New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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232 THE JSTETW YORK CLIPPER. June 15. THE N EW YORK CL IPPER THE FMNK QUEEN PUBLHNINQ CO. (UinHed)> rRonuETom. GEO. W. KEIL, HiVAOlB. SATDBDAT, JUNE 16, 189C, BATES. ADVBKTIBBHXNTB. Tvnlr c*dU parlln*, M*t«(n«H>*MDra; ^ik«oi one Inch tUO ock taMiM. A dl4ueUog or» pw euL la •llowad on adTMllMinuu «h»D pftU for Uira* iioatha Id Idraoef^ iDd OD •dTorUMOiniU ni«wurlDf UB llDM orBon. BUBSO&IFTION. Om f Mr, Id idftfoD, $4; all monlha, tl: Ihrw nWBIha, tl. ronliD poaUiD num. SIdiId Wfilw lOwouuth. OUl TKUUI ABB OAilH. TUB CUPFBR U laastd aTarr WadnaailM id<iidIi|i. ITm UUi, mil ud HUi (aiKaitUlnn) iwaa 00 TO PRSH ON MONDAT, tut tl» lllh, UQi DM Mlw pDfaD OD TUE8DAt, VoTBU OlMliiK Promptly at 4 P. K. FlMaa noilt hy aipraaa inoD«7 ordar, cba«k, F. O. Or- darorraalatarad Mtor aaA AODREM ALL OOMMUNIOATIOHB Fttr thm KdllOTlBl or tk* BuIbm* DcpatialDBt ts THE NEW YORK CUPPER, F. o. Boi ajoa, or nLirrsR buildino, ^HaM gOC«Dtr<SUMI, Naw fork. Is EDDland—Till OurraB caa Da obUla«l. wbolaul* mat ntSn, of onr uvdui, Hmltli. Aloalla A Co., > Naw. ODMJa Bmat, fluwl, London, wliara bound Alaa of 'JiU pa|i«r Diftr ba aaan. In PimD«*—T«i Cumn la od aalaDtBmnUao'aoava dat«l, ir Araanoda I'Opan, Ftfla. M- THB IfKW YORK CLIPPER pal*- Ibhaa ealr on •dlllon, mmd «kat Ufmt' tnm Naw Vork.^i QUERIE S ANS WERED. NO REPLIES B Y MAIL O R TELECRAPa ABDinwomviBuiBooniKrraifu. JkuiRiiunr or mum khoou) wutb to thou whom tvbt mi, 10 oiiiorTJIBOUrfBR ruarOrnos. Atxijnruaviu. ■I IDTBBTMBO OH Will OHLT. Iff TBW HOOTM 09 iRT THuniKUL ooariHT u ■oiKiHr. urH to odii lwt or lUWm or AMTHM rAOt. Wl OAPVOT •UOBOtnaBT ■iiboa nuaum THEATRICAL. B. A. MoO., 8l«Dl«nTllt«.—Wfl ilonot rurtilUi wUrMioi orperrurmeriL AiUrva UlUni In mk ofTui RLirrRM. r. T.8., LUll* IU»ck.—Tlis act U liy do niwiia nnfol. S«r«rml urUMCnfRa&rvoovdolBic It In (bli dir. MM. 0.—TiM Brookljii TfaeAin wu burecd D«& ft, ice. II. B. M„ riU«barg.-8M uuwer tn L A. McO., in UiU UMf. J. T. F., XdOv*)!.—W« euoot oTHltrlAk* tn u)iw«r taut qoftrj, jwi wk for tli* nktitta ud wJilnMi uf t)i« muiacnnorMviDtMo coni|>*iiUi. Vou thouMfinploy K. B., rliTclwul.—W* cut flod no noonl utiltt dMUi of A. A. J., Junwtawa.—Chain Knw«d to tb* floor nf s IliwtrooruUierplActoraniuuuiMtv* conikltmd par ■oiul propenj Id ihURUta. W.n. (T-Tiionvoaldproljftliljlw hoi IlitJt d^mwiO, ud Hl»ry mlrhtruRo rruioliruoii lo tvaoty dolUn p*r fof, Ftilliil»)^la.—W« neT«r funilsli Infunn&lloii cun- ctralnK th* voiiht uiil b»l||lil of iimreMlitntlH, our ujjr Mraly |Mtr«ooKl omaIU. J. (f, rhlU<lolplilft.~Jolin Luli;Ui« )iiiiil«nil <>r Lwin Kmd*, dl*d Id Wikbloiitan, 1). ()., April LH, ItW. B. O. K—Tlie ptrty In anknuwo to un. Audrw UU«r Id oir e*r«, and «• will advartlM II. K. L. X., Bu(ra|o.~Ynu ahouh) iiiak* ii«rmnAl tiipllr*- Hon lo nuiMan lo ihli clly durlnic UiU nmoDi. B. tl., ClilcMO-~T1ii< party uwoi a Uiaatra Id Boainn, Naaa, buknone In lliltadalphia. A.B., fonHrallb.—Wahara naTer oiamlDail hla ean, «Ddoona5(|uanilydu not know nheUioror not tbayliaTo bMnplarMd. N. IL J., Bniilavoad.—Addr*M any of tho ilatlara lo mavlolMu* auppllaa who advartlaa fa TiiK i-Lirrui. J. B., BuUe.—Addraaa ilia ]«wrauc« Novtlty Co., (fl and W Oanlra flinaL Naw York Olty. II. B. M.—Wa wouw adviM you la una a boi. R. V. R., Blmln.—Addroaa (b«|«rUai In can of Tlir CLirriB. L. U., nilcaao.—Wa know nf no aeliool of Hut Brt. J. K.t BnwbTta.—Wa do not rrnra to irfOHiiDaiifl any noclal acliool. Vuu cao obtain the addrauM fnim th« Trow Huunaaa Dlraciury. 0. (7. T., Imllan Orclianl.—Roth playn ara |>uUIc pmp- •ity, MO (kr a* wa know, u iioih am In prioL J. 0. M., HiMnear.—AtUnaa OoairruTa A Urut, In rnn OlTBDOUI'l'IH, W. II., BlRohiKliam.—Wa liava not haan) of aoy abow boarlojiUiatUtla. W. HcO., OIncluiuU.—Wo know of no clreua bearlnf hat nnma. BT. UiDia.—UyoD can pflrftct your act you will flml It nronv f nouili tn |>ay for tJia imubla, ek|>eclalljr If yon noeavd lo lit* r*at vou ai*now praotlRlair. Ilianu li, hnv. tirer, not nnral, wlUi Uia •icopUon ortho foat n(»rnd m abora, which bai nnl l«an dune, lo our knowtaJna, knd wttlch will nut Tou Id ilia lYont rank. It would ba iMtior lo etoaa wllh Uta awloc. Ttia a«t eaonol b« prtrisolaJ liy law. 1. P., Wllkaabarra.—I, fron) flnMOdollanporwMk up* wafj. DMordlnii to aMilly and rvpulatloa. I. Tho pur- iraUhaai ' l^BL - - aavar M(br« hoanl of ibo lllla. (r»U haa DSTtr appairal ujhki our i«rm. BL Joaapfi.—Vftur manda ara mliukan Wa haT« C. N. 1)., Btton.—Tho pftrly haa cloaad hli wuon. Ad- dr«aa lalur in car* of Tin (fni-riiiL B.M.M.,nrmnd RapidL-Addnn allurtlie ntxim lo earaof TiiaUurCBN. D. J. 0., Boatnn.—Ynn may laara al) yoa dailra ood- comiDK tJin pnrty by lai|ulrlnit at the llDlllaStnat Tboa- (r«, your clly. D. II. Meg. A Oo,. ArbardafD.—Wo narar nirolid) lo* fomiAilnn GvncamlDs the rallablllty uf any ona. Wa bava never aooa iLe lilar. R. O., l*»i«PM>n.—Addr*M In can uFThd OurrxH. V. II. H.. Jackaonvllla.—AddrvM lh« Uwrano* NoTolly Vm , hi and bo tSantn-Hiraai, Naw York Ulty. t>>itiiTAHT HubiM.—1. A apaca thraa Indian Uoap, 41M vlumn wida, wouki com $3DM nat fur four vMha. 1 TvaatyflvadtillAnporwaak. 1 Yaa. Bonn Hell.—A four Inch apac* wuuU ooat t\7M for two Iniartlon*. a U. M., Ut»4BkHi».-lla la aitll allva and la Mill pUy- Inf. Wa narar lira iha «Ra of IItIh^ pToraHilonata. 0AHD8. NnwniHT.—No; BalmnU laod acnr^l. RnAORH, Amnto.—Nona of tlia oiher rloyan havlnR itoyod In, Uia op«ii«r of tha Jackpot waa nut laqulrod lo •how mora Uiaa opanara. J. M. W.. Wolium.—It waa a inladaal, and Uia onrda Biuat iMiwiuniad and daallovar. 1*. W., MonaAaM.—AaucliT* couDlannly two polola U*v lha ptajar who makaa It. whvihar niada fn a luna hand or DoL K Ih T., Wateriown.—At aaren up lha Jarb, wbao lumMl fbr trump, eounu fut iba daolar al onc«. T. N. ti, Naw Urlaono.—In (It«w iwkor Uif player tti whontaoard thai In eiiMvaad Inthadnw 11 deaU canaot ooeapt It, Itni muai he hat|i«d to tiia neit oanl fhim iba lop uf Uw daok, and taCbre any pU)'«r lo hli tall la RlTan any oanla. D. W., Naw York.—Tou can maM out and win Uta ffmnin. It not balnn naeaamry In aueh c«>a tliat you take auuihar Irlflk. Pari. Mlnnaapolla.—The hlphaat atraiiihl Huak that nn li« ta*H Uoonipoaad of ooa, klnr noMo, Jttk and lan apot, and tbe lowaai la mad* up v( flie, funr, tmy* douM nod oca. J*. II.. I*rarla.—1. Yourpraaani ■taremant rata an an- tlraly dlffareot contplatlnn on Ui* luaiiar. If the trkk waa not ooQiitlaitd <ahlrh lha fUnaar comnuinlcnlloD ■aid It waa), uan It U a lulMaaX and lha cnnliiiHtuM b« rftaahunUd and daali by lha n«ai pUyaT lo the Ult. S. 'a UIck U not oooipMa-* —*" ' nUsrad m It - . :kpol ^ —- braaka lha |nii u not collad, ha boa to ahow ojiaoara only. 'a UIck U not oooipMod until all tha pturen hora liUyadmlL . .. B.. XlnfatOD.—At Jaekpnt poktr, whan ibeplmr who . XlnfatOD.—At Jaekpnt poktr, whan ibeplfi^r jki lha iNii u not collad, ha boa to ahow ojiaoara n.., 17. R. riymiHilh.-ltuU mull be follovMl. II ttOlaibft wloaTnt ^ \ W., Jaraarniir.- one for the Ia4 eoru. otharwUaTntwp ntuM l»e i>Uya(| li<ln nana, r. W., Jar«arniii.--1laiaeui1lM in n nn of four and Tvnp. J. T, Rr1ilif|wrL—T1io Itat haTlnv been inoda on a tnatcti roca wbloh reaultad In a dead haaL whlrli won not nn us, the wanr li thereby rwudared toIJ, aud Uiebeiinr la aniltM In b1« ntontty back. J. lU Waupun.—Tbaraceoo which Die bet waa nude balnnan oveniliht aT»ni,aml the hurwe liet u|wn not ataitlDR, B In ratlUad U* a raittra of lita leo dullaim. TunPlTl, li«\(nffitin.—pia faatwl lima niida by Tan Broeokwaa l::^.tiia(la In aline trIaL wlUi |loftui\ at the LoultTllla irwck. May II. IHTT. W. |».41^Monroa.-A' hlU'Mmck UaoMlladbaraBPa It teaanibUa In >haj>a a klia or lultoon. Kaatar ilnia eu be tnadooTir ona of that riiape than on a ranUtloo oral wok. r. B, Y.t Balilniore.—AalTaior and Tannymai In lha roee for tbaChonplon Rukeaat Mnnraoulh nrk, N. J., m inn Balnlnr wlnnlnv handily by four lanilha. Baoh bora* eoitled im, Halrator helm ridden by iMae Murphy and "Snapper" Qarriaon bavloi tbauonnion Tanny. O. B., Roma.—TImaianoioinrlally Uban on lha tun- nlni inrfln Roilond: cooaauuently we ntw wlthent ra- llabla iwoot\la of the time maiia lo nce> run iharo. RINQ. M. J. 0-0., Naw Yorb.-Cliartaa Mitchell ataodaia. tin. In halihL lilt fkUter waa bom at Bray, aaven mllea fVom Dublin. Ireland, and hla BOlhir woaa natlfaof Uie tViunty Waiiord. B. li. II., MaBiphia.~AccoiUlD| to publtahed mfoaara mania of Uie two man Jatnea J. Oorbatt'a reach lasi^ln. and that ot Bob niaklHinonaBJMla. Woeonneiaar IVsm octaol knowMga that ihtae Bfufeaaie abnlnlaly cor recL R lU Rdltalo.—Tba flihi batween John Morrlaaay and Johna lloananrerihe ebaniplonablpof Amaricn,tindar the oM rvle^ look place at Loai l*olat« Cka^ 0«i ti, UW, Monrtaa^j wlanloi. liaanan waa not Tocood phya- iflol romllilnn. ami hu party imlMTured to aecura » puit4<ooaiitaBt v( tha day of Hihtlni, but withoni ar»l). IrqtriBn, Bt LonU^Ttia floro tAt boiweon Bob PliwInDODBand Petar Mobar came off atWaw Ortonna, Ia, Hofcb t, UPX and waa won by tba fimor In tvalre lonnda. TtiercfloiMdad roTanneortlljai. D. 0. B., llfllMla]a.-Jamea Smith boa b««D the meoff- nlBod duinploo orBnRland nodortha roaolnr P. R nlea forftDombar of yoan. Charlay Mitchell la ibe boilni champion of that ccdoUTi u Jomea J. CoiboU la of the * BASEBALL. CRICKET, STTC* T. r, BL PaDl.-r^b«r A a Janlzao. of Iba Jackaop- Tllle club, of the Waium Aoaodatlon, loot year cuBbt lo ooahondred and olfthirarefooaa, IndodloiraiblbliloD anil cbampkinfblp conlaat^. lie itnried the peaaoo with the HaTannoh Olub. of iha Roaibem lonfue. ptoylnR hU flrM Rama Hardi 29. He than coDRht averr Jtnmo Tor Uiat clob until ha waa anRafed by iheDatnlti^orUta Weaum I^eaRna. At l>atn>lt be kept op hli nconl, caichlDB entry aame played by Ita team natll ihetntur *«a dUGaJDded bu In Uia Pall. J. N., Brooklyn.—Tha Atlantic (•am, of Brooklyn, won all of the fnny-rmirRimea played loMMandUU. P. fl. P., MaoBAaU—AddreaaB. Wlleoi, WoatOald. M. J., who mar be able to loform yoa. T. B. B., BlehmoDd -TbaMtIa deddad by the nwon of tha Mcond RonM, t hat be l nf the refnlaracliadalad one. • ATHLETIC. A. M. P., Jamaica.—Tba faalaft niDDlajr iloie for two hundred jarda la 19Xa^ by Oeor(n Bavara, tha American flyar. In EoBUnd, In Wt. Reward diad aoma yean afo. nearLlTarpoo). a J. r, Hoiii0D.-ln onlar to obtain • rocord for the fltatod porfomaoce It will bo Decoaaory for you to pro- cnroihe arRdavlu of oflklola who nperrlaed tbe aomo, RuanntaalORlbeRenolneiiaaaaftbaraaL TbaaaaflUaT. Itn nliooM be Ibrwaidad lo Uila oBlea wlthoal delay, and If avaryUiloR aliould be lound oorroel It will be admlUod U> tlia record lablea. BowLtR, RochaiUr-The portJaa who Uid ahoold roll off for cIhiIco of prliea, ihe wlooar UkloR tha ItlRlieat, of couna, and tha kw«r Ihe ncKt; or, tliay can mutually aicrea to dIrMa the priiaa Mually. ATBLRTB, Brrocupo.—1. Tlie (Oa hu'idnd yonla haa been run by nan U IM«, by MTaral pertlas boUi proraMOooal and amatanr ell I ma of uartlaa who are alleRed to have traraM ihadlMonceln V9iJL haire noi lM»n«ubaiMllated. 1 Wrlio to Jamaa K. BalllroD. 311 Broadway, New Vor*. ACiUATIC. R. P. 0., Ilanfonl.—Tba yacht VlilUnt «aa bolll of Tobia Itrunu, and waa a canmboenJ hoat. The Valk/rle wanorcompiiuta bulU, and waaa baal boot. HuncHinRM, CliloBRo.—Tbare U no book pabllahed tir- ing a Hat of all lha rvwlnit elobo lo thUoooDliy, J. M. 0.,IUfflnaw,—OrvwarapraaentlnR Cornell Unlrer- ulty won ute 'raralty race at the rwRittaa of the KovlnR ARNoclaiJoD of American rollefea at Bofotoia, N. Y., In im u>ii Uflt. HiSOBLLAlfSOUB. li.N.,Newarb.—Addnaa Norman A Brani, Uwkpori, V. H., Oheaier.-^ la naponajble to A for thi amount of Uiebat;bul B, in whom lha umney waa paid thronsh mlataka, In In liomir hoand to make the ammnt Rood. L. B. H., TrantoD.'^If Uia abooUnit waa dona under Ihe role* of the American KhooUnit AmocIoUoo It waa a loot bin), aa the rule reeda: "A binl to be Kored dead muM ba gaihered wlihia boundaby a dnsnr man vlihin three mliiatea* llroa, and before anoUier Urd la ahot au" J. II. MoC New Vork.-U mual thnwoffblioUiar nyol fluAb In order to deelde. U. R T., ladlanapolla.-In rour former conmnnlcoiloa tlia datea flran ware May S and S9, iBitoid of May 9 and XL A wina Ibe wagar, the two weeka aDdlnRoo MoytL W. II. Calala—Addrau Gborloa Broadway Boooa, Naw York Oily. P. D. A, ABUiria.-Addr«aa R U. locerMll. tt Oortlondt fltroal. New York Oily. CHESS. T. OorraapoBdaaU. Li Rdi WlLUAMD.—A biara and niarltorloiu aUaek oo No.^lU: bnlll blhUUialau momaDU Yoa nyr.Kl toVtr.PX BIQ); npiNMia ba oalla furromaUiloralM, r. 9.(Kkl,what Uiaor You ara mthlDK rapid pro gi eaa and aliould ba frnaUjr aoaiuraiad. n.J. OOLar.—tbaok you for lha aUaolloa, but a blur pravaala our daclpharlDK tlia poalUoa; mcbllilnpaluiubl alivara ba |)ol on a diagram. P. Kioiriannoii —Varr curiona Indaad, thank jou ^llh JDur Uava, aa will daaleala Ihfa lo L. R. w., of a. Onaha, our younioat pupil lo aulmataa. KTmnuvT, Lowlifaam, Enr—Tma, wa *Moo't daaarra II," but wa ilo all and tha baiTwa rao, and adult Uiat tha lolwTDiatloo la Ktartllnir. itiH t.orb.—Tha loapirlng caoaa of the abora aniwar la thia H a m Tinilay, of Tkt Lonitm naw*, aanda ui thia card; "One of my Mlrara-pratljr good, too-haa cooked yourlODU. Thraa nlulloDa-l..ktU>Xtr: l. KttoKS; and 1. .P10 n 4 (I think other ketra alio) lead lo aulmala la twaoty." Wa hare no Inronnatloo aa to who the "aolTet" ii, or how he proceed,. We ihoukl tw glad of your ojilnloa. Bku. PalTt.—Iliaoh you Tor txaoilating tlie eicaipta from our Judgai' award, and ghlog a page of La stnugte to our prfia prublenia. L. T. HapruHD, Tarpoo flprloga, Pla—An four raqueet doM not lodlealawlietheryou area beglooor, weareal a kaa what to advlae. Any way, the "Chaaa I'layeia* Teat Book," br Ooaalp: the great "Cb. PI llanual,"b> Ooaalp, all you codU handle at praaeot. Kroa wlih tobuyroora daaply, we raoommend yoo to aenil teo canta to Will U. Lyoni, Boi m Newport, My., andgelacoii/yorhla great priced aele calaloinie. While. l.PlaBT l..Pl«a.B a..qB-KT g..K-H3 a..qH-hli> 7..IIH-HI ^-hlat SelatioBi. or PROBiiBii NO. 9,an. I..K-I1> I..K^g Black. pto<)a p-gf Ptlueena K-lta K-H7 K-Kt K-it7 ' K-Ki K-HT K-K« While. II..KIon7 II..Kt.B< U..KxXtP II..KB-Kt4 M..KI-RI4- ie..K-RI 1T..P-KII ii.Pbeo. B U..Kt-ICt XI..11-1CD1 Black. KIOH7 P-K H< P-K R9 R3d rxB KlPxItt P-K R< P-K RS P-K Rg BPxKI PdUf mate. Though "flecoDd Prlie," a worthy cotnpaQloa for the beat, aad a pride to aog oollecUoo. Black. L.HtoBJ 1..<1-K > S..H-0> R-KI P KNIOMA NO. 1,001. Black. ll..Kb>K> lt..K-q9 ii..R-qi u..£2t> B..ixl), Black. a..gtoB4 7..U-Kt4 ii..a-iit9 >..R-Ktt K)..Q-B3 Black. ll..RtoRJ I7..0-K1 u..q-icti i«..irt+ ■I..Kt X B, I All Black-a S..(j-R> lt..lltoUBi; t)..qtoher,l,to..tfxq, tnoTea glTe,.f, end the original, quaint plAoiaaiiaeDeaa of tho terminal noaltloo norer waa alcaadad by menal prubleniatlat. wa glre the abbrevlatad aolatJon of Oup. P>a Oilisa PaOB. Tdibiibt. BeaMea, Ihia aroblea haa a hMory. II, wllh lla orBamenia] aurroulMlaga, la one of a pair of atUatlc picturea, IWiUK lochea,eiecul4d wlUi a pen. eipteMly tbr Mlroo'a libimiy, by Joa. Nay Babaon, Id 1873. Yhe oompanloo plolur* la die lajiioua two move, dedicated b> "liutnla," by tlie lamentao young genlua, o«o. H. Oerrickeoa. Knlgma Ro. II,0UH. Recond Priie In Clkria MakMtft Ylilnl Touioey. "TTMJtTW."—gT W. A. Cl.Aai. aiqB4.KKt<,qHl,qKl7, ^KBl,qilt4,gX JBg, * «111111 r •tQBt K8. Kl. QB6. Q»a. K KB, QBa, KS.and5. White to ploy and Rive ntau In twouwreo. Problom No. H.OOM. BT LA HI'H WILUAHa BLACK. WIIITR WhIu tn ploy and rIvc mate la tbrae mevat. Ckoaa Im FimMo. l.a a^fntffff^ for May Rlraa on Iniaraatlnioccouatol the recent tmn mauh, nine a aMe, batwaea the Oerele Mill- laire and the Grand Orclo dea Bcbeea. Tba latter woa by Ute daelalre aeore of T u 1. Tba mlllioryleader waa CopL Dupray, the ciTlllana beloR lad by H. welaaBuaa. M. w. wtanlni the peraonol encoaatar. On the eacond boon! LlauL Naion dafaatod M. laUl La S. wlrea them two Romaa. A brilliant bonapet eloead ihTa notable ROthonoR In eninlatloo or the oreat anooaaaoriha abora matrii, the two Military Cbaaa Ctnlea of Poria and Rouen hare arranml a malrh of two Romaa b/eorre- fpondanre, tha Pariaeenimliiea under the piwaldencyaf tVL Mnrtaar: that of Rouen, nndar LlanL OoL Dei>ra- naaui I'nilfr the nama 'TFchloular do Nora," a aaw rheai club haa l^n eaubllahed at LlUe, which meeU In lhe<^0» du Boulevard, with a Rmd aoniber of mem- ben; M.Oarmo-aacretary. Waoreihemora plaaaed to record Ihaae arldancea of a revlral of chtaa In rrmnoa, aa muMir bad ahuuat mwla na betlare thrre had come to bo no ohan* of much acmuni In the couDlry, o«t#lda of Paria Tba Rreat handlmp of tbo Orand Cercle alO. d*a Bchtc* larmlnate'l lo lha flciorr of M. Choaaroy (flr*t doaa) ».H oal of 30; MM. Iilel <aMond> and Walaa- mann (BraiV aecood, r* awa, M wlna. In tha ploy e^ M. W.yleUad the odda of P and mora, bet M. latol won ......ThaBeeroloflcalnotlc«eaieT»ryAtriklnR. Innddl- tlon to theTatann Prench nualer problematlM^ D. La- mouroui, la nnwaotad thedemlaeoi tbatamlnaol man and officer UatMml, the Mart)ula d'AQtlRoe. Illmaflfa Brooklya. ■troBR player, he wai alwayi aa anthaalnatle prvmour of •rarrlblnR that taoded to adronea ebew In Pruee. NotoMrbra name and traa eiparleaeo,antl bUaeeept- onooofthe pt*ald*Dcy oftha oommftt«e,dld mora than oar other man to brfaR abeat lha proud n««M of uw ooilonaJ tonmey In Pana. Oan. d'A waa maldant of theCercladea EcbecaTrom Un to*8S; and llwaa bU powarftl patroooRe that rendered po«*lble tha mem- onMe eerreapondanee moieh, Porla ts. Vienna, UM BL Pat«rabnrR haa loot a derotad cheaa omalear, aad a man of profoood leanloR, in Aleuadre Omt^awckl. fie won an eminent and Tanuilta author. In cbooa, nodar the Initial **0.,*' ha pnbllriied In >(D a aeHea of paper* lo La Atrtt/nfcon 'The Orlrln of the Oame of Cbe«*." aad In "01 on^TbeOameofCneHlothaOrioaL" There- cant laumailonal cheoa match by uicRnnb between lha Rod Prnnclaco. Gal., and tha Victoria, B.C., Cheu Cloba ended In a draw, 0»me no. a,O0M. It haa bean ao long ainco we bare aoan a freah robm from Mei Jodd that we alaie upoo the follovlDR from Tht Tfmo llnancTiiXwith poaltire avidity. IBHEOULAR Wblto. J. Halprio. l..PtoQB4 t..P-lf 4V 8..BPXP 4..KPXP S..Q Kl^S C..KB-KS T..K Kt-BS ft..RaMlaa 9..P-9KtS IO..P-44 II..K Kt-hla5 11..K B-hlaS U..QB.Ktl II..K Bt-K4 U..KtXKt IS. .0 B-RS ir.qBxR IA..KtPxKt W..Xt-KlS «-her3 Block. V. Jodd. PtoKS P-4 4 X PX P \m: XB-QS WhiU, Black, X llalprin. M.Judd. n..KRtpX«l Btoj^aq 0!'. M.. P-^KtS ■her I Rt-BS R-Kaq tX Kt »-hlar SKtXP tXB-f(t) rKRS XQR X R-q3<d) I a blunder.—J.I ..KHX Pi(C) Q»<|4 ..QR-Kt3 P-IAA H-Xtft RXP-f 9..dxQB QxR-l-.aad Bbca haa a draw, but abort- ly loat throoRb a blunder.—J.(d) noRB. J.—JDDo; A—aiceiir. (0) Black ban aorely by far lha bettor ooattloo.-fl. (1) Tba InlUal move of a floe aacrlDdol combination, that doM rred. ibouRb It did not attain, auceeaa.-R It) I7..KX Xtl woa lha proper move ami rorcaathe win. -llerrB. PlelaalR. JBaeUiepoalilon: WHITBfMr. rialprln). BLACK (Mr. Judd). MoTamatIe-17..KlxB-|-t| irir.RxKtl: lll..KBXR(l) QBxB |2D..qmnTea KltoKT-l- 19..qB-R3(1) QB-R6 UI--K-RHO O-RdUwIan. (1) toba, K B X r-i-i: 19..e x b,b to rs ■f, etc. (1) iri9..Flo K B S,QBtobU7. wIonlnRtha advene B: aad Black. wlUi three minor placea and nPva. two Bo, will Barely wla. Sooner or latarlte will nla nRrornne minor plac«, owloR to lha poor pUdnK or the While Rt.— J. ■ • * WequlUnRreewlthMr.Judd'aeoncl«alooM.-S. <fe) S>..BXKt; ai..PxB,<]XP.aeemB to drawooilly by perpetual -f.—8. (dfWell pUradI prerentlon Uie Inteoded a..BtoQd. WhlUwouMaoolloueSr..llX B P 4-t, etc (ih Tlie comblaaUooa reaalUaR from Uie auRReatod 17-. are lilihly laiereatlaR, and It la only on that account that lBaiHryou|B.)ihe ' We Rave laat week all the needfttl atoUatlca of Uila great match, bat many cominanu are flyloR aroend aaaat the aJmoat eontlnuoua dafaata ladlcied upon oar "oremler olub," and a peralttentqaoailoDloRaato «by Ibia la tbua. Tba beat anawer we bare aeeo to thia pertf- naot query la that In The TrUmnt oftd InaL, wkkb aoya: "Tba club la divided Into focUooa at praaeoL There are aoroe member* who think that a cliea club'a principal obleetahouU be, afUr providing tba mambera with ault- able rooma and chaaamao aad ooard^ the omoRement ofmatcbaaand tounumeiiia throuRltoutthe year; then aninembeiB who are foollah eoouRh to think that the aervlceaoracoach—BaTaunnllbaSlelnltz—obontd have been aoufbt for. In order to proparo those who Intend flRhtlDR for Uie honor of the club In leoRneaad other matehaa; ibera an member* who believe ihatmoncaa be learned ftnm the play of two emparia, au«b on Llp- Bcboati aad Bhowalter, aad that audi a conioot would Crave ol neater Intaraat than the akililea In which two nlRhu ployen an dally annRod at the dob rooma. "And there an memben who aar: 'Wbatdoweconfor tounaBienta,matchuandnaehauipldthlnfat What we want an flaely appointed rooma, where we con meet and Bkltlle,anddrneandwlae,*aadwho an of oplnloo that the ooly object of the dab tatotoatfr aoolal latarooarae amoDR Ita memben; Uiat moaey ahouU ti«BaTed,aad not a cent of the duVa money ipooi natll then on nOOQ, oreven|\000, (niha dub'a tmaaury. "And thedlreotonof the dub. WbatdoUity any to all thUT The 'kickera' lo tbe dob blamo Ihe manaRemanl, and mucbaa Uiey like the dub and Itamembem, Ihoyan bold enouRh to malotain that the preaant mannien on direcllr reaponalble (ortheoon •uoeaaaoftha orgoalia- llon. The 'kickera'nay that the praoant mnnoRen aeom to think they own the dub, and an the manaRemant la belDR iMckeu up by Uia majority of tbe dub'a memben, nothlnR eon ba done lor Ihe pnaent, and thloRn mnit ro on aa they do anUl the reformara au creed In letting Inlo oHIco. '^enlaonegoodthloRaboat ihemambenolthoclub, In aplteofadlvenlly of opinion. Tbayall lore Ihe dub, TTiey all wlrt aucceaa and proaperliy to nil lu dotnga, and It may lhanfora ba tahao for Rranted that tbe Von- hattan tffteaa Olub In lha near fiitunwiu ba oaa of the flaeat cheea duba lo the world, not oaly In a ooolol, but In a llRhUBH aanae." Junao. IfUieM.O.C.IatoanpportpreatlRanndworth- lly wear the UUe ol Uia "premier dub o! Amaricn" It will have to"apnieeaprlRht BmaTt.** become mero ot a unit In Ita alma and acui,and no manaRe lla Intareain on to draw the boatmen to lu nnka and neenra thair anawerr- loRly loyal aupport lo Ita BaR and honor. It Is Rare that a chaaa editor flnda two Ramea In one week, both •eni lo the pnm wllh warm ealoRtaa by the loaen, and both eicaUaoL Tbe folkiwInR ecoomd In the match, Cheahlnva. Monchaatar iBur j, A. Dod (O ) wa W. Palmar, diampjpnol ihe MaoclieaurO.0.—Jf.fwnla? Ncwi.via Chtu PL Chnmtete. BiailorB GAMBIT, A. Dod. PloK4 KPXP P<G4I W. Palmer. l..Pto K4 I. .P-K B4 S..KB-B4 4..KBXP 6..K-BM1 7..Q Kt-BS 8..KKUB3 •..OKt^laft t0..1MiBS II. .0-RtS It..P-K R4 U..K-htaBt ^ 14..KtXBP ftxQKt »..RPXF(*} Q-Kll ie..KtPxP KH-hlaS I7..KBXB BP KB and Whlu> realRoa-ttr) (*> ITbe yoDOR Btndeni ahoold look latolhli. It la In- atmcilve. (f) We do Dot thiDR White, champion IhooRb bo be, manaxeahla K la the best poaalbie maaner.) (ei AD Innnloua ettompi to aavo the foma, which Jnst fell abort 01 aucceaa. if) II waa potnlad out Uut SI. .R to K 9 + wu oven mora fbreloR 19) "It la une of the moat IntoraatloR and oidUoR Romaa I have ever played, and I fM almoat oa piMaad with It aa Iff hod been Ihe Tkior loatead of toy oppo- DaoL"-W.P. ICoplull Mr. Pabnor; we wlih then wen mon loaan like you abroad lo the laod.) KB-Ktl Q Kt-H3 U-K K4 K'8t!3ci K R-Baq P-K RS QB-KS K) , ~ -■Kll CHECKERS. Ilowo of tho Qamo. O. A. Blondln, of Newark, ncently vinltod Janey Olty, aad bad a iUUdr with John UaliaRhar. Bn. B. come out ooa ahead, and aa Hr.QallaRtter waa not aaUoBad with the raaoll a malofa of alileen jminM for anpremacy waa quickly omBRed and ployfd. The Newark piojerahowwd . ecore: Blaa- •ey Olty doyen , anleDdldoppor- tnnltyor eeeloReome Roodcbocken. In nrAimispnui of Junes, we nouthefoUowloR: "/war Air—Aa Mr. Tan Looo deee not aeem to deain to pUy a natdi with me, and It havlnR bean reoortad thai Mr. donaar would. I I In your vahuUe rolunn lo eute thai I will hla raperioriO' by wlanlnR by lha fbUowlaR neora: Bb dla,B; OailBRber.S; dnwa,&. If the JenoyOlty doyi win oalf eome la tiraelhaywiu hire a anieDdldopp piiiy ihe'Cuef RenUenua a match of aUtaan or twenty Roniaa, lor (Un or any nonooabte amount of atakaa, one balf to be lOoyed In " — ' be plaaa n .. Verr rei Newark, iho bolance la nay place —^Ually ynaio. 0. ~ le plaaa n . Very reafMllnlly yneia, 0. A. BUNDlg." low. alnt that olcajh. thcrmeiaaler rwglatarinff gg la h. made, aad that Ba.lero Yankee looklog for.Ktlna. ^d flnding tharo, too. Bra. UallaJthar trial tbe game of Jolly oa Bio. BlaoillB recently, aai] aa fri.oO B. la a good oaa at Ithlmaelr. he, Ju.t like "Brer rablt.** lay low uetll the JeiveyCltylte made the hraab, thea ue aiatch waa made la about two mlnotaa. For wMhe pMt he hia tried to get OD a atalch wllh Van l,noB, but Vaa doo't want aay of It, M> aa M. P. t^uaer la tha champraa of Jaraey City, Mr. B. tarkUd him. We alacanly hope Ibet Mr. — • Tao. Bdi ' ' B. tarkUd him. t^loeaareao aee hie wey clear l« pUyhlaa. Aaraly be la Dot eftald of ear playarthat Newark can pnduc*. Tbeiw ■ ^,gottlr ' — '- ' *^ lae taerry, good aatorvO war la Janer Joat bow, and the pkvera oa the ean eld* of tbe Dudana are eailoualy awaltlag tbe iwalt Tlie Jerway Cllj playen, aftar ^lalalag Prof PUat le matertaUaa eo Daratmlloa Day, led Boat uttertr. and, to ntahe matgaia watia. they at over to New lork, ullerly Igocrlag IhalrproBlaete ooklya. Prot. Pilot bail hla fbroM wall iirieaanled by ■uch eipertt aa MelrlD Brown, ■. W. fftngr^t^ Plerca ud a Bunber of otkeia. Aa tba rnttmu bad LraTced for a coluiloo hi.b«or ofthf •jn-rt^'iS': oi«.wl«i It waa Uma to eat '■•.toriwd ijtbe pUyjn preaeat la tbe iwma Iodise, aad augniMthal, aatba aipeclad caalaalaDU bad not <DiBe,lW Ihoae PlMUt ouSlli Mttwopoitlopa. ne aomealoowMllulckly Iblbwed lo eanmbyroi lD«lanca*BiJ •'ary'blagmaMa air plaaMoUy, aad with meatal tbaoka for PrafMaor fllnta kiDdaeia aad foi«hought......lbe New York Checker Club, uaderlhe nianuemeBtof a ttTemnaBa, U Mhoring bMh IB Btiaagth aad labot Oa Deoiialloo RyKe noma wire crowded alldayud rarlotheaTeB. Ing. 0 A- Blend In. IhMO Hawerk: M. F. Ooaaer. Yen Ui<>n, B.C. HIcknan and JameanillUina,ftvm Jmj City: Pref. Tlioa. Flint, NeUIn Brawn. E. W. »Plll«r. J- RaihloD and aeteral more from Bnoklro. Dr. Bckaefar gate an eiblblllon of rimultaneooa PlW uraog playaie, wlaning «, Ipalog 1 (10 Prof. Fllnl). and d waia drawn. Among the Tlalton wiro Jane; McBnta*, John McBnIae, Alei. end Edwin Vaoroena, M. Arma. D. Faynaoo. B. B Clarke, Thoa. Mnmr, J. J. Barn, »»»•• A. Newell, D. P. Moitoa a nd A. J. De r meat. SoImUoB .r Foalil«B Ho. 1«, Vol. 43. BT W. egVAU. Black 1 T S 10 II U 17 WhIUSt a B II a It 14 BbcktopUyanddltw. 17 Wo) u « "la u a n n H 17 U ( 14 7 O IP Oimwn. II U 10 IT • M n S (0^111^ con^cta"Roberuo'a Qolda"Laird and I^y Yar.SV PMIU.B Ho. IS, Vsl. 43. End gaiae^etweao two Broaklya axperta. ^laek » « « U U 17 M wbiuji 30 a zr 19 u Wblla tn play and draw. OmsBa Ro. IS, Vo I. 43. BOSTON. Flayed al the room* or the Naw York (Tbccker Clob ha. tweeo Meaara. R. J. Varley and Ilerry Hogbea, both young plaferaol formidable atlength and gcaatar prom- lea. Mr. Hugheamored flrat 11 u SB g 10 14 10 s 31 B 17 S II 14 » • 14 t7 U • 13 as >i3 IS* as 17 It la s as > 14 SI 34 10 17 BU 17B loe aa 11 14 13 17 la II 14 17 as e II i> la mi; b is a ti a 11(0) u i> n 14 la 10 i a 41 DM II M ai tru 14 10(6) a 0 n la la u lo 7 .... J ^ ,j „ J jj u H 31 a . a 10 1 a u a 94 a 11 la a H 3 a 14 10 Drawn. II i (o) In a nana between Wright aad MoFariane Ihe latter played aarollowa: a 10 IS 17 a a a 11 4 8 a 11 II u as . It 10 I a SB 3 a B 14 au SM It 34 ate at aa aio sit 11 a ;s IB 18 24a 18B laia aia 2411 la SIS 7 II a 14 Drawn. (ft^DurglD beat ^ulra ^ t^ foUowjnpj . a 13 34 n at a 31 It It a IS u 34 34B le aia laia au • IS a a 13 It SI zr 11 u a 14 tio aa la 133 12 la 21 17 11 a >; a 1 a B21 se so at 37 White wine. Tba Board IVaaborod. BLAOI. WHITE. The black raea will corer aqnaroa tnm 1 to IS. The white men will corer aqaana fraa 31 to SL Tbe blaok men BhouM mOTe Qift. .ATHLETIC. Orion HaliM AaotlieT Fstt Ham. Tlie reaturo of tbe gunea bald bj tha UnlTetilty ot Pemiajlniila at the old Dolvenltj (niuda, tt PhllBdelplil*, Fb., OB Jane 4, w*s Ua performaace ot Qaorgo W, Ortoo.who no two mllca sgaliigt ttnM, Biid broke Jarvlt' collefo racord b; twenty- aevao aaoonda, dolns Uie dlaunco Is sm. 4li. Tbe ■itendBDce wu yen amtU, tlit we*tli«r belnc threateiilng, tlUioDiih no laln fell, and Uielnoi ud Kionnaa were In good ooodlUon. BonunuT: mo mlla Mncla ract.—Woo by W- D- Oagoed, tt, ■cratch; w. 0. Dougtaa^ tO, Hutlch, eacond; C Tborae, BOyda-, Ihlid. Tlme,4m.tae. One mOe malt-WOD by W. B. Fattannin, 39a.; A. B. O. Darla, 16, eeeood. Soil Time, 7m. SMa Oik aillc rvn—Won by C. O. SIchal, •« Ma: J. J. Orarn.'a, ISyda-, aacond; W. 0. Bbeagb, *«, ISyda, Ihlld. T1me,4m.3Ba. Auinfao AuAyump.—Woo by J. D. WIneor. tl, Ilo.: N. T. Lealle, 'tt, acratch, aeoendiA. U- BamloiloB, 3ln. l/olr aille run.—Woa by J. U. Sutler, 19, BD^da.: 0. P. MIddletoa, IS, 7>tila., aacaad; U. B. IFell, V7, TSyda, thiid. TlmeTSm.lKa. Time, 3m. IK". Oiu handml aonlt ma—^Woo by 0. U. Jndd, V, 3yda,: W. B. HlUery, W, 7yda,eacaad; O. U Boyer,ie, third. TlmcHk. noo AandfOl and 1 lomJy pandi kvrdU race.— Wob by 0- P-MIddletoa, 11, acratch; W- 0. Bcbllef, It, Klyde, eeo. ood:W.A-8lawart,17,I4lda,lhlnl. TbnarsKa. Bwawtag (nod ia(ip.-Won br J. D. WIneor, 17. MfL; W. B- Wariwn, in., aecoad, and A. U. Bemlagtra, 17,1ft., third. DIataoce, Itfiain. — edandneauygardUnM.—Won by(X H. Jodd — —Moond; ■ ~ '■" B. Blackbeni, 17, Uyda, ; A. & lllh ia,ll>|d(.:aB lery, IT, Ityda., third. Tlnie.ltjia. Tm mllca MckK lr4aL— W. 0. Oagood, It. tlmt, im. •^TAtptd,—;«,»d. nm.—Woo br 0. a Boyer, ta, ftyda.; A. B. Warren, W, anroteb, neeond; P. H. Pree- n)an,tB,aentch.thlid. Tlma,S9ia, PM rotOL—Won by B. H. Lawnace, 'tfi,4rL; W. A. Btawart, Vf, acnieh. Bit tin. Tke W«t sua AUilotlo 01«b, of UiU olty, Iwld B sortei ot gbinea oa tlMlr gTODDdB on Bandaj ftfiemooD, JoDO s,ftboat three bandred ponona attandlDg, aod tin ercntB nnltlng bb •bowD In ttte mtasBMry: SnatwJtr* inrdf rm.—Won by P. CMloy, P. Bapl aeooad.J. Madnu>^tblid. TlBW,B)iaL Tm Mile rwL—Won by M. Rann, Ml; J. lAyer.SOai, aecood: J. Mumroid.flOa., thInJ. Tlm^llm.aa*. mtr ktoidnd and ibrtp pordt rm.—Won by T. Smallao, P. Canley aeoood. Time, fiSa. J. MomlOrd, who Oolahad Aral, waadlaqaallSad for roollof. HOV mUe rvL-Woo by P. Caaley. Urda.: M. WberUy, Bcnteb, aeeond: R.TrinkW Byda.Jhlt4. TUaa, Sm. W^t ryttUttg tMs at aAoL-Won by W. Obertobarnoo, Ual wlUi WL BMIo.: J. Qrooa, ISfL, aecood. tSft SKIa.; J: MnmfoTd. ML, thlid, OfLMn. Awnnlno brood jHmp.—Woo by W.Oborlobenon, 19fL UHn.; A.AndermnBeooDd.mL«Kle-:J>Maythird, UfL 5Hlo* _ Tho TosBB MoM*o Clu1a<l»B VbIob, Of Northwcflt FbUadolphlA, Pie, tield gmoiMBtttw Y. H. 0. A. ffnaiHls, BcliWMit and Elm ATenn«B, on jQoe 8, wblcb affbrted good Bport to SBrml hon- dredpeotOo. Smnnuur: Ow Atmdrrd pordt not.—Tbomoa Modory Bnt, 11. a Maitln aeeond. Tfmo,Ua. malwriRht nooAuH O. M. BammeNriRbi iMBu.-ll. a MarUa flnl, Q. M. Uom- I. DUtanoo, "* Ita, AM and io*v.-T. W. Modarr aeoood. l>lnance,aMl Bin. rtmr AmArrd oM >brtr portfr m wri(bt0nt,ll. a Martin aecoad. Ttma,lm. tt. jamdlM brand ^np.-T. W. Mndaiy uvU H. a Martin aecoad. tHftaneo.7n.6Hln. -Oeort* Pni " IMtSla. U rwiB.~T. W. Moelary flnt, Tlma.aK^ " - 7 dnt, a. a Mortla —O. M. Xlommel- lUUfmUt eed. Tlma,Sm.atMa. kwUar flnt, T. W. Madary aee- MlCHIOAM UVlfMBBITTlB ATBLR10 BOARD bOld a oeetlBf al Ana Arbor on Jdm %atwUoh tlwaB do<Med to wltbdnv fniB tHo WoaCBn Iniarcol- l^td AlUetto AaodattoB, Id oooMoiMMe ot ibo ftctlon ukeo by (hot orgBaLtatton m dalmnlDc lUU and hmj, Uloblna wUl nake ippUoatlon for admimon to Ibo Eaoflii aaoolatloDe PBOPOIKD nrTKBH ATIOBIAIi COMFETl> TlOIf. Oift»fd muA CambHAf• CteUoago Talo mud IlArraid Ualvonltlaa. Ibe foUowlog cftblegrem fnm Oxford. Eng., wUl be penacd with pteenreable feeUnga hy aU Amerl- cans who ate inteieeied In ontdoor qtorta, and who deelreto wltiM tbe Hteadf adnnoenent of ama- tanr athlotlcB: DoriBR the poat fbw vteki Uie Oiford AthtoUe AamcU- tlnn boa been ooeupled with nn eitonalTa oomapom wlUi tha lotercolleRlata Amatanr Atfaleilo AoeoElatlon of America. AoommnuMrtonthaOifoid end CambrldRe Unlreralty AlhleUeClabcanrblly oonaldond Utepropcd- UoD of the Americana for Romeaal two conferraceahtld dnrinR the loat fOTtnlabL Taatardny the commlttae cabtedofflolaboftheLO. A. A. A. A.P*lTnabla lo accept the eballenRe." TbeOifoid-CambridRaComralitao today RaveontiheroHowlaRatniainoQtor tbe virlooa nooooa whidi Infloencod thia daclalon: PlnLTk* Oiford-CafflbridRa AthlatJc Aaaodatlon wonkl bo orarwalRhtfd fh>n lha ontaet lo coBpeUoR with a loamwblcb. Itlanndrratood, laclodoanproaantatlveaor all tba Ameruao onlvenlUea. To make inch n oontatt eQoalUiechalleoRe oftbe'Amoneanaahonblbeaowonlad aa to allow aihleiea from all the oolrenlila* of Great Rriiala to take pert. Rapreaaotatlren tnm Oiford, Com- brfdf*, Edlnbarvta and Dablln, for laatanca, abonki be allowad to poitlclpaia lo aiako the eront fair for ell eoo- Seobnd, The Oiford-CombrldRe Oomalttoo felt that the flnt riRhl of chaUenn oa(hi to be coneadod to Tale, lo eooaManUoo of the net of Tale baTlag aeat a team to BaRtand In 18M. It haa been aa open nacrai ever alaco UN that aothoriilea aod audeoia of Oiford aodCam- bridfa wan ol the oplnloo that a match abooU be ar- nnRM for 1B9B between Oiford and Cambridn and Yale amTHarvard, but becauae of Ihe fnet UiU Tale aad Uar- Tonl have nmalned memben of iho loUreoUeRlate Aa- BodoUon, Yale and llarrord have not cnnd in aend an Indepeodaot challenRa and thenby antoROBlte any tr- nngement that the IntervollaRlato AboooIoiIod, uoOtr the nidanoo of Ibe UalTonlty of PeoDsylvanla atbletaa, nl^i formalate. At the neeot confennco of tho Oiford CambrldRe Comnluee the matlar won dlocoaBad and the alina- tlon inlly eonvaaaad, lo (or as Tale and Harvard ware concenad. Of Uie Yale men who compolad hen In Bog- land b UM one of the mamtMn of tha mnmltioe aaid: 'They an the niceat lallowa tn tha workl aad trae aportJi- men. Tbarafore, we wouU bo alod to help ihem out, and we bavo decided to aend achallenReouraelrea, We today cabled them a chalUnge, and we have olao moiled to then a formal challeaRa. We, that la, Oilord and Cam- brtd!«, woald bo Rtatf to taken team to Americanait September to eompeu with Yale and Borrard, and ihe decloloo witethar uili match obaJI take place reata with Iheni alone. We undantand that Tale and Harvard both wooU bare preferred to have thia meeUng neit July, bat, nofoitonouiy, we coiaotarrange for thit. Tbanlora. It only remains to be aoeo whei&er Tale and UarnnQla their aportomanllke deaIn to brIaRaboot a coolest of thU cbnncur, will be wllllagto arrange for a maeUni la America nait BepUuber. Than nod not be the alight' eat opprebaosloo ihailfthe match la arranged Itwlllln- tarfera wlUi the match between the London Aihletlo Club and the New Tork AUileUc Club. Borne of tbe memben of tha Oiford-CambrMga AlhleUc Aaaoclaikm on alao memben of the Loodon AthleUe Club. They can take part In both contoaia. Oar toa^^ If Uie choUenn li occoptod, wUl not be lelected anUl after Uio OttoiA-Oim- bridge oronta la Jnly." The Sehoolboyo of the B«r State. Tbe moat ancceaafal Held meeting ever held hy tbe DartmoQlb IntersobolaaUo Athl«tlo ABaodaUon, took place on the Alnmnl Oval at Eanover, N. H., onJnneft. There verenoi verr many paTBonspna- eat, bnt tbe Bporta were highly Inteveatlng, and eome capital pofonnancea were recorded. A Bbower feU doling the afternoon, bnt did not do any harm* Bommary: Tm aUItt t4qfde rue,—Won by Fdtoo, ML Hermoo; aecood, OnrUa. Rood U. 8.; tblnf, Btlloa, BL JoboaboTy. Time, 7m. SSV- _ Tm Aundnri and haoUr pardr hvrdtt race.—Woo by Bn- rlgbt, Wladaor.ll.a: aooood,Bmlth,MLHarmon; uln), Adnmo, MImbaJl Academy. Time. 2SB. iVe wtiit—Won by WlUar, llardock II. 8.; aeeond, nolton,ML Uermon; Lbbd, Keosbaw, T. a Uelgbt, BR. PtUOna (AcrAoL—Won by Smith, Wtndaor n. a: aeeond AnBUn, Wlodaor H. B.; Uilrd, Tberlan« Vermont Acade- my. IHetaneo, 4lL31n. ihouifnff bread >mp.—Won by Tberrlan. Termnat Academy; aeeond, dlenaoo, ML Betmon; third, Erowa, WIndaor, U.a Dlatanea.Wt nromng tMe Aomaur.—Won by Oarr, Maidock B. R; aeeond. Pelcb, ML Uemon; Uilnl, Oakao, WIndaor H. a DlBlaooe, 10911. llD. Burdle raoc UOydi.-Won by Bbotmoo, WIndaor H. a; aeeond, QllberL veimoDl Academy. Tlme,l7^B. Balf wait watt.—Won by Tinker, Clanmont u. S.: aee- oodTHamy. Murdeok B. a; Ihlid. Tracoy, Wblto Blver jDDcUooU.a Tima,4m. lOo. OM mile not.-Woo by Mewtoo, Raad n. a; eacond, ^Ij^jJHL Hermon; third, Cany» ML Hermon. Time, One aiUe Made rote,—Won by Cany, ML Hermon: Ba& ood. Dodge, Murdoek H. B.: Uilrd. flUlaa, BL Jolinaburr. BaVmUe rvn.—Wmi by Cony, ML Ilormon; aeeond, CnUj||JlL Hermon; Uilni, Wooda, 8L Jobnabnry. Time, One Atmdrtd yordf run.-Won by Hladao, Vermoat Academy; Adama, glmboll U. A., aeeond; Tberrieo, Ter- moDtAeadamy, third. Time, lla. One fUrUm9 nm.—Hiodei, Vermont Academy, and Adama, Kimball U. A., UedTKImboll third. AnrAuidrMandjlvTpMirdf rvTL—Won by Raymond, Mordock U. a: aecood, O^KaUey. BL JobDsbory; UiLnl, Woodman, BocheatarH. a Tim%.ttfit. AmalfV AfffAiwap-—Won by Ollbert,Termaot Acod- emr; aecoDd, TorTlaa,JramoDt Academy; third. Bow- eer. Balght, ifL Uln. Sanainn broad >onp.—Won by OlooaoaiML Uermoo; aecood, Price, ML BennoD; tblid, Brown, Wlodaor U.S. OlMaaoe,erL8Ji(n. StOMlng AJpA /HHP.—1. , , aeeond. Bradfonl, TIiiob; third,'Browning, Ml Harmon.' Helgbu 4rL 6lo. p.—Woa by Qlaaaon, ML Harmon; CoUese Boya In the Field. Tbe membera of the BL Jobn*8 College Athletic ABBOclatton held their Spring gaDeaRtUonteTenle*a Qimnd Bbeet Park, Brooklyn, N. Y., on the after- noon of June 0, and, the weather being fine, there waa a targe aaaemblage of relaUvea and trtenda of tbe competing yoDngstera. OoM, rilrer and bionce medalB rewarded tbe eOdrta ot the eacceeafnl con- teatantBe Bummary: BBNIOR DIVIBION. One AimtfTBd gardi run.—Won by P. Doyle, T. Bonalo aecood, J. Dunne third. TIuo. lOw. Tm Awidnkl and ivoity pofdr rtm.—Won by J. Danne, B-Oilmoraaeeoud II. ScOm thlid. Tlmo,S4KB. ftrttr Amdrad aMJtfrtg pardr rwa.—Woo by B. HaibeB, J. DoarM aeeond, B. Benon third. Time, 61b. One Aandred and hemto aonlt hurdle race—Won by T.Bannln. P. Doyla aeeond, J. Dnnae third. Tlmi^Ua. OneaOlenoi.—won by P.EIaenunn, B-Oooghlu aae- oad. B. Brady third.. Tin- — , -.-lOaftn IWe oonU.-Won by W. oIlmoraftIL 71b.; B.Gllmue. ' 7rtSln.; a HuKbea, thtid, 7R. - -Woi ■ E.Ollmore, third. AtoA^wu.-1 4rL l^fflo., I Why Wm. aitniore,8rLeMln.; Id: P. Blaaraann,4aVtin.. nictfao lAe lAoL-Won br R. Bortea, SOTt. SIb.; Bu^, Sft. Un.. aecoad; ll. 6enoo,BrL lla^thlrd^ fAmefiigfeaattaa.—Wonl^Tbeu. KinB,a711L; P.] mann aeeoad, B Uoahea thud. JUNIOB DIVISI0N-CLAB8E8 A AND B. njtm aorir nia.—Woo by P. Sweeny, 0. Ruab aeeond, O. O'Brien thlid. Time, la. njtw aomi niA, ClajD B.—Won by T. Benoa, J. Baalach aeoro3,^.0-llMta third. Time. Via OncAimdrDdafidfiomraardinM.—Woo byP-Sweeoy, P. McCenn aeeond, O. Biiah third. Time, lUia. OncAMiAadoJldtwaaf wanlr AurtBe race—Woo by A- Wonh,0. Eddy aeeond, J. llaalaohUilnl. Time, llJia rve Awfidml and Iweatt imtfa ma.—Woa by P. Bweeoy.J. Hoianaaoond, J. dnetherlhlid. Time.lea. fualiwAlgA^wap.-Won by Blake 0llmore,4ftSK T.aeftoa,4IL3ln.,aeoond;aeor(eI-- " ^ ke a llmore. 4ftSKIn.; Iddr,4ltll<ln.,Uliii: a.—won by P. Bwaeay, J. Hnetbar aeeond, f^aehoB thlid. TIma. Im. I Omt hmdni tarts nm, Olaaa B.—Won oy W. O'Meara, J. Haalach aacoad. B. Callaghan third. Tbne, IKa. TBmelag boKbelL-Won by J. Noran, MIL En.; T. Si*lr3*piace°'' ^ ""**'^* ''*° *" Three Uoped rott —Wen by B. Bnendan end J. liuether, A. Worth end J. Wald iraed, O. Bneh and J, Boah thlid. PhUllpa BloUr Boja at Plajr. Tbe memben of lb« PtiUllpe Exeter Academy AlblaUo AiBOClBllon enjoyed tliair Biiriiig |*m«a kt ttelr gtounda tl Exeter, N, II., oa Jane i, tbe eventa on tbe ptofimmnie leeolUng aa abown to tbe gam- mgn: Bbot pul, Jiok, am. 1MD-; 2307d«. diab, Wbllcomb, MMt.; pole lault, Juk, 10(1. Kin.; raa- nlna blgb lamp, welawttght, en. sxin.; bop, alep nod lamp, Juk, 4in- lln.; mile nco, fubedor, Im. a*.; toun nMLClaaa la, tou 4at.; rannlng broad lamp, Juk, iwt. loxin.; 10OTte.da«b, Jooe^ lla.; belt mile mn. Be*, Sm. iaj<B. A BXOOKD SABB OP UOKHSg WBB PlAJOd bj IbO tauna o( tbe Tonoto, OnL, Unlrentf tr and tbe Cioi- cent Atblello aab, tt Bt; IUd|«, L. I„ on Jane 8- Ibe local tetm pUxed a belter game tbtn on tbe oo- etalon of tbe flret meettng of tbe tating,ctiUerln the aetaon, wbco tbar were defealad, end tbe Ranit of Ibe eonteatwaa a na.eaob aide aooilnc twoietla- Tbb Ifoqaola AtbleUo AaaocltUon, of Daffltlo, N. T., wu orntoliad Itat week, witb tbe foUowInf omcen: Fiealdent, Xavler Ulilob; ilce preaMeBt, Jobn Utakea; tecrettn, T. A. Spooner; iietnrer, Jobn Wtlton; aptals, £. H. Tlmtit; rloe otpuia, V. n. Barley. A KATca tt Ucnaaa wu pitjed by tbe Anato UnlTtraltr teas (now on tou>)tiid tbelitbUrb Dnl- remij tetm tt Beiblebem, Pt., on Weilnatdty tt- tenoon, Jnne I, tbe Itner beUif defeated by tbe Tlglton bj t aooie ot tlx foala tetonr. Wiuobn, "aa, IL, bu baea dected capcalB o( tbe ■TtMtr team ot Ibe Cnlreiritr of Fenngylftal* (or tbeenalnt jetr.