntI (HiMlihail lo ihU «Uy. Iia« bMoma iiiaaavvr or Aeadnur of Moalr, barloa haaad tha thaain for a urM oriaan. KaoaRM VanmrYDf win «»j>aclallj caiar lo keiurM.eoaeartaant) itiaTatTbatt atiruUooa for wMk •la>a,>ni| mm Konda>i wlQ ptav llivUnpDnilar |>ri<ftlaiineilo04. A. L llak who waa inuaonr ilorioi lha aaaaoo, aad vlio hu tttm aet* Ini bu»lD«« naHamr aod iraaaunr alaca Manta fl, wiu conilBDa Id iba ama eai«clly wltb Naoanr \aoowlDa......T1ta Uulon Bnlhan kn for yourdtr IMI waah. Blookaaia and Boiu Kara luQa lo Moont Llatnant, UIHi.. Id n*\ a hw wMka Mior to opaolDR ,^u r«ottlif()rHi*nii.Kao rrmoelico, &] Maoanr Jul« Wallan. wbu alan la 'Tha klnoaT Onlar" tlili ■aaaoo. wm Ib U» elij UM «Mk tIiIUbk ftfaodi. ThaThira Bunoai ckMad a ihraa waaka' ao. —rramaDt atBiruafrloD Mitle Hall Urt waak an) Ian ' K^Tl*;) ''Mn Uwj bookad dbUI Mb. Kfwd t^inwur as*! CliariM Hka, of thU oily, araornitlirqiarompaay to nndura tha notlcmJ com- Mir, "lha MMrimoDUl Anoi,'* aod w111opao ibair naaoa tarlr In Aayuat. Pmak Marphjr, Laaur Howard and iTtiaa. U. Hlmar hara baan a&inM., Millar ha> hookM ilia krfatt panoT bti Tbaair*. nilcafoi. lU. Maaaftr O. P. at BUeo VmuA 4m Lae.—At UeCRwnl, lUrS, Useolo iWtar-a -Paat Mtir* mm* to font bv^aaaa. Uwla RUlAii-a ••U.T.R."Co.. bookad br SI. MMoM. Daa: June WL "Tha Two Johoa" «^ ATBLHorUau^B^rottddatao Lotfi%Mo.fi7, B.P O. E anlartalBtd lo aocUlitaalonBiora than thirty viiliinE bnUtorafrom 0«hkoth,lo)taih»rwIUi urtral Klkmam- bata of "lha Pka Mair* Co. TbaaraolwaaioDwUiloBln Iba Datura ot a Maoaorial Day praUmloarr, aod waa tba moct taenaaTuI wclal aauloa In Uia blitorr of the local Kmm Cl»lr«.—Tho Aaroet-Miimng Imitiuilc Cd. nccuptad Itia llnud waok (ir May 6. "Tlia Black rrooit ■ wail U« aitrutlon 15. Rieiaon'a "Unda Tnm'a llAbln" Co. wan ravorad with Rood bakln»«aZ7 KUao Btarh Yaw and mtmbam at iw coiDpany bava liaao ria- ItloK bar* at lha hoiaa of har uuaBar, V. Thraoa. Mba Yaw win ahonly laara for Kn%Ha^ Tha niloitral ptr- roniiaoea hy iha local "Follr Co." will i« Klran at tha Oimod, aodar tba luaJiajranftBi ofidOuaf BorllojiBina, alMutJooafl. Tha*poc(al «c4n«ry aacurad rorilia|)«r- romaoca liaa anlvad rrom Cfalcaico. Tho compauf lo- t«o«l lo makaaabort iourortbo prlnel|«l cltlaa or tbe But*. » WE ST VIRCi NIA. W h Ml I Off I—\V Heeling*! Ont Uummer operu >«am will bogiD Judo X "baa tba RobloioD Opera Corn- paop wlU opao fora two waakir na at lha Whaalliir lUrk Caalno. Hlx perTonoaQcoi vlllba (rivaii ejch week, lour Dlfhli) and two maliDaea- Popalar pricea will |trtull danw Ilia aooil*niaii^ «hlcb|>ronil>aa lo bo a xcrf mic- cMMfbl one. Tni A}i}iril.nitlhiff of Hie VIimHiik Lod|teorKlliir,]r7. at Wlieellnit I'ark.wa-i a uinit ihicca«rtriil nlTAlr. Marin Walnwrirlii aiid her axcoliHnt ciinipany iireiaiiiaO "An Une<iaal UaUli" and "Uaoirlilini of Kvo" iti tvu larKo auditocaJ. The oullnf IliU namu aaHumlerihodlrae- tlon i>f ShorllT.I. A. KraoKlitliii, whu doMrvaa credit Tnr lha masterly way Id wbldi Uie t aged. I uiKleriakliii; wai ituu- tfuuRT Pahic.— Tlia flrao raodorllla.pcirnnnnnray lirrr attract innn* riiiloni. Tlio |<«ople HMtearlOK lliU\(is<k •ra Harry Hudvorlh, Kmiik Kentio, Anttle llay .Vvlvm, Blsnor (llllntla niid Bdille EtlanrdN. Niiria.—The Marie WalnH riitlil Cachritil ihe *rAuta liero fi, lha niembi'pi ralutnlBK lu Noh Yurk Hita l^>llin«, aim luut been ifieDdlDK n rewaofkani liorhnmo In thla clly, Ion 3 for Kauaat* CItr, tvhere pIio will renulii until ihp upenlnff ot Marku Broa.' aeamn. WASHINGTON. BratUe.—At tbB Beattie TheBtra Clark and Cuu- ulnshaiii will n^rt aooiher prodoetloa of ".vlUtooiin" Maya); after which the honaa will ninalndark Tur tyimo weeka. CoRDiuriiTiiUTHi.—BuBlf«aoodrich t>eno o wefk'a eoBageraeoi tf, lo 'Ihe Rumf," to a crovded liouw. srio villchaoire tha bill nlnhtb'. Tlie lllBRlna-Watdron Co. dkl a bi$ liUKlootti wotkofttf, vliU "Borr Oak»"aiid "\>ii. Uella.'* They Kmve way 1< to llie Taciiina Alhletir Cluh, vliobrouBhtluthU city D. K. HtovMR' "Injured loiiu. caoc«," which waa mil rccelred. MAUMO.N Pahk Tiihathb cmiIduo* to draw hin crtimln. Now people ihla week: llarn AmiPlnmi;, llllle Uatuiaii, Dare Mont|[ouiar>' ami tha OfirUn tfl*ieri, TuaNBWdvxuiL'ATKHilowii lire hilled tor July 12 MaoaBOrW./. Clanl w||) •horlly Imvo for the B.i)it» a deleicatetoUraod Lolita of Stnxa Viitployai Uiilnii. anil BUDaaauitiuker oTUiodrmnd LodjieorT. M. A. UTAK Salt Lake CUy.—At llictteltUkeTDeAlrc Julin Orldlib eppaared iu "Kautt" 9-30^ doalng lha reahw for thUhoo«e. Gra:(0.— Tbe Pyko Opera Oainpaay la prvduciiiR "rrinc<> Metbuulenr tofood Dualna*. WoxOKRiaVD.— Iq Ihe curio liall luay ba found: Lv lun Broa., N<4 Kaah, BvelDRer Bma.. Fratik Aluiiza aiKl Pe^lta. Id Ihe Uiaatorlau ibe ilock glvlog "MarUii'it NEW PLAYS. "ThB Secret Service." Tbls four act tomaotlc dcsma, by William Ollletic. hadltfldnitprDducilODoii aoj stage at Iho Uroail Street neatn. Pblladelptila, IIl. Uuy 13, isvi. T\\v plot le ua (oUowb: Klotuuoail, Va., la t>e»logeil by ttie Union ((vces, and two brothers named Diimoni, iQ tbe aecrut aerrlce, poDetrale tbe SoiiUiem lliieH. One bi takoD prtoooer. but tbo oUier aucceeda lii cn* tertng the Oonfederate aervlca under tlie name of dpuln RalpU Challonor. Ue bi received It) tbe lamllj ot Qeneral Vanej, wbere be inakcn love in tbedaaghleriUlUan^fortbepDrpoae o( aiding hU ecbemea, but soon conea to love berlncameRL Benton Anelirord, a ttontbem detecUve, and the rejected lover of lilUae, snspecta CbaUoner, noil contrlvea a plot to nuke bbn betny blnweir. While tbe capuin la ibiDdlDg near a window In tbe twUlgbt Arrelaford huMes by, crying that a prlaoner ban eacaped from Ubby inaon nod baa eDtaicU tbe gaidens, and wania Uie cap tain to look out for blm. Uuniont) wbo liait t>een taken from prlaoa for. the purpose, In ■hored Id froai the Teraada, while ArrabubnTnod liU eompaaloo*. noia their coaceatanaat, watdi ilie niaailoK orthebrDihen for Huna word or aa of racogaliiuo. Tlie bnUian ate and tvcogatia each oUier, but Ihiuion*. nuliea at Ihe Capiala ai U to aacape paAt hlut, and man- a«aa to whlq»ar, ''We are watdied; atop ua." Clialloner. iDitantly taallilDB the altuitioo. aprataikdcd aimgile eu- vaea, In whldi the prlaoner, while trylofc lo fire a Nioi to aM lo the decipllou. fatally woaada blmelf. Clialloner thea lakeato hlmatlf the cradle of ahooting aud capiur- IpC Um aaoapad ptlaooar.and auj^ioloQ la rolled forllia time. OipiainCtiaUonerD«it nicoeeda, wItJi the help of UUiaa, ID belogphced Id chargeoi thaQoremnieotule- graph uiBoa. liaUaboot to laad a forgad denialch tu iitlalaad the Confederate Amiy, when AmUTord. wlio liai Deeo watching him Inm aa adjololag nom, arraMa hloi atthe point oTtboplaiol aad calU for tha guaid. When tbe gaanleoniaauiaUooeronlart tlieni to dliarm aud arrutArratafonl, which th«ydo.uDtll<laDeralBandoli*)i anHrea ami tahaa cbam of the alTalr. He flnda great dlineolty la deciding which oTthe two lathe traitor, but Juacaahalaaboatto pnt ClialloDar under arreatLillian arrlveawlUi a comialaaioa (Toin tbe I'raildant, ptaclnu Oudloner In abaolaia cumuiand, and lie U len lu ponan- alon of tha oillce. Ue Is aboat havbig tbe luned diapatch Mot when ba chaona hia lulnd aod ordera tlia opetaior Id it^p with U>e axclamalloD "I rahiae to act nndor that commbaloo." thedlapatch beloi - - - arraitad by ArraU . The rorgeif of the diapatch belog aAerwardi dUeorerad. Ohallooer !■ arraitad by ArraUnid, triad by court iiiarttaL and lou' leaced to be ihoL Durloi the trial tlie negro wrrant raiDOTMi the bulleti ftom ue guru, asd Ltlllao. obtalnlDg ^ a. .....j^l^j^^ . .. - Rnulailoa to apeak to her loverbefbre bla death, jelli B or It, and bow be maj eacape by prataodlng to Jron dead wheo Bred obod; bat. m aba la ouwoooTlnced orhra UaacbarT, ib« relvaea to give hln aoy word or hope for her love, BO lie iDformatlia Ueutanaiitorwhat haa beau dooe: llie ball caitridm are rapkcad, and he la about tu be led to aiacuUoo, whaa Qeiiaral Handolph arrlraa and aaauIatheBodlDg of the coart, ba^uie Uie toteKraph operator taatlHaa that ChalloDar did not BentT the forged dlipaich. Tlieo, U ilio name of tbe Pmldeot, the geaaral oHkn amneuy to Cliallooar, on condiUon thatlQ r\iuira be remain a Don oHiibataiiL Thla offer lie UaboDt to reftiaa, when tba liaad ofbla aveetheart aiaali uto hia, and a itaaca at bar plaadlog eyas decides hiu ui accwL roUowIng la tbe ca>c: CapL Raluh tnialloner, Manrice BarrynMre; BoDlon Am word. Will laut liar «Haib« a»aa^>a>v,vi amuwta n<,0(aMuiW| niiiiHil lier* court; Oaoatai Rao lotpli, II. B. Bradler; WIKred Vaniey. Bdwin Ardeo; l>r. (laniet, B. P. HcClaanlo: Uannr Dumobt, M. L. AUnp; Jooaa, T. B. JaokMn: LUIUd Var- nay, Mary Haniutou:OarD)loe MItford, Odaile Tyler; Mra, □en. Varoer.IdaVaraoD; Martlit, Alice Leljih: Eleanor Kalrrai, BUdo Bllaon; Mia. Kittrldge, Lulu lloi>per; "UttlB PhN'B SwBetheart," A coinedj dmBiB, In Ove ads, bj Frank BUbj, waa acted, for tbe flrat time on any atage Hay 8, at Haraballtowo, la., by tbe UUbjr-OUkLnaon New York tjtock Oo. Tbe atoty tells o( a atz year old boj, Uuie rbU Ware, wbo la stolen by a party of amng- glen, iney carry him off on tbelr aobooner, In tbe bopes or getting a raojon from bts fatber, a wealtby New Yotfc bwyer. Ibe smagglen alao canr off Uadge,atlriorslKte«o, wbo baa been adopted by PbU*aparenti, and wbo la deroted to blin. Tbe ab> dnoloTB aaU away,and tbe aoUon ot Acts Ukes place on board tbe veisel as It Ueaai aocbornear an Island In tba AUaoUo Ocean, wbtcb la tbe beadqoarteiB of tbe band of amogglent. Ttae pannia ot tbe boy bave organized a por- ■olof part/, wbo come aboard of tha achooaar looklog for Uba ehUdr«D, but Liule riilland Madge ara ao auc- eoaafhUy ooaoeaMbytlitlrabdgctara, that tltaaoarcblnfe party can get oo clue of ihem, aod laaro Uio Teaatl. The noitBUn are aUted at thli, and gnw carvlaaa while UieyaredriBhlDg.aod daring a a<«ne between Uia can* tain, bla male a»l the cklMraa, Madge lueceeda In lock- lag Uie VBaaglara lo ibe cabin, aod with MtUePhU ei- ma rrom U»e taaaal la ilis only boat It poaaeHea. Act oar aliova both tbe asogglert aod tha Mrauirabuat- nxfbrUiacblUraoon tb«lBUBd,aaarwhlcitlhaKhoooar had heenaDclratad. The HilMran are UnaUy dtaoorered by the capialDof tlManiuntoraaod a ainigila ennea u a rocky i«lni orerbaaglDR Uiawiier. Thin fa Inumpted >y Iba appaaiante of a oerro Btnaoi, who haa been Ian 0 cbarga of Ute ataam lauoeh In whldi the partulog party came ftou Uiilr Taaael tu the Ubmd. Tha oe- m ahoou Uie capulD.who filU nnm Uie rocky point oto Um water. The laalacl abovN Uta fkmlly raunlladat lhair boine and oo ibi eia of a i<«tty to ba glteo fn Hadge'i boaor. and dorioir thla act liar pareougo ladla. cofarad and ■hepnToaio be tlt« oleceaod half mo of an oM aad. waalthr friend of the family. Madce alecu to etay, wlih tie iiaoplo who ailopiH her and iba nUy, dooei wih her dedarailoD Uat ihe will nniiooa to be UtUe Phll'a awHihaart entll be flodi an* other. Tha cmal: MadB^ Jeuta We*!; rioreoca Wan, Belaa Danood; Mra. Kaal, Viola Croaby: Tbeophllaa rrioca, Maarice Drew; Ton Racunl, E. L. Bnador; Jack Baraa, Xalieeallr; Waher Ware,ioliB Paatoo: Wllaaa ft)wae,W. D-HlODa; Robert Mtal, Ooo P. BIrt; AlftMl NortoalpDL Jamaa Hayberty. B. 1*. Boaderj Annie lamao. LpDogkuAUitnMi; iany I LaBt% Oeo. J. Baeor; ■■■'ePbU - Little War*, UUH