New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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June 15. THE NEW YORK OLIPPEB. 231 ^THLKTIC. ComlBf' Bvemts. jDOf U-:(«vTork AihtoUo Clab8anm«r sabm, Tiit* *7un« l5-^4^lttlooiu Club ojwq uuiiur |tun«^ rbllA- Jon* l^UnlTtntltf orraUroniU va-CblcMO lUiIillo Avucfltloo. 'luftl KsniM, Otlniu, IIL Jnn* £t—IfnUmiir of t^kllforolft, Golomlo CoUkm titd rnnrtr AlhtoUo •4uii smnwR, Danvir, Col. Julj9-Oiton) n.CuibrlUa«Ualf«nlilM,uo(ialdul nmo<i, LondoD. Eoff. Julr 4—Amtuur AthUilo Uoloa InOlvMoU tU Toaod tlhtoUochmioptooahlpMaipttUlnfL BdTfiiD folB^N. J. Jalyi-Souui Onof* (N. J.) I^1«U Clab op«a budlup 'joVM-flt Andnws'0«iraubIodep«iMlfDc« Dajbudl- flap Yookoni V. V. J*\t 4-N«TtM (Mut.) AthUUo AuMlalloaopw ui»- t«ar nnwiL JdlTf-AUnUtieCluborihtScboflklllNiTr ^rU,Fbll' Jalr l-N«« J«Twr Auliilc Club Summer gUD*!, B«r> ■•n I*dIol Julrfl—Boiltcb ftiuUar ebuaploAihlp flald BMtiaL SUorord Briar*. London. JnXf IS-frlDlan' Bentvolfnt AaiocIaUwi Annual piralo uOaililailtiii|*orftHulzct'i llarloia HiT^rfirlLNtw York City. Jilr lA—iDUnuUoDU sttuu, Inliad vs. SoolUnd, DaMin. Ire. JaU V--I'«**U (Uau.) Cricket tod AUiltUo Club opeo Amiuar VAoies. Jilrl7—UetnpuUliD AbiocUUod oflhe Atneteur Ath* ULle UBioauDUAl ohauiploaiblpitohl ueeUDg,8rnc<iMi 'sepLS-Lorell (Uut.) Criekei tad AtliloUo Club op*o UQAwurgaine*. tfepL»-Ne« Jenoj AihlaUc Club fleU omtidir, Bots«d l*|itD^ N. J. SeM. &-flt. Andn«i' Coif aub Labor Day haadlMft OOKMC. n. B*pL x-ltenk niorVa' AUiltti« Club D|>eD utauur Tool Iteiua^ llilUulelphia, Pi. 8«PL H-MuliaoniAb AoMUur AUiloUc Clob Tall Ran en, I'ortUDil. On. SepL 14—Amatear AUilello Uolm anaa&l diunulooiblp field meetloB. Bei>LSi-Hew Tork AUiIetle Clab tlLowIod AUiletle Club, laiemailonel dual neld mMiluR, Xeir YorkClij. UipL 29-N» York AUilaUo Chib aauoal Fall uoiei. Tnveri IitUnd. SopL 38—Canadian Amateur AlhlcUo AeaoolatloD manu- al cliuipiODiiilpneM meeUoi.Toraato, OoL OoL 1(1,11, lt-6L ABdrewB'OolfCluboiiM loaroaiaaoL Yoabaia, W. Y. Yonlhfiil Atlil«(»« at Cblc«f(o. The iDlllil games o( (lie iDter-l'repantoir Ath- ene AfleoclKlloD ircre lield at the Clilcago AibleUc AnocUlioD Park, CblcaRo, lll.,ODFrlda7at(cnioou, Jane T. -In ihe compellllon for llie polatprize Vale- I'rlocouia won, ttIiIi a score of 44, Houtb Side AcAdemj being aeconil witli 43, Uolvemltj ihlM Ittlth 40, and lUrvurd founb villi SanunAir: Onf kvntirtil vanti rufi. — tlackey. UarrnrU. vnn; 8team^ Princeton-Yale, rMoad; Uonobue, Souili Bide Arademr, third. Ttine. lUi^. t)aur Awnrfml nnil >>rf|f pnrtfj UqfcU rnr£.—Cfaaar, rrloeetoD-Valo, von; Stianw, Printetoo Yale, eocood: l^'K I'ltlTenUy. third. Tlait*. Sit. Om huatlrttt ami twenty vonli AiinU<r ra<%—Peeblov, RnuUiSlde Acadtmv, won; C>>utiley, UnlTenllr, ivtoDd; Uoorc, Htrrard, Uilnl. Time. vlV. Om mite run.—Weed, PriucetonYale, won; Root, Roulb SMo Aculeuty, WKond; IVacock, UDlTerslty, tblid. Thn*. 6m. 7a. One mttc lAcjfiie rtrrt—ShiTie. PdaceIon-Yale, woo; l4w, Soutli Rfdtt Acadtmy, eecood: CiiaMe, I'riueeioo- Yale, third. Tlnie,Zin ST^i. i/unlte roo', 2ZU}-d<—Donchue, Rooili Aide Academy, won: Vo»*t PrlnceioD-Yale, ■eoiad; Ctitltoriiaui, Houtb HldoAradomy, (bird. Tlme.S'1'4. £'fifAi Aum/nnl (inrtW^Afir MtnUrutt.—OlllcleoD.llarTard, won; H-0% Booth Hide AcadeiUTi Hcond. Tiuie. 2in.S4?£e. ytre mlla bicirta rtice.—CUam, Princeton-Yale, won; .Tflir«Tf, UnlTeralty, eecood; Bliarpe, rrlacoton ■ Yale, third. Time. )6n). fit. /bar AnnrfmJ ant Jbrig yanfi rua.—Weed, Princeton- Yale, wQo: Beoe^Uct, Prlncetou-Yalt, •■cond; UudeL Ilnrratd. thlid. T1ibo.&!)K4. Aunn(ii(r klah juniL—vcmtta, Honth Bldo Academy, won: Dliloo. l'DlTer>iIiy,MKond; llaTomeyer, VnlTemlty, thiid. lUf/fn? libiAut.-Smlili. Unkerwlty. won; Otela,Roath Bide Academy, eecood; 8(ero^ Princ«toa Yale, ibltd. l>|ttance. vn. luln. jcrandfno bnait Iumi>.— Cobb, Unlrenilir,' woo: Blmp- »n, Routli Side Actuioiiiy, iieci>od; QilkliOD, lluraru, third. DI*ianoe.9rt>4in. Hunnlng hrotut Juup —Cobb. Unlrenliy, won: Dillon, ItiilrerKliy, eecood; <illkleon, llarvenl, tbinl. DIttuce, Wft.ojilo. Nuiutlmj halt, ttrpanA Jump.—Xtnon, BnulhRUle Acad- emy, won; i;obh. Unlvonlty, eocood: Boal, Uirrerd, Iblnl. Ol>Unre,tffl.7iD. nroiHitir 13b Aim Mcr.—Boal. Ihrranl. won; Rller, irnlrorelty, woud; Blalu, K^tli .Hkle Academy, thliu. Di«taoc«,IMrL8ln. JWc rau/r.—Dlihlmn, llarrapl, won: UaTemeyer, I'nI- Toriliy.iwcDnd; Weed, Prlncolvn-Yale, Uilrd. Uelaht, /^Ai'M'.—Alinpwin, Soulli Rido Academy, wad; Weed, Princeton-Vnle, eecoud; Coonler, fnlTenlly, third. llliKht,Bn.2ln^ The Athlntea of tho Wludy Gltf. A neld ineetlDff was held bj llio Cook County la- tervcliolaetlc Atlilello AuoclalloQ at the CblcAgo (111.) Athletic AsaoclaUOD Park on SnUirdajr a(t«r- iiooD, June 8, for the cliamploulili) ot Uie couDtf. ItaiUicted a largo Bjneinblaee, tbe iiuDagoineDt TTu excellenl, tbo cntriee uuneroua and oC good quAlH/* and Uie coinpeUtloos arForded great pleas* lire to the epeclatons. Dnriog llie aftemoon four Ootinlj ARsoclallOQ roconU were broken, and near* Ir allot the OTouta funilsbed good sport, some of llie llDlBbca beluK v^r/ close. Summary: O/uAuiKimi iianuruH —J. Auer,flonili Dlrliloo. von; K. U. lUndall, Bouih DivUlou, eecood; U. Tliayer, Eiigle- vond. thin). Time, IIF*ft-4. ttaif mlU win.-II. Oundlarh, Lake View, won; n. Uabole, Uke View, eecood; A. Walton,Lake View, ililnl. Tlme,3m.fl9'>. Oa^ (A/nl eliteUrvdfrrof^.-T.Onlff, EnfclMi, won: 1. V. Portar,Bnqlewuotl, second; W.llaniineir, WwtDlrb- loo. Ihtnl. Tlme,4jii. />ntr Aiui'fml anrf Jbr^v Mnli rue.-T. B. Bebert, KdrIo- woud, won; Owen, weet DlvUIon, Mooad; M. N, Lebolt, Boiith DlrUloo. (bird. Tlme,&1^*4. f;firAt hunarea onii</|;A(f ftiniirun.— CT. TeeixeLEn- eldwooil, won; K.T. llaiicot>i,8niiiIi DIvliinD, eecood; P. W. Danii. KoBlovnod, tided. Time, 3in. 9^<. Our mtif. birwie iwi^.-Ii.T. poner, Kaulewoed, woo; Earl, Wert niTlHloo. Mcond; D. Atter, Hoglevood, ibiid. Time, 9m. Ut. Vnr./Utlnnif ran.—J. Aaer, Roulb DItIaIod, woo; J. B. lliitchlnMD, Knolewood, KocoDd; U. Trade, Hide Park, third. T1m*.3lV^ r«M Aimdmt tinil tumly fortO huntie nvr.-J. D, llolchlown. Knulewond, wmi; W. WheoNr, lixdo Perk, second; B. Btoln. HnsllHh, third. Time. ai»«. One mtl£ run.—P. T. lUvun). Boutli Division, woo; C. T. Tutnl, Riifflewftod, BACood; T.W. Dunn, Englewood, tbird. Time-Soi. 01. rtrt mile htcprtf mce.—W, Ifemmeti; Went DIvlelon, won; I..T. Porter, Kngbtwood, lecond; Canielo, Urde Parb.thlnl. Tdne, Um.aie. MiunfaaA/(/A JuMi>.—C. t;. AOorae, South Dlvldon, won; n. Holiiie*. Nnrtliweii. eecood; Tbayer, Begleireod, tidid. IlPlghr.WLaln. . i . e rulttMff lib aA«f.^. A. RannuiEMD. BnfllUKwnn; II. R. Venmo, Knilewood, pocond; T. Smallwood, Bugle- wood, third. UlrtaQce,9n.0>;ia. Jtunnlnfl (roarfiuaiii.—.V. Copdbnd, Lake Vlow, won; J. n. nutchlneoD. B0Kl«nood. e^oad: L. BcCandleM, Lake Bulllran, Like View, won; View, third. Ulmanro, I9ft.3>(tn. ThtvtBinj lih AdMDwr.—T. BuliI . J. Butler, Lake View, Mcond; T. Smallwood, BDgleww>d, Iblnl. Uliunc*, nan. )ln. IW poulr.—0. C. Adimn. Rflnlli DlrUIon, von; Ov.ii, TTAKt Ulvlalon, SMwiHl; P. UudanrooU, Lake Vl«w, tbli\], Unl«hl,«ft..Vo. Tta wlnnlnR tram on the awn or polnla wu (hit rcproHDllDir EnRlevooU Ulgli Bcbool, who aliio won Uie Bute cluiniiloDiihIp at the louncholMtlc mMUnx at Chanipalio, three week* nrevlouilir. On IhiR occasion thej Mcorod a total of u polntu; Bomb INvlAion aeconil, 32; Lako view ttalnl, U; Wett Ulvlalon tout ih. 16. Sporta In Raiv Jlampihira* "ne flrcQO lloontoln boja bclongtog to Ibe Young Ueu'H Chriatlan Aawcbillon o( Uortr, K. II., and Ibo llucbeatcr lllgb School AUilcllc Club beld a Joint field meeting at llurgtlt Park on Juno s, the eveota (oniilDg Ilia programoe leanltltig aa abown III Ihe nmtnatr: oiu Aunrfml MinM ran-WMi tiy V. n. Bitlnnri ItMli- ani-r; <lMnt« llAm. Dover. Kcenil. Time. 11'. tbUfmlle run.—U'OD l>/ K. I*. Witnd. lUKhtelor; D«I|lil Hell. IMT«r. Moinil. TInif, 2id. H^<. .\uiw/ny lfniii>i;uni«.—Woo br WiMliD tTataoD, Rodiu* tor; I. Kiiierun ucond. UUriucv. Sit. llVilo. Jkfutttno lia AoniM/r—tVon \ij Kmemin nenoo, RndiMUr;B L.Wu(RlnaD.nodieiiur,Mc«iHl. DIotaacr, T»n. l)i\n. ttuanlnij AMjHieii.-Won bjr B. emlloj; AtloD, RiKbea- l«r, MeniHl. lfoI|ilii,ia. Illii. OiWflill«&lr,den».-Wna l>rrmihJoD«a; N.8. ^«a- umi. Hochoaicr, •.rond. Tli]ie.ta. nm Aufiilml ojtil IRVHfjr lenu raa.—Woo Itr O. R. nicb.r. lUichoiiUr; ftoom lUm Meond. Tloie. 9f. itmrvr mliA ntn.—E. L. Woodman. RoelMlter, dnt; Rlehtr oecnnil. Tlrao. SIK*. I'ainliV life iV>l.-PrwDiaa Caiwn Irat, Wocdgiu h«od4. l>i»ljU)ee.91L91o. firo mile UcfcU nirr.—Fmnk Jnee* llnl, N. R. Yeiloo, RoeliMlar, iceead TlinivSiii.S*.^ Onf mllf iiM.-Woa bjwocjmu; II. Clark, itoebeatar. Mcond. Time . Sni.a*. . A. n. DovKKH, the champion ecotcb amataor nnner, heat R. C. Ilrcdio, iha Engllah cbaniploo, In a threo linndnd ;arda raca at Olai«ow, Hcol, oa Jnna 10. lie ran tbadbuanc«lo3l*iaH una beat- ing Uie vmtd'a amauur record, 31 lia., made b> L. ETllrani. In Ula counUT, In IWI. tM beat ^allali record tor Iha dlataoca la ai'.a., bj 0.11. wood. Tka proCeolonal racoid la 3M., Uairr Hnlchaai, M Eilnbuih, Scot, III UU Sckoalbara' Oaaaaa at Phlladalplils. The annual Springqimiaot the AUileUo Aaocla- lion or the Oeimantown Acadenr ware b«ld at Bten- ton, ruiadalpbU, l-a., on tbo anoraoob ot June wlib the tollowlog lemll: Oyt aaaJitd mnli nn. •eiiliir.-C. W. BauUy Iml, V. J. HcCaitr wcond. TlimvIK ><teu.-rii>t hut: UBcliinck Orrt,R L Cvie Howl, II. Brnol Uilrd. Tim*. UK*. Sraod beet: U. Bllrnu Jf^.,". Mclnljce«»«ieil, r.UMbllii Ihlnl. Hint. »V L. RrhriM-k VOD. i:. Bllrau -eeoiid. Time, Uli*. l/aVBUmn-B. A. llMliMni enit.tT.1. TtuUtm •eooDd.&lluilllon Iblnl. Tloii^ tm. I«).'<. llitl/mlu ui-ich race. Juilor.-T. Qrere irrt, B. ItlU hc. oa-l. Tlmaliii. Ua. one AuiWml OAJ twnfr K^nfj Aiinnc na.—C. McCertr tnL II. WIromu •Mog.l. Time, 1^.. aal/mllt <€aU.-T. 0 Muibewe am, w. Celemu lee- omt, W. 1*. Bevffloor Ihlnl. Tlnie,4m.O«. . '^^IS'i!" •"^» K"" """.-K. A. MKhlieg anl,C.tT.Bee«ler •email. Tlme.SiL Oa.' Mile bktdi nur.-a. \Mj|la dnit, If. Rermoed eee* ood. Time, 3ni. flSa. (>MKllenii«.-«.II.Tharten7 Inl, Rllemlhoo Hr- OD.I. Time, Sin. H*- Tteo ktnylmi oaj fmfUf ,anli Aenire raw.—C. McCenr Dm. II. Wlraman lecoiiil. Time, Vt*. Hrtofnut, nnbeiHl »lxlh rnnn.—I'lnhronn «na;leem, w. Melonei II. Toerleon, H. Illll, J. TleiUf. Tine, liii. r aumlrel and /bir» |nnl< niii -A. B. MMliliui lint. W. u. TlHRken ucmid. Time. MTbn. IIllll»lil|/ »!»» Jil.l],-JI. awhiu anl,B.FUT0llMO. 00.1. lleribl.4ft.ll>;ln. Naaalan Iimu J»|i.-I.. Rchoeiibut Bnl, W. JoliSMn ietnnil. Dlilinra, ISIL a>n. nuilnj iras jtSM.-f. naTellnrrt, UScboeautMcoad. . xinntiM hnm Juap-r. Fbrell inl, r. C. Mailbox, •emn,!. niiiuiice. 9I\. 4lD. jjIWj,jami.-P. FUnll Ural, U. Oiaj eecond. Ilelahl, The Brraama ClirlallaBt. The Vouog Man's Obilstlan Aasodailon or Bjla- CUM, N. Y., held games at the Unlrenltj track June e,;, rain Inlarleiing wlUi the anangtmenlsonthe opaologdaj. Asnmniai;: 0*f Aiinamf mnlf nm, iiOTlca.-llerlej Cfuie. fi. A. C, Aral; 0. u Thompeoa, BlDshaatoD Y. M.C. A., Mcond. Time. nut. Quartrr nlle VriieU ncf. bova.—W. L. Poler. I'liri T. M. 0. A., nr.t: flr.,!!, SiMker. V. M. C. A, lecond; T. 0. Veecheoi. Y. H. C. A., Ililld Time. Sll j< llal/mUr run. b«ra.-nurlek BarreU. Y. U. C. A., nnl; llrron floldliarr. Y. M CA., te.<Mid. Time.3m. Il\«. .irdmllHff brte'l ^uap.-Leroy Ytkalr, n. a. C, nivi; n. L. TbAiiipton. BlnKbtmlon. aMoad; PelerScbug. Y. II. II. A.. Iblnl. Dliusce. ion 9ln. rw mil/ blefrtt raoe. novlee.-<I. R Freecli Jr.. 0. A. A., Sm; Ilur a,ai(H. Y. M. 0. A., aeaad; lltikel Umwa, T. H.aA.lblrd. Tlme.tDi.ilKa. /lunnlnffAltfAJuaiRljoja—Liiclen Bamet Jr.,Y. V. C. A., nrai; C. A. TalMU, Rlnshaatlon, Mcoail; Weale/ Rnaklejft, RIoitiemlon, thinl. DIalanre. sn. I iila. Qwntrtntir bk9tU nt^ open.-R. II. Blooe. V. U. r. A.. Aral; A. P. nlirarderftr, Blarlitmloo, eecond; L. U. Teitkor, C. r. Uilnl. Time, xr^ One AuaJml iranli ma, hon.-4j. P. Morer, Illoii, flna; MyrOD noldben, V. H. C. A., tecmd. TlDie,1l?>. Aaaalag AloA ^umii.— trrlDa K. Bailtr, Ulka. flrat; JaallD M. SeialTonl, Olln. aec«n4. Dleunoa. sn WUlD. JloirailK nin.-V,: II. Norllle, V. M. R. A., am: n. Key. lor, HyncuM Unlvaniiy, ieeoDd; Robert Pale, II. A. c.. Iblnl. Tlifia. 3m. ll^a. Hol/aill<UrKlcnlcr.-T. n. Hetebem. Y. M.C. A., Ant; W. I,. Poler. Ullca. araad; Kontan Btnleui, Y. H. 0. A..tblnl. Time. Im. 111. /liMHlno broadyuaii. bnra.—Meyer Prldeln. Y. M C. A., am; C. A.Talbolt,BIO|banilDD, aecond. Dlattnce, ISn. lOln. ne raul{.-P. r. Hall. Y. H. C. A., Irtt; J. M. HcraAbrd, Ullca, leeond. Dlalanee, lOO. /lol/ Bille Uarlf nia.-ll. II. Bbine. Y. M. C. A.. Am; Jobti Bloiham. IllDabantAn. aocDiid. TIma Ira. 3l<a'. one Aumlmt latnla run, t^lnl Kav York cbaiiiplon. ililp.—Dvlpht Oof ine. a. A. A., Aral; L. Priteher. C. A. Un tenmil; 11. U. Tm, Y. V. n A., UilrJ. Tinv. lOJia. Onf. Nile tnaU:.—Teaac Bloombtnt, Y. H. (1. A., Aral; L. T. Kanudi, Y. 11. C. A., lecood. T1me.7m.fllM. Calllbmla Dafeala llllBoia. The dual Held meellog between the aihleUc team rrom the UnlremllT of CaUfonila and that repiasent- log the UolreiallT ot lUlnoU waa held at Ohampalin, III., on Friday afteraoon, June 1, In Itae presence of a big crowd. TbeRanltwasaTlctofTforlheFacl- 00 coaatera, who acorod fllty.llre polnbi to forlj- three ror Uie home team. Summaij: Ov lMi\drtd pantf nm.—J. W. ecocalna. Calirorala, dm: R I. Ballanl.I11laola,tMond. Tlue, UK One mic run,—Pnd Orr, lUIoola, dm; tm Biulley, Callromla. aenmd. ON.^ AHvilmS and fivnlil ponli Auntlrrotf.—R. I. Dyer, Cnlirorala, llm; A. C. Clark, IUIboIi, tecoDd. Tfnie, *■*'•. .jte Mile wall:.-.J. K. RoaalADda. llllnola. Am; L.T. Mtnvln. Ctliremle. ntcond. Time, Tm. SOt. - Two AHiblml anil tw/ntf porria mn.—J. Vf, AcroirRtoa, Cnlirorala. dnt; R. I. Bulbrd, IlllnoU, aecond. Time, llKa. //al/Hllenia.—P. W. Koch. CalireraU, dnt; R. E. Oct, llllnola. aernnd. Tlnie.Sra.2Ai^ «ncall.-Mcpcl'nirr'-Uall,IUIooli,Om;Buike, llllDolB, aerrtDd. Time. Sm. ZkL >liHr Aunilrrd dJiit /brtp firrfi rvn.—T. L. Rtrnta. Cell. Ibrale, nm: R B. Uerr, Cnlirorala aaeoad. Time. SI*. nooAundrrd ontl IvralpiMnlf Airrdle roar.—D. P. Tor- r«r, Callrorala, dm; E. R. Derr, Cnlirorala, eecood. Time, . junnln; AleA Jaaip -A. C. riaik, Illlooli. Ant; U. Do. liar, ntlllemla, aarood. UalabLSft. Ala. Pulllnf ISk aAoL—Don R'aeoy, IlllnoK Am; P. W. Knrk, nnllromln. tarond. Dl«uace. .ULfiljln. Aunnlnff Aniod Jumii.—C ll.Woohey, California, AnI; M. Doiler, ntllforala, ntcond. nlattnce. SKY. rae raaU.-U. n. Coirean. IIIbioli,am; A. R. Hiod, nilnola, aecond. Ilelicbl, Uft. nmalno Ita -Aamavr.—R. W. RiplaD, Oallforela, Aral; L.W.rauli,IUIaole,Hcood. DlaUnot. im. The BUehlcaa AtUetaa. FMil qnrta were bek) at Ullladale, Mich., on Fri- day attemoon, June I, with Uie result which appear* lu the snuimary below: Punnlntj hnaJ iUHp.—Cole, Ulcblatn Avrlrultoral Col- leee. won, IMLSIa.; Rnt«eoo,MrDntl, ITIt. S%In. mv, wno, inkeiB.; iwuwHi,Mnfnii, O'lUi. IHIIIn; Ita jAia.-PlBlitr. Mkhlnnn Alrlnilliiral Cid- vn. won. JtlltlOklo.; Finn. Illlrel. nacoml, 3211. lifin. IWe raulllno.—Alsar, Albion, won. SILebi.; Bateaoii, Mlcbtgan AsTlonltwnl Collea^ aecond. One mile Hcwda -fu/c.—Peck, AIIkm, woo. TIma Zm. .lia^a. Rork, Mletilnn ABrleullunl Coltefe, aecond; Wnalwonh. Alblea.tblnl. OHancrmllc rliit..^^lpp, Alhlon. weo. Tine. SIT.a //d^nllcnin.-Partrlilao, Ulcblaan Aarlcullural Cn|. leae, wod TIma ta. Denbnre, Hlltalalo. aecAnd. Two Aunrfml and Innip pcrdj rua—Bpeen, Mlcblaao AaTlenllural Colleaa woo. Time. Zll^i. TVe AunJrcd nnJ Imnlirydnli Aunllcntcr.—DeiD|iater, Albion, woo. Tlm^ SIHa .SbtMdIno broad >nnw.—Tola, Albion, won, 9ft. lOIn.; Pbiai. miTet, aecond,tn.K'tIn, /tmnlw Aoii.ncp nnd Jump.~Co\o. Albloo, woo, 41(1, ]!ii.; Snyder, UUledele, HCoid, Salt. I>iln. 1 m i The W«a4 Falat Cadals Ot the second, third and fonrib classea Indulged In aolil day sporta on Jane lo, undar the ansplcea ot the unicera'Athletic AasoelaUon. The wralherwas delightful, and duiiiig Ihe atiemoon a number of acBilemjrocordswerelKaten. BiimoiaiT: One Aandml panll nn.—Wen by II. U. Rlielloo, V, lima loli*.; Rnymond, V, aecood. Time, loV". Hnnnlnu Ali/A Jnai|,.-Weo by C. B. RuiMll, ts. wllb >a IKln.; TluilMilnke, tn. aecond. UL Z^iliT Stniyllng bnierf .(uaip —Woo by P. Uolnbaer, "SC, wlib sn. ll)iln.; lllDkliir.4s.eaa>lid.!in.l0ln. One Aufvlml nnrflirrn/f ponlj Auml/ nur.-Wou by W. II. HeConiiack. W, In ir,a.; Hbtlrea, IS, Mcoml. Nnnnlnabntti Jomu.-WoK by T. P. Mtalnalt, W, wlUi Uft. S>:lii: Dannn,«. aacoad. NR. IKIn. IwAw lA/ >a>rf—Toa by N P. Balinui, tt, wlUi HUL T'iln.; Dalino, 'Slinonil,9SA.3in. TW« Aunrfml noti twrntp yamt run.—Won liy U. II. Sballon. 'St. InZFi'.: Ullla it, HCond. rVnrlnff tea aaaiai/i-.—Won by A. P. Berry, wllb nn. Wn.: Iluiuie, «. Mond, TSIt. tin. /burAHivlrerfanil fitrtf lomi ma.—ITon byaalunina, •9A, la ■porta at Charter Oak. The aobolara auandlng Ibe High Bcbool at llart- rord, CL, enjoyed an onling at Charter Oak rark on Balnrdaj atteitioon, June a, ibis being Ibe annual nwetlag or ihe athletto aaaodalloa compoaed of aludeola Tlieir trlenda and relsUfas aaaealded In latge nuffibera lo witneaa the cames and encourage the cooteataala. llalfadnMD aaaoclatlon recoffdn wen liroken duilog Ibe Btlanioon. SnmmaiT: one AHndntl aunli rvn.—Wim by Conner, lakevllle, la io>;«. Aronlno Ida Anuei'.-Woa by Beck, UlUbouM l<cbool,«llbllin.lllli. moHillcUrfClrraor.-Woaby Baker, Ltberllle,InSo. ^'t&J Mile mit.—Woo by ■aiTetl, New Brlula, Id Zn. unr mile nJt-Wou by BaUar, nllUwoH Bcbool, lo Tm. "".a. JoilH I>. ]|rPliinCR<,nt Hanit Ble. Hade, Mlcb. and Oeorge i*arTle. of Cblrain, III., envagvd In a ' >nal atblellr ooateat at ibe fonner plare on June s. The proammme cuoidatcd ot aevcn eraiiia, four ot which HcPbenon won, Ibna winning the nvtrh. lie was rrediud vllb nnuing Ibe ZtPi abot a dlalanee ot son. Mn., which. If comet, maiailutea a world'a m-oni, VTe are wlUioui the nareaaaiT at- Sdanis to snbnianttala the dahn, hnwerer. THB new ftaetn of tie Imi IsUod latararholaa' Uc AUdatlc teagne, elacted Jane T, era: PnMaiL Hamr I. rran, FraU iaaUtaU; rice pseMenl, narai, Bmktja Latja Bchoo); secituir/, Hanlek, IM3iIr«iHyB'Bl|kS«toiil. Malrh Ram Iter DlaiaaBcln. The principal evenia det-Meil at Ihe opening ot Archiiold neld, Sjracnae, N, V„ on Batunlay allor- noon, June a, weie two match ni'ta imtween well known amniour mBucni,tlie prizoi coiiicndeil for In each lualanrn being dlaniondi. The drat wns bclwetn I', KUpatilck, of rnlos Uollege, and Mauilce KIkea, ot Bynruso, ttoyda., anil waa woo by Ihe tnniicr In Sis. The oUicr wna al looydii., lie. tween tAivlllo ami WLt^, anil waa won by Covlllp, who waa credited wllb covering Ihe dlalanee In oven Ume, Tho oveiils on the regular iMognmrnv tc- aulledaarolliiv: llal/mllr riin.-llnnT N'oTltIa, Y. V. C. A,Am:\V. Narlor. Htrariiw falTariily, Mcond; W. L. Wheeler, Oolfaic. Ihlnl. Tliiie,3«.IVia IW< ninll.-r„ P. Atemnu, lllablnnl A. IV. Am: Lu. elm B^mns Y.ll.C.A, aeconl; Pred P. Ilill, Y. M.C. A.,llilid. H>labt,loatln. Birna. and Hall llid nl llln. Iln. Baraoa vim Ibe KHa up. IMr Aunlrrrf IHUMI Annlfc ra<v.—John Ooaarore. Hidte- Atld A. C, llnl; U. II. WnTTen.aynenie rnlrarallr, aK. on.1: H. A. Vlckeiy, SyraeuM Ualvnially, iblnl. TIma "SilV""' Wrirt' rmv.-Chnrlee ». Hyde. Y. M.C.A, am: W. II. HlrdMll, 0 U. C, HCond: L. II.Tactar, 0. C. v., Iblnl. Tlina Im. •>■. iiacAundrw ittnlr ran J. K. R«>ven, llnbart Ant; John Coaarara ItldneAaU A.O., aecood; L. Prltditr, ilyncure L'olTontly, llilnl. Time, Kl^a. ralilnfl lea jAm.-nill Huom, rolnie, Aral; J»liu Rliane, H A. A., aecood; J. Ileckley, P. A. C, Iklnl. IHal- nnc*.Sin. wu nlfc Kstfi.—B. II. Xnua, avneuwe UnUanllT, Am; K. P. HlchnnlaMi,riyracuMVnlT«nillT, lecood; Ikn Rlnmberw, Y. M. C. A. Uilnl. Tlm^ flai. I>i<. One mllr Urarlr nur -ininrlaa R Hyde. Y. M. r. A., Ant; W. H. lllnlanlL C. R. C. ■aconil; A. J. I'tndaratil, r. n. I'., Uilnl. Tlnia.Jm.1i,a. /Iwr Aud'frry rtivt JMf fiipu run Prilcliar, Hyrm. cuBo I'nlTenll)-, Am; II. II. Ler. Y. U. C. A., aecvnd; i:. II. Knn. l;<,lule. Ihlnl. Tliiia, llVa. rnoAlMiliTilnml Itfmly yrtnia Anr^lle racr.-r. i). Wnr. nn, SyracuM rnirarilly. Arm; Julin INiairnva Itklao. BeUA.C, aecond; R. A. Vlclery, Hyraouaa I'nUerally, Uilnl. TliiiaZlV m Rllea Urr.Je mn.-L. II. Tockir, C. C. C, Am; II. C. Brano, HyrocuM Unlranlty, aecond; Chnrlea B. Iliila, Y. M. C. A., Ihlnl. Time. Am. Ma. l/unnlnjiAl0A,/awp—John Coaarnn. llldyeAaM A P., ilnl; W. B. a<>ilnr, d. A U, etcvod; 1>. B. ibiillb, Y. M. C. A.. Iblnl. llcTsbl, 111. 71n. On/nl'e run.—CbarlDM Kllrntrlrk. I'lilon. Sm: Harry .^»>lll3. Y. 11.1'. A.. >rmnd; W. Naybn. - liy. ihlid. nmo,soi.aja r. riynirrt.F Uiiliata rmAnmlrvrlnml Inralysani run.-^. II. Ibtson, llnhnri, dm; II. II. Le... Y. M. 0. A., Mctmil; IT. W. Ilarker. IN,I- Sali*. Uilnl. Tbiia21a. Tiiaannnal picnic or iheemployeaor lltckeU, Car- hart i Co., the well known New York clothing nno, will be held at lieckolmtn's lUdgewand I'ark, I,ong Itland, on June artomooii and evening, the pixi- cecds 10 be applied to tho mulnal aM fuiiil. A norlea of gamea, for which handsome niedals are oUbRdiWllI conatlluie a featun o( Uie aitalr. Tug Yau College Tiack Atbletlo Asaoclallon bold a meeUng on June >, and eleclod ihe following nitlcen for Ihe ensuing rear; llenldtnt, Bheniiau Day, New York; rice piealdeut, HobI, Ullchell, CIn- cinnall, O,: manager, V, (llllelio. New York; aocro- taiy, II, T. Knaeland Jr„ Brooklyn, N. Y, TiiR (Jiicliec Senior lai'ruuo Cliibdi'teateil the lil- lAwnn. or tlllawH, Uiit., al iliiulieo, June n, by nl.x goaU to one. II. K. HoruUTOH has been elected captain of llie Ambent College alblellc tenm ror the ensuing year. "WHEELINQ. C^MlBg Bveau. June IS, U-Moreorr Wbeelmen sunoaJ BpnoR neoe, AUeoiowo. ra. done lA—New Tork DlvUlon, Leafoa of Imerlean Wbeelmen, aanoal meet. Coney letaad. Janeia-Vouov Men'a Cbrieilan AieoolitlOD toaraa men. Pblbdelpbla, Pa. June 17—Praas 'C/dlog Club louraanent, Boston, Men. Jane IV-Tonmament at ValUiaiii,lfaM.- Juael9-&-niInoUDlvlaloo Loajtae of American Wbeel men annual tneet, UaleNbarf. Jvnell.a-FlUJburf (Pa.) AthleUo Club Sprlnf tour June S-ftnilli End Wbcelnen lonnwaMOt, PblUdel- phIa,Pa. JunezS-CInolnnatl (0.) Blerelo Clab annual bHima^ ment. June W-BaetsfB Dbtilct Ttimer Bund mietUi, Ollf* ton, N. J. Jane 36, ■—West Bad WhoelmeD ionnumeDt, WUkee> bam, Pa. ^ JuneS-Elngs CottBtjr Wbeeloieo tottruinsDt, Drook- ^Jfllj 9—Tonrlale' 'Ojcllni Gob touraament, Palenon, Julj^-Cooaeotloot DIrltlon L. A.W. meet, Brldrepott. July 4-Bln|baiaion(N. Y.) AUdeilo Aenoelatlon (ouna> neoL Jaly 4—Baltlmoro (Md.) 'Cyolo Clab tou ream eat July ^Mercury WIwoIrmd tuunumeat,Alleuto«n.Pa. - Julys—ToumanentatDorer,N.II. July S-Pi*es 'CydloR Clab tuunainent, BuOalo. N. T. Julys—TouraaueoiBiLoulerllle, Ky. July S—BtarMTrcle dub louroamtoi, Hprooer, Haw, July 4—WayeldePark Club touruineoc, Soutli Prainuir- baa, Ml July July _ , July S-PalmertMaia.) 'Cycle Club touraaatenL - . ^jj. - , s~itoalh Otann iS. J.) PloU Clab louraement July ^lludeon (N. V.) Bicycle Oob lourneminL "(li»M.).r--'-"' July 4,^Arn>w 'Cycle oTob toumamant, UnbiiU, Pl ^Joly 4, ft-Ceaterr TycUng Olub toumaaieQt,ByracuM« July (t-RlrenUe Vtieobnen toemimeat. Hew York. July B-13—Laane oi AmerlcaA Wheelmen annual meet _. < T-TT ... J '.aoaual meet, Bal 7tily a>-Uonnt Uolly(N.J.) Atkletle Aieoolalloo toar July 21, O—Hldilian Ulvleloa Loacoe of American Wlioelmeo toumaiitent. HtttlBCrfek. July tMCeyeiooe Wlieel Clab tounuoant, WIUIaui» port. ra. July S-RUabenTllle (0.1 Athletio niab toamamoDL w.ti - - - July 37—ToumanieatatCleveUad.U. July 9)-Daytoo (0.) Bicycle Club toonameut. Auga I—Bdtoulol Puyalcal Ouliuie io«nuiuoDi,8llrer UkfTKYa Auit. I—Vaneeen (0.)'Cycle Clab touroaiaeoL Auir. S—Toledo (U,) 'Ovcle Club loumaaeaL Aoii. S—Port ITayna (Ind.) 'Cycle tlub louraement' Aof. r-4oQtb Bend (Ind.) 'Crete Club loumanieoL Auir.S-Toledo(U.. A0||. S—Port ITayna Ann. 9. lO-Cblcaio UIL) Aaaeolalad 'OrcUoR Clubs tourUBtaaL AuiTa la, ll-Mbneapolla (Mloo.) LImltad 'Cycle Clob (oumaneat - Auir. IS. 17—WbooDslo IHrliloo L A. W. asnoal meet, Marlneua. Aug. 17.1A, ll^Amateur tounument, cliuuploB«bl|» of the world, Coloinie, Uenoaiir. Adb. 19. V-Mllwankee (Wla) Aiaoclated 'Cyolloi Clubs loumaaieot Aug. B, O-ML Clsmsai (Midi.) Wbeelmen tourw menu Aurtl-BuAlo (KeT.)'CycW Track Aaaoelatlon loor- Boptl-flyracass (M. V.) AlbleUo Awoolalloo toorvfr neoL Septa t-l(artroid (CU) Wheel Qnb toumameDt. ^ept 1—Uoae o( Enilaad Wheel Clob luumanieni, Ko^ SepLl-Pr«ae*CrdlogClah tmniainent, B<*au>n, Hau. SefL ll-U-SprroKteU (Maaa.) Uleycla Club aaoaal (ou rum eat BepLlS—Tnonamwitet WeltLam, Mew. ^BepLlT-ailhOtty Bicycle Club tooiuueot. Pat«r*Ott. BepL IS—Mcleeayort (Pa.) 'Cyclara toamamenL SepL le-Pena Wbeelmen tounamont. Headier Pa. Bept ai—Aaeedaled 'Cycling Clubs tMmaui^ol, rblU' delplila,Pa. SepL IS, S-Mareury Wlteolaeo toaraaoieDt, Alleo- towo,}^ SepL S7. a-Mar^laiid DWIeiea L. A. W. race^ Baltl* Boro. OcLS-AJSoelal«d 'CydlogClabetounuuiieot, HL Louli, Mo. Oet*-ftsUns Atlileile Club tooroaoient, M. Louii, Mo. QcL II, II—ToumaBeet el Cnincll BlufTe, Oct U—ToamaiuenietOinaU, Neb. Oct 17-lS—ToumauiMl at Uetirer, CoL OcLS—Toumameat at fuotda. tUiX. Oct r^S—ToamaaieptalAalt LakeClly. L'lab. Oct. m, a»-Uot BprLofe (Ai D'CycUoi AawclaUt nameoL _ Nor. l.ft-Bay City wbeelmHi tovraameni, Sao Pran- cleeo. Cel. Vor,A-r-4ardea City 'Cydeia tournament, Han Juee. Cel. Not. S— Itfo Aaplea (Cal.i Wkeelroea tauraaffleoi. Uuo toni' lUcInf In Iha Kniiilre Blal*. Tlis ItetnlDjtlon 'Cjcle tliitf, or IIIod, N. V.. lirlU ncealn tboNaUoiial Urcultoo Juae 10, ibo cMer tterformen iielof Owni XelRler atiil Coulter, or tisas Up vbu carried off ibelr share uf Ibe bonvrii. Hum- /loV ■'(<*• open.—Coulter lint, Zeltlar eccoud, PlUier tidfd. Tlmo, Omr mU€.Ch** H-Ueirett, Uidi, flrti: Allen, I5jd« , eereed; JeaD«y.Sjde,llitn]. Time.fin. 19*. thte M/k, o|i«o. CUm B.— Ceull«r fim Titoi eecooil, Slmilfalid, IUirertr»«rti). Tleio. tui. |0'.«. l/alf mile, Claee H.-Y. J. J»nney, «)riU.. Dnt: Sioi*, aiyda, ioeood; I» C. JefanHHi, t>j^»., Ihlnl. Tiuie. Iiu. U. TairetoyMcjcIo ntc* tnm Uellevllls toRlnrs- too and retom, ftod Klfifslon to BcUerIKo and re- tun, InOaiiuto, m dlstuce ot oee liundml mlkt, look ple«e June to. Tba BsltaTlile rtdsrs won uj iMrletD DlBQiM, rtdlaff lbs dlsUDce In Mi, iTm. V>*. Joan II. Wim vu mcteasful Id nn siietDM to t1d« * Mke frvm Vail Mtst. Ham., tn Porumooib Md Mm, Ul mik*, la iwtaty-rotir boiiri, Ust WMtL LeftThiff PUl RJrer mt « r. m., 1. bt arrlf ed lack St Um iumafl potnt st T.i9 r. M., I. Uias com- VMlaf dlSUBOS IQ 2Bl 480, Til* IV4iile la r«Ma»rllr«l. Tbe iDlilal nronmiaiorthPpreMDliiMSODtn the lAiid oC 8t««d| lUMU was held at Heuure lleact). HrldRfpon, on SatunSay «rianiooD, Juoe by Ibe lUmbUiMT Wheelmen. Tho iraok wm In frood onler. but a hlfih irlnd nlMlatcd antoat rwt KrfonnanrcH. An accident happened mtheflnal St or the hair ntlle mr^. when Tt>miaT Aaton'i hiDil wlicel w*^ ainiolc hy P. W. Miowe ainiit two huudred feel tnm ihr ami. lloth rldcn were Ihmwn henfllyand wm carried to thednwlnir rrmusuncouerloun. tmi atonrorlveil under aiedlcAi irMlroent. HiiDiiuNry; Mlf^, n«tTlce.—Wim b]r II. iiirli*b. uf BrMgepoii; J. II. reodeVl. Br(d|tei>)rt. aefond. Time, 7a. IhMf mite. oren -Vou tiy K. P. lltnd. Plalnllelil, N. J.; H. W. Merer, Ilrt4lcvi«rl. eecond. Time, Im. US*. lM««fr#.rolor»l club cliamrlonikl|i,—Woo by J. Perar, orRrtilarp«>iL Tlmr.Sm.3Ua. Om' mUr. mH>n.-\VAn ItyP. (Mlojt, RrMgvport; R. P. IteDri, aecunil; P, J. BImer, Chlcoiieo, UaM., tlilnl. Tiuiw, ttne cilli*-Won i<r J. Adam a, nf llenrunl, Wyda.; J. Bean. New ViMfc.Ahila., Mfnnd. Time. tui. XPia. nroKlW. PelrAiddCOiititychaniplonaJilp.—W(Hi by P. f>. Moyt, llenuan l.eopuM,brliliiO|>oct, womd. Time, }iii. nr* MfM.-Wnii hf J. D. Want. K)irinRdetil; (1. B. r^ddi Jr., New Yitrk. aec<^Bd; llennen l.en|HiM. BrldMtxtrt, Ihlnl. Time. Dill. Sd*. C. |^lrd Heeley. Bildtepot>> *od Ihe tluie prite In ISin. 18*»<. Th9 Pnipasime Iter lb* Stat* Bfe*S, To be held at Uanhatlsn Doscta, Coaey IbUdiI, on SilunUf, June W la an rollows: r'^lu .1. Miietiilte. nnvlcr.—>*lnl prite, Timsa mHal, . k); Mcnnd prire, mie WlacbaMor rifle, lo ba 1*1 l>y the winner, $6: third ttHte, irarellog U8.|IA; fourili prtit. BrldiviNirt cyclometer. (MrHir^ hamlirep.—PIM priie. paIM tllverranl ir«y. with ulched iHirlnIt of ■Inner. ^K); eecnnd pr'ie, dia- mond aiud. S30: Ihtnl I'rlie, dlMRonsI •cerfpln, %\K itne mite. Ktv Vu'k Hiele rliamit(nnehl|>.—rlr<l prlie, ffoM niede). tM; vftntnj prise, allter medal, tt); Iblrd prite. lirmtie hio>UI SIO. Thrre mIVj, New Vurk Plele rhRUi|>1iinablr.-Ptnl priin. pitd nmlel. tH): «en>nil prIte. ellver ueilel, $3U; Ihlnl prIjM, hrxiiro iitoiUI |I0. tnllfj, Mrlro|ii||ian DUtrki rliaeiiilnnililp.-Por ihl> race the arand Uetr»|»lltett niairirt iniphy, odeml by The Amnlcam Wkfrtrnm, will ift lo Ihe cluh whnw tvpr«aenlill\e wine Aral j>\vm under the citndlthmB oemeil vn entry blank*. Fur InJIrlduel prireallie win- narwlll r^elie a lunduiue boU ntediL aocoiid miiia allver tnoilel an<l tlilid n>an a bniaie ni»Ul. CttiM Rnne ndle, aerelrli (ittroit).—Mrat iM-l(e, dia- mnitd »iud, SIW; mmit i>rlie, illainond etud, |AU; llilnl prl'e, diamond *|iid, $2.\ One mllf. haiidleaii.—Ptrvl prlre. dianiomt aliHl. $ISA: aecoml jiTlie, illamiUHl uml, S5U; ihlnl rrlw. illeiiinlHl »tnd. So; (barili prtie, pearl handle rerulrer endcaae, •in. JVn eiUri. ecralcli (pa^l).—Ptret p'lie, dlaimmil aiml, IIM: am>nd i>Tlie, eiilM 24 eir>l r>l-l waich cirtriii. An- nalMl hr Morgan A W'tltlhl, Iblrd prlre.dleiuund ■tud, SIS. The Raw Tsmek on Caiiax lalaad. A lurtyof 'cjclUU and newspaper men Imimejed to UaDhattan lleich In a ipeclal cur on June T, for tbo purports of iDspecilOH the 'cyrltiiffauilaihlellr plnnt now epiiroachliift cimipleiloo at that resort. Tho parij wero \tTj much plvaaetl with ihe new plant, which will coel l^'i.uu, and will lie ready for Ibo meet nr ihe New Vnrk Miate INrlnlon. I*. A. W., nn Jiino l&. Tlio track la uraileil wllh clmtem. Is nileil Id wtlh tell Inches ur conrrele. and has five liictiea nr adnnianlino surTaco. It la ooocroted on each side, thus proveiitliig ilatnaHofrom rmat and rmln. Tlie track la 4on. wtilo on tba hoincHlnitcli, 'jsfL on tho iist'ksinlcli.antl 'l^'lrt. on iho oiirvca, and U banked at anilcitur fnim IJ to 4h ileKTcea. Tbe gniDd itiuid will seat slxilioiiitandpwi|iH), while four Itmiiiiaiid |»eoplecHDi>o waled In Ihe bleach cm. Tliero Is a cnerkliig nHim umlor the grand srand, which win acntmniodste ten thoiumnd wheels. A liulldliir fiv iralnera In lulng eroo'ed nn the east nlde nf the track. It will lie provhieil with cola, iMilta and reimlr slmpe. An allilellr ileld hi alHo lielng laid nuL li wilt have a imarleror a mile rlndor path and a 3-JOyila. Hiralgntaway cinirm. There will also bo a baselMtl diaiiionil and ruotlmll KTUUDdS. **lliadow Dasieei** naci>s« Tbe iwanl track at llaolaoV Mni. Torunlu. Onl., was openod on }4aiurday ereninf, Jiino n, by Ihe Ferry Aaiiuclallon, wlion tbrao ihouaand perHonii were present, and aoine capllal rnctnR waa done by men or nolo In ibe wheoltDg world. Ilarley iHivid Mil again dbdloirulihe*! hiinseir by ridlug a mllo from scratch In tho haodtcap ti: 'im, l^c, whlrh rurtns llio compellltoD reconi for Csnada. The same rider rodosn uriparnd flying uuarter In w., and AiiuuB UcLcod rednceil the mile niipacod ny- iDg Stan racnrd to 'Jni. la^t. Huniniary: 0$y. mtle, Claai H.-tlerley llavldMn, K. l^ R. (V, acralHi, Hrat; h. V. |t<>li«na<in. A. O. <)., flUyda, nmoRiI : J.J.IIialr. 11. II. (;., ^Arda.. thinl. Time, Itn.lli. Half mite. CUu A, Wnalem onlarla.-ll. Ilulee flral, II. n. MeKallwMerood. Tliiiu, Im. tl\*. It'll/ mllr. rieM H, t«at two la Ihnte.-PIrat lieal: Time liiiili, lui Ifte., II. ItavUMiD llrit,Ailgue McI^bI aeniml, Wllllim UrlaliMdi third. Tln^ Im I^. UecUred nn race. In Hie run olT, vilh PavklMtii nal, MeLewl wim^ H. II. (llhlnna, II. II. (!.. aemnd; W. Mclotueb Ihlnl. Time, liii.3><.e. I'rlie wIlhbeM. utiarter mllr.—lUrUy IMvldttio, nilng ilarl, Wa, ;H II. nilibuo*. 31a.; K. W. Tauow. W. B. O., Imm a <iUiidliig ftlart, roile thndlatanre In.Tte. tinfrntle, CUaaA.-J. WIIU flnt, 0. P.lllutt socuod. Time, An. U«. H BII naring In Waetens Pnanei'lwaHlai A very Bucreaariil bicycle tuiirnamenl dosod al Uutler, l*a., on Balurday sftomoiiii, iuuo n. Tho pr1uol|ial liilenut was tTolrcU In ihe race fDr Iho cliamidonshlp of the couoly, fur which Vark Ifi*- llrlde. the winner In liM. waa the favorlie, but Nnl Cninrnwell manairnl Ui carry oir ihe honon after a bard slmirgie. Bnminary: one itrul 111^. half mtt^.tMt diaiit|'l<'n*hlp.—I'anl Cnni enveit drai, UearKo Merdorf mcowI, Rbiier llelmiKi^l Uilrd. Tlme.«m.S«. One rtAil onejhunh tnlU.—Unrh McBrida flret. Kraeat Crrnanwelt eectriid. J. Hientuii iIiIpI. Time, Sin. TJ*. >7r<rMlW.—tleuraeUirdorf nr>U Paul Cnuienwett aec- ond. KImer HrlinluU iMnl. TIom, Mm. iSa. //dV^Miir.-BraeitUnmeneell Ani, Tom McDrlde, eaa- ood. Time, Im. IM. One mJ(/!. annual Builer Cauriiy rliamiiloaalilp.—Peul Cruneiiwett flral, Klner lleloityuU aecoad, Uenrge Mar- dorr Ihlnl. Tlme.lni. JUSe. on^ Mf/r.-Marh MdlrlOe. ■cratchjint; Preiib Urbln aemntl. Jofeph HctkodleMi Ihlnl. Tiroe, Sm, tiat/miu, lMiye.^oa«pli Panle flnt. If, Hiarr eecunil. In tlie Old Bar Htala. lUe ClhitoD'Uucaetcr Atlileile AasocUtlon behl a race meeling In Ihe Nallonal Circuit at Clh)b)ii, IfsM., uD June >, which was well nllended and fur- nished Bomo good ipori for loveni or tbe wlieel. Huiumhry: riniiii(fM.Sin.cbu(,ClBaji B.—Jeoneyflnl.Hlina eeeuml, Slaeoaiiii thinl. Tine, Soi, 3ta. One milf. npen. (,'la«a H—Bald fitet, Htaia eecood, (Vianni thlnl. Tnne.Siii.Sl'A. r/fT(re((r/.-ltMeD<la|a, COrse.; flret; JpBney, Vyda., aeo- oi»l; Hlm«, IftidP., iklnl. Time. Im. 4Ha. unr Biir«.-Jaiiney, lOytla., nr'i: Huuer, Iftyda., eecond; Hiaia, U>ila., third. Time. fto. Mara Tranafero to Claaa D» The Iticlng Hoard of the Leagfls of Amortran Wheelmen was busy last week, and as a reauliof llslnvetfUgalUiiiHhilo thsrecordaor UtauArldeni aevrral pien were Iranaferred to Cbiai U. II. h. WIlllaiiiN. Hanta ISiiila, t^l.; O. A. Phllllpa, Itenvrr, Col.; C. (Una, llrwihlyn, and II W.TwrRiaii,(.*hl. cago. were llie unrnrtuaaua. For Tinlaltog the iniat«ur nilea Jay F^ton. F^ltabelli; James '/Im* niernun, J. Kmp, J, C'unk>ii and James Keofe, I'lill- ailelphU, were declareU profeiolonals. I'ending an Inreatlgallon Into llteir aiiialeur Btilue, Horace Hbiler. I/M Anielf: W, Hunynn, irrbana. 6.; Jamea Wlllla, Wetlflekl. N. i., autJ W. Keaer, lMytoD,(i., were suepeo dedn Tits anoual ten mile road raca fiir the obaiiiidnn* ahip (ir Union Cuunly, N. J., wsi mn ou Haliirilar, June N, al.Y men leaina frnm Ike Kllzaiwtb Albkllu 'Cyclen and the Kllzalxlb Wheel men bdliig the cuu- teaiani^. and tlis former wloulug by • acora of rnrly-elRbtpoliiUlo lliclr oppuncbia' Iblrly. Tlie time or tbe flrat four men, all of Ihe ^;il»lnth Atlileile 'Uycleni, was ai fnllows: U. II, .\pplay, ytui. SW.; W. Aptdey, 'JTm. »*e«a: II- F. L»wrs, rn*. V»\^.; CiMrtrt (Asrpeiiirr.'/Tin. aiy^s. Ollnbmdil* liert, of (be FJlzabrth Wbeclioen, didsbed Ui T,m. STK. TUB GREAT nRf.AV HACK. TiiK iMHUAi. cpjai HV Ki'M of ibo Long Itland -eninrr Aew/Rlailufi tt»k place on Jiioo B. They alarted at /> Hag llarlior, and arrtred al Jamaica, llw flnUhIng p^dot, iwintff inlonfa olicad of a"bedsle llO)f, llw anival belDgatO.St. All but tffoof Ike nutDemoa siartm flolsbed tbe dbtance, among ibsni iMlof Jlnbrrl Urtooanir, ten ycara old. sod of llubtrt llreDOSD Br., of the I'squod WheelmsD, who appeared frcabsrthan bis rather at ibenolsti. 0., of Iirldgeport.O.,wbollnls*ied third In lbs reoeot irrlDgton-HUbiira raca, waaa conteataot IB the anattal mad raoioT roartaaa nIlea and three fartooga, hhowa u tba Wetdport Knad BscBfJoiisio. Iffcor«rsdfMitt««o9UcaU3aiii. PreTlane Raeat^ Kallpoad In iNa Run gnn Chicago 4a ffaw York. Ttie bicycle rehky race from Chicago. II).. to Now New York City was siartetl at noon a. m., Juno A. hi rront of army headiiuarlen, at Adaiiia Sirert nnd Michigan Avemto, Chicago. III., iho Intention bring lo alart two rlilcrH In each of tho rrlayH, oiio man carrying a mesaago inmi (•rii. Monlil lo (Icn. Mlle^, In Now York, and the olhcr ii mrtngo lro:n IVat' manlcr lleaing to tho l^islniAHlvr of Now Vnrk. John lAwstm, a mmilior or Iho HonlUir 'Cjcling Club, and H. II. Wlnahln. who dUilngtiL-thiHl htm- Mir In the Cklrago mad nee, rmto iho ilnd reUy. Uoth men slarted at hiKh Hitccd, WInHhIp laklnii the lead. They cnvemi tho tint eight niltci< or Iho rourae. whtoh waa rmm the rnllman linltdlng to firand Croaslng. At that point the rlddia liimnl over their eealed nieaaagtu to IL It. t^rland J. J. fleienok.who made ihe trie fnim Oniid i'nt>qilnK in Kensington, At Kenslnaloa Twyninn and (I. K. Illckar rsllered the olhor two iimn. Tlio rldrr;* paiMOd thrtHigh CleTSUnd,».. at a, n. nNiui two houra Bhasd of achetlulo time. W. A, luvu arrlTOtl at Ashtabula at l'.!.4n r. u., rollownl by Tniii Itallat v., the laiter having riddrn iho ini miles from ileneva In srim., iMiliig Ihn birinrr roconl nrer that mule, Tho dlstani*o Itotwceii Kili< ami niinaio,trimtU*ii, waa oovcretl bylbo llhiei In 4h. 34[ii. The Unis nrrlveil In H0(hI t'ODillllon.rii. liehind Iho lUiies, who wun> Ih. AOin. and the lt(*«U Aim. ahead of the arbeiliilo at lliKhilo. Tho nin wnn wllhoiit mishap beiwren Krio nnd lliiirtiln. tIn'Ht crowds aMeinbled all atom the lino wiihlii iho rlty and cheered tho rldera nn. The veailipr waa vity cold, but tbe wind ffsn iiul agalnnt ihe nii'ii. Ttin Hed team galnetl em. lla on Iho Hi'biMliilo In ibo eleven lullearun from Falnlew tn KrIr. The rldera>nlvc*l>t tt)ntriiM Mimrily afirrl a. 7, and tho blue jaHioh rpanhed I'llca at |o. the red rnltowlng eleven nnd onu hair niliiniv!* later. ThoreilwaMcUtpdtiK up rant ni AnwlunlHtn. only Qvo nilnulra dividing lbs polr. Tho aanio onlrr waa malntHlnnl to Ht'hescrlady, whem tho Idini poiirh WNH inanarerred nt nVlook. AHmuy wnK reached by Ihu trader al 4.1A, the ml ikmiuIi litmhitt up live inlnttlea laler. They wera then alMint iwn houra aheail of aoheilule lime. At 0 o'cloi'k l*ouuli- kei'|>ilo was naohed. Iiiit tbo blue packet liml fareil Iwdir on Ihe way ami the ruil wom parrleil llinuigb fully ttevenlern lulniilraahiutd. Tlioiiiiii- oengora new ihnniBh narrlMin'ii an hour end n batr later, andal \M\k. h., n, r*. U. Hunger, ihe red rhlrr. Hide Into the Idrroln acailomy at Ml.tllidh Hin-rt ntiil the Ib^iilerard, and waa greelnl warmly by Uonoral Mlles,to whom ho delivered tho lacMiMo contalnlDg iho message. The dbnance waa aoconiplbiheil In (Ulh. ATm., Itelog ab. .im. ahead of tbe acliediile, and tbe frtMiind recorded time between thoae rlllaa. Through rrmr no meieiaga waa received fniDi hiatniaMer Ursine, of Cldcagit, who waa ainled to havn sent one, or* nrlal bnalneMa cnni{Hi>|eil the Now York I'oaimaHirr to leave ihN city rnr WaaJiliigiiin Fritlay nlglii, ami In Ills alwteDce Ira Imilnicisd IHvoto Hecnitary J. li. UoNab i(» rr|iresent him when the conrlcra airlvMl. Ur. McNab went tn tho AradeniT lalo In ihD evenlitic tn await tho dollvory of (ho tellera, I,. M, Hunger, lieailiig tho rod Iraiher jHtur.b conlalnliiuiliOHii|>* iMwcd inoMago forl'oaltiuater liaylon, came In fori v* two inliiules ahead of thoamiy riiiiili>r, Wllllnni F. Miiridiy. HiraloHni'mtarr MoNab waa In kighgleo at lira thought or ihe l*0Mi(inb*a liepartmenParidem making lieUer lliiio than tho army ropreaenlallve, buthlH dlmp|Kilnlinent was great whno Itwasdia- ciivered that Hunger Imiugni a Inltrr lo (lenoral Ullosand none forHr. Dayton. He llien OM|HHiled tn receive I'natmaMler llealng's mewago rnmi Iho aecond niurler, bnt Uun>byalNirorrlcd n loiter for tianeral Hlles. both having lieen wrilten by tlonnml Uerrlll. hmlmaaler Hajbm'N mtcreiarrlN unable tn auonunlfiir the mlalake, rur ho aald no had lieeii nidlQed that the Chlragi) PiiHtmaator bad given a meaaago lo Iko rod oourler. Anaong Iha Ncrraona. The now throo lap tnack looaled at Hot Hprlnga. Ball UkeClly. riah, wis succeMariilly opened Uny 3u, tbe atlondanca running over throe tltninand people. Tlie track la siirTareil wllb iialural cemoiii, and the conalrucltng engineer, Harry JoH«pli. vlallnl many of iho prinnlpal Imcka ot Aiuorica befi>ni de* elding nn Ita conilnicUoD. The rollowing Ih a aiim* niary of Ibe events: line mlU. oovlre.-M. ^Villlnatm wnp, LIndaey lliiilami aemnd. Time. Im. 4<*i"- oneihlN mitf. tnaea D.-4I. M. Bveaa won, Tlielrhrr wmnil. Tlnte. «a«, llnl/ Mtlf. (laia A.-II. I). Jenwin won, K. May HOmd. Tliiw.lni.ll*!*. tine mtlf, line h.-Tlila wee a biaC (I. M. Kvaaa vmi, 0. WeI|#rM«v>iiil. Time. Ilp4«. TmlHIrdM aitfc,bu)a. Uwrauce llerk, lUyda., tTiin In Im. aP^e. Twa fAfnfeeilK Claee A.-P. May won, J. HeckMnmd. Time, lin.4ia;«. t/imrtrrmlie.tnnu B.—ir. U. Ktboi trim, U. Weller aec- ooil. Time, .Tijf*. rAMM(r^Claaa A.-P. gay, SUrda., wim; M. I'-ideiiatm, Vyde., eeMitd. Time. Im. rim nfbv.daae n -M. Ilamrd. lUjde., wmi; K. tCiliii*, Divda.. eefiiad. Tlmn, Sn. 9l^e. n. P. llrnllaMi W. M. HUrkol. rldltig a lanlein. Ityliitf elan. uni«r«l, rale a mile la Sm. ea«a., ahlrb onw niiida ei Ihe worhl'a €|uh a reaml. Ijivivnre, Ihe iriek rider, mde a heir aille liaekwani latm. ai?t* i obui ei'.abllahlng a wiirld'e roconl. TIaa Wheal In Wlaconsln. Ttierewasa bigcrowd preseDlal the race meet* log held at Camp llaiidall, MadUon, Win,, onTlmrM* day arteruooo, June 4. Homo very good racing wan wllnetwed on a slow track. Hiiininaryi one mite, nu«lca.-H. I), (Vi\. ChlcnRu, drat; Ibiy Hmrlher. Mtillw>n.a#rf>iid: Cliarlu K. Ihiluiiir, Kranavllln, llilnl. Time. 3ni. .tlU'- (/udrW mI/^ iipea.—Vr. (I. Krhniler. Mllwaiihae, nr«l: T. U. l^dtterwon, MvlUm, eeeuml: A. DliiKanlielinar, Hlleeuken,Iblnl. Tline,.-BUa. one mile, lehdeoi.-ISfl. HuTh and Ifarry Cnihtr. i>rMII waukea, Brat; V. II. Blml|etaod Prank Vauwan.urHehili, eeronil. Tlhie. lai. eo^ja, Twn mUes.—Jnmnn llialgei. Moarofl. 4ril>di.. ilral: W- Srhnuler, Mllvaiikao,erratrb, aaeirfid; WanI bamlierlwiii, Vhrda.. iMnI, Tlnir. Iiu. U'^e. //d'/n'f'', itpoN.-H.C.i:i*t, tlilrairfi. Ilnit; I.M>n Hill- outt. ffeln|l,eecnod; B. II. HnielkerTMadlflvii, Iblnl. Time, Im7i3»4«. Oa^Atfl/, irlanfiitarcliamplun<hlp.—II. MiMire. Hi*- lull. Brat: Ward liaint«r«on. Nadlaon, moihI: II. L. Hull, Meillaon. lldnl. Tloil, >m. flia. rM< Mii>i.-Jarti«e llixifHi, Monriie. Vh'ila,, Aral;(!. K, p«|i>ng. Kvanavllle, ai>ida.. aarund; U.K. Bird, MhiIIhio, r7Ayde.. llilnl. Tliiie.ain. tl^i*. line mile. i'Mn.~H t:.tUtt, OlilreKo. BraliT. (I inilflnn- deii.HedlenD, aecond; K. P. Beirlt, (lilcaRM, iblnl. Time, tni.lta, OoadUaelng nt Ihe Capllnl* A Bsrles of races was held al Hlflgcllelil Turk, Albany, N. y..on June B, In wblcb nur.b crunka m cainnne, Tyler and llald took part, fiinihlitiig abuwlant aniuaeuanl for the largo galhrrlng of M»ei-lab>ri, whoao Intereat waa held thniiiglioiil, miDmsrr: One mife. nffon, tHan R.-<!eUnnn flrat, BeH aecnad, Haddoi tlilnl. Time, bi. iPMa. TtatUitr9a mVe.i^k It.-Celfanno Aral. Ihld Mcoiid, MaddniUdrd. TimMMi.Sle. f/dJ/Mllr.CUaa H.-RnIiI flral, P^ C. Jnlmwo aecond, SbiiSlhrrd. Time, lm.MK>. llntmUe. novk^.—Thru. l.«iwe.T. B.*'., flrai;C.T. Il«l«l- rld», Kyt WMbain,N. V . leond; W. K, IVelaliaH, A. C. lr.. Ihlid. Time. Its. 41V- mllf.otmn.iitM A.~r. H. HU>"e. K II. ft.. nr«l; itne mile, ruaa A.-A. II. Dever. nreenflelil. Maa<,, l««l;K.lllirrank. A.C. W., f»>)da.,aeninil: l|. K. Ilupierl, llarlaai W., tiyda,. iMrd, Tine, tm.Xl7iv. W. liMOOKHiitgB, lUggleswade sod HUIrlol i\ C made an aitetnpi to lower the tricycle rtKonJ foronn bunireil miles. &h. Uni. 44s.. on tbe great Norili Itfrad, Kngland, on Hay it. He alarletr from near wiatMKb, rIdlDg toward l.ynn.aud, tlKiiigh ini'silng wllb sereral accldeiiia to bU tyre, wblcb causnl itolaysauoiiiiling to atnul tweaiy-dre mliMib*a in all. he flahhed tbe Joonwy In 6h.6tm.'/4fi. tliiialicat- leg IJollieln*s record by 3ai. IHe, Jahih HlciiABb kiwcrcd the woild'i* rerord rnr riding a Idcycle one hoadreil mlleaHt ibe Veloiln'ino Uuinslo, Paris, od Hunday, Hay iv. Anwing lliu ■urterawerelJoiistaotllnret.Tom Mnlonsnd l^wlii. HIchsel got Ihe lead aoon after tbo aiart, keid II and flolahed In 4b. am. 4A«*a; lluralsa<.-ond,6iu. VU. alicr Hkhacl; l.ewbi Iblrd. F. w. Cni.«K. HIdUnd (.'. and C. (',. won ihefpiarier mile raca at Ihe aporuof Iho caiford t'.C'.,at l/in* doo, Kuge. oo Hay ix. He lowered tbe fomer* llsta racord Ib each of ihe trial healR, sudUi tbo Sual 0. P. HibLi and H, F. F^ge, tbe KnfH'b IdBff dhf lance riders, completed a twenty-four bojia* tan dem road trUI over Ihe Uraat North Issd- oa June 8, covering 31T miles, Jahsb HicUASia,ooHay2D, rode ds y kUMBSins on the path st Kouso. Fr, Is lb. ttm. 34V'i IHIM b«BUBgimUpU'Rcof4 vfUi.90CD.UKs; ' ;