New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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June 15. THE NETW YORK OlilPPER. 235 Ijrefolwnniottnr Inihe two conlwu. Tin ««• imitlnnlnaof tlio piine Iwlircoii IheU«lro|iollUtt nuil SI. (leorst t«amH mn commoDccd ni nurlr ramnKted, itioSi. (ieorm miiUnii rournina more la win, wllb ibree iilcketi lo rail, wbcn llmo «m called, Autiihb II. niiocKIB. Ilncaptnlii "t tin Diilver- Flirnt I'cnniiilritiilit Crtctot dIhtcii, liiu liiil lh« Ih4i baillnff •vcnRO ilurloi llio prcseDi uraiwn, i-r'os»ir followed l«J 3. Oowltii»ii Jr. nnd \V. M. Youni. In iiowllnir o. u. Uutu rankH lint, hU IsM clitllveiT IMVIBK l>«eiivcr/tir«eIlvo hhiI dlfflculi to woreoiriuilicllveginMplBjeil iIiIh Haaon. w. S U West, > «rll knowa cilckoMr nnd emilnito o( ilivarfoni CollCEr, bna been elected a Fellow fur Hires jenri oC me i;olver*llT Jjtw School, I4klni ilie sUcc niule fueint lij Ifie rellrement pt F. U. Dolilrnrtliesni'^attoion. Artniir II. Drockletai imdnaled, sixl Mh poiUilon aa caplala leil Kuuin will prDliiit>lT l>o »l<'!<l Wlllliim .s. Young. FHINI I'RKKDEIUIJtST, wUo liss lieeii iMtlliig In flue form IbU i(eft.<*on, exceeded oil IiIh prevloud eHlirti* Jnnt H, when bo worcd 13< mart, not oni, ot a total of 2M compiled by ttio Umokljn Cluli, for the lAH of only Ino wh'ketis In an e.\lilUlilon game wlih Ilia iGcoinlil IMni at PnMpeci I'ark, He had ncTloiflr bonled Ove wickets of the Inrognlll, wtHM total In me OtaI Innliii waa unljr sg. II. llelDU, who went In Unit wlib Vrciidergast, ttcorod 41 ruiiik Till BicoND rxBvEN Of the Now Jener Athletic Club itered llieir ilrdt nauie In the chainplouhip Mrlea ot the Now York Avwclatlon June 1, at Iter leu Polnl, N. J., tftcr then defeating the lint eleven uf tbo Colnmbla CInb tiy a score of for four wlckotn to |!0 In an one Innlnn rame. J. QUI made M and 4. Maxlleld 34 for tbo home team. Evan« HCorad 1:1 for the (V>luinbla team, and was the oolj one 10 mcb donblo llgurea. Tni New Jemej Alblelln Club'a eleven plarcil the receuilj 0Tsanl7.ed l.icoKnIil team June .'>,nt UerjroD FnInt, N. J,, the contcit rmulilnR In a di»w. being lafc iiiillnlahcd. Ooliig In Onl, the New Jener team jiuile 'i.'i4, of which C. Bjera acored i-J nina, P. Hunter iu Hud A. flunn 4-j. Tho Incosolll compiled 137 for Hvo wicketj}, the chief contrlhutore thereto lielngS. W.CoulbjrwItb iO and It. Uudle with 40, not out. TUESkCONDELnrKNSoltbe New Jermx Athletic and New Vork ClniM plajed June a, nt Ceinml IMrk, this cllT, the (ormor wluiiing bj a acnre of 1X2 fur lour nickels to loo, the toulu of ibe ilnii Inning, nu tbo Kooio day tbe second elovend of the Uanbat- laii and IMteniun Clnl« ronicnded at rroapect IMtk, Brooklyn, K. V.. the result l>elng a draw, tho former scoring TS and tUt hitter tor «l,x wicket*. TiinERCKNTUKisawcro scored Junes, two being by riilkdelphbi liataiucn, Oeorjfo S. r,ttter!ioD, of the (lenuantowu Ulub. again repealing that feat lilts seiuon by scoring lit runs, and W, W, Foulk- rod making 10:i tuna (or the Wandcrem, of that rity. F. J. lYeadorgast made 134 riinH, not out, for the Orooklin aul>. It being tbo flnt cenluty scored III this vicinity diirlug the prerieutseasou. A YETkKiN TEAu Of Ibo Stoteii MUuil Club de- feated the 81. Auatln'HSchool eleven June 0, alMtaten Island. N. Y., by is to 48. the totals ol ihe am Inn- ing. , F. Wonham bowled very eiTcclIvely for tho velemn, C lleneker, who scored 20 nins. alone niacliing double llgiirns. W, II. ItuUy, with IT runs, was Ibo lilghest scorer for tbe vetcnins. At 1 BECEXr MiBTiso ot tho Metronolltan Dis- trict I,«airie \v. Fenwlck, IL ai. (i. Walker and M. It. CriMi were appointed a cninraliloii to select Ibe New York tesni tor tbe coming Inter-Slate contest with MasascbuBQIis. and inako hU arrangements for Ihe game, wblcb will be played July 4, i, at Uostou, Haas. TUE Lansdowne I04vm defeated Ibo St. llavldM Club eleven June 8, In I'lilladeljililn, Fii, by 113 to M, tbe totals of tbe Ont Inning. Tlie chief credit of tho victory Iieloogs to \Vlnl«rboitom, the profes. slonal or tbe l/mHdnwne Vlnli, who liowled six wickois for 16 nins, and, going In first, earned bis batuutfor12tuu<, uotoul. Tub skoond ilkvens ot the Merlon and Phlladcl- pbbi Clubs played Juno 8, at rhiladelpbia. Fa., tbe former wlonlDg by in-,f to 67, tho tobtlsof the nrsi Inning, The reeiilt was luulnly dne to tbe iMwIIng of W. I-:, llatus, who captun-il eight wickets ttt the ctitl ot onir 1,*i runs. 1*. Ttiomitfon batted well for U> mus on behalf of tho Merlon eleven. Diriiisii ifsy Iu9t, In Knglanil, Dr.W. (J, Craro.tbe cbamplou cricketer, scored upwards of one thous- and runs lu flnt class nwtcbes. Ills latest large ivores were nnd 73, not onl, for fliuucexicntliire itgalnst Kent, May ja, 21, 'j:,, and lou for Uluucesler- Bliln agulntl Ulddlescx, Hay 30, As uxlilbllloD gaum wan cnninu'nceil June 8 1*0- tween tbo llrooklyn West Indians aud Ihe Kim tinl), <if tbid city, but was left nnflnUlied, the fonner scoring loo for Ave wickets, nnil tbo latter 67 tor nine wickets. Dr. Uiua iHilted cleverly for 43 runs on behalf ot the West Indians. TiiK Wandorcni, of rhiladelpbid, visited Uoores- towii. Ph., June 8, and played tho local club. Tho Tisltorii (julckly compiled a iiiImI of lu-'i, ot M-hlch W, W. Fonlktnd urorcil 103 In uu nlmrat fauliless ntsnner. The Moorcstawn team tutl made 7:1 tor Uvo irlckole when time was culled, TuK openlnfr contest at San JoRe, Osl., look pbice Juno i, when tlic San Frnnclsco '/Ingurl played the kKal team. The /IngsrI scored la, of wlilob total (leorge Wlsoman maile 87 rnud. The Ban Jose Cliih had iimde 67 ruOH fur aovcu trickels ut Ibe call of time. Is A mvK lictwceii the Kensington and Uana- Tinik eloveiis, June 8, at Phlladulpbia, r*., II. llol»- loROn, of the foniicr team, captured seven wickets at llio cost ot only u nins. Tlio totals weio 30 to 17 lu favor of llio Kensington team. It. I>. IliinwK, one ot tho best lialsmon of tho Oermaiilowii anh, of l'blliidel|>lita, anil foruierly r-spbiln of Ibo lUnurd Unlveivlly eleven, was insrrlcil, Jnuo 4, to Hbts Fruncea U. Harris, ot Fnlladelpblo. THE TURF. THE RING. Jack Deupioy** Denoflt, Wlilch look pUco at Uadliwu Square QordeD, tliU dlyi on &nlDr<l«7 ercnlog, June s, was a bucc«08 la aU rcHpeclB, ADA llio boDericlaij reaped a Udjr sum tlierefroni, TTlilch, It Is lo bo hoped, bUi oxperlencea la the ptatTilUliitpelMm toput to oDijr good use, for bo cau never ikipo to iiroQt to SDjUiloffap' proAclilDgtbennio extent la Iho future. la tbe uelKliborbood of Ave tUouuanrt pcrsoiu Trero prcft* ODt, Uie general adiulsalon being linlf a dollar, vlib extim cbargea for boios and resened seals, and all Ibo bttl known Hporta of Itae two big clUcs were on hand. wbDo tbe arrar of puglllsilo talent Included OTcrjrindj of note, of all weTglila, and r«r too diaoj to gratify with an opportunlij to show tlielr good feeling for tlio om Nniiparell bypuiilogup their Iwods onthestuiro. The bonts wliocnsed during the eveolng bmugbi tngeihor, lii order, Ocorgo Dixon and Jack Moch. Joe Clioynekl and llob Arautrotig, Jim Hall nud Hick Dunn, "Kid" Uc- Coj and llany Pldgeon, I'eter Uaher and Pete Ihinis, Chamjnion Jim Corbelt atid John Uc* VcT, llob Mtxilmninoit and Frank itosworth, Ullly Wcloh aad *'JllHckle" CunJit, John L. Hiil- linn and Jack VeropMj, iho taller couple giving tbe wind up. A Iremeudoiis recepUno was glfen Hulllvun, who vros obllgod to make a npccoh before (he croird would ijulet down, and ovations were also tendered Corbelt, Firr.'Untmons, DempMj nnd Haber. Tbe poputarlij of John L. BnlUvHO, falrl; due to bla long rcign at the bead of the flsilo world, OS also to hU slnlghlforward conduct and detcetaUonof SDjtiblng (bat uvnnd of double deal- ing or cblcanoiT during lils culire career, aeonu uerer lo wane, and If the testlmonUl beneflt which ■ Oorbelt propuood on Snlurdar nlRbt that he should take at tbe Vardou comes uiT, tbe affilr nhonld proTo a phonomenil auccem Onanclally. Corbelt IKDinUed to wlad up with the ex chainplon, who ibankfd bini moat beartllr for tho offer. It Is to l>e hupedtbatsucba tenllnionlal mar l>e arranged In tbe near future, for Sulllnn la far from on mj Ntreet kt preaeot, and a good dose of floanclal balm wonid prove most acceptable. Tho Chauplonablp* James J. Corbett and Jfob ntzflmmoDS cacb polled l&.oOOwltb Ibo flnol Rtakeholdor In tbe champion- ship match on the efealng of June h, to guarantee Ibclr appcannco In the ring at italloa, Texas, on OcL 31, (he d«te named bj the norida Atbleilc Clab for tDe bouie. Corbelt la now located lo a coiUge at AsbofT l'*rk. N. J., where be will commence traintog next month, lie h now Uklog gcnlJe pre- llnlnarr exorclio, with a view to reducing bla extra aTolrdupols by eaey stages, previous to comnicnclng downrlghl bard work. Manager Undr U harlng a large i«ni bolll nn hln nropenj at l»ch Ariwr, half a mile aw»t, wblcb will i4 llitcd up for Oorbcu to work In. FltzalmmonA will locate at Bath fieacb, L. 1., during tbe currf nt woek, there to prepare for Ihe flgbt of bU life, mnk Uosvortti wUl pnbabl; be tola nentor. BACITIO AT ORAVBSRlfD. JennoB BaatctaM llii* Rlemton Hlalim fniM Mfrvf Prinr«« Tlie DnMkljn Jockey Club ronilnued racing at Us Gmvescnd imck, tbe SeaHltte Slakes, won by Ro< tiultal, tbe favniiir, wing Ihe principal event on Juno 4. Tbe Hmukdale Handicap, won by Menlttn J., WHHalioan Impurtant factor In tbo sport ot ibe lUy. Siimmartcs: For All axAit iiftsTr htnillMp, ftlw•«|Mtak•lnrt1SeKC)^ wlUi $J'Ji addcxi, omhldi IIUO to •tODod kmI •» to Uiltd, Ml rurlaan. J. Rumrt Jr.'« di. c. Golham, a, lir Iroquolf-Tntl* Wind. Ill; 9 to A Umhy I W. DMiohBv'ab. cUor Jack, 4. IIS; 1S|(iS....llMnmoa t Ad«1«fit*bl«*i b, c AUTftlUn, 4. in; lOtol P«Da 3 TInie.l:IVt. for t*n r«*r ««WMpiUliM nf $U Mch. «llh BdOO added, of which |1U0 to moodU aod to ttiliil, nre (Vir- lADn. I'. LDrillaitl'a ch. f. Anlilh. hy B*n«silon Aitor, ICR: I inl UrilflD I A. II. AD. H.MorriR' b. r.T«iid»ni««». 10}; 1 to l..r«an i J. J. UcC*ir«rtv'i ch. r. Rellflon. IIA; to 1 lUiCf 3 TImf. IA!>4. Tli» Peai'do SUkM oftHJUO, lur two rnr ol-l». IV ucl>, |IQO adillllooM Ctir itartf r«, to iho w|Boertl,aJiX lo Ihi Mtronil liorMauitnd to itio Hilnl Uono $tXK wIno«r to t>««oM BtiiuctinDror$\(BU. nrA AifloBCK. JoliQ D&li'ub.c. H«MUl(il, br Eolhoa-Rolrlbullon. IM; Itol UrlfflD I J. UcLanihllD ■ cfa. e. Pnmltr. tl9K:U DomU 1 A. II. a D. II. Moirlf b. c Briih. 105; 7 t»X F*nn 3 BrMlrdilo lUDdieap of 9tm\ for thrc* TMrobiA uiil uptranl, tU) Mch, to llw wlnotr tl,ilU, in tlw mooikI Itom* $Sm ud to lb* Uilnl burs* I2UUL oao mtlo nnd ft fur- InuR. a. Jtcobft- b. e. Slipben J., 4, by Tho Bud-VUI*. lOI't: 10 (01 Ann I Oneck Siihle'a b. h. Sir Waltor. L ItS: A lo t l>ojii*ti 2 Krie BiAblo'i cb. e. Lumnmt, 4^ IIS; A to 1 Ugrpby 3 Tint*, 1 M. For thiM VMroM«, wiling, ptirw ISOCL ofwlileb $1(0 tu Hcnott Mhl (9 to third. Uio wlnntr to b« Mid ftt aueilon Tor t\9MK ooB mile intl t ilxlMnlb. A. H. A n. II. MorrlH' b. c. llln|i«, 3, hy Crclflp* All Itopo. NH: 4 to I Prnn I J. It. KollfU ch. r. Ijiniplon. \ ICU; Rto& Dostetl 3 J.U«liier«(r.c.8lrDit'wJr...TICW; 41ol Wcldit 3 TlRi«,l:lftU. ForibrMfraroIiUaml upwAnT, wlllnK.a twe«ptt*k«i nrilSsnrti, with taooaildsd, or which tWto §«i-*ta<\ nnd tUtoihinl, Ihe winner u> b« wU at auction tor 13,30]^ uDomllaaiula tarlonv. A. II. A D. H. MorrU' b. c FHg, 4. by OaloRmido. 101; Clol :.)*«nn I W. K. JOBM' h )i. atRt«dB.6, 101; lOtol latnlor 1 UlnntioD RtabU'fl b. m. Soaff and Dance, 4, lui; 7 lo 4 Qrlino 3 Time, I -MU- Close upon Ove thousand persons vUlleU Ihe coureo on t, when two stakes were on (he canl. Tlie flrtt, tbe Blcniton Stakes, for tiro year oidd, bad four atarters, of wblcb Ucrry mnco ruled tho favorite, and might have won had Jockey (Iriilln given enongli consideration to UcOa(rBrty*s entry, tbe gelding Jeifemon, which ReliT brought past on the liifldo wlih a rush on Ihe stretch, snatching the pnrM by a stiort bead, Tho other special event was Iho Oneck Bbikes, wblcb had Dve stanena, the favorite, Declare, winning handily. BtmimsrifH: For all aiis. aRwoep>Uli«i orgs ouch, of which gHUlo (h« winner. |7S (o Mcond an<l '.o Ihlnl, on* mil*. A. n. A D. II. Uorrl** b. f. Owlol, 3, bj RoMlDilon-Mlu Ow»1«r.U: •T«n O'LoatT 1 1*. J. Owyit'i b. c. faulclan. 4. IQP; 4 to 5 DoffvU 3 Tim*. 1:44. For throoTOtr oMn, a twtttMAkt* of |S> t«ch, to ih* winner tm, to th« Mcoud Vn, and gtt lo tbIrO, i«ll[iiR RllftWAitraa. nil rnrlonr*. J. RliloUn A Co.'* br. f. KcK**, br Tr*inonlfto<iii*nc«. loaji; Jlol Urllfln 1 J. Ramrt Jr.'«b. A. Haurli*iit«r, 117: 4 lo 1 TAral 3 C.araliain'ab.e. iIalbUln^ 113: 6 to 1 |'*do 3 Ttm*, ):I7. Tlie BkinUin Mate**, Raarantoed tiIuo SLUU. for two v«Ar oMh, Af ta) cndi. to lli* wlnoor $1,30111, to Mcoml tan nitd 110) to thlnJ. Itvn furlonicA. - NcCuftrlfNIi, tt.JtntTMO, by Buchaiun-Pinlino Lw.inft:3tol RoiiTl ni«mton Riabk'H ch. a Morrr l*rlnce, 118:7 lo 3. .nfimo 2 Itaoiapo SltbU'a cfa. o. Tli* NiitiT*, IQB; ft to 3. ..DouROll 3 Time, IM. The Oneck Stale**. Roamntt-tl raloe $1,0001 far llir*« j«Mr oMr Mid Dpwan), or iMO udi, in Ui* winner $7UD. lu tbe Htond %HJO, and |IU) to third, felllns allo1vaoc«^ one mil* and a aliteeoUi. V. J. nwyeT'H br. c. Declare, 4, br Blralfbrd CKn, llt^ 7lo4 noRflftt I Blemion BtAble'a b. g. Boor and Dance.4, IiA: 4 lo 1 (IriiHn 2 J. Rupi>*rt Jr.** br. li. AJax, & KM: «lo 1 Lainler 3 Tini*,l:A2,V. For two SMT old iPilUeii*, aiwM>pttaV«H or$a>*ach. lo ihow|nn*r9Rl]; to tb* atcoDd $rft, and to tli* third $35. itr^ furlonrH. R. \tr. \7aldeo A Son'i ch. c B1i«k*«pear*, br Plenlpo- Aviuidil*. lit; 6to2 r«nn I RIcmrAn Ai.tli|«*Hli. p. pAlrol. )Ut:4 ml arilllii 1 J. J. UcCafferty'* b. t. Arllae, lUP: 5 to I R«|g 3 For ilirM rear oU* and vpwanl. baoitlcap, a nwr^iK ■lal(Mor$20*acli. to ilie winner gaoo, to th* lecond $72, nnd $& lo ililnl, on* mKo. ilcRtw A t^btrli'ii Hi b. Rlowawar, S, lirRMndtlirift- Oirrie PtilUipi^ ltd: 3 lo I ...TTT. .TarnI I H. t>. LMdi'a ch. c. UJ. Koamer. 4, IIH; A to I. ..OownU 3 J. U. iruilo'i b. b. CblMwIck, a, lUi; 0 to 1 1'eau 3 TIoie,l:li<4. Fine weather and the promise of good racing called out a largo allendance 8, and wbllo (lie favorltefl net defeat, in most rases, (he sport wsa of a grade Bumclent to bring satlsfacllon to all Jockey Dftnilllon repeated bis performance ot tbe opening day, and gave Ihe talent a terrlflo chill when be brouRht Onr Jack, a rank outsider, under the wire an easy winner of Ibe lK»mlno Handicap, thenby iteuariog Ita owner's pnne lo ibe extent of ll.JW. Tbe home trailed the Held for nearly all of Iho illstance, but after tbe leaden had all shot iheir bolt and were coming down the sireldi a-ell winded, ITamllton look his moiini by tbe head and nrefwd htm tbiongta the'dehl like a bullet, and In the last bnndred yardn paHsed all bands and wou bandllr by three lengths. The Uadlson Slakes was also inlswd by tbe bolting favorllc, and the remain- Infc events fell abort of tbe choice In most caaea. SuDunary: KdrthrM rear oUh and opwinj, a nr«ep«uk«N of $U HCb. $(U0 to winner. $73 lo HcoaO, and $tS lo Uilrd, a«ll- Intrallowance^ all TurloDR*. J. Crilly A U*.'* br. c Pactolum, B, by The 111 Usftl Fa- Toola. 102:010 1 K*«f* 1 J.B.WhlC«*«h h. aiI*wIeb.S,104:S in I Pane 2 rreaknsn Stable'a sr. r. Adalbert,6, IIS; 3 Ui 1... .Taral 3 Tim*. I:lft7 For all ai*a,h*aTy handicap, »w**pftUk*4or 09) •ach^ gynto tb« winner, $73 to **coad,end $33 lo thinl. one mlta. Hnmapo Buble'a th. h. Reuakin, 8, by Ruooroisde or Pontlae-Ultoilfl. 114; 7lo3. Dovr^IL I W. 0. Oaly'fch.h CapialnT.. 5, lUi: 4 In 1 Keefit 1 Pr«ikGe«sEUble'*b. r BeU*ro*r*, 4,113; 3 tol...Tanl 3 Trnif>.l:J2K. Tk* Vadlinn flUkea, or $1,000, for Iwo r**r oil*, nf $ai eacli, $70) 10 Ih* wloo*r. $tJD ii> aocond, and $I0U lo ihlnl, mHIur idlovancei^ Ave Ibrlonn. A. II. A b. ir. Morria' ch. c Hrlak. bySprinRfleld-Arllr*, lu): 4 lo I I'ann I J. J. Hcilaffarlr'a ch. (. Rellslnn, W; 3 tu I O'l^ry t P. Urlltard'a b. g.Hebwtlan. im:eioS. (Irlrtln 3 Tlnir.laBS'. Tb* Donalno llaodlcnii nrsi,tai. for three vMr oli)i> and upvanl.of tSOcacb, $I,XD U> Ihewlooer. OSOto iwcond, and $IOutnthln}, oneniil* and ailit*enih. W.Donoliue'Mb, c.t>ur Jack, 3, by Mlaerl'liia*. W^i loiol Ilamlllon I McStea A Ctark'v ch. h. fllowaway. M13: S10 I Tarvl 2 CoBihacro Hiabla'a b. r. l'uc«mak*r, 4, lUt; 4 to 1 Orliflo 3 Tint*, 1:4R*(. For two year old^ a inr*rp«[jili*ii fif $U each, $«0 U> III* wloner, $73 to aecond aod tS lo ililrd. lltr* rurl<iDR<. llflbiano RMbI*'* rh. c. Tlie liallTe, by Ponllac-8ou- l>r*t(f>, 101: 5 tn 4 DoRMlt 1 P. UrllUrd'sh. f. Ilorear. HD: 4 to I OrTmn 2 A. II. A D. II. Morrill' b. r. T*nd*m*aa, lUl; 3 U> L.Peon 3 Time, I M};. For ihrw* year okia and upward, a tw*e><uk*« of $3U tBfh, $M) lu til* wloiitr, $n to aecnnU and $SUil)ilTd, aetliof allowance, ooaiiiilo and ^furlonR, J. R*Ia4r'«jn'-e. Mr Dlion Jr^i, by Sir Dlion-flam- ; a.A. Joo**' l>. r. Ba* Klttl*.3.'Q: Mtol.... H*. K. Jonea' b. b. Ckarad*, 0, lX1:£U> 1 Tlut*, I:»)«. .. . Keaf* I ..n'Uaira ..DoRROUS TrotliBfK mi Point Dreaaa* The nilladclphla (Pa.) Orlrlog Park AaaKlalloii fur- nUb*l Uiree day^ of hara*aa ndiiff at Polnl Brerr* trackJuD*4-#. Tit* weather waa CavonUe, iiieattand- ance fairly ROod, and Uie racing flftUibciory t« all. Rflmuary:2A clan. tn>ttlnR, $SU0-KlnR Albert Srat, Prinrw Ponlr twos flnt Iwal) aecond. Hart thin). Agathn roarth. TlmV aJ5U. irS'/am).', tm. ini a*CiiM.Holp — _ . . _ iaDM.2;JM*.2aJ*i. lasciaaa, j«clnir. $W»-MaMOi Jr. nrtt. Cunial (wm flnt heal) acrim't, Arhio lhlr\l, II. M H.founh. T\m9.2M'i, r.WU.*t»'i.lM. i:\*e\uL Uolllnt, A3(l)-^u»rii Alfrad Br-*!, ftoBdao (woo Oral Wat) ■ecMid, VarllnJn thlnl. Kcmotm) Bell* fuanb. Tlm^ S-|» 2-I7K 2:lflV.3:lf<ii. a.-TT rlaw. trotllnR. $yi)—T>ina Medium nral, Ahfolovn (woo flr«t li'ai) aemtwl, Rllrar Marfclhlnl. yakUod Prlnc« f'»o(ih. Tmo*- 'r2IK.l«U. l.-fl>£ S:18cUaa.pMtDR. $M>-3llu WMMjfonl flni, Pnin* Lilly Iwen flnt two li«ata) MCond. Harry iliIrO, iSililifhM. Tim*. 2 :IS)j.l:l$.2:17.'^l :ll'f. 2«. Taa DrlTlnRCIab. ofKaw York, (Dailiflied a foar deja' harnwraclDROW*! *l F^-'fd fV* .'•i^/'i'i^ J* will IM llM flrrt inMlloR or Ih* kind to U held Id UUa wielaliy sadar lt» a*w racloR lawa, wblcb piolilbli pMl MhlaR. ^ , SocioUM^ the Americaa Darby wlaaer. haa Im te>Hd owu> BanCTackrelbtr, to d« Md daty at UU Ufa al Woodlaadai Mo. Callftinil* Jockex Ctab* JaQ*4.-nr*l ncw-Firaaad a haUmrlonn, asltloR- Carrn*!. MB^ Shaw. 13 lo I, woo; NDttDaodla, hU, T, HkuD, 3 to I, a*c«tDd; America, IVl ateTaller, B l« ^ ibird. Tlina. L-OSV Rteoad race-Aboat all fUrionR^tell-, ft In L won; (liiMetl* ii*td> InR, 81 J. Wnnl, 3 In I. aecntKl* Major t^*oh. los, Lbi>^. 3 10". rtilftl. Tim*. 1:14 Thlrl i»e*-Bla ft»rh«jp» a*lllBt-Tar and Tartar, ll<\T. Hh«n, I .\ won; NalUe II., HA rthn*. ft In t, eerooil: llic<>, ita.Weber. J lo I. titlnl. Tline. 1:15 FiMirlh rarfl-On* nlll^ aelllBR— rnDnluhm.UM.r. Weber. 410 I. wno; flarcta, A. t3t«f ■ ■Irer, 8 10 I. frniiid; llyey. V9, T. hl««n. 4 to I. Ihlrd. Tlmo,t:U ... Finh Tmr«-4;ii and a hall (urli»nR«-Her Aireoao. KH. i:ii*Tall*r. 3 w* I, wun: Cavi lll.l^ n-eber,4ioa^Ha>nd:(:iiartiilun, iuu.8liaw,3 lu I. ihlid. Tlw.lliJi. Jane 0—KIni race—P>Hir anil na«.tukil ruf1onc'-Ji>- ■•rhia*. 111. IVUni. ft to\ vimi: Thtrru K.. 107. Pajijl. li to I, «*cood ; l.lndM Vlata, lltt, Aniaa, V to I, Uilnl. Tlnit, 0:87 HecAod rae*—About all furloDR*, aelUns-TW malplaa, toL Feier*. SO to I. won: Ptlannrrra, 107. (Vity. atfll.aecoDd: Halifax,«raller. 3 lu 1. Uilnl. ,Ttme, Tbltd nic»-A»>oui alt (\irhiag4. aolllnR- iR*. aoll UreoHliaclJr., V). Obe^aller, 6 lo ft. won: nlphuraiui, — ~ ,3toi.iw«rad; MLlIarlva, lUO^ !■■ BinlUi. < lo I. -ima, l:l«?* Fourth nee-Fi™ r«rloo»- Irr. niLrhevalltr. lii*A|, won; Hymn. llH C. W at>«r, S to Laecond:(|qlrt,ll\PiR<>t,3UiA.llilrd. Time, l:0:V- - Finbrefo—iHio nill*. ■elllOR-4iarcU, 101. (Walier. 4 lo I. won; Del Noite. lur.llennea^r.Btol^aecoDd: Uenanlo, U)7. tOiaw.aiwI.tUird. Tlnir.l:U , ^ , ,„ Jtin*7.~l>*lrai raoM—Flveaitda half rurhto«».aeltlBR- TinUit.. 1(U. ChOTeller. 3lo I, wun: Remua,UK. lleDnawy. U lo 1, aeeoad: iirand l«ly, hn. l'*uni.'3 10 I, ihlni. Time, 1:01?^ Recood race—Four and one-half lur- l«>eRika4nio)(~Veraiu4.IIV^Hhaw,4 Ut 1. won , Zela, 0. ll*or(chtt.Brii3.p>fCond: Leon U. lOt CbaTallar. 4 10 1, Ililnl. Tini»,0J6 Thint tace—Sli rationR*-llymn, 1117. r. Wet»«r. 4to I,«ud: Howard, 107, Hhaw, H U* I. mt- ODd: Muuntaln Air, 97. lloarlcha, 8 tu I, ihlid. Time, 1:13 Kimrtli rac»-Plre Itarionfu. a*lllnR-»i|ort Mc Allialer, hfi. C. Rawll, area, won; Aildle U.. fti. Hilar. 10 tol.aoronil; ReRaLKk Boraa 8 lo I, Ihin). Tlm#,inl\. Kinh race—FITS and * lialf rarlonR^ arlMnR-Uur- ▼•n, 1X7. r. Weber.3 toft, wun; JoetTottoo. Ik>, J. tte1>«r. 4 to I, ao^nml; T0111 CUrfe. Hit, Uenaeaay, U to I, thiid. ^'juSeV-Jinrt nce-Aboul al\ forlnORi.aelllnil-Prlnr*, K, Hicrl.ft III t wun; S^iMe, K), Ram*. 3 in I, mtoiiJ; l^tll* TiHiKh. U, Claarr, B lo I, thinl. TInc. t :1ft Hao- iKid race<-.tbiiut alt rurluoRa—Walcult. KA. l-. WVber, A to |,wuD;f!aniol«lUi, Il3.8liaw,3 m I.Mcoad; Hon dam, IOC. Ilcuneuy. 18 to I. thin!. Tlni*. 1 iHK Third rare -R«T*n TurlunRa. ■I'llInR-Borana, IH, tlievaller. 4 li> 8, wi»n:Mlaa Rulh.Wf.HumOt'* 1. i^-ood: Mlaa HuckUy, 99, Hearlclu. 3 in I. Uilnl. Tiro*. I rflU Fourth rare- Dii* mil*. MllloL'-Blr Reel, ItD, WetM<r. 2 lo I, Wim; Renu*. hll, llenrTdivS to l.Mi^nd; Koail Hunner, 101, Wiaw, 4 10 I. third. Time. l:ll>«' Filth rEce-Mlmrf coufKe, aioopiKhaaa, about a mile and a half—The lArh, IRLCliney.Sto l.woa;Nomi, l», Stewart 0 lo 1, atcoml; Nen>, ni. Eplitmin. «lo 1. thinl. Timf.3:«r*t Wilb rac«-4>ne bill*. aelHnR—Qarcia, lU.Uhevallar. area, we»: Otiarnier. 91. Bie*l, ai tn 1. aecond;tluulo, 06, lleiirltiis t 10 l.thlnl. TIoio.l:4I.Si. June lO.-Flrat nce-Vlve rurtoDR^. ■elllDR-IU«al. W, ni«iiu.7Uil, won: Imta.n, Howan.Sto I, aeooml: Rdtia M..«l,8hcf«nl. Ift to I. third. Time, IMii Hecmtd race—On* milo. iellliiR-Caniinl, flft, Cli«va|l«r, 4 lo I. won; Chmnier, 94, Olanu, 3 to ft, ucvkhI; Mantel, KUi, Wuw.atol, (li[t\l. Tluir.hlt Third race—Fir* fiir- lunnmaMan two y*ar uU^-MIm PnlUnl, ftf.HIiapird, 100 lo I, won: TharMiaK.. 103, llenrlcha,: Ut 1. aociind: MbvHai, li;r7.IIentiMaay,.llo I. thtnl. Time, Fourth raM-Klve rurbtnR*. aelllnR—Fly, 101, K. Junna, 3 10 I, won: Nalnon. 110. lleunMuej. lA bi I, aerond; Hue- lem»,ta PlRRott, 3 (u 1. third. Time. l.-iU*, Finii rare—AiKiDt all farlonRr. a«)HnR-4:rawfocd. lOtl. Btiaw. H III I, won : Nnniianille, I lU. C. Waiwr. J lo I. Becuod; fifa- cleB.. 10r.SulllTBO.3to I, Uilrd. Time, 1:I3>4. Old Dominion Joekey Clab. Jane 4.—FIrH meo—Fonr and a halt rarlnittf*-Norlli- ford, lOIK^ Coy. 3 10 1. wun; Hrogan. 99, HtnTj, A to 1, xec ond; 8liAiTe.0r, Andrews, 4 to I, Ihlid. Time, UJS Beeund taeo—Four and a balfrurlonn-Daiu. V.ConR- dou, 6 to I. won;Taucred, 101, Morpliy, I to.\*MMd; Thackerar, 100, l>«lahaniy.H to I, Uilid. Time, Thlnl rece-BlK and a half rurIonR«--A. O. U , 101, Wa«li- bum, 8 lo I. woo; Mallle fliuim, V7, AadrewM, H to ft. mo- and. FoaiKtre, IQA. bekhaniy, 10 tn I. lliinl. Time, 1:Z1>; Kourih rmc»-itlt ami a liaU rdr)iinR«-TB«r drop, loi, Waaltlium. a to I, won; HriRhlwuod, W, .N'eiry. B toft, aecfHid: Major H.. Itil Muri<hr. 4 to I, lliii-d. Tliim, 1 M Firth race—4W)e mile, aalllnR-Omnura, 107^. W. MorrK 1 ma, won; PulllCMr, lOO. Waaliliiiro. 4 in I. mo oBd: Prince Klaiiialli, IU7K< ^Hcr, Ift to I. tlilnl. Time. 1:0);.... Hklli rare—Sli ruTlniiRtf. a*)lliiR—Wi^l Hide. 1(9. Suriiky. 7 Ui 10, won; \Viwitchup|»er, 109, Paraon. 3 Ui I, awnnu; UeaiMilr, 107, Itounelly, ft tu I, Uilrd. Time, 1:I9M- Juue 0.—Flnt rac*-Bli amt a iiaarterrurloDi*—Ala- inao, 114. Hani, 2 to A, wim; Flallory, llH ItonDellr, A bi 1. aecnnd; I'rlnce Klauiaili, tO, Noar).20 lo I, third. Time, l2t'A Beoiud raco-Fi-o lurlmiRa, aellloR—HIalle, too, Donoelly, 1 lo 2, won: William IVnn, loa, Panion, 4 to 1, aecoitd; Flaih, HO, Wa^ilmni, 8 Id I, ihlni. Time, 1 iXL ......Tliinl raca-llair a mllo-SIr William (Ulo Htock- holder). lU), NoilraiHl, 4 to I, vuii; Vnata, 97, Donnelly, aren, aecwnd; Willie Deil«r. U7. Andrnwi, 1ft to I. ililru. Tlittr. 0 iftf Fourth race—Fuur and ono-lialf hirloiiai^ a^UlOK—PanKlnR. ILi Wa»hbum,AtAX won: Kaian. 117, N«ary. 3 lo I, aecoml: Fn* pN>^ lln. Harbin, 3i In 1, llitrd. Tliiie, Kinh race—Knur and a luir lurlonic^ aelllnR—Dotpalr, IID, Donnelly, 3Ja to I, won; Tmllor, 113. Dwyor, 6 In l,R*cond: Halcyon, III, Alfunl.B to I, llilrd. Time, U:ft4;!; HIiUi race-Reven rurloORa, vrlllitg-- 4:hab*a». I li W. MoDenitolt. 3 to I, won; Hlua Rinl, ttt Waahboro. B lo I. aecood; Benrollo, 11t,Coleuiui, 4*, to I,tlilnl. Tim*. 1:31, Jnn* L—FliBi rmc«—four and a lialf farlonRw-Mr*. Btuart, KB, Kaarr, 3 lo 1, wou: Oaoia. HIV, ronjrdtin. 3 lo l,TCCAnd; Idharla, IW. Duoaolly, nri<o, third. T)me.U:CA. Bticond raee—HU and m half furloOKa. aollliiR-Ken " ' " ■ lamian, lOf^ Fennliiinrn. ] KHHt, lul, to 1, Ihlrd. , .jc<^-fl«r*n furlnnRa—M.irRiior- lie, lOB, II. Tatlor. A lo 2, won: Branatvu, 90, Donnellr, •roil, nentnd; Molllo Cliuim. llU, .AiidrewLAlo I. llilid. Tine, 1:3) Fnurtli rac^4Aie mile and naliteenlb, aelllllR-IicUp•^^ 111. W. MurrU S to ft. woo; (:baUBU.lUDL W. McUenuoit, 7 111 ft, aeconJ; Uouulea, 107. Murphy. 4 lo 1 thltil. Time, l-Ji) Fina mrr-Fiie furlouRa, aoll InR—Chcildar, III, Murpliy, S In I, won: Luray, 119, Rran- Ion, 2 to I, aeconil; Bair«iiiiry, 111, Ilani,3 lo l,Uiinl. Time, ins Sixth race-HIji aod a half furlvng*. aoU- InR-HIUy Boy, ItB, llRm.3tn I, won; A O. H,, llH. Pai Bon. 6 lo I, aecoml; Hume Ruti, lUd, DeMiaaiy, l$iu I, Uilnl. Tlnie.i a>i. VlrgInin Jockey CInb. Bticond raee—HU and « hall ron. lUI, Ham. 7 lo A. woii: Hvai in 1, aeeoiid; BMiHley** vKIdi, TImo. I:S4?( TliTrd race— 8a June B.—Flm rare—Five farloiiRi^Rlundey'a Vlctln, ina,CArter.23 lu I. won; HalUbiirr,98, UiilTy.A In2.aec- ondiDtuaee, 101. N*«rT.2 to I. thlnl. TlinF.lM>4 Henwd race—Haifa mile, aflliori^haDoa, IU7, Doanelh, 2 tn l.wna: Catllr, HIV Waatibuni. 2 lo I, oi^ronil; Hera. Itn, Carter,!) to 2. Ihirtl. Tlma, O-HJii Thlnl nre- Blt rarki)|ni.aelllDR—Valkyrie, lOJ, Dcniiellr. 3Ui lOL woo; L*pur*lln,lu),Andrewa,Uifi I >e«itnd: Juliet. 101, WaJii- bura.910 Z,lli1rd. TImr,l:ltiJ«._...Kuiinh raee—tievin rbrloon-KklRet, lUI. Ktary, Hi nn.wnq; llellurlua lOV DnnBoUy. OTon, aecooil; Torralar, |iu, Keller,3Ui 1, Ihlnl Time, lai?^...Fifth race—Five fUrhuin,ae)llnR-Oi)urU>, 107, F. Uanm, 8 in I, won: I^iray, W, Monaban, Id to I, Mcoiid: InllmHlad, loi. Zeller. 6 lo I, thlrl. Tbim, I M. fllilh race— hIi and a ball rurldiRa-Marie Lorell, 93^ Doonellr.eveii, won: Indra, 103, Hate. 7 In A, aacootl: KfodlfU. loa Barrett, 3) lo I, llitrd. Time. 1 iV. June 7.—Flni rac^FournirlonK^AIien K, Waili- bun, 3lo& won; MonlUtreaa, 9), T. Moore, 10 101, aecond; Delia M.. 90, DuDtteny,4 lo I. tlilrd. Tlme.0:ftl'4 B^wd raee—Fourand ahairfurkiOR^ for two rear'iUa .. .. . .1, 1^1^ ■«CMid:%illeM.,ia9,I>elnhanly./lo I. ihinl. Time. I:17<i< Fourth rau-Rik rurlonR*. ae)llnR-MlraR^ loi, w. Morria, 2 in 1, won; Marl* Lorell, lit, (!olenian,a to A, an-, ond; FniRlove, IOC Delehanty. H to I, Iblril. Tlnio, I :I7.':. rinh nee—6k and one half farlnniio, aalllnR—II* lunte. lit Kllla. A to I. won: Dirknaai. lui UnnnHly, ereo. lecnnd; Weat Park, lul, Uelrliaoty, 1 In ], Uilnl. Tlmr. Ma^i BUth laea-RIi furlooR*. aelllaR-Jenle T^raL 97. Naary, even, won; While llocfcad*, HL i. Hunr*. a^io 1^ It" Uaiiiaralln, lOI^ DonuaUy, 10 to I, Uilid. ^Jdoa *IO^FIr«t rar*-Fuiir and a half furiunRa-Har- nard. 100, Blll^ 2 to I. won; Horn* More, VA, Mur|jiy. f lo a. aacond; Hwillnel. Iiil Allord lU lu I. third. TItm, 9. aecond: Hwillnel, HU, Allord. lU lu 1. third. TIfM, OAVi Second raca—Four furloHRa—HIr William, 101. Hun>hr.xtu 1, won; Cadiz, IX Waalihurit. a in A, ■omwl: (%anoa. 112, KUla, eren, lUlnl. Tliiii>, U:tt)V Third rmr*—rive lnrhH]R*-Blb«rla, |iu. Ham, 1 tn 1 wun; Ha. vanU U. Haridir. A tu I. •eectid; l<eporBllj>. IfA, Aadrev^ R to I, third. Time, l:Ul>4 Fuunb rara-Klva for |uDRfi,M)l1nR-4h«rto. ini. dHivdnn.!* In A, won: Hlille Cochad*. IH. J. Muore, n m A, iccmd; Oelurey, 98, Nnarr, 9u>t.third. Time, l^n^' Finh raca—Ode mils, atll loR—lUum*. IIU, Kllla. I tn A. Biin: Darkoeaa lOSk DufTr, A toT P4cuml: ilonulea, lUA. Murphy, lubiI, Ihlrd. Time. I•411' Rhili race—^IK rurluMRa-Caa'tToll. III. ilani. 8 to A, won; Friut. K Koaliami, 3 to l,M*mnd| Hljrnr (jueeo, W, Aodrewa. lu lu 1. llilrd. Tlmr. I -Mii- Tnallnuatmi |Te«.) DrlvloR Park Aaao^lallon, Ihroesb one uf lis dlr«elu^^ llarrey T. D. WIImmi, beaao an aciionln ili« rirculi Couri. at Cblaps 111. Jane Ito reeotar $I.OUidBmaK«a fniiii dene and w. t). Woodvorili. forraclnRB "rinier" on Iti track. Nov. ft^ II aedtr, of Uat yvar. AbdalUb Ulrl waa Ibe eiilrv. but ihe clain It Di»lethat iheliurM waa bablwUe, witli a record tuuch fadrr Uian ibe cUaaea lu wMrli ll waa eolerwd. Tlie diarwe la ma'le Uiat the entry and purae uKroty woo by Uie liorae waa Rained by Iraud. Till ViiiTMi.vnitR Pura.ol l,iai tororelsna, fur two war oU', Are furluoRa, wa« decided al Maadieatar, Kair., JuoaS. T. L. PlunkaU'a BellerlneaMorwd flnlplac«by iwu MnRtlia. Becky Wiarp* and Nnrah Hamlia ran a dead beat for aeeoad MMillou. Tlie winning buraewaa a Ove lo fuur (aruHie In Uie Ulilo| rbiRa TBI Haraleaa Racing Aaanclallon w||t baalo Ila anaaal Buiumer meet Juaa 3). and «lll continue for furiy ra<lof dara. BUk* erenU, lu lie deeld»l 00 alUMaCe daya. ■ Ill amvunt lu a ralualloo of $37JJ(0. R. A. Clilllua aa^ un Jena 10, rhuM>a aecrelary nt Uie aaaoclalloB. CtiaavRa oak Paiik. Hanrurd. Ct.. »ltl be In iha line bfilMilraDd Circuit ihU yaar. lunwetlei felluBloRihai at Fltet*'""!. The pniRraiiiiii^ lnrlu-*fta fnnr auantileed porMaof $ft^t>JO«ach, Iur2:l&aad 2:1V trulUra and 1:14 ami 3:Uclaaa pacerr. Tai race fir the Orond Prla de Parii (Trendi Derby) w*4 won al liOnRchampa. Jan* 9, br gdomnd Blanc'a Aodiee. Charbmnr waa aaeood and 1a RaRttalia third. Tha rata wai wortti WJW franca to Ih* wloaer. T«S Rhode lalaod Fair Aaanetatlna waa, on Jnae 8, aranted a llcaaae. by the Jocker Club, to coodoet a race BieaUnR, nader Uie name of (he Karncanaell Baclof AaaeelaiteB. al Warraganaeil Park, tnnUtam, ttoai iaatlAlaJDivU- TaBreB«Ur*prinRai«»tloRal ibaBl. Uialanfo.}Fair aroeadi caiaa to aa ead Joo* 8; but twtlv* days el lw^ plaDaauTrMlag besu Ml lUcIng at ihf> Mennd Clly. June «.-Flrat Tae»-<»aa ntl^ aalllog-Davaaae. hV. Moi«a,1Sio 1, voa: KlBRMae^ Hf, F. Oarr. aTan, eecitnti; DwioB. m. Macktin, S to I. third. Tlm« 1:13/^, H*<v ond rara-«<*Ten r»rh4Ra-8Ur Rnhr, lOJ. J. lllU iU t> won; I'lrely. liV^Tumrr, 1 to ft, ae>in«l; RL Aa■u»lln*^ III, llarukl. Ift to I, Ililnl. Tlm^ I :UV ^t<^ ' TkrwoMManer* of a mllo—Rre«fn>' Hlahi>A,vahi*$i.OkU, tail TMrnhla-Ari-ailia, l(U,TUni*r,2 tu I, wiin:fh<ii fat- ilK 101. F. I'arr.ftio I.-enKHl: MarBoam, UO, V. Hiiaaell, 3lo I. Hiltd. Tlmiv l-.Iti I-Varth rar^-Ooa nilleand a h^ir -Jjiini, ll«* K. Oarr, A In I, wt>n: J. P. R., \U< J. mil. 4]c to I e^vind; Krv l>el Mar. llC^ I.*l|l^ 3 tu I, Ihlnl. Tlm^ I 3.*| Fiah taro^tr utile ami a pliteMith-l'rIii* iTtfl. IH, F. tiarr, 1 Ui 4. von; tdiantr RuK ml, I'. Slat all. <r, Viol, aKoml; Mnl*n>rlo. PI, tlar- net, A In I. till ll. rigtr. 1 Hi^lh rare—Una inlK •allinf Dr.ranili. liH ilariitr.K to I. won; lllllaliorfx litt i-o|*.4 iM,aK<md: Z«uliha.luX.W.Hlll.ftto 1, thlnl. Time. 1 :UV. June ft.-Flr4. rare—Thlrtnen-aUieenlh^ ul a lulla- Trenlnn, 1 A* I'ariier, 3 to \ nna; J. A., Kim*, a.>« lo I. ae on I: ItavM. tlO, Mtark. N lo I, ihlM. Tim*, I: .... .Homiiu raca—Four aud one-half forbiiR*—t*u« Monday. nillamer.SS to I, won: Madnlra. UK Ur nunahl.U lu I. aecend; HUeh Knoit. lKO.*l|h, a lo 1, thlnl. time. OJd Tliinl rece—Threa •luariera or a iiillo-MU«ilalop. 92. A. Harrell, 8 In I, won; (laoruo Ull- lar, KKV Turner. .1S o 1. Bemad; HImmona, 111 J. Hnon(>y.4tu l.Uiml. Time, l:lft Fnunh rarn-One mlle-Proba<K-«\ ItU Tnrnar, i to I, wou: Bull Rimb. ||4. KiMii,.t ui l.aectintl; Bniln Bey, Ila. Blak^.B m l.ihlnl. Time, I :lt^; Filth nre-Fuur ami una half fiirlnii**. Mike Kelly, m .t. BbttvII. 4 u I, auo: AIL. 99.->-HIII..1 lo t,Benin>l: Jl. H. r. llU. D. llenneMy. M m I. thlid. TIraa, UJiA\ Hiklh rare—Seren ^urlonR•-Pu«(tr^ MM. J. Hill..«lot. wun: Hen Uimoad, HA liota,.i>i lul, aecnnil; Jack Kkhelleo, 110^ r.Carr.Slo A. lMN. Tlu)^ Juaa 1—Flnt race—Rlx AtrhtngB-MlnlTfr,Rlake.A In fti, won: Lottie Allar, IlUt J. Hlll,.Vtn I, aofund: Brldipl, m. Bcharar. II lo I, thlnl. Time. Recood rare -m\ rUilnORe-Halllo I'll'iUnt, lUft, J- II1II.O lu aon; Ua, (17. Uaraer, 3 lA I, aecood; PbllHIia, lUL Turnar.A in I, Ihlnl. Time, 1:15 TTilnl raca-Tlie Miaalwplil ValUy RUkea, ralae $AtUl, for Ihrae year uVl*. one niila-Han Blaa, va. Tuberrllle, liU lu 1. wad: I'ocalHintaa, liIXTur ear, lU M I, aecond; The Imnmaiiar. lui. Iinrien. evm, ihlrd. nm^l:4l)t .. ..Fuunh raoa-t)na mlle-At'e, la^ Tumer,ftto2. aoii: LIvIr, II.\J. MolKmaU,t(tul.aootn<l: SaWadnr. 112. N. lIllLWIn I, Uilnl. Tliiir. 1:4.1 pmh mce-Kavea and a haUAirlonca-lhtr UaRule. 101. llarnrr, 1 Ui l,won; h'lmt Olianra, 1(0, Witfter. 2 lo I, (fronil: MInoleroa, lut, Tumar, 3 lu I, Uilnl. Tlmn. IJIU Sixth rac«t-Fnar and ahalfiurlonxi^MUi M^^im, iu.\ J. Illll,.tlu2, Win; KaRa.lUV HerRea.A in I.Boeuiid; Flulp. lUO. llamor.lOlu I, Ihlld. TIuip.0:£8\. Juiie7.—Flr«i rar^Oneandnne-il|itth inllea. i<<>I1Iiik— Hull II'M. Ill, R4tw. 4 loAk won: Wlhnar. 107, llamnr. ft tn I, •ecoud; Daveuc, 107, Tamar,fl tu I. ihlnl. Tliiir, l:ft7. Maciuid race—Fire nirtauRa-FreOunla, ltd. F. Uu*- aell.3 lo I. won: Fondeat, KB. Turner. 7 to 1. trCirfHl; Jitilio Dulwla. ItU, Hchaffer. H lo I, Ihlnl. Tliii*. I :U1 Tliinl rHre-RIi and a haV rurlunRa-Mullte II., 113, F. Carr, 4li»l, wno; Mlaa Haloid BU. A. Hari*ll,4 lo I. we oad; LntlleMllKlua^Tuni*r,3bi 1. thtnl. Time, Fourthraoe-Oaeiulle-Burk Ha*«le, lttLTiint»r,4 to A. won; TrMttim. 04, Uaruer. 7 lu I. **cunil: nmlii H«y. 111. BUke, 7 In 1, Ihlrd. Tlma. 1:47)j Fillh mre-SU nir|ooiii-I.itUle Baatln, lUJ, Rim*. 7 In 2, Mun: Frnnrla Pu|>*. riU,MA*hy.Vlol,aec«>a^: Hill White. 114. HMekK Olol.Ihlnl. T(me,l:llK. Rlaili rai^FIre lurlnoM —fluniilra, lUV Turner. 2 to Lwon; William Daho Jr., 101, Uarkirn, a) lo I. lerond; All, lOi, J. Ulll, 9 to ^ tlilni. Tlme.l:UJJf. Jnne&—Klnrt race-Seven end a liall rurlnnRa-IWijlo, 101,Turtl*r.3tnl,Wnii; INtw Wow. UU. K KmaBll, H lo I, eaeond; TraaolB, lOI, i:. Klauithiiir. lOiu I, Ihlrtl. TInio. l--17'i Keomd rani-Klx rkirlumta-rilr I'lay. IMi J. Hill, (I til ft, wi'D; KrIillkr, Hi. II. RIauahlar, lA tu I, aoruoil: Koof hiar, BK darner. lA to I, Ihlnl. Tlma. 1 :IS Thlnl race—Sorea aod one hall rarlnnia, ilm Mi>aiidi:lir llnndl- cap. Talaa. 92.IUI—Farader, 118, Turner, 7 In A, won: OTiinBell, IK MolMoakl.H to A,Bacoiid; FlBan>.l|fl,.l. HIIL Hlo I, Ihlnl. Time, I Jl hiurlh raro-.Sl\ lur |nnBi*-lHnlan. 91, Kchnrr. 4 to I, wun; lUlen Hrowii, M, t;. KlauRhler, Ift In I, aecund: Hick X«nii,3 tu 1, Ihird. Time, l:lft Flllh ra«-n-Two iiiUDM-Kiinili- enier,H), Kcliorr. lA (o I. woo: HapliUii, IM. 0. HUuwIiiar, A lo 2, auennd: <:yan('^ '*!> Hdi<irn<r, it lu I. ihlnl. Tlnit% 3:31 HI:illirarv-ShrurkinRa-Key Hal Mar. |u4,Mclti- tire, lU In I, wim; diarnt.UI, Uamer, n tuA,aocuml; ),li. taliu,!^. Mackllii. ft lu 2. llilrd. 'iiine. I:l4j^. June 10 —FIrat nca-NIiiaaUteenUiauf m inlln-Hidnida, 100. 1:. RUuuhler. 4 to 1, wim; thiraanlla. UK. It Kiiialii. Ift 10 I. ■rmnd : MIm Miitf*l. I(V. Tubenrllte. Kt Ui I, iblnl. Tiiiifl.UuV iUciiml nrn—M<iren rurlunRB-7.oiillliB,lliJ, TtiiHiirdIn, 8 |n |,aun; Mra. Bni<l>liaw.|W, lunmr. lU in I, aecond: virgin, 101, Tiiinfir, 10 lo I, ililixl. Tiiitp. I:?4^f Tliinl rare-onemlleajtd a alYlr^nlir-ritrlr. W, Tunier, ftlo2, wun: Priare l^rl, 112, L^liih. even, aac Rml; Key del Mar, lOft, Mclolyra. 0 lo I. Ilifnl. Tim*. I:W'4 Fourth raee-llliBiiil aliall furlunsa-IMianii, lui. (lariiBi-, eri'ii, won: Jlin llBid, 101, J. HIIL 3lu l.a«u-. ond: KrancU Pope, ibi, Uuaiiy. 7 In I, (hinl. Tluif. I.-VIJj FirUi race-Four and onaliairritilaiitfa-UalA II. . lu). Ilaroer, lo to 1, won: Mnnuald, Ittl, l.'titnM A lo 2. aeconl; Wilniah 0., Iin, J. HIM, 4 lo I. ihlnl. Tliiia. OrA^.t. Klxlh race-Rlt aiul one half ruilunga—Miniili* Cee,n)l,(lnmi>r,3 IoI.wiib; Flrat Chann*, IliV RhalTar, 4 to l.toeund; Pruhaaco, UM, Turner, 3 lu I, iLtrd. Tluio, 131?,. I*nlonln Jockey Cluli* Juaa4.—FIrat rare-nii furhmRa-Tancred, lit. II. WII llainp, ft to 2, wen: Jim ItmilBiit, HA, J. Pvrlilii«, 0 tn I, aeroad; Uiwllngt, 110, H. U'llllaina, 3 bi 1, ihlnl. TIiiik. 1:9) Hfritnu race—RellbiR, aevon luilunRa-llrptir wich. 107, Tbon<«,8 tn l,i|uo; Marlon (I.. 10^, PerklhH,4 luA,M«Mind:Tuu(a.HU. Fuvler.4 lu I. Ihlnl. Tima, I JMi. Tlilrd race—Fire ami a nail rurlonga-MiijIan, lUl. K. WIHlaiuL even, wuii; Th* HniBun, 107, R. Iwmi.a) In l,ae«>nd: FaaiR, 107, Hililoii. 12 lu1. Ihlnl. Tlma. 1:11)^ Kuurlh raca—Tlie Tobacoi Hlakea, aelllnR atakeri. ralae in winner $I,&)L uno mile—IM-Aarlaa, W, Perkliia, 7 Ui lo. wuo: Rronlim, 9\ h. Im 12 lu I, aac will: Ueoria Hack, WL W. Juuaa. A lu 2. Ililnl TInm, 1:4ft); rinh raca-pv* rurlunRa-Clla^m IL, RH. I'ar kliii, 2 lo I, Mun: Wine Orou, 1a), |L laum, 2ft l» I. •ecouil; Al»deiia,ltti.t:iarU>n.Viu to, Ihlnl. RItUi race—81K flirfonia-llan Ban, lia. Foaiar. 12 lo I, wi>n; I'aul Pry, 110, Fvrklna. A to L lecuiid ; Tliur man, lift. Tlmnie, 9 lo A, Ihlnl. Time, I :I9. June A.—Flrat nca-JWilnR. aeran and alialf riirtnORi —silttn, 110, Perkina,Ala2, w>n: I.* Uaojn, iui,T1<ur|pe. 8 to 1. aacood; Addia Huchanan. R. |a«in, ll lu A, llilrd. Tloi#. 1:13 Bacood race BelllnR, one oilla—Prlnrew^ W, llutalMO. 7 til I, won; Aaliland, ll/i, tJla)luii,3 Ui I, aec- ond; Ray Oil. 107. Freeniin. lA lo I, Ihlnl, Time, l:L1. Third race—Belliow. Are rurlnofa—Freo Marr, loi. Walker, 710 2, won: HirlNIke, 101, Thorve.4 lu l,a«ciod: JiH01arhe,llH. Perkloi^ 11 lolO, thlnl. TfiiieJ:Ui% Fourth rare—Ri« furlonip—tlerruOunlo, NO. Tlioriv. 8 lo A. auD: Hilly Bennall, lOT. iMiiaon, 9 tn 2, lacond; Mlrmla Bailor, HA K Fniier, 4 b I, Uilnl. Time, 1:21 Firih rar^Fuurand a hairfurlanKa—ArRenllna. lUft, l*erkluvX III L won; lA HulondrinL luA. Hiorell, 1ft ui I, Becood; llaalm, llJ,ronoera.9)lol. Ihlrd. Tlme.0X0.'«'. Jmiib a.-Firet raca—MellmR, aeren Inrluuita—Uncle Lule. iaa^Tlierpa.8 to SiWunidaiiL Hraiie, K0. H. WII- llan^B to I, aecnnd; Akihia Altan, M, K, tenm, Ulu 1. Uilnl. Time, ItOii Jlecond race-Die mile—Tu'ta. 107, Tliurpe, A iu 6. won; Mary Keenii. loi, Uraliam, 7 to I, aecniKt; surra. 104. Periln*. a tnl, Ihlnl. Tlm*.l:H Third race—Iiaadlcap, 00* mil* ami thr** alBiatntha— Crevaaae, 100, PurklosA to 1. won; Ht. Maihii, 119. Thon**, 2 lo 1, aeoond; Jane, 98, LVaaIn, AU Lo I, Uilrd. TInie, SlU . . ..FouHh nr^HaruU Riakea. foriwuyaarukln•ll^ net raliia lo winner, $t,f Rl, Br* rurhinR^Ben HruiJi, 121, R. wnilaoia, 7 lo id. woo: Nlroral. 111. Clayton, II lu j, aa<nnil:Th*IlraHan, 111,11. William', .Yllo I, thlnl. Time. I :m,V ^Oh raca—Honing, Anir ami a half rhvkmK*— Kuyal tniDloa, VB. Walkar, 4 to 1. won; WarKonR,(a. Ilooa- Inn. 4 lu I, aecnnd; Paran, IK (Iraliam, 10 lu I, Ihlrd. Thiia.U^TV Bltihrace-HefllnR, fuur and aloiriur kfnRa-llalTle (lay. lUI, IVrkln*. 3U> I. won: nnm*,0;, H. lu lUBtcoail; Koodo, 104.11. Wllllawa. il tu 1, WIlllamBjl 108. won; Rairry, ltd; Walker, U d. I, aaruu-l: Plfmy. 1(0, Tlwriie. a tu I, thtnl. Tliiw. I:li;i; HacomI rare-HellluR, aareo lurlooRa-Alm^a fl(ibdffw,»«. lluoa- ton, .Viol, won; MlaaMnrRao.BA, Wnlh#r,8 loi, ucood ; Hi>rlo|vale. m. H. Wllllama. »lo I, Uilnl. Time, 1:1U Third rac^Flve furlonca—Kuma, IIO. Tliariie, 1 to l, wMi; NellTa Parker. ll(LK.WlTllaiiiv, A hiL aeci>nd: Ula HlU.110; ParklBa,7to l,UilnI. Time, llia>i Fuunli rao—HalUnR, on* lulla-Merry Monarch. loT, Thur|>e. 71" III. won: Fred Oanlnar, 97. W. Junaa. V la I, lecofHl; Cyclone. luf, tnajion. 7 loa.lblrd. TlHia,l:41U Fmb raaH-Fiiiirand a half futtnnit»-The Mercfaaot, IIO, Per- hlBP.A to t, wun: Ramnur. r07, K. Wllllama H InA, aec ond: Martin, IU7, hrillnn,3U in I, Udnl. Time, iiltfig Hlith nua—rtereo farhmRa-Roadlna. W, Walkar.3 lot, woo; HIrHalhhooe, Vf, alanm, latfil, aenind; Tariff R«- roTUi.l01,<lraltam,I0Ui| iMrd. Time, liVU, Juaaff.—Flrat r4ca-BelllnR,Bli rurloDR^PIearoifn,|iT), Walker, fl in ft, won: Kflal* C 101, Parhlaa.2 bi |, m •ami: ll*Rae,P2.W.JuntiVHto| Ihlrd. Tlme.Hlft),.... Hacoml raoa—i)na wille and aa elshlli—Aablaml, tr7. W. Jenea. 10 lot, auo: Tvula.ul, n. Ixim, 4 lo I, *«c«rfKl; La JoTH, (in. rarlilna.4fu I thlnl. Tlma. 1:88. Thlnl rBre-l4avan rutlonaa-nucVwa. Iltil M- WlUluna, H to 4, mnn; CliaDt, |(«, Marlln, 7 I'lA. aacuml; BelTka. lr£, II. Wllllatn^ i bii.'lilnl. l\»}i Fourlli rare-L•ta^[anall^ value lii B Inner alWr.and a(iuarttrmlloi^l.flallet, 111. H. IwMi. a lit I. »no; FartJillir. 107.1'erklna, 7 bi I. Moad; Jaaa. 117, Martin, 0 in I, Uilnl. Thii*. 2 jaf, r-rth raca-riv* rurhnRa-MniUn, llA,Park1na, f u> ^, wad; Ofiarall, |ia,K. I«en, 7 tn2, aemod; Hoyal (.Tmli^, lift. Ctton, IU in ), Ihlrd. Time, llf^C- HlBihraca- BflllBR. alxlh riirlMiKa-llapl. l/rana,1|iL II. WIIHama, 7 b*2.wiio: Jirik Mack, IBL Perkin-, ll bi lOL aaciind; Tan rir^l.VT.U- William*. AUlo I. thlnl. Tlm*,l:ir.K- Jun* W.-Fira4 raca-Holllitr.rm* mlta-Falreblld, 9J, R. Iviin.ft b> 1. won: NB*ler Frail, lif7, Pcilrlnr,4 in I, aercod; fU»|(>*aL liW. W. Junn^ 7 to I, ililnl. Tiaif*. 1:41. Riinind lt«ra-M*IllDR,oneiiill«*iid iweBtrynpia— Frn-l liarOnnr, ffi. W. Jane*,2 bi I, won: l<« Hanji, HO, P^rklna, 8 u> I, ae^'ood; i.'yi lona, ICT. II. wiillami. r) br i, Ihlid. TIffle. l:a)i Tlilrd rBCv-xh rurlnng'-KI aiti*, W II-Wllllama.4 bi|,wna: Paul Try, U0,H*riln. V bi 10, ancumi: Mlaa Floreai. |W, WaJkir, a Ut I, Uilrd. Time. 1:1ft FuurUi race—wlllnR.MiHmlla anda iioar IM—TublB, M, W. JomiL4 lu I, woo: RMa-l* Ul'latnl, 101 II. Wllllami, 4 tu I. ■acond: Uuaen lllnl, 90, M. Iioni. 4 Ut I, Ililnl. Time, $yJt rlfili rwe-H<:l|lnii. Br* reiUiai*- TrlBle C, IiA, Pertloa, I bi I, mito: OomUw, im, HtmNnn, Sb»Laee'rad; BccUhm, KB, J. Oaly,8 lol, U1L1I. Tlwa, lliaaihv A. MuRMS waa, un Juo* s, a)*pnlnt*d r*c«>lr«r of III* |b>>»y (Iiid.) Fair ABaueUllun by Jmlg* TuthllL uf OiloBRe, nr. upon lli* applicutun uf tleo. V. Ilanklni, mho uwne unoSnh *r ih« aiocb. Ilanklae adoeied Hi* mat'ur* tobutan *od lo racial al tb* Rfiby ir»cB Uifnre IbaaalliurlUaa of Indiana cuuld Uk* pooaeaalou, ahicb Ihay w«r* praparlng 10 dti. JM-KRT W. McDRNaorr waa art down for a weak hy Hi* AiaxaodarlaUodomclali, June (or d|taUogw(UifI*ors* T*7h>r la th* Jock*/** reom. RiV ALrrijiao, th* fiivofli4 In tb* rminh raee at Han rranclaro, Cal, Jan* 7. auddeoly tmh* dowo, and IL la ib4faiHii lu lojeriaa ir« ofa penuaa^at aalara. Ciuatn PLSifiirhae applied lo ib* JockayfTtab for as Uiloer Ut "Amlf** MoWvla's Baaia Aalu KiNii Wii.isri. •Jr-'J';, foalrtl In l«d, by Ororgt* Wllkca ont or UbodP, hy HrtgooU. dkd at WmHllavn V*m, Uxingloo, Kr, JniM A. lit was the alt« or alpvon imilonnnd twdpaomln lbBU:aoitKi.loaud* King liarllnir, j:!!)! l^urliy wnkoa,9:lftU: HilverK., *J:liM,.and Mliinio Wllkca,'i:lT. Dn Ihoflamo day al l,r.\ltiaMn. Iho bnwHlDmrv, \VllliMloU„'jri-J*4, by Hnliort U(Hln>giir,oul nf Nrlllo WllKai, h/ Ucorgo WllkoH, dird. rniml nliio jram. PR. H, s. Hwi.Ki, of lAxlngton. Ky.. owner of ibo IntMlui: HtalUnit 'lVni|>la Ihir. lian brgan action In Jiuign lil«<«trN r^mrt, nl (Tlnvoland. o., agalnal Iho rinvcUiul I'dvlng Park t'o., lo rfrovrr $1I0,0DV dattiago^i. Tlio bonw, wlih Ila oirnor ami Qeo. W. Hpcoil. llHilrtvcr. ftax ruled niT Iho (llonvlllo track rnrallrgcil cmokmliiaw during tho SuDnnor rniMt- Lug of l^\»l, TiiR JocsMT Ctrn mot on Juno rt,aiid apponlonert dali*H to Iho llriRliton lUuhrli and Qucona Connly Ibirlng .Vatoclatlnnn for tholr niMllnga. Tho fomor will moo from Jiilv a to July m, nhon Aqiictlnct trill tteglnniBnIiig wfckalmtit wlih lirlghton until Aug. 14. vhon ihu Aiiiunm ineoilng at Uheoitubcail Ihiy will opon. T111C ManchMler Ciip, of ^,000 aoverolgna, waa nti cd ftir at Uanohoatcr, Kng., June 1. ami won by tho Prince or Waloa* cnlnr, Florlscl If, wllli (irfoii Uwn Hot'ond ami The l>ookor tbird. U. K. Miryer'a Ihrnquot II tliilahiMl toiilh. JnnH A. ilui.iuumi, of WashlngtoDvtllr. N. V,. n. wdi known driver and Iraliiar of hsmoM bursoii. wmpi Dtanlcil, Juno 6, to Itorlha A. Utiore, of thlw lily. The ruroinonj took phMO at iho Muiray lllll llutel, Id tho proaenco of a small party or rrtoDila. Tiig nnrdcnt' Koal rukle, worth |.VonDln Kohl. for two yoar uUM, wni« run tor al Uanciioator, Kng., nn Juno A, awl wrts wmt by Capt. Kifit'a Kuony lloai, by Komaiidex out uf Canoo; llrunlwooil Bccoml, ami llailhttn thlnl. llKN Ali Jh„ Inn years idd, by TWii All out i>r Oar- nol, Ihu nniiKirly nf II. II, liniifn, of IhtMUto, wa>« killed by lluhlnliig wblch airuok a atabla, at JoroDio IMrit, tbUi ully. J(K!KRY CsitCKRH hiul MIs colUr lioitB ifukeD and hliMhouhlor dlBlnrAtt>il oh Iho result of his ntoiint, UuconhnluM, fulling lit a nloeplorhuHO mcu at Wlinl- sor, i)nt.,JmioT. Tub Vlrgliita Jurkoy Oiii* t\M reftiKd to r«l[Ui(Hl<« Juoki*y Claro, who was riiU>d nir three wcoksagn. HOd In wltoMO Imhalf alxty-tlvo tuiraomsu tiad slguuit u prtrtltlun ftu- clonioiiry. i:u*iiARli CkokkrV Ihrooyoarold coll, HaulUllIc, eniereit for ilii« Stilford llnmiigh llandlrap. at Mali' choHicr, Kug., Juuu A, Old nol slan. lUvTHiiMNR Tahk, Uhlcago, 111., re^ninfd racing Jntto 4, and will cnnilniio In oppitHllluu to lUiby, Intl., for an Indollnllo Unto. I.BriNK Park, Uoniroal, Can., held Ila Ihinunor UiinliiHnietiilngJune4-B, aomo gooil racing lioing tho a-auli. 8tahtriiTi>ii Kt.YNN,nn Juno A, liidoODlMj SUM- pcnilod Jm^koya Carivr, Oriann auil UoKentle itt llio SI. AMph irBvk. Jih KRV.H Maiitin and Pkns'V woptrolmlalvd by Jdilgo tiirlor nt llii) IaIumU track, Juno T. TIIR WHiilaor (Uol.l Juukcy Club held Ita Hpring tueuiliigJuiioAT. Davi. T. a inillina alnlllun, valuetl at $A.QU hy lu nwnrr, J. K.Turner. «ii>>«o l<*dly Injurpil In a nilllaloN lielwtoeii two of Ihe Hulklea In |ha thlnl rareatPuliU BreoT*. JuiiiiO. ihat llararlnR earearlaal an end. Hek^ik Won aanmd itUre In ihe Keiiltirky (>«ka rarn ai lAtunla Juno M. i>ut waa dlaiiualliled by Judfe lianor bir rnuilmc Pavorlne. JoiiR A. llBRRknaav. on Jima in, reatgneil fhtm ihn- rrovhIeBcyiii Ihn Hrl|(liiun lUaoh llaelnR AaaoeUlliHi, li^ ahldi III waarecaiilljr vlwled. llAxmrni.fii narrowlr eaoaiiad Injury whlia aierclalnr al <liH\t>eiid. Juna Hi Wlioii u|>|<iM|ia(heJud||ei' >laiiil, ll auBftoil aad Want IhniURli Ih* fem-a. IliiarprA, a n«u ynar nkl mare, by FureatarBonnrr, hnika li< l«o Inn* IrR* June K, while being eaerol>eil at Ihn Almamlcr lalaiid track. Tub U'oaif rii UraiHl i:irvuli beaaa litaprlaa orimillnR mtmla .lune 8, at Dunvar. Od., wltli olRlit daya nf raolni. "AMERICANISMS" ".My uwii uxporloiico In. that nioil ro calloti Aniorl- rauUiiw, and. Indent, Irlahliuiiri, ahn, nrv In realUy nrchnlmiii nf ibu KiiRllah hiniiiiagD, which liavn a lubit uf aiirvlvliig ulicro nnu wniml IrAul eKporl In lliiil llicni. Unny Mrsuiis will tail ymi ibat Ihn pliriHO in Inl atldu* hi an Ainerlranbmi, Itiil alndonlrt nf Kiigllrib lllemlure will uati in inllid Iho tolhiwliig alitnu from I'hniicrr'a •Chuket l^le:' " i blamn hliii iHil iIibI Iio runaldarad ihmiiIiI |q time rtimliiR what iiilKht hlio belhlis llul nn Ilia lu«l |ir«M>nt waa all Ida ilmuHhl, Anil Tor III Itauka and hunt mi evary ahia; Wull niRh all ullier i-uroa Ut ha alMf, Ami nbn lie li'uhl (and llial waa itoral of all) Weildmi nu wit r<iruuRlil that uilRht l»efhli.'^ ".^ivunil iiiher lllimlrariniiH of mi l Alkd'Anicil* OHiilHow niinir In INiaurcr tiiay 1h> flvcn, rh, for o.XBntpli],'l giivwi,* whliii larmiuontly lulm niei wlih. *' 'Willi lilm Iher waa LU aoiie, a foussa Bqiiler, A lovnraml a hiaiy Imrlialvr, Willi |iH-harru|ln aa ihny aereUldn In (iroato. Ill IWDHiy yoarutBRe hn waa iMmutt.' —I'ruloiiufjMninhur^ TUf/l. "'Illghl'liofUih iisurt by(lIuiicvraN it» nmilern Ainerh-an rnu'ii It In Iho pliniHo, 'lUglit unay:' **'Au at ware llaollial aha rlRhl imw aarwilede.' "liRity ijnslnl wnrda aro cninmnnly uacil In Auirr- Ira, aa 'pltiiher* for 'JiiB,* 'fnwtiol' fur iirouk,' 'fall*' fur ■iiutiiiiiii.' *Unuioly' In Invarlaldy used to e.v- pii>«H Ihu ubHeii'ru nf Iwaii ty-aa *a liiimely Birl' fur 'lu blaln girl.* Ao oXHliiple or aurli UMigi Day int round Hi HtMhuaiicnre: *"Upun a Immtlyulijerl lure ran wink.' —'TVw Urnttfrnra I'wimi,' UL. 4L "hi rnnrbmloii, I wmihlHliiciirely exprrMa hojio thut Americana inay hold fast 10 nil '(atiii* whlrh nro iKii viilgHriMina. IJfe wnnhl lie iiuhmraliln If ovvryonn talked like a iMHik. 11 Is faF imlter to iiav 'laiurt' than, In Hie wunh nf an lllualrloiiH Irlibuisit, in lihlu niiii'aliHlkHUllly under a iiloiik nf iwrwiiual airo<:l«lloii.* '*—ilrfnyi' Jveiwciiwi', in Tlte Adult^nv, NOT USED TO IT. It was a fanner looking man, wllb ono arra lo a allngaiida humliigo over his eye, wbu wandeicil. Into tho onlce of the aiipcrlntoDdciil. "I waa 111 Hut IIUNianiaRhupikiwn ntRli llnnk- vllin," aald Ihe faruior looking toan, and Uion Uc% Sllllldl. *'l gnen ho can lieilxed iipfornot rooro Uwr $/i4)." ihunghi iltOBniKriniendeut. "Van, I was Ihere,'' mnilniied tho vlallnr, wlik a chuckle. "Jlni puliln' aliiiig, stuooiA as grosaa, Ih- tenth' to a lunik noMCd feller te)lln< a funny aiory. whon Hit of a middnii—kerdlp I Tlial thero ulo l ar went anllln* Mi high that 1 could aeo Iho gray hsin In tbo whlMkL-rrt or iho man lu ike inooii, and ihon she caitH) down, llnw aho did corpo down I And when I cnmu to, then aol tluit book ntawd feller with Ilia hook HOW chaoued 10 a pai; srwlher fellor i)Otit Miven foot liign wai bung ai'-mi*a llin hell Mpe like a Hiisko Ining up for ralii, sihI over lu Iho wiMril Imi.1 waa a fat wninaa )amnie4] lu mi tig hi Ihat alio iMiirhlii'i ovvii liijiier—cooldii'i du iHdnlu' liiit umko favea. Hy gravy. It wan the fuiiiilekt lliiin lever had In all toy lire. And m I lhi»rtliow much «;<ir7 yon ihurt I'dorterpay fcr Ibernii yon glmiiie." Tlio Haperliilehdeni sal tnero wlih hia uuulb op«tii fur m lung that the farmer looking mau grow alarmed and iwa.—t.'IncltntaH Triltnur. FUNDS LOW, BUT THE FUTURE BRIGHT. A young uuD. accompanied by a young woman, entered ino Orphans* i;uiirt yeaterday and lni|Ulrcil Ihtt way 111 tbe Marriage Uoeoie Court. Ht* waa directed to the private oitlcd ot Clerk Urd, II0 went back with hiM companion and eotatBa Into ft coo- f enatlxin with ibe genial clerk. "Ud and mo friend." lis aald, "watila lo got mar- ried, and we wants rock Iwttoin itrlccit. Now, wliat canyon do for iiar*' Clerk liird told them that If they wanlM a llcetuo to get married tney would have to pay 64 vents. "Oh, that's too much," aakl the proqteclh'ii grooiDi "Well, yoo cau't getiaan1«<lhenforl«ai,*'sahl Clerk Ulrd. Tho pair did Ibelrlftat to make ihe lenUI clerk coueuuwnln his price, but Ibatoniclal waa obdu- rats. Tlia pair held a eousulUllou and raked to- geiherwu ceuia. *'We*ll Rive yoo Ibli," aald Ibe groom, extending IhU amount. "Horry," aald ihe rkrk, "but fio cenU Is the prtca, aod no less. Yon oilKbi go over lo Cssndan and get married fnr lew." "Tbankyou," nid ihognioD.and tbetwoleillba (ilTlre, kuparenlly wlih iho Intebtluo of J«imiS|IUK to fJtmdtn.^/ftUwtrtprUii MfvmS, Ah,'' Mid Ihe Roniplured voimg man. sa .li» aiiflwprril, Mifily, "It MiyiU-'tick, Hck, llclr.-Uck» Uck,'UaroW."