New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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233 THE NEW YORK CJIjIPPEB. June 15 BBOOKLYN, N. Y., Grniid St., bot Bedford «iid Diiggs Avcs. THE HOME OF BURLESQUE AND VAUDEVILLE. Tlie only Iioiisc in tliis district devoted to snme, with half ft miUlon people to dniw ft-oin, have just doscrt 40 weeks' season, having played aU the first class organizations on the road, and have booked them for coming season, among VFlilch are the following: JOHH FLYWII'B liORDON 0«IETV OIRLS CO. LKWIB AJTO HARVBY'S AUBRICAN OMBTY fllRLS CO. HARRY U0IUU8' DVnt CBIITVBY MAIDS, ttr^ tic The boaie irlU nndergro a tboroDgb OTcrhaDllii?, and oi lie openlor irlU be gtiicUr flrst claM In enrj particular, nil prices 10, 20, 80, CO, 76c Hodm Beat* tir« thoanand, and la tltnated on Grand Street (tfae Boittrj of Brooklfn). HAVE A ..„ FEW OPEN WEEKS FOB FHWT CLASS ATTBACTIONS ONLY. Season Opens Saturday, Aug. 24. WAKTED, FIRST CLASS BURLESQUE OR VAUDEVILLE CO. FOR OPENING, Gi-ving fhem two Saturday and two Snndayg. Addrega all oomi«««««af«5>«f to FRANK B. CARR, Manager. UNIQUE, IICB A BAKTON'S JIOHK lilLb CO. ED. RUkll'H winTK numn rn. ^ niCB * BAnTON'B nOflB lilLb CO. HAHT. JACK'S ADAIIU.B8B EDKN CO, SAM T. JACK'S BVLI. FIOHTER CO. SAM T. JACK'S CREOUS8 CO. JOB. OPPBNIIKIMBH'B FAY FOBTER CO. ED. nVMI'B WinTE CROOK CO, C. B. IIARORAVB'B FRESCII FOLLY CO. I.BO.VI A BVERETTS UADIEr OLVB CO. F. MINBIIAN'S VOyOON EMPIRE CO. nOIIT. RICIIMOSlrB MAY RVIISELJ.CO. COMING KVBNTi. _Junt 15-N.v Toik TMbt Olob looul imsUa, Its Yorli B*T. JuDS H—Uolronltr of PMoarlnnlt m. CofntU Unl- s.nllr mtuh n», Ilhitt, N. V. _ iuD. U-LwohiDODt rMbt Clab Spriog r«aUa. Iahi r.lAnd SnoiHl. _Jane U-fhlUdtlpblk (Fk.) Twht Clab unoU naalUL D«UwAr« Klror. ^ JuD. u—N«w Vork Oooe Club Bftrioir re (tutu, opeo, N. JoneM-Olrmple Tulit Club .nniiKl MiklU, K. Y. B*y. MfcSShitJ uuiuAl niiitu, IBM ll-frlujiuUrealUia boat iu»,4 mil*!, Mralihu- «T, or rtnuiilTul4, Oomll UDltenlvr uJ CcifnmbkOolUn 1'ouKhliMp.l., N. Y. ^ Jam ZI-S<liurl>lll Mnr uoaal raniu, riilbilalibli. ^ Jao.21—DooilMtoD TKlit Clob unatlrMUIA, Loot lilaod Bounil. Jua.o-6li«n rMhtmo,YuihM Do«]|« n. MorvoDd, IludwD BIr.r, N. V. Jufl. 14-Auwu)ii]i*4>irlBlhlu Tftcbt Otob ubu] naitu, Lona I.IiihI HouimI. .lun. a^TrltnjtaUr collei* rrafliaion mc, llarrftrd aud Ooluinlil., M.v f Aiidim, CI. Juo.n-llHrrahl tod Yal. Unlrenltlcii anouU niKtcfa no*, N«« Lfin^on. CI. _ Jan. 39-Nov l1uefa«U« Tacht Oltb aaiiDa) ranua, LoDi liUiid Hoiiud. - 4ana 39—Tnnk.n (K. T.) CorlnUiIu Tieht Clab ajinutl rantUjIfudKin Jllv.r. JuD.29—fluuu yaiilitraca Vic'.irMn r.nioMA Jmlsa and YanhM Domll., Hnrrlll nialLnBoCup, aika<iU,N«w London, 01., UNIIIon l'iint,N. V. Juir 1—Indlao Uarbor YaeblClab UMlal naalta, Lool liUad Hound. Julrl—Yacht nntualK.»Loo,1on,Cono. jDlj ft-8«awaaiiakaCorloUilaa Viehi clob not to Larcnnool. Jqlr 4—Bo4oft 011/ annoal pnroialootl aod oiutoar nwlng reaatla, Cliarls. nlT.r. Jairi—HolloaCllr(Maaa.)aBnaaliallIn| reiialla,Boa. ton Bay. July 4-P4opte'. MXl Oop I1«|imtta. Pblladelfiila, Pa. July 4—Lanlimnol Yadit (llnb annoal ngitta aad (Int ■poclal raeo for ant and nn. clajutaa, Lona liUod noond. _July4—Idb. Ulelilgan VacJillag AaKclalluo raaaua, MllwaukM. Wla. July 4-yaaport (R I.) YachlClub naalla. July 4,0—Inlanallonal cannr nc^ Ourinthlan Salllna rial), Moolnal, Can., ta. Naw York Canoo Club. July 6—Amarleaa Yadit Clubaaaual raiatu, Looa lalaml Soand. July 6—BtraraMa Ticfat Club anaaal noalU. Uudaoa BIror, Naw York. July B—Saawanliaka-CorlfltbtaoTachlClub ^«oUl ra- RatlA, Lona laland Hound. July 9-llon«aho« IJarbor Yacht Clob anauaj rafatu, Lona IiUnd Round. Julyf, 10, II—llanlay-oO'Ttaainai annual amataurroRat. ta, Tbaniaa nirar, Ena. July lo-lluaa.not YaditClub race for apoclal cUJwoa, Long falaod Round. July York AlhlallcOlub apadal aallloii raiiaua, Loni Ulaod Round. July 13—Larcliniont Yaclil Club Meond apacltl ra«* for BDO. and lln. boau, Lona IiUnd Huond. July 13—AlUnllo and Lardiinunl VaditClaba'Joint ao* Dual crulao comniancoiL f Aicliiuoat, N. Y. July 13—llampataad Harbor Yacbt Club aaoual ragaua, Luna laland Hound. July l^lArdimnnt and Allanllo Yaclit Oluba raco Ibr Orat olaM alooM ami collars, Naw Londii«i, CI. July II, IB-Natlonal Aaaoclatlonar Auialaor Oalaaaa or Amarloa annual roaalla, Baratofta Lake. .V. Y. July 19, 30-NortJiwMl4ro Autalaur Bowing Aaaoclallon iinual ragalla, Raoulinaalt, B. C July V-Hm Om Yadit Club aaoual tagatta. Long July 35—Hlvaralde Yacht Club raco Tor apoclal olaaaoa, liudMo Blrar, N. Y. •'—-^ July 37—Indian llafbor Yaoht Olub anoual lagatla, Lont laland Round. JuX. 3»-Now York Yacht Olub aoooal enili* eom. invocaa, nion Cora, L. I. Aug. S—rArthniont Yacht Olub thlnl apaoia] lice for IDn. aud 3in. elaaaaa, Long lalanil Rounil. Ana. s—fUiflllar laland Vacbl Club annual ragatta. Long laland Hound. . Aug. 9-4;of InlJilan Kloal annual rvgatia, Long laland " "ind. L,.... „ Uoa ragatia, Laka Mloaouinka^lnn. Aug. Itl-Amarlean Yadit Club apoclal nca, Loog lalanu Bound. Aug. 13-Aiaaficaa Tacht Club ipaolal laca, Loog latent Hoond. .r— . Aug. lA-^ Cllir Yacht Clob nco (br ipaclal dtJuw Irfing laland Round. Aug. 17—IhiHueuot Yacht Club annual ragalla, l^ng laland Bound. Aug. 17-4;eriothlao Taaht Otob annoal ngatla, Naw York uv. Aug. U-ltlTaralda Tacht Club raco Hir miocIaI rla■ac^ lladaon HIrar, N. Y.* Yacht Cluli annual roxatla, Long laland Round. Aug. 9-Indlan Harbor Yadit Olub raca lor aperlal claaaea, l,onB laland H.tntiil. Aug. S)-Amorlcao Vach lalaoa Round. Aug..ii—ijiTchnioni Yacht Club rounh ipaolal raco Ibr BDIt. an,l 3ln. clAJnaa, l^iig laUoil Huuml, Aug. nl-IIunllngton II,. I.) Varbt (Miili annual rogalla. RapL 3—Naw York Varht Harlag Auoelallon auoaal Lalwrllay raintia, Naw Vi.rk Bav. HoiiLi-Urcliniiinl Yacht (Hub >°all ragalla and Onh apaclal rara fur Ml. ami 31 n. claiuaa, Ijoni lalaud Hound. HapLS-NowiNirt (B. I.) Vaclil ChibroDiilw. K«)iL6—Larcliuiiuit Vadit Oluh aiaUi pjiaolal race rot VJtt ami 3ln. flbiaaoa, Loug laland Round. 1^ . - ._, Ilnol Kapt. 7—Initial rac* fur Uia Amarlca Cup, off Randy ^pt.7-Naw York OaaooClub Fall logilla, open, N. Y, tiopl. K-Baa CHIT Yacht Club raca forap^lnl elaaaoa, Xaing lahind Rtiund. Hopl. ll-tArchiuoiit Yacht Club raca for apoclal cUaaoa, Loog laland Hound. Rope I9-I,arf liniont Yacht Club raca lur apaclal claaaaa, laUltd Bound. Knlo1c«irbo«kora on <ho Bonnd. Tlio Kiiloktrboctor Vacbl Cliib'a nniiiial tfpilln, Mllritonllio Bound, oiT tlio club Iiuuho nl (\>Ucuo lljlul, Juno R, proved an ovoiil of mucti inlcro^it. 1110 nnl itpponrancw In piibllr of ono or tbo hull nton, QunllDn, inilll to nircl Simico IV In ilio now apaclal claw Inlemallonnl raro, pniTCtl llio ImiHin- ant bupponlng or tlio day. Tho llltla niror ruvcroil a Mvenlbon nillo vnurno In 6U. Tin. 11a. Aiiollicr Inlereallng roaiiiro waa Iba excalloui nulling of ren- gutn, Hbe lod llio ncct otot Iho rounu aud pilnoU a amulal priKo bj making tho raHtr.ii time. A ono nnn Klart wai inado, and Iho ouiln nc«l gut Kwaj aliiiosi lo||«llior, Buminarloa: CLARB B-«IA>OI<!l OVKII atT. ya»U, Cva^r. AtllMI Tln^. iWrrrlnX Ttmf, l'anii,iln..nMi.KBtlaM*oo.. 4t.0Iai.3b. («.iKai.«>. CI.AKI tJ-HMHII-H m'KR SPT. AND NOT OVKH an. ■iipay I,. II. aiulH-Hhaiika a 16 9 a 11 xi Knnbla. .Uharlaa PrvM- 4 41 » 4<0 W IILAR.') U-RI.IKI1-H ilVER SIFT. AND NOT (IVKR StrT. J.B.II....ObariaaT.HmTlh... a ai » > XI IS Ulllh naorgoll. Coiipor.. a 11 II i 13 <l NIta. J. n. Blllatd Jr.... s IS II II l.\ IM YoUnila..A.K.AW. II. Knpar 4 71 > m 10 OI,A»l K-HI'K<:lAI,.1lhT. Cl.v.'i.-I. nraBoon..P. M. riwman IMS I » K> (■I.AK.1 K-BMiui-s I'.MiKU arr. bacimi lk.shtii. Naolia....lIaunr HIaidianaoii. I Wi 31 claKb (i—si'KiMAi, nn. clakb. Calla niailr% A. OauM. I IS M l l.a K llourl B. II. llatlJr I 10 (R I 10 Ul ll-lll'KH 81.00111. nam r. L. Rlioli'na'rJr. > H «> > Ki lU guaallnn..Montinniarr Clark & 1)7 II A U7 II CI.AKS l-dABIN CATRUATt: llVKH art. Lal'iira . .r. B. M^rlrk » f7 U S f7 43 Na>>' William Kllawunli I «l III I .V M Tniaill W.ll. Yllua I HI U 4 W il BxoQian'.w. H. naninilna.. I 41 Kl 4 43 33 CLAR.'i .I-IMHIN CATBOATB SIT AND I'NDKII. Nan K (I. Parli 9 OS » .^ i« .^3 Klllla Ilaian Uor.* I 19 n 4 13 a Torino J. Yonnilar 5 IV 2) Klhal F. X. Hanildl I » tv < 31 3A CI.AS.1 K-OI'BN C.tTBOATiS (IVER SIKT. J.I.N I. J. Mairltl Jr I i\ U< Lurllna . nao. J. Btadlah .. > lU 1:1 OLABR U-OPKN CAYBOAT!! 3irr. AND I'NnP.R. Molal fl. A. H. Wlonora.. t Xl IB 4 V (tt John aigrroN'M new Rlxtr micr waa lannclicd June 8, at Cowea, Kog. II la Iha Intanlioii nt llie owner to bring Ihecmnuillitae walemir hrr Irlala aliall pniTo ber a awlft near, PRiacii.i.t, tht yacbt biilll lo dormil Iho Amrtlra Cup, will brtTUlKr b« enTollnl In ilic Clavaland ill.) Yacni Club, aavcral lueiiiliani of lliai orKanlralliiu having purcliamd ber. ABoniTA, the Mil, Bioel notat Iniliiat Wllinlngiun, Del., tor W, <l. Brokaw, ol Uta clly, wu launched Jnno .^. TiiK Dclawarv noal Club, otChlcaiin, III,, will, on June 14, iw nn elgtil oared akell raco aninat • rrcw livni Iho tlDlvenliy et WIeconalD, at Hadlaon, VsehtliaB la Eagllata Wsten. The llojal Uarwich Taclit Club cosllnued Ita re- gatlA June 4, the Iltllaiuil* and Alias lurtlng for a prizeof|l76uthectalef erent A rac« for twenty lalcm, ror a fUO pr1r.e, woi alao contested. Doth o( the laTRO tioata croaud the Uoo before lhay got ibe alariing algul and were recalled. Wtcn they made the aecond alicopt tho lliltannl* cioacd the lino at loh. 2ni, !'■«., the Allet roHowIng clooely. The llillannia obtained an eiceUent lierth to the windward, but the Albia almoat Imniedlately over- lapped her, and In pnaalng tbo tiell buoy the Alht ditiw clear ahead. She kept IncmalDB the advan- tage, and rounding Ibe Blilpgaah IJghlalilp their tlnoa were: Allaa liA.Sat.COi.lBrltaonla 13A.«>. Afterward the Allan ran aHlioro on the Hblpwaah lanila and while the a«i was anwntb. The commlt- Ice boat went to her snlntance. The Britannia con- tinued over Ihe courm anil rvliimcd to the harbor. At nood lido Hie Aim WAI Boated, and It was Aiferward.n foiinil that ahe had analalned no damagei Tho twenty raicra got a capital start. Tho Nlugim, unilnr full Mil, waa tho llmt to croaa Itae line at lOli, 4ini, ■.■«<. The Luna anon pused the NIagatm. AI llio end of Ihe Brat lonnd the Hlmoaa waa la Ihe lead, foUowed hy the BlophBDie and the Niagara, Tho Biophanle won the nc«, BolaliinB at ih. lam. 'Jla. Tlio Niagara followed 47m. lOii. hiter. On 7 excellent wealhor prevailed nl Hhcemess, and nil coiiillilopa won favorable fur a clear teat of apccd. Allaa and llriunnls were expected In cnm. pcio for a prize of two, bat Inst liefiH-e llio start irilafonitno ngnln lieset Ihe hfo culler, tier main- tall a|iliuingat Hie gair. She was obliged to put alioul and wek ahellor wllli only ber ]lli to propel her. Tlie Britannia sailed tJie coiiiae alotie, Nbig- ara and Lnna alnricd In Ihe Iweoiy-ralcr clam, Iho MIIIeAmerirnn Ilien ttlnninu Iter Itnl victory, do- frallng the l,una hy a good margin. The clisiiiicl mces nf ilio l/>nilnn Thainen YacliI Cllub lieinin H, when Allsa ainin met IhltnDiibt and WHS rince inon defeslcd, Uf Ihe twenly-raiera Ihe Magara Unlr-heil ahead, but waa ilelianed from Irlory by lima nllnwance. Ilriiannta and Allia again tried conclnslona 10, over Iho course of Iho lloval Clniiiio I'orls Yacht Club, In tne Channel, oir llorcr, Tho reaoll was vcrrcloso, Iho Ilrilaiinia wliinlnir on llnw alloW' ance, altliuiigh tho Fife ciillor nclually oulaalled her by one tnlniile and thirty seconds. The sea was amoolli and tho yachts were ulile lo carry light weather canvas. Including foresuyalla, club Iiipmlla, Jllis anil JIblopaalla. They got awaylie- furo iliu cannon lionuied, and wen called liark. They Anally nlarlcd nn fiilloWH: Allaa, llu-jrio; llribinula, 13.0.1:10. The wind nn Iho run out to ilie Vamo lliioy was ncnriy nateni and the racers set aplnnakers. At Iho end of the llrst niiind Ihe yarliu were IlnKil Ihiii: Albw, aiu:ls; lirllannla, 'i.'JD.'.M. This represented an actual gain of only ihrpo MiconiU for Ihe Allaa In twenly miles. .Hlie hadallgliilylocrrnaed her laid bh they liore away liefiire wind, on iho aocoml run lo Ihe V'ame Uiioy. The lioatn nnlshod as follows: Allwi, 4.37 :U: Btlian- nla, 4.xtM. Niagara, Luna and Stephanie sailed a Iwonly-Ihree miles oouiio ou the name day, the Yankee lioal showing a clean pair of heels to her rnmpelllorH IbroughouL Hho Oulahod ahead of l.una by (in. tit., and defeated Biophanle liy Oni. 2Ca. Tile llrooklyia V«cl»( Clab Knjnyed fnvoralile condlllaoa tor Ita annoal regalia Jiiiio 10, and as a rrsult the lotcer Imy was resplea- dant wllh white wIdrs. The contest, which wss open to outside clubs, made tho day's qiort full of Intetcft. Bummarlea: CLASH A-OI'K\ CATR, 31 FT. AND I'NOnn. .ViiHr. Oteufr. yinlgh. Jit/ifuit Time. Klllla p. ...It. W. Huntnioll... ta.lbn.tOa. IA.Sfn.ULa. Ibl< K. H. Ranilall 3 III (U I 29 » CLAK3 B-OPKN OATH, OVPB 31 AND UNOKII UhT. Hominond.n. R. Wbnalar I U 31 I 37 II Uadga ....H. IJoilainann.... 3 10 40 1 »l M iHOIar II. M. rariUMin... 3 ID 31 I 39 U Narelil KnapuA lloualuu. 3 10 (41 1 .11 13 CI.ARB D-OABIN OAT8.t4KT. AMI UNDKH. Killia Ilaun Horn 3 13 3U 3 34 13 AU<'Kro....F.M. RanilaP 3 14 n 3 4t CD VLAIS K-OAIIIN CAT& OVKR MIT. Knalan. . . .C. II. llcdiaba 3 43 tu 3 07 an vhM Aniliony Rarrott.. 3 4i( al 3 It » Mary Win. Kllaaorlh.... 9 12 111 I .19 30 lloclor....(l. Kliiinlon 3 21 21 2 4.1 M llaliol IV. II. I.iiillow 3 M 43 3 X3 n HLUOrn, CUTrHHH AND VA1VLII-:9FT. ClAfH. Alicia O. II. 1luniphraya..3 21 31 2 411 14 I'aula Thoo. Crolian 3 .19 w 3 01 II Arn>w(v'l|ll. W. Brail 3 31 in .1 oil u (IrnraK . IV. A. \>M1iaull... 3 34 .11 3 01 ID SI.(HI1'H. (M'tTKRH AN1> VAIVIA-OII. CI.ARB. K,<yilFh....K. I>. Cowman .1 K li 3 II 43 Niiltia,I....W. H. (Imlaae 3 Z1 77 3 57 U RUHIIK, CIITTKKH AND VAWI«-,11FT. OI.ARB. l>rapiinn..K. M. Proatiian.... 3 CI 00 3 17 .14 llccdli.M..I,. tVulldar 3 33 Ol 3 34*, IS \Viilauuui..ll. B. Sliaon 4 (U 10 3 33 U Tlie Plymoalh Ballen. The Plymouth (Mass.) Yacht Olob spent Hay 00 Id sailing Its anDoal regatta. A large crowd witnessed Uo race. Bununary: yiRKT CLASI. A'dM/. MtunI Tm*. CorrrrlfiX Timt. Ecllpn It-Sn.iltf. lA. I3ai.37>. BECUNDCLASa Blgrld 3 01 PI 1 31 01 WlillaBwaUow 3 01 II I 24 Z) Mlklied 3 09 to 1 32 49 TIIIBD CLASH. Anila 3 05 13 I 13 A ItiintatJoho 3 10 >7 1 SO It Frolic 3 37 31 1 45 S KUURTII CLASS. Major D 3 07 >7 I 37 31 E. B. Woaun 3 It 31 1 32 » nlMyOIri 3 13 SI 1 31 » Elian B 3 13 04 I 35 14 Hue A 3 14 H 1 35 40 PuriUn 3 14 10 1 U 49 rimi CLAsa Dolphin 3 08 47 1 23 40 Naiallo 1 13 U I 33 41 Fall Rli'or YaclilauieB. Tlio yaclilsiiion of l''all lUver.Uaaa., provided a good (lay's i^iwrl, May 30, which was eujoyed by a big lliroiiR of spocutora and Bcem of yachtsmen. Interest ceniemi In tho work of the now aos., iho Ashiiiiiol and Balnion, A course of sixteen and a huir miles iviis Bulled, BumtDAri: FlnST CLARA .Ytiaif. .4r4u.ll 71m/, (Vmrrcii TIalf. Aahuiitct 3ft.3304.511. 3A.3/ai.344. (:iiapo,|Uiill 1 31 55 3 21 40 Halinoo 3 30 (<l 3 30 01 HECONU CLARK. Uliiral 3 39 11 3 .IS 59 Lllllo I'riar 3 » IM 3 9 08 Narika 3 57 OS 3 52 55 Tholla 3 10 17 3 01 » llnllla 3 M 03 3 01 » y«UI 3 II IS 3 M M Nayado 9 17 US 9 17 10 THIltD CI.ABa Nalllo 3 W 51 1 4S S3 inula 3 59 ni 3 .13 19 VIclor 3 01 31 3 19 39 rOUHTII CLASB. Ilrniar 1 57 .11 I 51 51 Ullda I U 51 I fd M KIFTII CLASS. MaAIIro 1 in 4S 3 OS 4S Idlalliinr 3 13 It 3 13 IS HIXTII CLARB. Pnlnra 3 It II 3 10 5,1 LaJlo 3 13 U 3 13 50 lUniada 2 31 54 4 » U Balling la »ib<Ii Day. TIio lleiiipslcsd Itay Yacht Club held lis opening iTgalla over Ihe club conne ou CrcalBonlh lay, 1. 1., Juno i>, Tlio ihty's sport was rnJojaMe, aod the races are thus suniniarlzed; ►• CLASS. lih'AI. flKHtr. .Iftiial ri«/. rlinrtlrtl TiPtr llTKt«ry....1..l.l()mlakar lA. 4.lia. 31/. lA.4lai.97l. Hlliyl Bolliio I 91 Id I 51 16 RKI'OXD (U.AIW. Bntrll ...C.H.Houlhard.... I 13 01 1 43 35 I'nIl Dr. M'llion I S .13 1 34 33 THIRD CLASS. •Vaw York.T. Mania I » I 51 U P Thb body of Ksmuel S. Iirown. Ibe yaohllng en- filneer who was hint In Ihe Clly of Haverhill, which oiiiideted In Uan-h oir llaniegat, was found on klTitle lieach, Ospe Charles, on Uay 2.', and burled on Bnillh Island, VAi.ivBiit III la l«1ne put In ncloR trim at Cnn- rock, Mrol., as laat as possible, and It Is expected will lie In readlneas for her Irlala during the present week. She will bo lakeu to th« Thanes and Sheet- iiciw in conpelo lo Ihe coming races. (I. II. AMI H. II. Mi nt/ sad F. II, and K. A. Tluuuiwui, coiiipriidng tho aenlitr four nf Ihe Ar- gonaut ItowIng Oiiti, (If Tonintii, Onl., depanM Imni that clly June lolur lleuler, l^ur., where Ihey will rniuiH-ii, III Iho Htniiml irgmia next moslh, Jl'Hii.t.K siiicl: In tbo mud June lo, when an at- Icmpi wan made I(> laiiiiuh ber at Rast Boslnn, Mass. The waya broke and the cradle was mli- Idared, lull It hi thought the yacht can ha launched without iieniunont injury. Tub Marine and Field Club wUI hohl lis annnal cauoa regatta at Uath Beack, L. I., Juna a. Feiaale Bwlsnmlng CliaiiiploaBlalp. Bcmlco NjIs, Hie champion female swimmer of Auslnilla, being aatlslled from tbe tenor of tho communication fnm the lady pnfemlonally known aa Cora Reekwlih, which appeared In last week's Ci.irpn, that Hie latter lud no Intention of making a natch on the terms nienlloned In Iliss Nala'a challenge to swim any lady for the fetnalo obam- ploDshlp nf America, at Ave miles, took down her deposit of liluo on June s, aa the was obliged to leave ihe meiropolla to Oil engagtraoDta. Should anyone accept ber challeoge, lo swim the slated distance for fmm iM lo ti.nn a side. If the ac- centor will signify her eamcsioesa by placing a siiliahle deposit at Ihhi ofllce It will be promptly coveretL ^ The Coraell Ilealey Crew Arrived on Hie Kleoiiishlp farta st Southampton, >:og., June 5. some of tbe parly aamred from sea sickness diiriog Ihe llrat dayn of tbe voyage, but Ihey soon recovered and enjoyed an nnaventful noMsge. Tho ciewfounda nniulieror old CotneU b'olversliy men, now living In Kngland, walling lo welcomo them ushore. The young men were warm- ly cheered as they left Ihe sliln, snd carried with them a papcr,8lgaod bysll the Americans on board, and by nevetal of tho Koglhih passengers, oxpreiq- Ing the hope that Ihe Coniolf boys would return linroe wllh the famous challenge cnp. They arrived aalcly at Uenloy, and took thdr Initial spin after- noon nf 0. They have kept up a aieody practice aloce their arrival, but have uisde no eifurt toward fast going, Tna Atlantic Boat'b docbk) scull crew, comnoacd nf A. A. Iluwlolt (bow), \Vm. Udenwala (ilroke) and Wm. Trenkamp (co.'cawain), will, on June 21, proceed by roll to Oswego, N. Y., to tow from there lo this city, a disunce of miles. Tlioy will lake the following route: Oiwego via lake Ontario and BL lawresce Rlrer to Montreal, con- llnulDj tc the mouth orihe niohelleu lllver, op that aiieam Into lake Champlalo, then southward through Uke George and the Krie Canal, connect- ing with the fliidson lllver at Albany. TnB Akron (0.) Yaohi Club, on May 30. held Ibo niBt regatta ever glvai In that vklnlty. The races were held on Long's Lake. The clius A race, over a course of thres miles. XTBS won hy Rolwrt lAmey's Restless. Tho cbua 0 race was won by John Loiuas* Mystic. A steam launch rrtco over a oil milea counie was won by E. Kaiser's Uastiaway, RoBT. UcCoLLi'H, Ik nlooleen year old lad, will Bill from this port, June 13, In a nineieen foot aloop, for a trensailanllo voyage, irUuh he hopes to ac- complish In foriy-IIre days. He Intends to man Ihe helm eighteen hoiim of Ihe tvanty-four, laying too six hours In Ihe dor time for slaep. Tub Cobnbll nIvv sairend the lossbyliro, on June o, of Ha new 60ft. fatiincli, used by Conrh Chas. Oourlney In Iislalog the crews. While Ihe loss U not total, the launch hi rendered useless for the balance of tho aeason. Tlio original cost of tho boat house and laiincti was$l,0Oi>. Viqi'iHO.n two niid a halt rater, bnllt for II. B. Duryea, was launched at tho lleiresholTyaids, Bris- tol, It. l„ June 0. bhawlH lie shlppad to England lo a few days, where she will conipelo In races this The Tuwer nidgo Yaoht Club will sail lis annnal regatta June n, over the club course, oir Ihisllngs- on-lho-lludson. Tub Olympic Yacht Clob, ol Ibis clly, ivlll inaug- uiKlo ItsBoaaonJune It, with rocaafor sevouclaaaea over the club coune In the lower bay. LAWN" TENNIS. TennU PUtuvs* June 15—ttoMKbauiu BlAtadiuiploDihlii, LongwooiL HaM. Jnofl 17—Cr«K«ot Atblotlo Chb toumuntnt, Brooklrn, ^juQO 17—Nov Jemy Bute cbunplooiblp, Bld|«vood, JuD* 17—PennarKioU SUta chuiploiiKhIp, Herlon, Pa. Juno 17—Conavcllcul Suio tbi.iiiii|oD»ltip touniiuneDt, llirirunt. Jiiiit 17—MUwurl fitAl% chimptoiuhtp tounitDi«DL Hyde Park. Jona 17—MIclilgui Cute cfcatnploniitilp touniuneat, Detroit. Junr 19—Kloi* Countr Teanli Club, opod toumunonL Bn>okl> Q. N. Y. June 23-39-Unned BxtAt* Lawn Teonlii AwocUdon touinamenu chAiuplon*lil|i lo ktlten* ■IdhIob ud doublet ud nilied double*. milUOeipbla, P*. Jiine3C—HUldleHutM ctiuuplooiUilp, Onon, N. J, JuneS^Ladloii' chaoiplonNlp^ rhlleUelpbU, Pa. June I^Nelchborliood UUb IdtIuUod WunuMDt, Vaftt N««10B. Hun. Juno S^NiiIooal A«Mclatl(>n ebomplooiiblpR, Imdlei* •Initlea intl Ooubleii anl diIkaI doublee, PhlUdelphlt, Pk Juty 1—Tuiedo Olub lavluiloa lounumMt, Tuieda H.T. Jul>'t—PAolrtcCoMtditniitlonBlilp tounnment, •loclex, 8tn iUfefl, VaI. Jul! tk-Morria Park T«nn[ji Club iQTlUUoDtounuunenL yorrTiPark.N. V. Jaly»-EM)x Countr COQDirr Club toanumeot, Man- eheBierhj the Ma, Uv*. Jul) 9—^^estern riuublei ohamplonthlp, CIiIu][D, 111. July 9-"' " <—-•- -'—• ■ - • PltUbunt. July 10—Seabriiihl Tenou dub open taunitineot,6M- brlRht, N. J. Julj l^-RochesUr (K. Y.) Tennln Club opeD Uteraa- Julj 21—lAnKvood T«ddI* CInb open touniuneDt, LoDfVOod, HaiA. JuT)r 2^LoB> Uland channtJonpblp. RoulhnmplOD, U t. July S9-N»w York mate chimplonililp. BaratORa, N. Y. aiulrl^Kalio VelUy TranlR Cluli ni*tn iMumainent, Hat lUrtmr.Uo. AuR.ft—tnrliailon tountajnent. Norwood Pirh.N.J. Aug. ft—TourotiiirDi Tor MnMly Hall Challenge Cup. lar lUrlwr. Me. AuK.B-Oi'xn tour at fkirrvnto. Me. AuR. U—Eaiteni Jonbtax cbamploniUilp, Ea*iTH.We»t, Kamcanaeit Pl«r. HI. AuR. 15—rarlt1i,> .N'orlhvfM chaitiplonBlilp loutiiAnieni, Taciiriia, Wa^h. Auc. fi^Nabraika SiAiu chMnplootlilp lounianieni, Dnialia. AuR. SO—WMlcm PrDnrrhanla doublet chaioplomblis Altuonn.—linltcO Ruie«rh«ni|iIonihlp, alDRlea and final donblea and llDal lDlanicliola»ile touioameot, Nevport, AuR. 37—Opaii touTnam^titat NlajtaTa-oQ the-Laka, N.V. Bapi.S—I(uil"oD HIrar Lawn Tennla Aaaoclatloo toar- oanifoi. Yonkcra, V. V. S«)>i. t—Opfn tounaman tat South Orange, S.J. . B*|'l. 7—I'arlllc Coaal chantploDihlji tooraatneDt, dou- and larila*' flDitee, Sao K.irAeI, C^l. Sept. 10—Inifrtintacb.-mipioniMMorNelira-ikB, Kanaas >«a and )l[p4i>url. KaOMnCIir, No. K,>i)t. 10—ioumBni(*Bl al B»4| OniDRf, N.J. Oci, I—InieioilUtflate too main eai, diniiii-lMi^bli^ NewllaTrH.(:t. • a-t^fr^- Till lasiiif taUnd lnter<Tfaiila<ille taoDlarliainrlaQtblp iraa decldidon iliePratl Inatliuta cnume. Bivokltn. on Jana5. R«*ull:Kloril*B-lloMaboD, Brvoklrn LalloRhooL beai.\orurolrt*clinlpPr^ntorT.»^a-l,G-I.Men'B double*—VcNabAn and tkxOwfn. Broohlro Latin SclienI, >eai Note* and Port, PoUitctiolo Pfoparatoty, 6—I, S-e, ,^^•—1, 6—1. TaR Aaat malrh Id lh» Now Bo«Uihl ehamplonahlp tonalilouniaaealwaa plaroU ai ?rev Uafao, Ot, Juoo ilirMuU: CbamplooablpiloRtoa-JohnQowIaiid a. Chaco, 4-^ (-^i~i.9-7t6-4. ConM>UileD Orimth boat Itider. «-l, t-2. iwlih Uili beat U. a arnRloR-Orlinth boat Cirr. J. L. BHRWRRnre an aililbliloo trap ahoot at thBRrosndaorilieParkwar DrIflnR Clob, at ParkrlUe, ].. I.,nn JunoICtattarapKafto kill nlnatr-ilTo lilrda out orone bunOretl provhlod by Phil DulTf. The bird* ware rmthar apoor lot of Ayan^ and Brf w«r nunafod to knvck over olnetrfour witlioutiiinch dltflcaliy. PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAU. Wairtt el Minagen and Periornwn, Open Oateti etc. —S«« Adve rllwinefiU. DRAMATIC. Bolden lirothere want a comedian and other drs' malic people, also musicians and diamasfor their comedy co, "On the Rosd'i will ha tonicd next season by M. B. Hobliuon. lie will open tho season In Bepteni ber, and la now liooking time. A lint clan npeTtoiy company can secnre tho opening week of the Auditorium, at IVirtland, lod. Tne house olfera splendid accommodations and oj- Birtunltles to good atlncUoss. Manager A. I lllcrlsliooklncUffle. TVimllnson's Comedy Co. and Concert Rand and Orcbeatra want repertory people and muHlclniia. Good open lime can lie liooked iit Hobloson's OpeiB House, Clnclnuatl, nnder llcolt A Cumliigs' lusnagemeni, AitiMCtlons can necnre Inoklngn nt tho lUJon Open House, Bbilenollle, W. Va., through (icorgo D. Thompson, msnaner. Kdwaiu N. Hoyt can be engaged, J, 0, Iteeaa Is booking time for the F. U. Opera House, Olrphant, Pa, Unamatlv people are wanted by Ralph liean, IVUl Famons. Jnle Walters Is booking time for his new play, "A Money Order," whlcli U sold to be a strong comedy drama, wrttien on entirely new lines. AtUbeny: otey Sbauiick, Joseph Ulbla<os, Man. rice Iledgea, Alexander B. Builer. 0.11, Johnsiono wants people lor "Our Dorothy" Co. itepertorr people and mnslcbiDs are wanted for Iho lie Ilaven Comedy Co. by Manager Eugene IbMk, He siso wishes to neoiue melodramas or emotional plays with strong pans for leading lady. The New Open Honte, wodswortb, 0., will open Aug .15, Good auraetlona con secare time. Harry C. Franck bss removed bis college of eloco Unii to 137 ^T, Tlilrty fonrth Street, New York. Jelllire and Heard oiTer a new operatic oitreva. ganza for sale, mmpson^s Dramatic Exchange can book atirac- lions and houses eirecHvely. IfVBICAli. A hnmonus, descriptive waltz aong, cnUUcd "I I»ve the Sea," words and mnslu by Frank Cbutch, Is published by \V. A. (illl, Athemi, l>a. It la catchy and hss dramatlo and humorous sltiintlons, with music to match, srranged by a w. liennet, ot Uoa- ton. A limited numlier will be dlantbuied lepra, fesslonal slngera free for one week, with orahesire- Hon If desired. A.U. Knolloireraalaigennmberof comet solos for sale. ■Josle Johnson," a neir waltz, la losned by the Electric Piibllshloa Co, UiUe Arthur (ioir, child comet soloist, can be en- ''finoke A Denton have published "Sliding Down Our Cellar Hnor" for ten cenis to profcsaloDals. , 'Hay I Take Yon lo the Park Tonight!" Is Issued by the Chicago Masle Co. "The Regimental" two step march can be obuined by leodcre of orohcstias and bands, with complete amngemcDls. from I. ITagar, publisher. "Living llciurcs In the Gntle" can be ordered from W.^. Delaiiey. K, D. Guild will furnish three new songs free to professloDBls. Musicians are wanted by J. X, Meloney, Paige, J. ,1. Jenkins, R. Usriow. At Ubarly: W, M. Bchooley, F. P. MInnelll, Geo. A. Ott, I'rof. Ueo. W. aermnln, W. J. DavU and wife, ¥A. I, I'erine, Oblcago ladles' UUIIary Hand, Cart Wendell, Albeit MarUn, UeniT J, Wehnun, of 130 Pork Row, New York, has published many popular aongs, but none have met with the approval ol tbe pnfeaslon as much as OhBH, Graham's lateat enOrt, "After Y'our Wan- d'rings. Come Home." Anawon from proteselonals all over Ibe couniiy predict that It will meet on- donbted success tbe coming scsson, aad that It irUI be the tealnre of all mnalcal coopanlea. VARIBTT AUD KIRSTRBLS. The New Night Owla I)uries4|ue Company will be attncilve aa ever next season, under the inaiiago. ment of Fred lUder. An excellent company hi an- nounced, and all tho Hiagocqulpnieobiand olher accessories are aid to be Brat clais. TImo Is now being booked, and good people can be placed. Ul Heniy's MlnsHels will open In August for next season, completely mted oat with a Iret class com- pany. Managers wishing lo book them shonld coramuulcate at once. Ulnitrcl talent hi wanted. Sborman and Uotlaey's "Htln Klllera" can be booked for next season, "Tho Jay Circus," which Is playing Id San Francisco at preoeul, can be bought or rented, 8peclallles are wanted by tbe Grand View Park, Foiismouib, U, Kid llogaii snd Tommy Qleoroy can be engaged wllh Iheir comlo boxing act, Odcll and l*age nro playing at the Orpheum Tliea- Ire, San lYanchKo. The Klckapoo Indian Medicine Company wani lecturers and peifoimeis. Jim IVne and Ulsa Don Cereldo, riile ciperts, can bo secured lo give exblbltloiu. Atlrocllona can book lime at tho Star Theatre, Uoboken, N. J., nader Sol S. Welnihal'a iiianage- menL Acton' Fntecllve t'olon, Ko.of Boston, wlKhea to hear from managen and perrormen relative to booking time, Hcmbeni ate reiiucsied to comma- nlcoio. The Hintaa, perch and aerial arilsla. Invito oirers. MInslrel iMwple are wanted for Ueach A Uowen' MInalrels. UcUouough BroUicre, RTOlcs<|ue "demons," who are at pieaeut playlncttucceaifolly at the Milwaukee K-tposlilon Uualc Usil, can lie aecured for the Hum- mer. They are re engaged ror"Fantasma"forneil season, Sadie Ijine, baritone vocallat, can Join a bnr- lesnne or comedy company. Uany Budwoith, monologue specialist, lo an en- Urely new act and make up, can be engaged, Tlie tienaro lirothere have closed their Electric Fjilcrtalncra O), and Joined Ihe Uermanla Eleclrio licit (;o. They want people for next season. Sidney R. Kills wants a ationg novel specialty and druuiniera who con aing In r|uanet. Iladley and Man, preseniing a slroog musical act, can be engaged. Specialties are wanted by Elephant Hotel, J. W. Gnura, Joe Bennett, Dr. Tallerday, J, J. Murphy, Herba or Life Co., Dr. Williams, Enreka Novelty Co., Medicine Co., SIg. Baulelle, J. N. Barton, A. w. TTeloan, Manaier. Sotlh and latell wUI present a new musical act next staaon. John A. Flynn announces that he hoMs Ihe sole rights to ihe-DlayB and titles, "The London Gaiety dlrie" and "The Aitlai and Model," and warna against Infringeuienl. At Uberty: The lie Foreests, Seeker and Wilkes, WertZ'Cochnn Coublnallon. lloh Raymond wants a partner for a singing, (lanclog and banjo turn. Calcedo, wire performer, ran bo engaged. Manager Plank U. Carr waiiia a slronix vaudeville and burlrsTiue attraciUin for iba oponlug week of Hie Thcalre rbliiue, llrookJyo, K. D. First class al- iracriona ore lielng bookedat tbU popalar house for ne.Tt aeason. TheFour^:fflpenrsof Moilc can be engaged for tbe Semmer and for next aeaaon, l« Roy and Clayton, In "McOowon's Visit," can Join a good company. Cbsa.Chuisr iraaba parisor forabanjo lasjB. WANTED, (imairFiiiiiiESMKisn For Iht Highly Successful TRAINED WILD ANIMAL EXHIDITION KNOWN AB NOAH'S ARK. A Sura MUnaer. Success Evorywhcre, Coraprlalag iMatilifal collectloa orant- mala, and vtry talghlr tralnni Lloiia B«ara, Wolwea, Kansarooa, etc. Calobratetl WreatlloK Lion, Willi Untamablo Uon, Boxing Kangaroo, tiroupofPerronnlng Llona, WondoTful Ilarhe Kochr, DanoiBB Beitr, Etc, Ktc. Altdreas FRANK G. BOSTUCK, Coney lalaail, N, V. FRANCIS FBRIIAni, Caro ai. Wealeru Print.Co., Si. Loola, Uo. Pliila. Scenic Studio, The larseat Btodlo In America, Juat completed at able expenae. Tbe clicapeat and bom pUce for altkimlnor Bctnery, Uechaolcal Klrect^ Electrical KtTxu anil rixc- tacularprodaciloni. We have oootractd Tor tliafullov- luR hiRli claat tlibva: Joe Opp«iih«lmer*i Spedaculnr Pmlac* lion. rry I , ^ Kd, F*IluaU*«**Whlt« fTrook,** and BereraloUienoD Uieiray. Lot tbomcDaie;we arc prei>arod. HlGHCI«A8CIENDORSRHENT8 FROM ALL OVBH TII&COU5TRV. I cooRlder AHTIICRUORBOL'U) Ibo llnejit Mpeclaeuhr producer aod artUt la America.-J. a. JtKUON, l.yccnn Tlioatro, Phlta. Vnur wenerr lahlcbly coiinnoDiled nberoTor woeo.- MAYIH»\VARI». Juit M Rood and (ton now aa vben wo (Irat silirlod oni. -Kit. Rl'RU. "Whiio Crook, and oUion too numerouii lo moutlon. Write and Get Prices at Once. A Bpeclalty: The bulMIng and llttlnR Dt> of Tliai- atrea, Uella, Optm llouB«a, etc. rmin utaKO to Rriil. Iroo. ItdoeBnotmatierhowtniallorliovlarcornurnnlfr may be, we will iIto tou flrac clam work 1ii erery par- ticular. AddrOM PIIILA. BCENICSTirDIO. ARinuit W. CdKUOlXD, Jianaeer. acer. Ilk I'J. Snakes, Snakes, BoBko*. A larco ar rlvnl of PylliORM and Boutli Aiiierlcan Snakes. AIm> IlyenaB, L«oparO^ JaRuaiR, Tl- , Iter Com. AlilRatora, Jlonkera and ))arav filrda, antt nil kloda 01 unallanlmalanlwayaon bond. A rpecia) aalo of Iguana*, vory nne and cbMp. II. UOILB, '.tiOOiaoiI (ft., Brooklyn, N. V. WANTED, MAGICIAN, PARLOR WORK; PIA.MST, who doaa niurlcal act. No oblrclloa cletrr amalour. KumruorengaKfineni. State lunoKi Kuhiiner ulary; eipeniiaapatd. Addreu HANAiiKK, Room 9, at \\'e4*.^t .Vlrcct, Nov Vwri. AND PABACItCrKB ALWAYS UN II.\MDOR UADK TO onOEB. Addraaa NEW VOIIK AWMMI CO.. l.tIS llroa<l.a.\, N. V. s o E3 isr B n Y roR rnp-ATBEa. malls and ois. rictorlal Itonta ror iiiiiuiim:«. P. M. CIIAUBKBS a iX).. i Lalsht Bireal, K. V. FRENCH RAGE GAME, Fgur Feet Square, Eleht Uonrit; aT«rf dQBinadilno. KDKuUriirlco92S0,wlilt« row lot t-lM. Rntall mactilno, tlx fionoa, $IX UaU J/inc Tei>ter, 9i:. KOOM ^ 30 Ann Blreo^ Nov York. CALL TO THE PROFESSION. When III Near York atopal 211 Baal RiElilaoilUiHtreol, nrar Id Are. Furolilied room aud board Ifilfalrod. UBB.J. BABBOIt.M. Flying Drothore Yau, serial gymnasts, wish lo book engagcmenia. HIce A uariou's Comedians, In "filcDoodle anil PotxUe," wilt InauguiHle their third season ne.vt Fall, Tho comedy will lie mndo inoroaHncllvothau ever, nnd time Is npldly Oiling. Stewart and Morton, who are aaldtobomakliiir n hit at the I'nlon Square Theatre, Now York, ibis week, can be cngagiid, Irisn Comedian warns lo bear from o young lady as pariner. emeus. CIreOB people are wonted by Ixw Nichols. J. II. Bulllvan. Ctaries llscker, Bbowlcs, 1,. \V, Wash- bune. Tucker's Ulant Shows, J. I'aHiciK Thomas OascBilen Jr. wraiita a good etephant. Harry Slrelf, clown, can be engaged. J. II. La Peari Avanls ring acis. J. K. Vetler, circus agoni, la at liberty. >V. F. Klrkhnit wants to boy side show banners. fUSCELLAVEOVS. The Six little TiillOTx iiiipply good Suuimori-lnlli- lug, made up of bluck or Uuo serge In llrsi cUh atjje, for $li,«l |ier »iili. Frank 0. IKHiuck wlalits In Inok for cxlilhliliin hlHSalmal ntirei llon, "Noah's Ark," which Inrliidva a collectlflii uf highly trained animals. He abw of- fers llonji and oHirr aiilnuls for siile or hire. At LIlKrir: LewisC. Ucsaert, agent; F. \Y.AIIcn, pi^is; M. J. Hoxton, stags carpenter. The N. Y. Unllooii Co. want aeronauts. J. C. ITo waiila a stereopllcon, Dr. A. E, Krtlng, a tciit;J,H. \V. TodI, a spring for a rope act; mau- agcr, a canvas, etc, Capl. Paul Boy ton's rubber Bulls and piieuniatli'. shoes can be ordered from the Invenior, J. Hernan Auilon oners several mind reading trlrka for sale. An anloiiiallc clock, possessing many ntirecllvo ■inalltles, can be boiighi or leaned from Prof. Koil- ney. Iir. Veno, president of Iho Venn linigCo., will sell Ihe reincillcs lo any nMpnniUblo leclurers,as per hU card In nuotlier (-olumu. AtlncUona can book lima at the New Openi House, Hlcbmond, Ky.; llenry'n New Opera Uoiiix.', Auburn, Iiid.; Iho Von Uoyite, Port Uyrien, N. Y.: Open llonse, Itiithvllle, Ind.; Lewis County ya\r, Sberwood, N V. For Sale: Magic, by \r. II. J. .«liaw, D. K. Pal.'^i and Marin Durgin; doga, by M. A. Ueehan; idiiu show palnllngs, by Chas. E. tvesion; magic oulBI, by Prof. Hart: anlonsla, by D. Uurns. G. Shindbelm, wig manufacturer, has removed to IH West Tweniyslxth Wreet, New Y'ork. A wild Weal Troupe or other aUiacUou Is wanted at llaoovtr Park, Neridcn, CL Charles U llurilugame * Co. wUl supply a cata- logue of magic goods upon application. I*riv1leaes tan be rested utAtlanilc Clly, K. J., from Aichto F. Collins. UoodivlQ aud llyaa, Idily awliiimer:*, can give aiMiatlc extiliiltlons at resotis, etc. Letter heads are auppUed by lUi-liards and the Craas Itlotlog Co. "Max wanin bin little here lielow," Now, I'm Inclined to doubt It: He tufa liul little; irniilsa pile. And hss to do without It.—irvlA.