New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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242 n^ H W. NIETW YORK OIjIPPER. JlTNE 22. # Theatricals UTEST BY TEL EGRAPH. HoBday in^t'a OptaOagt ia aU «Im Blit Shmr Towm. GOLDEN GATE CLEANINC& R<port( of Continued Good Builne<( on th* PacKIc Coiit, but no NovtKlof PraMntad -Tho Oakland Thaatra to be Raopan«d by R. C. Hudaoa |4|«clal DUpatcb to Th* Kn Toik CI(t>FW.) San riiAS'cisco, JuiioIII.— Altti«ColuinliU"N<nrr A Co.'' Tim prtfenleil lui Digbi b; tbe Fmwicj l>n- nwlli: Co. 10 a well pItaMd andltnct tbat Id num- licra icmed tba capaclljr of tto bouu, Freds Oal- lick nude taor doliut on tbe pnrenUonal ilage Id tbe play. Cliarlniio Nellwn baa Joined me compaDr end win make ber Int appearance lien 24. «n«Mi> Opkra lloi;Bfc-"nie rower of Gold" wia prcienled laat Dlubt lo a good hooM. ne com- pletencn of (be itaRe riiidi* added malerlallj to ibo nicccn or tbe pcirnniuDce. Ai£AMH.—"A Nlfbl or' was piCitDlcd last niRbt loan appreclalUa audience. AlfredUamplerwill lieRlD an cngagemeDtalihla boiiM July 27. Tirou.—"lA reitcbolt" ma producad at tUa lionaa and was well rtcelvcd. OHfiiauu.—The people at tbl« bonw for tbe week are: Kreroa Haninelil, acrobaia; O'lMII and Pa(e, comedj iijmiiasti; HclDipv and lleatb, the Two American Haca, Amaon, (lllbert and lioldle, Faike aod HemoD, and ttao BaUmlioa. Tlie taaww was packed lut night and Die excellent progranuna met Willi llberelapplaiiae. Jobn UortlsHr la nuD- aging tbe bouM In Ibe itnMinco of (Itutare Walter. CiKiTa noYAi..—ThM eiitefprtM la datervlngot mucb better patronage llian liat Imn accorded It, Tlio living mariileataniarr, prcMnted berebistweek for tlie Brat time, drtir liut poorljr, whereai Itntaould liave packed ttao Iiours. Nima.—Mr, and Hn. Fnimot Hare willed their (linarcnccs, and Hr. l-:(niiiet kaa iieen dlKbarged fromcuHiodj Die UrnnrOipbcum opcnaJulj u, under tho iiianagemeDt of Ouatave Walter W, II. weatand Inna tnicli have Julnol iheTlToll compaoT neUiklandTbealrowlll Uereopened under tlio maoagenicnl ot R. u, lludaon, and It la probable that Iwnani Orover and company will l>e Ibe Inlllal atlncllon Uclntireand llcath hare Hlgned for ne-tt aeaaon witb Ibe Wober A Flelda' or ganlzalloD Wllaon Knoa Iiaalieen onlhealck llat with rheiimailam The annnal twiellt ot the rroaa Club will take place 21, at Ibe Columbia Kar Oook, the well known coruettut, hai been en' gaged to plaj comotaoloe between Ibo aclH at tb« Uoliimbla Thcam The managtment ot ttao Co- lumlila Thaaire have aollrltcd their patrona to nuko known llieir choli'O o( jdaya lo bo prvdnceil dnrtng Iho cloalng week ot tbu Kiawley Companj'a engage- incnL Tho laat weokM icpetiorr, conieiiuenllj, will iK) made up ot the moat popular playa prcaonted, aa voiced by the greateat uiiinber of miueata...' llultiim, Iho cannon ball pettonnor, la expected here rhunij Klllj King, Wni. Kar, Mr. and Hra. Jnnle llcCree, Ulli'b Kor<l, Mamie IMnplero and Fanny Sheldon, Frank lAwlnr and Jolin Cheater woro Iho new facoa at Ihe Hello Tnlon laat week.... l>r. Cliioiaa anil hia company ot eottrtalnon are ei' hiblting lu crowded tenia nt tbe l'»et onico lot, Veronlli and HartutSlieeta. Uiilllgan and Un< tun and llllly tlai k appeared latt night at Ihe Audi- iDttum Tlie IlulUe Ueler, a tree ooucert liall, reopened 1) The tlldiray llalaance (lha old Creinorar) baa cloeed. FROM OTHER POIMT& "Tha Daftultar" and "LItlla Roblnien Crif soa" Orlirinall* Produead In Chloago— CuttQV Hlnrloh'i Company lnau|[uratM a Summar Saaum of Grand Opera In PhilidalDhlt-John H. Loikav't Floating Paliea Thaatra Opaned at Marin* Park, Bolton. ISpaelal DUpatoh«« to TM N*w Toik Ollppar.l lloanis, Juno m.—Vcaionlay waa a holiday here, and a big day for amiiwmciit aeekera or the Uub and vicinity, who availed themaelTSsot the glorloiia wealhor and patniilzed Ibe big Wild Weal Show aud aurh oilier rcaoita na ato njien at preaent. But- talo Ulll'K liiialnorH iras almply enormoui, afternoon and evening, and hIa llghliilng ticket aollcra and change inakrni had all Ihoy could handle. Von Muppo'a pleaHliig i>iwra, "I'kiver," waa given anoat IwrTiTi prodiicilun ai ibe Caatlo ■''^iiaTt) Theaire, to HUilk'ni-oa that ralrly llUrd the liiiuiie at the iqw- i^iil innlliico and packed Iho place to the limit at iilglil. Tliuo|icni laOr-cly caat lo lliealmiglhof Iho iMatlo XiiMan) Co. "(.luvn" la mounted III tho iiiiiKt llln'tal manner, the coalnniliig la gorgoona, iiiid llic pitHlucllon ibroiighuul I* one of Ihe iioat Biimiuor enienalnmonia ever pmenled In ilila city. II will mil lliruniih Iho week The Uald wina liogai'. Iheir doaing perrniuuncea at Iho Bow- dulu S<|iiaro TliiMktro liefore a tergo anOlence. Tbe Hearoii at Ihia Iioiiho cltmea w|lh Ihia oiigngonieut, "Tlic .*<phlnx'' liegiin anoilicr week ot lia iitoa- IHTKua rarcerni MieTramont Theaire, and there waa no apiuircnt falling oiT In tlie llboml palroh' ago nlili'li haa tbua tar been accottlcd Ihli ili>llgbtrii1 iipcratlc prodacllitD. Tlie orolieatim 1:1 now led liy tho conipnacr, l.«wla 8. Tbouip- iKui, and "Tlie Cphlnx" liaa certainly achieved It aucccaa uiulor Manager llanr Aakin ManaKor John II. lAikry'a Flualing rnUro Tlio- aire, ul Iho Marina Park, City rolut, Donih lloa- tnu, dniw In big audloncci afternoon and evening 10 nllnee.1 an e.TCcllcnt vauduvllle show. Thla the alrv la a novelty In lla llnr, and will nu donbt prove n money goiter for IIm entrrpitaliig conductor and iiilglnnliir Kcllh'a Nvir Theairo and Iho iwpu- Idr pilL'O liDiiwa had gooil bualiMM durbig Ibo af- tornonn, anil lu Iho evening were packed lu reple- ilun. Vaiiriovlllo, rouinly aud good apecUilty pre- miotlat all »r them. Ciiii'Aiio. June m.-lnlcresilng iliealrlcal inalien aio fairly monopolized liy Ilia Initial prodncllon, June n. of "IJiilo lliiblnaon Cniaoe," atltae Schiller. It |9 agreed that tho ploca po-waaes Ihe eleinenia ol Hiu'ceu. tho chief crlilcUui on It being Ihe placid way In n-hlch material lo make It bright haa been borrowed from previous auccesMi Thla la Ihe jasi week ol ".\ lllick sbcep," and tlie imalncni la qullo aa good an when II ilarled nn 11* ten wteke' run ''.Ml llalia"la In ai-llve ix-hearaal, to rO' |ih«i-e "Aladdin Jr-"«l the I'hlcaso (IfHiin llouae next wot'k, and In Iho meaiitliiie then 14 a good nllondaiice at cncli porformanve, altlionKli iiol up lo Ihe bualnraa ihal Vr. Ileudeiwu'a Summer per formanca usually draw Tlie one new ibing In town outside of "I.IUlo llobuiwu Crusoe" la ■ The Iicraulter," which la lielng played al the Lincoln, It li by L'ncoln J. carter, and alalia olt well "The Ooitiai King," at UcVlcket'f, la playing to fair bualDCta Al the Roof Harden there un-I'lg rrotvda these hot nlghtr, ihe Sunday iilglil I'toml i>cliig very large Sirs. McCorkle, the pnircKiU'imi whltiler, wsa nanted laat Balur- ,lay, niid will prol«ltiy uao ber new nam* In bar pi ufenluiial larcer. Hhe nutrled a baak taller namtd Kiigg..- Klwyii A.lianoD.ibewellknowndramaUe criil'i- la (in hli way to l^indon, Kug., wheia be will lie fio L mitiui cotwpondent of the TVnHW-ffmiM, 0 thiarlly. PaiUDiLrBii, inoa I8.-U waa a *eiT enlliitf- isUo audience wblok last ilgbt tiled Ibe Unnd Opera llonae' lo orartowlai lo bear OnslaT Bin- lick's company In "n Tronlom." Tbera waa goe dteppolnlnuat In Ibe abaancaof tLGallle, wbowaa loo Ul to appear, bntManitco waa so well inngby P. Mlcbelena, and Hue. KronoU, Del Poenla and Mils Firming gave so mnch pleania to Ibe >aal andlence that Ibe dlappolnlnwnl was no longer ra- membered Ttaen was a good sized audience at Ihe Dicad, wliera "Tbe Utile Tycoon" opened the Iho thlid week ot lis aeaaon Tbe naual crowd allended at thellijou, where laeiMaciiaktrraceired i|iills an ovation. Her aonga, "After Vonr Wand'r- log, Oome Home" and "Bally In Oar Alley" alrack a popular chord. Tbe whole bill waa ot a Ugb order ot excellence Tbe new •paclalllea In "Tbe While Crook" gave aatlaCactlon at Ihe Lyeenn, where a hirRS aiidlenca aueoded "The Love Ctaaao" waa given at Iho Chealnut Street Opera BoiiHo by Kaltaartne Forrtat and a company ot nma- lenn, who received the warmappUnaa of a crowded house JsneaD.Oentry was brought Into court yealerday tor trial, but, on appllcallon ot hIa coun- eel, the trial waa postponed unUl Ibe third Monday of October. WianiaoroM, Jane ig.-A lilg bonae greeted tha Frederick llond Company, at Allen's Onnd Opeia iIouse,onlbeopenUignlghtotUie last week of Ibe engageroeni. The curtain imlaer, "Romeo'a FInt tiore," wai received with renewed favor, wiib lllanche Walah In the Hue role. "American Aaanr- ance," an adaptation or an old Rngllah comedy, branght down to dais, «u received wllb evsiT evl- denca ol favor. Ungba were fRtinent and lbs alter act encores decidedly den^onalratlve. Thla comedy will undoubtedly Improve aa Ihe week ad vancea, and, wllhjudlclona pmning, bo avaluable addlUoD to tbe repertory of tha Fradettc Bond Com paDy...-.."Oar lleglmaat," a fanlal comedy. In thno acts, iiy Henry Hamilton, waa Ihe bill at llap- ley'aNallonal Ttieatra, by the National Stock Co. It waa highly eiicceaafol In winning Ibe cordial ap- proval ol the large audlenra giiliend lo wltneea It .The tallo bonla at Kenian'a l.yceom Theain allll continue lo draw big houaen, and aa long an tbUi aallaraclory elate of aOaimcoDllnues the bonae will RinalD open. Br. lAii'ia, Joue l8.-"ullTelte," Ihe opeia at VhHg'a Cave thla week, waa greeted with a large and enUiualaatlo audience Uunday night The prlnclpala wen cordially received and the chonia waanp to expeclailona lUe now bill at tbe VMon Tmst floor dardon Monday night waa an ex- cellent one Tcmce Park's management pre- sented a strong vaiiderlllo ahow Sunday night, which will continue thnughonltbeweek Ilav- lln'a Stock Company opened Bnnday nlgbl, to talr bualneaa. In "Tbe Runaway Wire." Tbo apecUliy people are clever. Kansas Cit\', Juno is.—Tbe Kemper Stock Co. opened their sl.Hh week at the Coatea on Sunday night, and prcscuicd "Vouug Ura WInihnp" and "An ointliiale Faiiilly'Mo a good house The I'axton Opera Co., al Falmiooot I'ark, gave "Tbe Oblmea or Normandy" for Iheir Ibird week's bill, last night, lo falraltendance. CANADA. tiwebec.—Al Iba Academy ot Hiuilc the Lyons A Qniaavald KIMk Co. otcoi Ita Initial Bummer season June 17. In 'TlieMaalurata." Thelriepartorr loeludaa Uia fullovlai; pUya: 'Tie VaglArato." "C«ft«." 'nrink." "LIUIe Kui'lr." ".Vol lotlmw " "lluJr DIek," ^ ■* " "Rlvar Too Late loMand" "Tlia llDtiliy Uoru," 'Vuir, and "H*!*'' Hairii'a PAvitio.y ~Tha follawlng people are plarloa lobli haalneu: Tlia UcConbarBGiKr^llaMa RLDall, Uiha titar, Hlllr, Iho Kill; Roia Bakar. ToroBto,—At the ravlUnn Uualo Hall ItaaTo- ronio CollPK* ofUudc MlPlaU by HUau Sullkao. Vop- piDg. H«M«y and Hiialer. Albert Jnidaa aod Oao. Foi, Tliilliilat, appaarail to TarrUno bnttlDaai Juoaa TiiaiiNTo lauao.—The RandtJoaeanaiiadiawlDglarge auUlMiceHalMdi parrormaoc*. HoDlreal,—Academy ot Unalc—Ttala hooaa ooena Tor tlio Hommar Mwn of opeia Jona 17, «ltb "lllmno tlmna," lor ihA vaak. graaVH THaAiaK—TliU booM beitlDA villi Ita atork company 17, and will iicodora "Tfee BlaaUtrMa" (or Uia wook. ^'Drlnk*.* U aaaouaead fbrraek of 24- TllBATHa noVAl—i:. W-WIUljaBia' VaodeTllleOomran/ dkl fair bualnap ^T•«k ol la Bpoktd for weak of IT, Uarry Senioo'a Kxlrarainniv Coiupaar; w««k of 31, Davli'R|teelacalar, •'UoclaTon'iOAbla.'' . KniN Mlvaa.—nila r««ort illd aood buMitau lor Ihe w«akori0.wltli ni>rlhaBlMil,T1i«inaaa*>dffa1aii.LoeDee, Patlta F.rrllDo, baRfla DIrkaraoo, Frank Forrouand tha Mamck nluan^ Honktd Ibr laak of 17: Oroen, Un wluni: Tliomaa an4 IVol«li, Laoaca, Aagia LortalnOi M. mip. aluianl and RotlnaM and N. Paol- PAUica TIlRATaK.—Tbll houna illd fair Imuaeu fhr wMk or ll\ •llh Wmm J. Ilarrliiaua. Uluhall and Ikit- niao, tka Allcotla. Ullllarraakllo and U. Diyuarra. TtM houD« Ilia rloaad fitr the Bnmmor Maaon. BOHHRK Harm.— Thli idan* or amuaanonthad big at- tfuUnca nir Ua vtak vt VK «llti Iho nilBHmltlik Iloilr Hrolhtra, Alice lUJitioad aod lioU Balna. Rouktd for WMk (.rir: Ulle- Caillna. Unftoo. Oaiiora, Knoaa^ Aliiiao an«l HoaeAuMla, and UteFuarrraolaa. NOTK.—Ilaro' Hnjilor haa mTet«l bla «onnocUoa aa uaoaitvrur Uio Kdwi Hupao. Uuelph.—At Ihe Ruyal ilpeia llouae Ibe ama- laurpanttniiaaoaof "Tha wktilow tTaddlog," June li la akl or tlie now Bl. Jvaaph'a Itoapllal, waa larialy altaaUad. ^ NEVIf JERSEY, Jtnry GltF^At Ihe J. I. C: llalllo Myers, Nelly Wood, Clara lUrloD, llrato Tkoioiuion aad Tror. ttnlTkuaa. llualaMa|pgi«d- WAHlllMtTiix.-L'illo Moilon, Rrn kiarvh. May Daroy anu Dolly MaraanaliB- DuilaoH la inml. WiLLuw tiAva:* lys iMn (Upimi.— O'Kaba tmparlal Jaiiaaapo Tmupe, conipiUInK Mtla. Koto, Ira, Bula Knaia awl Hliiiiiua Ku. l^aM- II- lllyiclOB l> Ilia now ainuia- loont maDiuar. nuilaeuliaAbfanrmmanPa. Noraii —Itiectrietan XTallar Schirer, or Ilia non Too, liaa iHien ■acii'vl liy Die Kilfon KlDalmc"p(> t'uiiipany, wIhi an ftlmwloa III* Corbellrtitht, luiiiaDaa* Uia alacifI- ral apitanlua. The cMn|«oy remain only thla weak BalU Utwi-* V.lmt will Hiva llieir nr«t *il,U>lilon In Ihli tlie Oakland Park. Jiioaai Buss UacliloUl r. 11. tI'Mara liaP rliiree or Ihe Boo ToBaurloallieBiiiii' mar i-IimIdb Llllla Norton and bar liuabaDil. and Bra Manh and llanr Uaica, liave runueil a quartet to )>lAy tlivBunimrrvraorla Palarson.-I'aln'a ••>^illot rompolP'had good bualneiu Juno U. Tlie riiov tt-ll) be roatlnuad tbrough- out Ilia 001119 wtfk. Ciai-va—The advortlalag aconta nf Ball« Brolliara' rir- rUR arw dulng Kowl work ror thtlr alioir, whirli aablblu lirro^ Noavarla—A. Y. Ileraan'a protlncllon of "Tbe Bt-ool," uodtr canrai^ MOMwl hcra June la, It aod W and t'layad to vary siml uaalaoai A perroioianc* will l>* alran In Uloor'a Newark Tliaatia Tlturaday avaa- lnr,a). n>r tha lirnpfllurTraawrar II. CDannliand Uao. r. Turopr. dooitoaper. A Rond Taadovllle t>n>vramina la tromlaod ami lha lulln«lDenilii*« appear; ManKlnp, Itila Kaolo, f^lvlo tTook, llioa. BolL Jliiiiiiy llaadltr and Frank B. Uirnkp. local artlata HalU nroa.' Olmii will make Ihalr appparance lipra June tf. Tha town hu 1MB well billed^ GEORGIA. BawaBaah.—The nilelyTbeaii* will lie opened Jub'l aaTUollllall. nllh llprmao n'latar aa luacager. It lalJia Intootloo uT Uannsar Winter lo bulk! a gardaa (HI tho root and mo a prvt c1 itri variety pliiiw. Hr. WIntpr laala^ipruprlotororTlroll hirk.atThundarlwlt.ila. Tlia opaiaaodapav'laltTvoiiipaoyliorplaylBs atTiPvll I'ark Inrladai: Tlio UomnoDPICall bo>I Llnal. Maud Mlllonl Fraiikl* Laliiair, Dan Hart anil Harry Wf Ua . MICHIGAN. ■aglnaw,—The Academy ol Music Is closed ror Ul* Boniuer Naavll'o I'avilloo Tlieatie opaotd June lO to good tuplnaie. wltiiEd.Ckrlpalaaaniaoagar andW.A.BooauiupUaldliectoi.tltaVaaPrko a Fatoo Co., In r«p«finrv, halnp the allricllon. ^axt weak Ilia pain* (omiUnr nnU tti* tmanli anil nlli pradtira for lha niPt llnio rtatlpra Parf* CoiiilOr. "A Bprlnit Oikkan." ... t^irtla a Oyava'a Jpfiaiiopa t}lrtua comaa 15-19. FOREI GN SHOW NEWS, "AtT-niai.ix," an lilstailcal drama. In Iva sort, liy wuhelm Wrndiandi, wamnn Nay M, produced at iheSelanstoll.llaus, neHln, Oer. #0n the Road^ Afl RoutM Mutt RMoh Ut Not Lcttr Hum Monday. DRAHATIO. A k«r«tminX DIU«-ltaUr«i, K. R, JuD* 17-Jalr U. A. "AUdUlo Jr."-^l{>fO, lU, JuD« Ifl-A "All Btbft"^Ak«|toJiL. JuoaO, iDdtdnll*. WiMinloitllIcb..Ti-Ji. Vt«00a1l-8. . — a a * , . BaUaIn A TooDfi'ii COBiedr-C1«T«Ulld.O.. Jooe 17, lo* B4MUm Troabtilourn-Fmnklln, Joo» "BUck fihMp"-4,'tiitta*, IUWsm M-S. MIlvaakM.VIi^ O-aSi MIoDawctla, MlOD-aM. ^ , , „ ^ Cibauertoa'a l*laraT»-Caotml Clir. CoL. Jooa 17-XL ' Calhua'a nomad laaa-^opllo, Mo., Juoa ir-a CHniri, I«i.Sioclc-8bdAlrTUl«, K Y.. Janatl, S, Oia- ■ToitMi Klor'-^IcAfBa HL, Jona 10, ladaflnlia. DalUv*! Rtock—San PranclMt. Cal.. Jona 17. lodtflolia. -DtfaulUr-'-Cli Iftdo. I lU I>ac. H-2t ITonl'a Sammar Block—lialtlnon, Md., Jona 17, lodaO* ^ nlia. rredatkk Bond Comedy—WajihlDitnii. D C. Jona 17-a. Froat A Ktnabawa'a-Adaa PobL N. Y.. Jaoa I7-2L Fowltr'f. Jack-Canb«, S. D, Jooa 17-9, Mil lUrMi t4-Bk rUnlraaoZr-O. ^, , , a - , Pnvlar Rtoch-flaii Pnncltco,<^., Jona 17, lodaAnlla. Glffta A NalllBtAck—IL PtuLUInD., JnD»17.liHlaaBl(a. Oamaa JJllpaUaiu-Sin PnnciKo, CaL, Jona IT. la- daflnlia. awtr'K Leonanl—Portland, Ora- Jnoa 17, lodaflnlta. "(telaiy (lirr'-Chlnao, IIU Jaoa lt-7L Hoyt A Shaonon'al'Ur*'*—nn*arlll«. V, T., Jooa 17-ZL Hlnioa A WaUm'fl-FortlaBd, Ore.. Jooa 17, lo- daflolGT lUn'A StMk—Fort Ways*, lad., Jona 17. lodaBolu. Uamllton'M. Lnuiw-maH flta. Maria, Mlcli.. Juoa If-S. ]|>(la'a ComBroad Hipp!*, lod., Juoe lO-A N«t Imion'i Comwilipt ■OamUton. N*. D.,JuDa 17-19, Val- lar Clir Jamattown ]|-9. EamparHURk-Kaow nil/. Mo.. June 17. IndaOalta. KaotlDittoD 8tock-K«n*lD|tton, 1%., jdoi 17,' ntit. daflnlta! L70D A Orvanavald Stock—Qoabae, Cao.. Jaoa 17, la- dallQlle. Hiiebeiri, LmU— llotuiOD. T*x., Jooa 17-0. UarUeThaair»-(U>valiAo,MlDn.. Jdim JVS. "Mf rf7 WorW-X. \. C.Hw Jodo (7-Julf 5. "Hllk Whlia Flat"—Fblbilalplila, A., Juoa 17, lodefl- olta. Uatlonal Tlwttra Btoch—Waihloftoo, D. 0., Jooa 17, In* ^ daflotia. Naitoiul StAdr-LUU* Rock, Ark., JusaSt, iDdaflolta. -, lodefl- Q' ii/Skl lloiiiaalaail"— Um Aniial*,, Cel., Juoa 17, Banta Bartaian Frwanlt, Ban rianclacolMnly 13. priaile.llajr-aiaDd lalanl,Xab.,Jana n-V, MOak, ~iaeen'a Block Compdy—Mootinal, Can., Jana 17, In- ' datnlta. JiQood _ RoMoU A KUoB Cboatilaii^-UodartriU^ VL Juoa l7-l%MorTlMown2l-S. Qao'nnl'a, Waliar, 8ioek--8u FrucUeo, OiL, Jnita 17, » lodaSnlta. BUwan'RPvkConiodr—DBbiHiaa,T^Jona'17.lDdeABlta. niamiui A Ediora-rpATt, llL.JaiM 17-tt,Pr»lriaCI(r 31-9 iiTrilbt'*—M. T. ntr Jana 17, iDilaflDlia. •L "Tbrilbj"—N. y. Cliy Jona 17. fodaflnlu. 'Tvo Jotiaa**—Adibtod. WIr., Juna 30, Wulibaro II, Watt Roparlor B, Dalath. MlDn..t4.2S. *Two Old CroDlaH*'—D«DTar, Col., Juna 17-0; Cbayaooa, Wfo.M fiTTDelaTDQ*a Cabin.'* DavU'—CblCMOi HI., Jane lfl-33. ^ Montrta1.0«D..t4-9. "UnoiaTom'i Cahlo." Wlttaeiall A Doad'a-^pa Vlneant. N. Y.a Juna 19. CbauuouDt 9. Van Djka A K^ton'a-fiaalnair. MIcb., Jona 17-2J. V«n Taoell'a, OAn—BlniliimUMi. N. Y., jDiia}l-9. Winar Coma<1r-^«)U, Mian., Judo 17-Sl "Work and Wawm"— MinballiowD, la., Jun«3D-2L Tim«34-3a, Ralla PUnaCT. mjsioAit. American Of>aTm—Mllvaakaa. Wla., Jona 17, ladaflnlia. Andrairi* Opara—Rlchnioni], Va., June 17. lodaflDlta. Aba) Opan-l'«orU, III., Jan« 17, ladtflolia. Ca»tla8i)oara Opeik-lloKion, Mv«.. Juna 17. InOaflnlie. Ctmnnb*1)o Client—OiarlriHAO. H. <i, Juan 17, Indtflolia. Camilla D-Arrllla Oparm-v. T. Clir Juoa 17-S. Oonreld-Pannor Optm-N*. T* Clir Jana 17-Jalr 6. nllbartOpam-LowalL UawL, Jona IT. Ibdaflnlta. Hotmaa-Willi iiaon Op*n—CiinbarUDd. Nd.. Juna 17-C. Illnrlrir* OMra-PhlMflphla. Pa., Jupa 17, IndanoKaa Iowa 8uta HaiMl-illafaUBd, 0., JanaSJkluIr 15. "LIlUa ^coon"—Phlliiltlplila, P«., Juoa 17, lodaflnlta. Manr-Lana Opent-^aTaknil, O., Juoa 17. lodeOnlta. Prka opatK-flalt Lak« City. U-, Juna 17. Indfflol e. Panvlar Bnw.*—LantMcar, P*., Juua 17-9. ■The Sphinx*'—BoiUM, MaM^ June 17, IndaflolU. 'anoaaaaa Cooeart-[*it ' ' " " " ' BttllaCraakai. Datrell Thomu' Opam—HrldfiportaCL. Juaa l7-3t i:iin|{*a C4TC Oi>0Tm—M. Loal«, Mo.. Jana IS, ladoAnlta. WallOpttm-BurllORtoB, Ia,Jana*it VARlETr. Alhanbra VaudaTllle*-^L Paal, Allan., June lA, lodafl* nlie. Brranl A Rvalo'^Fontoo, Ulon^ Jan* 17-S. Canadian Jobllio Bloirra—Fori Wajaal Ind., June ]9, 9, Decatur It, IVtrtlaod 21, O, Uaocia 21. Aodanoo 2S, Alexandria 20. KalbAeM'a-WMt Superior. Wla., Jona 19, BarflaM 8; Waahbum !«, AihUnd tL S. London Belleii, Hfdall'a—Clikuo, IIU Jaoe IS. lodaflnlta. UiH>n Flamilr—.Vaw I'oriUnd. Me^ June 19. KlnrtleM 21, EuMiU ai, 22, Bjroi 31, Aodorer B, Runronl Fall* 2D^ WeWff. Ramno'a-Montreal. C*n., Juae 17-23. "Whlia Crook"-111 lUdelpttU. m., Jaoe 17-31 MIRBTREIifl. BfTftni A B«alira-Fd«flioo, Minn., June 17-2J, MdatOHb 34-9. llalUrd A Doonally't-lllehnnml. Mr. June IP. Hallonell m MadlNonll. OakkndnnilDiooaL Newport », Xfx- tern, Dorar37,arMDTlUe23L (InlirordO. CIIlCU0Bfl* Baniuni A Bailey—Cairo, IIL, Jooe 19, CannI Sii, Vln- oaonei, lad. 31. Wortltloinonai. Pnnkrort 24. Kokomo n HuoolaM.Callna, O., ST. LImatf, Flodtay 9. Hilly Barktw llurun'e-Kort Wivrtli. Tax.. Jane 17-tt. nanlne'a, niaa,—BuaollTlUa, o., Jona 19, Wladbaitar 2D, Pael«»a*2l Bakar A Bamliirt'a-Rhliow^r, III., JiiDe 17-2. (ItarkXM. Ii-4Jrail7, Ark., JuoaZt. D«i Are2d. Cola*«-Wa«on. Vt., June 3D, Cheater II, BpriorflaU 9, Laillow31,wrDdaor3a,«ro«d«tockn. CurtU A Oawa'a-Anilnav, MIcfa., Jun* 19. Dock'a. Bam—Bt. Thomas Pa., Juoa Wellli Run 31, CUy lalck 32. Faltxll« McCODOellabuiis, 39. llarmtlAn'a-^ava, Jane i7>Aaii.SD. llnntlnr^Newburr, N. Y.. Jane 19. Klrkhart'f^Moatkallo, la., June in. Pnrif y 9, Dyanrllli 31, Manohaateraz, lndapaBdaoc«*4, Watarloott. Wa-IUal AuroT*. N. Y., June 3^ AMen 31, Ahnm 22, Mklillai>i>n-i4.M«dlnft3ft. La I'aarl'a-RUlKi l, Intl.. Jane 19, Whilo Plcaon. Mich., U. Tliraa Rlvar«3l. KaUiiuuwB, Allc|ui34. PUInwall A Sclioolciafl 9, Ooottaoilue 37, Stargla 9, CoMwater 39. Malo'a. Walter L.—Ho^tJllT1llcav^ IIL, JuoeSU, Jollat 31. RafnflMa'—llattr<«n),(-l., Jane 19. KlBRlInK Broa.'—llaTerhlli. H4m . June 19, Oloucaaber iX hwnn SI, R4l*ia tl Htwion 14-9. 8'Ailfl Hr»a.'-^nuM)alBua,N. Y., June 9. a\ut«ito A Kwf r'^WaUon, N. Y., June 19, Mootnomory 3). Cornwall 31, KUhklil LandlnrH- Bella Uni«.'-Nenark, N. J., June U, Palaraoo 33. Bcnbntr A Bmltk'a-PnnkUn ftlU N. II.. June 19, Kew Itoniliin ai. N«wpAriai.Ubwl*Mon22,BellowaFaU«, Vl, 34. Rmtll*)>om & Krcne, N. II.. 29. Wal»h Br«>a.*-Cantnlla., Pi.. Juna 19, MLCannel 30-22, Bliaiiiok lo 34-2tt. Snnbuty 37-29. >ValUro—Fort Mndlano. U. June 19, Bnrllogton 3D, 0Untnwa3l. Molnea 33; Omaha. Keb., 34, t^ouncll n'ulTa, la^ 39, Natmaka CIl) , Mab., 31^ Bt. Joaipli, Mo., 37. KaiiwCliy»<.9. Wanbbum'a-Uatdotr. Me..Juaal9, WatenlUe 30, Ella- worth 21. MISCBIiliARBOVB* Barihulontew'a EqulnivMAIcago, III., Juoe 16^ lotlefl- Bite. nriitlnl'N Ruiulne^BrldRtoo, Ms., Jona31,31 BalilwIn'K, Mr. aixl Nn.~Boaton. Mu«.. June 17-21 BUrk Ainarica-Roiih Brooklyn, N. Y., Jooa 17, indait- nlta. BiitTnhi nill'a KIM VCeai-BoiiOD.MaBa., Jana 17-21. Pall Hirer 77- Cliriuloe'a, Mlllla-rnnUnd. On.. JuneU'July fl Corle'a Uawura—1.* Ormni*, Ta^., Juna 17-a, Temple 34-9. Cobnn Open—iHavar, Col. Juna 19. PeCaairo A Otaoihan a-.Ait«DK (U.. Jane 19. mdellnlta. lUoa-n'ood—£ii rT>a(r tlirouih Roulb America. Frtnch'a Htnaailon, No. 3—)lornDio"o. Pa.. Jana 19. Fraok A Kooii«*-Manchaiil«r. N. II., Jooa 17-11. irenilerwn'a ll>p«riooa—Lonft^liUnd Clly, N. V., Juoe li.lndailalia. _ HfJina-RailoMi. Jufla «l-3t, Junellea City 3l>ai, DeotnUlaJutyl. KaiidaU'a, Piwmn-Ura'm iV, Juoa 17-tL LoDeBi«rllarTT-N*rrtlth,H. 11., Jaoe 1743. Noma BpM.'-MUIdletuwQ, Ct., Jaoa 19.5^ Merid» tl, g.llanrarU34-S9. PearMB A lluilbiaa**—Aofuata, U., Jane 19, RkiidowI 30l Broadway ai. MaryarlUe 3. Pavnaa Rlira VIU Waat-OuopamowD, V. v., Juoe 9; iu>h)e*klll34,CnhMa9. RlrvXF. ll.-Uha4reTiUa, La., June 9, FlattenrUleas. l'ialn(nuitrll<«3L&. FQtea'a. J. J.-IIahnTille. L*.. June 19. rarrAlliAD 9. 8inlih.aortnD—WUiihrof. H. Y, Jooa \9, tt, Barwood II, at Madrid 9,9. ' ^ t'nilarwoal'a. Prof, a R-Pennvlllt, Intl.. Jone 34, 29^ fun Kay ffi. 37, Altaoy m 9. ^'aatl*ke>*«w lirlfauB Moaeam—<V«oa Vlav, Va., Jane 17, lod^flnH*; — Vr».AnlAlnelt« H.RUw.wtreot Mufe Ktew, ofJeff^raMi, KlAw A Erttof^r» tUeil Jone Ifli, At b«r houio la New Floehelto, N. Y.« ued Udrtr-roor. Her buiriiiHl ADO ihm nou imn1f« mr. Variety and Minstrelsy Vina Tour ntnne^ lotUicltjJaiMllfroiii her two vetti* aiMOixDl Clilt»|o, UL, uil u booked to Opart on btr bomemfd JoniiKir la. Hor iUj In Chldgo, whom aha inHuad M llM Ctlcago Opeim Honat battreen Uie Kta et "iUddln Jr.," WW moat aoccmfnl. 8b« Ibtn perfonntd for llie nnl Una In tbla coaniir onidda or Naw Yort, snd, u her ><n wu a dliMlnct deronoie from •nrlhlng or Iba aort erer acta In Ibst cll;, abc wan Use rcdp- lentor flanailiigpnlae. NeRoilailona are pending ror ber •pnetranca In America next auaoQ In tbo American Extrsnimnz* Co.. bat aa jet Hanaiar Uendenon b&a not b«en able loeecnraapoelUre amngeinent, Duitng ber Cblcago angngament ber hntMind, Waller A. Da Frtce, waa made an honor- an member of tlie Chicago Athletic Qab. Kons raou llRTasr A Bwiin's Hiod Cuub TAUDETiLua.—AVe are more'than aorprlsed at tbe bnilneaa wo ara doing In Ibla part o( the counlir, and will atar out all SoDiDOr. The weather la won- deimilj cool We wear orcrcoata eretr erenlng, and tbej reel Terr ooDronable. Wa opened In Foaaton, Ulin., Judo 10, to Die largeet boalncaa Id Uw blator7 or tbe ahow, and wero compelleil lo tun awaj man/ people, firerrbod/ hi in good health and potting awa; monaj. TVe rtcelre the Old Re- liable raiiolarlr. Hlli. Viba (Km. Vera Ceado) la TWUng her bun- band In llerllo, OemuD/, and wui relnm in Jnl; to rnimi her American enngenienu. Uer work In Enrope beglna In NoTenber. Nona raov tbi Hasok Fahily —John r. Hack, comedlaD, la a decided atiiacUon In hla alnglng and dancing aneclalilea, aa la alao I/>ulae A. Ool- Una, In deicnpilva ballade and banjo anion. Wean plailnfe Utrongh New Bngland lo ajicellent bnalneai, the ahow la ninslag aa amooth aa glaaa and 0*07- bod J la bappr. Roaler: Ned Maaon, manager: Kn. Ned Uaaon, planlat: W. C. Kaaon, light and nean balancing; A. R. UaaoB, mnalcal cnwn; Loin U. Haaon, leader ol orcbealn: Nina Haj Maeon, akirt dancer; lAOlee A. OolUu, deacf1pU*a TOcalM and banjolat; John P. Hack, alnglng and dancing come- dian, and'M. F. linn), baritone and old man chancier. JaxenTaORKTON'a Eun Viunknuiswill open their aeaaon at Tonj raalor'a Theatre on HepL t, Sam Daaaaner, tha nunager, la booking npMI}, and tbe people an all engaged. It lit the Ihtenllon to play oolj the beit bouaea. Ur. Tboniton li writ- ing entire sew aonga lor both blmaeU and Bonnie Thornton, bla wire. JntOH AUD ALEXIS, tha froi and lliaid, closed a ancceaatnl Iwo veeka at KIlTch Qaidao, Denver, CoL, and bare elgned with Ibe Rellly and wood Co. ror nait aeaaon. BimT F. WiKSUAN haa aimed with Davht A Keongh ror ne.xl aeaaon. He will anend the Summer atAabnnr rark,K. J. WillO. Ai'3n>r Is engeired at Mllle Oeimanj, Bontb Beach, B. I., as amnaenient director. Tni Rath Surnu are milng a two weeks' en- gagameilt dt Konta Beacli, L. I. DiMlom AND W1L8ON are Bnninuting at Onset, Haaa. Ttar will go otii with "Plaja and llajera," nnder thedlrtctkin or (Ibaa Sitiuim. Fbani Olahi goca with Edward Fkgan'a Co. next IIBiTOlCfl (lENinNI! COIARSn flEnBOIA HiKHrHRia will open tbeir Sammer season Jnne 14, at Flnahlng, 1.1., nnder a canvas lop, 40x10. Tbe company will be nnder Ibe management or M. M. lATene, and wlUnonibeir tii '——' band. Koaler llllla, Ben. Wli WlUnonibeir twentr jitople, with a nniroroied bram ~ : BlDj Tonng, Edirard Denton, Jerrr ^ le, Lew UeniT, lUlly Bredlej, mil Better^ WIU Dill, Mn. TTlae, Samh retcbr, IJI. Ilns- wuBi. 1,1,1 u,,i, jwp. I cuu/, i^i. iiuv aeU, Ksmle' Otnwell, DockieT Mlcbols, Geo. Fisher, Benie Smltb and Hoenia Wnnblngton. Wm. De IIoe, heail balancer, ki at Ihe Oentnl Opera Boose Unslc Ilall, this clij, this week. CBAa. A: Oaroah, sola pnpilcior or tlie Usy Rus- sell Co., will spenti the Snmner at Bhellar Inland. Matle lloetaile Is recupemiing at t'onej Island and enJojIogeiceUent heslih. Ilsnager Itoliett Rich- mond has engaged R. 11. Thomas aa press agent. Uabry JASiEarcqneiisua loannonnce Uia death ot his wile, on May 11, In Pblladelphla, lia. Ills fiioresalonti Mends oareamnged a iieneot for lilm D FbUadelpbIs, on Jane 24. lltHar Fair, "The Tmmp," and his wile (Xeuie Fields), back dancer, will lay oir ror the Snmmer st North Beach, L. I. a K.BAioiiATiB writesaalollowa:"Kreiythlngls DOTlng Inely for the Francb ^V>lly Co, I have tblity weeks liooked solid In week stands. Fnnk Dit- moot has wilUsn a norelly ror a burlesque, aome- thing enltrtly out ol the nanalmn. I hare racenlly signed Billy Ward and Pearl Bradbnm ror pane wblch I hafe had wrilten ripeclally ror tben. Oettle Kelib, lata or the May Ilowaid Co., has alao atgned." CnBT QiLBin will visit tbla connliy shortly, and appear nnder ber original ilua or tbe London Galely Olrl. UelsnowlnAislmUs. Chas. F. Oallrte, wllb bla llnely tnlned moo- keys, were a pleasing reatnre of Uat week'a lilU at Kellh'a Vnlon Sqnare Ikeatre, Ibis clly. ' Oalletle writes that his ratber, Olacomo aallelte. Is WaKVHV ..■•KD UW. WD ,BUJVI, WW,,VlliW UWJVIIC, IB minlnganewtronpeor nwnkayain Chicago, aod that bu molber wUl vMt Eoiope ahortly ror ber haallh. Badliv and Haet, who are well liked on the Fadflo coaat, sand nattei1ng_pt<8a notices or their auccesin Los Angeles, Cal. Tneyan working East. Mahiib Eddie OAsnauHE has Joined the Cmn A Bulen Hloairel Co. tor a Hummer scsson. KOTSsnoH LuciER's UixsTRELS.—We are tour- ing tbe Stale ot Hahia to good bnslnesa. For a week or mora we wen Inland, alxtymlles rrom any lallniad station. We had tbe pleasure ol a water irtp, conveyed by the beaouTul steamer Frank Jonea. Ur. Oeorge Washington Itnntley looks yontblul, edpechilly bis mastache. Hank While Is a young rellow yet, with a good rolce, and gains two and three encores nlgbUy ror bis end aong. He aayn ha Is sixty-two yean ot age. Joseph Luclar Is tha coimt .player. Hargneilte Lucler Is a clever Boubnlta. Tne Delmannlnga, lu iheir eong and dance, un blgbly appreciated. Bololsis In ibe bsud are: J. IL Lucler, Clarence Thomas and James Speara. HsEitm ANn Uacx will open at Keith's Union Hfluan Theatn, tb'a clly, next week. Xelue SEYXQi'E baa made a decided hit with "I'm Oolng 10 TeU on Yon, Katie," which she alnga wllb oilxtnal boalnees. Lnez Uiciviek Is pteastaig I'hUsdelphUns with Orabam's latest hll, "After Your Wand'rtsgs, Oome Home," at Kellh'a llljott. Jodk Boltux wiltesusrramsin Fnncbco,Csl., ibatbabasjati airlTed In lliat clly, where be la visiting bis bnlher, and where be will mi a short engagement. Ue rtirther Inrorma na that he baa been divorced rrom bU wire, and adds thst bis recant eDgagcmentit la various oltleact continental Europe were \^saccesaral. Pavl a. UEiHiE AND llABnY Wiuo.M have Joined haoda Tuilnternallnnsl Vantlet Ills Exchange. Limited, hare established an onica at No. 4i East Twantlelh Street, Naw York, when Ibey are enaNed to on\:r vanilerUle aniala, rrom ion lomiocn weeks' work, on a circuit which they havnrecentlyeataiillsta I. The company Inelndea Louis Leaser, raekient unnagar. Qeo. W. MOHnnx, of "My Aunt Bridget" note, has signed lorB. F. Keltb'dcon'lnuonnperfoimkoce oltculi, and will open at Mr. Kellb's Boston bonae July S, ooDing to tbe New Union Square Theatre, tbla clly, 22. FLORA BELLnin. EdwardOolea),roimerly one ot tho Engllsb Gaiety Olrls, was placed liy her molber In tbe llellevoe llnaplial, ibis clly, aiimHlng fnm Imanlly. Hahie Bebnaeo mn Uo-le Datu, rf Sam- Jack's Creole 00. jilll Siimtaeral Msnbaiian Beach. Au FiuoM, ot Fllaon aud Etrol, writes tbat fnilt rarmlni haa pioven lucb a nattering anccess tbat tbey wUl not open their aeaaon nntu Oclolwr next. Joe FLYNN.Ibe Wrsion Slalere and ItmU and niuds have signed wllb John F. Fields' Dnwing Cards tor the coming aeaaon. Cnis.F. WALTDfi, or B. E. Bice's "I4M" Co.. and John Mayon, ot Edward Bairlgan'a CO, na<e rornied a patttienblp. Ur. Walton la at p.e<ent lu Iba Adlrondacts, snlUr.MsyoulssMDillnE bis -loe between Nyack on tbe Hudun and N. Y. aiy. Aiaui'RT. oorhax. tor Ibe past three yeata with Mattaiier J. O. Jermon, or tbe Lyteum ano Kensing- ton Theatres, In Fbllsdelphla, goes In adnnce tt tbo Fnuch Follj C9. next aeaaon. MANiutnSAa DnsAiiii,o( Jaa. Tbonlon'a Co., will maoaae a Bummer reaort tor Oeo. Norton at Ibcnlwooo, L. 1., during lha tnontba ot July and August. Ue la now negoUallng with nndevUla people, and will have a band ot tnlny plecce. AMKiECiAai, wife ot Tom Haley, bteot the Big Four, who hsi been dangeinnsly 111 with peritonitis tor ten weeki^ Ib tbboght lo bo out ot danger. B00lt5r.a—AtParlloo Tlioatro, Itelroka.Haaa.; Haido, a» Rao^alL Ilaotr aad Janla. BIfot aad Kuaaall. asd Emki ami Rrooaa. Hi; mon, Boery -- -, At Banon'f Tbeatr*^ Kowpert Naait, v^: The Bllfarum QoaitrL llirrr <K and Paarl ShaTar. the McEooe BiooZ HoUj BarT7,B«llftColanuuk nortnta EilwoLnlB,Dalir Shannon, RadlaHu4i^JnhnJ.Mich,H. UMarr,^obo Banr aod flcoflaU and t ■liruw...... Ai l^arlKon Thaatia, Sprln vteM, IUJNOI& Ohlc*(«.»11ere bM been ft Reneral doihiff up anarooBdi«VBof tha mtDorHvlio»**i ud then are BOW fmr hmiaa opaa than al ao/ time for iOTenl raui. Ibe Aeadmr doaed Ita aaaam JnoaUftMlwIU raopan Am. 10. The Colombia vUlraaaln cloeed onUl July 7,vhen lt«Ul open villi CUurALMeni'a *Tba MeriT KorlO." Sam Jael(*i Opan Uuuae la ctoaed for rerAlri, and the Alliunbrm and IfaTmarkei liave not been open Tor Iba la»t ivn wc«lra. Boalncaa at moat of thehouiaftiaa been iDtlKTareot. and lha manafen my that It la doe to hotwaalber and oulof uoortnurialn- inenta. One new i<taa«o of the oobjecI la nnder illKaa- alOB ami lliat \% iiia bad elftct tbat tlieallproralllne hicrela cru4 liia on thetiiietdinceatth'atrea. It U ttlu that a (T»tt many people who fomierlr vent lo ihe the- tre In tha areolDft now laka a wlieel and rlOe oat 00 Ihe bioaloTarda, aod ihe matlQee itlrl of oiharMaja U ibeknkkerbD«ker|lrlorilia proMnL the Clarh Biieet Theatn, wtildi haa twao dark aaarlj all the time daHnu Ihe paat eaajon, bu txen laamd to Cliarloa O. T^nnlnaod iriarence Paepwa. It wilt beknovoaa tbe TaonlaTba- atre Inthi ftitar6.aodlt^ n«« pmprleion liaro taken a fire irara* lea** or trie mUm witit ibo (otenilon ortnaklos Itablfh elaaf« raudatllte home. Another new Trotora iNtberomlnKoraajndlente lo iilre Summer enlartaln- menu at BatUfT D, on lha take ftoni, where Troaulero «raa located durlni Ibe WnrU'a Pair. AlUiilloDR are belntt mads In tbe liall with Uio Intaotlon of opeolni lo abont Uirea veehe. HooiiVh TaUTiE.—"A nalelf Olrl" win rtmalo at □oolej'a uniUa,cloaloK on tbat data and leaflov the houwdark forene vaek. TliUIidae to the data of pro- daclnii"Trilt>r'liarlnf been imtpooed fh>m3l toJalj 1. There hu been enoogh Inqolir at the box otllca la t*- nnl to tbU prodncllon or*Trllhy"to aaaure llanaier Powen that It will be a areat loccf aa. MAWxicRoorOiiiDK:!.—TIM principal aitnctlon ihti week at the Rooroatdeo will ia rfalllo Oanllionr. nihrra 00 Ibe bill are rrineoM Llllf Dnlrnamukr aod her Rue- elio TrDubadoam, Ibe DePonut Slattia, nmnela Brfani, monokvit; )Iaiu«r VhlinaQ. bor rfollnlet; Blirrled, nlmlc; Qllbon Saronj aid tha llurrar HIatcra. CiiiCACO Onu Uorsi.—"Aladdin Jr." will Ite rallied at the end oTtbUweok to make iw>n for "All Bj^" which la to biTe a beturnmdociloo than ever before. William I'arTT.whowaawltn Mr. Hendeieon before hli eofoferaent with AbbeTi f>choetfel A Orau. bu under* taken the fttajte naDatemoet of "All Baba" for thla re- rival, and all aorta of cleTor InnnTaUooM arepromlaed. VMtoTlllejwu mucb adnlied dnriofr her for1nl|bt*o fflM*^wnt, and nowlhatatMba« Ronet^Diedlan Rarbe maklnf a hit hj'obarUmiaeorMinaorVeataTiller'i moat popalar Bonita. Uaud Ulroar and Albert klcdachln have been aildad lo tbe ino*kal luka ol the compear, aod Eim Kendall will baglraoacoinetlr part Obakd Oriu, llouff.—Thli la thalaat w««k of "A Black Bheep," which will oov tAke the mad lo the Pactfln coan and retnm. Nail Prldaj eTanlOK will be a i^urenfr olRlit In booorof Ibe Mie bandrwltJ] performuce In tblM Cltf. - BcBiLLiR TiiKiTitE—Aner lom^ Toutloaa OtUra In nttlne the curtain up lor "I Jttle Rnblnun CniM, iha introdaeioir bow vw lloall/ made 15. A laiFe crowd mth«redWe(laaaday«T«Qlns, which had been anoouoccd u the openlof night, and vera dl«appolnted to dnd a nntic* to lha tifect that lha oMolnit had been poetpAoed. WhenUie0r«tperforauce dnallycanieatarcoAadlenco wan rerr well pleaaad, and Ibe pleca la certain to get a blrahara or lha euroinsr boaloeip, butlt will bo neoea- •117 to keep Eddie For mora under piibl*ctloa before the EMJaetlonf^lflllaall of Ita po*»lbllltiM. HlnDrooder, die UcDonahl, the Gtrhue fiUterii, Nellie I'arrlngtoD, Babelia Rodaev and the Crawfofd BroilianwereTety warmir appUodad by the audience. Tliero an )il«aiy o( pretty a\tu in the balletud th« eof lomea are haodronw. CoLDMBU Truthl— Tbe same of Canary A Ledertfr'a comlncperfArmanea at the Colombiaha-i hean chuied from "TwUlmloWorhl" to'The Hanr World." Iiutaad of opeoloK at, u wu aaaounced,"rbe Henr World" will net M aeea onill July 7, and until that llqae tbe Columbia wlllTanaIn dark. Ur:Vit'KBii'i Tiiuthi.— following ttio rage for aou- THnlr*, the alitleth Chicago perfonnanre of "The Cotton Klnv" 1*111 be cel«l>r«t«d W with aourenln mule ol rmall ^lepoi cotiMfaiteoed wllbellrarbaodr. 'Tlie attend- aoca U good all the iluie—nolhinc aaoailonal, bat aooagli to make tlia produciloo iiroAiabl* to a <ieiire« which prereom any aononDcainent a« to wban It will erHl. Llm-dln Thkaiuk.— TiMnwunnotliernow play pro- ducMlai iliel.tncitlnTlieaiTOlfi, "Hie Detultcr.''^ ft la by Lincoln J«r.tlieaoiborof ■'Tho Paat Mill" and "The Tornado.** Mr.('«nfr'arrli>ndfl who hare reen the newplay think tliat It lad^Mloed toheiiaiteaaaoccmful a«"T1iu Fajit SJnII.*' Prodimd by a company not atxtre tJieaTenge, It made a koch] hiipmalon on ine audience at ih» Uocola and will lun ihroogh the wei-k. In ihecom- Kny are Thonax ]JeGabo,.Stll(e Allen, Nell Scully, Anale man anil <»ili«rt. 'irnoo Tom'x Oahin" ZL • lliifKiNH' THiUTiiit.—**3lA*ieraod Han" lailiepbr ihai la pre*cnietl ihia week hy ihaatoeb romifeny. VautMllle (tourenwlll iMiHi|»i4I«d by lite TlireeMRr^fllex. Dixon, Btiwera and 1>I.xqii, loogeoe Cumcr, ilie De Fnree^u, Klilrlvlnddanceni; AHitnl, tbo magician; Bello Ktuwan, Ponil-Hool Bros., NHI'a Higuire, tllguere and Buyer, Branaatid Terry and others. l-'HUtK llALi.'H(:A«i.vo.—Bniynice'iUInair«li will open another eogagemrnt at ike (^alno today and play ihivugh the week. (Hberreaianaare: Cuubtandllall, In acrobatic aoTnltleii; Camnboll aod Horan. Noregia, BponUh wire walker; Anain Vvllllama,nilmora and Dyer, Beatle Plillllpa. Mllleraod Haghal^ >[<LPbenH>n and Oivae. E.T0iL*8 OrBRA— Bualneai ainco reoMulog baa been eicoptlonally good. Thla week'a bill la Hir* nibbed byBnt Aney, Attle Spencer, John ^iirr, Ifojtand BhIetdL Uio Annatrooa Swln Bellrinsarv, Eugeole Lor reloa. Kilty BtOTena, Kloocke Bregan, Mamie Kent awl otbon. A oaober of nne act operettu are lo actlia pnpareUoo. OLTMrio TinuTHL—Tbe borloaaaa on 'Trilliy." ao(*er thAdlnciiODofllarTT MontAfpie. la dolof[goodbttaloe.a en>l will be CMitlauH for aereral vaekii. Park Thiutril— TlMt Comlog Woman" lathe name 01 ofucothatwaaDutAoSaDdayfortheweek. Bpeclaltlra win be fbniahed by lloreoca Millar, Cuablogand Uer rill, Irwin V.Baih,Delraoey and Allen, the Three Cua- anlf. T1>ere will alao be tone rucy bicycle riding Intn* duced by glrla lo bloomem. KOHb k HlD0LCTD5'B CLARK BTRBBT KCflSOM.— Lo Vam, avord walker, la Die aiar attrecilon at thla place thla waek fortbecurio Iiall. Tlie atage perfomtance Incladea WlUlana A CarletoD'a B«au llruinnel Comhuea aod Andy Adami^ Windr ^ty Ojclonen. KoiiL A MioOLno!«*B<lLoan Mi*atUM.—Krellne, water iiueen, and Maria Bowlln. a colorwl woman Irum Iowa who la tumlogwhlte, ate tha chief reature* In Ibe carlo deparlmeot On tbe Mage tliera will be a retnm to tba brooie HUtae potlni by a good looking lot of girh, and tbe ever popalar MMway dancoL Ln.xD0» DiuK Mr*RtiH —Hie cUM feature of tha pm- rmmme for thla weak will be the Midway dance, u giren / a compeny with ihe Efnptlan gtrl, Ro*a, u tha ttar. KoTU —Will II. Banr. for the paat aeaaon manager r>f tbe Academy of Moalc hu gone oat witli Paln'a apec- ude, 'The Siomint of Vltkabnic/' Tbe '19 Mining Kramme for thla weak will be the Midway duea,u giren by a compeny with Ihe Egrptlar-'-' " "-TW -Will II. Banii ftir tb< Acaderor of MdiIc, hu goi 1,'TheBiormInt of Vltkabnic/' ^ Camp la doing* good boalneu at Waalilngton Park, and ta one of the popubtr out of dooreniertalnmenuwIUi wblch ihoatreahare to comwu Mn.Jtule Baitleit DavU la MpapdlogUin Snmmer at ber hoaband'a lam, Wlllonrdale. where will remain until It la tlmo lo Join tha BoftonUna for tha coming aeaaon Mr. Hoyt hu cloMd a conireci with CapL Anaon for bla appeannco In a new baaekall play to be pit on oeit Wlot«r. PewlBa—Attbo OrADdOpere Ilotue Ihe NgUoDal BtQckto. Iiu been playing a week'a eogagemeni, at pop- ular prioaa, and liai had reiy Calr hoaiMa. Tug Uiuxo will be dark from now on anill Fall. Tug TAHnHACLK.—The Abel Opera Co. hare begonthe Homntr Mvcn of light open for len weeki. with a changeorptngnminee«etT«eek. flo far tbey iiiTe had Tory lalraucceaa, notwlthaundlngUie botweatfaer. Decatnr—BAmtuD k Bailey's arctio drew tbe cu'lomorr Mgcroad at boih prrformanceaJone 13 LewleJ. Uoncn, who direa fhim the lop of tbe omvu Into a tank of water, cloied with tbe ihow here, going 10 Uanbaltan Beach William Horrla and a company of prefetalooaU an naklncarTangementa to give an opeo air prMeouiIoD ol "Aa Ton Like It" on 31. MINNESOTA.-IBM Page S46.] Bi. P«alH-At the Hetropolllui bualiMai wu good with '.be AlbambmVaadevlllMweekof Juoe9,wlUi aflemooD and OTaoIng performancea aadi day. For week of 16 the ihllowlns la a partial ll«t of tho«e who will taaeptrt: QertleCocfann.Peta Baker« tbe Levlooa. Ber nanl Uyllyo, Joe Daidioao, Staffer and CUrk, and Bay Barton. aaa^iD.—The Olffen A Nelll Stock Co. bare had a big boaloeaemeekofp. They bed Intended to doea their ar* gagement thla wrek, but becauae iheir ancceaa big benaonaturing^lt win be lodeilalte. Weekof Idtbej will pnaeni **roung Mra. Wlnthiep" Rooioi.~For week of 17, Blatera CtieTaller, llanlle ut^ Haley. Kr« Bmodi, Mlmunood, Faony Bernaid, Magg'e Uereillib, Capontl anil Le«l^ 0. B. Uardner, Bun Yeni. and tba ntock. Cloelag: Parker and lletardo, llaUalt on^I Carroll Builiea ba^been rery good week of 9. NoTK.—Manager Klngabary'ii bentdt will occor 13, and itom all ladlcallona the Louaa will be packed to lia utaK>ai capacity^ CONNECTICUT. Hsiifbrd.—FgvllloD Tliuire—Oood alleiHUiica preTolla at tbla retort and a good bill la pnrlded for week IT: Flili end Qulgt, Barr and EranvWard and Brown, VevleNobriga.J. aBiawan, Sadie MAy, Lew Carroll, lo oonc)od« with "A i^nack VDCior.*' BMOuTfiVATao.-TTiearu week pnred vary Mliafac- tory. ami ManagerArtbor HIgby again preaanuan elah^ rate Mil week r>t ir. comprlalng: a\rthur K. Doaffan. Wllla end nalpla- Tnroer ooU Rwult, llari aod WlUUma, Baoator Bnah, Boyda and Bockley, Arthur Bliby and an alurplece.'-GenaiorMrpbie.'' RivxoLD'sciRcniwiit axiilbliberei*. - " ----- — llealraodBaoiIenonaL. tbla city, Tliay wIllUeTarorBoatoaS. Nuns—HananrrmakLloyd lilaNaw York Clly lor two weeka.^... .llealr aod Baoilenon are at tbeIr home la KENTUCKY. Maaa.: The MorvIlM, Law Randall. Beyca and Bonn, fleoator Fmak Ball, Soulon and BtaTOna, Bllbor, tba FnipiRoD Bim. and the nmwohiga. LouUrlUe.—At FbaeBlx Oil Park Frad Inoeaa and bla band goTe tr.o ernearli jQie IS, II, to large cnwd^ compoerd efihe elite of ibe dty. NgwOKMTHHATia—TYientw bc«4 are: Tha TaylorH (Cbarlaaead BenbavMllle Raymond, Llllla Terr/, Prer. I>a!ty.01UiRarroB,0ota Barren, Kale Vay^Adk Weal, aoil Ilia rnncli,ead tbe rtcular alack. Baaloe«a good. Wam rRojTTaaATwa rload tbe aeaaon Ift, antra tac- ceaeftal ran. Tba boaae w|U b* tberoughly orethanled aadnaonted.iheatagala to be tolaniad and a r^lery added. Tbe laieai Imprered open tfiatn vID be pat In ootheloww Bnor.'