New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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2ii THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Jttne 22 World^Players — OoiM r<jlon mid Ilia huMnMi luuger, DiTld i, Itenug*, were L'l.irm cilleni Jnno II. EIU Deed will contlnae at tlio tiai or Hr. Parian's c«ni' |itD7 is't^ MteoD, ItiQ ojtcnlng of which hM l>ceii Ml for Akron, 0. "Tlie rrinccM nf r<t1s," "I«nil Me lire Bbllllogii," "Hw«p, the Yankoo" kikI "The OM, Old StoiT" will lie addtd lo the company'ii re- StrtoiT next Maenn.snd the nreatnuilon or iho ret named pitj will he omiielllnhed with wcnerr olipeoUldealip. Bcenic ArUat HcAodrewii, or Uc- KeiMpoit, Fa., uaa Id promrnllnn an olaliomlo etiffo aetllDK ror llila plar, wnlch will Inlroiloco mtal nemberor eleclilo flRhiii, with theadilcit cirecinr caldnme. The toor or thin popntar orffAnlrjatlon will bo codUgcO to Ibo >:aaicni Icmiorf, where the cotnpanjia comparatlTclj unknown, but Hr. ray- ton le confident or biilldlns up a pnniable cllontel, Uavid J. Itamaxe will conllnuo at (lie manaiortal hein, a poslUon lie baa filled wllh mucli aucccas for ibtee jean. — Jamea Heme haa licon rnnited lo plar the leading lolea with liinie/ Ucl'uilQin'n niock coin, paor at TcakM lalaiid, He., for > aeaaon or ten weeka, IwRlnnlng Mar u, — Jalla Hurler will ajicnd her vacation at her rialar'a home la lloUldo, N. Y. — Dlanchard Freeman, of Ihe Frcemana, la lo. cated, with hia ramlly, In Wavcrlj. la. Toeroxpect 10 open cart7 In Auguat wllh an "U. T. 0." Co. — EuffeneTompklna Iwa eugagcd Dora Ihivlileoo ror hlB fill production or "llurmali," which la belnn pcepaied for an extended runat iheUoainnHicatrc. — Will J. lUnka, mnnaieror Hlotarin'a lllg Hpecta. cular "U. T. U." do., writoa ho liaa Juki riciacd a rortj weeka' aeaaon at lliilotli, HInn., and lilniMir and wire (Ralber IL Btraltoii) are apondlnit their racallon at Old Orchard, He. Mr. Woabborn will nreatlj enlarge the abowror next acaaon.wllli all new aceoen, pilnUnir and land iinirnrma, ami will oan7 over rorl; people and three amclal cnrii. — Gilbert I,. Ilalghi, coiiain or Irene Ackerrnan, and for aome jeara commodore of Ihe New York Yaotat OInb, died rocenllr, arier a JIugerlDR lllneai, at bla home, Knslewood, N. J. — Uinlae Hamilton opened her Summor neaaon at TImreneOll)', Ulch., June 10. Tlierollowliii people are ■upportlng her: Ailhiir Denver, I«wla Ilonlaon, Hllne a, lienion, Kiigeno I'owcro, tlerliori Ulark, Bert Waltem and Hra. Uopelaml. I,callo Davin la taer manager, and 0. Vance advance agonL — Jobnnle I'rlnglo and K<lna Mar oiKiied their Summeraeaaon June 11, at Uranil UaDd, Neb., wllb Ihe rolk>wbig people: KAm Mav, Haille Crcian, Hae VenioD, Hair; Kngllah, Hick Creaitan.Hnn Johnnie Prlngle. The companj will work to the conat and leturn, plajlng weak aundi, — Tne Kmma Warren Co. cloaed a auocottfiil aca. ion In Waco, Tex., June 1, and have gone lo l>jul<- Tllle, K]r.,ioreatrora row weeka. Tnoaaine cnmpaiij baa lieen rc-oiigaged (wllh ono or iwn oxceptlniu) ror next aeaaon, which itjiena al liiwroiicoliurg, K7., Jul/ 3. The; will carry a land and orrlieaira or twelve plecea. — Rugene fUlaworlh, wire ami llllloilHDglitor, are at preaent In IliU cliy, completing arranguiiicnia ror next aeaaon. Tlior will ahorUy go lo the CHIaklll Vountalna ror llio licntcii lenn. — Uuio Melroae wriloa Ihalaho la m onipigcd aa ioulireUe with the "A llaggago Ulieck" Co. — Delia Wataon, miielcal director, haa climd Willi llenneaay l/ero>lo'a' Uu. and la apending llio Bum. mer at Uuacalliie, la. — II. U. Wrlgbl, nr the Ulmillo ,V Ibiwcll Oi.. la apeodlng hIa vacation at Klklria, ^Y. Va., unioiig bla rrlendi, and goca wllh the laime ctiiitpany noxl aea- aoii. In their iiew plar. Ur. Wright liaa liccii wllli Ihe ],aliadle k Howell Co. ror llie paat aovoii auuMUia. — Obaa. J. BUno and Olllo Kraiia have iwon ro gaged by Manager J. H. Ward for tan Importnol parla In "Deliiinnloi'a at e." They will ahu liiini- duce a new apeclallv In Iho piece, and Nollle Diiiiiiar will play the imrt iil Um. Ilanillliin Clark anil alng baritone aoloa. — Tlie beola Ullcliell Company, H. H. Ciirlln, uianator. closed a Iwu weeka' engagoiimni hi llydu Park Pavilion, Aiialln, Tox., June a. — Honilella AmoM wrllca ua that alio In very III at the Uonueal (Qiii.) Oonoml lloapliiil. Hho will ahortlr undergo a aovero surgical oiMjrallon, and would bo pleaaed lo hear f mm Irlenda. — Tbe Sadie HIrliigliam Stuck Co., uudertbeman- agement or Arthur U. Tbiiiiiaa, will opou In Qreat lUrflngton, Haaa., Juno 39, ror eight wcekn. Idlae (Mrlngham has. we are Inroniied.nblalned peniiln- alon Trom A. M. Palmer, In inu ihu iihiiio'THIIi;" ror a biirlooiiiie ror ono niglil only. Follnwliig are tne people: llennle (Irlniinll, John lliirko, Wallace Jaokaon, Charles Prince, Wm. Nohllllng. uiiialcal dlreoKir; Kva Bllblo, Klla Oardlnor, Ijdla Ibtny, Btdle Btrlnghani and A. O. Thomaa, manager. — Roater or Iho "Aunt Bally" Vouipuny ror next aeuoo: U, E. arlndoll, Harry Vendor, It. D. Oooiier, J. X. UenloD, J. C. Fmncia, U. II. Ibuiaoin, Alice UaTli,BeatnoeLeslle,J.II. lliirnold,leadorur Imnd; T,V,UrownlDg, loader or orohoMlni: CImii. B.Ogle, Jno. B. Harks, w. II. Haunden, Jns. v. Blenson, nuu- ager.and F, V. (Irimu, ailvance. — Joeeph H. Bparka, lur tiutny yeara a prominent nramber e( KilwanI llarrlgan'a Ciiiii|«ny, baa lieen •staged by Ulch A llarria, or Uoatun, Maaa., lo cre- ate a urt In John MuNally'a comedy, "Tbo WId Jonea," to open at the lloaloii Huwuni In Aiigual, — K. J. Henley, Maurice llarrymore, >:<livard Uur- gan, Odell WllllamH. Oeorglo lluiby, Helen Tracey and Un, Leslie Carter are among thnio Hr« an. nounced ror Ihe oaal or "Heart nr Maryland," David Uelaico'a play, which la 10 be prwiucod next Fall at the Herald Square Theatre, Uila oily. — U. A. llonia, who iiianasod Uarle lliinouilu last aeaaon, haa oonlraoleil wllh Hobort UautelltD tuiiage bim ror a tenii or years. — John Hare and Ihe (fanlok Theatre Uoniuany, o( Loudon, lacliidlug Julia .S'cllaon nud Frvd 'TeirT, will open at Ablwy'n Tlicalre, llila city, Deo, M In ■fhe Kolorloiia Mn. Kblwinllh," and iillor a four weeka' engagement the conipauy will go nu a tlireo monlha'tour or the larger clllua, returning to Ali. bey's Theatre April m. — Adeline Paul made her roHpitcaraiico In opera Jnno 11, In Oiivonl aanloii, l/indon, Kng., playing VIolelU In "U TtHvlsta." Bliv waa greeted by an Immense audience, and the nonil Irlbuloa whii'h she leoolved turned Ihe alage lulu a flower ganlcu. — Kate liavia haa liMiiglil ault agaliMi Charlea Pnbman and David llelaaco fur |-t,auo lor alleged breaoh or oualnot. — Pror. Hemuann has l>con elcctetl a nieiiilwr or tbeAUantlo Yacht Uluh. —Tbo suit brought In tbiaclly by lanbello Dnpi- hattagalnal laile Fuller, lu recover t»2l rnrlirmch ot eonuaot, baa lieeu dcrldol lu favor at the plalu- llfr, In giving Ita iloclalon tho (\iun direclcil that aJudgniout for tl.ool, wlih an addlilonalalluwauee nt t iwr ronU, bo ciilotvd ugahint Mlaa Fuller. — The new mualo hall now In courao or crviMlnii at Uangor, Pa., liy W. It Qnibh, oilllor <>l The lullti A'aiM, will open Sept. 10. Ihiugor la a ra|>ldly giv- ing towu, the conira ur the n>ii|liig alale Indinaty, ninety mllearruin Now York, and haa liuil »u auiuae. meni hall for aoiite yean. The town Inu a iionuhi. Uanar4,tao poopio, with 10,000 iwople living within a radius of nvo lullea. The hall haaa avalliig>-a|<ao lly or IM), a aUge lO.t-UfL, will bu llghlcil by eleetrlelly and riinilahetl tbruugliout In Iho l>«al manner. — Hubert Wlike underwent a surgical ouunllon for appendU'lUa June 13, al Sf. Joai'ph'a lloanltal, Yonkers, N. Y, Ho la r«|H>rl«l lo lie diilog well. — "The Uiid or Iho UvIiik," an KiikIIhIi niclo- dnuia, will be produced lu llila couiiliy iiexl sea- son, nndertbo management ot AugusliiaKahn. — "The Old Urns Kiln" la the tlUe of a new play, writien byC T. Ilaiey for Katie IMluam. — Loula Jamoa, whoso alaniug tour next aeaaon will bo under Hie managrmeul of Meaata. Wagen- bals and Kenpor, will Include In hIa nperlory -'Mt- ginlos," "The Ijona Mall," "Tbo ItolilKini," and posalbly "The Fuiil'a llevcngo." — Piepanatlona am being niado luran open air peifomiance or "Tbo Merry WIvea or Windsor" on lbs lawn or tho Grand Union Hotel, In Santloga, on July M. Qeorae de Vote bas Iwcn engaged to nlay the part ol Jusllce Shallow and 10 abige the produo- Uon, — Janet Achnrch aalleil ror Kngland June 16. —Millie Oollyer, the eleven Toarohl daughleiot Comedian Dan Cnilyer, marie nor debut aa an anu- tear June 11, at an euiertalninent lor the ivncni or the Church ot lbs Annunciation, In llils city, 8tae gare obaiaoter ImporsonaUons, mng songa and gave seTSial taumeroua recllatlona, all of wblcb were well received, — "Aa You Like It" Is to be pnduce<l on the town ot the neaaaoi View Houn, Woodbourac, N. V., on Ihe attenmon or July 4, — C. B. JeObrsun, Klaw A llrh>nger ny they will employ sereniy people wllb the "llruwnlea" next - Charlea R. DIuoiner, late of Carl A. llaiwln'a "Silver King" Co., Is al hIa boiue lu Philadelphia, having gene there lerenily le attend hu sister's wedding. Hr. Bloomsr wlllspend the Bummer en the ooaal ot New Jerary. — Wm. V. Mmarun liaa boon engaged to niuiafe Altmeyer'a Theatre, al McKecaport, r».,iiexl^ — "Budi la Life" Is the title of ■ new Anmcao drama, In tonr acta, from the pens of WlllUm 0111 and neben Praaer. Ills to kaTe.wearslnforaed, an early pndncilon In New York. Tlie aatbonspd mansgen claim It U a novslty, eonlalnlDt two new and original mechanical sensational scenes, m UlUe farce comedy and a bit or comic opera. — nefore alllngfer Rnrope, on Jane is, Oocrgia Oayvan entered Into an airmngement with Utmn. Klaw k Krianger lo manage her starrlni tonr wben she retoma 10 ibis coontir. The refussl of two or three pisys haa already been aecnred, — and ifarle McNeil, eoneitliiU,«« at llieir homea, taking their vacailona. — Marguerite Johnion was called to her bone on accoiintot Ihe lllneaaol her mother. Abe will Join Wllllama A llanely'a Company Ang, SO. — J. II. Fraaler, of the recently oiianlxedflnB or Frailer k Duma, will ahortly ntom to New York, wliire ho will be Joined liy bis partner, (Ke. M. Bums, manager or Davbi' Open Ilonae, Plymonth, Man., and complete amngenienbi for (be coming aeaaon. Mr. lluraa atales that, tbrougta lbs dealli of an uncle In Ttxaa, lis Inbertled conaldemhls nooey aud property. — H. Ooetle Sr., father of B. Coette Jr., muagtr ot lliccnix Opera llonse, Donaldson, Ia,, snd also father of Augiut Ooetle, slage maaaser of lbs same hosae, Is dead, He accidentally killed blaaelt In Ihe alion town wllh a WInchealer rine, wblch he was cleaning, on June a. — Among the clever and bright akita In tbo Held or farce comedy. It bi aald, will be the produclkin which Manager a. B. HoMnson, of Dnnklo, will put on tour the coming season, nndsr Ihe title or "On Ihe Iload." It Is reported to be souelblng new la tbecomedy line. Thiala that well known manager's maiden elldrt In thia dIrecUon. — Nolea from the Hoaaell-Pauon Comedians: In spite of Ihe hot weather we are dolog a ralrlj good bualness. Thecompany are all well and ereiytbing la In good ahape 10 do bualneaa, Oo Ilecomtlon Hay the bicycle club ot SI. Albans, VL, lamed onl In a laxly to aee the prodncUon ot "A Terrible Ooait- ahlp.'' Afier the performance a hsnqnei waa given the memhera of the company. — Wm. T. Raymond haa wrtllen an Amcrtcan contcdy-dnma cntlUed "In Texas." The play la Id a prologue and three-acta. It will probahly be pro- duced tlila Fall. — nerliert Hlllea, mualcal director or "PlonlgaB's Dall" ror Ihe paat two aeaaona, Is vlsltisg In Seneca- villa, 0. Hr. Dlilea has been ODgaged ror next aeaaon by Cbas.Hiumm ror llio musical farce come- dy, "llaya and Flayera," opening late In Anipist. — Clarenca Ooaat Informa na uf the cloalog of a aiieceasftil aeaaon ot the Froat k FsiMhawo Oo. Mr. Ccastwilldo leading heavlea wlih< Oavln A Btrea- lor'a Co., which will open In-Cora, MIcta. — Mrs. Bifd llsby Johnaon did not Join Ibo Ftoat A Fanaliawe Oo., as waa reported, Imt had made prevloufl arrangementa, and are now at their Bum- mer home In Hllwaukee. — IJIIIan I,ongmore, bite of the '-Oood Old Times" Co., haa algned wllb Maitager Harry B. Uealey, ot "TheHldnlghtSpoclal," to plar tlie part of Eleanor. Conrad Oanlzonnaaalao algned for the part of Jack lllackman. The company opens Sept. 2. Darry llermald will be bualueaa manager. — Jamea F. Crosaen haa iMught from Hal Reld, author ol "I* Hello Mario," "Logian'a l,ack,"sto.,a four aot comedy drama (unnamed aa yel), wblcb he cnntemplales producing next aeaaon, wllh Mlllan Draw In tbo prfneliml female part — W. 0, lUcbanlaon and wire (May Pilndle) cloaed the aeaaon wllh Howard Wall'a Idisala al Al- iieiia, Mich. They era proceeding to Uielr bean al luth Heaoh, I.. I., on thelrwbeela. — Cliartes F. Walton la Snmmeiing at Blue Moun- tain Mke, In Ihe Adirondaeka. He la being treated ror tlimai Irniible, which neceasliated his laying oir during the Bummer. — Dick P. Billion Inform us tliat next aeaaon Al- bert Taylor will give a complete acenic prodocllon, with ineehanlcal and calcium effecls, of "Uont. iroiiiery, or the Cmdieof theOontederaoy,"awar ilmma. all of the acenea lieing laid In Houtaoniei7| Ala., Hr. 'niylor'i home. The lour will be directed by Hick P. Button. — Frank W. Naaon, who has tieen dlrecUog lbs tour or the Rpanldlng Bell ningen, la lying danger uusly III at the Oamey lloepltaT, Boston, Mans. — KdwBrd Warren closed a aeaaon or tblrty-alx weoka in liar Harbor, Me., on Jnne 8. Dunng that period the companr toured New Uampsbire, Ver nonl and Maine. Mr, Warren'a plant for nextsea- Hon are allll unaetlled, He will paaa the Bnrainer moolhs at Bar HaitMr. — Harry 0. Uusliy wi1l<a that he haa organised. In Washington, 1). 0., a Bummer opera conpany,* known aa l)e W'lU'aTally IIo OperaCc, invellng In their own lallr bo. Uncle Bam. Tlie company con- alaia of Iblrty-two people, conroyed from point to inlnt by eight gray homes, Ihe advance also nmklng lowna In a novel tandem, drawn by two horses. Their tour commenced June 17, si Rock- vlllo, Hd. Their open la called "Ttie American NInlsterJ' vrrltlen by J. A. Do Wilt. Tbe roster: be wiuBlaten, comet and violin; Obvlea Oobeal, Iwder or orohesira: Marie Wheeler, Uwreoce Man- ning, Jennie Mngly, lUolianl Uubler, E. 8. lUxler, comedian: Arthur MIddleton, J. A. Do Wtt and others, wllb J. F. Hopkins, sgent, an'd Dany 0. Ilusby, bualoesa manager. — Manager Wm.B. Moore started Iron Ibis city on June II, wllh the New York Oomlo Opera Co., ror Ulnneapolla, Minn., whore the company wlU In- augurate a Buiniiier aeaaon at l«ke Harriet Pftvlllonon Juneat. — J. llallett Ulllieite tats accepted an engaue. nient as mualcal dlreolor ror the Mlllan Tucker Co. — Nolea from the lledmond Uraniallo Co.: W. H. Iisliyniple, belter known as will w. Jobuon, baa aevoreil his conneollon wllb Ihla company, and tbe rauancvlhua occurring waa filled by tbe engage- ment of A. J. Blevln. Our company will tKgIn the WHaon with the addllloii or a band ODd nrcbeslik. — Iloatrr aud uotea rroui the I'hajnlx Stock Thea- tre Co.: Wo are tnurlug Ihe lodbin Teirlloiy and R|wiit a week al TUhlequah, tbe home ot Hie dea- twrado, llllinmk. HIa abler alteiided aevtral pe^ (omutiicca. Tbe roster: Waller Kllla, C. W. B«- uiou, R. II. McOoriiiack, Jaa. Eliierte, W. E. Flo- h>y, lUy ndrldge. Hay Dayton, LllUe Mabel and Haaler Hay, wllh Jo. K. Hlckanla In advance. — W. II. Mcliougall haa Joined J. C. Slewart'a 'Two Jolina" Oo. ror the Hummer. — UualneaH Manager Matt. I,. Hem, of tke Klm- IhiII Opera Uimlnue Co., la apending nirt ot lbs Bnnimer at Cleveland, v., uwnaglog Paln'a pyn- teohnlcal aiieclacle, "lAlla Rookb." Wben tbe en- RAgeaent emit, July 20, be will go lo Ml. Clemens, Ulch., for a fortnlgnt's %'Rcallon. — A ifii (la tflcif ivTlval ot "/oio, tbe Maglo (luccD," will bo among tbe coiningseason'a altnc- lluna. Heury K. iloyt la inlnlini entlnly new acenery for the prnduutlon. — Ilnyl'a Comedy Notea: ThIa company, under the iiersonal direction ot Many Adams, wlU bare a iv|iertory ot fourteen plays next nsaoa Evecy sheet of paper will lie apeoial lllbogmphla work by Ihe Donaldson Lltho. Co.. of t^dnnatl, and tbe aililcr Hank Note Co., of Cblcaio. — Kd. Ueckelt Is spending bla vacation with his parents, at Ihclr home In Leominster, Maaa. — II. B. Ur,idley, the hcodIc artbil, i» buay piilllug now aconcrr In the Kmnt Htrvet Upora llouao, Worceator, Ham. The entire fninl of ibe Iiouho la lielng ilono In white ami gold and the walla In light ahailee. Tbe Interior decoratlona are lieliig done by Hr. Uradley'a anilalaut, Uco. K. 1\h1iI, tmia special doalgna by Ur. Urarilcr, who will aLw put In tbo uew acenery In Iho Weritulnalor Thoatrr, Prvvklence, lU ' , early In July. — t'hartoiio Winneti waa a Currga caller June- IT. Site haa abaurioned her Idea ot a trip to Europe, but hi lieu thereof baa liecome an enibui4aaau bloycllaL Bhehaaalan deferred her ntantug tour, whlub aba bad hoped to make next aeaaon, navlng round 11 Inipoaallile to complete herplann. — HanagerJaa. S. Ilutlon, or lbs Lincoln Tbs- aiie, Oblcagii, III., haa wiml Tug OurriR ot ibe auccoaa ot "Tlio Defaulter," by Llncula J. Otner, aa produreil at bla bouae, tor the Ural time on any stage, alicmoon ol June It. Hr. Otner baa choeen tho Aualrallao penal aer%itude ayatem for Ihe theme of hit nlay, a aubject nfllKdtog abundant opporto- nliloa for acenic and mocbanlcal cITecta. — Notea from tbe Woodward Theatre Co.: Tbe Woodward Theatre Co. will open Ha alxtb aeaaon at Bac t^liy, la., on Aug. &. The cumeany la lUled.and contalna several old farorltea and some new peo- Ills. Twelve people will be earned, wllb llalpb UoKay In advance. I. Fnnda KIrke will star In ■TbeHldnlgbt Watch," under the maoagvoentol Mr. Woodnrd, Scenery Is being piepared, a IMfl. pasaoiiger train will be used, and tome new mechanical eirects. Tbe company will open BepL 30. Ralph McKay bas been eugaged by Mauanr Wooilward tor advance tor coming aeasos, and n 111 DavU bas signed for his dtib seaaon. — Nittea fmui Iloyt k Bbannou'a riayera: We have Juat completed our lour ot New lltniiMblreand Vpnuont Uualneaa taaa tieen very aallafactoiy. Wo are lawkeil for retum datca In nearly everr lown. A. N. Ilrliwok) la making ue a vlalt and will remain with us two wueka. Hairj Oordcn, agent ot Hobliwon'a U^■u^ made ua a Ayhig vlall June 12. — Harry Kelly and Rbde nambeilalD were ant- lied Juno 13, In lloboken, N. J., tbe Bar. Dr. Houghton offlclaUng. TliegiooinlatlieaoBOtJohs T. Kelly, the well known liltli oonedlan. — Notea tno Ibe Bsoonsra: Edna the Bpooneii,haahengbtanaltlnKteatln ilieJcbDDle FrlDgleCo., and will sur In i epe it oiy,ope»big tbe season In Omnd Island, Neb., Jnne II. Cecil Spoon, erwillbesoppoiud br a nod conDuyand plar the Silver Olrcnit of OoloiBooander direction o( B. 8. BpaoDer. OecU'e kaleldeacope dance bas made a bit m Denver. _„ — Cieaton Clarke and irlfe (Adelaide Prince) will El onl next season wllb tlieir own company, under s management of Jsnea Taylor, recently of tbe firm of Worrell, Taylor k Co., managera of tbe Em- pire Theatre, Philadelphia. Pa. — Ilerr Kllanyl recenUy received a gnot for a patent on a novel apparatoe to lie used In lbs exbl- liiuon of living plcuirea. The new coDtilrance la one by wblcb a numbtr of gronpa can be preeeoted In rapid ancceaslon. arenpe reqnlrlmi thirty or tony persona can, II la suted, be exhibited with eaae and wllb no delay, eaob plclnre moving on and offibeauge wllb tbe precision of clockwork, and wllh socb rapidity that twenty pictures can lie presenled within tbe space ot tweniy minutes. — "Xtamel, or The Two Tangled Turks," a TnrkUh open, by Ooauve Kerker aniTR. F. Oairoll, vrUl be fndDced for lbs Ant time Joly t,attliettenont beam, Beaton, Maaa. -"Utile Robinson Crusoe," an opentle bnr- lesqne,ln three acl4.llbreUo by Harry B.Bolih, mnalo by W, n. Dacbaor and OaataT Latbeia, was produced for lbs Srat Ume on any stage Jane it, at the Bchlller Tbeatn .ChlcagD, lu, — Walter Oale, who waa tor many yetralbe mmp or "The Old Uomsatead," Is to star next season lo a comedy llial Is being wnttsn ror bio. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WaablwiioB.—"Married In Haste," Henry J. Brran'a comedy, Iq loar acta, waa molt adDilrably pre- ttntad by tha Nallonti Stoek Co. tt Rapley't Hatlooal Tliattrt, laat wttk, to aoilltncaa aa dallariag to lha plareraaathtywtrsaaltirhctoiy 10 the boa ofDea. Cbarloa Coola, In hit rtodltlon of tha roteorP«rcr PaadimgOD, It Torthyof Ilia bhtliatt cooimtDdtUon. Ttia tikar n>l«a wars aUo vail taken by ibia aicellaat eompany, OTtry ntmbar of which aeanit to ba lo hIa or her praptr pltc*. "Romto'a PIrat LovV an aiqoltlta llllle faolaay In oot tcaoe. waa tha rurtalo niter latt weak al AlWo't tsiand Optra nouiOitiid ItwatpoteotlDaltraetinf Itrgthoatta an the weak, It Irtlns the flrA aaptannce of Blaocha Walah la a matcolioa chanctar, lliat of Rnnto. Ml Waith wore Iba maoly hatillimtnia matt btcamlnsly, aod.jQdglag rrom Dia crowded oODdlllooof tht audi- lorlom all Hit weak, vary airacllTaly. "RoaiBO'i FInit Love" wat followad liy Ctiarlta Hathewa* iJirae met comedy, "Hy Awial Dad," wlih f redtrtck Bond In tlit lltla role. AlttiQugh Ihli comady hat oiiod titan pn- taaled htre darloji lha patt Uirat jaaia. It aotmt In litre lott nooeot (ladiannor diawlog pavtra. It laoaaef Mr. Bood't ttroofleit diarmderittlloat, aad Ilia conttdy will be a Itadlnt oat lo Ihe taptrtoir of the Frederick Bond CODiedr Co. during Ita tour aait attaoo. Tlie prtaani week It Ibt tlghth and last of the aeaaOD at Allan'a nrmod, and the houat will reauilo rioted IIU lha rail opeolBSi ahlcli ukaa piece llie latter part of Anntt RArLBV'aNATioxiLTnBATaa—nafnufih week of tlie Nailonal Block Co., In '-Gar ittalmeat," ir-e, "Porblddon Prill"I4-». ALLSa'a (InAMD Oran* Hoo8a.--T1)e elghUi and bat weak of the Fiwdarie Bond Co^ pretcntlof "American Atiurtnca." an adaplallOB fnm an oM BnalUli play, ra- wrluen up to data aad lha tcane laid in WathlDatoa, l7- 10. "Mr Wire'a Hotliei" ». "My JlwM Old" II anl Bat- Iota SZ, "Pink DomlDot" n."ftonii ■ — - - it« SZ, "Flak DomlDot" a "Aomee'e P1n4 Love" will e uaeil aa a carulo lalttr all Uit wetk. XsnsAa'a LroaoH TiiaATaB.-Ovlag to U>e jcravlog popolarlly of Uie boilog boata Uilt hoota, which wat to liave doted Ita toppltmanbiiT taaaeo IS, will cooUooe until ftirtliar noilce In anording tport lo the lortra of the maoly ait. Navioxal BAaasALL Pabk.— Dltoitj of cblnote Ar»- workt, Including a aariea of tat plecea lllattming Chloate hituiiy. mrUiolOKyaAd religion, Impertad dlracl and aihlblttd ror the Ana time lo thlacauotn. Thete eihlblllont are to be given aaclnalraly by Chlaamen, aQderttie ntsainnieot of Ttek,ChtDnir A Co.. Chlaeta mtrchaouofWaAhlaaton. Ttilijiroailioi to he a niott noTtI aad unliiue aihlblllOD, St-9. Novae—AniuDxtiltlatatttirlTaJa on the Wathlnirlon ritllo It the young Wathlogtoa ador, liana p. Roberta, for a rati, aher a moot aucceattul aeaaon aa Tim, the Jooker, In Nail Borgaaa' "Cognty Ptir." Jamta T. Oalloway. ror maay yeaia the KIdd of Tha Parlor ¥auh,"aad Itatteaaonwltli Henie'a"8hor« Acr*a"Co.. relumed 10 lilt Buramtr eoiitge al Poor Mile Rod, Va., on June S, and before telUloa down he took anui hlmtali a wife In Ihe penoo of Nary Taylor, a noo-proretalonal, orAlelandria, Va. Thahapor coapit aptat Uielrtwoey- mooo in New York Paul Wlwadi it writiag a oew comedy for Tim Mnrphy to rapla««**Allniooy." Annie Lewit, Ihe Molly Morgan In "A Daoghurof Ibe Raroln. tloa,"oow nionlaffal the Broadway Thaatra, tpent latt Buodayatbar tuburban home. Owoadolyn Villa, Cherry Cliaae. Md. Bhe It eonttderlair levtral veryadfrnalaga- out ogira for neat teaioa After ihhweel^ and for (no remaloderorUieaeatoa.boBorawln bt eaay for tbeNa- tlonal Btooh Co., for Rapley't NtUontI Tbealre wlu have no oppotltloa, all other ptayhouaea titlnx oloaed Dor- iDxtheBanimerlalerTal tbeAUeo Oraad Opera Boats tuaewlll bo IboiooRbly overhauled, oew diatalox looma will ba made, wllh all modem lmproTtmeata,aiidaareaD- room, whldi nat bean much needed, wlllba added A terenly.flre root Perrlt wheel It one of ilia new faaturea at Ray Rltlga, Hd., a lovely Chttaptaka Bay raaert, one hour by B. asdo. R. H. from ellhtr Waahlogloo or BalU. more. _ MISSOURI. Bt. Lonlih—Tills U Iba lut week of the con- tlDuotuiiliuvat IUtIId'a TtiHtn. LlihlbulnMuImb* CkUM of tht nddoQ tomlDfttloD ofth* iiupp)«inMta«y MMon. Tli« Rpeclilljr peopl* ilib vMk at* the Huihtt. UD Qouiei, B«rt uid L«odi Howuil, th« St. OUln, B«U« Ctrman, Biiims WeMiHi, MuUr Oui*()mu. The tloek Minpaoy U |irM«Dtlni[ McKm Rukln'i 'Hi* HuoawAr UiiKiu'ii OAVi.-Uuu«r McNmit'' Conpur lipra- UQIInir tliU vMk "OflTaUe." "flia ChUoM ot Nor tnanily" iIhI «fur bunlDMi ltd «Mk. UNIUN THIVT RwP aAROIIK AND ClSIKO.—COflCUm AOtl Itlft, Htl. LalelL Itio Mldilajm Ford uhI Knocli, Llo- coin KIsihh], Owntlo UlimrO, OsD Mann, Meroeru sod TaniwuL TlHUUH fAHR.-SAlgryifld, McMBiMn nad KIdr, O'BriiD •Dd Bocktor, llftlDi AiHl WalltriL Dsao ua Jw<«. B«dl. llAlvetla. WiktirOardm awd Co!Ic>iit Oiri.-Mttil6 AraoM, Hlllle Marl*. Bclto I'euetaon, Iloihey UtSmrj, Qnci lIullAQd, Fred WIImq, Bahy Hulh.CloaaDt 8Ut«tii.Ui« CdoIsjk. Bbiiir'hAliiambha Faucb.— Tht KiMnu, Berth ud PleinlD|t«,t3olllnNand Le Hue, (he HouUen. Llnle Nev- iiiao, JHMHAuuuf, KilierHUt«n, PrmnkL.Ofty and tiM Unrt eoMpany. aim TiiBATM.—Connon »itd KMtlnjr, Den ud Com C'lifoy, Llllle UoIUdb, Day ByroD. BUitl Unty kihI CheriM (IfBdy, aoMir.-Hnurlr* BrtDsen, oT Uie ll»IIn TlieamflUkck. will be lieovrtued niaht of 31 Tit* ilaburiian Free Veuilevlllo Stwir la mIIi attmeilDK rtowdii u hetennlnuii orUis aubuiliu BlKiric lltH>. Kaneai Cltj.—At Ooatn^ Open llouie tbe K«m|>«r Htock CuiiipADy pat oD "Uac m Tou'a Ceblo" U«t wwk. liHUMDiealiai ofAdepuiure fmin the UKual niD of their playa, hut tlisvMk'i haBliwMdeiDOOMrat«l Uiai Uia mora vu B wlae ooe. Tha caM wa4 augmaotad by lha Oh) TaonaaMe JubDaa flloictni and Zoe llolbatt, of last aaaaoD'a *'Priand«" Co., who In fluiamerlnR b«ra. Mariaflievart, a loeal anttaur, eanyail Btl The whola caM waa dtrar. and a good productino wai alren. Ttila weak. "YauRR Mr*. WlntllrD|^" riiRKutiifT Fahk-— The Paitoa Opam Co. nut od "OllraUe"at Uia AudlloHuni lavl woak, iItIdr a aood ervducUOD to Iniproved buRlaeMi. Thia week '^le lilntea of Nonnandy." Aoniber outdnuratirtclloD haa l»a«n aniacad for tlia Park. Aotoaalla Odid. coatonioa Int. will commaoca hia eihlbltlooa 16. WAaHLttiTUN Fahk.— Lau weak Sadie Atranbl.enullU brift, and Harthold, inpaie performar, atirsctad big cmwdR. TUln waak Frtii.Oenuy'a Ooa Olrcua and tha NaUon SUlan will appaar. TuuTRi OoHiiivi—Nina Clirton, Reklaw and Fey. HaMilo Vamon, Uumla Blnore, WallaeaShMia, and Rav' Bon and Juna. NurtLTYTiiRATRi—Murphy. thcRuaaalkMay Blanche, Joa Br)'aD, Murae Hunall Barlba, and CIvmanu and Bovd. CLirruiRue —Falnoount Park hu added an alactrie •reDio thaatra to llalUt of atiraetkni Ju. R, Hack- alt, ufUia KamparBtook Co., haa raoalrad an olTar from tha Proliniana lonipportOlga NeiheraoleaeilaaaaoD. In BnRland and thIa ciunlrr LamiJiK Bowan, of the - ■ ttOend leadavft) ~ fth Bobflllllard. Kaiiiper Co., liaa been , and Una Abell, alwt or Ui* K«nit>«r Co., baa offan (torn Hodjavka. Auiataurapraaantad "ThomaAa* Uacketl" vary rradltably at the Andltorlnm 10 Tho Kemper Block Co. wll open lha oar lhaatre at ChllllCDthe, Mo., oo tha 3l(h, praattDtlog "Vouni Hn. Wlnlhrop." COLORAOa Variety and Minstrelsy THERPS NO G IRL LIKE MY OWN CIRLI wmiTTBa roB TBB www ToaB ourrBB, BT ARTDVB BIKOLAIR- ney (U iDAy tell o( eweetbeMta, And pnlae ttiem to the eklea. Admire Ihelr golden trtaeee And dark or eiore eyee; While each msy here eome (ency They lore ao to recell- Bot Ihete'e no girl like my own girl, Ahl ehel tbe beet or aUl OBOimi: Bbe'e Ibe aweeteat. She's Ihe beelest, Aa bright as » dlimond, Aatalruapeuti Bhe'a Hue to ma ever. Bo wlnaoDe end cleTer, Ttere'sno gtrl like my oirogtill I cannel ODd taer eqti*l. No nutter where I go; And u for imUi snd besnty. No dearer gtrl I know. The' otben may be lovely And eweel and (air to see— There'a no girl like my own girl. The beat ot all lo me I I only know I love her Becanae abe'a good snd true; And In my heart I've itaaon To know abe loves me, too I Bbe'e neither pioud nor hsogbty, fibe'a neither rich nor grand, Tet there's no girl like my girl, Tbe dearest In the land I DeBTor—Aitbe Taborarand Opera IIonie,Jone to, Baaaola Barher'a Cooeart, aatltted by Koeolatberf Oichettim, Adunt Owen, Joe Ntwntn, BlaiKbe Llfbi, Rloia (Sadwall, Aoaa May Cooper and Paol Bfiy. packed the haute, ireeh 17, Vlllt Comedy Co, la "Two Old Om&lea." BUTCH oiaoanL—Weaii or lOa atrooir Tatleiy bllL ,.haL Oflodr .-.---^ ^ — . , blLaadldu _ J Rulinn vhlhlreo. BIjbaalaataL MaaBATTAB Ducu.—The Block tTo. pi to BOod hout^t ■ BBTloa.—T1 laied "Molba" Obaa. Onoditear made hit drat apfeaiaace and made a bis a n _ „aBTioa.—TheCunlaBtQaetTbtaua It latbabaodtof atucblnacie<llloi«orL.M.<!rawfbrd A Co, the ' IlltialdlhalMr. Crawfoid liaeitly ULaDMili raoL Tht B. B. firoooerComedr <3a bed to ekaa Ihelr eanaeaieotontcfOBDtor ihetmible. Tliey had beta playlns lo ami linneet Peal Brt haoefltt at the Rroadaay Tlieaira 17 Taylor A Alleo hare aocarad Ihe MtnlitlUD Betch programmt, tod hate aolteB oat a band tome elphi |tat* a TBB ViDOCQS, after Ibeir engagement this week St Keltbl Bllon Thealie, FhlUdelphls, Fa., wUI go to Clevelsnd, 0., to rest tor tbe Bnmmer. Hr. VI. doc(|Osa received word that bis TscbliTBBOup- rm. Is In llist dsas Mm, snd nanas a good chance of winning some nicea Uils Bnmmer. Tbe team have signed (or next season with tbe Watson Sis- ters' Co. F. ZisaPBLD Jr., manager of tbe new Trocadero Oompsny, write na tbat tJie figures we need In laat week's bane, lepteaentlng the cspllal Invested In tbe enteipitae, were too small, and names new Bg- ures ihst are rather eiiiavsgsnt In alze. BnsBiuN AKD MoBisn report lloe bualness In Ohlcaoo, III. They are to open a aU weeka'engage- ment In Ban Fmnclsro, C^l„ ahortly. Fais Dunnx, ot Ferris and Durell, Is spending the Bammer on the shorea ot Lake Cayuga, s. Y. TBB Obioinil Olympu Oitt Hviiem open at Cedar Point, Bandoaky, 0., Jnne it. BaBBT R. AroriN. eccentric comedian, Is qiend- Ing tbe Bnmmer at Hancbealer, Ta. Oarr. Bidnit Uinmam, ll(e Barer, la on duty at Ooney Island. He baa a burlesiioe life sarlng aot, with wblob he will Join a camblaaUoQ for next season. MsRii La Obou, male Imnersonstor, who broke ono or her legs last December, Is st tier home In Worcester, Uass. DBRNiRD Dylltn IS Olllog a successtul engage- ment at the Hetropolltan Opera Bouse, Bt Panl, Ulnn., this week. He Is IntioduelDg ssveral new compositions, and some ot tUa old favorite charac- ter sodbs. Tde focr Oabdxub prodoced tbelr new act at tbe American Root Oanlen, this city, last week. They ate engaged (or Bus alU's compsny for next '■ebla.—"The Old llomealead" cornea Jnne 11. John aitmui't "Paun" It M\1U " Two Okl CloBlea" It. llAaua'aRraaDABO.—No Dotable cbaasaa were made weekorio-IA,batiha pieiiraBBa Is raittdaad attfacUtak aadbuloaaalaiood. e Ratmond Ann WiLCB bbvo signed wltb the Olga Hayden Show, to do their barlesque trsneze act QiTB Elwaub, wooden shoeand buck oancer, goes with Oolemsn k nengler's Minstrels tor the sea- aon orlets^. LowBT AND IIiMLT snd Onols and Reynolds sre resdog at tbe Lowir Tills, Morris Fsrk, L. I. HiKAOSB E. H. CAsruiB, of tbe Odeon Ttaestie, naldmore, Hd., was a Curpn caller last week. He Is engsglng people (or next season, snd wUl stop at AUanao City for a tew weeks before his ntom boms. Fat Kelly, late ot tbe Fat Rooney Comedy Co., snd Bstry E. Daly, comedlatt, have Joined hands, Aktbub Tbxvbltah, tbe wdl known Engllsta eong irrlter, rebiras to Europe Jnne a, efter an absence ot tbite years, Fbanx a. Yoinio, comedian, and Jim Casey have Joined hands. Wm. iBinN AMD WIPE open at KobI k Hlddlelnn'a Jnneo. DxMONiD AMD FAxnn clossd s oonttiis engage- ment In Hadtid, Bnain, and opened In Liverpool, Eng., (or one roonln. They Tlslt France next YOBk ANDEBSON AMD BEM FAYKI ate JHOdnoIng the stsge stiraeltons at Uocoln Fsrk, Au River, MssB, Mrs. Roele Anderson bi recelvliig favorable mention for her work, CLYDE HiLLER Inroms US Ihst he Is the lesder ot Frlmnae k Weal's Uloatrel Band, and not Bany Uanly, as was recently stated. Joe Uabdham Is sctlog atsge msnager ot tbe Hetropdllan Upem House In Minneapolis, HInn. Dls Bpedally la always wsll received. Al. Reevbs waa granted a ludgment ror taw BRSlnst Rich k Wild, or Rich's Tbestie, Fall River, Haas., through bis attorney, H. Strassman, ror csn- celladon of contract Dam AMD NEi.i.tE HiATr, musical artists, have signed with Al. Reeves' Big Show for next seaaon. OtiTOHn AMD Maris AiLwrrA are doing a boxing aot wltb Bevoildge's Wild West Bhow. Ulls. Blectea presented her huabsnd, Pnt. j. A. Le Roy, wllh a baby hoy on June U. TBE roLLowiHO are recent ensagofflents with Uarry Horria'Twentieth CebtniyUarda: Hlle. Fas- (inelona, Nellie Duiu, Hamle Irving, Harry Emer- son and Bass Albrecl, mnsleal director. B. F.Tms, msnager of tbe Nome Theatre, Nor- rlatowD, Fa., will put a specialty company on the road next aeaaon. He has tonned apertnonblp wllb Hr. Uayee, formerty of Hayes snd west Uamaoeii Waltib, director general of the Or- pbeum, Oalltomls, circuit, Is now Importlog bis tsl- ent direct from Ennpe to San Kmnolsco, a policy hliheno nnxttempted. It la said, by any manager on tbe Faclllc coast, HiE TBIWBULL, late sonbrette ot the "HoNulty's Visit" Oo., and Fannie K. Trumboll, soubrelts of the "Uncle Uliam" Co., have Joined hsnds. Oarboll AMD Lewis were tendered a tesUmonlal benem by the mansgemeniot theHascot Theatre, aalveelon, Tex., on wbloh occaalon they were pre- sobted vnth a gold watch and gold bandied iim- lirellB. Ur. Oamll was alao presented, on bis birth- day, atibe ssme house, wllh a gold badge. romR AND QiLsBUT have closed wlu Oalety Olrls. I the Psils JonMCoBAM writes that the ODgagement ot Tbe Four Cohans at Ihe Union Bqnsre Theatre, Ibis city, hss lieen tranatetTed (ram this month to Augnat, and the family will spend Ihe Intervenlog time In tlie country. Tbe t^bans have algned wltb Rob- inson's "On the Rasd"Oo. tor next seaaon. TBB Kasteh BiBma opened al Hoiart Park, Wheeling, w.Va., June lo, for two weeks. They report meeting wltb socceas. WM. L. Baeeb AMD EDrrn Rimdali closed a suc- cessful engagement ot three weeks at the l>alace Hueeum, Ulnneapolla, Minn. They Intend lo anend' the Summer months at their borne In Cin- cinnati^. Tee Tbeee Wkiout BunBS have been engaged ror tonr weeka st Ibe Olympic Tbestie, Chicago, to do tbelr speelalty In tbe bnitesqne. Clakemoe Powell baa idgned with W. 8. Cleve- land'a Hlnsnels tor next season. EDimi Latell clossd s socceasful engagement 'at Roster k Blal'a not gaiden Jnne It, and on the itth opened at the Union Tmtl toor garden, Bt Lonis, Ho. OiiAB. F. HoOaktst, roimerly ot Edwsrd Hsnl. gan's Oo., Is entitled to tbe credit ot the snccesa at- tained by the production o( tbe comedietta, "Too Hnoh (or the Family," whioh wat put on at Keltb's Boston Tbeatn Uat week, nnder tbe dliectton ot Hr, HcCarlby. Tbongh Crtmmlus snd Oote and olben assisted In the pnduotlon, Mr. HcOaithy owns the comedietta snd plays tbe principal part Laeet Ddolet sends pnss noUeee or the perform- ancea at tbe TlvollTbeatie, Sidney, Anstralla, wblch epeak In very compUmentary Icnna of bla clever woik. Bcn,E> AMn Peebv have dissolved paitnerahlp. Hr. BnUer will epend Ibe Bommtr at NlsgSLm FaibL N. T., and F. L, Ferry will go lo Chicago, IH., tor two weeks, then to bis home In Hlnnaanolls, Hlim., tor tbe Bummer. FAinjNE Fabxeb and Jobh RicHAiisa have gone lo tbe OatskUl Hoontslis, wtaeie they wlU spend tbeSnrnmer. ioBMaiauBOi AmFEAn J. Bonn have Joined EDMlHnBAIIDDAIET RAYMWDWOldO • BOW act tor next scasoo. niey an Semmeilic at Oak- wood Fkm. Va. FEED D. Ueiobt (advance comte) lalMiBa na that be Is engaged In wrlttng up new paper and n- vtslngtbs tilrdactotJ.A.Shipp'alaoghableekit, "Fatibenla," ror Kelley k Banaon's Natural Come- dians tor next aeaaon. Obableb J. Ross AMD Haeel mioM, wbo left "Tbe Hern World" last week, wet* at cnoe en- gaged tor B. F. Keith's conilnnoiu peironnance cir- cuit, and opened al Mr. Keith's Philadelphia boose this week. They come to tbe Dnlon Bqosia Tbeatn, this cl^, next week. Toe ViboiniaTbio— Richard HaiTia, Wlllism snd Dolly Bennett—vrlll appear hi their new set, entitled "Everything." Flobemce M. IlEniOLSs, dasghter ot Bsmey Reynolds, Is slowly convalesdnf from an almost fahal atuck of bnin (ever at tbe home ot her mother, Uts. Olaia Ftstorlo, In Washington. D. 0, Pbedeeice Bbant, who tor neanyayesrnadbeen connected wltb tbe force of altacbeaatB. F. Keltb's new Union Bqnan Theatre, this dCy, died Jnne 10, stWyomIng.n.J.,otdlabete8 andacompllcaUonol dlsesaes. He was twenly-elgbt vears old. Tbe funeral, held Jnne 13, waa attended by repfessnta- tlves ot lbs Union Bqnan Tliesm. Then was a number o( handsome noral tribntas. Including two (rom the attachee o( tbe Cnlon Bqnara and onetrom Hr. Keith. Jemmie Heads, sopt bboi dakcib, Is spending the Bummer at Woodlavm Paik, UI. Next aeason, she ln(orms ns, she will head ber oim company, pnt out by tbe Hemlock Mnsic Co., at Ublcago, UL FEspniE HniE, the clever yonsa sonbntts who stsmn In this counnr s short time ago In "For a HUllon," ntumed to New York laat week, alter a year's absence In London, and was atonce engaged (or a tour ot tbe Keltb condnnona perfotmaiiceclT- cnlu Her n-enine will be made st the Union Bqnan Tbeatn, tbu city, Jnne 31. edwik B. Peabl, while perromlng bla aerial act In the Metropolitan Opeim Hoose InBt FanI, Mbin., June 13, ssvenly wnncbed bis left abonlder, which will causa him to Isy oKa oounle or weeks. Eddie O'Dell, ihe acrobatio Immp, bas closed a nine days' engagement at tbe Floadog Palace Tbeatn, South Boston, Mass. FBEDEBtCE Lsctxii vrlll spend tbe Bummer wltb reladves In Worcester, HasL His new apeclslty hss beena success bi Onlcaso, Bt Panl and Minne- apolis. Hni. Frederick Lncler (Bella Anhmen) la SOU In caufonla, very UI, and ber chances tor re- covery an donbliol. Tboost Fare, st Ksnasa City, Mo., Inangniatad Its opening (or Summer amnseffients on June is, wllb the Hendoia Slslem ss tbe itarleslnies. TnE Hu>'DLTT StSTEBS closeil an euagement at Uopklna' Tbeatn, Ublcago, wbaie tbey Introdnced a new act, and sre plsylng a two weeks' engage- ment at ExposlUon Mualo Hall, HUwaukee, Wb. PBtOE AMD Waibok, Bcrobadc Oennan comedians, an milng a two weeks' engagement at the Inn Fler, Onondaga Lake, Syracnie, N, Y. AMMABELLE, the clovet danccr, haa, we an In- (oiued, been engaged (or ntim dates over Ibe circuit upon wblon she Is now dsiKtng. HOBEEr Oe Rue, coraeiUst haa algned wllb W.B. Cleveland's Mlnsinlsrornextseaaon. KuBTZ, tha Juggler, Is booked at EUtcb's Oardena^ Denver, Ool., aiidthe prlnclnsl parks and Summer resorts ot tno West Be will spand two monlbs In tbe Rocky Mountain nglon, and probably visit California beton nlnralng to the Eaat Best Howard amd Lioxa Bum played laat week at Havlln's, Bt Louis, and bate been i»«ngaged tor another week at the same bouse. Oboboix Oabson and Emma Miteebopp, worklDg logelher Isat season aa tbe blaten Carson, Istely dissolved urtnenhlp. Tbe tonnerls doing a double tun wltb Bobby Catson, tbe cbancter noger and dancer, and Emma Heyerboll and Alpha Bronneck have recendy Joined handa. AI.WAYMB ta In FhlladslptalA, nbesrslnganew comedy contortion act which be Intends to produce tbIsFsll. RoerEB ot tbe Stnatt k Evans YaudevIIle Co., n- ceuuy organized In Hew Orleans, la.: Slnait k Evans, proprleton: Artemns Ward Jr., manager; Mrs. UeniT Evans, illUe Bljon Evans, Frank Vbiion, Rene Vinton snd little Lotik Vinton. niB com- Kny played, Jnne 2 and 3, at the City Park PavU- 1 Festtval, and an booksd lo open tbe Oonnewald Root Oarden, New Orleans, Bt John's Day, Jons 2i. PENNSrLVANIA. PtalIsdelplilK_Wltb deUghUoUy cool even- Insa, botlaett week of June lOwaagoed at Iba three ibe- atrea ramalnlDg open hare. PoT Ihe cnnaBt week, be- tldta Ibe regular cbangea of prognnune at tbe BlJon and lheLyoeam,lbalnaaHiuatioDofattUT niorieh't teaaon of srud open, with a algtitly cbtaga or bill, wlu aJTord all DianoTaltr needed to keep tblnia iolna. BaoAD STaBRTBSATBa.-tbetlirnl week or "The Utile TyoMn" cornea In wltb Inltreat In iblt pretty productloo appaieolly undlmloltlied. Joeepb P. Bheehao, late tanar 01 the BoatonlanA appeara aa Ru/oa Beady Ibla week In- ttead of Robert Ooabar, wbo baa beretofoia played tbe ptrt Butloett lati week waa aicalleat Obavo OrSBA Bouaa—Ootlav lllartch'a Oimod Opem Compaoy tlna "11 TroTatare" 17, "Faoat" I& **na Ba- ■utaolt'^ie. "HlgpoB"S, "Carmto"!! aod^'nia Bobe- nlan OIrr'33. The cast for "lITioTalon" It: leoooie, Mme. EroBold: Ancena, Mlaa PIudIob; Manrfco, Moaa. aullle;(^aotDl Luna, fill. Del Faeota, tod Panaodo, Blchaid Karl. Buoc—Inax Mtootktr, In her orlglBal act, '^Stieal Urthlnt Up to Data/* It an Importtiit atuacdOD for Ibla week, aa are aHo Bouand Peotoo, Id tbelr timTeatyol . B,™ nuHmnu rwHW. ,u wvir llWTOny VI VlrghilDt." Ptiltorm lamalna aad Manu and Abacco, iraa aad RIclilleu, tbe six roar, Ned Hooio*. Dare Bcothtia, EUs CaMwall, tbt Vkloo)!. Fern Mabiiat!jlO|tn and Olenror, tValaon and Duprta, iba Dunbara and Mo-. Lean aad Hall are the noTtlUaa tt thU cool aad popular Bummer Ibtalre. iMt wetk baalaaai wat graaL LYolOB.—'The White Orook"remalotfor tbia week, butinaaUycbaaied In tbe cbaitctarof ihe epeclalllei Introduced Tbe Vonjerei appear, and Mildred Bowaid, laleofTbeaohlto Orooh," dancaa a Trilby dance, wltb dltmoodtoo herloaa. Butlneia wat Rood latt week. Nona.—John A. Poreptush Itft no will. Lauart ol admlnlttialloB oo bit eataie ver* graBlad Jooa U, to Lutlla ForaaauRh, hit widow, wboae Million plaoet lilt value or Ibt eMals at Hm... . Billy Wird, lha wtll known mutlrel. who It about to latlra ' wall aoown mutlrel. wne u about lo latlra mm tbe tlan aod,b*come a taacbtr of dtnelng, ttailoa, ate It lo be undand a fbreweU beaell 1^ bit many fHaada U,e data and pltca of wblcb mn aot jet detamloed ■ "inn Edeuard Hetatlberx itvaa a coaoart at lha lisaout 21, attlilod by Pradtrle. Oabn, vloUoIit, and Charlotta Mawaon, conlrmhu .The Gtimantown Drm. nittio Compnny appear Id '-Ntnoy A Compaoy," at the Cbetuul Sueat Opaia Ifouia, li, lai for the baaast of a, local charlu WlUlam FlaUIni and wife an In New York, lie waa aeinllallbB wltb Mtrie Ctrlyle wiUi a rltw lo ttanlng hirla a ntw play by Bar- ber! Hall Wliulow, baton accouot eT bar llbieat til con- "H".»!J oir......NtllI« Duobrj, a tocal ttvorila, goat with J. M. Ward, In "Oelmonlco't tt Bli," naal taaaoa. Charitt J. euae, B. J. Dallam tndOUIa Brant are alto en. —gjd.^...JoliD Keanan aad Thok Uaoir ar» al Llneobl .rk. Pall River Al. MInnibBD, ao long attltlADI !!T^"L,'J Olbnora't, will ceatlnae ta ir>aaurer at MIner'a Eighth Avenue Tbaatre, New York, for oaittaa. ton Maaamr B. P. Blmpton lamalat Id Miw Turk for another waak before aoloa upon bit traTelt over tbe couDlijr .Robert BiariteDa^ttaDewpUr, "The Rati Thhir," leadv lor produaloD. Bt hit AraerlcaDlud FraDk Harvey a "Fallen AmoDf Tbiertt" aad wriltao **Tlie AMtrmao," In which Joha BeratU will tiar aeit Plltabars.—Wllh all thetheatns doeed then It bal little newt lo l,e had hereof matlerw tbaanrleal.... Joeeph A. Vosal, one of our rooti nopular local teooia. It about to lamoTo to Deovtr, Cel., lor hit baaltb,aod nit tManilB htre bare tanUtieU btm atatUmonlti ooneart about the lauoflba monUi, prior to liladtpartuta 0. Ptuart Brodock haa cloied hiaichool of acting aAara - euccettful tealoo. Ue It eouildtriag an olftr Dam Rich- anl Maoineld to become a member of hit aloek oompaar allba Oarrlck Tbeatv», New Voik, oaalteatoa .Kate * Ocklaalon TIppe, lha well hnotn concert pUnlal, wu iimoteUadlvorte here Jeoe IB noni htr botbaad ohn (lanen, leader of trchtatia at the Bllou. wlU Bam- fSHT ** ■faUata,^ Laka,Caaada Htaagec Bhlner R. Blllt, whoM home It In Uila dty, ami who WM a faTortta member of Ibt aloek ooiapany al tbt oMOperaQooatL dow Btrvft'Tbtalrw, b tbepaJmydart - oftlook compuilei, tayaha wlu bat* wo allractlana oa ' the road neat ttaaoo—"Darkatl Ruatla" and "Boania Scotland"—both of whkb will play only high pricad • houtea. Both will be etaboralalj atogad. Iforman Ckmp- bell batheeo enaaad for Iba part oTlIrabaae Mcvrheny, which ba orlalnallr played, tad O'Eaoe UlUla baa been aagaiad for a laadloE part la "Darken Rutala." John C. Bllli wUI uPuie Bma role lo "BoBBle Bcouand," wbkb he plarad wbea tbat place wat Bial produced Ktllar, the caaglelao, baa been booked for tbe AItId Beat aeatoB Maaagtr llarn 0. Schwab, of tht New OiBBd Opera BootaTIa In New York booklag for otat aaaioD KaDBaar B. M. QnUch, of lha BUou, will dlvlda bla Bdm. mer TacaUoi among va'toai ataabora iwaona. Ha aaia ' lha BIJau wlUopaD lo Augnat wllb a mlotual Aow MantgarTho^P. Kirk Jr.. or Uiealvbi. haa rvcalrada eablegiam tnm Chutu u. laTla, pnprletor of ibal bout*, annonnelng the tare anival of lha lallaree Iba olber tide of the Altaatlo Ocwbd Tlie rata re of Ibe Da* quetaaTheaualaatlllnacetlali. HoooebaayaltoBaadlt roraaittaaaoD Plop. HanvW.WIUIama, o( the Actd- mey. will vo la BottoB abertly wllb a vltHlogdalegalioa of tolahuTeropltr Btnlt' klckal Fttu Showt wlU el- ilbll In oearbT townt teon BoSalo Blll'a Wild Watt Show It due here In Beplember Tbomaa J. Oath, ad-. Tenltlasagaolut Ihe KewUiand Opeim BaaaalaM toe. aevtral taaaent wlin BtOklo Bill It alto adrtnlalag aaaul of tht atwCMnoln Bcbioley Park .The Her- BtoneClrcut, aaorwaDlialloa iiiiiijiiMajal tl alwilU I'f Plllabanran. It dolog well Id Dtlgbtorlng towaa WlUIam Btalev. of Ihe BUon Theatre oreheatia, la Bam* narlogalPeakltlaod, EalDa- RM«lur,^ne Casino Heirr MsksiE and 0. W. HMdMoa'a ■t i tiwiaBat appaaiwl u Iba lljoa JaaeltlS. AtUrMaaSwatdar-