New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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OmagHM, UN. Iv Iki IluK <lima FabOaiat Ooaomr (UalM.) FoundMl -bf I FRANK QUEEN, 1893.1 NEW YORK, SJ^TURDJLY, JUNE 22, 189C. (VOLUME XLIII.-N0. le. I Priet 10 Ccnti. THEWOLDiTBOWERY PIT. * atLLmr aoo't ncvimi. vmi m Km thi hbw tork ctirm, BY HARK MEBEDITB. Ub, wiMra tn itu <Uj> wben we hndM To ctplom tbe pitca tor > neatt Ota, vlwra tn Um boys wbo thao btiBtlwl In Bono coay comer to neec r Dont epesk ot tbe pliyB of tbe praMot, Tbej bck eveiT veadge of wit Or toni tbiUllbg power—tboae were the i)»l<lea We nw-ln ttae old Boweij pltl All gone are ttae ftcca tb*t cbaimed na, Ibe miDtca we fondlj admltcd; nerolceatlut birlr alarmed ua \nib trmgedj darce and Inaplred. How obaoged are tba pla;a that tbe cilllci Wilta ap now, ibiaogta whicb people altl ner woDldn'l bave beard tbem In tboaa da^a xre nt bi the old Bowetr pill "Sleatorlallondll" Ob, never Tbe glov ot tboae daja will retain I (some acton I aee, now, are clerer, Bat, obi tbey bave muob yet to tearni aire me tbe cold ebllla down nir aboulden— Ibat ataowa joo tbe aolor la Ot; Tbe Weird and tbe gnnd melodnnua We nw Id tbe old Bowery pltl THE SIL ENT PA RTNER. WRimi* rOB TBB MBW TOKK CLimB, BT LULD FRIOR. Kj fatber wm once a wealthy morobaot of New Tork, In (act, one ot tbe moat pnwpenui In tbe dC' cade Jiiatpreceding the gr«at Rebellion; botowing to hia onfoituoate poeseaalon of too bigh a eenaa of bonor, and tbe cnldvallon of a ocDtlmental quality ot bonesty tbat waa moot unbnalneaallke, be was rained, and paused tbe latt yeara ot bla ll/e In wnlched porerty. In IblR >tat« be bad a complete renlBlonof feeling,and, Inaplred byUttertbongbia, gave me a tborongb builnesa education. In wblcb all tbe weak polnta In bbi own cturacter, wblcb bad pioved tila rain, were carefnUy elltnlaated So, wben tw died, and 1 foand employment at an early age In tbe loweat poaltlon In tbe Immonae lm< porting bouaeot J. B. Ralaton, I waa well prepared for Itaeatnggle tbnngh tbe rack ofclerkaauduan agem to tbe top poaldon. Juat aa my fatber bad aald, I noticed tbat tboae young fellowa among tbe clerka wbo taeld polula ot honor and practiced then tell to the mar, while Iboea wbo were blatant about tbat qnalliy, and aiolded Ita practice aa mnch aa tbey conid, were atwaya on a proeperona adrance. Tbla ityle of thing being In accordance with my tnlnUig, I lelt pertectiT at borne, and before ten ytaiBbad paaaed Ibad found meana, fair or fool, to clear away all wbo nloodlnmy path,and had aatmy' aelfdlnoUynodortbeeyeof tbefourtlmeamlUlonalre wbo waa at tbe bead of tbla enormooa bualoeaa. Between meand Ur. Ralaton waa only one obstrnC' don—(he raperrlalog manager ot ihta vaat con- cern, I being bla aaalelant; bat bo waa a gray beaded, alow movtog old fellow, eo 1 did not worry. I kB«« I conld buBile bim ont of tbe way wben I willed, and I did. I bad only to bring nut bla weak polnta ao tbey would ebow sallently to tbe chief, wbllal I Blood ont In brilliant anitheala. Tbla took two J care OBore, but It waa done thoroughly, and I fonnd myaelt aeeurely planted In bla place, wlih amblUon ojglng me to dlaplaceeren tbe higher aalborliy. RalatoQ waa Ihe moat anaploloui man 1 ever knew, I don't bellere be evor trnated anyone Impllclily, not eren me, althoogb I held a certain eway orer him for the tre yeara I waa the manager of all bla Interale bere and abroad. He waa a tall, atblello man, wbo bore hIa Otly-flre yean well, with ■ great, buaby abook ot aottgray hair, dark brown tjm, a clear cut pronio and a bandaome, manly face. Ula voice was aolt and me- lodlona, and had a aort of purring, fondling quality wbleb loould never qnlte reconcile myaelf to. U Mghtened me with tbe fancy that It might lull me to Bleep Bome Ume, wben I might talk and tell all my tbonghti, my hopea, my plana, my deareatde- alieo. ret be waa a good man; I knew that, for It was I who made oot the checka wben be conMb- nted to his chnrch and other obartdes, and bla talk was alwayaao highly moral and bla amile ao grave ly iMnlgaani, Still, I remembered tbe leeaona ot my father and thought all ihia was very nnbnalneaa- Uke If It were genuine. Well, be aeemed to take to me in tbe coaiae ot twoorthm yean, and Inlraated not only all bla bn^can but aomept bla penonal aecreta to roe. Be bad a vtiy l>eantltnl wife, a goigeooa cnatare otaboatihlcty^lgbt, who had a very unbttalneaa- like babit of appearing In front ot the once about tvrlfje a week In a ooacb diawn by two proud bones, with a amng coachman and a Ult noacd tootDan on tbe twx, and dragging tbe flim away to dinner with ber at a down town natsurant, where ahe conM aee only men and no women at all, for ah« leeaed a conlrmed woman hater. Tbla spoiled cieamie led Ralaton about preuy mocb as aba pleased, and her extravagance waa aometblng avrfal, as I knew from the bllla tbat paswd nnder my eye, bni tbey never evoked any protest fioD my irbane and lienlgnsbt employer, sndaoeveiytblngwenthappUTwlib ber, and with him; too, aa far aa ahe waa concerned. Be waa abnwd, abarp, pinching and mean with everyone elae, tbongb, (or be was thoionghly a man of boil- oeai,'and bla heart, Uke mine, oonid be, and waa, one ot stone In aD Ihe Innaacttona of Inde. well, as dme vrent on I taataned myaaU aimer to my employer day by day, and wedged myaelt Into his Ufa doaeraodolossr; ao I waanotsnipiltedwbeB be nnally began to conlde hIa aecnts to me. Then waa one especially, a meat nnbnaloeaa Uke one, that put bin completely In my power. He sent me one daytoTtslta young woman wboas name I know still ka KSjy Elwood. Be lived uptown la one of the croas ainela between Sevsnth and BIghih Avenues. Ibere waa only betieir, ber Invalid mother and a servant, and the boose they lived In, which I afurwarda leaned Ihey owned (I suspect It was glra tbem by Rslatog), waa one oC Uioae tiro stoay 4etasr wtidow sAtn wklok wire aoes ss|)MllMlB VsvTert. I bad to Cm* <• than every month sn envelope containing a hnndrod dollars, wlih tbe tutement that It was from a gen- tleman wbo was Indebted to the dead uncle of the besuUfnl young woman, and the biother of tba pale, alck one. It was my duty to employ uct aof- tclenl to defeat the cniloaliy, and tn ward oir Ihe qaealloss ot these women, and you may believe I did It In a bualneaa like manner that quelled all tbelr aentlmentallty and put na on a proper tooUng. What the magnincent Mra. Ralaton would bave Ihcugbt ot thia little bualneaa innsacUon 1 could Botaay; but I did a lot ol conjecturing and wonder- log when It waa all to be fonnd ont, and wben tbe exploelon waa to coma, and, moat Imporlantof all, where I sbonld Qnd myaelf after the shock of tbat log waa duaty and atalned, and bla ahirt front waa crampled and aolled. A heavy gold watch chain bung In a gaady curve tiom a buttonhole In bla walaicost to a aide pocket of tbe aame garment, and Ma whole air waa "loud" and llaaby. "I tbink he'll aee me," replied tbla person, poablng ■he clerk aalde and ahuning along lowarda the private odice with a aort ot nil In bla gall which I bad noilced aa peculiar to certain lonngen ot tbe Kaat Side atreet coraen when tbe policeman com- manda tbem to move on. I caat a algnlOcant look at the big asfe, and Ihe iMwkkeeper cloaed It aa I atepped oot to confront the vldtor. 1 Intercepted blm Juat before the door of tbe private offlce. aialn, thIa lime widely, and RsUton, veiy pale and with a deep frown on his uaually placid brow, called me In. 1 found tbe atianger lying on the praaied leather lounge, amoking one ot Halaton'a best cigare with the air of one at bome. "Mr. Oaner," aald Ralaton, addreaalng na In a Tolce that bad a tremor trying to force lis way Ibraugh Its unnatorel dnnncM: "Tbla perann la Tbomaa Jobaon. ne la my allent partnor In tbla biialueaa, and I wlah yon locredllhlm wllbthe In- come on any per cent, of the capital." I waa ataggeied. I conld not believe I hoard aitgbt, and I made hlu repeat It. "Ky illent partner," aald he. "ThIa mnat tie known to no one hut na; It mual be a aecnt," ezplosloo ahonid have anbalded. Tbla made ae think deeper than ever, and keep my eyea open wider than ever to my own chances, that I might feel oonaoled, wbalsver mlgbt befall, with the n- Oeotlon tbat I bad not tailed In my bualneaa Inadncia to the last BdU,Ibad no Ibongbtot ntnalngtblariikyofllce, for tbat wonld have been contnry to my mining and my princlplea; so I went on for about two yean, conveying the money every month, and getting mj receipt ngalarly. TO apeak traly, (began to feel a pleaaure In the vlalta, for tbe younger woman waa a most cbanilng penon, and In ber Ingennoua waya waa a conatani threat to my bnalnea atablllly and nnasnUmenlsl rale of life. Bat, closely aa drew my relailona wlih Ralaton, be waa veiy careful 10 conceal from me tbe reaaons tor bla Inteieat In tbla yonnx woman; nor, Uy aa I might, conld I diacovar tbem. It waa all aa pnfoand a mystery to me aa It aeemedtobe to Hrs. Elwoodsnd ber daughter, no- leaa, aa I somedmes mapecttd, they were all deeper than I thoogbtand wen deceiving me bi the meat hudneaallke manner. Everything went along In thIa way, smoothly, for s long Ume, snd my bland employerwent pnrving along hla convolnted biial- neaa path In a genubie atmosphere ot mercandle bappUieas, In which I shared most Ubenlly, of oonne. One day, tbongb, late In Bammer. when tbe clerks were few In the pisoe, and hnatneaa was Iso- gnlahljig, then cams another oompUeatlon to helgbtm the Dyaterr, and to pnole m« atu rnr- her. Mr. RalatoB was In Ua offlce prepailng to go home, bla cab mldng at the door, and I was hi oooaoliaUon with a bookkeeper, wben I beard one ot the clerka aaaweilsg acme demand of a vlaltor near tbe atreet door. 1 heard the clerk aay, "Mr. BaMes will see no one at thla bonr." Tbea li a ug e i was a aboi^ thick set man. with a red. Moated (aee, mall gray, watery eyaa aad a Oat, Imad aosa. AUfeoogh he waa wen dnaasd aa tDlhaeat and natsilaloC U<(alnsDlB,bls«lo<h- "ioe Ralaton," aald be; "I want to aee blm." "Ur. Ralaton cannot be aeen until tomorrow after eleven," aald I, firmly, and with a certain dignity peculiar to me In hualneaa bonre. "Oh, look a-bere, now," prnteated the stnnger, coarsely, "Joe ain't a-goln' to pot on no ain with me. Tell blm Tom Jobaon'a Jnat come back from Eorope, and yon aee bow quick bell ]amp at me. Tell him that, young fellow, and see how It works." I waa about to repeat my atom ultimatum, wben tbe door iMbind mo opened and Mr. Ralaton ap- peared. "Let tbla penon come In," was all he aald, but It waa not In bis nansl aofi, purring tone, and blataoe badloal Kb amooth, tieaddo expreasloiL Ita lines were now bsrd dnwn, and ibe lips saby pale and dimly aeL There waa a glare that waa almoet wicked In bla uaually aoft lirown eyea. "Hello, Joe I I knew you'd aee me; I told 'em ao," croaked Ihe vlaltor, hoaistly. "Told 'em my fume waa Jobaon, too—Tom Jobson—and they wouldn't hsve IL AInt tbla a anrptlsa, tboogbr We're alwaya a aniprlae to each other; like the Ont dme we net—ebr I knew you'd be all took aback by It, bat bere I am." Ralaton, wbo aeemed dated, anawered nothing, but motioned to the vlatlor to enter, and dosed tbe door after them. Oere waa a atate ot things I What conld It meant I couldnt come at It, even remotely, with all ny foeaaea. I tell that then waa somMhlsg sailona, and poaidbly someuiing very wrong. In all this; but lost what It was, tbcre lay the myatair. I hunled away the few loitering clerka, that 1 lalabt Bnd excnae to loiter myaelf, and Uatsn, U oppettanltj offered; bnt I need not have Uonbled mysslf, for In a few mlontea Mr. Ralaton, opening Ihe door only • few Inchea, requeated me not to go away OBtll be should see me. Then be ahnt the door dgbUyagaln, and I eat down to wait and Uaten, bnti oonM hear Dolhlng bnt the low hum et tbtU volesa. Uveas tnn hoir babn ths^bMrlwis opmtA "For vsrlcua resaona, eh, pardi" aald Ihe rough Tbdlor, without lialng from bla easy poalUoii; "reasons Ihst ault both of ua. Yea, we're got our secrela, and Joe aaya you can keep 'em dead qalel, Mr.— Oh, my, wbat'M your front name t Idon't like to MUler folka, nor have 'em Milter me; It ain't sociable. We're goln' to aee a good deal nt each other, and wo want to he on good teniu. What la 111 Illremr Ulnm Carter-well, Ibat'K real aolld and old faabloned. Now, III., you want lu keep thla to younelf, Juat aa If you were one nt our pain, and were In tlie game wllb ua. You undoretandr" I taned from tbe coarse ranian to Mr. Malaton. "Sir," aald I, "I ahonid prefer to bave tbla In writ- ing fmn you. Bo Important a mailer —" The vtallor apraog to hla teeL "No wrlllng," aald be. "Yon're alwaya getting In tronble when your wrldag's fonnd. That's no way to cover your Incka. in aign nothing, and neither mnat you, Joe. Thewordof Iwopardalaegsogh." "Yon ahall be pnucled. Do aa I direct," aald my employer earaeaUy, but avoiding ay aeaichlsg glance. I conld bnt obey, allhongb hen wu a violaaan ot all boilneas principles Ihst overthrew me com- pletely. I obeyed mechsnlcsUy. I (onlshed the new partner wllb a hnndred dollan, be refualag a check for a larger anm on tbe gnnnd that be wanted no tronble with Idenlldcatlon In Ihe banks, and, anyhow, be pitteired to have only caah deal- iBgB with Ihe dm. I aaw Um akolk away down lbs dark atraat, I law lalatoi), pale, bnt rigid, flm ot tnad, stsp laic Us tab and whin away, and went bome las dnam, so wondeifol had Iheas events appcarad to «. For the anooeedlBff M nontha Jobaon aaed to make na a vltft ones a toitalgbt. lie had a way of aaaaUng In, always as the borineaa of the day waa doalBg up, and after an sxclled Iniarvlew wltb Balstsn woold InvansU/ stop to chat with as la ay oOee (or mmniam a baU hou. Us was a moai illagiiailug viKllor, and Ihe one element of nn- kapplnoaa In my life. Ilo waa gononlly "ahort," anil ilomandetl largo aunu nf mom<y, which he got, and thla fact, ao unliualneH like, ao riilnfiua IndMd, was, I liellevn, what made nie hale blm moat. Ilia ilrnmndn were cnnalAnlly growing, and I foromw mat ihcn might conioa lime when bo might shake Iho ri>Mn<Ial|nnM nf the great Irnile which I had U- boreil ao bant to bulM up. I wita Ino nhroHil tii aiirsk Ihmo Ihnughia, how- ever, anil ho, thrniigh Inng niuocUllnii, liegan to like U10 and lo make nie hla mnlliUnr, m I have no- ilced mngit men do when I let canicrtlly at work lo win IhrlrconililBnco. which I iinvor do, of course, iinlMS I Ihink lliore Is minelMni In It for mo. Well, - I thought I mw aomelhlng Inlhla, and I aet aboni making myaelf sinesMo to tbe gny headed old radian (whom I wnulil gladly have kinked Into the aireel hail nut liualnaaa policy forlililden), with tbe nunll than I liegan lo loan Ihlnga that nnrprlaed nis more and ntoro. One fair Oi-.tnber day, I nmemlier. Jnhann came In wlih bla uiiial anmblng, furllvo air, Juat mis- alng Mra. lUUInn an ahe swept nut Imrtni oiT ber hualiand In triumph In illniier, In her grand ohariot wlih the amug onaclinun and the proud honM, lie limkcd nller them aa tboy ilrnve away, and then anoahed, chuckling, In me, aa I ant In my nnice. "Aay, that wife of Jnn'a U a pmud una, ain't abef" he aald, aa he flung lilmaelf Intn a chair; "I like tn aee such penplo look dnwu, don't yniit And It makca mo laugh when I Ihliik how cany It could be ilnne." I amlled foelily, in ntnck ilopreoailnn nf hla tbirat, HHd then turned Iho aiililent tn ImalnDHa In my mnat nilmlteiylo. Hut ho declared liodldn'twantiiionoy Jiiit then. Ilo had i-nino In talk nvor a mailer wlih lUlalnn whlnh Invnlved a cnnahlomliki mm, and, nlihnugh II waa nutalde nf hla pnrliionihlp agree- ment, he knew I ahnuld have tn knnw all alHiiit It, an he did nnt nilml giving me a pnlnfer or two. I waa all urliane atlenllnn, eager tn learn anmolbing, fnr I waa aim milly In the dark In rrgKnl In hUnla- tlnna with my einplnyer. Thla la Mm way lie iMmni "Hay, 111, what would you iln If ynn was In the Jug lu a fitreiKU coiinlryand ynu tnlilapal where ynu bad annin awag tnirlod nver here, and when his llmowsauphe aneabod nit and Irlcilln takeltall fnrhlnelfl" TbU queallon, auililenly pmjei-ioil at me, con- fiiMd inyMiiiaoa itiiinplofoly, nitd I hail barely lira aclf-pnaaeallnli In ataliimor that I waaiure I didn't know, fiover liuvliig iieen In auoh anaggmvallng padllnn. "Well," he went nn, "It wnuld make you feel like iiiiinler; ynu cnn Iwl ihi that, fnr I am teltliig ynu, and I kiiiiw. Well, I'vo lieen biinflnirn pal wbn'H mean enough tn dn the Irick, nr aomelhlng like II, and If I dull hlin I'm likely In cnme praify near kllllii' Mfu. Ii'a liioky I'vu gnt gnnd frlonda In Ral* alon iiml ynu, for when a chap gela liilo lhat hind ot a aontpu he waota pleiiiy nf money arul reapeolalils bnckliig." lie loaned liack and eyoil fno oomplacoiifly, whilo ail Ice cold clilll nu up ami down my lisukl>oiie. Wbttianrtnf cniniillcnllnu waa tlila I waa getllug mjaelf lutoT Anil where was 1 In end wlih lit The amlrklng ruinan'a wnrda chlllril my Itlond wllhhiirrnr. Hut Ihe end waa ikiI yol, When he had atuilled fiiy lace a Inug llnie, I laliorliig the while l[> uiitreiil my ofiinilufia, hla rui«niier uhanged tonne of deep ennimfrieaii. Ilo amae and cluacd the dtmr wifli a kunii glanro hi thnjaiitlnr, who waa pfuwlliig alMiiif ainnrig lliu ili-aka lu llie great count- liiir nMim.Hiiil tliDii, irniiiliigimok anil leaiilngun niy nhair, lialf wlila|iorcil: "Tliai'a the inape I'm lit at llila blnaod uiluutel lllKllI" I liail apriing In iiij foot wllli an uxclatoalinn ot terrnr. "Ihialllll Hliilnwhi liiih'l liiw yniir lieaill" aald hf. "Thatfellownui ilii-ro canae«you fhriiughihe gUm pNillllnn." I aaiik iHirk InlnmyiicHt iiitorly duiiilifnuiiilrd, ami lio want nn, allll In lili hunky, carrieat wblaper: ITU na UIKTINUBU.) THE CROW WAS LOADED. Dick waa driving a tunnel nn a ledge hack nt hla caliln, and waa In ilio haiill of leaving a alluk of giant p«iwd«r nn a rnck In a aunriy place at Ibe mnutli of the tunnel Uj thaw out. On aoverwl oc- caalnna when he wont to gel hla powder It had niyaiartnuBly diuppcared, anil llick ciriioluded to watch prnceedfnga and wait fnr tho tblef. He laid the atlck of pnwder lu Ha uaual plaqe.and had walled iiiit a ahnrt tlino wben he aaw a raven II out of alreeand iwiHip dnwu u|hmi the explo- sive. Tlie liird tiire at Ihe Uiugh paper cover iinlli II could got at the powder, then liegaii greoillly In devour II. Olaut powder la maile up of nitro- glycerine, aawdiiit and greaae,atid a irlHile itick of II inakea a very hearty hreakfaat for a raven. Tbe alick had nearly dlaappearod when IMck tboitgbt It lime to avenge hla I'au, and waa lu tho act nf rais- ing hla rids whPfi Ihn raven gave a dedsnt caw and aniee In Ibe air with the renulnder ol Ibe alIck of powder graaped In lis clawa. When up aotno dUtance, the powder allpped from tbe hird'a graap and came tiimiitlng In Ihe griiuud. IHck aaw the powder drop, and dodged t>eblnd a liofilder, fearing It wnuld explode when It atruck the mcka. However, II did not The ravan perched In a tree, and Dick drew a liead and let drive. Imme- diately following the report of Ibe gun [lick waa not a UlUe atartled at receiving qalle a shock sud bssr- Ing a second and louder repon, while tbe air waa lUed wllb smsll bits of nven meat and fealken. After Ibe amokeof balile had cleared away, all that IHok conld dnd of lhat nven were Ibe Ull and cbiws and a bunch of black feailien. The abock ot tbe bnllel paaiing Ihrnugb ihe lilrd'a body had exploded the powder It had devoured.—,/uneBa (AUukP) Hews. Tui UnsxrioniD.—"How mile we know what li In store for ua," miinnured the cabbage, as It burled tbnugh Ihe air. -'A mooth ago I never dreamed of going on Ihe alage."—JYict. Ams nis Bsfus's Wiiioiiia.—Ro natur bow popiUar a yunng girl may lie, nobody "BliMa" k«r atlerabe U married.—JfKlodelpMa Mnrl