New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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224 THE ISTEW YORK CTLIPPSil. June 8. THE GREATEST COMEDY HIT IN YEARS, A FATTEDCALF Wm, Gill's Masterpiece. Author of "Adonis," "Old Jed Proifly," "Rising GeneratiOR," Etc. Wm. nill'ii tbr*e ict munlCAl iloroeaile otnodf, "A FfttUMl Cair," wlildi wAiprnluwI laxtnlghr. Koml aiIIk- tlnetiucceu. From *lAn to flnlKh tlia )am«iidleac« «M convulmxl with ItuRtiUr or«r llie rnmpHcatioD* of Uirte PMrtt marrUdai. Tiie coniMir la ■lilllliillr on- HlruotAd, ud the llnw ar« vllly and i>ri|tliU It !■ nr far tlia bealplMaaiH haawrliUD.and wlllliavo a Ions irr«.— N. Y. WORLD. April le, IRM. Tha UirM act itoneftta moaleil eomtdjr, "A KalL«4 , Oair," rmm tha p«n of William Olll, and poaUlrtly hU Iwt protlucllon, waabrouihloulliaforaa crowdvc) houw laatniRliL TlilRliUjall odOa tha cl«rar«iit pUf of lu hind aver wao, and oukM lohavt tli* loDgaPil ran nf any rUy or«r raan In N»« Tork cJtf. It li not man-Ail hy coaPHt liorMpUy aod cmraer Joka>, buU oo tha con- inrr, ta c)aan. dufa and rennw].-DA1LV ADVERTI8BR. Nawark, April Um. aTeDloit a itij Urr» todltOM wlioataed tba flnt preasDUtloBofA FtttM Cair,'* hj Wllllain Olll. ThU wtlalol;^'- wemai rimducMl lnairT«atinanirye_ .. _ Ife^NEWAnR EVENiria NEWS. AprlllC. UU. iIdIi- la the boat nf all pU>i Mr. Olll haa wrlllAD, tJid naat tar In our Jiid|m)«nl tt !■ br far tha beat cAmadf IucmI Inapvatmaniryetr*, aairwlll haia thalODftMl TUin PnUDAIillCQ /0» Equal Merit, butv llffU UUIfir HHIlO ^ PlWerent Territory. / EUCENE ROBINSON, Manager, 14 West 27th St., N. Y. City. FalrmounPPark Auditorium, JUST COMPLETED. FINEST SUIMMER THEATRE IN AMERICA. Seats 1,600. Summer Opera Now Running. Average Dally Park Attendance Large, Sundays 10,000. Also Grand Stand Seating 3,B00, and Athletic Grounds for Outdoor Shows. First class attractions address HOWE & DORAN, Managers. SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE T«8 anOADWAV, N, v., ONB DOOR BELOW IflNTII ST. (Fonneilr ii Ualden Uno), MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS. Gold And BllTsr Lac«a, Filnjtcfl, Bpanglw, SIatb, TmmIs, Brocsdofl, Tlffbts, Sblrte, raddlofni, Uftts, WIga, BhtMand J0W0I17, TbutricAl, Kouonirlsn and AUiletlc Qoods, Cosiutnera'aud Badgo Malcera'Biipplles. Flag* and UHonon, UUt«r7 snil Aoclotjr IVlmmlogB. Annon of sU kinds to order. Bead for esUinAt^s. Tb« Urgesi asBortiiHJDt sDd lioavlui Hiock of Uieso goods lo be found no/where. CtrcutAni free. Goods eeotU.O. V. mi FLOWERS, Only Rival to BLACK PATH, Fred J. Pl|tftr, Mil*. A. T>eI*tion, nrBdelalneMaHIn an*1 :iOnllirn,ln A Ur»nd flimtacalmr KitmTafimBCK. KISS YOUR LI2II ON DE RUBY UPS. THE BEST COON SONG EVER WRITTEN WORDS BY GEO. H. EMERICK. MliaiO BY HERBERT DILLEA. Go to KEITH'S and See the Hit DELMOREI WILSON Aremakingwithitthlsweek. Sondtcn eents In stamps for professional copy ond or- chestration to tho publisher, F. A. MILLS, GIG Third Ave., Detroit, Mich. FOR RENT, ACADEMY OF MUSIC WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. D«it location, Cap»clty 1.500, Popala- (lon 70,000. DAVIU M. HE8S, •*m ». Sllth Rtntit, Philadelphia. INSTANT RELIEF for all afflicted with TORTURING SKIN DISEASES in a 5ingle Application of ®ticura CuTictiKA Works WoxDEnfi.Anil Its cures of torturing humors aroelmplj marvelloui. Sold ihnMighoui th( world. Britiih depot: Niw* Biav, I, Kini Ed«ard-it., Loodon. Pomi Diuo & Chim. Lour.. Sole fiopi.. llMioa, U. 5. A. SIE6HAN & WED., 110-112 GREENE STREET, NEAR PRINCE, NEW YORK:. Coaplataat Stoet or ^gLD and iha CES than ur otbar V. DB.n,awa lopooU Cataloffna). lor man, flOO and uA bdlea tadO^ n«ffri>s 90cn made ua oQr pramUia. T1OIIT8 (oor otd make and Im- Krted), lo CouoD, 93c. (radocad mm 11.10): baarr ta\L ihloaad (wear b«u«r Uiao UJD woiAad Unitat^; beu j^a Wont«d, CUO; Bm^^90 and %m\ Jb. W» mxTf 90 abadoi lo • qualltraadvde _ ._ _ jrdKra. Padded U| ■Dairlcala), tUO. LEIClflVKHfS ' lo BlMk, and inika lo omar In fo ur da ra. UrtU I8B PAflfTg, POWDERS ud fc. (Weir. Ml« Mpmu for the U. 8.) J*.rfMt (l oipor w) BUIUT '.rf«tln)T- llilo'Ar »^'BlilJrI^%'&^6E» froin'ifil (Sc. . 7ud) til KXo. de.p. ppMwork LACuk OoM Olnip^ Bim idt. LkCM, Coid^ Bullion Ploweni, «!£. 8ATI1VB, Id .T017 Uc^ BOt. nod »_nrd. P|ii.bM,/ra;.)Mnik ^*"-*JJ^g^^l' ^^P£SSi< .te. ARBldltfl. SHlEiMVf., nnWUM.O, CWOHDS, DAOOERS, with ud wltTmil JKWbLs (lo ulUoi or with bolu). A FVU. UKE OF THEATRIOAl. JEWELRY. OATlLOaCE, FBICnSS AND BTBBT DfrOBMATION BBMT BT UUL. aOODeSENTO. O.D. DEFOarni BEQUIBEO OK ALL 0RDEK8. McCABE'S YOUNG MINSTRELS. Waotod. 20Wblta MaalcUm, AWblta Comadlana, To- callsta ana Daocart: atooSpaclallrTeana, 3D Black Come- dianiaod Buck Daneani: al'o people who do apeclaltiea. All inuit be nritt cUm. flalAriaa raud be low, aa ihar sre Aure. Nom&*heraor Iflahamnnd applr* Slleaeea polite narallTo. Addraaa nil commuoicatlonR to MR LEW UENEDICT, Sola Mao«K«r. ft» Whito 8t. HaniOKa. N. Y. P. 8—VouU Ilka to hear from Coburo and BaMwLo, alao ProMar. GOOD THING. PUSH IT ALONG You would have to travel a long ^oad to get anything like our Blue and Black Serges that Jit make to ordsr. Coat and Vest, $12. fitat Chmiots and Twteds, suitable for SIC 50 Wmt (t 10* Suit We hand every customer a United States aovemment copyright gusN ■atee for dotbes to wear one year. 5lx Little'Tailors, 920 Broadway, opp. P. O, Bowery, oor. Broome St eaH»lM mat Hir.aMiiir«moat taliv ••ul MlHeatlon. All orrior* nu.t k« mbI iU rtit, u* tkia ira hai po uuU. IN C3rTJ OF TUB OnKATBBT 8PlECTACVI.An PRODVCTIOH OF THB AOE. FOUNDBD on THB POLAR HEOIOKR BXPL0RATION8. PRODVOED AT A TREHENDOUB OUTLAT OF MOIfET. 'WITH ALL TH E EQDIPHENTS THAT HONET OAH BUT. SOEREBT THE HOST OOBOEOUB. COSTUKES HOST BtAONinOEKT. . PROPERTIES AND STAGE EFFECTS NEVER BEFORE ATTEHPTED. ELEOTRIOAI. DISPI.ATS HARTELOUS. A SHOW THAT WILU OATOII TUB BVB OP RVBRV ONK. M ORBAT K'OVBLTY A018. >i It—^^rsn^^ ^f^ ^ 1C* T n B M T imW1B« SSLnil A MONSTER HALLBT. A SHOW WITH A SPLENDID PLOT. 100 -WT^# * ^ **- JLJUV jL JC3LjBji ^.ii/JC3LS9 JL * lOO XIIIN IW ISOX A BURLESQUE BXJX A TOSITIVE NOVELTY ATVD WHAT THE MASSES WANT. MaBBien of FIr.t Clau lloami Aailraa. of booklBg tb 1. Mauimolh Organliatlon kindly eommnnlca.e with JOB OPPBNHBIIIBR, Maaagor, Occldontal Hotel, Bowory and Brtximo St., New York Cltj. Eddie Horan PRODUCER OF MIHSTREL NOVELTIES. TIIF PAST SIX SEASONS WITH FIBLD'S MINSTRBL*. NEXT SEASON WITH Billy "Vaxx's Sis TULlTxatrelaf PUKBBNTING AN INNOVATION IN NINRTRKL8V, X H E DANCE OJT X II E SEASOIVS, SPRIIVG. NXTMMEK, AUTUMN, WUVTER, And Hr Orl«lB»I OramtloB, *'THE SPORTY HIUIONAIRE." Addrvu tmn of NEW YORK CLIPPER. SAWTELLE'S DRAMATIC CO. WANTED TO COMPLETE COMPANY FOR FALL AND WINTER SEASON COMMENCINO AUG. R, Com|ielent HnalolMiii lo doable In band and onhftalim, Extn lIlRh Claaa U«per« (olr« PMIild, ■lnfc<'*v prpn^rrw1« A Clevvr Child Aotrvaswito ean do Mpttclallloe, luuat be rtty youn^and amall. tllad to hrar tnm any novelty that can bo nivd to ad* vantag** . Alt. 8AWTRLLK, Mf|r., 100 North NInlh Slnet, Philndvlptala, Pa. One "W'oircl Jrom tla.e "W"est. Appoarad al inr biiu«i>, '^la Ilvlni|>nl1tan," diimlaT, May 30. IIik art iiiaile micha iU*lliirl lill ihat I ltiini»4lkr«ly n»- enpindltlm fitrlbrM wfvbo. llin iHtrrnnnatire all ilia war tlmtuEb Urliun and n>nnh:, ami o\or) llilnit 1i<> Imro- duou laoQIlrfly novmul ii)) i» (U<r. I r«nr1ip«Tf\ill/recunimend Mr. Ilatdutan'a wutli tu iltsiuoal rcllnoil or foatlill oaitadlance. idooJra Ii>mv to Woilnrn ntauaxen aerwclally tlial iin niioutke «lll lift niailo tiy rntta^inc Mr. Hard- man for your hi>uM«. ft. Y. (llhKIKtiN. Mnnasor Anianiiirn Vaud«rlU«', MviriiixilltiiO Opam llnuto, Ht. raul, Minn. THE BIO MELODRAMA, "THE MIDNIGHT FLOOD." WANTBD, Maa fbr Tr«i.i|» and Ulark Faro part, and a f^w olhor Vorvatll* Poople. Addrwi, with partlcatan, EAGAN A Wil.UKH, Manager., Ullt W. KIM Slreei. New York Cltf. SillLT STE. MARIE, INICH., THE PLEASURE RESORT. That ean chanaa iliFlrnei ih»^Mt>nt| wMkaml md i>ui un Atni cIm aner|il»c«i«. All aria iuii»i beaniial'la for My audlance*. AlM>ri)rl(iKlll»«aii(l all mhar i1lracl(«iiM »iiluhtp rtirfuriuliall: \nani l« itr»i rU-M. Tlia llneiil fkailly UiMlralnlliaWaau l^inu ritRsiivmonta lo bokiI |ir<>i>l». Penptr lOaylntt Buiral<t,Toniiilu. It^imtL Ohiaacn. Minna- apollik wrlla. WmiM aln Ilka loliMr rrnin ilrnlclaoA I'linrh nitil Jmly Han and Vantrllcvntliil ihal can do NarK; alw RaperloUa (Ntniitany. rrlTll^fiM In InlnraTar) if rurrlotion. TliUptare In full of ■•a«pl« In ftuniiiiar. Tel«Rrai»li or vriie «|Ulek as wa oiwi Juno M. HUla loiro^l Mlarr in l1r«t trllrr. OAHKKKK A llAHHIR, The VTomlarlanil. fUttIt Ola. Marl*. Midi. X HAVE A SZSTEB. XTOW," URBATHKRIOCOUICKDMI. I'RKTnr MUSIC. (IRBAT TTODDB. '•TOTTTHFTTL MZliAORZSS, TUB RWBIcn»T WALTZ SONd BVIR VRnTEK. N. R 8lD|«rfi vho in tlr«d wtitloK inon.j* .n<t .iHinp. on Ihi miar u ralM hlli .r« m|>mI.11t mM lo Ibt.aI inth.MMa|.. Te tit. piofftMloD, l(t c«uu Mrh. Mon.r rvfttnil*] Ifnnt r«pr.i*nt.d. (No.uinpik) WM. V. STAHU Pablhher.8l..To>rph. Mo. TOURINO .TAVA UNTIL AIJQUNT. ORNUnAL REPRESENTATIVB NOTIOB.—All parlle* eagaged Air Calealla aeaMa wlU flad tkoir panage Am.rlean Llae Ofltoe, Bewllug Oraea, N. T. uSdreu, SINGAPOHK, S. S. Robinson's Opera House, Cincinnati, O. SGOTT & CUNIII6S, Lmees ami Hamgeri. OVER 110,000.00 SPENT IN IMPROVEMENTS. SEASON 1895.96. Mod«mli«il, Renoyiled ind Oeoorattd To b* opsntad ss i popular priced Uiutn. B«tt looiUon (or tin purp«u In Clnolnnatl. A FEW QOOD WEEKS STILL OPEN. Addrau KLAW « ERLANGER, 26 Wsit SOtli Slrert, N«w Tork. A.T LIBERTY, SEASON '96-96. DELLA PRINGLE, HANDSOMEST, MOST VERSATILE LEADINO LADY IN THE WEST, WnuU lltolo Bur Joint]. «llh COUKDIAN OR LBAD- IN(I MAK nith EsrAILlailllD HEI'UTATIOS. I do »ln)Di( einiHlonill»ijH, BInRlDjt and Dutclno floulirou.. HBAUTirUL WAIIUIIOHK, 81s corasllw ol my own, .rnoKol li*rHl\|«fl|>le. Iloro aurml tlira. VMr. very Huccnuftillf. AilOroM OELLA PRINaLE, Kooiflll.. It. FOR SALE CHEAP. MUST OE BOLD AT ONCR. OneOUn. Itonnd Top, with 30n. middle rilMo, lin. wall, witli mala enlranco, Ight., and .rata Ibr 000 peoploi 10 Baad Valftimi., Oram, and Cymbal., IS Ploih Cbair CoTcra, TIekoU, Staada. la Ikot, oTorythlnacomplete, ready Ibr the road. Write f|Blvk IfyOB Maat It. Addreaato <IEO. F. COLCORD, Park Theatre, Lawreaoe, Waaa. "My Nother Does Not Know" Oooortli* pralttaai doacrlpUTesoon«Tar wrlUan. A Md. awoat atory- An Insplrloir melody. A POSITIVE HIT. Send rard or proirTvtnme and 10 eta. for c«|iy and ordioatm paru to FRED T. ASHTON, Bloemlnaton, III. FBKD WILSON, Aathor of the Itollowlna play.i "THE PACIKIO MAIL." "PKNALTV," aad ••ORABII IN Oilllf A," ma.t aot be piv daced withoat ny coaMat. PARTNER, with rapllal, Ibr Ikelr pro> dactloa. Addieoa FRED WILSON, Maaaaer, 3I» W. nut Street, New York City. FEAVKP.PBESGOTT ADVANCE AGENT. AT L I B E K. X Y . Sobf r, rell•bl^ hanJ worker and cIom conlraclor. Ad* dl%«a M\ INIHANA OTHBBT. Qilcajio. Ill MISCELLANEOUS^ MAQIC LANTERNS MN1E0 UPMM ABlim >i«ipklaa Habit Oarad la 10 wi awaia Dr. J. Blepheaa,Lebaaoa,O. CURES QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER REMEDY. Tarrant** Eitraot of Capebs and Copaiba UKnra,oeTt*ln and quick core, and li an oM-tlina teraadf, com- blDloR In a hiRbly coDconiimted ronn ibe medicinal firtou of cupebe aad copaiba, Iti portable ahapa, freedom (kern uate and apeady action (cunog lo leu lima than anv oCiar prapaiatlon) makf It THE MOST VaCuaBLB KNOWN RBMBOT. To prerent irmod. Me that ererr package baa a rad slrlp acroaa the face of 1^ bel, wlih the algnatora of Tar* nnt k Co., N. T., opoo It FBICE, 11.1)0 BolJ by all dmiptlaU. &IA Vflit n»4 4]»te«t onr oavly dUcoTond. In- Ull mU Um I ported nm* irom teal dlamonda. rail.BoMatWorid'aFair for $16. A handuma toll- " ■ VI (Aire rlnc, itud, lac* or acarf plo, lolld fpM, by Exp. C. 0. D. for SI PrlTllege of auminaiton; ehareei prepaid. Catalonaof tfema, watrhuandJawelrr free. IntenutloDil OemCo., l.iSM«wDleTemple,aileaco. JUST THE THING. A Book cootaloloi (\iU loatnictioni needed by ererr nwrtandtkaiOrlcaJpeTeon. Bant «Mt paid forUcta. (alL). II. r FRICEA CO , Portland. Or. YOU ARE THE JUDGE. RBAI) ALL BEUiOW. Theaa are Ilia genu tliat ovated aueha aaoaatloD anoog Ihe cud- nolaaeun at the World'a Fair, and alnce bave punied the Mlanilllc world with their nrfoctloD and brilUaocT. BEST FRER with prlTlieiie oreiamlnalloD. Frofea- ■|nnatrai«L For ftall parlleulan addraiu M. 8. BODHIN A CO . MB Dearboro Htrteu Chlcaco. THE MOST EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURERS OF BILLIARD and POOL IN THE WORLD, IHE BRUNSWICK.BALKE.(IOLLENDER COMPANY, No. 860 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Ifeweet and most elegant etylee, wltli the UNEQUALED MONARCH CUSHIONS. BlUlaid Materlate, Cloth, Balls, Can, «tc*. of oar own mannfkctnre aad Im- portation. TUB BRUHBV10K-BALKB-COLLBNDRR CO., Chleaico, Cloclonati, 8L Loula, Sao FnucUoo. A. GOODRICH, lAWYER. »'3?&?J.'iSC' lagaland qnleL Brmocbwand (aelllUea In other Siatec EDMUND E. PRICE, Counselor at Iaw. HEW YORK CLIPPER BOTLDDIO, O Am B CBXTRB BTRBBT, New Tork OUy. .... ..^ - - ■ oat BomUI ^panlloDof ud olhw Pncde. lo all the MlentloortTM 10 Ih. wlbctloDor Ul kind., Qi. b.llDMa. WONDERFUL! laaod N e«DtB to FRANK UABJUaOir, Boatra^lUaa., tad eae what yon wiO ml' THE DANDY. fOn BICYCLE CLUBS. PiTtiy Pin for ap or 'coat, inr A'«d, nol iii»ra than Un Iftlen. 8llnrFltl(,'jae.,doi. ri-8<crilnLa}c.,ilos. UoaACAKEELEReUfg. Jevtkn.^TTLUOlO, AUae. A.NTI-HXIKF IB AN ABSOLUTE NECES81TV TO TOE Atblete, Boiers, Sportsiea, Bold bf DTnfKi.U and SponujcOoodi HoattOwsloo. In STRBHOTUEIIINU TUB IID8CLE8. B. roUOBm A C50..» W. gllllui 8L. N. y. Cyclist, Tnrlst awl Ban Plaier. 3SC. HOE. Tialoen' Bite, tl. FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND Per tbonaand SS4)D. FUTORH CO.. K. Thirteenth Btreat. Kew Tork. TO BE POSTED RE^r> THE CLIPPER ANNUAL FOR CORTAININe BECOBDS IN AIL DE< FiBTHEXTS OF SPOBT, INCLUDING CUBONOLOeEES FOB 1894, AqUATIC, ATHLETIC, BACINe iHD TBOTTDte ETINTS, BASEDiUi, CRICKET, BO.. LUBDS, ETC BECOBDS OF FiiST' EST TIME AND ALL BEST FEBFOBK. ANCES. UXCSTBATED. Price 26 Cents. A.ddTess THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, ouFPEfi BDnjnna, HEW YORK. VkArcHuiwurtfralbrStmtmn^ tfiJcdUlAkeue WHvuiU-l