New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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June 8. THE NEW YOUK CLIPPER. ai7 BASEBALL. DIAHOIf D FIBUt OOBSIP. LaUU tart"!* !>«■■■• crtk* B«a» b«U Fmtcnitir. laUetlntlitU of Um eighth iDolscot Um ttta- HOOD !*■»• ><*j 30, kt FnnkllD, Ft., wllb the icore 10 to •, In ftTor ot the home team, anil Bojd on mc' oai bweud enl; one onl, Dnncin hit • dj to n(ht Oeld whioh Flick ctURht As the Utter 6»d been pU|lng witti k cktcher't iloTt durtnf the lune B074 no home eod Duncan alto made the cucult of the l>aMa, when the claim wia aet nn that Frlck mapltTliiltwIthloolaiseagkireand that the run* coontea, which Umpire Sohmllt allowed. Beoker nhiaed to contloae the game, and aner the necoa- arj time had eUpaed the nmpin gare the game to Fiaaklin bj a Kon of o to 0, A apedal nxetlog of the New York Slate League waa held Maj a, at Q>mlng, N. Y. AU the cinba weferepreeeniedeiceptSchenectadj. AfmnetalM wu ooeied to Coming, hot the oiKr waa declloed cohaequehtlj, Uomelunllle canoot enter the leaipie. It waa deolded to contlnne the leaipie with lU duba, aa follow; Amateidam.Blngtumton, Blmlra, OlorenWile, Johutawnand bchenedadf. Tte BL Jama team made onl; one nfe hit off SIreher Maj m, at Fhllidelpbla, Pa., the Rlfenldes then winning by 30 to (. The If chicane defeated the DolonTlUea bj 31 to 0, Mar 21, at Kenneu 8<inare, Ft. The lotcra made onir fonr tafe blu off Uonahne. Dennj held the p. A R. A. A. team down to tour Bate hlla Kaf 29, at Ttbor, Fa., the OlennoQta then winning bj 0 to 2. The K. Y. U. U. A't team deleated the Klnnleja bT « to 2, Mar 23, at Philadelphia, Pa. The loeeia made onlj tbiee tafe blia off Buck. The Fitchborgt made oolr two safe talta off MC' Orthr Max :a,at Lowell, Maaa, the Lowellt then winning bj 4 tel. Pitcher Homer preTented the Utile Rockt from making mora than one nfe bit off blm Hay 39, at Atlanta, da., tbe Atlantaa then wlanlsg bj 4 to 0. Wrtffbt prevented the Hanellelda from making more tban fonr tafe bite off him Mayas, at Uaiia- Held, u., Uie Twin CItlea then winning by 1 to 2. Tbe CMI Cliy team made ODly four aafa bite off Oaraer Hay 17, at New Caalle, Pa., tbe Newcaalle* then winning by 9 to 1. Tbe Peotlaa defeated the Dea Holnea by a to 1, Hay 2S, at Praita, III. The Tliltoie made only fonr Bite hita off Flggemler, while the loaeiB made four offHanaon. The Uouolos made only four eafe hita off Mc- aravey Hay 28, at (Jalncy, III, the ()iilnoy'i then winning by 4 to 2. Tbe Montgomerra failed to make a eoUtaiy tafe hItoSPItober HIU Hay 28. at Cbittanooga, Teon the Chattanoogae then winning by > to 0. Tbe NaabvUlea defeated the New Otieana team by f to 6, May 31, at Naahvllle, Teno. The loeert made only four tafe hita off Herman. Bilitow held tbe Fort Worth team dowo to four tare hits Hay u, at Fort Worth,Tex., theOHlteatont then winning by 6 to 1. Pitcher Wallace pievented the Bieoklyni from making more tban two eafe hita off hin In tbe after nnon game Hay 90, at Brooklyn, N. Y., the piere- landa then winning by T to 1. Rnile held the Chlcaioa down to four aafe hlla In the afteraoon itame Hay 30,at therotoOionndt, thia city, the Oblcagot then winning by 9 to i. Tbe Kew York* made tlx atfe hitt off Teny, The Pitnceton College team defeated the narrard Unlremty nine by U to 3, Hay 90, at Oimbildge, Ham. The Hooalon learn made only four attahltaoff He- Hackln, In the tecondof the two gamen played May la, at Dallaa, Tex., tbe Uallaa team then winning l<y 31 to 4. The Allenu>wii8 made only three safe hita off Fox In tbe afteraoon game Hay 80, at AllentovD, Pa, the BazletoDB then winning by e to o. The Omnge AtbleUc Olnb defeated tbe Unlrcralty of Fenniyltanla team by 9 to I, Hay 90, at Orange, The Brown and Yale Unlnnlty teama met Hay so, at PiOTldence, R. 1., the former tben winning by 13 to 8. Tbe Holy Cn» team defeated tbe Dartmouth Col- lege nine by e to 9, May 90, at Worcealer, Uata. The Cnlverally team defeated the Lafayette Co\- lege nine by a to 1, Hay 90, at Bethlehem, Ft. The loaen made only tour eafe hita off Nerlne. Pitcher noner prevented the Little Rooka from making mote tban one tafe bit off him Hay 30, at Atlanta, Oa., the Atlantaa then winning by 4 to 0. Tbe Bockforda defeated tbe Villa Nona by t to 4, Hay 90, at Wilmington, Del. Tbe loeeja made only two tare bita off Pitcher Kenny. Tbe Biratforda made only four tafe hita or Baker May 30, at Philadelphia, Pa., Ue Blvenldea then winning by 18 to 4. The Princeton Browne defeated the Flemlngtona by 6 to 4, In ten lonlnga. May 80, at nemlogton, N. J. Tbe victon made only three tafe hita off Pitcher Bander, while the kieera were credited wltb tan blla. Tlie UIU Dohool team made only oea nfe hit off Pitcher Thatcher May 80, at Fottalown. Pa., the Adelphlaa, ot Philadelphia, then winning by 10 lo t. We hare ncsUed an ueaileotiiiiMip pktare or the Clo- elouU Baaeball latin. It U (nm Um pbol«graph falUrr 0rLlTlA(Klld,Clacl0DtU,0. m -r-m- LB&ODB-ASMOIATIOII. Eatttrn anil WeMam Team* Contanding In Eaitam CItlei, Hbw York vB« OlevelAnd. The New Yorka were beaten May 38, at the Polo Onunda, thIa city, after a eloae and exciting anlih. They outbatted the Olerelindt and made fewer emn than the latter did, hot the fleldlng done by tbe New Yorki waa not up to their atandard. Wblle emn conid not be charged agalnat tbem, tbey loat many ohancet for put outa that lively and anappy playing woold have given them. Rnale pitched a tar better game than the face of the acore ahowa, but hia support wat not of tbe kind to make hia work effeeuve. lie retired tan ot tbe Cleveland batamen oa eulkea, and a number of the lafe bIta made off hlo, wltb good fleldlng, woold have re- tailed In outa. Tbe New Yorka made a Hoe uphill flght, but the tally came toolata. Ttemanandlhtvla each made • home run In the obith Inning, but, nn- fortunately for the club, Ihete weta no mea on the baeee at the time to be aent home. Young waa hit tulle freely, but wat fmlnntte In keeping the blla well apart and baing effaotlve at oiiilcal augea. Bealdet, the neldlng done by tbe vltltore wu of a brtuiant order, wltb Iota of anap and dath la IL Benaattooal playa wen alto credited to them, wblcb helped to keep down the New Yorka' acore. The long tafe hlttmade by the Clevelanda wen double baiigen by HoKean and 0. Tebean, ChUda waa adU unable to play on account ot alckneaa, and Ihla canaed a titgbt change In the vltlllog team, 0. Te- bean golnglo aecond baae, 0. Tebcan to lint and Blake to right fleld. tXivBi.uiD. T. a. a. o. A I. BuikMi, ir.. t 8 1 e 0 0 Mcleu, H., 1 1 9 9 9 o.TtbMOiih e 1 1II 0 Btoka, rf.... 110 0 0 O.T<buu,ni < 0 9 I « aimlaa'rJbi o I 0 o Heilur.eTTl 0 0 10 O'Conoor. o. 4 0 0 1 Youoa, p:... 4 1 i 0 t 0 T«ull...S 7 10 r It I NiwToti.v. a. a. o. I.B. ) BuD«o, ir.. t 0 1 0 0 0 I TtonuD, If., t I 1 9 t 0 1 DtTll^lb.... 9 I I I 1 1 I Do/le. lb.... B 0 0 7 I 0 I VtaU>iro,ert 1110 1 I 4 1119 1 g ffllaoii,o.... 4 0 I II i 0 I Ruilt, p 4 0 119 0 ) Murphy, M.. 4 0 0 0 I I ..... .. J Totiit....<i ell n II 4 CleroltBd 1 0 1 0 I 0 I 0 1-7 Miw York 0 I 0 0 0 I 1 0 l-« Banicd mo*—ClOTtUod,9; Now York,9. BMeooer. ion-a,l; N. Y.,9 aiilitll>-0.,t: N.T,I. llnekOQt -0.,U;N.Y.,l. Um pire, Loot. Ttan, lu. Broaklja ▼«* Gkleafo, TbeBrooklynaalgoallzed ttaelr ntnn homarram their dntWealara trip by decUvely defeating the Chicago, Hay 29, at Eattem Park, Bnoklyn, N. Y. ne make up ot the team waa materially changed from what If wat while away Inm borne, Buma and Tiedway replaced Andenon and Ulnae hi left and light fleld itipecUvelr, while Btahidleww at third baae. Tbe men certainly had more oonldence In themtelTea,aad niayed In • far belter manner than Iheydid whUa In (he WetL Kennedy bad good coDnandot the ball and had plenty or tpeed, and hia anppoit Wka excellent, Tbe only error raadt by the home team waa a dropped nyball byShlndle, buLhe atlarwarda moveted tbe ball and threw out the ranner at aecond hate. Tbe Cblragoa were not only weak at tbe bat, but their fleldbg wat of the poonat order. Bmtion atarted In to pTicb, bat waa batted out of the pttcher'a potltton la tbe tto- ond laalng, and the Bnokiina balled hard Ontdil- Boo, who aaeoeed klou Chlcago'i only two rana wenih^rotalf of a baaaoa ban* and a boo* raa hltbyWUmot ta the lilt loilnf. TteellHrloag Mea by Qtimn, Tredwar and Obrconn. 'The laid. " llaly r r for tbe home team aad f 11?!!*'^^Jlf" ^(1^'5'Kennedjranddon ing " " : WDmot'i tor the vlallore, wllb the lalter<t home nn and Keonedy't batting, were tbe featnrea. * - - - - - BaOUKLTI, V. E. t. 0. A.B. Qiimo. cr.... I 1 f 1 0 0 UOiaoca, lb I 9 t 10 0 0 Boiu^ II.... • 0 I 1 0 0 Ti«d«y,rr< 1 I 1 e 0 Orcoimji. n. A 8 1 9 ft 0 RhlodKlb.. t 1 0 0 9 I Doir, tb ft I I t t 0 Orin, 0. < I I 9 I 0 Bamn,e... I 1 0 I 0 0 goonvlr, p. t 1 9 0 I 0 TollJ>...<9 » U r II i Chlcato I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 BrooklTo 0 8 0 1 0 3 1 1 -It Eunol nu-Chlcan, 1: Btoekljo, 7. Bue onomra —0, 1: B^t. On tall>-a..9; 8..!^ BInck o<il-C,l; B.,1. timplra. MuinrYlmkOI. WatklBgUm wi. Pttttbars. Tbe nttabntga eaaUy defeated tbe home team May 38, at Wathlngton. D.O.,lhron|b the mltemble playing ot Coogan at abort atop. Uatt vat freely I, but waa tanlUeaaly Bunpotted at critical J which kept down the watblagtoD'a tcore, CBIOiOO. T. a. B. 0. A.W. Rna,Tt..... 4 10 10 1 I>tl)lea.M... 10 3 14 3 WUmoLir... 4 I I I 0 I AnJoa,lb.._ 4 0 110 0 i>tcker,cr... t o I i 0 o ET0nU,3h.. 4 0 0 I I I iiuwan,lb.. 4 0 I I 1 I Mono, c... 9 0 0 4 I 1 Slntlan, p.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 BulChlfoa, p 9 0 0 0 1 0 Toub...U 1 711 • • batted, but waa tanlUeaaly Bunpotted at critical attget, which kept down the watblaglnu' Tbe latter earned all ot tbe tuna they made. While BiookBdale waa quite freely halted, mott ot the hlla came attar chancea had been oObred off hU pitchuig tor putting oat the Bide. OdIv ibree rant wen earned off aim. Donovaa and Hcauire led their re. tpectlve teami In batting. Tbe loni Bate bill were a hone inn by Joyce, a triple iMgaer by Buckley and donblcB by Joyce, Abbey and uononn. Tbe fleldlng ot Onoke tud Bauer, with the batting ot Joyce and Donovan, were the teatuiea. - - PivraBuio. V. a. a o. a-b. DooOTta. tf. 9 4 4 1 0 0 fluiual, «l..5 ' Bwkloir, lb. B ■mlUi.U.... 9 WAtBiHOTONT. a. a. 0. A.a Balbacli, U.. ft 1 I I 0 0 Jor«,3b.... 1 1 1 3 I u Huam'v, rf ft 0 110 0 llcOnli»,o.. 3 0 9 3 9 0 CuVllltbUbft 0 0 10 0 B«ur,lb.... ft Oiona, ta. ft I 1 0 1 ft " Cn>oki.3b... ft u 1 9 4 0 Abbor. cl... ft 1 I 9 0 0 8U>ck*lalO,p 4 0 0 0 1 OHlTt,p 4 9 1 0 3 0 Tolata...44 4 11 14 10 e Totall . .44 14 Ift 17 II 0 WanbloBtoD.. 3 19 0 0 I 1 10 t 0 1110 0 0 ft u niia(iiiao.ibft I ,o 0 i o Cnt. u.... ft 0 1 I I 0 SubOoo, c. 3 0- < a -II Pliubora 9 0 0 Baioed root—WaitilOfloDf I; FItliburB. 1 Baii* on •iToia-P., 4. On bolb—w.,^; P., L Buuck out—W., 0; F.J. UmpIfO, Koart. Tlino,ilft. The Watblnglooi wen bcaleo again Kay 39, alter an exciting flnlth. Klllen proved an eat; mark to the local baltmea and waa bit hard and often, and waa flnallr taken out at the end ot the eighth Inn- ing and'Hawley aubBtltutad. In the nlolb Inolug with the Bcon ot o to 6 agalnat tbem the nttebunn went In and made three tuna. (Viogan, who had been playing mlaenble at abort all tbnugh tbe game, made an errer, which waa followed by a tin- gle by Donovaa and a home run by Beckley, win- ning tbe game irlth two out. Haul plicbed wall and effecavely, but tbe cottly emn made by the home team oraet hia good work. The other long hlla wen two baggen by Baaamaear, HcGuIre, Stenzel and Beckley. Pivraaoio. V. a a. o. A.a. . DoooTaa.lf. ft I 1 0 1 0 OBl«DMl,Qf. ------ WAaKilioiDX.v. a. a. o. i.a. 8«lbocb.u...ft 9 I a 0 0 Joyc«,9b.. Huuo'ar.rf.t 0 10 0 O^B«>kl«v,lb.. ft 19 7 11 Mcaiilra,e..ft 0 1 9 3 0" ■ - . - - - (^'rl|bl,lbft 0 9 0 0 0 C0OUB,M... i ' ' ' ' Oiooki^lb... ft Abbor, cr. Iluil,p 4 110 10 IWWWT, ID.. 0 J d f I I BailUl,lf..... 4 0 110 0 ) Booir,I 0 0 4 ft 0 0 19 1 ecnoBaitii,9o4 0 14 10 nTOU,ii 4 0 0 4 7 1 Mulcc 4 1 0 C 1 I RuBd«a.C... 4 I I U 0 0 Kllbo. p.... 3 110 10 iiuior.p... 1 0 0 0 0 0 T0U11...I4 11117 10 7 Tolalt...43 I 1017 10 4 waaMii(UD.„.. I 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0-a ntUbuta 0 0 9 0 0 0 I I 9-8 EainM niD»—WatbloRton.ft: PUlalianr.ft. HwMoaor. rai>-w., 9;K,ft. On ballt-W., g; r., 1. Binicb oul- V^4;P.,1. Umplro, Kfafo. Tlm(,lU. TboWaibloBUiDeworocmlllad wllh two vkwrleiovor thorlttaliurtillarSD. mtWtJ4ilOKtoo,0. C. Tbo taoni- loK taiDO proTpd lo bo an oU lltoo »lu|(f[lDf aiiuh, Id which tba Woohlottooii eicalltd. Uawloy pioToJ to mMf muk tor the local tutunon. and dioy look utraal. aaaorltloralloollialrbattlDiararatoa. Tbo kioR aala blla ware a home nia by Joyce too double baamn by Balbach, Abbay, BaoaranJ I awlay. Joyce,3b,... 9 13 3 11 Baaam'ar. rf 9 1 3 4 3 ft Xoainra.c.. ft I I 3 0 I nut'fl(lil.Ib 8 I 3 B 0 I Boyil.rr.n.. ft 0 I I 0 0 Cnioka,lli... ft 1 1 4 B I Abboy.cT.... ft 3 1110 AoOaiwo, p. 4 3 3 0 1 I Haicor, p... I 0 I 0 0 0 Toub...48 U 1(17 U 10 WaihloBloD.... 0 Pluabnr- PimavRO. T. I. a. o. i.H, DoDoTso, rf. a I 0 4 0 0 8ieoioi,cr... a 0 0 Rechloy. lb. t I i Bmltx, ir.... a i I Baoar, lb... ft I 1 ClilBnMa.9b a 1 0 Craaa, la.... a I I Kloilow.c... a 0 0 Hailay.p... 0 3 9 1 0 9 10 I 0 0 • 10 0 3 I 3 1 1 3 I 0 0 10 Totala. .19 U > n 13 1 0 7 I-lft liubnri 31030300 0-10 Baiuoo nioa—tPaihlQitoo, 10; Pltlaborg, 1. Baae OQ anoi>-W.,l: r.,a Oa uilb^W,, 9: p., 7. Stnichout— W..1;P.,1. Uoiplil, Kooro. Tloia.m la tbo anareoon tano the Plllabutxa farad atlll voiao lhao In Iho aarllar ooe. Hart waa pounOed all over the lot, Uia WaahlQRloD'a kDocblog bin out of Uiapllchai'a poalllon In Ibo rfnh lonlDK, whoa Uiay aeond olatit ruoa, and ballad baid (Tokolouao, who auccoadad blm. Barcar had aood comoiaDd of tlia ball, and pllctiod a Rood and ajracHvexame. Ua alto led la balllair, bla four aafa hlu lodudlDK a double baager. Ttia olhar lona ufo blla ware a lioma luDby McOoln, vboalio iiuda a Infilo baiKar. Balbacb made a tflple baigar, wlilla Cortwrlght maua a iiouMo baamr Wjuaiiion.w.T. a. a. o. i.a * 9 I Joyc«,9li.... 0 I 1 Haum'ar, rf a 1 llcaulre.0.. 0 9 oan'riahi ibO 1 3 e 0 1 Boyd, aa a 3 3 9 4 I CrDolia,lb... 0 1 I Abbay. cf.... ft 1 I Maiur, p... 9 3 4 0 0 1 4 1 0 3 1 I I 0 0 3 0 0 9 9 0 9 1 I PimtoRO. T. a. 0. 0. a b. Dooovao, rf. a 0 0 ft 0 0 RUDUlcl... 0 0 9 1 0 1 Bocbloy. lb. a 0 0 t 0 1 salih. If.... a 1 I too Bauar. lb... 4 0 119 1 nUaBnian,9b4 110 3 0 i:na^a 4 1110 1 Roftdeu. c... 3 0 0 4 0 0 Eloalov, e.. 3 0 I ft 0 0 Uait, p 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tolala...!! 19 Olr II ( Tolal«...40 9 ' Wt^lDBtoa... 9 0 0 0 8 I ft PIIUbUK 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 •Mortar hit by btlUd ball Baroed nioa—WaabiBictoo.9: Plllaburf, I. Baaaoa ar ron-W., 3; P., ft. On balla-W., 9; P.. 3. Ktmck out— W.I; P., I. Uniplraa,Xearoud(>ioBan. TImvSb. Hie WaahlagtMiaacorod lhair Ihlid cnoaecatlro rktoiT over Uia Piluboira May91, lo oea ortln mou loioitatlnB gmmaa ioeu Ihero Ibia paaaon, doapiu Iba oa»aldadBa«a ot the icon. 71m home team plared In taulllaaa atria. ^79 0 t-ll 0 0-9 iholonaM work ofRmokn. Boyd and Joyco aad ibacalcb. loB of McOulrw baloa brllllaaL Klllao waa batud ao bard In the foonh loolaa Ibat bo had lo rotir* to ftvor ol Haft, bat ho. loo. waa eaay whan bIta won nocauarr, Slockadalo waa bit veiT bard, but by 9na Oaldloe Uie aeofwwaakaptdowa. Thaloaxaarebttaworaahonanin br Buadan. triple beainn by Hioonl aod Backlay and doubloa by raTtwriRbl and (Imoba. WiaaiROTOB.T. a. a. 0. a.a 9 I > 0(M> 0iD0ka,lb... 9 1.-. Abbey,of.... ft I I I 0 0 eUKkadala,p 9 19 0 10 PlvmoBO. T. It. a. 0. a.a. Ilalbaoh.lf... 0 1110 oDoonvu.rf. ft 0 0 3 0 0 Jorce.3b.... 9 119 3 iHlamaUr... 9 113 0 0 llatam'ar. If 0 1 I ft 0 0" " " ------ MeOuIra, &. ft 1 1 8 0 0 (!an'ilBbt,lb ft 117 0 0 Boyd, aa..... a 0 0 1 9 0 .411170 aoadaa, e... 4 113 3 1 KIIIOD. p.... i j 0 0 3 0 Hart,p 9 0 0 0 0 0 Totala....47 10 U 17 8 0^ Totab 40 9 10*0 19 1 WaaklnytoB... 0 0 I 9 I 0 I I 0-10 PlUabnnr 001300001-9 •Cnott hit by ballad ball Baraad ruoa-Waablogloo, 4; Plltabora. 4. Baae oo halla-W., 9: P., 7. Btiuck out—v., 3; P., 4. Vmpiro, Beydkr. Tlmt.XI9. Hew Taak wa. Ptall»<alplila. Theee teanu played off a poetponed game Hay 29, at the Polo Onunda, thit city. Twelve lonloga were necetBatr to decide the conteat, tbe Phlladel- phlaa winning after cbancet bad been offered for putting them out without a run. Knauta wai given a trial In the pitcher't poeltlon and wat to freely batted that he waa aent lo the benoh la the founo Inning and dark waa BUhatttuted. Tbe latter gave way to Roale In the ninth Inning. Of iheteveoraDa made off KnauBt, only two wen earned. Ahaaeon balla, two eirort, three ttaglea and a double gave the vidion Ave nneamed runt hi the fourth. Ot the three nnamadeoff(^rk,aoly one ma tamed. The winning ran vma made In tbe tvelftb off an error by Uavli, a forced out and two actatoh ilDXica. HcOlU waa batted hard and olien.tbe New Yorka earning alx ot the ten rana cndltad to tbem. Star- fofd atarted In to play aecond bate, but wat taken alok and had to ntlra before the Otit Innltg iraa flolahed. Tie long tafe hiui were triple bagien by Detebanly.nioDpeon and Van Ualireo,and doublea by Delehaaty, Bannon and Bcbitver, PaiLA. . r. a a. o. a.a| NavToaa.r. a a. o.a.a. Btmllu>D,cr7 1111 0 BaDnoa,rt.. i I • I I I Boil*, lb.... 7 3 lift 0 I BnrBa,lr.... i I t i 0 A BalhBaa,lb. 7 1 4 3 4 0 Oavla,lb, lb < I 1 1 0 I Dakliaaty,ir7 1 9 9 0 olDoyla,Ibjb.t 119(1 TbODpaoo.rf7 I 4 9 B 0 VanIlall'o,eri 19 111 CnM,Sb....7 1119 olBuffonl.n.. t 0 0 0 0 0 BolUr, aa.... a 0 10 9 llaebriitr, 0.. I i 9 • o 0 BaeUey, e.. 9 119 1 l|WlbKo,clb. I I oil o o aiOIU,p....9 10 17 0 laauM, p... I 0 0 0 I 9 Clark, p 10 110 0 Roala. p > 0 1 0 I 0 rnllor, aa.... I total r«lala...J0Il UMBI U Totala...It 10 19IB 19 B rblladalpbla 1009001 1100 l-ll Mawloik 1 I I 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 0 0-10 reao-PblladalpbIa,9: Haw York, *. anoiB-P,a; N.Y., I. Oo balla-P..9; If.T.e. Ilnck oot-P,7;II.T,L U Mplia, UOB - Tla«,UI. BalUmara wa. ImUwIIIo, BopeitorhatflngandlkalUeaBeldlog helped tha BalHaoieB to a vlctoiy from tbe LouliTlllea, Hay IS, at Balttnion, Md, Hogtr had poor canmaod of lha haU aod aaat elikt iwb to m baae oa aaMaar F.dward J. Boyle, tlie clever young ciilcher ot the BL Paul Club, of the Weelera League, lea brotlior otjohn Boyle,ceptaln and tint haaemanot the Phil- adelphia team, ot tbe National League and Ameri- can Aaaoclatlon. Kdward Boyle wat liora Hay 8, I874,at (Mnolnnall, O., and like many other noted plaiera, who hailed from Ibat citv, leaned lo play ball wllh amateur leaim on Iho open lou. It wat under the tulonhlp ot hit lirolhcr John that he flrat donned the miak, ami comlnit troni a ball playing family he waa anon well able to keep up tha reputa- tion gained by tha other membcm. Boyle can iiiaiik Ted Bulllvan, Iho huilllDg lllllo uianager, who a great liellever lu youug piayen, for hit OrM pmfea. atonal engagemeuL Bulllvan waa In liM the man. agar ot tbe Athinu team, of the Bouthero AmocIb- llon, and, during the eariy Hpring, vlalled Clitclii- nail In qucel ot iiialerlal fur the nuiko up ot libi tilfie. Iloylo WHi one nt a numlier of plajen algiied, nod Nfler Joltilog the team hlH tmigreaa waa very lironuunced, he giving evldeoce of lieuontlng one ot ihe leading catcbcnt nt tbe prnfeMlon, wbote aer- vlcenwlll Mmn lie cuBerly Miuglit for by theumjnr ICABiie clulM. Itoflo played wllh llieAIIanluauiiill that vliili dialmnned durlbu thu Huiiinior uiniilba, when lie Juliied tlin HIniix cTly Cluli, ut Iho Wmleni U-agne, ami heliwil lit team tu win the iwnnaiit of tliHt organlutlnn. When ilie Ht. Paul Club waa ail- lultied b> iiienilierahlp In llio VVeetem league dur log Iho paal WInier, Boyle, with other playun of Uiu Bloux City team, waa aaalfneil lu Haiiagur Comlikey'i Hi. Paul ctuli. Btagea. Inka wat freely Iwtted tbnugboui, m- peclally by Keeler, Joiinlngt and llunoor, tbo fonuer making three Hlugieu and a triple Iwgger. Tbe other long nife hlla were double liagiera by Jennlnga and Itobloion. The Ualtlmorea bunched their hits In tbe third, orih and aevenlh Innlnge; be- tldea, they were helped to rnoa by looio Qelalng on the partotthe vlallon and wild plicblog by InkH. Looiariua v. a. a o. a.a. BaLviaoaa r. a. Swoanay. If. 9 o 0 u 0 0 Kallay. ir.... 3 3 0' a 113 1 0 Xaalar.if.... ft I Bbuaalt aa.. a 114 9 I Jennlnxa, m. ft RrouUMnklbft 1 I lu 0 I ft Proaloa,3b. niark, v.... Walih c... t^illloa. cf.. Inba, p ft I I I 3 1 Bmdla, ef... ft . 4 0 . 4 0 . 4 0 .41 ft 1 t 0 3 0 0 10 9 u. a.i. I I u 0 4 0 0 0 3 1 3 I I U U ft 0 0 I 10 0 I I 3 I a u 0 u 0 u I I I Cany, lb. Rollr, lb.... a Rnblnioa, c. 9 Claiba.0.... I lloffar. p 4 TolaU...4t 9 714 11 1 Tolab.. .43 It I<*a 10 0 LouUvllla looiooiuo-ft Balllmora I 0 9 0 9 I 4 0 —II *8vaonoy oul for Inlarrarvoco. Earned iwoa-Loulaillla. t; Hallluioro. 4. Bow on anor —B. Oo balla-L., t; B.,3. Huuck 0UI-L..1. binliln, Bella. TIma. III. Two vlclohea were credited to Ihe lltltlinorcii Hay 30, at BalUmore, Hd., when they hid the UuU- vlllea tor opponenla. Tbe morning game waa dote, Inlereating, and the rcault In doubt unill tbe olghtli Inning, when the home team tiatiad In elgblruut, aod put all donbta at net. Knell, Hemming and UoOtor wen touched up In a lively manner. The long tafe blui were a home ran uy Kelley. three baae hlla by Bhugart (twice), I'raeton and Kelley, and double baggen by Bhuiart, Uolllni, Clark, Knell, Keeler, Bonner, Hellz end lioffer. Loitleviu.a. V. a. a. o. i.b, Bwaaaay.rf. t 0 0 I I 0 O'Brien, Si.. 9 1 3 3 4 I 8hatait,aa,. 9 3 3 1 0 0 Bioutban^lb ft 1 0 9 I 0 Praaloo, M.. ft 1 9 0 I I - ft I 1 3 0 0 Zabaer, c.... a i ltelllnf,er... 4 I Knoll, p 4 0 HcD'owll,p. 0 0 JoDolailLM. ft 3 3 Boouar, 9b,. ~ ~ ' BALViMoaL T. a. a. o. a.t. ft a a Kaalar, if... 19 3 .491 . ft I I .111 I 4 0 Brodla. of. (^ny. lb - . Ralu,lb ft 1 I I I u 1 4 0 0 CUlk, c 13 110 0 119 0 Olaaarin, p.. I 0 0 1 10 9 0 0 0 llamnlOB, pi 1 0 0 0 0 lloirar.p.... I 1 I 0 0 0 TnUU...«] II 11 31 It ft TDUla...4> IB 10 17 10 1 Loulallllo U S 3 1 I 0 4 U U-ll Balllmon 90901108 -19 Earned ront—Loolorllle. 7; Balllranra, 10. Baae oa ar mrs-L., 1: R., X Oo t«lla-L..l; B.. ft. Btnick out-U, l;B.l. Umplra. Batu. Tlino^l.ll. In Um adanoon gaoia die Ballhnnna look Iho bud at Ihe Man and bald ll UDIII Uia alilfa Innjae. whan Ibo vla- llore Had tha aeore. but the BallloiorMi UMib the load aiialu In tbair half ol Ibo MaUi and bald ll UirouKhout. The bMR aafa blla were a triple bail ar b* M. Clark and iluulilo tMBtenby Braulharw. Kweoney. JannlaRa and Haiti, tha lauar makloi Iwu. Bolli pllcfian waiw traaly lutlad, bat McDannlu faiwil tba wont of Uio two. I,oouiiLLB.v. a. a. o. a.e, Mc>laea.9b.. ft 0 1 1 0 0 0'Brlaa,Ib. " " flfauBon, aa. BmuUMr^lb 4 1 1 Piwiun. rt-i- 3 0 0 B'aooay, rt. I 1 I .Clarb.lf.. 4 I I i:ollln^ cf... i 0 1 Wohb.a.... I 0 ' McOonwll,p I 1 I 0 0 I 3 0 I 0 0 9 0 0 9 I BiLTiBOkB. V. a a. 0, A.a. ft 1 Kaalar, rf.... 4 9 9 1 0 Jaenlnti^aa 4 119 " Hooner, db.. 4 10 1 Brullo,er.... 4 0 19 4 0 17 Ralla. lb I 0 9 I Clarhe.e 4 u 0 a KlMlo(or,p. I I I i) Toula.„JB 4 II 94 14 I Toula...J7 1141719 9 Inlarlllo 0 0 0 0 1 9 0 I U Bahlmoi*. 3 0900990 -9 Earned runa—Loularlllo. 9: Balllmotv, ft. HaM on ar- roiw-L.,1: B.. I. On lialla-L, I; B.. 1. Btnck oul-L.. L Umpire, Bella. Tlan, Bi. The LooiaallUi waia beaUa ataln May 91, whoa theaa taamaptayad off awMlpooad fanio pravanled by rain at LduUfllle. By. loaa waa baited hard aod bla lupport by ioflaldan waa wratchad. Bo nllrod la ibe Bftli looloK aJtarlha Balllmoiaa bad aenra*! alilooo rana. Luby auc. coadad him and aloepad tbo blltloa. llnffar ban pour eoramand of Ibo ball aod waa riaaly ballad, but hia lup- port waa eicallaot Tba aamo waa called at (ha elBlitblo- nloB 00 aecoonl of darboaaa. Lociaviu.B. V. a. B. o. a.l I ojKelUy.If. Bwaooeyiif..ft 0 1 O' ft I I BboamrUaa.. ft 0 0 Bnulban.lbft 0 1110 naauajb.cfft 1110 4 r. Claik, ir.. ft 1 1 ft o o (;ollloa,er.4b> Welch, c. ■ Zohoar, c. Inka, p.... LabT, p.... Tolala. LoollilUe. BalUnon . - , . Earned nioa—LoalirlUe. 1; Balllmon. 9. BaLnaoaa. v. a. a _ keeler, rf... a 3 JaoolnB^aa. 9 1 McUraw, 9b. 9 I Bndlo. c(...t 0 (krwyTlb.... a I RalUktb t 1 W.CUrba,a.e 1 Uoirar, p.... 4 I a. o. A.a. 9 10 0 110 0 19 9 0 9 110 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 9 9 ft I t a . 1 1 .1 I . I 0 - - - - .43 9 11 tl 13 9 Tolala...H II IB 14 11 I I 0 I 0 0 I I 0- I 3 7 1 0 0 -II . . Balllmon. 9. Baae oa ar* U, t; B., a Oa balla-L.. 7. BlnU out-L., 1. Unpin, Betu. TIma. lb. Hew Tark re, Chlcaga. Two gamea wen played May 80, at the Polu Oroonda, thIa clly, whtD each wai credited wllb % victory. Itreiinlred eleven Uinlait before areault waa nached In tbe moming game, the New Yorka then irlnnlDg on a home run hit by Fairell, Tbe Chlcagoa ootnattsd the home team two lo one, but could not bnncb tbeir hlla or make tbem when moot needed. (faioioa Byan,rf OablB. Wlhnol, Earned ninB—t^liU-aait, 3; No* Viirb, I. Baae on arnira -t!., I: N. v.. 1. Un lalh-U, I; N. T., 3. Blruck diiI-II.. .1; N. v.. 3. Umpire. I,<,iia. Time. .IB. Tin alKive rcault wuh revcnird when Iheae tcaina met lu tile aftenuiou, the UbIcaRoa wlniilug chledy through tbit emita luailu liy tbe buiiie team. Tlio winning run wan the reaiilt nt nn error by Ihiylo, it ucridco and a wlbl pllcb. Clilcagu cameil a run In Ibe Oflli ou a iliigle by ijinRe and a triple liy Htewart Tticlr oilier run waa the rcault of ermra. Tbo New Yurki eanicti two runa In the aevculb nn three elnglet, a Harrlhce and a aieal. It waa a plicli- era' Iiallleaiid liaae hlla wuru few. CUIOAUO. Kyan.rl ft IMIilan.aa... 9 4 Aiuoa. lb... 3 4 Kvarelt,9b.. 3 Hiewtn, lb.. 3 lhMi(iliua.o.. 3 a. B. n. A.a.I b'Mw YoHH. r. a. n. o. a.m. I 4 U O Hananii, rr.. 3 U 0 1 U 0 14 OlHorko, Ir. .. I U 1 U U 0 0 1 U OlIlAVia, lb.... I I I 17 0 0 0 U 0 «IMyle,Ili.... I 0 0 0 I 1 1 3 I 0^Vanllali' t I I 0 0 u 0 t I U 3 0 113 0 114 HMirivar, c. 3 U I 0 I u 0 4 I u lUalw. I- 9 0 0 U 7 I -001 c IMIeria.... 3 0 0 I 3 I folala...JI 9 4ni3 ol Tjlala....W 1 117 Ift I rblcaao 0 n u 0 I .u 1 I u-3 Kaw Verb UOUOOOIUU-3 Karned runa-<;iilraB'<, I; New Vuik, t, llaM. nn arriire 11.4. Unball»-4I,9; N. V,l. Hlniib oul-i:.,9: N. Y.. 3. _Uiii^lr«, l,.nna. TIM I r Yorka beat otr tba Banii finia, ail. beat tba Oblfi la which waa aaoa May3l, whan Uiay PoattHinad at cl,IcaK•^ on aeoiDni ut a anow auiriii. Kaw Yi,rh proaant ililui ... — . ^11 away, and TIeman waa not in cundlllnn. Tide lall lha club lu td analcbiil up li (lia rUIUira. fraaanl- I tu (la. (;ai>laln Ihtvlawai •leb, Pariall awaj a bad way, but a tsaai wan Dually airnail upon and aant out 10 meat IheCblcaiciia. Clark waaRlranan o|>i,orluolly loahiiw wbal lia couM (In, and, alUMiUBli lha CoUdllluna wan atmlnal lilm. Im pllcbad an axcvlloat lauio. Pur Aeren liinloa* Im bald Ilia ndrainaddwn lo four aratlrr. ■iiR tinalei; Uito In Uiaoialtli aod dIdiIi ha aMMjanlly aaaail up and lliay mide four mora blla, (ncfudlng a triiila ■■aater. and earned too runa. Tlio ulliar loo runa vara Ilia raault nran error br Clark, aad tha other rmiii a baioon balla. Tha Kaw Yorilf bdnriiad flia blip. Iiicluil. Inn Uiree double lARBora, lu the lliltd Inolna, aod aciirad aa many runa. tour of widcli own aamtd. and liH.b a lead lhal Uiay aaally habl lo Uia and. Ttie Inna aafe hlla wara double l,iape<re liy Uurht, l>(iyle, Bchrlrar aod R. N. 0. A.e. I I 1 u U I 1 U ft 3 I 1 1 0 U I I 10 1 I 0 0 1 0 u 0 I I I 1 0 U 3 1 U 0 0 9 0 3 wara double iiaRe<re by Burl Clarii, and a trlpla by M'llinuL New VOHK. T. H. _. _. _. Hanoon. rf.. ft I u 4 0 Burte, ir.... 9 3 9 1 0 Wllwn. lb.. 1 0 9 II 0 lloyM, lb.... ft I I B I Vtnllalt'n.cra U 0 I I Hundiy, 3b.. 9 U 0 I I Rcbrfvar. c. 1 9 9 9 0 Chrii, p ft 1 I 0 9 Puller,aa.... 4 9 11ft Ckioauo. Ryan. rf.... UabloD. aa. WlbBiH, ir.. Anion, lb.. Rearwtl, 3o. rilawari. fli. Xuran, e ... - . - . lluUhlaiHI, p I 0 0 I 1 T0UU...I4 II 1017 Ift I roUta...ll I tril B Karnad runa-.Vaw Vnib, I; flilearo. 1. Haae on enure- K. Y,3:n.,3. lln balla—K. r.,l: U..4. mrurb iiul-N. v., I;n., 3. Uaiplrai, Tnraan end Uilmili. TIma, 901. Boatoa we, Nl, Jioala, The llcelonidefeatcd tbe BL Louhi lUnwne alay a, at UoaloB, Uata., by IhelrtnperlorliaUliig, hulcaoie near loelng through tbeIr p<>or fleldlng. Blaley proved eaay lo the boma team and waa freely betted, eipeclally In the fourih and alxlh Innlbga, while tbe vlilion, etlde Irum Miller, couM do lliTle with Wll- Bon'a pitching. The aeldlng or tbe bnoie loam waa ao ngged at critical llineauiat Ibe Urowna had Ut- Ue uouble In koeplug pace wllh then. With tbo Boore lied when llie Hoauiiu we>t Ui tbe hat In their baltnt the nioth and two out, HcUarihy liaitcd thn ball over Ibe left fleld leniie, and won Ihe game. Nyca waa playetl thort nop In place of Long, whu wat Rick, Dully wai alau nn Iba tick Hit and Ten- ney took hie place In ceiiln Held. The long nafe bill, other tUau the ooe aiiove mentioned, were double liaggere by Hlller, Nyce ind llyan. HT. LOUJO. Brown, cf... liailey. If.... Mlllar,V... fkianor, lb.. relui.e »iun, lb.... y. aa IMod, rf.... Hulay.p.... ToaiU. Rl. Lnula.. BMUin. T. a B. 0. A.a ft I I I ft 3 I I ft 3 I 1 9 3 0 11 I I 0 4 4 0 BoaruR. Luwo, It.. Baaooa,It., s Teaaay. et... ft Bctiuihy, ir. ft Kaah.llr ft Tuchir,lb...ft Ryea. aa..., Ryan,c.... irilaoa. p.. Toufi.. 0 19 I ft T. t I 0 ft 1 111 I I 9 1 3 I 0 19 1 1 1 I 0 110 9 0 19 11 19 37 U « 0 I O-ll U 0 l-ll an arrora—HI. Loula 4; tiraeb uul—B., I. llni. I 3 a 1 . ft U U I 0 0 . ft I U U 1 0 ift II t B in 4 ...« I 3 ... 1119 Earaail runa—Bnalon, 7. Ba« B.,1. in balU-HL I,.,;; H., 4 plia. MeUooald. Tlme,l.S. Two gamei were played May 10, at lloalon, Haai., Iioih reaulllog In vlctortea tor the linnje leani, Bnllenateln wae liaued iiulie freely, but waa effect- ive at critical elagaa. Tbe IbiaKiu managed l«i liunch eiioufb blla tu give them a victory In tbe ninth Inning. BennonandHlllerledlhelrreepBctlve teamt In hailing. The fonner^ three blla Inclutled a home run toil a triple bagger. Tlie other long aafe hlli were double luiem by Hlllir, Dowd ana n. The vlellon conId not niak _ iruBlnanylnnlagoffBUietla. Br. Locia V. R. Bfovo. cr.,. t I <v»lcy. u.... 1 1,... ft 0 Aoenor, lb... t 0 Pelli,e...... ft 0 OuloD, lb... 4 1 Kly, aa I 4 IMwd. rf.... 4 a Bnllooat'o.p I I ToUU 41 t 81. Xrfiola.. B. 0. 110. I I U 0 I 0 a 0 I II o 0 14 0 0 1110 0 4 4 0 1 0 O 0 10 10 IM 11 0 0 I V. a. B. o. A.a 'a.>b....t 1119 0 vr.V';: ; JS88 ;Bnhy, irl 0 I too Hoerriv. t^iwa. 3b Hanoeo, Dairy, c Hc<;Brthy, Baab.Sb.... rucbar, lb.. Ryoa, ee.... Kyan. n Htlvafl^, p. Talala... 0 I 4 0 4 19 19 BIO 4 0 1110 4 0 1 T I I 4 I I I I 0 .97 9 II17 N I . I I 0-4 ioave I I • 0 0 0 I 0 1-9 Earoed roaa-Bl. Louie, I- BoaloB, 9. Baae oa balla— •LL.,t;B.9. mrockowl-Bt.b.,1; B,l. Umpira, Me- la Ibe aftanoaa aana the be«e leas weabybaaeb. lag thair bite la thalfalb aad revein laalaii^ abea ihey eeored ellhl ef the tweira moo credited to them. Baaooa led la batUiui, nekloB a aafa blClacludlai a biuaonio.everT UnMbewaottolnebat ITieelberloBg aalb h>u IneluileO a bom* nin end a doable baner by Nyco, and by fTonnor. rella and NIehola. Tbe 9eldla| ot r.nwoand Nyceand Iba balling ot Bannoa were Ihe Tea. turea. Br. lAcie V. a. b. o. a.a Rnwn, el... I u o ft 0 0 l\ioloy,ir.... I I 1 3 0 C Miller,3b....4 0 I 1 I I IVuinor, lb.. 4 t 1 10 0 0 Pella. a 4 I t u t I Unlun,tb.... 4 II I 1 1 I Sly, aa. 4 0 0 I I 0 nnwil.rr..... 4 0 I I II 0 Clarhaon.p.. 4 0 u 0 1 g Boeroa. v. a a o. A.a. Loaa, lb.... ft I I 9 4 0 Rannoii, rf,. ft 9 9 I 0 0 Diiiry, cl ft 0 9 I 0 0 Trnnar, cf.. ft 0 0 I 0 U McTatlhy, If. ft 0 1 I 0 U Na>h.3b ft 0 0 1 I 0 Tncher. lb... 4 9 0 9 I u Nycr. aa, 4 9 B 9 7 I nanafl,e.... 4 0 9 ft 0 I Blcbob, r... < I 10 0 0 TnUla...3t 9 H1II4 3 TnuU...4« II lar II 1 Rl. Louie 0 3 U 0 0 I 0 0 1^9 Boalon u 1 d 0 1 I 4 I —11 Karaed runa—HI. Irfiula, 3; Riialnn. 7. llaae on ermra— Rt. L., I; B, 1. On halla-n. L, 1: R.. ft. Unick out-gl. ■,.,9. I'mplre, MrDiineU. Time, la). BreMkljTN TB* Clevelaad* The llmiklyn ami Clevelaud teanu apllt even In viclnrtea Hay 30, at Ihooklyn, N. Y. Tbe Brooklyna nuiplayed the vlalinla In Iho nwming game. They bad lllllo trouble In nuking hlla off Cuppy when they were iicetled, while Ihtuli proved a punier lo the Clovelaiida. They made eight lafo hlu off blm, liiil they wen well avtltcRil, except In Ihe fltth tubing, when two hlla vrith a nii-rillce gave tbem tbeIr unly niu. The tielillnir nt Ooicoren and O. Ttbean, wllh Ihe hatlliii ot liurkelt and (>orconD, were tbe teaiurea. I^LRVaUHU. T. R. R. O. A.l Hurkall, If. I 0 3 .1 u n NcXaan.aa.. 4 0 0 .1 3 u (I. Tal>aau,lli I 0 I a u 0 Hlakr.rr... 10^ O TeWau,3li. 4 n ilnuihiH'r.3]i 1 n 1 U Hi-Alaer. cr. I 0 Xhiimar,e... 3 I >'U|>py. P-... 3 tilala... 31 rlaraUnil Hrmiklyn. I 3 u 1 n I 3 a u e 0 0 u I uul 10 0 II I » I 1 I I n I 0 u n II I 1 r 11lu 9 RnooRLva.T. a r. o. a. a. ft I I 0 0 Uchanca, lb 9 0 9 11 0 Humi. If..... 9 0 0 9 0 Tiwdaay, rr. 9 9 Corcoran, aa. 4 3 Hhlndl^ Sli.. 4 1 Daly, lb. (Irliu, 0... IHiub, p... .410 4 0 I 9 1 I 4 13 10 3 0 Ti>taU...4ai0 1inil 1 I u 0 0 0-1 1 0 0 ft 3 I 0 0 -m Hamad ruiia-t^lnTeland, I; BnMihlyn.9. Baae on or- n,re-tt..l; n.. 1. On hallf—H. 4. Hlnirkout-O., I; II., I. tlmplro. Mnrny. TInia. I.lit. A lliiiely bunohlng nf hlla, laeliled byabateon liallaamlan error by Treilway, enabled the Cleve. landa to revcrae Ihe alaive mult In Ihe attenioon ganio, Lurid ainried III l» pituh, but latted only two Innlnge, whuu he wat npUtced by Qumbeii. Tbe phauge proved a good niie, aHaumbertalloweil the vlallon unly two hliH In Iho renulnlBg teven Iniilnga and prevented tbem from tcortog again. Wallace proved an enigma In the home team and held Iheiii down tu two aafe blla, llronhlin'a only ran waa the raault nt a iHtae on luilla, a alngle and a lung ny In left fleld. CLRVRI.AHP.T. a. H. O. A R Hurkett, It . ft I 9 I 0 U NcKaan.aa..4 - - - il.Telioeu, lb 4 HUke. rf.. . 4 0 4 0 Mcllarr, 3b.. 4 o MrAlaor. ef. 4 I OTnnniir. r. 4 I tValUco.p .. 4 I I I 3 II II I U I I I t I I 3 I I HROORI.VR. T. a. B. 0. A.t. nrinin. or.... 4 i i i o o laicliaoco, Ik 4 0 I 11 0 0 Hnma. If..... 4 0 0 1 0 0 Tralway, tf. 4 0 0 9 0 I Ciirtnnn, u. 4 0 0 9 4 0 Mllndl^9b.. I 0 0 0 I 0 llair, lb .... 4 O 0 9 9 0 nallay. e. . . I 0 0 I I l.udd. p . 0 0 10 llnoilMrl, p.. 3 0 0 0 9 0 Tolala ..JT 7 0 » 13 3 Tolala... .V I I T II 1 OlaTabuid IIOnoOUUV-7 Hmnklyil n 0 0 II 0 0 0 1 0-1 Karaed nioa-rloTeland. 9. llaMiuiemra-C.,!: Rpiok. Iin. I lln lalla-i', 1; R.. 1 mnnk nul-i:., ft; B , I. (Iiii|i|r«. Murrei. Thiio. I Bl. PblUdelphla we. ClBrlaaall, Tliu riillailelphlia uiilplaycd Ihe llnclnnBlhal all pulnlR iiul ai'iiml an apparenlly raiiy victory Hay 99, at riilladolpliU, IM., when Taylnr made hit teap-' poaraiico vrlih Ilie hnino Icatu after an HliRcnce ot a week or twunii auciiniitnt klH arm Itiiuliling him. Ilo held tbe vlatinntilown liiaovon aafo hItaHUilunly (iuo canioil run. Tlie oilier run ai-nreil by the vlt. Unix WON Iho reauli nf a Imao on lialla aud a triple luiggor by Kwing In Ihe nnil liinlbg. IMrrolt wat bit linni aiKl iifieii, c'lieclally by llellly, who made two tliiiililea and a aliiglo. ManillUin anil Ikiyle eaoh luailu a diillldo laiggcr. The I'lilltilelphUa took a lead by ai-jiring tiiur nine In tbo Brat Inning, and eaally briil ll In ilie end. Tbo fleldlng ot lltllnuin wllh llrllly'R balling wrra llio traliiiet. I I I'iRL'iaRATI. t.alliaDi. 3b. Ibiy, II Ilray 11 KnlDR,lb... Hlllar.rr.... Ilia Marrlll.c... 4 0 0 1 Binllb, al.,.. 4 0 11 4 0 0 4 I'ernill. p.., 3 0 10 Tiilala..,9B 1 711 rliiclniiall I u lliltailehililt.... 4 I l*niLA. T. a. I. 0. A.l. 1 I 1 0 0 Hiilla. lb.... ft 1 1 10 0 0 llallnian. Hi ft 1 I 4 a r lloUlianly. If ft II'' Tbi>ni|w,o.rr ft 9 1 Cma, 91,.... ft 0 1 Hallly. la.... 4 0 9 1 9 1 rUiiirlila.o. 4 U 0 4 10 To>hir. I,.... 4 U I U I 0 Toula.. .41 H 19 r 11 I I U 0 0 0 0-3 0 U 0 I I -I I I 1 0 1 I 0 0 llio Kaniwl luna-l!lnrlnnatl, I: riilladilpbla, 9. . ■rora-I.V. I; P., 1. Ilii l,alla-1l.. I; P., 4. Hlrerk uul* .llf.. 1. I'uiplia. Kmrilo. Time I 91. Thu phllaileljiblaa twice itufealoil the ClnclnoallR May BO. at I'hllaili'lphl*, Pa. There were iioarlr ten lliuiiaaiid iieuplu al (ha uiiiriitng rriuo, wbluB Ibo "I'hilllea" HUH Willi apiBireiit caw, llwyer waa kiiwked out ut Ibu pllchur'R puallliin lu the third Inning. riilllliBi waa aiiluillulril at the lieglnnlog ot tbe timrlh ami tmni lliBtuutlliel'bllairelpblaa tailed to tcoru agRln. lathani waa uul out iil the ganiu In Ihe Ural IdbIiih by Uuiuire KiiiRlle tnr dU- inning a deultluii. Ilray waa alilliuil lo third and Herrlit weut u> aecinid. V. a. H. O. A.l Pmiu ft 1 9 4 0 BOyle, lb. .. ft 0 U V 0 llallman.lh. ft I l 3 4 llalahanly.lf. ft I I 3 0 Tbompaiio. rfft 13 10 .31,. llellly. aa CI«lliaola,'c.. f^aiaey, p.... rilRIUBRAtl. T. B. B. 0. A.B. • llliBm, ■' ~ ■■ 0 LalliBui, 3b. Harrlll, Bl.. llu), ir. Millar, rr... KahiR, lb... KoilUi.aa.... Hplaa, a a liny.111.Ui. a llvyar. p.... I Millllio. p . 4 0 0 0 0 0ft 0 1 I 0 U I Oil 1 1 I 0 0 I I 0 0 I 0 I I 0 I 0 4 ..... Tulala....4l IIB'jril 3 Tiilala...49 1 9 17 17 1 Phlladalpbla... 0 ITOOUOOO-e l.'liielDBall U U t I U 0 0 0 0-1 Kariiail nina—I'lillnlaUdila, 9. Ilaaa nn arn'ra—P., I; l^lnclonall, 3. On lalli-P., 3; C, 9. Uluplla, Enialla. TIma. 1.14. RIaran liinlnaa warn aoroMary In ilaclda Ilia afloiunoo Ranie, which liail an avclllne niiUli. (Ivar eiRbleeo loniaml iiurwina ware |>nuanl. aod apaclal Rniuml nilaa iMd Ui Im Riadaim lonRlilla. Taylor and Piirenian ware each freely liallad altlaiaa, biitnn lhaalwla IaMi pllcbad airarllraly, Ttia biRR nfa lilli waro double laiRRara by Kwlne (Iwlral, Hiiillb ItalcB). Barrllt. IIORrwtfar (Iwlcel. Pnrainan. Ilanillbiii. Moyla, l>alabaaly (twicel, Dlenienla ttwkal. and TayMir. i:iHiiiaRATl. lAiliaui, 3li lliir. If... Hlftar. rf.. KwhiR. lb. Huilll,, aa.. Manltt. c. Ilray, 31, .. P'.raman, II. A.R. I I U 1 U 113 0 1 tl U 6 A I I 1 IB U 0 1 3 I ft I n 9 .1 U I U I 1 t 0 I U 1 9 119 0 0 TiiUla...9l 9 IB91 IB lllnrlnnall 3 1 u Philadelphia. 0 1 U PniLA. T. It HiirU, lb, ■fall R. R, II. A.a. I , . 913 I 0 llallnian, tli, a I I I II ll<labanly,lfB 0 110 0 Tbiilll|«HI,r( 9 0 0 I 0 0 l,-|uaa.9li.... 9 I I I 9 0 Hallly, aa.... B I I 4 9 0 rUinaola,c, ft 9 1 1 I u 'Vru':; Jijiij] I I 0 I 0 0,J 0 0 I 0 0 It4 I Kamad riini-cinelnaati.e; I'lilUilalplila, 7. liaae op errnra-ll., I: P., I. lie bal|a-ll., I; P., 9. tiruek ootr II.. 9; P., I. implre, Kaalle. Time, lb. New York va. Ml. I«nla, Tlie Bl, l/iult llrnwoR ileulalvcly defeated tbe New Yuritt June I, at tbe rokiOronndB, Ihla oily, Heatln waa Imlted bard and otleu, eipeclally In the alxlh and terenlh Innlngu, when Ihe vlRlinn acnred lltlten runt. Ilrellenailen pitclied elfkcllvely, keeping the hibi made off him well apart, and lila apiaraut "let up" lu the elghlh Inning enabim Ilie New Yorka lu aeon Iheir only two runa and aaved a ahut uuL lUiger Couivir led In liatUiig. Ilia tlx aafe hlu In. eluded a triple end Iwu iliiiilile laiggera. The other liiiigaafe blla were triple laggen Ly Peim (Iwlct), Diiwd end Van llallren, ami double liagaon by Omley, ijiilnii, Kly, imwd and llrclientieln. (Captain Da via nude lila reappearance and played flnt liate. Bending wiiaunioililrdandHuiphyta Uurke'tpltca In left fleld. Tlii ftulilcaa fleldlng aod heavy lait. Ung ot the vlalun, eipeclally ihe lading ot Connor, wen the teaiurea I I 0 .. 7 4 3 0 1 0 .. 7 4 I 11 0 0 ...7 1 I I 0 0 Hr. l^iifw T. a e. o. a.a Hioae,cr.. .7 11 10 l!i»ilay. If... 7 " ■ MIlUr, Vi.. l^nnor. lb. Pelta, e Ualue. lb... I 1 1 I I 0 Kly, aa 1 9 1 I o Dowd, rf.... 9 I I 3 0 BnlUoal'o.pB 9 111 Toula.. .IB ■ S 17 a Rt Ltfula 1 u a New York n 0 0 Nurpby, It.. I IMfle. lb.... 4 Uiiylo.3b.... 4 Vanllall'o,cr4 Wlbwn.Di... I ntbrlier.c. 4 BaahlD. p... 4 fullar, H... I Tolala....19 ! ^ a. n. A.a. llio 0 10 0 1 II 0 0 I 4 10 14 1 Oil e I 1 I 0 1 0 1 toll J III 17 l» ^ 0 0 4-1 0 10- Baaa on er^ Pureed luea-Bi. |aiI>. IB: New Vorb.l. , . rora-BL L,. I. (Hi balla-Nl. I.. 3. Itrueh oul-BI. L., «. Y., I. Uinplfa, irgi aplMll. T Init, lOB. Beaefclyn va, rillabarB, Clean, bard laitilni, wlihahariiand anappy Bold, lDg,eDaliled tbe llruokiyna u> defeat lha Plllaburgi, June I, at Brooklyn, N. 1, Kennedy pllched well BodsitecUvoly, while Cnluolougb waa freely hailed. Tbe gaina waa pnteateil by Uaplala BaekMToa account of Ibe emiieoua deolttoo of the awirB, Mnmy. It happened In the third Inalog. Ikere were two men ouL Donovan wai on aecond, when lalBBlopped the game. When play waa reeaoed Hooovao wiot toBaoondbote, wuch he had naahad