New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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218 THE Nirw yore: clipper. June 8. batore tbe gama wm nuppao. cipUIn Qriffln wilkert to ttas iMsa inrf rccalrcd tliD lull mm Ken- nedy, touobed DoBOVAD, cUIihIok tint lio (Donoveo) lud not touched flnl Iism Ijefora Kolog to RecoiH]. Tlie iimpira decided Itononin ont^ lu Tie cJalDicd, QDder nile 47, wtilcli bhjm; "TIio hew nmer moM toflch oacb iiMe In ntiiilar order, i\r,.: Klnit,Mc- ond, Ibird unit homo Ijwrj; iiod when olillged to retirn (except on It runi lili)niiiai rolimcb Iho liue or Ime* In rovirrm onler. )le ebiiil only lie con- ■Idered u.holillog h Inuie »rier toiicbluB It. end ■bill then lie onUtlnd In taolil nocb lauo iinlll he bu legillj tonched the next tieiie In order, or hu licon legtUj forced to viicale It r<ir a ■iicceedlnx hue ruoner." Ah liouuvnn had Ingilly toiicliod eoeond bue before "time" wm celled, he weit eiiililed to Uut bue when pier wu rennnetl. Durloi Uie Interim between the celling of "time" end tne n- ■nnlng of "pie;" no iiteo can lie run, plerer put out or run iicored. Ttierofore, when Iho pleyem re- ■nme Ibeir poiilUaoi for ihe calllair or "plej," tbe bue ru iiiier lakes the potlUiia he helil liofore "time" wu called, rimeoiui. r. n. i. o. a.r.| brookltji. r. n, r. o, i.e. poiior4o,rr. 4 I 3 I u olurlina,ef.... a u i a u 0 ' 0 l|l>>reArmo,iia. a 3 S 1 3 0 u 0 L.4c>uQc«,ib5 3 a la a u 0 u - ■ - - ■unul, ti... I a 0 I Bwklv, lb.. 4 g I lA I I TrwliAjr. rf. a « • v w u iihlnilla.]o.. a I 1 a 1 I Diijr, lb a I I 3 a a AiMitrpMi, ire 1 s 1 0 0 (Iriio.c 4 I 1 3 a 0 , 4 I I u 1 a a 11 17 i; II I 0 0 10-4 e 2 I a -II HalUi, h. Btuer, Vi 411lQirrou,iii 4 0 u I 10 Crau,u..... 4 u 0 1 3 II itanl«>,c.... 3 II 0 3 I I 4>ina>lr>ll||ll,|>3 I a a I u TolaU..JI 4 ail II 3 Fluiburx a a 0 3 mootlyn I 0 a 1 . . Remed mni^l'llliUinrx. 3;nnHthlrii, II. Keaeoflerniri -r. Un lalK-K, 2; H.}. Hiriick mit-B., I. I.'inpll*, Memr. Tlin»,ijll. Phllailelpbia ti. Chlcmgo. The PhllidelphlHii delenlcd the ChlngOH June 1, at rblledelpbU, l>ii., and llienliir adranced to aocond place Id Ihe rliampliionhlp mce. TlievlKlloie opened on MaOlll In a lively ininncr and ecored two earned rune, which gave tlioni a Icail. After that they could do noUiIng with HcOlll'H pitching unui the elgliih Inn- ing, when Ihoy Inttad In two mote oemed nine. In the Iiieiullmu Ihu honic laaiu liiul niado lour rune liy timely lulling. At lb« lioglnning of the oinib lining the acore waa a lie. HctJIII liU for two liaace and icorad on IKiyle'ii double iMgger. The lauer ullledon a iilngia liy llalliiian. The long aafe lilbi were a home run liy lleinllUin, a triple logger by Ofoa4 anil doiililei* by lloyle. Iielelmniy. Thompaon, Ileum, llalileu and Aawin. Ilaiiillloii'a honie run hit ana nuvenl Hue fluiiiile iilayN wen> tbe reaturea. Uclebanty and Docker led Ifieir reHpecllvo teaiua In batting. PlIIU. T. R. llanlluio,cr. a I llellir - a. o. i.e. 3 3 a 0 I II ^ 3 II I <:Hiaiao. Kyu, rf..... OKhlsn. Itarker, ir.. Anion, III. T. ILB. O. A.I. 4 u I 1 0 a 4 3 3 1 3 1 I 4 U I 14 a 0 Lnn|e,cr.... 4 U 1 I U 0 KTiralMb.. 4 II I 0 a 0 Hl4van,3b.. 4 0 0 8 a U llrlinili. p.... 4 0 0 U 4 a KlllrhKii.e. I I I 4 I a Telila...31 4 II 17 30 I I I a 0 I 3-a a a 1 a-4 ..AIlaiAO. lb. a [I DaMaoty.iri 3 Tiwmpue.rr 4 n I a ncou, 9b.... 4 a I I 3 luillr.a 4 0 I u a XaikUr, c... 4 0 n 4 I Meuill. p.... 4 110 3 Tliula....4U a 13 37 la niiudiiphii.... a I Chicxro 1 II - - Earawl mil*—MillMlilnliU, a; l.'lilrauo, 4. Ben on or niro-r., I: i:.. I. na IwlU^'., I: C.l. ainiek out—I'., l;n..3. Ilinplre, Knialla. TInit. Ija TTi* rhllulolpliUii woro iMoten by Uie Chlrnton Jano 3, allor a cloM and exclllnx niilHh, and vera iDoraby ila- iirlTod of Horiioil pUrit III the chaiiipbioalilp nue. tlio do* laal ahlftlne them liil.i nnh plare. Tlie PlilUdolidilai tuok Ibo iMiT la llio llilnl Innlniiaoil lioU Ituolll llio Ioai hmirofUio ilxlb. vhan llio lllileaaiia IIrI It. Each acnrwl a run lu llioaaipnili. hdiI oacIi dn<B lilaoka liitlioolxlith, Tlie tia va« limkaii In Ihn u^t lull uniia nlnlh, wliao .\0' aon alnxlail. rcanliod Mcond on UololianLj'a vibl tttrow, . and canio liurno iin t;n>H«* wild tlimv vlioo tenia at- tamptod to biiDl Ilia ball. Tlio raatoroa woro Ilanifliiin'a lioniB run ilriro oror (he rtKlil debt fence. Thoiiipaon'a great llirow bi tba pUto. piitllau out f^nga, aiid tvo elevardiinlilo pMyiby Ibo Tirilion. Tlia ollior tuna aafo lilta wprr triple IVKKerii liy Ilfluliaiitr nml berkar, ami doublaa liy Uolelianly. IVota, llalileit and Laniie, the lat. tor makloa t*". rmii. T. H. H. o. .A.X. Ilamlllon. rf a a 3 3 U RoyH lb.. . e 1 I la I llallnian, 3h. t I a 3 1 I Uolelianty. ir > Thonljwiii, rfl alraaa. all ... I Rallly.u.... 4 t;ioaioal4. r. 4 Caney.p.... 4 Totalis...«■ I1illadal|ihla.. ITIileaau.. 3 U I II 0 I a II 0 1 II 3 3 n 1 u 4 0 a t I tail a a. o. A.a 1 1 a a 7 10 3 n 1 a I I a 3 3 I IhllOAtlU. I llyaii, tr..... a ) Dalilan. a*.. a I IVIImiii, II... a I Anuin. IK. A I liaoue. rf... 3 I K.TenU,3b..4 iau«art,3b. 4 J llulolilMin, )> 0 I retry, p 4 UdoaIiiiis c. 4 _ . 7 10 34 14 4 Tulabi...ll8 1117 11 3 .1 0 3 1 U U I U 0-7 0 I U 0 3 2 I a i-a Kanieil niii>—riillnilelfihla. 3; tSlilcAfo, 4. Ban nn er. ron-l'., 1: (>.,X Uubalb-r;,a:fl.,^3 KInick iml-IV 3;t!.,3 Umpire, MoDoiltkl. TIr I u a 3 I 0 I I a I 3 a a 0 a a 4 I I I >,'i.iB. Waahlnaloa Ta. I^oaltvllle. Tlie Wulilngluna kept up ibeIr good work June 1, at Waablngiou, ]>, 0., by acorlag a victory over tba Uiulavllloa. Ttie vbillAni nude four very dlaaalmua •rroni and their team work Keneially waa poor, which helpeil Ihe home team In aooring twenly-one nina, nine iif wbli^b wore eaniod. Haul pitched a far iMIter ganip than the wmni ahiiwii, but hia Hiiptwrt at llmet waa daleoUvo. Umpire Keefe had not i«- imvered from bU lareiit lllneu and a local own oniolaled. Ilia ileelalona wore Ibougbt by the lAUlavllla tiuin to l>« decidedly lu favor nt the Waahlngtnna In many Inabtncaa wbore tbe niaya mm cloae. Hullarkr and Ooogan were aniMUlnled In plaiye uf Haul and Hoflulre at tlie aeTentb Inning. The king nafe blu woro liuue runa by Uoyd, Urooka, AUIiey and Hwoeney, tripio Iwggera liy Abbey and Ijiliy, aud iloulilm by McQulru, Oartwrtght and Uioulbcni. LtllUMVILI.I. T. H. a. o. A.a. Koooiiey, rf. a 1 I 10 0 ll'llriea.n>.. 4 0 I 1 • 3 iaiu>>rt,u.. 4 I u I I 1 HniulbaiKlb 4 1 1 13 I 0 tMuk. II 4 U I a 0 l'r««litll..3li.. 4 u 0 t■.ollln^cr... 4 u 0 WeHi, c ... 4 I I l,uhy, p 4 0 I WAHHIXIIT1I.V.T. .. a juyco, all— a llaaAniaor,rf 8 H(4]alro,o.. t lloniaii, 0... I l^lHarrl'l, lb 8 Hoyd. ai 1 <liaokt,lh... 3 Abliey, of... a 3 Haul. II e u HulUrky, i>. a a - Ule...U3l a. II. U. A.B. 3 3 1 I I II I 4 3 a 1 4 14 0 0 2 a 4 I I U 0 IH17 1 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 I I TliU'U.'..U3l IH17 4 3 TnUbl...37 4 7 17 11 8 Waablnirton.... a 0 0 I l> 3 > a l-ll LnulaelUe 3aunuU30a-4 Barood rune—WaBliinitton.a; l.oiilaTlllo,3. Baaeaon oinnt-vr.. 1: L, 2. till liallt-W.. a; L., 1. BIruek oat— W..l;l..l. I'miilio.Haoeden. Tinio,3.3U. Uatlor airnjuitd work enablail the LouleTlllMi to teeeiao Uie aliovo foiuh June 3. thtonlualiRni pltfhod a nno nine, and had lile eeiiport lioen perfect Uie home toaiu wuiikl bam Itad only U'o rune ui llieir crodK Inatead of four. Klve of (he hiti made lUT Horcerworo of the aoratdiy nnlrr, while lile auppoit vaa wrotdiod. Tlie nalOInx of l*roaliin, INdllna. Helbaea and Abbey, with Olark'e balllna, were llio fraturen. Tho lona lafahlu weio doubk oaaaon by t^itwrlglit, BrooUiora, Olark, Wfokli and IMIIna. WAHIItaimiN.T. H. a ' Juyoo,3li.... 5 llaquiia«r,Tl A : He(lulra,«.. 6 nartwrl't, Ik a Burl, M 4 Hrooka.711... 4 Abbey.ef... 4 ■airer.n.... 4 Toula . .41 Wa^lnelnn. |,<»ne>lDe.. l,OI'IHVII.I,R. T, R. a. O. A.K. I'roetun, rf.. a 1 I 4 0 0 ll'Brlon,3b.. J " aiiuaarl, n.. I HitititJientIb 4 .... 4 Kenmiar, 3b, 4 Welell. 0 I nollln^ rf... I ihionl'kMu.p 4 Tultl>....S 3 U I 0 3 0 0 I I I I I 0 13 0 1 U 4 I 0 I 1 I 3 I I I 3 a I I 0 18 0 0 0 0 111 7 iim 4 a 0 0 0-4 . II. A.K. 13 0 0 111 I I 0 113 I V 0 0 U I 113 4 u 0 a 0 Hamr.n.... 4 0 0 0 3 1 ■• - iftili r .10 1 _ - ,.. 1 3 n I I I 0 u •trolllna ralird mil fur Interterina with fleMer. eAblioy railed out fur Intorferlnit vltli UeMer. Karnoil rune—Wariilaeliui. 3: Loulavllle. t. Baao on ornite-w, 3: L. 4. <kMioll*-tr., t. iiu»k oui-w.,a; L.,1. Umpire, Keefe. Ttiiir, llu. Dalllnion ve. OlevelkBil, Tbe Ibillliiiorea defeaiod the CloTeUndi, June 1 ktUalUDOre, Hd., lu what pruvetl to lie one of tbe iMet oonteeled gamca aeen In tkat oily Uila aeaaon lleminlng had tbe vhUUng Iwbuncn guaaalng all the Uine, In tbe llflh Inning ouly coiiM Ibeybnneb finough hlla to acorva run anil prennt a anal out. la that Inning Hcllarr'a ilotilo, 0>Onnnor'a aacrt- 0M, and alngloa by Young antl llnrkett earned a run for the x-ulloni. The long aafe hlu won triple liaggan hy Kelley and CUrke. The batting uf He- aiiaw aii< the atfillng wurk of Jonnlnga wei« the (eatniai. tlLKTaiaHD. r. K. a. 0. A I Hurkotu If... 4 u I I u 0 Baltiiiiihi. t. r. n. o. a.b. Xeller.lf.... a 1 I I 0 0 Keakr. rl JenolaRA. OA. a Mnlraw. 3b. a 4 t:arer, lb.... 4 lUlU, lb 4 i:Urte.e.... 4 iloiuuiBa.p. 4 40 1 . 0 3 3 8 13 0 1 114 8 1 1 II 0 0 13 1 1 I 4 I I 0 I 0 3 0 8 19 r It I Hokeau, u. 4 0 I 3 3 I <l. 4 0 1 II I I ■Uko, n.... 4 0 1 I II 0 4I.Tab*ao,3b 4 u 1 I a 0 HeAleer,cf.. I a 1 1 U 1 Me<latr,3b.. 4 1113 0 41*0onoiir, c. 4 0 0 3 I 0 Voe0K.P 3 0 I I I 0 «]!UuBiar.... I 0 0 u u 0 T?t3r....91 1 014 14 3 Totala oUveUad 0 0 0 0 I n ttMmon a 0 0 0 S 0 0 3 •ZIniiierliatlod alr^ouB•. Haruoil rune—4novehtnd. 1: llalllmot«,3. Baaoon t0T«-B.,3. llal«lla-0., I: A., I. Hlnick out-);., I; 1 llniplro, Hotta. Time, tin. Hr a hiiiely buDeliloaof hlu la Iho Ninth lenlnB the inoTalaDdn wen enablati to nreiee the alwre rvault, a|. tboufli the iKHiie team uiede a flue uphill flahL Kepar ptwled u> pllcli fur Baltimore, but a aa uotteaily, and Uebr relieved him In the nnli biBlna. Tlio latter dhl wellBBtll tlie otntb. whon he waa f>wely hattail. Wallace iittrhod leuiarkaMr veil nntll the alahib Inolna, whoB Ua homo team lilteil In three raea,end were battlQi Mm hard In (ha aliilh. when dfvr waaaubadtuteil. He. Alraw apllt aBopr In Ihe elahtli Inning Bad gave way to Bimner. Intliaaaiiii. lonltii IVtMnnor waa aoot to Ihe Uodi by Umpire lUlle for tuo hiarh talklBg, glmaer 4aklBR hit plaro The liini aafe bite woro a hotne ma by Uredle Bad double beggera by Hioale aad lellA Oi.avBLAXD. r. a. a. o. a.b. Borkait, If., a I 1 4 I 0 HcKeaa. aa. a 0 0 I 1 I CtiVtt, lb... 8 114 3 1 O.Tebeao. Iba 13 8 10 Blaks. rf.... a I 3 1 a 0 HcAUer.rf.. a I 0 1 8 U Hr<l>tT,3>>.. 4 3 I I I 0 n'tUmnnr, c 3 I 19 0 0 y.lnimer, c... 1 0 0 3 u u 4 0 0 1 3 1) 0 0 0 a 0 0 Wallin. p. i:uppy, p... ToUIa. . rlereland. BalllmorB- .41 a a 17 10 3 I I 0 0 BALTiNoaa. r. a. a. o. a.b. KeUey. If.... 8 3 110 1 Keeler. rf... a 0 o a 0 o JenoblRa,aa. 8 1114 0 Mctlrmw, Sb. 3 1 1 0 A 1 Jl>..3 0 I 0 0 I 4 I 3 3 0 u 4 a II13 I I 4 113 3 1 , 4 I 0 3 0 U . I u II 0 a 0 2 0 0 1 3 0 I 0 0 U (I 0 IB N II 27 14 a a 0 a-a Btodle, cf.. Cany, lb. . Kelu, lb... CUrke. c... Kapiir, p.., llolTor, p... Olaaaoa*... Totala.. 3 0 0 U •Hailed to llolTar'A place in the nlnlh lanlng. EaraeO rana—Cleielaad, 3: Bahlraore, a, Baaa on ar- rore-n.,4: B..3. no hallA—4I.,3: B.,4. Btfuck out-C'.. 3:B..a. L'nplre. RttU. TIbh,3.40. Boa torn Te. Olaelauli, The Ikialona defeated the anclnnalla June 1, a*. Vuaton, Haaa., hj huooklng tbalr hlla and acoiing (our rune In the elgtUi budiif, In what proved u> lie a heOy coniealad gams (nm ant to laat. It waa anylMMy'a game unUl ta* tigbtli Inning, when the home team, by.good batdof, psi It beyond donlii. Tbe featurei «ere lbs batllog of noy. Miller and lUuiDon; ilie latier'a borne mu hit went over Ihe far end nf the right Held feace ilraO^'acatcblndecp cenim Held, of what appeared to be a Ibreebaie hit, and Ihe loSeld work of Sinlita and Naab. The other long aafe blla were a Mple bagger by liognl- ver, and ilouble laggen by Itlller ana Nyce. CiaoiBiATl. T. a. a. o. a.a BoaToa. r a. a. o. a.b. LaUiaai.Sb.. a 1 3 3 3 0 LowB,3b.... 4 3 18 10 " - a 1 a I 0 a Bannoa. rf.. 4 1 I I 0 0 • 0 0 1 a .. i o i 4 o i 4 0 I 10 3 I HcOarlhy.lf. 4 113 0 0 4 1 3 0 0 1 Naah, Hi .... 4 110 10 4 0 1 4 0 0 rocker, lb.. 4 1 i a i i 4 0 113 ONyc*. m.... 4 119 8 3 4 0 0 0 3 I OBOial.c.... 4 11110 4 1 1 4 0 0 RIlTotU, p... 4 0 1 110 Telali...9 a ll 14 U 9 TolaU...]! a 1017 II 4 nioclontti 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 .1-8 Boatoa I 0 I 0 I 0 1 4 -0 Earned nioa-ClaclBBatl,!; Boatpn.7. BajeoaerrorB -0,1.: B, I. (la bellt-C. 9; B.. 4. Htnok oul-C., 1; B., I. Umpire, HoDonaU. Time, 311. Ifew York wa. Flttabarf• Tlie New Vorka were ahot outvlUiout a no by tho rllla. hora^ June 3, at Uio folo (Iroundi^ thia rity. Ilawlcy pitebodwlilitelllnBOirert, koUlogUie Now Yiirka dowa to Ikree aca(tarlnK BlnRleB,Bitd he waa faultleaaly aop- portod. BuAlo, too, pitched a great gtme, but aortnl eoally arTom, wllh a timely bit or two, Rmro Ihe rUltura Uio only throe rum acored In Uia aame. Ilawloy ilM ihe Iwal baulBK, be inakloa a dnoble baaaer and a 1111110. Tlielune wBre roored In the aevenUi lniiloa,aM follow; Baaer ilnileil 10 riiht nekl; flugdeo wan hit w lUia pitched ball: Ilawloy aoot a hotoua lo Ina oatdeM. icorinx Bauer, Holdoo BOloR to thiivl, and -llawlay reacboil aocond oa Uie throw In; DoBoTBDaloitled ond Rogden acored. Haw- ley aMmcorwl on WIImb'b malT of Van llBltreo'a Uitow u> the Plate l« eauh llawley. irimtauBii. T. K. a, o. a. a Uonuvan, rf. 4 0 1 9 0 0 nlngmanjli 4 u 0 3 1 0 Tloman. rl Bockley. lb. 4 0 011 I 0 ~ ' Hteatelcf... 4 0 0 0 0 0 liny, II Urar, lb Ewfag, Ik... HIlUr, rf..... Hanftr,e.... Bmlth, aa.... Blilaao. p. BnilUi. Bauer, lb. (Iroa^ aa.. Muidoo. e. Ilawloy, p. Total*. Pliuburg. New York. .41 1 1 3 0 e .4 0 0 3 1 0 1 .4 1 1 8 I 0 1 .411010 ruUer.M.. Baoouo*. .38 3 7 37 10 0 0 0 0 K'RWVnHK. T. a. II. (I. A.K. Burke, If ... 4 0 0 I 0 0 Tloman. rl.. 4 0 0 I u 0 4 0 0 10 I 0 - - - Uoyle,lb.... 3 0 1 4 3 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 VRBllaii' n 0 I 1 0 - - - - Btureid,3b.. 3 0 I 1 1 0 WllacB,c.... 3 0 u a 1 I Roalo, p 3 0 1 0 3 0 10 0 110 ..- I 0 u 0 0 a 0 3nil 1 0 0 0 a 0 0-3 _^ . . U 0 0 0 0 0-0 •Ballad ID Fuller'a placa la Uie ninth Innlna. Bamed run-PlKahura. HaaeoBermro-l', Onlalle— P., 4: Now York. 1 8lnckout-l'.,3: N.V.,X Umpirs, Hurray. Time, lio. Sti Ijoala TB* Brooklya. Tlis Bnoklyna lieat Uie 81. LoBia Browne June 3, at Eaatora Park. Bnaklyn, N. T.. allhooRb the lauer out. hallad them. Rliret and (iBmhert boUi pitched egeoUTCly, but. while the hittor rocolved iierTect aupport. aereral coatly orrot« oa Uio part of the elaltora helped the hnuie team to a victor/. Cennor did Ihe beat hatting, maklnx a hums run ami a double tagger. Tlio homo run came when a runner waa 00 flrat, earning tioth nine for the Tliltora. The homo team plaied a particularly brilliant naklnx bite wheo oeceaaary, aokllnxjiuiierblr and X the baaoa In a daring manner. Tlia noUIng of Ooruiraa. Daly and Bly, wlUi Conoor'a hetdng, wore (he featurea. Br. LODIa f. R. B. O. A.B. BaOOKLTN. ¥. R. B. 0. A.R. BnwB, Cf.... I 0010 lOrlOn, cl.... 4 0 0 3 0 0 nooley. If.... 4 a 0 1 0 0 Corcoran.aa. 4 114 7 0 Hlller.Sti ... 4 I 1 s 3 0 Lachanco, lb 4 1 1II a 0 Coauor, lb.. 4 I 1 0 I UTredway.rf. 4 0 0 1 0 0 relti, e...>.. 4 0 1 7 3 onhledle.ib.. 4 10010 >bia,lb..,. 4 a 1 U 3 0Daly.3b 3 0 1 8 4 0 lly, aa 4 0 1 I 8 0 Aaderaon. If. 3 0 1 3 0 0 Ihiwd, rf ... 4 Olio I aria. 0 3 10000 Khrwl, p 4 0 0 U 0 0 aunbert, p,. 3 I I 0 1 0 TotaU...J8 I 814 11 3^ TolaU....A 8 817 14 0 Bt.I,auTA 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-3 Brooklyn 11000100 -8 Kamed runo—flr. LoulallBraokbrn, I. Baae OB errora B., I. On balla-4iL £.. 1: B., 3. Brruck out—B., 1 Unplre,Long. Time, 1.48. Gamaa lo Ba Playad. Jane 8, fl^ 7, BoahiB va. l*luaburg,at Beabio. Jnao a, IL 7. rbUadalpbla ra BLXoula at l>hlbulolplila. Jane a, ^ 7, Waahtaxloti va OlevaUBd, al WaahlagbHi. Jane a, a, t, Balduore ra Ohloaao, at BaltlBwre. June a, 7, How York va LoularlOe, at New York City. Jone a, r, Brooklya va. OloohiBatl, at Brooklyn. Jane a, New Tori va Clnelnaati, at Now Yora Oily. Janoa, BmokliB va. LouleTllle. el Brooklya. JooeR. 10. II, waidilBgtoB ta. BL Loula,u Waablextoii. June a, Kt II. Balllnwia ra OinelonatI, at Baltimoro. Junes, m, II, niladalpbla va.OUvetaod.airhllailel|ihla. Jone a. 101II, Boaioa va. Lealarllla, at Boatoa. Junes, II, New Tork va. Fliubun, al New York City. Jene H. II, Brookhm va. Chicago, at Brooklyn. Jane Ut New York va. Cbleego, at New York Oily. Jane 111 Btuoklyn va Kltuburg. at Brooklya. Tka OhataploHalilB Resord to Jaae 3, lawftaalwe* (NoolnBaU- - - OlavelanI 0 0 .. o| I . . - ChlMn 0 1 I .. 9 1 t I 3 3 3 3^ 11 niliueiphia.. I a I 1.. I 0 3 0 1 1 1 la BalUmore 1 0 I I I .. 0 0 3 0 I S 18 Boaioa a 1 1 1 a 0 .. I 0 8 a 1 la Saw York I I 1 4 1 0 1 .. I 0 3 I la rooklya. ia|ii| 0301.. 013 14 WaahlBRtoo... B(. liOala boaumia. 41ane« hut.. U 11II ulU IIII17 I7|u O B IM Tlie recantly played ehampltaahip xaiuoa of tho Weal- era Loaauo rwaelled aa n)lluw: Hay a—At (Irand Rapldi, HlBneapulla, la; arand Baokh. li At Hllwaukeo, HII- waukea, 14; BL t'euL t. Al Toledo, Toladu, 1; Kaaiaa Ulty.4. Hayl7-At IMnill, KansaOlly, 13: DalrolLlt Alllrwl Bal>ldt,UraM Baplda,!: Hllwaukoa,0(forrell- ed). At iBilIaupolla Indlanapolla, »: Hlnaeapolla II. At Toledo, BL l-aul, 13: Toledo, It. May S-Al^lroll, Kauaaanlly, UiDelnlLa Atllrand Bapbla llraad Baiw Ida, 10; HiTwaulee,a A<,Ioillana|iallarindIen>poll>, 10; Hlanaapolla, 1 At ToMo, TUMo, llj RL faul, 4. llu tt-M Detroit, Delralt, U: gauaaa Oily, & Al (IraBd Haplda,tirand HapMa,!!: UllBankeo,a Al Toledo, BL l*auL7: Tule(lo,8. Haya^-Huraloa xamoa—Al Dotrvit, lllwaakoe, ll;Dalroll,Ui AlUludBaplde, tlraml Bap- la, 1); KaaaaaLltr.O. At lDdlaBajialliirindlaiiapolla,l(; BLVaal,a. AiTOMo, ToMo,a: liiBBoapoiM. AOer- ntaad BapMa ilraihl Rapkla, tl; KaniaaCily, la. At lu- dltnapolla, IBdlal■a^<lll^ 18; BL l>aul, 1 Atnieda, Tale- do, 11; Hlunaapolla 11 Har9l-At Milwaukee. Hllwau. kro,«; BL IMul, 7. Jiiae I—Al KanaaClly, DclnilLlI: Kaaata(;lty.3. Al Hllwaukcu. Hllwaukeo,«: lodlaiitw- lla,l At HloB«a|nlla,Hliinaap<>IK>: TiiMo.7. AtBL I-buLBl l^ul,l4:(lraBd RaiiUa,!. The euuldlBg clutalaJunel, laehialva laaarnllowar flaiiU. ma I of Ihe Aoinl. Won, lott Ikrrf. iBdIanaiiolla tl 1) 7 .778 Orand Raalda » If II .BIT Hlnauiulla *l U II .at Toledo » 19 18 .40 Detroit 11 II 11 .HI gBniaaRlly » II 18 .19 Hllwaekoo » 13 16 .118 BL raul r I IS ■ .m Tbe leceulbr pU>' cbaraploaAhlp xauioa of (he fooaeyl. vaaUBUo League reauhedaafolkiw: Hayia-AI Allen, biwa, AUenbiwn, I: rulUvllK 1. At llarTl«bunr,llar. riabarg, II: llaaUuHha Al Lauoaiter, CarbulhlaM, 7; Laneaater, i. May 9-AI Reaillna. IMllaillla. 19: Beail. Haysa-Morahiagaiuea-AIAlleutuwn.Ilaaleloo, 4: Alleohiwn,! At Lanraaler, llatrUlHirw, h); Laneaa- ter, 4. Al KeailiBB, HaaillnB. 14: Carb<<ndale,i Aner- none Rauee—At Alleitlowo, llaaletoa, 8; Alleotuwa, a At llamabflrg, llarrlaborg, II; Laneaater,7. AtBead- log, KeBdlaB.T8: Carboeda1e,7. Ha)- 31-AI llarrlabura. Ilarrlaburv, HI; CartondaKA. At Laneaater. INittaTnie, 14; lAncaal«r,a. Al Raadleg, llaaleton. 11; ReaillBff, T. Jnne l-At Lauaaur, Laneaater. 4; ri>lt'vllle7l. At llairlaburg, llarTlabara.1: Oail>iudale,t. Al Baadlnc, KeadlBi. I: llaaleKin, 1. Jane 1-Al Allentown, Allen. Iowa, 11: (\tl«adaU,a Al llBtTUbum, riitUrlllaU; llairUbura, II. AIMaalelaa, Reading, 11: lluleloa.t. TlieelaiMinx of the clflba to Jun»3, InoluaUe, leaafol Iowa: naani. lOa. 2<ug. Jvtt. Allenlown H II T .« l-ollaTlllo II 18 a M llailelon «i 17 II .in llatrlaburB 17 18 II .tw BeadlBB H 14 11 .tas Iktbiaidale HUM .IB laaeaaur a) t 17 .34* The leceBlly pla)-ed rhamploflahip 'aamet of the Iowa League leaultoil aa Ibltow: May tt-Al SarllagtoB, Bur- tlBiba, M; llaleebuni, B. At Oaveanon, Tvl.AU4a B; CUaloo, r, Al Uataiiaa, OabiiHae, U; Oedai BapUB, t, Hay 37-AI BurllnlUH!, TrI rlllea. It; Borllexbini. Al Cedar Baald^ (>1ar RapUa, 0; Oobenne, 0 (forfelledl. Al llaUaburx, naleabaix, II: cllnlon, 1. At Waurhw. iiaiaBuurB, iiaieiwHia. ■■. i.iuiwu. 0. nuaifaw, Watarloo, 14: (Ktnaiwa, 1& (all Innlnga). Har 38—Al Burllugtea, l3lnton. 10; Burllaxlon, 9. Al Ouoaborx. (laleatiurr. 13: Tr1Cltlar,8 At fMlumwa, Ottemwa, ii L'eilar Kaplda, 1. Al Waurkm, Waterfaw. la; Dubui|ua, IS. Hay 9-AI Burlinimn, Hiirllagum, 31; nintoo, a. AlCaleahuru. OaloUiurB.9: TrICIUca. 0 (f.irfellad). At (ntumwa, tledar lUpld«. 8; fjimmwa. .V Al Waurlon. llobiii|aa, 9: Waterloo, a. MaySn—Hnmlna gaiite*-At llaranpnrt, CIIoUjil B; Tri-t'ltkA, 0 (fiirfeilad). Al <:eilar Hapkla,nlo. At tialeaberjr, UUurowa, 9; (3alealiora, 4. Anemoon gaiuea—At Cenar Kanlda, Cedar Na(ala<4; WaterhMi. 3. Al baveopnrt. rain. Al Dutiuauo, fhi- buiiua B; r.llnton. 8. Al (laloabunr. tKliimwa, II; claleA. burg,a. Hay3l-Atl.'llBlaB,CllnMi, 4:(murowa.3. At baveapon, WaterhM, 14; Davaoport, C. At Dubuiine. Dubniiuo. II: Oaleabanr, 0. Jane l-At Duhuqoe, Jhi. laiitue. 4: OBleaburx,l. Al BarllnRUui and Uaveapon, rain. The alaadlox ofUie club* lo Juoe I, laclBalvo. la aa followa: Ihil.uiiua Rurllnjruin Watartoo Cedar Hapldi Cllnloe Tri4.'illoa Oaleaburg Ouamwa The raeeBtly pUf•)] diuaplDinlilp nniAA of Ui* Irvo Aihlf)!! lawn* MulUi) u folkiv: H«y CT—Al Pnitk- Hn, Kmnkllo. U; Wnrrw. 14. Al lt*w r««ll«, Nbit Cwtle, S:nll(:iir. 1- At Hhumi.HhknMi.lU: Tllu»v)lla.X M*y M-At KrwQktlo. KraiiliirD.H; Warren, 3. At N«v Cuttle, OllOIir, III:No*CnnU,ll, At ShurDii. 81ian>n,l:Tllu»- Yllle,» Mav a>-Monilu|[ camM-Al New CaMle. New CuIklO:Mieron,V. AtOimir.Oil Cliv, 17; Franklin. 13. Allenuon nune^-At Frmnklla. Kniikllo. v: (HI City, Utrorreltetl). At Mew nubile, .New Ce4J«. 10; Hliimit. 1(1. AtTltuRrllle.TUuael)le-l5; Wirren, T. t1i« ■tuhllnRnl tlif claU to M*7 301 iDclavlve, U fu fbllowii: rtaifit. H'm. ItHt. IVrff. Rbwo 15 9 a iU) PnnkllD u A r. .A7I New Reirtle 12 7 ft .A» Tltaerllle 14 « H .10 Oil Olty 14 6 8 .40 WsrreD ii 4 S Tbe nc«Dilr pUyrU cliemploiiihlb RKmoe of Uie Naw V'ork flut<LNKU^ multed w follow: Hey S —At El- lolrei, ELnint, »; SdieiiecuiJr, 0. At Ulorentvllle, vet ErouodL lfuO~AtSlii)ln,Elii)lrH,U;8c)ieneciedy.l2. I«f ai^Momlng Kniiiei^At AeiNUinltin, AoiienlaDi, It); Bdi#iiecU(lr. 4. At Elm I m, DliieliMitDo. 16, Elinlrs, l.\ AtOktversTllle, Jolmiiloini.N; nloTenrllle.7. AneniiMio nni««—At*BlD|(h«mt«Ki, Binidiunton, 11; Elailm.3. At JoliiiBtown, atoveraTlllf, 12; JelmMtovii, U. A: Hdienrc- Udr. Aitiflleplkiii, It; Hchvnediuly, 7. Juoe I—At Kl- iiilra, AiiirtanlHiii, II; Kliiilm,T. At Hchoowliuly, Belie- Deciiilr, II; Okirflntflll*, 'J. June ^Ai Hlnanimton, ntiifthKiiitiia. 9: JolinnoKn. 3. At eiinlm, F.lmin, li; Anmlenleiii, I. Al OluTrnrlilr. Heheneciedy. 6: uluvcix- Tille.4. The piUotllDiforilie vWm to JoJieS, liirlaHlvf. In en folkiwe: Plaval. Wm. Lost, nr rf. Anilenluii 25 U 10 JUi Bimin 77 le II -va JohnMown 33 II II ebO OleTenvllle » li 13 iOfi RiDRllUlUtO 24 ID II .4)7 Sdieaectady 23 II 17 JO Tlie recenlly pleye*! cliemploTulilpKemeeorilio lllclil* Ren State Leacue renlted a« follow: UtfTJ—At KaU- Diaioo, Kelameuto. 21; HaUle Crvek, 12. At Vort llaruo, Ailriao. 10; Pert HuroD. 0. At Owomw, laoelriK, 17; OwoBiu, & Hay 30—HornlDv nnei^At Kalanaioo, AJ- riaii,13; Kalamaioo, HI. At Lan^lnir. Laniiog, 11; Bat- Ue Creek, ft. At Uwow, Owomo. lU: Fort llnioo, 2. Af- tamooe itaniee—At Kelaniaien, Kalamaioo, II; Ailrlan. 10. AtLaoaloK, LanaJD|r.9; BaUle(:reek,7. ItOwcuiw. Owouo, IB; rortllurva, 7. HajSI—At Kelainaxoo. KaU' maioo, 7; Adrlao, 3. At I^nIdv, LaniilDit, IS; Battle Creek, lu. AtOwoci«cOw(tiiM, S: I'ortlluroo.S. Jueel -AtBattle Creek. Battle Cre«k,23; OvottO.l. At Kala- aiiaioo, Kalaniuoo, 13; Furt lluroa, 4. At uimloft, Ail- riaa, 13; I^iloit, 6. TheiiaDdiOR of the clutwloJune I, Incleilve, in oa fallowe: rtatnl iron. tott. Ptrct. laanalDK 10 !> 1 .SUO Kalaitiaioo it H t JW Adrioo 9 6 ^ OwoiM 9 2 7 .222 Port Huron h) 2 B .3D0 Battle Greek lo 3 8 .:t00 Tlie recently playeO olianipluDalilp gaiiiea ol Uie Tetaa- Routhem LeaKue rvtultcd ai follew: May 23—At fort Worth, Oel'eilOD.O; Fort M'ortit, I. At Bheniiao, Blier- inan.l6;BaD Aoloalo, 1. At BhreTenort. eiireveport« 6; Auttln, 4. At Uellaa, rain. May a»-At Dallas i1r«t Itaaia, Dallai, 21; llouilnn, 3 (aeveo (nnlDgn). Hecuod Saitie. OalUa. 31; Houetoo, 4. At Furt Wortb, Fort 'orih, 17: <lalveMOD, 4. At Sberman. tfliemtan, 9: San Antonio, 9. At filimeport, Bbreveoort, Iri; AniUn, & HayZK-At Fort Worth. Ran AnlniiIo,6; Kurt Worth. 3. At Miemiao. Sliamiui, B: Oalreaion. 1. At nireveoortt Htireveport.e: UouMoo,3. May fU-it Port Wortli, Fort Worth, 7; Kan Antoala 1- At RItentian, Rliennan, 12; Oalreaton,3. At Dallaa and Blirereport, rain. May 30— At Dallaa, Dallaa, 9; AuUin, 4 (lire Inolnpij. At Fort Worth, Ban AnloDlo,3; Fort Worth, 2. At Snrereport, nrat came, Bhrereport. IB; UoueioD, B. 8econd_nn>«, Bhreveport, 23: llouatoo. la May 31—At Fort Wonlu FortWonli,?; llouuon, 1. At Bhermeo, Plierman, 19; Auttln, a. At Rhrenport, Otrereport, 0; Ban Antonio. 1 TbeiiandlOKor theciubi to MaySI, locltialre, laaa fol- lowe: PtOffO. Wan. tott. Per cL Dallai S 31 ft i»l Bhrereport 9 29 lu .743 Bheinan St 23 10 J)V aalretton 38 21 u .WJ Fort Worth 39 fli lu A\t Houaton 37 14 KI JTtI AuMln 37 8 29 aSId SanAotoolo » S 34 .138 The recent plaved chaniplonililp ninaii oribe BouUiem Afttoclatlonreaultadax roitun-: Hay38—At Evantvllle, MoDtfomer*. »; Rraiiirlllea 8. ifay 37-At Allania, AtlaoU,0; LliUeRook.4(iaQ (nnlnre). AtChattanoon, Cliallaiioon,H; MnDtgonieir. 3. AlETaneTllle, MenphU, C; BranfTltlci. AtNaahvlli, NajJifDie, 8: NewOrleanit. 5. May S-At Atlanta, Atlanta, 14; LltUe RookJ. At ClMltanoofta, Chatlanoo|ta, 7; Monigomery.O. AtBvana- vHle, BranirlUa, 21; Mtmphlo. la At NavhTllla, Naeh- vl)|«,7: NewOrltu«,3. Hartt-At Atlanta, Atlanta, 4; Little Rock.0. At fftiatianoon. CbattanooRA, 7; Mont- omerr.3. AtNaahvllle,NiwOrl«anB,7; Naahvllle,S. At _lvanaTlll«, nlo. May a^Vomlog mme—At Brantvllle, BraneWlle, 12; New OrleaoM, 8. AfUmonn Ratnea—At Atlanta, Ailanta, 9: Monijrouiery,0 (fbrTelted). At Otaat- tanuoita, LlUle Roolt, 9; Cnattanooam. 6 (eleven Innlnp). At Rvanivllte, BranaTlllo, ll:New Orta»na,3. At Naab- Yllle, Meropltla, 8; NaaftrlUeeO. May 3l-At AiUnta, AUantfl, B; Moaifomerj, 4. At Chatianoofta. Ohat* tanooica, B; Little Hock, 3. At BvaoRvlllo, Branavllle, 13; New<Vrteani,0. Al Nathfllle^ NaahTllle,ft; Men)phU,l. Juiiel—At Atlanta, Atlanta. U; MontitDinerT, ft. AtChat- tanoon, Mule Rock. 11; Cbattanooita, 10. At NadiTlUe. Mempbli, 10; KaaliTllle, 9. The aunding of tbooluba to June 1, Inclualve, UaafoU^wi: FloMt. Wtm, Lou, PtfeL AtUnia » ao 9 fin BTanaTllle 2» 19 9 .979 Naahvllle 28 19 9 * .879 Mempbla 17 18 12 .Uft LliUeRock 77 11 Ifl .4U7 OhatiaooORa 20 10 10 .983 New Orieana 27 9 18 .SS Monttromery M 8 12 .367 The recently plnyetl chanplonehip tainea of the loior- Huie Leeirue reaaltad aa follow: Maj 27—At FIndlar, Findlay. 0; Llni^ 1 At Henlon, Canton. 11; Kealon. D. At ManifleM, TwInCIUea. IB; Hannaehl, H. May0-At Co- luiubui, WheelloK. II; CoWwbaa, 4. At Klodtay, Flodlay. IO:Llina,ft. At Kenton. Kenton, 8; Canton,!. AtMaua- neld,TwlQClilea.7: Man^M,2. May2»-AtOolumbue, Wlieellnir, II; Cohimbua. 1. At FIndlay, FInillay, 10; Lima, If. At Kenton, Canton, 7; Keaton,0. AtVant* eeMTTwloCttlea.ll; HanKInU,! Mayai-MomloRfmniae ■At t^anten, iNioloa, U; KMtbn, la Al Danolnon. Twin lb»^ IB; t>>hintboi(, >. At Lima, Wheelltiir, 10; Lima, 3. AtMannilelil, FIndl&y, 10; ManeBeld,8. Anemoon came^At Canton, t^antua, II; Kenton, 9. At Dennlaon, Twin riUen, M: rolumtwa, 0. At Lima. WheeUnH. 9: l.lma,2. Al Manrteld, Flodlay, A: Manertekl, 4. May 3I--At Llota. LInu, 14: Wbeellna. 14. Tbe atandlntt of Uie oluba to May 31. Inclualve, inaa rellowe: licivrri. Won, IML ftrct. TwlnClUee A 17 7 .7-8 Wheellnir 9D IH t .031 Flndlajr 34 13 S .667 Columboa XI 11 13 .478 Lima U II 13 .iM Oanlon 23 10 IS .433 Kenton 24 ^ {J " eSn Tlie recently played diuiiplonihlp nmenof ibe We>t> em Awnelailon reanlti^ aa fiiIlow:May 0—At l*eorta, revrla,3; DeaHDlnea,!. At Q«lncy,U« Bl Jo- •eph,l. At RofkOtrd. Onwlia, XI; RoekforO. 17. At BprlnKOeU, Jackionvlllei.1; l.lnoola, I. MarfiUAtJaek. fWHivlne, Jack*iuTllle. 17; I*en Molrten, iT. At Peoria, rniria,ns; thiiaha, 7. At 4Juln«y, Oolnryi Lln<vbi.X At RiK-kliml, Hochlord, 2S; l>l. Jitneph, B. May3D—Mom- Inn ipiDten—AI Fftirla, Peoria, 17; Omaha, 7. At Rock* font. Horkfnnl. II; At. Ji«e»h, 4. Aftomoon gautea—At Feorla, reiiria, II; Omaha, K At Rochfutd. Rocbrbnl.0; 81. Joneph, 0- Miy 31-AI FeorU. I'eoria, 10; Rocbfonl, la Al Uelncy, Uuloer. It; Jackeonvine,7. J sue l-At |>ea Miilarn, l>eeU(iliiei«,3: Otiiiha, 0. At Foorta, Rork- ford. 7: reorla, 4. Al tjilncr, Oitliicf. 17; JackmnvlUe. ft. AtHi.J^iet^pli.Bi. JttKPli.3; Lincttin.t. TheniAndlnK of the clal4 to Jon« I, tnuuilre, la an foilowe: Pldanl. Vrtm. UH, Itret. Quinrr V 18 S .OB Peoria IB IT 9 .0ft4 Lliteoln 14 14 10 .ftn DeaMolnee 24 14 * iu .MS Omaha M U II .Bll Rookford a Ii 13 .A) Bi.J«Mph CV B 10 .SB) iackeonrtlle SI 7 17 .Bl The recenUy playnl chatii^ionriil|>jniiiM of ihe^Nen ,t : ili rawtuckot.^ 13;, Mev kedlbtil. Mar EnBlandLeaaueroaultadaa follow: lur37—AtAuxuita, AuxoahLl: lA«lauiri,a at Benxor. iSinlaod, 7; Ban. xor, a. M Btochlon, Fall Ulcer. 3; Btwktoo, a At Paw. Incl.r " '_ .. Attanala, HeJlir»r,ll; 'Auxuala. T. Al Brocktoe, New nedlbm. «iockl<m.a At rail River, ran Rlrer. la; rawluekel, II. Al l>onlAnd, I.«wIiub, 7: Fori land. a. Mar S-Al ABiraata, AufUklA. 18; Banxor, la. At Uwla. toa, Uwlatoa, 1; rofllBm. a At Kev Bedford, Vow Bedfei^.l; Brochtoe, I. Al rawtuekel. rail HIvit,II; rawtucket, 7. Mar 9—Movnlaa aaaiee—Al Aoxuata, Baeaer, Hi; Auauata. 7. At LewfalnB. Lawlataa. 3; ran. End. 4. a( iro BadfonL New Bedfbrd. It; Breekuis, HI. Al raaluckei, hwtucket, *; rail Blrar, 1, AlleiBoea aamea—At BaDXer,Baaaor, 11; Aaxaata, U. At Brock. ui?iBl^kt^la; haw Bedford, 4. Al Pall Rlvar. Fall RlTar.a; Pawtnetel,a. At rertlBBd,rovtIaB4,13; Lew laton.7. JflBO 1—Al Brooktoa.Broeatoli.ll; Baaxor. fi At Fall Wrer, Fall Klvar, 19: Ponlanl, I. At New Rnl- fonl. New Kadfotd. la; Uwliloa. a. At Fawiucket, Faw- hirkel, a; Uwlauin. i. Tlie atandlnxof liiB elalM to Jbub I. Inclualre. la aa fullowa: 73 IS 17 S X 17 ti 17 Fall Hirer New Bedford... Hmcitoo Hanior Ton land Lewlaton Aoxuau Fawtncket Tba racaellF pUj-ed chaaiplooehlo iunea of tlie Eait. ..■n Leaxoe reaullad aa follow: Ha; »-At Beehealer, HprlniaeU, 8: Racbealer, 3. At Bftacuae, FnvMeace, 13: Brracuae,!. Mar 9-Al BoSale, Beiralo, 8: Toroalo, 1. At Froviileaoe. Bprlexaabl, 4; ProrUoniia, 3 (fourtMO In- nioia). At Rocbeaier. Rochealer. It; Brimcuae, IL Al Wllkeaberre. WllkcebaiT«,ll:BcnnUD,IL Maj Sa-Honi. In« aBnieii-At BunUo, BuIBIo, 11; Toronto, 18. At Pnrvl. dtnce.ilpringaeU.I:FtovkleBce.l At Rocbeiler. Sfiia. coae, a: Rocheeter. 3. At WllkoabeiTe, Wllbeabarn, a; Bcimaton, 8. AlUiaooa xanoe-At BalTalo, Bulalo, •; Tomato. 3. AtProrbleace Provldeoce, 7; SprlDxaeld, 4. At Bocliealer, Rochealer, I): avraoiao, 14. Xl Bcranua, wllkeaberre. la:BnaaUD,8. Hayll-At Bolfaki, Bullalo, 7:Totonto.5. Jnnal—AtB«cbt#lor,BuOalo, 17; Rediea. Alrtcrmiiton.Wllheab4rTe.8:flcraatoB.a. AtSprlng. neU. BprlnxneU, 4; Provldeoce. 3. At Brraceaa, Bm- roao. 10; Torooto. 4. Junol—Al Bochealer. Bocheeter.8; BBiralo. 3. June 3-AI lUicbaaler, Boffalo. 3D; Kodieater, a. At ItcrBBlon, ScraiitoD, 10; wilkteharre, 0. At Hrra- roao, ajrraruie. II: Tonsto, 7. Al EprlniAeld. wet wrounda. The auulof of the claba to JuBO l^ladoalve, raaafoUowa: _ noted. Van. iMt. Ftret. aprlnxnoM 38 U 8 .714 ifllkeaberre H U s S» Hulfaln 31 19 13 .811 BrrwcuBo K 13 11 .377 r^vkleuce » 13 It JUa Scrantou aa H la .4a Tomalo a a 14 m 30 8 14 J40 Tlie receatlr pUred chanipionihlp xamea of the New EuKUml AaaoclatloB reaulted aa roflow: Har 17—At Haverhill, Haverhill, 9; RaUm, a. At Lewreoce. Lew- rence,a; Fltchborbi At Lowal, Lowell 9; Naabua,7. Mar »-At Pltehhurg, llavarllV •; Klichburw, 4. Al Kaihua, Naaliua. II; Lawreoce. II. At gaMm, Seleui. U; LD.-ell..H. May 30-At Uavfrhlll. Naihua, 4; llaverhlll, 3 At l.awreBce. LewTeace, 8: BaloBi, 1. At Lowell, Lowell, 4: Fllchliurx. I- Har 30—Norulox xanien-At Havorblll. Liwrence. 7: llaTcriilll, 3 Ac .NaaKua. Nuhna.9: Filch- burx.A. AlH4leai.lIalem,Zt;Lowell.6. Aflamoun BBine'— At Pilchhoni. NaaliBB, 13; ntcbburx. 4. At Lawtenc^ llaverlilll.G; Uwieneo,3. At Lowell,Lowell, 31;8al«ni,8. June I—Al Lawrauce, Lkwrence, 13; Lowell, 10. At , la; III " [averhlll. 3. Tlie ataadinx of the 38 13 » a Lawreoce.. Lowell Naaltua.... Balem Fllcbhurw.. HaTerblU.. TfiB nnie between the Bharon and New CaaUe taama, of the Iron ami 01) Laainie. Juoe 1, at New Caatle. I^, lennloaied lo a riot, Voipire Leabyleavlnt the trounda, followeil by a bowlloK mob of at leaat UO New Cattle rooterr^ Before ibe imme aurted aonie one circulated Moriea to tho eifect that Loabv had loade ihe i«mark dial tie would nt even with Hew Catlle.and tliat be vouKI call every nail that came up to Roae, tho home left Aeklor. aatrlke. ThIa battar waa called out on itrikea three illiTerent ttnn*, aixj the iiory waa eoon dr«olailoir Uirough the bloicliera and vrand aland. Leahy made Mme Irtul decleioni anil they were Invariably acaloit New CaiUe. Tli're wem nearly 1,80) people on the im>untla and the oamee and yella called Lealiy were tintply beyond eiproaelon. Aa noon aa (he game waa over and Bnaron bad won, the men and boyi on the bteachen made a mah for tlia umpire. It la oaarlv half a mile fhHii ilte nonnde to hU hotol, and heliad abaitle nearly the whoU of the way. Ex-Uiiiplr«Mortha,who aeverml yean aifo acted lo UteoU Iron and Oil LaNTaa, attempted to uefend Leahy, but waa almck (n the mnutb and head repeatedly by ■onw of the anjnr mob. It looked for a Uiiio aa tboufrti the two mlRht be killed, but eome one called f«r Uie poltcA, and the entire force mpooded ami Ktopped Uio rloUnf. Lealiy and Murtha were both more or lean Injured. Tlie BL Loula Brrtwoa defeated the Fall Riven by 17 to a. May 31, at Fall River, Mm. The Beloli Collefte nine defeated Ute Lake Foreet team by 13 to 0. In ali Innlnn, May an, at Belolt. Wta. The loasn made only two aafe bita od* UollUter. ritcher Bniah held ibe Walartooa down to four aafe hliaaoilnUreililiieenof Uiem on airlkea In the after- noon come, Hay3i>, at Cedar Raplda, la^ the Cedar Raplda Uieo winning by 4 to 1. Tlie UnUtreltv of Illlooli team defeated the Vnlveralty of Iowa team by 14 to 3, May S9. at Iowa City, la. Tbe toaera made only two aafe hita offllngnian. TiieMenloa defeated the Lonidaleabyll to 4, June 1. et Ferkaile. The loaera made onl)* (oor eafe hIta on YouQC Bunn prevented UieTuraitwnelDdeaffom maklnnmore than one eafe hit oifblm Jane I. at PliHadelphla, Pn., the 8L Lukea then winning by O to 1 TlieNerwoodadefeated the Powella by 10 to 4, June I, atPhlladelpblakPn. Tbe loaera made only oneiafebU oil MuUen. a. NIcfaob heU the Bontb Seavtllea down to three ufe hlu Jone 1, at Cape Hajr Court Ilonae, N. J., the 0. C. U. team then winning bj 13 lo 1. The Brown Uolverilhr team defeated tbe Unlvertllv of Pennaylvaala team by U lo9, June I, aiProvldenoe, A. I. Tbe Wealeyaa CoHen taam defeeted the Trinity Col- lege team by 17ioO, atMlddletown, Ct. The Yele UnUenlty l«nm defeated Holy Croaa by II to 3, Jone 1. at New llavao, Ct. Terkea pnveoted the PottfrllleR from making more than one ufb hit olT bim June 1, at Lancaster, Pn., tbe iMcaaun tlieo wlnaloB by 4 to 1. The 8L Loula Browne defeated thelrootldes by ISloft, Jnne 2, at Newark, N. J. Tbe Recmatlooa defeated theXavtere by 0 to 1, June 2, at Recreation Park, L. I. The leeem made only three aafe blU olTMutphy. TheMaabTllleedefeatetlthe Mempbla team by ft to 1, May31,atNaHbvllle, Tenn. Tbe loeen made only fnar ■ale blu off Herman. McFarland prevented the Houitona ftom making more than two aafe hlta ufT him.May31.atPortWorth,Tel., the Fort Worth* then winning by 9 to 1. Keefe held th* Ran Antonio team down to three nafe bIta, Hay 31, at Bbrerepon, La., the SbreveporU then winning by0 lo3. Rain on Juoe 3 prevented the diamplonihlp game b^ tween the Boaton and Cincinnati taama at Beaton, Haaa. Prealdeot KnnUch, of the Byraenae Clab, of the Beat* em Leegue, nceotly vUlted Brooklyn and completed ar- rangnmenta with Pnaldent Biyne for the releaae of Hul- vey and Olnea. PiMldeot Bmie and Manager Fbutx admit that the Plttaburgriubliaa coed gronnde for lu proteet of the Brooklvn Flttihunt name June I, at Brookuo, N. Y., and blame umpire Mumy for tali Ignorance ol Uie ruloa. FllcherKoaaaa. nfthaNaw York Olob, tiaa been loaned lo the Scran ton Clab, of llie Eastern League. Pitcher Babiley prevented the Carbondalee ftorn'mah* Ing more Uiao on* ecimtch bit off him June 3, at Allen- towB, Pa., the AlleoUwna then winning by 13 lo Ol The LUUe Hocke made onlj ihree ufe lilu off Hill May 31, alQiattanooga,Tenn., the CbalUooogaa then winning byftiol. Kane pnveoted tiie UoluoihuN team from making more Utah one aafe bit oif lilm May 30, at Columbni, O., the Wbeelliijia Uten winning byft to 4, In ten Innlnga. TlieCantonOloUorUiB iQUrRiaia League, dlibanded June 2. ORIOKET. Th« Inter-CoUvglate Cluimploublp. The Uaverford College eleven hare ngftlned the InUr collegiate chemplonablp, which Uier laUier uneipeetedly kwt lo Uartaid Unlvonity laat aeaaon. Tbo Uarerfbrd College lean eeorad a victory by an Inning and 4ft rana ever tbe Uarvaid Unlveitiut««a, Mar 10, at Boeion, Haaa., tbe reepecUve toub being: Uav«rfoid,97: Unr- Tanl. S3 anrn. J. A. LeaUr*« iplendld batUng and bowling njntoly contrlbated to the dMielve vlctorr.he eeoring no fewer than 01 rune, not out, going In flnt wicket down, and taking la two Innlnge eleren wickeu at Ihe eon of only S runa. A. P. Morrli al*>o bowled effective, Uhlog eight vickeu for 40 rana. B U. Fool going In lUit made 10 run*, not oat, fur BarranI In the nrat Inning. The Unlveralty of FenneylvanU'a elevaa oefealed Ihe Ilarraid Uolrenlty team May 17* by 0 rana, Uia »«pecUve loUU bring: Pennnylvanla, Sseod M); llarvard.3l amlftL The ■conngwaaMuall. A. II. BrockU, wllh 10 and lUi makint; Ihe movl rune for the winner*, wbltet;. T.Uoeatdld ibe beatbo«llog for that iMm. The deciding contttlfor tiie rhamplontltin took flace Hay 31, on the gnumla of tho Uerraaolown Club, al hlladetphS Pa-, the Uaverford Culleg* eleven deieating Uie Unlvenityor Peon Hy Iran la'a learn by 147 lo lfl\ tho toule of Uie ifral Inning. 0 R. IllncJiman maile S) rune for the Uaverford team, while J. N. Henry. «llb 34 rana. not ont, wnaiheblgheetacorar fortheloeoK Two or TAB rLDne of the Callforala Apooclatlon played two gamea May 19. at and In ibevlclnlijor Ban Fran- daco, Cai. The CellforaU Club forfelloo lu rwotoTlj eeheuoled ebamplenatalp oootoet to tbo Bobemlana, in order te rive praeilee to new meinbere who wen Ineli- gible tepuir. In the eihlblllon game, thirteen on each ■Ma, the Califonila team won by 38 to a. the loUla of the dm Inning. BonMu made 19 runa, Ihe olftieatecora ftor the Bnhemlua, and Townley. of the Calirorala CtuK bowled eight wkhiu. Qo the eame day tho Atamc^la eleven met ihe vlaliing Ban Jo«e learn, and the oontaet RU left aB0oIthed and dnwn. Tlie home team. In their nr>le«ay, •eored 187 for ihe lotaof only four wlckeU, and then declared their Inning cloeed. K. 0. RIoman went lo flnt and made M runa. not ouL Tbe Ban Jeae teem hail I«m eevea wickeu lor <9 at tbe call ol lime. QiQiiiB K PATTnaDV stnUnnee with the Oemaatown Club, and mme tpM hattJng In lieitef form than ever, nowUtai he biu nalgoe^T ine c^pt^lneyof the oHven; after many yean ormovt valuahW Rervtr*. William RrochUi, who Do« eaptaloa the oi-champlooa, ahoohl make a worthy nceeaeor.JodglMf^Bik'' record in the Two cbamplooahln cnntaata look pUc« May 90^ at Pbiu- delphla. Pa., the Belnont i«om deCiailo* the Merlon eleven, with ill wickou toapare. on the former'agvoondB and lift Oermantown Club winning by 4T rum in a one Inning gaoie with iho Tioga team. C. I'mUi^ with 46 and hL not oQi, wMihe hliho«t acorer for the Belnont Club while J. W. BharpnadelUniM Intbennittnning, and A C. TliayericorMAlii Hi* aeeond Inning m iIiq Marion team. Tlie rotpoctlve iiHala wen: Her|«in.(0 md tti- Bvlmoat, III aadM: for fi>ur wickets. The Ueraianiown made 144 In the drat Inelng. and at tlie call nf time had three wickeu down for 101 In ihe second. wiJU ihe Tlnaa uam made 71 la Ihe flnt Innlog. W. Brocklo, wlih 17, not out. In ihi Dral Innlog, and (t.B. Patt^raon, wlth39. not out, lo theaecooO. wete ilieblahe«t reorerafor the win- iMrw, while F. II. BateimadeSI rana for the Tioga team. Tfia team nf paai and prefent momber* of Cambridge Uolvenhy, who are boohed lo pUy a ^rlee of gmme« (b thli cooniry, will probahlr pbv their opening game KepL 3,4,0. with an eloven of New \ ork. A apeclal meeting of Uie MetropollianUlalrict Leefpie wa« to he t>old June 4, wbfo It waa probable that ihe order mould be er- cepted. The follewlng ore the dateapf IhoihreegameH to be pla>'ed In IlilUdelphla: flepl. 13. 14. I0:a>.li,23 and 27, SL V. TTm vlaltnr* will |iUy lien under ihe auepke* ofihe Belmont, Merlon, Plilladelpbla and Tloin anUofllilUdelphln. BnriniLnme* were played Hay at and In Uie vlclu- llyofBoeton. Man., Ihe mort noteworthy l>elog l<etveen Uie Boaton Atblello AMiKlaUon and the Bowton Olub. the latter anaipoctedly vloolnn hy liH lo (B, the total* of tba Hratlnnlpg. tilratiM»n«, wIth4UranB.andUeonreWrltflit, wlUi U rana, ■ en the h Igheit econn for their mpecti\ e taama. Tlie acorlng waa muall lo niou of Uie oiliar aminr«,e«peGlallythatbeiwean Uir Lynn Wanderer* ami the IWkland team, when only 63 noa were acored for the loaa uf 1111 rty-ih no w Icke la. Till PlillaiUtpliIa elevoo defeateil ibrTlog»team liy 111 loCCL III ao lanliKchaiuplon^hlp vnnt«ia. June l.m PtillaHrTHila, Pa. Aiiutber chnmnfon'Jilp contea luiL filaceon tbe umo day. wli«n lliefleniinntnvn team da- iMtled the Merlon oUreo by 113 lo 101. Hie luUla of ilif llrat Inning. Ttie liiiheat ■rorw In these tvo malclieii w^re J. II. Maton, of uio Plillailttlpltln Clttti, with 37 run*, and 0. 8. Pniunoii, of tbe Oermaiituwn Club, wlili ti rana. T8B Biaten laland toam met Uie l'hlUd(>tphla Oliii> MaraOL on UieUttefa fcraund a*. Wlnaahlckon. I*hlladv|. phla.l'a- The aeiiring waa amall. ihe home icam »In- ning by !S to 10. ilie imnU nf tho Orat Inning- Tlic I'hlh- drTphIa learn had acored 70 for the Ion of only i>ire« wickeu «lien li>e aUmpi were drawn. B. Sorrro made 37 and £) In flon Inrm fur ilie home teaiii. and J. H. Lamb- kin batted well for24 ruaaoo behalf of Uie vlaltor*. Tkk annual nialcli belareea ihe eleven* orTrliiii)-■mi Tomito I'nlventltlefi look pbre Hny 31, at To^)tltl^ i)ni.. and rraulteil IU favor »f tbo Triiillj team by IS6 lo 9^. Iho loUli ofthe OrNi lonlug. 1). M. Rueer^ niado 43 miM fur the irliiiier*. Tlie Trinity UnlverKiry eleren on Hav 24 ItaddarcKled llie Tumnto Club l>>-Mi tn 73. In nh fni> Innlna leanie. Coo|t«r »>con)d (3 runa. not iiul, for ihr Trinity l«.ini. BooRi5(i contlnuM lo be unuauallv lan» In Koglentl. Uie latoA Iniunce therenf Mng abnwn In Ihe eanie iw tweeoSerr^aiKl IlieCainbrldce Unlveralty eleven atthe Ova), May SL St, when th* furmer made UD for aevon wickeu. of which Abel wa* crediied with (03. and llolUud. tho youngnm member of Ike team, with 171, hia mcaw\ conieeuUve century furtbecbauiplun conie:iK. l!t THB gamebetweoa tbe A'cond elevena of theiier- mantownand Tlora i'Uba, I'hIladelHile, Fa-. W.J. Dahrlog, tvlthll ran^ and H. P. Nevball, with W ran<, net oni, made ^ prolonged etanl fnr the ninth wiekeiof the OerToaiiUwuteam. The UiUr vetemn la cai>taln ihlaecaaon of ibe aecond eleven of the Oerman- town Club. TUB Behtiont Club commenceil a ronUat wUli the fit. Davld'HClub..lune I, at Fbltailelpliia, Fa., which reaiilled In the largo total of 3l( for the fonnerteam. Tltechlrf contrlltaren to iliU tante total were P. YamelL who nolle UD raoii und then rellred, and A. H. Wood, who acored 63 runa. J. J. OuvBT, while kee|*laa wicket for tho New York Club'a wconu eleven. In an eiblblUon same villi ilia TeuUnlo toam, June I,at Centnl Park. In Uiia city, re- ceived ao bad % btow from a bumping bUI that an ambo- tanre wuaeot for, but he recovered auilloIenUy loretoni home. n. FALMRB niado 31 of a total nf^l for the BellVeld Club, and iiovled four wIrkeiH ol the Wavoe team at the coat of It raoH In an one Inning game piaved May 30, at Fhlla- delptila. P^ II. C. Hunter, of the Wayne t#am, bowled eoven wicbeu for only 14 noa. TnB Antt cfaaniplonahlp conieat ol tbe newly organited New York Ataoclatlon took pUceat Frorpect Ferh, Hruok- Ivn, N. T., the King* Couoiy BL Oe^rge teem then de- fiatlng III* Metropolitan eleren by4l to 39, the totala of the llrat Inning. P. TBOnnuN acored 61 runa, not out of a total of 117 credited lo Ui* a«coi»d eUven of tho Merion Club, while J. 1. Bcotl made 39 rana, oot oui, of Uie IIO acored by the aocond elevan of ttie Belmont Club, In none Inning eame pUyed May a>, at FblladelfhU. Pa. Tub Uaverford Colleee eleven aecored a reihernnex- petted vlcinnr over toe Boaton Athletic Aaaoclatloo'a learn. May 39. at BoOoo, Haaa. A.P.Uorria bowled flro wickeu for 14 rana In Uie Aral Inning of the home team. FiVReiblUlUoo ganea were played May3U,at Proap^ct Park. Brooklyn, N. Y., ihenioeinouworHiybelngbetweeo Uie Hanbauan and New Jeremy Aihletlo Cluba, Uie latter wlonIngby9lto43, the touleofthe Brat Inning. H. 8tvvrmo.'< acored 71 ran*, of Ute total ori42, mido br til* York Road Club apihiit the nivertoo Club, Hay 93. at Phlladtlphle, Pa. Tlie RIverton team bail ntueft forihe loMof two wicbota wb^n time waa called. The cliamploTUtiip aeaaon of the Hettopolltan DIatrict League oonuMoee* Saturday, June S. THE RING. The Soa BomIi Clab Not « 0«. Jamea J. Corbell and Wm. A. Brady, it waa reported, lud leaaad that part of the Bea Beach Palaco, at Weal Brighton, OoDoy Iilaad, recentlr hired by the Allaatio AUileile Club, aborUy before U>e laUer organliaUon wu compelled by force of clrcumaUocea to give It up. Itappeankbovever, that ibey liad not actuallr taken a laate of the pnnUM, bat only antlolpatod uolog ao, ItbelDgthelrlnteaUen to ormnlze the Sea Beach Alnletlo Club, fortbopurwee of giving occaatonal gtove toorna- menta. Oo Mny » Brady called at theoiHeo of tbo Bea Beacb Railroad, u ihU city, and had an InUrvtew with onieenof Uie company. In regard to aoeurlog tbo bulMlng. Alba only wanted It for Monday nigitu, however, and In- •Iliad thaltheoM area*and boa ■eauahonld atud, which pnpoilUon the coupeny'e oOlclala decKaed to entertain, no aatlafactory nnit waa roadied. Now the arena and eeau bava been rHnored, and Meiara. Brady and Corboil catuot aecnre tbe balbling at any price. Bo. as there la no oiber ealtable pbco on tho falaod available for Ihe parpeee. Ibe propeaed n*w Oatle orgenliailon will hardly BMlerialhe In thenear fatnra, II atall. Tlie live Beaalde AtbleUe CInb, of which Jim Kennedy U tliehoeUlngmatcb maker, will have Uie OeU to lieelf. The ChaBBploBBhlp Nateli. A meellag waa b«M In ihU city on Monday, Jnne 3, be- tween Joe Vend Ig, the tepresanUtlve of the Florida Aih- letlo Olttb, and Dan Stewart, who npnaenu Iheayndleaie ofDalU^Telaa,cItIt•n■ who have offered tofbnlalitbe pure* of |4ljQ0i> offered by the foraier club, la order lo •ecure Uiochainptonalilp battle between Jamea J. Corbell and Robert Fliuilmniink aaan atlncUon for Dallaa dur- ing Uie Bute Fair, which laaia fVora about the middle ol October lo llie lulddlo of November, and during which then laalvaya aiuultlMeoratnngenln Ute dty. It la announced Uiat an agreement baa been enured Into wbldi gtvea dteering pronilae that tbo Oght will be bnaghtoffatth* pUce mentioned, both princlpala hav- ing agreed to Ro there, and a aatlafbdnry amngement iMVIng been made between Vendig and BUWArt. The Ultar two were to hnve called upon Uie eiakehohler4, when Vendig waa lo have ^oed the 15,000 gnaruteo freiB the dub In hli Itanda, while lAwyer Friend gave aaenreneea that Fltaaliumnna' depoert, or a alinllar amount, would be forthcoming In a Tew daya. Ja«k DempM^ la to be tbo reclpleot of % compllmenUiy lasUmonlal al MadUonBqoaraOanlen, Ihlaclty, on Satorday evanlog, JnoeflLandftoB preeent Indleatlonn Iho affair will be noBMrablaln tbe AaUeannalaof the meliopolbi. Denp- aey haa alwayi been nry popnUr In the prafeaalonof whkb be wa* oac* one or Ibe briihtest ornamenu In loterica,and nannber of the leadtngmembenthereof hare velanteend their eervkee In bla behalf. Among ibeaonnChainploa Jim Corbelt, Bi-Champlon John L. floUIvaii, Bob niudaiuoae, Uie mlddlewelghtchamploa, now nulchod with Corbelt for the heavyweight cbam- plooahip; Jack MeAn1lffe.wbe baa repeatedly von pm- mUr llghtwelRht liorton; Joe Lannon.Tommy Ryan and many odiert. Rulllvan wll! apar with Lannon. and the bODoaclarTvlll vied up the Uiow with elUter McAulIffe or Ryan. Jack h« alvaya been a great lavorilo with the •poriinx pabllc of New York and Brooklyn, and, even without inia mataniy of boiing ulent to annctthem, Iher wootd doahtleaa nuiur In atroDg force to aaaitt the oQcebrillUni "NoaparelL** LmvlnM DeftaU Everhmrt* "Kltl"ldvlfnie and Jack Bveriiart met at tbe arena 01 Uie Beaalde Athletic Chib, Coney lUand, on Ihe avealng of May 90. and oonionded for a percentage of the rocolpta. their boat being the prlMlpol event on the pragnmme. They weighed In at I3ife, and Uie ccnuat waa a alaabing good one. laaUag twenty tonnda, and being brlmfbl of pepper of Uie botten aon. It ^aa quit* even, loo, UiionghooU bat, at Uie conclaalon of the etlmlaled Ume tberawreeg»re hIa verdict Inlkvoref lATlgiHLOo tbe rroood that h* bad done the moetof tbe lead fog, and Uicreby had tmken the moat chance*. The declaloa waa blr. but many In the crewd wouU have beoo bolter MtU- ■edbadtbftdeelaloobeeaadnw,aa Uioy feh that Ever- hart had don* uch good work that he wa* eallUed u an equal abare of tbe bonon, OiiCAB CABDBia, Ih* ''Omaha KM," and Tommy Dlion, ofRocbeetor, utlled for $300 a iMe and the gau recelpia, ahoat|2J0U. In on open Held on the Kanaa* aide of tbe river, near Kaoaae Clly^o., on the aAaraooa of Mey V. Ther w*n eoeftned to ilOfe In wolght, end the Rocbecur- Ian had the aner hand mm beginning to ond, onlteonl- ehwlag, botL lo aklll and gmieimhdilii, the ''KM-** In iheaocDDd roend tbe latier minted hie Mihaod qnlie eerlonalr, and In Uie tIgbteenUi hart bU rf ghL He waa plucky, Downv«r. aod cooUnnad to lace Ihe noaie up lo tbe thMy-alsth ronnd, et the aod of which hU tecken. In order to eon n g«M man fVom addition^ pnnUbment, threw^p 0)* lpoog«, god Dlipa waadeclarM tbf wlpoer, Fugg Maanraki. of OloehiaaU. and Johnny lAvaek, of Ctovelaad, 0^ fongbi a twenty Ive nmnd tenia befAre Ihe ■etrcpoUlaB AUl»U« Olab^ of WlieaUoB; W. KM