New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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June 8. THE NEW YORK OMPPER. 221 THE HITS OF THE COMING SEASON. BE THE FIRST TO SING THEM. I. We're not d( • vid • «d by o - ccaai. By le^i or b/ mile* i Kor«.- ■. Osr Snfs witfi Brehestri Pim in Free to Professionals vtk^ Cirl ir Pnpaa. THE S. BRAINARD'S SONS CO.. wabash ave, CHICAGO. ActorsTrotectiveUnion,No.l,N.Y. NO. 143 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CIH. The Largest and Most Complete Offloes for the Trans- action of Theatrical Bnsiness on Earth. AVANTEDoTlie sddreu and op«ii time of all •Hlals, »• w« an IB a potUtoa to BOOK YOD. HBETINaS eTaiT Thanda^, II A. at Ife. 8 Valon Sqnara. AU LADY BIKH' BBR8 an InTltsd to attend the mMllBga. TO HANAOER8—We can flirntah fob wllh an^ act yaw deain, Theatraa, Roof Oaidena. Oat Door AttraolloBa,et«* Write or win. Immediate atteatlOB* JOE M. LAWRENCE, Business Manager. ORGANS!!! TDATa TBAT TOU'U. HATB BY OEITINa ONE Of TBB . GO'S ^^E"!^, ORGANS or ORCHESTRIONS. DBLIOHTED CVSTOMEIU wrltlai ud TlilUninidillT. n.ra' •hu OQ. un: "NEVER UAO SUCU A CBOVD, and Urak b BO HUCI UO.VEY a« w>l^n I chtniaJ and GOT ONE of YOUR OROANS." FRATI YOU CAN DO THE SAMKt CONE OR WRTTB aillCKI.VI DONT bar tnih of oU»r hlnOatlitttoaUToa twice (UDrlc. for ranUn. and ttoiM vour trailom maao> llmi. Full paitleulan and CATAIAMirES MAILED FREE on tppll- utIoD. (Ml the BEST. Oat a Fiatl * Co. Organ. AU6UST POLimNN. 70 ami 72 Friaklln Strtet, New York City. DOYLE'S PAVILION, AXIiANTIC CITY, N. .T. JOHN D. JDOYLE, - - - - Proprietor. - • * - Manager. SUMMER SEASON COMMENCES JUNE 24. 2 PERFORMANCES DAILY. NO SUNDAY SHOWS. Wanted, (or opening and later dates through the Bunrnier, STRICTLY FIRST CUkSS AND VERSATILE ARTISTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Address FRANK OOLDIE, 1,S4I HarUnd SL, Phlladelpllia, Pa., until June IE, then to Allaittit City. MR. ANDY HUGHES, PROPRIETOR AND MANAGER OF THE BOSToii mm wmi m \wm mm\ WI1.L SAIL BATVRDAV, JVOB S, FOR EUROPE, PER CVNARO UHE 8. 8. CM- BRIA, TO SECURE EUROPEAN HOVELTIEB AND WHATEVER 8PE0IAI. FEAT- URES CAN BE SECURED FOR THE ABOVE ATTRACTION. DURIRO MY AB- SENCE ALL COHUUNIOATIONB FOR HE SHOULD BE ADORBBBED TO HV RBP- RBSENTATIVB, CHARLES F. CROMWELL. Bath Beach, L. I., H. Y. VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS WANTED AT S-u-TD-u-rTbeiii GrStz*clexi Addnws ST. LOUIS, MO. SAM W. OVMPERTZ, 3,130 OIlTe Street, St, Loall, He. A BIG HIT rOR THE SUBIMER SEASON. Apollo Mandolin Orchestra and Vocal Trio. Bfatt«n of r«fln»d concert** Thoroaghly reliable onaBlMtloB* A aoed attrmetloB (br flnt cIkm Snminer reeorls* Dance mnslo a ■peclali jr, A Wvm opea uiee f^mJalylto Sept. 1. P^Traaoent addreea GEO. T. DHOWN, Director, P. O. Boi 360, ReadJag, Fa. MUTtOEEt WILL OUT. MME. FLOWER ^ FREDRICK PIPER, Tti« npr«MDUtlT« tlnfflnff tumor Am*rieA,iipecIilsltnctloD with IkhAm'ii RoyAl OctorDooi, mmod tB ud *WS Th« mord brnfcflo At Miner'n Boverr Theatre. Htrloa cIomO tht olio with t«o nul Btiowa vllhlo e mooUf JACK-BCKEOLBSaiMlTUBNUIHTOWLS. HoUiIdc butpralv rrom Hon. II. R. MINER peraooally. FRED. WALD- MAN uya: "Tboi|TUdmsclho*T«r[>lA7M]." Aiwa big hll *l Iljde't bonaflt, HydoAB«bmu*L Irooklro. Mad- amt DOW at AmbroH Fark rorihortfUy. Mr. Piper corapelltd lo ranMl emffaRcmeott praparlnf Basirosr tonr for PIPER ft FLOWER'S COMOERT CO. MAGIC TBICE JUGGLING YEXmuxiDIST AKD JUDY nODBES, BV1iro>K0 CLUB8. BandBnoU In nampa forBliaoaladeiL C lOfaa. Cataloflae rorJanUngOoadl, Olobi, TM.tllloaatitand Pnachand Jndr FlnrM free. COLDMBIA aAOIO TUOI MIO. 00. Bl Bnarr. T. "TOT'S Y." Kate Partington AT LIBERTY lo eBcage fl>r the above nie. Win or wrlle to IM LOCUyi' STREET, Detroit, Mich, WANTED, Lectwar, All Round Per. rORMBBjmfi DR.C. 0.flPAN( PORMBRj mfcr Omn Pbyor or Baojo Mao. My llmlta. 1PAJ(aLBft.Htecli«rtawn. Northiniplrtni;o..Pa. FOR SALE, A TENT, 90i50; PUSH POLE; OOHrLBTB; BRATS, RTAyS. All raadr lo aalnp. irill ..U with or wllhoat tla.a and Hatt. AddraM PAMAMA MEP. 00. fetlT. lo»a. AT UBERTY, JERRY HERZELl. SIIGIHI CO. ■UDUNamoniBAOIBJIAOroil. l)«(onIl, lewv lybjctheathe HOBOKEN, K. J., FORMERLY HOBOKEN THKATRE. IVEW MA-NAOEltCENrr. Nr. OEOROE BARTZ wlihM to inaooKe thatibarlna aj«i-iii«] Uia maoaAwnant of thaabov. hMUak MmevUI be cloHd durloK Bomoi.r montb. to be ranodtUd and nnd.rao .lUoiTt. altaialloa.. 1VILL BEOPBJt lit BKr- TKMBER rORBEAflON or l» ud tS. OHLT nBST CLAIM ATTRACtlO.H BOOKED. FRED H. LESLIE'S AMERICA'S CHAMPION D06 SHOW, At Present, KOSTKD Sc BIAL'S, New Yorke Re-engaged for Another Seasen wHh OLD 6US HILL. CO. CIRCUS CANVASES, Poles ud StakOf, SEATS, Ftoft, Elo. u'"U'»' t inn'S PATENT CIRCUS LIOHTS. BiconMun cuTU^ auta^ Rc, lOBBiia. Wy^e^U^rar^'^ew WalU aeac, ROOF GARDEN GIRL" norBBEioHAL conca Fi BB FOB ttun. oanHE/mi'TioR noDm. WM. W. DELAKEY, 117 rark tarn, 9tm Teit. S. S. Stewart*s Celebrated Banjos PRICES FROM $10 TO 1200. Alao Maale and Booka Ibr tlie Ba^Je, great vartetr. Strings, Heada, Bb. Bud for llluiiumt«] price Hit ao^l calal»sua. ThOM laieatad ibeuU lend IDa lo maidm Tor a .peclm.D copy ofTIIB BANJO AND UUITAR JOURNAU Addreia 8. B. 8TBWART, MOL Bl.ud mClinieh Bll, Phllail.lphla. Penaa LAWRENCE SCHOOL OF ACTING I0« WEST 4aD STREET, NEW YORK. EDWIN SOfllON UWRENCE ■ • Olrtctor. CIRCULARS ON APPLICATION. MR. UWRENCE'S NEW BOOK, ENTITLED SIMPLIFIED ELOCUTION, BelD|[aeoinpT*h«ORlToflr«l«tn of Vole* anil Aetloo, XU paKOA, haodMniolr bouoU Id cloth anil roM, will bo Mnt pptuico rtoo on rawlpt of H.OP. NOTICE FROM VEND DRUG CO. THE VEND DRUO CO., Mo. I9» StCOBd Atmioo. TIlU- bom, Pt., I* locorpormltu and harooorrrlRhtA, rogUtra- lloDi and trads marlm upoo tbalr nnfafmllonii. Thov will proMcuU aor Miaooa «lio iDrilDi* upoo Utelr C.teot rljilitii. Vano Druff Co., lUro Dtuk Co., art linl> lloDH of 7ES0, vblcb name Ii nciMorod a« a trade marb. ProcMdlQatan being brouiibtiKKlnitllieM |>ar- tUt. BInu VENo'8 adreot to Amarlea aa a Medicine Man, he haa cauMd mat oioliemaat Iht •ilraonll- narr enraaofcrlppIttaMMrformed publicly br Ul« m«ll- eloea. Any oo* can do llio tame with tha VHKO HEDI- CINES No other remMlea will ilu tlie «orlr. The iiiedi- ctnoa will b« uld to lectarara at a low (Iptura, with In- •inicUona how to care crlpplan puMlcly. Ample ■iippir of S ahMt peiteri, cardi, mIim*, JoumalH, hooka and Mlnlr^ lappllodfrae. Writo »tooc«. THE VENO DKUQ COH- PAWY. Wo. IW Becond Atoduo. riirahum. Pa. "CENTRAL" TRUNKS, »Id. 9501; aUo., 10.00; Sin.. $7.00; MIn., lUD; «Hn., EJD; tilD.. •lO.AO; Compartinent tiara metal lionniL 91: lU circua trunfcii.94u complete. Bill trunki, SiZIilS ilde.C9.a>. LItlio tninki, <3HiiSil] Intkl*. fim fltrapn and akelalon foUowan, IIJB and IIJUl Bliinwl od ra- calpl of taJD, hal. C. 0. D., eiceptoterSOD mllw, then re- coil whon amount. HubIolI Innniment, tickal ami man. aaeri' tninkii to order. Raltan Baaketa wllh tray, lining, oovar etc. SKo.. tlUO; 30ln.. IHJO; «in.. fiyoo. Baa- ketaihlppod on receiptor nrlc*. SIHO^B A 00., CEtrrfUL TRUHK FACTORY, E*Ub. iaS4. M-M Nortli Tth Htr«t. PlilUdelphla. INDIMMEDIClNELECrURERS Wlio are capable of mana|lag their own tnmpee, Perfbrmera In all bmnetaee wrlle, atatlng experience, to COL. T. A. EDWARDS, Pnprietor Oregon Indian Hedlclne Co», Corry, Erie Connty, Pa. STEAM MERRY CO ROUNDS Galloping Hones, Fine Imported Or* gajM, Attradlre oat- flU Prices en appU. ctUon, Terms eu7. NORHAS a EYAMS, Loctport, W. Y. "YOUR FACE IS FAMILIAR" TO TBB "PROPEflU," aad Um bet addR a buioI link to yoar cbalo of fame. If yon havo a good pnrtralt cut of yoQTMir for MalloaeiT and iitT«rtlitlqg. W« niika the rltfatklnd fortliD. AU klndiof entJ for Kbow prUihtg atadlioooDL Write CHKAOO PNOTO ENORAVINO CO,, l« Madliion BL, Clilcaie. Showmen & Sfreetmen SONG BOOKS Sl.OOpor 100 aONC SHEETS BOc. per lOO Cash ailtk enter. Samjilat lor TEN CENTS. HENRY WEHMAN, 130 k 132 Park Raw, NEW YORK. 86 E. MadlMD Strati, CHICAQO. CALL. Will MDil you for So. alamp a 92 PAOE CATALOUUB. teUIng ell about O/innaila. BlcycllRla AUilatJe and atinoailnm Ooodi. ' Voniad Poll Tliht«,M: Eauaa Rhlrta, n: WblU Curai Oalltr*. Blj leaUiaruUi, ft JO; Caeraa Pamp<L3V. and floe.: LeaiharLMplng (Rioea, tSiO, Be aura and Mod color and ■Ih. Tanoi, 91 wlUioriltr. rkalaoeeU. O. D. B. B. CALL. M Mtin BL. tfprlngnaM. Mmj. PATTERSON'S a Inch, mm\ e loeh, a.n; 9D inch. 98J0; FoU Utaatrleal tny. and all othan, 0 ceotajHch. T«raii. caah lo ad- ™- „ PATftBJMJN.CcP:, ^ "us N. NlnuL 8U««<, KSSZdelpSia, [iWPEHCE LEHER HEADS. FREE flAMPLEa. OUaWOUIBKOTBX- 1,'EU.KD BT AMr CXIRVEM IN THE WUHLU. W AND n CEItTRE BTREBT. N. T. lliL&R,THUTRICUC»SnMfRJ Uiwoooii. V/ snfnu Wio Ere Ti iiiK m AiY V nrOiniii'Oniu-ltBUAiKnc.' offMeetneunaari iw—iau BfiRKiLRD DYLLYN PAST, lHr4. INO.t PIlRjliaNT. lUrluff ning a faw aonsf^ bklUila, chiraeUr knd dlalf^i, inO *OTonl lnri)re«llng parla with wiiip of the b»>t farcical star". .VsTOT maila a rhilure. Ilopkint'Thralro (%lMgi\ (wo *a«h», closing i>lli); Jiiiio l>, Hllwankto; Jitno It, Bl. LoiiU; Junf 2.1, MlnntapolM. AT LIBERTY SEASON 1805 AND '96. r«niiitii(iit AililrrM rare orOMPI'BR. "•Great Winner, ZT» CASINO Wabaah Arenne, Chleago, III., Cloaing Jnly 7 and OPENING AUG. IS ON NKW PLANS. XTOTZCX. Wa wanl lo haar Imn alt good acta now, anil wh«n we n|t«n fur tho •iBhIh Hiutfin, Ahk- IA. "e want (i> hour in^ni the boit arllau cTor bvob nn Mrlh for unr unetcolled Tarlaly amga. (loiMt trilili lhat |>laa«o our audltnrtR noicr gat ranrolfti, hut poor nnaa play v((h ua nnly ono day. Throa AotitN, oach TRdBBk aro ItlM wllh Wai \Vi>ikB alilrli riwt M\(«r91lU.iin. Thrvn will bo lakan mil anil Ihe -iCmwB' — - - - - - I allDtf tfl_.. r Aey alio a)tacaa wdlba givan. No two raaturaHofone hinil will Iki allowad. Kvfrjililnif will t>a Itrat claia In aTary OratclauOkMBIoaeni, WooilCarrar*, l*ai<«rTr«t«ra. KnKe ind Tfina lloanta. Arrhvry and flheot- iililng Pondi, JaMnaie VIIUko*, WiM Wa*l I'anipp. Iliualona, anil anrllilng In iha aiiuiaamant line iqMica nilad with om clau lagdallariM, Pliliing Pondi, JaMna that will lia InteraallDtf \d tJia iHiMlr. Aey alio a)>acaM willba givan. No _ ^ _ ... aliapo, mannar and furni. All bootha will barari>alffd In vaUat HniuaU raroat at itiir aipvnvp. Hvarybmly In Oiloaio knowa that I am a larga advtrllMr, and am lining llia MRgrM Imalneia wo*t of Mow York. OurailentlancepoAlllvaly ateragoa botwaan alglit anil tvn ihiniaand pfuplo par ilay. We are inlng to prvwit drat claaa noTtlllta only, anil on a acala oi inaKnlAranra naror Iwrnra atlaiitplfit by any amuaomaDtnouao lo tlia world. Erarrbodr knuaa that I am a auccaufVil maaagor, aa tiiy fnriiiar i«nlen>rlio«, OlymtiU, r,tiii(liin, MaillMti ftinire aaTd«n,Naw York, and my Chicago anteriirlHR hare proran me to \n. All Mraona rnnn^ctftl with nia will nuke ntonay. but ihay will have tolta ap loilale, and, aa I aay, Ural clau ami evarylhlnii of ihe \m\. AduroM all conmunleallona to t'aro KRANK IIAI.r.'H OAltlNO, t'hlcago, til. AllarUaUdaalrlnsilalaaaddreu coniniuolralloita in NR. WALTRII J. Pl.lMMKHi Booking Aganl. eth SEASON OF PROSPERITY eth SURPRIISS TO XHS: RIP VAN WUVKI^IOM, "Anil wedoa't HMd ANY Daahlnaaloag," FOR THE COMINO IBASON. WE WILL HAVE A DIU SUIIPIIiSE JUST THE HEAL TIIINU, MatiaTa's HiuMotli Colored Minslrels, K. Re and JNO. MAHARA, Owners. TIT a IkTmHtn OA Plchanlanlaa, 40 KInt Claaa Mnalrlnna, HI) FIral Claaa Uf A ni I lljll. A\\ Solo SIngera, Ifanrera, ComiHllana wHIt it.»w aela, No nld tlmen wanltMl, IIIU MONEY Ktlll A NTItONU NOVELTY ACT. P«onl«maat bogooil llrMaan, BBritlKVe wanlniliK, WK 1)0 TIIK IIUNINBSS, AND won't have ANYTIIINO ELSE. "There la notlllBB Inn aaml fhr Iho IIIIMII.'' Addreaa W. A. MAHARA, Maaager, rare KMPIUU PItlNTINIJ !:<»., Chicago, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE THE GREVE LITHOGRAPHING COMPANY (OF" MlLWAUItlElC. WIW.) Haa opened a NEW YORK OFFItlR IN TIIH NTANI>Altl> TIIHATIIH HUILDINO, OUR EASTERN IIBPHESENTATIVE, II. UUINTUN llltOOKH, le now ready lo aiahe coBtracIa wllh yoa fbr the corolag aeaaoa fbr every deicrl|itl«B of LITHOGRAPH WORK. Call on Hr. Brooha and Inapect onr aaniplee and gel uur prlrea. "WK OUAIlANa'KK TO MA.V1C VOIT llIO MONKV. WK OUAUAIVTICK YOU THK IIKMT <>I<" WOIilC. WK OUAnAMI'lCIi: YOU fnOMI'l' MIIIl'MIUNTM. A FULL LINE OF STOCK WORK ALWAYS ON HAND. Nainiilea ean be aeea al oar NEW YORK BRANCH, ROOM 41, STANDARD TIIEA^RK IIUILIHNO. THE HOTTEST ACT EVER TUKNEI) OUT OF TIIK EIIIE. To MANAORRBof Bi|K>a]i(oni. Plenlca, Parka, Palra, Rallrnail (MmiMiilas HuiiiniBr lUiuiria, aio.; alait IMnihl- natlona (or naitHaajun, don't do anyUilag until you b«ar from ua. If jnu aanta K<H>l,aii(iii|( drawing attraollon, WE AIIE AT LIHEHTY. WE HAVE PRINTING, ETC. JAMES THE TWO ST. BELMOS CLAllA THK AMURICAN WONUKIIH. In llialr wonderful Dvulilf Trailer. Aol. lnu<.liielDK1liolr wunil.rrul Tor Mln (if Tmi Knot llirtiiiKli a heart nt nnaen diiMm and teanlj-flr. altclrlr dra.. lliniuKli l>itx<r lialiunm. Itiln a liMip rrom ilniiio uf tli.a'.ra an<l drop In UiaaUiia. LEAP roll I.IrK AOT mi'rRinllTKI). irhall.nia Ilia wiirM, aKI). Addreee MUO Baet Rliteenih Nlreel, N«w Vorla, nr care CLIPPER, AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR A HUSTLING MANAGER With capital t« lake an Interest la an ealahlliUed attractlnn. Hiist be arHualnled wllh popular honaes and wllllna to worba Not hnslefl, IihI want to enlnrae for weekalandi. Pine nrlallng. No nke. Don*t want an aM|rl, but an eiprrlenced bnslneae man. Oooo tine already booked In week alande. Nos8 Jollities, The Kodak, New UriRhton, Pa* '95 Gorton's Minstrels, '96 A RECOCNIZED ATTRACTION, Travalinj In Hi* M»*l MagaHloanUir AppolaM and Eliganllr Equlpptd PrUals Car In Mlnilr*li|r. SPECIAL EN6AGEMENT OF THE NONDESCRIPT TRIO, Welby, Pearl and Keyes. WANTED, A Gonedlin Wto Doei Flnt Clan Specliltr, ilio Vyslclint ud Vocallili. Addreea all commaalcatloBa lo CIIAIILKS II. LARKIH, Leaaenand Maaager, Frlendahlp, R. V. AL.G. FIELD REFINED NEGRO MINSTRELS AL. Ce FIELD, Columbus, Ohio. A CONTINUOUS LAUUlilNil ACT. »ODELL AND PAGE, Op*B at Oiyhns TkMtra, Saa Vma.lM*, Cal,, Jaa. 10.