New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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240 THE NEW YORK CLIPPEH JCTNE 15. IMPORTANT TO MANAGERS. THE NEW NIGHT OWLS BURLESQUE CO. Will be stronger than ever, and surpass all Its former glories, with everything NEW, NOVEL, and ORIGINAL. 20 different kinds of NEW and ATTRACTIVE LITHO- GRAPHS, also LITHOGRAPHED STAND WORK, 6 complete sets of GORGEOUS 8GENERY, MAGNIFICENT WARDROBE of the LATEST DESIGNS. HIGH CLASS SPECIilLTY AND BIlRLESWE ARTISTS, Selded from tbe BEST. This Show will be CONDUCTED on BUSINESS PRINCIPLES, under the SOLE MANAGE- MENT of the OWNER and PROPRIETOR, to whom ALL communications should be ADDRESSED. If'IrLJEUy XlZDESfL, Care of Springer Lltbo. Co., B. 8. HODGES will be In Advance. 342 W. 14th Street, New York. II&VE OFENina roil a frw PinsT class specialtv Ann BvnLKHtiuB aiitistr. MANAOBRH IIAVIWU OPBH TIHK COMMDWICATK AH AUOVB. THE DE HAVEN COMEDY GO. OPERA HOUSE, EUGENE ROOK, youngstown, MANAGER. OHIO. wahtbd, foh tiir de iiateh comedy co., iuubicianb for banu AND OHCIIEIITIIA. Mail be Ant clM. tVoald aI.o 1» pif ■■«! to tarsrOvm Of>OD RBIPBRTORV PEOPLE at all llinei. Pr«reri>Bcii KlTca (lioui who ran do •troBR •pMlaltlM or plax braai. Addren EUUKNB %0(>K, Vonnititawn, Ohio. SMOKB VP! AND GRAB THIS (HflCK. THE MOST WONDERFUL CLOCK IN THE WORLD. ConUInt 34,000 Piton of WMd, 482 Difforent Klndi of Wm4, Rftprasentlng 46 Different Counlrios, All Intatd In Plclurei. Au1omitl« Figures Work Every Quarter Hour, or Continually, Ad Lib. Took Eighteen Years to Make. Insured for $20,000. '■The most aov^l piece of inerhenlm In (he form af a timepiece lhal bninun hsBde mad brmlni evercnntelvetl mb<I ronalrurletl.^^N. V* 'WORLD. I Am the owner, and ant open to any offer to eell, lesie, or dlipote ofll In any war At a big saerlAce* Not ■nllnble fbr trmrellnc* Dls card forperinanenl museuoi, hotel, ete. Xnyoaemeanlnii bli, encloeftatainp nrfnlTdeerrlptlon* I havea limited ■anber only printed* Address for two weeks only, l*nOF. IIODNKV, I9i Orange Stre«t, New Haven, Coan. WANTED, Second Hand Una Cemprraser, and auall Cylinder. Aleo, Second Hand Bfaglo, cheap. SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE W BROADWAY, N. V., ONE DOOR BBLOW NINTH ST. (FonnerlJ M Ualden Liino), MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS. OoM •ml Bllrer LKom, FrtnuM, BiamRloa, Bum, Tknwls, Bmculoa, Tlnhh, Blilrtii, I'nildlngii, HUM, Wigs, Bboainrt Joirolrj, Tliuutwl, KnuwUlKii >iul Alhlnlic Oood*, Caaliinioni'niiil iMiiRe Hnkcra'auppllcn. KUgiaod Buoon, HlUlarTHnd BouloljTrimuiltiRH. Annoni of ntl kludA tn ontor. Bond fur nUmalcfl. TbtUmwtAMortiiioDtMDd buTloMiiUnk of lUcM itw)dA to l»o fouDtl ftnywhoro. Clrculan (roo. Qooda niiao,D. THIS ACT IREAT FEATURE, Somothlug Now, AKD A NOVELTT. OO mPIAM PAlUaCOIXLE NOE. MR. HARRY BUDWORTH, Th« Kula Kunning Kctntdy Kum, ind SoUloqnlzliie Specialist. NI!WJ<IKF8. h'KWMlKKUl'. NKWIUKAd. AiHl IiIa ttnilnKi abi] irMl ilMcnpllTe fnng. .DlIlM "CIIAHI'IOKII," In alilrr li. Illu.lntriilird .liwl ixinnlu onim rii|lt,vlni I'uilll.tlc lloriia. «llh olM-llIul effKlii, DIXON, KIT7illllllllNII, COKHKTT, BIILI.IVAN. NOTICE. I CARRY MY om Electrical Appliances AND PIXINUS. NOW BOOKING FOR 64 AND '9&. Now Scenery. r. liL OFSHA BOTTSEp "'X'stso""'' OLYPHANX, El«ctrlc light 7 nilm ft«m KrraBlan, Fa. FopuUMoa, lU.OUU. Steam He.L J. O. IlKKHK. ..... MniiDBor. Trollej C.r». A<l<1roHM .T. G. ItlSEl!)!!:, Norniitou, T>n. A POSITIVE HIT. A LEGITIMATE NOVELTY. NELSE BADLS7 AXTD SART MAE NOVELTY MUSICAL ARTISTS AND BELL niNBERS. Om iif lh« (lT..l.iit IllUi .Tor iiinl. tij .nr ind.lfAl tMlii In Hi. VWl. Fttitr iiiiinDm i,n Hi. I'nclllr riutal. Anil iior.r Wl A wwh. Al lllHTly for IIaIm or (Sinlllln.ll«H]^ Hr.l cUm i^l)'. In Aurh.i. H,titkHl M,lltl u|t l<i tlml tini.. Wo rvlura t4i UoR AiiR.h^ <^l., At III. Ilnrltank T1itAlr»,June a), Iwnwo.k*. HAnnu.n wUhlns A nitToll) Ami aq ii|> todAt.nioalr*! lol, »liln». u>al IIIIHHANK TIIKATIir^ Ane.lo., i:aI. "UEM UOI.DRN IIKI.IJI AIIK IIINQINO." WILL A IND TOM, GENABO BROS., Electric Entertainers, lUrc Ju4 ckM«d a nucrfMiriil wa»on of forty weokn. All mIaHoh p«ii1 In lull In Uic rnllnwlns r<x*rl*: l>uVCKnil l^h*, B«)l«rarl and l*ullcr. Ikiit Krotiior, Vim*, L ilnklio, liArry Lavoiie. Pr. Will (lriiitn> Ima hIkmcI «IiIi Dr. II. K. Hp«iioer(Ui»LUUeUlanl) (or llie Humiuer, as Ircliircrend mstimr or rarl)- Nti. 4. (Ipnimiik Klct-irlr Hflt Co.. with IM lollowlnfl roster: Ur. WIIMIiknftm, iMlutor, rnHnauoi notl dkoth itTimctor: Tom <li>iistit. roiiiiirilmiUt; KJ. 0. TouDJi. eontKllui: Olias. i:rM<|>all, tnsalrUtt. WANTKl). Ammih tt^PA, fur (IciiRrn Hn>*.* Klp(lric HlllcrUl^Il^^ KIrst Claas Tervaule r*rronu«rii; nn InraluK lunhpinvr l>lll|<o*lrrN *iui(o>l. HMHtit oih>ii" Hr^i vrfk In KiftMiilwr. AiMreas UH. WILU UKNAItO, CAt« of liornisnls KImIIc Hvlt Co., U |-Kclilr A\r.. CU\<n^o, 111. DlllJMMERS, who miii sing in <{iiiirt«tt«; also STllONCi SINGLE Oil DOUItLK SPKOIALTY. MUST UB A Ni»VKLTY. Call nr wrlti« 8IDNUV U. KM.IH. Amerlran Theatrical Ktrlienge, Abliey Theatre UuUdlng, New Voi-k. m E.FLOWER$,a^:^ BLACK PATTI, FRED J, PIPER, Mile. A. De L«Ktn, Madelalne Martin and JO olhera. In a tJrand flpec- taralar KKtravaganaa. IlllQI y DW'WflMS GMST MSW TnnlhK la Oir On Biutlful Pirttr Cars. Siisoa Opins Eirli In August. WAIfTBDa Pint OUn r*opl«, i»ntl»in» anJ xnod flT*M«r«. No dninkanlB (ol«r«tAl. Musfftr* oi Rool hooMawlahlDf tdplar this Co.. at low am] rwansh|(» isrms, sdJriaJi BEACH « BOWER'S MINSTRELS, tOO Franklin SI, Chlcigo, III. WonM Ilka tA haar mm Bailon Brothar*, Bhatp ani) FUt, H. v. PnuMr. (i»na f^curb, ata BEST THAT EVER OAHE OVER THE PIKE, Vnnl.r Penh and A.rlal ArtUuafth* VTorld, P*r addmt 13« B. Madlwa at,, Okleaga. msm & vm, tlO nZ flREENE STREET, NEAR PIIINCE, NKW YORK. PBMSION Atl.n'WKlil PhiCBS UiAD AST oUi.r b«iH. tVia.. HRAIIDS (DptcIaI CiUlotnii). lor in«n, I7.0D And $Md, IaiIIm $lfiO, nefrro. DOc., dim. ua our prAmlMA. TlOHTfl (our own niAk. and lu* Krtttl), Id Coiuio, OSr. frwluc^l IVom tl.IO): iMTf ralL ihlua«J Cotl«D, 11.75 {mw h«tt*r thAa |1XD wonud tlAlil^j^bOAt J^nid. WonU>l, IIJU:, Blllc^fUa,uld ^IDj ■ ■ 1 (ATmm.lrlrAU), 17.- - PHBABK PAINTS, POWUKRS .od 'Jo. W.airT73D.liu]oalneAchf|iiAlltrAodAln 'ir In roiirdwA. Pula. l.Ki(;M_NEn'B l,*Jlt -- - - - - In Mock, And mik. tu nnl.r In Toiir d (^mm.lrlrAUJ, ^.00. (Wa .r. M>I. AnntA lAr the U. 8.) PArfMt Ullon SATIN HI.iniKRH, M.7»r {13. •I.7M3JII; I.10|i.r». ~ Bl/.I,LI»N ^HINaE.Srnin IKlA. dMP nic A In lOln. ilrop. On«Dwnrk Lacwk RnhlA LACf^ Conln, Bnlllon ~ 8ATIN8. In .T.rr idixl.. Ox. n lUlD. dMV OoM Olmp., novoni, .to. U loch _ J flic. And $IXD A_»Aid. riuniiw, VpiT.inDA T.iTeiATiNHEL BiutCAr:;:, •to. AHnoiu, smfaLDS, iDBLnkri; 8WOR1M, nAOORHS, nlUi Aod DlUioiit ItmtV. JKWELS (In Mtllni; nr irlth liolia). A FULb LINE OP THBATRIOAIi JEWBUiY. CATALOaUE, PRlrES AND RTKnT INrORNATIOM RENT BY MAIL. HOODS BENT 0. 0. U. DEI'OniTS IIE<)UIIU!D OX ALL ORDERS. SUMMER RESORT MANAGERS IIFRE IH HOUETIIISn YOU WANTI THE MEEMAIDS IKEITUNE'B OWN DAUOHTP.RS) GOODWIN and DYAS, IN TIIEtK OWN NOVKL AND ORIUINAL ' FarToctlr ctiutt« and refliiail. loplnictlra and axnutlnit. Hmws iiiitnonK« ainllencM and )■ Inercrr way amooer winner for nnetrallwajR am) siaaintwat Unas ninoloi: Rummer rmiU^ For opao lima, tarma inil full panic- uUrK,aJilrcM BRRTIIA M. UOODWltT. ITI Atlitns 8lra«L Routh Boitoo, HaM. fonnnnont aildtOM, car* of OLiri*ER. No! Yon Haven't Seeo This. A. IVKW SONO, Sliding Down Our Cellar Door, Oy IIAIUIY lUEbVILLK. Proof ctHiles, wlUi orchasuatlon. IOd. We baTe a Tew (irclieslrallunH Ml of '3VEy .A.rL«©llxxe' DontlnKiilAl l«ll>d. I,r DAtT RBBDJr.Jor lOc.OAch, to l>niloulonAl>nnlr. UROOKH A DBKTON CO., Blilh Aronuo And Thlriy-nlntJi Hlrt.t, Ne« York. PARTY WITH $2, FITTED OUT AT tlt,000 EXPEKSE, Collapam Oroaada,elegnnt Opermlloue, CIrrua Oronnda, nealaurantf CaA>, etc.) :ino,OO0 people to draw from; 4U acres en- oloaed. Adareaa, Ibr partlcnlan, J. If. LAINB, Laurel Hill Park, Scranton, P>. Wild West, Trained Animal EiUbitlon or High Class Troupe of Japs or Arabs, FOR >rEEK COMMENCING JULY 1. All.ltT«^ lIKN. MAWAdBB. Il.noi.r Wrk, M.rldwi. UL or lata there has been • person solic- iting perlbnners In Kew YorkacUlmlng tliat he la my brother. I wish to stnte lhat ANY OKB aaking alms and.repr^ aentlag himself to be » relnllve of mine la an IMPOBTKU of tiae RANKBHT KIND. Urotber perfbrmers. kindly tnko notice. Moat nespertfnllT, PRBD Wilson, of Delraore and Wilson. NEW OPERA HOUSE, jVKr cnnpLRmn, m RICHMOND, KY. Only npara lioiiae In cltf. ropuUtlftD, 7,0(0. HaallOR rAParliy. .V0. RTeiTihlnr naw uhI iliat cIsm. O0U017 Fair July 21 tti v. rrPimalora wiutt tn honh an annff^ mant for "opealDii" week. AdJnus WlitTE k HVB\f. mm. m im mm. lOiim., or II1KIV, Taint Id R* of 7. Din, Monksrsaod Blnls, KaakM, AlUmiors or anr gooU banaar. WteSB n>« a few nioie concrrl and side show Monle- W. KKlRKIlARrHRAlLR6AD RKOTB, Waurf>ma,Io«a, June II, Pafatte Bniab Crwek 17, tUfmwtKrry Pnlnt ^^ Montlcelto 19. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, BANJO PIsATSR, Uuat be a foci loud fllnfer, for itraet weik. Tbls com- ruj DeTarcloBas. Ralarr aura. Address Tor one week, lo HBRB8 0PUPB MBDICINB CO.. lalamaifto. Mich. AT LIBERTY, FLUTE AND PRCOLO (BOEMM). 19 YEARS'B.TrERIE.VCe. Jn Helnwl m iMIon. Ad- dnu W. M. BOOLXY, OrM, K. Y. BLACK and BLUE SERGES. Suits to order, $16.50. COLORS STRICTLY FAST. You .111 dnd lh»io to b« tL. moU ctmdtTlshib AultA U> trmTfl) Id for Ui. Bomni.r. We haind ererj caBtoner a Unlltd Stateti floTtmment copjright ^laranlM fer dethes U> wear one jear. Six Little Tailors, •M9 Broadway, opp. P. O. Bow.ry, cor. Braom. St., New York. Sample, and ..If mMaarameBi gold. MBt OB application. AU oi4.n niB.i b« MBt, a. Ihl. flna ha. no ag .nU. Managers, Attention. MR. HOL. H. WK1JSTJHA.L,, Proprietor ind Naniger Imparial Mnle Hill, HOBOKBN, N. .T.. HaTing iMsand tta. BIJOI7, fbrm.rly known a. th. OERMANIA, on a long l.BM, will reopoB th. um«, aft.r eit.B- •Iw alt.ntlon., a. a flnt olaH vaBd.Tlll. hoBM, BBd.r th.tltl. of th. STAE THEATRE HaaaK." controIllBg gMd harlmiB. aBd variety attraction, ar. lavllwl to writ. A>rop«Btlm., SeaMn op.B* Ana, IS. Ma.tlBM. .T.ry day. SOL, g, WBIHTHAI.. IF TOU NEED A Letter Head, RE WOULD BE PLEASED TO BEND BAMFLEa ' CROSS 31B DEARBORN RT.. CHICAGO. CORNET SOLOISTS, ATTENTION. I HAVE POR BkLB OVER I.OOO CORNET flOLOS. Arnoged for comet, plana orchoAlm and full iDlllUrr iMiM. Tills Inclttdea all of ifie Ut» Waller EnerwD's col- lecUoo. Addreaa A. a. HWOLU Brie. Pa. WANTED, TO JOIN ONRECBFTOFTELEGIIAH, In Good Lmkiii^ Higli KicUi| Sliri DiKn, For ooQcert and to ride pande. Aaswar quick. 810. BAUTELLB, MaoatterBautaUe * Bvafa Olicua, Jane IS, Tliursday, Cauklll, N.Y.; It, Prider BauRtrtlea, K. Y. II, Batundar, Btngmoo, N. T.: 17. Mr N. v.; IB. TSindar. Wew Falla. M. Y. koDdsTt RoaaDdale, rieoaa. The lad lea are all »mm1 .plarera, and hate a floe permoal appeiuaoea. Their nnuoTiDS are black, trim, med with noM brsM, with Bre doxao ROld noantad but- tons nn eachdresM waUt ITre apes are bla^ brondcloUi. cut mlllteTT fashion, Ilaed with relKtw satin, and lilaok hatji, with yt-llow osulch feather*. C. P. MUNRO, Man> ager.a*4 (Irand Arintie,'Chicago. 111. MUSICAL WONDER. Little Arthnr Qott, TIIE 0 VB AR OLD OHII.p COIUBTTI8T, B.1I.VW1 tolm th. rouDKMt dilliTlotJie Cnllod BUtM tdArlni; eom.t b.rore Ui. pulilie, can tw .dkarwI hj good comrAny for concrt work. PLaja popular ud chaiIcaI muAlc Por partlciilAni .ddrwi W.TI. OOPP, CoBBoll Blngk. Iowa. NnTtlcks. New 100 Page Pictorial Citilogna, wlih piciarea of UudlDg profeasloDala. lAtwt Buiopaan noTeltlea, macla second slghtaBd antl-aplritoallan, op todata. Send Uceaiff rorsame. Nofreelist. W. D. LR HOT, tm Court ftcraat. Bft^tne. Masa. Wantid, Perforaiirs That D« Tlirae or More Turns. No fanor salariaa. Wepayallexpcnsea. Vaffoo Bhow. Tliroe nlalitataDda. Mujtjoln at once. Little Tom- mle WcmmI. EQreliaN(>TeltrOo..Or<en RlTar.HenrrCo.,111. WANTED, FIRST CLASS PERFORMERS, Rloftle and Double Teams. Rone hut Rnt cbaaoeed applr. Also Ladf Perfonnftn, Bong and Duos Artlala. P. Box 9. <IUy8 BlTBRginK PAVILIOW. (llouceatet City, N. J. WANTED, ONE LARGE MONKEY OR GORILLA. ALSO, A LOT OP SNAKEa BUM klirHt prio. InOrrtLtur. 0. P. BEAMAW, Altontle, Iowa. Wanted, Tent, About 30i60; State Exact sIm, condition and the LOWEBT price; slso RmCt Tenlji. Addr«MDn. AflNOLDE-ERLINO, llayAeM, Mino. MISCELLANEOUS. OPIUM S Norpblne Habit Cared In lU to mA dajp. No pnj till cnnd* Dr. J. gtepliene, Cobanon, 0« ftIA Van Pm*I detect our oevlj dlscnTortd. Im- Ull lUU Wlll-I ponad Remi from real dlunonda. nil.R'^ldatWorhl'MFalr for lift. A handsome aoll* ■■VI laire rino, stud, lace or mrf pin, aoltd nM, br Eip. 0. 0. D. for 13. PrltlleiK of examlnaUon; eharm prvpahl. Cstalone ofitenui, wstekesandjewelr? rree.intarDatltinainemCo., l,4S)MuoDlcT*inplei,ChlcagD. JUST THE THING. A Bonk coDtainlnii fall iDstnictlnoa needed br ererr p|<ort and theatrical penon. Rent rosi Mid rorSOciii. (all.). II. P. PRICB A CO, PorlUad, Or. ID0N1PAYACEIT<aT SEE IT. ODrlsteetlmpDrtalstODS puialof dIeuDODd experts. Yon cannot detect trom thecvnulne. 7^ iQUodDco t^ls newstODO ve wlU sood for 30 dsjs this ring or ilnd b70iprc8aCO.D.(DT|i-&s^ Yoa tiamla*. If e)4«q«sl laspMrtDcatD a ■MrlDirdMilliksIL l/selbfatUtTpa] ^^^~th9 sml Or' ' ■ 1111111. OiiaWlUDrttrAfi ■AnoliLIOBBNCO. IMH SI 65^ .IbfatUtTpar Ordir qvtcL W —.JM. CUwiffMPna. il« Twpla, Cbkac*, DBaalh t,„..Women'-45. and Worn en only An tnort eomptiait to follj sppncUta Ui« parity, (wntiicai, ua delicacy of ConouBA Boat, tnd to dlacorer new dm. for It dillj. In the fonn oC wubea, mIdUodj, eto., for dlstraMlng Innimmilloia, tnltAtloiu, uil wetkmsee of th. mneou mcmbnne. It has pioTed ooet gntef ol. Cuncumi Soap appcala to the leBned and enltlTatad eTeiyiilMn,u the moet eflectlT* ■klDpulfJrliigand hcaatlfylogsoap.asweUai pureataadiveeteat for toilet and bath. M4 Ihramhm a. wnU. BiUUk dopeli T. Vmw- • lAT a BAAa I, Rlnff Bd«Vd..t, 1.0.d0B. k^TT.I Dm. * r.... ro.R.. ««U ^r^, Dmlnn, II. A. A. z COE. YONQE A OO. 9 B. aurAC Tiww or 0 WALSISa 0A1IB8. a luporten of OIFTLSRT. M Hats the laraert line otJeweliy.No- M Uoiu,NoT«luei,Ao.atloweitprloe.. A OoadiroiBlReliiicn,AactJoneenand 0, Agei)ta,Oane lUckauid Esir.SlaDda if aipcclalty. Illasii'ldOatalotuerree 3 TOO Waiblngkn «>• ST. lOUIL MO. THE DANDY. m BICYCLE CLUBS. Tnttj Pin for cap or 'cosl. iRf Ham4, not morethsnlrn IctUrs. SMrrrnslc,2>c.,doi. 12.6ttfllnf,3k.,dei. |U0 Caislopw rrM. MonAEeKEEI.RqWfg. Jcwclm. ATnr.»t>so, Mass. THE yOST EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURERS OP BILLIARD and POOL IN THE WORLD, IHE BRUNSWIULKE-COLLENDER COMPANY, No. 860 BBOADWAY, NEW YORK Newest and most elegnnlslyles, wltb the UNEQUALED MONARCH CUSHIONS. Billiard Materials, Cloth, Balia, Caes, etc., of onr own mannl^ctare nad im- portallon* TUE BBUKSmCK-BALKB-COLLENDER CO., Chicago, ClBclooatl, BL Loul", Baa PtucUco. A. GOODRICH, LAWYER, !S»?J.'.-?o'.-i?»°' legalaadgnleL Brapcheaapd laelllUealootherBUtai. DATTCDV U/nQVCQC Btnd U cenU for saotple of Ui- DJIIIuil TIUnKCnd ertthloKinfortuoeaaodniiture husbands. BATTERY PHfYTO. CO.. Box aS. Eden, Pa. THE ONLY STONE] THAT BAPFLE8 ALL. TTieae are the gemi that creatsd such s •aoMlioo amonit the cob- ooliseon at the WorM'i Pair, sod since bare ponied tbeseientlSo world with their peTfacUoo end brilllanc7. 6BKT FREE with priTlleRaofeiaiDlDsUoa. Pntrea- slonaliataa. For fbll partleaUrs addreai H. a BODEIN A CO., 3U Pwboni Htieat, Chlcaico. I jAMBESi Diamond) EDB[Uin> E. PRICE, Counselor at laaw^ NEW YORK CIJFFBR BVILSING, IB AMD O CENTBB BTBEBT, Row York CUT. Pr*<llc.laAllUi.Cc.rtAOWU ud OrlmloAL BmcUI AUADUODfriTW to Ih. oolHctlonof olAlni. ud dADUof All IdDdA, th. pr.pu.tl0D or AgTMiBwtA And olh.r IcgAl bUllQMA, MAQIC UNHRNS WANTED fUPMm HABBAOIl A CO., 8» Plllwit 9t. PhnAil.TSitA,T%. WnsnCRrill l lO nnu U PRAHE HARBISOH, nuHucnruLi BoMOB.iiA«...MidM.whAt>onwiupt> A.NTI-WXIFF' IS AM AB80LUTB HEOESmr TO TBS Atblete, Buers, Spartssaa. Sold br DrantlttA And SportlDj^OoodB Cyclist, Toirlst udBall Pillar. Frio. Jtto.; 9c Boi. Tnlnon* Blw. •I. HoMolBadoii. In BTRENaTOEKIIia TOE HDBCLES, K POUQERA A CO., S) N. WllllAm St.. N. Y. FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND Per tbovaod $3.00. PUTUBE CO.. Tl E. ffilrUeolh Btreet. Wew York. TO BE POSTED RE^I> THE CLIPPER ANNUAL FOR- ISOG. CONTAININe RGCOBDS IS ALL DE- PARTMENTS OF SPORT, INCLUDINfl CHRONOLOGIES COB 1894, AQDATIC, ATHLETIC, RACINe AND TBOTTDie EVENTS, BASEBALL, CRICKET, BO.. LLABDS, ETC. RECORDS OF FAST- EST TIME AMD ALL BEST PEBFOBS* ASCES. ILLUSTRATED. Price 26 Cents. -A.ddress THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, inew YORK.