New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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2-2(; THE NEW YOBK OIjIPPElR. June 15. # Theatricals LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. MoniUr NIsM'a Opralas* ia aU th« Big Show Tawu, GOLDEN GATE C LEANINCa "M^ihs" RecelvM lU Initio) PraMntitlen In Sa< Franelieo by th* Frawlty Dramatic Lo.- M:it of the R«»Brt» Ara Raportad to bo Doing Wall I Siadtl Dlp)«Uh u> Hit !*•• Turk Cllpivr.) Bas FnKcuoi, June li.-"«olliii" mw prodactil litil crcDlni m ihe ColiimliU I'j ilia Fnwic; Df*- inillc Co,, WHO tlien enured iDe flfUi «;ce» ol tWr c imnomenr. Thin was llw InlHil preiienlaNon of ••tluiiw" III ihlii clli, inil It wiw giteleil wlUi .«n "H. a. (I." hoiiM. MerKeret CnTOD, In tbe role or AiuAzjiK.-IMllej'ii Hlock Vo. opened lul Digbt ln"lliiniliii|t,"loiiwcllllllci1boiiM. ^■ i;nAxii oi'KBA lliiivi!.-"Tiie Hmigile of Ufe" min producol lit IhU liouao lut nlnlil. UiwIneM ciinilnueatobeblR. j, „ DHi'imi:)!.—TI10 HnlemlMM, Olliiert anil noldle, nmilo tbclr nnit »ppe»r»nco at Ihli lioum. The '*. II, (I." nlRn, in old Hlonr bere, was atain In riibt TiiR liAiiiwiN AMI UAuronNiA TiiaATKm are (lurk lliln week. Oincm ItoVAi "Klalne" and "Saved fiWn Ihe WRVCH"wero rcalimcallT pnidiicod In m* Water (krnlvHl liul iilRhl. Tlio alilpirrer.ked crew.ot Ihe Uillniii »ro alM on exlilblllon ben, Uuelao,.!! <lecrcaiilnii niRliIlT, Nirm—J. K. fmmO. la out on liall for aticmplcd niiinlerorblawire, prorewlonallj knotrn ai Knillr l,Tiion. Ho In now nlior anil repenleni, end ou wiro l> out iif dimner tJiiTle Oirk W«nl hai iiiinllod for a divorce from James U. (iiiHlHTo Waller hae a<ine In lieiiver, Oil., to aecnre ilioCiinlHlttrcoKliKra llmne LouIm Faiilllp'A rmiior died in thia citr * l-UHe SalliiKcr haa revoreil her cuunci^llon wllh the TIroll, and liaii 1(11110 IjiBl II10 Knit teillmonlal iieneOt of llio Aglnni' AmocIiiIIod of America took place nt WiiroMO'e (Inind IHiem IlouiB 8. Bverj nrorcaxlonal In Ibo cllj vidunltcreil for Ibe oc- rnsloii, which waa a Rfeal auccOM Jake lloMnllHl «lll iK-Bln an cnaaiienienl, |lcl. 12, a» itramirer of Frank llall'a Itojal Kntllah Urctii, Uhlcaao, Ml John Hbornwn, an old lima prop- ortj niakcr nt Ibo tlaldwlii, la neni on a vUlt JYiinkUlflonle caring for bin elckwlfo at an <h»k- vlllo Hiuliiirliiin AI llnvnian k Co, have nied Uanaoer John K. Hulllvan, of J. K. 'Kanel'ACo., for nlloiod hreach of conlmci for not nillni an engiiBe- incMiiiitboChlironilaTheaiie,wcokolKajll The coinnliihilBlleiicalliiilliyarondlUonof the aipve- iiiciii Iho J. K. Ki.iniet Conipanf waa not to play at any nlhcr nlaco nf nniiiHemrnl In Ban Kranclaco !«■ dim Jiiiio III, liiit that <1ea|illa tbia condiUon Ibe I'liinimnjr appcand at HlockwollM Thoalre for two wn-ka In April, which ncceaallalcd a l anrcllatliin iif Ilia rniilraut and llio cloilnit of Ibo (Mlfonla for Kiio wrck, liiiniaiea In ibe aiiin of faoo are do- iiMiiilcd \>j the pliiVnim. FROM OTHER P OINTft Beginning of the Summer Satton-The Mur- ray-Lane Opera Co. Optni the Sotun nt Hnltnorth's Garden, Cleveland-Marlon Manola'i Return to Ught Opera. IRTMlal Dlapalchu 10 Tha N>w Tork Cllppar.] C'liii'AiMi, Juno ii.-ljiat night iiiarkeil Ihe opeO' lUK •>' uuo of Ibe most unevrnlfiil iirceka of Ihe aea- Mil. There wna noiblnw new lu town and Ibree of llio Inrecr hniiai-a—.Mchlller, Columbia and llayoiar- kel-iliiik At llio Hcblllor there waa a droH le- hutiaal of "Mine llohliiaon OniKO," wbloh Ih Io iiprii rj "Aladdin," wllh Vcalu Tlllej an Ihe Hiiir nitnicilon, had a aood bouao, and haa Ihe lieat of the down lonii Imalncaa Tbere nas a ROoil hiiiiw nl lliu Oraoil, wboie "A lllack Hbcep" boiniii Iho laai week Inil one of a very aucceiafnl len wocka' nin. iMIa llnrlan baa anewaoni, and Ibo liviiii Hlmera biivo addod a clover mnalotl act Io Iho iicifiimiaiico "Tbo Oalclj flirl," at llooloy'e, la not no popular aa wbeu preaenled by Iho iin'rnllnit company, lint tbo honr <if tnumpli fur lliHiloy'a la near at band, "Tilll>)" ooiiiea ••\ Miho Ijiicoln an "American Hera" baa lu iliMWDd uix>u Ita ncuiilo offecu to rany II Ihiouib. Williiwoiirihrcooaifpilona the meiiiljer* of the ii>iuiMiiy lire woeliiliy Incompetent Tbe lein- inmiuni bi analn on Ihe raiiipauo, l onaequenlly iliuro am oxcollonl rrowda at Uie Uaaonlc ibMif liardon, whero Nellie Uaniliony la Ihe chief altnc- iloii ihia week "TheOoltiinKln|f,"atlleVlck- m', U diilnii u Howl siloady liualneat, and Ihe public dovauoiaeoDi to grow weary of lla alartlliig allua- lluiia. IkHTuN, Juno 11,-1110 line woatlier or laatoren- InE and Ibo lark of aiiylblUB new at Ibe tbr«« regiitar ihcairea now open had the emct of iiialrrlally allUrUnii Ibe paironageat Ihoie houiea, nnil Ibe Huvcml aiiilleni'oa wore only inodente lliiiUKOr K. K, lloae prewnlcd Ibe alwaya favorite "lilmno-dlrorla," which waa rendoreil wllh aduilr- Hiilurifi'i'l 1>T bla pxcrllont Uaalle 8i|uaro Upeta Co, "I'hu ^•phlnx" rniered upon lla lliUit week at llic TroiiiMil Thoalro and dellRhled a hlrty good Iiiiiin'. Now liiialnoaii la liolna Inlrodarrd Into iiila work, and II growa tiirrly and Mearilly In puliHo favor Tlie llaldwina lieaan ibclr KM-iiiiil week at llie Uowdnln 8i|iiare Thoalre, wliero iliuy piiKzli'il tiioao prcsont wliii tbelr novel and In- icivrtilnir porforiiiaiH'O. Ihiiduon la good At Kcllb'a Now Thcniro then) la pmented Ihli week ono of the Iwal imiRrommea tbat haa Iteen aooa lion, liaii Criiiiuiliia and Hoaa (lore, with llioir I'oiiiiinii)', iiuide a hit In Ibe cuiMiiicdIella, "Too Miii'li forllio Kriinlly,"anil anotheratninii ran! waa iliu liiis-uiv linia., llllpiillan athletca. Aodlencea during iliufoiv'iiuiiii and aflrrmxiii were only uiod- rnili.', but lu the evening the atleiiibini'O iili'keil up iinill Iho honao waa well llllcd. The lliilhlo mil Wild tVpal Show anived In iiiwii on Sunday and Imiiii'dlalrly caiupcd down on iliK lliiiilliillluii Avnuiio gmuiiila. YeaieiiUv aflor- iiivni iiiul uV('nlugllioyeavei*\lilhlllouawhU-h drew liiiiuoiiKu uudleni-i«| Ihe iiioualer tenia lielng well ililril oil I'ni'li iK'i aaluii, but an great la their capac- liv iliiiln liiiKo I'towri la miulrcd In onirr to niake uiiv aliiin at all, Ulu olilerlalnilicot hi a food «>iie, Tlio clrciia roiiialiw hero two wccka Tlio IMIai-o Tlicairr, wlili ilix liuitrai|up, "tin the ^<lllllvav," mill ii vaiteiy olio: Auallii .V Bloue'a Miiviiiii, Willi "Tliii Kerry V*W lu tbu leclnto hall iiiid hoiirlv ('0111C1I.V Mhnwa In Ibo Ibi-alre. ami the UvfiMim Tiicniiv. WilliTrtlliyV Vaudeville Uoiiiiiany, >\'«Tlvi-il v.tcellrni i»iiroii«ne from uihib uiilllhiie III nlglit. Hr. lAiria, Jiiiio 11,—Tlie change of Ull at Ibe n'niliiiiouH allow at llavllu'a Tnraire yemmlaT •Imv Rood cruwda lailb day und nlahl, "The Gol- den tUant MIno" la well put on and alily Inlernntetl liy Iho aliiok t'.oni|miiy. Tbeapeclaliy people an aUivo the average At Cbilg'a Cave, etunday iilthl, "The Ciilnieaof Niiniiandy" waa laodiiced lieioro an niidleuce which uMeodeit In niimliem llial of the opening night. Tlie enliro rnuipaiiy waa nt Its liriil, nnil the proaoiiinllon of tbo old but t'Imriiiliitf iiprm waa well ivcolvcd, Ftnm her diat nolo Am Palmer Wnlber cnnglil Ihe popular fancy, na did nlMi Tonin llaiilou, whuiu) alDghig waa oih) 111 ilie airnng fcaliirea The llilM week of the vaudeville nl IVrmco IMrk «|vnod Uonday wllh a Hew bill, III which iliero are a nuiulierof tlrat olaaa Hllraciloiif, Tbe pcrroiiiirtiici>« have all U'en up to ihr ithiiidiinl,niiil ibo iiiiiiiacciiieni baa uaetl every viTiiri 10 please Ibe pni lli'- The I'atk. aa a reaiill, le fast 10 'oniiiiK Clio or the iiu>tl iH)pulir itaorla la the citv, aitil la well aiiended by ino lieai people. The l^iilon TYiiM lioof iiaiden Ik pieeeniing u now line of »|ieclalilea, tbe week Iwglnnlng laat iilHlit. MiLWAVKRi!. June II.—The Kxpoililon MnHc Hull aiialn held lla cuelumarv birgo Sunday night limim. u hli'h liberally applaiiiltd Ibe Una Idll ni«- ,^>ulcd Tbo tegular acaion Ml Sebllir. INirk <■ mmiciiccd Sunday ulgbi. wllh tbe American (.'iiiiilc Opera Co., lu "Mean and Hand," Tha roiii- i«uy roniiilua loaiiy familiar facta, and will be do- Mrvedly inpular In a abort lime, 'lHa laiye galhtr. ihk iiii aeul waa very deuiouatnillve auil eaaacd lla time Ittween tbe acta onlovlog Ihe \-audevllla bill Ml the pivlllou Tlie Wondeilaud itlll Irnli mioiiili lulling "U<iccacclo" will lie Ihe njiera al SrhlliA I'atk ne.vt week. \VAMiiMiToN,Jiiiie II.—Tlie l-'redeilc Uuud Coin- lany I'lxlied IIIarreulh week of SuDincr comedy al Alli'ii'a iirauil ii|iem Hou^e with a cnitain lahair cnlliinl "lloiiiro'a Find lAve,"wlth Blanche Walab aa iriMiiro. TliU was lollowed by "My Awful llad," |i\ Ihe cnilrcc«iiii|ioiiT. Tlio liouae waa well t1lle<l. ,l...."Ma[Tlcdlullaaic,"n tuuraci conndydraiiUi by nenrr Hiron, waa prodnced by tbe National Biock 00. at Rapley'B National Ttieaire. Tbe admir- able work of Ctaaitea Ooole In tbe lole of Fere/ Peadiagos waa exoeneot. The bouae waa crowd- ed Ihe boxing boutaat KemaD'a Lycentn were well attended. PniunKiriiiA, June II,—lutead of falltnf oir, Ibe alleudance at the Broid baa Incieaaed, and Ibe aecond week of "The IJlUa Tycoon" opened liat nigbtwilh a well dlled bouie The attracnre hin al Ihe Ullou drew a big crowd, and "The Wblta Crook," at the Lyceam, npcoed wllh a full booir. The coBTeoiloo of tne Inttnallonal Leanie of I'reaa Ulnba beglna In lodependence Hall today, folkiwed liy "A NIgbt In Bohemia" at tbe I'en and Pencil Cliili lonlgot Tbe fnnetal of the late Uanager John A. Forepangh will lake plate to. Domw al 10 o'clock; Interment at Uurcl IIUI. Ci-kvr.i.AXO, June 11.—"Clover,"rplendldly piiton hy the Mumy-Une Upem Company, opencil Ihe Hummer aeaaon at llaltnorlb'a Uardenuat night and waa greeted liy a perfect Jam. Unrion Hannla'a excellent woit earned lier an ovation Baldwin k VouDg'a contlniiona abowe npenetl ancceialully at Ihe Lyceum, giving a good pofonnaiice. KiiaiAti CiTT, June II,—Tbe lienper Slock Co, opened llieir gfth week at the coalea Sunday night, and preaenled "I'ncio Tom'a Cabin" 10 a fair bouae. Tbe Paxlon upcrn Co. elaned In on tbtlr Mlb week al Falrmount l-ark wllh "Ullvclle," to fair attendance. Lni'iBviiJ,!, Jnna 11,—The new Gem and While Front Tbealna opened laat night to good bouaei. BTIActwl, Jane II,—The Wieling Upeim Houio acaaoii baecloeed "Thepaaalng Show" turned people away. N EW JERSE Y. Jeraer Cllr—Kolh of tbe legnUr bonaeaare cloaMl, and lha only aourcaa of aiiiawieDt la tlia clly arelhemuilehalla. J. 1. n,^Tti«ae peoala ara liere Tor w*«k nr 10; Ada Mar. Walla ClllTiiril, l.ou Rouchtrorb, May Baudolpb and I'rol. Hrniaa. llualnaaa cantlauM ROO'l. Wiaillsuns,-.VeUla lUnida. May Vorrla. Hay lliibnea and Kannle Kelly. Huiloea coollnutH Root. NfiTita.—Airr»«l Laalar I'flior, a pupil of ilia Uwranca HelH«l of AeJna, will banelll at Uie lion Toa nlRlit of \X llevUllia aJuUtad by hU rellow Mudeola In Mleetiona Inini alaodanlpUja. LllUa no Penr «lll racllaaail dance Al trlllaw llaveii Ino and Caalao Pnif. ttal* can and NInaMadlaon saTa aiialher midair parfonnance artamnon of B. Will II. otwaid la ntanaalna Ihli rtKort. Win black %iln 1>« allli Ihe Lyric. Ilnlwkra, nail aaawn, aa Hiiiaaar llarlL'a ircaaunr and aMbunt. Apiet Handnlnli wM Mitad Wllh narroDa proa- IralUinal lha J. I.O., .V iiid had loclo*e. I.itiw CUn Barton couiplaud liar data A nunibar of Ilia Orr- mania Block, rmni your clly.ara alvlnaduiiimar r«r- forniancaa in dllTarcnt Mctlona of lha ohioic. Max LiilM, otio Hayar, Bainnrd lunk, Keaeala Hclinlit anil Clam Buiiiaara In the company iteo. A. Clarke atidScanlc Aniat W. C. MfdIioMt, bolli of tlii Bon Toa, hato aalab- llphail Ilia Kan Ton HIko IVi Nannia ItuMall la Blllou thlairaok atlleirnari'. t*aler«on, K.J UntHlanley la at Vaeca*! Caalno. Cuiiar laland Manaaer Hobert Bmvarlaat Itnuia, anlntloa lha conlhiR br<«Kca or Ilia holRhu anar Ida llaraid 1l<iuaraTbealr« ventura. Ilobokea,—Uanager Harta and hiaareblteclnie liuay plannlna how Io Improro lha llohokea Tliaatra. Mr. Ilanx la alTina IliU mailer cloaa auanllon, and alioiild he carry out lilaulADM of ilia chanaaa coiileiuplateil It will make lha Lyrlr la nioal daalralila ImuM. Tha hoaw. all complelad and raady fur bualneaj, hIII he opened about juoi*.—ManaaarWalnlhal haa concludal nni 10 five any parlolmancea ham until the opaiiloa nfhla ramiUr ataion. lla baa alrao lha houae 10 l.lnie Uayaood for a IM nant nlalit or June n. mriKiAL-Miillla Wliltuo, Ma Larrlla. Llllla Kan. nidy, Llixle tlowanl, Llllle Hcliuliart and I'Tor. flandarv. noalnaan la amal. El.vaiAX.—ThIa rawirl. altualaalnrpnalielha Koiiilaenlli Hireel Kant, la allll ileToled to rarialy. Bualneaa liaa Itfan fair. , . XnTRa.-MolIln Wlilllan «M A ipadal al Ilia Imperial laat aaek, plajloa hoili liara and attorney lalaod. Blie rcjolni liar i«rtnor. Ma lAvalle. al lha alaiTe liouae Uila ntcb A new aaplrant for TaodavlIJa booera la Annie Jaarall, who appMrad here Uai weak LIdIo Hay- iriad, anaralonaalnBO of anfnrrad Idleoea*. caaaed hy apralnhialiothonklea,raada hor ra-riilraa vaakor.\al tha Iiiiitarlal Leo /jiifrella la allll aulTarlnR very much wllh hia len era, tlie raaultnraracenl^ahootliia aci Ttia nUnu laadar, W. R. Uonlano, U allll on tha alrh Hat wllh rhaiimallc alHcllan 01 tha area Will Koaa, formerly nanaaarnf the lloboIOD, will look after tbe Intoraala of tha "Hlach Crook" naki ~~ Patcraow—Aiiierirn'a SconI and Wild Went Minw had fairly gn- d liaa'oeaa Janr S-V I'Ai^'a "Fall oa ]*0HrBir' vlU be preaen'od at lb« Baraball rack, betareen ihia c'l^ ai d Paaaalc, IV^I KKLte BlOH-'Ciacca eililblia bale O, Newark,—Tho annnal rjc^plloii to Col. W. V. Morton, nianaarr of MInar'a Tlipatre, on Juno i. Tea a Rmtliylna aucceaa. Tha omRTminme, altliouRh long, vaa xrry hilareallng, and the decoralloiit vera brilllinl The tweinh annual benaBt ol Newark LoilRO, n. P. tl, Elkp, oceuneU at MInar'a Tbaatre a A tarda aadleoca aDjojrdawall aalectad proiraaima, and lha aTanl waj aaaurceaamiaaQaual CoL W. M Morton and fkffllly Ian for lhair Summer raaldanceJUearbead, L I., II A. V. riaraoo'a proiluatlon or "tha Bcoul" will he alvea audi r canraa bare IS, 14 and lA Traaautar Dannla of Mlnir'a Tbaatre. oponed tba Aabnry Park Opara ilooaa for the aaaaon, lUC wllh "Tha New Hoy." Laoe Hleara, BhoLaabaaomaoaRarof IhaDaulacliar Cluh. Iloliohen, forajearor two,haatabao chargaof the Andllorluiu, dila city Robert Nell la bone from hit lour with Tbe While Bquadnn." WISCONSIN, Uliwaakee.—The Kiimmer Kiaon of comic opera al HclillUPark opened Jane 10 wllh lha Amariran ironilr llpeia reiii|«nv. In "llaan and llaml." The pr'nclpal uoiiibjra ut tie company are Jeanole Wlaaloo. Annie Mayara, Ibiae Lalghton, J( aephlne fiuntoo, Marie BlaBley, Wwry llrown. Henry Uallani, V. K. nochaater, Harry Dkkeiaon, Malcolm K. Huaaall and Oeoraa II. Rla- dalr. Artliur i. iVill la diroctur of clHirua and lha or- cliealra. Maoaatr O- >'. Millar liaa bulll a Uraa canvaa l«vlllun III the Wrb, nrar the founialn, ami betaean the iclawlb pieaentlilRii eiaaavaudavlllaiiorroniiancea, lliaa RlvhiR hIa palninataodlallnrl i^rfonnaDroafornnaprice of adniUalno. Healonlng Id, Ihe followlna partoroiara ippMr In ihe pavTlhin: TortaJada. and bar inoipe nf Biwilali alBRera ami danrera: the llellorallla BriHIiel*. n|.B(.,H, riHN^.H miwA WBuivin, wi« w.,w,v,i,~,.., laOulH UcOorkU, Krmtil«ln MeUttr ami I'mf. llurkt'it Oanlnv l*ifmiloi. Tli* ClilURn Mttlo* EUotl pUftO to id ariinitff huilnwi 14>1 «eik. KiifMiTit.y Mri«i<' U.\i.i-—KorvMknrnilnjiti Manaprr rtina. r.mtUbiiiy sitKin |tn«Ml*iintUi>nrmio hill, com- l-rUlD(tlliii.lU(lih* Kfttiill.v. the VMhUm*. Iho SlrNullj HIh- l«r*Hiitl HarDRiil D>lljn,1trrl»<>naihl (Niiln, Mrlkmntiih MrolliiTx. Mimii:iinit>rvlnlii|i, irHl I'rlocfM linlpnrnuly ■nO hnr lluMUn Tmulutlitur". HiuIiivm U p«m1, tli«8uu- ilnTnliihl liinit>utji)'t>!n|ci<«nlrgtAtlvIniei'. t'lutimpiivlnii III ihr ivititnnvni «tll be llM .Imtiiu KhiiiIIj. ihe VnMiiRua, UcNnllr Si-trni. Illll uml Ihill. Ihi* Kmir l.n<*Anl>. lh« KlnR Nrn. HIro kdO Eluirr, himI thi* NkIiI HiA*llt>\ llvInK bninrs kIhIiipk. Vo:«pNHu.'(it>lti«KrM.—Korio And ir»rl: Cflriouui— Mlht.l'vmlllv. Klwnt Hvtiion, JobI« .\dim kiiJ iHitpm Irk ■UtUyanllklnti niftirii. HlnK«-CMil^toii aiul WllllaniF, MHUhikI MItIt, Al. Kovtnniiiid \m- ralnisr. Oil iDMi.—Mnnmrr Jnhii K llayaor, df the l>op)*'^ mnto hotiiF fl, lor k ffw iIun, rtttni (IrMnvlllr, O., «li«r(« liA U Huiiiiticrlnf Hi* (inlhuni tMlf Utinri"! clonfd k hl|ihlvnirc»Mfb1lKn wrrkK' uliy r( the lupuHllltiii Muilo Hull K ftiiil ilpi«rirtl fur «n rMpinlH «nifa|«iiitnt nl Uk« lUrrlft ravlUifl. Mlnmroltfl, Minn I'lml Ull- mon, Iho |intinl«lnit ynttm irtKr orMiinigt<'r Jiirntt Llll'ii r<tTf««, U hintiv Tor iho Hummer UuMitOM MunM^r Will a Ikfnn, nrtht llftTlitPun Thraire, r«liirnpi| imni n (IMilniirlp III Munh«m Wli^oailn. Ilot t'* "A llUck HIiMis" rt'tiifi III llw lhirtil40it Zl, U. 2\ ilvlMralM III th* Bi««ri»' CoiiTemloD. bIiIcIi l»r In IliU i-liy WHk, will tIhIi BcblilE CmHc lu MARYLAND. i*behiiit«1i| Li t ImTy li. Itttlilmort.—Tbo rintt pnHliuilon of "TlicCo* lonlkl rtvaKrr." n llirre nrt mimnllr pUy. by Chtrlei R. Korx). ntanitKeT of KMnl't (Imntl (>]>trA IIpow. w rIi *n JunvlOfttlhe ItiMlr* 1>y lha Runinttr atock «oni|tiny. The pky U rnunilnl mt an InrUpnt In itir t(U ol Charlei C^attvlL el Oarnilllioi, aiitl li>a arenari art Uld iii Maty- lanil. on Ihr Chr'imhv Haj, n»ar Annapolt"' It well rocelreJ. and Mr. Kim) %•* called hrrura Ihe eurliilD BUdmpaiidvd In a happy ii|bMch. The Kvueo' nM ex- cellent and the ci»luin«» «>MboT>t». The i<art nf Carioll vaa pUtPtl hj Kntnk H.MIII».itirn>hrian>roHipaoi.eho va« fprclnlly enipiticd fur ilie )>aru Tlie cast In l<tlt«ai*: Robt. EK>n. novemor of Harjiand, T. C. Vnlenilne; Fir (leotae Uennalne, Kr*<lerkk 8tn>nv; Charloa I'-airulL Frank H. Mil)*: Ollia Williams Uni. Iitmnnl; NIchad Treup, M'rioht llmitlnHion: rannU»ll, Ftliel llnlne.-*: |ir. Lnrrnio. ■ tutnr, ITariv llnlio; tIeiteuH, a aerROtnt. B. Kulmn RuM<>n Jr.; Uary Daiiipli, M«ud» Olell: rolU- Rmtlh, Anna llelmooi. llANMlit' ACAItKHY tiK M|-«ir-Tlif f|o«l«f ireak or liraiid ii|>erm at IhU hiana* waa brcun li> with "I'aiiit^n." wllh Mute Beluia Kiifn-KntDohl In iha idiemfe. "Ttte lluKuvnela." "RlBDlello." ''AMaa" "niUlara T*ll." M*atallerlano»tlr«Ba"anil "II Tiovaiore" will \\>\V\w. The M-iMiQ of ii|<rti at IhU hoaaa haa Wen rmlnioll) euccrMJTUI. _ FOREIGN SHOW NEWS "FiiAl'kxiAin," an opcia. In three acK, by IlelD- bold Uei'ker. Ibo lioot by K Koppi-I-Kllfefd. waa pmdured at Ibe lloyal Upera llonae, Berlin, Uay It. "Two'a CoMi-ANV.o a cnmcdiutia. In nne aci, br lYrry Andreae, waa iHwluced at the Tlieatie Hoyal, Uiadlonl. KoR.. May 'JO. "Lci l>i)it-ViaaiiiH," a Ihive act cotneilT, by Marral mToel, waa given at Ibe Oyinnaae, nila, MaeJI. »l4iHn Aij-ANiiiOHP," a aoclelr drama, la fonr acta, by Waller K. Omnan, waa pUyeit for Ibo lint nine at tho Tbcairo Royal, Torquay, \£at., Uay Id. #0n the Road^ D"! Ml RoutM Mint Rcaeh Ui Net Later Than Menday. DRAMATIC. Ahfr>lrom'a,lllhe-Monclon, N. B., Jnna II. U,Traro, H.M.,lOMIalhaxl7-JoJyll , . . , "Aladdin Jr."-('blcatu, III., June a. lodnanlie. -Aioarlcao llarC-Tiilcaao, in., Jooe U-B. galley A tlra^'^Uramailc-t:oldao, IIL, Jena lai^ Ma. BaUwInj!You'^aCemedy-Clerataod, U., JonaIO, la Boneo'riayara-OlienT Valhr, H. T, June lO-ia Sann A ifanla'a^ru^ara-^aaeaar, Mkb.. Juae W-Ii, BoBUn'noiilaldoun-aeolliwaat Harbor, Me., Jaaa UL HoUlf an Harbor U-IS, Franklin IT-B. "Black BliFep*'-«^lcaBO, III., Jnaa b>-S. "Hurii'ar"-Bolulli, MIno., June l«. , „ „ , „ /-•arroll'a, li>a. aiock-<;aaaada||a I.akh N. r., Joaa 13-1^ ^ Hlockloa H-H. ., , „ , , ,, Chaiurton'a puyara-ldalio Hprlon Col., Joaa 10-1^ ODIralCliy 17-IZ. Cnlhaaa'aCoioKllana-Jopllo, Mo., JunolO-a. ■l'.oll«nKlnR"-rhlcaRo.lll-Junol, indallnlla. ~ illey'aBtoek-flao Kranclaco, t^l., June 10, Indednlle. ••liafauliar"-inilcaRo. lll..4iinoia-B. Jarlcfc Booil Comedy—Waaliloatoo, 0. CJanaN, — IndaBolla. _ .. ...» , . » Popl'a Hammer Btock-BaIllmor«.l(d..Jnne 10, bided. KrouA PanBhawe'a-llollu^ N. V., Jone 10-15. , _ fowlar'a. Jack-Hcollaail, d. D.. June lUi 10, Culon U-fl. Prawhir dlock-Han Kranclaco. Cat, Jone U. Iiidelhilla. "Kor fair Vlrilnl»"-Il. T. City Juno 10-18. Qerman LllT|'Ullana-Saa Kranclaco, CaL, Jeae 10, In- Qrorer'a, Lcnnard—Porllaad, Ore.. Jnne 10. Indelhilta. llrimiira, Jolin-Chayeone. Wyo., Jane It, lb. UIIToa A liolll Stock-Ill. I%ul, Mian., Jiine»-B. "Ualety rilrr'-cblcajo. III., Jane 10. lodeHnlte. —arl'a Sieck-Kon Wayoa, led., June 10, Indelnlle. ■ llort A KbBDnon'a i'layera-roulmey, M.JanelO- lJ, Oraan»llle.N. v.. 17-a ,^ , lllRlilnB a Waklran'a-I'ontand, Ota., Jane 10, ladellnlta. IinaoD'aUuuicillaoa-Kacyo. N.O.,Jnna n, U, Wabpeien l4,lt,Caaaallon 17-l». Wiley Clly S0«. , ^ , Eamper Hlocfc—KanaaaUlly,Ho..Juna UX IndeBalla. KenalnRUn Slock—KenainRlom Ka.. Juoa 10, In. daHnlie. „, „. , .* , , , ftr Itlla Boblnaoo Cmaoe"—Oileago. 111., Jooe ll,loilar- -Ll Inlla. aliel Eaion-Tolcdo. II., Juaa lO-U. Mauliaiuii Uaadi Hiuck—llcDTar, Col, Jooe 10, In. McKinlrr'a Wall'a Dramallc—Olaaao, Mldin -lane 10-U. Manli'a Helrct Plarcra-floiiierTUle, Ct., Jnne lO-u. .•Merry Worhl"—n. Y. Clly Jone in. iodeilnlle. "Milk white Klaa"—Khlladclpbla. l'a..JuBe III, Indellnlle. "Maloner'a Wcddloa"—Srcaniora, IIL June 13. Balrl. dera II. Keooaha, IVla., IS, Haclne 16, Janaarlna 17. Uatlila Tlieatra-Xoiila,Mlan.,Jana U.aiaiiaood ~ alluiial Tlicatra Btock-Waibloftoo, U. C, June m In- doeolla. H' M' Oira,JoMph-Bo«ton,Mi»»..Janeiq;lfl. 'X)ld Ilonte«iaad"— Lob Venaik M. U., Jane 1*. Bto DIoRo, Cal^ 10, Loi Angelaa iNW, Sani& Barban SDL iipoMiiiRBboH''—Albtoy, V. Y., Jooe 13. Que^n'a Slock remedy—Hontml, Cao^ JuiM 17. Indef* Inlie. ENlmond Dramatic—Aabum, Kcl>^ June IO-l^ PalU City 17-3X. Sanfotd'a, Walter, 8(ock-6an Fnncbcn. CaL, June 10, Indellnlia. , _ ». a - . (Mewan'M Park Comedy—Xhibiiiiuf, U., June lOi iDderiDtte. Hhennan A Kchora-AGloria, III.. June 10-14, Imt* 17-ai iTrllby," l^linera'a-.N. Y. riiy June la Indcilalt*. ''rempltllon orMonaf"-^3iicnn>, III, Jam "Tbrllbj"-H. V. CItT June Indeflnlte. fiTTneiaTom'a Cabin," Davia*—Chlcaen, iii.,.iunv iv-0 ^ "UnrleTom'aCabln," Walker BroL'-Batli, Cu. June II. Y«mU Lee-rblllliubnrtr, Fa.. June 10-10. Wlllard AUIetfon'ii Tlitntre—aioT«r«Tille.N.V.,June 1I^I3l "Work and Waitrn"—Mamn Oily, Ia.,Jone'l2, llanpton 13- 15, KUom 17. IH« Manhnlltovn tU-U BIITSIOAIi. Ameriran Oper*—Ullwaukef, Wla., Jina 10, Indinnlie. Andion'a Opera—HIchmoiMl, Va., June 10, Inlennll*. Oai|lcB>|uareUper«—Boston, Maaa.. June Id, Indelnlle. CatntMbellodpera-^iatleRlon, H. C. June lot IndvAnite. Cainllle IVAnllle Opeim-N. V. City June tu. IndaHnlle. Conreld-Fenncur (iperm—N. Y. city Jane ll>, lodrilDile. (Iltbert t>pera-Lowrll, Naac, Juni> 10, ladatlulta. Orau Opem-Bmoklyn. N. Y.,Junem intleHnlte. HolmesItebbimn Oper^-Wfaeellnr, W. Va.. Juno 10>U. lllnridta Omr»-Ualtlmore, Hd.. June 10-li InnM' Band-LaulHTlIle. Kjr,. June U IS. Lillian auaael) Opvm-N. Y. Ritv June lO-U. "LltileTyceon"-l'rilMeIphla,i'a., Jane lUelndennlte. Uumr-laite OpeTw-ClerelamJ, O.. Juno lU, IttdellnUe. Tyke 0)wrn^-8NU Lake riiv, U., June IOC IndeOiilte. PUBcaley Broa.*—Trenton, n. J., Jnae 10-15. Rlrhnnnd Comic Operm-Detnlmiirii. June W-10. Hnuaa'a Rand—Hulyoke, Man^ June 12.. . "Tlie Rplilni"—Bfwion. Mkml, June 10, Indaflniie. Tenneaave Concer 1-0rami Rkpld^ ■Mlch., Jaoe 10-10. LuiHlnit U, Jacbaon %\ Haltle Creek 31, Detroit73-30. Thomaa* operm—New llaren, CL, June w-\K Brhlgeport 17-21. Uhrla'aCeveOpem-St. LoqIil Ve., innemlDdonnlte. WllbarOperft—MInneapolla, Minn.. Jane Wall Opeift-Burllnirton. le^ June 2t. VAIUKTT. DryastABiraln'a—PoMlon, MIon.. Jane lO-O. Cuadlan Jubilee flincer*—EdMenon. 0.. June 12, Weter- town, lad., 15, M, AubnraU. Kurt wayneU-a), Decatur 81, rortlandUiSl International VaudeTlllee-MlaDenpolla, Mian., Jane 10, Kall>aeM'a-WeatSn[»erior,WlL, June 17-19. BtytteM 30^ WoJlibnn 24, Aahbind ». M. Loulon Bell«^^>del^a-Cblca|[o.1IL. June 10, Indeflnlte. Haaon Family—HinRbam, He., June )l.H«)on 13,t;oni> Title 14, Matllwtn 15. Ra>t Uodlaon 17. Nortli Anun 18, Nonb New PurtUnd 19. KlmcOeld B), KaplU 21, £L UarU'i^ AI.-lIowlanil, Me., June 11 la Onnge 13. Kemon'^UDnirral, Can , June 17-2L Winuma', 0. Wa-Honireal, Can.. June IMl *>Whhe Crook"-111lUdclphla, I'll., Juno 10-19. CIROVBBfl. Baker k Ramhart'r—Shawneetewn, IIL, June 10-13. Bill;- llarlo«^Buno□'a-DalU^ Tei., June 10-15, Fort Bmiouiii* lullfy-ltecatur. IIL, June 12. BkwntlnKton 13. Clian)Mlim II. Kankakee 15. Centnaila: 17, Carbon- dale in. flaliu 10. Carinl 30, VliiceDnea, Iod.,al, Wortli- InBion 21. CooC'r-Dtecklnrhlae, Mo.. June 15. llarmMim'a-^avii. Junn lO-Aug.aX Kirkhari'a-l'nalvlMr, In., June 12, Calmnr 1\ Wancoma 14. Fayeiin 15. Bmali Cra ik 17, Htranlwriy Tolat IH. LeeV-linKkion, K. Y.. June U, Hllvtr Ortek li, Oo- La I'Mrl'i^RnckvUle, Ind., June 12, Crawrordarjllo IX yinr» 14,1.()K*nT<)r(l^< Pb tnouth 17, fknilh Hand lA, F.lkliartI?, While rifteon, Mich., tl, Hiree RlrenSl, Kal4inar/M) 7J. Hlnillng nioa'.—fall ltlv«r. Maw., Jane It, Brockfon 13, .New Hetlfnnl 14, Lowell 15. Reinnhla'—liarirDnl, Ct.. June 19. Sautrllr A Kncr'e-CnUklll, N*. Y., Jnnr l.t. Siuerrlltn 14. RlneMiMi 15, Rn-rndale IT, .Nr» I'aliR K WnMen IV. Muni|oMtrry3ii,Ci)rawall3l, Fr>diklll l.aMl>na31 Kella Mnka.'—llntHabnrir, I'a., Juno \\ KurrNtown 15, HlnRluinihin, N. V..2i. Wrl*li HTDi>.'-tirliuyUlll llaren. Pa.. Jnne 13. Poltairllte i:vi5. HI. Clnlrl7. Frackrllle Itl, Ccniralla 10^ ML tunnel 5U-?1 Wnllare*a-r.<irlnR(nn.Ky.,Jiine k-tnrtorehuTC, Ind.. )\ NiiTih Vemoii II. Wa«1iln|i(on 15. [.oaalann. Mo . 17. Ilannllml \\Y**Tt MadliOD. la., 11^ llurllnRlon 30, Ot- tmnwaSI, l>eaMoloea2i . . WaMihunra—I'orliiiiionlh. N. II, Jono 12, PliMnfonl. Mo., \\ rnnbind U, Haih 15, Rockland 17, Wahlaboro 18, Uaidner l'.>, Vraterrllleai^ Rlltnortli 31. MIBGBLI^NEOCS. Barthuloitiew'a Knulnr^—ChlrwRo, IIL June 10, liklertnlie. Black Antrrica—Snulh Brooklyn, N. Y., June 1^ Indeil- BrlaloVa Koulnea-DamnrlicAtla, Me.. June 14,15. Barerldve** Miminna Wlklevl Weil-Clndnoail.O., Juue 1:, AToitdalti 13, Pemlletoa 14, Nanrort, Ky., W Ilahlwln'a, Mr. nnd Mra.—Borton, MaxA. Jane 10-13. lliinalo BilPa WUI WeM-Bo*toQ, Mi'pt, alane 10-15. CapLtMevart'aAmuaaiitentCar, Ko.5—Nobltnrllle, lad., June it Anderei^n 13-15. ^ , ^ Corla'a Uoeeum-Kn|l« Ijake, Tel., Juoa Kt, LaOranfte li-2a- l-Ialna-Wuod—^fi rnHte ilimuih Pttath Amarlnk ^trnch'M fien:«ailon. S'o.-i-BiuwBaTllV, ra.,Juae 12, 13, Uorcanliiwn K 19. Ikiflcrvon'R llyi^etlonj*—Long laltnl City, N. V.,June l(^ Indeflnlte. KrDdall'a,l'(«>ton-North Ambent.o., Jenelii-L\ Lonin 17-t/. Ilarrt* Bro«.' E«ialnea—SprlnirtoM. Maaa. June 12-I.V I'nce'H Floatlnu Upvta—Nct^inDellTllloi, 0 . June II. Bar. eriy l\ Marlftin Ifl^ SlMfnTtlle, YT. Va., 17. PearMn'p, A. Y.-N>*atk, N. J-. June 13-15. Pawnee Hllle Wlhl Weal-A Hen town. Pa.. Jone 12.13. PearM<n A llittniian*<— \da. 0.. Jane 12. Dunkirk 15. For eM 14. t'ppor BandDfky 15, Caray 17. ML BlanrhanI l^ Arllti|!on Al. I^mlih tloiioa-Coltnn. K. Y.. June 11IX ParMiTlll* 14. 15. Ilnnnaea Falla 17, Matley 19. \Vliklhn>p II ai. liar wmid 31, ». SmIihV. n*. Il.-gaehpc, (^^n.. June li^lS^ Tecl—f II rnwfr ihniHRli Cnnaila. VerielM-rnrt Wtirlh, Tek.,Junel5. WyumhiR Wlkl Weil-Na^iun. N. II.. June I?. WeMUkr'a Ken Orleani Mufeuui-Ocean Vlen-.virfiDla, Jane U\ Indeflolte. TEXA& lloiiBton.*Alltou5ton llelgbl:* Ttcatre UcRca Hnnkln. afvl^tcd dr Mr. and Mr*, ^ydoey Dnw, beitaa ih»lr ^*c\>nd wevk June 1 le big houwa. Pai^ck THUTna.—Ba»lor*a fklr. The MO|>le: Ada Unmatk Oneta CortnaD. Frank Caitr*!. W. R l.e*lik Orare Diani^ud, John KellTer. Tom Kelly. Wllllaffleaod wllaoo, and Chat. Hate*. Jobo Callahan, *lDC« the ilealli of John W. BelL bu had eniire cliarn* oiiba heaae and lla loaa* aaemtai. ftwRi^fET A Ciwan.-^' OrRaalloi'iii In bow nnderfolnra ihorouRh lYinratellnF, and *lll be much latpnTnl ahtn tlia aeaion open*. I LUMOia CblcsM.—Tbe depRflUig effect on btulnen cauaed by holweallier hai beeo partly balaiic«4 by tba cloatngoraome of lha ouOylnghoiuea •^^^^^ bla. Tba BehlDtr waa to hare reopaoed Joaa 10. with tw Dew eittmTai^na, "UtUe BoblnioB Cnuoa," bat tha datawaapootpoaadtol*. , ^ , lloom*«TiiiiT«t-*Tha flaUty OIrP' In drmwiog well at ibU beuH and will remain onUl ibearrlvalof *^Uby,' which U likely to be Jane 34. Margaret Frmaer'a »Mi de M«l Io tbe Qrrt act la the prlorlpal fauure, bat ihe ctral- ra. dtoce by MIm Prwer and ><»»^1^•""''•"^ AVonl «d7ance by EjheieWoer I- •^"KPif Jf*"^!; of the parfonnance. The data when *Trilbj" l« to coma on tnm Kaw York aeema Indeflnliv „„,,„„^ h- OaiiuooOram Hocita -Vetu TlWey wnllnoea to be thi milo atwaJoo In "AMdlo Ju'^wMeh U^p^^^ ratind to make room tor "All .Baba." >'»ni2?VJ;'?^!^ aon U try OB to make lerma with Varta Tllley for » per- maoentTorai lean a aeaaon'a, eBBiKweDt. the Clil?ago Opera Uoaae hai bMB wduwl » ""'.r?"!* rortheiwtaaatalD thahoniafor Wedaeadiy matmee. and the erfeet U to make thU aautlly poor houae one of tba larirwt of the weak, (liliilo (ipuu llonii.-Thew will l*e "otber week onarihlBofABlack Bhean." Tbe,route ftpmChcago la loMllwaukea. BL Fan). WoofapoUi and oiljer clilea of tha Morlhwett, then to the eoaat on the Northern mntc. returDloff 00 the Bootbem route la time to wch Bi. I^nla. ft la a "feereucker eircolt" thai haa been Uld out for the cowpiny, asd Indndea nali a dnanclliea thatara deadly rUabi for lha dUtlociloo of belag the heiieattownafnAmeritaL. .. mi ..m McVicKiH'eTtiaATaa—"Tbe Cotion King"' tlllain atlU puraaeathe pereplriog herelae at ihia houpe^ad Ibe audlencea are rather lietter than UieyhaTe been. Ko end or the engajemeo t haa aa > at bten annonncad, and It la likely to run ak>ng for aerenl weeka before glvlog way to aome other play. . ^ _ _ COiJfHHiATitUTRa—Cloaed; wlUopea ZX with Canary A Lederer'a "The Mimic World." Bcuiuaa THBATAL—"Lllile Rohlnaon Crnaoe" wlU be RlTen lla Inindnctlon Wcdneaday ereolng, 11 the dale of opening baring lieen pontponod from 8. Drwa lahaambi are In pRwrv^M nightly now, and It la pronilecd thatallwlUbalnna«llneMfortliaopeiilDg. LiNCout TiiaATBB.—'*<;hrla aotf ,Uoa" had a Cair anioant of patronage, cloaing 0. Cllat a.Fon),ln"Ao American irero," opened 9, and will cooilnaa lor a week. It la new to Chicago, and laa apectacutar drama. Io which MTeral eiartllog mimic acenaa are Introduccu. 'The Defaulter" will lecelre lui BratproilaetloD on any aUge It. MAHOaiir Roop llAHPIUf.-AttenOaDoa at IIiIm new and popular place of amuaemeat haa been eic«lleot cier aince the hot weather came. P-r thU wmk Ihe fnllowlnir peoiilo hare been accured: Nellln Oaniliony, WmhI nnd .Sbepanl, IIm Muehleinann Trio. Hkjrfrled, Mile. Valeaco. Krnlrrirk Bandell. Mm. Jam^a BatIp, MamieConaay. llAYjiAnicKrTiiKATHK.—"Tbo Bltih of Yeoiin"eang''- iiieot cloud H,aed trnm Oi»w uoill Iheopenlnt nf tlio ^caaitnthellKTmarkei win rtmalndark. TlietvowookR run iifThe Hinh nf Venua" waa In addition to tb« regu- lar llniiuarhet ■>«ai«n. and MaaARer Davlatind no Inier- att In It Wyond leaning tha huuae in MdaCod A Whitney, whuprMrnted lioatbclro«ur««pBnfltillliy. Mt»ti>filie ci'inpany went Ea*t Immedlatab'«it*r thecloi'Ing of the enflngemcot hora, which endtd an onaucccjnful neaMCO fur '■rto Birth or Veou»." UorKiRH' TiiKATMiL-On the Hat of Taoderille aitrac- tlooa at Ilopklnn' for thIa week ara tha D« Porrei4a, aiier- man and MorrUaey. Short and Edwanln, McCartliy and Reyaoida, Annie CaJdwelLFIaber and Cmwell, Carl Hc^ Uee, ObenI and oilier*. The itoch company will |4ar "A Hawaoger mm Jarrla Rectloo.'* Bualitaia la eicel- lent Otrtle Cochran, a Ore year oU chlkl wlili mar- vellove meoul gina, liaa been re-engaged for tlie week. Fravk llAtx'a CAi«i50.-Tlte central attraction at the Caalno la Ylrxlota Knapp, who perfoniia aome raallv woodorfal nhyalcal feata. OtheraiiractlonBarePTDr. J. M. Kayoe, Uia Teotrlloiiulrt; tlio Tliree Verelloa, lUe UAr- roQ Dnu, Olaia Charee, Anano and Le Coin, hilly Kob- Inaon, In a monologue; Po^taml Clinton, Jennie Robey, la. & WeU^ DwIbIii Aatell and iboDawKiBa. AtiiAHBRA.—Tlie rcRUlar leaaon of the Alhanihra closed 0, with the performance of'Eaat Lynoa." Mana- fier Jacoba will make numeroua hnproTeinenU In the lousa twfbre It reonena In the latter |ian of tlie Bummer. ACADxav - OP Ht'Bic-"Ttie Teinpuilon of Money" opened alih matinee?, and nlll run tlirough the week. It waa not a alanling «uctt>M laat week at tho Alhainbn, and not much la eipccieiloi Itat tho Academy. Kate Claiton played to inod bnalDenln "TheTwo Orphana." Ram T. Jack's Oproa llorei.—Innddltinn tn ihe u>ual burleaqne and ppeclalty perfonnince. a featare for thl« week K ill l>e a aeriea of vreatllnic bouia between "Kanii- mer'BuroaandO. II. McHlllen. In aiMlilon to giving tlielraciataad) performance, tber will l« nadr to moet all comera. Itoae Ljdelle'a Loaaoa Holloa will hinilab the borlewiue part or the prDgramme. OLTMPio TiiaiTRK.—Tbe barleojue porfonnanre which waaputonUataeekbaa protedablg aitracilon at the Olympic. It la a conblnatloit parouy on tbe opera of "Hlllca Taylor" and the noreL *Trilby." Tlieraara ilfty people In uie caat, and Harry Montague haa armicetl tha barieM|ueaocleTerlytbatUlj rare to draw veil for a )onf run. rARHTniATRK.—Among the paopla who are enaaaed at tba Park for thIa 5eek are Tom P. Morrlaaey and An- nie RIcb, May WeUh. Bottbr Itaymood and Thoniaa Welch, Kitty Bmltb. T. W. ThompaoD, Moriall SUterx Bronia atataaa and a coupio of (krce coraedlea by Wiley Hamilton, entitled "Innocence" and "Frivolity," wlU make up an attractive bill. KoiiL A MiDUi.crox'n Clahk Strikt Ui:sici-—Tha aiage perTormaace Uila week will be siren bf a company Including the Feoion Broa- Jeaale llawonh, Patklnaon and Roth, LotUe UelruM,thoM and Hohlen.M. Foater, Billy Burke, Royce and Carletoo, Jennie Kekey and Klt> llaCayrao. lORL A MiODLKTfi.Va (ItoiiR Mt'BKCii.—Aniont the fratorea will be Major Alum and Kanule Oonlett, ibe mlrigeia; Julaa Can-and hU wnetling beara,aod a troupe oforHnul dancera led by tha fkvorlte Roaa. WiiiTic'ri ho^ioo^ DiHK 5ttriUDM.-FrlDce Luicanl. a child four yean old tliai waliha alx pounda; tlie Ohio Fat Olrl, who fa nlaeieen year* okl and welKha, It la claimed, ronrhtindrad and alxty-elghtponDda, and PercyAllt^rlght* tite KIkomn atelaton, are chief atiractlona In tho curio ball For tba itage performance Boma new talent win ap. I>ear. Indudlog Na)IUen>nl'aTiirh[ah tnupeordancen NoTnL-Jane MerburydoaaiMt appear In "TheTenpta- Hon of Money" Uiin week TaauTIUey made her Ai*t Bunda/Dlgbt aroaaranca 0 Miaa Bo)d'a lllneu hu cauaed aercral cliaiigaa In the "Aladdin Jr." caat The iranca 0-. ...aiigaa I . _ _____ __ title role is now luien by Pranhle Raymond.. Drion fllatera an now dolair a wy catdiy act In "A Black Saeep." Little Alloa Pierce nnd hor mother lelt for New York in, Tlie local preaa hat been Terr cnihnalarilv orer HIu I'larce'e Imperaoomtkwa lo "A Black Bheep." Hhewlll bare a part written for her In Mr. Hnyt'a new play A naw play, "Tite Defaulter," will be pat on at (he Lloeoln 15. itlnwrlttao by Lincoln J. Carter Henry Norman haa gnne on a racatlon tn Ban Fraiiclant. Ilia part In "All Bain." wiien thai place la put on, will be taken by Albert McOuckln Tlie '49 Mlniog Camp la doing Rooil bualnoM oat In Hi* aouth*m part of Uie city. A »yndicaio han been formed hereto pre*ont"Aa You Like U" In tbe open air In Tariooa dUea. Tbe drat l>erloruiance will be lu Peoria, about 17. MINNESOTA. MlMarapolla»—Atlbe (ir*nd Opera Hoaro (be Wllbar Opera Co, open tite lecond week of their engage- ment June 10. T1>cy dM a foodbaj|De*a3to0. Tbelr living pIctnroM wen niy feloklng. Buou OiHRA Ilorea.-ria Intaraatlonal VaudeTlllea npenetl ti> Una aodlencenl ahlcli codUduoU daring tbe week and will doublleai remain aa large tt to 15. Koiit. A HiDULtnuyK I'ALAi-a UcsauM.—For 10 and week the tug of war cnoteat* Deino Priii, GapLCIiUieo- den. WelU and wife. W. J. Ilollon. J.T. Haley. Flalior and Wall Albertl Biulih and Blll^ and llnri'a doga. Bualneaa la 'luleL .Nunca.—Resident Managtr Ilaya, of the Bijou, liaa a bttneHl 17 Tlie aMUwn at Lako llarrUt openvd 0, wliliaatrongvaudfTllle hill. Including ReveiuaBliaalfer, e<|ulllbrUt, and Flahor RnvL and Mon>. Uetler, aerlallatai wbo are Uie prlnrlpal feaiuixja. Tlila eoteipriae la one uf Uie United Buget nailaay Clrcalu Dalalh.—There Is ven little thettbrtcitl news to write about at pieaenl.aatfaeboili hoaae<^Lyc«ura and Temple—andark forlneaeek. ThaPaTlKna baaalltha bualneaa It can uka can nfon Sandayn. and la Oilrly iretl atiended through Ihe veek. Manager Alexander la inak' ■ « . - . _. . . n .. .. .-jIT _ _™. ... Fani'l, the Ruaalan aonder; llanle.v, Logan and Haniey, . __ .- . ^-tnagi Ina the placejmpular, and Is glrtoi; fnah attraeitona orefT week. Tbe atiractlona week of 3 wan: BadI Al ■ketch artl^; Uarry UraniloQ aoil Reiianl MllUe, In a RkttMaad dyingrlngacl; AiklleBinllh. rlonnraCheater and the City Banrt. Tit* ailracilona for week of B lo 15 will be the Bark Hen AchmelTnupeofAnlrt. all lo num. ber; Qlguera BtKl lloyer, *ung and dance duo, and tlia OeloreaHiaiera, acrobatic ahlrtdaaeerv. pARtiia Thrathi.— The hualnaaa for the week waa only fair. Tb*peoi<I*an:R«l>BranlKan,Nwl Thatchrr, Hat- tie .Naaroan, \ loti* VaMeco, Laura Lee and the atock. SC. Pii«l»~At (be UotropoHtan Opeim Hoose the bill for tlie week of June 3 haa dmwo well, and Ihe per forntancea liaTe t<een rary good. Kor weehol 9 tlierawlll l4 an entire change uf bllL wlUi ihe following people: Tlie Wllmoia. Ilorwllt and Bowera, Uaoler. Logan and llanley, Albunuaand Baiinut. Tegge and oianlela, Bran- dim and Hfgenl.Waaa. McUahan and King. Joe Hard> nianand bemard D>llyn. The Wilbur Opera Company, that la now playing In MI^B«apoll^ will appear at thU Iwuie Mon. ORAite.—Tlie Olifen A NelU Stock Co. baT* bad nry Rooil bualneu week vfl For week ofS iher will preaent Ihe lullnwInR repertory; '*Capt. 8w|n"9and 10. ''Kanry A Co." II and 12. "London Awuianca" 14,15and 16. Man- ager Klagabnry will hare a beneOl 18, tendered blm by hi* many rrien^a. Among thoae who will appear are: TfaetllllenANelll Block Co., the AlhanUn vaadeTlll** and Franklin W. Lee. Tber* la 00 queitloa but what the benefli willnetalargenjinn. BopiOA.-FDrweeioflO: Halleit and Carroll, Parker and Hetanlo. EreBnndr. Mlnolnona. Geo. (i. Oardaer'* I.lTlng I'lcinna, Ban Yanr and ilie atoeh. Ckwlng: Bnltb and EUla, Annie Ltdle. Bnalneis goud. RHODE ISLAND. Wofld^ Players ProTldcDce.—IHe Westtuliuter Tlicaire I'tosed OU Juoail, «llli "Trllli7'aBalif,*' Tb* tHi.Iaai.waaoDlr fair. Tlia heiua will racalT* .araral IroproTtiiitDta ilurlan Ilia Hamnitr Al TrowhfMm SImr Ttulra, VMlai ^'namao. In "fair Plar," bid (kir Imalttaaa Tba ral. atairMlnatrala,allha mvMaaca Opara lloafa^7, bad lilRbuUnaiaandcava a iaeO alio* J. P. a«nnaD. •ho a aa maoairar of Craae«al Parb amoaaaiaau lul m.. ano, waa In tova laat waab for a ilar. Ha aalla for En- n>r«Ja1r6lD .Mrrli af apaclally raataraa Anaoia' Dl.Bla ara pniircaalBB rvMla tor tba aivtlff-"- "Plaarorv" al CnKanr — "Uj Bon Dtn" U tbe tlUo of • play F.dirari1 Hinlgu biR nnrlr conpleteil, vlilch nni mvM. a new en In ttie work or llut mieuted auitior. lie Blled on Ibe Vmlirt*, Jono 8, for n elx vccka' plra, nr. lour of Ibe conllnent, llie main olijcd ur iho trip being * iltilre to geibcr material for more tm- natic prodacls. Ur. nirrlpan lias deietmlncil in abandon tbe Held nbleb be o'poned, and mil in m- turedepart from netropolllanilrecture foribctaick. Sonnd of bla plaie. bavlOR become convinced iiiai e pnbUo deniand from blm tbe enlarRement or hia lalentalnadlRcilonapartfroni htapaat creailona. In accordance wllb tbia rceoluiloii his fuiiiro piaia Till abandon farcical lines, and nhoiind more In palbooand leirillmale allnnllona. Ilia ne.\t acaaoii will bo tnaugiiraied In Fhlladeljibla, Vn., Sept. when "Old Lavander" wlllbeproMniod.Rltlnn way In turn 10 "Hj Son Dan" ami the oilier newplnja Hr. llaiTtgan will conainict. Hart Hiinloj will, ut contMi lemaln al Ibe managerial helm. — Eo. Andcraon'a Theatre Co, will clof e iheir am- aon at Ltle, 111., Jnne li. Kate \S'almn win anccil her racatlon In Mlnneaota; A. I). Illcbnrdaon, Prar. W. tl. Ooolej and lleatrlcc CooIct go to Chlago, III.; Kd. Andcnon will apend a week In Chlcagn, k few days In Unlfalo. N. Y., and the remainder ol llii: Bnmmer at bla home In lloston, Uaan. — Uncoln J. Carter's lalealpur, "Tho llefaiillcr," will be prodnced for tbe fint tlmo June 10, iii ilio LlDCOlo Ttieatio, Chicago, 111, — Cbaa. P. Wlegand will enter upon bio diillca as repreaentallre of llonnelljr Jl Cinrd's latcn.-ala ne.xi Fall, for the nlnlb conoecallvo season. 'Hie Ilalii. makers" will again be toured. — deo. L. nanlsoiii Walter Sanford'a renrcaeiila- tlre, sends the following: "Uy aiinntlon has liecn called to a pareginph In rour columns to Ihe cirtci tbat Nlckenou Ji SeamltVa I'omedlnns will tour Iho Eastern States, pmdiiclng Wnlior ilauford's "Tlio rower of QoM.' remit mo, aa Mr. iian(i>rd>o rr|>- resentatlve, to Inform joii llial sucb parties (or anj other) have no right In snch play, nor in ilio nae ot such lllle to any Play, anil I harewinoililril them, and tbo managcra of the opera bouFca where the combination Is staled to play. Sir. Saufunl re- serves tbe e.\closlvo rlgbfaof producing Ills plara, and has mnny timesrcfiined very lucnillveoilcmfur the rights of producllon." —Jnle Wallers, In bis new phiy, "A Money Or- der," will be seen lu a sirong rolo next ecaain, sinillsr In some respects lo that which lie has nir. tmyed In hhi former aucceu, "Side Tracked." Tlio new play la dcacrllied as an up tn dale coiiiHly drama. The story Is raid lo he fnlciiaely iliaruailr, and tbe humor bright and clean througboiii. Tbe action aiJOids opponnnlty for tbe Introducilon ox specialties galore- — Herbert Pattee and J. I,. Carhart bare been en- gaged by Vreston Oarke tor nctt aeaaon, — Tony llenler, befoie sailing for Kuropc, garn Searey, Ibe scenic artist, an onlcr tor a lot of ecenrry for bis "U. T. C." Co. — Notta from tbe Tennessee Concert Co.: We arc sllll nieellng with success, having toured Ibe Siitlca of Tennessee, Kemncky, Ohio anil Indiana, and ara now Id Michigan. Wo will put In the month or July In Canada, and then relnn to the Stales. Tho meiii. hen of tho comp-ny are: Harry Marllneil, C. W. Oaiuler, J, C. rro.nier,iJila Illley, Anua ITosserand Olle Orown. wlib J. b, Nooro, manager. — Ollle llalfordand BiibyNava hare cloaed wllh tbe Uahct I'alge Company, and will spend tho iiiiui- mor at Uae<asfaugiia Polni. — Andy Amonn Is laid up In Detmir, Ulch,, wllh a sprained ankle. Ilia wlfo Is with blm. — Robert llllllaid opens bis season on iiept. 2, at tbe HadlBon Siiuora Theairo, ibis city. — Freddie llute (lira. Usrlln llaydcn) arrlTrd from Kurope June 8. Uartin llayden will lie bcro In Augiitt, — Harry (l. Uatbewa has signed tvllli J. w. Chk- ner's Oimnly Co. for ihelr nexiscnMm. ivlilcb npciia Aog.'JS, nndertbe iiiauagcmciitof 0, K. IMki. — Henry WlDChosier lias signed wllh Cooler's Comedians for an eight weeks'tour ot the Adiron- dack Vounlalns. — J. J. FItzalnions has been engaged by lltnny Davenport to play AquelU In "Glsmuuda" next sea- son. — Isabella Waldton hni signed with F. D. Wnnle. — Parsons k Pool's "U. T. C." Co. IkbIiib lla ses- Mn In September. Thoyplayan nid lime version, and, thoy Inlom ns, aro tKiokeil up to Jiininirv. This company received favorable prcsa uoilces l.i'at season. — The Ur. and Uis, Kobert Wnyne Co, cloacil a saccessfnl aeaaon of forlT-two weeks at Cmwlordf- vlllo, Ind., June K. Ur. and Ura. Wayno aru al Idke Uaxinkuctee, where they will occupy tbelr new couage fur tbe heated term. Tbelr season will open In Angiiai wllh an cnilro new repenoiy of fIlaya. The aeaaon ot isti-o Is well booked In iho arger towns and clllcs. Ur. Wayoe will fentiiro aerenl novelllea next season. — Prof, UcTionald's band and orchcsim bavo iieen engaged for Ihe "Our Dorolby" Co., und llnruhl Chalmen Is re-esgaged for Ibo comedy role, for next season. — The New York Comlo Opera Co,, with AdcialJo Randall, prima douna; Slg. A, Uoulegrliro, loiiur; Joa. I.yndi), baillonc; Hose Dlniidet, conlnilio anil cbatvcieis; Jno, 0, Uell and Kddio Snilib, come- dians; Clara itsndall audUeorgle IltTton,«ou)irelieii, and a cboras of thirty voices, under tbo niindcnl dliectoisblp otProf-Chas. II. Iloihiian, will lenvu tbia city Junel7torMlonespoll8,Mlon,, under llio management of Wm, H. Uooro, and will apiiear at Lake Uarrlet. tbat clly, on Juno 'U. — Jnslica Nenberger denied Lolo Fuller's appll- cailon, Ihrougta counsel, for u Hay of prnctrdliiga In the actionlinugbl by lubelle Uriinhart niul lier husband, niiyijiaudliig, to recover ('.r!i from Miss Fuller tor breach of eoniraci. II wsa slated thai HUn Fuller was In Europe, luit Ibe Judge aald slio had bees neglectful, and act the cnso down for trial June II. — It Is announced tliatOiplaIn Adrian C. Anson, of Ihe Chicago llaseUll Cluli, Is to go upon tbo stage next wston, apcearlng In a piny now being wrillen by Charles M. licit. — "Tbe Colonial Uinllor," a play. In three acl.s by Charles ti. Ford, was aciod for ibe grat lime on an^ stage June lo, at Ford'sOiiera House, Uallliiiorc, — Stanley Dolonzo, ol llavla * Keogh's forrcs, who wu ahead of John Komdl last seaaon, denies lha ruDor that be sailed for Kurope wllh Ur. Kcr- nell last week. Ur. lieloiirA lo nilvenlslug manager of Sun llros.' arena at preseul, but wlllrcjolii llavla k Keogh's forces at tho opening of the ihculrlcal season, — Manager A. II. .Sheldon, of Iho People's Thca- ira, tills clly, will conllnue In Ills preaeut |x>aliloii next season. Uurliiit the .Siimiiier cloeliia be will make lieldng books on race tracks In ino Weal, wboi« beuingbi legaltecd. Tne uext aeaaon at thu I'eoplo's Theatre will begin Aug. 10, with "Falilu Konianl." CONNECTICUT. Ilar<rDrd.-At Proctor's Opera House J. II. Cal- lahan aad hll "Faaai" Co. pUyed U Mi allindanco Juoa 7,0. The compAiiy rioaaj lia aelaon liore. Paviuo.'i TllurHL.-T1ie Oiat iraah orrsuilarllle al lliU plan oraiuuaaaianlproTadaatirawi, and laraaaudlnicaa vara la alUDdanra lliroajclioiit llie «eab. Ilie rollovlna Krrotiuaraopeoad xaaboriu: llalfonl ami UanialL Ste- la ami CItiicr. Seanlao and Slerana, 8.8. Rlauart, LllUo innle Wllbea. Hha Uanuiil, SlacRliea. BMOi'TUBiTaa—Thla place or amuaainanl opened in, nndar caiixaa, llRhlnl 1^- el.clric ligbta. Mcbreynefi k Ratlitiora ar.* pmiirleion. and Arthur Biaby, orDooiiollir A (llraiira Co., li- iiianaear. lha bill fur woeh oriUlii- duilaa: Uoolacua and Waal, Clark anil Aaaclino, Ktlilla Evaoa, KItlj Olhiiora, Alai. Canirmn aoO Arlhur Kiel.)-. Admlulon nrtaen. trenljr and Ihlrl; canta. Mallorca Wedaeialajanil Salurdar. Rar.^ULpa* CiaiTS comaa 19. KOTsa.—Tha llartlerd LoOae Elki inlTe a aoclal aaaalfn 7. i. B. CalUhu'a "raoit* Co. perloroi.ra. frotn Ihe I'a- Tlllon Thoalre. aad local talent cunlrliiuied t-j one of tho belt MCial auaaloon arer hold br Ihl. lialue. Slnaloil aoil racllalloD. aera Rtvan antll the amall lioura,when all Joined bandi andaAng"AiiM l.ann Bi ne." t'laiik tftdgwlck, leader of llie PreclorOrera goea 10 Worrotlar lo conduct an orclielln on tbe lake. Wow llnTcn.—Wllh tUo present week the Ibe- alrlral aeaion of 101-0will cnna Ion rloie la lliUciiy. Allaareetbatttba. 1^ lha bee*, till, chrbaf anen Ini. namMrofreara. Tlie too lltealrei alikli liaTekepI Ih.-r deoraopennnlll now, lhi.Oraml Opera llouaaanil Poll a Woodarlaod Ttieatre, will hriog their aeaMO lo a do.-,. Jnne 15. (JRAND OrsBA Uoral -For week of 8 tha Tbcmaa Olia- a ColoDaayvlU be ibe altractioo. Bullnaia hia bean e> • cellenton lhavbole. Joaopli Oallabaa came in "Pauar* to fair return!. Pou'H Wii5PBIU!vD TBKAtBK.—The ataton at lhi« houae ba. Loaa at Ilia lop notch. Tlitaweek: llulliaiid rlllToid. I.ydla Urvania. Wllllain A. Maioa and Pborlv Hesly. Mane and Unilay, Hla .VaUIa8e|noor,l|iilBl<)r BniUiera, Jobs T. TIet oey, Brlca and Roger*. Baldieport.—Atlhe Park ntyTbeatn"Fanst," .,- , wllh Joaerli t'allaban In the prtoelpal role, did a bnalneaa Jane a. aatl "Dr, flinlax*' waa proriaeea m "8. R. O." a. Ttila heeaa will lie cloml Ibh week, hot cnminaaclaa 17 Tlmoa*' Comk Opera Conpaby wUl boM Ibe boarda for a week.