New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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June 15 THE ITOW YOUK CLIPPER. 237 XT S El JhlERIVI^IM IVIORIj TBB PAI KIKKBRS. Now bookins^Scasou ^95 and '96. Managems wishing a braiMl new tiling, talcc tliiN an<l l>c viireii ortlie CiicNtnuto. ff Mew ptaTlaa at th. Ornli.«m Thwtiv, San Fraaclxo, and balaac. of MawB la Calllbralai la coaJaaellaB with Blajor. tk. wmtliaR Psajri RIIRnHIAN'R IroaiHi of PIrkaalnalM, Ihr Myall. Paat.DllaH, .HABRY BBLMONT MOMIiEV, tta. gnat ballooa aK.ail.MUt aad pamehalUI, aajl SHORT AND BDWARDB' BRAM BAND an> wlllt "YIIK JAtMUnvril" an Ihnjijh Calllhrala, Aildma all teaiMaal* caUoa4 ngaidlng "The Jay Clicaa" to DAN HHKRMAIf,, 8aa KrannlMOi UrRantlan thr Pala Klltun, IIANAUBfi J. O. DAVia, P. Seraat.B, Pai THE ACME HAS BEEN REACHED. THE MONABCH OF TUEK ALI. TOMLINSON'S COMEDY GO. AND CONCERT BAND AND ORCHESTRA la • new ap to date Repertoire. Oar parade m feature, headed br America*! Kreateel dram major. Now booklag leaton *V9-W. Open earljr in Aogait* WAMTBD.—Al B«p«rtolr0 roopl*. Copiedlui, mu^tilo Al »r«clftUT: iwn chlMnn wlihnp todRt« upeeltlllo*. At Astot, U)d MwlcliuiH for hand ud oirhiJitn. Bolo B lUtC'^rnflt to double, Ut. B^flatComtt U> itotiblo, RoloCUr- loiMt todooble, B-nfttCt&rloaat to l]oul>I^ VIoU, Mate Knil PIcrolo B«cond VliiUn lo douMs Solo Alto. Cello todoubl«, DMb Trombone tddoublft. Oboe to double Alto, Rm to donbl« Tdnt^Tmp Dnnnroer with TrinpAnleii. Pint clw people onlj lollcltcd. AUmu«t be Hoborand rellmble. MuiAgvin InKuHMnil In or«n (tnie. WiuiBcepiuid perfnnn- tneddna 4. J. OWENS, llualclaniu]4reu N. H. MORAV. Montour«Tlll«, LrconilnR Co.. f%. THE TAUOUS BARITOfin: SXNGER, X 33 3E "X* " Address care ofLondon Theatre, New York. AUDITORIUM, A. 0. MILLER ... Lessee and Manager Lkhtad wHh eleetricHy. Stating eapaelty, 1,000. Papulation ol City, 6,000. Scensry by 80SMAN i LANDIS, ot Chicago. Stated by DAYTON, 0., CHURCH AND OPERA CHAIR CO. WAITTED, FOR OPXNINO, BBFT. 93, FAIR WEEK, FIRST GLASS REPERTOIRE CO., WITH BAKD AKD OBOHXSTRA. KLAW Si BRLAMOER,N.Y. RepTWcnlatlTW. 1895. MCKAPOO INDIAN MEDICINE CO. 1195. L^R-G-ER TH^TV EVER. too TRAVELING ADVERTISINQ COMPANIES AND ADVERTISING tWAOONS. 100 BBAVTIFUI. OAHP OVTFITg, EI^BORATB PniNTIIfa. Uf A^vrn Le Ktnnn capabl. of manaalag own cmpaa^. Tooth Pnllerw, ffnlvlCUi P.rfbrmen who do i.Teral diff.nnt apwlaltlea. Must Im aood alag* «n aad abl. to pat oa afterplwM. Abo Ba^jo Playen. Bliulcal Team., nafclolaaa, VoBtrilMBlat., Female Impononaton, Jagglen, CoBlorloaUtj and aay aot aaitable fbr a ■tMlclae compaar. W. .apply th. KICKAPOO INDIAN REMEDIB8 topartlM wIAIbb to eoadaa OWB compaalM aad .apply them with lli. FINEST OF PRINTINO AND OAHP ODTFITfl FREE. Addra. KicnAFOo nmiM icEBicnsrE co., New Haven. Conn. "ON-T HE-ROAD," BUNAOBR M. 8. ROBINSON'S NEW COMEDY CREATION, NEW SPECIAL SCENERY. NEW AND NOVEL PAPER. NEW MUSIC. NEW IDEAS. NEW LINES DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHERS. 3 NEW ACTS. 6 GREAT SPECIALTIES. A GUARANTEED SUCCESS. OPENS AT MANAGER ROBINSON'S BUFFALO HOUSE EARLY IN SEPTEHBEfl. NOW BOOKING. FOR -riME AFPLTT TO M. S. nOBINSON, Lyceum Theatre, BafTulo, N. Y. Actors' Protective Union, No. 2, OFnCE, 103 COURT MEET, BOM, MASS. ATTENTION, SfANAGERS. We have everj Ikclllljr A>r the traaiaolloa of Theatrical Bailneu. VaadevlUe tnleat of all klndj fbraished at short notice. Write or wire* Better still, call and see ns* Bnslnesa tnnsaoted on bailness principles. MBMBBRS, KOnOB.—Onr flnsDoUl yttr onded In Ms;. Remit csnl. «IUt duM, which will be retanted wlUi n- oetpt. BSBdOPKMTIHB. WecuiQMroD. MeetlnR OTorrSuodftr lit 2.30 1*. IffiOourtRlreet, Boom B. BlectloD of oOotnSQDdsr.JuDBlS. JOHN NAN8ERQIi, Pres.PraTem. ALiBSRX lEDDir, BunlnoMH Mnnnffer. THE MASCOX AXXRACTIOIV, Bolden's Comedy Co. A FUUT OI^SS COMEDIAN, maat •iBB and dance. A CIIAIIACTER WOMAN wb. UB doitralght baa. One who dOMaM^ally given tb. prer.reBC. (Two Tory atmag YaahM aara fbr women). A HALb PIANIST* All people ma.i b. good dreMer* en nad off lb. atage. I.aafa.n aot tolerated. WARTBD. SEVKRAL OOOD nBI,0- DRAMAS, wllhapeelal paper. SPECIAL NOTICE—liar, fall and aol. ilghU to . n ,,j Xruslde Tro.ols.."' Cam aae Fair Datea Ib Ohio, Ind., OUVER DOUD eVRON'i All iBfrlBg.meBt. will b. atrlctly prM«at«l< III., WI.. BBd Keatachy. SEASON OPENS AUQ. 6, CLOSES JUNE IB. NO LAY 0FF8. >«r»an«nt addr«.», HOUEK BHQg., PrtaM. PL NEW OPERA HOUSE Now rtadj to book "ban; np good attrgcUoiiB I" Opeiu Aa;. 16. HeMag cspidtf, 800. lArgtudmodeni (tageinewtccneij. AnlininedlateiiopalaUonorilTetboiugiid to draw tnm. AddicM i. F. DETTTEILEB, Oanafer, ITadawortli, Ohio. THE EXCELSIOR OF MONKEY ACTS. Gallette's Trained Monkeys. OKAS. r. OALICTTE, - ulmmgtr Cam k. iMB wnh .r Jaa. 10 .1D. F. KEITIPB UNION SAVABB TIOOATBB. Iram —rgT— .f Aral claa. thwiTM, compaafn, parlu,. at d r.M " mKAPl.BWOODAVVai'i:, Offen .te. P«BiaB»t CIUwg.,UI. To Open ITear XTew 7ork Sarl7 in August, Hi HENRY'S Sixty Thousand Dollar Minstrals. An Iiivcstmoiit or Solid Capital Uiinqiiiilcd In Mlimtrol HlHtory. EIiEGANT AND GOiaPI.BTE IN EVBRT DETAIIi. THIS 18 NOT A WILD WEST AFFAIR, nor » paraatllcal cinaler nrennd a central figure of fhded prominence, bntdlitlnetlf alt ronndt rarefal selection or 50 Refined Minstrel Stars 50 Thia atlraetloa will prOTe A LAND MARK IN MINHTRBI. illllTt>RY. A SOLID, HONORABLY CONDVCTHD, RESPONaiBLR, EUCOANT CITV ATTRACTTION. Choice lime aollclled In FlntClaaa ll.aaea only. Rlrlrlly TEMPER ATM aad nnaaaal portbrm- .raoaly Bwd wrile, Addma III ilRNRV'S MINSTRELS, tar. or NEW VUHK CLIPPBR, 9 CIRCUS CANVASES, PolM and Slak.a, 8£AT8, Flag.. Etc ^EEOIDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS. ■KCIfrBlBB CUTia, aUTC, IRi, toa uu. S. S. Stewart's Celebrated Banjos PRICES FROM 910 TO 9200. Also IHaslo and Books for the DaiOo, In great rarlety. Strings, Heads, Btc. S«ad Tor llloMnt«d price IIU sod csislojiuv. ThtiM Id- terviUd ftliouhi send Wc. lo *UmM Tor s iiMclmftn eopr orrilE BANJO AND UUITAa JOUHHAL. Addr«u B. S. STEWART, Noi. Z21 and ZDChurcti flt» niilvlflpli'*^ Psnns. LAWRENCE SCHOOL OF ACTING (FOUNDED ISntt). 100 WEST «aD BTRBBT, NEW YORK, EDWIN GORDON UWRENCE ■ • DIrettor. CUlCULAnS ON APPLICATION. MR. LAWRENCE'S NEW BOOK, ENTITLED SIMPLIFIED ELOCUTION, BelnR.ftoomprehoniilTeflTNUni fifVnlce sod Aclloo, tO PSRU, bsodMoialj t«una In eloUi ud ROld, will be Miit purtsne m« on receipt of IJP. WANTED, PARTY WITH $500. To Snrh I Offer a Half Intereat la A i Fair. Comedy Company and Poaltlon aa nanagerandTreaaarer. TImeallboohed la beat Iheatrea. Ailtlreaa II. J. GOODNOW, 413.10 Ea.t NImtylblnl Btraol, Ohieago, III. NOTICE FROM VENO DRUG CO. THE VBKO DRUO m.. No. 199 Beeond Avenuv, I'lll* hurjT, Fs., la IncArponleil tnd hsTt coi>yrlf|hu, r«|lntra- llonit soj tnde nitrka upon Uiefr Prt|>«r»ilonB. Tlisy will proMCUte snj nemDoii who lofriDite upon Uielr EtUnt rlfihu. Vsno J)nis Co.,3£iro OruK Co.,srelinl- itloni or VRKO. vhich nam* In resulered m ■ Umde mark. Procesdlngaiire belon hreuinlsolntt Uieaa |«r tiM. Since VRKOD idrent lo Amirlcs sa s Medicine Han, he hM otuMd arest eiclteneDt hj the eitrAonll- Dtrr core* of crlppl"' lit perfonned publicly iiv hU iiiwll- clDM. Anyonecaadn ihe ume «IUi thn VKNO IIKIil CINEit No olhtr rtinodle* will do Ihe wnrk. Tlie iiimII- clneH will bo Mhl to leciurers st s low fliur*. wIlli In^ mrucllonsbow Ui cure crl|r|>)en pulillcljr. Ample aupply or 3 ihtet pnilers, csnli, anli***, Joumsli, iMwki «n«l wina«, ■upPlleil free. Write At once. THE VBNO nHViU'MU- rAHV, No. IW flecood Atenue. I'llUhurg, y». "CENTRAL" TRUNKS. aftln. 15.00: Mb., UJD; SIq.. ^1W, BBIn., MOD; «Hn.. tSJJ); Ola.. |)OiO; l^imnartinenl Irsya, ineUl bound,tl: cIrcuB trunbB,|4 tt minpleU. Hill IronkL SiOilS |n«Me. tSiO. LHhn ininhi. nKiMtlS ln«ldv. IllJo. Hlr«|»a snd akeletoii rollnvera, flJa end tlJC. ffliliiped nn re- ceipt of tlOlL bel. t',. O. If., aicept over SV diIUa, tiien re mit aliole snviunL HumIuI Iniiram^nl, ticket end mtn- ■■en' trunko m onlnr. (Ulteo HwkeUL with irmr, lining, coTer, et&, asin., IIMO; SSin.. $itM; Win., $lbJO. Bse- kiu■hipped OD receiptor ptIm. HIMONft A CO.. rRKTnAl. TRUNK PArrroRT, E»Uh. IWH. M-flg NorUi Tih Hlreol. nilUilelphU. INDliN NEDlCINELECniRERS Who nro capable of aaanaf lag their own tronpot. PerAirmorslanUbmncheswrlto, slating eapertenco, to COL. T. A. EDWARDS, Pnprlstor Oregon Indiaa Medicine Co*, Corry, Crie Co»nty» Pa. SHOW CANVAS. Ballt to erdtr o. Ibert aoUe.. WrIU lor MftieaL UlutnMeuak>ta.bM. J. C. OOO. 00, IOiHwuar»t,D.u<)ll.Mld. STERE0PTKON.-I WANT A TRIPLE OR DOUBLX OOLTS OmilOM. •Ilh .ladle or Una llihl. AlaoTlaec oka lovMI caahprlt. aad fall Mrllcauir*. B. r. EUHLER, IOL^etla.RL,MalIl«.Wadi. Temnle EEL. G-Ues unno aonuKO tocilut jmb oomu>iej<ke, aow ientavOraal BnUlo, bM aol baao I. Anrnlea alMa lO^ aad w aM aba ba. lb* llikl Ma tka. BUM. THE GREATEST OF ALL GREAT SECOND SIGHT ACTS The Seconil flight Nnlheitiatic anil Hinil llesding Trick* THE MOST INTEIlESTINd AND MYHTIFYINti ACT EVER INTRODUCED. l>on»ln perA«t silence. The eflTeet of thie wonderTttl seance le as tfbllowsi Ttie medium (Isily or oenlleuien) Intllf* e C4lnlnlllte^ iif sny nnnlier iii>i>n Ihe ■Urp. A chtlr «nd liUflkhnsrd Is (lien rmtuceil nml *xtnilnf<l hy llin niinnilllae. HwH'ini pcaI' hlmMU tnd reijueala coininltlee m blindfold hlin. or ... Eiimpl«« nf iny lind iiiiy \» pltceil an bUckl:4iAPl hy Ihe cnnimlllee. he nmy lie enllrely cnvered wllli s iJirtl. , —, .—, - . — ■. ■ . ... end modliiin cell! nut rtmlU almitiil H>on m rerh l1|tur« U pUred nn the h<4nl; slMiralUnut Ritur» ss tksy sre Mnff polnuwl sL Rlackl<oanl rsn U pUcwl od eny perl of dsse. Effect H". 1: Tlip medliim'i wlilsntHLiMS smnDs llie audience and rMiueiU per«nna to ahim him rnlne, and Ihe ntfuhiiii, who la ailM aeated on Ihe llsge bllm]. roldwt. nlle out correct ilKteH; aim bItm nntnlMr nf watrhem amount of lillU, de^rlt>e« dlrferenl arllclea, ■1lhou|h note woril U Rfwiken. thn mathml la ijulla Bimpic, and ran l<epflrfamt»dtiy aiijnne anerlineennilDiilaaol rliMl and practice. Durloithlaentire laBt thomrdluni can lioeiaminNt al any time, and cunimllUe can alt si cIom U> medium sa tliey cliooac, or can all In anr l>ert uf alaio. rttUl'LKTK IHMTRfKrriONH, W CENTfl. Address all orders to J. HERMAN APBTQW, Bok 319, Trentea W. 1. THE LAUGHING FARCICAL SUCCESS, ''McDOODLE and POODLE/' IN THREE ROLLICKING ACTS. AN EFFICIENT COMPANY OF STARS, HEADED BT THE FAVORITE COMEDIANS, Kverythlng rewrlllea anil n|i to date. Time ailing Ibat, Maaagor. of Viral Cl.aa Tllealrea aenil open tlla. at .are. Adrtrma, home oMre, itfcH: Ac HAirroN, :Vii k, iihih hi., n. y. ORGANS!!! TIIATH WHAT roU'LL IIAVK HV UKTTIKn ORB OF TIIK FRATI & GO'S l^il^"!^ ONANS or ORCHESTRIONS. I>KI.I(JIITRD CUaTlfMKIIII wrillni uii Tlaltlnil» dallr. Ilfra;; •h.l .,11. wra: "NKVKH HAIl HUllll A i;K()WO, .ml u»k le W) HIIOII BllNKV aa >1,aa I cliaai|*l anil 11(17 (INK or VOUIt JllUIAKK." YOU OAN DO 'I'Hta MAMIOf rOHH OH WHITN UtllOKI.Y I DON'T bur.tnuJi •>( oUi» kliiila lli.t ciMU rou l.le. lu priM (or raiialra, .n«l abi|>a riwr l,i.alriMa oiMn* llin.. KullpaitlroUraudCATAMMUKMMAIbKU VaBICuia|>pll ^W calloa. ll.l Ui. IIKHT. U.vl a fnll A Uu, (Mfui. AUGUST POLLMANN, 70 art 72 Ftinllln Stfeit, Nw Yorti CIti. BIJOU OPERA HOUSE, SISTERSVILLE, W. VA. THE MOST rilOHl'EIlOUS CITY IN THE OIL FIELD. HAIID TIMEH UNKNOWN. Hanagera at Aral claa. attraelloaa wlablag to Mcnr. tlm. at thIa hoBM piMi. addreaa URO. D. TIIOMPNON, Pra|irl.tor aad Maaag.r. W. onlx pl.r one com|iany per weell. WANT CIRCUS PEOPLE FOR KlIiHT* CL.AMM lilNO jVCTXH. Thoee doing tvo or more acU. No fancy aalarlaa paid, sa thli aiinw haa never m l a * a d a aeUry day It tif yaara, sed haa the ha*t nta£rAmm«tftll"na. Plirn'mlh, Ind., /uoel7:Mo. Hentl ll. WhIU riieofi. Mlo)i.,ai1: ■•UmaiooO. Per* mafMntad(JrvaUANVI( WloUrfllicua npeaa fKt.W, makinf UilrdWloUr. ThIa rear It will he rtfltled sod haTes fony fout rioff. People with or wlthoal auick wanting a gout pU;e tAwlrtler and make eapenaea, write for parllcaUn Addreaaall Uttara J. II. LA nfARL, Hole oweer. P. fl —If you bare wrliua before and reeelr«4 no anawer, write again, as Uiere mlgfit ifS as opeelog tills lime. OlTepennaoeoiaddrtaa. MAGHG TBICE JUGGLING GOODS, TEHTBILrOqUIfT AXD JDIIT nODBEB, iWIBOIBa CLOBl. , looa. OMdatae CoriaMUacOonda, Olatai, TefatfllMBUtMd Paac)) aad Jadr fit. OOtOMBi* llAOin TBinir Baa^ S CM u I a for . . Ha«l«IU.(M ■rh.'m.. m lawm, >. t. liATB WITII nOBBRT MANTBI/L, ^AT^IBBRTY von NIDXT^^ '