New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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T , IM, Ir nt Italk 4M FlkOMv OcavHT (UatM) Foundtdlb* ( FRANK QUEEN, 1853.1 NEW YORK, SATURDAY. JUNE 15, 1895. (VOLUME XLIIk-No. 19. I PriM lOCMrtt. SINCE BRIDeET WEARS THE BLOOMERS I wumii woh ni pnr toik ourrii, BV MONBOB H. ROeBNTBIA Me bnin goM whlitla' Uk« »lop, I'le iMt me tpiieilte; For Bililiiet'a Mole me »orkla< pkiita, And wera <em dsf uu) nigbt; I tare to Isy alied tU d*j, ne klde, UiexKiuU ta' ilioiit Since Bildget wein tlie bloomers Wluaerer ibe goes ooL Ohobdi: Since Bridget wean Itae bloomer* • I're lied no lock et all; Tbe7 uk It ebe'e mj bnibead, AiilTed from Uonegali I hanll; know It I'm meeelf, I beer racb luonj mmorai To dnw It mild, Pm goUig wlM, Since Dridget ween Ike Moomenl Me cert It bie no wbetle et ell, Stie'a rigged <em tor e "bjke;" Yon oDght to aee ber In tbe pwk WId her joong cooaln, Mike. Sbe'U here me In Ui' eerlam jtl. Or elae drtf e me to drink. For since ebe'a pot ttaoae bloomera on I beven't slept» wink. OBOBitg: Since Bridget weers tbe bloomers, etc Now, Tim Micertj lo'tker d*x, 8es "Pet," sei be, "jon're ludl Wbj dld'ni^es como down end teke Tbe splendid Job I bid r< "1 beard eboat no JobP> bsts I, "Dont Ue, me boy," sei be, "I ceme end tould je jeeterdejP'— Mr wire be look For mel OuoBtn: Since Bridget wean Ibe bloomon I're bed no look at all; Thej eak U ebs'e mj baebend, Antred rnmOooegill 1 birdlj know U I'm neaeir, I bear sucb fonnj nmore; To draw ItmlK), I'm growing wild. Since Bridget wean tbe bloomeni IN A TR AP. iDimo roH THi HKv TOBK OLlrme, BY DUDLET VAN ZANDT. WItb a lond wblaUe tbe locomoUTe drew tbe iiaa- eenger Inin Into tbe little station, wboee name tbe bigcondaotor roaied one wItb stnng longs, and a single passenger anghied. Tben a whistle again, a pnmng and snorting, and the sleam giant lesomed Its Joamer orer tbe Iron way. Richard Becker, a jonngcommertlal trsieler, with the well known "Imposing elr" peculiar to theae gentlemen, looked etter tbe deparilog tialn with a toncb o( melancbolj, then uklng his large "grip," which contained hlaumplea, left the soUUrr etallon wlib dellbente etepa. He waa in a bad bnmor. Uowconld bis employer have been so unreaeooable «a to send hbn to Ibia "bole," where all hope vanlabod fiom omalreadrat tbentallont Tbatwasaaaoredlfanotberottbe"old man'a" fmke I ItIhe "grip" were oulj noteo bear/1 And Car and near not an obliging aoul to be seen whom he ooold get to carry It tor him. Befoie him lay tbe qolet highway, wblob was bordend on either side wllb old trees. Unsk was already setting In slowly, and tbe shadow ot tbe large tnea darkened the road. I( he wera attacked here by eome deapente tnmp, certain II waa that no one wooM ask after talm. iDTolnnlailly be bnttoned np hla coat, In wboee side pocket waa tbe wallet conialnlog bla paper money, and drew cloeor together the elmpa o( tbe leather pouch which be carried concealed on bla pereoD, whereby the geld pieces tu the same clinked merrily. He followed tbe road tor aboat tan mlnolea, nntu he reached a email, rather tomble down boose, wboee ooloted lanlam and the eUeld banging orer the entry door Indicated that It waa a taiera. Be opened the worm eaten doer, weak wltb age, wblch creaked loodly on lie maty bhigea, and a die- agreeable odor of old fat ot icaat meat and tbe drega ot stale beer, mixed wtm Ihe tobacco smoke that roee In thick donda from the tavern keeper's long pipe, strack bis nesbrlla. Tbe, latter, a big, moscuUr man, with a ceane, bloated face, came wllb a ataulOlog, clumsy gill to meet him, and asked bis wishes In an IndUtrent tone. "Olre me a glass of beer," said Becker, shudder- ing slightly at tbe sight of the Bit stiiir Uut a guest had standing before him. "How (ar Is It 10 R—t" he then aaked tbe land- lord, who waa buy pouting tbe ordered drtnk out et a bottle Into a ready glass. "A good bonr'a walk, If yon step ont alenlly. Bnl I wouldn't idvlee you to tiiTel orer tbe loid lu the dark, lent that eo, raiber Oswsldl" "Yes, It has been rery dingercui tor some time In tbe nelgbborhood," conltmed Ibe man sddreeied, ae he caat a quick glance st- tbe "grip," which Decker had placed beelds blm. Fsthsr Oswald, tbe onlygueatpieeent, might bare been about forty yean old. Ue iraa a abort, corpu- lent man, with an eipieasire, abnoet cunning face. He irate dark tnoaers and a green bloaae ot coane stnir, which ahowed In a tew places stains that a oonsclenUons erlffllnallst would donlitleas bare viewed mon oloeely. "Oan yon glre me a room for the night?" aaked Becker. "Ho, my worthy six; I biven't got as tar as a toest ebamber yet," replied tbe tann keeper, wllb a broad langb. * "b tbere im other pnbUo house In Ibe neighbor- hood t" "No, tor Ihen's really do seed ot any." "Bat I can't spend the night on tbe highway I" 'Hiat wonM be Tety nncomtorlable, to be sore." Baytig which tbe landlord ahored a pteeh of Banff Into his Dcas and blinked down at lather Oa wild. "If yon wonM eone with me to my bonae," atd the lanar, "I could aeeomtnoditi yon with a k>df- Ibf. IkaTanomeDOQghlaUis hooae, aa mywita ^■umawaj." "I aooept your propoalUon rrlth thants. Aa for tbe price, I wIU make thai entttely sattifactoty to you." "Ob, that laot worth menttonlog," replied the fat man. "Fktber Oawald docant needll," put hi tbe land- lord, sboTlDg another plnoh ot anuff up bis large noatrili. "So It's settled, you will sleep In my bouse. It Isn't tar from bete." He pointed with bla wet thumb orer his sbonldor, "Moreorer, yon may be glad that yon met me here, for, aa said. It hasn't l>een safe of late In the nelgbborhood." "In what respectt" asked Becker. "Well, attacks occur erety moment I'm of the thick, koSlty stick that bad been leaning agalnat the wall In one eomer. Becker paid for hia beer, took np bla "grip," and the two stepped ont into the open air. In a few minnlea the; stood before the'pramlees of afarm. Father Oswald opened tbe gala a little, until his fat body oonid pass Into Ibe yard, agd then abut It again. "Walt a moment; I only want to ohaln np tbe dog, olhenrlae the beaat would tear you In pieces." Ue went toward the honae, and lelnnlng In a nlnute or two said, u be opened Ibe gate to let Becker enter the yard In bla turn- "So, It's done. Mow, come." "Down, nuto I" He bad been nnobalned, and Becker heard tbe animal laartng over tbe yaid wllb wUd springe. Tbeieupon tbe steaKby alepa came np tbe stain again; a doar;shut with a ciatkUig noiae, then all waastUI. Becker Natened a couple of mlnutea longer, hut nothing stirred. He sorewod the lamp wick higher, and sealed himself by Uw open window. But soon a great uneaaloeaa had takes pnssewlon ot him. Re shut tbe window for the night air fatigued blm. He dM not dat« to go to aleop, ho moat watch. A great deal waa at Hake—hliIKo I Suddenly II seemed to blm aa 11 a hand mordd the whlia oorer qiread orer Ibe bed to sare It. opinion tben must be a whole gang. You know, Kmger," he added, addieaahig the tsrem keeper, "how much cause old Bohnmann bad to bellere 111 Such ragabonds P' ne leased off bis t>eer. "What happened to old Scbnoannl" qnertod Becker. "That's a dark aoaijr," lepUed Father Oswald. Ue waa found one morning In tbe bushes on the highway—murdeied P' Well, and the case wlUi tbe country letter car rierl"Bald the landlord. »Y«e, Indeed P' cried Father Oawald. "Ue was attacked In broad daylight, and bis money pouch rraa not found nnttl tereral daya later In a remole place—of coune, robbed ot lla contsnta." This must be a rery daogetona nelgbborhood In- deed I" remarked Becker, with a dejected air, and tbe Ihonght came to him ot the large sum ot money he carried wllb him, which he had coUecled darlig the day from bla employer'a cnstoineii. 'And yet, yon see, you muted to ttarel orer the toad alone In tbe dark," said Faiher Oawald. "Yon probably bare plenty of money with yon also r "Ho, not I-I bare nothing at an wtth ne r' The hasty anawer terealed praetsely the conasiy. "Bat, my dear lit," njouied rather Oswald, "a commercial trareler always baa mmaj with him— and Ma of It, too, when be alao ads aa oeUector for bla employer." "AH the Doney I tecetred tram cnslaoMTS, exoepi u loaignUlcant snm, I seat home yesterday by poet," replied Becker, to whom raiber Oswald's words sounded reiT snsptdona. "It's getting near bed ttme In thne parts," put In the laren keeper, yawning, "aBd,aayoo are doubt- leia Hred out atiar you day's boatseas,yoa wonldn't object, I dsn say, to going to bed aa soon aa possl- Waf "Wan, then ooas," said Ihlfear Oawald. WltklUahenaa,aB4,inlila( en hIa oap, took a Tboy went Into the hooae and groped their rray alowly forward In the complete obecurity sunound- Inglhem. Suddenly Becker stepped on a aoft object, sum. bled, and would hare fallen bad not bla "grip" of- fered blm a aippoit. "Walt, I'll light a candle P> crMd Father Oawald, Tbe match failed; a secoihl and third likewise. "Tbey must bare got wet," be grambled to hlm- eelf. "But we can Had the way In the dark. Only keep cloee behind me." Tbey ascended a root worn night of suin, unljl Faiher Oswald slopped, opened a door, and bade Decker enter. Tben be llgbied an oU lamp,and said: "flood night—pleasant dreama I" lieckor waa alone. ■■Oood nlibt—plsaaant dreama I" Tbatwiaacom, erklent acorn. lie opened bU "iplp" and looked for hIa loaded rerolrer, which b«, for prudence's sake, alwaya car- ried wllb blm. lie locked the "grip" again care- fully, laid tbe wespoo on iba table, end subjected the room to a strict Impeotlon. He percelred, with a feeling ot nneaalnesa, that a curtailed door connected tbe room with another space. EzerclalDg erery prteaDllon he opened It a Utile. Oarkoesa reigned In Ihe space beyond, and a pe- culiar odor caioe to hlnL ne shut tbe door noiselessly. All at onc« It seemed to him sa It aomebody wera sualing down the suiia. lis Uataaed with sua- pended btvatb. Nodoobtl Tbe step* mored away; BOW be heard them In Ibe yard. Quickly screwing down the wick of Ibe lamp, so that only a very dim bghi pro- teeded from It, be stepped to tbe window. Tbe dof bad set op a k>w, Joyful whlnbif, aa U a well known pciion were apfroachlBg blm. And sack waa the caas, for dinctly aflerwaida h* heard adaepTolcesay: Selling tbe nrolrer with Ills right band, he grasped the lamp wllb the left, slid let Ibe falnl light fall under tbe bed. Nothing I But here I Then were loose boards In Ihe Hoor, A Hap doorf With redoubled atlenlion be eaamlned around Ihe bed. lie lighted up ereiy comer. Indeed I What waa Ihatt These anaplcloua led spoiat No, there waa no Illusion—Mood I Ab, and here In what qiianilty i "Murderers I RobhenP' He wanted In cry II out at the top of bla rotce InIo the night, IMit not a sound cans over bla llpa. IIU tongue was aa If paimlyied. Powcrleaa be aank upon a chair. Now all was clear lo him. lie was In a trap—he had fallen lota a murdsrer'a den—bad fallen Into Ibe bands ot tbe moat dastardly orlmbiala I Old SchoDiann and tbe letter osirler hsd been murdeied by both—Ibe S04sllcd Fatber Oswald and Ihe bnlal looking tarem keeper. Now his lum waa coming i TUe terrible fsUgue I He wsa obliged to tear his eyeaopenfordhlyl Invslnl Ills physical smngtb succumbed to tbe laws of Nsture. Sitting on lbs chair, tbe rerolrer In ble tight hand, be awaited tbe Donlng. At last the sama annonaeed llself by a feint trembling ray In Ibe EaeL Tbe little lamp wsa SBUngnlsbed. Only by da- greca bla eyes became accustomed to tb« obaculty. "St I Stpi Again this stcange noise, irblch he had heard In bis dnam. It cama from the adjoining foooL Be tnnad bisheadlowsrd Um curtained door. Ttnl. ded, ha sprang lohlateeL Aiayof Ugtltsllibrougli a crack. Be appnacbed the UWa door oB dpto* and looked thrcogk the ersrle*. WkalaMghttH alfhtl Oold chUla imn ovsb Urn and made bla teeth chauer, By a nnnd grindstone stood the myslerioas nan wbo had land him Inio Ihia bouse, and let the gllllaitng blade of a large knife glide over Iho stone. So they nniM b> munler him also, as they had munteied tbe olhera. for the nke otlbe money they Imagined be bail wllb him. Ab, but he would soil bla llfo dearly I Had be not his rerolrer I To bo Hure, he iraa notaooiistomed to handle one, iiut thou be felt that at cloee quarters he could hit his mark. With Ibis snmowhst reaaauring rellectlun ho cocked his weapon and e:iaDilnctl ibo uyllnder. What! Inroliintarily be slartcd back, almost crying ont with temr. Tbe cylinder was empty, Ihe lernlrer waa not loadedl Tben It occurred to bin that he had cleaned Ihe weapon a week or so befoia, and be must hare for- gotten to reload It. A cold sweat Mnko out on hIa forehead. Unforta- nate man; now he found himself helplesa In the hands of Ihe wnlohes, for csrtaln II waa they bad taken Ibe preoaullon to abet off from him erety means of escape. Bui one hope remained, tie might Ibiow himieir upon their mercy, lie would glre np ererything without realalan'yi; he would promise, solsranly, erertasting sllenM aa In what bbi eyes had seen. He irould not heiny them-neither Father Oawald nor the urem keeper, and tben, perhaps, tbey would span bis llfo. Following out this tbougbt, he opennd the door softly, stepped nolaokmly Inin Ihe sdjolning room, ■hen gliding InaudlNy forward, grasped with his right, In mcrlsl anilely, the hand of tbe man which hold Ihe knife, whilo his while llpa shimniered: Spare me-hare pity nn me I I will do all you demand of nie—I will norer iMilmy you I" Hlarilod, Faiher Oswald tomod miind and looked Inio the dlBlorted face ot Ibo young commercial trareler. Tbo knife fell from his haml. "My (lod, linw you frighleneil ino t What do ynil waiitl" aakcil Itie fat man wllb aniloua aatonlsh. nient, 'Don't hlllntoP' 'Diem mo, hare you gone nraty over nlghir How did you get Ibo nioit Idea Uut I warned lo kill yout*' 'Boinol>ody stolo ilnwn stslra and unchslned the dog." Ibat was myself. The dog always nins about at liberty nighbi." 'In the nsxt nioni I discorered a trap doorP* 'No dnulitl It leads In ny regclalilo celUir." ■men, at the foot of the slain my fool siruek snmotblng soft, that night bare lieen a corpse, for sughl I know—and under your Ind I discorered frsh blond stains." How Faiher OiwaM aaghed ont loud. "Ah, now I undenund I" he said, still laughing. "lint do enlighten me —" "Walt a moment" lie stuok his lilondy hsod Inio the side pocket of hbi gieen blouse, siiil hasded llecker a liuslnees card. William Oswald, Osnw snd Poultry Dealer," read Docker. Ftther Oawald bad Ui laugh again, Booker's lace looked BO mmlcal, Tlisn, thniwliig aside a hare, which be hsd Urn half skinned, ho said lu a Inns In- tended lo sound reaod: 'I'r^ done It once, but lUdoltnonion—no stran- ger shall erer In Inrllsd In my house again I" Twn bnnrs later HInhsrd lleoker n>do In a wagon, wblch fathsrOswakt drove himself, safely to II— snd there did a rery good liiislnesa. As often u be osnto In Iho nelghliorbood then- after ho never nUaaed atopping at the poultry deal- er's. Ibat tbe hare rosslor the leg of ronhion always suited his palate so well there wsa lMicause"Fatber Oswald" kept axrellenlROods.and "Molherdawsid" uodentnod h«w In swbig tbe cooking spoon with particula r skill. ^. MILTON ABORN. Hilton Almrn, whosoptclunTniUMrrsapreaeDU this week, has lieeo a rery busy, rery patlonl and rery clerer worker for a sood many yean. He waa Inm on May II, imi, andat the age of twenty-one be undertiiok the direnUnn of /oho A. MIerena' play. Unknown," for one se e s o n. During Iho fol- lowing sesson Mr. Abnm SMnagod vf. A, Mealayer's Tiiurlsu." One of Ibo meislien of thU troupe was taken suddenly III, and Hr, Abom was Impressed Inin the part Tbe accident wss a fortunate one, becauae It made apparent that he had more alilllty aaan aclortban aa a maoager. Following tbe cue thus giren, Mr. Ahom enlered the comlo openleld, accepting an enfsgement as leading comedian and stage manager at the monlDceot salary of III par week. Ue baa nerer aloce left comic open. He sUrted wllb Ihe Acme Open Oompany, from wblch he went Into the Nalbinal Ideals, and then. In tlie Fan of 'ST, he Jnloed the forces of H. F. Kellh, Ihe oonllniious perforrasnce magnate, wlio had, among other tbinirs, originated tbe Idea of uniting comlo open In rauderille In an onlimken show, Hr. Almm remained wllb Mr, Kellb until a tew noDlha ago, when he resigned lo put his own com- peny on a inur, wblch hu only lacenlly ended, and which will lie reaomed for Ibe Hummer at Atlantic Oily, N. J., In a week or two. During bis asaoota- lion with tbe Kellb forces Mr. Abom was director of tbe open compeny, alsglog sll of lla producUona, supervMog Its rebearsla, and perfomlng three timea dally In Ihe leading comedy role, rroof ot bU Indefatlgabls Indnury la adbrded In the fact that lbs oonpaDy chsnged lu bill each week threughout the season. Ths open company alao enjoyed the diatlnetlon ot dedlcaUog are thsalrea ot Mr. Kellh'a-the ohi Oalety Open llooss la Prov. Idenca, R.!.; the old BlJou lo Boston, Mass.; Ihe coay BIJOU In FhlladelpbUi, Pa.; tbe New Onion Square, In New York Cliy, asd finally, Mr. Keith's palatial new ibesUe In Doitoo. Mr. Abom Is nar- rlad to a non-profeailuosl. Itvmas," oiMerved tbe tramp, Ulteriy, "yon would lite to hare me get off the earth. Boll can- not" "liars you tried wllBoapr'aaked UiewomaB In Ihe bios gtaghan Inas, dlspasMonalaly^Punlt.