New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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228 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 15. World^Playcrs — "nwtlfeU" Nolo: Lincoln J. Urti!r>iiNartliem "PMtH*ll"Oo. cloMd \lt mill Mtwn >t lUcliw, Wbi, OD Juno I. Tlie comimij wu ont rortj-one wceki, uti Ibe acsiioo van ono ol Iho mo«t prmptr- oimlnlUbliitotT. Tlio Innropontil m IMvenport, l»„ Ang. JD, ind Included Iha fnlloirlnit Mala: liiwk, IwtolB, Nolinuka, Hlmourl, K»uu, IlllnoU, Mlftu, TenneniM, Konlnckr. OMo, Hlchlnn, UntiU, Now York, HiumclinHIlii, Onnnccllcat, New JetMj, lilnrlcl of ColnniliU, Ponnvmnl* ■nit WlKonata, hiivlnii pUjcd tirn liiinilml and nm-roDr nlRbla, (onr-elnlii mminoc*, nno hunditil •M elRtilf-fogr pluM, and traveled Icn ihniiMUMi MTen hundred and elRlilT-eliiht nlliu. DuiIdk Ite BUDimer Mr. Okrler Kill liavo onliro now neoneiT and nnclianlcal elTecIa made, and uvetal new Klylu or prtnllna. Tha comrmn; will opoo UMir next acaaon on Ang. II, and la looked Holld for fortJ-Dre weeka. turiln (lolilen will again manaae llio comnmj.nnd llarrio IL llercowlll again Ire buidneBi manaiter. The caai nlll remain aliout Ine — EIIU rrocUir (lllii liaa liecn eapoclallr engaged hrtheHemn. Fmliman to create ihelcadlngpart inaeoraa ILHImii' mclodraRia, "Tlie Ullrnllfeaa- ure," wnlch la to open llioRiuplreTlieaire, thlacllj, HepL 1. The plaj will eniplnj an Important caal, whieh alreadr contima nf Jomph Whcclock, J. II. Ollmonr, Oecll M. Yorke, Cliarlea W. Oow«er, Oharlea llarbiirT, Kmo Hliannon, Hcauor Caroj and Uaado (Men. — dec. Kmat wrtlca thai he la Hiimmcrlng at UonilT Vollage, Oakrille, Min., ami next aoaann will put out a rrportorj ctinipany, whirh will lie known aa the MllUIr Hiock Oi.. ami will earrr hie own aconcrj. — lUmUr or K<1. Frolinian'a "Auieilcan CIrcua dlrl" Co.: Kd. Kmhman, pnipHeior and manager; It. Ii. Qreene, alago luanagrr; Jiia. IJringatone, ad* vancc agent; fledrgo Ijima, niaalernf pmiiertlea; Maude (liBig, Mar lierlir, Itevero, Vera llorero, lAiilao llanllinn, Will llretror, Hpoiilawonde Aiken and Halilo Oordnn. Wo nlll cloao our aeaann at Haiinn, 0. — Kdward Warren cloacd hia acaaon Juno », at Bar llarlior, Me. — The Hclllnleya have lirrn nhllgeil lo cancel all engagemonrp, an Kva Mclllnlej la to undergo a aur. glcal operation. — Uurt Hart la alnglng "Mr Pauline" with rO' ported lucMaa.wlih Willi' "Two Old (;ronlc»"0). The woida and niiitic nro lij A. A. Ilurgren. — Manager Uen. 0. Tiilllo hitcnda pulling out a contnany lu a reitcrlorj of alandard playa, to tour the Row KnalanC Hliiiui, ituxi aeaa^ui. ^Joaephlno Cameron la Ijlug vrrj Ml at Iho Woman'a llmmitnl, Pony-niuih Hln-et and Fourth Areoue, ttile cftT. — Jamea W. Ilurklna Jr. Inrorma ua that hIa hitcat Blajr, "Tlio Man ti'Wiitwuan," wrliten for Thoa. K. iKo, will lio nnaluced, elalioraielj, In New York carlj In l>ecauilicr. — Prof. V. U. Wnnelll and wire (Nina Oennell), who ham Iteeo In New York on linRlneaM aince cloa* Ing wllh "Tho lierliy Winner," have relumed lo their home In Uhlcago, in. — Notea fmni tho liniion Tmuliadouia: We will tour tho Maine coaat towna under tho management orCharloaTremiilnn. TTie rnllnwiiig people will lie wllh the ciuiipiiny: I-Slw«n1 Warrcu, Jamea W, Nohli, liarltouo; Marguoclio llaninmud, recllatlnnlat and contiallo; J. Iliill (llllmrtj, plnuo aolnlal; J. Uor den Clarke and Annio IMIIot. — ctiilM; llolgcr (Um. J. J. (iworial wrllna na that Mhe haa enflreljr reruvercd fniin her fmig lllueaa and la flunmcilng wllli rrleuda at Uuiiiiiurlavllle. Pa., at which plaeo aho (ipuna wllh her hualMnd In Tom* llnauu'a Cenwdy Uii., or which lie la manager. — A Yonngalnwn,0., irniier Htnlcatliat JatiteaHc- Aleerlan caiidldale rnr Mayor or that city. Mr. MoAleerUaaauclaleilwIlh Kugcue lliaiklntheman- aomnnt or tho lie Haven Comedy Co., or which nnio l>e liavcn la tn Im alarreil, anil la tho well known ccnlro Hokler or tiio Ulevolanil Haaeliall Ctutt. — Notea rmiii (lie lUlly Marliln Co.: Uncle Dick IhonghloD'a birthday vnn rolrhmied at (Imcovlile, Minn,, Juno 3. Will K, Atkluann, iiianngor or tho ixininany, pnnenlcii llncio Hick viih a pair or gold apeolacioa. Alter Iho liannuet Uni-lo lllck aang "lloya Coma tint and Play." Uncle Juo lluchard la etiii Willi Iho company. — U. W. Dlldilo liaa liecn n^ngHged aa Itualneaa inauagor lur Uie Maude llliinuin C<i. lor the aoaaon or IfiM-fl. Ainu Cheater luia aim lieon ro engaged aa leading lady nf the coiiipaiiy. Mr. IHIilile and Hiaiitnioalorarovialling atthe home or J. U. Don- avln. In Iktthage, N. Y. — Mr. and Mm. KilwanI N. ilnyt, or Koliert Han. lalPa ooiiipany, arc now aiieiiding their vacation at Uarlon, Wnyno Co., N. Y. — lleiiiT K. Ihxey, U la aaid, hi nogotialing with ManagerOharia K. Kraua (or Iho Kngllaii rlghtalor Frank llayo*a dMinnlliatlon of Mark Twaln'anovel, ■■rudd'nhaM) Wllnin," ami lie may poaalhly In mwii In the plei'O In I,nndon next aeaann. — Jamea J. Oorliett and wifo havo Menaratcd, and, it la announoed, Mra. Uorlielt lulonihi litlnglng sull lor abaolute dlrorce rmiii her iiiialiand. — "PairRoaamumI," adapted and armuged Tor iho opon air rnim Tennyann'a tmgcdy, "lloeket," waa Riven lla nrat preaeiitnliona on the ariemooiia or Juno 4 and rt, on liio UwiiatTaxTnaaaguitohce, Allianr, N. Y. Tho porromiancea worealvon (ortho benefll or Hi. Hnrgiinu*s liuino tor Ciiildrvn, aiHl wen hlghlr aiiccoMMrul. Tlie cael lucludod proroa. iloiuda ami anutourH. — Notea rroiQ IHiaii'a Uouiedlana, touilog Maaaa- ebuaetia, VemiouL nnd Now llniiipahlrq: Wo are mooting wllh nuucoaa in our Hiimuicr noaann. Tho uomnapy cantoa twoivo peonio and liielr own aooolo and olooirliial edtoula. Hr.Sllvcn I jnoellng with hlioht 'imo auuccaa in hU original aiiei'lalllca. HIaa IH Um calvhoa the iioiiao overy Uiiio '~ her aorpoiillne dance. Time lor iioxt aeaauu tipldlT fllllnfc. Tho roetor: llalph l>can. nmiiagor; Low eMlvora, alago nuiiinger; Henry Itolnoke, ad- vaiioe; Frank Wiiiuoti, Jiiauph llealy, WnlkBliinialr, Haudo Mllkir, Irene llo I<iu and llUnclio Hlnclalr. — John 0. Oulloii reciiioaia ua to elalo tliat Maiulo Ftoderlok bi nut a ineiulwr»(llniwnhi Hpuclalty do. aa waaiooenlif nlat«d, Mha Frederick la the mw Imto or the MIyllie OainnRton Co. — Uarry Harvey haa rohilooil IL IL HalnPa (». arierapendlng a Blcaaanl vacation wllh hiaramlly at Weal luthtml, VI, — 0.11. lUnaoii iiaa algiied witli the "An Itlah Dwn'a l,uok" Uii. — Kiien VoelLoy liilonua ua that nn account or 111 neaa aho waa coniimiied to cancel all of her Muni mor engagoiiwila, and Intenihi (o go In llaiau>|a roraroii. — Tho Crow Blalen Onniody Co. cinaed a aoaaon ul fonr^ine weeka lai Jiiiio a, at t)i>irn.\, ia. Tlioy go 10 whal Choor. In., lor tiio Huinnier. — 0. ilnidley Piico, luuaii'iaii, haa clinoil wllh llnwanl JonkliiH' Ominly !>>., niid liai ainuoil ror gosiaeaaoii with W. 8. (hovolaiiil'a Mlualroli. — Manager llarrv Wllihiuia baa engaged the clover ringing and Janiiug aoulirello, Chtre Thmpp, ror the tUlo rale lii hla new play, "A Ihiwoty dln,^' ror nait anwui. Ul>a Tlmipp urigliialod Inla p when tho play waa prDduceil In April lail. Anly Amman, who itamid laat aoawm In "A Ukan Sweep," Is aUn engaged by Maiwger Willlama. — Jai. K. KeaiielialaguillTi'CloratthoitlBrTliea. in, l*nrldoaco, It I. Allco (i. Krano waa obliged lo cancol her engagoment at that iinuae, owing lo Iho llUWaa or her child. — Fisd P. Wllaon, (ormerly umiiager i>( "Peek'a Bad IWiy," haa rollral rmni iho pnXemion anil ac- r«pl«d a poalUnn aa Pullman car conilucior nn iho Uuatun and Maino Itallroad. — l>)iiy Doulor haa oiigagod iu K. Miovena tn pbiy Maika in iihi iKtalucUon «r "Undo Tum'a liablii." — K1). lUiolow, iiinuagcr or Marlon lUalr'a Otni pany, will K>im\ Iho Caaino Tlieatro, Uucyrua, t).,rur a run or leu vorka. — Khoma and Colo havo algiiod with the "Iteitiy Winner" Uu. (nr noxt aeaaoii. Tliey will play pronil. nent rarla In the dngiia. — T. U. Ilimard la at Prak'a laland, Uo., (or the Bummer, lie will have ohargo ii( the new mineiai aprlnn. — Hal nehl, wbiiao iitav, "logan'a lAiok," na auoo<Mtully pnalucod Iu the Peopio'a Tlieaire, IhU oily, laat w«ek, inruniw ua that ho haa ep-purd in wnia a pl*y (ort»rw I'eyiiin. ITc haa alai>nir(„ gagad to wHla a play (or Montgomery Irving. — II..V.UIur Itowaid and wKe, Nellie K'Uiiond How. Md, haTO algncd wllh U. lu JoilOiaon, Klaw A Kr lanser'a "Uounliy CIrvua," ror next aeaeun. — Um roUowinir people havo tieon re-engaged ror the llolden ItiiiKMlicV,: Kliilo l)e l/iniie, alxlh aea. aon; Foidliuud (Irahaiii, arrond acaaon: lUiph Hareocmd, llilnl aoaaon: T. U. Mclionough, tbiid aeaaon; and Mra. C. A. ilnldeii and lona lloMen, rourth aoaaon. The preaout aeaaon dcwa June Ifr, and baa lieen, wo ara lofonucd, a very pmapefoiia one. C*anlaarooitl rurihe iiiarTlAgeof lona lloMen to It. J. Ibivencmri, June 11. — Jamea K. MoKlmy, late oomo<1lan and atage director wtib the Kalhrrtne Kobor !>•., will Bnminor OB hla ratm near l\in Jrrvie, N. J. — Manaoer Hurl liinin, or imaon'a Onniedkina, baa riigageil l-nit. Harry Ktligrrald aa mtulcal d|. roctw. -Holes rroin InuosHi OonKdlana, mppoitlog neialdlna Block<ale: We opened our Booinier aea- aon at IlllUhoro, N. P., and will pUy In Montana, Idaho and Oregon, for the Bamnwr. Ilnater: nort InwHi, proprlelar and manager; J. R. Btockdale, atage manager; Hn. Rett IDiaoo, Ueuurer: M. nanleUu advance; Bnrt Imaon, J. IL SInckdale, Ciw. k Hand, l»nla Dean, V. H. Carlton, lam (leiro, IMIie Wallace and Oeraidine Htockdslo. — Haliel Paige and her mother have antved in Ihia ciiy.and will apenl the greater portion or their lime here in ananglng buMoeaa ror their next aea- aon. Jeaale Kmenon la wllh theo. —1>. Kiobw Morgan, It la annonnced, haa reilitd permaneniiy rrom (ho atage, and la aoon to be mar- ried to (Icorge U. Morgan (oon profcMlonal). — Arvaniemenla have been nade whereby F. M. and Joarph Holland will alar JolnilT next aeaaon, under tlio management or Rlcbanl Kanifleld. — F. C. Whitney and Walter Ihtmroach have reached an amicable agreement whereby narron lleithold, the romer tenor alnger or the "Itob Hoy" 00., will next aeaaon alng wllh the Waller Ham- man aeirnan Dpem Co. — Fdward llarrlgin nlled (or Europe Jnne B. — "The Fatal Card" haa lieen produced In French at tho I'erta BLMartJn Tliealte, Parla, under the title or "U name de Caneau" (The (lueen or Ua. nonda). The adaptation waa nude by PleiTe l)e- coorcclie. — The raoit recent engagements made l>y Walter Iiamroscb ror hit aeraun Opera On. ror next aeaaon Include: Fran Kalherina l/Ohae Klafaky, Frl. Ter- nlna, or Iho Munich Royal Opera; llerr liemeter Popovlcl, ot the Nord Henlacho Thcaite In ITaguo; wnilain Meneni, latrltone, and (lerhard Slehmann, Insan. — King lledley la charged hv hia wKe, whom he rccenuy married in Trenton,N. J., wllh ohUlnlng 110,000 under (aiae pretsnaea and running away with H. The police o( Trenton are irylng to locale blm. — J. K. F,mnet shot his wife, pro(eaBlooally known aa FAliy Lyilon, Jnno I, wiille under tho Inniience or liquor, In Ban Fianciaco, UaL He then attempted enlclde, hnt waa prevented by Baiiy 81n- noit, a child actrcaa, who la a memlier o( his com- pany. He waa arrealed, but waa relcaaed on bail when the auonding physicians diacovoied that his wire waanotdangeruunly wniinded. — Kd, Vhrtaale opened June 10, wlUi Vandyko * Fltton'a Oomedy Co., and la under engagement wllh lla via A Keogh noxt aeaaon. — Will P. Oardner has algncd wllh Jnle Waller'a "Money Order" Co., na second advance agenu — Ailer a siicceaadil aeaaon with Uhaa. II. Yale'a "Hcvii'a Auction" Co., Maude King hi spending the Aummor months at ManhatUn Reach. — We havo received a copy or the poetical worka of A. Annie Wade, publUhed lor her rrlondsby her hualiand, Itsvl Wade. TTie work haa been com- pleted and arranged, wlf h a hiogmphlcal akelch or the author, by her eon, Dr. Pnnk H. Wade, who la oureatretned coneapondent at Plttaburg, Pa. — Neil neaaen Hldnev R. KllU will have two at- traction on the tnail, "(hirkeat nuaaia" and "Bon- nie Scotland," which will play only the l>cat high priced houaea. "Ronnie Bcoibind" will be a scenic pmduciinn ibat will ahow the moetplcinreaque and rnmanlic incallltOH In Bcolland, where the action of Uio play occurs. A number or novel aconlc errecta will lie shown, and a roaiure will be theloiroduc- llon or chameterlstlc Hcotcb apecialties, including nalionai aonoa, bagpipe playing, dancing and sword oxorclaeH. Nornuin Camplaill, who created the role o( Honliane McWharrr in tho drama, has lieen engaged (or Iho coming aeaaon lo du the aame role. U'Kaiie lllllbi has been ensagcd lor liarkcst Rumla," to assume a leading role. Manager FJili haa engaged ror hia liiiaincaa aiag llwcn Fetree aa geneiHl manager, and U. J. Walker, K. R. Bhull2 and J. F. Miocher aa iiiiaincaa maiiag. era. John C. Kills haa lieen engaged ror the rolo in "Ronnie Rcotbind" which he created In the otiglnni production. — Kdward K. Nlchenon, manager o( the Nicker, aon 0>medy and a aolo eomettlsl, complains o( iin|iro(cinlonal treatment atthe hands o( J. H. IaIuo, lonco or Unrel Hill Park, Bcranton, Pa. — "in Old Tennesaee," which closed its aoaaon la Kansaa City, Ho., Hay it. will open at Chicago, 111.. .Sept. s. The company, wo are intomuM], will lai stronger than laat season, and headed by Knieat llognn and Nore Allen. All now scenery and wsrd- tebo win lie prepared, and It U Iniended to mako a (eatiiro or "1a l*aa Mala." Max Alexander and Will Clark will lie In advance, wllh J. A.Tnille iinslncaanwDagor. — Milton Abnm has engaged tho rollowlng pooplo ror hli opera commnv at AUsnlic City, N. J., Uils Bummen Ida Hulls, ixHilae Mooie, Sylveaior Cor- niah,Haiid liavia, lllanchellavla, Fannie McKolghl, lAilu llenn, Radio Ihi Rolse, Marts Motreli, (>irTle lUrhanlaon, Msrie Radcline, Com Bcrlliner, Alice (Mbflme, Jeaile Caler, Helen Uoore, Jos. W. Smith, Frank wooley, Warren Lombard, John K, IMwey, lioiila Fiiimy, Uhas. Scilbner, Chss. Carver, Fmnk MoKnlght, Will. Raymond. Ohaa. Francis, Oca. Col- lins, Oeo. Wllihiins. Ft«d. Ward, Sargent Ahoni, mansger: Milton Abon, Horr Tressl, and tho Inter- national ladies' Orohoatraor ten people. — Howard Wall's Ideala played a aucceasrui en gageinent at Day City, Mlcb., last week. One or the pleasing features or the engagement waa the cele- oretioQ of tbe llmt annlvemry of tho marriage of Mansger llimmeleln and Ueatrlce Kario and tho Ibinj-aecond birthday o( Local Manager Ai. David- son. Alter the iMr(ormance, A, the company and pro(esHlonal (rioiida were Invited to a tainquet, which waa sptvad on the atage. Many uaolul anil valiiatjie presents were given, snd toaats, songa and ivcllatloBa were In order. Addnwaea wen made by T. II. Wlonelt, tho well known dramsUc agent; Jaa- Kelly, of the Dobbr Oayior Co.; Hana- ftor Ihkvldsou and Hr. Wall, Moalo waa rnrnlahed ly the theatre omhoatra. During tho evening a naah light photograph waa taken or the party, and each one present will rucetvs one aa a eouvenlr n( tho pleasant evening passed. The cotiipsny olone a aeaaon or rorty-ilx aucceasrui weeks at Alpena, Hloh., June It. — J. J. Owena and wife, and N. II. Hurey snd wire are Buminoiing at Monioumvllio, Pa., when thov an gelling things In ahapo ror tholr opening with IVimlinnnn's Comedy On., Oincert Rand and Orubo^lia. under the dlracllon o( J. J. Owena. Tho t>>iRort Hand and Orchestra will bo under the dl- reuilon or Prof. N. II. Horoy. Tho company, they write. M ill comprtau thirty peonlr, and they will uae Frank II. IxHiillnson la aoto pro- Variety aod Minstrelsy EiiiBmfli T. OxiiiT haa sailed for F,orope, but he- ron he went ho leri positive loalnictlou with hla agenia or the Renr Society to oppose any and all appllcailona lor the uae or ohlidren In aUge per- rormaocea during the Bummer. Mr. Deny hdda to the argument advanced liy him the other day he- rore Mayor Strong, that theatrical employment dur- ing the warm weather la physically hsnnful to chil- dren, aod, sa a rcaolt, all recent appHcatlona by clly msnsgen have been nfoaed by Mayor Strong, arier the Uerry Bodety haa filed the romal oiijec- tlnn. An Interesting case In point occurred on June i. thia clly, when Manager J. A. Fynei, of R. f. Keilli'a Union flquan Theatn, applied lor a permit for Hurt FllzgtlihoOi who waa to appear In a mnsl- cai aketch at that honse thta week- The Oen? So- ciety made lla cuatemsfr objection, and the Mayor declined to gmnt tho pemll. Mr. Fynea nld: "This lioy was horn In January. ISW, and Is therefore lir- teen yean and six months old, within alx months of the Icgsl ago. lie is perfectly healthy, aod bhi work en tbe slage cooilala merely or a ten minutea' nerrotmsoce on several mualcai iostrnmenta. llo doesn't alng or dance. The conventional claim or warm weather la pnposterous In thta instance. Moreover, It la Inconalatent, liecauae a ycarago at this time, when II waa e/inaliy warm and when Ihe lioy waa a year yoonger, Mr. Oerty made nooblec- Uon to his appearance- Tho mailer hi or slight con- Bcqnence to us, bocauae we can readily Oil the Idii. The real auirerera an young Fll7.glhiwn and hla oilier bnther and ihiten, who will thua ioae a remu- nemlivo cngacemeoL" Wsi£ii Am Wtiai write ua that all the perform- en of both the llunllng'a and Reynold's Shows csllcd on them at ihelr place of huelocsa In mean, N. v., when the allows wen there. JaCK Fai'sr haa licen engaged aa liiislneaa man ager ror Vlynn and Sheridan's new show ror next a|>cch>l scenery, prlelor. — Kd. and l.ela Ruaaell, ol "A Married Pair, aenda the lollnwing: "We cloaed a most auccesitui aeaaon or alxiv-lwn weeks In Boattlesburg, Pa., Juno 0. Uyaelf and wile will rest In llttshurg until Aug. 10. when ws will open our Fall and Whiter aeaaon with a Urger company. This Is the moat aucceasrui aeaaon we havo had lu flvo years.' — J. H. Crouly haa given up tho Icaae of Ihe Opens House at Wllinlngton, N. C, and B. A. Bohloaa has succeeded lo the nuinagement. — Roster and niitoa rrom the Sherman Kchola Co.: Wo an now In our tenth week and will ninaln oni all Bummer. Roater: Robert Sboniiaii, Wm. KobnU, Oeo. K. Kempton, Ihtmtt Nevlna, Harold INurvo, Uatlle Ooodneh, Alice l«e, Carrie Stone and Uiura Tinner. DamttN'ovliia and lAura Tan- ner wore married on May 3A, at Iloodhonse, III. Ihilh lirtile aiul groom were Ihe reolplenbior a num- lier or handaoiuo preaenu rroni membera or the oonpanj. -Leo Clinonlhasoloaed wllh the"81 Plunkard" tio, and la anending hli Bummer noatlon at Ml Clomena, HIcn. — Mrs. Harry Adama, wHeor Manager Adsnu, or lloyfa Oomedy Company, will spend the Suiuinor at Wsnkesha Bpilnga, wis. Kmma lloullon, the load- lug aoulinlleol the aame company. wUI apend her varalloii In the inounulna o( Virginia and In Iho Cuuilierlsud Valley. — Mr. snd Mm. Uw HcCord (Hertha BI. I^lslr) hare JusI rinsed a profluble Spring acaaon in comic- opera and farce comedy. They an Summering at tbelr huiiie in t>diimlda. Pa. — Chariea P. Tingay haa changed the title o( hla play that Ada amy playa next season to "A Strange wooing." — kIwIo a. liavia haa lolsed "MaloDsys Wed- ding" to pUy Ihe Dntoh charsoter, IIsds Rick, aolirehcr. Roalari J. L. Hctisbe, Rdwin A, Dikvls, Hauriee Bndbnry, Ohelao Peruohl, W. F. Roben- Boo, Horace Fargiia, II. II. Lentv, Pead Kvelyn, 191* Hellmoi*, Tott Alien and Qoorgla llaynea. — P. T. Wright, manager or (he Nashville Stu- dents and Wtlgnt's Oolond Oomedy Oo., la vtstiliig menda In Indianapolis, Ind., and Paris sod Hu Sterling, Ky. Ills aoasoD opens early lo August, In the KaaL — The New Opeia llosee at Portland, Ind., inil be a three atory brlok building. The dimensions are HtxIUfL In the opera hooae pioper the atage Isisrt. rtteii, S4(I. wide and atu sin. high. It baa alx com. OhHllouadreadngrooDi. Tho orcbeaira circle will aeat Ave hundred people, Ihe balcony three hundred and d(tv, and Ihe gallery about two hundred and flftj. Tlie latter haa tivo entrances. Then is one mam entmnce lo the honie, a aulrway IW, wide leading to the lobby, and In caae of fin or aodiieat three exibi. Doth eleoltlelly and gas wlu fucnhih tbe lllumlnsnbi, and two himscea ue heat. A. U. Miller haa leased the hones and hi pnparliig lo at It In the most modem and appnved alyie. OWAIiMiciisxLn, Chaa. Uoyer and DlUy Wllmon sre Summcilng atliOgansport, Ind. BiRTtNA Li!iii.iK has lieen ongsgcd for six weeks St llaidwin i-ark, i|ulncy. 111. Jamiis E. IIucx, tho legless dancer, who waa called home vrrj aaddenly May 28, on account of Ihe death of hla brother, 0. R. Rlack, resumed his duties ss principal (eatun and director of concert with Klrkharfa Qrcus, Juno 1. T. W. DiNiiKS nllcd ror Kurope on June 8. Mr. DlDhina hi mansger or the Ron ton Theatre, Jersey ClU, N. J. THK (viJAWiNO rROFtfotONAiii sppcarcd al a recent lienent glccn by The United Traveten of America at the Omnd (Jpeta House, Oolumlius-O.: Jay ({iilgley, Alf. Oliiaon, Doc (lulgley, and Olllo Youug. tno cluh expert. BsooKS AHD Rnoois have Juatcloscd a alx wccka' engagenienl In the leading vaudeville houaes In Dos- loD, and opened at the Pavilion Theatre, Spring- Held, Mars., Juno 10. Haa. Rmc Tohxr. mother or tlie late Hany Toner, who died on May 10 laat, rrriueata Da to slate that tbe Inneral expenaea wen liome by herself, and not by the Acton' Fund, as was npprted. IlAHST S. Nbsly amp Oioroi A. Wiigos have Joined haiHia Noxt season they wUI head their own inlnstrel company, to be known as the Paragon Hlnatnhi, ihey Inform ua lltii;HA (X)i.i.iSH, alaler of William Collier, and one of tho iiioal popular sinibreltea in farce codiedy, Is among the newcal recruits to ihe continuous per- romance clrcuii or U. F. Keith. Mbn Coliler and John llyania, comedian or "The Croaaroada or Mle" Co. iHHi aeaaon, an to appear at Keilh'a Union Squan Theatre. Ihla city. In a now comedy sketch. Ai.i-BN ANn WuT, mualcai eccentrics, and Ihe Mine* l/surel and Harvey, vocailaia nnd dancers, an toiirlni Otllfomia wllh the llellly ft Wooda Dig Show. They will return l>a( in Julv. hiANK P. COM.ioAN. comcdian, la the guest of Jack Gaas, at Wamii, R. I-, rortwo weeka. Wx ACKOwi.iNii AK iNVtTATiON to be present at the opening or CSpL Olorl'a Hotel and Pavilion, At- lantic Ctir, N- J., on June 11. Rob Qordon and Fniik C. Itlco will manage the sbige performances in Iho pavli Ion thla season. Jos. (lAaLAtiD, in ills new vocation as msnsger for f*r1mroae it Weal, lofunna ua that hla season Is al* tiKateotlroly liooked. Mr. (latland conlemplatcn a trip to Kurope st the end or this month on a visit to hla mother and ramlly. NxuiK llAni.Rv ANn Has llARr report excellent anccesa on the McMlc coast. Their last engagement then will bo In Ixm Angeles, June is, lor two weeks, nner which they go to Teiluride, ail., tor two weeks. HAC00!IAt.n'a HXHRY Maribs opened tbelr Sum- mer aeason at Norwich, N. V., on June 12. The roa- ter: Fsiinle niake, Chartoito Day, Irene Bell.Qeorge II. neli, Wlillara Huirord, Ohsrics(X>ok, Pred'k Won zel, musical dlreolor: llowanl Khnohl, In advance, and Allan Uacdonald, sole manager. Katdn a WiArnsH's Patiiion Minstrils are playlnga two weeks' engsgcment st Keillor's Pa. Villon Theatre, North Reach, L. I., N. Y. Roster: Riton and Weathers, Billy Young, Wesley Nonts, Jerry Hills, lieu. WUe, Tom llrown, Ullly Famll and (t) Octoroon ladles. In drills, elc NoTBS raoH Uryakt a Swain's niau Cusa VsiidovlllOL—We sn In our third week, sod bnsl- neas la iHilter then we looked ror. Wo make one and two weeks' alaiids at 10, m and 30 cents. We havo DOW eighteen people. Handrord and Morton Joined uiJlayai. On Jnno 3 our entln company wen Invited hy tho loading citizens ot Fertile, Ulon., to Join Ihom in an excursion to Maple Lake, s boauilfnl Bommer resort about ten miles rrom Ibat city; we chartered a aleamer, and with three l»nda or nualo and Ilahlng Uckie, we psasedamosl plessanlday. Kreryliody with tho compsoylsen. Joying the lical or heallh. Tub Oi.trrBH Is on hand every Sauinlay, and always receives a hearty woi- come. Nnro from Ross Bvdbm.'s Ixinoon Rbujs Bio Show. -Alier (nrtr-lour weeka o( success, our regu- lar acaaon closed In ludiaiis|adls, Ind., Hay a. W, 8. (Ainiptieli and lloae Sydeli Iwvo lieen busy re- bcsrplnx (or tlielrSuniincr season st Sam T. Jack's Upeta House, Chicago, when Ihoi opened on June e. W. Ii.aelaitlala>okliigtlinorornextseason,and be claims llieywlli luivollioslrongestburlestiueaud ■(leclally compaiiy on Ihe road, wllh everrthlng hrerul now and up lo dalo. Tho buriesque wifl be In three sets, wllii two big apeclslty reuiiires In the place ot overtarca. Bod aciii'YLBR kun Fi4>sstB Nasu say they will do sn entirely new set iiexi aesaon, eullllcil "Oiurtlng Under |llnlonllle^" wrliten liy Utile Kd. Mason. llAKBH ANO ItovnRi.i, an tdaylng the nrinclpal Summer naoris In Maryland and Virginia (or a few wookn. Their now act, whiub, they Inform ua, haa lieen copyrlgbleil. Is onililcd "Dsnger Alter Hall." JBasjR K. Oit.iu. vocHllHi and comedy aclresa, who waa herewith Hie U'OylyCSrie "aonilolier"Oo.,and liai not been in Aiiiciica since IHU3, is now touring liireugh (Ileal Urilaln. HINSIB HcKvuv, of Ihe McCoy .Slalon, and Mc- Rvoy and IWiylo, renorl having quite sn enjoyable lime eluce Ihey atrlvod in lAUdou, Kng. Th>-y will abortiy nil (nr home, to make arrangemenM for their Fan ami Winter aeaaon. TUB Tanrai' Rro!!., lYench novelty muslcsl clnwni, have signed wllh tho lleaanre rnrk Amiiao. meat Co.,fnra ten weeka' lour or Ponnsylvanla. Wiiii.B playing at Hvnin'a Roof aanlen, l*at#r aon, N. J.,laat week, IJiiie Reed wsspreaentcd wllh a palrnf diamond earrings, and (Iraole Walto wllh alurqunhio Itmcclet, weanlnlormcd. Hhakdiih ANn Rrobhi an raeclvUig Haltering nowanapcr notices. They open June 0, lu tho St. IVul Melnipolitan Opera llonao,and the start Kaat. MiLANn Hub. Aimiim CSiduan retuned Bast June 4, alter a flvo months' tour through tho Weal, ptoylog all the principal nudevilio houaea. They iitado their Ilral anpcarance In Now York In (wo yrara at Keilh'a Union Square Theatre, June 17. IkTiiR UALiroRNiA Thio, Coogau, Rand>nd Tale, wrlia from Denver. OaL, that tiielr title Is being In- fringed unon. and they Joatlyreel aggrieved. Tbey also mention having tormed a pinocle elnb, with tbe romlailia <>nia.'j: "tsif Kaliiana, D^>•ld«l<^>- Wm. Tare, aecretaty; J. Onogao, treasurer; Phil Rand and Kd. Oin, reception oommltue: Diek Poid, wind master, snd tho following memben: BiUle Clark, Hill. Crandall. Alfred Anion and Jerome and Alexes. The club aurtcd on a bicycio trip June 4, to Itko'a Peak. Hi Rbnrv waa a (^rrsH caller Junes. lleUat present stopping here while superintending ihe oonalnicUon o( some norellles for next sesaoo. It la hla Intention to havo one or ihe largest and most expensive minstrel orgsnleatlons twlore the pobhc. It will number oriy people, and conslal or the laleat up to date noveiilea. Mr. Henry leaves for Eunpe shortly on laislnesa connecledwilh hLvnextseaaon's tour, which t>eglDS early In August, In the vicinity of New York City. The equlnnent, it la ataied, will l« o( the moHt expensive deaeripUon, and tbe organlxatlon will embreceaome o( the liest knoim features In the tnlnstnl line. Tni BOASii OP Tbadb Thbatiib, In Klwood, Ind., cloaed here June S, aod will reopen SepL 1. Liu.iAN UiiBnaa and ApniR Smith have won much favor, they Inform na, al Ihe Dniulh Pavilion, Uululh, Minn., whore they have been playing forihe last two weeka, and have been re-engaged. AuO.PiiuwuaOLiTTiBcallerJtineS. He Is ben for the porpoae of ooopleUBg arnnnnenta for his negro ahow, which opena In OolnmbtM, O., July 4. ue wUI Uke from this dtp, when he re- tons bonie, a large contingent of colond sligen. After playiog an engagement of three days In Oolombos uie company will sutt for the Pacific cnasL This company has no connection whstever wllh tho Al. 0. field white minstrel show, which will open st Colnmbus. 0., Ang. U. For this, hla tenth, annual tonr Mr. Field will pot forth nntunal exenlona lo make the ahow Urger and better than ever before. The company will nninher more than (irty people. Dan Emraeii, one of the oldest living mtoatrela and anihor of "Dlxey," will appear In Ihe Hnt part, and will direct the orchestra when "Uliey" la pisyed and song. Bogait and O'Brien, nnslcaleomedhina: the Patterson Brothere, hortzontai bsr performers; Wm. Rows, pedestal clog dancer, aod the Kamlles, grotesqne scnhats, who will make their tnt appearence in America with this company, wiU be the prtnclpal people In the olio, TheBiothonMohrtngliave been engaged to play the two principal chamcten In Uie bnil«iue, "Kntopla," which will dose Uie show. Tommy Donnelly, Tomny Osiey, Dot (2olgl«y, Hsny How- aid, c. u. Reed, and a number of outers, are also under engagement wiui this company. Chester Nims haa been re-engaged aa bandmaster, making hla ninth seasoB wim Uils show. Joseph Reeder wni he tbe ueasnrer aod Oeo. Inns the adveitlslng aienu John Cslvln will be the aaahdnnt manager and press agent Manager Field haa booked three weeka' time In good houaea In New York City. Wv. HiujiR, o( Uie Millar Bros., has retuned from Riirope. He has linught a Knsatlon rnim London for tbelr new act next season wlUi Pilm- reae k West's Mlnatnls. They open at the Or- pbeum. San Pnnr.lsco, June W- . ^ ^ En- CotBT AND Franr DB WITT havs Jolncd hands. Era BviNBUBNR has been specially engsged to play the leading part with "IJllle nillee and Trll-B" botlesque, (or the Summer, in the Olympic Theatn, Chicago, 111. Habry BonroRTH Informs ns (hat ho has Just closed a two weeka' engagement at Mozan Park, meellng, W. Va., where hfs new descilpUve song, "Champlona," waa a success. In this song he (hows life site portislts o( all living pogUlstlo champlona, wKh elecDIcal egecis. 8.S.8TIWlBT'eBiHJ0 AND 0 inAR JOURNAL fOT the months of J uneand July haa been received. It conulru the nanal amount of Inieresilog and In- strscUve na>l(ng for performen upon the Instm- menu of wnicn it treata. It also rurelshes valna- bie exeretaca lor students, and a choice collection of mnslc for both tbe banjo and gulur, conshiUDg of two msrches,a fantatUc dance aud a mek>dy by Rubinstein. The work Is pnbllsheil six Umea escn vearbyB.S. Stewart, ai and 233 Chnrch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Bbbiba Waonbr, International aonhretteJa play- ing a nicceaafui eogsgement at HavUn's Theatre, BL I/OOU. Billy Jacxson will chMo bis engagement al nnber's Museum Jnne It, and open at Moore's Wonderiand Muaee, Delrelt, Mlcb., June II. Haooib Oobman and Sadib Ross have Joined ban da. JB88II IlAvni will apend the Snmmor In Brock- Ion, Usaa., wlUi her sister, wOLPANDSATiLLBsreplaylDgln BsR's Csslno, Chicago. Hat Whits, soubreltr, la spending her vacaUon «t the home of P. P. cavanagh, at Long Bnnch, N.J. She has signed with the Itncaden Vaude- ville Co. ror next season. Frarb AiienxN ANnPAULADAneoN havedissolTed parlneivhlp. The former has signed vrltb "The Devil'a Auction" ror next season, snd Is at Us bone In Waterbury, tx. PMIKCB RoiiN, Japaneae Juggler,and Mignonette, variety dancer, report success for the past two weeks at the Milwaukee ExposlHon Music Uall. Jacsson II. HBAKnt has Joined J. A. Tsrrlel. Obay and Conway, known as the origlnsi Untch Dugana, have signed (or nexlsesaon with Qus Hill's World o( Noveliles for apeclslty and afterpiece. FrankibSt. John AND aLADYBATBiNBON an ap- Ksrlsg in duels and doing conlorUon and acm- Uc dancing. For the past (our weeks they have been llllng an engagement with the (Mno Olris Buriesque Oo- On June It they begin an engnge- nentsc Ihe Madison Square Oarden, (his cl(y. liB Vbaux and Taylor, musical comedians, have sepanted, Uarry De Veaux rejoining his (onner paitoer, JOEW W. Wbot, comedian and back and wui dancer, haa chwed at Ilany Williams' Academy o Music, Pittsburg, Pa., and la spending part of bis vacation in that city, visiting frteods. PotLiB Uolbbs, "the Irish Duchess," who baa been very lU with perllonlUs, has gone to her home In Piovldenee, R. I., lo rest. Miss Holmes has lieeD engaged (or Tony Pastor's Fall tour, which opens In Angiut. 'rai Wiim PbontTdbatiib, I»nlsvllle, Ky., alter a successful season, cloees June U, Tho honse wHl be Uioroughly remodelled siid enurged, a gallery being added. The houie will reopen Ang II. Fbid Waldhann and wl(e nlll sail (or Kuroi July 2. They wUl make an extensive lour of Egg- land and Uie ConUnent snd return home about Sept le. Jbsiib St. Claib, who for the past few monthshaa been very III. Is Improving nploly at her home In Burlington, u. CiAVTOM E. Wditb was engaged as an attnciion on Decontlon Day at Kellh's New Theatre, Boelon, Mass., and also lor the rollowlng week, IntreduEIng ror the nmt time hlsburieeque dancing. "I LovB lOB Sba" Is the uue o( a new doacrlpllve walls song, pubihihed by W, A, OIU, of Albens, Pa. Tho words and music are hy Fmnk Church, The aong la catchy, dmmsUo snd humorous. Bonnib Lottib Is playing a succeaful engage- ment wllh Raldwio A Young's Co. Jab. La Fli'br will ho a member ot Fields' Diaw- IBK Cards noxt season. Kddib BcoriRLD and wife (Alma (SUton) an cn- Ekged (or Uie Summer season at Uatton'a Theatre, ewport News, Vs. (^onnwiN ANn Dyas, lady swimmen, have begun their ngular Summer engagements- They Inform us Ibat thry an iMoked for ntare engagemeula at many of the watering pUces where they performed laat aeaaon. liB ROSB, liualneas msnsger of Qas Hhl's Kor- eltlee, has turned over lo jaraea J. Armationg sU the bookings or the American Vaudeville Company, headed by Ola Hayden, aa hia new cirous vontnre keeps him husUlng. TSOOADSRO Vaudbvillb Noibs.— P. Zlogleld Jr. has engaged Mark Thall as reptesenUUve or the Trocaden Vsudeilites. E. D. Schuits wUl be bust, ncsa inaniger, and Melville Stollz will not represent Mr. %leg(elri In sny cspaclly. Mr. Zlegfeld hns been compelled to postpone bis European trip, and haagone to Chicago to completo arraogemenls for the eiecUon and opening of a music ball In that city. Ktigene Saodow and Mr. '/legfeld have In- vealed $6,000 cash In the venture. The company 1 organlzeo for $'A,000, mostly of London, Eng. CHplUI. Tub raopBiBToRs or the Pavilion Theatre at llarUord, C\., sre Rlccl t TalcotL Our tyjies re- cenUy gave Ine (ormer geoUeman'a name aa nicker, SuiTD ANO HvBKS cloaed at tho Board ot Trade Moslc Uall, Etmwood, Ind., and opened In the The- atn Comlque, Evansrllio, Ind., June 10. Hastbr WrriiAN, Juvenile trick violinist, win be- Ranni or Billt Bablow Ddbtoh's Bin Twbxtt- Ive Cent Show, now toniing Northern Teaas, to (air balnea.—BUly Barlow Borton, sols owner; F. B. Hoffan, manager; H. B. Blemit, beaaorer; P. W. Ford, advance agent, wlUi (our asalsunu; per- (oimeit: Bnrt Lemen, clown and bare; Font Bums Bros., scn»sts; Ben Lorn, Hamp aod Meley, Jonn Bradley, conedUn; Pn>r. Davis, magician and Pnneh; Tom Piror, dancing barrel; Btd. Roberta, alack wire and Joggler; MyrUe Honston, aeilalM; Jessie MnlUi, Bailor pereh; Neva Hanks, (enuie maglclsn; RUa Kereands, female Sampson, and RUly Bartow Bnilon, singing and talking clown, Dutch and Mack face oomedban. The show traeeu r wsgon, using an (OtL top, with ML middle Jece; ten vngona, a braas band ot ten pieces, un- der the leadenhlp o( pro(. Will HaxweU. Ncms mm Babbr * KABNCsBr'a Bio Show.— We wen ttrbe In EMoiado Uts week, but Manager Baker decided U) fid Uie week, one week ahead, at Bhawneetown, HI. Buslneaa conUnnea big. Arthnr nail, ot the Le Pearl Show, Joined last week al HcLesnshono, llL Tbe boys an thinking o( tun- ning over to CentnlUa on Jnne l>,to see IheBar- nuin Show. We all have Uie bicycle mania. Mana- ger Bsker behig the llrst lo pnrchaae a wheel, and ie(on long we wUl all have wheels. Bveiybodrls well. We get our CiipriBa prompUy every Frttuy, direct from Chicago. , .,_..w TBS StmONS, Urn and Tieaaa, have cloaed with the BeUoid ft Howard Clrens,and Joined Elsenbaith t RnUiertonl Modem SensaUon o( NovelUea. While doing their balancing ladder act at LacaavlUe, O., Uie ladder breke, leuiog them (all about twea^- ihreefceL Mn. Sotton escspcd wlUi a fewsUght braises, bnt Mr. BnUon had one ot hla ankles dlilo- cated, and it irlli be some Ume before he Is sble to work. A cOBBBFONDBNT With Csr No. 1, otths Walter L. Main Show, sends (he toHowlng: 'ISome one was heard to lemsrk that Mil poslsn nowadays dent take aa nucb hitarest In their work, and do not pnt up tbe amount ot paper on countir tontes aa they wen In the babit ot dotng In the old days. Bat here Is four nice rentes for men who are. In slang par- lance, considered stndenbi: Hsny White, sneels, atl; Ben nnbln, eheels, <3I: J. D. Boerlng, sheets, eil; EbnerCMrk, sheets, M3. This work was done near Unbols, Pa. RiBT Atxinson has Just cloaed a two weeks' en- gagement In BalUmore, Hd., and has signed wlUi nuy Nelson's Circus. Tbotd BBod. are en mue vrith Richards' Three Big Shows, In llUnols. Cbas. ZeUs Joined the ahow In SL Lonis, Mo., Jnne 1. O. H. Habttdbo, manager o( Rlngllng BiOB.' ad- TBica csr No. 2, Informs ns that ths mouer ot H. a Stephens waa horned lo deaUi at Ayen Tillage, Hats.,i«eenUv. loroimaUonotHr.Stephens'where- aboata la solicited by hla (amUr, HOBHAN, Ihe frog man,and Cbas. T. Orvllle Tlslled Scribner t BmRh's Show at Hyde PaA, Mass., Jons 3, aod had an enjoyable Une. Eddy Skow, who haa been with Chaa. B. Yale (or a number ot yean, will pnt on a clown dresB once more, and do leapa aod tnmbllng with E. R Rice's Clrens st Manhattan Beach this Bummer. MBSBBS. BRTAN AND MOULTDH AND PRBD. IBITIH, ot Irwtn Brothere' Big American and Japaneae Olr- cna, extend an invlttUon to all UieaMcal and dr- cna performen lo attend a professlonsl maUneo on Jnne li, st the dreua lot, Broadway and Hslsey Street, Best New York. BOSm FOB RDtOUKO BBOft' WOBID'S ORBATBlr Shews' Advertising Car No. 4: Ed. V. Oinnz, man gin a two weeks'engagement at IheMasonloTem. pie lloottlarden, Chicago, June 16. ItTTLM ANNA WiLkS, Child song shd dahcs per- former, opened Juno 10, for one week, at the PhtU- Ion Theatre, lUnfoid, cc liAVB WurfLBT, or WhlUey and Dell, haa enllnly recovered rrom hla recent lllneta. He wUI abortly (TO to Haueawao, N. Y., to take the nanagenent ot iNbblo'a Open Uouao and Pavilion. Obo. La HOSB, musical peitoriner, waa a otima caller June 10. He haa Jual closed a sncccestnl aeaaon Ibrough tho South. Hbbt Lbon, or the Three Wonders, who has hoea IsM up with a broken rib. Is again able to work. •■•- QqFCON. Portland.—At tbe Harqnaa Onnd 'Two (M Cmnlw" waa prewmed May IT, S, to URtat baaloM*. b«eSt waa Undatad II. U Brovn, raadar aad aoUnAln- er. Jobs a, by iooal lalanU TMiye, Iht Tiollaiat, li ao- naunced tor two c«DC«m, 7, B, aftsr wblch the Ihaalre DoaoBAT'a TaBATax.—"RMDappad" wmipn • lllgalDa A WsMfon Dramatfe ConMar weak or Mar tf. "Ill* PluDgar* wu piasestad h: ir to packer 'AS pitaaated will bertarh (or twovMha. ooaoBAT' tha ■■■ ■ hoaL. JonaS. ASHScisa—RIoaa Kaaaha, Lain Ora, t^Haa aad Wlo- chalL Locvat.—BoRhait I^Im' OrtheaUa, P. Urhao, tenor. TiroLl.—llealayBlateiKTrlieda, Bmms Praoela, BaSr nirtleld, TIfoll (Vnntt Orehealfa. Hoaal'ao'sRswTuBAVaaCOBiqcx—^Taitaty eostlsasa. ARKANSAS Hot ipriags,—Open Honse—The Otto Kiaiae nock Oo. elooad a two waaka* eaxsevmeot Joea I, baviag plAjeO tofhUbouaaataTSfTpsifbrmaaea. Itis matlnoa oQ ths cloalBg data waa gtvaa (or the baaaflt or lb« lad lea' RallsfBoeloty, aod qalta a nies lam waa isallasd. #Under the Tents# ager; O. P. FItchey, bannen and iiUiogmph boards; W. H. Wllklns, charge or paper; C. W. Otla, lltho- gnpher and prognmmer. Bill poeten: H. B. Ma- lone, E. R. wentworth, Wm. Bart^A. Altvrel8.0. irognmmer. lone. Eh n. rrentWOrth, Wni. a. A,if«sia,v. Morelles, J. Kenney, J. Adklns, 0. Roubles, B. Da- vidson and T. WellenhunL Porlsr, O. Slack. Veuh AND Wblch, bite ot Sells Bros.' Shows, paid them a vlsltat Salamanca, N. T. A ooBXBsroNDBNT lutonDS ns that the Cook Jt Baker Show, that started onl ot Benton, Ky., two weeks ago, went to plecea at Oolden Pond, Ky., on Jutes. Law 8EB Rrbb haa withdrawn (rom Ihe manage ment ot the VandevUle Olicns. Wbilb Bbllb Morrison waa performing on her Spanish rings with O'OinneU t Salvaii'a Show, May ZoTthe webbing on which she was making a de- BcenI gave way, and she roll a distance of Itieen test, bitsklng hsr left sm, dlslocaUnir her shonlder and receiving a tiaetore ot Uio sknu, tram which the docion think It Is doubtful If she recoveia. She was mien to (he home of Alice Thomas, In Hontollo, MSS8-, and at last accounts waa etlU in- conseloiB. Sana rwni W. P. Kibbbibt's R. H. OiBoin.— Pre(. A. P.Ralnaborg haa taken charge otonrband, sicceeding w. R- PonslUi, snd has Increased Ihe bend to twenty pieces, (jsrt CnXo» Is making a great aueceas or his novel hesd and hand balaodng acL Herr Dreyion Is doing Un strongest cannon ban act ot hIsiKe, and thentiirasctot Dairand Rybee Is one o( tbe featurea o( the big ahow. James E. Black Is manager of the concert. BsalnesB con. tinues Ug. Eosoxa Of ms Inwia BBornaas' Bio AKsaiaiN and JapaneM Oireaa—Ttila la our foenh week in and aionod Bfoobijn, N. Y. Bualaenlagood aad arafTbedyaxoaDd Uieatiovlawellaiid happr. AQsvconilnoiaatef aixtv haad of bonsa. «lib eifniteea bimd new waxona, aU hand, ■onelr decorated wlih nav daalgoa (rem the bniib ot rrmoh BiTiJi. onao( Ihe senlalpn>pristora,harearTtrcd. Mr. Bnan alHO nuuiagiMi the enUre ahow, while hla part. D«r. oriMouluio, haodloatheinDaeyaiid asUa ibspaau. boai^la. Hie popular Fisd Inria rsprewola tha firm ta Iroat aod ivcelraa hla trianda. fleverat new (aatiina bsT* b«an added a'nce oar omoIbr. Among them aia BuximoU, Uie BTsatest o( all Japa, (o the high ropa iod peich act. Charle* Moroaw, Banimy ._ my Oteeo sn4 Thomai Fair have atrenxthanad the trio o( (ttnar ctoviM and Primnaa k Waat'a Bis ChalleORa Mln* ilnl Band, Inctudinx Ilany Bs*^> —' die (oUowlBf aoloUU. Martin. O. a Drar. Jamea HcoU J. Bis CI , Jaidy, leader, K.Molfloley, Honca BaU. 0. B, Jo9 iral), Btind«) Rtnna, Dlok Pftrker. Olf^ MOIer kMp tha •uilleoce In itood homorwlih popaUralm. ThtfoV lovlnii tn onimtw. wlUiKcorpi of oompMntimD, to handle their mpactlTa dapaitniMta: Frid Ilanilltoa, boM uwraN nipia, wllh twenty uMiiiaotii; Oeo. lAwnnca, bocachtiKlallerinan, wllh loaraialtiaDUjJobn KlnDear, bou hertUr. with elereo a«lManlJ>, and Oen. Colhj. (mm properly man, viUi nil ajwlitanta. The new (keen In the cnncertare Kellle Puni*, Bammr Oreeo ami Tlddtewlolia, while Ike Ro«e Mill makeMthaeanTaf rlaawlUi hlian- DouncemtnlH and hADd« the red Juloe ana candlea (o the muliiuide with three anlMant*. Nons now tdi Wit«n Brosl' OotOBM flHOwa,—Our btulnen Is Kimpir Iranian*^ lo fact we turned people away fMroijihte tact week. Oa JameaMoran'p, theeguta- irUn direciori, twenij-DtDtb birthdaj Chaa. O'Brleo and Joe ttvamer.theelevna, prBMnieilhlnwIthftbekoll- fuljtoM headed cane. lulUt)^ Inaorlbed. Mr. O'Brien laun the pre*eniatloo apeecn, \ '' ' , which waa hearlJlj ap- --- Ererrone wllh the ahow la well i The tnan m while appear* everj Sundaj monilDf. Jlauded, after whldi Hr. Keamer followed nait, and poor Im wanaoauiprUed heco jM DotMpeah forafa* tnloatet, buibemtde afew hrlef remarka, and the entire cMnpaoF ahook hU hand. Ererrone wllh the Rhow la well nod lieartj. Ttie man In while appearaeTerjaundajinoreiof. Oeo. weUh alwar* hat tha "oM reliable" for ilie bora OTeiyWedoMlv. Norn fuuM boxniDH Bro*.' Niw Modbl Sipw.—The dar billed for opeahiR our iliow waa Inaaipkloea, aid the toll top had to be palled down In baaio before the hoor of opening the doora, on aceoant of flem lilih winda, Ko tent rauU alajr an In aach ante, aod ton threatenlDR aspect of the conlda manhalUnR op In th« Noaihwert, wllh the heated air coming ai If rmn a flerr nimnce, warned the people to make readr for a mih for the Of done celUr Dottfioeipeciedcalamltr.HftaiiuMt In tbli part of Iowa, ilU not happen, notwlu.aundloic tha Rlarra lelegrmptied i)j Uie weather department thmi n funnel cloud wai coming. The fullowingdaTODrtaota were packed, and the aame fktry eouM be tnM for OTarj aland we hare Blnoe made. A nium date waa Hied lor the Initial point, and. u unaJ, tho Mioe atomr tine waa enacted, bnt thla time the tenta waathemi the etonn. Willi Mcked Mata, aod.allhoogh tlia r«ln poured throiiiih the tent, the big audience remained amiad, while they —'lied the anlertalnment, all admitting Ihey ware iifol (or the down pear, and that the dmih vaa tmiWn. Prof. Wm. Wiley waa prompUy on hand for Uie opening ahow, with hla Intelligent tnupe of flne trmltied doga,and the only memben of this canine fkmlly thai were out of aorta waa the Utile down, Priocei who had bc«n bitlen In an aggiewdre arwumeot about eicoM ban- gajre at Bancntfta where the Nortliweitem agent would nol allow Iilm hi* freedom long enonfrb to aecnie n tern* peraoce drink, and Sfaeaey, woo eouU not fltid n farorita Ingredient for nil make up, ai aTerrthlngfrrwen and frrah waa dried up In the lata hot wlnda. Tom JefUfeoo, ftom AtlaaiA, Oeorgia, a real Sentheni colored oomedlao, who haa a laagh In hU ererr act aod aenteoee, proTU himielf a t>erformer of no erdtoaiT Ulent and abllliy, and hreplng the audience in roniaof merrlniMiL Tbe (rack magneiT Herbert L* Miil Ii an all aroand worker, with tbe knack of making frfei riendi with tbe aid I- ence ^hlRioalnt orlglnalltletand good hemoradiay- Inge. Hla high wire oomedy acie are in eierr way op t« daie^ Benny Peno la cemlogio the front wlui eertafBtr inartlaile Jlga, reela and fancy atep dasdoL aMgaaiM recluuona Aiane perforiDs almoit (neredlble tmu of air walking aod mM air evolotlona. Prof. Wller'a clown actaaraaUuffhableraataraof Ihe ebow. Tbetlghtnve walking, by the wooderfol dog. Queen, Is a tarprta* to eTerrone. The doga do eTeryUilBg erer seen In n dog abow,and maoyacuaeeo no where eUe ont eodertbe BoDbeartcnL TbIaU a popular melodic, nrtlatle, apecl* ally amaaeoient enierpriae different to any pot aader caoTaa. The norel ftetarwa of the electricaeanle defan- ment at* rare aod wondertbl, and onder the peraeoal soperrlilen of J. R Bonhaar, tbe ahow bids fair to have a mg eaa«Mi of prosperity on lu old rootea. It haa a anag ptaon In the henita of the people. Ko abn« bas stricter mlea and regnlailooi, or llTea np to Ibem noiw rUlMoUy. Nora FBon Ooujian BUB.'GUATOincva.HViOi- bnMiMai baa Wi _ odAnblaa _____ good, with tbeeicepUoaof om or two mailmna, nod ou per1brBiMU(tfliig«&ttie aiWkdtle^ mdaadM Uer*e Pnlr-Oar b