New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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June 15. TTHE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 229 Jr. prladpAl Mmmalt rU«r. liaoloffioa«iurT«low von: b« alM doM a Om tli ben* wL B. T. Uocnm, . 1 .. ^.1 r k. ^ ^ liOldU. r li ft ckTar UL psrth Is wMl- Th« alApbiA^ r»U7, la d«loi^& 8m vltphant «ltb oar oib«r _. , il •UpbAata, Eoipiwa ud Mtnlo. BuwyflbuhudlM oar Amcu lloo. ChvlMA.OoU- ui*! AnbuD boriM aad Hhetkod poalM demllli iQfd •UpbAata, Eoipi I oar Amcu lloo. cutima.i M aAd Hhetkod poalM demilllAir I Ilk* K bodrof •uUlcn. WBltaollmarud AbdI* Donnd u« d«lo« aomoTtrf Ao* rldloji. Juan rionnM'* •QBlUbrl'tle JaMlioc act I* cI*T*r, b* kIm do« ft Bm dab a«t, umI JoHwa four club* at ooa IIiim. Qiu-iii Lft BoU'* dftneinK bfttral, Ubl* and cr»ulai»- Bftfkftblr claTsr. Charl*t la th* Aoly raal "klektt" v* hftT*. llOBa HaCQr*! Bamaonlfta reaUi ar* Ad*. Jum llof, WaitOollBftr, Mooi. Fadom, Pruk Uarkliam aad i:barl*aTalb*rt, oarclowaa, oali* UiIdhi llralj-.and k«*p lb* p*opl* Ib nwTB. Oar aitDAs ladniniiafloebualoaai. lAorft Mil* Laarmlo*. ihe aarptut qu*«n, la a (ood r*a- laia. FroT.A O.Bauach*r aad wir* k**p auparsthloaa MopkffaiMlDir. Tt>*pcoi*H«rbiairorefaaa«dfti«torboi- toifloTaaaDdlataacblDithabojN Diamanlj art of a«ir d*iaua* at tS 00 Mr leMoo. Oa Dvcoimilon Day «• hid th* roUovloff iliiton: Jamaa Hamy.or Cblcago. Mra. llanr OalM, ClarMCtt lleDdricko, Hr. and Mro. Bbaw, panouor Prof. C. P.Sbaw; alao Hr. and Mn. Browo, or fiaimboo, Wl*. RovTUor cvmt A Ooata'h [■ riRiiL Japixm Cm eaa-Curtla k Ocava. proprlaiora; W, T. Brrao, man- anr; Pacnda Kftmaklchl, wiaaatriaD dlracior; A. E. Patarvoo. l«ftd«' of band, wlih twalTooualcIaoa; Haiib Bnilohari, boai eaovaa man, «ltL foartMui aniuaou; W. iI.M*til*r. bouof pnpa, with (buraiaUcaabi: llftiry Boi*r, In ctaarto of vardroba, vltb two avlaiania; Onva'a Japao*M troup*: Pataania Ocava, U. llDtlthi, T. Waunaba, KWatauba, K.ilaaliiuto.P. EamaCldil, K.ATaffoand M. Bhloffiro: Edk Uarbtrt^priaelMlaom- aiaaoUndar; WIUIaiull*tdioii.duublaioni«raaarclf«p«r; BrljitvBroii^ fljlngratum act; lhr*o Ellat Broa., aariaL bar* and brnthor act; KtUoo ud MaraarMi, aarlal uhI Inw Jaw actjSaDlonl, carry Ior portfi: W. U. Dontoj-. alogktfapa; Pr«d Bngmt, boaodlnitiop*; Daahtoetoo tod Barry,alnstDnod koockaboutciovna: JobnBtaTeni, four bora*rld*T;ll)l*.Airkro. iMandlu Jockar, and Mynt* Yin- coo, funala clown. Coocart people OaatilnoiiiD aod Barr)', koockaboutaoniranddanc*; IfiJorCliaa. Elloi. llRhtalOK gan drill: Molll* Barry, aonc aad JlRa; HyrUe Violo, lar- pernio* and mtttaque dancer; TaUftKorm Ban,JapaoaM ftrdMr, and JoaRuuell, Iriah CDDiMllao.. Weau-rjraoQ* hundred r*et lop, vltb ivo rorty fool middia pUeea and a afiy reatald* toov top. Eddia Lawraoc* tiaa ibe cook t«ou V. Kamkbl la making a Moiiatlon with hli saw •qoallbriat act oo a twaoly feat pedaaul, vhlch we uae for an onlild* altrmcUon. Tim ahov U maellnfl villi Bucoeu, and ^e tboat" appetn retpilarly. We uowad In Ann Arbor, Hlca^ May 17,1ft. Hie only uni ahov (hat baa playod there fur foor yean, and the only one lo oine yean that hfta DDI bMn molftaiad by tb* atud^nta. We •niourloillldiiinn. vlih Ohio and Indiana u> follov. Nona nuH the DiarufBicu Bhovil— Oor aeiMo opened at Naicbri, llla.,ApfU], for three veeka. W* did tb* wont boalaeaa th* uiew haa ef*r eiperfenced. BInc* croaalDH lb* rlrar the B. BLO.aiini haabean d(a Elayad nlahtly. Tli* ahov la alranrar ami hfiier ihu It ub**Brory*an. Tberoatw: P. Dlafaobftcb, aole pro- Blater and nanager: Chaa. Flenioo, itenaru agent; Ilea Orion, *qa*ati1ao din«t«r; Cliaa. R. Bantal, laa<d*r of baw; Wm. Hurry, boaa canraa man; Pony BMer, chand*tl«r man: Colo 8uk*a, boaa ohandiller man. Tti* oooipanr: Hllei Ortoo, chanplon hotieman; Pnf. Oeorr* WamboM aod aon. Seany Broa^ Themaa Bo*co, tb* vond*rftil Orion CnlldraD, John Morrlii, down; MynoOrton and hia poor. Star; Ltixle Parktr, MUa* Ortoo and bla horea*. poolea and don, Chaa. R. Badilera Cafsoua band, Toor Nori>*nr, W. f Joboaoo. Oeo. Erbea, John ll*ri«ln. U. Blvar*. lIomarMcLian. Mat Farkbnrat, Jobo Seany and Fiaok S**ny. W* are uovn In th* alnwbarry eonntiy, and the boya go ainvbarry- lag dally. Tb* Ivo Saerey Broa., aod the thre* Oiton Cblldrao aro prmcUclng a n*» act,vbleb will op«nthe ey**orolder perfonnar*. MllaaOrton la breaking a Dm my bora* for bl* old tin* cairylag act. Nonny and Oonon Ortoo ar* makingwoodarfunlta dally in ibatr doabl* If^w* act. WemboU and aoo. In th*lr poaiur- iBjr aat, an canylog lb* pnbUo by aionn. HfW" *. TUB BUD utasctB, va* pteMutad byhia wfuwith ftteby girt on Hoy 17, at tbolr bom* to rnlla- Jd^la, Pa. GriDaLBuow KoTsa.—Th* tbov eiblblt«d at Raodolpli, N. T., oa May 24. Altar ihopeiforaiftac* waa ended agaog of local booalonu attaoked tb* drcaa people, wbenupon th«n vaa ft cry of "Bay, Rnb*,"anda Bare* and bloody aoooaatareoiuad. Iheboodlama »c*lr*d rauib treat- BMnt, and aoma of ihtn vm n«arly dMul vtaeo Uta moke or baiU* d*and away. On Hay 35 th* «bov people v*n arteaUd, bat th* uiagutrmt* acquitted Uiem on ib* gronod (batUi«j ver*only prol*ctlBgib*IrovD pnporty fton th* attack ofn lawleie mob. PENNSYLVANIA. Plkll»delplils.«Oiil7 thnt of onr tbesties Dov rMnftla open, bet they are doing a T*ry good bual. n*aa, aad ptomlae to pay f«r avlille longer. The Keo* ■Ingtoa opened with 'The Two Orpliana" Monday, S, but boabwaa wu ao bad ibat after Tuiaday nl^i It vaa do- eld*d to do** for (h« **a«oiL BtOAD Snivr THUTmi.—"The Little Tycmnt."** re- Tlaed aad rtvlred ander tbe managament of Nlion A Zlmmeman, la nMUng with' the aueceaa vblch It de- •*rT**. Tb**tage managerand omductor an entitled toalanaabare of prftls* for ih*lr part India coDiPlat*' oaa of tbe Hoduetioo. Olgby BelTa topical aoog, "What Iteold tbe Poor Man Dor*H«aa to bar* mad* quit* a hit Tni Buotr.—Tbe bill thUv**k Indude* John 0. Bice, aailatfd by Ballle Cohen, LUUe W«rt*m, Putmm, Nolun and MlllHe, Edtert and Bert Cbarle* Caae, Ootham City Ouait«ti~paoway and Lalniu, Brrtnt aod HaTlll*, Flora nrk*r, Tonak and Steal*, tho CouniL Want aod Brown, Napl*raadMftiuU<<,andTuin*r and BoDoat. With the perfect cooling apparatua In operation the ttaeatra I* alwaya eoofortftbie, and It baabaoome a popular Bum- oi*r nlgbt'areaort. 1^ v*ek'a perfbrmancei were air t*od*d by crowd*. LYoani.—Tb* WbIt* Crook Burleaqu* Company pto- *ld* entertalsment tbla waek for the nany oationi of Managtr Jarmon'a popoUr boua*. Tbe auditorium i* k«pi»ol and eourortable aod bnaloaa* la*t w**k vaa aMiMlld. Nom.—B*an*tto and Oannoii, contortion lata, dl*- M>lT*d panaanblp at tho cloa* or their *nng«B*olat th* BLjott laat WMk. B*n**tto vlU b*r»alwr periorm ftlona, and Oanoon laarea the profeaaloo Aaa M. Bt**l, Cafta*rly a nawspaptr man of thli city, and who played laat aaaioo at tli* Olmtd Avenue, under th* name oflftbar Baldgb, ti •nnnd for Craetoo Clarli*'* Com- paoyoait ••aion Wfthar Damroadi vaa hen laat v**lu amogtog for a aaaaon of OennftO optn at lb* Acadany neat muon A cone*rt and gynoutlo *x- bibltlon will be glT*a nt the Cbeatnnt BUMt Open Uoaaa, U; br iha- vntTanlif OIm and BaiOo Claba and tbeOymaanlo Team .the FooUIgbt Drafflntlo Club Modaoed "The Bongb Diamond" and **Amoog the Breakan" at tlie Broad Street Dnvlog Room i. A mualcal nod lltaniy entertainment, under Ihe dIreeUoo of Mra. Oeorgo U. Miller, vUl be oItm at the Parktbaairalt Aooapaoy oi amaieora, beaded by tfM well known aioataur actreaa, Katharine Fornat, plajr **ni* Lot* Chaa*" at th* Cbeatout Btreet Opera Uouaa 17. Lincoln Park baa dtllj concert* and nlahtly dre- vork* dlntftfa At Waahlngton Pnrk ih* whiteOr ch««txa, dLreciad hf Nelll* B. Cbtndler, gUea ddly con- carta Cermaola Park ha* dally eoncartaand raude- TllleeoUrtalamentB. For the pmaeut we^kCarllnaud 01ark,tbearlflM«,iheFr«|Haaand La Petli* Ediih ap- paar lb* ateamer Barau atartad Batordiay a(l*r- noon w bar lint trip to tka Flahing Bank* .Tit* Be- public tnakea bar flnt tripoeit Honaay Concertaan given dally at MIoemf Sprlni* Park Tbe On*- UT Ulnrten'* Open CompMiy opan a Bnmmer a*aaoo of grand OMtm at lb* Onnd Op*rft Houa* 17. MaayofUrton farorltaaareln lbecompaoy-41nllle, D«l "'-'--^na, Eranold, nemlng, Van QanUnn, il Papa. Tb* repertory ror the fint week Many of Ihe old farorttaa Pueol*. Hlcbelena, Eroi VlTlanTaad Del Papa. T„ ..^ Indude* *TroTaton." **Cann*n," "Uugneoola," "Fkuatt" "Mlgnon"and "BarDerofSerllU." Bualnaaa Manager B P. flUnpaoo la lo Hav York O. U. Bouthwall, Ute of the Empfra,l* irtaaunrof Black America at Ambroae Park, BrooUyo. N. Y Wu. J. FleklloR la oov In Nev York, r*cov*r*n la hidth U. B. BMbar. of tb* UoUl ABuaament Dlr*ciory, of Phlladalphla, haa caoiurad forty - tvo hotels In Ntw York, and nov rtirnlabea a dally calendar ol lorormatlon, lodadlog roof ■anlaaa. Black Anarlca, Maobatian Baadi. etc John McDooougb fell fron bla bkyde while riding In tbe park and dialooalad bU abouMer blade Loola Flelab* maoaodOeoTioL AUIaoQ vll) bare charge of the boi oOoeatthe Walnnt Mat aaaano Eoill AnkarmlUar haa filled In tweniy v*eki of John OrifllUi'a "Faou" lime for neat aaaaoa. 0«oice D. B*k*r, of thia city, la In th* caat John A. FonpMKb, th* well known proprietor and manager of Fonpoa|ti** Tbaaln, diad Pnday, 7, at bla bom*. In th Uclty. PIUaban^-Nerertwfore In tbe hlatorr o( our bargb wan alTour placet of aaoaament doaed to *arly aatMyhanbMOthla jaar. Tb*nla bat lltlls iwv*Ln th* vlId«m«Bsor local abovdom ProprietorCliarlaa L. Davli, ofibe Alvin Theatre, la abaent on bla annud Bummer loor Uiraogh Borope Uarria' NIekl* Plat* Bbovaantoeabtbllbere afaortly llarry Talker, of Harry WUllama' Acadftmy of Moalc, vlll apaod bla Sun- mar vacailoQ enaplDg oat up ibe llleglieny BlTer, near ■Ittanlag. CALIFORNIA. Lm AagolM.—Lot AngelH Tbeatre—"Tbe American Olrl" dnv Uihtly Hay »90. BnaAgKTaBAru.-*TbeR4d8plder"dld fairly week ending JoMl. '*Cftpt. Beme, U.B. A.." Jooe»-8. OaritDM.—^ JuM a waa uaaly aat, ai*. _ .— oir bl pfttioaag*. Poodo opening 3 an: Will If. Poi^ Merer CobenToeo. PeKa. John Cain. Mona^Wltartaa. HoUoraniOoodana aad Ida, Perry andTenbrookf. A eomady by T. J. Nawn, totliJad "An Irlib Buw." with Mr. aod Hn^ Htwn, Haitio Xawa aad Lillian Pony aa paillcl- paata, la al«o loctaded la the MIL NOtB.-W. W. Oonnni, ireonTW ol tha Loe AogtUa Tbeobe, waanaarrM MayB toJeaal* A. Pndibau, noo prof—Ion tL NEBRASKA. itDM.—TbablU pet Up at tbla bonaaw*ek ending I waa Mt up to tba ttaodard of rii^llanee prerl* iat,aodftaaraaolithan waa ft ootlnabia tailing OmsKK^nw poofMt Ui«Atrtcal kmod tlut Omaha haa ever eeen la doead. It can b* inthfally aald, bowanr, thai th* ontlook for ih* coming aaaaon la vary Sattarlng at proaint. Boirfi**TgUTU.—Abnrleaqaeof "Romenand Jollei" wlU bepreaaotad by Kicnl tal*at Jane IK, ondar thedltve- tlon lod fortbe benelt or J. Edgar Owaoa. A oooeort Car tbe boeoBi of the flu«e Employee' Union wfU be gireo lA. Tmy&thertallnl^ludagoedboajag. , ^ h*aa*iai*d th* Ia BarM^tlfbt rov* valkon, and Prof. MAS SACHUSE TTS, Boalsm.-iHie BoatoD TbMtr* lockod Its doon od Bainrday araolag, Jon* 8, winding np lt« aeawa vlih Trilby," which haa had ft ramarkabO' aucoeaafbl run. Nov, and preannablr only for a abort tima, w* hni* but thn* rtgaUr and four popular price hooaca ip*o,the flm daaa eo*a being the Caal]* Bquan,Tnmoai and Bowdolo Bquan Tbaatna, and lb* **tow*r Ato" b*ing K*ltb'a,ihe Palace, Anatln A Btaae'* Haaeum aad ih* Lyraom Thaatrt. ThaaoxTTiKiYRB.—*'nMephloa"liafleapiar«l Boaion, and ouraubarUn nalghboraaa wdl,aud eTeryperfonii. anceorwillHrovneand Lev Tbompoon'ecomic open la well atuodad. Paol W«4t, Hr. Aakln'a bualnaaa aaeut, auiaa that bualnaaa haa b««o fkr beyood aapecUllona, and Iniiaait of runolog only thr** or lour watka they vuuld "hold lb* forfJuriOK iheoeKtali vaek^ al l«a«l. Thtydnd It la "a good ihln(,"ftnd lhayftn *1>uriilti2lt aloog" withann. BowDOiif 6QV.&HH Tiitani.—Prof, and Hra. Bamrl BaUvIo an atlU boldlog forth at Hanager AUlloaoo'a houa*, vbsr*. doting laat WMb, th*y dnv big houava ovary night, than bslnx no matlneea. They noialo a couDMufwtabamura, It laundanuood, and a wMk taur Ih* Bovdolo wiU cloB* for th* »aaoa. emu 8qi;aRa Tnnarni.—Thai old fkmlllar op«rm, '"Olrodo-airoaa." la booked for production at the CWtU* Bquan week of 10. Like each of the light opeiMthua far glfen by Manaiter Hoa*. It vlll be well atand, and will be pr»i*oi«d by a capable company. **Fn DIaTolo" run ihrouih laat wMk to n succvaalon uf do* bouaaa, and foTn*itw««k w* an to har* another llaht opera fhHii Hananr Hon*'* npertory. For thIa pnducilon of '-fllrooe-OlrolU" Hr. R«a« baa engaged four nreclalty peopl* rtobi M*v York, Tu.: Th*Tlirw* Ywacarry Broa., ftcrobata,and AnnaHulta. XiiTU'A Naw TuuTHi.—Buatnom here oooUnuaa good. Fm* aitncilona. a cool and eomrtirtable houa* and ooor. taoD* attendance at d) l(in*a an aora tomakathla model houa*afarorlterwaoH rrum liioopeoinx 10 A.M., until iweira boon laUr. For wa*k of lOtha booklnga aro tha Rowov BrotL. Kno Bartoldl, U«o. W. Wood. Tom Uniwa*, Chaa. P. McCarthr wllh Crlotmloa aod Oon. HcArnr and Har (atconil w«*k), Rran aod Rlcliflvld (aec- und w*«k). Ward and Curnn (aacood weak), Adala Purvia Oarl, John aod Nelly Healr, Aool* WhItMy, Pnnk La- tona, Cook* aod ClfDloa, uia Ediauiu, Dehuvn aod Wll- ■oo. aod R. II. Hohr. PiucK Ut'uuM.—Willi an «l*ctr:e cooling phot and tvalv* lant* fan* eoaaUndy nrolvlng Manafer Auad* make* hli hoaaea decld«dlr oomforfabl* aooi lo paaa avay a f*v boon (n. For th* currant v**i Hanagrr Auaiin adr«rtla*« acntlouailooof that very laoghabl* local *ilnra|ftOEa, ''Oa tbe HUway," which made uulie a hit taBtve«k,alaoa«poelally dlrertlMemeot lowtildi appear Qua Hilla, He Aroy aod Buirara, Dollr Brooka, Crow, lay and Foley, uia Ja|4ne*e Halden, KamochI: iheHao- ae^h BroL, llaator BnwnIng, tbe youof baritone; Ih* Palace Tbeatn Trio, NeiUa and Phil PaUra, and Bttle Al- bion and a ImIUL AtwriK AND STD!tt*3 MfSKva.—Pataay Bmonlgaa'i "Karry P*lr," d*plclJDK redlatlo acanei at ft counttr f«lr In old Inland, haa pmeu a qotaI and catchy attne Uoo In tb* big l*ctun hall of thU naort. It win b« con- tinued anolbar weak, and on tbe atag* will b* aeeu tvo conipanlaa, la hourly ahowa, aa toUow: Co. No. 1— Waalibun SUtara, Dllka and Wade, ihe Anderaona, H& Quire aodTltorntoB, llany Bmeraoo, Qlnrd and Tboiup- MUi, Haggla BeoMtL Billy Maok, Uie Burdett BnthenL Co. Nu73-«olllDwood and Wny. Mar UwU. J. W. Har- rington, the Blaun Rftjmond, Ned w**t, AloaUy aod Klngatoy, Uia Kerroa, Knu Bond, Bo** aod Lllll* Blaoch- ard. Ltoiuh TgEiTH.—For v*«k of 10 Manager Baichellar advcrtlaaa Trilbv'a Baby Comedy aod Vaudevlll* Co., Big 8p«cialtl*a, lodudlng Om*n*t vho will appear lo tlie lalaatTaudeTllle fkd, "Trilby'a Baby." Bualnaaa at thIa boua* haa b**o fdrly good aioco Mr. Batcballer amumad oontraU yet It baa not nelly be*n aa proOtable aa tha location ol the tbeatn aod the claaa of atlne- tlona would varranL Mr. Batcbeller, bovenr, la bMkIng fbrvard hopafully to neii aaaaon. whan he aotlclpftioia heavy loflui ol patnoaae, aod will pnaent th* belt atiractlona obtaloabl* In hIa lln*. Bi;rpaLO BiLL'tWuiraTaifm-iloo. Wm. P. Cody lain tovnvtth hla oggregatloD orvlilioiootcovervdattrae. tloDB. The cartego. vlih all Iw veallh ofgdly clad caT** Hen aod damea, richly capariaooed liorw aod a long line of vagona (ln?luulng Ihe culooalband diarlot), Ih eipectad lo arrive In U>«n Hooday mnraing, and, afUra *bMt panda, will piDC**d direct to lucanplogarouDU nn HuntlBgion Avenue, whom they will remain durlog the tvu veeka bealnnlog 10. NonuL—At Ihe ooaion TlHtatr* a pnllmloanr or Bum- mer aeaaonwill begin Aug. lU^ aiiu will continue until September, vbeo ihe regular neaann will be uMoed wlUi a produrilon of the apvctade, "Buruab," which, Han- ag«r Tomiihloii aajra, will aiOonlkli all beholdani by lla vealth of Kenic boauilaa, Inirif 'a alage nechanlim. nagiilflcaot co*lumei«. martliaa, tkdleu and oiLar »r« caldilog etfrct* The gnod Kouna Band ol dfly in atramentftiUia appeam In a choice pngramue at the Boa tunThialra, evantna of la for one niglilonty Tlia Rlogllng Bro«.' BIgClmit UadrertHed to ahow lien 31 for a w*«k, aod there In very nturp huatlloi batween the pane brigadea ofUiaiaod Uulfahj BlU'aBliow In puttloft ,A apodal parrormano* of'"The Klvala" up paper , ^ will be girao at the Boaion Tbaain on Thuraday altar noon, U. The caat will be the aauie a« Uiat whkh appeared at tha Cnoldock heneOt lo New York, le- ceotly Katie Emmett will praaenl her new play, "AO American Boy," at tlia Bovdoln Biiunre Tlieaire, nail aaaaon Wm. H. Cmae vaa In utvn laat weak. He la In Cne fatUe,and looka hearty aodmggvd Cliaa. McCanliy, who dUa a dot* at KelUi'a New Ttieatre tlila week* Uonaof tb* beat known coniodlana In thIa country, and for Ihepaat flve jeare baa beenavaluabl* m*mberofN*d llarrJgan'*company. Tog«ib*rwItlil}ao Crlmmlna, KOMaOon aod a atroog company ke wlllpn. •eottbeainrkling c»DMdy, "Too Huch for the Family." ... .Stag* Hananr Wtu. Seymour, of iheTremont TlieaUe, haa Alltad vlthliia family to th*lr Summer home In Ihii< bnry It I* atated upon truuworthy authority that the BoMionlan* have engagM Prank Perler aa ihelr manager lorneitaeaaon Ciiaa. W. Arnold, lalo pret* agent of 111* Unod Opera UouB*.aiKl David FiliglbbMia, planlrt at Kelth'a neatre, hare nnanged wlUi White, Smith A Co. lopubllah th«lr Joint mualcal producllooi aoon Manager Ooo. K LoiliTop baa loU talaPawtuekalamuae- ment reaort, honvo aa ''Idihnp'a Open Houie," to B&iii. aelSandium, ofthat diy. Tbe houae will beooened lo Septenber. and will be run exdualvely aa a couiuluilon theatre, with Wm. 0. Chaae aa manager. TaantAB^Attlie NewTliMtre De Wolf Boppor, In "Dr. Syntfti." earn* Juno 8, lo fair bualoea* ThU waa th* laat atincilon of the aeaaon Hanaaar liar- ringtoo wIlL daring tho Suuiaer, bo at bla Roclcy Point BacuTtlon Orounda. Provldeoce RIvar Then la a powlUllty that Hoale lldl will again be opeoed lor the- atrlcala. Company F, of our Stat* Hlllila, hai b**a tulog Il aa an aimorr th* paat year, bat lhay are not aallaSad. Hr. Whit*, tb* ovD*r and naoagar for many yian, vonM Ilk* to mora to tb* bualnaaa. LowoU^At tti6 Likovlew Tlustn ihe OUbert Open Oonpftoy bare given a very aatlafaciory nndarlng or*>IolanUie" lor the week eadloa 8 to amdl houaw on account of Indlffiiani v*ath*r. "Cblmaa or Nonnaady" la to be pnaented ID, for week Waabbum Olrcua came S to good hualneu Singling Broa.* CIrcuacamea 15, and Butfalo BlU WIU WeMBhow Jnly I, X I«yHB.^nte WaAbbQm drcog unie Juoe 7, and did ftbig bualneaa ftt both perfumiaaeaa The Lynn Tbeatn vlll open Aug. U with "The Dealer." n il MISSOURI . St. liOaU^Lut wMk'a biulnen gt llnfllti^B contlnoooa ahov vaaonly fair. Porw*«kef Jun*10ibe apeclalty people an Kitty Olaytoo, B«rt Hovard aod Laona Bland, til* American Se^*oade^^ Scott lAwrenco and Jomph P. llorlU. Th* drama thla vaek la "The Uold«n niant HIne." Ntii v*ek,'Th*Ranaway WIf*" vlllbe prtMlnced. UURtu'H Cavi.— Laat week, vhlch waa die llrat of Uie fluiiimer aoaaon, waa a niccoaafbl on*, Manag*r Mc- Neary'anleodld compaqy being given dueappndallon. Thla weak Ih* open la "Ttie Ohiraaa of Normandy." UxioH TRCar KoorOAMoiXAVoCAerNo.—Thla votk'a vaudevlU* peoN* an George H. Adama, PonI and Fnncia, Ihe HMglof a, Oeorge Helvlll*, Lincoln BIwood, Daald Maaon, Bntban La Boa* uid Hay Watib. TiiaacirAU.—Budoeadooailoaefl good. People for tbla, tha fourth week, are Bryant aad BIchmood. Uie BaTooa. Dafton and Deagl*. Alice Uaneoa. tbe Bu Clalrea, Ray Vemoo,iheLucll«n, AmInI and Wagner, end Inat wMkofHelrllle. ^ ^ . Wiann OikDur lan Coyoaar Can.—Llale Arnold. Babr Bath, Urece llanmaa. Deo and Con Cooler. Belle Pattanion.Hlllle Hail*. Marie Bmni, May, Prml Wllaon aod John Smith. OlH THaania.—Dave McCord. Adolph Ooniallax. Ed. Ilnrlay, AimTIITey, Mar Byron, Cariloa, vocallal; Ethel Oray, lUtiledoidooftod Oiailei Orady. AuiAMHiu PiLacB.—AnaroMweak'aeloee tbla variety houM leupAoeJ arterocwn efHvlihaneve»mpany,uiidar Uie atftite direction of Frank L. Oar. UOMir.—Ardil* Boyd baa algoad* contract with llarry Hln*r topreMt'^Bion Acre*''n*at aaaaon, opening al ai Kochealar, N. Y., MitSeptembar. Mr. Boyd la reatlna In Bl Ukali Ihl* luuimar The Wonderland Hoaee aod Family Tlieatneloaad8 for ili* aeaaon Theflu- bUTbaa,an**oat oldoor variety ahov. la doing walLTb* naort la at iLe larmlnaa of U>e Suburwi Bleetric Line. Kmum* Cltj^At Ooatn' Op«n llooM Ibe Kemper Rtuek Co.prodacad "Oanr* Uat veah lo audl- •n«aa vhlch van a dacldaJ lmpioT*m*nl over lb* pr*- vieaawMh'aproduction. Great pnlaaladne Mr. lera- per lor tba dater vay lo vhlch b« handUa Block acaearr. Hla atajfa Mltlnn an n fafttnn of the porform- anna. A niofaU of reaTvater ocean In tbe arm act. TbepUy wai dacMadly tbe beat yat pot on, Albefla Oal. Iftlin. Jaa. g. Uackalt aod Bairy Johnatone pftrtleolarly dlatlngnlahlng tbamielrea. ThU v*ok ft nvlvd of "Unci* Tom'a Cftbln" vlU b* puten, vltb apodal acaolo *'uui(oOraaaHoi'aa.—Tbe local Blka gave ft mloairal ibow 1 to ao andluw* which lammed the boom. The pertormaooe waa noder the alrecUoa of Wm. Baakell, end ecored an Immanae aacceea. Tbe Bpeeialty hit waa madebv Jaanlnavand Macfa*tt*. AiJOiTonitrn.—Vmy*, tb* rlollnlat, gave a coocart to a "^un^&niQCi-—Mabel WaUace. Vemoo aod Duffy, Mloa Clinoo,Toa Par. Billy llan, llany Boklaw, Uop- D*r ftsd Start form ibia w**k*h bllL MovgLTTTgaATiia.—Tho p*opl* tbltw**kan: Addle Meltoae, Harphy, Bryue aad Hlascb.tb* RuaaeNa, Tom Plnntaao. Maan*th>rdoo. PAiuiotiirk raai.-Tb« boftatlfkl llttl* Andltoriamai th* D*rk vaa opanad Jaa* I. ty a compoay b«ad*d by tieori* Paitoe. 'o "Tbe Hlkah^'^wd good f^rfwmuttm oribeiuMlelep*fnv*nBlr*n. Tbla v*ab. *;OUv«it«." Tba BooDi* afeOaorge ratten, Hlaem Adama, Ira ■SUrMa^ihw A^ Bella Jacbwa, 1. B. Bradley, S£l!o?n1b VSofDrUe*/. llagoOettor, PblNIp Wal aea aod Haa Kns**r, director of orcbaotra. WijiiRiiro}* I'AiB.—Laat week Bevina Sliaeffar. Ihe jogiger, ddlgbtad lam enwda. Thla week, Badl Al- TaooarPAnK.-Tb* MandwaBlatem come for a weak, baglnntog it. CLirriRixtM.~L*ah Wooll. a young amateur of iblarlly, mad* h«r llr^t prufnaUMMl api^arancaai tli* Aodliorlum A aod played tk* l*ailiag rol* lo a on* act play, *Dw**l Will." MlH WooU eave a good perfnrmann ami the nreatoat pniia U due har Manager lluilaon ntuined nom Nov York 4 Will J. Domlna, ol Cartar**'Tor nedo" Co., haa nalnad for next aaaaon Battle Arrlior nturnad fVem Kav York laat veek.vhan ahe had been attending the NallonaM>tna«mtnry of Hualo, prepan- tarr lo entering Iho itrorallo SaM. Hha apeaia In the blghaat terma of tba cooaerratory and will return there nail aaaaon Hanager Judah, of the llnnd.acrnm. panled by Mr*. Judah awldaughtar, lea\e forth* Hart lU, lura thieamootha* trip. Wiu. Wamn, •»aaiinr ol the Cnaltik will aecomnnr tb*m aa far aa New York I^alng Knvan, ol Ine Kemper Btoch. haa recuvrred from the Injury lu her arm. oHig ClBilBBBtlv—A cold mre air«|>t ov«r UiU part of IhacAUDtrr.tnO thaool ofiloor r«»ni h.t. ■alT.r.d accordliiRljr. Xoht A MUtdktM'f Mununi and th, cnn- cart balU pIchMl up a bit Id biulasM, and (lioia i^kcaa «lu kM? opvoavhll* loDmr. Tib Zoo II aMtliar oat or iloorroMrt lo Ibll iDliDaaod mab« a bhi far iiubllo palrooaira, b7 olTfriov pooi, "turn." lo addllloD lo loairuidaDlal lua.le. Pnr. Womi wood'. aUacatnl doia aod luimk.jr. aod tha Blioa tTllr Quartet aiB Ih. Daw attnctloaa. Kli.1 HaiLuiaat Band f vary floDdajr altartiuoB. TUB LaoooH,—Til. D«v racMbero an: Ttia HaUoo Rla- tara, llaltla HImo and lonoa' Band, In tba aftactaola of "Waraad I'aaca." Htaolar. tbabrld|«Juuip*r, l.boulinl Ibaro for tha Drar futur*. KoHLAMioDLmN'a—Tho bill fur tbawoab iDclud.a: John T. Ilaoaoo, YaobM coliKdlao; May Rua.aU, TuralUl; Wm Bhaar. ulCH vliillaUt; tha JaoMO.,duatI.u: Madjia Macb. fmtaftiao; IItJdk nurblo i.latuaii, aail (-rollua- Comadf Comittny Id anan'iecaii. Id tba ciirluhallikTlis a babtjooD, and Jubn LlttloJobD. tlia Kaittucky aoNiir.—John Lowlaw, tha cIovd, who bai tahaa out an "U. T. C" Qoder caava^ writo. tiach that ha la duloit wall Kajr, Ihe daocar, cania Dear uieatlof witli a Mrtuui anlilHit at the Birnw llutel Krhlay Dlsbl. A wladow conain eaaght dr* aod Id atieniptloi lo eilln* ■ulab II the.lMTo.of tier drau were Ml ailre. Her liua- band, John K CarrulL cane lo Ju.l lo tloia In pn..nt aarlou. lojurln. llarry Voal 1. "kevploR tab''no the people who vblt the LaKOOD Harry June, la -In tha Iai^' at CtfBf I.laad Will llech, niaoaitar el the Zoo. la aim rely lame from the elfMt. of a liadly .prahied DDkle, but la Ible lo atteod tw hla oinca dutlaa. Clevalaad—Detirixt Ui« end uf on« and Um bellunloiior Ihe next aaaioD thora liDolDiueb toctaroo* Icio of tba dolnjia Id the world theatneal. BVCtIO ATINUB OriHA llouta —-Hio raailDir Hliow" wouDd up the aaaMM of IHM-A June M. BoatneM waa Diederala. nl. waa Uie Ihlnl euRairemaDtof tlil. cont- Bny durloff the aeaaon. There wore liot few rhauiea lo » pemoDoelor the company, aod theiienelal wuia waa aa Ihorooghlr enjoyed aa when tiral preaeolad. Tlieliouro 1. now eloaad and will open up Auk. 0. Uaoeiml repair, and orerbaollOK will uko place. The main cbanKe which la pioniiaed la a new drop corulD, which I. now lieloi paiDlad Id Niw Verb. Lyoium TlHAnic.-AM predicted lo laat week', letter, tha Auarlcao Opera Co. cluaed their aeaaon prematurely, June I. Tliedrawlnit power, of tha cuoipaoy weie Dot auOleleDt lo wanmnl conllnuaoco ilurloK week of s, a. bookkl. Baldwin k YouDK'at^imedy Co., lULConiiueocoao Indeflalto Maaon ercnntliiuoua p.rfonnaBc<a. CuivBLiNe Thutul— Cloaed for Uie aaaaoo. HaiTMoBTU'udiHPBH.—Ibl.puiiuIaraniuMineDtreMirt win boopaowl for IJio Summer lu,by tha Hunmy-Laue Opera Comtuy, with MaituD laauola prima duona. "cloTeT" la Ue iipora lo bw proMOtad. Ittwuti BiAcu fAHK.—Thla Dew placa of aiuuaement will open fortlie Drmt tliiM li. Two aiaanienk DuluUi and Buperlor, which piled Lake HIclilKaodurluK Uie World', fair, have l«en aeeured, and_wlll run betweeu t'LvaUnd and the Park every hour. Tliey are now on way arouod Uio lake, beaded for IIiIn city. The luwa Htate Band la booked fur weekjf of S and July 7. The onicera are A. B. Tfcoiiipeoo, Banenal maiiajt.r; Jnii. Klyon, hc- lelanrand traaaurwr, and vhaa.!.*. Ktumiii. foniterlyufUie Blar Theatre, aarmllttwd and pre<Mi.aent. Ctiu.—"l^iDcJi" Wheolerwaa in Uie city paat week In the lotareau oflila Bummer attraction. Tlie Kallonal Alllaiicw ofSUiieMlclianlcaand T.M. A'aaroarntniiloit lor an Imraanao Hummer picnic "Bob" MancheMter I. buay "makinB Balden" .1 hi. buiiie In Palueavllle, and waa In Uia city iwrt of neat week W. H. Hiuiimi, tfwanrer of Uie Lyceum, Mil for llllwaukeeB, l^ijnln the American Opara Oo. an iraaRurer yranh Martin, critic and literary editor uf 7lir. flrrrlanit i'ialn Ikntrr, I. enmHad oB a play lor a well knnwn American .tar. wm. R. llatcli la home, reatloit. Tlie nillllary tounuineni of the Clevelasd Troo|i, M, waa a oompleto aueceaa and well alundo<l H.muerile tVuertr, vio. UnUt, la home wllh J. U. JtiKkefeller and family, after a aaaaon or playlnR In New Vork Joaepli Krank, for- merly manager of II. ft. Jaiaba'Theatre, of Uili city, wa. her* peal weak, renewloH okl aciiualutancan. Toledo,—At (be Teopld'a UbvIb' "U. T. L'." Co. played to fair bu.laoaa week cloalngd. Mabel Eaton and EdwlD Hall opvD fbr week of 10, playln. "AHcrapuf rapar" and "Wie'a Uie But Man." DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WaalaiMgfoa^Tlie HecoDd weoK of Ibe HuDt- nier comedy aaaaon by the Natlnaal Ttieatre fltock waa like lu predeceaMur. Huc«ea.ful lu every way. "An Awful Affair," by L'liarle. H. Pavcett, a three act coiueity, iirliil. Dally produced under Uie name of "A Trasedy," waa re' celred wltk Incaaaant Uoiiht»r and c.inae<iueDt ullara«. tlon. Frederic Bond and courany eoniplelad t'ealilh week of Ibelr Bummer ennaBenienl at Allen'. Uraod Operm lluaM ui unlfurmly eacellrnt bualneaa. A curtain rmlaer, "Jack white'. Trial," a dram.lle In. dent In one now, |«rad Uie way for "My WIfe'a Mother," a three eel larclcal comedy, liirniarly known "Cleft eilcka," which waa Uioroiiglily rojoyable well played. Blanche Walah made her lolllal ap. peaianco with Mr. Bond*. Company and wa. moat liean. llr welcour.1. Inola' Band irave two maUnee and two Dliht penomiaiiceB, June e. 7, al Cunvanuon lfall,aDd, white Uie programue proMnlad wa. Aral clan In every reapeot, the patranage waa very ligbL Kd. Y. Uoeair. "wolta Cfook" Eilravagauaa Co., at Keman'a Lyceum Tbeaue, preeentad a prime bill nf up to date atwlaltiaa logood nealnwa. A Mrleaofboilng bouuaflpplemented Uio regular pngramme RAfurr'a NanoirAL Thiathi.— National Block Co.. Uilnl weak. "Matrled In Uaala" IB-It, "Our Keglmeuf' i7-a. AUR.-Va URANo llfgRA lloi*eii. — flarenUi week of Fredrrlo Buud'a Company. A cunaln ralMr. "Koiueu'a First Lore" and "My Awful Bed" IB-It, "American TllKATUI.—A Mriea of boillic lujuta, Inlarepenrd wltliHOeclalllw. Ill Ihe Huuiliier geid.n 10-15. NuTlu.-tillaa Shine and Lavimla Kliannuo. Mrc Klilne, bavlua cleaad th. eeaMjn wlUi "nn War uf WulUi" anu 'Tlie alrl I Leu Behind Me." reapecilvely. have returuwl to their bolue In WaalilOMiun fur their Humiiier'a real. Lmle Macllleliul the Flora McUimahl of "H.ib Roy," laat her home on l^aplud lllll AIMrl Middle baa re^aegaged wlUi Uouoelly and tllrard aa bu.luaaa managerand l.apendlnahlaabon vacation at tbehuiiia ofhUIatber, lion. A. (I. Hkldle JompIi Wbaeluck Br. la a Wartlngtun vlaiior thla week. llecainetoMe how Joaeidi Jr. la doing In Uie Nathtual HtJ^k Co K.r. naD'a Lrtaum Tbaalra cloM. fur a few week. It. llr.nt Farlidi liavlDg made Uie nnalllve atatamenl that ho liail algnod logo lo advance'iftlroatonClark na.l Maaon. aa atalod In iny laat week', letter. Bow Infunita nie Uial Uia Item wa« Incorrect. In what particular ha duea not aay. COLORAOa DeBvor,—At tbe 'Hilior (Irmod Uperg IIdum, week ol June t, "Tlie Old Ifoiiiealaad" idayed lo gMd booaea. CUKTIfSrRKKT TllBAfHK.—Ttie Bpoooera gave "IfaUl- leen Maroumaen" and "Inoa" to good audleoeea during Uie weak ending 9. BUTCH Oanouca.—Thla reMn opened lu Bala* In Uie public 00 a. Tha people: Worth and Mandtall. Cralidell aod Clark, Aruao, Oereeda, Jeruiiie and Alolla, Ford and lAwla, Omgao and Band, aod TefL MaBllATTaM BBACU Tlia Manhatlan Beadi Block Co. gave "Beuf" lo good houaaa week ending 1. kosdvlllw_AC Weilao Owrm Ilouie "tlnde- nUa"wl)lbaglren JuDoTby bxaj ulenL John llrlinUi, Id "Faoat," cimaaB. UOLUBJilTU'B Mabcutt.— Laat waak'a pe.jplo remain BangenU Uia munlerer of Jake OoUamlUi, wa. (unod guilty of voluntary manalaJighler aod aaolenced lo olght yMTB In the penluollary. Paeblot—At the Unod Heniriow'B Jnllir pBtli- Oodera arw announced rurlhreenlgliU.Juhee.7and I. Other bonking, fur the month are nut given an far. CoLl'NBIA.~Ttila houBo will remain dark for an lodef- Inlu period,oral Uaatpandlnf new arraogameDta now under way. llANUB'aftTJ.ebAHD—Tlia apeclaltlea for week of Jena 3 tnclode Uio Cliappela, Ullle Howe, Ihe i:ovoe Briil., and the oM atoeh euaipaoyf made up of Uia Hlone bma, May eaXtXi. Oertle Flyao, Uertle MIotun aod UaJay Do Avr*. Bualnaaa la fair. NOTB.—Mall CurUa, lauir employed at tha Hundanl, aad vho Bbot and hilled nia wife, a wine room alrl at tho lanie place, will be tried for manler In Ihe praaenl torn of tha DIaulcl l^unn, the ulal being aat for June 10. KENTUCKY. Loalavlllor—Al Uie New UeiD TticBire Ibe Dew lacae lor weak of June U an Madge Mack, l.'harUy Fa], mar, UUIa Ferry, LIUIe Raymond, Nellie Parker, Mable rarkar. Hart aod Dolaa,Mlke Hliford aod tbe regular aloek. Bnalaeaa la good. ~ fBOlT THiArBB.—Tlie people booked laat week alneviei bold ererlhwcurveot week. Bualnevieguod. At-BkBT BCBLICHT, knowo prolaaalonaTlir aa Al. Bell- mao, lad Louie Moore, tomerlr with Ifoyt'a"A Black I Bi aep," werw married at Ihe lllgbland Trinity UiurthB. Tba brtde aod groom bad beeo aaarrtod by amag- utralalaCblaago, lU.,aad Iheeeeund niarvlaga waa per- r ii.Ma d al the reqooet of tho brMe'a mother, ■otbpartlae with the Ward aod Tohaa t:oA|«ay for the NEW YORK CITY. ■aUt Vrook'! KTaBtB.—AllhOUfh Ihe BBBBOD has Closed, Iberti «Bs DO lack of lnlei«alln(,«reDU doilDf thepoai week. Ttine new woTke were pra- dueed ben tor U» dnt lime upon koj tU|«, two vl ttnm li«TlDg i>e«a poi ob (or % Buntner mn, while (lie other wbb itton otil; • liUl week. Id sddliloD to meee veolurea two playB had Iheir llnil imlnpol- lUO ptMDiBIIOOB, Btvl U KBgllah BCIKBS JBDOI Aohiirob, ivMiietl a theatre (or odb wl^ek oDiy, and Boiighl for JudftDTDt u|nn her work, that aba might thetvhj eMIiuate ber cbaoree (or bucc«m BhouMBbe elect to Diake • (our of thla coddIit next Beason. None of tbcae evenlB wen of nirat Importaoco, but they eDllrened Ihe week aad rtnUhed a wide nDRe of eaicitalBDWDt. A cool wave teacheit ibta clijr at Ibe liegtnBlBg o( Ihe week and llDgtrcil lo Ibe dote Ibeieof, ami bualiMwat nioBl o( Ihe llieairrB waa conaenitonily giiod, Uio Btiractlorui Ihua (ar pm. Tided for Ihe Summer iiionlhn have, wllh one f.\. cepUon, met with popular approval and RtTe pmin. l<eo( Bucteaa Thocvnilnued aUiacllmiB (nr lite week ODdliig Jiim > wcie: "TboTllRane" al Abbby'h. "A HauRbier of Ihe RaviilDlloD" at Ihe Uroaiiwat, ■'T>lll>}"at Iho llABUBiaDd"IIatulelll"at Ihe IIbb. ALII S<)iiAfUl..lhe one laat named rbislDii tiiwn lhat dale The one week alanda oloaing June 8 worr: "Uigan'i Ijick" al iho imn-Ca, Hn. I'oiier and Kjrie Ucllew al Ibe Obanii OrgRA llot'iig, "The Two PlatR" atTUNV pAHttiM'B and "Tbe Two Orpluna" at Ihe Coi.PMBlv, each of tho oliove hooHca having cloaed lliKoannnnB thal.lato VBrielyenlonaln' litem WBi (iimMird al KihtbhA IIiai.'b, Iho Uniuk B<)i-Aii(, rROCTDH'it, Ibe IxniwiN and Ibe Cknthal OrBBA lloi'Bi, Ibe teadlar teania al Ihe Hni luunni reanrt having rlaeed June 8, liut wliliout lnlrmt|i Uunof biiBlnciH,whlcli will coDilDue througboul tbe ■caann In thenwf garden of the houne... .The annual moellnn or Ihe Actnn' Fund of America wbb held upon the muniltiK of June 4, al llovT'a Tukatkb. niB wu tbe HnN meeilnn under lu amendtd charter, and for Ihe Or*t llnie In Ibe hUitoi; of the organlzBllon eveir alockhohler who dealreil waa pennllted lo fote for Iho omcor*. There wan linl one llctet In Ibe Held, however, and tbe (olluwini onirers won declrd: lYealdont, Allien M. I*»lntcri OfBl vl<» prCBldcul, l.nula Aldrloh; Beconil vice pml- deni, Kdwln Knowlca; Beonlarr, lianlol Kiubnian; tniateea-AntonIo VtUOT, lleniT 0. Miner, WlllUra K. SIDD, J. Vr. BhannoD, UhaileB Knhnian, J. Wraley Roeeaqneat, UtrrluD arer Hake, llarlejr Hciry, Al. Ilajitutn, Knnk W. BanKer, Kugene Toinpklna, lie Wolf Hopper, Wlllhim II. Crane, T. ilenry Krenoh, HiltonNoblesindAugtiiluBPllou. PfeRldenlfaltner pieaenled hla annual lepoil, which ahowcil that la.oeo wae ipeul lu aaUailng t'J4 penuiia dur- InK Ibe paat year. The treaaurer'a ropnrt •howod Ibe liilBl aaaealB lo be %m,\tl.», and Ihe rccclplB arnllable (or current eipenMM, |33,IIM.4«, divided BB (iillow: Clljr apimiptla- tlon, lll.iUO; Inloreat uu Inrealnienia, (ti,lll.l3; ■en cool lag, t£,;'Jd.3i; liotieatB, t\,OHM\ mnia col- leclcil, t'J,liU.I3; niouilienlilpH, tl.3J8; iiiunoy re- rundod, tBItf.ei, and donalluna, CiKi.U). The Inlal egpendllureri of the 7i«r were |ai,u]|,BH, or (h,oau III excaa of the recelpl*. Hr. I'almer alaloit Ibat during lllll Tear Iho oxpcrltiMiil would lie Irluil of ■ending a pracilrallliealrtial nun lo Inavel Ibniiigli the countrr and arrange Iwiiedl prrforinancM lit Bid ol the fuud, Tho newly elci'led B<»nl nt TnintccH mot 9 aud ioleclud an an Kieoullvu Uoni' niltiee UeaaiB. LauU Aldrlch, ¥^ V. KnuwIoH, ADlonlo l^tHior, J. W. Hhaiiiioa aud II. 0. Flak, At tbo IliHHJCK TiigATHg, Oil JuiiB 3, there WBB proHeuied, for tbe fint lime u|Htn any Blage, "Thrilliy," an opeiallo liurleaiiue, In two acta, by Juaoph W. Herbert and UbarleB riiemor. It wai an InimedlaU aueceaa, although It waa deoined eipedlenl lo make a change In Ibe preBeiila. Uon after Ibe flrat night. Upon Ibe night of IIb |ini' ducUoottun waa In Ihe necond act an lutcrpoUtlon ofaburleUmenUUed "lUdauie Bana Ita Uene," wilt- leu liy Kdwird K. Kidder for Ute pulillu gaiulHil or Ibe l^mbB. Thla wai omlued after Uio Unit niglil, and In lieu of It the HlRtera IKin preaenlod Utelri|iedaliy At Ibe riFHi AvbnurThkatbb, June 3, occurred Ibe drat uelropolltaD prcMn- taUca of "For Fair Virginia," a drama, lu. (our acia, by Una Wbylal. It waa not wano- ly recelTed. II can ncarcely claim bi bavo achieved bucccih "bigan'a lAick," a tnuln. drama, lo (our acbi, by Hal llold, wan pro- duced OB June 3, at tbo I'lorhB'B TilkA'mB, (iir Ibe ImtUme upon any Blage. II waaacciirdeda beany welcome, luid waa adjudged h» lie <}f fair rank with. In llaclaiB Janet Aohurch, Ihe Kngllah aclron, who came bere recenlly wlUt the expectaUou o( ap- pearing In a producUun of Hr. Manalleld'a, but whuai bopefl were dlaappololed Uorauae nf tbe noQ production of tbo play, neTeniielem iiwde her Auierlcam debut Juno a, at llovT'a Thbatkr, Id Ute rule or Hlepbanle, In "Forget He NoL" Hhe da- voted Ibe dnil half of lha weak, in tbbi play, and, beginning a, waa aeen during tbe reuialu der o( Ibe week bb Nun, In "A IMPb Houae." Bbe received macb hanh crlUolam, Bome of which waa unnecNieailly cruel. II waagenenlly adniUled, however, Ibat ube proved heiaeir a capable acirvfla, though lacklBg Imlb endowment anil Irahilngtluit could JOBllly bor atiibltlon for Blellar bonora. UIm Aohurch made and and dbBitnuB Mumlerln ibU venlure, aid we ilnctraty regnttbat alio flaked and luHlhercLioceB bere InBoreokleaaa manner At Tbbbacb CliBUBHIhe bill wasrbBDged Juno a, when "Ue Kledtnuaui" waa preatnled, caat aa fidluwa: OahrlBl Haeniteln, Ferdinand Hcbuelii; Hoaalluda, Juhanna (leen; Frlnce Orlofaky, Ida Wllbelma; Alfred, Hai HonU; Adala,Caria KogUender; Frank, Emll Buudennann; Fnacb, Hortiz Hurean; Dr. Faike, HatUn Belguann; Ur. luind, Cari Deira; Ida, Theivae Uelma; Bidl, Hartha UeKa; Wlvla, Kllena MaiUD«;llablne, Halle Ulaahoff; XaudI, (Itrtrude Norden; Uuil, Anna OollBoann; Aly Uey, Frtu Undner; lumuocln, Tbeodor Honoock; Hurray, Uuilav Hcbullz; Cankoul, Kmll Ulaaboir; Ivan, llelnrlch Uiote, On Ibla occaaloo Johanna Ueen, Ida WUkelma and MoiIIb Weraau made their debut la tbla couuUT- Id Ihe Uuuit at (Ximnon rieai, on Judo t, Judge Olegeilch gnnl«d Ihe peUUou of Bydney Hoaenleld awl enjoined MeMii. OBDary It, UedercrffuraprodDclog their new review, nnderlhe title or Hlnlo World," wUcb IlUe la claimed by Hr, lUiaearcldaBhIaeiclnBlve propeny. A new uile, Utenfore, iielog Daceaaaiy, '.Jbe Merry Wond" waa cboneo. UUIan RnwU, having recovered (ran her lenponry Ulneaa, returned lo Ibe caat o( "Tb« T2lgBDe,"at ABBBT'B Til»TU, June g Under a dlBpoiwai wairant J. Wealey Hoaeoi|Ueit waa evicled (fom tha Uuou Tbbatu Jnne, t, and Ibe pnipeity came Into the poaaeiBloa o( lu owner, lleDi7 H. Bin. Thla action abw lermlaalad Ibe tenancy of VanaiT k Ledenr IMUe llilacoe, > child aclren, appeared In Ibe caat of "For Fair VIrgloU" at the FiFTU AVBBUB TnianiB, Jnne a and 4, tiut Mayor Huong refuaad lo permit her to re- DiilD, and Ihenalier during the week bar role waa mied by Mile I»ux A lienellt perfnnnancc, under tba auiplcea of Tlit llmtd, In aid o( Ibe peoj akin rnnd of tbe Bandy Hook FUola' Denevoltnl Aa- Boclatlon, waa given al Ibe Fifth Avbhiib THiATBi, alicmooB of June S. The euleflalsmeBl opaiad wlib tbe Bnt partonnaace of a one act play, an- tilled "A Kool'a Bmod," by Leo IMelitehateto. lla atoiy reltles Uiat a pany who li aigsged b> many Mm. Van OurtUnd, a weallby Mew Yert widuw, en. HUB Uie wrvlcia of Ma fitend Ftonlenac, a Fnnah ttiUDi, lo buy (ion a forBar awselliaBit certain dimaglag launa. fnmlaaae gala loio the wrong itat, aod BlBlakea Mn. Vaa OoiUaod for Uie lady be haa cone lo aaek, and Ibna craatae Biaoy amailiig conptlrallfliu. II was Ihiu caal: Hra. Van Ooniand, Virginia llamed; Knuaa, Haiton nrey;Fknnle, Hade. llnelbHilon; Fionlenar, LeoDlelMchBlelD. RnaaWhy. tal and hla company gave an act of hla play, "For Fair Virginia," and Inea Heuuaker.atBlated liyHhu- ea Arnold, l':aBtnian, Young and Wllllsina and a lot o( AAvmiu newal.iya preaenled her Herald Biinan aceiHt, which haa nmdo auch a hit at Ihe Union Biiuara Thealrc. Marry (lllfoll, Ihe whUUer; Hba Koa Uertoldl, Ibo cnnloninnM, and Ihe Itlxloit) IbuUterB, tr.iolinl«, abui from the Union Biinare The- atre, protenlcil Iheir vanoiui ItirtiB. Utmllle ll'Ar vllb> Bang two or llirre mnga. Ilanlelt Vonon, (ron KoBIor* lUal'a, ami lat 1*01110 Maria, alao Bang, aiHl K. J. Ilenloy, of iho"llBiitli'l II" Oonipany, gave Ihe RollkW|iiy anil loplml aoiig, "To lie or Mot lo lie," fiODi that piece. Ctioy Ftlrgonilil danced, tlie CTuHgH, ft«ni Koiltr 1 ItlBlV, gave one of Iheir marvolotia arrolutllo |>orforniancea, inil (Irare Qrla- wold Hall rmtled nia Wheeler Wllcux'a pntiit, "Uy Bhipa." to concliiile Ihe lilll, Ckn Ueckwlib per- (onned sono Inlereiling (ruu under water. Tbo inualc WBH (uratihed by Thiiniaa lllndley'a Fldh Avenue Theatre imiiralra, aud Ihe alage waa under Ibe illncllon o( Janira lunnu Key, wbowaBamUted by l^alcr tfatifnttl, of tho "For Fair VIrulnIa" Uini- pnny canary A Unloier celehraloil tlii'lr itltiin lolheUAHiHii tiy IheprOflucllitn.on JuneB, rorlbe lint Ume iipiiii any alugo, of "Uto Heiry World," deacrllioil aa a drettiallii jNHiBiaf nrrjp, concmird by Kdiiar Builih niul Nlclmbia lllilille, Tbla la a review or conlemporBuiKittri ninlroiuillinn topical aucccehen, anil la Ihe irrond or Iho BoHoa nr annual pmltii'- lloiM or wblrh "Tlio ISiMilng Show" wax ilin Ural. Aa II conlalBH ih> pliil, nor tcIlB no ilitry or lla own, lla achcnio mil b«al Ih) deacrllied liy nuking a Iran- Bcrlpl (if tile prvgninitiie. Tho work la divided Into three acta, which aro eitlHllvhIcd Into rxhIliliB. We wilt, iltcrefon, meiitlnti Ihuao exblldta In ibpir order or arTHngontont, giving the llUra and tho illainiiulliiii n( rhamctcrx n( each. Act I-Kxiillilt I, "Tlio linniallHUi' Uon:" Hophia Ui, Chariot IHckmii; I). Ibiitclcni^l HImpkltiB, IMn. l)Bly. Kxlillilt 1, "llurald B<|Unro at Night:" ttwlpea, Ix)0 llaiTliim; llabKy, Hnm Fbi.ier: IheUanary, l.oubi (InnlU Kxbllilt 3, "HadaiiiD SaiM llnne:" Napo. loon. It. A. Iloliorui', DoNi'lpia ri', IMii Ihily; Fiiuohn, David Wanielil; l.cralini, l.oiti'i kHUn; lliijntir, lUti- dolphUttrry; dniniiitor Imy, U' Wallace Itl*ct:Att- Jounlhul, W, A. HoUomur'.; Unie. Bana Ueor, Atnelht Hiiinniervllle: Mario, Janelle Ragcnrd; ({iivun or NapltB, llaillu Uiiore; rrlncCHa Kllrj, Ubhailno lllowliig; ()ilii)ulol. Nanotlo Nlxmi; Nral- pai, Ibtrlha llaiicliiiBii; Hitiu. liTi'nIluic, Kmiiia Levy, liicldcitlal lo UiU act Ihtvlil Warllelil Intro. ditcod hli IrevMtlo upon Ihe (ilhclbi ol llioeMer Halvliil, which, wo aupiMm, hu will cinillnite do- ing until iloath rellovcR lilni rnnii Iho neco*- ally or working. Al llin cloae or Ike aot Ubarlei lllchBiHi nddaioicil Ihe audloitce after the iiitnior u( IlltUiaril Mittiallold, and, nllhuugh ho dill 11 vory ulnvorlj. It waa ciincclvcil In ex- muicly Ind Uiile, anil waa ait enllrcly gnlulliiUB Inuill lo nuo wIiihui iRlonla anil whraw enlerprlia Hhuiilil t'oiiiiiianil rvH|ieii. (lonil naturetl relllory la a logltliiiaio part nf the ai'hoiua ii( a work ii( Ihla Hon, IB raut IB lite major |uirl at 11, but Ihla India, ilnu (nralHhcd by Hr. IMrkann, nr, nmrn pmixirly HpenkliiR, Ihe niallor or It rnnilBliul him liy Ute aullHir, iHi iiiatUrrrntra what luurre It waa oiiileil, waa or g ualtiio lu linld Mr. Hnnnllclil up In Bnim, and crenlu a prujiiilico agalnat lilino. Ai'-I II—Kit- lillill I, "Ariiutid IhoOiinlrdinraH:" A. llolcnB; Jiwy, WlllanI HIniiiia, Ihili Ibiy, Uluiies IHuknou; Whiib, W. Wnlbicii lllark; Undlurtl, IM llarrlann; FrunculH. W. A. Ui:C<iniiark', I'lone, lunduliib I.lirry; VaKlInu, Vlrgliibi Karle; Hade, lelne, Holla Hiiimo; Ibihin llnoil. Hay Howard; UilonzM, Janellu llagc>nl; CavHUna, Nuiinllo NIxoni lAmgJohti, May Ihiiuibiio. Inrlileiibil to llilj ex- bllill UluHi'a lluyrr itavu a iraidlal ai:ruliatlii tramp apoi'lnlly, mill M>/lii IMIy lUttcud In bor iiwn un. IIVBlIeil faHhlDU. Kxlillilt 'J, "A Hiroel:" Whoraln HallbewBanillliilgcr prnaonlod lliolrapeiMBllywIlh BlUfacliiry reaiilia. Kxhllilt 3, a liuMcwiue of "Trilliy," III lliroo Bceiica: Tally, liatt Ihilyi Ttie lAird, llavlil WarilDld; Hvcngnll, l/iiila Mann; '/.nu '/on, UbarlcB DIokMin; lUiv. Hr. Ibaggart, Wllbitd Blntina; Jocko, Uie llurrlHon; Ihalur, W, Wallace lllack: Ur. IMInilur, W. A. HcCnniiack; Trilliy, Amelia Htitiitnorvlltu; IJIUo lllllue, Vlriilnla Itarle; Hadatne VInanI, JBiiello Ibtgeard; Mm, Untg- gart, Ulirlilinu UlemliiK; lUlielin, Nelny Vham- iieilain; Julio, Holly Hcillll, InrlilenUI lo Ui tbiH nxlillilt Ibo MlaauB U'Nvlll and HutlKihind coitiniwUxl aurolMlIu lUttcIng, Uula Italy, Flor- ence Uarllle, WlllanI Bliitnu anil Uharlea Uuyer danced In tbe garb of Balvalluiibibi, and llan Ihily and I'hfimliio Ulunaliig exeuiiled a cyclnnhi daiico, at Ihu ulnae of which Ihey luiiililuduitl of a wlnduir. Act lll.-Kihllill I, a ilnali of tragedy In Ihe Bliape iif "Anumy and Ulepalra." Claopain, HalHil Feiiliin; AiiUiny, Clinrlen J. IUbh; Keplon. iM llarrlaon. Kibliili'J, gruuiHlMiir liteUotinlryUuli, "Oe I'tauh IHnnor:" Hoplililo, UlibrloB Ulckaiin;!). BnuclcaiUtHliiipklna,llBn llaly; llHlMnU.lngeniill, W A. HcUimiack; Utiauitcey M. Ilopew, W. Wallace lllack; Urovor Clovulatul, Henry KrovM; llenja min II. lUrThBiu, Julian Uyera; (narence F. liBXow, Artbur tiimcim. Inddanlsl lu Ihhi ei- liliilt WlllanI Hltuina undortuok Ui give aome InillallonB, Iml, aller having luillalwl a lion aud Iwwod hlmaeK uif, tho audlonui, liy tbla lluia gniwn wearr, neglecbHl bi recall hlin, and lila furtlier eifona were left tu coiijeciura. Fnlluwltig him ap- peared llie "llroadwaydlria," led liy MayllnwanI, and iioxl In luni cauio a cimaldenlilo nuntlair uf negro ilanuem. Tlio wllclilug hour of ntldolgbl having arrtvod, Ihe ahuw waa Imiiigltl to a hurried ciinclaalun. A conilileralile purllun uf lha audi- ence had eacapeil al the oliMof Ute Becnnd act, hut the remalndir reached iHiine upon Ihe early Habliaih raitna, pmuilbly much aaddor, but certainly no wlwr, Utan when Ibuy loft upon Ihe prevluUB day. What Hydney Hoaoufeld might have evolved from the Ihemea at hla dlapuaal bad he not alMiidoned bU leak we can at preaebt unly cosjectura, Iml, nevertlioleaH, we cauuotbul regret that arter lilt withdrawal rniiii the work II waa doI committed l« more expenencod baoda. Much of it la enllnly wlihuul humur, aud lu dialogue la, moreuver, awtw), vulgar and unpardunalily larded Willi profanlly. Tito work Ib poorly willleB and daintily put tugolher. Tlie "Hnie. Hana (lene" liur Icwiua Is ttpeclally lacking In inetll, and tbe operallu InvetUe U, apart from lla niualo, Dot a wbIt mure commeudaiile. In a rovlew ol tbe ano- ceaaTuI proditctlona of the pant aeaaon no excuaa can bo iiiTured for lugging In "llolilD llnod" and "Wang." The liurleaiiue uf "Trilby" wbb (ar more aaltafaclory than IhOBO which pracedeil 11 apon I'.,e programme, and waa. In fact, i|ulte enlcrtalning; iMt we have arrived at Ihe conclualun that It would liedUnenlltawrtlealiad hurleviue upou a lulijeol Itatolfere Ihe excellent oppurtunlllea that are pre- aenled In Uu Hanrter'a wurk. (Iraulliig, bowever, that llie auibora may cUlw credit for good work lu thbi InaUoce, what excote cnn Iboy oITor fur Ibe lanie, lopeleDt and euilrely Inelevani akeiob which bftiita Ihe perfonnance lo a cliMT Whalhaaihe alage, or a review of lu prixlucUoni, lo do wllh aw laaipomneona eveoU which are at a purely aoclal oatine, or which have only a pullllcal complexlonT Bortly It waa not necenary to uae auch malerUI while Ibe aniallc triutiipb of the paat aeaaon, "UUmondt," waa entirely naglecled, and while 'The llaaUe Bbop," 'Tlie Kaaiinendere" and "Jokn-a-llreaiiw," offering auch aplendld poeaUill- Idea, ware left by Ihe roadside unhiuoked. Ut, Tree might have ainirded a nuiijeel itpa fornlitk^,' and II would be well for ua In Uugb al hla fdlile,