New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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Jum 15. THE NEW YORK CUPPER. 233 liBAGDK-AaaOOIATIOII. An tntarMtlnf Stninl* In which Miny ChuifM An Made Mnong th« Leadera 1V«W Tork Bt* Iioali. Boptrtor (D •iDDiid work helped Oit New Yoika lo » ftclorj OTer lUe St, I<ogla, June 4, el tke FdIo Onandi, In tlili eliy. Cluk did ezcellent work Id Um pitclier'i poetdon, beloir veir eObctlTe it cilUcsl ■tut*. lQtwolnnlD(>ODlr,UieMcoiiduidfoiiitii, ooud ihstWton bnnch tbeir hlis od bim, Uej men ewnlnc ill o( Uie rans the/ acored. After tke inti UuloB ue TWlon coold do nolblOK wlUi dark's DUobTDS. CluUoQ wM freelj balled, the New Voik* eanliiK »U tbe rum tbej acond. Tieman'a iMtttof waa a teatnie. In ihe aeTenib lonliit, wlih tmee men on baaea, he hit the ball orer the right Held ropo, which rlelded thiee baies, lending In thiee mni. In the eighth Innlog be bauad the liall to the aame localltr for a borne mo, lending In Bark* ahead or him. lie alao made two brtlUant nuulGf catchei. Captain Pella had qalta an arga- meat with Umpire HonnT OTer a declHon on Cap- uln DiTli at tbe bonw plata In the foorth Inning, wUch ended In Peltc being lined tu and pot ont or the game. NawTou.T I. a. o. I.B. I t i 3 9 9 I 9 11 0 1 t • I 1 111 .e 0 1 « > 1 I a roller, §•....> 1 I I BarUir .-. - Tkmu. rf.. 1 DiTia, lb.... 5 Dorl*. lb.-.. 2 T4Dii>lf&ers SUlfonUSb.. 6 WllKii,e, Olwk, p. Bniwii,cr... 4 0 14 1 < 0 0 I 0 llUI«r,St>., c 4 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 10 0 ~ Pelti, 0 1 1 1 1 1 Bnll'DM'a.rr] 0 I D 0 SllDO, ID... 1 I I 9 S r, u 4 1 1 4 s Dowd. rr.,9b 4 1111 OluluaD, p.. 4 0 I 0 1 Tonia jt < iinu TotiU.-.U • IJ J7 U 11 Haw Tort 000900410-9 8t tMU OtOlOOOOO-l Bunad nins—New York, 9; BL Louln, 4. Buu on •rror -H.Y. OabdU-N. T.,>;BLL,l. BUiict oul-N. Y,3; BlL., 1. Umplte, Mumy. Tlm«, A. PtaUadelphI* ve. 8t. Loaia. The Bt Lonli Bnwm acored an apparently eaaj Tlotorr over the Fhlladelphlaa June 6, at PhUadel- pUa, Pa. BrelteoBtaln waa rer; eOfeoUre, holding the home team down la live lafe hlta. Including a doable bagger, and their onlj two rune were the re- goltor an eirwanda baMooballa,iioad haMiuiui. iDg, and a conple or dmeir blla. KcOlll waa freeir batted Id the drat and rouith Innlnga, and waa re- lieved la tbe Uih bj Bmllh. Five dnglea and i doable were made oir the latter, and tEeae, with three wild pllcbea, enabled the vlilloia to tcore all more nna. Ihe long Ble hlia were doable baggan bj Brown, Codej and HcQIII. St. Looia T. a. 1. a a.b. " Brown, ef...e 4 9 3 0 0 Oooter, V... S 3 9 3 0 Miller, 9l>.... 0 3 13 0 1 coDBor, lb., a 0 3 0 3 ' rein, e. 0 0 17 9 Ouloa, lb... 113 11 SlV. m. 1113 0 Dowd, rf.... 1113 0 Br>lunit'n,i>s 10 3 4 Relllr, a.... leuflj.o... OndT, a.... MeOIll, p.... Bmrth, p.. PaiLA. T. a. n. o. a.l BuiilU>n,cr4 3 0 1 0 0 Eerie, lb.... 4 0 0 II 0 0 Hellmu, lb 4 0 I I S 1 Del<butr,ir4 0 19 0 0 T1iompioii,rf 4 0 0 3 0 0 4!nM, 9I>.... 4 0 0 1 4 0 4 0 1 0 4 1 3 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 I 0 0 10 10 0 0 9 0 0 0 U 0 Tolall...4S19 14 3r II 3 TttUll.._9> 3 t 37 II 4 n. LODll 40099000 9-19 raibdttobie. ..0 0 o o o i o i o-i EuiM niDl—SL LouIm,7. B«m od orron—St Ij.^3; rbllHlolphll, 1 Oohe> »tL,»; P.,t. Blnck out- Bt 9: P., 7. Umplra, McDooalil. Time, lU. The rblladelphlaa wen beaten again on Jane 9, althongb tber oatbtttad tbe St. Loahi team, tnt coald onlj tjunch Ihelr hlta In one Inalng, the sec- ond, when thej floored live rana. The vulton alao batted bard and timeir, making Ihelr hlta when needed ror aeodlng In mni. me not that Ihe Phlla- delphUa had seven men lelt on the baaea ebowa that Ihelr blla were not made when ther would hare helped to add mna to their credit The long aa(e blla were hoiue mm b; Cooler and Delebanly, a triple bagger by Coolej, and donbles by Ely and Hamilton, the latter making three. Ehrel gave way In the foortli Inning to Staley, who wai more eiTeG- ttve. Br. Loom. T. a. a. o. A.a. Bnwo, cf... 6 4 4 Connor, lb.. 4 Folu,a.. Sir, a. - Dowd, rf.... I EbratP 1 Blalw.p.... 3 Aula...4) BtLoila. 1 0 I QolQa,3b.... I 113 10 3 4 3 U 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 «11 ~ 0 I PaiLA. T. a. a. o. i-a. Uunllloo.elg 3 4 9 0 0 orl*. lb.... ^aJlfflan, lb. 9 Dolehuir.lf. 5 TbompMO, rf 9 Ciooi, 9b.... 9,... 4 ClonoQU,c 4 Tajlor, p.... 4 III 0 0 13 11 1 3 3 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 3 3 0 I 4 1 0 0 Taull....4t 911'J7 11 3 01003 0-9 nlladtlBhls.... 109003091-11 Eamoamna—StLonli,7:PI>lladolp}il«,a. Bmcoonor- nn—Bt L., 1; P., a. On bdla-SL 1; r.73. Slriiek ou- st L.,4: P.. I. Umpln, McDogaM. tim*. lU. T^StLoala Browm made It three atimlghtrlc. torieabywlnnlog again, Jana7. Breltauuln kept the hlta made off him well ecauered, and aliar the fllih Inning prevented the home team rrom ecorlog. Oarsey, ror three Innlngi, pitched a good game; after itiat the vUllon balled hie pllcbuig all orer the lot. In the fooith Inning the vlalton acored live raoa, roar or wbloh were eanied, Peltzl home ran hit was a peonllarone. The ball bit thereaceand lolled Into a corner between Iheioore board and the flag pole, and wbUo Tbompaon wu looking for It Feltz acored, lending Connor In anad ol md, tbe lonner maUnga home ran o( what ordlaartly would have been a doable bagger. raiti. T. a. a. o. i.a. Biiil>u>B,eie 1110 0 Bo>U,lb.... 9 13 0'- Hailiua, Sb. 9 0 0 3 TboiDa«oa,rf 4 110 10 DoUkanlr, 114 0 0 9 0 1 OlMSb.... 4 1113 0 BalUr, m.... 4 0 I 1 I 0 Obmanti, e. 3 0 1 1 4 0 Oradr, e— I 0*n«r,p.... 4 TolaJ«:...J> PblUdolphU.. StLoali Euood no*—PbUadtlpbIa, 9; Bt. Looli, 4. Biw on btlU-PM 9; St L., t Btnick ouC-P., 4; St L., 1. Um. pli«,lloDooald. Time. 309. 0T. LOOia. T. R. 9. O. A.B. Blown, Cf.... 9 0 3 3 0 0 9 0' IIUIor,9b.... 9 1 Connor, lb.. 9 1 Polb, c 4 I QnbuLlb.... 4 1 Sir, n 4 1 Dowd, rf.... 4 1 Br»(l«aat'n,p4 0 1 0 0 0 119 0 1 U 3 0 14 3 0 119 0 3 S 4 1 3 10 1 0 3 0 0 0 I I 111-, 9 103119 1 TOUU...40 9 ISn IS .10 1 1 3 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 9 1 I 3 0 BalUmara wa* Olileafo. The Baltlmorea defeated the Ohicagoa Jane i, at at Bildmore, Md., when the game waa called at the end or the dxth lonlDg on account of nin. The vlcloi7pnt the borne team In eeoond-place In the ohanplonihip race. Holbr waa efOcttve, allowing the vultore only elx sate bite, sot more ihan oae being made In each Inning. Wllmofa home ran, wblon followed a baae on balla, gave the Ohicagoa their only two rana. In tbe 9l»h Inolng a heavy shower stopped the game ror a row minutes. Play waamaiDed, ind two men were out In Cblcago*i hair or Die seventh, when min began again and Ihe game wae anally oalled. The olfier long Hale hlli were triple baggen by Rettz, Brodle and aieaaoo, and a two baser by Keeler. OHHuoa T. a- a. o. a-b. 9 I 1 Deekir.rf... 3 1 1 D<klon,ia... 9 0 1 WUmol,ir... 3 I 1 AoMtn, lb... 9 0 1 l^nef.... a 0 1 BTaiwii,se.. 3 0 0 suwsrt lb.. 9 0 1 HnlebliDa,p 3 0 0 0 1 0 Moiin, e.... 10 9 111 TDUia...39 1 9 IS e 1 3 0 0 JannlnfLaa. 4 9 0 0 aiaunB,3_b.. 3 BAtTiaoRB. T. a. a. o. xa Kallor,lf.... 4 3 19' Kootor, If. I 0 0 Bradlo. of... 1 ■ - 'QanrTlb....! p p 1 3 P 1 1 I I 3 P 0 110 I 1 0 I 0 P I 0 0 I 1 0 1 1 p 9 1 P Boln, lb 3 1 CUrk, 0 1 0 1 floffar, p— 9 0 0 ToUll...9p 1 9 U 7 I p 0 1 P 0 P-1 wuiuon , I 9 0 P 1 P-S EuBod rona—Cblcuo, 1; Baltimore 3. Baaa on error -«. On billa-0. 3Tb., L Btraek oot-B.,3. Umpln, Bona. Tlm^lJa; The chsmplom were bealan by Ihe Ohicagoa, Jona P. la a contest that wia marked by heavy baiting, the vlaltore excelling, fisper proved an eaay mark ror the Ohicagos, and he wss redrcd atlheeodor ttie third liuilng,IIemmln( being suballloled. Ue, loo, was freely balled. The home team lelded mlaenbly, and, with the eicepUon of Ihe third and aerenth Innings, coold not bnaoh their bits. Teny fell and wrenohed hla side In the sevenih lonlng, and reOnd In ravoror Orimih. Umpire Beda was aaremj crtUdaed by both teams and Uia epectatom for hla Bsparently noTalr declatom, both teams eur- laftlmei feting Caiuao. Docker, If... Dahlaa, ■.. rumt ir. - WUmot H.., Auoo, lb. Lano. cr... Bff*nu« lb. at«wait,fb., OrlBIiu p" Dooahn^ a. T. a. a. o. i.m. 3 9 13 OOP I I 9 I 9 I I 3 3 1 1 0 1 3 9 1 I 0 OOP I 1 9 Bltviaoaa. v. a. a. o. i.m. (tUar.lf.... 9 3 9 3 1 1 tfMuVrr....! 8 3 111 1 I 4 1 I 11110 P 9 9 P 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 4 -1 1 P 0 4 P I 10 0 10 P 0 P 0 0 Jonnlnsaaa 9 aiauoOb.. 9 ■rodl«.el... 9 Osnr^b.... 4 RsllVlb..... 4 vurkr.e 4 Bapor, p I llammlBB, P 9 TOU1I...47 19I7I7 11 9 tolaU....41 WUir « 1 Cklcsio 0 I 1 I 1 I I 1 BalUBOn I P 4 P P 0 4 I 1-10 Earaedraia-^ksiio,!: 101110010.1 Baaoooornn -0,1; K, a OBball»-4:.,9:B.,t. Bunck ool-C t: B., 4. UmplnLBatU Tlno.U9. . ^ .w Tbe Ohlca«aa woo again June T, allhouh Ihey wen oelbatied by Ihe hone team. KGaenier tin lo pIKb for Balllniore, bnt waa ukea oat WWWa U W BllOn lOW BBHUUVIV, ■'u. wmm vh* before the Ihbd Inning waa Oalshed. TbeCUcaioa then had are nna to Uidr credit Eeper nccealed ahH sad pitched efleavelr tmtu Ihe nlntli lanlnf, when tteOilcagoa ballad In two raoa. JJIer Ibe Ipaith lonlBt Orlimiia waa InvlndMe, eapeoaDy In tfee elghUi linlhc:when he tedied iheBalttmona wlUuni a rna, aluMith they had three men on Ua baaea. igala. la the nlodi, Ihe home team had two men on the baaea, tool ooaM not soon. The long safe hlu were doable baggsra by Decker, OHf- fltha, Keeler and Oleaaoa. Caioioo. T. a. a a A- a. Docker,If... 9 111 Dahloa.aa...9 1 I I Wlbnot ir... 1 0 p 1 Anaoo, lb... 1 31 9 I I p 4 Bronltlb.. 1119 Suwait, tb..< I P 9 Qriaui, p... i I 1 1 Klurlds«o..4 1 9 9 BAiviaoaa.r. a. a o. i.B. 939100 (oolar, ft... 1 1 9 9 0 0 ----30 3 I 0 0 l«ODliL|a,aa.l 9 3 3 Oleam. 9b. 119 1 Bradlccf... 9 I 0 4 C^r. Ib....l 0 I B 3 u R*lla.3b..... 1 0 1 I 4 I Uluk*,e.... 113 9 0 0 ■ Xlullnr.p. 1 0 0 0. _ Bapor. p 3 0 0 0 4 9 TMala....«IPIP37lt 3 Tolala...44 81937 13 3 Cblcaco 0 9 4 0 0 0 1 0 3-10 BatUmon 904 1 P000O-9 Banod inaa—nhlcajn, 9: BalUmoiv, 4. Baaoon oiron -0^3: B., I. On bafl>--0.,3: B., 1. siraek (lut-c I; B., 1. Umpln, BoUa. Tlmo.190. Breahljra -wa. ClBclmBmll, Ttie CIncluialU beat the Bnokljna June 6, at BrooUyn, N, Y., by better all anond work. Fore- man proved an enigma to tbe home team, who nude only tve lafe hits. Including a homo nm, oir Um. Danb alio pitched a good game, bat the vbillan wenfortoDate enough lo bunch their bits. Oum- bert wu aeot In lo pitch In the Mvenlh Innlnc and allowed the Clnclonallsonly oaeaafehUIn Ihe thiu lemilnlog Innlnga. Miller and Oorconn led their respeoUve teama In baiUng. The long mt» tills wen a bone run by Oorconn, a triple bagger liy HlUer, and douUea by uuier and rorenisn. The reatora were Oononn'a home ran. Miner's batting aad tbe deMlog or HoFhee, Smith, Oorconn, lialj, and a one handed slop or an apparently eafe mt by Bhindle. Broorltp. t. a. a. o. a.r. arimo, cl.... 4 1 9 9 0 0 ciHciRSari. T. a. a 0. A.a Lailum, 3i>.. 4 0 p I 0 p 4 1 P 1 P 0 ilcnoo,tb.. 4 119 9 0 B»los,lb... 4 1 I 13 I P Smilb, aa.... 4 0 3 1 9 I Bplaa, o 4 0 I i 9 3 ronmAO, p. 4 0 i 1 9 0 Hoiralior.ri 9 0 0 0 0 0 OonDnB,aa. 13 3 17 1 Ladiuoo,lb 4 0 0 17 0 u Tndwar.rf. I 9 1 u 0 o Mlll«r,cr.... 4 9 9 9 0 UllhlDtlla,b.. 4 1 0 0 9 0 Oalr, >b 4 P 1 1 S U Andoiaoo, ir.4 P 1 I 0 I Orin, e < P. U 1 9 3 Oaob, p 3 P 0 0 3 0 aombort p.. 3 0 P u 0 0 TolaU...3l 4 91713 4 - - 3 P 1 0 0 0-9 Braokl/n 1 11 P I p 0 P 0-1 Earnad nna—ClnelDoaU, 9: Brooklva, 1. Baaa on ar- ror^B. Oo ball*-41.. I; B., 4. Hlrack out-0, 1; B., 1. Vmpir*. Kaafe. TIni*, I JO. . A Wild pitch liy Bhlnes In Uie nialti Inning enabled Ibe Brooklyu to reverse Ihe sbove tteult, June 7, after a bard uphill light. In a coolest which waa marked by clean, hard batting, brilliant dehJiDf and dating baee rannlog. Both pitchers were freely balled, the Clnclnnatia making the ineater toial of bases, but they lost the game thraugh their own costly emra, and the timely lietilng on Ue part or the home team. The firoouym needed two ram to win when they went to the bat In the last half or the ninth Innlog. Trcdway waa hit wlih a pliched ball; Bhiodle bit to Latham, who Uuew to HcPbee lo head off Ttedway, and MoPhee threw to Iret to pot ont Sblndle and complele a double play; but, to ■he aotprlRe of everyone present, Umpire Keele called Tndwayafe at second. Sblndle was out at Ortt. Daly followed with a single to left, scoring Tredwayand reaching eecond hlmuU pn a tumiile by Hoy. lialy scored Uie winning run on a wild Mb:h. The long aale hits were a home run by Bwing, a hrtple oaaaor by Latham and doiililea liy McPhee, Rwlng, Miner, tIninD, Sklndle and (lum- bert. OlROmSiTI. T. R B. O. i.B. Latban, lb.. 9 14 14 1 9 I 3 1 0 I 9 113 3 3 9 3 3 II 0 1 9 1 3 9 9 0 9 1 •tl Ilcniaa3b.. BwlB(, lb... Smltb,8a... 4 0 Broorltr. t. a. h. o. i.b. arUlo, cf.... 9 13 9 10 C^rcorma. aa 9 0 3 3 7 I I^dlABOa, lb9 I 3 11 10 Tiodwar, rr. 9 I 0 3 0 u ShlKlle,U - —^iBaa, p.... ----- - UofiBlrar, rra 3 0 110 TiiilM... .49 S 19 a II 9 ClBclBnau P I 0 9 110 3 0 9 3 1 3 9 1 Bploa,c 9 P 3 1 3 01 Andanun, II. I 9 I 1 P u BLlBaa, p.... 4 0 0 0 3 P BuiTOll.o.... 4 10 3 11 ' Quiobort p.. 4 3 t 1 P 0 T0IAU....41 10 IS 17 19 9 1 3 1 3 1 p- a BMokIrn 0 0 1 0 I 9 3 I 3-IU EAioed moa—rloclonatl, 9: Brooklro, 9. Baaa on ar. lonM;..!: B.,9. On Iwlkk-C., 3; B.,3. Bmick out—»., I. UropliB, Koala. TlmO^S. BoatoB va. PltCabavf. Timely batting helped the Pitiabutgi to deleai the Boslom, June i, at Boston, Mass. Time and again the home leam had men on the bates with no one, or only one, out, end yet they Islled to luke the neceaaary hlla that would have given them a possible victory. KlUen pitched a great game, and Nlohola kept pace with bIm, but a lucky combina- tion of scmtcli doDMe baggen gave the vlalton thm ninis In the third Innlog aud a lead that they held Ihioughont The long lare hlla were • tbtee bagger by Cross, and double baggen by IMnovan, CUngman, Beofcley and Baunon. rimscao. r. a. a. o. a-a. "— DOOOVBB, If. 4 1 3 9 0 p r, lb. B«!il.„ BtooiaLcT. SmlUi.U..- Baaar, lb.. Croaa, M.. Back, e.... klUiOit: 4 0 1 0 P P 4 P 0 1 P 0 4 0 1 1 P P 4 0 0 1 1 0 4 11113 4 1 8 4 0 0 4 110 10 BosTOK. r. R. a o. a.a. Lowa, 3b.... 9 0 1 3 9 0 BABBOa, n.. 9 0 3 1 P P uuit.a..... 9 U I 3 P 0 ileCaitbr,lf. 9 0 0 0 0 v Naali,9b 4 0 1 0 3 1 4 p I u I 0 Kroo, aa..... 4 0 9 3 3 II " " ' ' ' 0 Tollb..JC 4 Sir 9 1 PtUabnif.. - - - UaBal,o.... 4 3 19 1 NlelMlAO.... 4 U 0 1 3 9 . ToIAla...U 3 Sir 14 I .0 03PPPIPP-I 0' P 1 P P P P 0 1—I Bainad rona—Plttaborff, 9. Baaoon ami—Boaton. On baU-P.,3;B.,a BUuckoa>-P.,3i B.,1 Umpilo, Eoia- "'ThettMtons dereated the Plttehnrgs, June P, by i Ine rally at the Jbat In Ihe eighth Imdna, when ther scond ihiee rana.' The Bostooa aeloed magnia- cenlly at critical polnis, and BUreus etnck out eight or the vIslUng batamen, pertormlng Ihe feat OD sevemi occasions when men were oo the baaeai and retiring Ihe side wllhont scortog. Ilawley was freely batted, bnt ke^ the hlla well apart, except la the Bnt and eighth Innlogs. v.'b. B.0. A.B. .911931 Bonos, Ijowa,3b. - _ - BaB0OB.rr.. 4 3 9 1 0 0 OoKy.Cf..-. 4 13 10 0 BcCAtllir,ir. 4 9 1 3 0 0 Naata.Sb .... 4 11 0 0 0 Tucker,lb.. 4 0 1 110 Ubs, ...... 4 I 1 .9 0 0 =^-"- - 1 0 P 1 I u 1 1 1 - ■ Pimauao. t. r. a. o. a.i. Doooian, rl. 9 0 9 P 0 0 OllnauanJb 4 1 13 4 0 Backla/Tlb. 4 ,0 1 IP 0 P 81oota[.cf. SalUi, II OaaiaXc.... Bran,t.... BilraitA p.-- Totala... Plluborg... Boaton... 9 I I Bauar, 2b.. CroaA, aa... HURdOB, c. llawlar, p.- 4 I I I U 0 4 I I I 0 P 4 13 3 19 4 P U 4 4 3 1 0 3 3 2 0 4 110 10 TOUli...Jr 1 II 31 II 3 4 0 1 3 3 0 37 7 1937 B 3^ - ....0 3 P I 3 0 0 P V-9 3 0 1 P 1 P U 9 -7 lAinad nBa-BoalOB, 9; FluabuiR, 3 Baaa oo otioia- B., I: P., I. On balla-B., 3; r, 3, diruck out-B., 3; r., 9. IJniplia, Bntalla. Time, 3.11 A oomblnallon of baaea on balla by Hllcber Hart and coetly emn by the I'liisborg team, Juue T, eo- abled Ihe Boslons lo win again-. Uait pllcbed a magnincent game, holding the hnme team down lo Ihiee safe hlta, bnt gave four men their baao on balla, and costly erron wen made allerwarde whloD gave Ihe Boatona three unearned ruos. Dolaa also pllolied a ibong game, and was well anppoited by Ihe home team. The kniB eafe hlbi were a home ran liy Crnai and double Uaggere hy Cross and Uannoo. Boavos. V. ■. B. o. a.B. towa, lb.... 4 11110 BaBBoQ,rr.. 4 I I 9 P 0 BLlS^r. el 4 0 0 4 I 0 ECaniir,ir. 4 I u 1 I I Kaab,>t> 4 U 0 1 1 0 - 9 0 0 9 3 1 9 0 1 DoooiaD, If. 4 P 1 1 ClLBBnaaJb 4 P I I Booflar. lb. 4 P P P. P 1 .-II 4 P 0 I 0 0 4 S P 9 0 0 4 P 1 1 S ^ BlaBaaLcl. Bmllb,ir. Bauar, lb Cnaa,M 4 111 Baadaa. o... 3 P P 4 1 P •JaBBlBia... 1 P 0 P 0 P , 4 p u 0 I PItubara... tU Loos. OA... RfAB, e Dolaa, p.... 4 0 9 0 0 9 1 0 9 0 0 3 1 0 . . Totali...S 3 Bi; 19 1 S P P I 0. P 0 0 Orl O-'IOPIOOP -9 •BaUad in Bacdon*!plaae In tbanlalh laolnr. BAiaad nm-PfUabon. Baaa oo arrOTo-P., 1; Booton, L CMbAlla—r.9:B,L BIKlokout-r, l:B.,4. Umplrr, BBialla. Tlioo,l.«l. . ■few Yark vs. ClwelmmBll, The Clnclbnalla Ullcd to score on Jane 9, when Rusle kept Ibem from making more than four scat- leitng slnBlea,aDd retired eight men oo strlhcm. Panou aba did g«M work In me pitcher^ poaitlan, bat bla BOppoft wsD poor at critical Hiageii- He allowed Ibe nome laam aevcD aate blla, but coally emn were made which aided ibe local lean In acoflog their only two nujt. The vbdton loond conaldemble taalt with Ihe ralloga ot Umpire Mor. my, which appeared la tbesi to lavor the New Yolks- The laderecored Ihelr am ran In theaec- ond Inning, In wblcb lloyle aliigled sod weni to wcoidon van Ifallien'R oat at dnt; Fknell hlta line By to Miller, which the latter dropped, and IMile scored. In Ihe alxlh Uinlng Borte singled, end went ennnd In third on Selea' wlM throw In nylsg to catch him at aecnnd. TIenaa rinaled and Burke Rcored. ----- CiaoiBaarT. V. a. B. o. i.a I«tbBB,lb.. 4 0 a I ' ~ lior, ef 4 9 - ■feHioa.«>.. 4 9 BwlBS,ib.... 4 9 BHIar,rf....-4 0 1 9 ... 9 9 Irar,ir9 MbwTobs.v. a. B. o. i.a, Buta. If.... 4 1-110 0 Tlon»,if.. 4 0 1 a 0 0 SrSol,,...4 0 p e I P| OoviA lb ... 4 119 4 VA»llAnO.Cl4 P I I P , fArralttb... 4 o 9 0 0 1 —. Wll!oB,e....l 0 0 9 I lMoa.a. BaalTp 3 0 0 1 3 iriliottp- "SS.b;.. . 3 0 I I 3 Olli BJai-.Jl B.TW l» 3 RowTai*. i- 1 • CI ' loiralTor, If ^raaii...a .0 9 19 0 9 4 11 I S 1 P 110 1 0 4 10 13 3 3 9 S 1 1 0 4 P 0 4 37 M 1 a fr-l «o«faSr.'.~..»- 1 a. 0 9 1 9 0 l-l >al-l>.T.,liO,a. Umpln,TlBnar. Tlma,l.a. Ubailes Bradley Miller, IboJianI hitllog and clover ouldelder ot Ihe Clnolnnall Cluli, of tbe NbUodsI League aud American Aamclatlon, waji lioni HepL 10, IMS, at Oil City, ra., commenced playing lisll at an early age, and made such npid strides, that tio was offered snd accepted bis drat pnifcwlonnl en- gagement liefon he was olDOteen jean old. It waa wlih the Bnuirord (Pa.) Club, rur Ibo acasun i>r 1(187. and he made aiich a npuliUon for biniaelf while with that team, that ho waii emiand liy iho UuOhlo club, ot tlio hiteriiAllnnal Awucullun. siiil flnhilied the waaoo with tlie latter luani. In IM.H Miller signed with the lJuia Cluli, of ilio Trt-Slatu laiaguo. taking part that eeaaon In eighty chim- ploiuhlp conleetfl, lud bo nnked well np ah a lialH- minind flelder In the nnirlal avenges of that or- ganliallon- In isnt he was a membvr at the can- ton leam, or tlieTrl-Hiala league, taking part that season In one bundrod auil one cnaioplonalilii cun- aests,and nuking alxlh In bauing and thini aa a centre delder In the oniclal avengca of that Icaiuc. Ula excellent work attracted Iho alioalliti of Mat|. agar Barale, who waa then In cbarge of llio llaltl- mon team, of the American Asaoclnilon,amlallhu close of the Trl-Btate LcRgue champloiulilp neaaon be (Barnlel engaged Miller fnrbli llalllniore team. In ItM Miller joined the Kvansvlllo Cluli, uf iho In- U!r-8iale League, Wast, and bhi gnal work liotb at the liataiiilln Ibu II0M that Kaaiin, allniMed ihn allenllon of Prealilunl Voii ilor Ahe, of ilin Ht. Ntiibi llniwnB, of Ibe American AMWh-btlloa, wliu olMalonl Ilia ivlcaiw, and Miller DnUliwI tlia acnaun wllb Ibo Urowna. During the WRmn of 1911I Ulllor rellreil from llio dlBiuonit, but ntunicd In It lo the H|irlng of iw;, when bo arcvpted ati cDgaioiRout with Iho llnckroni <3iiii, or llio llllniila anil luwa league, liegliiolni Ibo acaaiin wlili lis tcRni. Inn lliilalicil It Willi tlio (Irern liar (Wla.) Irani. In iwi Hllkir went Hoiilli anil Jnlneil tlie Naalivlllo 1.I11I1, ul IhoKoiiihem leagiio. Ihirliig llic fnllnwlng Wli|. ler II. A. l/ing was given llio ToMn fniirlilHc by Iho Wcalern l.eBgiie, and, In insklng ii|i bla Irsni lie aeloclcd Mlllvr aa one ol hla iiUyem, linvliig aeeii him while with Ihe NaKhvlllea, duniig Ihe pre- ceding HCBRnn, when he llxiiig) ronlrellAl llio i:hRrloiiliiii Hull, nl Iho Houlbcm iMgue, Miller liMik part III one biinilred bihI twenty-live i-hsni- ploiiHhlp ciinlcalH diirliig Iho aiwain ul INH, and nnked nlnolcenlli lii liallliig In a delil of luie hun- dred and Iblrly-clghl idAyfTv, arconllogjtu the oni- clal Kvemgoi or the Wealem Kaaiie ror laal lear. Miller waa niio or a nnnilwr of isayon ploked out last Fall, hy Manager Chartra A.Mndakey, (or llili jear'H CInclniiall loam, aud bla giml work, Ihiia far, ehowR that Hatiugcr Oiiulakuy made no nilHlahe In Ilia mlocllon. New York va, Loulavlllv, Ten Innlngi were neccsuiy to decide the coolest lietaeen the Now York and l.oubivllle teaiin Jiino 6, at tbe Polo Orounds, this city, the Kew Vorka then winning byacorlog lour runs lo Ibo lentil Inning. The home team played under lis now captain on Ibla occaalon. During Ibe aluroo<in Ucorge H. Da via tendered bit realgnallon aa capLaln and man- ager, and It waa accepted liy ITesldoot Kreednan. Later on John J. Iloyls waa appolQled captain In bla Mead. The obange, allboagb not allogotlier un- expected caused comldemble aurpiiRe when Iho annouucemenlwaa loadu. Justwhst Captain Ikiyhi will lie able to do with Ihe team U letto Ue aeon. It It to be hoped that Ihe change will pruvo a bikhI one- Tbe new captain waa forlueate emiugii to have blri lint game reault In a victory, alilinuuh the Loulurlllea gave the local team b haru liruali for tan Innings- Oerman waa freely but not ciiuaecullvely hailed, then One Ocldlog at crIUcal alsgos hy the borne team kept down the vhdion' acnre. Tlie New Yoiks made their blui with men on llie liaaeH- l^ouiMviLtv. T. R. a o. i.a I'reaioo, cf.. 9 1 1 3 U 0 ll'Brlon. 3b.. 9 0 3 3 1 u HhuRart aa. . 9 U I HiuuUion^lli 9 0 0 0 1 9 Kammar, lb. 4 1 1 Walali.c 4 U I 4 0 1 4 0 ' Naw VoHH. T. H. a. o. A.a. Butko, U.... 9 I 0 9 1 11 Tiaman. rl.. 9 9 I>orla,3b...- 9 VAallall' 9 rafn>ll,31i... 9 I 3 I II I 3 WIUoo, e Oaniiaii, p. ToUla. Haw York. LoalaTlllo 1 .4 0 1 0 3 0 ColUiia,r(.. luka, • I u a U 3 I P I u 3 I too I 9 P 41 9 II S 19 4 U 0 U 4-7 0-3 111 luka, p... 7 IP 99 14 I Tolala 0 3 0 1 9 1 OOO3U0. Eainad rona-New Vorb,3: Loulivhio, I. Ilaaomior- nio-N. Y.. 1; L., 1. On balla-N. V., 4: L, 1. Wnick out—N. Y-, I; L-. 1. Umpire, Hunay. tliiia, Bi. Sharp ileldlog anil Umely baulog helped the New Yorka to another vlotorv over Iho l^iilavllles June I. Boswell, the ox-lIalverHlly of Peaniylraola pitcher, waa given a chance to ahow what he could do anlmt the vbdion, and. although, he was laat- ted freiiuenily, he managed to keep tbe blla well apan, and was edCcUve at critical akgea; t>*ddcH, bh support was excellent. lM\i) was freely balteil, the New Yorks niaklug hlla when they vera needed. The Ileldlog work of me vbdton was very poor, and Ihla, with the timely liBiiiiigor Ihe home team, tells tbe alory nf lAiiilavlMo'a defeat Tlio king mlo hlta were a triple bagger by Burke and ilaulile baggrra by Kuller (twice) aul I'resum. HMW YuRi. T. a. a. u. i.R. ' Boiko, If--. 9 3 1 3 0 0 TtarnAB, rf.. 9 3 3 1 0 u DariAl'i -. 9 3 3 9 P 0 Dorla,>b--- 9 0 114 0 Vaollall' 4 u 3 I 0 0 Pamll,9b... 4 0 13 10 Sdiiliar, c. 4 0 P s 4 1 Boowall, p.- 4 0 1 0 0 0 rallar.aa.... 4 3 3 1 1 0 Praabili, cf.. 6 'J'Hrlao.lli.. 9 I 3 < I 3 HliuRan,aa.. > I 9 I I I BrouUioni,lli 4 10 9 10 curt, II I U I 9 9 U Komoior, 9li. I 0 I 0 3 1 WoWi, e ... I 0 V 3 3 I Zahoar.c... 3 0 u 1 0 I Colllaa, rf... 4 u 3 > I 0 liOlil, P < U 3 I I 0 TJIAla...,«l 0 19 37 13 1 Tolala...a 3 13 17 19 S Raw York 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 1-e UoUftllo 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0-3 Eamad nina—ffaw York. 3: LoalaillK I. BaaaiMiar- nrw-N. Y.. 4. Oo balla-H. Y-, I: L., 3. BInict o«l— M. Y-,9:L.,9. Umpire. Mumr. riiBO,XB. Wuhlmatom tb. Laalavliie. Tbe Wsahloglou scored an appareiiUyeaif vir. lory from Uie Loulavllles June 4, at Waahlaglun, I). il. Tbe vlalton could do llule wlih Auiltnon'a pIlcblDg. ' Bealdes Ihelr laaldllty to im, the l^ula- vlllea oelded wrelcbedir, aud tbelr pitcben had pod^ oommatHl uf the lmll,^nd ware hit hard when ever rana were needed. The krog aale hlla wete a home ran by Clark ami a triple iianer by Ander- son. ThegamewaacalledallbeeDOvf Iheelghib bialog 00 account of darkneiM, WAaaiBums.r. a a. o. a.b. 9 3 1 9 0 0 Jo>eo.9l>.--- 9 9 110 0 ilBMa'ar. rr 9 1 I 1 P 0 LoviaviuB. V. a. a o. i.e. Hwoaao;. cT. 4 U U 1 U I O' 1 1 0 9 9 3 Aiasan, aa.. 4 0 1 9 I 9 ■cGoIr*. c. 9 1111 0 BroiiUiara,lb4 U III 1 CoofAB.'e... 1 0 0 0 0 0 narVrisbtlb C I 3 9 9 P Bojd. aa 9 9 I 1 3 U OrookA3b... 9 3 P 9 4 3 ... 9 3 3 3 1 0 ABdaraoo, p. 9 1 I 3 1 0 l.lAtk, ir..... 4 1 3 I 0 9 KomoHMIi. 10 0 13 1 WoUl e..... I U U 3 0 9 Zelioai, c... 3 0 0 1 1 0 iMIhu, rr... 9 1 I 1 I 0 ■eVanadtpl o o P 3 I Knall. p 3 P I P I 0 Tolala...O 1 914 M 13 I P 4 9 9 4-19 » I I 0-3 ToiAia...ia IS nn II 1 WaAlBBlOB S 0 I D UoUfllW 0 0 p I •ClarkCAllad ooloo loOald bll. RarBod raoa—Waahlaaloo.l: LooUTllla.l Baaoonar- mn-W., 7: L., I. Od EaIIa-W., S: L.. 9. BIntk out- W., 1;U,1. Umpln, laofo. Tlmo.lB. BraoMlym ws* Lamlevllla. The Bnnklyaa wen helped to a vIcIoitob Jane 9, at baiara park, Bniohlyi, N.T„lhroiigh the alupld playing ot Ihe Loelavllle lean. Tliolalleronlljsl- led Ihe Bnaklyni, naklag tooit<en hlbi for a total of twenlf-ili baaea, bat their wnicbed work In the Held gave tho llnmklyns right unearned raoA Ijicid Blarted In bi ptlcb, lint waa iBjured In a c<it- Il9lun with Welch In running Iwlweuu llitnl laao and Ihe boniu plale, anil liail In roUre In Ibe Ihird lonlng. Keuneily replaced him, and was freoly linlled, Tho long Rafn blbi were hnmo ninn hy Kuumier snd Welch, Irlplo liaBgen liy llmiithorv Aiid Lucid, ami duiililoa by I'reaton, llniiitlien, Vtark and Wulcli, fAtiiaviLLB. r. K. a. o. i.e. Hkooblvs. v. a. a. u. a.t. Praaloo, ct. 9 1 1 9 3 0 (lilllln,el.... 9 3 I I u U 0'Hrlon,lb.. 9 1 3 3 3 1 " - BliuRortaa.. 9 1 0 9 3 1 BrouUiar>,ni 9 I 3 B I I nark, ir..... 9 3 3 1 0 0 Koiiilliar,3li. 9 I I 3 9 I Wolcli, c. ... 9 1 3 9 I 0 Cnlllna, rf... 4 I 3 0 0 0 U'Uornioltp 4 0 P 0 3 D Tolala...43 r.<iula>ltlo Hruuklyn Cnroormn, aa 9 u a 4 4 u Uchana, Iba 3 3 7 9 0 Tlalwar. rf. 9 U I 3 u I Hlilndh, til.. 9 I I I I 1 Uali. Ill 4 3 0 3 1 9 4 3 I 0 U U llllln, e 4 I I H 3 I I I f I 0 I Ir, p.. 9 0 1 0 I 0 - Ala. .11 11 It 37 13 a P 1 0 9 0 O-ll lairtd, f I II I 1 U U nuwir, Tulala 3 9 0 4 I - - - EAmc«l nina-U>iltavllla, H: Brooklyn, 4. Baao nn ar. nir>-t..3: B,4. (hi l>lla-L.,9: H, 1. HIriict mil—I.., 4;H,I. Umplra. Koera. Ttiiia,3.ll. Brooklya va. PIKiliBrg. Tho IltlaburgH beat llioUrooklyRH Jiitto4,at llnMk. lyn, N. v., aflor a liard uphill light. Keiiordy was freely lailal, but kepi tlie hlbi well apart niiUI Iho eighth and iilotli Innlnga, when Ibe vhdhin earned dvo or the all ruiu scored. Ilirt pitched a good fame, but waa poorly aiippurted at critical atagea. ho emn nuido liy (Jtlngmaa and Hugilnn were re- sponsllde for moot or tbe runs nade by the llnMk- Ijrns, wbllo tho rest were Ihe result of liaaea un lialla. Umpire l^ng Imd a numlier nf rtoae declatons to make during Ihe game, and, as many of Uiem ep- peared to lie agaliut the home lean. Iliere wan con- alilenlile kicking and wnogllng. It wontao larln Ihe aevonlh Imilog uvorUing'scalling Cnw' aafeat aecond liaae tliat Kennedy waa dnea 130. The due aeeincd to unaervo Kennedy, fur tlie Plllalnirgs eaalty tsittcil out a victory In llie IabI two Innliifa. HlaiiMra liatllug and Ibr deldlng or Cnaw, with a Nenaallunal one handed catch tiyCorcomi), were Ihe reatiires. Tho lobg aale hlla wero a home niii hy Hlenr.el and doiihle liagien liy Crraai and Daly. PimaUNO. r. a. a. o. a.b. IliinuiaB, rr. 9 I I 1 I 0 iniORBiaB.tb9 I I I S 3 Bocklar, lb.. 9 il I 13 U 0 ' - 9494UU MlaoiaUr. HmlUi, ir.. Bauar, 3b. i;roaa,Ba... BdRdan. 0. Ilait, p Tolala... PtUAbarR.. Brooklro. 3 0 0 I 3 3 3 U u I I a u 0 0 s - V. a. n. a.s. iirimii. cf. Ilftreorao.aa. 9 Lachaaco, lb 9 Tradwar,rr.. 9 KLlwIla, 9k.. 9 IMtr, lb 9 Anilanito, If 9 llrtm, t. 0 3 113 1 9 3 II t 113 1 U U I I 0 3 11 Olio 0 13 4 10 11 44 9 IP 17 II 10 3 9 • 11 n 11 9 TolAl 119 19 3 I P 0 I - - - - - Kamad runa-rtiUlnira, 9. Baa* oo armra—P., I; Bronklin, 9. Oo lialta-P.,9; B.,9. BIraek oat-B,3. Unipir*, Loos. TIma, 3.m. Pblladolplllaa va. Cblraga* Tlie Clilcagm beat the Phlladelphlaa June I, at I'hllBdulphla, Pa., by timely ballUig when men were un the lmse«, Tlie LTilcagoa took the lead at Ibe atari and held It Ibroughnut. Althongb the bits were eoiiBl, those made hy Ihe vlaltftn lironghl lu ruiia, white Ihnne made liy the home leam were fieiienllr an rar apart as In be of little lieiieBI to lieni. The luug safe hlla were a hiine ran by lAiige, a inpla Imager by Clemenla and douldca liy Tliiiiiipnon and KlUrldie, lialjlen and Cnaia made aeveni lirltllant aUipa or very hot hit lialla. PHiLi. V. a. B. o. i.a. UuiOAOfi. v. a. 9 Bulla, lb. .. 9 llaltnao, tli. 9 DelabaBlr, ir9 Tlioidpann.rr 9 Croaa, 111. .. 9 Batltr.aa 4 inain4BU,e.. 4 ^'{roU.-.V.!? Patlaitalpliia.. Chkaco. 0 0 13 9 1 0 0 I I 9 II 34 14 . 0 0 c a. o. i.B. auoo 0 U 7 3 3 3 0 0 1 II I I 3 S 1 0 Oil IIP 110 lOAOfl. O^Uofkar, It... 4 llahlao, B>... 4 0 Wtbnotir.. 4 3 ioano.lli... a I lAiiii, cr. . . 4 I Kroraltlb.. 4 I auoartlb.. 4 9 flrimUi.p.. .. 9 I Btllr<.lBa.a. 3 0 . _ TolBJa...S4 7 11 nil 4 4 U 0 3 0 »-9 . - _ 0 U 3 0 B '—7 Earnod rwaa—Plitladolplita, 9: 43iIia«o,9. Baaooe or ror»-P.. 3. In b*lla-r., 1. lUroet out—P., 1; IJ., I. Umpire, MclMnaU. Tlma,3». ■altlaaasw vs. Clawelmmd* Huperlor liattlog eubled Ihe BalUmona to deleal Ihe Clevelaoda June 4, at Ualllmon, Hd, ilenining kept Ihe bits made oB bIm well apart, except In Ihe eighth Inning, when Ibe vbdioti made four of the six rum crediud lo them, and look a lead, linl the borne team ngalned II In Ihelrhalf of Ibealghlh Ion- log, when they balled Vnpey for three sluglea and two lilple baggen, and, aided lir a nwrried dy lo oestie iekl. tallied Ive raoa. The loeg aafe hlu were triple Imggen by llnrkell, Oleaaoo (Iwlet) aad Relti, and doable baggen by Chllds, Zlmmer, (Ut*> BOO and Bndie. OleasoD<B baltlDg, aid Uii MdlBg uf Chlldsand fMii, were Ik* ftalnn* cuvstiRO. V. a. B. 0. i.a. ~ Boihait ir.. 9 I 3 1 0 0 MeBaAD,aa.. 9 0 1 9 9 0 GhtMa,!ni ... 9 0 1 1 4 p O.Taboaa,rr9 0 u 0 9 1 4I.ToUao,lb. 4 0 0 10 1 0 BcAloor, cr .411901 ]|c<ltrr,9b.. 4 11110 xiBimer,&.. 4 i 1 i i p CUPPr. p.... 4 110 4 1 filab....*) 9 loll 14 3 OtaiaUBd OOP BalUoMiiB 3 P BAUiaoiB. T. a. a a A.a Kallay. lr....9 0 0 1 0 9 KooUr.lf.... 9 110 0 9 Jonalnisaait B 9 B 1 I llloaaoa,lb.. 9 S 9 0 1 I |■Anr^lll....9 10*19 Hellr, lb.... 9 0 119 0 i:Ulke.o.... 9 0 I 1 0 0 llaninlBS, p 4 U 0 0 I I TolBU...44IOI4fr 9 1 0 9 14 1 P-l 0 9 0 9 1 -» RanaO nina-CIaTalan,!, 9: Balltuioro, 9. Baaaoo er- nr>-<1.1:B. 1 (in lalla-H , 1 Rlniokool-O., I. Um- pln. Balla. Ttma, I.SU^ Waahlmiloa vs. Clavalawd. Theao teanu met June o, at Washington, 1). O., nIn having caused a pnalponemeRl ot the laim aohednled un iho pncedlug day, the Wtahloilou then winning by superior all around work. Hail kept np Iho good pllchlog that had charaeterlMd hbi work Ihli Beason, and bad tho vtaltlng battmen lueaalng all through tbe game, (llaascook, lalaly releamd by the loubivlllea, made hla llmlappea^ anca with (he home loam, and hla fleldlas and bat- ling greatly aided them In defeating the vMlon. The long nife blu were douMo banen by Joyce, 0. Tuiicau and Blake. WiauiRUTORV. a a. o. i.a BalUach, It. s I 0 1 0 P Jofeo,9b.... 9 13 110 tlAaam'ar, rf 9 I I n u 0 Mrllull*. 0.. 9 1 110 0 l!art'ri|htlb 9 113 10 lllaaM^^k, aa 9 I 3 9 4 3 lh^aika,3U.. 9 0 0 3 9 0 Haul, p... TiiUla.. cuvsuaav. r. i. o. ar. Bnrbolt II.. 4 0 I I S I ■cKoaii, BA, 4 P 0 i U 0 Ohthia, to.... 4 0 9 4 9 0 Il.TalMu, tb 4 0 9 II 0 1 1). Trbaau Jb 4 0 0 I 1 0 MaAlcar. ot.. 4 19 10 0 HUko, cf.... 4 119 0 0 4 0 13 1 O|(n!onanr,o. 4 0 1 I I I " ' . 1 0 I I 0 n Wallace, p.. 4 0 I 9 I u 49 7 II 31 to 3 Tolala.. .S 3 9 17 II 9 WA^ilnalon 1 I 0 9 U P 4 0 0-7 CtaToland nOUIOOOUI-9 KaniftI niiia-Waahtnaliin. 4: (lloToland, I. Baae ua ornira-W., 3; I'-.. 3. imliatta-W., 9; II., I. HIruct oul- W.. I: II, I. Uaiplro, Una. TInia, IJS. TtiiMly liailliig anil auptrlur drldlDa liilMd Ihe CtuvelBiiils tu rovenw the alaive reault June 7, The vlalton precllrally won Ibo game In Iheaecood Ian- lug, whon br a ciimliliwllun ><< wild pllohlnf by MluukMlale, ail error and four hlla, 9lx nu ware iiiadu. Mercer waa auUtlliiled for SlockadiUe In Ihe Uilnl Innlog, and only two nine were nude off htm, neither of which waa caniHl. Voung was very odVoUvo at orlllcal alasea, Tho long safe blla wore ikiulilfl tiaggcn tiy Muolsilale and Voung. The iMtlIng or (I, TeTieaii, with thoBeldlngor (llaiacuok, Mi-Koan ami UliltdR, were Ihe fealuna, ULavBLAaD.T. a. a. a i.R Borhait ir... 9 1 I I 0 0 iKaaB.iA. 9 I 1 3 4 P inillda,lli.... 9 11110 II. Taba«o,lb 4 0 913 I 9 BlAka, rr..-. 4 P U 9 9 P n.T«baA0,9li 4 I 1 I 9 U ««Aloar,cr- 4 ----- ■ ZlDiniar, a-. 4 YouMf, p 4 ,0101 I I 9 9 II 0 I I I I WiauiauTuR V. R. a. o. a.b. 9 U 0 I 0 I Jorca,3ti.... 9 13 111 llaaanrAr, K9 n 1 u u 0 >lcllulr*.e.. 9 u u I I I irarfrtllitlti 4 0 1 II u u lllaaaaK>k,«a 4 119 7 0 <.'nioka,tb... 11113 0 4 P I 1 P I Hlitfkxtalo, |i 1 I 1 0 U 0 Maii-ar, p... 9 110 0 1 Tolala...«l 9 1114 II e Tolala 9 91117 11 1 WaahtoRIMi .... 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 1-9 CtoToUiHl utPIPOie -9 KAmad nina-WaablnBli>n,4;CtA*olaiiil, 9. Baaaoaar- mra-ll 3. (in liatta-W-, 1; 11,4. BIraek oul-W., 9t II., I. Iliupiro, lajiiri. Ttnta, Hi. Now York we. Plttiliwv|. Tho llllRlHirgR won llio tniiat (xolllnf cnnlral, Jiiiio a, al Iho Pnln (Imutiila, that has lieeo wllneaieil In Ihla city III many yi'an. Tho trunble l«gao In Iho llitril lulling over an apuarentlr lad deohdoo at Iho liiinie plale. In that Inning there were IbRo monoiittiBlaiaraanil none uiil. Iianer bll to Kul- hir, who rellml llecktoy al Iho hnmo plate. WUaon Itirnw III liavia and iiiit out Hauer; Ihea llavis re- tiirnril tho tiall In Wltaua to i«toli Hltniel, who Irluil III S4'iiro un the play. It looked like a magnld- ooiil Irlplo play, anil Ihe hlg oroad cheered lunily, hut to the anurementnf everylaidy ixeseni liiaplre Murruy ralhxl HIenriil ssre. I.'antain Ikiili pro- tosleil vlKiiniitsly anil the i-rowil tHMiteo wildly. Imyle waa iinliireil luck lu hla poslihsi, hut alltl iwndaled In kicking, and Murray put blin out of lliegaiiiu. Ctinfualiiii relgiied fur annie mioutra, tliD iiiiiplre lieliig ruiiiidly hinted, itsallv enler was rvalurod and Ibe aaino went on, wllb Murphy alKeruiid In place nf Ikiile. lo the llllh lUDluga rliit was only BVertnl by llie Umely biltffennce of llio iHiilro. Wllaiin, In trying lo slide borne, acd- ilenlnllyH|ilkcd Kitten. Tliu taller Inatsntly alruok Wllaiiii aa he lay iiii Ibo gmiind. Wllaon Junpad up, and iKilh men minareit off and made play for each oihor. Hiith teaiiM iiwde a raali lurlkii tielllgereuli, and It liHikeil aa ir there would lie a rreeflgni. Pan. doiiiiinliiiii reigned for a fuw minutes. Umpire Munay ami a iwltco sergeant Heparelcd Iho lonir lated playora, ami Iho game was rcauinsd, with Ilawley In Ihe pitoher'a poallloa for the vUlun, The tailor niilplayed the home leant end woo the game on lu iiieriu. Tho tnng giro hlli were triple liagB9ra by rttiigiiian and iTnia and doutilsa by llei'kley and Hmllti, After Iho game Inipira Hur- ray twd to IH) taken lo hla drcnlog room liy Ike po. lice with an angiy cniwd eurmiindlng them, Naw YiiHR. T. a. a. ». i.a " - Hillka, tr.. . 9 0 I 0 I I Ttaniaii,rr.. 9 u 0 ' l>uta,lli.... 9 P 1 . llnjla,lli.... 1 0 0 U P 0 Pivraauau. r a. a. o. i.e. . . DoniivaB.rf. 9 I U I 0 P 0 0 intn(nia>,U 9 I 1 I ' 10 9 Murptiy, Hi.. 4 U u Vanllall'n.if 4 1 I Parratl,3b... 4 I Wlhiin, 0 tlu-ta. II - _ - - - roltor, >a.... 4 0 0 1 9 1 TulaU...«l 4 - -— - Naw fork.. intnania>ab 9 I 1 I 9 I Hoetlar, lb.. 9 I I 13 I 0 HIanuCer... 9 1110 0 tmrUi, ■ — ■' - - . HuBdoD, 0. U 3 1 1 9)Kinali, p.. ' llawUr, p. TiriaU. Hauar.tti. (how, aa.. .9 3 1 9 0 0 .. 4 U 0 I 7 I .- 4 U I 9 9 0 -. 4 0 I 9 U I ..100101 .. I 0 0 0 I 0 .41 7 U 17 19 4 10 1' PlUaburg lOtOIOUS -7 Pjimail ruiia-Naw Yiirk, I: Plllaliuia, 1 Baaa on or rora-N. Y., 3; l'„ 3. (In UtU-N. Y., 4; r.,\ llruck i,ul-N. Y.,i: P., 7. Uoililra, Hurraf. Ttliia, 3U. Hnokli'm va* CklrwBb. Timely liatlliig (in the part of the UiuiklyBi, and very loowi Itchllng on Hie part of the Uilcagoa, en* allied Ihe/orinsrto aooio a vlobiiyonrlbelattir, JunpH,atKaalero I'ark, llroiiht>n, N. Y. Tbeteld- Ing of Ihililen and Kvenll waa wrolcted, Ihelr er- run geuemlly cumIng at critical ilsgis of the gsnie, snd helping tho bnaie team In (elllof raoa. llutoUlaoD pllclieil a gaud game, hotdlBlf Ihe Broofc- lyoa down to one eaned ran, iJioa waa aafely iMlled when hlu were aoedcd. The Bruohltn9 put lip a greal ganiB. Their Imttlng was llnety, ieMing lirltUant smi llieir baaeninnlngllrBlclaa, Heveial Bciwtloul calotieR and atopa were nade off appar. euUy ofe blU. A rubntng catch lij iMge snd Blii{M liy Oircunn snd Hhlnilts wero snooi them. The Isiliing snil iloldlug of Iahu wen Ue ndeem- Ing feature or tlio vlaliiira' wurk, while Ihe baltlog or MCtiance and Ibe llelding of Uircoran, thiudle and llaly were Ibo ftaluros uf the home laau'a work. The king aafe blU were triple laggen by tainue, KventI, llulclilaiia and lAield, iMga alio Dane a dim" iiuble Imgger (luiuido. V. H. a. u. J Darkar, rf... 9 I I Uahlaii, a>... 9 WTluiirt. 11... 9 9 lMBe,er.... 9 BvaralL3lj.. 4 4 llulditaon. p 4 l>ooohuo.a.. 4 . U 0 0 14 14 9 1 I 0 0 u 0 4 9 U 1 3 9 0 0 1 I 0 I I 0 13 11 3 10 3 0 0 14 11 ToIaU...4I 9 10 34 I JO CblcBso.,.. NroohlrB... HaoosLVS- V. a. a o. i.a. ilitllln,cr....9 I I ■ x ■> (>,roono,B>. 9 I U 3 9 0 fauLtoeB,lbt I 110 u 0 Tradaar. If. I 0 U 1 U 0 «bln4U,M..4 10 19 0 Daly, Hi 4 0 0 1 9 1 Amfirroa, 114 I 9 I 0 1 arlin,e 4 s 1 7 u 0 Lactil, p 4 I I 0 I 0 TiiUU.. .B 9 117 10 3 0 3 P 0 I I 3-9 P 3 0 U B 1 1 -0 Karnadnea—(3ilcaxfi, 4; BrooktrB, 1. Hsio on arrura -U..3:B.,9. (Inlialta—(l.,S|B , I. Buatk mlt-U , 9; H., 3. Umjrlia, kaofa. TI ma. Bi. HaelDW va, ClaelMiamlli Timely Imttlng with men on ibe Usts, aided by poor tetding on Ihe partof theClnclDMlbi, gave lbs UiiBlona an ipparantly eaay vlcUiry June 4, at Bm- bin, HawL, alUmugb Ihe innclonalb nulbatled IheBD, Ten ul Ihe home foam's ram were dilvsn la by lour home raoa, Ikilb pllchen wen Imlled hard. The kriig aafe hlU were Imuia ram by HuDoe, Unsy, Naali, N;ca and lliigrelrer, and a two bagger li; Vaughn, BMrraR. V. a, a. o. a.a. OiaoiBBiri. v. a. 9. o. i.e. Lowe, Hi.... 1 119 3 1 Ulliam, Bb. 1 lilt Haanon, rf..l 1119 0 Hot, If.... Dolff, el.... 11110 Mdlarthf, U1 1 I 0 0 0 Hwlof, lb. '"^ ■>' -..• I I .1 4 UjVBBtilB.a Hot, If 1 0 I 1 9 P Miner, er.... 9 p I i p 9 K«lBg,lb... 9 9 19 11 . . VBBtllB.a... 4 119 10 9 I 0 lu 0 4 0 0 1 9 1 BjlcB, aa 1 I I 1 4 I RoilVi,aa.... 4 1114 1 TaBoar,e.... 1 1119 0 rbllllpo,p... 4 0 119 0 BallliAn, p.., 9 I 0 U P 0 llosratvar.rl 4 I 1 I 0 0 ToiaI<....4« It t n 14 1^ tolala .-.40 I II B 19 9 Booua..., P B 4 0 0 0 I f u-ll (tloeiaBail 1 0 P ' RAread niBB-Boalon,!; I'InethBall, 9. BAaBoRarrvia -B. 9;(), I. notmlla-B,7; 11,4. Buatkoot-B, 1;U., 3. Umpln. Emilia. Tta»a, l.(B. Waablwglam wa. ■!. Iiaala. The Washlngtnm sdded another rtclory lo lhair credit hy defeating Ike HI. l«uU Urowna June i, al Washlnitnn, II, U., lo a ooolnl maiksd by ksavy hatting. In which Ihe hone laaBi uet-Ued. Both Kbret sad Anderson were freely lallad. Tbe latter reilied at tlie end uf lbs aavMUi Inabig sod Stocks' . date wss BUtieltloled, The WaablBilona aot oDir laiud well and hard, hot their teMlig waa'faiil leas. Not aoerrorof any deacrlptloQ RiBind